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The CAll
wArriors AgAinsT
DomesTiC ViolenCe
Thursday, November 19, 2009 Thursday, November 19, 2009
Photo by Frank Marquart
Page 16
Story Page 5
Story Page 4
Story Page 14
A Restaurant at The
County Airport?
Wawa Closing Great
Mills Store Nov. 30
School System is Strong,
Robust and Vibrant
Thursday, November 19, 2009 2
The County Times
Your Paper...
Your Thoughts
While The County Times makes efforts to make our polls
random and representative of the countys diverse population, the
poll results listed here should in no way be considered scientifc
County Wide Poll
Do you think our high schools have
prepared you well to take the SAT
Yes No Not
Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac & Where t he Pot omac &
t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet t he Chesapeake meet




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Arielle Turley, a
junior at Leonard-
town High School,
said she thought
her classes had
helped. In lessons
the teachers point
out specifc areas
that are going to
be on SATs. Also,
the tests we take
to prepare for
the SATs are very
Eric Dennis, a
senior at Great Mills
High School, said he
thought his educa-
tion had prepared
him for the tests. I
think so. I took the
SATs and I did well,
so I really think my
classes here helped
Thursday, November 19, 2009 3
The County Times
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, Maryland 20636
News, Advertising, Circulation, Classifeds: 301-373-4125
Also Inside
On T he Covers
4 County News
7 Editorial/Opinion
8 Money
9 Defense and Military
10 Obituaries
12 Crime and Punishment
14 Education
16 On The Cover
17 Newsmakers
19 Community
21 Community Calendar
22 History
23 Wandering Minds
24 Entertainment
26 Games
27 Bleachers
28 Cross Country
29 Ice Hockey
30 Football
Auto - Home - Business - Life
Leonardtown & LaPlata
Bus: (301) 475-3151
(301) 934-8437 Charles County
Burris Olde
Towne Insurance
$1,000,000 Aggregate
$2,000,000 Aggregate
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Plumbing and Heating
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General Liability Rates are
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*Premium is subject to a policy minimum which varies based
on coverage amount selected. Eligibility requirements apply.
Stock Market
The St. Marys Board of County Commissioners
joined Walden Sierra Executive Director Kathleen
OBrien, center, for a ribbon cutting at the new Hope
Place in Lexington Park. SEE PAGE 4
Basil Moyes fumble return for
a touchdown lifted Great Mills
to a 12-8 victory over Chopticon
and the County Football title. See
sports section for football season
recap. SEE PAGE 30
James Manning McKay - Founder
Eric McKay - Associate
Tobie Pulliam - Offce
Sean Rice - Associate
Angie Stalcup - Graphic
Andrea Shiell - Reporter - Education,
Chris Stevens - Reporter -
Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government,
School Superintendent Michael
Martirano addressed a large crowd
at the JT Daugherty Conference
Center for his Annual State of the
School System Address. PAGE 14
As you know,
t he governor
and our law-
makers are
grappl i ng wit h
t he dooms-
day budget
i ssues and
but educat ion
cannot suf fer
i n St. Mar ys
Count y. Weve
made signi f i-
cant gai ns and
we cannot
backsl ide.
- School s
Superi nten-
dent Michael
Mart i rano
Kyle Wood of Leonardtown fres a shot past teammate
Jordan Topolski in practice.
Attorney Erin King, Executive Director Laura Joyce and
Attorney Diana Donahue work for the Southern Mary-
land Center for Family Advocacy, offering legal help to
victims of domestic violence.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 4
The County Times
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
The staff at Walden Sierra held a ribbon
cutting ceremony on Tuesday afternoon to
mark the opening of its new Hope Place fa-
cility on FDR Drive in Lexington Park.
Hope Place consolidates two locations
that the crisis and behavior health center
closed this year due to budget cuts. The new
location in Millison Plaza replaces an exist-
ing location on Route 235 in Lexington Park
and a Leonardtown offce.
With the consolidation comes space, and
a more central location for the people who
need Waldens services the most, says Execu-
tive Director Dr. Kathleen OBrien.
What hasnt changed is the non-profts
mission to help people with whatever crisis
they may be facing weather its drug abuse,
depression, homelessness, domestic abuse or
any other painful situation.
Our commitment is that we have a
place here, that if somebody doesnt know
what they need, what they want, our doors
are open and they can come in out of the cold,
out of the rain, OBrien said Tuesday.
OBriens remarks came after a ribbon
cutting on the steps of the facility, which
was attended by the Board of County Com-
missioners and numerous other invited
guests from nearby schools, churches and
So while weve had a quarter of a mil-
lion dollars in budget reductions, we are re-
ally probably the most energized staff weve
been in years in terms of what our histor-
ic mission has been, and that is to fll in
whatever gaps we see in the community,
OBrien said. And to listen to our hotline
and responsd to those individuals.
Walden has run a 24-hour crisis hotline
since 1973. The hotline number is 301-863-
Waldens Crisis Counseling and Com-
pass House in California, as well as the
Anchor Treatment Center in Charlotte Hall
will remain open.
Bennett Connelly, director the St.
Marys County Department of Human Ser-
vices, addressed the ribbon-cutting visitors
to talk about a new program his offce is
working on, which aims to create a commu-
nity-wide human services network in Lexing-
ton Park. The area has the highest percentage
of poverty and crime in the county.
We feel this is a wonderful opportunity
for St. Marys to really blend and connect the
different resources that are down here.
Connelly said the goal is to band to-
gether the 20-plus groups that are currently
helping people in Lexington Park from
churches and food pantries, to the library,
social services and the housing authority
in an effort to create an integrated human
services system in Lexington Park that we
think will be a model for this community and
other communities.
The program is expected to kick off in
January, Connelly said.
Hope Has a Place in Lexington Park
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
Carolyn Laray, tourism manager for St.
Marys County, told the St. Marys County
Commissioners on Tuesday that her offce will
continue to run an effective marketing cam-
paign for the county next year, despite having
its state funding slashed.
But like many in this economy, Laray said
they will be forced to spent the money they do
have more creatively.
The commissioners passed a motion to
accept the county 2010 cooperative market-
ing grant agreement with the Maryland Tour-
ism Development Board, in the amount of
$39,655. The grant fgure is $20,345 less than
the $60,000 originally budgeted.
We will be moving ahead in more innova-
tive ways to keep tourism strong and growing
in St. Marys county, Laray told the board.
What youre doing is important work,
and youre doing good work, said Commis-
sioner Dan Raley (D. Great Mills). Youve got
a little bump in the road here, but like you said
it might cause us to re-look and see the way that
were doing business and maybe out of all this
mess we can come out even better.
Local Tourism Dollars Slashed by State
The Mall of America, located in Bloomington, Minnesota
is so big that it can hold 24,336 school buses.
The St. Marys County
Commissioners were
among the invited guest
Tuesday afternoon
for the ribbon cutting
ceremony at the new
Walden Sierra location
in Lexington Park, Hope
Place. In the center with
the scissors is Dr. Kath-
leen OBrien, director of
Thursday, November 19, 2009 5
The County Times
Apple Basket
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Great Gifts
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November 20 and
November 21
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
The U.S. Census Bureau opened up
its Southern Maryland regional office
this week in La Plata, and officially be-
gan its recruitment of workers to con-
duct the 2010 official count.
Sylvia Ballinger, a media specialist
for the Census Bureau, confirmed that
the La Plata local Census office will be
hiring 600 to 700 people to work in St.
Marys, Calvert, Charles, Anne Arundel
and southern Prince Georges County.
The new office is located at 101 E
Charles Street in La Plata. Households
will begin receiving census question-
naires in mid-March.
We are thrilled to open this office
in La Plata. This community has taken
a very proactive approach in collaborat-
ing with private and public organiza-
tions to help raise awareness about the
importance of participating in the 2010
Census, Fernando E. Armstrong, Re-
gional Director, Philadelphia Regional
Census Center, said in a press release.
A grand opening event was held on
Tuesday, which was attended by census
officials, media and local officials in-
cluding state Sen. Thomas Middleton,
of Charles County.
Ballinger said more than 100 orga-
nizations have signed formal partner-
ship agreements with the Census Bu-
reau in the five counties and more than
30 Complete Count Committees are
operating in support of the Census.
The decennial Census question-
naire is one of the shortest in history. It
asks for name, gender, age, race, ethnic-
ity, relationship, and whether you own
or rent your home. All responses are
used for statistical purposes only, and
all responses are strictly confidential.
The Census Bureau is now recruit-
ing for census taker positions. Census
takers will visit households that did not
return a questionnaire. Interested appli-
cants are encouraged to call 1-866-861-
2010 for details on how to apply. For
more information, visit the 2010 Census
Web site at
Upward Of 700 To Be
Hired Locally For Census
By Bryan Jaffe
Contributing Writer
Discussions are underway within the Air-
port Advisory Committee to bring a restaurant
to the terminal at St. Marys County Airport.
This is the frst step in a process that will
see the committee forward recommendations
to the Department of Public Works and Trans-
portation, at which point it may be brought be-
fore the St. Marys County Commissioners for
fnal approval.
We have a great airport here, Airport
Advisory Committee Chairman Jim Davis
said. This is a chance to make it better. This
airport can be a frst class facility for aircraft
users in the not too distant future.
According to Davis, the installation of a
restaurant will not take a heavy investment or
require extensive construction or remodeling.
He said it would ft easily into a part of the ter-
minal that was designated for baggage pick-up,
which is not necessary, as the airport will not
host commercial airline traffc in the foresee-
able future.
We want to make this beautiful
terminal we have into a more useful
resource for the community, Davis
said, explaining that many of the avia-
tors who use the airport now take their
planes and fy elsewhere. The addition
of a restaurant, he feels, would keep the
local population spending their money
in the county, as well as drawing people
from other such airports in the area.
To date, the committee has spoken
with a vendor who Davis said has an im-
pressive history in the restaurant feld,
and has run successful businesses in the
past, who believes a restaurant would
fourish in the terminal. This brought
about a discussion on the viability of the
restaurant over the summer, and the advisory
committee is working to assemble a prospec-
tus for the County Commissioners.
There will be some investment from the
county necessary, but not a major one, Davis
said. It wouldnt cost a quarter of a million
dollars or anything like that. Davis said the
revenues generated for the county should far
outweigh the initial costs involved in establish-
ing it.
Davis hopes to see the prospectus ready
by the frst quarter of 2010, which would al-
low the process to move forward. If approved,
there would be a solicitation for companies to
make proposals for the restaurant, and the ad-
visory committee would interview the venders
to make a recommendation to Public Works for
submission to the Commissioners.
I would hope that by the middle of next
year we could be up and running, Davis said
when summing up the possible time frame un-
til the restaurant could be open for business if
Restaurant At The End Of The Airport?
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
The County Times has received confrma-
tion that the Wawa gas station and store on Great
Mills Road will close in less than two weeks.
Employees at the Great Mills Road store
were notifed late Tuesday that Nov. 30 would
be the last day for the station, and they were of-
fered continued employment at other locations.
Management at the Great Mills Road store
would not entertain any questions Wednesday
when approached by a County Times reporter.
Wawa corporate public relations responded
to inquiries on Wednesday afternoon, and con-
frmed that the store will be closing Nov. 30 and
is being sold as an ongoing business.
While closing this store was a diffcult de-
cision to make, we have conducted careful and
extensive evaluations, and have determined that
it is no longer meeting business expectations,
the company said in a written statement to The
County Times.
The County Times has learned that the
Great Mills Wawa is one of the lower perform-
ers in the chain of 500-plus Wawa stores.
Public Relations Manager Lori Bruce
would not confrm that information, saying that
as a private company, they will not disclose
further details about sales at the store or other
proprietary information.
There are three other Wawa stores in St.
Marys County, and the company continues to
add more to the chain, including a new one in
Philadelphia in September and one in late Au-
gust in Baltimore.
The Lexington park store has also been
plagued with crime, falling victim to numerous
armed robberies in recent years. As a result of
crime, the store stopped being a 24-hour store.
Every year, we evaluate all of our stores,
and at times, must make the diffcult decision to
close some of them, the company said. [W]e
want the Lexington Park community to know
that while we may be closing the doors to this
store, we remain committed to the community
and look forward to serving our customers at
our nearby locations on Three Notch Road.
St. Marys County offcials, including the
Board of County Commissioners, and Robin
Finnacom, director of the Community Devel-
opment Corporation, were unaware of the store
closing on Wednesday afternoon.
The County Times also received infor-
mation that Besche Oil Company might be
buying the property. When contacted Tues-
day afternoon, Mike Besche, president of Be-
sche Oil could neither confrm nor deny that
I prefer not to comment about it, Besche
said. I dont think its proper for me to com-
ment on something thats not my property.
Wawa on Great Mills Road to Close
St. Marys County Airport Photo by Frank Marquart
Thursday, November 19, 2009 6
The County Times
Todays Newsmakers In Brief
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
A new report by the Potomac
Conservancy details the existence
of a new brand of pollutants detected
in the Potomac River that is caus-
ing an intersex condition in fsh; and
states that the fndings pose a seri-
ous, but mostly unknown, heath risk
to humans.
The Potomac Conservancy re-
leased its third annual State of the
Nations River report, calling atten-
tion to the variety of pollutants found
in the Potomac River that disrupt the
endocrine system, which regulates
the normal growth and sexual devel-
opment of vertebrate species, includ-
ing humans and fsh.
Scientists speaking with report-
ers on a conference call last week said
the prevalence of the intersex condi-
tion in more than 80 percent of Poto-
mac River fsh studied is the canary
in the coal mine, warning of health
problems that can be caused by endo-
crine disrupting compounds.
Endocrine disrupting com-
pounds are major pollutants in the
Potomac watershed, and we need to
exercise the utmost caution when in-
troducing these compounds into our
rivers, streams and, ultimately, our
drinking water, Dr. John Peterson
Myers, chief scientist for Environ-
mental Health Sciences of Charlot-
tesville, Va., said in a press release.
Water treatment facilities are
not yet required to screen for endo-
crine disrupting contaminants, so
they end up in our tap water, Myers
said. We arent sure exactly what
level of exposure causes harmful ef-
fects to human health, but if the inter-
sex fsh phenomenon is any indica-
tion, theres a critical need for regula-
tory agencies and decision makers to
start addressing this issue.
Endocrine disrupting com-
pounds are chemicals that affect
growth, metabolism and reproduc-
tion. They are found in pharmaceuti-
cals, pesticides, veterinary products,
personal care products and biosolids.
These contaminants have become so
widespread in the environment that
they have even been detected in the
urine of infants.
Potomac Conservancy Presi-
dent Hedrick Belin said there are
currently no water quality standards
for this type of contamination, and
the federal government: Needs to
employ 21st-century scientifc test-
ing and update the regulatory frame-
work to deal with the emerging threat
of endocrine disrupting compounds
found in the Potomac River and its
View the report and accompa-
nying documents at www.potomac.
Hermaphrodite Fish Found in Potomac
Day, Gov-
ernor Martin
OMalley, the Adjutant
General James Adkins of the
Maryland National Guard, and
the Maryland State Superintendent of
Schools Dr. Nancy Grasmick gave opening
remarks to the Military Child Education Coali-
tions Guard and Reserve Institute in Timonium. Pic-
tured here are Gen. Adkins and Gov. OMalley with Navy
School Liaison Offcers Ladonna Abdullah (NSA South
Potomac), left, and Brooke Fallon (NAS Patuxent River). The
Guard and Reserve Institute trains educators, counselors, and fam-
ily support personnel of the challenges the Reserve Component fami-
lies face in this time of increased deployments. (Governors Offce photo)
By Bryan Jaffe
Contributing Writer
According to the information given at the Poto-
mac River Associations forum on wind power Tues-
day evening, residents who set up wind turbines to
power their homes not only help the environment,
but can also save or even make money in the deal.
Eugene Bradford, SMECOs director of Rates
and Regulatory Services, was on hand and ex-
plained that under current Maryland codes, private
citizens can set up turbines for their homes, and
can connect them to home electrical grids with
an examination and approval from SMECO.
Once hooked in, residents are charged for the
power they use as well as the distribution
costs. However, if the turbine generates
more energy during a month than the
resident uses, the power fows back
into the grid where SMECO pays
the customer the market value
of that power. When this
happens, the cus-
tomer receives
e n e r g y
its from SMECO that carry forward up to 12
Ken Robinson, the frst person in Southern
Maryland to put a turbine up, was on hand to relate
his tale. He spoke to the fact that SMECO and the
State of Maryland were happy to work with him, but
he met opposition from the Charles County govern-
ment. There is a process to follow and paperwork to
fll out, and Robinson found little help or encourage-
ment from his local County Commissioners.
Pat Dunlap, a PRA member on hand, said the
St. Marys Commissioners expressed a similar atti-
tude during their recent legislative hearing, saying
that wind power was not welcome in the county due
to its potentially negative impact on Patuxent River
Naval Air Station.
Despite the St. Marys Commissioners not fa-
voring a tax credit for County residents who put
up a turbine, Robinson said he took advantage of a
$6000 grant from the state and a $6000 tax credit to
help defray his $23,000 cost. His turbine has been
up since March, and since then he estimates he has
saved $1400 - $1500 on his electric bills.
Attendees had question time and learned that it
takes about three to fve years for a wind turbine to
pay for itself; that the turbine itself is only about 33
feet high and can be placed within about 12 to 15 feet
of a home and that turbines will work inland as well
as on the water. Robinson mentioned that placing
a turbine inland can still generate power, es-
pecially when placed at higher altitudes.
We have not built a generator of
electricity in about 30 years, Brad-
ford said when asked about the
possibility of SMECO build-
ing its own turbines to pro-
duce power. Since then,
SMECO has purchased
its power supply. We
would consider
[wind power]
moving for-
ward if it was
good deal.
Spinning In The Wind
Wind Turbines Provide Green In More Ways Than One
On the economy.
Were all challenged by having fewer
resources, were challenged by having more
folks turning to government for help, and
we need to think smarter and better.
Bennett Connelly, director of St.
Marys County Human Services
On receiving notice the state is
cutting $361,318 from the countys
human services budget.
Its interesting how they term
is a grant modifcation instead
of a state budget cut.
Commissioner Tommy Mattingly
(R. Leonardtown)
Potomac River Association President Robert Elwood, left, SMECO Rates and Regulatory
Services Manager Eugene Bradford and Ken Robinson at Tuesdays forum.
The College of Southern Maryland Leonardtown Campus Student
Association is holding a campout for the Homeless event Thursday night
on the campus to raise donations for the areas homeless shelters.
Community members as well as students are invited to come camp
out all night on the lawn of the CSM Leonardtown campus. Electronics are
discouraged, since were trying to show what it would be like to be home-
less. Well have group activities throughout the night until we say good
night, and refreshments in the morning for those who make it through the
This is a fundraising event that will help raise awareness for the
homeless around our community. We accept all donations - including hats,
coats, scarves, mittens, socks, clothing, etc - and will collect donations
from 5 - 9 pm.
Last Minute Donations Needed
Thursday, November 19, 2009 7
The County Times
To The Editor:
On Friday, Oct. 23, the Pax River Raid-
ers organization held a Pep Rally at Lancaster
Park to kick off their homecoming weekend.
Hundreds of players along with their coaches,
friends, and family members gathered on their
home feld for an evening of spirited cheers,
friendly contests, and continued camaraderie
amongst the Raiders family.
The Raiders organization, founded in 2006
by Chris and Rachel Pixton, participates in the
Calvert County Parks & Recreation youth foot-
ball league. Mr. and Mrs. Pixton established
the Pax River Raiders to provide an opportu-
nity for parents, players, and cheerleaders to
participate in a fair, positive and competitive
youth sports environment with strict conduct
As the organization approaches the last
game in the 2009 regular season, more than
half of the 18 Raider teams, which compete
throughout 7 weight and age divisions, have
either achieved a playoff berth or have the op-
portunity to do so in the ensuing game.
Notably, the Raiders Unlimited team -- a
mix of 11 through 14 year olds that have sur-
passed the weight limit of the 120-lb division
-- has had a fantastic season as a direct result
of the instruction and assistance received from
Leonardtown High Schools Coaches Anthony
Prattley and James Klenk. The Unlimited Raid-
ers currently hold the 2nd seed in their division
and have achieved a playoff berth. Prattley and
Klenk have graciously donated their time to
work with the Raiders while in return have had
the opportunity to begin teaching the schools
offensive and defensive systems as these boys
fnish middle school and look forward to their
high school football competitions.
In addition to the partnership with Leon-
ardtown High School, the Pax River Raid-
ers teamed up with St. Marys Ryken High
School football head coach, Bob Harmon, over
the summer. Harmon led drills, lectures and
scrimmage games at the Pax River Raiders
Youth Football Camp that was held in July of
this year. In appreciation, the Pax River Raid-
ers organization made a donation of $1,000 to
St. Marys Ryken High School for their football
program. The partnership, deemed successful
by the Raiders and Ryken coaches, is antici-
pated to continue next season when the school
will open up its brand new 1,000-seat sports
stadium with a turf feld and extend its use to
the Pax River Raiders.
Looking forward to the 2010 Raiders sea-
son, Chris Pixton plans to once again host a St.
Marys County youth football contact camp
that is open to all kids ages 5 to 14, regardless
of their league affliation. As for the Raiders
and the current proposal for St. Marys County
Parks and Recreation to run a St. Marys Coun-
ty youth football program, Mr. Pixton plans to
continue participation with the CCPR football
program because it has provided the Raiders
a fair, positive, and competitive youth sports
environment with strict conduct guidelines for
four years-exactly what the Pixtons were look-
ing for 4 years ago when they established the
Colleen Cutchember and Chris Pixton
Pax River Raiders
Pax River Raiders Wrap Up 4th
Successful Year
I would like to give a response of the Nov
5th A Journey through Time where Linda
Reno said that the Civil War was not about or
started because of the African slavery when it
surely was.
And yes there were the disputes about
States rights but all of those States rights
were all concerning the issue of slavery. The
right to own slaves, to have runaway slaves
captured and returned, the right of new
States to be a slave State, and all the so-called
disputed States rights were directly concern-
ing the preservation of the Institution of slav-
ery. Even the so-called States right to secede
or leave the Union was only to secede in order
to maintain the slavery laws.
So I say it is irresponsible of Linda Reno
to claim the Civil War was not about slavery
or not started because of slavery when that is
not true nor accurate, and she is wrong to try
to exclude or even to minimize the role of the
slavery dispute in our Civil War.
And many people do reference the words
of Abe Lincoln to show that Lincoln and the
Union were not fghting about slavery but that
is misleading because the South started the
war and so Lincoln and the North were only
fghting the war in self defense and because
the South attacked the North.
In World War II the USA fought Japan
and Germany because they attacked us and
that was our USA reason for the war. So we
can not defne the US Civil War by President
Lincoln or on the North because the South
started the war and every one of the States
rights that the South wanted to fght for were
centered totally on keeping the African slav-
ery under their own control and that is why the
South gave us the immoral and ignorant and
bloody Civil War.
So it is just not right for an historian to
say that the likes of Jefferson Davis had some
noble cause in seceding from the American
Union when they did not.
James P. Cusick
Lexington Park, MD.
The Hollywood Lions Club would like to
thank the community for supporting our Lions
Recycle for Sight used eyeglasses collection
Every month we collect more than 200
pairs of unwanted eyeglasses and sunglasses
for those in need in developing countries.
The donated specs are sent to our region-
al eyeglass-recycling center where they are
cleaned, sorted by prescription and prepared for
distribution by Lions and other groups.
By taking the time to give us your glasses,
you have helped to improve the life of someone
in need. In most developing nations, eye care is
either unaffordable or inaccessible.
And for many, poor eyesight that is left un-
corrected can lead to unemployment for adults
and a childs inability to attend school.
The Hollywood Lions Club would also like
to express its appreciation to the following busi-
nesses for contributing to the programs success
by serving as convenient drop-off centers:
In California - Giant Food, McKays Food
and Drug, Pearl Vision Center, Sterling Opti-
cal, and Wal Mart
In Hollywood - St. Johns Pharmacy and
PNC Bank
In addition to collecting used eyeglasses,
the Hollywood Lions Club collects used hear-
ing aids and cell phones for recycling.
If you have recyclable eyeglasses, hearing
aids or cell phones, please consider donating
them to the Hollywood Lions Club. If interest-
ed in learning more about other activities of the
Hollywood Lions Club, please call Dale Snell,
at (301-373-3812).
Dale Snell, Member
Hollywood Lions Club
Eyeglasses Collection Program a Success
Its Irresponsible to Say Civil War
Wasnt About Slavery
This past Monday some 75 local busi-
ness owners showed up for an early morning
business roundtable organized by Dan Rebar-
chick, local business owner, in cooperation
with St. Marys County government. The un-
expectedly large turnout should not have been
a surprise to anyone. Small, locally owned
businesses all over the country, even those in
recession resistant Southern Maryland, are
dealing with negative economic impacts the
likes of which most have never seen before.
Maryland, especially Southern Maryland
is largely a tale of two business climates. On
one side is the predominate business climate
that relies upon the federal government. In
Southern Maryland it is defense spending by
the federal government that accounts for 30%
of the areas payroll dollars. And throughout
Maryland, federal government spending in all
areas, defense, education, health care, and the
like, accounts for nearly 25% of the payroll
While it may be true that the prevailing
national economic climate is having some im-
pact on federal government dependent busi-
nesses and jobs, the continued and growing
spending by the federal government has left
these businesses relatively stable, with many
reporting strong to excellent operating results.
The success of these companies depends upon
the fruits of Washington D.C. with Marylands
anti-business climate having practically no ef-
fect on them.
On the other side are the non-government
dependent businesses. Typically these busi-
nesses are looked upon as the barometer for
our capitalist free market system, and are
greatly impacted by the overall business
climate in the area which they operate. In
Maryland, these non-government dependent
businesses are almost entirely overlooked.
Their challenges and needs are largely over-
shadowed by the successes of the government
dependent businesses.
The success of government dependent
companies is highly profled by our federal,
state, and local elected offcials. There is
nothing wrong with that, we should all be
proud of these companies and hope that our
elected offcials will do what they can to make
St. Marys County a good place for these com-
panies to do business.
But right now, it is other types of busi-
nesses that our elected offcials should be
equally concerned about. While the roundta-
ble with local government this past Monday is
a good starting point, it misses the real prob-
lem, Marylands elected offcials at the state
level consider Marylands business commu-
nity to be irrelevant. The lawmakers in An-
napolis have managed to make Maryland one
of the most anti-business states in the nation.
The election this month of Bob McDon-
nell as governor of Virginia will exacerbate
Marylands anti-business problems. McDon-
nell has pledged to make Virginia the most
business friendly state in America for small
business. McDonnells promise to Virginia
runs completely counter to the actions and
beliefs of Marylands governor and the Mary-
land state legislature. This confict in public
policy will only lead to less businesses and tax
revenues for Maryland as businesses look to
move to Virginia for a much lower tax and less
bureaucratic burden.
While St. Marys County government
can and should do some things to help local
businesses, especially when it comes to local
property tax rates and local land use laws, the
bigger solution for local businesses is the need
for change in Annapolis. Unfortunately, it
does not appear such a change will come any-
time soon, in spite of the desperate need that
so few people even seem to be aware of.
Professional politicians in Annapolis
are living in a federal government spend-
ing bubble that dominates their actions. It is
our senator and delegates that local business
owners need to educate as well as the county
A recent report by Maryland Business for
Responsive Government (MBRG), based in
Towson, Maryland looks at how Marylands
188 legislators voted on legislation impor-
tant to business and jobs. The reports states
that critics say that many in the legislature
have gone from indifference to disdain, to
contempt toward business; and that this atti-
tude has become a palpable, cultural given in
Two St. Marys County legislators battle
the norm in Annapolis year after year, Delegate
John Wood (D) and Delegate Tony ODonnell
(R). These two consistently rate as supporters
of jobs in Maryland. Yet our other two legisla-
tors, Delegate John Bohanan (D) and Senator
Roy Dyson (D) consistently vote anti-business
and anti-jobs. Both come home and talk about
the importance of business, both rush to front
and center for any new business ribbon cut-
ting, but its what they do while in Annapolis
that most people are unaware of.
Dysons anti-business record according
to MBRG last legislative session was a dismal
50% out of a possible 100%. Bohanan was
even worse, scoring an unexplainable 20%
out of a possible 100%. Bohanan follows the
lead of House Speaker Michael Busch (D) for
personal political reasons as the two scored
almost identical with only 9% of the entire
Maryland House of Delegates being less busi-
ness and job supportive than these two.
As local business owners prepare for the
holiday buying season that for many will be
the difference between surviving or throwing
in the towel, and for the many who are unem-
ployed or working minimum hours for mini-
mum pay, this is the time of year when it is
good to look ahead, in this case ahead to 2010,
an election year!
Local Businesses Need More
Than Better Local Government
Thursday, November 19, 2009 8
The County Times
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Small business owners
crowded into the banquet room
at Lennys Restaurant in Califor-
nia Monday morning for what
was to be the frst Small Business
Roundtable discussion meeting
in several years. And as they sat
down, many had come with ideas
not only on how they could help
each other but on how locals and
offcials could help them.
Small business needs to
be recognized, said Dan Rebar-
chick, owner of Lennys and host
of the days event. And I think
right now there needs to be more
recognition going on in the county.
Bob Schaller, Director of Economic and
Community Development in St. Marys County,
said that the meeting itself had been arranged in
three short weeks but that the turnout was im-
pressive, drawing more than 75 business owners
and dignitaries including Del. John Wood, who
said he was wearing two hats that day as both
a small business partner and a member of the
Southern Maryland delegation.
Among the days discussions were how
small businesses could network with each other
for customer referrals, and how local govern-
ment may help with that effort by having a small
business meet-and-greet.
I was glad that the small businesses had
decided to get together, said Bill Scarafa,
President of the St. Marys County Chamber of
Commerce. A number of the concerns that they
expressed are concerns that have been expressed
for a while and that we have tried to address. Part
of the situation is that we provide our program-
ming to members of the chamber, so anybody
thats not a member of the chamber wouldnt
know these things were going on.
Scarafa added that he had heard a lot of
criticism from small business owners about
chains and nationally recognized franchises
moving into the area, particularly chain restau-
rants and clothing retailers building stores along
Route 235.
I know a lot of people are concerned about
the downturn in business, but the downturn in
business isnt necessarily because of other busi-
nesses coming in, said Scarafa. Consumers
have cut back, so to say that the downturn is be-
cause of other businesses coming in isnt quite
Nevertheless, all agreed it was important to
campaign for people to buy their goods from lo-
cal businesses.
A study found that for every $100 spent in
a big box store, $13 goes back to the local com-
munity. For every $100 spent in a local store, $45
goes into the local economy. These are impor-
tant fgures to keep in mind, said Joe Orlando,
owner of Fenwick Street Used Books and Music
in Leonardtown, adding that sharing fgures like
that might help people encourage their neighbors
to support local businesses.
Schaller and Rebarchick said they consid-
ered the event a success, and would review hand-
outs distributed for comments from attendees in
order to plan the next meeting.
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By Catherine Krikstan
Capital News Service
As Maryland closes in on the construc-
tion of a third reactor at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear
Power Plant in Lusby, an environmental organi-
zation has released a report calling nuclear power
a step backward in the nations race to reduce
The Environment Maryland Research and
Policy Center report, released Tuesday, calls
nuclear power too slow and too expensive, an
energy source that makes little economic sense in
combating climate change.
While nuclear power might be preferable to
fossil fuel-based energy sources, it is diverting
and delaying action, said economist John How-
ley, who was part of a panel convened by Envi-
ronment Maryland.
Howley, who writes Maryland Energy Re-
port, believes that fnancing nuclear power will
come at the expense of cleaner energy sources,
such as solar or wind power.
Energy effcient technology ... has a bigger
bang for your buck than nuclear power, he said.
But proponents of nuclear power called the
report inaccurate.
I would take what (the report) said with a
grain of salt, said Mitch Singer of the Nuclear
Energy Institute, a policy organization for the
nuclear technologies industry.
Singer cited the need for contributions from
multiple, low-carbon energy sources -- including
nuclear power -- if the nation is to curb carbon
emissions while meeting a predicted rise in energy
The Maryland Public Service Commission
in October approved the Constellation Energy-
EDF nuclear joint venture, clearing the way for
the construction of a third nuclear reactor at the
Calvert Cliffs plant.
Maryland also is looking at ways to harness
clean technologies.
Most recently, Gov. Martin OMalley of
Maryland, along with Govs. Tim Kaine and Jack
Markell of Virginia and Delaware, agreed to a
partnership to encourage the deployment of off-
shore wind energy in the region.
Maryland has charted a course to put us on
the stage of national leadership when it comes
to combating climate change, said Ethan Nuss,
Maryland campaign coordinator with the Chesa-
peake Climate Action Network.
We owe it to our children and grandchildren
to act in the most decisive manner to solve the cli-
mate crisis, said Nuss. Nuclear power is not that
Anti-Nuke Groups Turn Up the Heat
LA PLATA (AP) - Southern Maryland is
getting nearly $5 million in federal stimulus
money for health-care projects.
About $2.4 million is going toward a na-
tional Bioethics Research Center. The center
will study ethical issues and health disparities.
It aims to increase minority participation in
clinical trials.
A separate, $2.5 million grant will install
technology in the homes of about 250 home-
bound patients that will allow health-care pro-
viders to monitor and advise patients from afar.
U.S. House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoy-
er and other Maryland lawmakers announced
the funding from the National Institutes of
Health last week at Bel Alton High School in
La Plata.
So. Maryland Gets 2 Health-Care Grants Worth $5m
Bill Gates house was partially designed
using a Macintosh computer.
Company Symbol Close Close Change
11/18/2009 12/31/2008
Wal-Mart WMT $54.17 $56.06 -3.37%
Harley Davidson HOG $28.27 $16.97 66.59%
Best Buy BBY $42.48 $28.11 51.12%
Lockheed Martn LMT $75.36 $84.08 -10.37%
BAE Systems BAESF $5.45 $5.41 0.74%
Computer Science Corp. CSC $54.97 $35.14 56.43%
Dyncorp Internatonal Inc. DCP $15.82 $15.17 4.28%
General Dynamics Corp. GD $67.47 $57.59 17.16%
Mantech Internatonal Corp. MANT $45.49 $54.19 -16.05%
Northrop Grunman Corp. NOC $55.52 $45.04 23.27%

Roundtable Highlights Need for
Supporting Local Business
Sean Foster, left, an associate with Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc., Ginger
Newman-Askew, owner of the Glass Garden Shoppe, and Chris Bologna,
President of Construction Management Consulting Services discuss net-
working ideas at the Small Business Roundtable at Lennys Restaurant on
Monday morning.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 9
The County Times
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F-35B Lightning II short takeoff/
vertical landing (STOVL) stealth fght-
er arrived Sunday, Nov. 155 at Naval
Air Station Patuxent River, where it
will conduct its frst hovers and verti-
cal landings. The ferry fight initiates
a sequence of F-35 arrivals at Patuxent
River this year and next.
Piloted by Lockheed Martin F-35
Chief Test Pilot Jon Beesley, the F-35B
few from Fort Worth, Texas, to Patux-
ent River by way of Dobbins Air Force
Base in Georgia. Beesley landed on the
Patuxent runway Sunday at 12:46 p.m.
We have high confdence in the
capabilities of this aircraft, and we fully
expect that it will meet or exceed the
expectations of our customers, Dan
Crowley, Lock-
heed Martin ex-
ecutive vice pres-
ident and F-35
program general
manager, said in a
press release. At
Patuxent River,
this aircraft will
continue the pro-
cess of validating
our revolution-
ary STOVL pro-
pulsion system
through a series
of short takeoffs,
hovers and verti-
cal landings.
The aircraft will be supported at
Patuxent River by the F-35 Autonomic
Logistics Information System (ALIS)
and will be monitored by the Lockheed
Martin F-35 Sustainment Operations
Center in Fort Worth. Known as BF-1,
the aircraft is the frst F-35 to be sus-
tained by ALIS - the worldwide support
system that will monitor the prognostics
and health of F-35s around the globe to
ensure mission readiness.
The F-35B will replace U.S. Ma-
rine Corps AV-8B STOVL fghters, F/A-
18 strike fghters and EA-6B electronic
attack aircraft. The United Kingdoms
Royal Air Force and Royal Navy and
the Italian Air Force and Navy will also
employ the F-35B.
F-35 Arrives at Pax River
A U.S. Navy Tomahawk Block
IV cruise missile was launched
during an operational test Nov. 5,
which demonstrated the effective-
ness of the missiles new anti-jam
GPS system and successful use
against time-critical targets.
The Tomahawk program,
PMA-280, is managed by the Pro-
gram Executive Offce, Unmanned
Aviation Strike Weapons at Patux-
ent River.
The Tomahawk Block IV was
launched from the USS Princeton
(CG-59), a Ticonderoga-class AE-
GIS cruiser underway in the Pacif-
ic Ocean off the coast of southern
California. The missile few a land
attack mission into San Nicolas Is-
land in support of a Special Opera-
tions team.
This test proves that Toma-
hawk provides a key enabler for
time-critical strike, Tomahawk
Program Manager Capt. Dave Da-
vison said in a press release. As
the only network-enabled, land at-
tack weapon, Tomahawk can re-target, loiter, or provide
last minute weapons coverage to deployed forces from
on-station naval combatants.
The missile destroyed a time-critical target after
receiving targeting information from a combined U.S./
United Kingdom Special Operations Team on the island
using the Precision Strike Suite Special Operations
Forces (PSS-SOF) and Joint Strike Planning and Ex-
ecution Auto Router (JSPEAR) portable units. Live tar-
get updating was conducted from the
feld using these portable units and
confrmation was provided by satel-
lite and unmanned systems imagery.
The mission was initiated from
JSPEAR and sent to the Fleet Com-
mander and USS Princeton. Seconds
after launch from the ships vertical
launch system, the Tomahawk mis-
sile transitioned to cruise fight. The
total fight time was short and the test
was conducted to demonstrate the ef-
fectiveness of the Tomahawks new
eight channel anti-jam GPS receiver
(AGR-4). The results of this test
confrmed the ability of Tomahawk
Block IV to be used in time critical
strike operations to meet the require-
ments of U.S. Special Forces.
The Tomahawk is ship and sub-
marine launched, and was frst em-
ployed operationally during Desert
Storm. The enhanced capabilities of
Tomahawk Block IV increase feet
effectiveness, with network enabled
communication, battle damage im-
aging, while at the same time signif-
cantly reducing acquisition and life cycle costs.
Tomahawk missiles are deployed throughout the
worlds oceans. Tomahawk operational test launches
are conducted throughout the year from Navy surface
ships and submarines. These tests are designed to main-
tain the operational readiness of the Atlantic and Pacifc
feets, as well as test and prove upgrades and enhance-
ments to the missile, platforms, or control software.
Newest Tomahawk Proves Itself
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company photo
The frst F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing variant touches down at Na-
val Air Station Patuxent River on Sunday, Nov. 15. The supersonic stealth
fghter will immediately begin test fights that will lead to hovers and verti-
cal landings in the coming weeks.
A U.S. Navy Tomahawk Block IV
Thursday, November 19, 2009 10
The County Times
Carol Corcoran, 75
Carol Corc-
oran, 75, of Lex-
ington Park, MD
died on Novem-
ber 13, 2009 at her
home surrounded
by her family.
Born on De-
cember 24, 1933
in Washington,
DC she was the
daughter of the late Everett Shurr and
Helen (Sparrow) Shurr.
Carol graduated from Frankfort
High School in Frankfort, IN in 1952.
She was married to Robert Corcoran
from 1953 - 1969 and together they
had 6 children. She resided in Wash-
ington DC, California, Florida, South
Carolina and Maryland. She was pre-
ceded in death by a son Mike Corcoran
(2004), and a daughter Gail Corcoran
Garley (1995), and brother, Allen Shurr
She is survived by her very special
friend and partner of many years Paul
Monahan, a son Rick Corcoran (Kim)
of Valley Lee, MD and three daughters
Patty Corcoran of Lexington Park, MD,
Barbara Kenney (Lonnie) of Summer-
ville, SC and Vicky Carroll (David) of
Lexington Park, MD, a bother Robert
Shurr (Janie) of Kokomo, IN, sister
Sally Easley of Olive Branch, MS, two
sisters-in-law Sharon Shurr, Frankfort,
IN, and Betty Piersanti, Davidsonville,
MD and several nieces and nephews.
She is survived by 11 grandchil-
dren: Kris Perry and Kelly Lawson
of Jacksonville, FL, David Corcoran
of Valley Lee, John Corcoran and Jeff
Corcoran of Las Vegas, NV, Keri Phil-
lips and Ryan Phillips of Summerville,
SC, Josh Carroll of Lexington Park,
MD, Kevin Carroll of Oahu, HI, Ste-
phen Corcoran and Andrew Corcoran
of Bettendorf, IA. Carol also has 11
great grandchildren.
Carol enjoyed sewing, crafts, gar-
dening and photography. She was an
avid Atlanta Braves fan. She enjoyed
spending time with her family, always
with a camera in hand. Carol knew no
stranger and could often be found play-
ing her favorite lottery numbers and
scratch off tickets.
Family received friends on Tues-
day, November 17, 2009, at the Bay
District Fire House Social Hall in Lex-
ington Park, MD for a celebration of
Carols life.
In lieu of fowers memorial contri-
butions may be made to The Lexington
Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. P.O.
Box 339 Lexington Park, MD 20653.
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Arrangements by the Brinsfeld
Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown,
Frederick Fischetti, 61
Fr e d e r i c k
Nickolas Fischetti
Rick Card, 61
of Mechanicsville,
MD died Novem-
ber 10, 2009 at
his residence after
a long and brave
battle with ALS.
Born October 26, 1948 in Brook-
lyn, NY he was the son of the late Fred-
erick J. and step-mother Rita Fischetti
and his mother Nickie.
He moved to Kensington, MD as
a teenager and graduated from Albert
Einstein High School in 1967.
Rick was a Journeyman Electri-
cian with IBEW Local 26. He worked
for Mona Electric for the last 6 years; he
also spent many years as a builder and
contractor in southern Maryland.
Rick was an active member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints.
He is survived by his wife and
eternal companion, Mindy and their
three children; Benjamin, Jack and
Isabella, his children; Brytana Fischetti
of Richmond, VA and Justin Fischetti,
(Jessica) of Laurel, MD, grandchildren;
Dante, Justice and Jacob, siblings; Mi-
chael Fischetti of Chesapeake, VA and
Mary Jude Austin of Salt Lake City,
Rick will be missed by so many
that knew and loved him. This jour-
ney was taken with so many friends
and family and he loved all of them so
Family received friends for Ricks
Life Celebration on Sunday, Novem-
ber 15, 2009 in the Brinsfeld Funeral
Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD A Fu-
neral Service was conducted on Mon-
day, November 16, 2009 at 11 a.m. in
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, California, MD, with Bish-
op Dennis Reed offciating.
Pallbearers were Michael Fischet-
ti, Justin Fischetti, Dean Wells, Dennis
Reed, Mark Henderson, Randy Kurdy,
Jack Fischetti and Chuck Tolson.
Interment followed in the Queen
of Peace Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be
made to Hospice House of St. Marys,
P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Arrangements provided by the
Brinsfeld Funeral Home, P.A., Leon-
ardtown, MD
Cecilia Morgan, 75
Cecelia Hope
Morgan , 75, was
called home to
God on Sunday,
November 15th,
2009. She was
born to the late
Thomas Earl Jones
and Annie Louise
Ferguson Jones
on September
6th, 1934 in Leonardtown, MD. She
enjoyed spending time with her fam-
ily and loved playing cards and keno
whenever she had the chance. Cecelia
was an exceptional daughter, mother,
grandmother, sister, aunt and friend to
all that knew her. She had a kind heart
and would help anyone in need. Cecelia
worked for the Board of Education as a
cafeteria worker. After retirement from
the Board of Education she worked as a
delivery driver for Haydens Auto Sup-
ply. Once leaving Haydens, Cecelia
worked for Napa Auto Parts where she
stayed up until the time of her illness.
Cecelia leaves cherished memories to
her children; Lewis M. (Scooter) Mor-
gan Jr. and his wife Rose, James W. (Bil-
ly) Morgan and his wife Debbie, Calvin
L. Morgan and his wife Pat, Charles D.
(Duck) Morgan and his wife Fran, Rob-
ert E. (Bobby) Morgan, Joseph F. (Tiny)
Morgan, David A. (Andy) Morgan and
his wife Beverly and Donna R. Abell
and her husband J.B. , her siblings;
Connie Copsey, Hoover Jones, Samuel
Jones, Leona Stone and Leroy Jones as
well as 20 grandchildren and 26 great-
grandchildren. Along with her parents,
Cecelia was preceded in death by her
husband Lewis M. (Diddley) Morgan,
Sr., her grandson Lewis M. Morgan
III, her sisters Ruby Jones, Evelyn
Clements, Amanda Dean, Hilda Mor-
gan and her brothers Mckinley Jones
, Thomas Jones and Lindi Jones. The
family received friends on Wednesday,
November 18th, 2009 in the Matting-
ley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonard-
town, MD where prayers were said. A
funeral service was held on Thursday,
November 19, 2009 at 10:00 AM in the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home
Chapel with Deacon Bill Nickerson
offciating. Interment followed in the
Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonard-
town, MD. Pallbearers were be Allie
Raley, Calvin (Duane) Morgan, Adam
Alls, Robert Morgan, Jr., Jeffrey Raley,
Jr. and Bill Knott. Honorary Pallbear-
ers will be Daniel Morgan, Jesse Mor-
gan (Tiny), Joseph (Joey) Morgan and
David Morgan Jr. Contributions may
be made to Hospice of St. Marys, P.O.
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Condolences to the family may be left
at Arrangements pro-
vided by Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Home, P.A.
Patricia Muchow, 77
Patricia Ann
Muchow, 77, of
Hollywood, MD
died November 9,
2009 in George-
town University
B o r n
March 7, 1932
in Waynesburg,
Greene County,
PA, she was the daughter of the late
Paul R. Randolph and Pearl (Roberts)
Patty moved to St. Marys County
in 1941. She graduated from Great
Mills High School in 1949. Patty mar-
ried Clinton B. Duke, Sr. in 1951 and
was the mother of eight children. In
June 1971, Patty married Carl H. Mu-
chow who preceded her in death on
April 28, 1986.
In 1960 Patty began her frst ca-
reer, journalism. She progressed from
a small gossip column for Leonard-
town to editor of the St. Marys Beacon
17 years later. Teaching, her second
career began in 1987. For, eighteen
years Patty taught religion classes at St.
Johns Catholic Church in Hollywood,
MD. This was just the weekend job.
During the week Patty taught at Star-
maker Learning Center. Finally at age
74 she decided to retire from full time
work. She continued private tutoring
until just a few months ago when her
health forced her to stop. Patty divided
her spare time between St. JohnsParish
and devotion to the Blessed Mother.
Patty is survived by her children;
Clinton (Jay) B. Duke, Jr. (Lois) of Hol-
lywood, MD, Lawrence J. Duke of
Leonardtown, MD, Michelle A. Co-
hen of Fremont, CA, Maureen E. Mat-
tingly (Bill) of Hollywood, MD, Kim
F. Chainay (Donnie) of California,
MD, Meg R. Wolfrey (Scott) of Lusby,
MD, Mark R. Duke (Diane) of Clif-
ton, VA and Terry F. Duke (Connie) of
Williamsburg, VA, her step-children;
Dianna Draheim (Gary) of LaPlata,
MD, Daniel Muchow (Pat) of Leonar-
dtown, MD, Gerald (Linda) Muchow
of Waldorf, MD, and Mark Muchow
(Cindy) of Mechanicsville, MD, twelve
grandchildren, six great-grandchildren,
eight step-grandchildren, three step
great-grandchildren, and sister, Mary
Jo OConnor of Valley Lee, MD. In ad-
dition to her parents, she was preceded
in death by her sister, Alice Jane Mac-
Call and brothers; John F. Randolph
and James P. Randolph.
Family received friends on Thurs-
day, November 12, 2009 from 5:00 p.m.
until 8:00 p.m. in the Brinsfeld Funeral
Home. Prayers were recited at 7:00
p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial was
conducted on Friday, November 13,
2009 at 10:00 a.m. in St. John Francis
Regis Catholic Church, with Rev. Ray
Schmidt offciating. Interment will fol-
low in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers are: Brian Duke, Bill
Rishel, Scott Wolfrey, D.J. Chainay,
Dan Muchow, and Kevin Corrigan
Memorial contributions may be
made to St. John Francis Regis Catholic
Church, 43950 St. Johns Road, Holly-
wood, MD 20636.
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Arrangements by the Brinsfeld
Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown,
Jordan Paganelli, 17
Jordan Scott
Paganelli of Cali-
fornia, MD died
Monday, Novem-
ber 9, 2009 after
battling a rare
form of cancer
for 22 months. He
died peacefully at
home, 5 days prior
to his 18
Jordan was born November 14, 1991 in
Lemoore, CA, but traveled the world as
part of a military family. He attended
numerous schools throughout the
country prior to graduating from Leon-
ardtown High School during a private
home ceremony with close family and
friends on November 5, 2009.
His life was full of sports, activi-
ties, travel, and friendships. He espe-
cially enjoyed running, swimming, art,
and the companionship of friends. He
was a tremendous spirit with a tender
heart who impacted the lives of thou-
sands around the globe as a result of his
courageous fght against a deadly dis-
ease. Jordan is survived by his parents,
John and Laurie Paganelli of Califor-
nia, MD. He will always be cherished;
and his memory will live on.
A Jordan Paganelli Life Cel-
ebration Rally was held at the Leon-
ardtown High School Stadium at 7:00
p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2009. A
Funeral Service was held on Saturday,
November 14, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. in St.
John Francis Regis Church. Interment
will be in Arlington National Cemetery,
Arlington, VA on Thursday, December
3, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.
In lieu of fowers, the family asks
that you consider donations to the Liddy
Shriver Sarcoma Initiative, 17 Bethea
Drive, Ossining, NY 10562-1620 or at
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Dorothy Stiegleiter, 91
D o r o t h y
Louise Stiegleiter,
91, of California
died November 10,
2009 at her home.
She was born De-
cember 16, 1917
in Pontiac, IL to
George and Ruth
(Ogg) Logue. She
was married to
Perry F. Stiegleiter on April 17, 1937 in
Aurora, IL. They resided in Illinois and
Wisconsin prior to moving to Califor-
nia, MD in 1998. She was a member of
Hollywood United Methodist Church.
She enjoyed music and singing in
church choirs. She also enjoyed sewing
and made many of her own clothes. She
participated in league bowling with her
husband for several years. She owned
and operated a Fruit Juice House lunch
counter and ice cream shop in West-
mont, IL with her husband in the 1950s
and 1960s.
She was preceded in death by her
parents and her grandson Kurt Hall.
She is survived by her loving husband
Perry, sisters Eva Grimm of Aurora,
IL, and Marilyn Dolittle of Montgom-
ery, IL and her brother Richard Logue
of Marseilles, IL. She is also survived
by her son, Perry George Stiegleiter of
Las Vegas, NV and her daughter Penny
R. Hall of Solomons, MD and her foster
daughter Judy Holem of Dyer, IN. She
is also survived by 6 grandchildren and
8 great grandchildren.
Family will receive friends on No-
vember 19, 2009 from 11 a.m. to 11:30
a.m. in Hollywood United Methodist
Church where a Memorial Service will
be conducted at 11:30 a.m. with Rever-
end Sheldon Reese offciating. Inter-
ment will be private.
In lieu of fowers memorial con-
tributions may be made to Hospice of
St. Marys, Inc., P.O. Box 625, Leonar-
dtown, MD 20650
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Francis E. Taylor, Sr., 90
Francis E.
Taylor, Sr., 90, of
St. Marys City,
MD, died Friday
morning, Novem-
ber 6, 2009 at
Washington Hos-
pital Center.
He was born
in Ridge, MD on
September 15,
1919 to the late Lamar Q. Taylor and
Estelle Clarke Taylor.
He is survived by his wife, Loretta
Thursday, November 19, 2009 11
The County Times
A. Tiny Taylor whom he married on
June 7, 1947 at St. Aloysius Church in
Leonardtown, MD. Mr. Taylor is also
survived by his children, Frank E. Tay-
lor (Susan) of Leonardtown, MD Rob-
ert F. Taylor (Linda) of St. Marys City,
MD, Marie B. Tarleton (Brian) of St.
Marys City, MD, Bertie T. Birch (Joe)
of St. Marys City, MD, David L Taylor
(Terri) of California, MD and Bernard
A. Taylor of St. Marys City, MD. Mr.
Taylor is also survived by 12 grandchil-
dren and one great grandchild. Mr. Tay-
lor was predeceased by two brothers,
Joseph W. Taylor and Lawrence Taylor
and a grandson, Brian Tarleton, Jr.
Upon completing his education
at St. Michaels High School in Ridge,
MD, Mr. Taylor advanced his educa-
tion by attending a technical school in
Baltimore, MD. During World War II,
he was the foreman of a large crew con-
structing the Liberty ships in Baltimore
for the war effort. In 1950, Mr. Taylor,
along with his wife, Loretta, co-found-
ed Taylor Gas Co., Inc. in Lexington
Park, MD and at the time of his pass-
ing, held the title of President Emeritus.
Although retired, he still enjoyed com-
ing into the offce on a regular basis. In
2002, Mr. Taylor was honored by the
Mid Atlantic Propane Gas Association
for his lifetime achievements and con-
tributions to the propane industry.
Mr. Taylors entrepreneurial ac-
tivity resurfaced in the early 1970s
when he and several other businessmen
from Lexington Park, MD pooled their
resources and established one of the
early Maryland State chartered, sav-
ings and loan institutions in St. Marys
County. Mr. Taylor, in cooperation with
the other businessmen, recognized the
diffculty for many people in the com-
munity to obtain mortgage fnancing
to purchase a home. From this need,
Maryland Capital Savings and Loan
was born.
Mr. Taylor loved St. Marys Coun-
ty and his community and as such was
an active member of many civic and
community organizations. He was a
charter member of the United States
Navy League, Patuxent River Council.
He was an active member of the Lex-
ington Park Lions Club for 57 years, the
Knights of Columbus in Ridge, as well
as a charter member of the local chap-
ter of the Elks Club. Earlier this year
Mr. Taylor was honored, along with his
wife, Loretta, by the Lexington Park
Rotary Club with Rotarys Service
Above Self Award. This award was
given in recognition for their many
years of community service to St.
Marys County. At that ceremony, Mr.
Taylor was also named a Rotary, Paul
Harris Fellow. At a ceremony in 2004,
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were honored by
St. Marys Ryken High School as Pil-
lars of the Community.
In addition to civic organizations,
Mr. Taylor also served on various coun-
ty committees and commissions. He
served on the frst St. Marys Nursing
Center Board of Directors. In 1968 he
was appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners to serve on the newly
formed St. Marys County Metropoli-
tan Commission. He served as a Metro-
politan Commissioner for over twenty
years, twelve of which he served as the
Chairman. The Metropolitan Commis-
sions Marley-Taylor Treatment Facil-
ity is named for Mr. Taylor and Mr.
Mike Marley, a former director of the
Mr. Taylor was a former presi-
dent of the St. Marys County Young
Democratic Club. During the United
States Presidential race in 1960, Mr.
Taylor presided at a dinner given for
Mr. Robert Kennedy when Mr. Ken-
nedy campaigned in St. Marys on be-
half of his brother, Presidential Candi-
date, Sen. John F. Kennedy. Mr. Taylor
remained active in the political arena
his entire life. He served as Treasurer
for Mr. John Bohanans frst political
campaign in 1982. In May of 2009, Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor were among the hon-
orees for Democrats of the Year at the
Democratic Club of St. Marys annual
Mr. Taylor enjoyed life and the
many occasions he had to be with fam-
ily and friends. He and his wife were
always on the go attending social func-
tions and fund raising events. He loved
music and dancing and never missed an
opportunity to cut a rug on the dance
foor whenever the band would strike up
a tune. He also had a wonderful singing
voice and loved the hymns at Church.
Mr. Taylor enjoyed his poker club and
especially looked forward to his daily
coffee and lunch at his favorite restau-
rant, Lindas Caf. Nothing was more
treasured by Francis than time spent
with his family. He will be missed by
all who knew him; and he was known
by many.
Visitation was held on Wednesday,
November 11, 2009 at Holy Face Cath-
olic Church in Great Mills, MD from
4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. with prayers
recited at 6:30 p.m. A Mass of Christian
Burial will be held on Thursday, No-
vember 12, 2009 at Holy Face Catholic
Church at 10:00 a.m. Interment will fol-
low at Trinity Church Cemetery in St.
Marys City, MD. The pallbearers will
be Scott Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Kellan
Tarleton, Lawrence Taylor, Jr., Paul
Colonna and James Raley.
The family requests that donations
may be made to Health Share of St.
Marys or to a charity of ones choos-
ing. Condolences to the family may be
made at
Arrangements by the Brinsfeld Funer-
al Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
Thomas Layman Thomp-
son, 54
T h o m a s
Layman Thomp-
son, 54, of Hol-
lywood, MD
died November
6, 2009 at his
Born Au-
gust 20, 1955 in
Leonar dt own,
MD he was the
son of the late Lamen S. Thompson
and Alma T. (Alvey) Thompson.
Thomas was a life long resi-
dent of St. Marys County and a
long time employee with Verizon
Communications. He loved fying
and building model airplanes, and
to shop at the local fea markets.
He is survived by his broth-
ers, John W. Thompson and his
wife Gisela of Middletown, MD,
and Courtney Thompson and
his wife Kay of Mechanicsville,
MD, also survived by an adopted
daughter Amanda Lynn. Preceded
in death by one brother, James R.
Family received friends on
Thursday, November 12, 2009
in the Brinsfeld Funeral Home,
22955 Hollywood Road, Leonard-
town, MD 20650 where a Memo-
rial Service was conducted. Rev-
erend Joseph Dobson offciated.
Interment will be private.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfeld- Arrangements by
the Brinsfeld Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD.
James Leonard Boots
Wheeler, Sr., 83
J a m e s
Leonard Boots
Wheeler, Sr., 83
of Chaptico, MD
died November
11, 2009 at his
residence. Born
April 10, 1926,
in Chaptico,
MD, he was the
son of the late
Joseph Latham
and Maude Russell Wheeler. He
was the loving husband of Agnes
Cecelia Knott Wheeler to whom he
was married to for 57 years. He is
also survived by his children, Deb-
bie Hall and her husband Mike,
Betty Riffe and her husband Pat,
and James Wheeler, Jr., all of Chap-
tico, MD, Theresa Mckinney and
her husband Ricky of Clements,
MD, Joseph Wheeler and his wife
Ann of St. Inigoes, MD and Mary
Wheeler of Avenue, MD as well as
twelve grandchildren and eleven
great-grandchilden; his sisters
Ann Patton of Valley Lee, MD and
Sis Lang of Great Mills, MD, three
sister in laws, Margaret Wheeler of
Clements, MD, Delores Wheeler
of Hollywood, MD, and Elaine
Wheeler of Callaway, MD. He was
preceded in death by his parents,
his daughter Barbara Gayle Mc-
kay, his brothers Aloysius, Fran-
cis, Ernest, Sylvester, Bernard and
Charles, his sister Susan Latham
and son in law Paul A. Hewitt, Sr.
Boots graduated from St. Marys
Academy Class of 1944. Mr.
Wheeler was a Farmer and Water-
man. He resided in St. Marys
County all of his life. He loved
working the felds and gardens on
his Ford tractors. He loved the wa-
ter, oystering, crabbing and fsh-
ing. He raised produce, livestock,
and hunted as well. He enjoyed his
chats at the Hughesville Tobacco
Market with fellow tobacco farm-
ers and associates. He belonged to
the Farm Bureau for over 50 years.
He raised his family to know the
meaning of hard work, the value
of a dollar, the love of God, nature
and mankind. He loved watching
the Washington Redskins Football
games and the Baltimore Orioles
Baseball games and reading his
Washington Post paper. The family
will receive friends on Friday, No-
vember 13, 2009 from 5:00 8:00
PM in the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu-
neral Home Chapel, Leonardtown,
MD where prayers will be said
at 7:00 PM. A Mass of Christian
Burial will be celebrated on Sat-
urday, November 14, 2009 at 10:00
AM in Our Lady of the Wayside
Catholic Church, Chaptico, MD
with Fr. Timothy Baer offciating.
Interment will follow in Sacred
Heart Cemetery, Bushwood, MD.
Pallbearers will be his grandsons,
Bobby Hall, Tony Hewitt, James
Hewitt, Jason Mckay, Bobby Mck-
inney and Ryan Wheeler. Hon-
orary Pallbearers will be all his
grand children. Contributions may
be left to Hospice of St. Marys,
P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
20650 and/or Our Lady of the Way-
side Church, 37575 Chaptico Road,
Chaptico, MD 20621. Condolences
to the family may be left at www. Arrangements pro-
vided by the Mattingley-Gardiner
Funeral Home, P.A.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 12
The County Times
Marijuana Sent Through Courthouse Metal Detector
On Nov. 16, Shannon Ashley Cronin, 21 of Lusby, was attempting to enter the St. Marys County
District Courthouse in Leonardtown, Maryland. For the security and safety of the courthouse, all
persons entering the building are subject to search. Cronin placed her purse on the scanner and the
District Court Bailiff noticed what appeared to be a knife inside of her purse. Cronin confrmed she
was carrying a knife in her purse. As the bailiff went to retrieve the knife from Cronins purse, he
observed a small bag of suspected marijuana. Cronin was detained until deputies arrived and subse-
quently charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance (marijuana).
Assault Suspect Flees Police
On Nov. 14, several St. Marys deputies responded to a residence on Bristol Avenue in Lexington
Park for a report of a disturbance. Cpl. Fleenor was the frst to arrive and was informed that Mark Ste-
venson Brensinger, Jr. 28 of Lexington Park had entered the residence without permission, assaulted
the victim and fed the residence operating a multi-colored Chevy Blazer. Cpl. Fleenor had seen the
truck as he was arriving. Cpl. Fleenor broadcast a lookout for the truck. The truck was spotted mo-
ments later by Cpl. Fleenor. Cpl. Fleenor activated the emergency equipment on his patrol vehicle and
attempted to stop the truck. The driver refused and a vehicle pursuit ensued. Deputies followed the
vehicle into a driveway on Pleasant Drive in Lexington Park. The driver, Brensinger, was taken into
custody. Further investigation revealed Brensinger and the victim were at a party together and got into
a verbal disputed which escalated into a physical assault when Brensinger struck the victim several
times in the head and face, police say. Brensinger was charged with second degree assault and various
traffc violations including driving under the infuence of alcohol and feeing and eluding.
Womans Legs Restrained
On Nov. 15, Dfc. J. Kirkner responded to a residence on Governors Mill Court in Great Mills to
check the welfare of Montrece Dionshanea Mitchell, 23 of Leonardtown.
Mitchell was on the porch of the residence. The resident asked Mitchell to leave the property and
Mitchell initially complied but a short time later returned to the residence.
Dfc. Kirkner again observed Mitchell on the property and as he approached Mitchell attempted
to fee on foot. After a brief foot chase, Dfc. Kirkner was able to catch Mitchell, advise her she was
under arrest and placed her in handcuffs. Once handcuffed, Mitchell began to fail and kick at Dfc.
Kirkner, refusing to be placed in the patrol vehicle. Mitchells legs had to be secured to keep her from
kicking out the windshield of Dfc. Kirkner patrol vehicle and Dfc. Kirkner. Mitchell was charged with
trespassing and resisting arrest.
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At 6:45 a.m. Nov. 13, detectives from
the Bureau of Criminal Investigations, the
Vice-Narcotics Division and the Sheriffs Of-
fce Emergency Response Team executed a
Search and Seizure Warrant at a residence in
The warrant was obtained as part of an
investigation into the theft of jewelry cash
from private residences in the Mechanicsville
area in October 2009.
Barrett A. West, 22, Joseph R. West, 20
and Amanda L. Wood, 19, all of Mechanics-
ville, Maryland were placed under arrest.
Barrett West and Amanda Wood were
each charged with one count of Theft over
$1,000 and one count of Theft under $1,000.
Joseph West was charged with two counts of
Theft over $1,000 and three counts of theft un-
der $1,000.
Each was incarcerated in the Detention
Center pending an appearance before the Dis-
trict Court Commissioner.
Brothers Charged with High-
Dollar Theft
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
St. Marys County Sheriffs investigators
report that following too closely was the likely
contributing factor in a vehicle crash in Me-
chanicsville on Nov. 15 that left a motorcyclist
At 6:40 p.m. Nov. 15, sheriffs deputies re-
sponded to the area of Golden Beach Road and
Hickory Drive in Mechanicsville for the report
of a fatal motor vehicle collision. The Collision
Reconstruction Team responded to the scene to
assume the investigation.
Police investigation revealed a 2007
Chrysler 300C, operated by Brieana La-Ryn
Wood, 20, of Mechanicsville was eastbound
on Golden Beach Road in the area of Hickory
Wood applied brakes in an unsuccessful
attempt to avoid striking a deer. A 2002 Har-
ley-Davidson motorcycle operated by Francis
John McDaniel 46, of Mechanicsville, was also
traveling eastbound on Golden Beach Road be-
hind Woods vehicle.
When Wood braked, the motorcycle
struck the rear of the Chrysler, sending the
motorcycle out of control. The motorcycle and
rider crossed into the westbound lane of Gold-
en Beach Road where they were struck by a
2005 Scion XB, operated by Gary Leon Cave
Jr., 41, of Mechanicsville, causing the Scion to
McDaniel was ejected from the motor-
cycle, and was pronounced dead on the scene
due to his injuries.
Initial police investigation indicates the
primary cause of the collision was McDaniels
operation of the motorcycle and following too
closely to Woods vehicle. Police say tere is no
indication that speed, alcohol or drugs were
contributing factors.
The crash remains under investigation,
and anyone who witnessed the crash is asked
to contact Corporal Brian Connelly at (301)
475-4200 Ext. 9010.
Fatal Crash Follows Deer Strike
Five people walked away from a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Mechanicsville Road and Route
235 shortly before 9 p.m. Tuesday. One person complained of chest pains after the crash but refused an
ambulance ride to the hospital. Southbound traffc on Route 235 was diverted onto Mechanicsville Road
while police and frefghters were on the scene, and late while a fatbed two truck removed the vehicles from
the roadway.
Photos by Sean Rice
Thursday, November 19, 2009 13
The County Times
The Twelfth Annual St. Marys County
The Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary Presents
November 23 27, 2009
Monday-Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. 6 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.
Location: Winegardner Chevrolet Show Room
On the Square in Leonardtown
22675 Washington Street Leonardtown, Maryland
For additional information:
Johnny Coombs: 301-475-2209 E-mail:
Dudley Lindsley: 301-373-2551 E-mail:
Admission: Friday Evening Only
Adults $2.00,
Children under 12 - Free
A Slide Show and Photo Display of Days Past in St. Marys County
View Decorated Christmas Trees and Wreaths
Peruse Silent Auction Items Craft items and Gift Baskets
Prepare a letter or card to be sent to a member of the Armed Services
Watch a classic train model circle a town
Marvel at a John Deere selection of collectibles
Face Painting Friday Only
Make and Take a simple craft item for children
Handcrafted Quilt Queen Size
Toy Wagon
A delicious, delightful 8 Pound Candy Christmas Wreath
Take a Chance:
Large Selection Of Brand Names
Cars, Trucks, RVs Farm Vehicles,
Heavy Trucks And Lawn & Garden
Interstate Batteries
24201 Point Lookout Rd
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Funeral Home, P.A.
22955 Hollywood Road
P. O. Box 279
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
301-475-5588/ 301-475-5589
Funeral Home, P.A.
211 St. Marys Avenue
P.O. Box 567
Laplata, Maryland 20646
301-934-8342/ 301-870-3234
Pre-need Counseling, Available
Cremation Facility on Premises.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 14
The County Times
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The state of Maryland has cut its CO

emissions by 6 percent and St. Marys College
has reduced its own emissions by 80 percent
this year, according to a press release from St.
Marys College of Maryland, which credits the
reduction to student initiatives.
The student body purchased Renew-
able Energy Credits (RECs) at a cost of about
$50,000 to offset 100 percent of the carbon
emissions produced by the colleges electric-
ity consumption (12,000 tons of CO
The Northeast Energy Services Company, Inc.
(NORESCO) program of upgrading college
facilities to save energy cut CO
emissions by
2,430 tons. The LEED-certifed Goodpaster
Hall reduced CO
emissions by 610 tons. The
James P. Muldoon River Center has a student-
sponsored geothermal HVAC system that cuts
emissions by 270 tons. The new Glenden-
ing Building has green features that reduce
emissions by 125 tons.
These and other innovations have allowed
the college, which would have produced 19,500
tons of CO
over the last year, to offset over
15,000 tons of CO
emissions. As a result the
college produced just of 4,000 tons of CO
St. Marys College has achieved on a
small scale what the world needs to achieve
on a larger scale, said David Kung, associate
professor of mathematics at SMCM. Climate
change requires us all to make better choices,
from our own personal lives to our collective
choices as Americans and as responsible global
citizens. Contrary to the climate-change denial-
ists, many of these changes will save money.
St. Marys College Cuts Carbon
Dioxide Emissions by 80%
Chopticon High School Chorus
will have their annual Madrigal Din-
ner on Friday Dec. 4 and Saturday
Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. at Christ Episcopal
Church in Chaptico.
Tickets are $35 per person
and include a three-course meal
and entertainment. Proceeds will
beneft the Chopticon High School
Choirs. Reservations are taken on
a frst come, frst serve basis and
guests are seated around tables of
There will also be a Holiday
Concert on Sunday Dec. 6 at 2 p.m.
at Christ Episcopal Church in Chap-
tico. Join the Peace Pipers, Divas
and Infnity as they perform song
selections from the Madrigal Dinner
(and much more). Tickets are $15
and include a concert and dessert.
Reservations are required.
For more information and to
download a reservation form, go to
Chopticon Chorus
Hosts Annual
Madrigal Dinner
Jim McGuire (far right), project manager at St. Marys College of Maryland (SMCM), explains the energy
recovery wheel in the colleges new Goodpaster Hall to students, staff, and community members, including
Mike Sherling (far left), Environment Maryland feld associate. A tour of the building was given after a joint an-
nouncement between SMCM and Environment Maryland, reporting on the 6 percent CO
emission reductions
in Maryland and the 80 percent reduction at SMCM. (Submitted photo)
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
St. Marys Schools Superintendent Michael
Martirano opened his 2009 State of the School
System address by calling on the countys students
to address the thick crowd fnishing their lunches at
the JT Daugherty Conference Center on Wednes-
day, each of the students entreating those assem-
bled to support the various programs in which they
were participating.
The interest in public education in St. Marys
County is palpable, said Martirano after the stu-
dent presentations. Let me say for the record that
the state of the St. Marys County Public School
System is strong, robust and vibrant.
Martirano rattled off the school systems
achievements quickly that day, including the re-
cent opening of Evergreen Elementary School,
which received the federal governments gold
LEED certifcation, increases in math and reading
scores at the elementary and middle school levels,
and gains on the High School Assessments, which
counted as a graduation requirement for the class
of 2009.
Not one child was held back from gradu-
ation because of the HSA, he said. Our stu-
dents did great and I thank the teachers who
worked tirelessly to get each child over the wall
of completion.
Despite his hopeful mood, Martirano said
he had concerns for the future, explaining that
the countys graduation rates were below state
Our graduation rate goal with the state of
Maryland is 90 percent, and for the last several
years weve hovered around 86 to 87 percent.
Simply put, we missed the mark last year by over
3 percent, he said, later explaining that the drop
out rate in St. Marys County was actually 2.25
percent, but that as many as 13 percent of county
students were not graduating within four years.
This does not start at the high school, it starts
emerging at the elementary level. And the frst
indicator is attendance, he said, adding that the
school system would look to intensify current in-
terventions to stop declining attendance rates and
assist struggling students.
Martirano added that gains still needed to
be made in elementary and middle school math
scores, as well as ensuring fnancial literacy for
Well adjust our programs of study by offer-
ing a fnancial literacy course, he said. We will
be offering it for our high schools and introducing
it at the middle school level we have to do this
based on the condition of our country right now.
Martirano added that school funding could be
threatened by changes at the local and state level,
including changes to teacher pensions at the state
level that could put strain on local funding sourc-
es, changes to the constant yield tax rate, changes
to legislation regarding Maintenance of Effort or
any change to current funding formulas.
Changes to any of these items could reduce
the funding for education, strain our already weak-
ened budget, and ultimately cause a threat to the
state of our school system, he said.
As you know, the governor and our lawmak-
ers are grappling with the doomsday budget issues
and scenarios but education cannot suffer in St.
Marys County, said Martirano. Weve made sig-
nifcant gains and we cannot backslide.
School System Called Strong, Robust and Vibrant
Martirano addressed a large crowd at the JT Daugherty
Conference Center on Wednesday for his Annual State of
the School System Address.
The average day is actually 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. We
have a leap year every four years to make up for this shortfall.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 15
The County Times
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St. Marys County Public Schools were
recognized for their efforts in energy conser-
vation with the presentation of the Second An-
nual Energy Conservation Recognition Awards
on Nov. 4. Schools received awards for reduc-
ing their electrical consumption in fscal year
2009, compared to their electrical consumption
in fscal year 2008. Since each school has a
different energy footprint, they are compared
to themselves to calculate savings. Each quali-
fying school received $100 for each percentage
saved, up to fve percent or $500. These funds
are to be used to support the Green School Pro-
gram efforts at their school.
Lettie Marshall Dent Elementary received
$100 for saving 1 percent in electric consump-
tion. Schools receiving a $200 award for sav-
ing 2 percent are Park Hall Elementary and
Leonardtown High. Schools receiving a $300
award for saving 3 percent are Town Creek
Elementary and Oakville Elementary. Schools
receiving $400 for saving 4 percent are Great
Mills High and Chopticon High. Schools that
saved 5 percent or more and received $500 are
Esperanza Middle, White Marsh Elementary,
Ridge Elementary, Piney Point Elementary,
Lexington Park Elementary, Margaret Brent
Middle, Spring Ridge Middle, Leonardtown
Middle, Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Tech-
nology Center, Benjamin Banneker Elemen-
tary, George Washington Carver Elementary,
Dynard Elementary, Greenview Knolls El-
ementary, Hollywood Elementary, and Green
Holly Elementary.
Public Schools Recognized
For Energy Conservation
As a college, our business is education.
As a community college, our business is your
business, College of Southern Maryland
Vice President of Academic Affairs Debra
Tervala told hotel, restaurant and govern-
ment council representatives gathered Nov.
5 to learn about the colleges new associates
degree in hospitality management, which will
now be offered at the La Plata campus.
The program, conceived a few short
months ago, was put together in record time,
according to Tervala. Associate Professor and
Hospitality Management Program Coordina-
tor Bill Williams said the college would be
looking for business managers throughout
Southern Maryland to consider offering their
facilities for on-site student tours, and provid-
ing co-ops and internship opportunities for
The hospitality management degree re-
quirements include components in general
education as well as business. Students select
courses from different industries including
hotel, travel, recreation, tourism, convention
services, food service, meeting planning and
related service industries.
At the completion of the program, stu-
dents receive an associates degree in Hos-
pitality Management from CSM, which they can
transfer to a four-year college, and they will earn
a certifcate in Hospitality Operations from the
American Hotel and Lodging Associations Edu-
cational Institute.
Classes will be scheduled to meet the needs
of working adults as well as traditional students,
said Williams. As the program gains momen-
tum, CSM will offer classes at all campuses and
For information on CSMs Hospitality Man-
agement Program, visit
tyManagement.htm, or contact
Williams at
CSM Hospitality Program
Debuts to Area Businesses
Discussing CSMs new Hospitality Management program are
Ellen Ferris of Clarion Hotel in Waldorf, Professor and Hospi-
tality Management Program Coordinator Bill Williams, and
Kathy Kazimer of Shady Oaks of Serenity Bed and Breakfast
of Bryantown. The program is now being offered at the La
Plata campus and is expected to spread to other campuses as
it gains momentum.
The SMCM Circle has received
the award annually since 2003 be-
cause of its sponsorship of two cam-
pus-wide programs that demonstrate
service on campus, leadership de-
velopment, faculty/student dialogue,
and service to the community. Back
row, left to right: Faculty adviser
Katy Arnett, acting SMCM president
Larry Vote, ODK faculty secretary
Joanne Goldwater. Front row, left to
right: Cynthia Lawson, secretary;
Kelli Hill, president; Patrick Gilbert,
treasurer. (Submitted photo)
Thursday, November 19, 2009 16
The County Times
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Free on Site
with Every
Walk to
By Virginia Terhune
Staff Writer
Starting in January, the
Southern Maryland Center for
Family Advocacy in Hollywood
plans to offer advocacy services
in the evening and on weekends
and holidays to victims of do-
mestic violence in St. Marys
If the program is successful
and pending additional funding,
the program may be extended
frst to Calvert County and then
to Charles County, said Execu-
tive Director Laura Joyce.
Right now advocates work
with clients from 8:30 a.m to
4:30 p.m. on a walk-in basis
at offces in the St. Marys and
Calvert district courts.
Thanks to $46,000 in fed-
eral stimulus money, advocates
will soon also be able to help
clients seeking protective orders
in St. Marys County from 4:30
p.m. to 2 a.m., Joyce said.
Im really excited about
doing this, she said. Its the frst time weve been
able to do this after hours.
The plan is to hire people who will shadow
current staff for at least the frst month to work out
any bugs. Assuming the program works
well, Joyce hopes to continue the service
beyond the life of the 17-month stimulus
Founded 30 years ago, the Southern
Maryland Center for Family Advocacy
is the only agency in St. Marys County
offering legal help to domestic violence
victims, Joyce said. Its main focus is to
represent, free of charge, clients seeking
protective orders in the district and circuit
Protective orders typically order the
abuser to stay away from the victim, with
abusers subject to arrest if they violate the
Attorneys also represent clients in
St. Marys, Calvert and Charles coun-
ties in divorce, custody and child support
cases for a sliding-scale fee.
The center operates with a yearly
budget of about $500,000, most of it from
government sources. It employs nine peo-
ple, including one full- and one part-time
lawyer and several paid advocates.
Joyce said she hopes, pending addi-
tional grants, to hire two more lawyers,
restoring the staff to former levels, in or-
der to meet the growing demand for help.
When the economy is bad, the need
for services picks up, Joyce said.
The center opened 1,022 cases in St.
Marys County in FY 2007 and 1,124 cas-
es in FY 2008, said Joyce, who estimates
1,500 to 1,600 cases for FY 2009.
She estimates the center assisted
with about 700 protective order cases
from January through September of this
Joyce also said that there are more
Hispanic and Asian women affected by
domestic violence, and that the center
continues to need interpreters, especially
those who speak Spanish, as well as Ko-
rean, Chinese and Russian.
The new after-hours service in Janu-
ary will mean that the center will be able to reach
more people earlier in the legal process, Joyce said.
While some victims who experience domestic
violence come to the courts during the day and see
our advocates, many go during the evening/night,
weekends and holidays, she said in an e-mail.
These are the people we want to reach out to,
in addition to the daytime clients Meeting with
them after hours also lets us provide help right at
the time of crisis, doing immediate safety planning,
helping arrange shelter if need, and so on.
In an emergency when the courts are closed, a
person can go to the District Court commissioner
at the detention center in Leonardtown. Available
in person or on call 24 hours a day, a commissioner
can issue an interim protective order until the courts
The client then goes before a judge for a tempo-
rary order, which is to address the immediate safety
of the household members, including the kids, said
attorney and mediator Diana Donahue, who joined
the center about a year ago.
A case worker before she became a lawyer, Do-
nahue served six years with the States Attorneys of-
fce in Charles County, where she prosecuted child
If granted, the client can apply for fnal protec-
tive order with help from a center lawyer.
Having an attorney represent them during this
process helps victims tremendously, Joyce said.
The after-hours program will also provide the
center with greater access to victims who may not
know about the program, she said. Getting involved
early also saves money and emotional stress, as the
legal process can be long and drawn out.
Each additional hearing adds to the cost, of
course, and it also leaves the victim out there, han-
dling things alone. said Joyce in an e-mail. Being a
victim of domestic violence is a very isolating, fright-
ening and overwhelming experience, so the sooner
we can join up with the victim, letting them know
that there are resources, and that they are not alone,
the more we eliminate that sense of isolation.
This makes it more likely that they will then
not be as afraid of or overwhelmed by pursuing the
protective order and other interventions that can
bring a stop to the violence and protect the victims
rights, she said.
For more information, call 301-373-4141 or go
New After-Hours Service To Help
Domestic Violence Victims
New After-Hours Service To Help
Domestic Violence Victims
Supporters Honored
The Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy recognized four people
for their support at its annual dinner on Nov. 2. Below are their names and com-
ments about their contributions from Executive Director Laura Joyce.
Corporate Friendship Award: Loic and Karleen Jaffries, owners of Caf des
Artistes in Leonardtown, for supporting the centers annual golf tournament, host-
ing the annual staff holiday luncheon and the annual dinner.
They defne corporate generosity: they are truly good and giving corporate
citizens, providing an example to look up to of a family business that is the best of
its kind.
Community Friendship Award: Bennett Connelly, director, St. Marys Coun-
ty Department of Human Services, for providing advice to help the center weather
cash fow problems in 2007 into 2008, when funding was down, and reimburse-
ments from government funding sources were taking between three and nine
months to arrive.
Bennetts intervention is one of the reasons that we were able to get through
the fnancial challenges without cutting services, without furloughs of staff, and
without needing to short-change our clients in any way.
Individual Friendship Award: Detective Julie Yingling, for her work heading
the Domestic Violence response for the St. Marys County Sheriffs Department.
[She] has been an integral part of our countys collaborative effort, ensuring
that the bad guys know that violence toward women isnt acceptable in our county,
and ensuring that victims of domestic violence get a response that is effcient, ef-
fective and caring.
Good Neighbor Award: Thomas McKay, for taking action when he was
county commissioner president to address the problem of domestic violence in St.
Marys County.
Ive rarely had an elected offcial ask questions that showed such a complete
grasp of the issues related to domestic violence He appointed a domestic vio-
lence task force, which has now grown into the Domestic Violence Coordinating
Council, a group that has made huge strides in how this county addresses domestic
Attorneys and advocates (listed by frst name only for security) for the center in-
clude: front row, Diana Donahue, and Iris; middle row, Jennifer, Jamie and Lakia;
and back row, Erin King, Carol and Laura Joyce.
Photo by Frank Marquart
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 17
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Tourism Division
Takes Top Honors
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Its easy to see evidence of the St. Marys
County Division of Tourisms hard work, as
colorful guidebooks and eye-catching Cel-
ebrate 375 signs have peppered the county for
the last year.
The Maryland Tourism Council has taken
notice, too, awarding two prestigious industry
awards to St. Marys Countys Division of
Tourism for its Celebrate 375 campaign. Caro-
lyn Laray, Manager of Tourism Development,
received the awards on behalf of the depart-
ment at the 29th Maryland Tourism and Travel
Summit, which was held in Ocean City on
Nov. 5.
The department was given the Coopera-
tive Promotion Award for an Integrated Cam-
paign or continuing program, for their Cel-
ebrate 375 promotion, which incorporated a
variety of marketing activities over a sustained
period of time.
The impetus was that 2009 would be
the 375th anniversary of Marylands founding,
and this is Marylands birthplace, said Laray,
explaining that the scope of the campaign had
been spurred by plans with Historic St. Marys
The 375th is a landmark year but its not
a 50th and its not a 100th. Its off in between,
and I probably would not have created such a
comprehensive plan around it, said Laray. It
really was Historic St. Marys City that said
were going to make a lot of this, she added,
explaining that the objectives of the campaign
were to bring visitors to the county and to gen-
erate economic development, and to generate
awareness with residents inside the county.
The countys Celebrate 375 Campaign
capitalized on the 375th anniversary of Mary-
land with over sixty local tourism and hospital-
ity industry partners participating in a variety
of programs which included contests, discount
cards, childrens programs, electronic and so-
cial media, and events throughout the year.
The second award was for the best visitors
guide, Discover St. Marys County, which
was produced in conjunction with Maryland
Life Magazine and Historic St. Marys City.
75,000 copies of the guide have been distrib-
uted locally, regionally and throughout the
world, and an electronic version of the guide
as well as the 375 celebration activities may be
viewed at the campaigns dedicated website:
The website has received over 1.6 million
hits to date. The campaign also helped to in-
crease visitation to St. Marys Countys sites
and attractions by 21 percent while the county
Welcome Center reported an increase of 32
percent, according to Laray.
Through the campaign and the special
commemorative visitors guide, we made huge
strides in increasing awareness of our countys
signicant role in Marylands history, she
This years awards came from a statewide
pool of nominees, and competition had been
stiff, but the departments recognition was
signicant for the fact that they had received
awards in the past for joint efforts, but never
for a single campaign specic to St. Marys
The Celebrate 375 campaign continues
through the end of the year and will continue
to be marked at several events throughout the
Laray said that the department would be
moving forward in the next year with things
that really worked including the visitors
guide, hotel packages with tourist attractions
listed, and highlights on sports and recre-
ational activities specic to the area, including
kayaking, shing and canoeing.
Rebecca Deprey, Tourism Coordinator, and Carolyn Laray, Manager of the St. Marys County Tour-
ism Development, hold two awards that were given to the department this year by the Maryland
Tourism Council.
Photo By Andrea Shiell
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 19
41658 Fenwick St. Leonardtown, MD 20650
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The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 20
Auditions for the musical Cabaret, a co-pro-
duction of the theater and music departments at St.
Marys College of Maryland, will be held from 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 1 and 2,
in Auerbach Auditorium at St. Marys Hall on the
college campus.
Callbacks will be held starting at 7 p.m. Sun-
day, Dec. 6, in the Bruce Davis Theater, Montgom-
ery Hall Fine Arts Center. Performance dates are
March 4-7 and 9-11, 2010.
Auditions are open to the community, and all
ages are encouraged to audition.
For further information about procedures for
auditioning or about the musical, contact the direc-
tor, Bill Gillett, at, or Jef-
frey Silberschlag, the shows musical director, at
Those auditioning are required to bring sheet
music of their own choosing to the audition (no
more than 16 bars of music) or they may opt for a
selection from Cabaret, which will be provided
at the time of the audition. No a capella singing is
permitted as an audition. A pianist will be available
to accompany. All ages are encouraged to audition;
auditions are open to the community.
This season give your family a special musical treat. Local a cap-
pella singing group, Patuxent Voices, offers a holiday concert rich in
traditional carols, popular favorites, and classical masterpieces. Both
entertaining and moving, it is a performance for the whole family.
Patuxent Voices has been entertaining local audiences since
2004. These nine women, whose love of singing vibrates through all
of their performances, will infect you with the spirit of the season.
This year, Patuxent Voices will perform Our Christmas Favorites:
Music for the Holidays. The performance combines popular favor-
ites like Jingle Bells and Ill Be Home for Christmas with the stir-
ring beauty of Magnicat and O Magnum Mysterium, closing with a
haunting rendition of Silent Night.
You can hear Patuxent Voices in concert at Middleham Chapels
Great Hall, Lusby, on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m. and Trinity
Church, St. Marys College, on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 3 p.m. The con-
certs are free; donations accepted. You can also hear Patuxent Voices
at the Solomons Christmas Walk on Friday, Dec. 4, from 78 p.m.
at the Calvert Marine Museum, and at Garden in Lights on Monday,
Dec. 21, starting at 6 p.m. at Annmarie Garden in Solomons.
Mark your calendar and celebrate this holiday season with one
of our local treasures, Patuxent Voices. Check www.patuxentvoices.
com for program, directions, and additional information.
The Inaugural Senior Housing Expo held at the Northern Senior Center was a huge success.
In spite of the difcult weather, there were 70 attendees who stopped throughout the day to get in-
formation from the various senior housing facilities that participated. Additionally 110lbs of food
was donated to the Tri-County Food Bank, which will feed six families. Delegate Johnny Wood
donated the 32 television that was given away as a door prize. Pictured here is Delegate Johnny
Wood speaking with Warren and Maralyn Thompson, residents of Cedar Lane Apartments who
volunteered at the event. Story submitted by Janice Pruett.
1st place
Ron Marrs (capt)
Dean Blake
Larry Wojton
105 Cherry Tree ct.
Sterling, VA 20164
2nd place
Michael Stephens (capt)
Guy Stephens Jr.
Guy Stephens III
Guy Stephens IV
4073 Westwind Dr
Woodbridge, VA 22193
3rd place
Michael Corrigan
John Corrigan
Barry Conyers
Registered online, no p/w at
Buzzs. Please donate $250 to WWP
in the name of Team Corrigan
Male Female
Rick Brady Scottie Morris
10 to 19
1 Kevin Foley Abigail Schadegg
2 Jefferey Henkel
3 Stephen Henkel
20 to 29
1 Jacob Ackerman Nikki DeBevoise
2 Donald Bevick Debra Gillispie
3 Jason Gray Kathleen Egan
30 to 39
1 Tim Barbee Kristen Van Fosson
2 Thomas Bullard
3 Stacey Thomas
40 to 49
1 Perry Bapp Jodi Edwards
2 Miles Ervin Mary Lindauer
3 Brian Ackerman Brandie Sparr
50 to 59
1 Charles Jackson Ditto Christensen
2 Doug Isleib
3 Mike Sparr
1 Larry Hevner Veronica Spicuzza
Elks Lodge
On Saturday November 14, the
California Elks Lodge held their an-
nual 5K Walk/Run along with a sh-
ing tournament to benet the Wound-
ed Warrior Project. The 5K began at
Cheeseburger in Paradise at the Wild-
wood Shopping Center in California.
Here are the results of the shing tour-
nament and the 5K:
5K Results:
Patuxent Voices Performs for the Holidays
Willkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome!
Public Auditions for Cabaret
Hi, my name is Chyna and Im a two year old female
Pit Bull Terrier. Im a real sweetheart! I love people and
Id make a terric companion. If you need an exercise
partner for walking or running, then Im your dog. I only
weigh around 35-40lbs. I would also love to cuddle up
and spend the evening watching TV with you. I dont have
any experience with cats so Id be happier in a home with-
out them. Im up to date on vaccinations, spayed, crate
trained, house trained, and identication micro chipped.
For more information, please contact SECOND HOPE RES-
CUE at 240-925-0628 or email Kathy at katmc@second- Please Adopt, Dont Shop!
Senior Housing Expo a Success
Photo Courtesy of Janice Pruett
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 21
L ibrary
Libraries to be closed
Charlotte Hall library will be
closed on Friday, Nov. 20, from
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The other two
branches will be open that morn-
ing. All three branches will close
at 5 p.m. on Nov. 25 and closed on
Nov. 26 for Thanksgiving.
Libraries are collection points
for CASA donations
Leonardtown High School
Interact Club has placed boxes in
each branch to collect backpacks
and school supplies for CASA
(Court Appointed Special Advo-
cate) during the month of Novem-
ber. CASA needs backpacks and
dufe bags as well as school sup-
plies for children transitioning to
foster care.
Family movie offered at Char-
lotte Hall
A free family movie will be
shown at Charlotte Hall on Nov. 25
at 2:30 p.m. The PG rated movie is
about a group of monsters round-
ed up by the government who are
asked to save the earth from evil
aliens. Snacks will be provided.

Friends of the Library will
hold mini book sale
Friends of the Library will
hold a mini book sale in the park-
ing lot of Leonardtown Library
on Sunday, Dec. 6, from noon to
4 p.m. This is an excellent oppor-
tunity to purchase almost new
books for gifts.
Libraries offer book
The public is invited to par-
ticipate in the following book dis-
cussions: John Updikes The Ter-
rorist at Leonardtown on Nov. 19
at 7 p.m.; Christopher Bohjalians
The Double Bind on Dec. 7 at
7 p.m. and John Guys Queen of
Scots: The True Life of Mary Stu-
art on Dec. 14 at 6 p.m.
Thursday, November 19
Toys For Tots
Mechanicsville Volunteer Res-
cue Squad Company 29 will be a
Toys For Tots drop off point from
now through December. Toys For
Tots is a program ran by the United
States Marine Corps Reserves to
help provide children, with less for-
tune than others, gifts during the
holiday season. Any and all dona-
tions are greatly appreciated. No
stuffed animals or clothing will be
accepted. Only new, unused and un-
wrapped toys, crayons, books, etc
will be accepted. Please feel free to
help out with this wonderful cause.
For more information please contact
the rescue squad at (301) 884- 2900
and ask for Daniel Norris
Taco Night
VFW Post 2632 (California) 5:30
Young Professionals Holiday
Party Social
Lexington Restaurant & Lounge
(Lexington Park) 6 p.m.
Young Professionals of all ca-
reers welcome. Cost: $12 at the door
gets you food, non-alcoholic bever-
ages and holiday fun. Cash bar avail-
able. RSVP to commentsypi@gmail.
com by November 17th.
Chamber Music Trio
St. Marys College (Auerbach Audi-
torium) 8 p.m.
The Haydn Trio Eisenstadt
chamber music ensemble from Vi-
enna, Austria, will perform to rec-
ognize the bicentennial of Austrian
composer Joseph Haydns death in
1809. This is part of the colleges
Guest Artist & Faculty Recital Se-
ries. For more information, contact
Audrey Hamilton in the music de-
partment at 240-895-4498 or hgham-
George Bernard Shaws Arms
and the Man
St. Marys College (Bruce Davis
Theater) 8 p.m.
Newtowne Players: The
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Poetry Seeks Ways to Deal with
St. Marys College (Daugherty-
Palmer Commons) 8:15 p.m.
Poet Laurie Clements Lambeth
will read from her debut poetry col-
lection, Veil and Burn, which ad-
dresses her struggles with multiple
sclerosis. This event is free and open
to the public and is part of the col-
leges VOICES Reading Series.
Friday, November 20
Family Health & Fitness Fair at
Spring Ridge Middle School
A family health and tness
fair will be held at Spring Ridge
Middle School from 2:15 4:30
p.m., for all students, teachers, fam-
ily and community members.
The program, which is sponsored
by the Parent Teacher Student As-
sociation at Spring Ridge Middle
School, will feature area sports
representatives, as well as the St.
Marys Hospital Health Connec-
tions van. The programs goal is
to introduce students, their family
members and the community to a
variety of healthy activities while
addressing specic issues, such
as the seasonal u vaccine, H1N1
and the Gardacil vaccine for girls.
Program participants include World
Gym in Lexington Park and Leonard-
town; the Southern Maryland Cuong
Nhu Club River Dragon Dojo (mar-
tial arts); St. Marys County Parks and
Recreation; and a number of coaches
from Great Mills High School, rep-
resenting lacrosse, track and eld,
soccer, eld hockey and more.
There is a $1 admission fee to the pro-
gram, where attendees can witness
demonstrations in Zumba dance,
martial arts and participate in an agil-
ity program. There will be hands-on
opportunities to try different sports
equipment and attempt new skills.
Adult attendees can also receive
free health screenings through the
St. Marys Hospital Health Connec-
tions van. A medical professional
will also answer questions about
the seasonal u and H1N1 vaccines,
and speak to issues surrounding the
Gardacil vaccine for young girls.
There is no registration required.
For more information, contact
Spring Ridge Middle School at
Steak & Shrimp Dinner
American Legion Post 221 (Avenue)
5 p.m.
Uncle Phils Diner II Dinner
Lexington Park United Methodist
Church 6 p.m.
Tickets $14, kids under 5 are
free. Call church ofce at 301-863-
8500 for more information.
Benet Concert: Brogan
First Saints Community Church
(Leonardtown) 7 p.m.
Family and friends of Brogan
Ruppert and A Message of Hope
Cancer Fund concert. Music by God
Project and St. Pauls Praise Team.
The evening will also include a silent
auction. No fee, but donations will
be collected. Make checks payable
to A Message of Hope.
Poker Leader Board Challenge
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 7 p.m.
Texas HoldEm Tournament
VFW Post 2632 (California) 7
HomeSpun CoffeeHouse Open
Christ Epicopal Church Parish Hall
(Chaptico) 7:30 p.m.
Doors will open at 7 p.m. Ad-
mission is $5.00 per person with per-
formers admitted free. Light refresh-
ments will be available. For more
information or to sign up to perform
call Don at 301-373-2661, John at
301-994-2843 or visit our website at
George Bernard Shaws Arms
and the Man
St. Marys College (Bruce Davis
Theater) 8 p.m.
Newtowne Players: The
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 21
2009 Hazardous Waste Day
St. Andrews Landll (California)
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The average U.S. household
generates more than 20 pounds of
hazardous waste per year, and this
may be the time to get rid of yours!
Well be collecting pharmaceuti-
cals; disinfectants; paint (all kinds);
stains and polish; solvents and thin-
ners; caustic cleaners (for toilets, tile
masonry, ovens, etc.); pool chemi-
cals; lawn care chemicals; pet care
chemicals; pesticides, fungicides
and herbicides; batteries (all kinds);
thermometers, thermostats, com-
pact uorescent lamps (all contain
mercury); aerosol cans of anything;
old gasoline, kerosene, and other fu-
els (even mixed with water). More
information is available by visiting
the Countys solid waste/recycling
web site at or
by calling the Department of Pub-
lic Works & Transportation at (301)
SMAWL Pet Adoptions
PetCo (California) 10 a.m. to 2
Steak Night
VFW Post 2632 (California) 5
Uncle Phils Diner II Dinner
Lexington Park United Methodist
Church 6 p.m.
Swing and Ballroom Dance
Little Flower School (Great Mills)
7 p.m.
Learn dance steps from 7 to 8
and stay for a dance with the South-
ern Maryland Swing Band from
8 to 11. Admission $10. Call 301-
645-8509 or email somdballroom@ for more information.
Texas HoldEm Tournament
Saturday Night Special
Park Bingo Hall (California) 7
Arrive and register before 6:45
and get an extra $1,000 in chips.
Register at or call
301-643-5573. No e-mail on the day
of the event.
George Bernard Shaws Arms
and the Man
St. Marys College (Bruce Davis
Theater) 8 p.m.
Newtowne Players: The
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 22
K of C Pancake Breakfast
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Hall (Lexington Park) 8:30 a.m.
Adults $7, kids 6-12 $4, chil-
dren 5 and under free. Family of 5 or
more $20. For more info call Brian at
St. Michaels Fall Festival
St. Michaels School (Ridge) 12
This years event includes an af-
ternoon full of excitement for all. The
All-You-Can-Eat Dinner is catered
by Paul Thompson of Thompsons
Seafood. Professional crafters, home
businesses, and artisans will have
their items on display and on sale.
the Ladies of Charity Bake Sale, a
Craft Room, Rafes, Games for the
Children, and much, much more!
Dinner: $23 for Adults, price for
Children 6 to 10, free for Children 5
and under. Carry-outs $21. All pro-
ceeds go to support St. Michaels
School. For tickets, contact Shirley
Kovich at 301-872-4321, Ada Spelz
at 301-862-4600, or Kay Fenhagen at
George Bernard Shaws Arms
and the Man
St. Marys College (Bruce Davis
Theater) 2 p.m.
Texas HoldEm
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 2 p.m.
Newtowne Players: The
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 3:30 p.m.
Monday, November 23
No Limit Texas HoldEm Bounty
St. Marys County Elks Lodge (Cali-
fornia) 7 p.m.
Tuesday, November 24
Republican Women of St.
Marys Meeting
The Republican Women of St.
Marys Monthly Meeting will be a
Brown bag luncheon at the Leon-
ardtown Library at 11 a.m. Bring a
bag lunch. Coffee and dessert will
be provided. Guest speaker will be
Dan Morris, candidate for County
Commissioner. For information call
Special Olympics No Limit
Bennett Building, 24930 Old Three
Notch Road (Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Wednesday, November 25
Poker Leader Board Challenge
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 7 p.m.
Thursday November 26
Thanksgiving Day Meal
At Immaculate Heart of Mary
Parish from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Please join us! Its complimentary
and all are welcome. Dinner includes
Roasted Turkey, Dressing & Gravy,
Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes,
Scalloped Apples, Green Beans and
Kale, Cranberries, Rolls and Des-
serts, Ice Tea, Coffee and Punch.
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 22
By Linda Reno
Contributing Writer
John Compton and Elizabeth Briscoe
married in St. Marys County February 12,
1771 and had six children. By 1790, the fam-
ily moved to Jefferson County, KY where
Elizabeth died in 1790 and John in 1803.
Shortly thereafter four of their sons moved
to the territory of Louisiana and settled in
Rapides Parish, where they began to accu-
mulate property. Within a few years, they had
become very wealthy plantation and slave
owners. One of these sons was Leonard Bris-
coe Compton.
In 1819, Leonard bought 32 slaves, one
of whom was Fauchon Morres (daughter of
Dr. Ennemond Meuillon of Maine by one
of his slave women). Leonard took Fauchon
as his concubine prior to 1824 and they had
four childrenPhilip, Scipio, Elizabeth, and
Laurette. In 1825 Leonard manumitted Fau-
chon and she lived free thereafter.
Had the law allowed it, Leonard may have
married Fauchon. He made no effort to dis-
guise their relationship, openly acknowledged
their children, paid for the education of their
son in Ohio, and in an attempt to circumvent
the law, transferred property to others for
them. It was said that he always showed them
[the children] the affection of a father.
Leonard wrote his will in 1840 devis-
ing the bulk of his estate, valued at $184,640
to Fauchon and two of their four surviving
children. His brother John and several nieces
and nephews contested the will. The case
would eventually land in the Louisiana Su-
preme Court where several bequests were
I do give and bequeath to my two chil-
dren, Scipio and Loretta, who have been
duly acknowledged by me, my plantation on
bayou Robert, on which, I, at present, reside;
with all the improvements, containing about
545 acres; all the slaves on said plantation,
(whom he names); and it is my will and desire
that the said plantation and property be kept
as it now stands; and I do further give and
bequeath to each of my said children the sum
of $10,000, it being my intention to give them,
and that they shall have one-fourth in value
of my estate, &c.
I give and bequeath to the free wom-
an of color, Fauchon, all my household and
kitchen furniture of all descriptions whatev-
er; also one saddle horse, and my carriage,
pair of horses, two patent gold watches, stock
of cattle, &c. (she had received land via a
previously disguised deed).
After much testimony the court overrode
Leonards will, stating that Fauchon, being a
concubine, is not entitled to the tracts of land
given to her by Leonard. The land devised to
the children, however, stood as Leonard had
acknowledged them as his, but the $10,000
bequest did not. The remainder of the estate
was granted to the White Comptons.
In 1843 Scipio used part of his inheri-
tance to purchase a slave woman named
Susan whom he would later marry and then
Leonard Briscoe was buried on his
plantation Lodi but after it was sold, his
remains were removed to the Compton
Cemetery on the plantation owned by his
brother John.
A Journey Through Time A Journey Through Time
The Chronicle
Tombstone of Leonard Briscoe Compton, Sept. 3, 1781-Feb. 5, 1841
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 23
that your balcony is high above the Potomac
River. The rooms are all suites with re-
places and huge spa bathrooms. Other than
my husband having his arm in a sling after
undergoing arthroscopic surgery everything
was wonderful. Our pictures show him with
his arm bent but raised in front of him.
Several years later, I had another idea
along this line. Many of you might remem-
ber Blobs Park in Jessup, which is now re-
opened after a short closure last year. My
Mother took me there as a teenager, where
in spite of teenage sullenness, I had a great
time polka dancing. If you are a beer lover,
this is the place to go. Blobs Park carries one
of the largest beer selections you will ever
see, including beer from the oldest brewery
in the world. The German food is a wonder-
ful change of pace and the smells of vinegar
and sausages greet your nose at the door.
Well, as I said, I thought my husband would
enjoy this part of his heritage, but polka mu-
sic and polka dancing were not on his list of
favorites at the time. I think if we went back
now with a group, he would have a blast.
Old Town Alexandria has always been a
favorite getaway for us, and we have spent a
few anniversaries there. He has been a little
hesitant going there now for an anniversary
after 2005s heart attack. We can now look
back and see it was starting while we were in
Old Town. Though he tells everyone it was
the chili I made him the night before.
This year, our anniversary plans sort of
unfolded as we went along. Last Saturday,
we decided to go to the fall barrel tasting at
Ingleside Winery in Oak Grove, VA. We en-
joyed our time at the winery, as we always
do. Cheese and crackers were a nice addi-
tion, but we were both really hungry at the
end of the tour, so we headed towards Colo-
nial Beach for dinner. We picked a past fa-
vorite: High Tides restaurant located on the
boardwalk, had a wonderful meal, and then
stayed a bit longer at their new sand beach
bar. It happened to be their end of season
bash with a live band. It was a lovely warm
evening with two re pits blazing and danc-
ing in the sand. We kept saying to each oth-
er, I cant believe it is November and were
dancing on a sandy beach.
When the band ended, we thought we
should head back to our side of the river.
We got to my husbands car (the toy) and he
was unable to unlock the doors. We tried
and tried. It was such a happy evening that
we laughed all through this. We soon real-
ized we would be spending the night. We
walked to a nice, inexpensive hotel a little
ways down the boardwalk. In the morning, I
walked out on the beach early and marveled
at the pink and orange sky and the glow it
cast on everything. I suddenly had the feel-
ing that there was a reason we werent sup-
posed to drive back home though I dont
know why. After breakfast a man was able
to get the door open, and we havent had any
trouble with it since. Sometimes plans can
be restricting and prevent you from having
the best spontaneous times of your life. I
think we will wing it next year as well.
To each new years adventure,
Please send comments or ideas to:
Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air.
By Shelby Oppermann
Contributing Writer
This week is our 8th wedding anniver-
sary. Like most people, my husband and I try
to make each anniversary special and memo-
rable. Memorable is normally the key word for
us. Our anniversary is when I try to think of
the place to go and hope that all goes well. You
know I love St. Marys County, but once in a
while it is fun to travel to another state.
Twice now I have tried to tie in his German
ancestry with our plans thinking he would re-
ally like that. The rst time I found the Bavar-
ian Inn in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. If
you havent been there you might want to in-
clude it on your life list. You truly feel like you
have arrived in a little Bavarian village, except

Smoky Sunsets
By Theresa Morr
Contributing Writer
Imagine having a tongue
around two feet long. Yikes!
But if you were a Giant Ant-
eater youd nd that tongue
just right for lapping up your
favorite creepy crawlers ---
ants and termites. Yummy.
Even though Giant
Anteaters have poor eye-
sight (they look very sleepy
up close), their keen sense
of smell makes snifng out
anthills and termite mounds
no big deal. In fact, these
guys constantly sniff the
air in search of a tasty dining out experi-
ence. Biologists say the anteater can sense
a particular species of ants or termites just
by smell, and thats before they claw their
way into a hill or mound. Now thats pretty
These mammals have powerful fore-
limbs topped off with four-inch long razor-
sharp claws, which they use to rip open
rock-hard mounds and hills like they were
paper. They plunge their tubular snout
into the opening, then stick its worm-like
tongue down into the middle of the colony
for a hearty fast-food meal --- kind of like
a McAnty. When an anthill or termite
mound is disturbed, its occupants ght back
savagely, stinging the anteaters tongue as
it icks back and forth around 160 times a
minute! In a single day, the Giant Anteater
can easily slurp up an awesome 35,000
thousand or so of ants and termites --- not
bad for a creature that has a very small
mouth and no teeth. But Mother Nature
provides: The anteaters tongue has lots of
little backward prickles on it, along with a
coating of sticky saliva, making it perfect
for ant and termite sticking. Thanks to its
muscular stomach, the anteater is able to
digest all those ready-to-eat crispy critters.
Umm, umm good.
Anteaters are mostly diurnal, mean-
ing they feed during the day. And at night,
these light sleepers nd a nice secluded
spot and tuck in their head between their
forelegs and pull that big, bushy, straw-like
tail over them --- just like a natural cover
and camouage at the same time. They
weigh around 45 to 90 pounds and range
from about ve to seven feet long. The
animal has a narrow head, small eyes and
little round ears. Its back is covered with
coarse, brown or gray bristly hair, offset
with a white banded black stripe running
mid-torso along its body. When walking,
the front feet claws are curled under its
palm, making the anteater move awkward-
ly on its front knuckles.
Females give birth once a year to a
single offspring and tote the bristly baby
around on its back for about as long. Giant
Anteaters are native to the tropical rainfor-
ests and grasslands of Central and South
America. Like many animals in the wild, it
is classied as a threatened species. They
have a lifespan of about 14 years in their
native habitat and about 20 years in captiv-
ity. To learn more about this curious fellow,
surf over to
Anteater Jokes:
Why dont anteaters get sick?
Because theyre full of anty-bodies!
What kind of topping does an
anteater like on his pizza?
Ant-chovies, of course.
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The Giant Anteater
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 24


For family and community events, see our calendar in the community section on page 21.
In Entertainment
The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature!
To submit art or entertainment announcements, or band information
for our entertainment section, e-mail
Start to fnish: 20 minutes
Servings: 4
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
What is it with love stories?
Why, after close examination, do
they all seem to fall under their
own pretenses? How well do the
Old World notions of love, war,
honor and valor hold up in the face
of bumbling family members, so-
cial climbing schemers, jealous
lovers and mistaken identities?
Such are questions worth ask-
ing when watching George Bernard
Shaws clas-
sic comedy,
Arms and
the Man,
since it pro-
vides both
a quaint
and endur-
ing portrait
of the folly
of romanti-
cizing both
love and
T a k -
ing its name
from the
o p e n i n g
lines of Vir-
gils Aeneid
(Of arms
and the man
I sing), the
play follows
the story
of Raina
P e t k o f f ,
a Bulgar-
ian woman
engaged to
Major Ser-
gius Saranoff, a dashing and heroic
soldier fghting in the 1885 Serbo-
Bulgarian War.
Sergius is a man that Raina
idealizes for his valor and brav-
ery, though he scarcely respects
her as a person. When one night a
bumbling stranger named Captain
Bluntschli, a Swiss volunteer in
the Serbian army, bursts through
her bedroom window and begs
her to hide him (armed only with
chocolates in his pockets instead
of pistol cartridges), she is con-
fronted with the antithesis of her
ideals, but the chance encounter
nevertheless sparks a series of love
triangles, mistaken identities and
foolhardy duels that fnally land
Raina and Bluntschli together,
though not without a few missteps
along the way.
Its funny, to be sure, but this is
a play wrought with confict as well
as comedy. In this case the confict
is between opposing ideals; the ro-
mantic illusion about war as held by
Sergius and Raina against the real-
istic picture of war drawn by Blunt-
schli. The story also touches on the
frivolous and overblown ideals of
love and marriage, as exemplifed
by the fckle and somewhat dumb
upper classes, versus the institu-
tions practical side as expressed by
their servants, Louka and Nicola,
arguably the most intelligent char-
acters in the play.
Shaws comedy kicked off
St. Marys Colleges theater and
arts season in the newly reno-
vated Bruce Davis Theater in the
Montgomery Hall Fine Arts Cen-
ter, which underwent renovations
this past summer that removed the
balconies on all four sides of the
auditorium and installed a new
state-of-the-art light and sound
The play will show for its last
weekend Nov. 19-21 at 8 p.m. and
at 2 p.m. on Nov. 22. Ticket prices
are $4 or $6. To make reserva-
tions, call the Theater Box Offce
at 240-895-4243 or e-mail boxof-
Arms and the Man
Highlights Love and War
Thursday, November 19
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
CJs Back Room (Lusby) 5 p.m.
David Norris
DB McMillans (California) 6 p.m.
Vincenzos Grill (Dowell) 6:30
Ladies Night
Fat Boys Country Store (Leonard-
town) 7 p.m.
All-You-Can-Drink Ladies
Big Dogs Paradise (Mechanics-
ville) 8 p.m.
Karaoke On Demand
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington Park)
9:30 p.m.
Virgil Cain
Crossing at Casey Jones (La Plata)
9:30 p.m.
Friday, November 20
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
CJs Back Room (Lusby) 5 p.m.
David Norris
DB McMillans (California) 6
Country Night
Hotel Charles (Hughesville) 8
Matt Garrett Acoustic
Brewskis Tavern (Loveville) 8
Mechanicsville Moose Lodge 8
Live Jazz Night
Chefs American Bistro (Califor-
nia) 8:30 p.m.*
Memories (Waldorf) 9 p.m.*
Backstage Pass
Murphys Pub (Bryans Road) 9
Club 911 (Mechanicsville) 9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
Apehangers (Bel Alton) 9 p.m.
Sam Grow
Veras White Sands Beach Club
(Lusby) 9 p.m.
Three Sixty
Martinis Lounge (White Plains)
9 p.m.
Karaoke On Demand
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington Park)
9:30 p.m.
No Green JellyBeenz
Heavy Hitters (Charlotte Hall)
9:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 21
Captain John
DB McMillans (California) 6 p.m.*
Sunshines Oasis (St. Inigoes) 8 p.m.
Matt Garrett Acoustic
Applebees (Prince Frederick) 8
Nuttin Fancy Band
Mechanicsville Moose Lodge 8 p.m.
Open Blues Jam
Fat Boys Country Store (Leonard-
town) 8 p.m.
Andersons Bar (Avenue) 8 p.m.
Gretchen Richie (Jazz
Caf des Artistes (Leonardtown)
8:15 p.m.
Crazy Craigs Karaoke
VFW Post 2632 (California) 8:30
Live Jazz Night
Chefs American Bistro (Califor-
nia) 8:30 p.m.*
Citizens Band Radio
Cryers Back Road Inn (Leonard-
town) 9 p.m.*
The Craze
Scotts II (Welcome) 9 p.m.*
DJ Steadyrockin
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington Park)
9 p.m.
Full Steam
Veras White Sands Beach Club
(Lusby) 9 p.m.
Jah Works
Hulas Bungalow (California) 9 p.m.
Heavy Hitters (Charlotte Hall) 9
Karaoke with DJ Tommy T and
Applebees (California) 9 p.m.
Memories (Waldorf) 9 p.m.
Loose Cannon
Lone Star Caf (Indian Head) 9
No Green JellyBeenz / Mr.
Hotel Charles Party Room
(Hughesville) 9 p.m.
Apehangers (Bel Alton) 9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
Martinis Lounge (White Plains)
9 p.m.
Signature Live!
Hotel Charles Front Bar (Hughes-
ville) 9 p.m.
Three Sixty
Blue Dog Saloon (Port Tobacco)
9 p.m.*
Gridiron Grill (Callaway) 9:30
Middle Ground
Big Dogs Paradise (Mechanics-
ville) 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, November 22
Soldier Beneft & Food Drive
Poker Run
Hulas Bungalow (California) 9 a.m.
Cowboys/Redskins Chili
Big Dogs Paradise (Mechanics-
ville) 1 p.m.
Joey Tippett and the California
Toots Bar (Hollywood) 3 p.m.
The Nighthawks
Hulas Bungalow (California) 3 p.m.
Monday, November 23
(No events scheduled)
Tuesday, November 24
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
DB McMillans (California) 6
Wednesday, November 25
Captain John
DB McMillans (California) 6 p.m.*
Bent Nickel
Andersons Bar (Avenue) 8 p.m.
Lloyd Dobler Effect
Hulas Bungalow (California) 9 p.m.
Open Blues Jam
Beach Cove (Chesapeake Beach)
8 p.m.
HY Jinx
Hotel Charles (Hughesville) 9 p.m.
Loose Cannon
Lone Star Caf (Indian Head) 9
Roadhouse Band
Blue Dog Saloon (Port Tobacco)
9 p.m.
Sam Grow
Hotel Charles (Hughesville) 9 p.m.
*Call to confrm
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 25
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Hospital, 1/2 mile from Combs Creek Marina. Ac-
cess is from an existing driveway directly off MD Rt
243. Financing terms are negotiable. Please call Tom
on 240-434-1545. Price: $95,900 owner-fnanced.
Great Split Foyer in Northern St. Marys. Two Miles
from intersection of Rt 5 and Rt 6 East. Over 1 acre
of land. 4 Bedrooms and 3 Full baths. Brinks/Broad-
view security system, large 18 X 24 deck, 8 X 8 shed.
House built in 2002. Great schools, Lettie Dent, Mar-
garet Brent, and Chopticon. 5 minutes from Keller bus
lot. 22 Miles from Pax River. 31 Miles from Andrews.
Last chance for frst time home buyers tax credit - 8K
- ends 11/30. Please contact Mike or Melissa at 301
472-4270 or 301 752-5460. Price: $345,000.
Real Estate Rentals
Help Wanted
Lost Dog Great Mills/ Callaway area. Black
& White med. size short hair. Missing since
11/6/09 call 301-643-5996.
Part Time Construction Inspector
Job Description: Dewberry is looking for a Part Time con-
struction inspector for our projects in St. Marys County, MD.
Position is part time with a 10-month (approximately) term begin-
ning on or around January 2, 2010. Hours will vary from week
to week and may range from zero (0) to forty (40) hours in any
given period. Salary range is $17.50 to $22.50 per hour depend-
ing on experience.
Responsibilities Include: Monitoring progress of construction
and ensuring conformance with the plans and specifcations,
measuring stored and installed materials to assisting in approv-
ing contractors request for payment; maintaining a feld logbook
noting work conditions, equipment on site, work performed; tak-
ing feld photographs and prepare brief feld reports as necessary
and requested by the project engineer; and maintaining good
communication with project engineer to advise on any issues.
Required Experience: Wastewater, Power Generation, M/E/
P and/or Building construction experience required. NICET
Certifcation a plus.
Job Location: Lexington Park, MD, US.
Position Type: Part-Time
Send Resume:
By Fax: (703) 849-0185 By Email:
Tracking Code 43522 PT-CI
2 bdrm Apts. available in Downtown
Leonardtown. Newly renovated, air con-
ditioning, off street parking. All utilities
included except electric. Washer/ Dryer
in unit. $850 a mth. Call 301-475-8384
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 26
1. A health resort
4. Time in the central U.S.
7. Married woman
10. Speed of sound
12. Reciprocal of the sine
14. Paddles
15. The highest adult male
singing voice
16. Dashery
17. Harangue
18. Jewish state est. 1948
20. Actress Tomei
22. Point one point E of due S
23. A tube in which a body
fuid circulates
24. Palm tree fruits
26. Argot
29. Thigh of a hog (usually
30. Offcial medium of
34. Rapid bustling movement
35. 8th largest independent
36. Electromotive force
37. One of TVs Odd Couple
43. To help or furnish relief
44. An evening party
45. Cruises
47. A small drink
48. Comedian Caesar
49. Lowest voice male sigers
52. ______l: chickpea
55. Pigmented nevi
56. Clamours
58. Euphemistic for hell
60. Expression of sorrow or
61. A heros narratives
62. Honolulus island
63. Metal soup container
64. Cooking vessel
65. Large weight unit
1. Senior offcer
2. Prakrit language
3. Performs in a play
4. Solid fossil fuel
5. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.)
6. Be full to overfowing
7. Serpico author Peter
8. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid
9. The Concorde was one
11. Earth that lies between 2
12. Cheddar or swiss
13. Neckcloth
14. Prayer
19. Cain and __
21. Assign a rank to
24. Male parents
25. Acronym oil group
26. Reddish purple color
27. The conception of
28. Slang for trucks with
29. Pilgrimage to Mecca
31. An adhesive substance
32. Troubled insurance giant
33. Rural Free Delivery (abbr.)
38. Chocolate candies
39. Actor Kristofferson
40. Outcasts
41. Determine the court costs of
42. Hammered fastener
46. Potato state
49. Cord worn as a necktie
50. Actor Ladd
51. Money offered as a bribe
52. ____ernity: male social
53. A notable achievement
54. The persistence of a sound
55. A waterproof raincoat
57. In the past
59. Hungarian Communist




The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 27
By Ronald N. Guy Jr.
Contributing Writer
Consider ways youd enjoy burning a
week of your precious time on Earth. As you
peruse the menu, may I recommend spend-
ing time getting grilled by Congress on vari-
ous issues under your cognizance? Nonot
so much? Well thats just what NFL Com-
missioner Roger Goodell did recently.
Congress, concerned as they are about
all Americans, decided to give Rog a call and
invite him to discuss, among other things,
head injuries in professional football. See,
for Goodell, theres this pesky evidence that
ex-NFL players are more susceptible to de-
mentia and mental illness than the rest of us.
Imagine that, repeatedly colliding with other
massive humans puts one in harms way of
head injury and long-term mental health
In response to the evidence, Con-
gress, being the diligent and exhaustive
folks they are, wanted to ask the good
Commissioner a few questions to ensure
the NFL is doing everything it can to keep
its gladiators, and indirectly our college
and Pop Warner players, safe. Given our
countrys extensive participation and
interest in football Americas true na-
tional pastime that seems like a reason-
able use of the taxpayers dollar, right?
Well, after reading a few summaries of
the hearings on the internet, I continued
through to reader postssomething of
an informal poll, I supposeand found
nearly unanimous opposition of Con-
gress involvement. It seems, for sports
fans at least, theres no tolerance for
what is perceived to be wasteful, spot-
light-seeking grandstanding by elected
offcials into an area where they have no
jurisdiction (professional sports). Well, I
respectfully disagree (you probably saw
that coming).
The most obvious and understand-
able frustration with Congressional dab-
bling in professional sports is there are
better, more important matters needing
our legislative branchs attention. True
indeed. Even with a broad historic view,
the collective challenges facing our na-
tion today have few peers. The economy
has a pulse but is still under a skeptical,
watchful eye. The expansion of nuclear
programs to some unnerving places
seems inevitable at this point. Were at
war. Theres a mind numbing health care
bill snaking its way through Congress.
And the globe seems to be warming so
quickly that my grandkids may know
Santa as a guy who relocated operations
to the South Pole early in the 21st cen-
tury because his former residence melted
away. So yes, there are plenty complex
challenges on our Governments agenda
that bump issues involving professional
sports down the priority list. However,
that doesnt make weighing in on head
injuries in the NFL a Congressional
Whether youre a sports fan or not,
you may have noticed that athletics,
and for this discussion professional sports,
is kind of big deal around here (in Ameri-
ca). Sure, fundamentally its just a game,
but stopping at that elementary description
would be to trivialize a signifcant aspect of
American culture. America has been com-
peting since before and since its inception:
against an increasingly tyrannical mother
country, against herself to end slavery and
against various evolving global threats. In
sports we fnd a wonderful connection with
that feisty, competitive American spirit. And
what matters to Americans ought to matter
to our Government. And it does. From FDR
insisting baseball continue during World War
II - an acknowledgement of its importance to
our countrys morale - to George W. Bush us-
ing the stage of Yankee Stadium to throw out
the frst pitch and mark some sort of a return
to normalcy after 9/11, the links between
sports and our Government are undeniable.
Closer to home, Senators Mikulski or Cardin
and Representative Hoyer would need to do
little more than take a drive through South-
ern Maryland to see their constituents at play
or pledging allegiance to their favorite NFL
team via a bumper sticker or window fag. So
if Congress sees ft to expand itself to root out
steroid use in baseball or to decrease head in-
juries in football even if its just through in-
creased awareness and not legislation - then
so be it. We have a Government thats of, by
and for the people; given our love of sports,
that sounds like the peoples work.
Send comments to
Fri., Nov. 20
Girls Basketball
St. Marys Ryken at Long Reach (scrimmage), 5 p.m.
Ice Hockey
At Capital Clubhouse, Waldorf
Leonardtown vs. La Plata, 5 p.m.
St. Marys Ryken vs. Thomas Stone, 6:45 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 21
Boys Basketball
Calvert at Leonardtown (scrimmage), noon
St. Marys Ryken at St. Pauls (scrimmage), 4 p.m.
Girls Basketball
Great Mills at South River (scrimmage), noon
Leonardtown at Chesapeake-Anne Arundel (scrim-
mage), 1 p.m.
Mon., Nov. 23
Girls Basketball
St. Marys Ryken at National Cathedral School For
Girls (scrimmage), 5:45 p.m.
South River/Patuxent at Leonardtown (scrim-
mage), 7 p.m.
Tues., Nov. 24
Boys Basketball
St. Marys Ryken at Wise High School (scrimmage),
5:30 p.m.
Chopticon at Calvert (scrimmage), 6 p.m.
Of, By, And For The People
The County Times
Thursday, November 5, 2009 27
Thurs. Nov. 5
Cross Country
Chopticon at 3A South Regional, Oak Ridge Park, 3 p.m.
Great Mills/Leonardtown
at 4A East Regional, Baybrook Park, 3 p.m.
Fri., Nov. 6
Chopticon at Leonardtown, 7 p.m.
Huntingtown at Great Mills, 7 p.m.
Bishop Ireton vs. St. Marys Ryken at Lancaster Park, 7 p.m.
3A South Regional First Round
Chopticon at Westlake, 6 p.m.
4A East Regional First Round
Annapolis at Great Mills, 5 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 29
Boys Soccer
4A East Regional First Round
Arundel 1, Great Mills 0
Field Hockey
3A South Regional Quarternals
Northern 4, Chopticon 3 (double overtime)
4A East Regional First Round
Severna Park 13, Great Mills 0
Girls Soccer
4A East Regional First Round
Great Mills 3, Glen Burnie 2
Fri., Oct. 30
Boys Soccer
3A South Regional First Round
Chopticon 1, Westlake 0
Field Hockey
4A East Regional Quarternals
Annapolis 4, Leonardtown 0
Chopticon 7, Patuxent 6
North Point 26, Great Mills 2
McDonough 35, Leonardtown 0
Riverdale Baptist 20, St. Marys Ryken 7
Girls Soccer
3A South Regional First Round
Chopticon 16, Crossland 0
St. Marys Ryken 3, The Kings Christian Academy 0
Tues., Nov. 3
Boys Soccer
4A East Regional Quarternals
Leonardtown 3, Arundel 0
Girls Soccer
4A East Regional Quarternals
Leonardtown 6, Great Mills 0
By Ronald N. Guy Jr.
Contributing Writer
What is the solemn vow of competi-
tive athletics? What is it that we assume
because it is so fundamental to the forum
when we root, compete or coach in a
competitive athletic environment?
It is, very simply, that the better team
on a particular day will prevail and, to
dovetail the point, that ultimately the best
team will win the championship. Victory in
the competitive arena of sport, to its credit
and appeal, knows no color, is uncaring of
athletic pedigree, is unsympathetic of cause
and ignores potential ratings or storybook
endings. You win or you lose based on your
ability to perform.
Harsh? Maybe, but without this basic
tenet, competitive athletics would be little
more than professional wrestling or the or-
chestration of a Hollywood script. With it,
sport is the original reality show and has a
beautifully democratic process of determin-
ing the winner and ultimately, the champi-
on. It is this truly democratic process, one
which has historically been a step ahead of
our countrys democratic endeavors, that
gives those who touch sports hope, hope
that the thrill of victory is just a season, the
next game or the next play away. It keeps
local softball players crashing into fences,
pros showing up to training camp or spring
training with renewed vigor, coaches push-
ing players and long-suffering Cubs fans
rooting for their lovable losers.
And so, is it any surprise that some of
the biggest stains on sports history involve
the compromise of true competition? Think
about it. The Black Sox scandal, Pete Roses
gambling and steroid use (from Canadian
Olympic sprinter Ben Johnson to the steroid
era in baseball) immediately come to mind.
These are some of the more overt episodes
of skewed (steroids) or blatantly altered
(Black Sox) on-eld results.
Yet there is something nearly as of-
fensive being tolerated in college football.
The Bowl Championship Series currently
decides college footballs champion. The
word Series, though, is a misnomer, as it
is nothing more than a title game and four
consolation games using traditional college
bowl games. The title game features the top
two teams as determined by a super-secret,
computer formula.
Sounds reasonable, doesnt it? Its not.
Its a farce. The BCS caters to the ticket-
selling, ratings-grabbing establishment and
snubs its nose at open competition. Of the
10 bids for the ve lucrative BCS games, six
automatically go to the champs of the six
power conferences: Big 10, Big 12, Pac
10, ACC, SEC and Big East. There are near-
ly 120 Division 1A college football teams;
53 compete in these six conferences.
The remaining BCS bids are con-
strained somewhat by the computer rank-
ings (only the top 14 teams are eligible) but
really are a beauty pageant based on a teams
marketability, an obvious appeasement of
the bowl games corporate sponsors.
Confused yet? While some non-BCS
conference schools have played in BCS
games, teams outside of the 53 chosen
ones have little opportunity to compete
for the national championship. Even if they
win all their games which TCU and Boise
State might do this year, perceived strength
of schedule, subjective rankings and other
aspects of the mysterious BCS formula
have prevented non-BCS conference teams
from cracking the glass ceiling (the top two)
and qualifying for the title game.
When considering the inequities of
this system, I recalled observing a mock
18th century trial at Colonial Williams-
burg. During jury selection, the crowd was
ltered to isolate eligible candidates. Ex-
cluded were African Americans, Catholics,
women and non-landowners. Remaining
were white, Protestant and reasonably afu-
ent men. Is this much different than how the
BCS lters competitors? Its not. While less
offensive, the BCSs preferential treatment
of college footballs establishment isnt any
more evolved than Colonial Americas jury
selection. It is a preferential process that
would be completely unacceptable in virtu-
ally every area of todays society. Yet short
of an act of Congress, it seems destined to
persist. Thats too bad. Winners, and more
importantly champions, should be deter-
mined on the eld by the only judge and
jury that matters the scoreboard.
Send comments to rguyjoon@yahoo.
Breaking The Vow Of Competitive Athletics
A View From The
11/5 - 11/9/2009
St. Marys County
Rec and Park Womens
Volleyball Standings
Yellow Bus 11-1
R&S Bus Service 10-2
Spalding Consulting 7-2
Safe Sets 5-4
Pine Brook 6-6
NBE 4-5
Easy Wash 5-7
Ritas of Solomons 0-9
ABC liquors 0-12

St. Marys County Rec and Park
Co-Ed Volleyball Standings
Serves You Right 8-1
Team Dumpy 7-2
St. Marys Auto 7-2
Dicks Diggers 6-3
Dig This 5-4
Well Pet 5-4
Dirty Half Dozen 5-4
Center for Cosmetic Surgery 5-4
Chespeake Custom 4-5
Spence Electrical 4-5
Geezer World 3-6
CBL 2-7
Grid Iron Grill 1-8
Block Party 1-8
All high school, recreational and youth league coaches, if
you would like the scores, statistics and standings from your
respective games and leagues to be published, contact Chris
Stevens at 301-373-4125 or at
Rec and Parks
Sports Registrations
Coming Up
Boys and girls youth basketball regis-
tration for grades 3-8 will be held Nov. 9 at
Esperanza Middle School from 6:30 to 8 p.m.,
Nov. 10 at Lettie Dent Elementary from 6:30
to 8 p.m. and Nov. 12 at Leonardtown Middle
School from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Cost is $70.
First- and second-grade youth basketball
registrations will be conducted one day only,
on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 9-11 a.m. at Espe-
ranza, Lettie Dent and Leonardtown Elemen-
tary School. Cost is $45.
Youth indoor soccer registrations will
be held Nov. 12, Nov. 17 and Nov. 19 from 7-
9 p.m. at the Leonard Hall Recreation Center.
Leagues and divisions will be held for ages 4
through high school, boys and girls. Cost is
$55 per player or enter an entire team.
Youth roller hockey registration for play-
ers ages 8-14 will also be held at Leonardtown
Hall on Nov. 11 and Nov. 18 from 7-9 p.m. Cost
is $75.
For more information on the above
leagues and registrations, call Kenny Sothoron
at 301-475-4200, ext. 1830.
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 28
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
With momentum and confdence from
winning the 3A South Region meet the week
before, Chopticon senior Tyler Ostrowski
capped a memorable senior year by the win-
ning the Boys 3A Cross Country individual
championship Saturday at Hereford High
School in Baltimore County.
Its what Ive been training for all
year, Ostrowski, who won the race with a
time of 17:12. I saw myself as a contender
for it.
Ostrowski said that his regional race
victory (16:16) over Northerns Ryan
OConner at Oak Ridge Park in Hughesville
the previous weekend was an important
boost that prepared him for states.
That was the biggest thing going into
states, winning the regional and having the
fastest time in the region, he said.
The state meet at Hereford proved to be
a test of endurance that Ostrowski passed.
The beginning was just a huge pack,
and it was just about staying with the pack
through the hillier part of the course, he
Ostrowski broke free from the pack
and claimed the state championship, much
to the delight of his teammates and head
coach Dan Velez.
Every single one of them came over and
hugged me, Ostrowski said of the Braves,
who have given themselves the nickname
The Wolfpack.
If I slept two hours on Friday night,
it was a lie, Velez said of his nervousness
before the big meet. I told Tyler if he won
states and we ran well, that all the adver-
sity weve been through this year would be
Velez hilariously recounted the moment
Ostrowski came into the clear.
When he went into the woods, he was
in fourth place, but he came out of them
ahead of everybody. It was the longest 200
meters Ive ever waited for someone to fnish
a race, he said. Once he got to the fnish
line, I gave him a big hug and he told me to
let him go because he couldnt breathe.
For the head coach, who was elevated
from the assistants spot early in the season,
Ostrowskis victory cemented what he saw in
his runner all along.
He fnished second in states last spring
in the distance run, and that was validation
that he could run at a high level, Velez said.
For Ostrowski, Saturdays triumph will
stay with him for a long time. Ill defnitely
tell my grandkids about it, he said. How
many people can say theyve won a state
Chopticons Ostrowski
Runs To State Title
Photo By Frank Marquart
Tyler Ostrowski of Chopticon swept the 3A South Region and 3A State meet, winning the state cham-
pionship Saturday at Hereford High School in Baltimore County.
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 29
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
WALDORF After a year of learning the ropes an assistant
coach, new St. Marys Ryken ice hockey coach Chris Palombi is
excited and confdent about the 2009-10 season.
Its been pretty fun watching these guys grow from week
to week, learning what Ive been trying to teach them, Palombi
said after practice at the Capital Clubhouse Arena last Wednesday
night. The talent we have returning and the new pieces weve
added are ftting together very well.
The Knights struggled at times last year, but with a strong
nucleus back on the ice this season, Palombi believes that the
Knights can be the surprise of the Maryland State Hockey
Leagues Southern Division.
I can see us being a sleeper team in the
league, he says. We can be a program that can
tighten things up and win some games.
Leading the Knights quest for improvement
will be seniors Robert Munns, J.D. Webb and de-
fenseman Matt Scott, the teams top scorer the pre-
vious two seasons. Palombi also has high hopes for
junior forward Matt McGowan, who he expects big
things from offensively and defensively.
Hes a solid two-way player and hell give us
a big boost offensively, Palombi said. Matt adds
a lot to this team.
Another player the frst-year coach is counting
on is sophomore goaltender Greg Myers, who
Palombi credits with taking a vested interest in
his own development.
Greg has improved a lot, he spent a lot of
time this summer in camps and participating in
stick and puck drills, he said. Hes put a lot of
heart and dedication into improving. Hell be a
great goalie for us and save some games.
Myers modestly said that his drive comes from wanting
to win. I really dont like losing, he said plainly. If my team-
mates can work hard, then I want to match their effort.
Myers feels that this years Knights squad will perform
better than the 2008-09 version because of better talent.
We just want to be better than last year, he said. Well
be a lot better because we have better players. I think its going
to be a lot of fun.
Palombi believes that each player brings something spe-
cial to the table and they will help Ryken improve as the season
Were going to take it game by game, but the talent is here,
he said. Each player pulls his own weight.
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
WALDORF Rob Barthelmes
is cautious and confdent at the same
With a young but experienced
Leonardtown ice hockey team ready to
take fight Friday night, the coach feels
his young team has the potential to make
noise in the MSHL Southern division.
Were hopeful, we have a team
thats familiar with ice hockey, so it
gives us a better base to work from,
Barthelmes said before practice Mon-
day night at Capital Clubhouse. We
have talented and committed kids who
are willing to do what theyre asked.
The Raiders (4-6-1 last season) re-
turn leading scorers Gordy Bonnel and
Charlie Yates, but also have several key
veterans, including team captain Sidney
Morgan, Matt Fisher and defenseman
Kyle Wood.
A key component to the Raiders
success this year will be goaltending,
as Barthelmes has three netminders (ju-
nior Brett Kibler and seniors Sean Ur-
locker and Jordan Topolski) to lean on
during the season.
They all know Im going to play
the three of them equal time, so itll be
good for them, he says.
For Morgan, she feels that team-
work will be important for the teams
success this season.
Were doing a lot better job of that
than in years past, she said. We seem
to be working together much better this
When you have guys joking
around the bench and a team that likes
each other, you have a feel for your
teammates, said junior forward Devin
White. I think well do a lot better this
In junior forward Evan Wrights
eyes, defense determines how far Leon-
ardtown will go.
Weve got some great offensive
players, Wright said. If were solid on
defense, well be fne.
Caution notwithstanding, Barthe-
lemes believes a successful year for the
Raiders includes a trip to the state play-
offs, and if the team competes night in
and night out, hes sure they can reach
that goal.
Theres a cornucopia of hockey
talent in Southern Maryland, he said.
But I think we have the talent to make
it. We just need to come ready to play
every game. Thats the bottom line.
Sp rts
Ice Hockey Previews
St. Marys Ryken Ice Hockey Schedule
Thurs. 11/12 vs. DeMatha at Wells
Wed., 11/18 vs. Huntingtown at Capital Clubhouse
Fri., 11/20 vs. Thomas Stone at Capital Clubhouse, 6:45 p.m.
Fri., 12/04 at Bowie, 7 p.m.
Tues., 12/08 vs. Southern at Tucker Road, Ft. Washington, 5 p.m.
Fri., 12/18 vs. Northern at Tucker Road, 6 p.m.
Wed., 01/06/10 vs. Leonardtown at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Fri., 01/08/10 vs. La Plata at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Tues., 01/12/10 vs. Bowie at Tucker Road, 5 p.m.
Wed., 01/20/10 vs. Northern at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Mon., 02/01/10 vs. Southern at Piney Orchard, 6:50 p.m.
Leonardtown Hockey Ready For Next Step
Palombi, Knights Ready For New Season
Leonardtown Ice Hockey Schedule
Fri., 11/20 vs. La Plata at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Fri., 12/04 vs. Northern at Capital Clubhouse, 6:45 p.m.
Fri., 12/11 vs. Thomas Stone at Capital Clubhouse, 6:45 p.m.
Fri., 12/18 vs. Thomas Stone at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Wed., 01/06/10 vs. St. Marys Ryken at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Fri., 01/08/10 at Bowie, 7 p.m.
Fri., 01/15/10 vs. Huntingtown at Capital Clubhouse, 6:45 p.m.
Fri., 01/22/10 vs. La Plata at Capital Clubhouse, 5 p.m.
Wed., 01/27/10 vs. Huntingtown at Capital Clubhouse 6:45 p.m.
Fri., 01/29/10 vs. Southern at Capital Clubhouse, 6:45 p.m.
Photo By Frank Marquart
Photo By Frank Marquart
Photo By Frank Marquart
Head coach Rob Barthelemes says with
hard work, the Raiders can make the
state ice hockey playoffs.
Sidney Morgan and Devin White of Leonardtown maneuver with the puck in a recent
The Raiders Evan Wright keeps his eyes on the puck in practice.
Photo By Chris Stevens
First-year head coach Chris Palombi believes the Knights are a talented team that
can go far this season.
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 30
Sp rts
Football Recaps
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Improvement wasnt going to be
measured in wins and losses for St.
Marys Ryken head football coach Bob
For Harmon, it would be how his
team competed during the season. With
Devin Mackeys 11-yard touchdown re-
ception from quarterback Chris Rixey
with 21 seconds left giving Ryken a 24-23
win over the Bullis School Friday night,
the Knights completed Harmons goal
of competing in every game through-
out the entire
It was a
real exciting,
awesome win
for our pro-
gram, Har-
mon said, as
the Knights
rallied from
a 16-0 defcit
to eventually
come away
with the win.
We compet-
ed in every
game, and I
think in the
second half,
we played
our best half
in the four
years of our
T h e
Knights (4-6
on the sea-
son) trailed
16-0 until
s ophomor e
running back
Hunter Wil-
son broke off
a 68-yard run
late in the
second quar-
ter that led
to a Kyle An-
derson feld
goal to get
them on the
board before
the break.
R y k e n
continued to
push until
Rixey con-
nected with
Mackey with
21 ticks to
go to tie the
game at 23.
Ander sons
point after touchdown attempt was
good and the Knights held their ground
defensively to get the win.
Harmon gave credit to defensive
coordinator Mike Vosburgh and quar-
terbacks coach Darren Dimio for mak-
ing the proper adjustments at halftime
to get the Knights going.
This is coach Dimios frst year
with us and he called most of the game
for us offensively, Harmon said. I
think he did a super job, we had three
possessions and three scoring drives in
the second half.
Closing out the season on such a
high note has Harmon ready for next
year, as the Knights will return several
key players and will have their on-cam-
pus stadium complete.
I think the kids are excited and
Im excited about the future, he said.
We still have a signifcant gap to close,
but we are building a program. The fu-
ture looks bright for St. Marys Ryken
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
From 0-20 to 5-5 sounds good.
Considering the talent that should be return-
ing to the Great Mills football team in 2010, it
sounds even better for head coach Bill Griffth.
Hopefully we go up from here, Griffth
said after the Hornets fnished at .500 and claimed
the county championship in 2009. We want to be
in a position to make the playoffs and after that,
who knows?
Only Griffth and the Hornets themselves
knew that they had a team that was capable of
winning some games, thanks to some solid show-
ings at 7-on-7 tournaments around the state and at
West Virginia University this past summer.
I had 11 guys who were with me for four
years, so that chemistry was already there,
Griffth said of his seniors, including Derrick
Petett, Brian Jenner, Basil Moye and Will An-
derson. Our young players came together and
molded with the seniors and they became closer
and closer as the season wore on.
Following the emotional season-opening win
against Thomas Stone, Great Mills lost a tough 21-
14 decision to Calvert the following week. It was a
trip up to Lansdowne High School on September
17 that let Griffth know his team was for real.
We were kind of nervous because we didnt
know a lot about them, Griffth said. But once
we got playing, we thought this could be a real
big game for us. With Jenner throwing for two
touchdowns and running for two more, the Hor-
nets clobbered the Vikings 45-0, the most points
they had scored since a 45-44 win over Chopticon
at the end of the 2006.
Great Mills also staked their claim as the
best team in St. Marys County with back-to-back
wins over Leonardtown (14-7) and Chopticon
(12-8) October 23 and 30.
That was a real big emotional boost, espe-
cially for our young kids. They knew it was a big
thing, Griffth said. They were able to send our
seniors out on top in the county after losing to
Leonardtown and Chopticon the last two years.
Mackeys Touchdown Catch
Lifts Ryken in Season Finale
Griffth Hopeful Hornets
Can Keep Rising
Photo By Frank Marquart
Basil Moyes fumble return for a touchdown lifted Great Mills a 12-8 victory of Chopticon and the County
Football title.
Photo By Frank Marquart
Marlowe Wood was one of many key players to help St. Marys Ryken
improve from 1 win in 2008 to 4 in 2009.
The County Times
Thursday, November 19, 2009 31
Sp rts
Football Recaps
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
The Leonardtown football team struggled mightily this season,
but the season was a successful one in the eyes of third-year head
coach Anthony Pratley.
Weve learned this year that football isnt always about wins
and losses, he said. It was a disappointing season with wins and
losses, but the kids displayed a lot of maturity and played through
everything. They handled themselves very well.
The Raiders fnished 3-7, with one of those wins coming with
Patuxent and defending 3A State Champion Westlake each forfeit-
ing a game due to an ineligible player, due to injuries and suspen-
sions along with other things forcing Pratley to play younger players
in various positions.
It certainly played a factor, Pratley said of youth and injuries.
We were starting two freshman and fve sophomores, so we were
half a JV team.
Still, the Raiders continued to play and came up with a 14-6
win over Thomas Stone on September 25, their frst victory over the
Cougars since 1997.
Also, the Pistol Spread Option offense, Pratleys famous cre-
ation is still being used although the Raiders season is over. South-
ern Maryland Athletic Conference rival McDonough has adopted
the Pistol Spead and won 7 games in the regular season en route to
advancing to the 2A South regional playoffs.
Im good friends with Coach Luke Ethington, and we always
joke that I want his team to go 9-1 with the one loss coming from us,
Pratley said. We feed off of that, we know its going to take time,
but we know the its not the system. Its just a matter of breaking the
Even still, that was not the highlight of the season for Pratley.
He cited the season fnale against Chopticon, not for the way the
game was played, but the way the players honored former Raider
Jordan Paganelli, who fought bravely against cancer but passed
away November 9.
It was a very hard year and Im so proud of the way those kids
pulled together for Jordan, he said. Thats why Im here the char-
acter, the class and sportsmanship, thats what Leonardtown high
school is all about.
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
After surviving an early-season
gauntlet that saw them take on fve
Maryland regional playoff teams, the
Chopticon football team fnished with
a 4-6 record in 2009.
By most standards, it is a poor re-
cord, but it was an encouraging result
for head coach Tony Lisanti.
Im really proud of the way these
kids stuck together through the whole
season, he said. They continued to
work hard and I think were headed in
the right direction.
The Braves frst fve contests
were against teams that all made re-
gional playoffs this season: Westlake,
Huntingtown (3A South), McDonough,
Gwynn Park (2A South) and North
Point (4A East). The Braves dropped
all fve of those contests, but Lisanti
noticed improvement in the middle of
that stretch.
We couldnt sustain it against
those two teams, but you could see it
coming together against North Point
and McDonough, he said. The Braves
won four of their fnal fve games, in-
cluding resounding victories against
Calvert (33-0) and county rival Leon-
ardtown (48-17 in the season fnale).
They also won close ones against
Northern (16-12) and
Patuxent (7-6).
Chopticon had
a very youthful team
this season, and many
players, including
quarterback Cody
Douglas, who re-
turned from a shoul-
der injury to fre four
touchdown passes in
the season-closing win
over Leonardtown No-
vember 6.
Any one who
knows football can see
his talent, Lisanti said.
Hes going to have to
continue improving,
but I dont question his
work ethic at all.
Lisanti also be-
lieves that how much
Chopticon improves
in 2010 will depend on
how hard the returning
players will be willing
to work before August
15, when fall practice
A lot of it is in
the off-season, he
explains. We in St.
Marys get beat by
Charles County a lot
because they have
some advantages that
we dont have. But we
cant use that as an ex-
cuse, we have to use
that as motivation.
Lisanti Pleased With Braves Progress
Raiders Football
Season All About
Photo By Frank Marquart
Zach Stiefvater leaps for an interception during Leonardtowns 14-6
victory over Thomas Stone on September 25.
Photo By Frank Marquart
Darron Chesley fghts for yardage in Chopticons 48-17 season-ending win over
County rival Leonardtown
November 19, 2009
Photo By Frank Marquart
RaideRs Hockey
sHooting FoR success
Hope Has a Place in
Lexington Park
Story Page 4
Page 29
Patuxent Voices Performs
for the Holidays
Story Page 20
Ostrowski Claims
State Title
Story Page 28

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