October 28

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Shared Reading: recognition. We made spider patterns. We all tasted

This week we read: pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread and voted to see
which one we like most. We listened to different
Pat the Cat Halloween stories and then we made a spider head-
Drat That Fat Cat band. The children loved it. Check out our blog for
pictures of the fun!
Jen the Hen
Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon Journal
Mig the Pig This week we wrote about
A family friend’s baby spent the night at Addi-
Piggie Pie! son’s house.
Tog the Dog Blake went to the NASCAR race.
Chase carved a pumpkin
Dog Breathe
Zug the Bug This week we have really been emphasizing getting
all the details in the story. It was a little over-
We worked on the short vowel sounds whelming the first day but it has gotten easier and
this week. The children learned a funny easier each day. I have been very proud of them.
poem about the vowel family to help Some children have even written two or three
them remember the vowel sounds. Your pages!!!!
child has this book in their Friday Folder.
Please let them read it to you. They are Important Dates:
very proud that they can read it by them- October 31: Book Fair Lunch Day 11:50
selves. November 7: PTA Meeting 6:00
Theme November 8: Krystal Night
November 10: Tailgate Day
Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins everywhere!!!!! November 11: No School
This week has been all about pumpkins. We November 18: Holiday Meal
November 23-27: Thanks giving Holidays
talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin and
even made our own pumpkin life cycle. We also
weighed our pumpkin and ourselves to see if we To practice listening comprehension, we have
or the pumpkin weighed more. Our pumpkin been reading Junie B. Jones during rest. We
only weighed 15 pounds so most of us weighed finished Junie B. Jones is a Party Animal and
began Junie B. Jones has a Monster Under Her
more than the pumpkin :) We also practice esti- Bed. The children love listening to chapter
mating and counting. We estimated how many books each day and it has really made them
work on following along with the story.
seeds we thought were in the pumpkin. Then we
counted by tens and found out how many seeds On Friday, we had a school wide celebration.
were in our pumpkin!! We then roasted the We had lots of fun. We learned about what is
happening in the different pods. Then we
seeds and ate them. We also carved a pumpkin shared our Spanish songs with the rest of the
for our classroom. school. We had a blast!!! Check out our blog
for pictures and videos from this fun day!!
On Friday, we participated in Fall Rotations. We
Thank you so much to everyone who sent in
moved from classroom to classroom to do dif- items for our Fall Rotations and trip to Mex-
ferent activities to celebrate fall. We played ico. It was a huge help. I don’t know what I
would do without such wonderful parents!!!
pumpkin bingo to practice our number

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