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Conspiracy By Sean K.

Liebel Thinking America as a country is more powerful than your own state of being is a fallacy/ Money is only a symbol not your identity/ The same people who backed Columbus are the same doing your mortgage crimes and doing it authoritatively/ Wake up and realize its not about authority/ Its about constant learning and intelligence with intensity/ I do not care about giving my power away to some prophets or celebrities honestly/ They are not higher than me because I know the plasma of stars is what created me!/ Its all electrically infused energy that goes out in a hologram across the entire galaxy/ The committee of 300, the banking masters, the royalty/ The Council on Foreign Relations and the war on drug cartel have been in power and going about it so infectiously/ The weapons manufacturers the modern day imperialism that brings trouble for your loved ones crying in mercy/ I do not support the troops because I choose to fight my own battles internally/ Just so they will not boil outwards into anger vehemently/ I am not going to accept your violence blindly!/ The hell with borders and countries because the spirit doesnt know of them/ Lets get back to the source of what created us which currently seems to be a problem/ Its all manufactured mayhem/ Yet so many would say I am paranoid for stating it/ Look at the references its esoteric/ Highly symbolic/ Even the Swastika was a peaceful sign of the sun before it turned into hatred/ The same people that backed the Nazis are the same people who are in the Federal Reserve its truly sick/ The lie separates so many people by habit/ The truth keeps us unified together as one holistic spiritual family/ Sincerely/ I do not want a better country I want a better state of being for those before me/ Starting with myself I am healing daily/ Meditating on peace and not on the oligarchy/ Who are the same people benefiting off of slave labor constantly/ Benefiting off of prostitution and drugs, wars, and misery/ Also telling your children and your kids that its just the way it is in this century/ Well Im not buying it this time and Im taking my stand against thugs of deception unquestioningly/ Its about righteousness for truth always and forever quite naturally/ I say this for my entire family/ Especially those who just debate just to debate stupidly/ Dont you know real people with real power control both sides of the coin easily?/ Yes they have done it for thousands of years and will not let that up because its their conspiracy/

Not mine because I stand for peace, love, and harmony!/ Are you with me?/

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