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GMSARN International Conference on Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the GMS

12-14 Nov. 2008

Distributed Generation Impact on Voltage Stability in Distribution Networks

Trinh Trong Chuong

Abstract Analytical expression of maximum power transfer through a grid limited by voltage stability is formulated using an exact representation of line with ABCD parameters. The expression is used to plot PV curves at different power factors of a radial system. Limited values of reactive power can be obtained. This paper describes the construction and test of a voltage stability of a weak rural distribution network, presents a method to study the relationship between the active power and voltage (PV) at the load bus to identify the voltage stability limit. It is a foundation to build a permitted working operation region in complying with the voltage stability limit at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC).
Keywords Voltage stability, grid connected, DG.



The electrical power system is traditionally designed and operated to transport large amounts of active and reactive power one way from the generation through transmission and distribution networks to the electric energy consumes. The distribution systems are normally passive and designed to operate with unidirectional energy flow. When planning and operating, the distribution system is assumed that electric power always flows from the secondary winding of the transformers in substations to the end of feeders [1, 2]. With newly introduced distributed generation (DG), the distribution system becomes an active system with both energy generation and consumption. Bidirectional power flows should now be incorporated the hierarchical network design and its operation criteria. DG is a concept of installing and operating small electric generators connected directly to the distribution network or at the customer site of the meter, typically less than 15 MW, but sometimes up to 100 MW [6]. DG technologies include photovoltaics, wind turbines, fuel cells, small and micro sized turbines, Stirling-engine based driver generators, and internal combustion enginegenerators [3, 4]. These technologies are entering an era of rapid expansion and commercialization. The premise of distributied generation is to provide electricity to a customer at a reduced cost and more efficiently with reduced losses than the traditional utility central generating plant with transmission and distribution losses. Additionally, local resources including renewable energies can be used. On the other hand, the embedded generation has significant impact on the power flow, voltage profile and power quality for customers and electricity suppliers. This impact may manifest themselves either positively or negatively, depending on the distribution system operating and embedded generator

characteristics [5]. This paper aims at investigating the impacts of DG on the voltage stability of a distribution system. Analytical expression for maximum power transfer through a distribution line limited by voltage stability has been formulated using exact representation of distribution line with ABCD parameters. The expression has been used for plotting PV curve at different power factors of a DG grid connected. Limiting values of active and reactive power have been obtained. 2. GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES

Since distributed generators are becoming prevalent in distribution systems, their modelling is an inevitable task. The operation mode of distributed generators depends on the contract, the control status of a generator and the wide spread view that DG is relatively unencumbered by the operation rules of central systems. 2.1. Synchronous generator: A simplified model is used to represent the synchronous generator. The rotor is represented by the exciter winding in the direct axis and no windings along the quadrature axis. The generator is controlled through an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) to control the reactive power with limited excitation current and a governor to control the active power. The generator equipped with a speed governor is very important in islanding operation mode and when a very larger numbers of DG is connected to the grid. Then, DG will play a larger role in contributing to ancillary services. 2.2. Induction generator: The widespread generator technology used for distributed generations is the induction generator because of construction simplicity and high potential economy. An induction generator in principle is an induction motor with torque applied to the shaft. It consists of a stator winding and generally a squirrel cage rotor [10]. The full model of an induction generator is used in which the dynamics of the rotor fluxes are calculated. The rotor transient contributes to the short circuit power during voltage drops and voltage magnitude during disturbance.

Trinh Trong Chuong is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Hanoi University of Industry, 32 street, MinhKhai Village, TuLiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam. Email:

3. EFFECTS OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION ON VOLTAGE STABILITY OF DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS A system experiences a state of voltage instability when there is a progressive or uncontrollable drop in voltage magnitude after a disturbance, increase in load demand or change in operating condition. The main factor, which causes these unacceptable voltage profiles, is the inability of the distribution system to meet the demand for reactive power. Under normal operating conditions, the bus voltage magnitude (V) increases as Q injected at the same bus is increased. However,when V of any one of the systems buses decreases with the increase in Q for that same bus, the system is said to be unstable [7,8]. Although the voltage instability is a localised problem, its impact on the system can be wide spread as it depends on the relationship between transmitted P, injected Q and receivingend V. These relationships play an important role in the stability analysis and can be displayed graphically. PV Curves When considering voltage stability, the relationship between transmitted P and receiving end V is of interest. The voltage stability analysis process involves the transfer of P from one region of a system to another, and monitoring the effects to the system voltages, V. This type of analysis is commonly referred to as a PV study.

defines the minimum reactive power requirement for a stable operation [7]. An increase in Q will result an increase in voltage during normal operating conditions. Hence, if the operating point is on the right side of the curve, the system is said to b e stable. Conversely, operating points in the left side of the graph are deemed to be unstable.

Figure 3: Typical QV curve



Figure 1: Typical PV curve

The Figure 1 shows a typical PV curve. It represents the variation in voltage at a particular bus as a function of the total active power supplied to loads or sinking areas. It can be seen that at the knee of the PV curve, the voltage drops rapidly when there is an increase in the load demand. Load-flow solutions do not converge beyond this point, which indicates that the system has become unstable. This point is called the Critical point. Hence, the curve can be used to determine the systems critical operating voltage and collapse margin. Generally, operating points above the critical point signifies a stable system. If the operating points are below the critical point, the system is diagnosed to be in an unstable condition [5]. QV Curves Voltage stability depends on how the variations in Q and P affect the voltages at the load buses. The influence of reactive power characteristics of devices at the receiving end (loads or compensating devices) is more apparent in a QV relationship.It shows the sensitivity and variation of bus voltages with respect to reactive power injections or absorptions [6]. Figure 2 shows a typical QV curve, which is usually generated by a series of load-flow solutions. Figure 2 shows a voltage stability limit at the point where the derivative dQ/dV is zero. This point also

The maximum permissible loading of a system, within the voltage stability limit, is usually determined from the well known PV curve or QV curve. The PV curve is plotted for a constant power factor and the QV curve is plotted for a constant power. A series of computer simulations is required to generate a family of these curves [8]. There are other methods to find the voltage stability limit of a system, such as multiple load flow solutions, singularity criterion of the Jacobian matrix [9]. It is an established fact that the voltage collapse occurs when the system load increases beyond a certain limit. If the limiting values of P and Q are known, the voltage stability margin for a given operating point can directly be determined. In this letter, the limiting or critical values of P and the voltage collapse point are first determined and then used to plot the voltage stability boundary in PV curves. Using the above curve, the voltage stability margin in terms of P, Q, or S (for a given power factor) can easily be determined when the initial operating point is known. Consider the equivalent model of a distribution line connected between bus i and bus j as shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3: The model distribution line connected between bus i and bus j

We can formulate the relationship between injected current and voltage at any buses based on generalized ABCD parameters as follows:

Vi i = AVi j + BI j


where A = 1 + ZYc and B = Z. The complex form of A and B can be expressed as shown in (2): A = a1 + ja2 and B = b1 + jb2 (2)

The receiving end current, Iijr, can be expressed:

I ijr = (Pijr jQijr ) / Vi i


the system. Zth = (12,52 +j20.78) . Sending end voltage is constant. First: the DG is connected and operates as a P-Q bus with unit power factor. His particular operating point for actual operation state is PG = 7.5 MW and QG = 0.0 MVA. The DG can also be represented by a P-V bus with the reactive power limits, so that when the limits are reached, it becomes a P-Q bus. In modern DG system it is possible to control the power factor, provides in this way, an additional source of reactive to help the power systems to control de voltage. Second: without DG.

Substitute A and B from (2) and Iijr from (3) into (1) resulting in (4).

Vi i = (a1 + ja 2 )V j j +

(b1 + jb2 )( Pijr jQijr ) Vj j


2 2 c1V j4 + (c 2 Pijr + c3 Qijr Vi 2 )V j2 + c 4 ( Pijr + Qijr ) = 0

or: aV j4 + bV j2 + c = 0 where: (5)

2 2 2 a = c1 = a12 + a2 ; b = c2 Pijr + c3Qijr Vi 2 ; c = c4 ( Pijr + Qijr ) 2 c1 = a12 + a2 ; c2 = 2(a1b1 + a2 b2 ); c3 = 2(a1b2 + a2 b1 ) 2 c4 = b12 + b2

The solution of (5) is the square of the receiving end voltage. Thus the receiving end voltage can be calculated from (6).

Vj =

b b 2 4ac 2a


There are two solutions for (6), the lower solution lies on the lower part of the P-V curve and is unstable [4]. Thus, the available solution is a stable one on the upper half, which can be expressed as in (7).
Vj = b b 2 4ac 2a

Fig.4: Distribution Power System Test.

The point where the two trajectories, i.e. stable and unstable lines, are joined is the nose or bifurcation point. In addition, this is the point where the maximum power can be transferred, which is the condition b 2 4ac = 0 . Regarding equations (1) to (7), increasing the reception of active and reactive powers from the grid, decreases the voltage stability of the load bus. The PV, QV characteristics are shown at Figures 1 and 2. The results also show improvement of load-voltage stability at the connected DG. 5. TEST SYSTEM

Z = 12.52 +j20.78

Wind farm

U, kV
12 10 8 6 4 2

Fig 5: Equivalent grid and connection system impedance as seen from the load in bus 12.

Fig. 4 shows the simplified diagram of test system. It has 20 buses operating at the voltage of 12.47 kV, 19 circuits/transformers, and the hypothetical wind power is connected at bus 20 at 0.69 kV. The detailed of the system is not showed but it has only one circuit of 138 kV [4]. The DG connected to the Point of Common Coupling, (PCC) by a full-load converter. It can be represented by a P-Q bus or a P-V bus, since it has the capacity to control the reactive power. The distribution line parameters and the power flow data can be found in [8]. The loads are distributed considering the thermal limits of the conductors. The load is increased with steps of 0.5% in all loads, starting from a normal operating point. The limits of the safe voltage in distribution buses are 0.95 to 1.05 per unit. The system was simulated considering two different scenarios. Fig 5 shows the equivalent model of

0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8

Fig 6: Loading in bus 12 - Voltage stability region without DG and j = 100 lag

U, kV
12 10 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 12 10 8 6 4 2


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 3.5 2.0 4.0 60 8.0 10


Fig 7: Loading in bus 16 - Voltage stability region without DG and j = 200 lag
U, kV
12 10 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0

Fig 11: Loading in bus 12 - Voltage stability region with DG and j = 200 leg.

Fundamentally, it simulates the injection of current from the DG in steps and calculates the voltage dropped across the Thvenin impedance at each step. This builds up number of points for the voltage at the generator terminals as the power injected increases. The resulting plotted curve is known the voltage nose curve due to its shape. The PV curves for the above problem has been drawn for 0,10 leading and 20 leading power factor angle. From the curve we obtain that value of PL increases from lagging to leading power factor. We also obtain that there are two values of UL for a given PL except at PLmax. The curves is shown in figure 6 to 11. This graph shows that, following the pf =1 (i.e. power factor compensation so that it is corrected to unity power factor) from left to right, the voltage rises as the current injected increases and the power increases to about 8.39 MW. Then after 8.39 MW the voltage starts to drop until the nose point where the rate of decrease in voltage is faster than the rate of increase in the current injected and the power actually drops. This (the nose point) is the onset of voltage instability. From this it can be seen that i) approximately a maximum of 8.39 MW power can be injected without instability, and ii) reactive power control is necessary so that the DG can be operated at, or very close to, unity power factor. If the power factor drops, it can be seen that operation is much too close to the point of voltage instability. Furthermore, the basic compensation known as no-load compensation (i.e. compensation for the reactive power drawn by the induction machines when they are connected but not operating) is insufficient. What all this means, in practice, is that if the power factor compensation units fail then DG production must be stopped. 6. CONCLUSION

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Fig 8: Loading in bus 12 - Voltage stability region with DG and j = 200 lag
U, kV
12 10 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0

0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10

Fig 9: Loading in bus 12 - Voltage stability region with DG and j = 00

U, kV
12 10 8 6 4 2

0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10

Fig 10: Loading in bus 12 - Voltage stability region with DG and j = 100 leg

A very efficient method is presented to determine the maximum permissible load that can be allowed in each bus of a distribution power system. There is a need for DG to be able to operate within a voltage envelope to maximise dispatch of active power. Additionally, at times when network voltage is depressed the same system could export controlled reactive power for system voltage support. Some Distribution Network Operator are now prepared to consider and integrate DG that can operate to

provide voltage support. Network reinforcement costs may be deferred and loss of generation due to overvoltage shutdown may be reduced. Busbar, generator and excitation system protection settings and timings will require to be applied carefully, within statutory and manufacturers limits to ensure that DG plant operates within accepted network voltages and machine ratings. Simple analytical expression for real power critical voltage has been formulated and had been used to draw PV curve of a radial transmission line. It is observed that real power increases from lagging to leading power factor. We also obtain that there are two values of receiving end voltage UL for a given PL except at PLmax. QV curves for fixed PL and different UL can also be plotted using the derived relationship and devised algorithm by varying reactive power. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge with gratitude Dr. Vu Van Thong - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and MsC. Nguyen Tung Linh - Electric Power University to support of this research. REFERENCES [1] Naka, S.; Genji, T.; Fukuyama, Y.; Practical; Equipment models for fast distribution power flow considering interconnection of distributed generators; PES Summer Meeting, IEEE, 2001, Vol.2, pp.1007 1012 [2] Lopes, J.A.P.;Integration of dispersed generation on distribution networks - impact studies; PES Winter Meeting, IEEE, 2002, Vol. 1, pp.323-328. [3] Milanovic, J.V.; David, T.M.; Stability of distribution networks with embedded generators and induction motors; PES Winter Meeting, IEEE, 2002. Vol. 2, pp.1023 -1028. [4] M.H. Haque; Determination of Steady-State Voltage Stability Limit Using P-Q Curve; IEEE Power Engineering Review, April de 2002. [5] P.OKane, B.Fox; Loss of mains detection for embedded generation by system impedance monitoring; IEE Conference Publication No.434 1997. [6] Vu Van Thong; Impact of distributed generation on power system operation and control; PhD thesis, Katholieke Universiteti Leuven, Leuven, May 2006. [7] Raj Kumar Jaganathan; Tapan Kumar Saha; Voltage stability analysis grid connected embedded generators; Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference 26-29 September 2004, Brisbane, Australia. [8] Trinh Trong Chuong; Voltage stability analysis of grids connected wind generators; International Conference on Electrical Engineering; Okinawa Japan; 6-10 June 2008. [9] L. S. Burros, W. S. Mota, D. F. P. Moura; Matrix Method to Linearization and State Space Representation of Power Systems Containing Doubly Fed Induction Machines Operating as Wind Generators; 2006 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America, Venezuela.

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