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NAME: Angelica Camille M. Guiao SECTION: BS IT 1Y1-7 DATE OF SUBMISSION: July 26, 2011 NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Dan Michael A. Cortez

1. HISTORY OF MICROSOFT EXCEL. The program didn't start off being called Excel. Instead, it was a simple spreadsheet program titled Multiplan, which was released in 1982. While it was wildly popular on CP/M systems, those who used MS-DOS weren't as happy with it as they were with Lotus 1-2-3. To try to remedy that, Microsoft released it as Excel in 1985 for Mac and in 1987 for Windows, which was the first time that it was marketed under the name Microsoft Excel in the mainstream computer software market. Since Lotus 1-2-3 was a bit slow on their game to bring their program to Windows, Excel capitalized on this flaw and managed to get in and steal most of the market before Lotus ever got their program switched over. By the time that Lotus 1-2-3 managed to get its program into the mainstream Windows market, Excel was already outselling all of the competition. In fact, it was this push that gave Microsoft the edge and helped it grow into the leading software developer in the world. With its status firmly planted, and its sales growing in leaps and bounds, Microsoft was able to push Lotus off of its position as the top spreadsheet seller and was able to begin showing off its future visions for developing GUI software. The crew at Microsoft took full advantage of their new top position and began to produce regular releases, about every year and a half, so that users would constantly have an updated version with better features.

2. ILLUSTRATE THE WORKING ENVIROMENT. Active Cell-The active cell is recognized by its black outline. Data is always entered into the active cell. Different cells can be made active by clicking on them with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Column Letters-Columns run vertically on a worksheet and each one is identified by a letter in the column header. File Tab-The File tab is new to Excel 2010 - Sort of. It is a replacement for the Office Button in Excel 2007 which was a replacement for the file menu in earlier versions of Excel. Like the old file menu, the File tab options are mostly related to file management such as opening new or existing worksheet files, saving, printing, and a new feature - saving and sending Excel files in PDF format. Formula Bar-Located above the worksheet, this area displays the contents of the active cell. It can also be used for entering or editing data and formulas. Name Box-Located next to the formula bar, the Name Box displays the cell reference or the name of the active cell. Row Numbers-Rows run horizontally in an Excel 2007 worksheet and are identified by a number in the row header. Sheet Tabs-Switching between worksheets in an Excel 2007 file is done by clicking on the sheet tab at the bottom of the screen. Quick Access Toolbar-This customizable toolbar allows you to add frequently used commands. Click on the down arrow at the end of the toolbar to display the toolbar's options. Ribbon-The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the work area. The Ribbon is organized into a series of tabs - such as File, Home, and Formulas. Each tab contains a number of related features and options. First introduced in Excel 2007, the Ribbon replaced the menus and toolbars found in Excel 2003 and earlier versions.

3. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE MS EXCEL. ADVANTAGES Data Managements o Users must create subset directories for data management. Excel data can be lost when the application is broken down into many files.

Viruses o Viruses can be attached to an Excel file through macros. Macros are mini programs that are written into an Excel spread sheet.

Portability o Excel is a portable application. It can be sent through e-mail and it can be synchronized with PDAs such as Apple's iPhone.

Financial Use o Excel does not need to be customized with financial subsets. The application includes financial modules such as asset appreciation and amortization.

Security o Excel files can be password protected for extra security. A user can create a password through Visual Basic programming or directly within the Excel file.


Steep Learning Curve o Many books have been written on how to use Microsoft Excel because it contains a large number of features that are not intuitive for beginners. The software contains hundreds of formulas and allows the user to create dozens of charts, graphs and other figures. Advanced features like error checking, cell formatting, macros and workbook sharing take time to master.

Cost o The latest version of Microsoft Excel costs around $109 or $229 from Microsoft, depending on whether you buy an upgrade for a previous version, which is the cheaper option, or the full latest version. You can also buy Excel as part of Microsoft Office, which can save money especially if you use the other programs in Office, such as Word, PowerPoint or Outlook. Some people consider Excel very expensive compared to free alternatives. Businesses generally do not mind paying Excel's retail price, but many consumers cannot afford the software.

System Compatibility o Excel is only available on Windows and Mac OS X, which poses a problem for users of Linux and other operating systems. Both Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2010 require 256 MB of RAM and a 500 MHz CPU, which means that owners of old computers are stuck using outdated versions of the software.

Problems with Statistical Analysis o Users who need to perform complex scientific calculations or statistical analysis should avoid Excel at all costs. A report published by Eva Goldwater at the University of Massachusetts entitled, "Using Excel for Statistical Data Analysis - Caveats" concludes that Excel is not a good program for analyzing data. It cites multiple usability issues with the software, including problems with its internal formulas.

4. LIST SHOTCUT KEYS IN MS EXCEL. Ctrl+A Ctrl+B Ctrl+C Ctrl+D Ctrl+F Ctrl+G Ctrl+H Ctrl+I Ctrl+K Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+P Ctrl+R Ctrl+S Ctrl+U Ctrl+V Ctrl W Ctrl+X Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Z F1 F2 F3 F4 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Ctrl+: Ctrl+; Ctrl+" Ctrl+ Shift Shift+F1 Shift+F2 Shift+F3 Shift+F4 Shift+F5 Shift+F6 Shift+F8 Shift+F9 Select All Bold Copy Fill Down Find Goto Replace Italic Insert Hyperlink New Workbook Open Print Fill Right Save Underline Paste Close Cut Repeat Undo Help Edit Paste Name Repeat last action While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs Go to Next Pane Spell check Extend mode Recalculate all workbooks Activate Menu bar New Chart Save As Insert Current Time Insert Current Date Copy Value from Cell Above Copy Formula from Cell Above Hold down shift for additional functions in Excels menu whats this? Edit cell comment Paste function into formula Find Next Find Previous Pane Add to selection Calculate active worksheet

Shift+F10 Shift+F11 Shift+F12 Ctrl+F3 Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F5 XL, Ctrl+F6 Shift+Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+F7 Ctrl+F8 Ctrl+F9 Ctrl+F10 Ctrl+F11 Ctrl+F12 Alt+F1 Alt+F2 Alt+F4 Alt+F8 Alt+F11 Ctrl+Shift+F3 Ctrl+Shift+F6 Ctrl+Shift+F12 Alt+Shift+F1 Alt+Shift+F2 Alt+= Ctrl+` Ctrl+Shift+A Alt+Down arrow Alt+ Ctrl+Shift+~ Ctrl+Shift+! Ctrl+Shift+@ Ctrl+Shift+# Ctrl+Shift+$ Ctrl+Shift+% Ctrl+Shift+^ Ctrl+Shift+& Ctrl+Shift+_ Ctrl+Shift+* Ctrl++ Ctrl+Ctrl+1 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+3 Ctrl+4 Ctrl+5 Ctrl+6 Ctrl+7 Ctrl+8 Ctrl+9

Display shortcut menu New worksheet Save Define name Close Restore window size Next workbook window Previous workbook window Move window Resize window Minimize workbook Maximize or restore window Inset 4.0 Macro sheet File Open Insert Chart Save As Exit Macro dialog box Visual Basic Editor Create name by using names of row and column labels Previous Window Print New worksheet Save AutoSum Toggle Value/Formula display Insert argument names into formula Display AutoComplete list Format Style dialog box General format Comma format Time format Date format Currency format Percent format Exponential format Place outline border around selected cells Remove outline border Select current region Insert Delete Format cells dialog box Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Show/Hide objects Show/Hide Standard toolbar Toggle Outline symbols Hide rows

Ctrl+0 Ctrl+Shift+( Ctrl+Shift+) Alt or F10 Ctrl+Tab Shift+Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab Shift+Ctrl+Tab Tab Shift+Tab Enter Shift+Ctrl+F Shift+Ctrl+F+F Shift+Ctrl+P

Hide columns Unhide rows Unhide columns Activate the menu In toolbar: next toolbar In toolbar: previous toolbar In a workbook: activate next workbook In a workbook: activate previous workbook Next tool Previous tool Do the command Font Drop Down List Font tab of Format Cell Dialog box Point size Drop down List

5. LIST DOWN ALL THE FORMULA. A formula is nothing more than an equation that you write up. In Excel a typical formula might contain cells, constants, and even functions. Here is an example Excel formula that we have labeled for your understanding.

Excel Formulas

This first formula will be as simple as they come and will teach you the basic form of an Excel formula. Create a new spreadsheet and then follow these steps: 1. Select cell A1 2. Type the following basic arithmetic formula into cell A1: =1+1 This may seem simple, but there are a some very important things you should get out of this example. When you start off a cell entry with the equal sign "=" you are telling Excel that you want it to evaluate the following formula. In our case we had a simple "1+1" we wanted Excel to solve for us. You can do this for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and any other operation you can think of. Remember, if you do not start your entry with the equal sign, then Excel will not evaluate the cell!

Excel Formulas: Creating Your First Formula The most powerful aspect of Excel is not the simple calculator abilities we describes in our first formula example, but rather the ability to take values from cells to be used in your formulas. 1. Select cell A1

2. Type the following basic arithmetic formula into cell A1: =1+1

3. Press Enter and notice how cell A1 changes from your formula to the result!

This may seem simple, but there are a some very important things you should get out of this example. When you start off a cell entry with the equal sign "=" you are telling Excel that you want it to evaluate the following formula. In our case we had a simple "1+1" we wanted Excel to solve for us. You can do this for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and any other operation you can think of. Remember, if you do not start your entry with the equal sign, then Excel will not evaluate the cell!

Using Cells to Create Dynamic Formulas The most powerful aspect of Excel is not the simple calculator abilities we describes in our first formula example, but rather the ability to take values from cells to be used in your formulas. 1. In cells A1-D4 enter the following information:

Notice: that cell D2 and D3 are blank, but should contain the amount of money from selling 150 candy items and 3 vegetables. By referencing the Quantity and Price cells we will be able to do this! Let's begin with Candy. 2. Note:It is very important to follow these steps exactly without interruptions! Select cell D2, candy's "revenue", and type the equal sign "=" to begin your formula. 3. Left-click on cell B2, Candy's Quantity and notice your formula is now "=B2"

4. We want to multiply Quantity(B2) by Price(B3) so enter an asterisk (*)


Now left-click on Candy's Price (C2)to complete your formula!

6. If your formula looks like ours then press Enter, otherwise you can manually enter the formula "=B2*C2". However, we really think it is easier and preferred to click on cells to reference them, instead of entering that information manually. 7. After you pressed Enter your Candy Revenue cell should be functioning properly and contain the value 75.

8. Using your newly gained knowledge please complete Vegetable's Revenue by repeating steps 2-7 for Vegetable 9. Your spreadsheet should now look like this:

10. Cheat sheet: If you are having trouble creating the formula for Vegetable's Revenue it is "=B3*C3"

Advanced Excel Formulas: Using Formulas in Formulas

Now that we have created separate revenues for both Candy and Vegetable it would be nice to somehow combine these two values to get the Total Revenue. Although both Vegetable Revenue and Candy Revenue contain formulas, we can still use these cells as we have been doing and add them together to get our total.

1. Select cell D5 (directly below "Total") 2. Type the equal sign "=" 3. Left-click cell D2 4. Type the plus sign "+"

5. Left-click cell D3. Cell D5 should now contain this formula "=D2+D3":

6. Press Enter to complete your Total Revenue!

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