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11710 Hunters Lane

Rockville, Maryland 20852-2363

Fax: 301-230-1986 (office)
301-230-1984 (guidance)

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house is built by wisdom, and is established through understanding.
Proverbs 24:3
Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Campus
Student/Parent Handbook
Upper School 1o`D oC D`a
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School 'u`1u U1r D`a
2010-2011 uvUD - vUD
Upper School Campus
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
11710 Hunters Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20852-2363
Telephone Directory
Main Number ................................................................... 301-881-1400
Recorded information concerning changes in:
F Cancellation of Events
F Committee Meetings
F Opening and Closing of School
Athletic Hotline ................................................................ 301-692-4989
After School Emergencies Only . . ................... 301-881-1400 ext 2911
PTO ................................................................................
Student Absence Line Before Offices Open ........................ 301-692-4903
Transportation Office ........................................................ 301-692-4851
Voice Mail (VM) ..................................................... 301-881-1400 + ext #
Guidance Office FAX Machine ........................................... 301-230-1984
Upper School FAX Machine ............................................... 301-230-1986
Lower School Campus
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
1901 E. Jefferson Street
Rockville, Maryland 20852-4029
Lower School Office ........................................................... 301-881-1400
Business Office ................................................................. 301-692-4880
Chief Operating Officer .................................................... 301-692-4802
Head of School .................................................................. 301-692-4801
This parent/student handbook/calendar is intended to be used as a guide for finding general information,
for understanding policies and procedures, and for being aware of events and activities for the Upper
School. The document is as comprehensive and accurate as was possible at the time of printing. However,
it is important to understand that the dates and/or inclusion of specific activities is subject to change.
Furthermore, it is necessary to realize that no one document can satisfy every issue that might arise.
Being that this handbook/calendar, its contents and format are reviewed throughout the school year
input is welcome.

2010-2011 ACADEMIC CALENDAR.Back Cover


The Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School of Greater Washington is an
independent, community day school, serving students from kindergarten through
twelfth grade. The School is dedicated to creating an environment in which
students can grow to their fullest potential as responsible and dedicated members
of the Jewish people and of American society. Based on six basic Jewish precepts,
the Mission of our School is to teach its students:

Torah L=shmah
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to become lifelong learners inspired by a love of
Alearning for the sake of learning@ through a rigorous,
comprehensive academic program of General and
Judaic studies which places a priority on critical,
independent and creative thought and expression.

Ahavat Torah
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to understand and appreciate the wisdom, spiritual
depth and ethical guidance of Judaism.


to understand and appreciate the perception of God=s
presence in the awe and wonder of our world, and
how we can sanctify our lives through the practice
and experience of the Mitzvot.

Ahavat Yisrael
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to form an inextricable bond with the Jewish people -
past, present and future - to foster a sense of
commitment to the State of Israel, and to appreciate
and master the Hebrew language as the language of
the Jewish people.

V=ahavta L=rayacha
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to create a caring, moral community based upon the
concepts of B=tzelem Elokim (each individual is
created in the image of God) and Derekh Eretz
(ethical decency) in which members respect each
other=s uniqueness and preciousness and are
responsible for each other and the community.

Tikun Olam
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to be passionate about preserving God=s world and
making it a more compassionate, just and peaceful
place through individual and collective commitment
to programs of social action and public policy.



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Wit hout Torah t here is no derekh eret z, wit hout derekh eret z t here is no

Avot 3: 21

Welcome t o t he 2010- 2011 academic year! Our learning
communit y, comprising over six hundred st udent s and
over one hundred st aff people, inhabit s a beaut iful and
st at e- of- t he- art campus on spacious grounds. We can
flourish in our beaut iful home and maint ain it s beaut y
t hrough our commit ment t o derekh eret z ( et hical
behavior) a cornerst one principle of Jewish t eaching,
and hence of t his school.

This Upper School St udent / Parent Handbook and
Calendarimbued wit h t he spirit of derekh eret z
provides t he school communit y wit h informat ion about
t he way ( derekh) we operat e so t hat educat ion can t ake
place in an environment most conducive t o learning.

St udent s and parent s are expect ed carefully t o review t he
general guidelines and procedures and t he calendar of
event s. Updat ed calendar informat ion is available on t he
Schools websit e t hroughout t he year.


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Who i s honor ed? One w ho honor s ot her s. Avot 4: 1

The Charles E. Smit h Jewish Day School is known in Hebrew as Beit Midrash Tzuriel. As a beit midrash, a
house of st udy, t he inst it ut ion is dedicat ed t o t he cent ral Jewish t eaching t hat st udy and et hical behavior
are inseparableeach informs t he ot her as our st udent s move t hrough life experiences and as t hey learn
how t o become responsible people who exercise good j udgment . I n order t o be ready for learning in t his
school communit y, a cert ain basic underst anding of respect ful behavior is necessary.

Respect f or ot her s and sel f ;&*9"% $&",
( Kev od habr i y ot )

While on school grounds or at a school- relat ed act ivit y, t he School expect s st udent s t o show t hrough t heir
personal behavior t hat self- respect and respect for ot hers must be combined t o creat e a healt hy school
communit y. The School recognizes t hat conduct at non- school act ivit ies is t he responsibilit y of parent s
and st udent s, and t hat t he School bears no responsibilit y when supervision is not being provided by t he
School. However, as part of our commit ment t o maint aining a safe, caring communit y, t he School is
concerned wit h t he conduct of st udent s at all t imes and reserves t he right t o t ake act ion in response t o
episodes t hat t ake place away from t he school campus or out side t he school day. The School as a
learning communit y and as a communal inst it ut ion st rives t o be a model for upst anding behavior.

Respect f or l ear ni ng and Judai sm %9&;% $&",
( Kev od hat or ah)
The Schools sacred mission t o promot e learning and discovery and commit ment t o Jewish t radit ion in an
et hical cont ext can succeed only when st udent s show unqualified commit ment t o t his t ask t hrough t heir
fulfillment of t he obligat ions t hey carry as st udent s at CESJDS.

I n general, kevod habriyot and kevod hat orah are shown when st udent s:

are considerat e and friendly t o one anot her, respect ful t o st aff, and court eous and helpful t o
guest s.
are t rut hful and honest in all mat t ers.
bring honor t o t he School and t hemselves when t hey represent t he School while part icipat ing in
t rips, conferences, at hlet ic and scholast ic t eams, performances, and communit y service.
uphold t he Schools reput at ion when out in t he communit y.
report t o school and classes on t ime and leave t he building when finished wit h t heir official school-
relat ed act ivit ies.
dress in a manner t hat communicat es respect for oneself, respect for t he communit y, and respect
for learning.
are respect ful of t he common Jewish t radit ions t hat shape school life and of t he diversit y of
pract ice maint ained by individual members of t he school communit y.
show respect for school propert y by doing t heir part t o keep t he School and campus at t ract ive and
lit t er- free.

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Et hi cal behavi or comes bef or e st udy . Rabbi Judah Loew of Pr ague

Et hical, respect ful and responsible behaviors are prerequisit es t o learning, and t he Charles E. Smit h
Jewish Day School communit y expect s t hose behaviors from all of it s members. To t hat end, t he School
has developed a specific list of behavioral expect at ions t hat set t he proper t one for a school and can
serve as a guide for st udent s in t heir present and fut ure dealings wit h t he world- at - large. Wit h t he
underst anding t hat none of us is perfect , t he School has creat ed a formal syst em t o help st udent s learn
how t o exercise bet t er j udgment in t heir decision- making. Cent ral t o t he Schools philosophy is t he

not ion of t he Jewish concept of t eshuvaht he capabilit y t hat a person has t o learn from her/ his act ions
and t heir consequences, correct his/ her behavior and make amends. A st udent s success in t he School
is dependent on her/ his abilit y consist ent ly t o observe t he Schools st andards and rules, and when t he
occasion arises, t o carry t hrough on a plan t o alt er inappropriat e behavior.

All st udent s are expect ed t o observe t he Schools st andards and rules described in t his Handbook, as well
as t hose announced eit her in school or t hrough writ t en communit cat ion during t he school year. The
School will act t o discipline any st udent s whose conduct violat es t hese rules and st andards while on
campus or at any school- relat ed act ivit y, and t he School reserves t he right t o t ake act ion in response t o
violat ions t hat t ake place off- campus or at non- school- relat ed act ivit ies as well.

We hav e al w ay s t ak en pr i de i n t he par t ner shi p w e have w i t h our par ent s. Wi t h t hat i n mi nd,
w e encour age our par ent s t o k eep communi cat i on open w i t h ot her par ent s and w i t h us by
r epor t i ng any suspi ci ous or unaccept abl e behav i or . As al w ays, our mai n concer n i s t he saf et y
and w el l - bei ng of al l of our st udent s. ( See page 33 f or Behav i or and Di sci pl i ne. )


Communi cat i on bet w een Fami l i es and School

Requi r ed For ms
The School requires t he following updat ed forms t o be on file before t he st art of t he academic year:
Emergency I nformat ion Form
The Permission for Emergency Medical Treat ment : I n School & Out of School Act ivit ies
I n addit ion, t he Upper School requires t hat all sevent h graders and all lat eral ent ries in grades 8- 12
undergo a complet e physical examinat ion by t heir personal physician. The School mandat es t hat scoliosis
screening be part of t hat physical examinat ion.

St udent s w i l l not r ecei v e t hei r l ock er i nf or mat i on or t hei r schedul es i f al l r equi r ed f or ms have
not been r ecei ved.

I f any informat ion on a st udent s emergency form changes during t he year, it is imperat ive t hat t he office
be cont act ed immediat ely. Likewise, if a familys address is list ed in t he school direct ory incorrect ly, t he
office should be cont act ed immediat ely

Mai l and Fax
The mailing address for t he Upper School is: Charles E. Smit h Jewish Day School, Lerner Family Upper
School Campus, 11710 Hunt ers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852.

The Upper School Administ rat ive fax number is 301- 230- 1986, and t he Upper School Guidance fax
number is 301- 230- 1984. When sending a fax, a cover sheet should be sent wit h t he name of t he
int ended recipient .

The address for t he school- wide administ rat ive offices and t he Lower School is: 1901 East Jefferson St . ,
Rockville, MD 20852. Faxes for t he school- wide administ rat ion should be sent t o 301- 984- 7834.

Each st aff member has a mailbox. Parent s and st udent s who wish t o leave an it em for a st aff member
should leave it wit h t he recept ionist . I f a st udent chooses t o place a paper or an assignment in a
t eachers box, t he st udent should ret ain an ext ra copy.

I f email or post al mail from t he School is not being delivered properly, please cont act t he Upper School

Tel ephone and Voi ce Mai l
The School t elephone number is 301- 881- 1400. The t wo campuses share a phone syst em. Voicemail
ext ensions are available on t he websit e.

All offices have ext ensions and voicemail syst ems. Teachers share ext ensions but have privat e voice-
mail boxes. During t he day office ext ensions or voicemail boxes can be accessed t hrough t he main
number ( 301- 881- 1400) and t he ext ension. Parent s and st udent s should not call st aff at home or on
t heir cell phones.

I f a voicemail message is left and t he call is not ret urned t he next business day, parent s should cont act
t he administ rat ion.

The Upper School has developed a communicat ion guide t o help parent s det ermine whom t o call when a
problem arises. ( See Communicat ion Guide, p. 6- 8.)

Emai l
All st aff members can be reached by email. Most CESJDS email addresses are t he st aff members first
init ial and last name @cesj ds. org.

St udent Pack ages
I f parent s drop off lunches or ot her packages for a st udent , t he packages should be left at t he Securit y
Guards desk. St udent s are expect ed t o check t he Securit y Guards st at ion if t hey have left somet hing at

Dai l y Announcement s
Announcement s will be delivered over t he PA and/ or t elevision syst em during t he first academic period of
t he day.

St udent Use of Tel ephones and Copy Machi nes
Office t elephones are only for official school business or for st udent emergencies. When a st udent has an
emergency or is ill, s/ he must call home from t he nurses office or t he Upper School office.

The copy machines in t he office and in t he st aff copy room are for st aff use only. No st udent is allowed
in t he st aff copy room at any t ime. There is a copy machine in t he library for st udent use for a small per
copy fee.

Vi si t i ng School
Adult visit ors t o t he School should ent er t hrough t he main ent rance and obt ain a Guest pass.

Parking is limit ed in t he CESJDS lot . Parent s should park in t he lot in front of t he t ennis court s. The main
lot is reserved for facult y and st aff.

Obser v i ng Cl asses
Parent s are formally invit ed t o an Open House Thursday, November 11
t h
, 2010, t he federal holiday of
Vet erans Day. Parent s are welcome t o observe classes at any t ime, but t hey must cont act t he Middle
School Direct or ( grades 7- 8) or t he Dean of St udent s ( grades 9- 12) so t hat arrangement s can be made.

Conf er ences
Parent s of st udent s in grades 7- 11 are formally invit ed for parent - t eacher conferences on Thursday,
December 9 and Friday, December 10, 2010. An email describing t he procedures will be sent out during
t he first t rimest er. Parent s are asked t o adhere t o t he guidelines so t hat conferences can run as
smoot hly as possible.

Parent s may request a conference about t heir childs progress at any t ime. Parent s should cont act
individual t eachers or t he st udent s Guidance Counselor t o make an appoint ment .


Communi cat i on Gui de

Of f i ce St af f
The Upper School office st aff can answer quest ions relat ed t o daily event s and rout ine procedures, and
t hey will direct calls t o t he appropriat e individuals when necessary. I n addit ion, if a parent is t rying t o
reach an individual who is not available and immediat e assist ance is needed, he/ she should leave t he
message wit h t he office st aff.

Teacher s
As t rained professionals, t eachers monit or a st udent s progress and assess her/ his achievement in a
number of areas: specific subj ect mat t er, general academic issues, and social mat urat ion. Teachers will
meet wit h parent s in December, maint ain ongoing communicat ion t hroughout t he school year, and issue
a grade each t rimest er/ quart er/ semest er ( depending upon t he course) . Communicat ions from t eachers
may t ake t he form of phone calls ( during school hours) , elect ronic st udent updat e forms, int erim report s
or ot her emails.

I f y ou hav e a quest i on about y our chi l d s pr ogr ess i n one cl ass, pl ease cont act y our chi l d s
t eacher , pr ef er abl y by emai l . By communicat ing direct ly wit h a t eacher in an open and respect ful
manner, a parent can generally solve a problem wit h anot her adult who sees t he child several days a
week. I f it appears t hat a part icular issue is beyond t he scope of t he t eachers area, t he t eacher will likely
consult wit h ot her members of our educat ional t eam, such as Depart ment Chairs, Guidance Counselors,
or Administ rat ors. As bot h school and home are concerned wit h children becoming more independent ,
t eachers and parent s should work t oget her t o encourage direct st udent - t eacher communicat ion.
Teachers will work wit h parent s t o help st udent s develop skills in t aking responsibilit y and advocat ing on
t heir own behalf.

Depar t ment Chai r s
The Depart ment Chair oversees curriculum and inst ruct ion in a subj ect mat t er. Depart ment Chairs are
t eam leaders who meet wit h t eachers regularly ( individually and in groups) t o evaluat e curriculum, t o
discuss approaches t o t eaching, and t o share ideas in a professional and collegial manner. Through
rout ine visit s t o classes, Depart ment Chairs develop a broad overview of t he t eaching and learning in t he
depart ment . I n part nership wit h t he administ rat ive inst ruct ional t eam, Depart ment Chairs conduct
t eacher evaluat ions according t o a set schedule and following t he procedures developed by t he
administ rat ion. A parent should cont act t he Depart ment Chair when s/ he has a quest ion about t he ent ire
program in t he subj ect area ( alt hough a childs t eacher would be able t o answer most quest ions of t his
t ype) , about t he hist ory of a childs progress in t his area of st udy, or on issues of course placement .
Somet imes a parent ( and/ or st udent ) may not communicat e effect ively wit h a t eacher. I n such a case, a
Depart ment Chair, like a Guidance Counselor, is in a posit ion t o facilit at e t he discussion bet ween home
and school, t eacher and st udent .

Gui dance Counsel or s
The Guidance Counselor is responsible for monit oring t he st udent s overall academic and social well-
being in school. A st udent will have one formal meet ing wit h her/ his Counselor t oward t he beginning of
t he year, and at least one ( informal or formal) opport unit y t o t ouch base lat er in t he year. Likewise,
Guidance Counselors make sure t hat t hey have spoken t o parent s ( formally or informally) at least t wice
during t he year. I n addit ion, t he Counselors read all of a st udent s academic progress report s and
st andardized t est scores.

I f y ou hav e concer ns i n gener al about y our chi l d s pr ogr ess, pl ease cont act t he Gui dance
Counsel or , w ho w i l l gat her i nf or mat i on f r om al l t he t eacher s and r espond t o y ou w i t h
f eedback , suggest i ons and r ecommendat i ons. The Gui dance Counsel or w i l l al so coor di nat e
any meet i ngs t hat mi ght be needed. Pl ease do not cont act each t eacher i ndi vi dual l y . Like our
t eachers, Guidance Counselors view t hemselves as part of an educat ional t eam. When necessary,
Guidance Counselors will discuss issues wit h t eachers, Depart ment Chairs, and Administ rat ors in order t o
work out a solut ion t o a part icular problem.

As part of our philosophy of helping st udent s grow int o t heir own, Guidance Counselors will oft en direct
st udent s t o discuss concerns direct ly wit h t heir t eachers in a respect ful, honest , and mat ure manner.

Col l ege Counsel or s
College counselors, under t he supervision of t he Direct or of College Guidance ( Ms. Susan Rexford) , work
wit h st udent s in grades 11 and 12. They are responsible for ensuring t hat our st udent s are counseled,
support ed and posit ioned t o pursue out st anding post - secondary opport unit ies. College counselors work
wit h st udent s t o ident ify colleges, universit ies, and ot her post - secondary programs t o which t hey will
apply, and t hey help st udent s navigat e t he applicat ion process. They also act as advocat es on behalf of
our School and our st udent s in t heir dealings wit h college and universit y represent at ives.

Educat i onal Suppor t Ser v i ces Facul t y
St udent s wit h document ed learning needs may be eligible for cert ain services provided by t he School.
The Educat ional Support Services t eachers are in frequent cont act wit h t hese st udent s in t heir St ruct ured
St udy Halls and also wit h t heir t eachers, Guidance Counselors, and parent s. I n addit ion, t he members of
t he Educat ional Support Services facult y are prepared t o serve as resources for t eachers, Guidance
Counselors, and parent s of st udent s who are not in t he program. The Educat ional Support Services
Depart ment Chair ( Ms. Susan Zuckerman) will handle all issues regarding st andardized t est ing for
st udent s in t he Educat ional Support Services Program.

Di r ect or of Jew i sh Li f e ( Ms. Mi r i am St ei n)
The Direct or of Jewish Life oversees t he celebrat ory, experient ial Judaic programming t hat t akes place
out side t he classroom. She plans holiday celebrat ions and Shabbat onim ( Shabbat ret reat s) and works
wit h st udent s t o design many co- curricular act ivit ies. The Direct or is prepared t o answer any quest ions
regarding t he co- curricular program, is int erest ed in hearing feedback and suggest ions, and is happy t o
hear from parent s who wish t o get involved in school programs.

Di r ect or of Ar t s Educat i on ( Dr . Dav i d Sol omon)
The Direct or of Art s Educat ion oversees all Art s- relat ed programming in t he School. This includes t he
st udent Theat er program, Art s- t hemed field t rips, st udent Art s exhibit ions, and t he int egrat ion of t he Art s
int o t he classroom. He also serves as Chair of t he Upper School Art s depart ment , overseeing curriculum
and inst ruct ion in visual art s, music, phot ography, and relat ed areas.

Upper School Admi ssi ons Di r ect or ( Ms. Robi n Shapi r o)
The Admissions Direct or conduct s t ours and int erviews for prospect ive st udent s and t heir families,
oversees t est ing for incoming st udent s, and addresses issues relat ing t o st udent ret ent ion. She helps
new st udent s t ransit ion easily int o t he Upper School and follows t heir progress t hroughout t heir first
year, and she works wit h t he Counselors t o coordinat e parent educat ion programs. She also serves as
liaison t o t he families of I sraeli st udent s enrolled in t he Upper School.

Di r ect or of At hl et i cs ( Mr . Mi chael Ri l ey )
The Direct or of At hlet ics provides administ rat ive direct ion and oversight for all middle school and high
school int erscholast ic at hlet ic programs, facilit ies, and act ivit ies. The Direct ors responsibilit ies also
include supervision of full- and part - t ime coaches and t he cert ified at hlet ic t rainer. All st udent at hlet es will
receive an At hlet ic Handbook cont aining addit ional informat ion about t he at hlet ics program.

Mi ddl e School Di r ect or ( Ms. Joan Vander Wal de)
The Middle School Direct or is responsible for t he overall school program for 7
t h
and 8
t h
grade st udent s,
ensuring t hat it addresses t he unique needs and well- being of early adolescent s. She direct s
development of t he middle school communit y, schedule, and int erdisciplinary facult y t eams. The
Direct or supervises middle school inst ruct ion, expect at ions of st udent s, communicat ions regarding
st udent s progress and school programs. Parent s may cont act t he Middle School Direct or when t hey
have quest ions concerning policies, programs and procedures.

Assi st ant Mi ddl e School Di r ect or ( Ms. I l ana Li pman)
The Assist ant Middle School Direct or is responsible for working wit h t he Middle School Direct or t o
develop and implement t he academic and co- curricular program for 7
t h
and 8
t h
grade st udent s. She
focuses in part icular on organizing t rips, special event s, and ot her communit y- building act ivit ies for
t he Middle School.

Academi c Dean
The Academic Dean is primarily responsible for guiding t he development of t he Upper Schools
educat ional program, and for t he hiring, supervision, and evaluat ion of facult y. The Academic Dean
serves as t he t eam leader of t he Depart ment Chairs and oversees t he development of curriculum. The
Academic Dean, in consult at ion wit h t he Dean of St udent s, is responsible for mat t ers pert aining t o t he
academic int egrit y of t he Upper School program.

Dean of St udent s ( Ms. Rosl y n Si egel Landy )
The Dean of St udent s is responsible for t he overall well- being of st udent s in t he school Her main
responsibilit ies are t o supervise t he Guidance depart ment , t o develop t he school schedule, t o maint ain
t he class assignment s and act ivit ies calendars, t o direct t he high school st udent assessment and progress
report procedures, and t o plan Graduat ion and ot her Senior Class act ivit ies. Parent s should call t he Dean
of St udent s when t hey have quest ions pert aining t o t he high school program.

Pr i nci pal ( Dr . Mi chael Kay )
The Principal is responsible for overseeing all element s of t he Upper School program. He works closely
wit h t he Head of School t o design and implement an inspiring educat ional vision, and he collaborat es
wit h t he facult y and administ rat ion t o guide t he academic, Judaic, and programmat ic life of t he School.
He chairs bot h t he Administ rat ive Team and t he Academic Council, convening bot h groups regularly for
discussions about academic policy, curriculum, inst ruct ional issues, and st udent welfare concerns. The
Principal also supervises hiring and personnel mat t ers.

Changes i n Academi c Pr ogr am
Changes in a st udent s academic schedule must be made prior t o t he Drop/ Add deadline and must be
made in consult at ion wit h a Guidance Counselor, a Depart ment Chair, t he Middle School Direct or or t he
Dean of St udent s. Request s for lat eral moves or changes of t eacher wit hin t he same course cannot be
grant ed.

Under some circumst ances and wit h t he consent of an administ rat or, st udent s may be permit t ed t o drop
an elect ive during t he first four weeks of a quart er/ t rimest er.

I f a senior chooses t o drop a course, s/ he must remember t hat seniors may have only one ( 1) free

I f a st udent drops an elect ive aft er t he four ( 4) week deadline, t he course will be list ed on t he st udent ' s
t ranscript wit h t he grade t o t hat point , accompanied by t he not at ion, "Wit hdrawn. "

Assi gnment Schedul e and Ex ami nat i ons
Homew or k
Homework is an essent ial act ivit y in t he learning process. Teachers assign homework t o reinforce work
done in t he classroom, t o provide opport unit ies for independent learning, t o st rengt hen concept and skill
development and t o provide enrichment .

St udent s should expect t hat homework will be assigned, reviewed and evaluat ed on a regular basis.
Middle School st udent s who do not complet e t heir work may be assigned a supervised st udy/ work period
during lunch or Club Period.


Teachers will post homework assignment s on t heir websit es. St udent s are responsible for all work
assigned in class whet her or not it is post ed on t he web.

Teachers may require st udent s t o submit work by email. Work must be submit t ed via email by t he st art
of t he class period on t he day it is due. St udent s should also bring t o class a hard copy of any work t hat
was submit t ed by email.

St udent s are expect ed t o bring homework t o class. I f a st udent leaves school early or arrives lat e,
homework must be t urned in t hat day direct ly t o t he t eacher.

St udent s are expect ed t o t ake t est s/ quizzes on t he day t hey are scheduled. I f a st udent leaves school
early or arrives lat e and misses an assigned t est / quiz; t he st udent is expect ed t o t ake t he t est / quiz on
t he assigned dat e ( before school if s/ he is leaving early or aft er school if s/ he arrived lat e t o school) .

I n order t o allow for j oyful celebrat ion of Jewish holidays, t he School has developed a number of
guidelines concerning assignment s over t hese days:
No homework ( including reading) is assigned over Jewish holidays.
No t est s or proj ect s are given during Chol Hamoed Sukkot ( t he I nt ermediat e Days of
Sukkot ) . A small amount of writ t en homework may be given during Chol Hamoed. I f a
st udent misses a t est prior t o Sukkot s/ he has t he opt ion of making up t he t est during Chol
Hamoed or wait ing unt il aft er t he holiday.
No long t erm assignment s may be due t he day aft er a Jewish holiday.
No t est s and quizzes are scheduled for t he day aft er a Jewish holiday.
No long t erm assignment s are due immediat ely aft er Passover. Long t erm assignment s
during t he t hird t rimest er of year- long courses are eit her complet ed before t he Passover
break or are assigned aft er t he Passover break. Assignment of reading is permit t ed over Chol
Hamoed Pesach ( t he I nermediat e Days of Passover) .

Test and Assi gnment Schedul e
St udent s in t he Upper School may have a maximum of t wo t est s, t wo maj or assignment s due or a t est
and a maj or assignment / proj ect due on one day. A maj or assignment includes a paper, a draft of a
paper, or a proj ect . There may be a maximum of five ( 5) exams and/ or maj or assignment s in any week
( four for Middle School. ) A maj or assignment is one t hat requires a weeks wort h of work. There can be
no t wo- day t est s, nor can t here be a t est and a maj or assignment in t he same class wit hin five
consecut ive school days.

St udent s may not have t wo t est s/ maj or assignment s from t he same discipline during t he same week.

A st udent will be given at least five ( 5) school days not ice before a t est . Teachers will sign- up for
t est s/ maj or assignment s on t he official assignment calendar, which is available t hrough t he websit e.
Alt hough t eachers will inform st udent s in class of upcoming t est s/ assignment s, st udent s should regularly
check t he websit e. St udent s who have a t est ing/ assignment conflict should see t he Dean of St udent s or
Middle School Direct or at least one day before t he dat e of t he conflict ; ot herwise no act ion will be t aken.

Test s, proj ect s and/ or assignment s are never scheduled on t he day aft er a Jewish holiday. I n addit ion,
t here is no work assigned during t he breaks bet ween t he first and second t rimest ers and bet ween t he
second and t hird t rimest ers. See Homework policy for furt her informat ion.

Hi gh School Ex t ensi on Passes
Our program requires t hat st udent s commit t ime in t he evenings and Sundays t o st udy and t o prepare
assignment s or proj ect s. At t he same t ime, t he school recognizes t hat st udent s have co- curricular and
out side obligat ions t hat somet imes int erfere wit h t heir abilit y t o complet e all work in a t imely manner. I n
most cases, st udent s can part icipat e in family event s and co- curricular act ivit ies and st ill get t he work
done. Conflict s bet ween t he t wo are somet imes unavoidable, but st udent s should not always have t o
forgo one for t he sake of t he ot her.

As a t ool t o help st udent s balance t heir obligat ions and avoid academic overload, CESJDS issues
EXTENSI ON PASSES t o all high school st udent s. The following are t he rules t hat apply t o t his policy.
Each high school st udent will have ONE ext ension pass per year in each academic class.
St udent s must fill out t he ext ension pass form and submit it t o t he t eacher at least one
school day BEFORE t aking t he ext ension pass.
Under ext enuat ing circumst ances onl y , if a st udent does not know t he day before, t he
st udent is t o fill out t he Ext enuat ing Circumst ances form and give it t o t he Dean of
St udent s t hat day. Passes t aken wit h ext enuat ing circumst ances will be reviewed by t he
administ rat ion for approval; approval is not guarant eed. A st udent may use one
ext enuat ing circumst ances ext ension pass in an academic year.
The t eacher set s t he dat e for t he make- up t est / proj ect / quiz/ homework, any t ime from
t wo days t o five days aft er t he due dat e.
I f more t han one st udent has t aken a "pass, " t he t eacher can require t hat all of t he
st udent s who used t he ext ension pass make up t he quiz/ t est at t he same make- up t ime.
St udent s not t aking a t est / quiz will be sent eit her t o t he library or t o a st udy hall during
t he period.
Ext ension passes cannot be t aken wit hin t wo days of wint er break or Pesach break. All
work must be made up by t he break, unless t here are ext enuat ing circumst ances t hat will
be addressed by t he administ rat ion. There will be a final dat e ( TBA) for ext ension passes
t owards t he end of t he t hird t rimest er.
St udent s are responsible for knowing if t hey have or have not already t aken t he
ext ension pass. Any st udent who t akes an addit ional ext ension pass in t he same class will
receive a grade of zero for t hat assignment / quiz/ t est .
Teachers may designat e cert ain t est s/ proj ect s/ assignment s for which st udent s may not
t ake an ext ension pass.

Gr adi ng and Repor t i ng St udent Pr ogr ess
The Upper School Academic calendar is divided int o t hree ( 3) t rimest ers for grades 7 - 11 and int o
( 4) four quart ers for high school elect ives and Judaic St udies courses. Report Cards are mailed home
t o parent s approximat ely t en ( 10) days following t he close of each marking period. I nt erim report s
are sent home midway t hrough each t rimest er t o inform parent s if a st udent is working at a C-
level or below or if a st udent has shown a dramat ic drop in performance. I n addit ion, t eachers send
St udent Updat e forms at any t ime in t he t rimest er t o make parent s aware of a sudden drop in
performance, missed assignment s, and/ or poor t est / quiz result s. St udent Updat es are also sent t o
inform parent s of posit ive achievement s.

Let t er grades are det ermined in t he following manner.

A = 93- 100 C = 73- 76 LC = Loss of Credit
A- = 90- 92 C- = 70- 72 College Recommended Mark = 70
B+ = 87- 89 D+ = 67- 69
B = 83- 86 D = 60- 66 Our grading syst em does not recognize A+ or D- .
B- = 80- 82 F = Below 60 All grades of D or above are passing grades.
C+ = 77- 79

Gr ade Poi nt Av er age
For t he purposes of honor roll, Dean of St udent s list , and ot her school honors, as well as for college
t ranscript s, t he School det ermines a st udent s grade point average in academic classes using a 4. 0
scale. I n high school, grades in honors and scholars classes are weight ed one point when calculat ing
t he GPA. CESJDS does not rank it s st udent s, as ranking does not fairly represent t he differences in
st udent s achievement in a small, highly academic program such as ours.

A 4. 0 B+ 3. 3 C+ 2. 3 D+ 1. 3
A- 3. 7 B 3. 0 C 2. 0 D 1. 0
B- 2. 7 C- 1. 7


St udent Eval uat i on Schedul e - Cal endar
FI RST TRI MESTER August 31 - November 24, 2009
I nt erim Report Dat e Oct ober 19, 2010 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)
SECOND TRI MESTER November 29, 2010 March 4, 2010
I nt erim Report Dat e Jan 18, 2011 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)
THI RD TRI MESTER March 5- June 17, 2011
I nt erim Report Dat e April 14, 2011 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)
Fi nal Ex ami nat i on Week f or Gr ades 9 - 11: June 13 - 17, 2011

Parent t eacher conferences for grades 7- 11 are scheduled for Thursday, December

9, 2010 and Friday,

10, 2010, t o afford parent s an opport unit y t o meet individually wit h t eachers.

I n lat e March, t eachers in full- year courses ( ot her t han elect ives and high school Judaic St udies
courses) writ e ext ensive St udent Report s. St udent report s for semest er- long Judaic St udies classes
are writ t en lat er in t he spring. These report s give each t eacher t he opport unit y t o communicat e
about a st udent s achievement beyond a let t er grade.

The Upper School Academic Calendar is divided int o semest ers for 9- 11 elect ives and Judaic St udies
courses and for t he st udent s in grade 12. Grades earned in semest er courses will be report ed on t he
t rimest er report s. I nt erim report s will be mailed home midway t hrough each quart er t o inform
parent s if a st udent is working at a C- level or below in a semest er course. I n addit ion, t eachers
send St udent Updat e forms at any t ime in t he quart er t o make parent s aware of a sudden drop in
performance, missed assignment and/ or poor t est / quiz result s. St udent Updat es are also sent t o
inform parent s of posit ive achievement s.

FI RST QUARTER August 31- November 9, 2010
I nt erim Report Dat e Oct ober 18, 2010 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)
SECOND QUARTER November 10, 2010 - January 21, 2011
I nt erim Report Dat e December 14, 2010 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)
THI RD QUARTER January 25 - March 29, 2011
I nt erim Report Dat e February 24, 2011 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)
FOURTH QUARTER March 30, 2011 - June 17, 2011
I nt erim Report Dat e May 6, 2011 ( t o Depart ment Chairs)

Fi nal Ex ami nat i on Dat es f or Gr ade 12: Januar y 31, Febr uar y 1 & 2, 2010

Academi c Honor s

Honor Rol l - Mi ddl e School
St udent s in grades 7 and 8 who earn a final academic average of 3. 50 wit h no grade lower t han a B-
are eligible for t he Middle School Honor Roll at t he end of each academic year. A st udent who was
suspended during t he school year will not be eligible, nor will a st udent who has been lat e t o school more
t han fift een t imes during t he year. St udent s are not ified by a let t er from t he Middle School Direct or of
t heir out st anding achievement ; a copy of t he let t er is placed in t he st udent s file, and t his honor is
indicat ed on t he st udent s Middle School t ranscript . The Honor Roll is not published.

Dean of St udent s Li st - Hi gh School
St udent s in grades 9- 11 wit h a final weight ed academic average of 3. 75 and no grade lower t han a B
for t he year are eligible for t he Dean of St udent s list at t he end of each academic year. A st udent who
was suspended during t he school year will not be eligible, nor will a st udent who has been lat e t o school
more t han fift een t imes during t he year. St udent s are not ified by let t er by t he Dean of St udent s of t heir

out st anding achievement ; a copy of t he let t er is placed in t he st udent s, file and t his honor is indicat ed on
t he st udent s t ranscript . The Dean of St udent s list is not published.

Honor Soci et i es
Jour nal i sm: Quill & Scroll ( I nt ernat ional Journalism Honor Societ y) was founded in 1926 at t he
Universit y of I owa by a group of j ournalism t eachers who wished t o recognize and t o reward st udent s
who have consist ent ly demonst rat ed superior work in t he writ ing, edit ing, art , or business areas of t heir
publicat ions while maint aining high st andards in t heir academic achievement s. St udent s are nominat ed
by t he advisors t o The Lions Tale, Dimensions, and Reflect ions.

Romance Languages: St udent s enrolled in French, Spanish or Lat in can be nominat ed for t hree honor
societ ies by t he Romance Languages depart ment :

The Socit Honoraire de Franais ( French Nat ional Honor Societ y) was est ablished by t he American
Associat ion of Teachers of French t o reward out st anding achievement in t he French Language,
Francophone cult ure and French Civilizat ion.

The Spanish Honor Societ y ( Don I saac Abravenel Chapt er) was founded by t he Associat ion of
Teachers of Spanish and Port uguese. The societ y select s st udent s who have shown out st anding
int erest and performance in t he st udy of Spanish.

The Lat in Honor Societ y was est ablished by t he American Classical League t o reward out st anding
achievement in Lat in and t he Roman cult ure.


Comput er Access
The Technology Cent er is open before school, at lunch t ime and aft er school. Use of t he comput ers is t o
be of an educat ional nat ure. The school is equipped wit h several hundred t ablet lapt op PCs, and t he
library and Technology Labs cont ain deskt op comput ers. Each st udent in t he Upper School is assigned a
username and password, as well as space on t he server for st orage of files.

St udent s must make t hemselves aware of t he rules and regulat ions est ablished by t he st aff for t he use of
any comput er on t he Schools net work. St udent s found t o be in violat ion of t hese rules will face having
t heir comput er privileges rest rict ed or denied. When appropriat e, furt her disciplinary act ion will be
imposed in accordance wit h school rules and/ or local, st at e and federal laws. See guidelines in Behavior
and Discipline sect ion.

The schools websit e has a secure sect ion for members of t he CESJDS communit y ( The Lions Den ) t hat
can be accessed only wit h a password. Families will receive individual password informat ion; please keep
t his informat ion privat e.

Educat i onal Suppor t Ser v i ces
CESJDS is a highly academic college preparat ory school wit h a rigorous dual curriculum of general and
Judaic st udies. CESJDS welcomes st udent s wit h document ed learning and/ or language disabilit ies if it is
det ermined t hat t hose st udent s can be successful wit hin t he guidelines of t he dual curriculum
requirement s.

St r uct ur ed St udy Hal l s
St ruct ured St udy Halls provide experiences for st udent s t o acquire organizat ion and st udy skills for
independent and cooperat ive learning, gain academic self- confidence, have an opport unit y t o begin or
complet e ext ended t ime for exams, and t o be t ut ored by privat e t ut ors ( hired by t he parent s) . Learning
specialist s in St ruct ured St udy Hall classes rout inely check assignment books, help st udent s wit h t ime

management , and provide mini st udy- skill lessons on not e t aking, t ext book reading, and t est
preparat ion. As st udent s mat ure, t hey are encouraged and expect ed t o t ake on increased responsibilit y
and gain self- monit oring and self- advocacy skills. St udent s in 7
t h
grade St ruct ured St udy Hall will also
receive ongoing st rat egy inst ruct ion in a number of areas in addit ion t o learning st udy and organizat ional

St r uct ur ed Sk i l l s Engl i sh
St ruct ured Skills English classes are offered in grades 7 and 8. They follow t he same lit erat ure and
writ ing curriculum as ot her English classes in t he grade; however, t here are fewer st udent s in each class,
and t here is an emphasis on skill building. I n addit ion, reading and writ ing assignment s are broken down
int o smaller unit s. Given a firm foundat ion, st udent s are t hen ready t o be mainst reamed int o regular
high school English classes. Any st udent in St ruct ured English must be enrolled concurrent ly in a
St ruct ure St udy Hall.

El i gi bi l i t y f or Pr ogr am
I n order t o be eligible for Educat ional Support Services in t he Upper School, st udent s must have a
complet e psycho- educat ional evaluat ion t hat includes cognit ive and achievement t est ing. This t ype of
evaluat ion provides valuable informat ion so t hat t he School can ascert ain t he specific educat ional
support s and accommodat ions warrant ed by t he st udent s individual learning needs. Test ing can be
done privat ely or, for some st udent s, t hrough Mont gomery Count y Public Schools. The lat t er opt ion is
cost - free, but it is done at t he discret ion of MCPS, whose personnel det ermine t est ing eligibilit y on a
case by case basis. The ESS Depart ment will be happy t o provide informat ion as t o how t o access
t hese services. Test ing is always required for placement in St ruct ured Skills English classes. I n limit ed
circumst ances, CESJDS will consider placement of some st udent s in St ruct ured St udy Hall wit hout
t est ing, on an individual basis. These decisions are made by t he Direct or of Educat ional Support
Services in collaborat ion wit h t he Upper School Administ rat ion and are generally limit ed t o st udent s
who are t ransit ioning int o our services, st udent s who need minimal support in St ruct ured St udy Hall
and will not receive ext ra t ime on t est s and st udent s whose financial circumst ances preclude t est ing at
t his t ime. Not e: This discret ionary placement does not include provision of ext ended t ime t est ing.

Accommodat i ons
CESJDS is able t o make some or all of t he following accommodat ions for st udent s wit h a document ed
learning or language disabilit y:
ext ended t ime t est ing as indicat ed; a st udent t aking ext ended t ime on an exam is expect ed
t o complet e t hat exam wit hin 24 hours unless t here are ext enuat ing circumst ances;
preferent ial seat ing
use of available audio books and use of t he Kurzweil 3000 soft ware syst em
use of a comput er for essay exams and in- class writ ing assignment s
implement at ion of ot her feasible recommendat ions ( as det ermined by t he School)

St udent s who are part of t he Educat ional Support Services program must be enrolled in a St ruct ured
St udy Hall in order t o receive accommodat ions. They may opt out for a semest er t o complet e required
elect ives ( e. g. , Human Development ) wit h permission from an administ rat or.

Ex pect at i ons f or Al l St udent s
All st udent s must fulfill all graduat ion requirement s, which include t he requirement t o t ake four
general st udies and t hree Judaic st udies courses each year in grades 9 t hrough 11. The Judaic
st udies courses include Hebrew language; Jewish Text , Thought and Pract ice ( JTTP) and Jewish
hist ory.
St udent s are expect ed t o complet e homework and long- t erm assignment s in t he t ime assigned,
and t hese assignment s are expect ed t o be complet ed wit hout modificat ion or abbreviat ion.

Gui dance and Counsel i ng
Guidance and Counseling is an int egral part of t he Schools t ot al educat ional program. I t s purpose is t o
promot e self- awareness, self- explorat ion, and self- expression in st udent s. Counselors work closely wit h
st udent s individually and in groups t o help t hem reach t heir great est pot ent ial.


I n grades 7 and 8, st udent s are coping wit h t he newness of adolescence; t he ways in which t hey find
t hemselves being j udged by peers and adult s and t he more rigorous demands placed on t heir academic,
social, emot ional and physical skills. Counselors help st udent s learn how t o deal wit h t he concerns of
early adolescence and help facilit at e a smoot h t ransit ion t o high school.

I n grades 9 and 10, st udent s begin t o face t he demands of high school. Through individual and group
meet ings, Counselors work t hrough academic issues and peer and parent al concerns. St udent s are
encouraged t o t ake t he most challenging program available t o t hem and are urged t o become involved in
co- curricular act ivit ies. Communit y service is an int egral part of t he CESJDS experience.

Addit ionally, in 11
t h
grade, st udent s are assigned a College Counselor who assist s t hem in post - secondary
planning. Counselors at CESJDS consider college counseling t o be an ext ension of t he individual
counseling offered t o all st udent s during t heir years at t he School. The goal is t o help st udent s explore a
wide range of post - secondary school possibilit ies so t hat t hey are in a posit ion t o make informed and
appropriat e decisions about t his next st ep in t heir educat ion. Counselors meet wit h all j uniors and t heir
parent s for an evening session early in t heir j unior year t o out line what is involved in t he college
select ion process. Each family receives a copy of The College Handbook, prepared by t he Counselors,
t o aid t hem in t heir college search. Following t his meet ing, j uniors have t he first of many individual
conferences wit h t heir College Counselor ( parent s are encouraged t o at t end) t o explore specific college
opt ions and plans. College Counselors st ay in close cont act wit h t heir st udent s t hroughout t his t ime
period and are always ready t o respond t o t he queries, comment s, and anxiet ies t hat undoubt edly arise.

The guidance depart ment is also a resource for summer programs, co- curricular and communit y service
ideas, volunt eer/ work- relat ed opport unit ies and int ernships. Addit ionally, t he Counselors serve as a
resource for psychological and educat ional referrals and provide lit erat ure about st andardized t est ing and
ment al healt h and wellness.

The obj ect ive is t o help st udent s emerge as responsible, caring and self- direct ed young adult s who are
ready t o meet t he challenges of societ y.

When a st udent needs t o see her/ his Counselor s/ he must obt ain permission t o see t he Counselor from
bot h t he classroom t eacher and t he Counselor prior t o t he meet ing t ime.

School Recor ds
1. The guidance office maint ains individual records for all st udent s and official t ranscript s for high
school st udent s. The official t ranscript includes: courses t aken, grades received, credit awarded,
dist ribut ion of grades in a part icular course, st andardized t est scores, co- curricular act ivit ies and
honors/ awards received.
2. A copy of a st udent s record or official t ranscript will be forwarded t o anot her educat ional
inst it ut ion upon t he writ t en request of t he family. Advance not ice of at least one week is
3. Each st udent should ret ain for her/ his own file copies of report cards, let t ers of recommendat ion
and cert ificat es of merit and/ or achievement s from programs in which s/ he part icipat es.
4. No st udent records will be forwarded unless t he financial account is current .

Heal t h Room
St udent s should have a not e from a t eacher t o be admit t ed t o t he Healt h Room. The nurse will sign t he
not e for t he st udent t o ret urn t o class. I f a st udent goes t o t he Healt h Room and t he nurse is
unavailable, t he st udent must obt ain permission from an administ rat or t o remain in t he Healt h Room. A
st udent who is ill and wishes t o call a parent t o go home must do so from t he Healt h Room.

St udent Assi st ance Pr ogr am
The goal of t he St udent Assi st ance Pr ogr am is t o ident ify st udent s demonst rat ing signs of possible
involvement wit h high- risk act ivit ies such as alcohol and/ or drug use or violent / dest ruct ive behavior.

Anonymous concern forms are available for st udent s, st aff and parent s privat ely t o refer a st udent about
whom t here is a concern t o a t rained t eam of CESJDS st aff ( t he St udent Assist ance Team. ) The
anonymous form can be placed in locked drop boxes locat ed t hroughout t he building, mailed in t o t he
at t ent ion of St udent Assist ance at t he school, or submit t ed elect ronically t hrough t he school websit e.
When deemed appropriat e, t he t eam confident ially collect s behavioral observat ions from st aff who are
familiar wit h t hat st udent . I f t he result s of t his inquiry indicat e significant concern about behavior
demonst rat ed in school, members of t he St udent Assist ance Team will meet wit h t he parent s and
st udent . The t eam will t hen refer t he st udent and parent s t o a professional assessor who can provide a
free and confident ial assessment .

Li br ar y
The Upper School Library has fict ion and non- fict ion books for grades 7- 12. The collect ion also includes
comput er resources, an ext ensive Judaic and Holocaust collect ion, periodicals on bot h secular and Judaic
t opics, and audio- visual mat erials. The Library offers st udent s and facult y access t o t he Schools online
cat alog, many CD- ROM resources and subscript ion dat abases, word processing programs in bot h English
and Hebrew, and t he I nt ernet .

St udent s may borrow most mat erials for t wo weeks, wit h t he except ion of reference works and videos.
All st udent s should ret urn library mat erials on t ime. Report cards will be held unt il all library mat erials
are ret urned, replaced, or paid for.

The Library is open Monday t hrough Thursday from 7: 30 AM t o 5: 30 PM and Friday from 7: 30 AM t o t he
close of school. No eat ing or drinking is permit t ed in t he library.

Tut or i al Ser v i ces
The Writ ing Cent er is open every school day during high school lunch and Club Period. The Cent er, which
is locat ed in t he at rium, offers const ruct ive feedback and assist ance t o st udent writ ers working on any
writ ing proj ect at any st age in t he process. St udent s should sign up in advance for sessions wit h
qualified t ut ors on t he sheet locat ed at t he recept ionist ' s desk.

During lunch and Club Period, st udent s who need ext ra help in mat h or Hebrew can use t he services of
t he mat h lab or Hebrew lab. I n addit ion, a st udy room is available during lunch and Club Period.

A peer t ut oring program is in place in t he Upper School. I t serves appropriat ely t o mat ch volunt eer high
school t ut ors wit h middle school and high school st udent s in need of peer academic support . A st udent
who wishes t o make use of peer t ut oring services should cont act her/ his Counselor.

Parent s may make privat e arrangement s wit h professional t ut ors t o work wit h t heir st udent s at school.
This t ut oring can t ake place during t he st udent s st udy hall, lunch, Club Period, or before or immediat ely
aft er school. All t ut ors who t ut or in t he Upper School building must regist er wit h Ms. Susan Zuckerman,
Chair of Upper School Educat ional Support Services. Ms. Zuckerman may be reached at ext . 4939 or
szuckerman@cesj ds. org.


Mi ddl e School ( Gr ades 7 and 8)
Cur r i cul um/ Academi c Requi r ement s
The Middle School program is int ended t o address t he needs of young adolescent s. The curriculum is
challenging, but ample support s are accessible t o st udent s inside and out side of t he classroom t o help
t hem achieve success in t he present and prepare for furt her academic challenges in t he fut ure.

Middle School st udent s are required t o t ake t wo- years of t he following subj ect s: English, Hebrew, hist ory,
mat hemat ics, physical educat ion, science, Tanakh ( Bible) and Toshba ( Rabbinics) . St udent s in grades 7
and 8 have one elect ive period each year. Elect ive courses may be chosen from t he following areas:
Spanish, st udy hall, visual art s, performance art s and t echnology. A complet e descript ion of t hese
courses is available on t he CESJDS webpage ( www. cesj ds. org) or from t he Upper School Admissions
Direct or.

St udent s are expect ed t o successfully complet e all courses. St udent s who fail ( F ) a course must make
up t he course in summer st udy. The st udent must receive prior approval from t he Middle School Direct or
for make- up st udy and t o ret urn t o school t he following year . St udent s who fail more t han one course
for t he year may not be permit t ed t o ret urn t o CESJDS for t he following academic year.

Academi c Suppor t s and Saf et y Net s
Luncht ime and Club Period labs: Mat h and Hebrew labs are held several t imes a week during t he
Middle School lunch period and during Club Period. St udent s are invit ed t o have lunch and learn
wit h t he t eachers who run t he labs.
I ndividual appoint ment s wit h t eachers: St udent s may arrange t o meet wit h t eachers before or
aft er school or during lunch or Club Period.
Peer t ut oring: Based on availabilit y and suit abilit y, High School volunt eer peer t ut ors can be
mat ched wit h Middle School st udent s. St udent s seeking peer t ut ors should speak wit h t heir
Writ ing Cent er for Middle School is available during Club Period.

Adv i sor y
The Advisory program helps 7
t h
and 8
t h
graders become aware of and responsible for t he various
challenges t hey face during a t ime of rapid change in t heir lives. Advisory groups meet regularly wit h
Counselors who, t hrough discussions, act ivit ies and individual conferences build t rust ing advisor/ advisee
relat ionships for t he purpose of communicat ion, as well as personal, academic and social development .

Pl acement
The Middle School Direct or and Assist ant Direct or, in consult at ion wit h t eachers, depart ment chairs, and
Counselors, are responsible for st udent placement . St udent s are grouped het erogeneously in English,
hist ory, science, physical educat ion and elect ive classes. Placement in Hebrew language courses is
det ermined based upon performance on t he placement exam ( given t o all incoming st udent s) and
recommendat ions from 6
t h
grade Hebrew t eachers. Tanakh ( Bible) and Toshba ( Rabbinics) classes are
leveled based on Hebrew language abilit y and pat t erns of achievement in t he underst anding and
int erpret at ion of classical Jewish t ext s. Mat hemat ics classes are leveled according t o pat t erns of
mat hemat ics achievement . When appropriat e, special circumst ances and concerns may be considered in
placement decisions. Parent or st udent request s for lat eral moves or changes of t eacher cannot be

St andar di zed Test i ng
The ERB Comprehensive Test ing Program is administ ered t o 8
t h
grade st udent s.

Hi gh School ( Gr ades 9 - 12)
Cur r i cul um and Gr aduat i on Requi r ement s
Beginning wit h t he Class of 2007, in order t o meet t he graduat ion requirement s of CESJDS, st udent s
must successfully complet e t he following course of st udy beginning in t he nint h grade:

English 4. 0 Credit s Human Development 0. 5 Credit
Hist ory 3. 5 Credit s Physical Educat ion 1 Credit
Science 3. 5 Credit s Elect ives 4 Credit s
Mat hemat ics 3. 5 Credit s Communit y Service 80 Hours
Hebrew Language 2 3. 5 Credit s Minyan Grades 9 - 12
Jewish Hist ory & Jewish Text 6. 5 - 8 Credit s

Only courses t aken in grades 9 - 12 earn credit .

St udent s must successfully complet e all required courses, including senior elect ives. All senior work must
be complet ed t wo weeks before graduat ion in order for a st udent t o part icipat e in graduat ion ceremonies.
" D" is t he School' s passing grade, while " C" is t he college recommending grade. St udent s who fail ( "F") a
required course must make up t he course in summer st udy. Barring except ional circumst ances, a st udent
cannot make up more t han one course failed in one school year. The st udent must receive prior approval
for make- up st udy from t he Dean of St udent s. St udent s who receive more t han one "F" in academic
courses as a final grade may not be permit t ed t o ret urn t o CESJDS. I t is also recommended t hat st udent s
who receive a grade of "D" repeat t hat course in summer school.

St udent s t ransferring from anot her Jewish day school or from a school in I srael must have sat isfied t he
requirement s of t hat school in order t o enroll at CESJDS.

St udent s t ransferring from schools ot her t han day schools aft er 9
t h
grade are responsible for fulfilling all
CESJDS graduat ion requirement s in Hebrew and Judaic St udies. Up t o one credit in Hebrew language
may be waived, at t he discret ion of t he Principal. A plan for fulfilling t hese requirement s should be
devised wit h t he Admissions Direct or, Principal and Academic Dean prior t o enrollment at CESJDS.

These guidelines apply only t o st udent s who need t o st udy abroad for a year because t heir families spend
t ime out side t he U. S. This policy is applicable if t he st udent is abroad for one year only. I n one year, t he
st udent will be lacking t hree Judaic st udies credit s.
The Hebrew credit will be waived if t he st udent fit s int o a regularly scheduled Hebrew class t he
year s/ he ret urns.
One or t wo credit s in Judaic st udies must be made up during t he summer at t he parent s expense
or during an elect ive period in t he remaining year( s) t he st udent is at CESJDS. There is no
guarant ee t hat t he schedule will allow t he st udent t o t ake t he course during t he school year.
Up t o one credit may be sat isfied wit h an independent st udy in Judaic st udies under t he direct ion
of t he Principal.

CESJDS ext ends t he privilege of early graduat ion t o t hose I sraeli st udent s whose families are ret urning t o
I srael at a t ime t hat would int erfere wit h t heir graduat ion from high school and mat riculat ion t o college,
or who upon complet ion of one year of college in t he Unit ed St at es plan t o ret urn t o I srael t o ent er t he
I srael Defense Forces. This privilege is available ONLY t o I sraelis who are in t he Unit ed St at es
t emporarily. All academic requirement s must be fulfilled, including communit y service. Anyone
considering t his opt ion should cont act her/ his Guidance Counselor.

The school does not offer summer school classes but will, if we have available facult y, provide privat e
t ut orials as a service t o families who request t hem.
Tut orials are generally available t o st udent s wit h special learning needs, st udent s who have been
out of school for an ext ended t ime, st udent s who have failed a course or st udent s wit h ot her
unusual circumst ances.
The t ut orial must fulfill t he requirement s of a credit , which is 80 cont act hours wit h a t eacher. I n
order t o issue credit , t he School must employ t he t eacher. I n rare circumst ances, wit h prior
approval, t he School may allow a st udent t o t ake a t ut orial wit h a t eacher not employed by t he
The course t aken as a t ut orial will be list ed as a t ut orial on t he st udent s t ranscript .
Our abilit y t o offer a t ut orial is dependent on our finding a facult y member t o t each t he course.
As a t ut orial is not required and not included in t uit ion, t he cost of t he t ut orial is t he
responsibilit y of t he parent s. The cost is dependent on t he size of t he group and must be paid t o
t he School.
For addit ional informat ion, please cont act t he Dean of St udent s.

Cl ass Pl acement and Honor s/ Schol ar s Cour ses
Honors and Scholars courses are offered in t he following depart ment s: English; Hebrew; hist ory; Jewish
hist ory; Jewish Text , Thought and Pract ice; mat hemat ics; science and Spanish. Crit eria for honors
placement differ in each depart ment but include any or all of t he following: past performance,
st andardized t est result s, t eacher and Counselor recommendat ions, st udent int erest , and qualit y of work
samples. The Academic Dean, in consult at ion wit h t eachers, Depart ment Chairs, and Guidance
Counselors, is responsible for st udent placement .

St andar di zed Test i ng
On Wednesday, Oct ober 13, 2010, at 8: 00 AM t he PSAT will be given t o all sophomores and j uniors. The
PLAN ( American College Test ) is available t o sophomores on Tuesday, November 02, 2010, at 8: 00 AM
( Professional Day) . St udent s are aut omat ically regist ered for t he PSAT. They must sign up in Guidance
t o t ake t he PLAN.

SATs I & I I




Oct 18, 2010


Sept 12, 2010


Nov 08, 2010


Oct 24, 2010


Dec 06, 2010


Dec 12, 2010


Jan 24, 2011

CESJDS April 10, 2011


Mar 14, 2011*


June 12, 2011


May 02, 2011


Jun 06, 2011



,a D1au .1au r U1oD 'u
Do not separate yourself from the community. Avot 2:5
The concept of tikkun olam--repairing the world--describes the obligations incumbent upon each
of us to make the world a better place for ourselves and our community.
The CESJDS Mission Statement states that one of the Schools goals is to prepare students to
confront the society in which they find themselves and to work toward its perfection. Our
community service program was designed with this goal in mind.
:` urp uaa `'aa 11r'D .Uvr `1`' u`ar 11r`'U 1D 11r`' '11>
Great is the study of Torah because study leads to action.
Talmud Bavli Bava Kama 17a
We want our students to apply the Jewish values taught in their classrooms to the lives they lead
outside of the classroom. In order to accomplish this goal, we have established the following
guidelines for our community service program.
Students are required to complete a total of 80 hours before graduating from CESJDS. At
least 60 of these hours must be performed after the student has completed 8
(that is, a student may earn credit for up to 20 hours of community performed during
Middle School). This requirement applies to lateral entry students as well.
All projects must be approved by the students Guidance Counselor. Details and proposal
forms may be found on the School website.
Students may begin accumulating hours toward their community service requirement
during the summer after 6
Transcripts will not be sent out to colleges until a student has completed the community
service requirement.
Guidance Counselors and the Director of Jewish Life are prepared to assist students in finding a
community service project.
Listings of approved service opportunities and procedures are available in the Guidance office and
on the school website.
See page 25 for additional information concerning after school guidelines.
ID Badges
The safety and security of everyone in our building is of utmost importance. The showing of IDs by
students and faculty and the wearing of Guest stickers by parents and visitors are both required. If a
student loses her/his badge, he/she may purchase a new one. IDs should be presented to the security
guard or an admnistrator when requested. The badge is the property of CESJDS and can be revoked at
any time.
Building Access
When students have no official reason to be in the building, their access to the building may be
restricted. However, students who have forgotten something in their locker may enter the building to
retrieve what they need as long as there is a guard at the station.
Items that are too large for student lockers are to be placed in the closet outside of the cafeteria. Large
items are not to be left on the floor in front of the students locker or in the reception area/front office.
Parents and Visitors
Parents and graduates are welcome in the building at any time during the day. Parents and graduates will
be asked by the guard to state the reason for their visit. After school, parents are welcome in the building
to see games or performances or to attend parent meetings and other official programs. The guard will
ask parents to show identification, and he/she may cross-check the identification with the information in
Sefer Echad. Parents should understand that after hours, sections of the building may be closed off.
During the day, non-parent visitors must have an official reason for entering the building. The guard will
not let such a visitor into the building until approved by the school official waiting for the visitor. At no
time during the day are non-CESJDS students (elementary through high school) allowed into
the building unless the visit has been approved by a school administrator.
Emergency Evacuations
Since the safety and security of students is the primary concern, evacuation/fire drills will be held
periodically. Students are to remain silent and proceed to the designated area for their respective
classrooms, where attendance will be taken. If an alarm should sound during a non-scheduled class time
such as lunch or change of classes, students are to quickly and quietly exit the building and proceed to
the designated area for their Period 1 classes. Visitors should follow the person or group they are visiting
to the designated areas.
In the event of an evacuation before or after school, all students, staff, and visitors are to leave the
building through the nearest exit and proceed to the tennis court area.
Harassment and Abuse
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual attention from students, teachers, staff, parent
volunteers, or any other person during the course of the students activities at the school. The range of
behaviors included in this definition is broad but generally includes: unwelcome or inappropriate sexual
advances in verbal, physical, visual, digital and/or electronic form; verbal or written comments of a sexual
nature; obscene language addressed to the victim; hostility toward the victim on the basis of sex; subtle
pressure for sexual activity; or leering, pinching, patting, and other forms of unwanted touching. Such
unwanted sexual overtures are strictly prohibited at the School in all relationships among students and
between students and any School employee.
Students are encouraged to report incidents of sexual harassment to a member of the guidance staff or
administration with whom they feel most comfortable.
Once a charge has been brought to the attention of a Guidance Counselor, the School will commence an
investigation of the incident and will inform the parents of the students involved. It is expected that those
involved with a sexual harassment investigation will protect the confidentiality of all information relating
to the case. Sexual harassment is regarded by the School as an extremely serious offense, in violation of
an individuals civil rights as well as of Jewish law and ethics. If, after investigation of an incident, a
student is found to have engaged in sexual harassment, such activity may be considered grounds for
suspension or dismissal from the School. There will be no retaliation of any kind by the School for
reporting suspected incidents of harassment, and retaliatory acts by students will not be tolerated.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is defined as any act or acts involving sexual molestation or exploitation of a child or any
person, including, but not limited to, contact for the purpose of sexual gratification, voyeurism, exposure,
sexual advances, sexual crime in any degree, and encouraging or engaging in obscene or pornographic
display, photographing, filming, or depiction of a child as prohibited by law. If a student is aware of any
act of sexual abuse, the student should report it to a member of the guidance staff or administration.
Large Item Storage


The School may cont act t he police regarding serious allegat ions of abuse or molest at ion and will assist in
prosecut ing such cases.


A variet y of co- curricular act ivit ies is offered in t he School. A complet e list of t he co- curricular
act ivit ies is available on t he CESJDS websit e. Announcement s are made at t he beginning of each year
concerning int roduct ory meet ings.

El i gi bi l i t y Requi r ement s
St udent s who part icipat e in all co- curricular act ivit ies are represent at ives of t he School and of t he
communit y. They are expect ed t o maint ain high st andards of personal conduct and academic

St udent s who part icipat e in co- curricular act ivit ies are not excused from t heir academic responsibilit ies.
All assignment s must be complet ed on t ime. There may be occasions when a st udent will have t o miss
class( es) due t o a school- scheduled game/ act ivit y. St udent s are responsible for informing t he t eacher
bef or e t he missed class and are responsible for all work complet ed in t he class. Any work t hat is due
during t he missed period is t o be submit t ed before t he st udent leaves for t he act ivit y. I n case an act ivit y
is canceled ( e. g. , inclement weat her) , st udent s should be prepared t o do any of t he expect ed class work
including t est s and quizzes. I f a t est / quiz will be missed, t he st udent should make up t he quiz/ t est during
lunch or st udy hall or in a t est make- up session bef or e t he t est ( 6: 55 AM t est makeup session) .

Mi ddl e School :
1. Any Middle School st udent who is earning one ( 1) F or t wo ( 2) Ds as a course grade in
academic classes anyt ime during t he year will be placed on co- curricular probat ion for a t wo-
week period of t ime.
2. During t hat t ime t he st udent may cont inue t o part icipat e in pract ices, rehearsals, games and
meet ings only so long as he or she shows evidence t o t he his/ her Counselor of academic
improvement . The st udent s grades will be monit ored for a t wo week period. Each week, an
updat ed report will be request ed in order t o det ermine if t he st udent s grades have been brought
up sufficient ly for t he st udent t o cont inue t o play. While a st udent at hlet e is on probat ion, t he
At hlet ic Direct or will need t o approve any early dismissals from class due t o at hlet ic compet it ion.
3. At t he end of t he t wo- week probat ionary period, a st udent who has raised her/ his grades will be
allowed t o cont inue t o play on t he t eam, so long her/ his grades do not fall again. I f t he grades
fall again, t he st udent will be suspended from co- curricular act ivit ies for t he season.

Hi gh School :
1. Any st udent who is earning one ( 1) "F" or t wo ( 2) "D' s" in academic classes anyt ime during t he
year will be suspended for t hree ( 3) weeks from pract ices, games, and meet ings.
2. St udent s will have t hree ( 3) weeks t o bring up t heir grade( s) . At t he end of t he t hree ( 3) week
period, an updat ed report will be request ed t o det ermine if t he st udent can be reinst at ed t o t he
act ivit y or if t he suspension will remain in effect .
3. I f a st udent has been reinst at ed and her/ his grades fall again, t he st udent will be suspended for
t he season.
4. St udent s involved in co- curricular act ivit ies who do not work t o t heir full pot ent ial in t he
classroom, whose behavior is inappropriat e, or who have poor at t endance risk being suspended
from t he t eam or act ivit y.

St udent s who are assigned a det ent ion must serve t he det ent ion on t he dat e assigned, unless he/ she has
a previously scheduled medical appoint ment or professional t ut oring appoint ment . Co- curricular
act ivit ies do not t ake precedence over det ent ions. St udent s may not miss classes for play rehearsal;
work on yearbook, newspaper, et c. ; or at hlet ic pract ice unless t hey have received permission in advance
from an administ rat or.


At hl et i cs
The School offers a program of int erscholast ic at hlet ics in sport s on t he Middle School, j unior varsit y and
varsit y levels. More specific informat ion is available online and in t he At hlet ics Handbook. All st udent
at hlet es must read t heir At hlet ic Handbook and are held responsible for all guidelines st at ed in t he
Handbook. For daily at hlet ic informat ion, visit t he websit e or call t he At hlet ic Hot line 301- 692- 4989. A
physical exam and medical release are required t o part icipat e in at hlet ics.

'), ! ;&"! .3"8 +;9&; %:3
Mak e y our st udy a f i x ed pr act i ce. Av ot 1: 15

The first bell rings at 7: 55 AM, and Minyan begins at 8: 00 AM for all st udent s. I n or der t o get t he
most out of school and i n or der t o avoi d di sr upt i ng ot her s, st udent s need t o ar r i ve at school on
t i me. The number of days on which a st udent was absent from or t ardy t o school will be indicat ed on
each report card and t ranscript . The school day ends at 3: 45 PM, except on Fridays during t he wint er
mont hs when t he school day ends at 2: 18 PM. For secur i t y r easons, al l st udent s must show t hei r
I D badges w hen t hey ent er t he bui l di ng.

ABC Day s
The Upper School operat es on a block schedule. The schedule will rot at e:
A Day - Periods 1- 6
B Day - Periods 7- 9, 1- 3
C Day - Periods 4- 9
Days will be indicat ed on calendars at t he beginning of t he school year. , This year, in t he event of a
school cancellat ion, t he schedule of A, B, and C days will not be modified. For example, if Tuesday is
scheduled t o be a " B" day and it is canceled for snow, t hen Wednesday will st ill be a C day.

The different daily schedules are found in t he St udent / Parent handbook and on t he websit e. St udent s
and parent s should familiarize t hemselves wit h t hese schedules.

Ar r i val and At t endance
Unex pect ed Absences
For t he st udent s prot ect ion, parent s should call t he at t endance administ rat or, 301- 692- 4903, by 9: 00
AM if t heir child is t o be absent t hat day. Parent s can leave a voice- mail message at 301- 692- 4903
t went y- four hours a day. When leaving a voice- mail message, parent s should leave a dayt ime phone
number where t hey can be reached.

Tar di ness To School
A st udent is considered on t ime for school if he/ she is present at her/ his Minyan at 8: 00 AM.
At t endance for school is t aken as st udent s ent er Minyan; st udent s who are t ardy t o Minyan
regardless of whet her t hey were in t he School building before 8: 00 AMare considered t o be lat e
t o school.
Car- pooling wit h Lower School st udent s and a parent s difficult y in leaving home in a t imely
manner are not deemed t o be ext enuat ing circumst ances. Any st udent who has been t o a
doct or/ dent ist in t he morning should bring a not e from t hat office.

St udent s who are chronically lat e t o school will not be permit t ed t o part icipat e in co- curricular
act ivit ies.
The number of days on which a st udent is t ardy t o school will be indicat ed on each report card
and t ranscript .

Det ent i on
Det ent ions assigned by a t eacher are held at lunch or during Club Period. Det ent ions assigned by an
administ rat or as a consequence for repeat ed or serious misconduct is held for one hour, eit her before or
aft er school. A st udent serving det ent ion must sit quiet ly. St udent s may be called upon t o do work t o
aid t he School communit y.

I l l nesses and Mak e- up Pr ocedur es
When st udent s are ill, t hey should st ay home and recuperat e before ret urning t o school. I t is expect ed
t hat st udent s who are ill will make up missed work. When a st udent is out for a short period of t ime ( 1- 3
days) , s/ he should visit each t eachers websit e t o get her/ his assignment s. I f a st udent is absent t hree
days or more, t he st udent ( or a parent ) should cont act t he st udent ' s Counselor, who will arrange for
assignment s t o be collect ed and will discuss how work and assessment s can be made up in a reasonable
and t imely manner. I n any case, when t he st udent ret urns t o school, s/ he should check wit h each
t eacher t o make cert ain all work has been made up. A st udent has a number of days equal t o number of
t he days absent t o make up homework assigned during t he absence, and an equal number t o make up
t est s.
St udent s who are absent one day and ret urn on t he day of a t est / quiz must t ake t he t est / quiz
unless t here are ext enuat ing circumst ances, in which case t he st udent should not ify his/ her
St udent s are expect ed t o know t hat t hey must sign up for make- up t est s and quizzes
immediat ely upon t heir ret urn t o school.
I f a st udent is out for part of a day, t he st udent is st ill required t o t ake t hat t est / quiz before or
aft er school on t he same day.
St udent s can make up t est s at 6: 55 AM, during st udy hall, during lunch ( if it is not a full period
t est ) , during Club Period, or aft er school.
The final decision concerning t est s and quizzes will be made by t he t eacher, in consult at ion wit h
t he administ rat ion.

Mak e- up Test s and Assi gnment s
I f a st udent has a one- day absence on t he day an assignment is due or when a quiz or t est is scheduled,
t he st udent should be prepared t o submit t he assignment or t ake t he quiz/ t est t he day of her/ his ret urn.
A penalt y will be imposed for a long- t erm assignment t hat is submit t ed aft er t he due dat e. I f t here are
ext enuat ing circumst ances, t he st udent should cont act t he t eacher t he day t he assignment is due.
Depending upon t he circumst ance, t he t est / quiz can be made up before or aft er school, during lunch or
Club Period, in st udy hall, or in class.

St udent s who are absent from a specific class- - including st udent s who leave for at hlet ic event s and ot her
official act ivit ies- - are required t o submit any assignment s due t hat day t o t he t eacher on t hat day. I f a
st udent will miss a quiz or a t est under t hese circumst ances, t he st udent is required t o inform t he t eacher
t he day before in order t o t ake t he quiz/ t est before school t hat day. For ext enuat ing circumst ances, t he
st udent should see t he t eacher, Counselor, Dean of St udent s, Middle School Direct or or At hlet ics
Direct or.

St udent s who miss required field t rips for any reason may be required t o complet e a make- up
assignment t o be det ermined by t he depart ment sponsoring t he t rip.

I f t here are ext enuat ing circumst ances t hat prevent a st udent from complying wit h t hese make- up
procedures, t he st udent ( or parent ) should cont act t he st udent ' s Counselor.

Mak e- Up Ti mes
St udent s can t ake makeup t est s and quizzes Monday t hrough Friday at 6: 55 AM, in a st udy hall during
t he day, during Club Period, or Monday t hrough Thursday at 3: 50 PM, unless special arrangement s are
made wit h t he t eacher. St udent s must sign up t o t ake makeup t est s; t elling t he t eacher t hat t hey will
make up a t est is not sufficient . I f t he st udent does not sign up, t he t est will not be in t he make- up
folder. I n order t o insure t hat a st udent ' s make- up t est is available, a st udent must sign up on t he
make- up t est board by t he end of t he middle school lunch period. Ex t ended t i me st udent s MUST not ify
t he t eacher if t hey plan t o finish a t est at 3: 50 PM on t he same day t he t est is given. We will make every
effort for ext ended t ime t est s t o be available at 3: 50 PM, but t his may not always be possible.

Absence/ Lat eness f or Fi nal Ex ams Due t o Ex t enuat i ng Ci r cumst ances
I f a st udent is ill on t he day of a final exam, s/ he must call her/ his t eacher, t he depart ment chair, or t he
Dean of St udent s before t he st art of t he exam.
A st udent who is lat e for a final exam will not receive ext ra t ime unless t here are ext enuat ing
circumst ances. I f possible, t he st udent should call ahead t o alert t he office t o t he sit uat ion. St udent s
should plan t o arrive at least fift een minut es early for finals.

Chr oni c Absent eei sm, Tar di ness, and Loss of Cr edi t
Classroom work is a vit al aspect of a st udent s educat ion. I f a st udent misses more t han 10% of any
class- - regardless of whet her t he absences are excused or unexcused- - s/ he may lose credit in t hat
course. I n such a case, t he st udent will receive no grade for t he course. A st udent who receives a loss
of credit and/ or F in t wo or more academic courses for a final grade will not be allowed t o advance t o
t he next grade level at CESJDS. The only except ions will be for document ed, ext ended or on- going
medical circumst ances. A writ t en appeal should be made t o t he Principal.

A st udent in grades 7- 11 is considered t o be chronically lat e t o class if s/ he has been lat e more t han five
t imes in any t rimest er or four t imes in a quart er. A senior is considered t o be chronically lat e t o class if
s/ he has been lat e more t han four t imes in any quart er. Her/ his grade will be lowered t hree percent age
point s for t hat grading period.

Unex cused Absence f r om Cl ass
An absence from class is considered unexcused if a st udent does not have legit imat e permission t o be out
of t hat class.

Part icipat ion in classroom discussion and act ivit ies is a crucial component of t he CESJDS academic
experience. Therefore, a st udent who is absent from class wit hout a legit imat e, document ed excuse will
receive an academic penalt y. The st udent will eit her receive a zero for work due/ done t hat day or
her/ his final grade for t hat grading period will be lowered by t hree percent age point s, whichever of t he
t wo penalt ies is great er. A st udent who is sent t o t he office for disciplinary reasons may be subj ect t o
t he same penalt ies.

Fami l y Tr i ps
Ext ended family t ravel during t he school year is discouraged. Such an ext ended absence must be
approved by t he Principal at least t wo weeks prior t o t he absence. Any st udent who knows in advance
t hat s/ he will be out of school is required t o inform her/ his classroom t eachers t wo weeks ahead of t ime.
Unless alt ernat ive arrangement s are made, all assignment s are due on t he day t he st udent ret urns, and
s/ he is expect ed t o t ake any assigned quizzes or t est s on t he day s/ he ret urns. The absences are
considered part of t he 10% absence limit at ion even if t he absence is approved. Absences due t o
ext ended t ravel t hat are not approved are considered t o be unexcused, and academic penalt ies will be

St udent Guest s
St udent s who want t o bring an out - of- t own visit or t o school must submit a request form ( available in t he
recept ion area) t o t he Dean of St udent s ( grades 9- 12) or t he Middle School Direct or ( grades 7 & 8) at

l east f i ve ( 5) day s BEFORE t he visit . Cert ain t imes of t he year are not conducive t o visit s. St udent s
are not permit t ed t o bring guest s on class t rips. No local st udent s may visit t he School during school
hours, unless special permission has been grant ed by t he Dean of St udent s, t he Middle School Direct or or
t he Admissions Direct or.

Ear l y Depar t ur e
A st udent leaving school early must t urn in t he excuse not e t o t he office upon ent ering school in t he
morning. Not es will be verified wit h parent s by t elephone. A pass will be issued for t he pre- arranged
t ime. No st udent will be permit t ed t o leave a class for an early dismissal wit hout a pass. St udent s must
sign out at t he recept ion desk upon leaving t he building and sign in if ret urning lat er t hat day.

A st udent who forget s t o bring an early dismissal not e will be released only if an administ rat or can reach
her/ his parent s.

When t here is an emergency and st udent s need t o be picked up duri ng t he school day, parent s should
phone t he office in advance t o arrange t o pick up t he st udent at t he recept ion area. St udent s will be
permit t ed t o leave school only wit h a person whose aut horizat ion from t he parent has been verified. The
school st rongly discourages t he use of cabs for t ransport ing st udent s. I n an emergency, cabs will be used
wit h t he permission of a parent and t he approval of an administ rat or.

Of f - Campus Pr i vi l eges
A senior or a j unior has off- campus privileges if her/ his parent s have submit t ed t he signed permission
form for t his privilege. St udent s can lose t his privilege if t hey abuse it or if t here are ot her behavioral or
disciplinary concerns. I n addit ion, t hose who abuse t his privilege can be subj ect t o ot her disciplinary
act ion. These are t he condit ions and limit at ions of t his privilege:

Seniors may leave school grounds only during lunch or a free period.
Juniors may leave school grounds only during lunch.
Seniors and j uniors must sign out at t he guards desk when leaving campus and sign back in
upon t heir ret urn.
Seniors driving off campus may NOT t ake any passengers. Juniors may only walk if t hey go off
Seniors and j uniors who leave campus are expect ed t o be in all classes on t ime.
Seniors may not loit er in t he parking lot and must drive wit h caut ion t hrough t he lot .
Seniors and j uniors who leave campus must underst and t hey represent CESJDS in t he
communit y. All applicable school rules apply.
Seniors and j uniors may not bring cooked food from non- kosher rest aurant s int o school.

Ot her t han seniors and j uniors wit h writ t en permission, st udent are not permit t ed t o leave school
grounds during t he school day if t hey have not followed t he early dismissal procedures ( see above) . I n
addit ion, non- seniors ( ot her t han j uniors during lunch) may not leave t he building and ent er t he schools
parking lot during school hours unless t hey have administ rat ive approval. St udent s who violat e t hese
rules may be subj ect t o suspension or ot her disciplinary act ion, as t hey have seriously compromised t he
schools abilit y t o safeguard t heir well- being during t he school day.

Af t er School
Mi ddl e School
From 4: 00 PM unt il 5: 30 PM Monday t hrough Thursday, Middle School st udent s may st ay aft er school
only t o work in supervised areas ( st udy hall, Library, Technology Lab) , meet wit h a t eacher, or
part icipat e in aft er- school act ivit ies. At 5: 30 PM, st udent s must be in a supervised act ivit y or should
leave t he building or wait in t he front of t he building wit h t he guard. Aft er 5: 30 PM, st udent s who are
wait ing for rides must wait in t he guards area or out side t he front door of t he building.

On Friday, st udent s must leave t he school 15 minut es aft er dismissal unless t hey are wit h a t eacher.

Hi gh School
From 4: 00 PM unt il 5: 30 PM, Monday t hrough Thursday, High School st udent s may st ay aft er school t o

work in super v i sed areas ( st udy hall, Library, Technology Lab) or ot her open areas of t he school, meet
wit h a t eacher, or part icipat e in aft er- school act ivit ies. High School st udent s are given t he privilege t o
work in open areas ( not classrooms) as long as t hey act responsibly and make sure t hey keep t hese
areas neat and clean. Aft er 5: 30 PM, st udent s who remain t he in building must be in a supervised act ivit y
or should leave t he building. St udent s who are wait ing for rides must wait in t he guards area or out side
t he front door of t he building.

On Friday, st udent s must leave t he school 15 minut es aft er dismissal unless t hey are wit h a t eacher.

St udent s who leave t he building aft er school and ret urn for an act ivit y may be asked by t he guard for
t heir st udent I D.

Eat i ng and Dr i nk i ng
Eat i ng Ar eas
As a means of respect ing and prot ect ing t he schools propert y and equipment , t here is t o be no eat ing in
t he halls or in t he classrooms ot her t han during t eacher- direct ed act ivit ies. The only except ion is t hat
st udent s may have a wat er bot t le in t heir classes. Open cans or cont ainers of beverages should not be
carried t hrough t he halls or st ored in lockers.

Lunch Ti me
Middle school st udent s must report t o t he cafet eria at t he beginning of t he lunch period. From
t here, t hey may sign out t o go t o one of t he designat ed alt ernat ive luncht ime areas ( meet ing
rooms, t est make- up, academic help cent ers, Library, et c. )
St udent s who wish t o see an individual t eacher/ Counselor must have a not e from t hat
t eacher/ Counselor in order t o be excused from t he lunch room.
High School st udent s may eat in t he cafet eria, t he out door eat ing area, or in ot her supervised
areas of t he building ( at rium, alcove, et c. ) , provided t hat t hey leave t he areas clean and do not
disrupt Middle School classes.
Each st udent must clean up her/ his lunch space before leaving t he cafet eria or out door eat ing
When leaving t he out door eat ing area, st udent s may go only t o t he at hlet ic fields, t ennis court s,
soft ball field, and blackt op. They may not congregat e in t he parking lot .
All eat ing must be done in t he designat ed areas. No food or drink may be brought t o t he at hlet ic
St udent s, ot her t han seniors and j uniors who sign out t o go off campus, must reent er t he
building t hrough t he out door eat ing areas ent rance t o t he lunch room.
St udent s are responsible for being on t ime for t heir aft er- lunch classes.

See Kashrut policy for det ails concerning foods permit t ed in t he building and on school- sponsored t rips.

School Lunches
The School lunch program is designed t o provide each part icipat ing st udent wit h sufficient food for each
lunch period. School lunches are available only for t hose st udent s who have paid for t hem. Once a
st udent has signed up for a lunch plan, her/ his st udent I D card will be programmed wit h her/ his
part icular plan. Therefore, st udent s need t heir I D cards t o ent er t he lunch line. A st udent who has
forgot t en her/ his I D over five t imes during a session may not receive lunch, unt il he/ she has purchased
a new I D. Because t he amount of food prepared each day is int ended t o be sufficient for t hose st udent s
who have purchased lunch, it is unet hical and inappropriat e for st udent s who part icipat e in t he lunch
program t o share food wit h ot her st udent s.
When going t hrough t he lunch line, st udent s may not get ext ra food t o give t o a friend.
St udent s on t he lunch plan are ent it led t o pick what t hey would like from t he menu. This does
not mean t hat t hey can get one of everyt hing and give what t hey dont want t o someone else.
Food is available in t he office for t hose st udent s not on t he lunch plan who forget t o bring a
lunch. These st udent s should not ask someone t o get t hem food from t he cafet eria.

All individual lunches/ snacks brought int o school must be dairy or pareve ( i. e. , non- meat ) .

Seniors and j uniors wit h off- campus privileges may not bring cooked food from non- kosher rest aurant s
ont o campus.

Seni or Lounge
The Senior Lounge has been designat ed as a rest and relaxat ion area for seniors during t imes when t hey
have no scheduled class. Seniors who use t he lounge during free periods are responsible for remaining
quiet and for keeping t he area clean. Seniors may eat lunch in t heir alcove ONLY if it remains quiet and

School Cl osi ngs and Del ay ed Openi ngs/ Cl osi ngs
I n t he event of inclement weat her result ing in t he closing of school or a delayed opening, t he school
follows t he decision of Mont gomery Count y Public Schools ( MCPS) for t he first day of t he
closure/ delay. For example, if MCPS is closed for t he full day, CESJDS is closed for t he full day. I f
MCPS opens t wo hours lat e, CESJDS opens t wo hours lat e.

I f MCPS is closed for mult iple days consecut ively as t he result of a weat her event , CESJDS does not
necessarily follow t he pract ice of MCPS aft er t he first day and may make an independent decision.

I n cases t hat may necessit at e an unscheduled early dismissal or affect aft er- school act ivit ies, t he school
will make an independent decision as t o t he t ime of t he dismissal and t he st at us of aft er- school act ivit ies.

I f t here is inclement weat her on a day when MCPS is already scheduled t o be closed, CESJDS will make
an independent decision regarding whet her t o close for t he day, t o open on a delayed schedule, or t o
open on t ime.

I nformat ion regarding inclement weat her schedules is recorded on t he school voice mail greet ing and is
e- mailed t o parent s. I nformat ion is also announced on t he radio ( WTOP, WMAL) and on t he t elevision:
Channel 4 ( NBC) , Channel 7 ( ABC) , Channel 9 ( CBS) and Channel 8 ( local access- cable) .

Ear l y Di smi ssal Pl an
On cert ain occasions, when it is deemed necessary t o have an unscheduled early dismissal from school,
t he following procedure may be implement ed:
All st udent s will remain in t heir classrooms or anot her designat ed area unt il carpools arrive and
names are called.
Facult y and st aff members will visit each classroom t o obt ain a list of st udent s who are unsure
of t heir t ransport at ion arrangement s. These facult y and st aff members will call parent s ( or
ot her designat ed emergency cont act persons) and t hen give t hose st udent s inst ruct ions about
how t o proceed.
Carpool drivers will come t o t he guards desk, or ot her designat ed area, wit h a writ t en list of
st udent s t hey pick up. St udent s will be cont act ed and will t hen report t o t he front lobby area.
Buses will leave at t he t ime of official dismissal.
St udent s who have a personal vehicle at t he school will be allowed t o leave if weat her permit s.
Ot herwise, parent s will be not ified t o make arrangement s for t heir children t o leave school.

St udent Tr anspor t at i on and Par k i ng
The School provides bus service on a fee basis. See Sefer Echad for more det ails. St udent s who violat e
school rules on t he bus ride t o and from school are subj ect t o t he Schools discipline procedures and may
lose t heir bus privileges.

Car pool s
For t he safet y of all st udent s, we encourage parent s dropping st udent s off t o do so on school propert y in
designat ed locat ions. We have st aff available during carpool t o assist families in get t ing everyone t o

school in a t imely and safe manner. The School has developed procedures t hat allow for a smoot h and
safe carpool syst em. Carpool drivers will drop off and pick up st udent s at t he sidewalk closest t o t he
facult y/ st aff parking lot . I t i s i mper at i ve t hat al l st udent s w ho use t he car pool cr oss at t he mai n
cr ossw al k i n f r ont of t he school . I f possible, st udent s should ent er and exit t he car on t he drivers
side. Caut ion must be used if st udent s will ent er or exit on t he passengers side. Due t o st udent safet y
issues, please do not drop- off st udent s along Boiling Brook Parkway or in ot her non- designat ed areas.
However, if you decide t o drop off st udent s off school propert y, please do so in a parking area such as
KosherMart . Please do not park or drop off st udent s in Nashs Carpet parking lot because your car may
be t owed. I t is ext remely dangerous t o drop off st udent s on st reet s adj acent t o t he school, especially
Boiling Brook Parkway. These st reet s are heavily t raveled and are not monit ored by t he School or local

Handi capped Par k i ng
The handicapped parking spaces should at NO t ime be used for st udent drop- off or pick- up. Only
vehicles t hat have a handicapped license plat e or permit are allowed t o use handicapped spaces.

Publ i c Tr anspor t at i on
The School is accessible by Met ro ( Red Line, Whit e Flint St at ion) and Ride- On bus # 38. Ride- On bus # 38
t ravels a rout e bet ween Mont gomery Mall and Wheat on St at ion and may be a good t ransport at ion opt ion
for some st udent s living along t he rout e.

All st udent s under 18 are able t o ride free on Mont gomery Count ys Ride- On bus syst em weekdays from
2: 00 PM unt il 7: 00 PM, year round. The free fares apply t o st udent s at bot h independent and public
schools. St udent s may use t heir st udent I D cards t o obt ain bus passes. At t he t ime t he pass is issued,
each st udent will also receive a st udent responsibilit ies list and st udent bill of right s. Should eit her of
t hese be violat ed, t he t ransit aut horit y reserves t he right t o suspend t he st udent s free use of t he Ride-
On syst em. The passes are issued for a period of one year and may be renewed.

St udent s should be reminded t hat t he Ride- On bus st op is in front of a privat e home. Since t he school
want s t o maint ain a good relat ionship wit h it s neighbors on and near Boiling Brook Parkway and Hunt ers
Lane, st udent s are urged t o wait at t he bus st op quiet ly and t o be sure t hat any lit t er is picked up before
t hey board t he bus.

Call Mont gomery Count y Transit ( 301- 217- 7433) for furt her informat ion regarding bus rout es.

St udent and Vi si t or Par k i ng Dur i ng t he School Day
I f a st udent wit h school parking privileges is seen driving in an unsafe manner, he/ she subj ect t o losing
his/ her school parking privileges. St udent drivers must regist er t heir cars wit h School officials and must
park only in t he lot adj acent t o t he t ennis court s. The lot direct ly in front of t he Schoo=s ent rance is for
facult y and st aff. Guest s should be aware t hat t here are t wo 15 minut es parking spaces for t hose who
st op briefly at t he School, and t hat t here is t o be no parking in t he reserved parking spaces.

Parking spot s are reserved for administ rat ors who come in and out of t he building during t he school day.
Those spaces are reserved 24 hours a day. Please do not park in t hose spaces at any t ime.


Admi ssi ons
The Upper School welcomes applicat ions from qualified candidat es who are int erest ed in an int ensive
Jewish educat ion in a rigorous, engaging, dual- curriculum program. St udent s who complet e our Lower
School do not need t o submit an applicat ion for ent ry int o our 7
t h
grade program; however, mat riculat ion
int o t he sevent h grade is subj ect t o t he review of t he Middle School Direct or in consult at ion wit h t he
Lower School ( see Re- enrollment policy) .


St udent s from ot her Jewish day schools may ent er at any grade level. St udent s from public or non-
Jewish independent schools may ent er in grades 7- 9. St udent s may ent er in grade 10 when specific
requirement s are met . For furt her informat ion, cont act t he Upper School Admissions Direct or.

Re- enr ol l ment
I n cases of st udent s who experience serious academic and/ or behavioral difficult ies, t he School may deny
re- enrollment for t he following year. Every effort will be made t o alert families t o such a possibilit y as
early as possible; however, in ext reme cases t he School reserves t he right t o make re- enrollment
decisions at t he end of t he year even aft er re- enrollment cont ract s have been ret urned. I n such cases,
t he School will make every effort t o counsel families and t o assist t hem in finding a more suit able
placement for t heir child.

Wi t hdr aw al
Parent s who need t o wit hdraw t heir child during t he school year should cont act t he st udent s Counselor
concerning wit hdrawal procedures. All wit hdrawal request s must be put in writ ing and direct ed t o t he
Business Office. Families who know early t hat t heir child will not re- enroll for t he following academic
year are asked t o inform t he st udent s Counselor.

Leav e of Absence
A leave of absence may be request ed by parent s whose st udent s are going t o be away from t he School
for a period of one year or less. Parent s should cont act t he School as soon as possible. For a leave of
absence from 7
t h
or 8
t h
grade, parent s should cont act t he Middle School Direct or. For a leave of
absence during High School, parent s should cont act t he Dean of St udent s. The School has st rict
requirement s for t he grant ing of a leave of absence, but we are happy t o work wit h families t o det ermine
suit able arrangement s.

St udent Resi dence
The Schools policy is t o enroll st udent s who reside wit h a parent or anot her legal guardian.

Separ at i on f r om School
The School reserves t he uncondit ional right t o suspend, expel or deny re- enrollment t o any st udent at
any t ime for academic, behavioral, or at t it udinal reasons if it concludes t hat CESJDS is not an appropriat e
school for t he st udent , or if t he parent s/ guardians relat ionship wit h t he School becomes uncooperat ive.


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I n God s goodness cr eat i on i s r enew ed cont i nual l y The Shachar i t Ser v i ce

The Charles E. Smit h Jewish Day School t akes pride in it s commit ment t o serve a broad spect rum of t he
Jewish communit y. The Schools religious guidelines have been developed t o preserve t he specific
pluralist ic vision of t he CESJDS communit y.

I sr ael
The creat ion of t he St at e of I srael is one of t he seminal event s in Jewish hist ory. Recognizing t he
significance of t he St at e and it s nat ional inst it ut ions, we seek t o inst ill in our st udent s an at t achment t o
t he St at e of I srael and it s people as well as a sense of responsibilit y for t heir welfare.


Mi ny an
Each school day includes wit h morning t efillot ( prayers) . The morning service ( in Hebrew, it is called
Shacharit ) provides st udent s wit h opport unit ies for worship, int rospect ion, reflect ion and communal
gat hering. As we face each new day, t he lit urgy serves as a daily reminder of essent ial Jewish values
such as t he import ance of st udy, respect for ot hers, I srael and t ikkun olam ( repairing t he world) . As a
communit y school, we have a pluralist ic vision for worship experiences. This philosophy is reflect ed in
our underst anding t hat st udent s come wit h different personal ideas about prayer and spirit ual expression.
The School offers several opt ions for Minyan in bot h Middle School and High School. Some of t hese
opt ions involve t radit ional, lit urgical prayer, while ot hers incorporat e experient ial act ivit ies pert aining t o
Jewish learning, worship, cult ure or art s. All Minyan opt ions provide opport unit ies for learning and for
st udent leadership.

A complet e, descript ive list of Minyan opt ions for 2010- 2011 may be obt ained from t he Principal.

St udent s cannot be involved in any ot her school- relat ed act ivit y during Minyan, nor can t hey be in
meet ings wit h t eachers or Counselors.

Kashr ut Pol i cy
One way in which we maint ain t he communal nat ure of CESJDS by adopt ing communit y norms t hat
enable as many Jewish families as possible t o feel comfort able in our school environment . Therefore,
kashrut st andards are maint ained t hroughout t he School. I t is of paramount import ance t o t he fabric of
daily school life t hat t hese guidelines be followed by all st udent s and families.

School Lunches
All individual lunches must be dai r y or par ev e ( non- dai r y and non- meat ) .

Caf et er i a
The kit chen is under t he full- t ime supervision of t he Vaad Harabanim of Great er Washingt on ( Rabbinical
Council of Great er Washingt on) .

School Pr ogr ams
No meat product s are t o be brought int o t he school.
Home- baked or - cooked foodseven from a kosher homeare not allowed t o be shared
communally. They may be brought in individual st udent lunches, provided t hat t hey are dairy or
Kashrut is observed at all school- sponsored event s, including t hose out side t he School facilit ies.
I f out side cat ering services are used for a School event , t he provider of t hese services will be
under t he supervision of t he Vaad Harabanim of Great er Washingt on ( Rabbinical Council of
Great er Washingt on) or anot her accept able agency of Rabbinical supervision.

Kosher Pr oduct s
When st udent s are asked t o bring in food for special classroom act ivit ies, t hey are permit t ed t o bring only
sealed, st ore- bought it ems wit h an approved kashrut cert ificat ion symbol. Some examples of accept able
symbols include t hose appearing below, t hough t here are ot her accept able symbols as well. I f you have
quest ions about accept able kashrut cert ificat ion, please cont act t he Food Service Manager or t he

As part icipant s in co- curricular act ivit ies, st udent s may become involved in t he planning of food

funct ions. No food funct ion can be planned wit hout t he part icipat ion of t he co- curricular advisor, who is
responsible for following t he Schools kashrut policy for such act ivit ies. The School will only aut horize
rest aurant s or cat erers approved by t he Vaad Harabanim of Great er Washingt on or by anot her
accept able agency of Rabbinical supervision.

Fami l y Cel ebr at i ons
So t hat all st udent s can feel comfort able and respect ed, t he School asks t hat st udent s and t heir parent s
provide kosher food at bat / bar mit zvah celebrat ions and ot her part ies t o which CESJDS st udent s are
invit ed. I f a bat / bar mit zvah recept ion is not kosher- cat ered, t he School asks t hat kosher food be
provided for t hose at t endees who do observe kashrut . Quest ions about kashrut should be direct ed t o
t he Principal.

Shabbat and Hol i day s
The beaut y and meaning of Shabbat are an int egral part of our schools curriculum and spirit . While
t here are different pat t erns of observance among our st udent body, we st rive t o creat e an environment
in which a broad segment of our st udent s can feel comfort able and can be exposed t o diverse
approaches. Toward t hat goal, t he following guidelines should be followed:
No School business is t o be conduct ed by st udent s, st aff or parent s from t he beginning of
Shabbat ( or fest ivals) unt il t he end of Shabbat ( or fest ivals) . Please consult t he school calendar
for candle light ing and Havdalah t imes ( t imes for t he beginning and ending of Shabbat ) .
School programs occurring on Sat urday night will not st art earlier t han one hour aft er t he end of
Shabbat .
We encourage st udent s t o t ake st andardized t est s ( SATs and ACTs) on t he Sunday t est dat es.
See St andardized Test ing and t he calendar for a list of t hese dat es and t est locat ions, and see
t he College Guidance Office for inst ruct ions on request ing a Sunday t est dat e.
We encourage st udent s t o plan t heir privat e part ies so as not t o coincide wit h Shabbat . The
Upper School Admissions Direct or has informat ion concerning home hospit alit y near synagogues
for st udent s invit ed t o a bat / bar mit zvah celebrat ion who do not ride in an aut omobile on
Shabbat .

Our School does not seek t o define or j udge an individual st udent s pract ices. Rat her, our goals are:
t o fost er an environment in which st udent s wit h different approaches t o Jewish belief and
pract ice feel comfort able and respect ed
t o provide st udent s wit h an underst anding of diverse approaches t o Judaism
t o promot e int eract ion among st udent s wit h diverse perspect ives and t o encourage st udent s t o
learn from one anot hers approaches.

We encourage all our st udent s t o view Shabbat as an island in t ime ( Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschels
phrase) in which t hey and t heir families can grow spirit ually and emot ionally. Many st udent s and t heir
families have found Shabbat t o be an invaluable opport unit y t o share t he past weeks learning or t o
discuss ideas, t hought s, and feelings in general. Shabbat can be a wonderful t ime for st udent s and t heir
families t o rediscover each ot her aft er a busy week of school and work.

Homew or k
The School has developed specific guidelines concerning assignment s over Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
See Homework policy.

Shabbat oni m
St udent s in grades 8- 12 have t he opport unit y t o spend Shabbat t oget her in a school- sponsored
Shabbat on ( at Capit al Camps and Ret reat Cent er for grades 8, 9 and 12; out side Philadelphia for grade
10; in New York Cit y for grade 11) . The Shabbat onim allow st udent s t o bond wit h all t heir classmat es,
t o experience a vibrant Shabbat at mosphere, t o get t o know CESJDS facult y in an informal set t ing and
t o enj oy t he camp or cit y facilit ies.

Our guidelines for Shabbat onim are designed t o promot e t he building of communit y and t o fost er t he
t hree goals of Jewish pluralism out lined above. Shabbat will be celebrat ed t oget her wit hin a framework
t hat is j oyful, pluralist ic, and t radit ional. St udent s are encouraged t o be open t o learning from one

anot hers approaches. Opport unit ies for bot h highly t radit ional and more progressive forms of worship
will be provided on every Shabbat on.

No st udent s, chaperones, or ot her visit ors may drive t o or from t he Shabbat on locat ion during Shabbat
wit hout prior aut horizat ion from t he Principal.

Pr i v at e Par t i es
We ask parent s t o be sensit ive t o t he religious diversit y of t he st udent bodyespecially wit h regard t o
kashrut and Shabbat when planning a privat e part y.

Tr i ps
School- sponsored t rips and Shabbat onim are an int egral part of t he co- curricular school program.
St udent s in good st anding ( academically and behaviorally) are welcome t o part icipat e in all school-
sponsored field t rips. Absence from required programs is considered as absence from class, and st udent s
who miss required t rips will have t o complet e an assignment on t he t rips t heme, or when possible, make
up t he act ivit y at anot her t ime. I n addit ion t o whole grade t rips, individual classes occasionally t ake day
t rips. When t his happens, school buses and/ or t he Met ro or parent drivers will be used for t ransport at ion.
Parent s will be not ified in advance of such t rips. CESJDS facult y members always accompany st udent s on
school t rips.

When a st udent is part icipat ing in a special t rip, act ivit y or program t hat result s in missing ot her classes,
it is t he st udent s responsibilit y t o inform her/ his t eachers in advance. St udent s are responsible for all
work due t hat day and should be prepared for class in t he event t he act ivit y is post poned or canceled for
any reason.

St udent s must remember t hey are represent ing everyone at CESJDS wherever t hey go. The behavior of
every st udent is expect ed t o be above reproach.

The CESJDS Dress Code applies t o t rips unless ot herwise informed by t he t rips coordinat or. On t rips
out side of School, male st udent s are encouraged t o keep t heir heads covered. They are not required t o
do so, unless a member of t he facult y indicat es t hat headcovering is required for a part icular t rip.
Examples of such t rips may include, but are not limit ed t o, visit s t o synagogues or cert ain performances.

Any food purchased or consumed by st udent s on School- sponsored t rips must follow t he same guidelines
as food t hat is brought int o t he School for individual st udent lunches ( see School Programs, above) . I f
a meal at a rest aurant is included as a formal component of t he t rip, it will t ake place at a rest aurant t hat
is cert ified as kosher.

For evening t rips, please cont act t he securit y guard for current informat ion: 301- 881- 1400 ext ension

St udent s who demonst rat e inappropriat e behavior in school or who have poor at t endance records may
not be allowed t o part icipat e in school t rips.

Assembl i es
At various t imes during t he year, t he ent ire school or select ed grade levels ( or classes) will at t end special
gat herings. These programs are int egral part s of school life because t hey allow us t o celebrat e,
commemorat e, and supplement classroom learning in unique ways.

St udent s are expect ed t o ent er and leave t hese gat herings quiet ly and respect fully, and t o follow any
announced seat ing guidelines. St udent s who act inappropriat ely during such gat herings will be seen by
an administ rat or, and disciplinary procedures will be implement ed.


Et hical, respect ful and responsible behaviors are prerequisit es t o learning, and t he Charles E. Smit h
Jewish Day School communit y expect s t hose behaviors from all of it s members. To t hat end, t he School
has developed a specific list of behavioral expect at ions t hat set t he proper t one for a school and can
serve as a guide for st udent s for bot h t he present and t he fut ure.

Al cohol and Ot her I l l egal Dr ugs
The possession and use of alcohol, t obacco and ot her drugs are bot h dangerous and illegal. CESJDS
st udent s are prohibit ed from possessing, using, dist ribut ing, and being under t he influence of alcohol,
t obacco and ot her illegal drugs anywhere on School grounds or at any School- sponsored act ivit y.
St udent s are not permit t ed t o share or dist ribut e any medicat ions. St udent s violat ing t hese rules are
subj ect t o disciplinary consequences t hat may include dismissal from t he School, suspension, prohibit ion
from part icipat ing in t he Senior Trip t o Europe and I srael, and police referral. The severit y of t he
consequence will be det ermined by t he School administ rat ion and will depend upon mult iple fact ors,
including t he specific circumst ances of t he act ion and t he st udent s record of prior behavior. Addit ionally,
because every member of t he CESJDS communit y is expect ed t o uphold t he values of t he communit y at
all t imes, and because we t ake a keen int erest in t he development of our st udent s bot h inside and
out side t he classroom, st udent s who are found t o have used or possessed alcohol or ot her drugs out side
of school may be subj ect t o disciplinary act ion by t he School as well.

I n order for t he School t o maint ain a healt hy working and educat ional environment , no st udent may
smoke in t he School building, anywhere on School grounds, at any School- relat ed act ivit ies or off campus
during school hours. St udent s violat ing t his rule are breaking t he law and are subj ect t o suspension
and/ or dismissal from t he School.

Parent s need t o be mindful of t heir legal and moral responsibilit ies when host ing t eens in t heir homes.
The welfare of t he ent ire CESJDS communit y is at st ake when parent s allow unsupervised part ies in t heir
homes and condone t he use of alcohol or ot her drugs.

Danger ous I t ems
St udent s may not have in t heir possession any weapon ( including a t oy weapon) or ot her dangerous
it ems on School grounds or at a School- sponsored act ivit y. This includes, but is not limit ed t o, any t ype
of gun, knife, blade, club, met al knuckles, mace, and chemical spray. St udent s in violat ion of t his rule
are subj ect t o having any such it em confiscat ed and t o disciplinary act ion t hat may include dismissal from
t he School, suspension, prohibit ion from part icipat ing in t he Senior Trip t o Europe and I srael, and police

Pot ent i al l y Di sr upt i ve I t ems
Handheld elect ronic devices such as cell phones and iPods can be used for const ruct ive educat ional
purposes, but t hey also have t he pot ent ial t o be disrupt ive. These devices must remain t urned off and
out of sight during t he school day ( including passing t imes and lunch) , unless a t eacher allows st udent s
t o use t hem as part of an educat ional act ivit y. During st udy hall, st udent s may list en t o music wit h
headphones, at t he discret ion of t he t eacher. St udent s who violat e t hese rule risk having t hese it ems
confiscat ed. A st udent who violat es t hese rules for a t hird t ime will be assigned an aft er- school
det ent ion.

There is t o be no rollerblading, scoot ering, skat ing or skat eboarding inside school at all or on school
propert y bet ween 7: 30 AM and 5: 30 PM.

Audio or visual recordings of any t ype are prohibit ed while on t he CESJDS propert y or while at t ending
any off- campus, School- sponsored event , such as field t rips, wit hout t he express writ t en permission of
t he Head of School or Principal. This includes, but is not limit ed t o, audio and/ or visual recording devices
such as camcorders, t ape recorders and camera phones. Failure t o comply wit h t his regulat ion may
result in sanct ions from t he School as well as possible local, st at e, and federal legal ramificat ions.


The only except ions t o t his regulat ion are during sport ing event s and award ceremonies. Any recordings
made during t hese event s must be for personal use only and not violat e any local, st at e or federal
regulat ion. These recordings may not be post ed for public viewing wit hout t he permission of t he School
as well as any person or persons who may be ident ified in t hese recordings. Any quest ions about t his
policy or when recordings may be made should be direct ed t o t he Head of School or Principal.

St udent s may use a camera in school on Yom Haat zmaut , Purim, Color War and t he last day of school.

Fi ght i ng
&) ,$- .*-%; .&%5$9& .&-: :8"
Seek peace and pur sue i t . Psal m 34: 15

I t is inevit able t hat conflict s will arise bet ween people in t his communit y. St udent s whose conflict
has become part icularly heat ed should seek t he help of a peer, a t eacher, a Counselor or anot her
adult t o resolve t he disput e in a peaceful and const ruct ive manner. Physical fight ing during school
hours or on School grounds at any t ime is complet ely prohibit ed. Because t he appearance of fight ing
is so harmful t o our communit y values, play- fight ing, including snowball or wat er fight s, is forbidden.
St udent s who allow a disput e t o result in a verbal or physical fight are subj ect t o disciplinary act ion
t hat may include suspension and/ or dismissal from t he School.

St udent s who wit ness a fight should alert a st aff member. St udent s who encourage fight s, even by
st anding by wit hout get t ing help, will be subj ect t o disciplinary act ion.

Thef t and Vandal i sm
'), " ;&"! .+-:, +*-3 "*"( +9"( 0&// *%*
Let anot her s pr oper t y be as pr eci ous t o y ou as y our ow n. Av ot 20: 15

Respect for anot hers propert y, whet her an individuals or an inst it ut ions, is a basic principle of t his
communit y. Theft is t he t aking of propert y wit hout specific permission. Vandalism is t he defacing or
damaging of anot hers propert y. I ncluded in vandalism is t he deliberat e misuse of t he Schools comput er
net work as st at ed in t he Technology Agreement . St udent s who st eal or vandalize are subj ect t o
disciplinary act ion t hat may include financial penalt ies, loss of privileges, suspension, dismissal from t he
School, and police referral. The severit y of t he consequence will be det ermined by t he School
administ rat ion and will depend upon mult iple fact ors, including t he specific circumst ances of t he act ion
and t he st udent s record of prior behavior.

Har assment
(*, )* !98*& .+&/, +39- ;"%!&
Lov e y our nei ghbor as y our sel f . Lev i t i cus 19: 18

Harassment is defined as t roubling, annoying, or t orment ing anot her person t hrough verbal, physical,
visual, digit al and/ or elect ronic means . Sexual harassment is t he act of unwelcome or inappropriat e
sexual advances, whet her verbal, physical, visual, digit al, and/ or elect ronic. These behaviors will not be
t olerat ed wit hin our communit y as t hey are in opposit ion t o our most basic et hical considerat ions.
St udent s violat ing t his rule are subj ect t o aft er- school det ent ion, suspension ( in or out of school) and/ or
dismissal from t he School, prohibit ion from part icipat ion in t he Senior Trip t o Europe and I srael, and/ or
police referral. The severit y of t he consequence will be det ermined by t he School administ rat ion and will
depend upon mult iple fact ors, including t he specific circumst ances of t he act ion and t he st udent s record
of prior behavior.

Rudeness or I nsubor di nat i on
&), ! ;&"! .;&5* .*15 9"2" .$!% -, ;! -"8/ %&%
Gr eet ev er y per son cheer f ul l y . Av ot 1: 15

A st udent who demonst rat es direct disobedience t o an adult in t he School or rudeness t o an adult or
st udent shows serious disrespect for our communit y values. A st udent who is rude or disrespect ful
may be sent t o speak wit h an administ rat or. Following t he conversat ion, t he administ rat or will
cont act t he st udent s parent s and may assign t he st udent disciplinary consequences ( such as
det ent ion or suspension from ext ra- curricular act ivit ies) . Repeat ed disciplinary referrals for
disrespect , or even a single incident t hat is deemed t o be part icularly hurt ful or egregious, may result
in suspension from school.

Rudeness and disrespect in t he classroom can be highly disrupt ive t o t he academic progress of t he
class. St udent s who repeat edly disrupt a class in t his way may be subj ect t o academic penalt ies in
t he Class Part icipat ion component of t he course grade.

I nappr opr i at e Language
!,, (* *-:/ .0&:-% $*" .**(& ;&&/
Li f e and deat h ar e i n t he pow er of t he t ongue. Pr ov er bs 18: 21

The use of obscene or racially, et hnically, or sexually offensive language causes great damage t o t he
st abilit y of t his learning communit y and t herefore is not t olerat ed. St udent s who use such language
are subj ect t o disciplinary act ion and possibly suspension/ or dismissal from t he School. The severit y
of t he consequence will be det ermined by t he School administ rat ion and will depend upon mult iple
fact ors, including t he specific circumst ances of t he act ion and t he st udent s record of prior behavior.

Cheat i ng and Pl agi ar i sm
&, #, ;&/: .8(9; 98: 9"$/
Keep f ar f r om f al si t y . Ex odus 23: 6

St udent s at CESJDS are expect ed t o uphold values of personal int egrit y and honest y. A st udent who
plagiarizes or cheat s has act ed in a manner cont radict ory t o t he values of our School, our communit y,
and our t radit ion. St udent s who engage in cheat ing or plagiarism will receive serious academic penalt ies
( see following sect ion on consequences) .

Plagiarism is using anot her persons words or ideas wit hout giving credit t o t he ot her person. When you
use someone elses words, you must put quot at ion marks around t hem and give t he writ er or speaker
credit by revealing t he source in a cit at ion. Even if you revise or paraphrase t he words of someone else
or j ust use t heir ideas, you st ill must give t he aut hor credit in a not e. Not giving due credit t o t he creat or
of an idea or [ t o his or her] writ ing is very much like lying. I f you didnt t hink of it and writ e it all on
your own, and you didnt cit e ( or writ e down) t he sources where you found t he ideas or t he words, it s
probably plagiarism ( St udent Cheat ing and Plagiarism in t he I nt ernet Era, 2000) .

A st udent is plagiarizing when s/ he:
uses someone elses words wit hout quot at ion marks and cit at ion
paraphrases wit hout giving credit
uses someone elses ideas wit hout giving credit

All of t his applies t o quot at ions and ideas from books, int erviews, int ernet sit es, magazines and/ or class
not es.

For proper cit at ion st yle, High School st udent s should consult The Brief Penguin Handbook; Middle School
st udent s should consult Writ ers I nc.

Cheat ing is [ depriving] of somet hing valuable by deceit or fraud ( Webst ers Third New I nt ernat ional
Dict ionary) . This includes copying anot hers work or giving away ones own work, whet her on t est s,
quizzes, homework or papers. I f you had any help t hat you dont want your t eacher or parent s t o know
about , you probably cheat ed ( St udent Cheat ing and Plagiarism in t he I nt ernet Era, 2000) .

A st udent is cheat ing on homework when s/ he:
copies someone elses homework
gives her/ his homework t o someone for copying
A st udent is cheat ing on quizzes/ t est s when s/ he:
has and/ or uses unaut horized mat erial during a t est / quiz
t alks during a t est / quiz wit hout express permission of t he t eacher
looks at anot her st udent s t est / quiz
obt ains a copy of a t est / quiz beforehand
discusses or shares any part of a t est / quiz wit h ot hers who have not yet t aken it
looks up informat ion or not es bet ween sect ions of a t est / quiz administ ered wit h ext ended
t ime
A st udent is cheat ing on a paper or essay when s/ he:
submit s anot hers work as her/ his own
submit s ones own work t hat was complet ed in anot her course wit hout prior approval of bot h
t eachers
gives someone her/ his work which could result in t hat person using it as her/ his own
uses someone elses out line t o writ e a paper or essay
has someone else writ e t he paper for him/ her
obt ains and submit s as ones own work a paper from an int ernet sit e or ot her locat ion
violat es any of t he plagiarism definit ions cit ed above

The above examples are int ended t o be illust rat ive, not exhaust ive.

Paramet ers for group work are set by individual t eachers. However, group work never means direct or
indirect copying from anot her st udent s work.

When a st udent put s her/ his name on somet hing, s/ he is indicat ing t hat t he work is her/ his own; if a
st udent s name is t he only name t hat appears, t he st udent is indicat ing t hat t his is t he work of t hat
st udent , working alone. When st udent s work t oget her on anyt hing and creat e a document , t he names of
every aut hor must appear on t he submit t ed work.

Consequences f or Pl agi ar i sm and Cheat i ng

1. Where t he fact s and circumst ances of plagiarism or cheat ing are clear, t he t eacher will ent er a
zero* for t he assignment . I n addit ion, t he st udent s parent s will be informed, a not at ion will be
placed in t he st udent s file, and t he st udent may also be suspended from co- curricular act ivit ies.

* I n Middle School, in cert ain inst ances, st udent s may have an opport unit y t o rewrit e for part ial
credit .

2. Where t he fact s and circumst ances of plagiarism or cheat ing require furt her inquiry, t here shall
be appoint ed an ad hoc commit t ee t o include: t he t eacher, t he chair of t he t eachers depart ment ,
one ot her facult y member and an administ rat or. The commit t ee shall report it s det erminat ion of
whet her plagiarism or cheat ing has occurred.

3. Should a st udent be found t o have cheat ed or plagiarized mult iple t imes, he/ she may be subj ect
t o furt her disciplinary act ion, possibly including aut omat ic failure of t he course or dismissal from
t he School.

Comput er and Net w or k Use
The School is fort unat e t o have cont inually- expanding t echnological resources for t he enhancement of
it s learning programs and administ rat ive operat ions. The comput er equipment and net work services
are for educat ional use only. Access t o t he Schools net work and websit e carries wit h it t he
responsibilit y for proper use of t hose resources and CESJDS comput ing facilit ies. Access t o t hese

t echnology resources is a privilege t hat comes wit h responsibilit ies. Any breach of t hese responsibilit ies
may result in t he suspension or t erminat ion of all school t echnology privileges as well as ot her
disciplinary act ion. A list of prohibit ed act ivit ies is found in t he Technology Access Agreement .
At t endance at school signifies t hat a st udent has accept ed t he t erms of t his agreement and commit t ed
t o abide by t hem.

Tablet lapt ops are t o be used for school- relat ed work only. St udent s are not permit t ed t o use t heir
lapt ops during t he day for non- school- relat ed funct ions.

Gambl i ng
Gambling for money, ot her t han at school- sponsored charit y fund raisers, is prohibit ed. A st udent in
violat ion of t his rule is subj ect t o disciplinary act ion.

Cut t i ng Cl asses or Act i vi t i es
St udent s who miss class or any required school act ivit y wit hout a document ed and legit imat e excuse
show a lack of respect for t he School program. St udent s who cut class will receive an academic penalt y
( See At t endance Policy) . Ot her disciplinary act ions will be t aken concerning st udent s who skip ot her
school act ivit ies.

Di sci pl i ne Pr ocedur es
The Schools disciplinary procedures have been creat ed t o educat e st udent s t oward full account abilit y for
t heir behavior. I n general, t hese procedures are based on t he Jewish concept of t eshuva. I n t he case
of rout ine behavioral problems, st udent s are expect ed, wit h adult help, t o learn from t heir mist akes,
correct t heir behavior, and t o make amends when necessary. I n t he case of more serious behavior
problems, st udent s will be sent t o t he office for disciplinary referral and will be seen by an administ rat or
who will:
Help t he st udent underst and why s/ he was sent out of class
Discuss wit h t he st udent her/ his behavior
I f appropriat e, discuss her/ his pat t erns of behavior
Discuss ways t he st udent may bet t er handle similar sit uat ions in t he fut ure
Give consequences, if appropriat e
Follow up wit h Counselor, if appropriat e
Follow up wit h t he parent , if appropriat e

I n t he maj orit y of cases, t he administ rat or will discuss wit h t he st udent t he incident so t hat s/ he can
reflect on what t ook place. An import ant benefit of t his syst em is t hat if a st udent has discipline issues
in different classes, t he administ rat or can see t he whole pict ure and involve t he Counselor and/ or parent
when necessary.

I f a st udent is sent out of a class for behavioral reasons, t he parent s should expect t o receive
communicat ion direct ly from t he t eacher.

Ot her consequences, depending on t he infract ion, may include ( but are not limit ed t o) :
Writ ing a let t er of apology and/ or conference wit h t he t eacher
Parent conference
Det ent ion ( Club Period, lunch or aft er school)
I n- school suspension wit h a learning and int rospect ion assignment
Suspension of off- campus privilege ( j uniors and seniors)
Suspension of parking privilege
Rest rict ion from running for and/ or removal from st udent government office
Rest rict ion and/ or removal from co- curricular act ivit ies
Prohibit ion from part icipat ion in t he Senior Trip t o I srael and Europe
Suspension from school
Dismissal from school

Suspensi on
I f a st udent s behavior warrant s t he consequence of being t emporarily removed from t he communit y, he/
she will be suspended for a period of t ime designat ed by t he Principal. This absence from school is
considered an unexcused absence. St udent s are permit t ed t o make up all work
( assignment s/ t est s/ quizzes and homework) missed during t he suspension. As is t he case wit h ot her
unexcused absences, a suspended st udent s t rimest er/ quart er grade will be reduced by t hree percent age
point s for each class he/ she misses. I f t he School is conduct ing an inquiry int o allegat ions of serious
misconduct , a st udent may be suspended indefinit ely for t he durat ion of t he inquiry. A fixed
consequence will be assessed once t he inquiry has been concluded.

Pl ease not e: The Common Applicat ion used by most colleges and universit ies asks t he quest ion below of
all College Counselors. The College Counselors at t he Charles E. Smit h Jewish Day School will answer t his
quest ion and we expect t hat st udent s will answer t he similar quest ion on t heir applicat ion honest ly.


Has t he appl i cant ever been f ound r esponsi bl e f or a di sci pl i nar y vi ol at i on at
y our school f r om 9t h gr ade ( or t he i nt er nat i onal equi val ent ) f or w ar d,
w het her r el at ed t o academi c mi sconduct or behavi or al mi sconduct , t hat
r esul t ed i n t he appl i cant s pr obat i on, suspensi on, r emoval , di smi ssal , or
ex pul si on f r om y our i nst i t ut i on? __ Yes __ No

I f y ou answ er ed y es t o ei t her or bot h quest i ons, pl ease at t ach a separ at e
sheet of paper or use y our w r i t t en r ecommendat i on t o gi ve t he appr ox i mat e
dat e of each i nci dent and ex pl ai n t he ci r cumst ances.

I t is t he responsibilit y of t he st udent t o ensure t hat he or she does not become involved in behavior t hat
would lead t o t hese disciplinary consequences, and we st rongly encourage parent s t o discuss
expect at ions for appropriat e behavior wit h t heir children.

Cl ot hi ng
Tzeniut , or modest y in bot h act ion and dress, is a cent ral value wit hin Judaism. I t is import ant t hat
st udent s maint ain an appearance t hat is in accordance wit h t his value, t hat reflect s a posit ive at t it ude
t oward learning and t he st udy of sacred t ext s, and t hat minimizes pot ent ial dist ract ion. The School
expect s st udent s and parent s t o cooperat e fully in t his mat t er so t hat t he Schools mission is accorded
t he ut most dignit y and respect . Cleanliness, neat ness and modest y should be t he general guidelines
followed by a st udent in making her/ his clot hing choices. The following specific guidelines must be
followed while a st udent is on campus ( including lunch t ime) and on t rips, unless special except ions have
been made:
All shirt s must be long enough t o be t ucked in. , t hough t hey may be worn unt ucked, I f a st udent s
midriff or back is exposed when her/ his arms are lift ed, t he st udent is not in compliance wit h t he
dress code.
All shirt s must have a sleeve ( no cap sleeves) . Mesh t ops, see- t hrough t ops, sleeveless sport s
j erseys and t ank t op shirt s ( alone or visible under an open cardigan) are inappropriat e, as are
t ops which have an immodest ly low neckline.
No vulgar, obscene, offensive, or suggest ive words, pict ures, or graphics should be worn on any
clot hing or j ewelry. I nappropriat e t opics include alcohol, t obacco or illegal drugs, sexual
innuendo or connot at ion, or profanit y ( words or pict ures) should not appear on clot hing.
Girls skirt s and short s for boys or girls must come t o wit hin t hree inches of t he knee.
Clot hing is not t o be skint ight . Leggings and ot her pant s t hat cling t o legs may not be worn
wit hout a covering t hat comes t o wit hin t hree inches of t he knee.
Clot hing may not be ripped above t he knee or excessively baggy. Pant s cannot rest below t he
Shoes are t o be safe t o walk in. Spiked heels, very high heeled shoes and shoes wit h wheels are
not permit t ed.
Spiked j ewelry, chains, uncovered t at t oos, and pierced body part s are not permit t ed in school ( ear
piercings and t ast eful nose piercing are permit t ed) .

I f a st udent is wearing clot hing t hat is not addressed in t his list but is deemed by t he
administ rat ion t o be inappropriat e, he/ she may be asked t o change.
Unless ot herwise indicat ed, t he Dress Code applies during Shabbat onim, Color War, exams and all
t rips sponsored by t he school.

St udent s who are not dressed according t o t he dress code will be sent t o t he office. They will be required
t o put on a school shirt / pant s and ret urn it / t hem cleaned t o t he school t he next day. A st udent who
comes t o school inappropriat ely dressed t hree t imes will be assigned an aft er- school det ent ion.

Head cover i ng
For cent uries, t he covering of t he head has been a cent ral sign of respect and a mark of cult ural
ident ificat ion in t he Jewish t radit ion. I n our School, male st udent s are required t o keep t heir heads
covered at all t imes ( except during Exercise Science classes) , and females are welcome t o do so as well.
Permit t ed head coverings are limit ed t o kippot ; baseball caps; and ot her small, t ast eful head coverings.
While performing during School concert s, present at ions, and assemblies, male st udent s must cover t heir
heads wit h kippot ot her headcoverings are not permit t ed.
St udent s are expect ed t o provide t heir own kippot , but a limit ed number of kippot are available for
purchase in t he main office.

Per sonal Pr oper t y
I t is not wise t o bring large sums of money or ot her valuables t o school. The School is not responsible
for any personal propert y brought t o school. Not hing should be left on t he floor in t he halls. Backpacks,
bags, et c. left on corridor floors will be brought t o t he office.

Lock er s
Lockers are t he propert y of t he School and should be t reat ed wit h care and respect . The School reserves
t he right t o inspect st udent lockers at any t ime.

DIRECTORY 2010-2011
Upper School
Dr. Michael Kay Principal
Roslyn Siegel Landy
Dean of Students
Joan Vander Walde
Middle School Director
Ilana Lipman Assistant Middle
School Director
Susan Rexford Director of
College Guidance
Robin Shapiro Director of
Michael Riley Director of
Athletics and Summer
Dr. David Solomon
Director of Arts Education
Miriam Stein Director of Jewish
Bette Hoover Nurse
Rhona Longman Nurse
Jillian Pedone Assistant to
Nora Cumberbatch College
Counseling Associate
Marilyn Davis Administrative
Assistant to the Dean and
Testing Coordinator
Sara Moline Administrative
Laura Shaw Administrative
Assistant to Middle School

Facility Management
Martin Dempf Chief Engineer
Ebert Vera Bracamonte
Lupe Mejia
Jesus Portillo
Ailet Rosario

Food Services
Erick Gilbert Director
Abraham Sacharow
Yolanda Mejia
Eyvi Palma
Chung-Hwo Tao
Elmer Vega

Jonathan Cannon Head of School
Susan Brinn Siegel
Assistant Head of School, Chief
Financial and Operating Officer
Susan Cohen Director of Admissions
Sharon Metro Roll Director of
Lenore Layman Director of
Educational Support Services
Lori Leatherman Director of
Human Resources
Israel Moskowitz Director of
Facilities and Engineering
David Ritzmann Director of
Information Technology
Sue Bonnett Assistant Director of
Information TechnologyS
Ginger Thornton Director of
Instructional Technology
Marianne Kobylenski Director of
Health, Safety, Security and
Jaime Neaman Associate Director of
Campaign and Alumni Relations
Kimberly Dudash Marketing and
Recruitment Associate
Lynn Pastore Executive Assistant to
The Head of School
Rebecca Gutshall Executive
Assistant to the Assistant Head of
and Operations
School, Chief Financial and
Operating Officer
Julie Scott Director of Finance
Ellie Candaffio Receptionist

David Topol President
Ann Kaplan Vice President
Daniel Abramowitz
Steve Lustig Secretary

Dr. David Solomon, Chair,
Performing Arts
Jerry Eisner, Photography
Gretchen Gobin, Ceramics
Charles Ostle, Music
Benjamin Tellie, Visual Arts

Educational Support Services
Susan Zuckerman Chair
Elizabeth Frank
Brett Kugler
Michele Valenti
Dr. Thomas F. Worden Chair
Michael Abell
Jonathan Fichter
Melissa Fisanich
Caroline Fitzpatrick
Annette Lakein
Dr. David Solomon
James Webner

Middle School Counselors
Sarah Kingdom
Marissa Tisch
High School Counselors
Melissa Gartner
Rachel Soifer
College Counseling
Ana Berkman
Michele Davis

Health & Exercise Science
Steven Forestieri Chair
Jay Matula
Jessica Matula Certified
Athletic Trainer
Tamsyn Ryan
Brian Westerman

Yaffa Dagony Coordinator
Talya Edery
Anat Entin
Esther Kalter
Sharon Khen
Hagit Leibowitz
Bracha Ravin
Hannah Rothschild

Stephen Manley Chair
Mark Buckley
Michael Connell
Dr. Carleton Cunningham
Marc Dworin
Jeremy Golubcow-Teglasi
Natalie Levitan

Jewish History
Aileen Goldstein Chair
Dr. Sara Coxe
Benjamin Foote
Dodie Goldstein
Grace McMillan
Cynthia Peterman
Bracha Ravin
Miriam Stein

Jewish Text, Thought &
Rabbi Janet Ozur Bass Chair
Rabbi David Bienenstock
Paul Blank
Sarah Levy
Ilana Lipman
Matthew Lipman
Bracha Ravin
Rabbi Reuvane Slater
Miriam Stein
Etan Weiss

Michelle Zemsky

Dina Levitt Chair
Tori Ball
Matthew Feldman
Dominic Lee
Sam Smedinghoff
Reuben Silberman
John Watkins-Chow
Howard Weinstein

Dr. Megan Fromm

Romance Languages
Emily Horwitz Chair
Dr. Silvia Kurlat Ares
June Graff
L. Sofi Hall
Nick Miller Chair
Kimberly Agzigian
Laura N. Jacobs
Amanda Luh
Daniela Munteanu
Nicholas Rich
Anna Vanderlugt

Study Halls
Aaon Jacob
Jay Matula

Judith Hagemann
Beth Poston

Stacey Relkin Winkler Co-President
Leah Rogal Co-President
Stacey Topol Vice President
Jennifer Schwartz Treasurer
Stephanie Sporkin Secretary

.*/,( *$*/-; :!1*1( *"9 9/! 9'3-! *"9 9/!
'% *$&/*- +*1" -,& 9/!1: ..-&3" .&-: .*"9/
!-! +*1" *98; -! .(%*3:*) +*1" .&-: "9&
($@2 ;&,9" >*-"" $&/-;)

Rabbi Eleazar quoted Rabbi Hanina who said:
Students of the Sages increase peace in the
world, as it is written: AWhen all your children
shall be taught of the Lord, great shall be the
peace of your children@ (Isaiah). Read not
banayich (Ayour children@) but bonayich (Ayour
Babylonian Talmud Berakhot



Student Council Co-Presidents ....................................Noam Schildhaus and Jamie Strassman
Co-Vice Presidents ............................................................. Jonathan Block and Daniel Neuberg
Administrative Officer .............................................................................................. Naomi Eyob
Secretary of Student Life.........................................................................................Henry Baron
Secretary of Communications.............................................................................Scott Levengard
Student Council Advisor .................................................................................Mr. Mark Buckley


Co-Presidents............................. Tamar Bardin
Michael Weinberg
Co-Vice Presidents ................. Naomi Goldstein
David Weinberg
Treasurer ....................................... Josh Dalva
Co-Secretaries .Laura Citren
Olivia Tomares
Secretary of:
Social/Special Events ...... Danielle Clemons
Community Service..................Abby Litman
Publicity............................... Marissa Cytryn
Student Relations .............Brooke Friedman
Ruach Officer...........................Jeremy Dingott
Grade Council..... Galit Krifcher, Adam Kaplan,
Asher Mayerson, Jonathan Waksman
Advisor ...................... Ms. Caroline Fitzpatrick
Mr. Dominic Lee


Co-Presidents......Shira Becker and Ben Steren
Vice President ............................. Miriam Israel
Treasurer ............................. Samantha Wiener
Secretary ......................................Devin Yolles
Secretary of:
Community Service.Hannah Becker
Fundraising .......................... Michael Gould
Publicity..................................... Talia Weiss
Social/Special Events ......... Danielle Masica
Advisors...........................Mrs. Kelly Enochson
Mr. Matthew Feldman

Co-Presidents ............................. Dani Marx
Aviva Weinstein
Vice President.....................Jonathan Kader
Treasurer..................... Nicole Nabatkhorian
Secretary General ................. Zach Pinkham
Secretary of:
Community Service..............Abby Litman
Fundraising........................ Meryl Kravitz
Grade Spirit & Unity..... Ilana Somekhian
Internet Technology ..............Matan Kline
Publicity ......................... Jamie Benheim
Philanthropy................... Ari Schoenburg
School Store .......................Noah Zweben
Social Events..................... Briana Felsen
Class Historian Helene Katz
Advisors..Ms. Kimberly Agzigian
Mr. Nick Rich

Elections will be held
September/October 2010

President .............................................. TBA
Vice President....................................... TBA
Treasurer.............................................. TBA
Secretary .............................................. TBA
Secretaries of:
Community Service.. TBA
Fundraising...................................... TBA
Publicity ........................................... TBA
Social Events.................................... TBA
Advisors................................................ TBA

2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR

Monday and Thursday

Middle School Mon & Th High School Mon & Th
A B C 1
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
M M M 8:00 - 8:38 M M M 8:00 - 8:38
1 7 4 8:44 - 9:45 1 7 4 8:44 - 9:45
2 8 5 9:51 - 10:51 2 8 5 9:51 - 10:51
3 9 6 10:57 - 11:57 3 9 6 10:57 - 11:57
L L L 11:57 - 12:33 4 1 7 12:03 - 1:03
4 1 7 12:33 - 1:33 L L L 1:03 - 1:39
5 2 8 1:39 - 2:39 5 2 8 1:39 - 2:39
6 3 9 2:45 - 3:45 6 3 9 2:45 - 3:45

Tuesday and Wednesday

Middle School T & F High School T & F
A B C 1
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
M M M 8:00 - 8:28 M M M 8:00 - 8:28
1 7 4 8:34 - 9:30 1 7 4 8:34 - 9:30
2 8 5 9:36 - 10:31 2 8 5 9:36 - 10:31
3 9 6 10:37 - 11:32 3 9 6 10:37 - 11:32
L L L 11:32 - 12:08 4 1 7 11:38 - 12:33
4 1 7 12:08 - 1:03 L L L 12:33 - 1:09
5 2 8 1:09 - 2:04 5 2 8 1:09 - 2:04
6 3 9 2:10 - 3:05 6 3 9 2:10 - 3:05
Clubs/Activities 3:10 - 3:45 Clubs/Activities 3:10 - 3:45


Middle School High School
A B C 1
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
M M M 8:00 - 8:28 M M M 8:00 - 8:28
1 7 4 8:34 - 9:37 1 7 4 8:34 - 9:37
2 8 5 9:43 - 10:45 2 8 5 9:43 - 10:45
3 9 6 10:51 - 11:53 3 9 6 10:51 - 11:53
L L L 11:53 - 12:29 4 1 7 11:59 - 1:01
4 1 7 12:29 - 1:31 L L L 1:01 - 1:37
5 2 8 1:37 - 2:38 5 2 8 1:37 - 2:38
6 3 9 2:44 - 3:45 6 3 9 2:44 - 3:45

2010 - 2011 SCHOOL YEAR

Middle School High School




Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55




8:00 - 8:28 M M M 8:00 - 8:28




8:34 - 9:23 1 7 4 8:34 - 9:23




9:29 - 10:16 2 8 5 9:29 - 10:16




10:22 - 11:09 3 9 6 10:22 - 11:09




11:09 - 11:45 4 1 7 11:15 - 12:02




11:45 - 12:32 L L L 12:02 - 12:38




12:38 - 1:25 5 2 8 12:38 - 1:25




1:31 - 2:18 6 3 9 1:31 - 2:18


Middle School

High School




Bell 9:55




Bell 9:55




10:00 - 10:48




10:00 - 10:48




10:54 - 11:41




10:54 - 11:41




11:47 - 12:34




11:47 - 12:34




12:34 - 1:10




12:40 - 1:27




1:10 - 1:57




1:27 - 2:03




2:03 - 2:51




2:03 - 2:51




2:57 - 3:45




2:57 - 3:45


3 Periods + an Assembly or Class Meeting

Periods to be determined on a rotating basis and the activity may take place
during any of the 3 periods.

2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR

Middle School High School
A B C 1
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
M M M 8:00 - 8:48 M M M 8:00 - 8:48
1 7 4 8:55 - 9:40 1 7 4 8:55 - 9:40
2 8 5 9:46 - 10:28 2 8 5 9:46 - 10:28
3 9 6 10:34 - 11:17 3 9 6 10:34 - 11:17
L L L 11:17 - 11:56 4 1 7 11:23 - 12:06
4 1 7 11:56 - 12:39 L L L 12:06 - 12:45
5 2 8 12:45 - 1:29 5 2 8 12:45 - 1:29
6 3 9 1:35 - 2:18 6 3 9 1:35 - 2:18

Tuesday and Wednesday
Middle School High School
A B C 1
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
M M M 8:00 - 8:48 M M M 8:00 - 8:48
1 7 4 8:53 - 9:46 1 7 4 8:53 - 9:46
2 8 5 9:51 - 10:43 2 8 5 9:51 - 10:43
3 9 6 10:48 - 11:40 3 9 6 10:48 - 11:40
L L L 11:40 - 12:19 4 1 7 11:45 - 12:37
4 1 7 12:19 - 1:11 L L L 12:37 - 1:16
5 2 8 1:16 - 2:08 5 2 8 1:16 - 2:08
6 3 9 2:13 - 3:05 6 3 9 2:13 - 3:05
Clubs 3:10 - 3:45 Clubs 3:10 - 3:45

Monday, Thursday and Friday
Middle School High School
A B C 1
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
M M M 8:00 - 8:48 M M M 8:00 - 8:48
1 7 4 8:54 - 9:52 1 7 4 8:54 - 9:52
2 8 5 9:58 - 10:55 2 8 5 9:58 - 10:55
3 9 6 11:01 - 11:59 3 9 6 11:01 - 11:59
L L L 11:59 - 12:38 4 1 7 12:05 - 1:03
4 1 7 12:38 - 1:36 L L L 1:03 - 1:42
5 2 8 1:42 - 2:41 5 2 8 1:42 - 2:41
6 3 9 2:47 - 3:45 6 3 9 2:47 - 3:45

2010 - 2011 SCHOOL YEAR
No Clubs
Tuesday, Wednesday
Middle School High School
Bell 7:55 A B C 1
Bell 7:55
8:00 - 8:28 M M M 8:00 - 8:28
1 7 4
8:34 - 9:37 1 7 4 8:34 - 9:37
2 8 5
9:43 - 10:45 2 8 5 9:43 - 10:45
3 9 6
10:51 - 11:53 3 9 6 10:51 - 11:53
11:53 - 12:29 4 1 7 11:59 - 1:01
4 1 7
12:29 - 1:31 L L L 1:01 - 1:37
5 2 8
1:37 - 2:38 5 2 8 1:37 - 2:38
6 3 9
2:44 - 3:45 6 3 9 2:44 - 3:45
8/05/10 HELP CHART
Administrative Task Individual Administrative Task l a u d i v i d n I
. s r M y r t n E l a r e t a L / s n o i s s i m d A Shapiro Knesset (Middle Sc n a m p i L . s r M ) t n e m n r e v o G l o o h
a W r e d n a V . s r M e d a r G h t 8 & h t 7 - y r o s i v d A e n i l o M . s r M s t n e m n g i s s A r e k c o L e d l
r a M . s r M s t n e m e c n u o n n A o r i p a h S . R . s r M s g n i l i a M s i v a D n y l i
e l d d i M n i e t S . s r M s e i l b m e s s A e d l a W r e d n a V . s M s n r e c n o C l o o h c S
i M y e l i R . r M s m a e T s t r o p S / s c i t e l h t A h c s i T . s r M / m o d g n i K . s r M e c n a d i u G l o o h c S e l d d
e n o d e P . s M y t l u c a F s s e n e t a L / e c n a d n e t t A Middle School Progr n a m p i L . s r M s m a
y a K . r D n a y n i M e n i l o M . s r M t n e d u t S s s e n e t a L / e c n a d n e t t A
. s r M t h g i N l o o h c S - o t - k c a B Shapiro Montgomery Student Assistance Program (MSAP) Mrs. Hoover/Mrs. Longman
s u o H n e p O y d n a L . s r M s m e t I r a d n e l a C o r i p a h S . s r M ) y a D s n a r e t e V ( e
a P ) S H ( y d n a L . s r M / ) S M ( n a m p i L . s r M s r a l u c i r r u C - o C C e c n a d i u G s m a r g o r P t n e r ounselors/ Mrs. Shapiro
c a e T - t n e r a P d r o f x e R . s r M s e u s s I e g e l l o C y d n a L . s r M / s i v a D . s r M s e c n e r e f n o C r e h
: s e s s a P r o l e s n u o C s t n e d u t S e c i v r e S y t i n u m m o C y d n a L . s r M s e c n a t s m u c r i C g n i t a u n e t x E & n o i s n e t x E
Concerts/Plays s r o l e s n u o C s t n e d u t S s n o i t s e u Q t n e m e c a l P n o m o l o S . r D
Department Chairs/Coordinators 301-881-1400 + ext # y a K . r D s e i c i l o P
e t f A / m o r P n o m o l o S . r D s t r A o r i p a h S . s r M / y d n a L . s r M m o r P r
9 3 9 4 # - n a m r e k c u Z . s r M t r o p p u S l a n o i t a c u d E m m o r F . r D s h p a r g o t o h P / k o o b r a e Y / s n o i t a c i l b u P
8 8 8 2 # - n e d r o W . r D h s i l g n E w a h S . s r M s n o i t a v r e s e R m o o R
i k s n e l y b o K . s r M y t i r u c e S d n a y t e f a S 7 3 9 4 # - r e n t r a G . s M S H , e c n a d i u G
c S 5 2 8 2 # - y n o g a D . s r M w e r b e H y d n a L . s r M ) 2 1 / 1 1 . r G ( s e g n a h C e l u d e h
C e l u d e h c S 6 2 8 2 # - y e l n a M . r M y r o t s i H r o l e s n u o C s t n e d u t S ) 0 1 / 9 0 . r G ( s e g n a h
n i e t s d l o G . A . s M y r o t s i H h s i w e J r o l e s n u o C s t n e d u t S ) S M ( s e g n a h C e l u d e h c S
i b b a R e c i t c a r P & t h g u o h T , t x e T h s i w e J n i e t S . s r M m i n o t a b b a h S 3 6 8 2 # - s s a B r u z O
y a K . r D m u y i S 3 5 8 2 # - t t i v e L . s r M s c i t a m e h t a M
a i c e p S 1 8 9 4 # y r a r b i L n i e t S . s r M g n i m m a r g o r P l
- i r e i t s e r o F . r M n o i t a c u d E l a c i s y h P y d n a L . s r M ) S H ( g n i t s e T d e z i d r a d n a t S 2 3 8 2 #
t S 4 5 6 2 # - z t i w r o H . s r M s e g a u g n a L e c n a m o R e d l a W r e d n a V . s M ) S M ( g n i t s e T d e z i d r a d n a
8 5 6 2 # - r e l l i M . r M e c n e i c S y a K . r D s n o i t a l u g e R e t a t S
# t x e + 2 9 6 - 1 0 3 e c n a d i u G 9 6 8 2 # y e l k c u B . r M l i c n u o C t n e d u t S
3 9 9 4 # - n a m k r e B a n A . s r M r o l e s n u o C e g e l l o C e d l a W r e d n a V . s M / / y d n a L . s r M s t r o p e R t n e d u t S
4 4 9 4 # - s i v a D e l e h c i M . s M r o l e s n u o C e g e l l o C Student Updates/Interims/Repor s r e h c a e T l a u d i v i d n I s t
Director of College Counseli : y g o l o n h c e T 7 3 9 4 # - d r o f x e R . s r M g n
0 3 9 4 # - h c t a b r e b m u C . s M e t a i c o s s A g n i l e s n u o C e g e l l o C 5 9 8 4 # - n n a m z t i R . r M y g o l o n h c e T n o i t a m r o f n I f o r o t c e r i D
t s i s s A 2 4 9 4 # - r e n t r a G . s M r o l e s n u o C l o o h c S h g i H 9 4 9 4 # - t t e n n o B . s r M y g o l o n h c e T n o i t a m r o f n I f o r o t c e r i D t n a
6 3 9 4 # - r e f i o S . s r M r o l e s n u o C l o o h c S h g i H n o t n r o h T . s M y g o l o n h c e T l a n o i t c u r t s n I f o r o t c e r i D
High School Counselor (Senior 6 9 9 4 # k s e D p l e H e c n a t s i s s A l a c i n h c e T y d n a L . s r M ) Y L N O s
. s r M r o l e s n u o C l o o h c S e l d d i M Kingdom - #4905 Test Calendar Conf r o l e s n u o C s t n e d u t S ) S H ( s t c i l
. s r M r o l e s n u o C l o o h c S e l d d i M Tisch - #4938 Test Calendar C r o l e s n u o C s t n e d u t S ) S M ( s t c i l f n o
Director of Educational Support Se s i v a D n y l i r a M . s r M s p u - e k a M t s e T 9 3 8 4 # - n a m y a L . s r M s e c i v r
y d n a L . s r M ) 2 1 / 1 1 . r G ( e n i l p i c s i D n o t n r o h T . s M s k o o B n a l P / s k o o b t x e T
S . R . s r M ) 0 1 / 9 0 . r G ( e n i l p i c s i D n o m o l o S . r D s p i r T r e t a e h T o r i p a h
s M / n a m p i L . s r M ) 7 0 / 8 0 . r G ( e n i l p i c s i D . Vander Walde Thursday Parent w a h S . s r M / o r i p a h S . s r M s l i a m E
r o p s n a r T o r i p a h S . s r M r o D ' L r o D i k s n e l y b o K . r M l a r e n e G n o i t a t
n a m r e k c u Z . s r M t r o p p u S l a n o i t a c u d E y e l i R . r M c i t e l h t A n o i t a t r o p s n a r T
r T y d n a L . s r M n o i t a u d a r G n i e t S . s r M m i n o t a b b a h S / s p i
n a m r e k c u Z . s r M s r o t u T n i e t S . s r M s y a d i l o H
i e t s d l o G . A . s M d n a l o P / l e a r s I e n o d e P . s M / y d n a L . s r M r a d n e l a C l o o h c S r e p p U n
y a K . r D t u r h s a K
LEGEND: 301-692- + Extension Below:
Name Ext Name Ext Name Ext Name Ext Name Ext
Mrs. Marilyn Davis 4902 Dr. M. Kay 4916 Mrs. S. Moline 4903 Mrs. L. Shaw 4913 Mrs. M. Koyblenski 4843
Dr. M. Fromm 4971 Mrs. R. Landy 4914 Ms. J. Pedone 4906 Dr. D. Solomon 4929 Mrs. S. Zuckerman 4939
Ms. A. Goldstein 4934 Mrs. I. Lipman 4946 Mr. M. Riley 4990 Ms. G. Thornton 4945
Mrs. M. Stein 4960 Mrs. B. Hoover/
Mrs. R. Longman 4915
Mrs. R. Shapiro 4908 Ms. J. Vander Walde 4912




23 New Faculty
24 Faculty Returns
30 Orientation: HS Students new to
Orientation: ALL Grade 7 & ONLY
Grade 8 Students new to CESJDS
31 First Day of School


01 Orientation: Upper School New Parents
06 Labor Day - School Closed
08 Erev Rosh Hashanah School Closed
09-10 Rosh Hashanah- School Closed
14 Back-to-School Night: Upper School
17 Erev Yom Kippur 12:18 PM Dismissal
22 Erev Sukkot 12:18 PM Dismissal
23-24 Sukkot School Closed
29 Hoshana Rabah 12:18 PM Dismissal
30 Shemini Atzeret School Closed


01 Simchat Torah School Closed
13 PSAT Testing Grades 10 & 11
22 Begin 2:15 PM Friday Dismissal for Students
Essay Writing Day for Seniors


02 Professional Day - No Classes
(PLAN Test Grade 10 - 8:00 AM)
11 Veterans Day - Open House
24 12:18 PM Dismissal
25-26 Thanksgiving - School Closed



03 Classes Resume
17 ML King, Jr. Day - School Closed
31 Professional Day No Classes


11 Siyum 2 -Hour Delayed Opening
for Upper School 10:30 Opening
13 Graduation - Class of 2011
18-21 Presidents Day Weekend School Closed*


09 Professional Day No Classes
18 Resume 3:45 PM Friday Dismissal


18-27 Pesach Holiday School Closed


06 Dor LDor Inter-Generational Day
25 Arts Chai Lights: Visual & Performing Arts Showcase
27 Color War 2:15 PM Dismissal
30 Memorial Day School Closed


07 Last Day of Classes for Grades 9-11
Erev Shavuot 12:18 PM Dismissal
08-09 Shavuot School Closed
10 Study Day Grades 9-11
13-17 Final Exams Grades 9-11
14 Last Day of School Grades 7 & 8
20 Make-Up Day for Finals

09 Parent-Teacher Conferences
(8:35 AM -8:25 PM)
10 Parent-Teacher Conferences
(7:45 AM 12:05 PM)
23 Winter Break - 12:18 PM Dismissal
24-31 Winter Break School Closed


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