Gender Representation Mock Redone

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The diegetic sound of the equipment represents age due to the adults being hard working, stereotypical for

middle aged men. This is opposed by the non-diegetic, low pitch music, representing the younger girl as though she is hiding something, stereotypical of a teenage girl to be secretive. There was also upbeat jolly non-diegetic sound when the adults were packing away equipment, synchronous to their high spirited emotions, representing the middle aged men as content when working. Amy whispers to herself as the camera pans upwards and towards her in a close up shot, exposing her emotion of being anxious as she turns to look behind her, a sign of anxiety. This represents age through the young girl being self-destructive due to her illegally driving, yet scared due to her youth. It then cuts to the slightly older men who walk closer into the shot, showing a close-up of his face, showing a concerned emotion, yet the older men in the background seem oblivious. This could be due to their similar age range that they are more in tune. This represents the youth as being trustworthy of their peers of similar ages, yet become secretive and defensive when older generation ask questions. The slobby clothes of the teenager shows self neglect, possibly destructive, one of the six descriptions Ann Gould describes the youth of today. The diegetic sound of the car crashing and the young and old man stepping out of their cars, show how the young is in shock and runs to hide with the older people shows how she is still young, inexperienced and scared in situations she has no control over. Teenagers thrive on dominance (Ann Gould) yet when it comes to being blamed, they lose their self confidence. Whereas the old man is self assured and quick to judge, a binary opposition as the old man wears smart attire and has an upper class accent whilst standing his ground. The long shot of the car crash and the smoke rising, using natural light shows how the car separates the generations as the younger girl stands on one side of the wreckage and the elder man on the other, showing disagreement. As the old man and the middle-aged man walks into the room, the middle-aged man follows the older man into the room whilst agreeing with him, which is stereotypical of the younger to agree to the word of the older. The camera pans as the man pours the brandy, symbolic of the older generation. There is a match on action edit as the middle aged man pours the brandy and gives it to the older man. The middle aged man storms out of the room towards the younger girl where she stands up, this could be seen as polite or having manners towards the older generation, yet this also shows rebelliousness, as she wishes to make herself bigger to prevent the middle-aged man from treating her like a child, self-assured. Yet the middle-aged man grabs her, another panning shot, showing violence and quick to judge. There is an over-the-shoulder shot, with an eye line match, yet the man talks down to her. Voice is raised from the teenager showing dominance and violence, which is very stereotypical of a young person due to their confidence. Age is represented through many different camera angles, which show how age is represented in real life. Yet Ann Gould s theories are proved through the actions of the teenager, yet some could argue that the older generation have also proved some of these theories, even more so than the teenager in this clip, thus the violence.

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