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Trouble By Sean K.

Liebel I am what you might not try to be/ The trouble that comes like something stormy/ A learning disorder that's quite disorderly/ My conduct is electricity when I'm in trouble literally/ I let people utterly debase your currency/ Recessions come and go like little kids at lunch tables with me/ I allow banking cartels to take over people's money/ Putting fake wars into existence and I can chip you with an RFID/ Don't get me wrong though I'm trouble situationally/ Speaking I don't mean much but emotionally?/ I am the biggest crutch to humanity/ Immensely felt like poverty in an inner city/ Righteously/ But like peasants I'm hard for the wealthy/ Hard to bear, breath, and live with honestly/ I am trouble that breaks you down freely/ Like some vial child pornography/ Yes because I can do it morally/ I do it with consequences and kill passionately/ Like a Saudia Arabian honor killing legally/ Disgusting! I know it is really/ But I take no forms I am formlessly/ Flowing throughout society/ Touching anything and everyone like molecular synergy/ There is no price on my commodity/ Random naturally/ So be skeptic because I love an enemy/ I seep through anything I'm very grimy/ Slimy like ghostbusters goblins in that movie/ I don't hold out for anyone in this World of fury/ And of charity/ That can go any which way like dictatorial treachery/ As trouble I keep people from telling/ I keep people from prevailing/ Make sure that they are always ailing/ Not like beers but I'm amongst your worst fears/ I catch you when you are sleeping as my face sneers/ With wretched evil/ My verse is powerful and as universal as MGM studios/ Rape, murder, incest and such reign in my pathos/ Corruption and sociopathic tendency are my halos/ Ha if I had any/ Don't touch me unless you want to side with me/ Because I'm TROUBLE physically/

Spiritually/ Emotionally/ And mentally/ LOOK ME IN THE FACE I DARE YOU/ AND I CAN HAVE POWER OVER YOU/ Miseducate you/ Mislead you/ Then abandon you too/ Not fun I know but you should know who you are dealing with because I am not true/ Just a mirage to be dealt with like an ongoing lesson or virtue/

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