Filii Noctis - Evolution Preview

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Filii Noctis


By Benjamin R. Long Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved


Other Books in this Series Filii Noctis -- Genesis Benjamin L.

*** Disclaimer***
This story is classified as fantasy horror, it contains scenes of graphic violence and gore. It also contains strong religious references and possible blasphemies against some organized religions, if you are easily offended then do not read this book. This book is written as entertainment and should be regarded as entertainment. This book does not depict any real people or locations, however some characters and locations are inspired off actual places, events and people. Any similarity between any depicted person and reality is strictly coincidental and unintentional

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Chapter 1: Tears of Betrayal

Victoria sat in Holts tower in the same room day after day mulling over what happened to Flowers. She never comes out and never sees anyone. She introverts herself and wallows in the misery that she has come to accept. The one man that had meant everything to her was smote by the most powerful god in existence. She realized that he challenged Odin, but her attachment to him was no withstanding, it felt that she was betrayed her whole life by Flowers. It was the man that she had come to trust for over a lifetime. She had come to hate Flowers, Kross, or whatever his name was. The fact was that he lied to her and made her feel important to suit his own ends. His promises were hollow and in the end he was turned to dust. This angered her, but she realized that her anger was


that of a woman betrayed. She felt as though she lost a part of herself when that bolt of lightning came down and smote Kross from existence. She has shut herself into her room where she can sob all day and hope that things will be better. She know becomes Irate when someone refers to her as Vicki because of the reminder of what Kross had called. He promised her the world and in the end his own insanity led to his destruction. She sometimes talks to Albert, but in the end it seems as though she cannot let go of the memory of Kross, and it seems as though a bit of him still lingers. She has sworn that she will never love him again for the disgrace that he caused, she wished that there was only a way to burn his spirit out of existence and make it as though he no longer exists in any shape or form. There is a knock on her door, and she instructs the person to come in. It is Albert, he looks at her, as she sits in the chair staring at the television. It is currently static.

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You know you have to let go of Kross, the more that you think about him the more you are going to hate him for what he did to you, Holt said to her. Just what he did to me, what he made me believe, I could have been smote alongside him, I think about it over and over, and I wonder why I was not struck by the lightning as well, Victoria said. You did not challenge Odin, he judges those that threaten his power. It is self-preservation. Do you think that a man like Kross would be on the level of Odin? Kross was an ant that spat in the faces of the Gods; He was struck down as the result of his own actions. No force in the Universe could have changed the outcome of what happened. The only one that could have prevented it was Kross himself. His lust for power was his own undoing. Only the fool inflates his own self-worth while the world laughs at him, Albert replied.


I bought what he sold, I feel as though I know nothing beyond the lies that he told me, Victoria said. Men like Kross come and go, the men that I served, desired power beyond that which they could control, likewise they too were crushed by the weight of the universe. You are not the first person that Kross deceived. His very nature revolves around deception. It is how he lives his life. He preys on those that would buy his hogwash, Albert replied. It just hurts me that I could be betrayed like that, all the things he said, all the things he did he claimed for a greater purpose, but in the end he was just a mere ant in the greater scheme of things, Victoria said. Compared to the universe we are ants, no single entity can ever be significant in the eyes of the universe. If you think you are something in the

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universe you are misguided, we are all ants, Albert replied. I wish that things could be different, or somehow things can be written differently, Victoria said. No matter how much we wish we could go back a change history, there is no way to change the events that have transpired, nor can we change the fate of what is going to happen, Fate is what it is, no matter how hard we wish to change it, it is what it is. Not even Odin can rewrite the exploits of fate, things happen like a book and will happen the way it is ordained, no matter how much you try to change it, it is inevitable. We all know that Kross couldnt start the Ragnarok. He was doomed before he even began. The end of times is marked by the signs of the breakdown of reality. No matter how much he tried, no matter what he did, he contradicted the will of the universe. The world cannot end unless


the signs of the end come. No act of man or god can change what will happen or what has transpired, Albert said. I suppose you are right, Kross always said that the end was coming, he would say that the signs were there, he made things into signs I suppose that he was a victim of his own delusion, it is sad that I bought his story. He twisted me and poisoned me, I regret what he did and I feel sorrow for the things that he made me do, Victoria replied. You have to live the way that the Universe has ordained Victoria, no matter who you follow, no matter what you do, you must obey the basic laws of nature. If you violate the laws of nature then you end up like Kross, who is damned for all existence. The only people that will support him now are the agents of destruction, since he made himself into a weapon of destruction, Albert replied.

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What do you suppose happened to him, I mean I know he was destroyed, but is that the end of him? Victoria replied. There are many things that could happen to him, but I suppose the most logical explanation is that when he was smote, he ceased to exist in this world. His vessel was destroyed so he cannot return in that vessel. However, his spirit cannot be destroyed by any god, only the universe can erase his spirit. Chances are is that he was banished to Helheim where he has to serve the goddess Hela, Albert said. Well I know that elf girl is a Necromancer, is it possible that another one like her can resurrect him? Victoria replied. Only if Hela allows it, it is up to the Goddess of death to release the spirits of the dead in her control, it is her power as a death Goddess, she can

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strike anyone dead, or raise any spirit in her control, Albert said. Well I hope that she does not bring him back, he is the most terrifying man in existence, the things he made me do is unconscionable, Victoria said. Regardless of whether she resurrects him or not is her decision, still he is damned in any regard. If she does bring him back she can only give him a form that is fitting of his nature as she cannot create human vessels, only Odin has the power to create a human vessel, chances are if he is resurrected he will be given a form more fitting of his nature, maybe a demon or some other twisted monstrousity, Albert replied. How is Sigrid? I know she had a rough time after he experience; I hope that she is doing alright, Victoria replied.

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She is well, she regenerated in a hour, but she was exhausted for about a week. She doesnt remember what happened, but I suppose those things happen, Albert replied. Diana stood in the middle of her classroom instructing the youths sitting at their desks in front of her. She goes on about some history and usual things that are taught in the classroom. She has an obvious scar running along her arm from where she was cut. One of the children looks at it and becomes inquisitive. What happened to your arm? the child asks. It was an accident, she replied. Does it hurt? the kid pressed on. I think we should focus on what you are supposed to be learning, not on my injuries, Diana reiterates.

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The rest of the kids start smirking and Diana hushes them and continues with her lesson. After the class ends the kids leave the room and a man wearing a suit comes into the room and greets Diana. Dr. Holt would like to extend his thanks to you efforts to aide him and has invited you to a function at his tower. He also has authorized you to visit the tower anytime that you want without an appointment, provided he has no other pressing engagements, the man says handing Diana a white rose. I would like to attend, I suppose there are many ways I could help him I suppose, I would also like to see both of his daughters, I have things that I want to ask Victoria and Sigrid, Diana replied. You can see Sigrid any time, however Victoria has locked herself in her room and will so no one other than Dr. Holt, the man replied.

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I accept you invitation and thank you for visiting me. I suppose there are things that he can help me with, as the Flowers ministry wrecked my home and stole things from me that is hard for me to recover, Diana said. Holt has authorized us to compensate you for any losses that you endured from Flowers activities, the main replied. I just thank god that the was no real harm from the Flowers ministry, the things he did were horrible, the way he defiled people was incredible, Diana said. Flowers is dead and gone, we she just let him be buried and forget about him, There is no reason in mulling over such things, the man replied, Pardon me, but I must leave now there things that I must tend to.

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With that the man leaves the classroom and Diana continues to pack up her things and prepares to meet Richter at the studio. I love the part of the story where the Vampire gets smote by Odin that is awesome, I wish I was there to see it, Jerry says, stretching out in his chair. Well pretty much he was laughing like a psycho and everything was shaking, then Sigrid here raises her hand and her voice echoed through the sky, then the lightning bolt came down and fried that evil bastard, Richter said as Jerry was sitting there listening. Sigrid looked at him and said, I dont remember any of that, all I remember is that I woke up and there was a crater in the ground and a smoke trail. All you missed the smiting, too bad, it was so ironic, Jerry said, Bastards like Flowers make

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themselves into gods and he gets crushed like the insect he is, I love this story. Well I know that his ego was so massive he probably thought himself a God, I remember the word unworthy being echoed though the heavens, and that is what he was, unworthy, Richter said. Well that Flowers guy was nothing more than an ant, he treated other people like they were insects and then he gets stepped on like an insect. Did he really think the power of a god would be at his disposal, he spurned the universe and it vaporized him, what an ass, Sigrid said. So what do you think that Flowers is going to be reincarnated as? A insect, I see him coming back as a cockroach, or a fly that is destined to suck on shit for the rest of eternity, Jerry replied. I dont know of such things, as for reincarnation, maybe he will come back, but it would take something really powerful to do so, I am

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talking something on the same level as Odin, since Odin is the one that judged him, Richter said. Odin may have destroyed his body but has very little control over the spirits of wicked people, in fact the only Goddess that would probably have power over him is the Goddess Hela, and she has a well-known dislike for Odin, Sigrid said. So Hela would resurrect him? Jerry said. Well not has a human or vampire, she likes to resurrect wicked people with forms fitting their nature, she has been known to transform wicked souls into demons and monsters that become her servants, Sigrid said. Oh lovely, that what we need, that psycho coming back as a hellish creature on steroids, just lovely, Jerry said.

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Men like Flowers dont stop at death, they always find a way to come back and mess with you, Richter said. Well at any rate, he a pile of ash and not a concern right now, so I say let him spend his time in Helas domain, Sigrid said. Is there any way he can escape from the world of death? Jerry asked. Only if Hela allows it, few spirits have escaped from that dimension of their own free will, there are several obstacles that you have to overcome to successfully escape that place. One, you have to somehow mask yourself from Helas psychic powers; she knows everything that happens in her domain. If a spirit even thinks about escaping, she torments them and starts playing illusory mind games with them, even to the extent she makes them think they have escaped and entered a world of their innermost fears. The second is that you

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have to get past the giant on the bridge. It will let you in, but will not let you out unless you have the power to defeat it in combat. The only entity that has every defeated that giant in combat is Odin. Then if you can get past Hela and the giant then you have to get past Garm, Helas pet wolf. He guards the entrance to the land of the dead. Again he wont bother you if you enter, but if you try to leave he will attack you, those are the only way to get in and out of the land of the dead, Sigrid said. Couldnt someone use a teleportation spell to get out of there? Jerry said. I suppose you could, but where are you going to get the lie heart to do the spell, the only thing that populates that dimension are spirits, of which have no heart of blood to offer up in ritual, Sigrid said.

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Wasnt that shadow demon something from Helheim? How did that get here if it has no blood? Richter asked. Well, it was pulled by Flowers how conducted the ritual, or Hela sent it personally. Certain gods can send things across dimensions without offering up a sacrifice, Sigrid said. How many dimensions are there that you know of? Jerry asked Sigrid. Well there are nine specific worlds in the Yggdrasil tree, but there are infinite dimensions and realities. It is possible that fantasies that we have are merely actual realities in another dimension, it is endless. Different dimensions have the own rules and governance. These dimensions are all part of the Yggdrasil tree and the universe itself. Sometimes in the other dimensions there are minor deities that rule over that dimension, that is were you get the different religious philosophies from,

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they are realities in the universe that are perceived by people that are sensitive to tuning in on other dimensions. It is entirely possible that the gods of different faiths and pantheons exist in some fashion, they were picked up by people were sensitive enough to tune in on them and the people wrote exploits of their histories from the visions that they say, Sigrid said. So you are saying that there is a possible Zeus or even a Christian God? Jerry asked. It is entirely possible, however they have no power in our dimension other than to have proxies enforce their will, Why did you think the Odin did not appear in person when Flowers was judged? Sigrid said, The reality is that no deity can directly influence our dimension unless the universe allows it. Flowers was judged because he tried pulling a deity into our universe, that is a big no-no according to the tree, deities can only act through their proxies

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as prescribed by the Yggdrasil tree. Flowers tried to become a god, if he succeeded it would have violate the will of the universe and likewise our world would have been destroyed to preserve the universe. The Yggdrasil tree allowed Odin to judge Flowers because it was the will of the universe, if Odin didnt judge Flowers the tree itself would have wiped out our existence because the threat would have been too great, only on the prescribed time and date may the gods walk the earth, Sigrid said. Do you have any idea when that will happen? Jerry asked. When the time comes the end will be marked by signs as described by the Seeress, until then there is nothing to fear. The universe already knows what is going to happen. Without the signs, it is mere crazy people rambling like fools, Sigrid said.

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I know what you mean, that Flowers guy was a total fruit loop to actually think that he could cause something like the Ragnarok, Richter said. Well you know as well as everyone else that a mere man cannot precipitate something on the level of the Ragnarok, it is something that is simply out of his reach. The universe would never allow someone to do something outside of the edicts of fate. That is why he failed. He knew he was a sham, they knew he was a sham, and ultimately when he did try to make his vision come true he was ultimately destroyed as a result. He should have known better than anyone that you cannot defy fate, ignorance does not make you exempt from the consequences of you actions. Destruction comes to those who try to seek destruction of others. Fate us the ultimate authority, it is clear as day, Sigrid said. I suppose that Flowers is regretting his actions, he has been condemned, but I assume with

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the way he rolls that he is going to twist it into the fault of someone else, the alcoholic sees problems in everyone but themselves. His vexation knows no bounds, Richter said. As they are conversing among themselves the doors to the studio open and Diana walks in. She is wearing a halter-top and skirt, as the season allows her to wear such attire. She has found no reason to carry the larger swords on her anymore because the pact vampires fled the city when Flowers had his untimely demise and feared that the same would happen to them if they remained in town. She flashes a smile towards Richter and sits in one of the chairs in lobby area of the studio. You know, there has not been a single vampire sighting since Flowers got smote, I assume those bastards fled for their lives when they saw him get incinerated, I guess word spread fast among

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them, I bet the other Pact leaders are shitting their pants right about now, Jerry said amusingly. Theyll be back, if you drive them out; they will return it is the cycle of life, Sigrid said. I suppose, but really who is going to try to do what Flowers did, I mean even the most retarded cretin knows the rule of force, they know if they do the same thing they are going to get the same results, it is the insanity rule, Jerry said. Some people never learn, a lot of people expect different results from the same actions; thats why there is so many alcoholics that are constantly quitting every week. They never try anything different; same song different drunk, Diana said. How is school Diana, the little monsters getting to you yet? Richter asked.

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Hey, children are not monsters; they are all cute like me, Sigrid exclaimed. I hate to burst your bubble, but not all children are cute, and certainly not nice, Richter said. You are just jealous because you cant be a kid for 500 years, Sigrid said. That would be a savage curse upon the parents, Richter remarked back. Good for me bad for them, Sigrid said as she smiled. Right, well I suppose you would like to sit on an airplane with a screaming five year old for 75 years, tell me you wouldnt be annoyed, Richter quipped back. Children are wonderful they can do no wrong in my eyes, Sigrid said.

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Oh right, tell that to Bebes kids, when you become a parent I hope you have the most rotten vile children in the world so you can learn the true sweet nature of children, Richter replied. You are so cute when you rant, Sigrid got up and sat right in Richters lap, I am sure that you know what you are talking about, tee hee, she said as she taunted him. Ok get off my lap, I am not in the mood for your games, Richter said hostilely. Aww, you are no fun, she said getting up and walking over to the stands and rummaging through some art books. Are wood elves usually this flirtatious, Diana asked of Sigrid. Only the girl elves, we love everything in nature; after all we are an avatar for nature.

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I suppose it is something we have to put up with, cest la vie, Richter replied. Oh it is going to rain in a few minutes, Sigrid said. How the fuck do you know that it is going to rain? Jerry said. Im a wood elf, I know these things; after all it is nature, that is something we are attuned to, Sigrid said, plus the pressure dropped, I can feel it on my skin, pressure always drops when it rains. After five minutes Jerry looked out the window and saw water droplets covering the window. He looked at Sigrid and said, Well, whats the seven day forecast Dick Goddard? Ha, you are too funny; those meteorologists are quacks, but I can make myself look like him and give you a forecast if you want, she said while grinning.

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That is strangely perverse, and no thanks; I find a woman shape shifting into a man rather creepy, Jerry said. Too bad for you, she quipped smartly. So I suppose you all were reliving war stories of Flowers getting smote out of existence, Diana said. Pretty much, Sigrid was telling us about how other dimensions work and supernatural stuff, Richter said. Jerry looked out the window again and was puzzled, What the fuck? Whats wrong? Diana asked. There is snow falling outside, Jerry said. It is the middle of July, have you be snorting lines? Richter said.

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It was about seventy degrees when I came in the store, Diana said. Likewise they all walk outside and look as there is a light snow coming down and the temperature has dropped to the mid 40s. There is not enough to stick to the ground but it appears to be snow nonetheless. This could be very bad, Sigrid said. Why whats up, Richter said. The Ragnarok is supposed to be preceded by the Fimblvintr; basically it will snow year round for three years with no summer in between. At least that is what the prophesy said according to the Volla, Sigrid said. Its probably a freak weather event, may once in a century thing, Jerry said.

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Well I cannot honestly say, it may be or it may not be, just simply lets see if it passes, Sigrid said. After about an hour of light snow the snow stops, but the temperature remains the same. Jerry pops on the news to see If there is a news report of the strange occurrence on the local news. They watched a report on CNN, and the anchor said, Freak weather occurrence happened, just about every place in the world recorded a record temperature drop, not bad if you are in the southern hemisphere but the equator, tropics and the summer northern hemisphere just dropped to record low of 40 degrees on this day of July, what does this mean? The TV then cuts to people in Miami wearing winter coats holding up signs saying, Repent the End is Here Great now every apocalypse nutter in the country is going to go on about the end of the world,

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that is just what we need, mass hysteria, Diana said in response to the news article. Well this is technically not the Fimblvintr per se, Sigrid said, The Fimblvintr is a supernatural blizzard, if it really was that then the tropics would be covered in 10 feet of snow and everything would virtually be crippled here. Also eternal winter is just one sign; there are other signs like raising the dead, Allie nations warring against each other, hedonism, perversion, at a supernatural level. In addition, there would be supernatural occurrences and events happening all over the world. A mild summer snow is not enough to run out screaming end of the world, Sigrid said. I suppose you are right, we really shouldnt join the people running around with signs screaming that the world is ending, Diana said. Well if it is a sign of the Fimblvintr, it would be way worse than this from what I understand. I

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mean the phenomenon is supposed to be supernatural, we should be in a hundred feet of snow, not just a light snow shower, Richter said. Well you know what they say, it takes time for tragedy to happen. When I was reading stories about the Fimblvintr, literally it would take years before it reached the point of Ragnarok. However, it is strange that it is a worldwide phenomenon. It is something certainly unnatural, Jerry said. As unnatural as it may be, still we have to be wary; when it comes to things like prophecies the way that people wrote them down might not be the way they actually happen, even back then people could get things wrong. Look at flowers, he thought he could change fate and he was utterly destroyed, Sigrid said. Well I am not going to be running out anytime soon with a sign saying: Repent the End is Near!, Diana said.

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Well the point is not to die, the Ragnarok is a trial, a trial that tests the people that can truly survive, If you can survive the Ragnarok then you are entitled to life, Ragnarok is about peoples ability to survive in the time of dire absence of the gods. It is about yourself more than any god and other thing that you subscribe to, Sigrid said. Thats interesting, well it is said that certain people will survive the Ragnarok, I wonder what it means to have the constitution to survive? Richter asked. Well I can tell you one thing, merely swinging a sword is not the answer to that question, those who wield their sword find their end at the end of a sword, Sigrid said. It seems that it seems that in a battle one must fight, I mean that is what I was taught, Richter said.

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You have to remember the words of Odin in the Havamal, there is no value in venerating a corpse, Sigrid said. Well doesnt also say that the deeds of the dead are not forgotten? Richter said. Well it is good to die in battle, but it is not necessary to fight every battle. If you fight unnecessary wars, then eventually you will be a corpse that o one cares about, Sigrid said, There are fights that you are obligated to fight, but if there is no value in the fight and nothing to gain from it, then why do you need to fight it in the first place? Well I suppose that you are right, but it seems that everyone puts such an emphasis on fighting in what for what you believe in, Richter said. Well you should fight for what you believe in, but in the same token you should avoid a fight that would be counterproductive, what good are

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you to any cause when you are dead? Sigrid replied. I get your point, I dont want to die; I suppose I should be smarter about things, Richter said. Well there is a difference between Odin and his son Thor. Odin is a wise god and knows when to fight and when to flee. If the battle has no clear victory from fighting then Odin would say there is no value in the fight because it cannot be won. However, his son would fight the fight, because there is glory in the battle, even though the victory would be meaningless. Thor fights for the sake of fighting, even if he would die he would fight. However, Odin foresees the lack of value in the conflict. If there is no strategic value in the fight then it is a battle that should not be fought. To Odin, fighting an unnecessary battle would be tantamount to firing wildly in the air in combat. It

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simply wastes ammunition and resources in the effort. Why shoot in the air when you can shoot the enemy? Sigrid said. Well it seems that a lot of warriors are brash and would fight even if it meant their death, Richter said. If that is true then they are dead even before the battle began, such is the fate of such men. You cannot fight in something as big as the Ragnarok. It would be similar to Flowers challenging the Gods; fate will simply smite you. It is impossible to change fate, which is even something the gods cannot do. If it is not drawn by the Norns then it simply will not happen, Sigrid said. True, Richter said.

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This concludes the Preview for Evolution. If you would like to read more of the story, it will be available to purchase soon. Thank you for evaluating the first chapter this Novel as it will be completed around February or March 2012.

Benjamin L.

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