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Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 46 (2006) pp.

766768 c International Academic Publishers

Vol. 46, No. 4, October 15, 2006

Quantum Tunneling of Massive Particles from a GarnkleHorowitzStrominger Dilatonic Black Hole

GAO Li and LIU Wen-Biao
Department of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

(Received December 9, 2005)

Abstract Hawking radiation is viewed as a process of quantum tunneling. The massive particles tunneling from
GarnkleHorowitzStrominger black hole is investigated. Using Jingyi Zhangs de Broglie wave method, we get the unthermal spectrum, and the result is consistent with the underlying unitary theory. PACS numbers: 97.60.Lf, 04.70.Dy, 03.65.Pm

Key words: Hawking radiation, quantum tunneling, information paradox, black hole where a = Q2 e 20 /M , 0 is the asymptotic value of the dilaton eld, M is the mass of the black hole, and Q is the magnetic charge. It is easy to calculate that rH = 2M is the event horizon. For manifestly spherical symmetry, we let R2 = r(r a), so the line element can be rewritten as ds2 = 1 4M dt2 a2 + 4R2 1 4M + 1 a + a2 + 4R2 a+ 4R2 dR2 a2 + 4R2 (2)

1 Introduction
Stephen Hawkings signicant discovery that a black hole radiates thermally sets up a disturbing and dicult problem that happens to information during black hole evaporation? This is also named as the information loss paradox. Hawkings result also implies the loss of unitarity, or even the breakdown of quantum mechanics. In order to give these problems an explanation, Parikh and Wilczek proposed a method to calculate the emission rate at which particles tunnel across the event horizon.[13] They have treated Hawking radiation as quantum tunneling, and the barrier is created just by the outgoing particle itself. They calculated the tunneling of massless particles from a Schwarzschild black hole and a Reissner Nordstrom black hole. Treating the particle as a massive shell (de Broglie S-wave), Jing-Yi Zhang extended this method to the Schwarzschild-de Sitter space-time and calculated the massive particles emission rate, and the result is consistent with Parikhs massless ones.[4] In this paper, the massive particles tunneling from a Garnkle HorowitzStrominger (G-H-S) black hole will be calculated.

+ R2 (d2 + sin2 d 2 ) ,

where the event horizon of the hole at rH = 2M corresponds to RH = = 4M 2 2M a 4M 2 2Q2 e 20 . (3)

To obtain the Painlve-like coordinates, we can make e the following transformation: ts = t + f (R) . (4)

2 Painlve Coordinates e
To describe tunneling, we need a coordinate system that is regular at the horizon, a particularly convenient one is Painlve coordinates. The line element of the G-He S black hole is[5,6] 2M 2M 1 2 ds2 = 1 dt2 + 1 dr r r + r(r a)(d2 + sin2 d 2 ) , (1)

Demanding that constant-time slices be at, we can obtain the condition 4R2 1 1 4M/(a + a2 + 4R2 ) a + 4R2 4M = 1. (5) a + a2 + 4R2 From dts = dt + f (R)dR, we can read o the Painlvee like line element as [f (R)]2 1

ds2 = 1

4M dt2 + 2 a + a2 + 4R2


4R2 4M 1+ dtdR + dR2 + R2 d2 . + 4R2 a + a2 + 4R2


project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10373003 and 10475013 and the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No. 2003CB716302


No. 4

Quantum Tunneling of Massive Particles from a GarnkleHorowitzStrominger Dilatonic Black Hole


We can nd that none of the components of either the metric or the inverse metric diverges at the horizon. As the massive particle does not follow radial null geodesics while tunneling across the horizon, for the sake of simplicity we consider the outgoing massive particle as a massive shell. According to the WKB formula, the approximative wave function is

is not equal to the group velocity g . The denitions and relationship between them are p = g = dR =R= , dt k dRc d = , dt dk p = 1 g . 2 (10)

(R, t) = c exp i

pR dR t


where Ri indicates the initial location of the particle. If letting


pR dR t = 0 ,


dR =R= , (9) dt k where k is the de Broglie wave number. From the deni tion of the phase velocity, we can see that R is the phase velocity of the de Broglie wave. Unlike the electromagnetic wave, the phase velocity p of the de Broglie wave

we have

To obtain the formula of the phase velocity p , we now investigate the behavior of a massive particle tunneling across the event horizon. Since tunneling across the barrier is an instantaneous process, in terms of Landaus coordinate clock synchronization,[7] the dierence of coordinate time is g0i g01 dt = dRi = dRc , d = d = 0 , (11) g00 g00 where Rc denotes the location of the tunneling particle. So the group velocity is g = dRc g00 = . dt g01 (12)

The phase velocity is therefore

1 g00 1 1 R = p = g = = 2 2 g01 2

a2 + 4R2 ) . 4R2 /(a2 + 4R2 ) 1 + 4M /(a + a2 + 4R2 ) 1 4M /(a +


If the self-gravitation is included, M in Eq. (13) should be replaced by M , where is the particles energy.

3 Tunneling Across Horizon

In the semiclassical limit, we can apply the WKB formula. The emission rate is exp(2 Im S), where the imaginary part of the action can be formally written as
Rf Rf pR

Im S = Im

pR dR = Im
Ri 0

dpR dR ,


where pR is the radial momentum. We expect the initial radius Ri to correspond roughly to the site of pair creation, which should be slightly inside the horizon Ri 4M 2 2Q2 e 20 , and expect the nal radius Rf to be slightly outside the nal position of the horizon Rf 4(M )2 2Q2 e 20 . Because the horizon shrinks, Rf is actually less than Ri . Back-reaction results in a shift of the horizon radius, and the nite separation between the initial and nal radius is the classically-forbidden region, which is the barrier. To proceed the calculation, we apply Hamiltons equation dH d(M ) d R= = = , (15) dpR dpR dpR where xed M represents the total energy of the black hole system. Switch the order of the integration, so the imaginary part of the action is
Rf Ri

Im S = Im

d dR = Im R

= Im

Ri Rf

= Im


2 4R2 /(a 2 + 4R2 ) 1 + 4(M )/(a + a 2 + 4R2 ) dRd 1 4(M )/(a + a 2 + 4R2 ) 0 Ri 2 4R2 /(a 2 + 4R2 ) 1 + 4(M )(a + a 2 + 4R2 ) dR 1 4(M )/(a + a 2 + 4R2 ) 2 4(M (a + a 2 + 4R2 ) a 24R 2 1 + a +a ) 2 [ a 2 + 4R2 + 4(M ) a ] 2 +4R +4R dR , (16) 2(R + 4(M )2 2Q2 e20 )(R 4(M )2 2Q2 e20 )


GAO Li and LIU Wen-Biao

Vol. 46

where a = (Q2 e 20 ) /(M ) . We can see R = Rf is a pole, and the integral can be done by deforming the contour around the pole, then we get

= [4(M )2 2Q2 e 20 ] [4M 2 2Q2 e 20 ] = 4(2M 2 ) . (20)

Im S =

d 4(M ) = 2(2M ) .

(17) Considering Eqs. (18) and (20), we have exp(2 Im S) = exp(SBH ), which is consistent with an underlying unitary theory.

The tunneling rate is therefore exp(2 Im S) = exp[4(2M 2 )] = exp 8M 1 . (18) 2M We can see the leading part of the rate is a Boltzmann factor exp(/T ), with the temperature T = 1/8M = TBH , where TBH is the temperature of G-H-S black hole. Thinking about higher energies, the spectrum is not precisely thermal. As to a G-H-S black hole, its entropy is[6] A 2 SBH = = RH . (19) 4 So the dierence of the BekensteinHawking entropy before and after emission is SBH = SBH2 SBH1

4 Discussion
We have calculated the emission rate of massive particles tunneling across the event horizon of a G-H-S black hole, and the result is consistent with that of massless ones. We would like to point out that a G-H-S black hole is a more general spherical black hole than a Schwarzschild black hole, for in the line element expression of Eq. (2), 1 g00 = g11 . The result obtained in this paper provides further evidence to support Parikhs quantum tunneling method, which oers a possible mechanism to deal with the information loss paradox.

[1] M.K. Parikh and F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5042. [2] M.K. Parikh, Energy Conservation and Hawking Radiation, hep-th/0402166. [3] M.K. Parikh, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 13 (2004) 2351; hepth/0405160.

[4] Jing-Yi Zhang and Zheng Zhao, Nucl. Phys. B 725 (2005) 173. [5] D.J. Lorantz and W.A. Hiscock, Quantized Fields and Temperature in Charged Dilatonic Black Hole Spacetimes, gr-qc/9607048. [6] Ji-Liang Jing, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 37 (1998) 1441. [7] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Field, Pergamon Press, London (1975).

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