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Getting hit by an energy ever so powerful It goes high and low and torrential A storm of rage and its

quite universal Its underground and superficial Circumstantial and graceful Profitable I can move with it if I know myself as it Its the Mozilla Firefox Its the Microsoft Browser going up like hops Only I know it because Im feeling the interconnectedness This craziness I am the brain cell connecting all of it with all seriousness Underground pressure Disaster Getting wiser Craftier than ever Creativity on surging levels with words with top vernacular Reasoning can become circular Definitions are mentally muscular Yet the brain power is beyond the brain its just everything Every single cell coming I am uniting Meeting my old boundaries and crossing Crossing them with vigilance I can move without hesitance Yet with hesitance Everything seems to be happening at once If you know what I mean I seem to be some dunce The DNA hunts for details as the acid in it bunts Underground with findings as the silence in me grunts

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