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Curtin Business School Divisional Capstone Unit

Business Capstone 301 Unit Outline Semester 1, 2006

Unit Index Number Hours per Week Weekly Tuition Pattern Credit Value Pre-requisites Tutor Tutors office Tutors email Tutors contact telephone numbers Unit Controller Unit Controllers office Unit Controllers email Divisional telephone & fax numbers Website for Unit Materials Student Consultation Times 12034 3 hours 1 hour lecture/seminar. 2 hours tutorial/laboratory and team work. (Note: this pattern is impacted by business simulation demands.) 25 credits Students should normally have accumulated at least 475 credits in their business degree course. xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx 9266 xxxx Kyle Bowyer 407.231 9266 2846 (tel) or 9266 3222 (fax) Available from the Tutors office

The Unit Outline (this document) gives the student important information about the unit, aims, outcomes, syllabus, materials, timetable, program and assessment. Note that important general information including policies, expectations, examinations, copyright, referencing, academic misconduct, assistance for communication skills, guidelines for assessment and CV development is available in the CBS Student Handbook. January 2006 CRICOS provider code 00301J

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UNIT INFORMATION.............................................................................................................3
1. Aims.....................................................................................................................................................................3 2. Outcomes..............................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Learning Outcomes 3 Professional Skills Outcomes 3 3. Syllabus................................................................................................................................................................5 4. Materials...............................................................................................................................................................5 4.1 Texts, References, Other Resources 5 4.2 Texts 5 4.3 References 5 4.4 Other Resources 5 5. Timetable of Classes............................................................................................................................................5 6. Program................................................................................................................................................................6 6.1 Decision Deadlines 8 7. Assessment...........................................................................................................................................................8 7.1 Summary 8 7.2 Assessment Details 8 7.2.1 Interactive Simulation Activities Item 1 9 7.2.2 Assignment: Outcome Attainment Item 2 10 7.2.3 Reflections on my Participation Item 3 10 7.3 Assessment Compliance Information 11 Penalty for Late Submission of Assessments 11 7.5 Relationship of Assessment Activities to Learning Outcomes and Professional Skills 12 8. General Information...........................................................................................................................................13 9. Supplementary Instructions and Materials.........................................................................................................13

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1. Aims

This unit is designed to provide you with an authentic problem based learning experience where you will be able to demonstrate the professional skills that employers expect from competent business graduates. You will be given the opportunity to utilise your individual capabilities within a simulated business environment. By participating in and overcoming a series of challenging tasks you should further develop your professional skills. Although there is an emphasis on teamwork (you will be placed in deliberately diversified teams), your personal contributions remain important because 60% of assessment is based on individual performance. Capstone provides an opportunity for you to apply your business knowledge and fine-tune your professional skills as you strive to achieve competent business outcomes within the simulation.


Note: an illustration of how the following outcomes relate to each other can be found on page 10.


Learning Outcomes

Outcomes at the Degree Level

Students that successfully graduate with a CBS undergraduate business degree will have demonstrated that they can:
Apply their foundational business knowledge; Utilise professional skills; and Operate in multi-disciplinary environments.

Outcomes at the Unit Level

At the conclusion of this unit, successful students will have demonstrated that they can:
Utilise their critical thinking and information processing skills; Apply their understanding of functional area strategic alignment, tactical business planning, competitor analysis, market positioning, and financial report analysis; Take ownership of their decisions and the impact of those decisions; Reflect on their personal performance as a team player; Assess the contributions of their peers; Provide leadership and direction; Write a brief business report; Contribute to the preparation of a corporate performance report; and Participate in the production and delivery of a corporate presentation.

Professional Skills Outcomes Employers worldwide want graduates who have developed effective professional skills. The CBS professional skills program includes communication (writing, interpersonal interactions and cultural awareness, and presenting), critical and creative thinking (problem solving and decision making), team work, IT literacy and information literacy. On successful completion of this unit, students will have used their ability to:
Communicate by writing papers and reports, interacting with other participants, applying cultural awareness and presenting their opinions; Think critically and creatively by participating in problem-solving and decision-making; Condense large amounts of information into useful knowledge; Utilise information technology; and
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Participate as an effective team-member and efficiently manage their time.

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Syllabus The capstone unit is largely a problem based learning activity that encourages you (as a team member) to apply your business knowledge within a competitive simulated business environment. Your team will be assigned to manage a company operating within an electronic sensor industry. Companies will have to consider what is happening in their industry, why changes take place and make decisions that lead to successful outcomes. Managing the company will require your team to make a wide range of decisions, including:
Which markets to emphasise? What types of research and development to conduct? How to effectively market products? How to manage production facilities and a sales force? How to contract and implement team roles and responsibilities? How to effectively manage information that will support critical decisions? How to finance operations?

The simulation provides opportunities to practice strategising. It is expected that teams will maximise their full potential by taking advantage of individual team-member strengths. Responsibilities will have to be assigned. An agreement or contract describing the expectations of each team-member must be obtained. As you participate within this dynamic business environment, continuous contributions will be essential because your team performance could vary throughout the simulation. Consequently, individual contributions can and will be tracked to ensure equitable team outcomes. 4.
4.1 4.2

Texts, References, Other Resources Texts Each student is required to obtain a copy of the CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1 (available from the Curtin Bookshop). This study material includes a student registration access number for the CapSim online environment that is necessary for participation in this unit.

(Note: The CapSim access number cannot be shared amongst students or reused across semesters.) 4.3 References Additional references will be supplied within CBSs Blackboard environment (Business Capstone 301- ). 4.4 Other Resources Further online materials will be distributed using CBSs Blackboard environment (Business Capstone 301- ). Also, the CBS Capstone Blackboard environment will be used extensively to support communication and record keeping during this unit.


Timetable of Classes
Refer to website: for class availability.

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Week begins 0. 20 Feb

Program Semester activity schedule

Study Modules None Seminar None Tutorial/ Laboratory None Preparation & readings for next study module Review CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1 (available from Curtin Bookshop) Review TEAM MEMBER GUIDE from Management Simulations Inc (included in the CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1.) Complete CapSim lessons 1 & 2, online. Team members to continue working on mission and strategy suggestions Re-read chapters 2 to 4 of the TEAM MEMBER GUIDE. Prepare for Quiz due in Module 03 Upload decisions for Practice Round 2. Upload decisions for Round 1. Enter individual comments, thoughts and observations into personal journal. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Assessment Due None

1. 27 Feb

Module 01 Introduction

Team allocations. Introduction to the unit. Overview of the simulation.

Meet your team. Team activity, linked to the team-work. Login: CapSim. Login: Blackboard.


2. 06 Mar

Module 02 Practice Rounds

Reminder about practice rounds. Presentation on ideas for simulation strategies. Discussion on record keeping.

Team Meeting - discussion about the companys mission statement and strategies. Decision meeting: Practice Round 1. Review practice round 1 results. Decision meeting: Practice Round 2. Team meeting to set member roles and expectations. Agree how individual contributions are to be available before decision meetings. Team meeting to agree first draft of mission and strategies. Decision meeting: Round 1. Review Round 1 results. Review final mission & strategy. Decision meeting: Round 2. Complete and save self-assessment evaluation.


3. 13 Mar

Module 03 Practice Rounds Debrief

Discussion of practice round outcomes. Introduction to roles and expectations.

Simulation Interactive Activity - QUIZ to be held during the laboratory (10 minutes of multi-choice questions).

4. 20 Mar

Module 04 Round 1 debrief

Industry report: debrief of Round I outcomes. General discussion about progress to date. Discussion of assignment preparation guides.

Upload decisions for Round 2. Post final team roles and expectations to Team board. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Make an entry in personal journal. Locate data, references and start to draft Outcome Attainment paper (OA paper) due in Module 07. Read winning teamwork, discussion paper. Upload decisions for Round 3. Post final mission & strategy to Team board. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Make an entry in personal journal. Work on OA paper. Read ethics in business, discussion paper. Preparation & readings for


5. 27 Mar

Module 05 Round 2 debrief

Industry report: debrief of Round 2 outcomes. Discussion on winning teamwork.

1st peer evaluation of team members. Review Round 2 results. Decision meeting: Round 3. Team meeting with Tutor to discuss progress to date.



Study Modules



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begins 6. 03 Apr

Module 06 Round 3 debrief

Industry report: debrief of Round 3 outcomes. Discussion of ethics in business.

Laboratory Review Round 3 results. Individual preparation for Round 4 meeting. Decision meeting: Round 4.

7. 10 Apr

Module 07 Round 4 debrief

Industry report: debrief of Round 4 outcomes. Discussion on critical information. None Industry report: debrief of Round 5 outcomes. Discussion of corporate performance.

Review Round 4 results. Individual preparation for Round 5 meeting. Decision meeting: Round 5. Note: Advanced Marketing options activated in rounds 5 to 8. None Review Round 5 results. Individual preparation for Round 5 meeting. Decision meeting: Round 6. Note: labour negotiations activated in rounds 6.

8&9 17- 28 10. 01 May

Tuition Free Weeks Module 08 Round 5 debrief

next study module Upload decisions for Round 4. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Make an entry in personal journal. Work on OA paper. Read critical information, discussion paper. Upload decisions for Round 5. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Make an entry in personal journal. Read corporate performance, discussion paper. Independent studies Upload decisions for Round 6. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Make an entry in personal journal. Read decisions and management models, discussion paper. Upload decisions for Round 7. Work on 1st draft of Reflections assignment paper, due in Module 11. Post individual contributions before next decision meeting. Make an entry in personal journal.

None (Be sure you understand hand-in arrangements for all assignments.)

Outcome attainment assignment paper due by 17:00hrs on Monday.

None None

11. 08 May

Module 09 Round 6 debrief

Industry report: debrief of Round 6 outcomes. Discussion of decisions and management models.

12. 15 May

Module 10 Round 7 debrief

13. 22 May

Module 11 Round 8 debrief

14. 20 May

Module12 Presentations

Feedback on Outcome assignment. Industry report: debrief of Round 7 outcomes. Discussion about successful presentations. Industry report: debrief of Round 8 outcomes. Open discussion about presentations and reports for Week 14. Team presentations and wind-up.

2nd peer evaluation of team members. Review Round 6 results. Decision meeting: Round 7. Team meeting to allocate individual tasks for the preparation of the company report and presentation, due in Module 12. Team meeting with Tutor to discuss progress to date. Review Round 7 results. Decision meeting: Round 8. Team meeting on the company report and presentation, due in Module 12.


Upload decisions for Round 8. Make an entry in personal journal. Work on final draft of Reflections paper , due in Module 11.


Team meeting reflect on simulation outcomes and implications for the company report & presentation. Then to continue with report & presentation preparation. Team presentations (20 minutes each team) Peer evaluations of team presentations Course evaluation (10 minutes) None None

Continue preparation of company report and presentation.

Reflections on my participation, paper due by 17:00hrs on Monday. Simulation Interactive Activity Simulation result announced. Simulation Interactive Activity Company report due by 17:00hrs on Monday. Simulation Interactive Activity Presentations in class. None None

Prepare for team presentations and finalise company report.

15. 05 Jun 16. 12 Jun

None None

Exam Study Week Exams Weeks 1&2

None None

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Decision Deadlines

During the business simulation teams are regularly required to upload their decisions to CapSim, as each round of the business game progresses. These decisions are used by the simulation software to calculate results and to produce the revised industry report (called the Capstone Courier). Therefore, it is very important that teams upload their decisions before the simulation is calculated. If a team does not upload its decisions before the deadline then their simulation outcomes will be affected. Decision upload and deadlines will be discussed during Module 02 when there will be opportunities for teams to complete two PRACTICE ROUNDS, before the start of the assessed ROUNDS. The following table provides a schedule of dates and times for the decision deadlines. It is a team responsibility to ensure that their decisions are uploaded before a particular deadline. Study Module Module 02 Module 03 Module 04 Module 05 Module 06 Module 07 Module 08 Module 09 Module 10 Decision Deadline Upload practice round 01 decisions during class Upload practice round 02 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 12 Mar. Upload round 01 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 19 Mar. Upload round 02 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 26 Apr. Upload round 03 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 02 Apr. Upload round 04 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 09 Apr. Upload round 05 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 16 Apr. Upload round 06 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 07 May. Upload round 07 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 14 May. Upload round 08 decisions before 19:00hrs on Sunday, 21 May.


To pass this unit you must: Receive an overall grade of 5 or above and a mark greater than or equal to 50. Item No. 1 2 3 Assessment Activity Interactive simulation activities Assignment: Outcome attainment Reflections on my participation Note: There is no examination in this unit. Total Percentage % 50% 25% 25% 100%

The assessments are due as per the PROGRAM detailed on pages 5 and 6.


Assessment Details
A computer based business simulation is used throughout the semester that requires you to successfully participate as a team member (of a virtual company). Simulation activities continuously develop throughout the semester; however there are components of individual assessment within these activities. Item No. 1 Assessment Activity Interactive simulation activities: Quiz Company written report Company presentation Simulation result Assignment: Outcome attainment Reflections on my participation Total Group assessment % 10% 5% 25% Individual assessment % 5% 5% 25% 25% 60%

2 3


Even though the interactive simulation activities attract 50% of unit assessment, individual assessment totals 60%. Therefore, whilst teamwork is properly recognised it does not overpower your potential to achieve excellent individual assessment outcomes.

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Interactive Simulation Activities Item 1

CapSim Quiz (5%) individual assignment task. You will be required to sit a multiple-choice quiz that is based on the TEAM MEMBER GUIDE from Management Simulations Inc (copy enclosed in the CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1) and on lessons 1 & 2 from the CapSim Internet site. The quiz will be conducted in class during Module 03. No study aids will be allowed. Company Written Report and Presentation (20%) group and individual assignment task. To enable teams to record notes that will support this assessment item, each team will be allocated a Group Page (within the Blackboard WWW site for Business Capstone 301). This Group page is the teams own bulletin board and will only be accessible by team members and academic staff. The teams mission & strategy and roles & expectations will be posted to the team board at the beginning of the semester. Also, it is advisable that throughout the simulation, teams should post (to their Group Page) notes that record their weekly intentions/decisions and copies of team outcomes. In addition, team-members could post individual contributions to the weekly decision processes. These postings and the Capstone Courier will accumulate into a database describing the strategic postures taken, assumptions and decisions made, and outcomes achieved. Altogether these data illustrate how the team came to understand their market (i.e., what was happening, why it happened and how they used that knowledge to inform their decisions). Based on this information, each team is required to describe team performance over the course of the simulation. This description will include a written report (10%) and a presentation (10%). Report (10%) - Based on accumulated information, a Company Report describing simulation results and the companys potential to sustain its future performance, is required. The report is to be written with the intention of informing company stakeholders. Teams will have a large degree of freedom in the design of this report, however the marking criteria (detailed in the CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1) should be read carefully. This report will be assessed on a group basis and will attract a maximum of 10% of unit assessment. The Company Report is to be emailed to your Tutor (as an electronic WORD attachment) by date and time specified in the PROGRAM (see page 5 & 6). Presentation (10%) Using the Companys Report, the team will prepare a presentation describing company performance and learning over the course of the simulation. This 20 minute presentation will take place during Module 12. All team members are expected to participate in the presentation. The presentation mark will be split into two halves. The content of the presentation will attract a maximum of 5% of unit assessment and will be awarded equally to team members. Individual presentation performances will attract a maximum of 5% of unit assessment and be awarded individually. Teams will be required to assist the Tutor with peer evaluations of other team presentations. Simulation Result (25%) group assignment task. The simulation result will be based on the competitive performance of each team. Progressive simulation generated team scores will be announced in weeks 5, 7, 11 with the final score announced in Module 11. Company performance will be calculated using the following simulation success measurements: Cumulated Profit (25%); Averaged Return on Equity (30%); Ending Stock Price (15%); and Average Return on Assets (30%) (Note: A presentation will be give on success measures.) The final simulation result will be awarded equally to each team member. A maximum of 25% of unit assessment will be awarded. Each generated company score will range between 0 and 6. These scores will be pro-rated to arrive at an assessment percentage, according to the following structure: For a score in the range 1.00 to 6.00; the pro-rated result will be greater than 11% but less than 25% of unit assessment; and For a score in the range 0.00 to 0.99; the pro-rated result that will range from 0% up to 11% of unit assessment.

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Assignment: Outcome Attainment Item 2

The simulation provides you with the opportunity to experience the challenge of influencing future outcomes with your decisions. Within the simulation, you are required to consider what is happening, why changes take place and then to make decisions that lead to successful outcomes (for your team). This practical experience will add to your appreciation of the challenges associated with planning, decisionmaking and the realisation of desired goals. In this assignment, you are required to use the knowledge you have accumulated during your undergraduate studies to: locate a prediction, forecast or claim (i.e., that a particular strategy will result in a desired outcome) and evaluate the effectiveness of that statement by relating it to a concept, principle or theoretical model. In other words, you will write a brief business report that evaluates the attainment of a proposed outcome. You are expected to choose a topic that is related to a major area of your business studies. The task of preparing this assignment requires you to locate a statement (i.e., prediction, forecast or claim) and details of corresponding outcomes. The following examples indicate potential topics for you to consider: Stock-exchange listed companies periodically forecast their performance. Were these statements confirmed in subsequent annual reports? The value (i.e., share price) of mining and oil operations are often based on predictions about mineral reserves. Were these predictions realistic? Company prospectuses are used to attract investment. Were prospectus claims proven to be correct? Governments prepare budgets based on economic forecasts. Were the forecasts realistic? Management restructuring is often predicted to achieve particular outcomes. Were the outcomes obtained? Marketing plans are designed to achieve market advantage. Were these advantages realised? Legal changes are intended to achieve a social good. Did the change achieve what was expected? Resources investments (i.e., in new computerised systems) are expected to realise strategic advantages. What advantages materialise? or Some other example that is based on a statement (i.e., prediction, forecast or claim) and subsequent outcomes corresponding to that statement.

This assignment is to be written as a business report and will be no more than three A4 pages (use single spaced line format and the Times New Roman, 12pt font). You must include at least five references to the sources of the information or concepts you used when preparing this report. At least two of these references should be from academic sources (i.e., text books, journals or professional business magazines). Textual references and the reference list must follow the Harvard referencing style. You will be required to conform to the outcome attainment marking criteria (detailed in the CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1); therefore these criteria should be read carefully. This assignment will be assessed on an individual basis and will attract a maximum of 25% of unit assessment. The outcome attainment report is to be emailed to your Tutor by the date and time specified in the PROGRAM (see page 5 & 6).


Reflections on my Participation Item 3

To enable you to record personal diary notes (online) you will be allocated a personal journal (within the Blackboard WWW site for Business Capstone 301). This personal journal will only be accessible by you and academic staff. You are required to keep a reflective journal that contains your personal observations about your participation in team activities. In particular, you will maintain a diary of comments, thoughts and observations that occur to you throughout the semester. This diary will be date-stamped and kept in your personal journal. Writing your weekly thoughts are not meant to be onerous (NO MORE THAN PAGE PER WEEK). However, you must make a journal entry each week because these notes will become a valuable resource when summarising your reflections. Your tutor will check the personal journals and if you have not recorded weekly journal entries, your mark (for this assessment item) could be reduced by 50%. Another source of reflective material will be the peer evaluations completed by your fellow team members. These evaluations will take place in Modules 05 and 09 with the results posted (to CapSim) in
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Modules 06 and 10. You will be able to use the results of these peer evaluations and your self-evaluation (completed in Module 04) to support your reflections. The intention of the journals and the evaluations is for you to collect useful data that will help you write an assignment paper entitled Reflections on my Participation. This paper will describe your thoughts about your collaboration, contribution and what you need to do to improve your performance as an effective team member. To ensure that your journal provides you with useful data, consider using the following headings each time you make a journal entry: Heading 1) Heading 2) Heading 3) My collaboration At the start of the unit, how did I think I could best collaborate? What was my approach to interacting with the other team members? Was my collaboration effective? My contribution What did I expect to get out of working within my team? What incidents occurred? Was my input important? What I need to improve on to become an effective team member What should I have done differently? What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses?

These questions are suggested to help you think about each heading. However, you are not expected to write something on all questions, every week. Nevertheless, your paper must address each heading. Therefore, make sure that you capture enough thoughts (during the semester) to assist the preparation of your paper. The paper will be no more than two A4 pages (use single spaced line format and the Times New Roman, 12pt font). If you wish to support your text with a conceptual diagram or visual representation of your reflections, then no more than one additional page will be accepted. You will be required to conform to the Reflections on my Participation marking criteria (detailed in the CBS Business Capstone 301: Team Member Work Materials 2006/1); therefore these criteria should be read carefully. This assignment will be assessed on an individual basis and will attract a maximum of 25% of unit assessment. The Reflections on my Participation report is to be emailed to Tutor by the date and time specified in the PROGRAM (see page 5 & 6).


Assessment Compliance Information

Due dates will be strictly adhered to. Extensions will be granted only in cases of demonstrated urgent need. It is your responsibility to check the due date. Official release results for this unit are published on Oasis on the Curtin website. Penalty for Late Submission of Assessments

If assignments are not submitted by the due date, a penalty of 5% per day will be deducted from the assessment mark and after seven (7) days a zero mark will be recorded. It is your responsibility to keep appropriate copies/backups of every assignment submitted.

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Relationship of Assessment Activities to Learning Outcomes and Professional Skills

This mapping illustrates how assessment activities relate to learning outcomes and professional skills. (Note: This graphic will be explained and discussed during Week 2.)

Degree level capability expectations for CBS graduates: Unit level learning outcomes that Capstone students will have demonstrated :

Apply foundational business knowledge

Utilise professional skills

Operate in multidisciplinary environments

Provide leadership and direction

Use information processing and critical thinking skills

Take ownership of their decisions and the impact of those decisions Prepare a corporate performance report

Write a concise yet informative paper

Apply an understanding of functional area strategic alignment, tactical business planning, competitor analysis, market positioning, and financial report analysis

Produce and present a corporate presentatio n

Access peer roles

Reflect on personal performance as a teamplayer

Capstone assessment activities:

Interactive Simulation Activities

Assignment: Reflections on my participation

Assignment: Outcome attainment

Professional skill usage: (Note: these capabilities are integrated in practice, nevertheless for clarity the professional skill has been emphasised.)

Teamwork (and time management ) Information Technology Literacy Communications: writing, interpersonal interactions, cultural awareness and presenting

Informatio n Literacy

Critical and creative thinking: problem solving and decision making Generic version of unit outline

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General Information
Please see the CBS Student Handbook (as described on page 1 of this document) for important general information.


Supplementary Instructions and Materials

You will participate in an online computer simulation that will be accessible from Normally, each simulation will have a maximum of 30 students placed into five corporate teams. The simulation is based on a highly competitive electronic sensor industry and provides you with an opportunity to apply your holistic business knowledge and acumen. Individual registration into the simulation will be covered during Module 01; therefore it is important that students attend the first class of the semester.


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