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Calvert Nuclear Plant

Expansion in Jeopardy
Health Dept. Warns Against
Eating Raw Oysters
Tractor Parade Rolls
Through Leonardtown
Thursday OcTOber 14, 2010 www.sOmd.cOm
Story Page 5 Story Page 3
Story Page 16
Story Page 18
Photo By Frank Marquart
AlpAcA FArms Find
Home in st. mArys
Thursday, October 14, 2010 2
The County Times
On T he Covers
stock market
For Weekly Stock Market
cloSing reSultS, check
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Whats Inside
Whats Inside
Becca Frazier of Chopticon and Kristin Buzitsky of Great
Mills battle for possession of the ball during the Braves
3-1 win over the Hornets.
Do You Feel Crabby When You Get Your
Insurance Bill in the Mail? Give Us A Call.
Youll Be Glad You Did.
April Hancock
PO Box 407
Bryans Road, MD 20616
An Independent Agent Representing: ERIE INSURANCE GROUP
Standing: Dan Burris, Jake Kuntz, Seated: Lisa Squires,
Susan Ennis, Donna Burris
Auto - Home - Business - Life
Leonardtown & LaPlata Bus: (301) 475-3151
Burris Olde Towne Insurance
Gary Simpson
Katie Facchina
7480 Crain Highway
La Plata, MD 20646
Nick Jerome of Chopticon hits a ball out of the woods dur-
ing the St. Marys County golf tournament Tuesday at Cedar
Point Golf Club.
Patrick Sutton feels an alpaca at the farm of at Patty and
Marty Mattingly, Nobella Alpacas, during a recent open
house at the farm.
There are a lot of
hard working men and
women They deserve
the credit. One base or
even two bases are not
the result of one man.
Whether the rooster
crows or doesnt crow
the sun still rises.
Charles Lollar,
candidate for Marylands
5th Congressional
District, speaking about
Congressman Steny Hoyers
claims of protecting Pax
River NAS.
Benjamin and Darlene Williamson show off their new Blue
Star Flag donated by a local businesswoman. Benjamin
will soon head off to Bahrain on an Individual Augmentee
Thursday, October 14, 2010 3
The County Times
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Constellation Energy, one of two partners in a
multi-billion dollar deal that would bring a third nucle-
ar reactor to the region, as well as much needed jobs,
has pulled out of the application process for federal
loan guarantees critical to the project.
The project, which is estimated to potentially cost
$10 billion, has hinged on federal Department of En-
ergy (DOE) loan guarantees, but with Constellation
Energys withdrawal from the loan process, the project
appears to be in danger of falling through.
In a press release regarding its decision, Constella-
tion Energy stated that the loan guarantee process was
The cost of the loan guarantee that is calculated
by the Office of Management (OMB) and Budget is un-
reasonably burdensome and would create unacceptable
risks and costs for our company, the statement read.
After repeated unsuccessful attempts to resolve
this issue with DOE and OMB, we no longer see a
timely path to reaching a workable set of terms and
Electricite de France, (EDF) the worlds largest op-
erator of nuclear power plants and a partner with Con-
stellation Energy in the UniStar venture, has not with-
drawn from the process, which requires the partnership
to pay for federal loan backing.
In a letter to the DOE, Constellation Energy stated
it feared that the cost of the loan guarantees would be
as high as $880 million.
Such a sum would destroy the projects econom-
ics and was dramatically out of line with both our
own and independent assessments of what the figure
should reasonably be, wrote Michael J. Wallace, vice
chairman and chief operating officer.
House Minority Leader Anthony ODonnell (R-
Dist. 29C) said that it was too soon to tell if the deal
would fall through, but the outlook was not good.
Its absolutely devastating news, ODonnell said,
castigating federal and regional elected officials for
failing to help the deal through and for the federal gov-
ernment asking high prices of Constellation.
They were strong-arming them and it made it pro-
hibitive, ODonnell said.
Officials with Gov. Martin OMalleys administra-
tion said that recent events were a major setback, but
there is still hope that EDF would move ahead with the
loan process.
Federal and state elected officials had been work-
ing on the deal for nearly two years, said OMalley
spokesman Shaun Adamec.
Thats what made this so surprising and disap-
pointing, Adamec said. The governor personally lob-
bied the White House on this.
The third nuclear reactor project has been touted to
potentially create as many as 3,000 to 4,000 construc-
tion jobs in Southern Maryland.
Gerald Clark (R-Lusby), president of the Calvert
County Board of Commissioners, said that there was
still hope the region could see the benefits of a third
reactor but that was dependent on EDFs next move.
You never say never, Clark said. Calvert Cliffs
is a prime place for additional nuclear power.
But the current low prices in other fuel sources,
including natural gas, probably factored into Constella-
tions decision, Clark said.
The numbers are just not right right now, Clark
said. If the cost of your product is too high, whos go-
ing to buy it?
Calvert Cliffs
Nuclear Expansion
in Jeopardy
Sunday Brunch - Sunday, October 17th - 8 a.m. - Noon
No Charge Donations are Accepted All are welcome to attend!
Northern Senior Center, Charlotte Hall
Please Join Thomas F. McKay,
Candidate For Commissioner President,
For Upcoming Events
Join Commissioner President candidate, Tomas F. McKay at any one of the above locations where you,
your family and your friends can ofer ideas that you think would make St. Mary's County a better place to live,
work and enjoy. Ofer ideas that you would like the county commissioners to consider.
At each location, once the ideas are submitted, you will be asked to vote on the top 10 ideas that you think
are the best. Te best ideas from each location will be added to the list of 101 Greatest Ideas.
Once re-elected as Commissioner President, Tomas McKay will bring forward for the Commissioner's to
consider at least 25 of your ideas each year over the next four years. Each idea will be given careful consideration,
and McKay will provide the community with follow-up to each idea.
Your Ideas
Your PrIorItIes
Your Government
101 Greatest Ideas tour
Between 2002 and 2006, Tomas McKay as Commis-
sioner President led the way to 3 property tax cuts, 2 in-
come tax cuts, 50% cut in energy tax, and capped seniors
property tax at age of 70. At the same time, he priori-
tized education so that our schools received the largest
increase in funding of any 4 year term.
mcKay has a plan to reduce your taxes while
making education a priority once again,
st. marys County is better than last place!
restore Leadership, elect
thomas F. mcKay
Commissioner President
Charlotte Hall Library, October 16th 9:00 am
Hollywood Elementary School, October 18th 6:30 pm
Golden Beach Fire House, October 19th 6:30 pm
Ridge Elementary School, October 21st 6:30 pm
Authorized by: McKay for Southern MD - Marilyn A. McKay, Treasurer
55 % Increase In Property taxes over the Past Four Years:
Yet the County Commissioners have decreased funding
for our schools by $4 million over the past 2 years,
making us the worst funded in maryland.
Thursday, October 14, 2010 4
The County Times
Bill Mattingly



On Election Day,
Lets make sure were there for him.
Friends of Bill Mattingly G Bradford Reeves, Jr. Treasurer
St. Marys County deserves a new commissioner
who understands the needs of the taxpayers,
and is willing to support them.
Managing County needs within our budget,
without increasing taxes
Concern for balanced county development
Workable solutions that protect our natural
resources while embracing sensible new growth
Revitalization of our transportation systems to in-
clude local travel, commuting needs and Tri-County
efforts for future replacement of key bridges
With my strong management background and lifelong com-
mitment to public service, I know all of the above goals are
both reasonable and achievable.
My core beliefs and goals are:
St. Johns, Our Lady Catholic
Schools Merger Proposed
Call 410-231-2668 or write
info@backyard-budddies.com for more info
Sign up for our Speed Dating Event Oct-23
Early registration discounts SIGN UP NOW
Construction of the new St. Johns School in Hollywood after a
roof collapse over the winter.
Photo by Guy Leonard
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Facing declining enrollments and lagging f-
nances, St. Johns School in Hollywood and Our
Lady Star of the Sea School in Solomons are talk-
ing about a merger, according to meeting docu-
ments from both schools.
Susan Gibbs, spokeswoman for the
Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., said that
the decision to merge would be left up to
the individual parishes.
They need to fgure out how to move
forward, Gibbs said, adding that other
schools in the diocese have had similar dis-
cussions in recent years since the recession
A merger of St. Michaels School in
Ridge and Little Flower School in Great
Mills is also on the table.
Sometimes it works [to increase en-
rollment] and sometimes they choose not to
go that route [to merge.]
Father Ray Schmidt, the pastor at St.
Johns, said that while the school faces
challenges with enrollment, there is hope
in the construction of the new $2.5 million
building, plus an additional $500,000 from
the parish going into other renovations and tech-
nology upgrades.
Weve seen an incredible surge in interest
from phone calls almost overnight, Schmidt said.
Documents from an Oct. 7 meeting at Our
Lady Star of the Sea state that enrollment at the
school has dropped in the past fve years from 200
students to 137 students for the 2010-2011 school
At St. Johns School, similar documents
show the school, which is undergoing a rebuilding
project after a major portion of its structure col-
lapsed due to wintry snow storms earlier this year,
is having much the same problem.
Documents from the schools Web site reveal
that over the past decade enrollment at the school
has declined steadily from a high of 246 students
to just 148 students for the current school year.
The sharpest decline occurred between this
year and last, with 22 percent of the students relo-
cating to other schools, the St. Johns documents
Both schools have suffered fnancially from
the loss of tuition revenue.
St. Johns documents state that last school
year ended with a defcit of $180,000, necessi-
tating cuts in staff salaries by $150,000 over the
The school still predicts a defcit of $190,000
this year, the documents reveal, even if the school
meets its fundraising goal of $100,000.
Across the bridge at Our Lady Star of the
Sea, documents show that last year the school
ended with a $181,745 defcit and the administra-
tion expects a defcit of about $120,000 in spite of
a teacher salary freeze and tuition increase.
The defcit is greater than our parish re-
serves, the documents from Our Lady Star of
the Sea state. We will not be able to pay our bills
without special fundraising or taking on addi-
tional loans.
Volunteers, parents of students and alumni
from Our Lady school immediately began rally-
ing to organize fundraisers to ensure the school
stays open in Solomons Island.
Parishioners were told a total of $330,000 is
needed to keep the school open, with half of that
amount needed by Jan. 1 to ensure the school can
confdently reach the fundraising goal.
With 77 years of history in Solomons Island,
parents and alumni are confdent that goal can be
Terri Yates has been involved with the school
for 24 years, and had her fve children go through
there, with her youngest in eighth grade now.
Ive seen how great its been for the com-
munity its a family, and I feel its part of my
family, she said.
A school thats been open for 77 years has
quite an alumni base, and really $300,000 is not a
daunting fgure in this day and age of social net-
working, she said.
Thursday, October 14, 2010 5
The County Times
ews ews
Working To Make
St.Marys County
By Authority John F. Wood, Candidate
Julia Lee Forbes, Treasurer
Johnny believes his most important
endorsement is YOURS on November 2.
Born in Leonardtown, Johnny Wood and his wife, Barbara Ann, live in
Mechanicsville and have raised 9 children, with 23 grandchildren and
15 great-grandchildren.
He has over 50 years of business experience, including:
1963-1993: Owner & Operator, Woods Market
1993-Present Partner, Cross & Wood Insurance Brokerage
Johnny has served his community in various
organizations over the years:
Mechanicsville Fire Department & Rescue Squad Volunteer
Mechanicsville & 7th District Optimist Club
St. Marys County Hospital Board of Directors
St. Marys County Parks & Recreation Board of Directors
St. Marys City Commission
St. Marys, Charles & Maryland State Chambers of Commerce
Member of Mechanicsville Moose
Waldorf Elks Lodge Tri-County Council
Charlotte Hall School Board of Trustees
Friends of St. Clements Island and
Piney Point Museums
In Touch WITh The PeoPle
21412 GREAT MILLS ROAD LEXINGTON PARK, MD 20653 301-863-7244
Changing the Tides of Healthcare!
On June 1, 2010, Chesapeake Shores expanded its services to the
community by offering home delivered meals! This program enables
residents to remain at home as long as possible by having delicious, fresh,
warm mea ls delivered right to the customers door. Community members
can enroll in this program by contacting Lisa Bowie at (301) 863-7244.
The facility accepts Medicaid and private pay clients.
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Widely publicized incidents of vibrio
bacteriological infections over the summer
months have raised concerns locally among
offcials and consumers when it comes to food
safety, and now the St. Marys County Health
Department is advising residents to avoid con-
suming raw seafood, including oysters that
will be available uncooked at the countys
Oyster Festival this weekend.
Vibrio is a naturally-occurring bacteria
found in the regions waters, but in hot and dry
seasons the bacteria can multiply and the risk
of contamination increases, health offcials
At a community meeting in Ridge last
week, County Health Offcer Dr. William
Icenhower warned against eating raw seafood
at the Oyster Festival.
Theres going to be a lot of people eat-
ing raw oysters I wouldnt recommend it,
Icenhower said.
Melanie Gardiner, communicable disease
program supervisor with the health depart-
ment, said that the recent health warning pub-
licized by the agency was in response to vibrio
We dont want them to eat raw seafood
because of that [potential vibrio exposure],
Gardiner told The County Times. We recom-
mend eating only cooked seafood.
Despite recent fears over vibrio in-
fection, Gardiner said that in recent years
the infection rate has been very low.
Data was not available for 2010, she said, but
last year there were only two reported cases of
vibrio in the county and only one in 2008.
In 2007 there were none, Gardiner said.
Vibrio, which can cause dangerous infec-
tions, can also be contracted through contact
with regional waters by those who have cuts or
abrasions on their skin, health offcials warn.
David Taylor, the administrator in charge
of the Oyster Festival for the Lexington Park
Rotary Club, said that his contact with the
health department informed him that as long
as oysters were tagged as to their origin and
processing and passed inspection they should
be suitable for raw consumption.
The recent concerns over vibrio infec-
tions could compromise the festival and the lo-
cal seafood industry as a whole, he said.
If people are apprehensive thats a
concern for us from a fnancial perspective,
Taylor told The County Times, adding that
in 20 years he had heard of no one becoming
ill from eating oysters at the festival raw or
To my knowledge weve never had an
incident, Taylor said.
On Eve of Oyster Festival, County
Warns against Eating Raw Seafood
Thursday, October 14, 2010 6
The County Times
Re-Elect Jack Russell



County Commissioner President
His Record:
Promises Made Promises Kept
No income tax rate increase.

No property tax rate increase.

Reduced county budget by $10 million.

Reduced size of county government.

Enacted laws to protect rural character.

Adopted countys first growth plan.

Secured school sites to lock-in state funding.
By authority: Friends of Jack Russell, Diana H. Little, Treasurer
Jack Russell brought the leadership and
vision we needed to county government.
We cant afford to lose him now.
James Banagan Jr., Abell
Hes a leader.
Thats all there is to it.
People respect him.
Alonzo Gaskin, Ridge
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-
Md 5
) picked up the endorsement of several
defense community insiders at a press confer-
ence in Lexington Park on Wednesday and
took the opportunity to fre back at his GOP
opponent Charles Lollar who has argued that
Hoyer has not been as central to keeping the
U.S. Navy in his district as some believe.
Longtime defense community members
such as Keith Fairfax, former president of the
local Navy Alliance, Robert Waxman, for-
mer civilian director of Webster Field in St.
Inigoes and John Dalton who was once Sec-
retary of the Navy, all said Hoyer was instru-
mental in keeping Naval Air Station Patuxent
River and other bases in Southern Maryland
This was the response, Hoyer told The
County Times of what he thought of Lollars
arguments during the campaign. What they [Hoyers
supporters] said was Thats malarkey.
Dalton said Hoyer was able to convince him to
visit 5
District bases back in the early 1990s when
they were facing closures in the Base Realignment and
Closure (BRAC) proceedings in congress.
Hoyers efforts at lobbying for the local defense
community ensured that Pax River NAS and others
were able to realize incredible growth and prosper-
ity, Dalton said.
Hoyer said that his opponents in the past have
attacked his level of understanding of the bases mis-
sion and his efforts to strengthen them, but his actions
spoke the loudest.
Talk is cheap, performance is a better gauge,
Hoyer fred back at criticism of him.
Lollar responded by saying that while Hoyer has
done an impressive job of lauding the accomplishments
and the excellence at Southern Maryland bases, the
real work was done by the military and civilian work-
ers there.
There are a lot of hard working men and women
who work hard to make sure they increase the relevan-
cy [of the bases]. Lollar said. They deserve the credit.
One base or even two bases are not the result of one
Whether the rooster crows or doesnt crow the
sun still rises.
Hoyer endorsed By defense Community
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Detectives have arrested a sus-
pect they believe is responsible in part
for robbing employees of the McKays
Food and Drug store in Hollywood at
gunpoint last week.
Police arrested Marcus Darnell
Courtney, 18, of Lusby, on Wednesday
after conducting search and seizure
warrants in Hollywood related to the
armed robbery.
Courtney faces up to 30 years in
prison if convicted of charges of armed
robbery and theft between $1,000 and
According to charging documents
fled against Courtney, a suspect in
another armed robbery, Davevon Lee
Price, told investigators that Courtney
had aided him in planning the McKays
store robbery on Sept. 30.
The County Times received con-
frmation from a law enforcement
source that the Davevon Price who talk-
ed to investigators was the same person
arrested for the other armed robbery.
Price was arrested and charged
this week for allegedly robbing a per-
son who, court papers state, had met
him at the Burchmart in Hollywood to
sell him some marijuana.
When Price got angry over the
amount of drugs he received, court pa-
pers state, he produced a revolver and
allegedly used it to beat the victim and
rob him of a digital scale.
Those same court papers state that
Courtney was with Price at the time of
the Burchmart robbery and told police
that Price was the one who committed
the crime.
According to charging documents
regarding Courtneys alleged involve-
ment in the McKays heist, Price told
police that Courtney had entered the
store that night with a milk crate to
be used for removing cash and checks
from the establishment.
Police state that close to $5,000
in cash and checks were stolen in the
armed robbery by two black males who
entered the store that night dressed in
black, wearing masks and brandishing
a handgun.
The suspects ordered employees to
the ground, charging documents stated,
and had them remove the money.
At least one shot was fred during
the heist, store management reported.
Capt. Terry L. Black, commander
of the Bureau of Criminal Investiga-
tions, said that Price had not been
charged in the McKays heist, but a
police press release stated that charges
against other suspects are pending.
Suspect Nabbed in McKays
Store Robbery
Hoyer at a Wednesday press conference announcing his endorsement by
the defense community.
Photo by Guy Leonard
Thursday, October 14, 2010 7
The County Times
To The Editor:
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, Maryland 20636
News, Advertising, Circulation, Classifeds: 301-373-4125
James Manning McKay - Founder
Eric McKay - Associate Publisher..................................ericmckay@countytimes.net
Tobie Pulliam - Offce Manager..............................tobiepulliam@countytimes.net
Sean Rice - Editor......................................................................seanrice@countytimes.net
Angie Stalcup - Graphic Artist.......................................angiestalcup@countytimes.net
Sarah Miller - Reporter - Education, Entertainment......sarahmiller@countytimes.net
Chris Stevens - Reporter - Sports......................................chrisstevens@countytimes.net
Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government, Crime...............guyleonard@countytimes.net
Sales Representatives......................................................................sales@countytimes.net
Letters Continued Page 11
Legal Notice
In the Circuit Court for St. Marys County, Maryland
Case No.: 18-C-10-001498 NC

St. Marys County Maryland
sonal attacks at his opponent in the upcoming election, Thomas McKay. Russell used the
land Governor Martin OMalley is claiming to have reduced spending despite the fact that
Will the Voters See Through Smoke and Mirrors?
of any other individuals.
I have known State Senator Roy Dyson
socialstudiesteacheratLeonard HallJunior
dled around his desk and had their pictures
the students.
When Roy became a state senator, my
Signifcantly, he cosponsored the bill
that established the Maryland Public Charter
This public school currently serves
grades kindergarten through eighth grade in
Senator Dyson has excellent constituent
the public in general to him when they have
sentative should be.
When my mother in law was in a long-
term care facility, an issue arose that could
able to obtain a ruling from the state Attor-
Thank you Roy for the efforts you put
forth for all of us!
Marilyn Crosby
Dyson is the Best Choice
Six months ago, the new health care law,
the Affordable Care Act, was signed into law.
Several new provisions take effect at the six-
month mark that will have enormous benefts
for cancer patients and their families and will
help to ensure that patients have access to the
Angela (ALL in their 40s!) were frst diag-
adequate health coverage that would protect
their families and provide access to lifesaving
Millions of Americans in this economy
are not so lucky. More than 50 million people
people have inadequate insurance, and many
Act will make far-reaching improvements in
the nations health care system especially
caps on coverage, and annual coverage limits
will be tightly restricted to ensure that people
eliminating deductibles and co-payments for
and colorectal cancer, and save lives.
In addition, dependent children will be
a positive impact on the lives of people bat-
Cancer Patient Beneft from Health Care Changes
Thursday, October 14, 2010 8
The County Times
for the love of
For more information, or to support Rick Fritz, visit

Bipartisan Committee for the Re Election of Richard Fritz for States Attorney
By Authority: Danielle Hayden, Treasurer
States Attorney Rick Fritz
fully funds Project
Graduation, keeping over
8,000 high school seniors
safe and alcohol-free on
graduation night since 2006.

Under Rick Fritzs
leadership, the Child
Support Enforcement
Division has collected over
121 million dollars in child
support for children living in
St. Marys County.

Rick Fritz is a founding
member of the Child
Advocacy Center, a group
committed to serving the
victims of child abuse.
Since it opened in May
2009, the CAC has
successfully helped over
450 child victims.

States Attorney Rick Fritz
has seized millions of dollars
of proceeds from drug
dealers, including the
property used to build the
St. Marys Hospice House.

Rick Fritz at a recent
graduation ceremony for
Juvenile Drug Court, a
program to help young
people live substance-free.

The Community Service
Program has supplied over
400,000 hours of much-
needed volunteer effort to
local organizations,
including St. Marys County
Fair, Oyster Festival,
Blessing of the Fleet, Habitat
for Humanity, and local
church dinners.

Since 2000, the States
Attorneys Bad Check
Program has collected over
1.9 million dollars for
victims of bounced checks.
For the past 12 years, Rick Fritz has
enthusiastically supported programs that benefit our
community. With YOUR vote, Rick Fritz will spend
the next four years as States Attorney continuing to
improve the lives of business owners, children, high
school graduates, single parents, and local
organizations in St. Marys County.
By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
Three months ago, the Leonardtown Grille
opened its doors in Breton Marketplace, in the
previous home of Do Dah Deli..
Robyn Brown, the manager of Leonardtown
Grille, said she and the owner, Michael Hicks,
thought the grille would be a good business ven-
ture in Leonardtown.
We felt Leonardtown had the need, Brown
The changes Brown and Hicks had to make
to the building before they could open it as anoth-
er restaurant were purely cosmetic, Brown said.
All they needed was some paint and a new foor.
Hicks said the owner of the building where
Leonardtown Grille is was really helpful in ob-
taining the location and opening the restaurant.
The Leonardtown Grille is open Wednes-
day through Sunday. On the days when they are
open, the restaurant has been busy.
The crowds have been amazing, Brown
Hicks said several of their customers are old
faces from the other restaurants hes owned in ad-
dition to the people from the area.
The people in Leonardtown have been
good to us, Hicks said.
Hicks said his is the ffth restaurant hes
opened. Two other restaurants included the Riv-
ers Edge in Benedict and the other was the Char-
lotte Hall House of Ribs, which is now St. Marys
Landing. Brown said all his previous establish-
ments have been sold.
Hicks said he keeps telling himself that hes
not going to open a new restaurant when he sells
one, but every time he proves himself wrong. Part
of the reason is the fact that he likes running res-
taurants and another part is the people.
You meet a lot of new people, Hicks said.
The menu at the Leonardtown Grille fea-
tures a little bit of something for everyone. Brown
said there is seafood, steak and ribs as well as
lunch and dinner specials and a bar.
Weve changed the menu a couple of times
to meet the needs of the people, Brown said.
Brown said her personal recommendations
are the New York Strip or the blackened tuna
dinner. The crab cakes are good as well.
Hicks said one challenge his restaurant fac-
es is competition from larger chain restaurants.
He said the way independent restaurants like his
stay open against chain restaurants is by watch-
ing costs and treating people the way they would
like to be treated. He said independent restau-
rants need a human touch.
Its a huge challenge, but its what we do,
Hicks said.
First-time customer Matt Hall was pleased
with his choice to have lunch at Leonardtown
Grille with a couple of his friends.
We heard the food was good, and it was.
RestauRateuRs Newest VeNtuRe:
the LeoNaRdtowN GRiLLe
Thursday, October 14, 2010 9
The County Times
Email Address: sales@nationwidememorialsllc.com
Webpage: www.nationwidememorialsllc.com
Your source for the Highest
Quality Monuments in the
Southern Maryland area. We can
provide hundreds of monuments, custom
options and accessories to choose from.
Our knowledgeable and courteous
staff is ready to assist you in creating
an affordable, beautiful, timeless tribute
for your Loved one.
Celeste Chappell, 95
Celeste Snead Chappell, 95
of Hollywood, MD died October
8, 2010 at the Solomons Nursing
Family received friends for
Celestes Life Celebration on
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 in the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, 22955
Hollywood Road, Leonardtown,
MD 20650. A Funeral service
was held on Wednesday, October
13, 2010 in the Brinsfield Fu-
neral Home Chapel. Interment
followed in Parklawn Memorial
Park, Rockville, MD.
A full obituary will appear
at a later date.
Condolences to the family
can be made at www.brinsfield-
Arrangements by the Brins-
field Funeral Home, P.A., Leon-
ardtown, MD.
Ruth Clevenstine, 94
Ruth Iola Clevenstine, 94 of
California, MD died October 11,
2010 at Solomons Nursing Cen-
ter, Solomons, MD.
Born November 3, 1915 in
Clintondale, PA she was the
daughter of the late Cleve Bierly
and Anna Marie Billet Bierly.
Ruth met her husband Crid-
er Clevenstine while in grammar
school in 1927; they were mar-
ried on October 3, 1937. Crider
preceded her in death in 2001.
Ruth met her good friend, Pan-
sy when they both worked for
Gladys Tannets Beauty Shop in
PA. Pansy later moved to Wash-
ington, DC and worked at the
Vanity Beauty Box Salon. When
the proprietor wanted to sell her
shop, Pansy called Ruth and with
her fathers help, Ruth bought the
Beauty Shop in 1937. Ruth was
a substitute teacher in the Prince
Georges County school system;
she worked for J.C. Penneys as a
bookkeeper from 1964 until she
retired in 1977.
Ruth and her husband re-
tired in 1978 to their home on
the Patuxent River in California,
MD. They joined the Lexington
Park Baptist Church and made
many valuable lasting friend-
ships in their church and in their
A talented seamstress, Ruth
made all three of her daughters
clothes and sewed professionally.
Ruth was also a quilter making
many quilts for her family and
for and with her church and bible
study groups for charity.
Mrs. Clevenstine is survived
by three daughters, Donna Sheri-
dan (John) of Dowell, MD, Linda
Kromer (Mark) of Owings, MD
and Jean Clevenstine (Ray) of
Rosehaven, MD; one sister, June
Wilson, Zion, PA; two grand-
sons, Bernard W. Matthews
(Laurel) and Jeffrey I. Matthews
(Jessamyne); great grandson Ja-
cob Crider Matthews and great
granddaughter Madelyne Sarah
Family will receive friends
for Mrs. Clevenstines Life Cele-
bration on Thursday, October 14,
2010 from 2 until 4 p.m. at the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, 22955
Hollywood Road, Leonardtown,
MD were a funeral service will
be held on Friday, October 15,
2010 at 10 a.m. Interment will
follow in Cedar Hill Cemetery,
Suitland, MD.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfield-
Arrangements by the Brins-
field Funeral Home, P.A., Leon-
ardtown, MD.
Pedro De Jesus, 72
Pedro L. De Jesus, 72 of Lex-
ington Park, MD died October 7,
2010 at the Washington Hospital
Center, Washington, DC.
Born October 23, 1937 in
the Philippines, he was the son
of Pastor De Jesus and Faustina
(Lecitona) De Jesus
Pedro is survived by his be-
loved wife, Betty De Jesus of
Lexington Park. He is also sur-
vived by ten children: Teresita
De Jesus Deere, Josephine Sali-
nas Dickason, Wilfredo Salinas
De Jesus, Edgardo Salinas De
Jesus, Ricardo Salinas De Je-
sus, Noel Salinas De Jesus, Vic-
tor Salinas De Jesus, Antonio
Salinas De Jesus, Julie Salinas
De Jesus, and Ramil Salinas De
Jesus; numerous grand children
and great-grandchildren.
Family received friends
for Pedros Life Celebration on
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at
Immaculate Heat of Mary Catho-
lic Church, 22375 Three Notch
Road, Lexington Park, MD
20653. Prayers were recited. A
Mass of Christian Burial will be
celebrated on Thursday, October
14, 2010 at 11 a.m. at Immacu-
late Heart of Mary Church. In-
terment will follow in the church
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfield-
Arrangements by the Brins-
field Funeral Home, P.A., Leon-
ardtown, MD.
Nora Glenn, 89
Nora Mary Glenn, 89, of Val-
ley Lee, MD died October 5, 2010
at her residence in Valley Lee,
MD. Born May 7, 1921 in Chap-
tico, MD, she was the daughter
of the late William and Lillian
Thomas Shade. Mrs. Glenn was
the loving wife of the late Wil-
liam Glenn whom she married
on April 9, 1957 in Holy Face
Catholic Church, Great Mills,
MD. Mrs. Glenn is survived by
her children; Isamie Bowie, Wil-
liam Glenn of Baltimore, MD,
Helen Pegues of Oxon Hill, MD,
Noel Glenn of Valley Lee, MD,
Dorothy Currie and Jerry Glenn
both of Great Mills, MD. She is
also survived by 28 grandchil-
dren and 24 great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Glenn was preceded in
death by her children; Gladys
Glenn, Edward Glenn, William
Glenn and Stanley Glenn as well
as her siblings; Birtha, Eller, Ag-
nes, Margaret, Thomas, William,
Ida, Elizabeth, Jacklyn, Mary,
Leoner, Alean and Lewis Shade.
Mrs. Glenn was a lifelong
county resident and was a moth-
er and a homemaker. She enjoyed
gardening and loved both her
grandchildren and her f lowers.
The family received friends
on Monday, October 11, 2010,
with a Mass of Christian Burial
being celebrated in St. Georges
Catholic Church, Valley Lee,
MD with Msgr. Karl Chimiak
officiating. Interment followed
in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were James Cur-
rie, Jr., Samuel Martinez, Ste-
phen Thomas, Aaron Morgan,
Mike Russell and Christopher
Roache. Honorary Pallbear-
ers were Gregory Pegues, Troy
Thomas and Billy Glenn.
To send a condolence to the
family please visit our website at
www.mgf h.com. Arrangements
provided by the Mattingley-Gar-
diner Funeral Home, P.A.
Elmeda Hill, 85
Elmeda Helen Lachkovic
Hill, 85, of Lexington Park, MD,
formerly of Hagerstown, MD
died October 11, 2010 in Holly-
wood, MD. Born November 10,
1924 in Green Bay, WI, she was
the daughter of the late Ches-
ter and Jenny Taylor Amenson.
Mrs. Lachkovic was the loving
wife of the late William Hill
whom she married on June 10,
1989 in Hagerstown, MD. She
was also the loving wife of the
late John Paul Lachkovic whom
she married on September 13,
1947 in Detroit, MI. Mrs. Lach-
kovic Hill is survived by her
children; Mary Kaye Reed (Jeff)
of Smithsburg, MD, John Lach-
kovic (Patricia) of Lexington
Park, MD, and Robert Carbaugh
of Clear Springs, MD, sisters;
Margaret Sucharski of Wyoming,
MI, and Virginia Splingaire of
Sun City, AZ as well as seven
grandchildren; Christopher
Carbaugh, Joseph Reed (Kim),
Emily Render (Peter), Jonathan
Lachkovic (Jamie), John Hol-
linghead, Matthew Lachkovic,
and Andrew Lachkovic and five
great grandchildren; Brianna
Lachkovic, Charlie Render, Nat-
alie Lachkovic, Hosea Render,
and Emily Lachkovic. She was
preceded in death by her daugh-
ters Linda Carbaugh and Sharon
Hollingshead as well as siblings;
Theodore Amenson, John Jack
Amenson, and George Amenson.
She moved from Hager-
stown, MD to St. Marys County
in May, 2007. Mrs. Lachkovic
Hill was a housewife, DMV,
Diabetic educator at Washington
County Hospital, as well as the
hospital auxiliary and the Com-
mission on Aging upon retiring
in 2002. Elmeda belonged to the
Boy Scotts of America, (Den
Mother), Long meadow Bowling
League, Leitersburg Homemak-
ers and her hobbies included;
chair caning, weaving guild, and
oil painting.
The family will receive
friends on Thursday, October
14, 2010 from 10 -11 a.m., in St.
Peter Claver Catholic Church,
St. Inigoes, MD where a Mass of
Christian burial will be held cel-
ebrated at 11 a.m. with Fr, Scott
Woods officiating. Interment
will be Friday in Cedar Lawn
Memorial Park, at 10:30 a.m.
followed a memorial Mass in St.
Anns Catholic Church, Hager-
stown, MD on Friday, October
15, 2010 at 11 a.m., with Deacon
William Nairn officiating.
Pallbearers will be Joseph
C. Reed, Jonathan M. Lachkovic,
Andrew P. Lachkovic, Matthew
T. Lachkovic, Jeff A. Reed, and
Robert C. Carbaugh. Honorary
Pallbearers will be Chris Car-
baugh, Peter Render and Mat-
thew Menard.
In lieu of f lowers the fam-
ily has requested donations be
made to St. Peter Claver Catholic
Church, 16922 St. Peter Claver
Road, St. Inigoes, MD 20684,
St. Anns Catholic Church, 1525
Oak Hill Road, Hagerstown, MD
21742, American Diabetes As-
Thursday, October 14, 2010 10
The County Times
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To send a condolence to the
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www.mgf h.com. Arrangements
provided by the Mattingley-Gar-
diner Funeral Home, P.A.
Clare McClay, 86
Clare Agnes McClay 86, of
Hollywood, MD died October
11, 2010 at St. Marys Nursing
Center Leonardtown, MD.
Born December 18, 1923
in Philadelphia, PA she was the
daughter of the late James Fran-
cis X. Brogan and Margaret
Lewis Brogan.
Mrs. McClay is survived by
two sons, Michael P. Cochrane of
Mountain Grove, MO and Thom-
as McClay of Hollywood, MD;
two sisters, Margaret Rosenz-
weig and Patricia Miner both
of Philadelphia, PA; two broth-
ers, Louis Brogan of Mountain
Grove, MO and Michael Brogan
of Villas, NJ. Also survived by
six grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. She was prede-
ceased by her daughter Roseann
Cochrane and one grandchild.
Family received friends on
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
at the Cavanagh Family Funeral
Home, 301 Chester Pike, Nor-
wood, PA. A Mass of Chris-
tian Burial will be offered on
Thursday, October 14, 2010 at
9:30 a.m. at the Blessed Virgin
of Mary Catholic Church, Dar-
by, PA. Interment will follow
in St. Peter and Paul Cemetery,
Springfield, PA.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfield-
Local arrangements by the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD
Rosalee Reece, 68
Rosalee Marie Rosie Re-
ece, 68, of Mechanicsville, MD
died October 10, 2010 in St.
Marys Hospital, Leonardtown,
MD. She was born January 4,
1942 in La Plata, Maryland,
the daughter of the late Henry
Ralph and Mary Dudley Wise.
Rosalee was the loving wife of
Eddie Reece whom she married
on September 14, 1958 in Lex-
ington Park, MD. She is also
survived by her children; Teresa
Orencia of Mechanicsville, MD,
Janet Clements (Tony) of Hol-
lywood, MD, Ralph Buddy
Reece, Timothy Reece both of
Mechanicsville, MD, and Mary
Beth Reece of Ridge, MD. She
is also survived by her siblings;
Jim Reese (Bobbie), Alma Hack-
el (Norm), Frank Reece (Sherry),
Thelma Mayewski (Gary), Betty
Kelsey, Dick Pulliam, Louis Pul-
liam, Charlie Pulliam, Alex Pul-
liam and Shirley Parcel, as well
as six grandchildren and three
great grandchildren. She was
preceded in death by her son Ed-
die Gene Reece and siblings; Bil-
lie Wallace (Wally), Joe (Lovet-
ta) Reece, Robert Reece, Wiggie
Reece (Helen), Rex Reece (Bar-
bara), and Chuck Pulliam.
Mrs. Reece graduated from
Great Mills High School, Great
Mills, MD and was a lifelong
resident of St. Marys County.
Rosalee enjoyed crocheting,
painting, quilting, ceramics,
stain glass, reading, sewing, and
was an avid QVC shopper. She
was a member of the Northern
Senior Center, Charlotte Hall,
and the Homemakers Club. Ro-
salee was very grateful for the
care and compassion she was
given at OPIS. She thought very
highly of Dr. Kahn and called all
of her nurses her little angles.
Pallbearers will be Grandsons;
Kevin Orencia, and Jeffrey
Thompson, Family friends; Billy
Bookwalter, Georgie Rentizell,
and Bobby Lacey, and Nephew
Randy Bowie.
The Family received friends
on Wednesday, October 13, 2010,
in the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu-
neral home where a service was
said with Pastor Mike Thorness
officiating. Interment followed
in Trinity Memorial Gardens in
Waldorf, MD.
In lieu of f lowers the family
has requested donations be made
to the Hollywood Vol. Rescue
Squad, P.O. Box 79, Hollywood,
MD 20636 and OPIS (Out Pa-
tient Infusion Services) at St.
Marys Hospital, P.O. Box 527,
Leonardtown, MD 20650.
To send a condolence to the
family please visit our website at
www.mgf h.com. Arrangements
provided by the Mattingley-Gar-
diner Funeral Home, P.A.
William Robinson, 75
On October 4, 2010, William
McNeil Robinson, 75 of Park
Hall, MD, a loving and faithful
husband, father, grandfather, and
great-grandfather departed.
Born October 10, 1934 in
Winston Salem, NC he was the
son of the late William A. Rob-
inson and Mamie LeGrant.
William worked with the
Cushion Trucking Company of
Chicago, IL for over 16 years.
He also was a policeman for the
Chicago, IL Police Department
for over 5 years. He additionally
worked for the Hollywood Wood
Treatment Plant until he started
his own trucking business in the
mid 80s.
William was a faithful Min-
isterial Servant of the Callaway
Congregation of Jehovahs Wit-
nesses and an active member for
over 30 years. He truly enjoyed
sharing with others his hope for
a future paradise on earth where
death and sickness will be no
more. He was admired by all, es-
pecially the younger ones. Wil-
liam enjoyed roller-skating and
watching western movies.
William is survived by his
wife Thelma Robinson of 31
years, son, Brandon Robinson of
Lusby, MD and his two-step chil-
dren, Rhonda Chase (Anthony)
of Waldorf, MD and Kevin Dy-
son of Lexington Park, MD. He
is also survived by five children
from a previous marriage, Patri-
cia McNeil of Harvey, IL, The-
resa White (Kenton) of Indiana,
IL, Tammy Davis, Della McNeil,
and John McNeil of San Diego,
CA, 25 grandchildren, 7 great-
grandchildren, sister-in-law,
Mary Robinson, 4 nieces and a
host of friends. He was preceded
in death by three children, Mary,
William and Terry McNeil and a
brother, James W. Robinson.
Family received friends for
Williams Life Celebration on
Saturday, October 9, at the King-
dom Hall of Jehovahs Witness-
es, Callaway, MD. A funeral
service was conducted. Inter-
ment followed in Charles Memo-
rial Gardens, Leonardtown, MD.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfield-
Arrangements by the Brins-
field Funeral Home, P.A, Leon-
ardtown, MD.
Trevor Sewell, infant
Trevor Davidson Sewell, in-
fant of St. Inigoes, MD was born
and died on October 2, 2010 at
St. Marys Hospital.
Trevor was the son of David
and Tara Sewell of St. Inigoes,
In addition to his parents,
Trevor is survived by his grand-
parents, Calvert Leo Sewell of
St. Inigoes, Juliana L. Tyer of
Leonardtown, MD and Leon
Michael and Nancy Somerville
of Mechanicsville, MD, great-
grandparent Molly Weeden of
Loveville, MD, aunts and un-
cles, Kevin Leon Somerville
(Marilee) of Rex, GA, James C.
Sewell (Regina) of Lexington
Park, MD, Arnold Sewell of Lex-
ington Park, MD, Brenda Carter
of California, MD, Karen Smith
(Herbie) of Lusby, MD, Tiffany
Barbour (Benjamin) of Indian
Head, MD, Marquita Spriggs
(Allen) of Waldorf, MD and Jef-
fery Chase.
A graveside service was held
on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at
St. Peter Claver Cemetery, St.
Inigoes, MD.
Arrangements by the Brins-
field Funeral Home, P.A., Leon-
ardtown, MD.
Thursday, October 14, 2010 11
The County Times
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To The Editor Continued.:
Steny Hoyer has served as the U. S. Rep-
resentative for the 5th District since 1981. He
has been easily re-elected every two years
since then - until now. For the frst time, Mr.
Hoyer is facing a strong opponent. Charles
Lollar is educated, personable, articulate, and
very capable. He offers a real choice for change
in the way things are done in Congress.
Steny Hoyer is a career politician who
has lost touch with the struggles and beliefs
of the constituents in this district. He has be-
come a fat cat in D.C. But Charles Lollar is
an ordinary husband and father who has had
to work hard for a living just like the rest of
us. He knows what it is to look for work and to
fear the loss of a regular paycheck. Mr. Lol-
lar knows that he cannot spend more than he
earns and then expect his neighbors to pay
for the reckless debt he has incurred. Charles
Lollar gets it when people tell him how hard
their lives have become.
On the other hand, Rep. Steny Hoyer re-
fuses to listen to the people of the 5th District
because he thinks he knows whats best for
us. In spite of our strongly expressed views
against the Obama Health Care Reform Bill,
Rep. Hoyer voted for that Bill which has
caused great harm to many of us, not counting
the huge tax burden it will incur for genera-
tions to come.
As our Representative, Charles Lollar
will hold town hall meetings to actually hear
our concerns, and he will vote on bills based
on those concerns. When Rep. Hoyer held
a town hall meeting about the Health Care
Reform Bill, he did not even consider our
requests that further study be done on that
terrible bill. Mr. Hoyers decision has had a
devastating impact on many lives, including
my husbands and mine.
In June, my husband and I and 3,000
other retirees were dumped off our retiree
insurance coverage which had been provided
through the company where my husband had
worked for over 30 years. An insurance exec-
utive told us that many businesses were drop-
ping their retirees prior to the implementation
of the Health Care Reform Bill. Enbrel, the
only medication which has controlled my ag-
gressive, crippling rheumatoid arthritis, had
been costing us a $50 co-pay for a 3-month
supply. That same drug, under our new pre-
scription plan, would cost us now almost
$1800 for a 3-month supply! We cant afford
that; so because of the Health Care Reform
Bill, I now have to stop taking the drug. I am
very frightened about what is going to happen
to me.
For years, Rep. Hoyer has won re-elec-
tion on the strength of the myth that he single-
handedly protects our military installations
from closure. A letter to the editor on Sept.
24 from another Washington insider, Mr. John
Dalton, perpetuated this gross myth. Lets be
very clear: Every Representative in every
state advocates with the DoD for the military
bases in his or her district because they are a
valuable stream of revenue and jobs for any
community. But if the DoD decides to shut
them down, not even the powerful Steny
Hoyer could stop that process.
Charles Lollar is a proud United States
marine. He has served our country on active
duty in Kosovo and still serves as a major in
the Marine Reserves. As a marine, Mr. Lollar
knows the importance of Pax River and In-
dian Head to our communities and would not
view them merely as a tool for automatic re-
election every two years. As our Representa-
tive, not only will he advocate for those bases,
he will fght like a marine to keep them open
and active! So lets put to rest the scare tactic
that only Steny Hoyer can protect our bases.
While he claims to protect our bases,
Rep. Hoyer has never served in the military.
Since graduating from law school, he has
been a professional politician, earning top pay
and benefts paid by taxpayer dollars. When
he loses this election, he will retire to a life of
luxury and ease with full medical insurance
benefts for which the taxpayers will pay.
People say that Maryland is a blue
state; but I believe that the 5th District is a red,
white, and blue District. As such, On Nov. 2,
lets not vote as Democrats or Republicans or
Independents, lets go to the polls and vote as
Americans for an American who will not only
advocate for Pax River, but will advocate for
the citizens of the 5th District in all matters.
Please vote for a real change in our District
by voting for Charles Lollar for Congress on
Nov. 2.
Rebecca Denning
Bushwood, MD
Dont Believe the Hoyer Myth
I have had the pleasure of knowing Steny
Hoyer since 1978. He is one of the fnest pub-
lic servants with whom I have had the privi-
lege to serve. I frst met him when I was Pres-
ident of the Government National Mortgage
Association or Ginnie Mae, but I got to know
him best when I was serving as Secretary of
the Navy during the Clinton Administration.
Steny was one of the few Members
of Congress who would regularly visit the
Pentagon to discuss his military bases with
Pentagon leaders. He is clearly one of the
best advocates for the Patuxent River and
Indian Head Naval Installations that exists
anywhere. There is no paid lobbyist who even
approaches being as knowledgeable as he is
about his bases.
I had the opportunity to work with Steny
during the BRACs of the 1990s. He insisted
that I visit both facilities early in my term of
offce and escorted me through both bases.
This was a period of time when the base at
Patuxent River was experiencing signifcant
growth. Stenys role in ensuring that those
moves occurred was invaluable, as he rallied
the local community, the State of Maryland
and Pentagon leaders to ensure the success of
those moves. His advocacy role for his mili-
tary installations was not limited to BRAC.
Whenever I met with him, he was always
extremely well-informed about whatever was
happening on his installations. He is indeed a
great advocate for his district.
I have found that often communities
dont recognize the tremendous advantage of
having a strong advocate in Congress for a lo-
cal military installation until the missions and
activities begin to diminish, often resulting in
their being shut down. With anticipated DoD
downsizing on the horizon, Patuxent River
and Indian Head will face great scrutiny and
will be considered for downsizing. Having
served as Secretary of the Navy, I can assure
you that having the Majority Leader advocat-
ing on your behalf is invaluable, particularly
when one has the depth of knowledge and
the respect of Pentagon leadership that Steny
Hoyer enjoys. Any military community in the
country would beneft from the strong voice
of advocacy that Steny brings to the table for
his constituents.
The voters of Maryland are fortunate to
have him representing them and it is in their
interest to have his continued service.
John H. Dalton President, Housing Pol-
icy Council
Washington, DC
Maryland is Fortunate to Have Hoyer
An article, published by the Washington
Post on August 29, 1990, titled Dyson Was
Against The Vietnam War; Record Shows He
Was Conscientious Objector can be found in
the Washington Post Archives - August 29,
1990 - Author Howard Schneider. The article
reports on US Representative Roy P. Dysons
interview held on the previous day.
The cited article has an 801 word count.
Included in that count are two signifcant sen-
tences that are both revealing and disturbing.
They are quoted below exactly as they were
published in the article:
Rep. Roy P. Dyson (D-MD) who has
advocated the use of military force as a repre-
sentative and been a top recipient of campaign
contributions from defense-related companies,
received conscientious objector
status during the Vietnam draft
after almost four years of student
He said, however, that his strong stand
on defense issues now is not inconsistent with
his attitude about the Vietnam confict because
todays military is all volunteer, and the nation
has demonstrated adequate resolve before com-
mitting troops.
Character counts when one is deciding
who is to represent us. It appears to this writ-
er that Mr. Dyson carefully decided to avoid
service when the nation called and has since
decided it is O.K. to send volunteers. In addi-
tion, he has been very willing to accept con-
tributions from defense contractors to further
his political career. One can only wonder how
many of those whose names appear on the
Vietnam Memorial Wall might have been pow-
erful representatives.
Mr. Dyson, having had a long political ca-
reer, should retire. The electorate should care-
fully choose a person of solid character who has
a track record of Service Above Self not self
above service.
An important excerpt from the Supreme
Court is relevant. This language on a straight-
forward reading, can bear but one meaning;
that conscientious scruples relating to war and
military service must amount to conscientious
opposition to participating personally in any
war and all war
Paul H. Engel, Rear Admiral USN (Ret)
Compton, MD
Dyson Puts Self Above Service
Thursday, October 14, 2010 12
The County Times
By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
As part of the Individual Augmentee (IA) indoctrination at
Patuxent Naval Air Station, members of the military who will be
sent alone in support positions were brought together to discuss
what challenges they will be facing and what procedures they
will go through as they leave home.
As part of last Wednesdays IA indoctrination class, the
military members who will be deployed, or their spouses if they
were present, were given Blue Star Flags.
The blue star emphasizes that families have a family
member who is deployed during a time of confict, said Capt.
Steve Schmeiser, commanding offcer at Patuxent Naval Air
He said that by displaying the fags, it reminds the families
and civilians that there is a confict and there are people who
are away from their families because of that.
The fags can be displayed by the spouses, siblings, par-
ents or other signifcant others in their homes or outdoors.
Chris Guy, an independent representative for Silpada
Sterling Silver Jewelry, donated the fags. She said that for
every $150 worth of merchandise purchased, she would do-
nate one Blue Star Flag. She brought the fags to Patuxent
Naval Air Station to present to Capt. Schmeiser.
In total, Guy donated 11 fags and her sponsor with the
jewelry line donated one.
Not only is it a fun jewelry line, but it was a nice way
of giving back to my community, Guy said.
Her fundraiser lasted about 4 months and, though not
sure if she will be doing a similar fundraiser in the near fu-
ture, but she would like to do another one if possible.
Its a concrete way of saying I know somebody is sac-
rifcing, she said.
Guy said shes watched Army Captain Matthew Hoff-
man grown up and get deployed to Afghanistan, which was
part of what inspired her to get the blue star fags to give
away to families.
Each fag has a card with a poem entitled A Service
Flag Wish and Prayer, Guy said.
When I see one, I get a great feeling in my heart that
there is a family sacrifcing for my freedom, Guy said.
Renee Smalls, the wife of ABH2 Sinclair Smalls, was
one of the 11 individuals to receive a fag during yesterdays pre-
sentation. She said she liked the idea of the blue star fags.
I think its real respectful and it lets everyone know you
support them, she said.
Blue Star Flags Given Out to Families of Deploying Service Members
Chris Guy, center, and Captain Steve Schmeiser pass out Blue Star Flags during
the Individual Augmentee (IA) indoctrination.
Benjamin and Darlene Williamson show their new Blue Star Flag. Benjamin
is soon to be send to Bahrain.
Thursday, October 14, 2010 13
The County Times
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Top Row: Carolyn Quade, Shirley Mattingly and Barbara Livingston.
BottomRow: BettyWest, Steve Mattingly and Alice Kingsley
Phone: 301-884-5904
Stephen D. Mattingly Insurance
28290 Tree Notch Road
Mechanicsville, Maryland 20659
ERIE INSURANCE EXCHANGE ERIE INSURANCE EXCHANGE ERIE INSURANCE EXCHANGE............ ............ ............$441 $441 $441 $1043 $1043 $1043 $1,484 $1,484 $1,484
Nationwide Insurance......................... $757 $1,500 $2,257
Allstate Property & Casualty............ $1,107 $1,597 $2,704
State Farm Fire & Casualty ................. $547 $1,683 $2,230
Home Scenario 2 and Auto Scenario 9
The rates above developed by the Maryland Insurance Administration. Based on 2 vehicles and 2 drivers, with a multi-car discount companion homeowners discount. For full
details see the Homeowners and Auto Comparison Guide to Rates. St Marys County, MD. February 2009.

Know I

By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
There is a possibility that a pub will be
installed on campus at St. Marys College of
There is a good amount of interest in a
pub among the faculty and students, Joe Urgo,
the president of the college, told The County
Times. The pub would go in on north campus
to give students and faculty a dining option on
that side of campus.
Urgo said the discussions for the pub have
just started and the next step in the process is to
get a fnancial report from food services, which
he anticipates having sometime this semester.
One important factor that will determine
whether the pub can go in or not is ensuring it
is self-sustaining so the school doesnt have to
pour money into it.
In other news, 44 students were displaced
recently from 11 townhouses because of mold
The mold was discovered in closets where
the heating and cooling systems are kept, Urgo
Mold is an issue wherever people live,
but its a shame it was discovered after the stu-
dents moved in, Urgo said.
The school addressed the issue immedi-
ately, said Laura Bayless, the dean of students.
The students with the worst mold prob-
lems were given the option of moving into
available rooms on campus until the problem
was solved or bunking with their friends. They
were compensated for the days they spent out
of their houses and given meal tickets. The
townhouses have kitchens, so students living
there often dont have full meal plans, Bayless
A contractor was brought in to clean the
worst of the mold and the students wee allowed
to move back in Tuesday.
Bayless said the rest of the townhouses
will be checked for mold.
Campus Pub on The Table at SMCM
Thursday, October 14, 2010 14
The County Times
Know I

St. Michaels School
If people sign up their store cards to support
St. Michaels School, McKays,Target, and Giant will
donate percentages of those sales to the school.
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Good People Find Good Homes.
St. Michaels School Halloween Party
at St. Michaels School in Ridge on Saturday, October 30, 2010 from
6:30 9:30 PM. Enjoy the Haunted Hay Rides, Bonfre, Face Painting,
Games, Costume Contest, 50/50 Raffe, Food & Drinks, and a DJ. It will
be fun-flled for all ages. A prize will be awarded for the most creative
costume. For more information, please call the school at 301-872-5454.
St. Michaels School 1st Annual Fun Run & Walk
on Saturday, October 30, 2010, 8:00 a.m. in Historic St. Marys City.
The event will begin at the HSMC Visitors Center and will
involve the wooded trails. To electronically register, go to
fun-run-and-walk-2010. For a registration form or for more information,
please contact Shannon Jarboe at 301-737-3272 or at
Shannon_jarboe@TheTSATeam.com. Event Sponsorships are
also being accepted. There are several sponsorship
opportunities available. For a Sponsorship Form or for
more information on sponsorship opportunities, again,
please contact Shannon Jarboe.
St. Michaels School Fall Festival
on Sunday, November 21, 2010 from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm.
Donation Request. The Fall Festival Committee is asking for
donations of crafts for the Craft Room and donations of new
or almost-new items for the Re-Gifting Room. Please call
Ms. Jessica Gatton at 301-872-4623 or Peggy Barickman
at 301-872-4680 to donate or for more information.
St. Michaels School 2nd Annual Gala
on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at Marys Hope in St. Inigoes, MD.
Donations for a silent auction and Event Sponsorships are now being
accepted. There are several sponsorship and endorsement opportuni-
ties. For more information, please call the school at 301-872-5454.
Jump Yard
Millison Plaza
21703-C Great Mills Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653
(Just outside of NAS Patuxent River, Gate 2)
Bounce ALL DAY
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Closed: Mon -Tue
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Sunday: 11 - 6
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New 4 and under Toddler bounce coming Oct 2010!
indoor infatable Play
and Party Center
By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
This summer, Denise Lourette,
a math teacher and coach for the
dance team at Leonardtown High
School, received notifcation that the
team was invited to come to the Or-
ange Bowl in Miami, Fla.
One of the biggest obstacles the
dance team must overcome is fund-
ing the trip. For all the girls on the
team to go, the team needs to raise
$15,000 and they still have a long
way to go.
The cost for each girl to go is
$1,000, which covers the hotel in
Fort Lauderdale, the costume that all
the performers will be wearing dur-
ing the halftime show in the Orange
Bowl and two meals per day. The
team will be leaving Dec. 31 and re-
turning Jan. 4, 2011. They also need
to purchase team uniforms, which
are separate from the $1,000 per girl
Lourette said the invitation
came after the dance team had been
at an event at Bowie State Univer-
sity. Somebody from the event rec-
ommended the Leonardtown High
School dance team to the committee
for the Orange Bowl.
I think its really cool,
Laurette said. Its exciting.
Lourette said the team is gear-
ing up to enter their third season and
shes looking forward to it.
I love working with the girls,
Lourette said.
Future fundraisers the team is
planning include working as serv-
ers at the Ducks Unlimited annual
banquet this Saturday, a Halloween
dance on Oct. 29, selling Yankee
candles and Longaberger merchan-
dise and hosting a basket bingo.
The team will also be performing at a
NAACP banquet on Oct. 23 where St. Marys
public Schools Superintendent Michael Marti-
rano and the lieutenant governor of Maryland
will be in attendance, Lourette said. They have
also performed at the St. Marys County Fair
and in a blue crabs game.
Anyone interested in making donations
can send checks payable to Leonardtown High
School Varsity Dance Team to Lourette at
Leonard High School, 23995 Point Lookout
Road, Leonardtown, Maryland, 20650.
Leonardtown Dance Team Needs
Funds to Perform at Orange Bowl
By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
The annual Parenting Matters Confer-
ence is coming up Oct. 23. For the frst time,
the conference is being held in St. Marys
County, at Leonardtown High School.
Registrations are due tomorrow, Oct. 15.
Student must be pre-registered to attend the
Parents and students can register at www.
mdpirc.org or by faxing the registration form
to Megan Guidrey at 301-657-8782. People
can also call Guidrey at 1-877-637-2736.
The conference is hosted by the Mary-
land State Parental Information and Resource
Center (MD PIRC), which is designed to help
parents and educators in Maryland address
problems related to family development and
closing the achievement gap.
Superintendant Michael Martirano said
it is very important for parents to get involved
with their childrens education.
We are a very high-performing school
district, Martirano said, but according to sta-
tistics the schools only get between 9 and 13
percent of a childs available time, out of all
the hours in a year. This means a lot of time
is spent at home, with parents or other fam-
ily members. This makes the involvement of
families in the education of their children not
only important, but vital.
We cannot do it alone, Martirano said.
First Lady Michelle Obama was invited
to the event, but Martirano announced Tues-
day he found out that she will not be able to
Parenting Matters Conference Coming to St. Marys
Photo by Sarah Miller
Photo by Sarah Miller
Photo by Sarah Miller
Thursday, October 14, 2010 15
The County Times
Three Notch Rd
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Thursday, October 14, 2010 16
The County Times
By Joany Nazdin
Contributing Writer
When Dallas Rebman accompanied his wife
Ginny on a recent Saturday afternoon to one of
the many outings the local group the Moms Club
sponsors, he probably didnt think that he would
end up appreciating everything alpaca.
While the couple was at Patty and Marty Mat-
tinglys farm, Nobella Alpacas, enjoying the alpac-
as, Dallas Rebman bought a rug after hearing how
versatile it was.
You can leave it outside in all weather, Patty
said, and you can get it all muddy and just knock
the mud off. I believe when you make something
like this rug, you should use the best quality stuff.
Anything you put your hard-earned time into mak-
ing should be made out of the best stuff.
Rebman was quick to realize that the rug was
a perfect gift.
I bought this alpaca rug for my mom in Ohio
for her Christmas present, Rebman said. She is
very hard to shop for, because she is only into natu-
ral products. This rug is right up her alley.
The Nobella alpacas were a hit that day, with
over 25 kids out of the 60 in the club turning out
for the alpaca meet-and-greet, according to Ginny
Rebman, Moms Club president.
The Mattinglys are dedicated to raising alpac-
as on their Leonardtown farm, and they sell every-
thing from the live animal itself to a wide array of
alpaca products and services.
The herd, which Patty considers a labor of love,
was started around fve years ago, when the Mat-
tinglys bought two female alpacas and a gelding.
Today they have over 30, some which they
bought from as far away as Colorado, and 17 that
were born on the farm in the last fve years.
I am an Instructional Resources Teacher at
Mechanicsville Elementary, and about three years
ago, I pulled out some money from
my retirement fund to buy four al-
pacas. The stock market crashed a
few days later, but my alpacas are
growing and doing well, Patty
It was really Pattys idea, she
seems to always come up with a
bunch of good ideas, Marty said.
Some of Pattys good ideas
include making alpaca products
that are for sale on the farm and
on the Internet, and making alpaca
The coats Patty makes are not
coats for humans, but coats for al-
pacas. Patty sells her coats on the
Internet, and has received orders
for her custom coats, as far away
as England and places in the US
like New Mexico and Montana.
Nursing alpaca moth-
ers need to maintain their body
heat, so they beneft from having
a coat, Marty said. We like to
shear our animals in April, and if
there is a cold snap, and the ani-
mal has no coat, then the animal
is at risk.
The Mattingly family may
be able to care for their alpaca
herd mostly on their own, but
when it is shearing time, it takes
a village.
We shear at the end of
April, Marty said. It takes a half
dozen people to shear one alpaca.
We use two shearers, and other people to help them
to lay down with their legs out for shearing.
There are about six farms in Southern Mary-
land that are registered by the Maryland Al-
paca Breeders Association, of which Patty is the
There was even an Amish farmer from
Loveville who got curious and bought a couple of
them one year, but he didnt make a go of it, I dont
think, Marty said.
An alpaca purchased from Nobella farms ends
up with a warranty that would make most car manu-
factures hang their heads in shame.
Before we will sell an alpaca, we go out to
see the farm if possible, to make sure that the things
like fencing are what would be appropriate for an al-
paca, Patty said. Then we let people know that we
are there 24/7 for any questions they may have. We
help them do their shots and shearing till they get
comfortable with it. We also will make house calls if
they have any questions about their animals.
The Mattinglys sell the alpaca locally and over
the Internet, but Patty as a rule will not sell just a
single alpaca to someone.
They are herd animals, and dont do well
without a companion, Patty said. We do offer a
package where we will sell you two pregnant fe-
males, so you can start your own herd.
The alpacas for sale range in price from $1,000
to higher. If you have $15,000, and want your alpaca
to come with bragging rights and an impeccable Pe-
ruvian pedigree, then Tilcoyo is the animal for you.
The Mattinglys also believe in keeping their
dollars local.
We get our alpaca chow from right here in
Loveville, Marty said. I dont think we have to go
farther than this side of Route 5 to get everything
we need for here. I believe in promoting all the local
AlpAcA FArming Flourishes
in st. mArys county
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Photo by Frank Marquart
Buccannon Marcum gets a good look at one of the alpacas at the Mattinglys
Thursday, October 14, 2010 17
The County Times
Bowles Farms 2010
Corn Maze & Pumpkin Farm
Southern MDs Largest Corn Maze
& Pumpkin Harvest is BACK!!!
Celebrating 10 Wonderful Years Of Getting Lost In Te Corn
Operating Dates: September 25th to October 31st, 2010
Hours Of Operation
Mon Fri: By Appointment Only
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Admission: $10.00
3 and Under FREE
Croup Rates Available (15 or more)
Admission To Te Farm Includes
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Straw Maze, Childrens Corn Box, Childrens
Barrel Rides, Straw Mountain Small Crop
Displays, Special Weekend Events
Ofce: 301-475-2139 Email: bowlesfarm@rcn.com
Directions: The farm is located at: 22880 Budds Creek Road, Clements, MD 20624
For More Details Visit Us At:
Host Your: Team Building Event or Birthday Party Here!!
Food & Refreshments On-Site
Large Covered Picnic Area
Air-Conditioned/Heated Restrooms
We have acres and acres of pumpkins of every
shape & size available for a small additional fee.
Childrens Barrel Rides Pumpkin Painting
Petting Zoo
Wagon Rides
Pick Your Own
Come see why getting
lost means having fun.
Take a taste of fall
home with you.
Decorating Supplies:
Mums, Corn Stalks, Straw,
Gourds, and Indian Corn
Saturday & Sunday:
Antique Tractor Pull
Saturday: Weight Class 2,500 to 5,500 pounds
Sunday: Weight Class 6,000 to 10,500 pounds
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 18
L ibrary Items

Starting October 1, 2010, McKAYS $60,000 Community
Rewards Giveaway is back! This exciting program allows
local non-profit groups the opportunity to earn a share
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the higher the groups share of the $60,000 Giveaway!

Not Registered Yet?
Go to www.mycommunityrewards.com and select McKAYS to
register your Gold Card.
Forums to raise cyber safety awareness
St. Marys County Public Schools will con-
duct a Community Awareness Forum on Youth
Cyber Safety on Oct. 26 at Lexington Park at
6:30 p.m. Michael Wyant, Director of Safety and
Security with St. Marys County Public Schools,
will present the program and will be emphasizing
cyber bullying.

Lexington Park offers free family movie
Families can watch a PG rated movie about a
group of Oregon kids who follow the treasure map
of pirate One-Eyed Willie past his deadly traps to
gold at Lexington Park on Oct. 15. The showing
starts at 2 p.m. Snacks will be provided.

Workshop scheduled for grant seekers
Lexington Park library has a Grantseekers
Resource Center for non-profts and individu-
als seeking grants. This center is a Foundation
Center Cooperating Collection and provides free
access to the Foundations two databases. The li-
brary is offering a workshop on Oct. 20 from 10
a.m. to noon to acquaint those seeking grants to
the resources available in the Resource Center.
Registration is required.

Teens can slam their favorite poems
A Teen Poetry Slam is planned at Lexington
Park on Oct. 23 at 2 p.m. Teens can step up to the
mic and slam either their favorite poems or ones
they have written or just come to listen. Registra-
tion is requested.

Halloween Parties
Not-so-scary stories, creepy crafts and
trick-or-treating through the library are planned
for children of all ages at the Hauntingly Happy
Halloween parties scheduled at the three librar-
ies. Lexington Parks will be Oct. 28 at 6:30 p.m.
and both Charlotte Hall and Leonardtowns will
be Oct. 30 at 10 a.m. Registration is required for
these free programs.
Book discussions planned for teens and adults
A teen book chat of Home of the Brave by
Katherine Applegate will be held at Lexington
Park on Oct. 18 at 5:30 p.m. Outcasts United
will be discussed at Leonardtown on Oct. 21 at 7
p.m. Both books are being read by the entire state
of Maryland for the One Maryland One Book
statewide community read.
James Bert Russell, a Leonard Hall Junior Naval
Academy Student from 1932 and 2009 graduate Tim
Travis cut the cake at an alumni event at the school
on Sunday. The two men represent the oldest and the
youngest alumni to attend the reunion event at the
Photo by Dan Burris
Annual Antique
Tractor Parade
Leonard Hall
Junior Naval
Reunion Event
The annual Antique Trac-
tor Parade, sponsored by
the Southern Maryland
Antique Power Asso-
ciation, pulled through
Leonardtown Square on
Sunday. The parade,
which started at Leonard-
town Elementary School,
benefted the Christmas
in April Foundation. Pic-
tured up front is Dr. Joyce
Neale, daughter of Walt
Neale, who organized
the parade.
Photo by Frank Marquart
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 19
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valid for overnight reservations or with other
discounts. Can be used with multiple pets.
Daycare Coupon
Thursday, Oct. 14
College of Southern Maryland
Open House
College of Southern Maryland
Leonardtown Campus (22950
Hollywood Road, Leonardtown)
5 p.m.
The open house will be held
in Building A. People in atten-
dance will have the chance to meet
College or Southern Maryland
faculty, staff and advisers. There
will be information about athlet-
ics and student organizations. At-
tendees will also be entered for a
chance to win a scholarship for the
2011 spring semester. For more in-
formation, call 301-934-7765, 301-
870-2309 0r 240-725-5499 or visit
Ghosts of Sotterley Tours
Sotterley Plantation (44300 Sot-
terley Lane, Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Join Sotterley Plantation for
the annual ghost walk. Refresh-
ments will be available before and
after the walking tour. Reserva-
tions are required. For more infor-
mation, or to make a reservation,
call 301-373-2280 or visit www.
College Theatre opens with
Hay Fever
St. Marys College of Maryland
(18952 E. Fisher Road, St. Marys
City) 8 p.m.
Noel Cowards comedy
Hay Fever comes to the stage at
St. Marys College of Maryland,
directed by faculty member and
award-winning actor Michael El-
lis-Tolaydo. The performances
will be at the Bruce Davie The-
atre in Montgomery Hall on the
St. Marys College of Maryland
campus. Tickets are $6 per person.
For more information, or to make
reservations, call 240-895-4243 or
visit www.smcm.edu.
Friday, Oct. 15
Steak and Shrimp Night
American Legion Post 221 (Route
221, Avenue) 5 p.m.
The American Legion Steak
and Shrimp night happens on the
third Friday of every month. There
are menu options for children and
adults. For more information, call
301-884-4071 or visit www.al-
No Limit Texas Hold Em
VFW Post 2632 (23282 Three
Notch Road, California) 6:20
Adults over the age of 18
only. Food will be available for
purchase and there will be side
games. Late players will be ac-
cepted until the end of the rst
break. Pre-registration is encour-
aged but not required. For more
information, or to pre-register,
contact Brian at poker@vfw2632.
com or 240-925-4000.
Open Mic Night
Island Bar and Grill (16810 Piney
Point Road, Piney Point) 7 p.m.
Anybody with a talent they
want to share is welcome. There
will be door prizes for members,
karaoke, dancing and a 50/50
rafe. For more information, or to
reserve a spot on stage, e-mail pro-
Saturday, Oct. 16
Yard Sale
Hollywood Volunteer Rescue
Squad (43256 Rescue Lane, Hol-
lywood) 7 a.m.
The Hollywood Volunteer
Rescue Squad will be sponsoring
a yard sale. Food will be available
and table rentals are $10. For more
information, call 301-373-3833 or
Fall Yard Sale
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
(44078 St. Andrews Church Road,
California) 7 a.m.
All donations are wel-
come. Proceeds go to benet St.
Andrews Episcopal Church. For
more information, go to www.

Craft Show, Vender Show and
Yard Sale
Ridge Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment (13820 Point Lookout Road,
Ridge) 8 a.m.
Food and beverages will be
available. Tables are available for
rent. For more information, or to
reserve a space, call 301-872-5671.
Annual Handcrafted Quilt
Summerseat Farm (26655 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville) 8
There will be quilts of all
sizes and patterns rafed off by
auctioneer Rodney Thompson.
There will be other wall hangings
and locally made crafts. All pro-
ceeds go to benet the farm and its
operations. For more information,
call 301-373-6607 or 301-481-9189
or e-mail info@summerseat.org or
visit www.summerseat.org.
Texas Hold Em Saturday
Night Special
Park Bingo Hall (22608 Three
Notch Road, Lexington Park) 7
Texas Hold Em Saturday
Night Special. Arrive and regis-
ter before 6:45 p.m. to receive an
extra $1000 in chips. There is a
guaranteed $2000 for rst place
and other prizes depend on the
number of players. Buy in is $100
plus a $20 registration fee. Blinds
start at 25/50 and increase every 30
minutes. There will be a door prize
drawing for a gas card. To register,
e-mail mbb88@aol.com or call
301-643-5573. No e-mails on the
day of the event.
Sunday, Oct. 17
Drive Thru Chicken Dinner
Hollywood Volunteer Rescue
Squad (43256 Rescue Lane, Hol-
lywood) 7 a.m.
The menu will include 4 piec-
es of fried chicken, parsley pota-
toes green beans and a biscuit. The
cost is $12 per person. For more
information, call 301-373-3131.
Oyster Festival
St. Marys County Fairgrounds
(42455 Fairgrounds Road, Leon-
ardtown) 11 a.m.
There will be food and en-
tertainment for people of all ages.
There will also be the National
Oyster Shucking Championship
and the National Oyster Cook-off.
There is a price for admission. For
more information, call 301-863-
5015 or visit www.usoysterfest.
Texas Hold Em Tournament
Fraternal Order of Police (21215
Chancellors Run Road, Great
Mills) 2 p.m.
Cost is $20 for the Bounty
Tournament, $15 for buy in plus
$5 bounty chip. Cash games are
available. For more information,
call 301-863-6007.
Monday, Oct. 18
St. Marys Crew at Brusters
Brusters Real Ice Cream (44685
Rolling Oak Lane, California)
6 p.m.
The rowing team at St.
Marys College of Maryland is
hosting a fundraiser at Brusters.
Twenty percent of the prots made
on the night of the 18th will go to
help the team buy a new boat.
Newtowne Players Audition
for Doubt
Three Notch Theatre (421744
South Coral Drive, Lexington
Park) 7 p.m.
Second day for open audi-
tions at Three Notch Theatre. If
the times do not work for auditions
but you still want to help either on
stage or off, call Bill Scaraa at
301-863-2329 or e-mail wscara-
Tuesday, Oct. 19
Patuxent Voices at PRAD
Calvert Marine Museum (14200
Solomons Island Road, Solomons)
11 a.m.
Patuxent Voices, a womens
a cappella group from Southern
Maryland, will be performing at
the Calvert Marine Museum to
celebrate Patuxent River Appre-
ciation Days.
Wednesday, Oct. 20
Nature Time at Greenwell
State Park
Greenwell State Park (Holly-
wood) 10 a.m.
This weeks theme is Fos-
sil Hunt. Children will get the
chance to explore the wonders
of nature through crafts, stories,
activities and exploration. Pre-
registration is required. For more
information, or to pre register, call
301-373-9775, e-mail lpranzo@
greenwellfoundation.org or visit
Grantseekers Workshop
Lexington Park Library (21677
FDR Boulevard, Lexington Park)
- 5 p.m.
Non-prots and individu-
als seeking potential funders will
learn about the resources available
in the Grantseekers Resource Cen-
ter located in the Lexington Park
Library. Registration is required.
For more information, call 301-
884-2211 or visit www.stmalib.org
Why Snooze When You Can
Arbys (40824 Merchants Lane,
Leonardtown) 5 p.m.
Come on out with your cus-
tom car, truck or motorcycle to
cruise night.
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 20
No. 103
Speakers Examine the Serious Side of PRAD
By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
The fth annual State of the River Summit
was held Friday to remind people that there is a
serious side to the Patuxent River Appreciation
Days (PRAD).
We have lost our way with PRAD, said
Sherrod Sturrock, the deputy director of the Cal-
vert Marine Museum. The aim of the summit
is to inform the community on the state of the
Patuxent River and the Chesapeake Bay. While
much of the PRAD celebrations involve events
like live music and a parade, the celebration be-
gan with the summit.
The speakers at the summit covered topics
ranging from the Chesapeake Bay Foundations
(CBF) lawsuit against the EPA and the state of the
river in general to the history of the river and the
roles of the citizens in keeping the river clean.
The summit included guest speakers Sena-
tor Bernie Fowler, President of the Chesapeake
Bay Foundation William Baker, Associate Direc-
tor for Ecosystems Management Carin Bisland,
Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Com-
mission policy for the bay Ann Pesiri Swanson,
Deputy Secretary of the Maryland Department
of the Environment Robert Summers, Director
of Calvert County Planning and Zoning Greg
The CBF lawsuit against the EPA stemmed
from the EPAs failure to uphold the Chesapeake
2000 Agreement.
In May, the EPA agreed to settle the lawsuit
out of court. The result of the settlement was the
EPA now has a list of goals they are bound by
law to meet.
The new goals involve reducing nitrogen
emissions in the atmosphere, conducting per-
mit reviews to bring places up to code with EPA
guidelines and examining the toxins in the river
and implementing action plans to take care of
One of the things the EPA has already done
is determine the Total Maximum Daily Load
(TMDL) for the river and bay. The TMDL is the
maximum amount of elements like sediment and
nitrogen the river can handle.
The bay is starting to show systemic signs
of improvement, Baker said. Signs of the im-
provement the Patuxent River is making include
an increased number of Blue Crabs, oysters that
have more resistance to parasites, and more un-
der-water grasses.
Though there are signs of improvement,
Baker said the Patuxent River and the Chesa-
peake Bay area remain systems that are danger-
ously out of balance and the progress could easily
go backwards if people are not careful.
Bowen said the real problems for the water
system came in the 1950s and 1960s, when the
economy in the St. Marys area became more
industrialized and urban and sewage treatment
plants were popping up everywhere because of
government funding.
He said there were three additional things
that contributed to the current state of the water-
shed septic systems, low-density housing and
After the presentations, the oor was
opened to the audience for a question and answer
One topic that came up during the com-
munity discussion was the impact lawn fertilizer
has when it washes away with the rain. The panel
suggested the people who live in housing devel-
opments band together with their neighbors to
stop using fertilizers that contain additives.
Another member of the audience expressed
concern about boat yards and docks expanding in
smaller waterways.
The panel suggested that the people con-
cerned about these things talk to the owners
of the docks, as they might not be aware of the
damage they could do to the river. If that doesnt
work, the panel suggested getting the DNR Clean
Marinas Program involved.
Even though there are several challenges on
the road to cleaning up the Patuxent River, the
speakers at the summit agreed that the last thing
people should do is stop trying.
Dont let discouragement overshadow the
need, Fowler said.
The panel at the State of the River summit included William Baker, the president of the Chesapeake
Bay Foundation, Carin Bisland, the associate director for ecosystem management, Ann Pesiri Swan-
son, the executive director of the Chesapeake Bay Commission policy for the bay, Robert Summers,
the deputy secretary of the for the Maryland Department of the Environment, and Greg Bowen, the
director for Calvert County Planning and Zoning. The picture above is the panel on stage during the
question and answer session.
Photo by Sarah Miller
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 21
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The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 22
God is One, Man is One,
and All Religions are One
Discussions 3rd Wed. 7-8
Lex Pk Library, Longfellow Rm
301-884-8764 or www.bahai.org
A member of the Southern Baptist Convention
8505 Leonardtown Road, Hughesville, MD 20637
301-884-8645 or 301-274-3627
Pastor Keith Corrick
Associate Pastor Kevin Cullins
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Sunday School (all ages) 9:15 am
Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study 6:00 pm
Wednesday Discipleship Classes 7:00 pm
(Adults, youth & Children)
Going the Distance
Making a Difference
Golden Beach Rd. Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-884-8503
Robert W. Kyner, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship Service 11:00 am
Sunday Evening 7:00 pm
Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 7:00 pm
An Independent Baptist
Church and Academy
Virgil Mass: 4:30 pm Saturday
Sunday: 8:00 am
Weekday (M-F): 7:30 am
Confessions: 3-4 pm Saturday
St. Cecelia Church
47950 Mattapany Rd, PO Box 429
St. Marys City, MD 20686 301-862-4600
(Meeting at Mechanicsville Elementary School)
Pastor Carl Snyder
Worship Service: 10:00 am
Phone: 301-884-3504 Website:
John 8:32
Member of fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
Grace Chapel
Patuxent Presbyterian Church
California, Maryland
Rev Michael R. Jones, Senior Pastor
1 miles South of Thomas Johnson Bridge on Rt. 4
Sunday Morning Worship Services:
8:30 am & 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
With Nursery care
Website: http://www.paxpres.org
E-mail: ChurchOfce@paxpress.org
Offering worship and serving opportunities at
First Friendship campus Ridge
9:00 am Traditional worship
St George Island campus Piney Point
9:45 am Children and Adult Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional worship
St. Pauls campus Leonardtown
8:05 am Traditional worship
9:15 am Contemporary worship
nca(ASL Interpreted)
10:45 am Contemporary worship
6:00 pm The Renery (interactive worship)
n nursery provided
c- childrens Sunday school also available
a- adult Sunday school also available
Sundays - 9:30 AM
41695 Fenwick Street Unit 3
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Running the 2nd &
4th Week of Each Month
To Advertise in the
Church Services Directory,
Call The County Times at 301-373-4125
We gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone who participated in our 2
Annual Jail & Bail Fun-raiser that turned the Old Jail Museum and Tudor Hall into a fun-lled
afternoon for those in attendance. A very special thank you is extended to the following criminals and patrons whose contributions directly support Care Net Pregnancy Center.
2nd Annual Jail & Bail Fun-raiser Beneting
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Southern Maryland
Dane Swanson
Rev. John Dakes St. Aloysius
Karen Alford Brooks
Century 21 New Millenium
Jerry Bohle Heritage Printing
Ed DePiazza
Pastor Edd Cathey Grace & Peace
Geraldine LHeureux Bowhead
Stephanie Witte Chick-l-A
John Albers
Dawn Deiter Rich Amelex
John J. Winters
Winters Heating & Cooling
Pastor Doug Hays Lexington Park
United Methodist
Curtis Shreve Bear Creek
Open Pit BBQ
Rev. Timothy K. Baer
Our Lady of the Wayside
Arthur Shepherd
Bob Schaller
Trish Billings
OBrien Realty-Solomons
Tony ODonnell
Maryland Delegate
Pastor Dave R. Kelly Calvary Bible
Kevin Fry
The Kings Christian Academy
Tommy McKay
McKays Fine Foods
John Bohanan
Maryland Delegate
James Curry
Sherry Newcomer
Market America
Kimberly L. Oliver Amelex
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron
Sunshines Catering
SMC Historical Society
Printing Press, Inc.
Billy & Joyce Cusic
Carl & Patty Morrison
Carla Norris
Century 21 New Millenium
Tom Hodges
Tom Hodges Auto Sales
Students at The Kings
Christian Academy
Students at Mother
Catherine Spalding
Students at Father Andrew White
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 23
Eskimo ice cream is neither icy, or creamy.
By Shelby Oppermann
Contributing Writer
***I felt pretty good about myself last
Sunday. We had worked hard for Saturdays
Fall Festival. I personally logged lots of
steps due to going up and down between our
two oors at the Parish Hall. I was think-
ing, Well, I must have lost at least a pound,
maybe two, from all that. Then during the
Redskins game I wore my Shape-up sneak-
ers, so every time I jumped up and down
when they scored or had a good run I gured
I could have easily lost an ounce with every
jump. After the game, still in my shape-ups,
we were ush with the thrill of victory, and
took a short drive. In fact, I was still feel-
ing athletic and righteous, rocking back
and forth in my Shape-ups, as we waited in
line for our custard ice cream cones. Logic
comes in all forms.***
The other day, I ran into a Wander-
ings reader at the store, who inferred in so
many words, nicely and diplomatically, that
I should probably get a haircut. I cant say
who the woman was since I was having a
hard time keeping my bangs out of my eyes.
I suppose my hair had gotten to the point
where I had enough to compete in the Miss
Texas pageant. With my white streak and a
little teasing I wouldnt need a wig to be-
come Mrs. Frankenstein for Halloween this
year. It was time for an emergency call to
On this particular visit to Expressions
of Beauty Day Spa in Mechanicsville, I no-
ticed that all the stylists had pink in their
hair. Ashley, the owner explained that her
salon was offering $10 PINK foils to help
fund and nd a cure for breast cancer. All
proceeds from the foils will be donated to
the Susan G. Komen for the cure founda-
tion. I thought what a fun idea, but was it
something I could do. I asked her if I might
be a tad to old to get pink in my hair. I was
having kids when the punk rock hair fads
came into fashion. Ashley told me that her
Mother and a woman older than myself had
gone for the pink.
I debated while Ashley expertly cut and
highlighted my hair. Just as Ashley was be-
ginning to blow dry I asked, I guess its too
late to do it now? She replied No, It only
takes 15 minutes. We dont have to wash
your hair rst. If your hair is light enough
in tone we just put on the color, foil it and
hand wash the area afterwards. For darker
hair, we do a lift on the area and then apply
the pink. Sounded quick to me and a fun
way of showing support for all my friends
who have survived breast cancer, and for
one friend who passed two years ago with
an original diagnosis of breast cancer.
I opted for thin strips of pink peeking
out from under my top layers. After my hair
was styled, I found that I loved the pink! Its
also a great conversation starter. October
is breast cancer awareness month, so pink
is what you will see the most of right now.
But if you or a loved one are living with
and ghting another form of cancer, please
check out www.choosehope.com for a color
chart for each type of cancer. All cancers are
represented by a lavender ribbon, bladder
cancer is yellow, childhood cancer is orange,
ovarian cancer is teal, and so on. They offer
As we discussed last week, Zeph-
aniah survived the Battle of Camden
on August 16, 1780 and was taken
prisoner by the British. His choices
were now limited--languish in an
abandoned ships hulk off the coast
of Charleston, SC, be tortured and
starved by the British, or join the Brit-
ish forces. In February 1781 he was
enlisted in the Duke of Cumberlands
Regiment, raised in 1781 of Continentals captured at
Charleston and Camdensix companies of four ofcers
and 94 men each were sent to Jamaica in 1781. The British
promised these men that they would not be called upon to
ght their own countrymen.
There would be no more military battles for Zephaniah
and his compatriots. Their mission was to control the large
contingent of slaves on the sugar plantations in Jamaica.
At wars end,the victorious colonists understandably
were not in mood to welcome back those of their number
who had soldiered for King George, no matter what the
terms that led them into his
service. What was to become of the former Yankees, forlorn
in Jamaica?
The British set aside land in Nova Scotia for the sol-
diers. 300 sailed to Halifax in December 1783 where they
spent the winter in huts. Many decided they simply could
not withstand the harshness of the environment and left,
but not Williams. To receive any property, the soldiers were
required a take an oath of allegiance to the King.
The lack of women was also an issue. One of the sol-
diers prepared a petition to the British saying ...we are
nearly three hundred in number, and all willing to become
useful members of the community and industrious settlers
in this province; that being entire strangers in this part of
America, we pray that you will point out some method that
we can procure companions for life, there being only ten
married women in the whole Regiment, and the few number
of females in this province renders it impossible for us to
succeed and prosper without assistance from England.
About 1788, Zephaniah married Ann Scott, a native of
Nova Scotia and they had 10 children. He didnt stay in the
same place, but moved a number of times. He is recognized
as one of the founders of the town of Antigonish and many
of his descendants still live there.
On June 22, 1808 Zephaniah petitioned for land based
on his service, saying That your petitioner was born in
St. Marys County State of Maryland, that he served as
a private soldier three years in the Duke of Cumberland
Regiment in the Island of Jamaica. That he is a subject of
the United Kingdom of Great Briton and Ireland. ..That his
family consists of a wife and ten children who are all now
resident of the Province.
Zephaniah Williams was still living in 1829 and was
described as a very tall ne looking man, grey hair, 6 feet
3 inches tall.
One is left to wonder if his brother or other family mem-
bers in Maryland would ever discover he was still alive. The
answer is probably no.
A Journey Through Time
The Chronicle
Zephaniah Williams,
(continued from last week)
The Pink Ribbon
You could be eligible if you:
Are under age 40
Have a lump or concern in or near the breast
Live in St. Marys, Calvert, or Charles Counties
Have no health insurance (or insurance that wont pay for
a mammogram)
Fall within the income guidelines (call for more information)
www.smhwecare.com www.smchd.org
CALL 301-475-4391
Breast Exams &
Mammograms for
Eligible Women
of an

Coffee Shop Talk
18 color coded ribbons, pins, bracelets, and
all sorts of gifts relating to cancer. Choose
Hope, which started with three women who
had cancer making buttons around a kitchen
table in 1999 has raised $300,000 for cancer
research so far. Whether you start small with
pink in your hair or end up raising thousands,
no gesture is too small. Check with your hair
stylist about going pink for the cure, or stop by
Expressions of Beauty for a 15 minute good
for the soul pink foil. I will also be offering
for the cure specials in my shop.
To each new days pink adventures,
To see me in the pink check out my prole
picture on Facebook: Shelby Oppermann
Please send comments or ideas to:
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 24

For family and community
events, see our calendar in the
community section on page 19.
In Entertainment
The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature!
To submit art or band information for our entertainment
section, e-mail sarahmiller@countytimes.net.
We post nightlife events happening in Calvert, Charles and St. Marys counties.
To submit an event for our calendar, email sarahmiller@countytimes.net.
Deadline for submissions is Monday by 5 p.m.
By Sarah Miller
Staff Writer
October is the month when the spirits
of the departed are said to roam the earth
once more. Apparently,
this is especially true in St.
Marys County where there
is a ghost walk going on ev-
ery weekend from tonight,
Oct. 14, until Halloween.
The rst ghost tour,
titled The Civil War at
Sotterley- the Nation will
rise againand so will the
dead! will be at Sotterley
Plantation Oct. 14-16.
This is the 10th year
Sotterley Plantation in Hol-
lywood has held a ghost
walk and the second year
the script has been written
by James LaPore, a local
actor and radio personality. He co-wrote the
script last year with Morriah Cell, but she
was unable to co-write it this year.
LePore said he has a background in
writing, illusions and magic, which he
draws on to make a little bit creepier, little
bit scarier ghost tour.
Eileen Miller, the marketing manager
at Sotterley Plantation, agreed with LePores
assessment of his script.
Its a very scary tale, she said.
Miller recommended that people arrive
around half an hour early for their tour and
there will be refreshments and a bonre to
enjoy during the wait, She said the tour is not
suitable for small children.
Dawna Diaz is the producer and lead
director for the Sotterley Plantation ghost
walk and Ming Diaz is the technical effects
Tickets for the Sotterley Plantation
ghost walks are $13 for Internet orders and
$14 for phone orders. Tickets are limited,
so reservations are required. Tours run ev-
ery 10 minutes. To reserve a space on one
of the tours online, go to www.sotterley.org.
To order tickets over the phone, or for more
information, call 301-373-2280.
The Gates of Summerseat is next up
on the list of spooky attractions.
According to Jimmy Dicus, who co-
wrote the script for The Gates of Summer-
seat, this is the rst ghost walk to be hosted
at Summerseat Farm since the farms found-
ing, over 300 years ago.
The script for the ghost walk is what
Dicus called dark humor.
Its a tale of vengeance and horror,
he said. He and his wife tried to tie all the
farms landmarks into the script. There are
10 or 11 stops during the walk.
Its going to be a scary event, Dicus
Summerseat Farms ghost walk will
run Oct. 21-23. Tickets are $13 per person
and can be ordered at www.summerseat.org
or at 301-373-2069. The event is not recom-
mended for children under the age of 8.
The last weekend of October will fea-
ture a double-header. Point Lookout State
Park and Historic St. Marys
City will both have ghost
walks on Oct. 29 and 30.
Point Lookout State
Parks The Spirits of Point
Lookout is hosted by the
Kiwanis Club and is its ma-
jor fundraiser for the year.
According to Tom Ganse,
a member of the Kiwanis
Club and the person whos
in charge of The Spirits of
Point Lookout, the ghost
walk proceeds go toward
funding projects such as the
Keys program and Circle K,
among other things.
The Kiwanis Club took
the ghost walk over from Point Lookout
State Park in 2003. He said the ghost walk
didnt happen in 2009 because they wanted
to take a break and polish the act.
We always look for ways to improve
things, Ganse said.
The Spirits of Point Lookout is kid
friendly event.
They love it, Ganse said. Its not a
Halloween scare fest kind of thing.
The Newtowne Players get involved
as performers and there is food supplied by
Smokey Joes Barbeque and Hawaii Joes.
In order to make sure an experienced
guide leads each tour, the number of tours
was cut in half, so tickets are even more lim-
ited than usual. For more information, or to
make a reservation, call 301-872-5688.
Historic St. Marys ghost walk is
Grave Matters. This ghost walk is also
back from a break taken after 2008.
Susan Wilkinson, the director of mar-
keting with Historic St. Marys City, said the
ghost walk consists of short plays at different
places in the museum and grounds about life
and death in the colony. She recommended
parental guidance for younger children, be-
cause some of the elements could be fright-
ening for a child.
After the walk, Wilkinson said there
will be an optional carriage ride to the
It should be very entertaining, she
Reservations are required. Tickets are
$20 for adults over the age of 12, $15 for chil-
dren between the ages of 6 and 12 and free
for children under the age of 6. To reserve
a spot, e-mail hsmc@smcm.edu or call the
Historic St. Marys City Visitor Center from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Satur-
day at 1-800-SMC-1634 or 240-895-4990.
Thursday, Oct. 14
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 5 p.m.
Thirsty Thursday
The Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200
Dowell Road, Lusby) 6 p.m.
Ghosts of Sotterley Tour
Sotterley Plantation (44300 Sotter-
ley Lane, Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Trivia Night
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 7 p.m.
Calvert Library (850 Costley Way,
Prince Frederick) 7 p.m.
Clarion Inn (45 St. Patricks Drive,
Waldorf) 7:30 p.m.
Ladies Night with DJ Chris
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville) 8
Martini Karaoke with DJ Steve
Martinis Lounge (10553 Theodore
Green Blvd. White Plains) 9 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 15
Free Family Movie
Lexington Park Library (21677
FDR Boulevard, Lexington Park)
2 p.m.
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 5 p.m.
Four Friends Jazz band
Chefs American Bistro (22576
Macarthur Boulevard, San Souci
Plaza suite 314, California) 5
DJs Donna and Ohmer
Hotel Charles (15110 Burnt Store
Road, Hughesville) 7:30 p.m.
DJ Nite with DJ Chris
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville) 8
Wolfs Hot Rods and Old Gas
Open Blues Jam
Fat Boys Country Store (41566
Medleys Neck Road, Leonard-
town) 8 p.m.
OCI Pub (45413 Lighthouse Road,
Piney Point) 8 p.m.
Split Second
Martinis Lounge (10553 Theodore
Green Blvd. White Plains) 9 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 16
DJ and MC
Chefs American Bistro (22576
Macarthur Boulevard, San Souci
Plaza suite 314, California)
Brain Games
Calvert Library (850 Costley Way,
Prince Frederick) 10 a.m.
Fair Warning
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 6 p.m.
Texas Hold Em- Saturday
Night Special
Park Bingo Hall (22608 Three
Notch Road, Lexington Park) 7
Alexandria Harmonizers-
Leonardtown Rotary Club Per-
forming Arts Series
Great Mills High School Audi-
torium (21130 Great Mills Road,
Leonardtown) -7 p.m.
OCI Pub (45413 Lighthouse Road,
Piney Point) 8 p.m.
The Creole Gumbo Jazz Band
The Westlawn Inn (9200 Chesapeake
Avenue, North Beach) 8 p.m.
Costume Karaoke
VFW 2632 (23282 Three Notch
Road, California) 8:30 p.m.
DJ and Karaoke
Veras White Sands Beach Club
(1200 White Sands Drive, Lusby)
9 p.m.
Full Steam
ApeHangers (9100 Crain Highway,
Bel Alton) 9 p.m.
Hotel Charles (15110 Burnt Store
Road, Hughesville) 9 p.m.
Full Steam
Martinis Lounge (10553 Theodore
Green Blvd. White Plains) 9 p.m.
Karaoke with DJ Tommy and
California Appleebees (45480
Miramar Way, California) 9 p.m.
Blue Dog Saloon (7940 Port To-
bacco Road, Port Tobacco) 9:30
3 Day Ride
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville)
9:30 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 17
Leonardtown Church of the
Nazarene (340 Washington Street,
Leonardtown) 10:30 a.m.
Big Dog Zone
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville) 11
Two-Day Texas Hold Em
Poker Tournament
Indian Head Moose Lodge (11
Town Street, Indian Head) 11
Down River Band
Veras White Sands Beach Club
(1200 White Sands Drive, Lusby)
2 p.m.
NFL at the Duck
The Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200
Dowell Road, Lusby) 6 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 18
Mason Sebastian
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 5 p.m.
Teen Book Chat
Lexington Park Library (21677
FDR Boulevard, Lexington Park)
5:30 p.m.
Auditions for Doubt
Three Notch Theatre (21744 South
Coral Drive, Lexington Park) - 7
Calvert Eats Local Potluck
Calvert Library (850 Costley Way,
Prince Frederick) - 7 p.m.
Charity Texas Hold Em
Calvert Library (21367 Great Mills
Road, Lexington Park) - 7 p.m.
Salsa Night
The Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200
Dowell Road, Lusby) 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 19
Patuxent Voices at PRAD
Calvert Marine Museum (14200
Solomons Island Road, Solomons)
11 a.m.
Fair Warning
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 5 p.m.
Open Pool Tables
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville) 7
Texas Hold Em Tournament
Fraternal Order of Police (21215
Chancellors Run Road, Great
Mills) 7 p.m.
Birthday night and Randys
Open Mic Night
Martinis Lounge (10553 Theodore
Green Boulevard, White Plains)
9 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 20
Ladies night and Karaoke
Chefs American Bistro (22576
Macarthur Boulevard, San Souci
Plaza suite 314, California) 5
Captain John
DB McMillans (23415 Three
Notch Road, California) 5 p.m.
Karaoke with DJ Harry
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three
Notch Road, Mechanicsville) 7
Wolfs Hot Rods and Old Gas
Open Blues Jam
Beach Cove Restaurant (8416
Bayside Road, Chesapeake Beach)
8 p.m.
Comedy Night
Martinis Lounge (10553 Theodore
Green Blvd. White Plains) 9 p.m.
St. Marys County Gets
Spooky With Ghost Walks
Photo Courtesy of Susan Wilkinson,
Historic St. Marys City
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 25
The County Times will not be held responsible for any
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Tuesday at 12 pm.
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available on the 23rd).
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donatedtoa local non-prot organization.
2. Aportionof proceeds fromthis event will be donatedtoHealth
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The veterinary practice of
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as Beauvue Animal Hospital and
Vet-a-Pet Mobile Veterinary Services,
will be closed until further notice
due to a medical condition.
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The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 26
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LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493
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Detectives Make Narcotics Arrests
Monica Dianne Guyton, 20, of Mechanicsville, was identied by vice/narcotics detectives
as an alleged distributor of prescription medication. As the investigation into her possible crimi-
nal activity progressed, undercover purchases of oxycodone were made. After a case review by
States Attorney Richard D. Fritz and presentation to the St. Marys County Grand Jury, arrest
warrants were issued. Guyton was originally held on a no-bond status.
Eric Lee Robinson, 24, of Callaway, was indicted by vice/narcotics detectives after
undercover purchases of cocaine were conducted. A search warrant was conducted and
Robinson was allegedly found to be in possession of oxycodone in an amount that indicated
his intent to distribute. He was arrested and an additional violation of probation warrant was
served on him. He had been convicted of second-degree rape and violated his conditions of re-
lease, police say. Additional charges are pending.
Deandre Terille Taylor, 21, of Bushwood, was identied through investigations as allegedly
conducting sales of cocaine in the Lexington Park area. Undercover purchases revealed that he
both distributed and conspired to distribute cocaine, police allege. He was indicted and arrested.
Additional charges are pending.
Jeffrey Donald Hephner, 30 of Leonardtown, was identied as a suspected distributor of
prescription medications, police report. While conducting the investigations, undercover pur-
chases of oxycodone were made from Hephner, which led to his subsequent indictment. He was
arrested and originally held without bond.
Kathy Lea Reed, 21, of Mechanicsville, was arrested and charged on numerous indictments
related to undercover purchases of prescription medication, namely oxycodone, police report.
She was charged with multiple counts of distribution and conspiring to distribute a controlled
dangerous substance. She was originally held without bond.
Man Charged With Stalking Girlfriend
On Oct. 7, the victim ended her relationship with David Thomas Copsey Jr., 40, of Mechan-
icsville and, police state, the victim explained to Copsey that she did not want him to contact her
by any means. Since then, Copsey has repeatedly attempted to call, text and contact the victim
against her wishes, police report. Copsey has shown up at the victims place of employment,
her residence, her familys residence and her childs school after being told several times not
to contact her or trespass on her property, according to police. On Oct. at approximately 3a.m.,
Copsey went to the victims residence and attempted to contact her. He was stopped leaving the
residence by Corporal J. Somerville. Copsey was arrested and charged with stalking, harass-
ment and trespassing.
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Police have arrested a 17-year-old male on
charges of armed robbery in what law ofcers
say was a drug deal gone awry.
Davevon Lee
Price, of Hollywood,
was arrested Mon-
day night shortly af-
ter allegedly robbing
a man who, court
papers stated, had
arrived at the Hol-
lywood Burchmart
convenience store to
conduct a marijuana
According to
charging documents
led against Price,
who was denied bond
and was committed to
the states youth de-
tention facility in Cheltenham after his arraign-
ment, Price had met the victim, Jacob Clark
Page, in the parking lot of the convenience
store to buy marijuana but became angry when
he believed that Page had not sold the amount
of marijuana they had agreed upon.
He stated the victim shortchanged
him the charging documents state.
Price produced a revolver, police allege,
and used it to forcibly take Pages digital scale
from him.
As the victim and the defendant struggled,
Price allegedly used the revolver to strike Page
at least twice and then ed the scene.
Page told law ofcers that two men who
were with Price during the alleged robbery and
assault were walking across the street nearby
the store when the ofcers arrived;
both Marcus Darnell Courtney and
Alfonzo Davon Cyrus gave state-
ments saying that they identied
Price as the one with the revolver
who struck and robbed Page, court
papers state.
Police recovered a Smith and
Wesson revolver on the side of Sot-
terley Road in a white plastic bag,
as well as a t-shirt and jeans that
matched the description of what
Price had been wearing at the time
of the alleged robbery.
Police tracked Price to his
home, took him into custody and
interviewed him; Price told police
that he had the revolver and admit-
ted to striking the victim with the gun as well
as meeting with Page to purchase marijuana,
police report.
Price faces charges of armed robbery,
rst-degree assault, second-degree assault, us-
ing a handgun in the commission of a felony
and possession of a rearm in relation to a drug
trafcking crime.
17-Year-Old Charged in Armed Robbery
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
A week after local police raided several
homes in the Colony Square neighborhood
in Lexington Park, the crime, vagrancy and
disturbances seem to have reduced, said one
anonymous resident, but the community is
still troubled.
Its better, but its still not a nice place
to live, the resident told The County Times
on condition of anonymity for fear of re-
prisal from criminal elements still in the
As soon as the police operation in the
crime besieged neighborhood was over Oct. 7,
others who were living there, mostly women,
were out in the streets pointing ngers and
trying to nd out who gave information to
vice/narcotics operatives to pinpoint suspect-
ed drug dealers.
There were a lot of people out there
screaming at each other trying to nd out who
informed on the drug dealers, the resident
Police have said in recent months that
drug crime in the small neighborhood has
dominated much of the climate there, and
residents have said that trafc coming in and
out of the neighborhood appears connected to
a brisk drug trade.
The resident reported that one woman
who was suspected by criminal elements of
informing on them was fearful of retaliation,
even though she had not spoken to police,
showing that intimidation of certain residents
was still a problem.
She was afraid, the resident said.
But the raids did have a positive affect,
the resident said, both in trafc and in noise
Theres a lot less trafc, theres a lot [few-
er] cars driving down our streets, the resident
said. And theres a lot less noise down there
because the group that sits out there and drinks
is gone.
A community clean up late September
seemed to have little effect in alleviating trash
that often piles up in the neighborhood proper-
ties, the resident said.
The neighborhood looks just as trashy as
it did before the clean up.
According to police reports following the
raids and arrests, there were seven people taken
in custody by deputies operating with agents
from the Drug Enforcement Agency and the
Naval Criminal Investigative Service, on either
drug related charges or for allegedly resisting
the warrant searches.
Marcus Tyrek Chase, 25, Keon William
Sanders, 22, Kirk Ramsey Morgan, Jr., 22, and
Chris Ricardo Colbert, Jr., 25, were all arrested
on charges of cocaine distribution, according to
police reports.
Duane Cornelius Mason, 22, was charged
with distributing marijuana, while Dawn Ma-
rie Rice, 34, was arrested for alleged prescrip-
tion drug violations.
Deputies apprehended Shileka Janella
Smith, 22, for allegedly resisting arrest during
one search operation at a home where narcot-
ics, packaging material, a rearm and a scale
were recovered.
Investigators are still searching for Anto-
nio Wendell Chase, 24, whom they say is as-
sociated with Smith, after being indicted on
felony charges.
Major Bust in Colony Square
Had Positive Effect
Davevon Lee Price
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 27
The St. Marys College of Maryland
mens tennis team ended their fall por-
tion of the 2010-11 campaign on a high
note as the Seahawks handed visiting
Susquehanna University its rst loss of
the season a 5-4 decision at Somerset
Tennis Complex on Saturday afternoon.
First-year Guy Guzzone, Jr. (Co-
lumbia, Md./Hammond) notched the
deciding victory at No. 5 singles as Guz-
zone tallied a 6-2, 6-2 victory over senior
Bruce Osborn (Sayre, Pa./Sayre Area)
to give the Seahawks a 5-3 advantage
heading into the nal singles match.
St. Marys (3-1) headed into singles
action with a 3-0 margin as sophomore
Kyle Feeley (Baltimore, Md./Mount
Saint Joseph) and rst-year Devin Turk
(Phoenix, Md./Hereford) staved off two
match points at No. 3 doubles for a 9-8
(7-2) win over Osborn and junior Grant
Uber (Biglerville, Pa./Biglerville).
Susquehanna (5-1) claimed victo-
ries at No. 1 and No. 2 singles to pull
within 3-2 before Feeley posted a 6-4,
4-6, 6-3 triumph over rst-year Jeremy
Neville (Wellesley, Mass./Wellesley) at
the No. 3 ight for a two-point cushion.
The Crusaders responded with a straight
set win from sophomore Mats Haaland
(Brunswick, Maine/Brunswick) at No. 4
singles to cut the decit to 4-3.
St. Marys will kick-off its tradi-
tional season on February 25, 2011 at
Division II Virginia Union University at
3:30 pm.
Chopticon grad Ehrhardt named
conference Golfer of the Week
Wesley College sophomore Robert Ehrhardt (Mechanicsville, Md./Chopticon)
was selected as the CAC Golfer of the Week after nishing in a tie for second at the
Bent Creek Invitational, hosted by Franklin & Marshall College. Ehrhardt carded a
two-over-par 73 at Mondays one-day tournament to lead the Wolverines.
SMCM womens soccer scores
rst place tie
The St. Marys College of Mary-
land womens soccer team moved into
a three-way tie for rst in the Capital
Athletic Conference standings as the
host Seahawks scored twice in a one-
minute span to notch a 2-0 victory over
York College of Pennsylvania Saturday
The teams were even on shots at 14
apiece while York (4-8-1, 4-2 CAC) held
a 6-4 advantage in corner kicks. The
Spartans attacked feverishly in the rst
half but St. Marys counterattacked just
as intensely. However, neither team was
able to get a shot on target.
It was more of the same in the sec-
ond half until the 76th minute when
sophomore forward Dani Granholm
(Broomeld, Colo./Broomeld) put in a
loose ball amidst a mad scramble in front
of the goal following a corner kick.
The Seahawks (4-5-1, 4-1 CAC)
struck again at 76:22 as sophomore for-
ward Tori Eskay (Damascus, Md./Ur-
bana) slipped a ball through to rst-year
midelder Yvonne Latour (Gaithers-
burg, Md./Quince Orchard) who booted
a rocket just underneath the crossbar.
First-year Kelsey Wirtz (Parkton,
Md./Hereford) recorded her second
shutout of the season with three stops
while junior Sarah Spanarkel (Toms
River, N.J./Toms River North) picked
up ve saves in the loss.
Seahawk men end fall tennis
season on high note
Winter youth Indoor Soccer Registration
Ages 4 and Up both boys and girls
November 11,16 and 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Leonard Hall
Recreation Center or during the week of the 15th through 19th
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Recreation and Parks main of-
ce in Leonardtown. Cost $55.00 per player or $550.00 per team
needing shirts and $490.00 per team not needing shirts.
Divisions U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18
Cut off date December 31st of 2010 and you can register online.

Also youth roller hockey registration
Ages 8 thru 14 both boys and girls
November 10 and 17 from 7 to 9 p.m at the Leonard Hall
Recreation Center or during the week in the Recreation and
Parks main ofce from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week of the
15th. Cost is $75.00 per player and you can also register online.
County Rec and Park Sports
Registrations Coming Up
Youth basketball registration
3rd grade thru 8th grade both boys and girls
Cost $70.00 per player
Monday November 15th Esperanza Middle
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday November 16th at Lettie Dent Elem.
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday November 18th at Leonardtown Elem
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Come to the recreation and Parks main ofce
during the day between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. the week
of November 15th to register or register online.
For more information, contact Kenny Sotho-
ron at 301-475-4200 ext. 1830.
Wed., Oct. 6
Boys Soccer
Great Mills 2, Chop-
ticon 0
Leonardtown 3,
Patuxent 2
Boys Cross Country
Huntingtown 21,
Chopticon 40
Chopticon 22, Lackey
Leonardtown 26,
North Point 31
Leonardtown 15,
Thomas Stone 50
Leonardtown 15,
Westlake 50
Northern 23, Great
Mills 34
Great Mills 19, Patux-
ent 42
Girls Cross Country
Huntingtown 15,
Chopticon 48
Chopticon 23, Lackey
Northern 15, Great
Mills 47
Patuxent 24, Great
Mills 32
Leonardtown 19,
North Point 42
Leonardtown 15,
Thomas Stone 50
Leonardtown 15,
Westlake 50
Field Hockey
Calvert 2, Chopticon 0
Leonardtown 20,
Westlake 0
District 4 tournament
at Swan Point
5. Chopticon 344
6. Leonardtown 351
10. Great Mills 407
Calvert 3, Chopticon 1
Leonardtown 3, West-
lake 0
Thurs., Oct. 7
Field Hockey
Leonardtown 6, Mc-
Donough 1
Great Mills 10, West-
lake 0
Girls Soccer
Thomas Stone 3,
Chopticon 0
McDonough 0,
Great Mills 0 (double
Paul VI 1, St. Marys
Ryken 0
Chopticon 3, Great
Mills 1
Paul VI 3, St. Marys
Ryken 0
Fri., Oct. 8
Field Hockey
Chopticon 3, Great
Mills 1
Chopticon 49, North-
ern 3
Patuxent 34, Great
Mills 21
La Plata 23, Leonard-
town 6
St. Vincent Pallotti 36,
St. Marys Ryken 22
Leonardtown 3,
Patuxent 0
Sat, Oct. 9
Boys Soccer
Northern 2, Great
Mills 0
Huntingtown 5, Leon-
ardtown 0
Field Hockey
Patuxent 1, Leonard-
town 0
Mon, Oct. 11
Boys Soccer
Northern 5, Chopti-
con 0
Field Hockey
Chopticon 1, Thomas
Stone 0
Northern 3, Leonard-
town 1
Girls Soccer
Northern 3, Chopti-
con 1
Leonardtown 160
La Plata 165
Chopticon 168
Leonardtown 3,
Chopticon 0
Tues., Oct. 12
County Championship
at Cedar Point
Leoanrdtown 308
Chopticon 327
Great Mills 350
Thurs., Oct. 14
Boys Soccer
Chopticon at Hunting-
town, 6 p.m.
Great Mills at North
Point, 6 p.m.
Field Hockey
Chopticon at Westlake,
4 p.m.
Girls Soccer
Chopticon at Leonard-
town, 6 p.m.
North Point at Great
Mills, 7 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 15
Field Hockey
Leonardtown at Chop-
ticon, 4 p.m.
Calvert at Chopticon,
7 p.m.
Great Mills at Leonard-
town, 7 p.m.
Girls Soccer
Patuxent at Great Mills,
5:30 p.m.
St. Marys Ryken at St.
Johns, 7 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 16
Boys Soccer
Archbishop Carroll at
St. Marys Ryken, 7:30
Cross Country
St. Marys Ryken at
Georgetown Prep,
St. Marys Ryken at
Riverdale Baptist, 2
Mon, Oct. 18
Boys Soccer
McDonough at Leonar-
dtown, 6 p.m.
Field Hockey
St. Marys (Annapolis)
at St. Marys Ryken,
4 p.m.
McDonough at Chopti-
con, 4 p.m.
Great Mills at Patuxent,
6 p.m.
St. Marys Ryken at
Bishop McNamara,
7 p.m.
Tues., Oct. 19
Boys Soccer
Great Mills at La Plata,
6 p.m.
Field Hockey
Leonardtown at North
Point, 4 p.m.
Girls Soccer
Bishop OConnell at St.
Marys Ryken, 5:30 p.m.
Chopticon at Mc-
Donough, 6 p.m.
La Plata at Great Mills,
6 p.m.
North Point at Leonar-
dtown, 6 p.m.
North Point at Leonar-
dtown, 7 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 20
Boys Soccer
Leonardtown at North
Point, 6 p.m.
Cross Country
Point/Northern at
Chopticon, 4:30 p.m.
dtown at Great Mills,
4:30 p.m.
Field Hockey
Great Mills at La Plata,
4 p.m.
The Calverton School
at St. Marys Ryken,
4 p.m.
Chopticon at Mc-
Donough, 7 p.m.
Great Mills at La Plata,
7 p.m.
Bishop OConnell at St.
Marys Ryken, 7 p.m.
DC Area Homes Sell Oct 28th
real estate auctions
Nominal Opening Bid: $50,000
HOLLYWOOD, MD 44025 5andy Bottom Poad
3BR 2BA 1,188+/- sf. Built in 1990. Approx 1ac lot.
Open House: 1-4pm Sat Oct 16th, 23rd and 2 hours before sale.
Nominal Opening Bid: $25,000
3BR 1.5BA 1,092+/- sf. Built in 1984. Approx 1ac lot.
Open House: 1-4pm Sat Oct 23rd and 2 hours before sale.
Above properties sell: 3:45pm, Thu Oct 28th at 44025 Sandy Bottom
Road, Hollywood, MD
See website for all
DC area homes
44025 5andy Bottom Poad, HoIIywood
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 28
By Keith McGuire
Contributing Writer
When sweltering 90 100 temperatures
give way to brisk October nights and sunny
daytime highs in the 60s and 70s, garden-
ers begin to lament the diminishing greens
and brilliant colors of owers theyve tended
through the spring and summer months. Blind-
ed by the fact that winter weather is only a few
weeks away, they often fail to see the beauty
of the fall.
People who appreciate outdoor sports
look at things differently and view this time
of year as one of bounty and beauty, perhaps
the foundation of the rst Thanksgiving, the
great harvest or the cornucopia offered by na-
ture. For many of natures creatures
the change signals a time for mass
migrations, or for aggressive reproductive ac-
tivities that ensure the preservation of their
Hunters head for the eld, forest and wa-
terfront during peak animal activity. They will
harvest and observe wildlife that most non-
hunters have only heard about through stories,
magazines, and television. Hunting has been a
part of our way of life in this country for nearly
400 years. Hunters have anticipated and pre-
pared for rewards that only happen through
careful planning. Autumn is their favorite
For many, the season began on Septem-
ber 1st with the rst Dove season and the early
resident Canada Goose season. For others it
began on September 15th with the beginning
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$50 per ticket RESERVATIONS ONLY
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By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
MORGANZA Being a fresh-
man on any high school varsity team
is a tough adjustment to make, but
Chopticon forward Jodi Buddenbohn
seems to be well prepared for the
Buddenbohn scored two goals
to lead the Braves to a 3-1 win over
county rival Great Mills in Southern
Maryland Athletic Conference eld
hockey action Friday afternoon.
For me to play on varsity is so
amazing, said Buddenbohn, who
scored the rst and nal goals of the
contest for Chopticon (3-4 overall, 3-
4 SMAC). I have to work hard and
show myself that Im as good as ev-
eryone else.
Buddenbohn scored rst 10
minutes into the rst half, but Great
Mills evened the score when Kristin
Busitzky snuck a shot past Shelby
Farrell with 10:35 to go in the half.
Chopticon got the winner with at the
23:48 mark when sophomore midelder Bec-
ca Frazier took a pass from Tori White and
got the ball past Jess Michalek to make it 2-1
Braves at halftime.
It was really nice to come back and show
whos on top, Frazier said. I think were do-
ing a good job of playing together.
The second half was scoreless until the
nal four minutes when Buddenbohn added
her second goal of the game on an assist from
Cheyenne Faunce, providing the Braves with
the insurance necessary to take a win from
their county rival.
We just have to do what we have to do
and we have to do work, Buddenbohn said.
I love this team and I wouldnt trade them for
the world. Were a family.
That is why 11th-year head coach Anne
Vallandingham has high praise for this team.
I paid them a compliment I havent
done in 10 or 11 years to have a team that
overcomes being down a man not once but
twice, what more can you ask for, she said.
Theyre learning and improving, and I like
what I see.
On the other side, Great Mills head coach
Michelle Richmond was frustrated with the
Hornets inability to take advantage of 18
Thats the problem with 18 corners
when you only score one, she said. Chopti-
con decided they were going to play, they beat
us to every ball, they deserved to win.
of the Deer archery season. And so it continues
through the fall and winter months as regula-
tions allow.
In Maryland as in most other states
Hunter Education and Safety is encouraged
for all hunters and required for anyone who can-
not certify that they hunted prior to July 1, 1977.
This is a good thing. The Hunter Safety Courses
offered in the state cover the gamut of hunting
activities from gun, archery and muzzle-loader
safety, tree-stand safety, wildlife identica-
tion, public and private hunting lands, and so
on. Classroom, on-line and independent study
courses are offered through the Department of
Natural Resources. To nd one that meets your
needs go to their website www.dnr.maryland.
gov. Its not too late! Classroom courses are
available in St. Marys County until November
2nd. Sign up before they ll up.
All of the regulations pertaining to Hunt-
ing and Trapping in the 2010-2011 season are
available at the same online website. You can
also pick up a copy of the regulations at your lo-
cal sporting goods shop where hunting licenses
are sold.
I will be offering stories of hunting adven-
tures in future articles for this column. If you
have a particularly interesting story or a pic-
ture of a particularly impressive harvest, drop
me an email at riverdancekeith@hotmail.com.
Be safe and enjoy the season.
Freshman Buddenbohn
Scores Twice as Chopticon
Outlasts Great Mills
Jets Girls
Lacrosse Travel
Team Tryouts:
Tryouts for 2011 Summer/Fall Season:
HS graduation years 2012/13/14/15 -
Oct 17th and/or Oct 31st
9:00am-12:00pm (registration 8:30am)
HS graduation years 2016/17/18 -
Oct 3rd and/or Oct 24 9:00am-12:00pm
(registration 8:30am) Dorsey Park
Football Field, $25 tryout fee, stick,
goggles and mouthguard required.
For more info go to www.jetslax.com or
contact Ken McIlhenny at 301-904-4984.
Photo by Chris Stevens
Becca Frazier of Chopticon and Kristin Buzitsky of Great
Mills battle for possession of the ball.
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 29
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Dates: September 26, 2010, October 24,
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Location: St. Marys College of Maryland,
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Times: Sundays, 9:30 am 11:30 am
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Instructors: St. Marys College Coaching
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Registration: Contact Derek Sabedra, Head
Tennis Coach, St. Marys College
Cell: 410-610-4300 and/or email ddsabedra@
High-School Tennis Clinic Series 2010
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
dtown golf coach Ben Weiland wasnt com-
pletely surprised that the Raiders won their
second straight St. Marys County Champion-
ship at Cedar Point Tuesday afternoon, he was
surprised that his team hit the ball as well as
they did.
They shot lights
out today, Weiland said
of the Raiders 308 team
score, 19 ahead of Chop-
ticon and 42 ahead of
Great Mills, the tourna-
ment host. We played a
make-up match against
Chopticon and La Plata
yesterday. We beat them
and I was hoping it would
carry over to today.
Leonardtown had
four of the six highest in-
dividual scores, with last
years county champion
Catherine Gonzalez shar-
ing second place with
freshman teammate Ja-
mie Manchak, shooting a
77 on the day.
Weve been playing very well this sea-
son, Gonzalez said of her team. [Winning the
county] feels good.
Gonzalez herself looks at next weeks
SMAC championship at Chesapeake in Calvert
County and the County championship as an op-
portunity to prepare for the state tournament,
scheduled for Oct. 25.
Im viewing these as practice rounds to
prepare for states, she
said. I felt comfortable
today. It was a good round
and I did my best.
The county indi-
vidual championship was
shared by three golfers,
Great Mills Grant Palm-
er and Mitch Webster
and Leonardtowns Cody
Jameson, who all shot a
76 Tuesday.
Palmer put himself
in prime position for a low
round with an eagle on 17,
according to him one of
the three best shots hes
ever hit.
I aimed for the bun-
ker and it took a big hop, it
landed about a foot from
the hole, Palmer said. I
didnt see where it ended
up, but once we got up
the hill, I saw Titlelist 4
[The maker of golf balls] staring
right back at me.
For Jameson, a sopho-
more playing in his rst county
tournament as a member of the
Raiders squad, tying for the
lowest score was great.
Its pretty exciting. I got off to a slow
start and picked it up, he said.
Weiland was impressed with his freshman
Manchak, a player he describes as a natural.
Hes got good golf sense and hes sneaky
for his size he can hit the ball a long way,
Weiland said.
Chopticon was led by Tony and Nick Je-
rome, who shot 79 and 80 respectively for the
Our St. Marys County 2010 USTA Junior Tennis Sectional Champions are still in the
competition. The 18 & Under USTA Junior Tennis Team will compete for the National Cham-
pionship in Surprise, Arizona on October 29-31, 2010 against fteen other teams in the United
States. The team was awarded a proclamation by State Delegate John Bohanan on September
19, 2010 at the annual Taste of St. Marys festival. Joining in the celebration of the teams quest
for the national championship were St. Marys County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Michael
Martirano, and State Delegate John Wood, Jr. The team is accepting donations for travel ex-
penses, please email Derek Sabedra at ddsabedra@smcm.edu for details.
Top Row- Del. John Bohanan, Billy Clark, Robert Bishop, Spencer White, Coach Matt Taggert
Bottom Row- Connor McKissick, Hope Ironmonger, Lydia Browne, Danielle Gorman, Del. John
Wood, Not pictured: Coach Derek Sabedra.
USTA Junior Tennis on the way to Nationals
Raiders Repeat as County Golf Champs
Photo by Chris Stevens
Photo by Frank Marquart
Photo by Frank Marquart
Grant Palmer eagled the
17th hole, helping him gain
a share of the individual
Leonardtowns Ben Gast gets a ball out of the
sand during Tuesdays county golf championship
at Cedar Point.
The Leonardtown golf team repeated as coun-
ty champions, nishing with a team score of
308 Tuesday at Cedar Point.
The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 30
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Having to play a few players out
of position and with minimal experi-
ence was the key factor in the Leon-
ardtown football teams
23-6 loss to La Plata Fri-
day night, but rst-year
head coach Mike Nines
wasnt disappointed with
his teams effort.
We have a lot of
kids injured, so some kids
that played didnt have a
lot of experience, but they
fought well, Nines said.
We had to start throw-
ing a lot when we fell
La Plata (3-3 overall,
2-2 in SMAC play) scored
the rst nine points of the game on a
safety and a 44-yard touchdown run
by running back Derrick Pitts.
The Raiders (2-4, 1-4 SMAC)
broke through in the third quar-
ter, courtesy of quarterback Drew
Wysockis 44-yard touchdown run.
Nines is impressed with Wysockis
improvement this season and looks
forward to watching him grow the
remainder of this season and into the
Last year, he had a real tough
time as a sophomore, but this year
hes showing what kind of player he
is, he said. Im excited to see him
improve for next year also.
The Warriors sewed the game
up with one-yard touchdown runs
from Nick Spensieri and quarterback
Augustine Adams.
The Raiders were led in rushing
by sophomore Stephen Stewart, who
carried 19 times for 72 yards on the
evening. Wysocki completed eight of
14 pass attempts for 80 yards, with
Alfonso Cyrus and Stewart catching
all eight passes between them.
The Raiders will host county ri-
val Great Mills Friday night at 7 p.m.,
and Nines isnt worried about his
team being excited for a potentially
big game.
I dont think Im going to have
to do or say too much to get them red
up, he said with a chuckle.
Nines is concerned about Hor-
nets quarterback Jordan Hurt, who
Nines feels is as good as it gets at his
position in SMAC.
Hell probably be the confer-
ence player of the year, so if we can
take him out of his rhythm, that bodes
well for us. Thats our game plan, he
La Plata 23, Leonardtown 6
1 2 3 4 Total
LHS (2-4, 1-4 SMAC) 0 0 6 0 6
LP (3-3, 2-2 SMAC) 0 9 7 7 23
LP Safety, LHS ball carrier tackled in end
LP Pitts 44 run (Spensieri kick)
LHS Wysocki 44 run (kick failed)
LP Spensieri 1 run (Spensieri kick)
LP Adams 1 run (Spensieri kick)
Sp rts
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
St. Marys Ryken
head football coach
Bob Harmon feels that
the time is right for
his football team to
step up and learn from
their mistakes going
into the last half of
their season.
We have to earn
our wins, and we dont
deserve to win when
we have four turn-
overs and a holding
penalty that stops a
seven-minute drive,
Harmon said of the
Knights 36-22 loss
to St. Vincent Pallotti
of the MIAA, the rst
homecoming football
game at Rykens new
stadium. If we can
put together a full
game, I know we can
compete with anyone
left on our schedule.
The Knights (2-5) were tied with Pallotti at 8 to start the third
quarter, but their long march down the eld was halted by a holding
penalty and they were unable to come away with any points on the
drive. The Panthers (3-4) took advantage, scoring four touchdowns in
less than four minutes and walking away with a road victory.
Ryken was led by receiver Tyler Simms who caught 10 passes for
187 yards and three scores, while fullback Michael Link caught eight
passes out of the backeld, quietly putting together a 25-reception
season to this point.
The entire team and Ryken community also had heavy hearts
as sophomore quarterback Zach Snells father passed away prior to
the game. Snell did play and throw a touchdown, and Harmon was
happy with the outpouring of support for Snell and the excitement for
Harmon was encouraged that Ryken rolled up 443 yards of total
offense in the loss, but hell be more pleased when his youthful team
learns from their mistakes.
When you have two sophomore quarterbacks, a sophomore
guard and a sophomore
tackle, its tough Harmon
said. But those guys have
to start realizing theyre not
sophomores anymore.
The coach also be-
lieves that even though the
mistakes are plenty, they
can easily be xed. The
mistakes the kids are mak-
ing now, they can be cor-
rected, so our attitude is
good, were still having fun
and were still going to get
better, Harmon said.
The Knights will take
on host Riverdale Baptist
of Upper Marlboro Satur-
day afternoon at 2 p.m. The
Crusaders (an independent
team) are coming off of a
41-9 loss to Mountain Ridge
and are 2-3 on the season.
chri sst evens @count y-
Injuries Catch up to Raiders
in Loss at La Plata
Photo by Chris Stevens
Drew Wysocki ran 44 yards for a touch-
down in the Raiders 23-6 loss to La Plata
Friday night.
Knights Drop
Game to Pallotti
Photo by Frank Marquart
The Knights Tyler Simms caught 10 passes for
187 yards and three touchdowns in Rykens 36-
22 to Pallotti Friday.
Photo by Frank Marquart
Michael Link of St. Marys Ryken holds
on to Pallotti quarterback Chris Edelen
during Fridays homecoming game at
Knight Stadium.
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The County Times
Thursday, October 14, 2010 31
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
GREAT MILLS The Great Mills
football team had all the momentum go-
ing into Friday evenings battle against
Patuxent High School, whod lost their
previous two games by a 82-14 count.
However the Hornets fell victim to
two crucial turnovers and a costly penalty
in a 34-21 loss to the Panthers, their rst
loss at home this season.
This was a big night, the players
really wanted this bad, Grifth said of
the Senior Night festitivites that saw 18
players honored before the game. I got
kids bawling their eyes out right now its
a tough loss.
The Hornets (4-2 overall, 2-2 in Southern
Maryland Athletic Conference games) wasted
little time getting on the board, as Aaron Wilk-
erson took a short pass from quarterback Jordan
Hurt and outran the Patuxent defense to the end
zone for a 53-yard scoring play and a 7-0 Hornet
The lead would be short-lived as the Pan-
thers (4-2, 2-2 SMAC) drove 66 yards in just over
four minutes for the tying touchdown, a two-yard
sneak by quarterback Eddie Massengil.
Great Mills looked to have taken the lead
back on a long touchdown run by Kenny Dan-
iels, but it was called back due to an illegal proce-
dure penalty. The very next play, Travez Lee in-
tercepted a Hurt pass and returned it 61 yards to
the Hornet 29-yard line. Chicago Garners seven-
yard run would be the game winner for Patuxent
and they were able to keep the Hornets at bay.
It was a big mistake our linemen werent
all on the line of scrimmage, Grifth said of the
penalty that caused a 14-point swing.
The Hornets will return to action Friday
night at 7 p.m. when they visit county rival Leon-
ardtown. The Hornets won 14-7 at home last year
and Grifth hopes they can forget about this
tough loss as soon as possible.
It takes a lot to get over a loss like this, but
well take it one game at a time and do what we
gotta do, he said.
Hornet Mistakes Costly in
Senior Night Loss to Patuxent
, ~ . , . .

. ~.~ .~, . . , .~.~ . , ~.

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For more information call 301.475.4200, ext. 1051 or visit

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Brought to you by the Board of County Commissioners for St. Marys County:
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Thomas A. Mattingly, Sr., Daniel H. Raley; and the Department of Aging.
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Good Earth
Distinguished Gold Sponsors:
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Printing Press, Inc.
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Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department Hall
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Hollywood, Maryland 20636
St. Marys County St. Marys County
Department of Aging Department of Aging
Community Health Fair: Community Health Fair:
The Way To Wellness The Way To Wellness
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Junior quarterback Cody Douglas threw
for four touchdowns and ran for two more as
the Chopticon football team rolled to a 49-3
victory over Northern Friday night, evening
their record at 3-3 on the season and 2-2 in
SMAC play.
Thats what weve been looking for from
him, head coach Tony Lisanti said of Douglas
374 total yards (305 passing, 69 rushing) on the
evening. He showed what he can do and what
were trying to accomplish.
Northern (2-4, 2-3 SMAC) got on the
board rst with a eld goal and then recovered
an onsides kick, taking up much of the rst
quarter. Those were the only points the Patriots
would get however, as the Braves took control
of the contest.
Douglas found four different receivers
(Josh Gray, Chris Miles, Greg Lamorria and
J.W. Smith) for touchdown passes, and added
two touchdown runs to account for six of the
seven Chopticon touchdowns. Sterling Miles
also intercepted two Northern passes and
place-kicker Christopher Palmer was a perfect
seven-for-seven on extra point attempts.
The key to the Braves romp was offen-
sive exibility, including a concentrated effort
on running the ball and using a short passing
game, forcing the Northern defense to play
close to the line, and that allowed Douglas to
throw the long ball.
The strategy worked as ve different ball
carriers helped the Braves pile up a season high
176 yards on the ground.
We had a run game and were able to
complete some short passes which opened up
the long passes, Lisanti said.
The Braves get back to action Friday night
with their homecoming game against Calvert,
coming off a 41-0 loss to North Point last week.
Game time is 7 p.m.
Chopticon is inching closer to a 3A South
playoff spot, but Lisanti was cautious with four
games left to play and a feeling of dj vu.
Two years ago, we thought we had a re-
ally good team and we missed the playoffs at
7-3, Lisanti said. Things have to unfold per-
fectly and we have to play our game, so well
just wait and see.
Patuxent 34, Great Mills 21
1 2 3 4 Total
Pax (4-2, 2-2 SMAC) 7 14 0 13 34
GM (4-2, 2-2 SMAC) 7 0 7 7 21
GM Wilkerson 53 pass from Jordan
Hurt (Walker kick)
Pax Massengil 2 run (Chaconas kick)
Pax Garner 7 run (Chaconas kick)
Pax Garner 15 pass from Massengil
(Chaconas kick)
GM Jordan Hurt 60 run (Walker kick)
Pax Lee 42 run (Chaconas kick)
GM Jordan Hurt 10 run (Walker kick)
Pax Garner 9 run (kick blocked)
Douglas Shines as Braves
Trounce Patriots
Kenny Daniels of Great Mills heads up eld for
a touchdown, but it was called back because of
a penalty.
Photo by Chris Stevens
Slicing Through
The Woods
October 14, 2010
Photo By Frank Marquart
Page 29
Story Page 4
Catholic Schools
Merger on The Table
Story Page 6
Hoyer Endorsed By
Defense Community
Story Page 28
Fur and Feathers Hunting
Column Debuts Today

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