The Red Pyramid

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Vamsi Karra The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan I.

This novel has 6 important settings, the first is where the 5 children of Nut were born in Ma at , which is the kingdom of the gods. Also in the Duat , is a realm, where some monsters are imprisoned underneath our realm. The source of The Red Lord s power comes from the red pyramid in Phoenix,where the storm will be created according to Carter. The House of Life is an organization divided into 360 nomes all around the word, based on the ancient 42 nomes of Egypt . Also including the mansion in Brooklyn, which is the twenty-first nome and the first nome where Zia the host for Nephthys and was Iskandar s best pupil. They were in Washington D.C in the first and third demon days, where Saddie saw signs that showed Adophis, the creature of chaos was escaping. The ability to travel through portal and the strength of Horus, Set, and Isis depended on the day and the terrain depends on the setting.


Carter Kane- was a fourteen year old boy who travels with his dad, Dr. Julius
Kane who is an Egyptologist. Together they travel a world, looking for ruins, artifacts, or remains. He has no permanent home, in fact, he does not know anybody outside his family. Since he does not stay in a place for more than a few days and he was homeschooled, he also looks like his dad and finds out he descended from the pharaohs, and he was magician. Also his mom was died when he was 8 years old after an incident in London, he is the host for Horus


Saddie Kane- looked nothing like her brother Carter or her dad,but she
looked just like her mom but she died, she lived in London with her grandparents in flat . She also love gum and and her cat is the Egyptian goddess of cats,she is the host for Isis and has a crush on Anubis.


Amos Kane- The brother of Julius Kane he usually wear a trench coat and
travels by boat. He trained at the first nome and moved on to the twenty-first nome with is pets Khufu the baboon and Philip of Macedonia the crocodile shatabi. He live in mansion in Brooklyn and he is host for Set also known as The Red Lord.

Vamsi Karra The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan Pg.2


Julius Kane- He is the father of Saddie and Carter and Brother of Amos Kane
he was the one who destroyed at that moment but it was recovered. He did it to release Osiris, but ended up releasing all five children of Nut and Geb, which ended up putting the 4 Kanes and Zia possessed by the gods. He ended up dying so Osiris could be the god of the dead again.


Osiris- He is the god of the dead and took in the son of Nephyths as his own
son which is Anubis the god of funerals and was King after Ra and he was born o


Bast- The goddess of cats also possessed Saddie s cat muffin acts as her
protector, since she made a deal with Julius because Julius and his wife freed her from Duat. While she was fighting Adophis the creature of chaos, when Ra trapped in Duat , so Adophis would not cause terror.


Zia Rashid- A magician who has mastered fire magic and serves as a scribe
for the House of Life. Her parents died when he village was destroyed by the chaos snake Adophis. She is reluctant to trust Sadie and Carter because of her loyalty to the House of Life , but she eventually befriends them. Because she was at the London Museum at the time of the explosion, she became the host for the goddess Nephthys. The Chief Lector Iskandar hid Zia to protect her from the House of Life and replaced her with a shabti who helps Carter and Sadie.


Anubis- Anubis was born to Nephthys and Set, but was immediately given to
Osiris and Isis by Nephthys who claimed that she did not want him to know his father. Anubis himself is skeptical of this knowing that he is a "different" child and is not a warrior.


Set- is the god of deserts and storms. He is the son of Geb and Nut as well as
the brother of Horus, Isis, Osiris, and Nephthy nephew and Nephthys would become his wife. Carter s ba travels to Duat and find out he is planning a

Vamsi Karra The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan Pg.3


storm, he also known as The Red Lord. s. Later, Horus would become his nephew and Nephthys would become his wife. Carter s ba travels to Duat and find out he is planning the storm, he also known as The Red Lord. 1. Julius writes hieroglyphics on the Rosseta Stone and releases Osiris 2. He accidently release Horus, Isis, Set, and Nephyths as well 3. Carter s dad is stuck in a glowing coffin 4. Carter and Saddie travel to Brooklyn with their uncle Amos 5. Carter s ba travels to Duat and saw Set and The Face of Horror 6. Amos leaves to find Set and the the mansion was attacked by a serpent, leopard hybrid 7. Bast reveals her human form and takes to saftey 8. Bast fights the Serquet but cannot do it. 9. Zia fights Serquet and travels through the portal with Saddie and Carter 10. Iskandar dies and Saddie and Carter ran away from the first nome 11. They find out they are godlings 12. They steal the book of Thoth. 13. The meet Thoth and find out how to beat Set 14. They travel to the Land of the Dead 15. They meet Anubis 16. They get the Feather of truth 17. Bast dies after fighting the crocodile god. 18. They go to Phoenix inside the red pyramid 19. Amos is the host for Set is hurt 20. Horus and Carter are 1 and fight Set 21. Saddie has vision with her mom and dad 22 They show set mercy because Adophis was seen 23. They see their parents and the gods 24. They go to a school because of Saddie s vision

Vamsi Karra The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan Pg.3

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