Grade-8 Examination 2009: General Instructions

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Version 1

General Instructions:
1) Candidate will write his Roll Number on Computerized Answer Sheet and Open Ended Part in
digits. It is repeated, write Roll Number in digits.
2) Attempt all questions. Read each question carefully before answering.
3) Students are not allowed to take the Question Paper/Answer Sheet out of the Examination
4) Tick ; the correct option with a Ball Point, for right answer to the MCQs part, on the
computerized answer sheet. Tick ; sign must be remain within the box.

Pakistan came into being.

(a) 1856
(b) 1905
Correct method to answer:

(c) 1947

(d) 1927



Note: If you tick ; more than one options of a question, answer will be considered wrong and no marks
will be awarded.

TIME ALLOWED: 1 hour 40 minutes
Specific Instructions: Forty (40) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part.
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. No.1.

He got admission in _______ University.

(a) an
(b) the
(c) a
(d) but

Q. No.2.

At the end of every question/interrogative sentence, we put a ______.

(a) Full stop
(b) comma
(c) question mark
(d) capital letter

Q. No.3.

_______ you reach there tomorrow.

(a) was
(b) shall
(c) had
(d) will

Q. No.4.

The group of words which consists of all the months in a year is

(a) Monday, April, June
(b) Sunday, Monday, June
(c) Monday, Tuesday, April
(d) April, May, June

Q. No.5.

Do you have ________ book in your bag?

(a) Some
(b) Any
(c) More
(d) Many

Q. No.6.

Iron is one of the _______ metals.

(a) Hard
(b) Harder
(c) Hardest
(d) More Hard

Q. No.7.

He is the butcher _________ slaughtered the cow.

(a) Who
(b) Whom
(c) What

(d) Which

Q. No.8.

Hazrat Umar (R.A) was a very daring man. Daring means

(a) Intelligent
(b) Honest
(c) Hard Working
(d) Brave

Q. No.9.

Population of the world is increasing tremendously. Tremendously means

(a) Slowly
(b) Quickly
(c) Greatly
(d) Beautifully

Q. No.10.

He began to learn his lesson by ________.

(a) Wear and Tear
(b) Ways and Means
(c) Heart and Soul
(d) By no means

Q. No.11.

Black sweater looks _________ beautiful than white ones.

(a) A lot of
(b) Much
(c) The most
(d) More

Q. No.12.

He got first division _________ he had worked hard.

(a) But
(b) Also
(c) Because
(d) And

Q. No.13.

All other men on the boat were _______.

(a) Swam
(b) Sank
(c) Drowned
(d) Floated

Q. No.14.

The sentence in Past Indefinite is

(a) She loves her lamb very much
(b) She loved her lamb very much
(c) She was loving her lamb very much
(d) She had loved her lamb very much

Q. No.15.

He showed many tricks. He amused the children with his tricks. He means
(a) Doctor
(b) Teacher
(c) Postman
(d) Magician

Q. No.16.

Their grandfather died. They ________ him in the graveyard.

(a) Bury
(b) Buried
(c) Buries
(d) Burying

Q. No.17.

I ________ some fishing yesterday.

(a) Do
(b) Did
(c) Done
(d) Doing

Q. No.18.

_______string goes slack, you wind it back.

(a) Slack
(b) Wind
(c) String
(d) When

Q. No.19.

The teacher has been teaching _______ morning.

(a) From
(b) For
(c) Since
(d) Till

Q. No.20.

We must use all _______ to educate people.

(a) Ways and Means
(b) Wear and Tear
(c) Thick and Thin
(d) Heart and Soul

Q. No.21.

The correct noun of the verb Preach is

(a) Preachor
(b) Preecher
(c) Preacher
(d) Preicher

Q. No.22.

The sentence with correct opposites is

(a) There were many pretty toys but one was ugly.
(b) Mother was going with her son.
(c) Hockey is played by Pakistan and India.
(d) We play football and cricket.

Q. No.23.

The sentence with correct use of either/or is

(a) We have to buy either mangoes or bananas.
(b) We have to either buy mangoes or bananas.
(c) We either have to buy mangoes or bananas.
(d) Either we have to buy mangoes or bananas.

Q. No.24.

The word with correct spellings is

(a) Teliphone
(b) Telephon
(c) Telefon
(d) Telephone

Q. No.25.

Never look down _______ the poor.

(a) in
(b) upon
(c) on
(d) at

Q. No.26.

The correct proverb is

(a) Every dark cloud has a dark lining.
(b) Every dark cloud has a silver lining.
(c) Every cloud has a dark and silver lining
(d) Every dark and silver could has a lining

Q. No.27.

The correct interrogative sentence is

(a) Why did you bring your bag?
(b) Why did you brought your bag?
(c) Why does you bring your bag?
(d) Why do you brings your bag?

Q. No.28.

The sentence with the correct use of conjunction is

(a) He was ill but he went to the doctor.
(b) He was ill because he went to the doctor.
(c) He was ill therefore he went to the doctor.
(d) He was ill yet he went to the doctor.

Q. No.29.

He went down the hill to fetch a ______ of water.

(a) Pail
(b) Pale
(c) Pool
(d) Pile

Q. No.30.

The sentence with the correct use of neither/nor is

(a) You can play neither hockey nor football.
(b) You can neither play hockey nor football.
(c) You neither can play hockey nor football.
(d) You cannot play neither hockey nor football.

Q. No.31.

He has decided to go in for medicine. He will serve the patients. He wants to be a

(a) Doctor
(b) Policeman
(c) Cook
(d) Soldier

Q. No.32.

The sentence with the correct use of either/or is

(a) You can either study science or arts.
(b) You either can study science or arts.
(c) Either you can study science or arts.
(d) You can study either science or arts.

Q. No.33.

The sentence in correct past perfect is

(a) When I reached the station, the train left.
(b) When I reached the station, the train was leaving.
(c) When I had reached the station, the train had left.
(d) When I reached the station, the train had left.

Q. No.34.

Q. No.35.

The correct passive of the sentence She opened many schools for children. is
(a) Many schools have been opened for children by her.
(b) Many schools are opened for children by her.
(c) Many schools opened for children by her.
(d) Many schools were opened for children by her.
Not of those
Who earn your anger
Not of those
Who go astray
These lines are about
(a) Good people
(b) Bad people
(c) Lovely people
(d) Old people

Q. No.36.

The correct active voice of the sentence Nurses are employed by the state is.
(a) State has employed the nurses.
(b) State is employing the nurses.
(c) State employees the nurses.
(d) State will employee the nurses.

Q. No.37.

The wrong proverb is

(a) A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
(b) Look before you leap.
(c) Birds of a feather have a silver lining.
(d) A stitch in time saves nine.

Q. No.38.

The correct translation of Urdu sentence

(a) He likes to go for a morning walk.
(b) He goes for a morning walk.
(c) He liked to go for a morning walk.
(d) He is going for a morning walk.

Q. No.39.

The correct English translation of the Urdu sentence

(a) Why did you ask so many questions?
(b) Why do you ask so many questions?
(c) Why have you asked so many questions?
(d) Why are you asking so many questions?

Q. No.40.

The correct Urdu translation of the sentence,

English has become an international language. is




Version 1






Roll Number:

Signature of Supervisor:_____________


English Part-(B)
TIME ALLOWED: 1 hour 20 minutes

Specific Instructions: This part has 4 Open Ended Questions. Please use blank space
given below the question to write the answer.
Q. No. 41
Write an essay of at least 15 sentences about My Country

Q. No. 42
An old man who must be humoured
And sent to his room
When there are guests about
But always to be relied on
To keep the children upstairs
And out of mischief.
For what purpose is he relied on?



When is he sent to his room?

How many rhyming words are there in the stanza?
Explain the stanza in your own words.

Q. No. 43

Use the following pairs in your own sentences.


Hole: ____________________________________________________________________
Whole: ___________________________________________________________________
There: ____________________________________________________________________
Their: ____________________________________________________________________


Translate the following sentences into English?





Q. No.44
Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a garden.



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