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Im a second year politics and history student at the London School of Economics. I joined the Labour Party 4 years ago and have since played an active role, campaigning across the country for the general election, local elections, by-elections and most recently for Ken Livingstones mayoral election. I have organised regular campaign days for East Midlands Young Labour and Labour Students.

I want to see Labour Students playing a meaningful role in the partys policy-making process and I want to ensure that we are listened to. I will work with our policy forum representatives to help Labour Students shape party policy at this crucial time. I will work hard to support clubs with campaigns and make Labour Students campaign days as good as possible, sharing the best practice I have learnt from my time campaigning.

CONTACT ME: @bexbailey6


build on the success of this years living wage campaign and run nationwide campaigns on the issues that you have voted into Labour Students policy, such as a graduate tax, a funding system for postgraduate degrees and ending unpaid internships; provide campaign training for clubs and ensure that training and support is available for members who are getting involved for the first time; work with the National Campaigns and Membership Officer to organise big campaign days across the country; work with clubs to get regular campaigning sessions organised in their local areas and be on-hand to help and advise with this; work to elect more Labour Students sabbatical officers in our students unions; support clubs with the next priority campaign and ensure they have the resources they need to campaign on campuses; encourage Labour clubs to hold regular policy workshops and support them in the organisation of these events; Bex has a track record of encourage discussion of policy ideas through the forums getting things done. If you want on the Labour Students website; someone who wont just talk about it but will actually get out work to ensure that our policy-making is open and there and change things then accessible to everyone I will make sure that easy vote for Bex. guidelines are available, which explain how to write and Callum Munro, Youth and submit motions. Students Representative on
Labours NEC

Im keen to hear your ideas and to consult with clubs on improving campaigning and policy-making. Please do get in touch with me if you have any questions or ideas, or if your club needs support. I will be approachable and ensure that there is two-way communication.
CONTACT ME: @bexbailey6


I have organised regular Labour Students and Young Labour campaign days and supported students and young people around the country in organising their own campaign days.
Bex is one of the most tireless and dedicated campaigners we have in Labour Students. She's got the combination of ideas, practical experience and drive to be a Vice Chair (Campaigns and Policy) that truly takes our movement forward in 2012. Rhiannon Hedge, Education Sabbatical Officer at Swansea University Vice Chair (Campaigns) of Young Labour, 2011 present Vice Chair (Campaigns) of LSE SU Labour Club, 2011 present Labour Students National Committee: Regional Coordinator for London, 2011 present Youth Representative on the National Policy Forum and member of the Education and Skills Policy Commission, 2010 present Young Labour National Committee: East Midlands Representative, 2011 present Labour Students Policy Forum 2010-2011 Communications and Liaison Officer of LSE SU Labour Club, 2010-2011

As an elected youth representative on Labours National Policy Forum I have organised and led policy workshops, listening to peoples ideas and feeding them into Labours policy-making process.
Working with Bex on Labour Students campaigns in the East Midlands, I know that she has the skills, experience & dedication required to make an excellent Vice Chair (Campaigns and Policy). She has organised regular campaign days throughout the region & fully understands that we should be at the heart of Labours fight to win back power up & down the country. Michael Rubin, Chair of Leicester Uni Labour Club

I will bring this experience to the role of Vice Chair (Campaigns and Policy).

CONTACT ME: @bexbailey6


Labour Students, Young Labour & MPs at a campaign day organised

Bex is one of the most committed Labour Students I know. She is a friendly face at every event & will work hard to campaign & get others campaigning up & down the country. Grace Skelton, Secretary of Manchester Uni Labour Club

Having campaigned with Bex, Ive been impressed by the way she helps and encourages newer members of Labour Students who might not have had much experience campaigning before. Joe Ferreira, General Secretary of Kent Labour Club Bex has a lot to bring to this role and Im confident that she is the best person for it. Her enthusiasm and dedication are unrivalled, which is why she was named Labour Student of the Year. I know that she will work tirelessly to improve campaigning and policy-making within Labour Students. Sam Woodcock, Chair of Manchester Met Labour Club Im so happy to be supporting Bex because Ive seen all the amazing work she has put into Labour Students over the past few years. Shes incredibly committed and I know shell do her best to make Labour Students as good as possible. Mitch Theaker, Chair of Swansea Uni Labour Club
organisation become the

Its rare to find someone as hard-working as Bex. She puts 100% into everything she does. She will do a great job as Vice Chair (Campaigns and Policy) and Id encourage everyone to vote for her. Mark Sewards, current Vice Chair (Campaigns and Policy) of Labour Students and Chair of Leeds Labour Students

Im supporting Bex as I have always found her dedication to Labour Students incredibly commendable and know full well that shell achieve anything she puts her mind to, and always with a smile! Anya OShea, Edinburgh Labour Club

CONTACT ME: @bexbailey6

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