Paddy Salmon

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Paddy studied English at Cambridge (St Johns College), where he also acted for, and was Tour Manager

of the Cambridge University European Theatre Group. He took his PGCE at Kings College, London and taught in England in comprehensives and grammar schools for 13 years, 8 of which as Head of English, having already taught for a gap year out in Senegal. In 1987, Vicki and he came to France with their three small children (who were not then bilingual) and he has been Head of English here in Svres since 1993. Their children came up through the International Section and are now working abroad or back in England. As well as English Language and Literature, he taught History-Geography in the Section for over ten years. He has also been in charge of drama ever since he arrived. As he has written elsewhere, he has pioneered a special sort of school drama, which is home-brewed and aims to be as inclusive as possible, while still aiming at a professional quality. He has written and directed many of the plays, which have been produced with the help of his team of dedicated teachers, and he always gives the responsibility of creating the music to the pupils. Paddy is also responsible for counselling students on careers and university choices in the UK and has undertaken several trips to visit and inform universities about our bicultural education and our students, as well as organising visits by universities here in Svres. The development of the OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalaurat) is something he has been involved with since almost its inception (1985) and he has been examining, and training examiners, as well as moderating the oral examinations on behalf of the Cambridge Inspector for English. He has also been working on the board of ASIBA, an association which was set up in 2000 to support the British version of the OIB. In 1997-8 Paddy was instrumental, with a few other head teachers, in setting up an association, ELSA-France. This offers a useful resource to both schools and parents for finding out about educational opportunities in the Paris area and beyond, facilitating information-sharing between schools, and co-ordinating teacher development opportunities. He was elected President for the first four years of the association.


Paddy a fait ses tudes de Littrature Anglaise Cambridge (St Johns College), o il tait acteur et Directeur de l European Theatre Group de Cambridge. Il a obtenu son PGCE Kings College, London et a enseign lAnglais dans des comprehensives et des grammar schools pendant 13 ans, dont 8 ans en tant que Chef de Dpartement. Il avait, auparavant, enseign langlais au Sngal, pendant une anne sabbatique. En 1987, il est arriv en Svres avec Vicki et leurs 3 petits enfants (qui ntaient pas, cette poque, bilingues) et depuis 1993, il est Chef du Dpartement dAnglais. Il a enseign non seulement lAnglais, mais aussi, pour plus que 10 ans, lHistoireGographie. Depuis son arrive, il est aussi responsable du thtre dans la section. Comme il a expliqu dans un document au sujet du projet thtral, il a lanc un mode de thtre un peu particulier, "cuisin" pour les Sections, dont lobjectif de rassembler autant dlves que possible autour du projet, tout en conservant un niveau professionnel. Il a crit et dirig beaucoup des pices musicales, montes sur scne avec laide de son quipe de professeurs, et la responsabilit de la musique a toujours t confie aux lves. Paddy a aussi une responsabilit de conseiller les lves sur leurs choix dtudes post-bacs et plus particulirement les choix duniversits en Grande-Bretagne. Il a fait plusieurs visites dinformation aux universits l-bas, et il organise des rencontres universitaires ici Svres. Le dveloppement de lOIB (Option Internationale du Baccalaurat) a beaucoup dintrt pour Paddy, qui sy est beaucoup investi presque lors de sa cration en 1985. Il est membre du jury, aide former les nouveaux examinateurs, et depuis 2006, il est nomm modrateur des oraux par Cambridge et ladministration OIB. Il est galement membre du Conseil dAdministration dASIBA, association cre en 2000 pour assurer un soutien lOIB-GB (version Britannique de lOIB). En 1997/1998, avec laide de quelques autres responsables dcoles parisiennes, il a cr une association, ELSA-France, qui soffre comme outil de renseignement aux coles et aux familles sur lducation internationale dans la rgion parisienne et ailleurs, qui facilite lchange dinformation entre ces coles, et qui coordonne les possibilits de formation pdagogique pour les professeurs. Il tait lu comme premier Prsident de cette association.


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