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-Chapter Titles-

The Great Hall of The Holy Destiny Institution .......................... 3 The Human Algorithm ............................................................ 5 Homo-Dragonus Comes Undone ............................................. 8 Damatacus; Now and Forever ............................................... 11 Grand Design For Grand Dominion ........................................ 14 Project STATUS ................................................................ 18 His Vanguards His Enforcers... His Prophets ....................... 23 Methods of Madness ............................................................ 30 En Passant Capture ............................................................. 35 Bite The Hand, Chop The Head ............................................. 38
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"The king of the world is king to no man. Such false prophecy has led to tyrannical oppression with all hope lost. The king of the world is king to his purpose. Those who shall follow him can easily see his pure intention, his true divinity." -Kenneth Kabbal

(c)2011, Kenneth Kabbal, and its affiliates and assigns and licensors All rights reserved Registration Number: TXu 1-652-782 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

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Prophets I: HammerStrike


The Great Hall of The Holy Destiny Institution

It is 5:00 as the church bells ring within the halls of Holy Destiny Institution. The citizens instinctively migrate to the Great Hall for evening prayer. This Government funded facility could be labeled as a home away from home; for many, a shelter or an orphanage to those residing within. It is one of many throughout the United System, provides their service to for all who walks, crawls or glides into their humble facility. This unconventional congregation gathers together, some assisted by cattle tazers, some by unyielding faith seeking fulfillment, come to sit for their daily fill from the words of their ordained Member of the Cloth. With their help and guidance, one's naturally inherited talents and bizarre characteristics maybe honed and perfected with patience and with The Creator's divine Word and scripture. This in turn, would help to create successful contributors to the work force of everyday society. An aerial birds eye view from room to room throughout the Holy Destiny Institution would reveal glimpses of random patients interacting with their instructors, many displaying occasions of utter isolation, solitude for the socially discarded. One patient found towards the end of hue-less hallway would be Nathaniel Morrison, lying on his bed in unyielding contemplation with arms folded behind his head.

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He would pull himself out of bed ready to start the day, tapping his foot on solid ground and his tail would plummet to the floor as he rises. Walking down the corridor, he checks the wall-clock reminding him having to meet the frail Sister Margret in small classroom 8-A. Nathaniel has agreed to assist with transferring equipment for a large meeting scheduled in the afternoon. Nathaniel has been extra diligent with making evening's sermon on time like clockwork as usual. He has always been on time, assisted in any way possible without question and always loyal. He is all smiles, a fine conversationalist, good-looking and charismatic, displaying some reptilian physical traits as well. His skin; deceptively scaly, dark and intimidating. An absurdingly dense exoskeleton lined with subtle lines of overlapping scale-like ridges would still convey human features and proportion. Not to mention his equally dense prehensile tail that coils the floor beneath him. Nathaniel falls under the Homo-Dragonus classification, a scarce breed that has been documented to take many shapes. Humans share a common link with reptilian composition, divergence from our evolutionary path produces the Homo-Sapien design of which weve become intrinsically familiar. However, reptilian characteristics remain dormant for most manifests outwardly for the Homo-Dragonus breed, as represented through Nathaniel. A tell-tell sign of his class level is the coarse white dreadlocks cascading down his neck, a representation of age and selfmaintenance. All encompassing traits, humanoid in form, to that historians believe was made of lore and legend are very much apparent amongst scattered members throughout our workingclass society.

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The Human Algorithm

After gathering decades of statistical information, the government funded Holy Destiny Institute was able to construct a compilation of current human evolution. A chart that soon became public knowledge under the codeword The Human Algorithm . This level of classification analyzes the involvement of genomic advances that is a sub-section beyond the homo sapien benchmark. Throughout human history, distinctive and adaptive attributes have been engrained within our evolving DNA. Attributes that often yield enhanced mental or physical advantages, thus reinforcing the resiliency of our species. Offering a select few inter-species characteristics or mentally manipulate Earths atmospheric conditions. Heredity, geographic and notoriously artificial conditions are definitive variables allowing our species to manifest this wide array of special attributes. Mono Human, Mezzo Mono, Digonic Human, Mezzo Digonic, Trigonic Human, Mezzo Trigonic, Polymorphic Human. -Humans with "Mezzo" classification have faint traces of an additional attribute. Usually detected as dormant/non-dominant traits.

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Mono -Normal/Baseline Traits. -Longest life span. -Best immunity system.

Digonic -Able to demonstrate a distinctive mental or physical attribute based from heredity.

Trigonic -Rare combination of above normal mental and physical attributes.

-Polymorphic Humans are able to demonstrate a variable number of mental & physical attributes. - Shortest life span. -Weakest immunity system.

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Homo-Dragonus Comes Undone

Nathaniel, a Homo-Dragonus breaching polymorphic levels. Nathaniel, a polymorph adorned with cascading white locks, again a tell-tell sign of his bodys slight advanced aging. A type of bodys internal over-clocking his abilities that verge of Progeria (an extremely rare genetic condition wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at an early age), a legacy for nearly all polymorphs to bear during their life cycle. Nathaniel, enters the room and is greeted by Margre ts welcoming smile, the two exchange small talk. There are a number of chairs, folding tables and presentation stands that will need to be transferred from the front of the room to a specific arrangement in the great hall. Margret continues her aimless rambling about her expectations of this seminar. Dragging chairs and tables across the floorboards, with his back turned, Nathaniels face expresses his breaking-point. Although Nathaniels slight shape shifting advantages has been craftfully restrained, he has shown volatile peaks of mastery with abilities akin to members of his class. His development have matured a cultivation of telekinetic, pyrokinetic abilities elevated to new benchmarks deemed to be unprecedented. A barometer nearly a percentile exclusive to himself, in fact that over time, the two aforementioned abilities have blended into one devastatingly offensive fusion of menacing power. He intends to fully demonstrate his inherited pyrokinetic projection, a fearsome mental extension of his body based on a synthesis between telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities incinerating upon contact. To balance his offenses, once he begins to sense
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the presence of danger, the scales that are tightly woven throughout his body can shift or interlock. So much that they can form a mesh of nearly impenetrable armor that would baffle those dependent of Teflon & Kevlar. A quick glance towards the wall-clock provides Nathaniel a confirmation of careful awareness what little time is provided. The cathedral halls would begin to resonate with the beckoning sound of brass bells calling all members to the main assembly room. Scenes from throughout the Holy Destiny Institution would show other members preparing and ready to hear both instructional and inspirational encouragement, as the collective gather themselves from all over the grounds. The announcement bell continues bellowing its call letting all of the inhabitants know 20-minutes until the 5 oclock sermon. The compounded sounds of Sister Margrets quaky voice and the hall bells create an overwhelming sense for Nathaniel to create necessary silence, at any and all costs. With Sister Margrets back turned, Nathaniels tail slams the ground, creating a small boom within the tight confines of the classroom. His right arm comes into a glowing frame, soon having each of his fingers flickering about until the arm is spontaneously ignited into piercing, glowing flame. Sister Margret makes a turn-about and Nathaniel lunges toward her from across the room, as if hes throwing the opening pitch of the World Series. However, a flaming clawed extension of his arm stretches across the room, grasping the poor woman with one hellish hand. Nathaniels other arm is ignited, reaching out towards the victims mouth, muzzling the frantic cries of terror. Margrets restricted body is lifted from the ground as her two feet dangle in search of comforting ground. Her flesh bleeds to the searing touch of
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Nathaniels grasp, but the intensity of the flame burns the blood before contact of the floor below. With a devilish grin smeared across his face, he makes quick work of his exercise in sheer brutality. He sends a sudden surge of flaming power, channeling from his body down his arms making quick contact to Margrets feeble frame, overtaking her body which incinerates and turns into forms of dust and vapor. Her last breath allowed Margret to give off a final shriek for life which was high-pitched and abrupt before total vaporization. A gathering of individuals standing in a nearby room overhear the yelp coming from her muzzled mouth. This group drops the objects in their hands and bolt out the door to investigate the commotion, bursting in the doorway to hear similar screeching/squeaky sounds coming from the meeting room. Opening the double-doors would reveal Nathaniel pushing a large table, of which its peg legs seem to giving much resistance while being raked the densely tiled flooring. Nathaniel turns his head, noticing he has company, giving an extra demonstrative push for the onlookers to see. What happened to Sister Margret? Oh, she forgot her crossword puzzles. (Smug grin) You know how she loves sneaking in her puzzles during sermon The perfect aid, the perfect subordinate, the perfect cover for a sociopath with a brooding, lustful Messiah Complex. With a smile, a dash of comedic humility belies the darkest of hearts devoid of "human" compassion.

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Damatacus; Now and Forever

A loud gong can be heard overhead coming from the exterior cathedral bells as the last of the gatherers form single-file lines inside the entranceway of the Great Hall. The counseling sermon will now begin, with Nathaniel sitting near center -front, awkwardly towering over his neighbors adjacent to him. As these scenes unfold in the background, multiple counselors for the Holy Destiny engage in a series of conversations on another floor. They watch and review videotape dossiers of the list of trustees taking part in facilitating this evenings sermon. Going down the list, they will discuss the previous disruptions each member has caused starting with a photo of each of the assailants. One member, a Digonic, knocked out the entire power grid of the institution by feeding/siphoning electricity which required almost 2-days worth of repairs to the system. He has been known to show drastic cravings with wild outbursts unless strictly monitored. Another trustee who was a professional botanist caused quite a stir while he was communicating with the trees in the yard. With twisted intent and oversight, the Mezzo Trigonic caused the trees to turn against the residents, slamming their sharpened tree branches into an unsuspecting group of rather young attendees. Fortunately only minor injuries were involved and there have been very little signs of relapse 6 months prior. But Nathaniel has been exceptional, not a single flare up, very courteous and always a willing volunteer.
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This sermon has come to an end, the boredom has started to be accompanied to severe waves of churning nausea for Nathaniel. The minutes continue to pass with an ever constant mantra brooding in his head: The Creator has not set one holy foot on this planet according to fable and relic. It has not revealed its face, its awesome power towards Mankind beyond fantasy, beyond delusion. There shall be no other deities before Nathaniel. All should bow before the wave of Nathaniel's hand The only face of God that has surfaced on this Earth is mine; that of Nathaniel, that of


This, a demonstration of self-discovery while captive within these halls of the Holy Destiny Institution solidifies his grandeur. Over 4 years, one fake friendly ploy after another can be broken within one carefully plotted night. Anything that would prove as an obstruction of his word shall be burned to the ground, as what has been spelled out of legend of his ancestors. The mind of Nathaniel has since dissolved; there is only the will of Damatacus. The rest of the staff are but of sheep, ready to lay to waste, with no comparison, no comprises. There is a false sense of kinship amongst his roommates. Their necks easily bend and break like weak twine with a flurry of pyrokinetic blasts. He would ask which savior you would call onto with your last breath for true salvation. If your answer would happen to be false while clutching a cross of wood and stone, his response would always be the same, No, for His hands shall not burn thane flesh quite like mine.
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The halls of Holy Destiny Institution are about to incinerate into heaps of ash and an army of followers shall amass to witness the true power and intimidation amongst them all. The Pastor's words are interrupted by screams of agony, scorched limbs, and the cracking of the foundation below. This house of worship and meditation being cut to splinters offer little resistance from Damatacus disaster. Damatacus has proclaimed his will on this Earth and devotion to himself, basking in his glory are additional followers who he believes are truly lost in this world. Other Homo-Dragonus would follow his creed of freedom through destruction, through selfindulgence, only to pray and celebrate the presence of Damatacus. Indeed, Damatacus army of fellow Homo-Dragonus within the Institution operated with great speed and underground fervor. While incarcerated within the confines of the Holy Destiny, Damatacus has been able to reclusively maintain his connections to the outside world. More importantly, his former contacts within various Black Market circles along with collecting favors and debts that are owed to him have now become even more valuable.

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Grand Design For Grand Dominion

Over time, he was able to assemble an abundance of resources and popularity among the fellow-minded. For start-up money, Nathaniel retains employment within the construction demolition industry. Using his pyrokinetic slashes to weaken foundations to compromise the buildings stability was quite profitable. This, in conjunction with his nearly impregnable exo-armor, Nathaniel was able to move in and out of a collapsing building with ease and stride. Falling pillars would usually call for hardhat protection; such is not the case for Nathaniels hard -head. He would coordinate a series of bank heists specifically in metro areas, placing a box of street-cones near the location, knowing that the perception is that the public will steer clear of this blocked area, would provide an excellent pick up point for the getaway car. A tele-marketing scheme has also been conducted using the guise of an international charity Grand World Harvest akin to Feed The Children campaigns. Televised commercials would show children in poverty locals needing a helping hand to get by the day, requesting monetary donations. Of course, the money would end up in Damatacus hands and Grand World Harvest soon diversified and dissolved in quick succession. This was through the use of a grand collective of cons that grew more elaborate, just as his self-indulgent ego. Instead of the basic white & beige garb issued to him by the Holy Destiny Institution, his new armor closely resembles of what a selfappointed dictator should appear. Two large metal shoulder pads with overlapping multi-layers toward the end, securing a floor
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sweeping Pope-like cloak/robe keeping his arms & hands draped inside. Should either one of his hands ever make an appearance from behind robe could result in personal catastrophe no one would wish upon themselves. For Damatacus takes swift, pleasurable disciplinary action, offering his punishment towards intolerable subordinate failure. All followers are instructed to cheat and steal to pool resources as a mighty wave of anarchy using unparalleled technology and tactful sciences to spread both word and fear with ruthless speed. His method of recruitment has slashed its mark on society who welcome words of protection and solace, accompanied by striking fear in the most rational walks of life. This including MonoHuman blue collared craftsman to leaders and advancers in science and bio-technology who collectively enjoy spoils of corporate fleecing for a common goal. Both he, his Lead Strategist known as Solomon, and his Research & Development Counsel act with determination to extend faith onto the word of Damatacus. Solomon, a Mezzo Digonic of Polish descent, offers his limited precognitive suggestions to his cause. Such abilities have been routinely utilized during moments of battle stress giving him and his subordinates the upper hand. He is dependent on a mildly hallucinatory inhalant that he huffs to jumpstart his visions. Conducting various web-hosting and live events on an international scale any outsider would perceive as war-hungry madness leaving behind untraceable imprints thanks to former CIA intellects that would follow Solomons instruction with masterful diligence. While under Solomons guise and technical prowess, crooked Government agents have allowed Damatacus and there sprawling
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clan to take refuge within an underground research bunker. This aged facility was previously abandoned rot with ill-use has been low on a project retention/maintenance list, which allowed ease of access for reconfiguring this hydro-powered base. It is located within the cliffs of southern Baja California and well within striking distance to American territories. On the heels of the now panicked United Systems (the equivalent to our current United Nations) have collectively been keeping a vigilant observation over the sparks of chaos being spread throughout the Americas. Operators within the frantic headquarters gaze upon this new inquisition. The firestorm of activity across their large multi-panel screens, watching their military infrastructure being blasted by the Damatacus Dominion and their plasma cannon firepower. They are outmatched by Damatacus generals of new faith taking command aboard the fleet of advanced flying warships, Hover Battle Cruisers (HBCs) dominating the skies against any feeble aggression. The development of The HBC is the collaborative efforts of Soviet & American engineering (ripped from government databases & manufacturing facilities) that advances current theories in Military transport. Modeled after Naval watercraft, this battleship in the sky utilizes technological advances in anti-gravity mechanics & jet propulsion systems. The HBC evokes a more streamlined/aerodynamic design that was meant to cut through the clouds. The offensive weapons are well concealed underneath a series bi-fold hanger bay doors, in addition to the number of steel reinforced hulls that protect the crew members and its cargo. Of course, the most lavish and heavily armored HBC was saved for himself, Damatacus uses the HBC he has named
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The Obelisk to flagship his campaign. The international news channels are flooded with daily video with sightings of war, Damatacus leading the charge on the ground displaying his right to be called, Messiah. Thus spreading a mixture of both fright and inspiration throughout the media airwaves, including additional footage of yet another act of burning rebellion by the hands of the deranged dictator. The bodies begin to pile, all reduced to rubble; seared as the desperate occupants flee in mortal disbelief of the horrors theyve witnessed. Damatacus continues on, making his rank as messiah most destructive without hesitation. He makes sure to reinforce his rank in power; to let his confederation to carry his bidding. Damatacus instructs them all to collect and charge onward, announcing making a boastful decree: Our absolute certainty of The Damatacus Dominion will no longer be denied, my legacy will stain this planet and all of its future legacies. It will be a crushing blow that will cause their sacred glory, their holy Heaven above, all of those who continue to impose the weight of their God will tremble at the sound of my name. For this wretched system will become ours, for all time! This will be my claim, for all of us, this is true, now is our time, this shall be our HammerStrike!

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Project STATUS

A large screen housed in his dark cathedral built deep underground resting within the abandoned industrial complex, the stairwell passageway will take you down below this nocturnal colony. Where monitors built into walls display works of horrid art, wordings and sentiments spoken of Damatacus himself and of the aftermath amongst a sea of followers most rejoiceful of what their new Father has brought onto this world. His evening sermon, full of promise and devotion through faith and security in him would generously be rewarded by following his every word. Within these halls lies filth and sex, home to faithful minions performing acts of the diabolical, baptisms in fire, the words and will of Damatacus is the pulse that resonates as law within these grounds. The successful implementation of their latest project originating from a small circle of outcast computer Scientists has now become a staple amongst Damatacus daily operations. Their contributions from Project STATUS have made controversial advancements in BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces), specifically in their findings of synergy between female adolescent brain development while in a forced and critically controlled comatose state. Batteries of tests have proven certain subjects would display better comprehensive statistics to navigate throughout the most complex of databases with exceptional speed and accuracy. Hacking multi-tiered Pentagon firewalls, extravagant wire transfers within milliseconds, all of which causing minimal effort and mental ware for the user.
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Candidates for the vital position of STATUS maintain flight control, communication arrays, and intelligence gathering. They can be visually recognized by the instrumentation around their stations, usually the focal point in each battle cruiser and by the blue colored illuminating hues given off by the weave of tubes and cables channeling into their head-pieces. Damatacus has recently taken a personal liking to one of the STATUS Subjects by the name of Ramilah (African-Swahili meaning 'fortune-teller'). Age-wise the oldest, most successful & unfortunately the most beautiful Digonic of the clan. She is able to demonstrate superior levels of intellect and mental recall. Damatacus has been known to act on his desires and actions towards young Ramilah whenever the moment strikes him, at that time he would order everyone out of the room for privacy. The arena of biological, cybernetics and gene-therapy are sciences that are also deciding factors in acquiring the exact measure of leverage to defeat any attempt in opposition. As the United Systems defenses are becoming more and more troublesome, often thwarting Damatacus planned events which would result in great casualty and retreat. His clan is now in desperate need of greater minds to better facilitate his aspirations with an outline to succeed in his next goal for conquest: to create a horde of unstoppable enforcers to represent as ambassadors of Damatacus word and vision. The expertise and skill that is needed is not yet immediately available at this time, of which is now a matter of urgency and action. Solomons wide-spread initiative to steal the talent has been expedited by the taking and housing of the loved ones of the genetists and Scientists who have proven themselves unwilling to express any common enthusiasm. A simple method

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of ransom is set, forced allegiance and cooperation in order to construct the twisted desires of Damatacus administration. Family members are stored off-site and visitation sessions are permitted within selected intervals and success rates. Failure to comply would be met with various methods of public execution, in which Damatacus takes personal pleasure performing with bare hands resulting in broken limbs, pyrokinetic grappling, and often ending with his own satisfaction indulging his newly developed messy cannibalistic cravings. He is indulgingly convinced that opponents that are weak are not viable to live, they are beneath him as if they are lower on the food chain. All of which takes place on the Level 4 of his subterranean stronghold, equipped with stainless steel floors, white walls with a singular horizontal panel stretching across the entire width of the room. True, there are occasions were his chosen victims decide not to make their torture commence without struggle, their natural strengths gives them the tools to fight back and resist. A heated debate between one of his captive Scientists would spike to physical escalation. Damatacus has instructed to enforce public execution on the genius wife and daughter for his deliberate insubordination. Damatacus will notice a bead of sweat rolling down the opponents f orehead due to nervousness and intimidation. Damatacus will approach him very closely and asks him: Is that fear dripping from your face? Hmmm, which in turn means you most certainly fear me, I have placed fear in your heart! Oh I am starting to hunger now, and I do love the taste of fear!

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Enraged, the Scientist, a Mezzo Digonic, is able to sprint around to the back-side of Damatacus faster than blink of eye speeds leaving a trail of what appears to be a florescent blue electric charge in his wake. During the conclusion of this intense brawl on Level 4, the defeated combatant (who utilized static-charged electric bolts and high speed body movements) would lie on the floor battered and nearly collapsed grasping for air. Damatacus would stand above him, declaring his expected victory. Telling him of a wasted effort he made standing against such unmentionable power: So many others would cower before me, others long for the days they can see Damatacus with their own eyes. Perhaps even the chance to hear his words, to touch his unbreakable flesh, they would open their mouths to indulge in the taste of Damatacus as they cry out for more! But you are worth far less (unzips or the sound of wrestling his garment and urinates the victim) pathetic pisshole, you can guzzle Damatacus piss for the rest of your days. Until those miserable wounds heal, until you choke on your last breath, you will come forth, with delight, and be anointed. With his last strains of energy within him, the victim murmurs Kill me now, youre only wasting your own breath.. before he can finish his sentence, Damatacus violently grabs his face, increases pyrokinetic flames, horribly burning his head. Singlehandedly (left hand), Damatacus telekinetically lifts him over head, pauses, then pushes him into the ceiling above. He charges the right hand, radiating with power, launches a monstrous clawed flame grip, raking across the ceiling leaving indented burn marks in its wake. The claws make swift contact with the victim, searing right through his body and splitting his carcass into four cindered pieces, disintegrating before they make contact with the floor
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below. Their end, however, has the same outcome as so many slain before them. Within the horizontal panels are timed sprayers used to hose the room with water meant to clean and sterilize the bloody mess left behind. The sprayers eject upon Damatacus command, sending high-pressurized water streams that push all the filth away from the stained walls.

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His Vanguards His Enforcers... His Prophets

Candidates for experimentation pour in one after the other to volunteer, allowing an extensive testing phase for implant compatibility along with battle worthiness. All of which have been conducted by Kimono, Lead Tactical both on and off the battlefield, a former high-ranking arms dealer in pursuit of the best tech. A Mono Human who is reluctant to admit her selfdeluded singularity. A complete representation African prowess, additionally, a recent recipient of cybernetic implants granting her double lifting strength of a world class Olympian. Accompanied with optical enhancements for sizable field advantages (i.e., infrared, x-ray & 10x vision), armed with an assortment of high-end rifles and revolvers. Her cybernetic enhancements become more practical under the percussions of gunfire, all of which become apparent with her hands, forearms, and digestive track. Upon a simple scan of a fallen firearm through touch, her extremities can undergo a series of mechanical auto-calibration to mimic the size/alignment most ballistics within seconds. She carries magazines of semi-liquid metallic fluid encased in metal cartridges that wrap around her upper thighs. These cartridges are to be inserted into her abdomen as malleable ammo that is processed via bioengineering. Her skin has been grafted with photovoltaic materials mimicking the effect of solar paneling throughout her exoskeleton. She has a number of instruments that provides a personal touch to her military tactics. Such would include twin bangle bracelets that deceptively serve function over her individual and evolving sense
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of couture fashion. Each bracelet are composed of a series of jagged miniature pipe bombs that are easily detachable, once thrown and makes contact with the target, the gesture of the snap of her engineered finger tips would trigger its detonation. There has been a great deal of contention between Solomon and Kimono, constantly clashing with sharp criticisms toward one another. Many micro-interactions are clear contention fog any possibilities of harmony during various campaigns, mocking each others decisions. To which Damatacus would ask in a dictators growl: Solomon, where is our next course? As Solomon turns to comply, Kimono would interject Solomons huffing technique and ask Doesnt that kill brain cells? To which Solomon would respond, Coming from a cold-hearted warhungry Barbie-doll, I am truly insulted. He completes his huff, as his head charges in a backwards recoil, the fumes fill his brain. Illusions of a distant future begin to fog his vision in a swirl of color and mist. Gevanovis sector is going to be an ambush, no need to fall for the bait and take the shortcut. There will be layers and layers of cockroaches waiting for us there. You want the Nortga sector. Problem solved. Damatacus takes heed, Ramilah, plot course! There have also been nominees recommended by other members outside of the Damatacus Dominion for possible conversion to be called upon, notably internationally known marksmen and martial artists with fantastic ability. Each would elect themselves to take on tasks addressed by Damatacus himself. Conducting business such as bodyguard protection, cavalry reinforcement and given extermination/assassination filled dossiers crafted to provide their dictator the best advantage possible at all costs.
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A manipulator of kinetic forces was a previous subscriber of the Holy Destiny Institution. Not only did his cropped platinum blonde hair create such a memorable impression, he displayed great promise with mental accuracy of both slowing/stopping objects moving towards him originating at gunfire speeds. A full demonstration of thermodynamics, this candidate alters the kinetic fields of fiction between air and gravity in motion at a tremendous velocity. This, in addition to the complete reverse, the swing of his punches have been recorded to rival seismic tremors, thrusting objects already in motion at tremendous velocities. A showstopper of an ability while relaxing the frictional forces of an oncoming automobile approaching a fatal speeds slowed to a non-threatening crawls pace. Creating focused streams of super heated air by outrageously accelerating the laws of thermodynamics around him has also been a specialty of the first candidate during combat trials. A Digonic Human soon adapting the well-suited name Arson. Another member shares similar reptilian traits with his master Damatacus with the exemption of more prominent scale-like features, two additional arms, stubby tail, extra-ordinary height (nearing 7 feet) and proportional weight and strength as well. A Mezzo Trigonic Homo-Dragonus in the most extreme end of the spectrum, Tortorus exhibits a list of facial features. Elongated snout in the same fashion of a close relative, Tyrannosaurus Rex, notoriously known for their rows of excessively jagged teeth to match.

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Tortorus carries a ferocious exterior, extremely durable skin and an acute mental capacity for hyper-terraforming his surrounding environment has made him an invaluable asset. It has been reported up to a city block in diameter can be affected by altering atmospheric conditions to his advantage. Severe heat, cold, gravitational charges, all atmospherical affects have been exhibited in his scarred and unstable history until he has found his new faith and calling. It is not Tortorus favorite tactic to use in battle as this requires an additional amount of concentration compared to the mechanics involved with smash and grab brutality. He has been known to Rage Out in order to control this ability by standing and stomping one foot maniacally to activate it. Modifications of their BCI breakthrough have been conducted amongst the captive Scientists to allow for a mobile version on compatible subjects. The next goal was to grant the user to be actively aware of their surroundings while on the field and to include full interaction with the world around them without being bound to a stationary location. With the proper balance of cybernetics, mental capacity and determination, the user would need to exceed all pre-determined boundaries with a virtually zero negative response rate. The user will be equipped with nearly a dozen retractable metal boomerang-esque 3-sided throwing blades. Each powered with an advanced thrusting propulsion system guided with a combination of surveillance tech and GPS. The trajectories of these blades are controlled wirelessly by the users gesture of the slightest of movement of their individual fingers, aided with talon-like glove tips that gives a slight blue glow and transmits the signal to the blades. Finger moves up, the blade moves up, finger moves right,
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so on so forth. Each blade is assigned to each finger in tandem with insurmountable amounts of coordination only science and natural talent could provide. There is also a minor data link shared between the user and either one of the STATUS members at all times. Victoria, a nearperfect Trigonic functioning with uncharted mental recall and spacial awareness capabilities. Western Indian lineage, soft spoken and terse in her conversation, has proven to be the very candidate to surpass expectations with deadly precision and operatic grace. A weapon that can be used offensively, for reconnaissance due to the active video feed recorded from each blade, and defensively. By striking her fingers together, the two blades can interconnect and fuse together for increased size and shape, placing them into a top spin could provide some cover from oncoming enemy fire. Certain blades are also equipped with specialty functions, releasing detonators, flares, EMPs (electromagnetic pulse), and neurotoxin gas. Rivaling Damatacus in charisma yet exceeding in crass, another disciple who has always been unbreakable, unshakeable, and untouchable unless he allows you privileged access granted to a select few. Women love him and he loves to love them back, a proud, broad shouldered Greek, proud of his heritage, his well sculpted physique and his new faith and savior. With an ability that radiates within him, it is pure fuel for his ego, especially while in the midst of battle, which gives him strength. Shielding him is an integrated matrix of bio-electromagnetism that every living thing produces on their own naturally; his Digonic levels are set to a near incalculable degree, providing an impenetrable thin barrier around both him and immediate objects within his grasp.

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Through extensive training, his experience has been heighten even more so under the guidance of his new counsel, Minister has been able to wield a variety of close combat tactics and weaponry. Case in point, twin curved machetes fused with the proper bonds that would allow his bio-electrical field to freely channel to its very tip, dramatically increasing the blades capacity for destruction. This along with his personal tool of choice, a fearsome death-scythe with telescopic staff, retractable endblade, combined with a grappling hook-like clamp. With a twist of the staff, the blade can be blasted from its base tethered by heavily reinforced wire used as a grappling hook tool as well. Damatacus always takes great voyeuristic pleasure in watching his personally selected line of dancers to celebrate his victories. Each guy or girl would have their own personal method and technique to wow their audience either by dance or prop. Princess Andromeda has a talent that would utilize both in her balletic/erotic performances with the use demonstrating her skill with molding metals. Her gymnastic and traditional dancing grace along with her natural ability to alter metallic bonds of metal and reshape, resize them at will has categorized her as a fan favorite. While the strobe lights flash in the background and the bass of the techno radiates throughout the room, her audience is spellbound observing her skill on the pole, watching as its shape of a cylindrical rod transform into a twisted helix while Andromeda has masterful control. Her personal favorite, and a total surprise coming from her namesake, are the use of chains that would coil around her as serpents ready to feast are used to grab unsuspecting spectators to join her on stage for an even more intimate performance for all to see. The chains could also hoist the bodies of the user plus
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guest with the unwavering strength of steel similar to the pole vault to great heights and superb durability. Of course this ability can tactfully be used for offensive purposes which further sparked Damatacus interest even more. He orders his Mezzo-Digonic, Auburn Brunette Princess to make her way to the forefront of the battlefield. Combining the deadly art of close and long range mechanics as her signature chains as her primary weapon of choice. They can be forged as long broad swords with razor lined tips at an amazing length, a single swing of her arm can slice an armored van in two divisions, along with creating defensive dome barriers that could make a laughing joke out of U.S. Government machine gun shells. After gaining a more domineering self esteem, Andromeda easily dropped the Princess in her original name, illsuited for a monster of a one woman army.

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Methods of Madness

Every one of the Prophets has extensive biological enhancements as well, super-human dexterity, stamina, running & jumping abilities. Scientists have been quite successful within the realms of genetic modification and reconstruction. Their previous successes showcasing their master of altering the DNA of living creatures have reluctantly led to the glorification of Damatacus conquest. All Prophets have undergone a series of genetic bonding procedures affording them a library of tactical advantages. The need for hyper-accelerated DNA repair was a mandatory addition for Damatacus elite enforcers. Their restorative capacities and rate of healing far exceeds normal functionality. Lab rats have demonstrated rapid rates of recovery after a variation of purposeful, frontal assaults. Once the secondary layers of skin tissue become breached (cut, stabbed, becomes exposed to the air & atmosphere) the body will auto-trigger a defensive reaction. A type of gelatinous secretion comprised of biochemicals will begin to form a scab. Previous methods to subdue the test subjects required the need to cut and separate the body immediately as the chemicals have a tendency to instinctively bond to severed parts. Once physical contact is complete, the healing process has been shown to be near instantaneous. All of the Prophets will adorn the armor, head piece-like war helmet (or Horns) double as walkie-talkies and affixed retractable goggles, and ceremonial capes worthy of Damatacus.
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These capes are retractable, to the fact that with a push of a button placed on the belt buckle, would cause the cape to roll into the top center back of the armor. The outer lining of the cape gives of an illuminating glow, even in direct sunlight composed of photovoltaic materials, similar to the exterior lining of Kimonos skin. The cape lining is visible from the open panels of the front of the armor; the cape actually coils from the front and overlaps, cascading from behind. Scientists have been quite successful within the realms of genetic construction and select modification. Their previous successes showcasing their master of altering DNA itself have ultimately led towards a tactical advantage for Damatacus benefit. All Prophets have undergone a bonding ritual affording each member with a library of bio-enhancement to better glorify Damatacus. The need for hyper-accelerated DNA repair was a mandatory addition for these elite enforcers. Their restorative capacities and rate of self-engineered rapid recovery far exceeds normal functionality. Lab rats have demonstrated rates of recovery with uncanny speed and function after a variation of harmful assaults. Once the secondary layers of skin tissue becomes breached somehow (cutting, stabbing, etc.) becoming exposed to the air & atmosphere, the body will auto-trigger defensive reaction by securing biochemicals to scab the wound. Previous test subjects have demonstrated the need to cut and separate the body immediately as the chemicals have a tendency to instinctively bond to nearby severed body parts. Once physical contact is completed, the healing/bonding process has been shown to be near-instantaneous. His war has now been hurtled in to full progression with all the chess pieces needed to secure his dominance. Every active Prophet Horn worn supplies home base with the vitals and brain
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wave activity of each of the members for an important purpose: Every instruction must be obeyed to the letter, no matter the grave difficulty without any question that would spark on their morality meter. The collection of mental data is compiled using the Scientists devised software called the Neuro-Link. Each of the Prophets and select ground troops will have their own visual avatar within the Damatacus communications array that can be summoned upon request (and security clearance). At times, the crew must ready to call forth any data demanded by Damatacus at any time. He has been known to exclaim in a bass-heavy, ego-driven demand Bring me the Neuro-Link which is inside code for place Neuro-Link data on the screen please. Any noticeable volatility is easily detected and can be remedied with the use of broadcasting radio frequencies directly into the users brainwaves for immediate correction leaving them devoid of empathy and free will. His new horde of enforcers have now been unleashed to create chaos on those who maintains persistent defiance towards his actions, leaving behind a scorched trail as a reminder of what unfavorable actions may bring. The mounting amount of successful campaigns has allowed Damatacus to decrease the number of appearances assisting his Prophets from one raid to the next. There have been strikes on fertility hospitals in order to gain access to a sizeable bounty from embryo banks that can later be used for further study and analysis. Multiple air strikes have been made on Military outposts throughout the globe, jamming radar detection with little effort, brilliantly executed by his chosen six. Every mission designed to retain classified technology to acquire with maximum casualty of course. All under the watchful eye of the most sinister strategist
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Solomon and displayed on the large video monitors for Damatacus sadistic entertainment. Personal hover carrier technology has been newly implemented within the Naval Forces, which has the size and style of a traditional sport motorcycle yielding top flying speeds of 150 MPH. An impressive model created by compressing the Hover Battle Cruisers main engine drive into a smaller and much more agile version was must have addition to Damatacus collection. After much reconstruction and customization, each of the Prophets will have what has been nicknamed as the HellRider. All of which have been mounted with Ionic Shielding to deflect oncoming firepower as well as variety weapons at their disposal. These mini-cruisers can be dispatched upon command while housed inside either one of the HBC hanger bays. Before their daily excursions, the Prophets will prepare to depart from the HBC cargo bay area while in midair. The countdown can be heard overhead as the Prophets prepare to launch, ejecting their capes by pressing their belt-buckle. Engines are activated, sending them two x two x two, shuttling out of the HBC within the afternoon skies. Damatacus terroristic front continues on without rest, his Prophets displayed enhanced levels of endurance would result in unbalanced matches against any adversary. The blades of Victoria swirl about in a whirlwind of death and decapitation. From all angles far and wide, she targets her prey from high above, stories below. Minister continues his rampage causing more harm coming from his foul mouth rambling of war-cries in comparison to the range of his wretched deathscythe as he dissembles and dissects officers like fields of wheat without any possible fear of self-injury.

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Tortorus steps boil the very ground in seconds, reconstructing his immediate environment, immobilizing his opponents, which can be much easier to make full use of his mammoth sized fists. The shimmering chains that drape Andromeda from shoulder to shoulder extend beyond her embrace. They form a flattened mirror-like barrier directly in front of her deflecting all fire power, soon accompanied by metallic spikes impaling her assailants. Sniper fire is heard from a block away causing panic amongst seasoned FBI Agents as they watch one squad member fall after another, courtesy of the Kimonos wicked precision on those who oppose The Teachings of Damatacus. There are footsteps that carry the bass line of rolling thunder coming from Arsons friction intensified leaps from building. Nearly pausing and deflecting oncoming Desert Eagle bullets hurtling towards him, igniting the air surrounding the squad car obscuring his immediate path. The skies are set ablaze with blinding artillery from countless HBCs, battles waged in Russian air space have been terribly one-sided, assaults continue on church grounds, shopping complexes, government buildings.

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En Passant Capture

Having to witness this staggering amount of waves of annihilation, hopelessness shakes the kidnapped Scientists to their very core. To perform one heinous task after another has taken its toll on every member along with their own family members, we are also bound against their will are often at risk. At times, they too are publicly maimed and ridiculed in the name of disobedience and punishment for failure. The Scientists had to plan their method of retaliation with great secrecy, Solomon, Kimono and Damatacus are well briefed on daily internal activities. Acts of defiance can be easily be detected resulting in horrific execution. All of the Prophets vital readings are prominently displayed on every screen, keeping each killing machine in a fully conscience, near Neanderthal-like state with the use of brain altering signals. These signals via the Neuro-Link are a series of radio codes transmitted and received by the squads coveted Prophet Horns which are essential for maintaining stability to achieve optimum performances. Conducting the formula and software to break and re-write the code can be easily done, maintaining their shroud of their clandestine operations will be the general task at hand. One of the Scientists made a stern sentiment demanding full allegiance with his cohorts, exclaiming that Damatacus must be stopped. These are the tools to do it! The reprogramming of The Prophets brain waves would be the only way to break the cycle, no matter the risk of casualty, it is unanimously decided that Damatacus must fall and pay for his many atrocities. Six Prophets, six disks containing individual data that would counterPage | 35

act their mandated settings and parameters that would restore their mental independence. This daunting task had to be very well-managed. Enough time must pass by for the gestation of their plan to take place in order to disguise what could be perceived as a malfunction occurrence into something very much an intentional strategy. Anonymity is critical for this project to become a success, data disks have been created and can be stored inside the hidden compartment of the heel of the Scientists shoe without detection. The inside of the heel will be lined with dense cushioning with a small indentation where the disk is rested and the heel can easily be detached with the press of a tiny button. Once retrieved, the data must become downloaded and transmitted to each of the headsets in one simultaneous sweep. What transpires are highly sensory subliminal commands, in a sense undoing and reprogramming the complex web of digitally implanted thought barriers. This causes an undetectable trace of data that generate a series of thought patterns to interject their merciless killing instincts. The re-awaking of self-conscience is nearly an instantaneous process, allowing their independent minds to take reign once again. This takes place during mid ceremony onboard The Obelisk as all six stand their vigilant watch over the crowd along the outer perimeter of the gathering hallway. There is an odd moment where Solomon makes a quick glance towards Arson (as he has a regular tendency to do) standing firm, arms rigidly straight with both eyes closed. The same behavior takes over Andromeda standing on the west wing, Tortorus on the far south, and so forth. The last series of Neuro-Link data has begun to transfer inside the Prophets helmets. The Scientists will announce Now see,
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look at what you have done! allowing each of these titans to mechanically open their eyes in sequence and b egin to truly see for the first time. Within moments, visual images begin flooding the cerebral cortex of their past deeds. The many executions, splatter of blood, cries of loss and terror are recalled, within moments. With Solomon taking these bizarre occurrences into consideration, there is very little time to mentally formulate what is very soon to come. Without warning, a loud outbreak cause ruckus and confusion amongst the legion of followers, watching as their sacred Prophets turn their blades on those who worship and adore. To compound the disarray amongst the Damatacus clan, there are reports of systematic failure within the power grid monitoring and maintaining security/defense systems throughout the flagship HBC.

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Bite The Hand, Chop The Head

Internal communications are now sporadic, locked corridors are randomly releasing their restraints allowing the captives to make a desperate escape for freedom. Roaming foot patrols are on high alert to shoot and take down all fleeing detainees with as much aggressive force necessary. These soldiers, however, are greeted by the receiving end of Ministers steel along with Arsons flurry of focused super-heated streams melting their bodies where they stand. More and more images begin to populate on Damatacus main screen are filled with actions of treason. Bring me the Neuro-Link! screams Damatacus, as the mammoth sized video screen becomes populated with Prophets avatars. All six avatars lined up one by one, all displaying unsuspecting flat-lines and loss of signal. His own methods of deception and larceny to amass his collective resources have now been proven counter-productive. It was the captive Scientists plan all along to help build his empire and construct the instruments to smash it into oblivion. Their escape left a trail of Damatacus most faithful behind them and was victorious in not only commandeering a highly sustainable HBC of their own, HellRiders and all A small group of Scientists, accompanied by Tortorus fearsome presence, make a hurried sprint towards a nearby control panel below the bridge. Suspended two floors above is Ramilah, motionless but deceptively aware of the conflict within the hive. With a series of code sequences entered by a nervous Scientist, the computer replies with a hand-print confirmation screen. Thumb, middle, pinky and a frantic palm print rewards the rebellious crew with a secondary All-Clear confirmation.
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Moments later, Ramilahs life cords detach and her gravity becomes stripped away, as the motion of her billowing onyxcolored hair, once in constant motion, comes to an abrupt halt, falling down her slender shoulders. Her dark hair falls, as she begins to fall, a trap door beneath her opens, allowing her to flow down a jettison tube. Down the chute, sliding out a double door where Tortorus stands waiting to catch her with all four arms, in a stern whisper telling her I got you. Displayed in his video screen was the taking of his prized Ramilah in the clutches of his counsel, now gone rouge. The stage is now set marking the beginnings of a successful coup; this will be the day where Damatacus own agents of destruction will turn their blades in a traitorous act of insurrection. Baring his sharpened fangs in a humbled scowl, he observes these series of events unfold from each of his stadium-sized monitors. Damatacus stands firm in momentary shock; watching as his Prophets successfully shuttle away from The Obelisk, one Hellrider at a time. Each escaping with additional human cargo as frightened passengers while out-maneuvering the opposition, slicing through a portion of Damatacus fleet. They manage to acquire the rearmost HBC, which was selected by choice, housing the remaining Scientists and a vast number of sequestered family members. Breaking away from his airborne armada, Damatacus stands both humored and humbled of their decisions to act against his bidding and allows the one HBC to break formation. These intriguing chess game has been set with a number of unnecessary pawns dismissed and out of the way. It will be time soon enough to reclaim the property that belongs to Damatacus and put an end to this frantic festival his Prophets have decided to willingly engage.
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Revolutions to these degree and measure are expected to encounter vast causality. Of which Damatacus will make sure his vengeance is exact with complete conviction. A declaration; Heads will fall of the culprits who detour his crusade creating such blasphemy against his name as his dominions unforgiving Messiah. Damatacus will take the time to dine with the blood of his chosen prey. With a devilish grin smeared across his face, he provides his flight crew one last order. Two words: Pull Back.


End Prophets I: HammerStrike

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