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GRAND FORUM 08:00 am 09:45 10:15 12:00 pm

G oyal M iller

SYMPOSIA 1- The esophageal mucosa

R idde ll W ile y

TOPIC FORA 1- The LES following

B ragh et to Sh arma

SPECIAL SESSIONS 1- Esophageal tissue

Fan g Or land o (D: Dv ora k)

2- UES Dysfunction
Diverticula Globus
Mit ta l Sif rim

2- Immuno-Histology
in GERD & BE
R ugge Vie th (D: B utt ar )

2- Outcomes in esophageal surgery

De l Ge nio Tat um

2- GI sensitivity
B i a n c a n i D re we s

Sept. 2

01:15 02:15 02:30 04:15 04:30 06:15 07:00 am 08:00 * 07:45 08:15 10:00

1- Defining esophageal
Mille r

3- Achalasia
Pelle gr ini D ant as (D: Pe na gini)

3- Leaks Perforations
D ua S ie rs e ma (D: W ijnh ove n)

3- Imaging
Le vi ne Pok ies e r (D: Cano n)

3- Animal models
G i b s o n M a rk s

4- DES-NutcrackerIntermediate forms
Cas t ell (D: Tut uian)

4- Esophageal stenoses
New tools for dilation Cos tamagna Triadaf ilopoulos (D: S iers ema)

4- Innovative technologies
Hamdy V. Hillegersberg

4- Cancer biology
Chen Das (D: Fitzgerald)

2- Defining GERD
The burning issue
M cC allum Pa ce

5- LES dysfunction
R ic ht e r (D: Wa ng)

5-* Pediatrics
Jad ch er la Nu rk o

5- Natural orifice surgery

I n o u e S w a n s t ro m

5- Pharyngeal reflux
B elaf s k y Sha k er

Sept. 3

10:15 12:00 pm 01:15 pm 02:15 02:30 04:15 04:30 06:15 * 07:45 08:00 am 09:45 3- Defining Barretts
S amplin er U pton

6- Functional testing
P e n a g i n i Gy a w a l i

6- Eosinophilic esophagitis
Hira no R oth en be rg (D: Ac h em)

6- Oral presentation

6- Neurophysiology
Hob s on A z iz (D: Dr ew e s )

7- Barretts esophagus
Endoscopic Surgical treatments Falk Triada filop oulos ( D: L ight dale )

7- Nutrition
B a r ro s o R o m i e u

7- Video Session 8- Molecular biology

K r i s h n a d a th N a r d o n e (D: S ouz a)

7- Respiratory manifestations of GERD

H a r d i n g S i f ri m (D: Be laf s k y)

8- Barretts esophagus
& cancer
Bon avin a-S pe ch ler (D: Fitz ge r ald)

8- HRM in clinical practice

G ya wali Tut uian

8- Endotherapy for GERD

Fal k W ang (D: Pra sa d)

9-* New therapeutic strategies for squamous cell cancer

Il s o n K a n d i o l e r ( D: Cunn ingha m)

9- Non specific motility

The irritable esophagus Mc C allum Ve ga

9- Drugs for esophageal

H u n t S c a rp i g n a t o

9- Tailored therapeutic approach to the GERD patient

A rms t ron g Gay e t (D: K at z )

Sept. 4

10:00 11:45 12:00 01:30 pm 4- The OESO specific format

A true inter-disciplinary approach to esophageal disease Br as s eu r K e

10- Squamous cell esophageal

S c h n e i d e r C o l l a rd (D: Hls c her )

10- Chest pain & motility disorders

A ch em Son tag (D: Ge rs on )

10- Neurogenic dysphagia

Functional swallowing therapy C l a v e M a rt i n - H a r ri s (D: Ek be r g)

10- The refractory GERD

S av arin o Won g (D: Hongo)


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