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2 / Trig

Practice Quiz 6C


Period: NO GC is to be used on this quiz

Match the polynomial with its factored form. _ a) _b) +9 A . (x + 3 0 ( x - 3 0

B. (x + 3)(x-3)

C. (x + 3 r

_ c ) x^ + 6x + 9 2. Which function must have a real-valued zero? A) a polynomial with real coefficients of degree 3 B) a polynomial with real coefficients of degree 4

For #3,4: F{x) is a polynomialfimctionof degree 4 with real coefficients

3. Which is not true about -F(x)? A) F must have 4 complex zeros, counting multiplicity. B) F can have exactly 3 real zeros, counting multiplicity. C) F can have no real zeros. 4. One factor of i<'(x) is ( x - [ 4 - 3z']) so another one must be: A) (x - [4 + 3 z]) 5. z^^ = 1^4 5 c 6.
16 A) z'"

B) (x - 4 + 3 z) B) -i

C) (x + [4 + 3 z]) C) z D) -1

D) none of the above E)l

Compute: -2 - z - (4 - 4z) A) 29 B) -21 C) 29 - 20/ D) - 2 1 - 2 0 / E) 4-10/

) 7. ( 2 - 5 z f =

8. When polynomial function/*(x), is divided by ( x - 4 ) the remainder is 2. A) P(2) = 4 B) 4 is a zero of P(x)

It is known that

C) The graph of P(x) contains (4,2)

9. For polynomial function, P{x), it is known that P(r) = 0. Which of these could be false: A) (x - r) is a factor of P(x) B) x = - r is an x-intercept C) (r, 0) is on the graph of P(x)

10. What is the maximum number of times a polynomial of degree 4 can cross the line y = 3 ? A) 2 11. B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 7

Simplify the following expression. Write your answer in a + Z)/form.

14 + 8/
4 + 6/

H-loi,^ ^





12. Completely factor this polynomial (over the complex numbers, of course): x - 5x + 9 x - 5

13. Refer to #12. Using "division", determine the second coordinate when x = 3.

14. Solve:

+ x"^ - 16x - 16 = 0

(hint: to get started, try some integers between -2 and 2 )



15. Sketch each of the following functions, clearly showing all intercepts. (a) / ( x ) = (x-2)^ (b)

^ ( x ) = (x + l ) ^ ( x - l ) ^ ( x - 4 )

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