Libertarian Movies

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Libertarian Movies

These are movies that present a libertarian viewpoint, or they show the dangers of an authoritarian government. Some are well-known, others are not. Brazil (1985)- Genre: Sci-Fi, Comedy. Starring Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro. In a futuristic world full of convoluted and inefficient bureaucracy, Sam Lowry (Pryce) is a civil servant who stumbles across a mistake in one of the numerous papers that crosses his desk. The mistake leads to the arrest of an innocent man, shoe repairman Harry Buttle, whose name is similar to the real criminal Harry Tuttle (De Niro). His crime? Doing house repairs without a permit! As Lowry tries to fix the mistake, he is dragged deeper into the bureaucracy, eventually finding himself labeled a criminal by the state. A classic for anybody fed up with the DMV or any other bureaucracy. Best bureaucratic quote: Arresting officer- This is your receipt for your husband.. and this is my receipt for your receipt. The Castle (1997)- Genre: Comedy. Starring Michael Caton, Anne Tenney. A mans home is his castle. At least that is the opinion of Darryl Kerrigan (Caton) and his family, who live close to the Melbourne airport. Thats never been a problem, until the airport wants to expand onto his land. Finding out that his home is to be compulsorily acquired, Darryl decides to fight back, no matter how hopeless it seems. A great movie about liberty and the right to private property. Best libertarian quote: Lawyer-There is an ironclad agreement between federal, state, and local governments and the Airports Commission. Darryl Kerrigan-Well, wheres the agreement with Darryl Kerrigan? Braveheart (1995)- Genre: Drama, Action. Starring Mel Gibson, Patrick McGoohan. William Wallace (Gibson) leads his ragtag army against the English crown in their quest for independence for Scotland. Dont believe I really need to go any farther. Best libertarian quote: William Wallace- FREEEEDOMMMMMM!!! Fahrenheit 451 (1966)- Genre: Drama. Starring Oskar Werner, Julie Christie. No, not that propaganda piece put out by Michael Moore. This movie tells the story of a future world where books are banned and burned. Why? In order to keep the populace from thinking for themselves and therefore totally subject to the governments will. Best libertarian quote: Guy- Do you remember what you asked me the other day, if I ever read the books I burned? Clarisse- Um hmm. Guy- Last night I read one. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)- Genre: Western. Starring Clint Eastwood. Josey Wales (Eastwood) is a peaceful Missouri farmer, until his family is killed by Union raiders. He refuses to surrender at the end of the war, choosing instead to join with a group of outcasts, also victims of the Union government, like his Indian friend Lone

Watie. But the soldiers refuse to leave him alone. Great movie about state, society, war, and peace. Best libertarian quote: Josey- Governments dont live together. People live together. Im saying that men can live together without butchering one another. Shenandoah (1965)- Genre: Drama, War. Starring Jimmy Stewart, Patrick Wayne. A favorite among all libertarians for its anti-war theme, this movie portrays Virginia farmer Charlie Anderson (Stewart), a widower during the War Between the States. Anderson refuses to join either side during the war, trying instead to run his farm. Not until one of his sons is wrongly captured does he take up arms, because now it concerns him. Best libertarian quote: Lt. Johnson- Virginia need all of her sons, Mr. Anderson. Charlie Anderson- That might be so, Johnson. But these are my sons. They dont belong to the state. We never asked anything of the state and never expected anything. Star Wars series (1977-till who knows when)- Genre: Sci-Fi. Starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. A galactic telling of ancient Rome. But with androids, clones, light sabers, and an eightfoot hairy monkey thrown in. The movie follows the fall of the Old Republic into the evil Galactic Empire, whose imperialist ambitions threaten to destroy freedom in the galaxy. A bold group of freedom fighters lead a rebellion against the Empire. Classic film criticizing large government. Best libertarian quote: Yoda- A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack. (Bet ya didnt know Yoda was a libertarian, did ya?) Ghost Busters- (1984) Genre: Sci-Fi, Comedy. Starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd. Three paranormal researchers are out of a job when their university department is eliminated in a budget cut. They are forced to become self-supporting by offering their services as ghost exterminators commercially. Everything actually goes well until a government bureaucrat from the EPA tries to shut them down for not having proper permits. A hilarious film showing how government interference can hurt businesses, as well as open an inter-dimensional portal that can destroy all of humankind. Best bureaucratic quote- EPA Agent, after shutting down the ghost containment unit, causing a huge explosion and releasing hordes of ghosts-These men are in direct violation of the Environmental Protection Act! And this explosion is a direct result of it! Minority Report (2002) Genre: Sci-Fi, Action. Starring Tom Cruise, Colin Ferrell. A great movie exploring the aspects of pre-destination vs. free will. In the future, Washington, D.C. is void of murder. Due to three pre-cogs, who can see the future, and the Department of Pre-Crime, potential murders are arrested before they commit the murder. But can people change their future? If they know they are going to commit a crime, do they have a choice? This movie explores the ultimate trade-off of liberty for security. Best libertarian quote: Pre-cog- You can choose..

Harrys War (1981) Genre: Comedy. Starring Edward Herrmann. Harry Johnsons (Herrmann) aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS. Harry blames her death on the IRS, and takes up her battle. The government responds to his protest by laying siege to his home, surrounding it with tanks, declaring his children as hostages, (remember, this was pre-Ruby Ridge and pre-Waco). Best libertarian quote: Harry- Hitler would have loved the IRS. The Godfather Trilogy (1972) Genre: Drama, CrimeStarring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. What happens when you outlaw drugs, gambling, and other victimless crimes? You get corrupt politicians, corrupt cops, murder, organized crime, gang warfare, and great gangster movies. Best libertarian quote: Michael Corleone- All my life, I kept trying to go up in society. Where everything higher up is legal. But the higher I go, the crookeder it becomes. Where the hell does it end? Antz (1998) Genre: Comedy. Starring Woody Allen, Sylvester Stallone. Z, a worker ant, tries to break free from his totalitarian society in order to meet the princess. After switching with a soldier ant, he ends up becoming a hero and must work to foil a plan by the ant general to exterminate the worker population and institute regimentation of the colony. Strong themes of individuality, anti-conscription, antifascist, and anti-communism are throughout the movie. Or maybe were just reading too much into it. ;) Best libertarian quote: Z- Mindless zombies capitulating to an oppressive system. Princess- Wanna dance? Z- ABSOLUTLY!

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