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A RESOURCE EXCHANGE PROGRAMME FOR RIVER POTAMOS CORFU - GREECE Description of programme The Resources Exchange Programme for

the River Potamos of Corfu has been in operation since 1999 as part of the LIFE Environment EU initiative. Its geographic frame of reference is the Potamos district of Corfu Town, the coastal zones and the river mouth, along with parts of the neighbouring settlement - now a suburb of Corfu Municipality. The River Potamos rises in the Aghii Deka mountains to the south-west of Corfu Town, following an easterly direction through the central part of the island until it flows into the sea at Paralia Potamou, to the north-east of Corfu Town. Its drainage basin, which covers an area of 4,170 Ha, is considered to be a rare Mediterranean ecosystem, unique in Greece, mainly because of the riverside canopy forests and the rare and endangered species of flora and fauna it supports. The programme is based on the assumption that sustainable development in environmentally sensitive areas can be promoted through a Resources Exchange Programme (REP). The approach presupposes the support of the local communitys own financial and human resources. The backbone of this approach is the application (for the first time in Greece) of the concept of resources exchange. It encompasses the idea of exchange land, manpower, raw materials and funds in an effort to induce the sustained use of self-help in maintaining and managing the ecosystem. The adopted approach further promotes issues related to community cohesion, participation procedures, volunteering and environmental awareness.

Aim of the programme The basic aim of the programme concerns the rehabilitation and conservation of the river for present and future generations through sustainable techniques and management methods that may be supported by the local community using their own financial and human resources.

Structure of the programme The programme comprises the following six tasks: Data Collection and Analysis Construction Projects Resources Exchange Programme Environmental Awareness Management Dissemination of Information.

Participants Corfu Municipality Development Enterprise (CMDE) The programme is being carried out on behalf of the Corfu Municipality by the Corfu Municipality Development Enterprise (CMDE), a public venture considered by constitution as a private enterprise. The main aims of the enterprise are as follows: To highlight and make maximum use of the mediaeval fortifications of Corfu Town and the Historic Centre of the Old Town To promote the tourist and cultural attractions of the Corfu Municipality To encourage cross-border and inter-regional cooperation through European Programmes To create productive employment, boost municipal revenue and prepare development studies To utilise the Municipalitys controlled parking areas To upgrade the quality of recreation and sports facilities and the level of cultural awareness of both residents and visitors. Founded in 1991, the CMDE has an 11-member administrative board headed by a president; its administrative services are based at the Ag. Nikolaos Loutra Buildings in Corfu Town. Technical Division of the Municipality of Corfu The Technical Division of the Municipality of Corfu has undertaken the design, calling for tender and supervision of the construction projects contained in the programmes actions. Under the guidance of the deputy mayor responsible for the Technical Division, the departments engineers, in collaboration with the planning consultancy concerned, plan and monitor the completion of projects such as reinforcement of the river banks, provision of lighting, construction of an Information Kiosk, the lay-out of riverside rest and recreation areas, etc.

ENVIPLAN - G.T.Tsekouras & Associates In drawing up the proposal for the LIFE-Environment programme in the Potamos district of Corfu, the planning consultancy ENVIPLAN G.T. Tsekouras & Associates promoted the notion of Resources Exchange as the central idea of the sustainable development approach at local level. The consultancy, whose specialised staff has had many years of experience in environmental planning and management issues, provides Management Consultant services for the programme and supports the activities of the CMDE. Society for the Protection of the River Potamos in Corfu Right from the proposals initial stage and throughout the implementation of the programme, the Society for the Protection of the River Potamos in Corfu has given the CMDE and the Management Consultant valuable support, offering file material, ideas and experiences from the past and present of everyday activities on the river. Established in 1981, the Society has encouraged the efforts to promote environmental awareness and volunteer actions and has made a considerable contribution to the success of the application of the Resources Exchange programme. Programme Implementation Three basic sets of actions are being implemented Preparatory actions (e.g. identification of agents participating in the management of the River Potamos, collection of data with the aim of obtaining, analysing and disseminating information) Implementation actions (protection and repair work in the local environment, including relevant engineering and environmental studies) Actions aimed at promoting and disseminating information.

More details of the actions contained in the programme are listed below: Rapid identification of the environmental condition of the river, collection of data, analysis of possibilities and constraints Creation of a GIS for the area of the rivers drainage basin Construction of dry-stone walls to reinforce river banks that sustained flood damage Study of the flow of the river water, with the emphasis on the estuary system Selective dredging in parts of the river estuary Landscaping of the section of coast around the river mouth

Landscaping and provision of seating, etc. in rest and observation areas Installation of rubbish bins Lay-out of mooring places for boats Construction of a Kiosk, including its equipment with suitable infrastructure and materials that will enable it to operate as an Environmental Information Centre Provision of lighting along the river banks Removal of bulky objects and rubbish from the riverbanks and from the river itself Planting that will enhance the natural vegetation on the riverbanks Seminars / training and information programmes on Environmental Protection and Management of the Ecosystem of the River Potamos, Corfu and on the Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the Environmental Management and Protection of the River Potamos, Corfu. Boat tours on the river, with members of the Society for the Protection of the River Potamos as guides Publication of press bulletins Organisation of one-day events providing information on the course of the programme and on the environmental protection and upgrading of the wider area Creation of web pages promoting the programme on the Internet Development of a code of good conduct and the publication of a Good Practice Guide for residents and visitors to the Potamos district.

Examples of Actions A. Deposits of silt are frequently observed around the river mouth, resulting in: problems relating to the free flow of fresh and sea water in the estuary restricted flow of water - a phenomenon of major importance during the rainy season (in Corfu exceptionally heavy) reduction of the rivers navigable section. In an effort to examine this phenomenon and make provision for appropriate protection works, a study of the flow of river water was conducted, with the emphasis placed on the estuary system. From the calculations made, some significant conclusions were reached regarding tidal protection in the wider area. The main findings were as follows: 1. Because of the difference in density between fresh and sea water at the estuary of the River Potamos where restoration work is being carried out, there could be an inverse flow on the sea bed near the river mouth, resulting in the transfer of silt from the beach to the river mouth, blocking the estuary. 2. The double-arched bridge at Asyrmatos was not designed to cope with 20-year maximum flows (the water passes over the top of the bridge). Removal of the bridge would lead to a water level reduction of 60 cm at Asyrmatos, a value which is in accordance with a 20year period design (T=20 years). The following proposals are therefore made with these factors in mind: 1. Restoration of the river bed in the section between the bridge carrying the Corfu-Palaiokastritsa national road and the estuary. The aim of this intervention is, on the one hand, to enable deposits of silt in the river estuary to be transported to the sea, and on the other to keep the riverbed clear of blockages, even if the water flow is very little, for a period of 1-2 years. The proposed restoration work comprises: Lining the riverbanks, in section, with wire netting boxes so that smaller deposits will pass through them instead of being distributed in the estuary area. Construction of weirs on the riverbed at specific intervals of 50 or 25 metres so that the level of the riverbed remains stable and can withstand local erosion.

2. Increase in the span of the bridge at Asyrmatos so as to allow the unobstructed flow of water when rainfall is heavy. 3. Construction of two parallel jetties of natural and artificial boulders in the estuary area in order to extend the riverbed and maintain a high flow of water.

B. Issues relating to environmental management and protection have long been the subject of considerable concern and debate for the residents of the wider Potamos area. The gradual degradation of the environment in which they live, on the one hand, and the increased incidence of disasters and the sense of danger shared by residents of the area during the last floods on the other, have encouraged the adoption of a number of environmentally friendly practices. At the same time, there was a need for the local professional/scientific workforce and public service officials to be trained in matters relating to the application of new technologies in environmental planning and management. The Corfu Municipality Development Enterprise, in collaboration with the IONIO Vocational Training Centre, therefore designed and implemented training and information programmes on the following topics: Environmental Protection - Management of the Ecosystem of the River Potamos, Corfu Environmental Protection - Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the Environmental Management and Protection of the River Potamos, Corfu The training and information programmes were addressed to the following: 1. Engineers with University degrees or Technical College diplomas in relevant fields 2. Local Authority and Public Service employees 3. Tour guides and others engaged in tourism on a professional basis 4. Educators 5. Residents of the Potamos district of Corfu.

Anticipated Results The anticipated results may be summarised as follows: Formulation of a new development model based on incorporation of the environmental dimension in land use planning and resources management Protection of the riverside forest area Improved access to nature for the local urban population, leading to a better quality of life Boosting of environmental awareness on the part of the local population.

The programme has created the initial momentum for dealing with the immediate and pressing needs of the wider area. This momentum, in combination with: the new skills and experience acquired by local residents the management tools delivered by the project, e.g. the new environmental information mechanisms for the GIS the overall benefits from the REP

is expected to make a decisive contribution to the promotion of sustainable development in the wider Potamos area. At the same time, the creation of new jobs both during implementation of the programme and after its completion will provide an example of how environmental protection can boost the labour market. The programme will also result in the protection of an important wetland (the Potamos estuary and the riverside forest) which was under considerable pressure until recently. It is hoped that the upgrading of the natural environment will lead to future inclusion of the area in the Natura 2000 ecological network.

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