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A. The statements below were made at a meeting. Write one word in the gap to complete each
statement. 1 Juliet, will you t............... the minutes today? 2 Does everyone agree that the minutes are an accurate r............... of the last meeting? 3 Are there any m............... arising?" 4 In the a............... points it says Bob is responsible for writing the report. Is that right? 5 Now, we have a............... 30 minutes to the discussion of point 1, so let's get started. 6 I want to make the p............... that we are still two people short in the office. 7 We haven't r............... this issue so we'll discuss it next week and make a decision then. 8 Let's m............... on to the next point or we won't finish on time.

B. The statements below were made at a meeting. Write one word in the gap to complete each
statement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 'OK. It's nine o'clock so let's get down to b ..................................................., shall we? 'What is the o. .................................. of this meeting? What do we hope to achieve?' Ive a. ............................. this meeting to discuss our debt crisis.' 'What are your f ...................................... on this, Ali? It's perfectly c. .................................. to me that the decision has been taken already.' 'O. ......................... nobody wants to take a cut in salary, but we may have to.

C. In each of the numbered sentences (1-6) there is one word which is wrong. Circle the mistake and
write the correct word at the end of the line. We had a project meeting yesterday to discuss progress. 1 They can be a complete waste of timing but this one was good. 2 We had some useful discusses and cleared up some problems. 3 Ahmed was chairing it and he kept things move along. 4 When Sunita started to scramble, he brought her back to the point. 5 Because there were no digressions we covered a lot of earth. 6 I said I thought it was very producing and the others agreed.

D. Look at this opening address from a company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and fill in the
gaps with words from the box. The first letter of each word is already in the text. -articipants -atters -bjectives -elcoming -iscuss -chedule -elegates -loor -chieve -ddress -et through -nterrupt -otes -riority -genda -ecommendations -hair -oals -inutes -enue -eport -loses

-larification -onference

-mplement -ontribute

-oints -omplaints -pen -ssues


-peakers -rogress

-pen-floor -ttendance

-pinions -uestions

-resentations -ringing up -ummarizing 1 -upporting

I'd like to 1. o _______________ this meeting by 2. w _______ you all. It's good to see so many 3. p _______________ here today - in fact, this is probably the best 4. a_we've had at a meeting for a long time - and I'd like to thank you all in advance for 5. s _______ me. Well, we've got a lot on the 6. a ____________ and I want to make as much 7. p _____ as possible in the next two hours or so. If we stick to the main 8. s____________ , we should 9. g _______ everything and 10. a ______________ all of our 11. g ________ and 12. o _________ . I will 13. c ______________ the meeting, as usual, but I really hope that you will all have something to 14. c __________________ , and if anything needs 15. c ___________ , please don't hesitate to 16. i ____ me (although not too often, I hope: the more 17. i ____________ we can 18. a ______ today the better). I'll be 19. b ______________ several important 20. m _____ during the meeting, beginning with those that I feel should take 21. p ____________ , before 22. s ______ the main 23. p _______ and making 24. r ______________ . This will be followed by an 25. o ___ session where you can give me your 26. o _______________ . And I'm sure you will all be delighted to hear that after the meeting 27. c ______________ , there will be drinks and snacks for everyone. Mr Barker will be taking 28. n ___________ and keeping the 29. m ______ of the meeting, and I will be using these to write my 30. r ____________ afterwards, so if anyone has any 31. c ____ , I suggest you talk to him and not to me! Now, before I get going, are there any 32. q ___________ from the 33. f ______ ? No? Good. Right, well I'll begin. The first point I want to 34. d ____________ is next month's 35. c _______ . As you know, the 36. v_________we have chosen is the Royal Eynsham Hotel in Oxfordshire. We've invited several 37. s________ _______ to make 38. p _______ on various aspects of the trade, and we're expecting over 200 39. d ______ from our offices around Europe. Now, of course, there's always the possibility that some major players won't be able to make it, so we need to make a 40. c______ plan that we can 41. i_______ ____ if things go pear-shaped...

E. Rewrite these sentences using could or couldn't

1. If we diversified we would be able to offer a wider range of products. 2 3 4 5 6 If I had stayed in the States I would have been able to get a better job. In the 1980s it was possible to make a fortune as a 'golden boy'. She had an opportunity to do an MBA but decided it was too much work. Thirty years ago you used to be able to buy cigarettes in packets of five. Before privatisation it wasn't possible to buy shares in British Telecom.

F. How would you ask for permission in these situations?

Use Can I...?, Could I...? or May I...? and these verbs: borrow, join, look at, use You are at a friend's flat. You want to make a phone call. Can I use your phone? 1 You need a calculator. The person sitting next to you has got one. 2

2 You have gone into a cafe. Three people who you know from work are sitting at a table. You go over to the table. 3 You had to go to a lecture, but you were ill. Your friend went to the lecture and took notes. Next day you are well again and you see your friend.

G. A reporter is interviewing Mrs Miles for a TV news programme. Complete the conversation. Put
in must, can't or might. Mrs Miles: My name's Nora Miles, and I'm going to do a parachute jump. Reporter: Mrs Miles, you're seventy-three, and you're going to jump out of an aeroplane. You () must be mad. You (1) serious. Mrs Miles: It really (2) wonderful to look down from the sky. I've always wanted to try it. Reporter: But anything could happen. You (3) .......................................... be injured or even killed. I wouldn't take the risk. Mrs Miles: Well, young man, your life (4) .. be much fun if you never take risks. You ought to try it. You never know - you (5) enjoy it. Reporter: Enjoy it? You (6) ........................................ be joking!

H. Mr Atkins is the boss at Zedco. He tells everyone what to do. Complete his sentences. Use these
words: can, could, have, like, mind, must, want, wonder, would Would you mind making some tea, Alan? 1 Youinform me of any developments. 2 Could I ................... the latest sales figures, please? 3 Would you arrange a meeting some time next week, Fiona? 4 I.everyone to read the report. 5 ..I see the file, please, Mark? 6 mind putting this in writing? 7 I..if you could translate this letter, Linda. 8 you meet our customer at the airport?

I. In each sentence, there is one word which is wrong. Circle the mistake and write the correct word at
the end of the line. 1 E-port is the country's latest Internet serving provider. 2 3 4 5 6 It gives tree Internet excess to registered users. You can open an accountant by visiting E-ports website. The first thing to do is to get your user word from the ISP. Then you enter a secret passport so that only you can log on. Now you can explore the World Wild Web at any rime.

J. Fill in the blanks with ONE appropriate word. Choose among the variants A, B, C or D.
The transparency and convenience of mobile commerce have given Americans the upper hand over retailers. According to Scott Thompson: The consumer ultimately holds all the power. Indeed, for many traditional (1) , rising competition from the Internet has capped (2) 3

growth, squeezed profit margins and forced them to re-evaluate how they use their (3) space. Yet, although Americans spend more than $2,000bn shopping every year, (4) spending remains a small proportion 8% in the first nine months of 2011, according to ComScore, the (5) research company. Two (6) where it still has a limited role are groceries and luxury (7) .But overall online shopping is expanding inexorably, up from just 4 % of (8) spending in 2004. In November and the first half of December, online sales jumped 15 % from a year ago to $30.9bn, according to ComScore. On Cyber Monday, a post-Thanksgiving day when retailers offer online (9) , purchases from mobile (10) grew sharply from 2.3 % of all Internet spending in 2010 to 6.6 %, according to IBM.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. buyers A. profit A. headquarters A. internet A. market A. areas A. orders A. regular A. discounts A. computers

B. traders B. sales B. store B. website B. marketing B. places B. customers B. product B. advice B. machines

C. suppliers C. customer C. market C. online C. customer C. categories C. markets C. purchase C. credit C. devices

D. retailers D. staff D. stock D. store D. economy D. items D. goods D. retail D. payment D. equipments

K. Underline the correct words.

1 You often work/Do you often work at the weekend? 2 I don't know/not know why your invoice hasn't been paid. I'll try to find out. 3 Excuse me, does you know/do you know if this is the way to the IT seminar? 4 Sorry, that projector don't work/doesn't work. Use this one instead. 5 A: Do you know our new sales rep Marta? B:Yes, I do/ Yes,I know. 6 A: Is that Linda Napier over there? B: Yes, she works/she do work here. 7 I writing/I'm writing the report at the moment. It should be ready tomorrow. 8 They not replying/Theyre not replying to my emails. I'll have to phone them. 9 Why is there such a long delay? What is happening?/is happen? 10 11 You are enjoying /Are you enjoying this conference? Can Karen call you back? She's speak/She's speaking on another line.

12 A: Is Sarah Kennedy expecting me? 13 B: Yes, she's expecting. /Yes, she is. 4

L. Some of the following sentences are right and some are wrong. Put a tick next to the right ones,
and correct the wrong ones. 1 Which wine are you going to have? 2 Which wine are you .preferring 3 That's ridiculous- I'm not believing it! 4 That's ridiculous - I'm not doing business with them again! 5 I'm sorry, I'm not following what you're saying 6 I'm sorry, I'm not understanding what you're saying. 7 This building is containing all the printing machines. 8 This building is getting very old - soon we'll have to move ................... /.. ...................., ............................................. . .......................................... ............................................. .............................................

M. Decide what each statement is about. Write the missing word. (The first letter is given.)
1 'We use our initials "TFT" inside a blue arrow. It's on al l our notepaper. corporate l___ 2 'It was a bad idea. We lost a fortune and die company collapsed. commercial d_________ 3 'Were based in the US but we operare in over 30 countries. m_________ corporation 4 'We specialize in helping SMEs.' small or medium e ________________________________ 5 'We want people to see us as expensive - bur offering the very best quality.' corporate i __________ 6 'We meet once a month and we aim to help local businesses.' 7 'By next year, all our business will take place on the Internet. 8 c_________ of commerce electronic c__________ corporate l______

I was a manager, but Im working my way up and I hope to be a director soon."

N. Write the missing word in each sentence.

1 I work for myself. I have been s _____________ _- employed for ten years. 2 We borrowed 80,000 from the building s _______________________ to buy our house. 3 We became a p _____________limited company last year and since then our share price has risen by 15%. 4 I work for myself so the tax office classifies me a s a s____________________ trader. 5 We are a not-for-p ______________ organization dedicated to providing health services for the poor. 6 Like lots of charities, we employ a professional to organize our f _______________________ raising activities. 5

O. Underline the best continuation of the conversations.

1 A- What was she doing this morning? B: She interviewed/was interviewing candidates for the sales job. 2 A: How did Brenda spend her holiday? B: Most days she went/was going to the beach. 3 A: What happened after you launched the product? B: While we promoted/were promoting it, our main competitor dropped/was dropping their prices. 4 A: I didn't see you in the office last week. B: No, I worked/was working at home for a few days. 5 A: What did Pat do when she saw the artwork? B: She called/was calling the designers and said/was saying it wasn't suitable. 6 A: Why did Renata take so long to get here? B: She said they mended/were mending the road and so the traffic moved/was moving very slowly.

P. Underline the correct words.

1 Yesterday I phoned/I've phoned the bank about my overdraft 2 I work here/have worked here since the end of last year. 3 Your taxi has just arrived/JUST arrived. 4 We're enjoying our trip. We have made / made a lot of useful contacts 5 I've seen/I saw Hugh Hopper a few days ago, he sends his regards. 6 We went/have been to an interesting seminar last week. 7 Today has been/was really busy - and it's only lunchtime. 8 Today has been/was really busy. It's 7 pm - I'm going home. 9 I'm afraid Patrizia left/has left the office an hour ago. 10 I'm afraid Patrizia isn't here - she left/has left the office.

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