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* A company has to know whats happening inside/outside Chapter 1 Why is recruitment and selection (R&S) important within the

e context of the business/organization? (fig 1.1 pg. 4) Recruitment and selection is important because it helps the organization meet its goals and objectives by producing committed and effective personal. (Employees are capital to a business) Recruitment and selection is when the organizations use to find and choose the best qualified employees. Recruitment means a pool of applicants that are interested in a position. It is also done to achieve objectives & goals that the organization needs to accomplish and must meet current legal recruitments (human rights, employment equity, labour law and other legislation) Selection means choosing the best candidate for the job. They must meet the expectations and you must predict if they will stay for a long period of time. What does R&S contribute to HRM & the organization? Human Resource Management & Organization: They need to figure out what work needs to be done and what skills the applicants need to have and also what work needs to get done. (K.S.A = Knowledge, skill and ability) Effective R&S practices identify job applicants with the appropriate Level of knowledge Skills Abilities Other requirements required by the job or organization 2 external factors on R&S impacts: Social, economic environments being among others global competitions rapid changes in technology changing work force unionized work environment Why recruitment and selection matters? - Reduces employee turnover

What are some ethical issues surrounding R&S (pg 11 - 12) *Ethics means distinguishing whats wrong and whats right. Look at law notes Biases Discrimination

Chapter 2
Measurement, reliability, validity, correlation coefficients, simple regression (perhaps) definitions, application to R&S and factors that affect them Components of the selection model and process
*The employers goal is to hire an applicant has the knowledge, skills, abilities or attributes. (KSAOs)

*empirical: depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory. Bona fide occupational requirement example you have to wear hard hats on a contraction site however for religious reasons you have to wear a head wrap and they dont hire you because of that. Three step test: 1) did the employer make this purpose connected to the performance of the job, 2) Did they do it in good faith that it was necessary and 3) It is necessary to accomplishment of work. The Hiring Process When an employer is making decision on wither to hire new employees they must follow a hiring process. 1) Job analysis (what tasks/duties/behaviors that need to be done) 2) They make up qualifications 3) They go through the selection process. For example Winnipeg police service there hiring process consists of their minimum qualifications (age, police check, test etc). Then the candidates must complete application, write an exam, Screening Interview, Background investigation and selection panel. The goal of the selection process is to identify candidates that are appropriate for the job based on skills etc. Validity: this predictor measures is done through evidence based test content. For example when you apply for a job with the police and they test you on your physical and mental ability. Validation strategies: - Construct and content validation evidence based on test content. Criterion- related validation: evidence based on relationships to other variables. Factors affecting it are Measurement and sampling error. Bias: errors or inferences made that are related to an identifiable group membership ex age, sex or race. Correlation coefficient: is statistic that presents information on the extent of the relationship between to variables. In order for the employer by two variables 1) they are evaluated after they are hired on performance 2) using existing employees results. Correlation of determination: This value represents the proportion of variability in one variable that is associated with the variability of the other. Simple regression: two variables can be expressed by a straight line (regression line) Multiple regressions: involving more than 2 variables. Reliability: observed scores are free from random measurement errors and it measures sustainability and consistency. Factors affecting reliability: Temporary Individual characteristics, lack of standardization and chance.

Chapter 3
Legal issues human rights, employment equity, labour standards definitions & explanations of their effects to R&S, development of R&S systems & practices that meet legal requirements. Know the difference between the different laws) *Constitutional Law: supreme law of Canada has an effect on employment practices society. Human rights Legislation: Prohibits discrimination in employment and out. Commission or tribunals deal with these complaints involving employment discrimination - Race - National or ethic origin - Color - Religion or creed - Age - Sex - Marital status - Family status - Mental and physical disability (including previous or present drug or alcohol dependency) - Pardon conviction - Sexual orientation Employment equity: is the elimination of discriminatory practices that prevent entry into the work place. Ex women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, people with disabilities. Labour law, Employment standards and related legislation: employment rights given to both employer and employees. Direct discrimination: when the employer adopts a practice or rule to you and discriminates on a prohibited ground. Ex there is no black people allowed Indirect discrimination: making a statement on something that discriminates someone ex the company doesnt hire blondes (employee implies) Adverse effect discrimination: when a employer in good faith adopts a policy not intending to have negative impact on members of that particular group. Adverse impact: when the selection rate for a protected group is lower that the comparison group. Meorin decision: has set a higher stranded for employers to meet before letting employers change there practices. Reasonable accommodation: when discrimination has occurred the employer has to make accommodate the complaint short of undue hard ship ex accommodating a person with disabilities if they are hired.

R&S practices that have an impact on careers or entry to occupations have to be explained to why so respecting legal requirements and they are to use procedures and practices that do not hurt but provide benefits to the client - You can see the hiring is based on what the job needs.

Chapter 4 Job analysis the role it plays in R&S and why it is so important explain the various process involved = the methods. Job analysis: is the process of making the needed assistance into a job. What kind of tasks, skills and behaviors they need. (job description) - The tasks, duties and activities that need to be done (the work) - The order they need to be done in It s important because if you don t undergo a job analysis you won t know what skills/tasks/behaviors are needed to make sure the job is done efficiently. Job analysis Techniques/methods - Questionnaires - Observations - Interviews - Position analysis questionnaires Organizational analysis: you find out what the goals and what the overall mission the firm has. (Structure, processes, strategies) Job description: a description of how the employee is supposed to do the job, what they have to do. Job specifications: knowledge, skills, abilities that are needed by a job to perform it well. Subject matter experts: people who are most/how knowledgeable about the job. KSAO s the knowledge skills and other attributes needed to do the job well.

NOC: National Occupational Classifications Competencies: a group of related behavior needed to perform a job successfully Core competencies: characteristics that every member of the organization must have. Competency dictionary: lists al the competencies required by an organization

Chapter 5 Selecting for performance Linking of organizational goals and performance standards to selection criteria developing the measures multiple criteria that is relevant to job performance (in developing the measures multiple criteria that is relevant to job performance (in the long term) see summary in pg 193 and is objective (see pg 198) Work behaviours task, contextual, counter-productive definitions (fig 5.1) multidimensional model (Campbell pgs 179-180 & table 5.1) outcomes (fig 5.2) Job performance: is the behavior that is needed to accomplish the goals of the organization. A job performance Domain for an Airplane pilot:

MC = 30 Questions = (match chapter to chapter) pick 3/5 (10 point each) using science as oppose to gut feeling human rights, employment equity

Using science as oppose to gut feeling Gut feeling based selection The employer has an idea of the person who will get the job and looks for an applicants that matches his ideas.

The employee is ultimately making a guess on who he will hire based information collect from the applicant that might not be related to the job. This shows the bias of the employer than it is about the employee s skills/abilities/qualifications and the people that do well are hired. If the employer made a bad decision it can lead to low productivity and legal difficulties. The employer doesn t do this all the time. Its very subjective on the employer because if they like you your hired not based on your ability They tend to use this because its fast, fits culture. When employers follow this employees are less competitive, human rights are not followed, there not efficient.

Science based selection

The employer finds out what type of skills/tasks/behaviors needed to perform this job. Ex job analysis, test predictors. The employers decision is rational and based on the applicants skills & qualifications. This is mandatory. Empirical: depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory. Employers use this because its structured, consistent and maintains standards When employers follow this employees are efficient, high productivity.

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