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EXERCISES Possessive Forms 1. Reescreva as frases como no exemplo. Examples: Paul hs a brother. This is Pauls brother.

Mary has a computer and Tom has a computer

These are Marys and Toms computers.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Wendy has a website. ______________________________________________________________ The dentists have ______________________________________________________ an association. books. club. law has a firm. car.

Charles wrote ________________________________________________________________ The women have _____________________________________________________________ Joe and Mario have a ________________________________________________________ Joe has a car and Mario _____________________________________________________ a

Object pronouns

2. Escreva o object pronoun correspondente.

Example: I can see Janny and she can see me. a. b. c. d. e. You can see Janny and she can see _______. Paul can see Janny and she can see _______. Laura can see Janny and she can see _______. The bird can see Janny and she can see _______. We can see Janny and she can see _______. Julie and you can see Janny and she can see _______. Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo. (Pode repetir) me you he him she her it we us they them



a. I need that pen. Can you please give ______ to ______? b. Theres a strange man in that corner. Why is ______ looking at ______? c. Priscilla drives an old car but ______ loves ______? d. Sandra asked ______ not to speak to ______ today. Shes in a bad mood.


Reescreva as frases usando o present perfect. Example: Do you know what acaraj tastes like? [you / ever / eat / acaraj] Have you ever eaten acaraj?


I visited my grandmother on Sunday and Tuesday this week. [I / visit / grandmother / twice] ________________________________________ Paul has no experience in surfing. [Paul / never / be / surfing] ________________________________________ Amy is not here anymore. She went home. [Amy / already / go / home] ________________________________________



Past continuous and Past perfect 5. Escolha as melhores alternativas para completar o texto. A very strange thing (a) to me some years ago. I (b) on a country road one night, when my car (c) down. It (d) very hard and I decided to stay in the car until the following morning. I fell asleep and after some time and old man (e) me up and said Why dont you come to my house on the hill for the night? Its more comfortable there. At first I was afraid, but then I (f) that the man had a friendly face and decided to follow him. We (g) to a little nice cabin and afterwards the man (h) me some tea. I was exhausted and quickly went to sleep in an armchair. The next morning when I when I woke up, there was no sign of the old man. I (i) on the floor of an abandoned cabin with no furniture or appliances. I found this very strange and quickly (j) down the road. To my horror I found that a nearby river (k) over and washed my car away. If I (l) in it, I would have been killed. When I (m) about the man in a village nearby, people told me that in fact an old peasant (n) in that cabin many years before and that after he passed away nobody else had lived there. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. happened / was happening / had happened drove / was driving / had driven broke / was breaking / had broken rained / was raining / had rained woke / was waking / had woken felt / was feeling / had felt got / were getting / had gotten made / was making / had made lay / was lying / had lain walked / was walking / had walked flooded / was flooding / had flooded stayed / was staying / had stayed asked / was asking / has asked lived / was living / had lived

l. m. n.

6. Escolha a melhor alternativa para as frases abaixo. a.

b. c. Ive studied English ______ many years. [since / for] Karens had that bike ______ January. [since / for] The boats been there ______ 15 minutes. [since / for] Have you ______ drunk soda? [sometimes / ever]


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