February Newsletter 2012

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Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.

Fountain Hills, AZ
From Our Pastor FAITH INTO ACTION Lent at FHPC Now when Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as their scribes.
Matthew 7:28-29, NRSV

February 2012

The quotation which opens this article reflects the concluding observation about what is regarded by many to be in the words of Mahatma Gandhi -- the greatest teaching in the history of mankind. This, of course, is Jesus Sermon on the Mount, which we find complete in chapters 5-7 of Matthews gospel. As he nears the end of this famous sermon, our Lord calls us to be hearers and doers. He says: Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock (7:24 -25). The proper establishment of this relationship between our hearing and our doing, our believing and our living is the goal of the discipleship to which our Lord calls us. This is the territory were going to traverse here at FHPC as we undertake the shared Lenten journey which lies shortly before us. On Wednesday evenings commencing on Feb. 1st I will lead us in an 8 session conversation called CLAIMING OUR BELIEFS What Must I Believe to be a Christian?

This will be a provocative, enlightening, and stimulating time in which we seek to identify Christian nonnegotiables. Well search together to distinguish the bottom line issues of Christian faith -- what we need to believe, as well as what we dont. Come join us as we each seek to claim a faith which is true, vital, and personal. Expect some surprises along the way. This is the hearing and believing side of the relationship. But, thats only half the equation. . . What do these beliefs call us to do? How do they demand we act? That will be our sermon focus on upcoming Sunday mornings. Well begin with an exploration of the surrounding terrain on Feb. 12th and 19th as we look at our evolving universe the world we initially inherited, the one we presently inhabit, and the one which yet awaits us. Then, on subsequent Sunday mornings throughout Lent, we will begin to negotiate the bridge across them provided in the person and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Sermon on the Mount will be our compass. That house built on rock will be our destination. The cross-bound Jesus will be our guide. Discipleship will be our vehicle. Wont you come and join us?

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bill Good

8 session conversation called CLAIMING OUR BELIEFS What Must I Believe to be a Christian? Wednesday evenings commencing on Feb. 1st at 5:45 PM with Pastor Bill Good

In Touch
Pastor/Head of Staff

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Focus on Finance
Dec. Income Dec. Expense $ 40,909 $ 35,742 Budget Budget $ 36,163 $ 31,678

Rev. Stan Jones

Parish Associate

Debby DeBernardi
Director Christian Formation

Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator

Yr to date Income

$ 379,013

Budget Budget

$ 362,250 $ 362,250

Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry

Yr to date Expense $ 368,827

Dorothy Parris

Lynn Medley

CHURCH TREASURER Bud Fuls CHURCH SESSION Class of 2012 John Brockelman Susan Phillips Terri Schmidt John Wyman Class of 2013 Charlie Eberspacher Susan Owens Jim Roy Donna Yordy Class of 2014 Gail Botsford Jerry Cain Carol Hencz Jerry Maples Letha Neely Trey Uphoff BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Ruby Pearson Class of 2012 Ben Fast Ruby Pearson Bev Watters Chris Young Class of 2013 Yvonne Ellingson Sandy Heunisch John Schopbach Donna Sims Class of 2014 Irene Cain Phyliss Kern Linda Maples Chandler Roesch ****** Rev. Glenn Atchinson
Pastor Emeritus

December income was enhanced by the remaining transfer of Concert Series 2011 funds as per the 2011 Revised Operating budget. Monthly Expenses slightly exceeded the budgeted amount. The 2011 Yearly Summary shows that Income exceeded Expenses by approximately $10 K, which will be added to the Operating Reserve for the year 2012. Respectfully, Bud Fuls, Treasurer

On the Inside:
From Our Pastor. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . Stewardship.. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mission Ministry . . . . New Projection System . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . Installation & Ordination of Elders & Deacons .. .. .. .. . . Music Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . Congregational Life & Fellowship (CLAF) . . . .. . Concert 2012. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mens Fellowship . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . Cookbooks on Sale.. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . Not Yet a Member ? .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . Presbyterian Women .. . .. . . . .. . .. . Christian Formation Elder . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . Director of Christian Formation.. .. .. .. . . .. . . Faith & Family Night .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . . .. Need Accurate Addresses .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . Necrology for 2012 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . February Birthdays .. . . .. .. ... Mens Choir .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .... . . . . ... .. .. . . ... .. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16

See if you can find the error!

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February 2012

The generosity of members and affiliates of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church suggest the results of the Stewardship 2012 Campaign project a Happy New Year! The bulk of the Gifting Estimate Forms have been received and the results appear most favorable. The summary results of the campaign are shown in the table below, advising we are well positioned for 2012, allowing the Session to set a budget supporting current programs and staffing levels. This is especially gratifying, because Pastor Good will enter his second budget year at the helm with a respectable financial foundation.

Estimated Income Range for 2012 Budget Plan

Gifting Estimates/Pledges Contributions Loose Cash & Per Capita Concert Series Budget Reserves/Other $305,979 45,000 10,000 20,000 22,500 $403,479 Explaining the Income Categories in the above table. The Gifting Estimates and Pledges category shows the total of formal estimates made by members and affiliates submitting forms during the Stewardship 2012 Campaign. Most is confirmed (as a result of Estimate Forms received). The balance is an estimate based on a few who are expected to submit their estimates in early 2012. The next category, Contributions, is an estimate of monetary gifts anticipated from unidentified members and/or affiliates who do not normally submit pledges or gifting estimates. The estimate is based on gifting history. The third category consists of Loose Cash offerings not identifiable to specific people and of donations made by members to specifically cover our Per Capita payment to the Presbytery of The Grand Canyon. This latter donation is normally made independent of the members pledge or gifting estimate. The Concert Series category needs no explanation. The Other category is simply the estimate of usage fees we will receive from outside organizations using our facilities for meetings and/or special events. To summarize, Im convinced our church is in reasonably good financial shape and that we can remain optimistic about the future. With the enthusiasm and energy Pastor Good brings, Im confident our church will grow spiritually, in numbers of members and in its impact on the community. - John Wyman, Elder
These numbers are considered to be probable. Our initial 2012 Budget will be based on an overall estimate of $410,000. Adjustments may be necessary as the year progresses, so lets hope month-to-month income trends remain positive!

St. Valentines sacrifice

Every February 14, we celebrate the loved ones in our lives with cards, flowers and chocolate. But Valentines Day has another meaning thats been lost. First declared a holiday by King Henry VIII of England in 1537, it commemorates the beheading of St. Valentine on February 14, 270 A.D. His crime? Performing wedding ceremonies after Roman Emperor Claudius II had outlawed marriage. Valentine was martyred for faithfully doing the work God had given him. Although its good to celebrate love and marriage, lets also remember the courage of a man who gave his life following his convictions.
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

In Touch

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Mission Ministry
Blankets Plus Mission Project
This year our annual Blankets Plus Sunday will be observed on February 26 with the Mission Minute presented the week before. This special offering provides a chance to support a mission program which provides thousands of blankets, as well as various building and agricultural tools to those areas beset by disasters around the world. For more than 60 years, congregations across the U.S, in partnership with Church World Service, have been responding to Jesus call to be a neighbor to those in need. Our congregation is helping impoverished communities here in the U.S. as well as around the world with the basic tools they need to sustain themselves and their families. When disaster strikes, people often need blankets and much more. They need food, shelter, safe water. And as the recovery process unfolds, they need tools, training, and other resources to help them rebuild their lives. In the past year there have been earthquakes, flooding, tornados, and wildfires either here in the U.S. or in other parts of the world. Contributions to Blankets Plus mean that Church World Service is there for the long haul as families recover from disasters such as these. And they help families struggling against grinding poverty as they seek to develop viable, sustainable communities and livelihoods. Please be generous in your support for the Blankets Plus offering. Because the Support Your Troops Project never stops, work has already started for hopefully, some Easter Boxes to be sent to Afghanistan and anywhere else that an address might pop up for. Last year, a total of 8 Easter Boxes were sent overseas and I would at least like to match that number this year. To date, about a half dozen Thank-Yous have been received from recipients of our Holiday Boxes. Guess what is commented on the most? If you guessed the signed Christmas cards, you would be right. There was even one thank-you that mentioned two names from our Church Jake and Mary Alice. I cant emphasize enough how important the signed cards are to our deployed military - and it is never too early to start signing cards for either the Easter boxes or for the holiday season. The next deliveries to the Vets Hospital and Home and MANA House in Phoenix will probably occur mid-February. Any items you may have that you would like to donate could include: videos, dvds, cds, books, magazines, jackets, blankets, etc. Many thanks again to FHPC for your continued support of this very important ministry. Current items needed: small shower gels and small foot powders.

Donna Sims Deacon

Just Coffee. Is now available for purchase in both regular and decaf coffee in whole bean or ground form in one pound packages. You will always be drinking this years crop, freshly roasted days before it is shipped to us. This coffee is USDA Certified Organic. The proceeds from your purchase of Just Coffee is designated for : CARE-FH and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

1 lb.$15 3 lbs . $40

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February 2012
NEW PROJECTION SYSTEM In January during the installation of a brand new projection system, the sound booth was also reconfigured. This caused a lot of upheaval in the booth. Chandler had to put up with a load of extra work each week during construction. He had to get it operational again each week after several workman were in the booth. We apologize for any inconvenience to you our church family if the sound was not just right for several Sundays. Chandler was doing the best he could under the circumstances. We hope that his blood pressure has now come back to normal. Thank you Chandler, your patience under pressure was of angelic proportions.


THANK YOU! The Missions committee is pleased to hear from all of you who have stopped at the JUST COFFEE table to express delight in the taste of the freshly brewed JUST COFFEE being served at Fellowship. To date, we have sold 22 pounds of JUST COFFEE ! The sale of this coffee goes to support our CARE and HELP THE TROOPS projects. Your support of JUST COFFEE allows all of the growers and employees of Caf Justo to receive medical benefits and sustainable wages. Rural Mexican Communities are being revitalized and families are able to stay together. Fountain Hills Presbyterian is now one of many Church Congregations across the United States who is striving to make a positive impact on both sides of the border. Please continue to support the Mission through your purchase of JUST COFFEE .

ORDINATION & INSTALLATION OF ELDERS & DEACONS Elders: Gail Botsford Jerry Cain Carol Hencz Jerry Maples Letha Neely Trey Uphoff Deacons: Irene Cain Phyliss Kern Linda Maples Chandler Roesch

In Touch

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Music Ministry
I am experiencing much joy in welcoming those returning to our church, our building with a soul, joining others in our choir loft to sing, to feel, to pray, or to ring the bells with grace, offering our best intentions of inspiring others in the pews by bringing forth praises to God. Our church knows laughter, and tears, and peace of mind. This is a church of hope and heart and faith and love and kindness, and very good people. Anyone wishing to join with us in our choir loft, or ringing bells while you're here in town, please know you'll be welcomed. Check the bulletin for the rehearsal times. Congratulations to the men singing on Men's Sunday, and to you, Roy Nickel, for directing such a fine group. It was inspiring. As always, it's a pleasure hearing Bill Covault on the piano, and Larry Linkin on the clarinet. Caryl Bates offering her support by accompanying "God Bless America" on the organ rounded out a fine presentation. I sure appreciate the absence of grumbling, murmuring, and complaints while our home improvement projects were going on in the sanctuary and sound booth. With our rehearsals in the middle of the week, wet paint, re-arranged chairs, piano in the middle of the sanctuary, bells having to rehearse in the narthex, etc...Everyone pitched in and really showed good spirit. We must appreciate the care and management by John Brockelman who made sure we were alright in the music department the whole way through the process, even pacifying the bell ringers by playing an absent ringers bell when he walked through the narthex, playing through one song, under my directions of "now, wait, wait, wait, now, now, wait, now." I look forward to some of the possibilities with having screens to visually enhance in a number of ways, and for the possibility that those who choose to read the text of the hymns from them may sing with a freedom that comes with raising your head and singing forth. There is always a constant reminder in the choral world of keeping our heads out of the music, lifting to extend our vocal tract to get the fullest sound. There is also something exciting in seeing others singing, experiencing together the words, the movement of the hymn and always, in seeing the faces of our fellow congregants. Those still singing from the hymn book will help to keep harmonies not yet memorized flowing through our sound, keeping our sound strong. It will bring about a new sound, and help in our continued renewal, moving on this journey toward heaven. Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries
O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; tell of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples, for great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;

Psalm 96:1-4

MUNCH AND MUSIC PROGRAMS, sponsored by the town of Fountain Hills, continue on Fridays
at noon in the lobby of the Community Center. Coming in February are the OK Chorale, Chamber Music Society, Community Band, and the Fountain Brass. All are invited to these free programs.

NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

We have created a new Facebook page that is better than our initial trial site. PLEASE LOOK FOR THIS PHOTO OF THE CROSS IN FRONT OF THE ATRIUM for the correct page. Please sign up again as a friend there. When you are there also click on the like it Hopefully you will like it. icon.

When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just another way to stay connected.

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February 2012

Congregational Life & Fellowship

Saturday, March 3, 2012 Date: 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Time: Gently used merchandise and furniture Needed: PickYou may call the church office to schedule pick-up the week of Feb. 20th. Please give Pick-up: your name, address, phone number and the item you have to be picked-up. Someone will call you to schedule the pick-up time. Merchandise: Items may be dropped-off in the parking lot behind the church office following the morning service until 11:30 on Feb. 27th. Items will be accepted from 8 a.m. 3 p.m. each day that week. Please try to get your items there as early in the week as possible. THE CUT-OFF TIME FOR ACCEPTING ITEMS FOR THE RUMMAGE SALE WILL BE THURSDAY AT NOON. Merchandise will not be accepted after this time. The next and final rummage sale meeting will be Saturday, Meeting: Feb. 4th at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone who is working the rummage sale needs to attend. We will need help putting up signs, sorting and getting Volunteers: merchandise to the various departments, setting up tables, cashiers and people to help bag the purchased merchandise. We also need people for several sit down jobs. Please sign up to help after church in the narthex. We appreciate everyones help with this project. Plan on helping and enjoy working with the members of our community. Thank you! Rummage Sale Committee

Tickets for the Entertainment Concert Series 2012

The Entertainment Concert Series at the F.H. Presbyterian Church now has single ticket purchases for all shows. Ticket sales kick off at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Center on Sundays and again at 10:00 until 10:15 AM. You can also purchase tickets at the church office during the week 11:00 AM until 2:00 P.M. NO CREDIT CARDS. Church phone # 480-837-1763.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


BARNABY is one of the most unique physical entertainers on the scene today. With his off-the-wall sense of humor, crazy juggling and balancing stunts he keeps his audience laughing and astonished all at the same time. He is considered to be the number one novelty performer on Holland America Cruise line. RHYTHM & RHYME are RAY TEMPLIN and ROB WRIGHT. These are two outstanding and gifted instrumentalists who keep their act versatile and highly entertaining. Their musical sense of humor and virtuosity will help to make this one of the most delightful evenings of happiness all season. Continued on page 8...

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In Touch

February page 8 2012

Men's Fellowship
The Annual Sweetheart Brunch will be held on Saturday, February 11th at 10:00 AM this year, and it promises to be a fun event for all who attend. There will be entertainment, fellowship, and of course, excellent food. Our attendance last year was the highest its ever been at 165. We hope more of you will come out this year. Tickets will be on sale in Fellowship hall for $10 per person beginning Sunday, January 29th. For questions, please contact Phil Katz at 1 -630-297-3494 or email him at phil.katz@pxkandassociates.com.

Concert Series 2012 continued

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


THE ARIZONA TRIO performs in the great tradition of The Kingston Trio; The Limelighters and the New Christy Minstrels with the wonderful and familiar music of the folk era. This trio stars Mike Chamberlin (former sports caster for many years on Phoenix television); Gary Kotula; and Dave Woodruff. All well-known singers in the world of folk. & BRAD ZINN formally known for his show TRIBUTE TO THE GREAT COMEDIANS. He will open the show with a delightful half-hour of comedy, impressions and magic. This will prove to be a completely different and entertaining act than hes previously presented to the valley.

Its Still Here! FHPC Cookbook

The cost for the cookbook is a bargain at $15.00. There is also a limited number of cookbook stands which sell for $1. In addition to getting a cookbook for yourself, we encourage you to purchase books for others on your Christmas and birthday lists! Remember the profits will support our Sunday Fellowship. - CLAF Committee

Not Yet A Member?

If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phillips at 480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

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February 2012

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2011-2012 Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator (Program): Jan Hoff Historian: Barbara Oakeson Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Terry Martin
Coordinating Team Friday, Feb. 3 meeting , at 9 AM, in the Adult Center. Meditation will be offered by Linda Warren. Morning Circle meets 9 AM Thursday, February 9th, in Adult Center. Greatly Honored Are the Pure in Heart! Carol Fuls will be the circle leader and Leota Didier will lead the study. Evening Circle meets 7 PM Tuesday, Feb 28th in the home of Ginny Siegle. The Co- hostess will be Virginia Nelson. Coleaders are Jeanene Schopbach and Maria Berry for the Bible Study. BIBLE STUDY HELP FOR 2012 Schedule for Bible Study Leaders meetings with Stan Jones in the Adult Center at 10:30 A.M. are: Lesson 7February 23, 2012 Lesson 8 March 22, 2012 Lesson 9 April 26, 2012

INVITATION Invitation from Grand Canyon Presbytery to a workshop being held on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at Mission del Sol Church in Tempe, Az. Speaker: Phyllis Tickle, Episcopal lay minister, is also an author of more than 2-dozen books. Mrs. Tickle is a knowledgeable observer of the growing Emergent Church movement. This movement will likely cast a huge shadow over the ministry and work of denominations as we know them. Some of her ideas will be uncomfortable to us Protestant -Reformed-Presbyterians. So, expect some good grist for your thinking and potentially sharing with others in your church. Workshop hours - 9:30 4:00. Cost per person $15.00 covers lunch. Contact: Carolyn McBurney ******************* DATES TO REMEMBER
Church Rummage Sale Gifts of Women Sunday Spring Gathering Church wide Gathering (Orlando) ********************* March 3 2012 March 18, 2012 April 21, 2012 July 18- 22, 2012

March 18, 2012 Barb Wyman has prepared a special service for Celebrating the Gifts of Women
This Special Sunday will honor women who contribute their gifts to the church and community, lift up issues of womens rights, homelessness and it focuses on the role of women in our community and world today. It is fitting to consider the stories of our bible sisters during the Lenten Season a season of repentance. Women of Scripture will visit with us that day Traveling to appear at our service, one woman from each Tribe of Israel. Make sure you meet them and hear about their joy of coming to know Jesus. I wonder what questions they may have for each of us. Music will fill our sanctuary, costumed women, gifts from many and spirit over flowing! Honoring our gifts and offering them to God during this service provides an opportunity to honor not only the strength, wisdom, courage and struggles of then but of those struggles women have today. We can honor their survival and gain insight as to where we can use our gifts to His glory.

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In Touch

Februarypage 8 2012 10 OUT n ABOUTOUT TO LUNCH Our February outing will be on Feb. 15th at 12:00 noon at Vitos Pizza and Italian Ristorante at 10999 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. In Scottsdale. This is 1 1/2 blocks north of Shea in Palo Verde Square shopping centerthe right side of the street. Contact Arlene Olsen at 837-4271 for reservations.

Mark your calendars. Come out and support your Sisters in Christ, offer your gifts and celebrate, invite a friend and until March 18th, below is a fun quiz to see how much you know about these visitors from a long ago time. (Answers next month) Blessings,

Hooked on Books... Women's reading Group

will meet at the home of Arlene Olsen on Wednesday, February 15th, at 10 am sharp. Jan Hoff will review the book "Barefoot Summer" by F. A Bedford. The meeting will adjourn at 11:30 promptly in order for attendees to reach Out and About lunch if desired.

Who Was That Woman? 1) Who was the woman that posed as a prostitute so that she could meet with her father in law? 2) Who was the woman that offered to water Eliezer's camels at the well? 3) Who was the woman that was successful in getting Samson to divulge the source of his strength? 4.) Who was the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam? 5.) Which of these describes Miriam? A prophetess - A seer- A harlot- A gypsy

A Note of Thanks to Letha Neely for all her leadership and work as Publicity person on the PW during her tenure! Many thanks Letha for all you do for all of usLike the corner note in January?

God's Positive Answers For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it: You say: "It's impossible" God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27) You say: "I'm too tired" God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30) You say: "Nobody really loves me" God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 13:34) You say: "I can't go on" God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15) You say: "I can't figure things out" God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6) You say: "I can't do it" God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13) You say: "I'm not able" God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8) You say: "It's not worth it" God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28) You say: "I can't forgive myself" God says: I FORGIVE YOU (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1) You say: "I can't manage" God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19) You say: "I'm afraid" God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7) You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated" God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7) You say: "I don't have enough faith God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) You say: "I'm not smart enough God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30) You say: "I feel all alone God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) -Author Unknown

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February 2012

Christian Formation
Christian Formation
Well one month of 2012 is gone already, and we are busy here in Christian Formation department. We are looking forward to many things this year and we have been busy planning activities and curriculums. Being involved in this part of our Churchs life, has been so rewarding and exciting. If you want to join in on all this excitement, we are always looking for people to join us. Tuesday mornings, come and join them.

Mens Bible Study

This class is available for men only. It begins at 7:00am on Thursday mornings. This group of men is being led by John Bivens and he is leading the men through a study of the Apostle Paul. If you would like to learn more about the wondrous man of the Bible, come and join the men on Thursday mornings. This is a small group, but would love to have more men come and join in on the fellowship and learning.

OPERATION OVERBOARD: Dare to Go Deep with God! Summer VBS June 18-22 9 am - Noon

Pastor Bills Bible Study

As we start the month of February we will be finishing up with the book of Mark. Upon completion we will start on the book of John. We eagerly await the next part of our journey, Mark was so interesting. If you want to study the book of John, come join us on Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM in the Adult Center. We have a great time studying and learning with family and friends. Come join us.

Souper Bowl Sunday

By the time this newsletter comes out we will be rooting for our favorite team in the Super Bowl. Be sure and look for the Basket with your favorite team and logo on it. We are collecting cans of soup or money. All soup cans and money will go to Extended Hands Food Bank here in Fountain Hills. Please join in on the fun and help us cheer our teams on.

Wednesday Evening Family Night

As February begins, Pastor Bill will start leading the Wednesday evening classes. He will begin the Lenten journey this month as Ash Wednesday is February 22nd this year. We will continue having Phils Filling Station cater our Wednesday evening meals. Anyone wishing to bring a desert to share is more that welcomed to do so. There is something set up for all ages. We begin our meal at 5:45 and our classes at 6:30pm. We would love to have everyone join us.

30 Hour Famine
This month Debby DeBernardi has planned a 30 Hour Famine with our youth and the Methodist Churchs youth. This has been done before, but not for a couple of years. This teaches the kids about some of the poorer countries as well as raises some funds to help feed these people. This should be a thought provoking and exciting experience for our young people. As we look forward to the months to come this year and all the fun and activities, we will do our best to keep you all informed on any new things going on. Keep in mind we have some FUN planned. Keep in mind we have some big plans in July, so keep an ear open for some unexpected fun. Terri Schmidt, Christian Formation Elder ~Laugh Loudly~Laugh Long ~ Laugh Wholly~

Summer VBS where kids will experience an underwater theme as they plunge into Bible stories of people of deep faith with a God whose love is deeper and wider than the sea. Each child will have opportunities to learn how to go deep in into Gods Word for their lives.

Koffee Klatch
Come join Stan Jones at his Tuesday morning, Koffee Klatch class at 9:00am. This year Stan and his class are studying from the book Real Christianity by William Wilberforce. From what I have heard it is a very interesting class. So if you are looking for something to do on

Plan now to join the VBS team to live out what the lessons planned! Dare you to dive deep this summer to depend on God, dare to care, proclaim Jesus, choose to follow Jesus and deliver the Good News to kids! Watch for sign-ups or call the office 480-837-1763 to volunteer your time, talent and treasure!

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In Touch

February 2012 page 12

From the Director of Christian Formation

Overnight Youth New Years Eve Party
Welcoming 10 teens and 3 leaders to the New Years Party! year together partaking in communion at the fourth station and then to pray in the garden and sit in the columbarium before celebrating the resurrection at first dawn in the sanctuary. Why did we do this other than keeping us together and awake? The church year has shaped Christian living - a pattern of seasons and celebrations that dramatize the gospel story. Making meaning is about incarnating the life of Christ into our lives. We seek to understand how daily life can be redeemed by God for the sake of others. In renewed commitment may we all redeem the routine of ordinary life in 2012. ****************

30 Hour Famine and Teens Learning about Service and Social Justice globally and locally...Globally!
Our Youth Group Wednesday Night Live is doing the World Visions 30 Hour Famine. Thousands of kids are dying every day and we want to be a part of doing something about it. We will go hungry for 30 hours to raise money so others can eat. We will also be starting a series called Hungry for the Kingdom in cooperation with this effort . We are going to journey together into the world of hunger/poverty and its effects on men, women, and children around the world. Hopefully each week we will gain a better understanding of the role God is inviting us to play in the hope and healing He offers here and around the world. We have invited the Methodist Youth Group to join us in the 30 Famine. Here is how you can help: Pray! Volunteer and join us on our Famine Week-end. February 24-25 Give. $30 helps feed and care a child for one month! Donate on our team page at http://support.worldvision.org/ site/TR/30HourFamine or write a check made out to World Vision and place in offering or bring to the church office. Contact Debby at the office or 602570-7340.

Watching the sunrise before eating waffles! New Years Eve brought a time to hang out with friends, make new friends and review the year through video clips and reflection of our top five experiences in 2011. Games, at least six frozen pizzas, music, laughter, conversations, silliness and seriousness abounded. Although our sparklers really fizzled out, ringing in the New Year was fun and noisy. What sparkled were the teens! I was amazed by thier hearts, passions, concerns and life struggles! After a lot of noise making and more gameswe journeyed to seven different stations throughout our campus to review and reflect upon the entire church year, its symbols, colors, meanings, and spiritual practices. What a wonderful way of beginning the new

Debby DeBernardi, Director

Continued on page 13...

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February 2012

Faith & Family Night

Faith and Family Night Was a Howling Good Time!
Food, fellowship and Shane Doan getting his first hat trick in his professional career made an exciting memory for the 15 who went to the Coyotes Faith and Family Night. Of course, Shane scoring his third goal in 7/10ths of a second made everyones heart skip a beat as hats flew onto the ice. This excitement was only surpassed by new friends like Marta and Tyson who know how to live the moment!

Debby DeBernardi with Tyson Robinson...very serious fans!

Serious FHPC fans!

Equal time for the ladies! Bob Lull and Dieter Ludwig got some ice time during intermission.

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In Touch

August 2011 page 14

Library Footnotes
CELEBRATE THE ARIZONA CENTENNIAL WITH CHURCH LIBRARY BOOKS! Our church library has numerous books about Arizona history and Arizona citizens that will make celebrating the state centennial more interesting for all readers. Among the historical novels available are These Are My Words" and "Sarah's Quilt" by Nancy Turner, a Tucson resident. The stories are based on the true life memories of her grandmother and give an excellent picture of pioneer life in the territory. "The Burning", by Rio Verde resident, Bob Mason, tells the true life story of an early Ft. McDowell army Sergeant's wife and her successful effort to get the government to compensate her family for the malicious burning of their ranch which was located near the Verde River. My all time nonfiction favorite book about early days is "Vanished Arizona", a memoir by Martha Summerhayes. She was a well brought up new England girl who spent a lifetime moving to various stations with her army officer husband and writes very colorfully about her days in 1870's Fort McDowell. I will be attempting to bring her to life during the PW spring gathering in April. Another of my favorite contemporary Arizona books is "Lazy B" written by retired supreme court justice Sandra Day O. Conner. She tells about her days growing up on a ranch in a remote corner of the state near the border with New Mexico. Her tales of supplying cowboy breakfasts and changing truck tires in the remote desert make one appreciate the real-life background she brought to her days in the judiciary. Also available in our church library are "Verde Valley Lore" plus "More Verde Valley Lore" by Bob Mason and "Commanders and Chiefs" and "Hoomathyaya's Long Journey" by former Fountain Hills resident Elaine Waterstrat. These books contain fascinating information about the Yavapai Indians, Fort McDowell and the Verde Valley's early settlers. After reading all these, you are ready to learn more about our area, drop in to our town's River of Time Museum" where I or another docent will lead you on a short tour highlighting the early Indian and white settlers in our area. You can also find more Arizona books available for sale there in the museum store. The museum is open in winter Tuesday thru Saturday afternoons from 1 until 4 pm and several church members serve as regular volunteers. I hope to see you there. -Barb Wyman

Refocus for Lent Give up complaining focus on gratitude. Give up harsh judgments think kind thoughts. Give up worry trust God to provide. Give up discouragement __be full of hope. Give up bitterness turn to forgiveness. Give up hatred return good for evil. Give up anger be more patient. Give up pettiness become mature. Give up jealousy pray for trust. Give up gossiping control your tongue. Give up sin turn to virtue. Give up giving up persevere. Author unknown The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Important information about addresses!

We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate members, friends and prospective members. It is very important that we have a correct address for you. It is especially important for those of us who have two addresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and if we know your months of residency here, the program knows which address to use for mailings. We mail out the newsletter in bulk mail. But if we have the wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible for full postage for it and you miss out on the newsletter. Can you please help us and insure that we have the correct dates for your alternate address? Please call or email the church office with your information. 480-837-1763 or fhpc.marta@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and caring.

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February 2012 Hospitalized? Call the church! If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.

With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2012. Don Gallentine
Well done, Thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.
Matthew 25:21

THANKS Everyone has been so good to me since I broke my neck, the 2nd vertebrae, I think its time I told just how it happened May 25 (2011) a friend from Cleveland was visiting in Sedona and called to say she wanted to come see me. The house was a mess and I wondered how I could entertain her. I decided to take her to see the Fountain Hills Botanical Garden. We saw the Spur section where many plants are labeled, then on to a place where they had made three steps because it was rather steep and could not be done well otherwise. From the top I wanted to see the 2 new trails they had added. I managed that and turned around to come down. Just when I fell I dont know. At the bottom there were a lot of sharp stones and a large flat stone. I went head first into that. The left side of my face was all blood and I had broken my glasses, which saved my eyes but broke a bone for my eye socket, and my nose. Had a large bump on my forehead and a cut that required 6 stitches. My friend didnt have her cell phone and didnt know where she was so didnt call 911. She said I had not passed out. The good Lord was looking out for me! I remember nothing, but I guess I told were I kept my band-aids, she put one on the cut. A woman and her son helped us to the car. She drove me home but still didnt call 911, but looked at my dye samples, (as she had taken over

the dye garden that I had started for the Cleveland Herb Garden.) I dont remember much of that time. After a couple of hours she left. My daughter Pat called and I told her I had fallen. She rushed to me and called 911. They did their thing and took me to Shea Hospital and was x-rayed and sent to Osborn Hospital. That night in ICU, I dont remember, but they put me in a steel collar. This had to be taken off next day was in a hospital room for these instructions. Pat took me home with her and kept me for 3 weeks, and I remember bits and pieces very little. After that she took me to my home. I had to clean and moisturize my skin every morning and night. It had to be worn day and night. The remembered it and was OK. A caretaker came each morning and evening. She changed the collar and took care of me until Nov. 21, when my doctor x-rayed me again and said my neck had healed enough to take off the collar! That was great news, but my neck was not completely healed and might not be for a year, because of my age. I wear a soft collar sometimes but not much. My caretaker still comes and helps me with many things. To walk at home I use a walker, but when I go out I use a four legged cane. I come to Church when someone takes me. From the beginning I was told I could go anywhere, as long as someone took me. So many thanks to everyone. I feel blessed. Jane Haynes


02/01 02/04 02/05 02/06 02/07 02/08 02/09 02/09 02/09 Vivian Olsen Melba Versaw Christina Ager Roy Nickel Richard Westphal Emily Owens Lily Brown Ben Fast Susan Lickman 02/10 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/12 02/15 02/16 02/20 02/20 Linda Kester John Bivens Bettie Bracher Neal Ipema Melinda Stanton Robert Patterson Rose Marie Kramer Jane Haynes Cheryl Kautz 02/21 02/23 02/25 02/25 02/25 02/26 02/26 02/29 John Wyman Shawn Uphoff Jacquelyn Miles Josephine Nelson Nancy Polgar Barbara Oakeson Tyson Robinson Kitty Youngquist

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Non Profit Organ. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit NO. 299 Scottsdale, AZ

Or Current Resident

If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to fhpresbyterian.office@gmail.com Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Olsen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

Mens Sunday
January 22, 2012 Mens Choir, directed by Roy Nickel

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: fhpc.marta@gmail.com Office Hours: Monday Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. www.fhpresbyterian.info Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: fhpc.billg@gmail.com cell phone: 480-329-8090

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