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8 theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 2008

news without borders

Man dies in
Five hand memo on road signs blaze, luxury
cars missing
to DCM, council chief
by Bernard Cheah
by Opalyn Mok

GEORGE TOWN: The assistant manager of

a car dealer’s shop was killed in a fire early
yesterday morning. Eight luxury cars worth about RM2 million were reported missing after
the blaze.
GEORGE TOWN: Members of the Umno State CID chief SAC II Wan Abdullah Tunku
Tanjung division handed a memorandum Said said the body of Lim Swee Hua, 41, was
to the state government yesterday object- found in the kitchen of the shop on Jalan
ing against the proposed implementation Mesjid Negeri. His hands were clutching the
of multilingual road signs in George Town. keys to his car, which was still parked outside
Five members, led by the division’s the shop.
deputy chief, Raja Munir Shah Raja Mus- Van driver Raja Rafizi, 28, said he was on
tapha, went unannounced to the office of his way to Teluk Bahang at about 4am to pick
Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) up some passengers when he noticed the shop
president Datuk Zainal Rahim Seman on on fire. He stopped and heard a man shouting
the 17th floor of Komtar, just as Zainal was for help inside the building.
about to chair a staff meeting. “I ran into the compound but the fire was
Looking visibly surprised, Zainal spoke too strong. Then I heard an explosion inside,”
to Raja Munir and received the memoran- he said.
dum. The group then went to the office of Raja Rafizi called the Fire and Rescue
Deputy Chief Minister (I) Mohammad Fairus Department.
Khairuddin on the 52nd floor, after failing to A post mortem revealed that Lim had suf-
meet Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who was fered about 90% burns on his body.
attending Parliament. Raja Munir handed a Lim’s brother, Swee Peng, 31, who is
copy of the memorandum to Fairus. the owner of the shop, reported eight cars
Both Zainal and Fairus had not been – three BMWs, three Toyota Alphards, one
informed of the “visit” by the group. Mercedes and one Toyota Caldina – missing.
The memorandum stated the division’s
dissatisfaction with the plans by the state
government and MPPP to put up multi-
lingual road signs in the heritage area of Lim and Fong
George Town.
Saying such a move would incur the an- road signage will still be there and the
visit ‘Arab
Street’ in Bukit No more excuses with
ger of the Malays in the state, it questioned
the authorities’ “real intentions” to put up
the signs.
prominence of the language will not be
threatened. Only translations in other lan-
guages will be inserted,” he said.
e-payment, say police
“If chaos happens among the various He said only tourist attractions with by Charles Ramendran
races because of this issue, it would give a historical background will have the multi-
negative portrayal to foreign tourists, who lingual signage.
would become nervous, and this would In Kuala Lumpur, Lim visited “Arab KUALA LUMPUR: The e-payment booths
discourage them from visiting the state and Street” on Jalan Berangan, Bukit Bintang, to facilitate the payment of traffic sum-
country,” the memorandum said. yesterday to see for himself how road signs monses, which started a year ago in a joint
Asked to comment, Zainal said the were put up in Arabic for the convenience effort by the police and Maybank Berhad,
MPPP has not received any official directive for tourists. have proven to be a success as they have
from the state government to implement Saying it was not wrong to put up such helped the police recover RM15 million
the road signs. road signs, he criticised those who prac-
in fines.
He said that although the MPPP had sug- tised double standard in allowing road signs
Police said unsettled traffic fines have
gested the road names, the approval must in foreign languages in Kuala Lumpur “but
swelled to a whopping RM1.5 billion over
be given by the state executive council. making a hue and cry over it in Penang”.
the years.
Fairus said the original Malay road Lim said it is useful for tourists to read
names will not be replaced. “The Malay road signs in their own languages. At the official launch of the e-payment
system at Mid Valley Megamall yesterday,
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa
Cops free pixman held over bomb hoax Hassan said there are 85 e-payment
booths nationwide in strategic locations
KUALA LUMPUR: A Tamil news- City CID chief SAC II Ku Chin police checked a phone number where members of the public could
paper photographer who was Wah said police freed the man said to belong to the caller of make payments by cash or credit or debit
detained by police last Tuesday on police bail after finding a lack the hoax provided by the PWTC cards. speeding will have to pay the maximum fine
over a bomb hoax at the Umno of incriminating evidence against management. In the past, the public had complained that of RM300.
supreme council meeting on Oct him. A bomb disposal unit was they had to go through a hassle to make pay- However, he said those who feel they have
31 at PWTC was released yester- The photographer, who is summoned following the call and ments as there were times that the payment been wrongly issued a traffic summons and
day after being held in remand for in his 40s, was picked up in his the team found a plastic bag con- counters were closed or overcrowded. wished to make an appeal or complaint can
six days. house near Old Klang Road after taining non-explosive material. “Those who hold traffic summonses should do so through regular procedures.
no longer give any excuse from now on. The Musa said he hopes Maybank will expand
e-payment booth is open from 8am to 5pm the summons payment facility by introduc-
daily. ing an online version where people can use
“Those who do not have cash can pay with multimedia sources to settle their fines.
their credit cards,” he said. Maybank president and chief executive
He said the e-payment system does not officer Datuk Sri Abdul Wahid Omar said the
allow appeals for reduction in fines as the system also benefited the police as the daily
sum has already been reduced to one which fines payments received through e-payment
is affordable for all motorists. is directly deposited into the account of
He said those who are fined for four serious the police force and an itemised transaction
offences namely beating traffic lights, double report is sent to the federal traffic police
line overtaking, jumping the traffic queue and branch.

‘Those who want EPF contributions

reduced should be made to fill forms’
KUALA LUMPUR: Employees Provident Fund tion to help workers in need of extra cash, then
(EPF) contributors who opt for 8% contribution it would be more appropriate to maintain the
should be required to fill a form and not those contribution at 11% and require those in need to
who want to maintain the 11%, Malaysian apply for the reduction.
Trades Union Congress (MTUC) secretary-gen- Meanwhile, National Union of Plantation
eral G. Rajasekaran said yesterday. Workers secretary-general Datuk G. Sankaran
“The EPF should be fully aware that it is not urged the government to reconsider the 3% cut
practical for millions of contributors to go to the by EPF and maintain the 11%.
EPF office to collect the EPF 17A (AHL) forms, He said the reduction would not benefit the
complete and submit them to their employers. low income plantation workers.
“It has deliberately adopted the reverse “It will only cause them hardship during old
procedure to make it extremely difficult for con- age as the 3% would have been spent.”
tributors to make a choice,” Rajasekaran said in Sankaran said asking contributors who want
a statement. to retain the 11% to fill forms would only incon-
He added if it was the government’s inten- venience plantation workers. – Bernama

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