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Thursday augusT 5, 2010 www.somd.

Story Page 5
Story Page 6
Story Page 8
Photo By Frank Marquart
Offcials Want Action
on MetCom Report
Town Hall Candidate
Backtracks on Comments
Texas Roadhouse
Coming to Route 235
Pushing For Safe
Thursday, August 5, 2010 2
The County Times
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Whats Inside
Domonic Romeo, left, and Andrew Holton III, both of Leon-
ardtown, won Billy Mitchell Awards for the Civil Air Patrol
on Wednesday earning the rank of Cadet offcers. SEE
A genuine gem of St. Marys County, Ye Coole Springs of
St. Maries in Charlotte Hall provided early Maryland set-
tlers with pure water thought to have healing powers. SEE
Do You Feel Crabby When You Get Your
Insurance Bill in the Mail? Give Us A Call.
Youll Be Glad You Did.
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An Independent Agent Representing: ERIE INSURANCE GROUP
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Quades Shockers Robert Murphy makes a throw toward
frst base during Fridays Young Mens softball game.
We know theres
certain people there
who are intimidated
and were going to
every house there.
Sheriff Timothy
Cameron, talking
about an upcoming
community meeting
for the Colony Square
Lt. Mike Thompson, commander of the Maryland State Po-
lice Barrack in Leonardtown, gives a Lexwood community
child a push during National Night Out.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 3
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 4
The County Times
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Andrew Holton III and Domonic Romeo, both students at
Leonardtown High School, won Billy Mitchell Awards for the Civil
Air Patrol on Wednesday night at the new terminal at the Capt Wal-
ter Francis Duke Regional Airport in California.
Senator Roy Dyson was expected to have a representative at-
tend, as well as several members of the St. Marys County commis-
sioners and St. Marys County public school board members.
The Civil Air Patrol is the offcial auxiliary of the Unit-
ed States Air Force, and they are responsible for 90 percent
of the countrys search and rescue missions.
CAP is modeled after the Air Force progression,
said Maj. Rob McCall, Deputy Commander of cadets for
the St. Marys composite squadron. We have three mis-
sions; aerospace education, emergency services, and our
most important mission is cadet preparation.
This award is very memorable. I can beneft from this
in the future and go into any branch of service, said Holton,
who will be a sophomore at Leonardtown this fall.
This is my frst step in continuing my promotion and
hopefully a future career in military, said Romeo, who will
be a junior this fall.
The award is named after General Billy Mitchell, who
was able to demonstrate the importance of airplanes to war-
fare by capturing and sinking several battleships by plane
between 1921 and 1923.
By earning this award, Holton and Romeo have earned
a rank of Cadet offcers, as well as an E3 rating, which is a
senior airman.
Holton also fnished at the top of the Honor Guard
Academy class this summer at McDaniel University in
Westminster. Holton was one of 120 cadets chosen nationwide from
all states and Puerto Rico. He says he learned a lot about service
while at the Academy.
Its about a lot more than just twirling rifes, he said. This
is a chance for us as youth to give back to those who are serving or
who have served.
Romeo agreed.
Were giving back by going to the airports to welcome them
home and we cook on weekends because they dont have enough
troops sometimes, he says. It feels great to give back to them.
Leonardtown Students Earn Civil
Air Patrol Award
The word Nike comes from Greek Mythology. Nike is the goddess of victory and was
often depicted as a small winged fgure whom the goddess Athene carried.
A Candidates Forum featuring contested offces in the
2010 Primary Election will be held on Monday evening, Au-
gust 23, at the Lexington Park Library. All local candidates,
including those unopposed in the primary election, are in-
vited to meet and greet the public and to offer campaign
literature in the lobby of the library beginning at 6 p.m. The
forum will begin at 6:30, the League of Women Voters said
in a press release.
The forum, sponsored by the League of Women Vot-
ers of St. Marys County in conjunction with the St. Marys
County Public Library, will consist of two sessions.
The frst session will present candidates for the offce
of County Treasurer on the Democratic ballot, followed by
candidates for State Delegate of District 29A on the Repub-
lican ballot.
After a short break, the forum will continue with can-
didates on the Republican ballot for County Commissioner
President and Commissioner seats for Districts 1 and 2.
The question-and-answer format of the forum provides
an opportunity for residents to submit questions to candi-
dates either during the evenings program or in advance by
The forum will be taped by the St. Marys Public Li-
brary and will then be placed on the library website www. for access by the public. DVDs of the forum will
also be available for check-out at the library branches.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan communi-
ty-based political organization founded in 1920, encourages
the informed and active participation of citizens in govern-
ment. Learn more at the website
Women Voters Sponsor
Candidates Forum
Andrew Holton III and Domonic Romeo
Thursday, August 5, 2010 5
The County Times
SingIe or muIti-day tickets in advance or at the gate.
For tickets and information CaII 301-475-8191or visit...
The Goddurd Iurm
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in Leonurdtown)
1S1o Cluy Hill Rd
Leonurdtown, M
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The county government appointed
Commission on the Environment presented a
survey Tuesday that had a slew of recommen-
dations for county and state government to
pursue an effort to reduce water pollution and
create more sustainable communities, but for
18 months of work the number of people who
responded to the survey was relatively small.
The survey the committee conducted
had three iterations, the frst survey net-
ted only 18 responses while the next two
efforts turned up 60 and then 23 responses
John Wheeler, the chair of the commit-
tee, said that the survey, though not statisti-
cally signifcant, was still a good indicator of
the communitys environmental concerns.
There were 60 recommendations in total
divided evenly between the two main con-
cerns of halting water pollution and having
sustainable communities.
We talk about the environment every-
day, but we really [didnt] know what the
citizens think, Wheeler told the Board of
County Commissioners Tuesday.
Many of the recommendations included
restricting fshing of menhaden in the Chesa-
peake Bay, the province of the states Depart-
ment of Natural resources and Virginia, but
other recommendations had already been
covered by recent legislation covering storm
water management controls implemented
by the state as well as nutrient management
plans for agriculture operations.
One recommendation stated that the
county should ensure that vacant offce or
building space is used before allowing any
new development.
Wheeler said that recommendations
were recorded and reported in the survey
without regards to their potential impacts on
property rights issues, rather they were in-
cluded because they were of major concern.
That came in high on the priority list
but I know there are other issues related to
that, Wheeler told The County Times.
Commissioner Thomas A. Mattingly
(D.- Leonardtown) said that using vacant
building space was ideal, but the site would
not always ft the demands of the market
when it came to providing what businesses
actually needed.
You look to reuse existing property
but Im not sure that should preclude the nat-
ural growth you have, Mattingly said. You
need new development as you experience
growth in the community.
You dont want to restrict that.
He said that the survey had some prom-
ise as a working document but it was ham-
pered by its low level of response.
Youre dealing with a small group that
responded to it, Mattingly said. Its a shame
they didnt have 400 to 500 responses.
Environment Committee Offers
Host Of Recommendations
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
County sheriffs deputies along with off-
cials from other agencies will take to the streets
Thursday to knock on doors and hand out pam-
phlets encouraging Colony Square community
members in Lexington Park to attend an Aug. 11
meeting where they can make their concerns and
grievances heard about life there.
The County Times recently reported on
constant crime, including escalating violence
and drug activity, in the small neighborhood as
well as resident complaints about property thefts,
vandalism and accumulation of trash.
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron said the build-
up to the community meeting was designed to let
residents there know that the county knew about
their problems and would take action.
Cameron said that the small Colony Square
neighborhood is among the most criminally ac-
tive in Lexington Park, while some residents
there blame government subsidized housing for
the woes there he said that outside elements had
come into the community to engage in illegal
Cameron said the meeting Aug. 11 would
include many county agencies other than the
sheriffs offce and that community attendance
was vital.
Unless we enlist the cooperation and in-
clude that community we wont be success-
ful, Cameron said of any focused enforcement
action. We know theres certain people there
who are intimidated and were going to every
house there.
We know some of the concerns there al-
ready but we may not know them all.
The county sheriff said that the main thrust
of the meeting would be to help develop strate-
gies for fghting crime in the neighborhood, par-
ticularly the outside elements Cameron said were
the major problem there.
Well identify the people plaguing them
and well take action to eradicate the crime prob-
lem, Cameron said.
One resident said that despite the call to
voice their concerns, they were wary about mak-
ing their case in public for fear of reprisals.
I would be afraid to go to one of those
meetings, because these people [the criminal ele-
ment in Colony Square] will hurt you, the resi-
dent said, who agreed to speak on condition of
The resident did say that problems persisted
in the neighborhood but the sheriffs deputies
were making their presence more known.
They kind of hang out on the corner in
their cars, theres more of a police presence going
in and out and its not just to arrest people, the
resident said. I am happy about that.
County To Canvas For Community
Turnout In Colony Square
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
County commissioners and state delegates
want swift action on the recommendations set
forth in a task force report on ways to make
better the operations of the countys water and
sewer authority, but the leadership of the Metro-
politan Commissions board of directors wants
to exercise patience.
In a letter to the county from Kathleen
Werner, chair of the MetCom board, she wrote
that several of the key recommendations of the
report, including two that advised that MetCom
Diretor Jacquelyn Meiser should not hold both
the directorship and the general counsel role and
that she should not have consistent outside em-
ployment in her real estate and development law
practice, would be taken under advisement.
In prior letters sent to both Meiser and local
delegates the commissioners stated they wanted
to see MetCom offcials act on this matter with-
out delay.
Werner said that her board had to discuss
the legal impacts of any changes to Meisers
contract with the agency before they made any
They [the two recommendations] are the
ones that have drawn the most controversy,
Werner said. But we have to look at all of the
Meisers hiring in 2009 was debated among
pundits and offcials alike because she would hold
her previous role as general counsel as well as
the leadership of the agencys daily operations.
Offcials said privately that the situation,
coupled with her private law practice, could cre-
ate conficts of interest, both real and perceived.
Meiser has said that she has and is required
to follow state-mandated rules of conduct gov-
erning attorneys when it comes to ensuring that
her duties at MetCom and in her private practice
do not create conficts.
But state delegates warned that if the Met-
Com board does not move to adopt the recom-
mendations, barring a substantive reason why
they should not, they may take legislative action
next session.
MetCom is a state authorized agency, dat-
ing back about 50 years, and can have its opera-
tions changed by law.
I would hope MetCom would take proac-
tive measures on some of these recommenda-
tions, said Del. John Bohanan (D-Dist.29B). If
not they may have to be changed by law. They
should either adopt them or state specifcally
why they dont want to change. They ought to
be clear.
Bohanan said that state delegates wanted to
meet with the county to discuss the recommen-
dations, and a joint session between county com-
missioners and MetCom has been set for Aug.
Bohanan said that any real action, though,
would likely take place after the election.
House Minority Leader Anthony ODonnell
(R-Dist.29C) concurred with Bohanan on the
possible need for legislative action.
But Del. John Wood (D-Dist.29A) said
that MetCom board members should have
most of the responsibility in dealing with the
They should be the ones looking at wheth-
er they support this, Wood said.
Offcials Want Action on MetCom Report
Thursday, August 5, 2010 6
The County Times
Were looking for a few good people to participate in a 40 hour
Basic Mediation training to expand the Community Mediation
Center volunteer force. Two orientations are scheduled; one is
from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, August 7, and the other is
from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, August 13th. Trainees
must attend one of the orientations before taking the training.
The training will be offered during two consecutive weekends;
September 17, 18 and 19; and September 24, 25 and 26.
If you are interested in a rewarding way to serve your community, please call
Lindsey Bradley at 301-475-9118 or go our website for more information:
The CommuniTy mediaTion CenTer
ST. maryS CounTy
New Analysis
By Sean Rice
County commissioner candidate Randy
Guy told The Enterprise newspaper in an ar-
ticle about his full-page attack ad aimed at
his primary election opponent Thomas Mc-
Kay in the St. Marys Today that the ad cost
him absolutely nothing.
Guy also told The Enterprise that he cre-
ated the ad as sort of a joking thing when
St. Marys Today tabloid publisher Kenneth
Rossignol snapped a picture of him holding
his associates degree.
The comments sent Guy backtracking
on his words when contacted by The County
Times, and he also accused The Enterprise of
misrepresenting his interview with reporter
Jason Babcock.
The comments made to The Enterprise
and The County Times also reopen lingering
issues about the Town Hall Alliance slate of
candidates, which Guy is a member of, and its
alliance with the St. Marys Today tabloid.
Members of the Town Hall Alliance con-
tinue to claim they have no connection to St.
Marys Todays founder Kenneth Rossignol,
despite published comments and advertise-
ments testifying the opposite is true.
I mean, my God, its pretty obvious,
Commissioner Thomas Mattingly said Tues-
day about Rossignols involvement with the
Town Hall Alliance. Absolutely, theres no
question about it. Its obvious in the adver-
tisements that [Rossignol] is still actively
Mattingly is fnishing out his third term
as a county commissioner, and has become
vocal this year against Rossignols paper and
what he says are irresponsible comments and
actions from Rossignols slate of candidates.
My greatest hope at this point is that the
Rossignol agenda doesnt see the light of day
Mattingly wrote in a letter to The Enter-
prise in February.
Mattingly told The County Times that
Rossignol writes a tremendous amount of
inaccurate information that doesnt present
a true picture of what has transpired, its an
injustice to the community to put out false in-
formation like that.
Mattingly went on to say that its obvi-
ous that these candidates that are in this Town
Hall Alliance of Rossignols are using that
same information for their platforms, and I
dont think theyve made an effort to become
Guy apparently wasnt informed about
campaign fnance laws in Maryland when he
told Babcock his full-page ad in St. Marys
Today cost absolutely nothing.
According to Ross Goldstein, Deputy
Administrator for the State board of elec-
tions, a newspaper is allowed to give out free
advertisements to any candidate they choose,
but it will be counted as an in-kind political
Goldstein, although, said there are maxi-
mums on how much free stuff you can give
to candidates. During a four-year election, a
business or person can donate up to $4,000 to
any one candidate or slate of candidates, and a
total of no more than $10,000 can be donated
to all candidates in one election cycle.
Guy, when contacted by The County
Times this week, said the full-page ad in St.
Marys Today wasnt free and defnitely cost
something but needed to fnd out exact de-
tails before commenting further.
When contacted a second time, Guy said
the ad was an in-kind contribution from the
editor. He also said that The Enterprise re-
porter Jason Babcock misunderstood his
response in the July 30 article. The question,
according to Guy was did you pay in cash
for the ad? and thats why he said he paid
absolutely nothing.
Before hanging up the phone on The
County Times reporter, Guy said he was sure
Rossignol had to be involved as the editor of
St Marys Today, but that he had no direct
contact with him.
Babcock, when contacted by The Coun-
ty Times, said he did not specify a payment
method in the question, and simply asked
what Guy paid for the ad, to which he re-
sponded absolutely nothing.
Guy also told Babcock that he stood
there with the degree in hand while Rossign-
ol took the picture.
Rick Boyd, editor of The Enterprise,
told The County Times that the newspaper
100 percent stands behind what Babcock re-
ported, without a doubt.
We believe that Jason accurately re-
ported that conversation, Boyd said.
St. Marys County Commissioner Larry
Jarboe, head of the Town Hall Alliance, said
earlier this year to The County Times that
Rossignol is no long a volunteer member of
the Alliance.
That comment came after the Alliances
Web site attributed sexist comments about
MetCom director Jackie Meiser to commis-
sioner candidate Dan Morris only to have
Morris later claim that those comments were
actually written by Rossignol and Morriss
name was incorrectly attached.
Hes resigned from any volunteer duties
with the Town Hall Alliance, Jarboe said at
the time about Rossignol.
Jarboe did not answer numerous calls
and messages this week seeking comment for
this article. Rossignol hung up the phone on a
reporter after saying if theres any questions,
have Tom McKay call.
Tell Hambone to call me, I want to talk
to the Big Cheese himself, Jarboe is quoted
as saying on the St. Marys Today Web site in
response to The County Times efforts to talk
to Town Hall Alliance members.
McKay, publisher of The County Times,
said it will be interesting to see how campaign
fnance reports will shake out for the Town
Hall Alliance and its candidates when the
next report is released on Aug. 17.
Other candidates have said Rossignol
quoted full page political ads at $700 a piece.
At that cost, a quick look at the last few issues
shows that paper is running at least $1,000
worth of free ads, or in-kind ads if thats
what theyre calling them now, in each issue,
McKay said. It would be interesting to see
what a criminal investigation into Rossignols
skirting of the $10,000 political contribution
limit would fnd there has been Town Hall
Alliance ads appearing there for the better
part of a year. Staff Writer Sarah Miller contributed
to this article.
Town Hall Alliance But With Whom?
Political Ties in Question
Now Through
September 1st
Thursday, August 5, 2010 7
The County Times
Send to:
The County Times
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, MD 20636
Make sure you include your name, phone # and the city you live in.
We will not publish your phone #, only your name and city
To The Editor:
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, Maryland 20636
News, Advertising, Circulation, Classifeds: 301-373-4125
James Manning McKay - Founder
Eric McKay - Associate
Tobie Pulliam - Offce
Sean Rice -
Angie Stalcup - Graphic
Andrea Shiell - Reporter - Education,
Chris Stevens - Reporter -
Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government,
Do you remember Jimmy Carter double
digit infation, home mortgage rates 16-18%, long
gas lines and rationing, American hostages held by
Iran for over a year, and our Armed Forces, CIA
and Intelligences gutted. Thank God for Ronald
Regan who inspired America, rebuilt our Armed
Forces, won the Cold War without a shot, cut over
taxes despite having a Democratic Congress, and
renewed Americans confdence in the greatest na-
tion ever put on this planet.
Contrast recent vision of America with
Barack Obama who goes on world wide apol-
ogy tours; cuddles up to worlds worst Castro,
Chavez and Ahmadi-Nejad; refuses to touch Fan-
nie Mae and Freddy Mac (Barney Franks and
Chris Dodds baby) despite they were the real cul-
prits in the fnancial meltdown. Congress man-
dated that banks make NO DOCUMENT and
loans to folks who never had a prayer of keeping
up their mortgage payments.
It is sad and frightening to see our wonderful
Nation fall like a rock in the last 18 months with
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and Steny Hoyer lead-
ing the charge to ruin our auto industry, ruin the
worlds greatest health care and rack up debt in the
TRILLIONS while putting a back breaking bur-
den on the next generations with nay a glimmer of
hope for our future unless we rein in these spen-
daholics, redistribute the wealth and uncontrolled
border policy crowd. It is sad testimony to have
Britain, France and Germany lecturing the United
States about the need to get over spending under
control. Obama in 18 months has increased our
National debt more than all the Presidents (com-
bined) before him in our nations history. The
Health Care Bill (a.k.a. Socialized Medicine) has
been rammed down our throats and passed with
a ton of bribes, trades and backroom deals. Why
do the majority of Canadians come to America for
major surgery? Well, waiting months or years for
care in Canada may be too late. The American
media tried to crucify Joe the Plummer in the
last election as he dared to challenge Candidate
Obama on his plan to Redistribute the Wealth.
We are the next fnancial disaster like Greece un-
less the Republicans can get a check on the one
party rule and TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE
What can St. Marys County and 5th Con-
gressional District voters do to help save our Na-
tion? Vote out the progressives (code name for
Liberal Democrats) and start with giving Nancy
Pelosis right hand man (Steny Hoyer) his walk-
ing papers and send this 28 year career politician
home. Steny has never seen a tax he didnt like.
Before you accuse me of being a Tea Party
wacko and racist (the usual Democratic dirty
trick) you better read on to see the candidate I am
supporting to represent us in Congress. He is a
true American Patriot who exemplifes everything
good we NEED in Congress.
Steny Hoyer, career politician and BIG EAR-
MARK PORKER, has $1.4 million in his war
chest for re-election. Over 90% of these funds
come from outside the 5th Congressional District,
most comes from big unions and PACS (Political
Action Committees). He CLAIMS his Democratic
(liberal and progressive) fght for the little man, but
he knows where his special interest cronies and al-
ways votes to protect their special interests. Many
of my old Navy cronies say Steny saved the Base
in the last BRAC (Base Relocation and Closing).
To this I say BS. A lot of smart and hard
working Navy folks (active and retired) and Civil
Service employees did their homework and bust-
ed their buns to show the tremendous capability
and marvelous work force at PAX. Credit ZERO
to Hoyer!!! Steny was totally a big anti-defense
guy until PAX came into the district. Why does
he have all his Union and special interest folks on
stage at his Town Hall meetings??? It is time for
term limits and send these career politicians home
and we should start with Steny.
I am supporting Charles Lollar for the 5th
District Congressional. He is a remarkably gifted,
honest, hard working, dedicated family man, suc-
cessful business man and staunch advocate for
limited government and balanced budgets. He
has 13 years in the U. S. Marine Corps reserves
and has been tested in combat. He is a fscal con-
servative and good Christian man that we need to
send to Washington to stop the secular and social-
ized agenda of President Obama. Steny Hoyer has
voted 100% for Obamas radical agenda and thinks
BIG Government is the answer to everything. Get
rid of the Progressives starting with Steny Hoyer
and save our great Nation from a precipitous fall.
It is later than you think!!
Donald Beck
St. Marys City. MD
We Are in Trouble
I want to share with you an item that ap-
pears in the Washington Times, Tuesday, July
27, 2010, page A2.
It is included there within the column
Inside the Beltway by Jennifer Harper. This
item is entitled: BUH-BYE FOLKS, and
reads as follows:
The lifting gets lighter when you drop
the ball. Congress is about to adjourn for a
SIX-WEEK summer recess -- THE LONGEST
IN MEMORY (my caps here). This despite the
fact that Democrats have completely failed to
address Americans worries about the ECON-
VATE SECTOR SUCCESS, (again, my caps)
says the Republican Study Committee.
The next paragraph notes: While Vice
President Biden and other Democrats seem
to think that the heavy lifting is over, all the
aforementioned issues remain major concerns
for the public. Why? Because the heavy lift-
ing is not actually over. DEMOCRATS JUST
DROPPED THE BALL. (And my caps were
also use here.)
Now I really expect that most of my
friends will agree with this item above. And
I sure do hope that you will help do something
about this situation. What to do? Well, make
sure that you and your family and friends are
ready to vote in the primary in Maryland this
coming September 14 and then gear up for
the election of November 2. And my advice
Spurgeon Terry
Hollywood, MD
Democrats Dropped The Ball in Congress
Thursday, August 5, 2010 8
The County Times
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Top Row: Carolyn Quade, Shirley Mattingly and Barbara Livingston.
Bottom Row: Betty West, Steve Mattingly and Alice Kingsley
call us todAy to see how you can save $$$ on
your auto, home and business insurance!!!
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
The new Park Place development on the
east side of Route 235 in California is con-
tinuing to see activity, in the form of new
construction going up and new commitments
from businesses.
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers is training
new employees now and is scheduled to open
on Aug. 23, confrmed John Parlett, manager
of Park Place California, LLC, the company
that owns the property. Parlett said he talked
to Red Robin offcials Tuesday on site about
their opening day.
The Olive Garden is doing very well,
theyre doing a brisk business, Parlett told
The County Times. And Red Robin expects
much the same.
On Wednesday, Parlett confrmed he
received a signed ground lease from Texas
Roadhouse for a new restaurant to up next to
Olive Garden on the north side. The company
still needs to get permits from the county, a
liquor license and other things in order before
construction would begin, Parlett said.
The 30-acre Park Place development has
an approved site plan from the county that
includes a total of fve restaurants fronting
Route 235, a fnancial institution, a church, a
100-room hotel and three offce buildings.
A new corporate headquarters is already
permitted in the planning stages for defense
contractor SAIC in the center of the develop-
ment. They are expecting to break ground
this fall, Parlett said.
And we are currently negotiating with
two additional restaurants that I cannot dis-
close at this point, Parlett said.
Parlett said his company is actively seek-
ing out potential tenants and buyers to fll all
sections of the development, including nego-
tiations with a church.
Red Robin Opening Soon,
Texas Roadhouse Coming
The Department of Labor, Licensing and
Regulation Division of Workforce Development
is offering a program to support existing Mary-
land businesses in the retention and growth of
their workforce.
The state has been awarded $1 million of
incentive grant funds under the Workforce In-
vestment Act earmarked for training incumbent
workers. The program encourages promotion,
creates additional job opportunities and im-
proves worker retention by increasing the skill
level of the existing workforce.
The employer-based training projects are
targeted for small businesses, the healthcare
industry, and specifc demand occupations re-
quiring a $1 for $1 match from the employer.
Demand occupations include: Healthcare, Man-
ufacturing, Aerospace, Bioscience, Construc-
tion, Education, Retail, Finance/Insurance,
Hospitality/Tourism, Information Technology,
Professional/Business Services, Transporta-
tion/Warehousing industries, and any Green
For more information and eligibility con-
tact George Clark, Business Service Represen-
tative for St. Marys County, Tri-County Coun-
cil for Southern Maryland, at 240-412-3602 or
State Funds Available for Employer-Based Training
Painting a house yellow or having a yellow
trim helps in selling a house faster.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 9
The County Times
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By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Defense contractors voiced some of their
concerns about their dealings with the Navy on
Wednesday morning at a meeting at the South-
ern Maryland Higher Education Center hosted
by Del. John Bohanan and Congressman Steny
Hoyer, during which some offered solutions to
the headaches currently plaguing the defense
contracting community in St. Marys County,
including high turnover rates for contracting
professionals and a lack of qualifed personnel.
Held as a follow-up to Bohanans July 7
meeting with defense contractors, which in-
cluded discussions of offce development relat-
ed to Extended Use Leasing (EUL) programs
and hang-ups with procurement, Wednesdays
meeting was to serve as an update for Con-
gressman Hoyer, who will use some of the ma-
terial to inform his report to Navy leadership in
the coming weeks.
We spent the bulk of the time focused on
the contracts issue, with some talk of in-sourc-
ing, Bohanan said after the meeting, but most
of it continued to focus on thoughts and ideas
the community had on what Congressman
Hoyer could take to the Navy leadership.
The contract services portion at Pax River
needs attention, said Bohanan, and the bulk of
it is we need to reduce turnover but we need
to look at some models that are being employed
at other bases.
General suggestions from contractors
included opening up lines of communication
between defense contractors serving different
branches of the armed services, and enhancing
the role of the NAWCAD Government-Industry
Acquisition Improvement Team (AIT), which
was set up 10 years ago to address issues be-
tween government procurement professionals
and private industry.
We had an excellent discussion on
those issues, and some acknowledge-
ment of progress that were beginning
to make, said Bohanan, going on to
comment on Hoyers dealings with the
contracting community. Hes a frm
believer in public-private partnerships.
You have to work together on these is-
sues, he added.
Hoyers staff circulated some ear-
marks in the works for defense and re-
lated agencies, including $5 million to
develop modular communications sys-
tems for psychological operations, intel-
ligence and reconnaissance capabilities.
Also earmarked for Patuxent River
NAS would be $3 million for mission
based feld experimentation at Webster
Field, $4 million for underwater explo-
sives and warhead research, $2.3 million
for the purchase, test and evaluation of
weapon systems for Special Operations
Forces, and $2 million for engineering
and laboratory support for aircraft.
These are moving through the
process right now, said Bohanan, go-
ing on to say that the items will likely be
included in the fnal Defense Appropria-
tions Act for FY 2011.
In the meantime Bohanan said that
discussions at Wednesdays meeting
would factor into a white paper that he
and others will develop over the next couple of
weeks, containing solutions or suggestions that
Hoyer will then present to Navy leadership.
Other offcials in attendance at Wednes-
days meeting included Del. Johnny Wood,
County Commissioners Larry Jarboe and Tom
Mattingly, and Dick Myers from the offce of
Sen. Barbara Mikulski.
Bohanan, Hoyer Meet With Defense Contractors
Former NESEA Director Bob Waxman, Rep. Steny Hoyer and Bob Schaller, Director of Economic & Community Develop-
ment, at Wednesdays meeting with defense contractors at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 10
The County Times
Frances Abell, 96
Frances Indiana
Polly Abell, 96, of
Hollywood, MD died
July 29, 2010 at her
home in Sandy Bottom,
MD surrounded by her
family and friends.
Born January 19, 1914
in Redgate (Leonar-
dtown) MD, she was the daughter of
the late John P. Wilkinson and Frances
Indiana Yates. She is preceded in death
by her husband Francis Karl Abell, Sr.
whom she married on April 2, 1934
in St. Johns Catholic Church in Hol-
lywood, MD. Frances is preceded in
death by sisters Mary Julia Nelson,
Mary Frances Owens, Mary Linda
Downs, Mary Ellen Downs, Louise
Loretta Leib, Myrtle Anne Borgman,
Estille P. Greenwell and Agnes Cece-
lia Insley and one brother John Frances
Frances was a lifelong resident of
St. Marys County. She was a house-
wife and enjoyed family gatherings,
soap operas, fowers, cooking, trips
to Dover, and annual trips to Ocean
City with family. Frances is survived
by her children John V. Abell (Edna)
of Leesburg, FL, Francis K. Abell, Jr.
(Eleanor), Ramona Thomas (Jimmy),
Marjorie Jones Susie all of Leonard-
town, MD and J. Alfred Abell (Janice)
of California, MD as well as 19 grand-
children, 56 great-grandchildren, and
16 great-great grandchildren.
The family received friends on
Monday, August 2, 2010 in the Mattin-
gley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonar-
dtown, MD, where prayers were said.
A Mass of Christian burial was cel-
ebrated on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, in
St. Johns Catholic Church, Hollywood,
MD with Fr. Raymond Schmidt offci-
ating. Interment followed in the Charles
Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Leon-
ardtown, MD. Pallbearers were her
grandsons Timothy W. Abell, Harry
C. Jones, Jr., Mark Jones, Bryan Abell,
David Abell, and Jeff Thomas. Honor-
ary Pallbearers were all of the grand-
daughters. Contributions in memory
of Frances Indiana Polly Abell can
be made to St. Marys County Hos-
pice, P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
20650, and St. Johns Church build-
ing fund, 43950 St. Johns Road, Hol-
lywood, MD 20636 and Hollywood
Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 7, Hollywood,
MD 20636. To send a condolence to the
family please visit our website at www. Arrangements provided
by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Home, P.A.
Andrea Baker, 37
Andrea Dee
Devon Baker, 37, of
Lexington Park, MD
died July 25, 2010.
Dee was born on De-
cember 28, 1972 in
The Womens Center,
Washington, DC. She
was the daughter of
Delores E. Clinton and James A. Berry
both of Lexington Park, MD. She was
the loving wife of John A. Baker whom
she married on September 25, 2004 in
the Leonardtown Courthouse, Leon-
ardtown, MD. She is also survived by
her children; Kevin Berry, Keena Ber-
ry and Kanisha Berry all of St. Marys
County, MD, her grandson Kevin Ber-
ry, as well as her sisters; Diane Height
of Calvert County, MD and Theresa
Kauffman of Virginia.
Dee was a lifelong resident of St.
Marys County and attended Great
Mills High School, Great Mills, MD.
Dee was a cashier for several years
working for St. James Store in Lexing-
ton Park, MD. She also worked for B &
B Maintenance for one year as a cus-
todian. Dee loved spending time with
her family and watching football. She
especially enjoyed watching the Red-
skins play. The family received friends
on Monday, August 2, 2010 in St. Peter
Claver Catholic Church, St. Inigoes,
MD where a Mass was celebrated with
Fr. Scott Woods offciating. Interment
followed in the church cemetery. Pall-
bearers were be Darryl L. Miles, James
Baker, Joseph Baker, William Baker,
Robert Berry and Jeffery Carter. Tim-
my Bush was an Honorary Pallbearer.
To send a condolence to the family
please visit our website at www.mgfh.
com. Arrangements provided by the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home,
Judith Briggs, 67
Judith Ann Judy
Briggs, 67, of Lexing-
ton Park, MD died July
30, 2010 in Baltimore,
MD. Born August 11,
1942 in Winfeld, IA
she was the daughter of
the Lloyd Lee and Ver-
la Mae Morgan Briggs.
Judy is survived by her
children; Russell R. Nichols of Manka-
to, MN, Terri L. Beauchamp (Mark)
of Winfeld, IA and Lori Ann Martin
(Tim) of Lexington Park, MD, four
grandchildren and six great grandchil-
dren. She is also survived by fve sisters
and one brother. Judy is preceded in
death by a grandson.
She worked in many nursing
homes as a Certifed Nursing Assistant
for 25 plus years before retiring in Au-
gust of 2004. Judy loved to read, listen
to music and shop.
All services are private.
Memorial contributions in Mem-
ory of Judy may be made to the Para-
lyzed Veterans of America, 801 Eigh-
teenth Street, NW, Washington, DC
20006-3517. To send a condolence to
the family please visit our website at Arrangements pro-
vided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu-
neral Home, P.A.
John Burch, 45
John Glen Big
Bubba G Burch, 45 of
Leonardtown, MD, lost
his two-year battle with
cancer with his family
by his side, on August
1, 2010 at his residence.
He was born
January 9, 1965, at St.
Marys Hospital in
Leonardtown, MD.
He is the son of Elizabeth Betty
Burch of Hollywood, MD and the late
Robert E. Burch, Sr.
In addition to his mother, he is
also survived by his children; John
Cody Burch, Lacey Nicole Burch, and
former wife Patricia Burch all of Bush-
wood. His wife Rhonda Bender-Burch
and step-daughter, Gina Valentino both
of Great Mills, MD, siblings; Laura
(Leroy) Lacey of Abell, MD, Robert
Cindy Burch, Jr. of Compton, Mark
Burch of Hollywood, and Alan (Susan)
Burch of Mechanicsville, and half sis-
ter; Peggy Burch of New Port Richey,
He was a devoted father, brother,
husband and uncle to many nieces and
He graduated from Leonardtown
High school in 1983. He enjoyed NA-
SCAR racing, hunting, playing soft-
ball, and spending time with family.
He was a very talented carpenter who
took pride in everything he did. To
many, he was known as Big Bubba
G doing the weekly NASCAR report
on 102.9 WKIK. He enjoyed life and
always made you smile. He always put
others frst and could be counted on to
help anytime of the day.
Pallbearers will be; Leroy Lacey,
Sr., Leroy Lacey, Jr., Robert Burch, Jr.,
Mark Burch, Alan Burch, and Glenn
Knott. Honorary pallbearers are;
Steven Burch, Alex Gharib, and Eric
Family will receive friends on
Thursday, August 5, 2010 from 5 p.m. to
8 p.m. in the Brinsfeld Funeral Home,
P.A., Leonardtown, MD with prayers
recited at 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian
Burial will be celebrated on Friday, Au-
gust 6, 2010 at 11 a.m. in Holy Angels
Catholic Church with Father William
Gurnee offciating. Interment will fol-
low in Charles Memorial Gardens.
Memorial contributions may be
made to Hospice House of St. Marys,
P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650
and/or The American Cancer Society,
St. Marys County Unit-350, Lexington
Park, MD 20653
Arrangements provided by the
Brinsfeld Funeral Home, P.A., Leon-
ardtown, MD
Susan Evans, 63
Miss Susan
Marlena Evans, 63 of
California, MD passed
away on Sunday, July
25, 2010 at the St.
Marys Hospice House
in Callaway, MD.
Born July 4, 1947
in Kansas City, KS
she was the daughter of the late James
L. Evans and Dorothy W. (Johnston)
A resident of St. Marys County
for nearly 30 years, Miss Evans was a
successful Realtor with OBrien Realty
for nearly twenty years. After retir-
ing from real estate, Susan continued
to market houses using her talent in
graphic arts. She created and designed
real estate websites, advertisements
and brochures.
Miss Susan loved to travel and
would often disappear over a long
weekend, only to reappear later with
happy tales of the places shed recently
visited. Her favorite destinations were
usually rural, farming towns with a
Mayberry appeal to them.
One of Miss Susans greatest joys
came from teaching Bible classes for
over twenty years to the children in
her congregation. Because she always
carried a shopping bag full of assorted
goodies to share after worship services,
Miss Susan was also affectionately
known as the Candy Lady to these
same children.
Some of Susans other interest:
she was an accomplished photogra-
pher, had a pilots license, wrote music
and possessed a fun and wacky sense
of humor.
Miss Susan is survived by her
close friends Dan & Denise Page of
Hollywood, MD; Debbie & Joel Dun-
lap of Great Mills, MD; and a very
loving congregation at the Church of
Christ in California, MD.
Family and friends are invited to
a Memorial Service on Sunday, August
8, 2010 at 1 p.m. at St. Marys Coun-
ty Church of Christ on St. Andrews
Church Road in California, MD.
In lieu of fowers, memorial con-
tributions may be made to the Hospice
House of St. Marys, P.O. Box 625,
Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Arrangements by the Brinsfeld
Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown,
Audrey Johnson, 69
Audrey Marie
Johnson, 69, of Holly-
wood, MD peacefully
fell asleep in death on
July 30, 2010 at Taylor
Farm in Bushwood,
MD. Born in Teuta-
polis, IL on September
4, 1940, she was the
daughter of the late Jo-
seph C. Schimpf and Frances C. Van de
Riet Schimpf.
Audrey is survived by her hus-
band of 43 years, John Arnold Johnson
of Hollywood, MD, her two daughters,
Kiri Inger Johnson of Stafford, VA and
Viki Esther Johnson of Lake Anna, VA,
three granddaughters, Megan Valerie,
Madeline Palmer and Meredith Audrey
Hook. She is also survived by her eldest
sister Rosemary (late Richard) Lapin-
ski of Glenview, IL, her brother Jerome
(Beverly) Schimpf of Hanover Park, IL,
her brother Charles (late Mary) Schimpf
of Streamwood, IL, her sister Madonna
Schimpf of Lockport, IL, her sister
Kathleen (Richard) Rose, of Norman,
OK, her sister Jane (Dennis) Crosse
of Hickory Hills, IL, and her youngest
brother Mark Schimpf of Calumet, MI,
many nieces and nephews, and her dear
aunt, Ann Byers of St. Louis, MO. She
is preceded in death by her parents, and
six of her 13 siblings, James Schimpf,
Dolores Rutter, Virginia Lopez, Lo-
retta Brookins, Kenneth Schimpf, and
Carmelyn Dautzenberg.
Audrey graduated from McKin-
ley High School in St. Louis, MO in
1958. After graduating from St. Louis
City Hospital School of Nursing as an
R.N., she few out to Monterey, CA,
where she married her husband John
on December 17, 1966. Audrey and
John lived in various places including
Hampton, VA, Key West, FL and Day-
tona, FL before moving to St. Marys
County, MD in June of 1974. In re-
cent years, John and Audrey became
Snowbirds, and would spend the cold
months down in warm, sunny Lake-
wood Park, FL.
Audrey was baptized as one of Je-
hovahs Witnesses on July 17, 1971 in
Milwaukee, WI and spent many happy
years sharing her Bible-based faith and
teaching others about her God, Jeho-
vah. She was an active member of the
Callaway Congregation of Jehovahs
Witnesses. She frmly believed in the
Bibles hope of the resurrection and
always talked about seeing her friends
and family again on a paradise Earth.
In addition to her volunteering in
the ministry, Audrey enjoyed cooking,
sewing and homemaking, caring for
the familys varied pets and the yard
and garden.
Family and friends were invited to
Audreys Life Celebration on Monday,
August 2, 2010 at the Brinsfeld Fu-
neral Home, 22955 Hollywood Road,
Leonardtown, MD 20650. A Funeral
Service was held on Tuesday, August 3,
2010 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs
Witnesses, 20770 Seth Court, Calla-
way, MD.
Family requests contributions be
made to Hospice of St. Marys, P.O.
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Shirley Kidd, 73
Shirley Ann Kidd,
73, of Leonardtown,
MD died July 30, 2010
in Leonardtown, MD.
Born June 22, 1937 in
Washington, DC she
was the daughter of the
late Harry and Agnes
Nalley Limerick. Shir-
ley was the loving wife of the late Rob-
ert Kidd who preceded her in death on
August 18, 2006. She is survived by her
children; Robert E. Kidd III of Freder-
icksburg, VA, Cheryl A. Frisco of Hol-
lywood, MD, Robert Fulcher of Deale,
MD, Debbie Fulcher King and Sharon
Fulcher Sykes both of Florida. She is
also survived by her 11 grandchildren
and siblings; Nancy McNabb of Lusby,
MD and Carol Hill of Lothian, MD.
Shirley was preceded in death by a son
Timothy and brothers Bobby Limerick
and Harry Limerick.
She worked for AFL-CIO in the
accounting department where she was a
secretary and also did data processing.
The family will receive friends on
Saturday, August 7th, 2010 from 8:30
10 a.m. in the Mattingley-Gardiner
Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD,
where a funeral service will be held at
10 a.m. with Deacon Ripple offciating.
Interment will follow in Mount Olivet
Catholic Cemetery, Washington, DC.
To send a condolence to the family
please visit our website at www.mgfh.
com. Arrangements provided by the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home,
William Miedzinski, 73
William Francis
Bill Miedzinski, 73
of Great Mills, MD
passed away suddenly
at his home on Sunday,
July 25, 2010.
Bill was born on
June 30, 1937 in Hol-
lywood, MD. He at-
tended St. Johns School and Great
Mills High School. After graduating
from high school in 1955, Bill enlisted
in the United States Army serving for
three years as a military police offcer
at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville,
AL. During this time, he was a mem-
ber of the team that provided security
for the emerging rocket and missile
program. After three years of military
service he attended the Maryland State
Police Academy where he graduated 3

in his class. In 1962 he married Mary
Grace Bean. Together they had three
daughters; Tracey, Lisa and Linda. Af-
ter a 20-year career with the Maryland
Thursday, August 5, 2010 11
The County Times
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State Police, he retired in 1982. Bill
went on to serve as Chief of Police for
the Patuxent River Naval Air Station,
as an administrator for the St. Marys
County Sheriffs Department and as a
bookkeeper at Camp Maria.
Over his lifetime, Bill enjoyed
camping, recreational black powder
shooting and traveling. He shared many
special times with his wife Grace, their
family and friends camping in Shenan-
doah National Park. Bill was an active
member of the North-South Skirmish
Association. In his later years, he en-
joyed tinkering with computers and
spending time with family and friends.
Bill served on the parish council, f-
nance council, and was the coordinator
of Eucharistic ministers at Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church in Lexington
Park, MD. Bill will be most remem-
bered for his selfess service to others
and his deep and abiding faith in God.
Bill is survived by his wife Grace,
his children, Tracey Heibel (Jake) of
California, MD, Lisa Rader (Tim) of
Vienna, VA and Linda Miedzinski of
California, MD, grandchildren, Jeffrey
S. Wettengel, Christina M. Wettengel,
Michaela N. Richardson, Lauren K.
Heibel, and Zachary N. Rader, siblings,
James E. Miedzinski of Woodbridge,
VA, Shirley A. Copsey of La Plata,
MD, Elizabeth P. Conner of Virginia
Beach, VA, George F. Miedzinski of
Hollywood, MD, and David W. Miedz-
inski of Hollywood, MD. He was pre-
ceded in death by his siblings, John R.
Miedzinski, Phillip Miedzinski, and
Doris C. Johnson.
Family received friends for Bills
Life Celebration on Thursday, July 29,
2010 at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church, 22375 Three Notch Road,
Lexington Park, MD 20653. Prayers
were recited. A Mass of Christian
Burial was celebrated on Friday, July
30, 2010. Interment followed in the
church cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers were John-
ny Hopf, Chuck Shultz, Wayne Pettit,
Kelly Cutchember, George McKay,
Wayne Miedzinski, Jeff Wettengel, and
Hank Cumberlin. Honorary pallbear-
ers were be Charlie Mills and Charles
Snookie Miedzinski.
Memorial contributions may be
made to St. Vincent DePaul, c/o Im-
maculate Heart of Mary Catholic
Church, 22375 Three Notch Rd., Lex-
ington Park, MD 20653.
Condolences to the family may be
made at
Arrangements by the Brinsfeld
Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown,
Agnes Orosz, 82
Agnes Marie
Orosz, 82, of Freder-
icksburg, VA died July
29, 2010 in Stafford,
VA. Born November
2, 1927 in Washington,
DC she was the daugh-
ter of the late William
Ford McKay and Hilda
Rea Walter. She is pre-
ceded in death by her husband Julius
Steve Orosz whom she married on July
16,1949 at St. Teresas Church in Wash-
ington, DC. Marie was also preceded
in death by her son David Orosz, her
daughter Mary Cooper and her brother
William F. McKay. She is survived by
her children Roni Clary of LaPlata,
MD, Julia Lindsay of Supply, VA,
Kathy Talbott of Georgetown, DE and
Michael Orosz of PA, three grandchil-
dren Ryan Gallen, Gloria Clary and Jes-
sica Ramos. Marie worked at Bowling
AFB for a year, raised her family and
then worked as a bus aide for the dis-
abled in the PG County School System.
She liked gardening and bird watching,
her favorite bird was the Robin and her
favorite fowers were tulips and iris.
Marie sang beautifully while in college;
and later in life she sang with a chorus
group of the Heartfelds Assisted Liv-
ing, Fredericksburg, VA.
The family received friends on
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 in Mattingley-
Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown,
MD, where prayers were said. A Mass
of Christian burial was celebrated on
August 4, 2010, in St. Georges Catho-
lic Church, Valley Lee, MD with Msgr.
Carl Chimiak offciating. Interment
followed in Church Cemetery, Valley
Lee, MD. To send a condolence to the
family please visit our website at www. Arrangements provided
by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Home, P.A.
Mary Raley, 83
Mary Frances
Fance Raley, 83, of
Silver Spring, MD,
died July 27, 2010 at
Univ. of MD Medical
Center, in Baltimore,
MD. Born April 10,
1927 in Beachville,
MD, she was the
daughter of the late Joseph Clyde and
Elizabeth C. Wood Raley. She was
preceded in death by her sister Anna
Marie Cooper, and brother John J
Raley. She is survived by her sister
Helen C Jensen of Clarksville, Tenn.,
as well as a host of loving nieces,
nephews, other relatives and friends.
Mary graduated from St. Michaels
School in 1945 and worked as an Ad-
ministrative Secretary for the U.S.
Department of Labor. Mary loved
bingo; needlepoint, playing cards and
she belonged to the Women of Moose
Lodge of Silver Spring, MD. Contri-
butions in memory of Mary Frances
Raley can be made to John Tracy
Clinic for Hearing Impaired Children
806 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles,
CA 90007-2505.
The family received friends on
Thursday, July 29, 2010 in St. Mi-
chaels Church, Ridge, MD, where
prayers were said. A Mass of Chris-
tian burial was celebrated on Friday,
July 30, 2010, in St. Michaels Catho-
lic Church, Ridge, MD with Fr. Scott
Woods offciating. Interment fol-
lowed in the church cemetery. Pall-
bearers were James I. Raley, Joseph
H. Raley, Charles R. (Robbie) Wood,
Bernard Ridgell, Matthew Ridgell
and James R. Cooper. To send a con-
dolence to the family please visit our
website at Arrange-
ments provided by the Mattingley-
Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.
Mary Scaggs, 83
Mary Louise
Scaggs, 83 of Mechan-
icsville, MD on July
14, 2010 the Angels
took her to be with
the heavenly father.
Born April 2, 1927 in
Hillside MD, she was
raised by her mother,
father and several aunts and uncles.
After graduating from St. Marys
Girls Academy in Leonardtown, MD
she enrolled in Beautician School.
After receiving her beauticians license
she worked at several beauty salons in
Washington, DC. She later met and fell
in love with the man of her dreams,
Willie Frank Scaggs. They were mar-
ried on September 4, 1950 and resided
in District Heights, MD. They were
blessed with three children; Linda,
Susan and Timothy. They were won-
derful parents and so devoted to each
other for 45 years. On Easter Sunday,
April 16, 1995 Willie passed away.
In 1996 Mary Lou relocated to St.
Marys County to be near her children
and her three grandchildren, Christo-
pher, William and Andrew. She was
very devoted to her children and enjoyed
spending time with her grandchildren.
She really enjoyed going shopping and
having lunch at her favorite restaurant,
Bob Evans. She also enjoyed the fresh
fruit and vegetables from the Amish
market and fruit stands. She looked
forward to summer just for this reason.
Not only was she an angel on earth but
now she is an angel of god. She would
do anything for anyone who needed
help. Listening to her son playing his
harmonica to the blues and watching
the Minnesota Vikings was two of
her favorite moments. She will really
be missed not only as a Mom, but as a
best buddy. She was preceded in death
by her loving and devoted husband,
Willie, her mother, Mary Blank, her
father, DArcy East, and several aunts
and uncles. She is survived by her three
loving children, Linda Scaggs, Susan
Messick, and Timothy Scaggs, all of
Mechanicsville; son-in-law, Ernest
Messick; three grandchildren, Christo-
pher Messick and his wife Heather of
Waldorf, William Messick of Mechan-
icsville and Andrew Messick of Me-
chanicsville; also survived by fve great-
grandchildren and a host of cousins.
A private graveside service was held
Monday, July 19, 2010 at Washington
National Cemetery, Suitland, MD.
Memorial contributions may be made
to Hospice House of St. Marys, P.O.
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Arrangements provided by the Brins-
feld Funeral Home, P.A., Leonard-
town, MD
Florence Townsend, 88
F l o r e n c e
Townsend 88, of Mor-
ganza, MD, died July
29, 2010 at her home.
Born October 21, 1921
in Carter County, TN,
she was the daughter of
the late Daniel Ingram
and Kate Cornett. She
was the loving wife of the late Jake
Townsend whom preceded her in death
on September 20, 1977. Florence is sur-
vived by her children Brenda Wathen
of Chaptico, MD, Eddie Ingram, of
Hampton, TN, Tamsey Herbert (Al-
bert) of Morganza, MD, Shirley Her-
bert (Louis) of Mechanicsville. She is
also survived by her siblings Maryann
Whitehead of Roan Mtn., TN, Nan-
nie Stevens of Elizabethon, TN, Judy
Lunchford of Hampton, TN, Lena Hill,
Charlie Inrgam and Roby Ingram all of
Roan Mtn., TN as well as several niec-
es and nephews, 3 half sisters, 2 half
brothers, 16 grandchildren, 35 great
grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.
Florence has lived in St. Marys County
for 47 years.
She was a homemaker she loved
cleaning, spending time with her grand-
children and reading the bible.
The family received friends on
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 in the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home,
Leonardtown, MD where prayers were
said. A funeral service will be held on
Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 10 a.m. in
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home,
Leonardtown, MD with Pastor Dan-
iel Moore offciating. Interment will
follow in Charles Memorial Gardens
Cemetery, Leonardtown, MD. Pall-
bearers will be Albert Herbert, Jr.,
Tommy Herbert, Louis Herbert, Jr.,
Bobby Herbert, Wilmer Wathen, Jr.,
and Danny Wathen. Honorary pall-
bearers are Jay Smith, Brian Mattingly,
Philip Oliver, Paul Herbert and all of
her great grandsons. Memorial con-
tributions in memory of Florence may
be made to Hospice of St. Marys, P.O.
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Condolences may be left to the family
at Arrangements pro-
vided by Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 12
The County Times
Police: Woman Received Drugs From False
Vice/Narcotics detectives began an investigation into a possible prescription fraud at a
Charlotte Hall pharmacy. Bernadette Theresa Gingery, 45, of Mechanicsville, was developed
as a suspect. Gingery allegedly passed two fraudulent prescriptions and received a total of 210
tablets of 30 mg each of oxycodone. She was charged accordingly, police stated.
Man Charged With Flea Market Thefts
On July 31, 2010 deputes responded to the Framers Market in Charlotte Hall for a report
of a theft. Witnesses at the Farmers Market observed Philip James Meed, 42, of Leonardtown
allegedly stealing items from various venders at the market. Deputies located Meed in the park-
ing lot of the market and found him in possession of suspected stolen items including a lap top
computer. Meed was arrested and charged with two counts of theft.
Police Arrest Man For Assault In Sandgates
On August 1, 2010 deputies responded to the Sea Breeze Restaurant in Mechanicsville, for
a traffc complaint. While deputies were investigating the traffc complaint they witnessed an
individual, later identifed as Joseph Leonard Goldsborough, 34, of Newburg, allegedly push-
ing several individuals. Deputy Flelage attempted to speak with Goldsborough but the suspect
would not cooperate. He initially ignored the deputy and continued to push others who were
standing in the parking lot, police stated. Flelage again attempted to speak with Goldsborough
and Goldsborough again ignored the deputy. Goldsborough then took an aggressive stance and
balled up his fst as if he was going to punch the deputy, police allege. Goldsborough was or-
dered to stop his disorderly behavior, which he allegedly refused. Goldsborough was arrested
and charged with two counts of assault and one count of disorderly conduct.
Troopers Arrest Leonardtown Man On Missouri
On Friday, July 30, 2010 at 5:26p.m., TFC M. J. Pitcher initiated a stop on Maryland Route
249 at Hewitt Road on a white Oldsmobile for a traffc violation. Upon making contact with the
driver, a METERS/NCIC query revealed that Nicholas David Johnson, 24, of Leonardtown had
an outstanding warrant through Missouri. Following confrmation of the warrant status and ex-
tradition guidelines, Johnson was arrested and transported to the St. Marys County Detention
Center. Johnson will be held pending arrangements with the originating agency for service or
Philip H. Dorsey III
Attorney at Law
-Serious Personal Injury Cases-
LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
St. Marys County Sheriffs deputies are
using a new feld reporting system that is de-
signed to help distinguish subjects more accu-
rately from one another by having law offcers
ask anyone they interview for their drivers li-
cense number.
And while the license number is usually
information that is only given out at traffc
stops, Sheriff Timothy Cameron said, residents
do not have to give that information to deputies
if they are interviewed about a crime or investi-
gation in most cases unless they are a material
Cameron said that the taking down of the
license number, or the number assigned to state
residents by the Department of Motor Vehicles
if they do not drive, was always something po-
lice used when getting a suspects information.
Now that practice has broadened to every-
one deputies contact in their duties.
Its a data set, a unique identifer to make
sure they are who they say they are, Cameron
told The County Times of the feld reporting
Deputies now fle reports using mobile
data browsers, special lap top computers, in-
stead of typing or writing one.
Cameron said that the information was not
designed to formulate a specifc data base and
that the use of computers was more effcient.
Before it could take months to get a re-
port into the system, he said. I havent had
one complaint about it except from the deputies
because theyre not used to it, its an extra step.
License information is readily available to po-
lice in other records.
Cameron said that the extra information
could help police distinguish people who share
the same name and even date of birth, which
would aid investigators trying to solve crimes
and help keep track of where witnesses could be
found even years after a crime was committed.
You might be a witness today but a sus-
pect tomorrow, Cameron said. If we have
enough information we can solve crimes.
Deputies Asking Interviewees
For More Information
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
St. Marys County deputies say that two
men from Alexandria, Va. broke into the St. Cle-
ments Island Museum in Coltons Point and that
shoe prints from one of the suspects helped to
identify them.
According to charging documents fled in
county District Court both Mario E. Fuentez, 25,
and Didier L. Hernandez-Fuentes, 29, were both
charged with second-degree burglary, fourth-de-
gree burglary, malicious destruction of property
and trespassing for their alleged break-in at the
museum July 30.
Court papers state that police responded to
the museum at about 1 a.m. in response to a bur-
glar alarm and found two windows opened with
one of them smashed.
Two witnesses at the home next to the mu-
seum told police they had heard the alarm and
witnessed a Hispanic male wearing either an or-
ange or red pair of shorts and a light colored shirt
leave the back side of the museum building and
walk to a parked vehicle across the street, court
papers stated.
The suspect then crossed museum prop-
erty and headed towards the nearby fshing pier.
When a canine patrol arrived at the gate, the pier
was unlocked, law offcers found four Hispanic
males hiding behind pillars at the end of the pier
and detained them.
A piece of broken glass at the crime scene
had a shoe print left on it, charging documents
stated, and the pattern matched those of shoes
worn by Fuentez.
A witness who said they saw Hernandez-
Fuentes, the other suspect, earlier that morning
positively identifed him as the suspect who fed
from the back side of the museum building.
Charging documents state that both Fuentez
and Hernandez-Fuentes broke into the museum
with the intent of committing a theft but court
papers did not allege whether they had actually
stolen any items from the museum.
On-line court records show that both defen-
dants remain incarcerated at the county detention
Both face a possible 18 years in prison for
the combined second-and-fourth-degree burglary
Two Arrested For Break In At St.
Clements Museum
Mario Fuentez
Didier Hernandez-Fuentes
Thursday, August 5, 2010 13
The County Times
(301) 997-1700
Rt 5 Leonardtown In Te
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Menu featuring classic southern dishes, seafood,
steaks, brick oven pizzas & calzones and more
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Classy entertainment, Prix-Fixe Menu & more
Reservations Recommended
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41652 Fenwick St.
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Tues. - Sat. 11 am - 6 pm, Sunday Noon - 4 pm
(301) 475-3130
Original Art by Southern
Maryland Artists Original Art by Southern
Maryland Artists
Leonardtown Galleria
Grand Opening Reception

Saturday, April 26, 2008
From 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Robert Bealle . 2008 MD Duck Stamp Design Winner
Artists Represented:
Robert Bealle
Nancy Wathen . Lucretia Tanner
Jane Williams . Barbara Hance . Tricia Darrow
Maria Fleming . Kay Duval . Sally Huff.
Mary Ida Rolape . Rose Beitzell
Tammy Vitale . Faith Gaillot . Harry Revis
Mary Etta VanNetta . Carol Wathen
Come meet the Artists and celebrate the
Grand Opening
Leonardtown Galleria
Located in the Maryland Antique Center
26005 Point Lookout Rd .
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Open Daily 10a.m-5p.m.
For information call Carol Wathen, Owner
Leonardtown Galleria
Grand Opening Reception

Saturday, April 26, 2008
From 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Robert Bealle . 2008 MD Duck Stamp Design Winner
Artists Represented:
Robert Bealle
Nancy Wathen . Lucretia Tanner
Jane Williams . Barbara Hance . Tricia Darrow
Maria Fleming . Kay Duval . Sally Huff.
Mary Ida Rolape . Rose Beitzell
Tammy Vitale . Faith Gaillot . Harry Revis
Mary Etta VanNetta . Carol Wathen
Come meet the Artists and celebrate the
Grand Opening
Leonardtown Galleria
Located in the Maryland Antique Center
26005 Point Lookout Rd .
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Open Daily 10a.m-5p.m.
For information call Carol Wathen, Owner
Leonardtown Galleria
Grand Opening Reception

Saturday, April 26, 2008
From 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Robert Bealle . 2008 MD Duck Stamp Design Winner
Artists Represented:
Robert Bealle
Nancy Wathen . Lucretia Tanner
Jane Williams . Barbara Hance . Tricia Darrow
Maria Fleming . Kay Duval . Sally Huff.
Mary Ida Rolape . Rose Beitzell
Tammy Vitale . Faith Gaillot . Harry Revis
Mary Etta VanNetta . Carol Wathen
Come meet the Artists and celebrate the
Grand Opening
Leonardtown Galleria
Located in the Maryland Antique Center
26005 Point Lookout Rd .
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Open Daily 10a.m-5p.m.
For information call Carol Wathen, Owner
Creative Custom Framing & Art
MD Antiques Center ~ Bldg. 2 ~ 26005 Point Lookout Rd
~Leonardtown, MD 20650
Tuesday ~ Friday: 10 a.m. ~ 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. ~ 2 p.m.
Located on the
Square in Leonardtown
Monday Friday: 7am 3pm
Saturday Sunday: 8am 3pm
***Buffett served on Saturdays and Sundays***
First Fridays are Happening in Leonardtown
First Friday in Leonardtown is Here!
Next big event is August 6 starting at 5:00 p.m.
Visit uptown and downtown to rediscoVer the many treasures of historic/new Leonardtown!
ParticiPating Businesses & staying oPen late: Big larrys comic Book caf, Brewing ground, caf des artistes, craft guild shoP, col-
leens dream, college of southern maryland, fenwick street used Books & music, good earth natural foods, the shoPs of maryland
antiques center, creekside gallery, leonardtown galleria, Vineyard caf & tea room, north end gallery, olde town PuB, olde
towne stitchery, on a roll, Port of leonardtown winery, rustic riVer Bar and grill, quality street kitchens, shelBys creatiVe
framing, southern maryland artisans center, treadles studio, white raBBit childrens Bookstore, ye olde towne caf
22745 Washington St
Leonardtown, MD 20650 Open 7 Days A Week
ACTION Figures
Subscription service
Back issues
Gaming venue
41675 Fenwick St, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Catering and To-Go Platters
Cooking Classes
Knife Sharpening
Culinary Items
Gift Certificates
Store Hours
Tues Fri 11 5
Sat 10 4
Closed Sun, Mon
First Friday
and Beach
Portable Feast
F ri d a y s August 6, 5 - 8 p.m.
www. l eonar dt ownf i r st f r i days. com
Big Larrys Comic Book Caf
Brewing Grounds
Caf des Artistes
Colleens Dream
College of Southern Maryland
Craft Guild Shop
Crazy for Ewe
Creekside Gallery
Fenwick Street Used Books and Music
Front Porch
Good Earth Natural Foods
Leonardtown Galleria
North End Gallery
Ogas Asian Cuisine
On A Roll
Port of Leonardtown Winery
Quality Street Kitchens
Rustic River Bar and Grill
Shelbys Creative Custom Framing and
Turning Leaf Gallery
The Shops of Maryland Antiques Center
Treadles Studio
Olde Towne Stitchery
Olde Town Pub
Ye Olde Towne Caf
Participating Businesses and Organizations:
Portable Feast
Enter to W
In celeBrAtIOn Of
sAvOr st. mArys
restAurAnt week!

enter to win a mennonite-crafted
leather portmanteau (valued at $375!) at participating
first friday businesses now through friday, August 6.

winner will be selected at 8:30 p.m. on friday, August 6, and must be present to win!

cOurtesy Of leonardtown Business Association, st. marys county tourism, and commissioners of leonardtown
some restrictions apply! Visit for more information!
Music on the
Fortune's turn
7:30 - 9:30 p.m.

on the first Friday of each month,
historic Leonardtown's art galleries,
restaurants, cafs, gift shops, antique
shops, bookstores, and more, open their
doors to showcase local artists and/or
ser ve specials at their establishments.
the town hosts a free evening of art,
entertainment, and specials where
people gather to enjoy local art, the
company of others, and even a
free glass of wine.

Book signing with Lucie L. Snodgrass,

Dishing Up Maryland author, and meet
St. Marys featured chefs and sample fare.
Book can be purchased at
Fenwick Street Used Books and Music.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 14
The County Times
Know I

Mille Mercis
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In a casual, relaxing atmosphere
CheF - owneD & operateD
Loc & Karleen Jaffres
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Lunch: Tues - Fri: 11 am - 2 pm
Closed Mondays
Dinner: Tues - Sat: 5 pm - 9 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 8 pm
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Fri & Sat, Aug 7th & 8th ~ BIG FIRST FRIDAY EVENT
Dishing up Maryland Book signing, samples of Chef Loics Cafe Oysters,
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Entertainment, Al Fresco dining & sooooo much more!
As a Grand Finale to the Savor St. Marys Restaurant Week,
on Wednesday, August 11th,
Cafe des Artistes presents
Sip, Sample & Savor - WINE DINNER
Featuring Local Products, Local Wines and Local Flavor......
Seating will be limited, so make your reservation now!
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Dr. Joseph Urgos new offce is still a
hodge-podge of boxes, books and little furni-
ture, but the new president of St. Marys Col-
lege of Maryland (SMCM) said hes made a lot
of progress moving into the space once his term
began on July 1, and hes eager to get to work.
So far Urgo said there are a lot of similari-
ties between St. Marys and his former place as
Dean of Faculty and Vice President of Academ-
ic Affairs at Hamilton College, a private liberal
arts school in Upstate New York.
Its a little soon to tell, but there are a lot of
similarities. Both are in rural areas, so both have
a small, rural, isolated kind of feel to them. That
one is landlocked, of course, and this one isnt
but small colleges are a breed, and theyre
more alike than different, said Urgo, going on
to explain that SMCMs public status is a ma-
jor slight difference, but one hell get used to as
he settles into his hands-on role as president
and defnes his priorities for the school.
High among his priorities is increasing
college accessibility, he said, going on to ex-
plain that he thinks all colleges should move
away from merit-based scholarships.
Access to educate is critical, so even
though the price tag here is about at half of what
it was at the institution where I came from, the
overall price tag of $23,000 or $24,000 [per
year] is still a lot of money to most people, he
said, so well need to talk friends of the col-
lege and alumni of the college who may be in-
terested in creating scholarships and making it
possible for the next rising generation to go to
Urgo said that in addition to fostering con-
tinued partnerships between the college and
Historic St. Marys City, he wants to focus on
environmental stewardship as one of his cam-
pus initiatives.
Urgo also said he wanted to also introduce
campus beautifcation projects for students.
One of the emotional pulls here is that
this place is so beautiful, and Id like to have the
students themselves have a hand in maintaining
the beauty of the campus, whether thats with
shared gardens or just doing cleanup projects on
campus, he said.
Urgo also plans to examine the faculty pay
structure, as he said that SMCM needs to offer
competitive pay and benefts to retain the col-
leges best staff members.
Ive asked our fnance VP to analyze our
faculty salaries to be sure that were competi-
tive, and to look at attrition rates to make sure
were competitive weve had a number of
years with no salary increase, and furloughs at
the state level, so I dont want us to reach a point
where were losing faculty members, he said.
Urgo plans to have an internet radio show
broadcast from campus once a week, which
he said will mix interviews with people from
the college with musical play-lists hell choose
himself. He also plans on eating meals in the
dining hall with students and participating as
much as possible in campus life.
Hes started by making his home a mere
minutes away from campus, driving a Vespa
scooter to work every morning and familiariz-
ing himself with the rest of the county.
Urgo is replacing former president Mag-
gie OBrien, who resigned last year but opted to
stay on as a professor overseeing the colleges
partnership program with a center in Oxford,
Shes been a graceful predecessor, said
Urgo, adding that she hadnt given him much
in the way of advice, but his own style as presi-
dent would develop as he spent more time at the
She thinks I should settle in and fgure it
out for myself, he said, smiling.
Urgo gets to Work
New SMCM President Carving a
Niche for Himself in St. Marys
The College of Southern Maryland in
partnership with the National Endowment for
the Humanities (NEH) is hosting the NEH
traveling exhibit Farm Life: A Century of
Change for Farm Families and Their Neigh-
bors, at the Prince Frederick Campus, made
possible by NEH on the Road, a special initia-
tive of the NEH. It was adapted and is brought
by Mid-America Arts Alliance.
There are so many themes and images
in the exhibit that everyone will fnd some-
thing that they can connect with, said CSM
Library Director Tom Repenning, who was
in charge of assembling each of the exhibits
from wooden crates. With displays including
real clothing, tools and numerous photographs
ranging back to the early 19th century, visitors
will walk away with a sense of understanding
of how these families lived, he said. I want
people to fnd it interesting and enjoyable, but I
also hope that the exhibit stirs some memories
or sparks an interest in exploring our connec-
tions to the land, both past and future.
The exhibit will be on display in Room
122 of Prince Fredericks Flagship Building
every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m., until August 12. For more
information, call 240-725-5312, 443-550-6199,
or visit
Farm Life Exhibit at
CSM, Prince Frederick
Joseph Urgo
Thursday, August 5, 2010 15
The County Times
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By Guy Leonard and Andrea Shiell
Staff Writers
Neighborhoods around St. Marys County celebrated the fght
against crime Tuesday with National Night Out, and several were able to
count their blessings as they have either maintained their communities or
driven crime out.
At the Leonards Freehold community in Leonardtown children and
adults alike gathered for hotdogs, hamburgers and even a dousing from
the hose of a Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department truck.
They had a lot to celebrate. Just three years ago the neighborhood
was rife with reports of drug activity and public disturbances. Residents
there had complained of open air drug markets; one even said that drug
dealers would swarm vehicles as soon as they turned in to the small
neighborhood to peddle narcotics.
A large raid there in 2007 using tactical teams from St. Marys,
Charles and Calvert counties cut down the problems, and now manage-
ment has said that the community is on the mend, though problems still
Its not out in the open, said Katie Bolin, senior property manager
for the Leonards Freehold and Leonardtown Village. Its not residents
but people who come into the neighborhood.
Bolin, who used to live in the community, said that greater involve-
ment between the management and the community helped to bolster re-
lationships in the aftermath of the drug problems.
We do movie nights and families come out, Bolin said. Were
doing more activities to bring the community closer together where as
before it wasnt like that.
Residents who used to live there who caused problems, Bolin said,
have likewise been moved out for violations or for drug offenses.
Were now doing criminal background checks, Bolin said. Any-
thing thats a felony youre not moving in now.
National Night Out was just one of the events Bolin credited with
increasing the communitys quality of life; there was also greater coop-
eration with the county sheriffs offce to enforce the neighborhood quiet
hours from10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Its worked. Thats what helps is the police getting involved, show-
ing a presence.
Residents at the Town Creek community in Lexington Park said
that neighborhood watch groups had been instrumental in improving re-
lations with local lawenforcement.
Weve grown a lot since we came here. The road is paved now, but
that makes cars go faster, and sometimes they go too fast, said Nancy
Royalty, a founder of Town Creeks neighborhood watch program who
has lived in the Town Creek neighborhood since 1966. She added that
serious crimes had never been as much of a concern for the community,
but loitering at the parking lots near the elementary school and acts of
vandalismhad always topped the list of concerns.
I remember there was a streamof egging that occurred a fewyears
ago I wasnt part of that, by the way but theres not too much here,
said Bob Kelly, 40, whos lived in Town Creek since 1991. We have good
coverage fromthe sheriffs department here, and we have three deputies
that live in the neighborhood so theyre real responsive to us.
The Country Lakes Homeowners Association hosted their National
Night Out at the park near their community starting at 6 p.m., and board
members said they viewed the event as an opportunity to educate resi-
dents about the police, fre and rescue services available to them.
We have the sheriffs department here, some Maryland state troop-
ers, the fre department this is just so everyone can get out and meet
each other, said Monty Wright, 45, who helped put together Tuesdays
event for the Country Lakes community. He went on to describe vandal-
ism, break-ins and thefts as some of the problems hed seen in the com-
munity since moving in several years ago.
James Loveless, who has lived in Country Lakes since 1987, said he
also viewed National Night out as a chance to recruit more residents for
homeowners association meetings, which he hopes will help the com-
munity develop a neighborhood watch.
We dont have one right now. For three years we were trying to get
it underway, but there really wasnt enough interest, he said, going on to
comment on howthere are more than 700 homes in the neighborhood but
only six members on the board, a fact he said he hopes to change.
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron went to several of the 20 National
Night Out parties Tuesday. He told The County Times that in the past
fewyears the relationships between neighborhoods and lawenforcement
have strengthened with a concurrent drop in crime.
That includes communities taking it upon them-
selves to invest in their homeowners associations and
neighborhood watch programs.
People are more involved than theyve been be-
fore, Cameron said.
Police involvement isnt just about making arrests
either, Cameron said, but included taking on issues like
traffc control and other nuisances.
Moreover every community was different and wanted different
kinds of enforcement fromlawoffcers.
Were not always solving crime but solving problems, Cameron
said. What we believe are the issues are different than what the com-
munity feels are issues and concerns.
The chief concerns of most communities are not highlevels of crime,
he said, but more mundane vehicular violations.
Thats often the No. 1 complaint, reckless driving. Cameron said.
In the South Essex community in Lexington Park, residents say that
National Night Out has been a staple of the neighborhood for nearly a
decade and they look out for each others property.
Skip Haaversen, who coordinated Tuesdays celebration on Scarbor-
ough Drive, said that neighbors will even shut each others homes late at
night if they notice doors open.
We just look out for each other, Haaversen said. If their lights are
on and the garage is open late at night we just shut the open door.
But even a community where residents look out for each other is not
without its problems, he said.
A few years ago residents were plagued with property thefts when
they left garages unattended, Haaversen said, and thefts from cars have
also been a problemsince people many times continue to leave their ve-
hicles unlocked.
One resident who lived on his street was even held up at gunpoint
recently, Haaversen said, though that was the only major crime he could
remember in the neighborhood. Its disconcerting, he said.
In the end, communities across St. Marys took Tuesdays festivities
as a sign that their neighborhoods were still in the loop, and neighbors
have a responsibility to look out for one another.
I think this is not so much for communication with the sheriffs of-
fce, but its to communicate to the people in the neighborhood that were
all neighbors, said Bob Kelly as he helped arrange activities at the pool
in Town Creek Tuesday night. Were all together and were all keeping
an eye on each other, he said.
Communities Take To The Streets On
National Night Out
Communities Take To The Streets On
National Night Out
Photo by Frank Marquart
Photo by Frank Marquart
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron helps some Lexwood community children out with
jump ropes provided during National Night Out.
Lt. Mike Thompson, commander of the Maryland State Police Leonardtown Bar-
rack, helps a Lexwood Drive resident get a snow cone on National Night Out.
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 18
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 19
Must Eat 12 Whole Pancakes in Fifteen Minutes
Winner Will Have a Plaque on the Wall
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Located on the Square in Leonardtown
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Come in for more details
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Owned and Operated by
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Callaways Kegan Zim-
merman returned home last
week from the national Spe-
cial Olympics games held in
Nebraska, sporting two rib-
bons and a medal that he won
for singles bowling.
We got the bronze dur-
ing singles, and that was on
Friday, and I missed it by a
couple of pins to get second
place, he said, adding that
hed collected numerous sou-
venirs from the event.
Zimmerman said hes
felt fortunate to be selected
to go to the national games
this year, and he hopes to go
again for a different sport in
the future.
It was just a huge event, he said, and
compared to Towson University, it was the big-
gest place Id ever seen
it was a once-in-a-lifetime
experience for me.
Kegan said he had
learned a great deal about
fghting discrimination
while at the games, meet-
ing up with people involved
in a word-of-mouth cam-
paign to end the r-word
I was teased and
made fun of a lot people
called me that word a lot
in middle school and high
school, he said, going on
to explain that he considers
the campaign a good step
towards protecting people
with disabilities from discrimination. Its
our job to spread the word to the whole com-
munity, he said.
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Of the many hidden gems in St. Marys
County, one that is sometimes overlooked is the
Ye Coole Springs of St. Maries, a network of
three natural springs in Charlotte Hall that are
located on the site of Marylands frst hospital,
which was constructed in the early 1700s after
Father Andrew White convinced Lord Balti-
more to dedicate the land for healing purposes
and prayer.
For years, the springs served as a popular
spot for swimming and summer activities, but
over time they developed a reputation for healing
powers and soon started drawing early Southern
Marylanders to the site.
At that time the population was suffering
from an epidemic that developed among the re-
gions settlers, which White believed was made
worse by the eating of fesh and drinking salt
waters and wine recommended by the areas
only surgeon. It was White who exchanged sev-
eral letters with Lord Baltimore recommending
the building of the hospital, which was not actu-
ally completed until the pestilence had already
started waning.
By then the Ye Coole Springs had be-
come a popular watering hole for colonists seek-
ing cures for everything from arthritis to cancer,
and local dignitaries in turn advised that prayers
be read twice daily at the site.
In October of 1698, Governor Nicholson is-
sued a proclamation for publick thanksgiving
for the healing powers of the springs, along with
a recommendation that a hospital be built on the
Decades later the springs provided wa-
ter to the now-famous Charlotte Hall School,
which was established on the property in the late
It was while attending Charlotte Hall School
that Dr. J. Roy Guyther, 90, frst became famil-
iar with the springs, and he wrote about them at
length in his book, the History of Charlotte Hall
School, which was published in 1992.
I went to school at Charlotte Hall, and I
was a day student, said Guyther, going on to
explain that most of the students at the time had
been boarders. But every day I rode a bicycle to
the school and always ate my lunch at the springs
so thats how I got familiar with them.
Guyther said that he had always heard it ru-
mored that the springs had healing powers, and
tests had revealed that the springs reputation
was more than just hype. An analysis made of
the water in 1889 by Professor R. W. Silvester
from the Agricultural College showed that the
water contained very low percentages of organic
and mineral matter (two samples he sent to his
department director contained 25 and 47 parts
per million of total solids), making it cleaner
than many modern brands of spring water until
development began to contaminate the springs
starting in the 1940s.
Today, historical records show that the
springs were most popular after the pestilence of
1697, and for years after development exploded
in the area, visitors were still making trips to the
site to taste the waters and perhaps sample their
restorative powers.
But today one is likely to miss the site com-
pletely as they travel through the area, and the
springs are marked only by a gate and a historic
marker, but they still serve as a ftting reminder
of the areas natural history, made even richer by
the sites supernatural reputation.
The Ye Coole Springs of St. Maries are
located on Charlotte Hall School Road across
from the St. Marys County Welcome Center.
For more information and directions, call 301-
Coole Springs of St. Maries
Provide Taste of Areas Past
Photo By Frank Marquart
Zimmerman Takes Home Bronze
Kegan Zimmerman
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 20
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The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 21
Tudor Hall Reopens
Russell to present live show
and tell fsh program
The public can fnd out
more about the fsh and crabs
in this area as well as be en-
tertained at a special program
presented by Captain Jack Rus-
sell at Leonardtown Library on
Aug. 11 at 7 p.m. The free pro-
gram will include live show
and tell.
Activated Storytellers to
perform August 9
On Aug. 9 the last Profes-
sional Performance will feature
Activated Storytellers who will
take the children on a voyage
to foreign lands, distant eras
and various cultures. Charlotte
Halls performance will be at 10
a.m. at White Marsh Elemen-
tary School, Leonardtowns
at 12:30 p.m. at Leonard Hall
Recreation Center and Lex-
ington Parks at 3 p.m. at the li-
brary. These free performanc-
es are made possible in part by
a grant from St. Marys County
Arts Council and matching
funds from SMECO.

LEGO Beach Fun planned
Children will listen to a
beach story and then create
beach stuff with LEGOs at
Lexington Park on Aug. 12.
LEGOs are provided and chil-
dren are asked not to bring their
own. The fun starts at 2 p.m.
Free movies being shown at
Families can escape the
heat and watch the PG movie
about a young boy who fnds
a mysterious enchanted egg
and becomes the caregiver of
a water horse, a sea creature
of mythic proportion, when
it hatches. The movie will be
shown at Charlotte Hall on
Aug. 11 and at Leonardtown on
Aug. 18. Both movies begin at
2 p.m.

TAGs to meet
Teens can hang out, play
Wii, experiment with the
librarys fip video cameras,
and help plan upcoming teen
programs at the monthly TAG
(Teen Advisory Group) meet-
ings. Lexington Parks will be
Aug. 10 at 5:30 p.m., Charlotte
Halls on Aug. 12 at 5 p.m. and
Leonardtowns on Aug. 12 at
5:30 p.m. Snacks are provided.

Artwork on display
The artwork of Geoffrey
Reynolds, Tammy Vitale and
Ruth Collins is on display at
the Lexington Park Library
Art Gallery through August
15. Reynolds paints in oil and
channels the passion, brush
stroke and color of Vincent
Van Gogh. Vitale is a multi-
dimensional artist in both me-
dium and message. Collins
works primarily in oils with a
strong emphasis on illustrative
Members of St. Marys
County Camera Club will dis-
play their work from Aug. 16
through Sept. 30. The public
is invited to an opening recep-
tion on Aug. 19 from 5 p.m. to 8
p.m. to meet the members and
discuss their work.
L ibrary Items
Great Mills, MD On Saturday August
7, Cecils Mill Self Storage located at 20184
Point Lookout Rd, will host a Grand Opening
Celebration Event from 11am 2pm. The
community is invited and the following
activities are planned:
discounts to all attendees.
will attend the event.
attend the event.
Cecils Mill Self Storage is a brand new
self-storage facility located on Point Lookout
facility contains over 53,425 square feet of
storage space including RV and boat storage
and serves customers mostly from Great Mills,
California, Lexington Park, Callaway and
Leonardtown areas. Managed by U-Store-It,
the Cecils Mill Self Storage staff plans to
hold several charity events throughout the
values of striving to make a positive impact
in their neighborhoods by identifying people
and organizations that need assistance and
providing it to them. For more information
Local Business Encourages
Community to Use Their Space
The St. Marys County Historical Society has
been in the process of the second phase of a major
renovation of Tudor Hall, the Societys headquar-
ters, which is also the oldest historic home in con-
tinuous use in the county.
After sharing ownership with the Barnes fam-
ily (18th and 19th centuries), the Key Family, (19th
and 20th centuries), and the Mary Patterson David-
son family through their restoration and donation of
the home to the county as its frst public library, the
Society purchased this home, overlooking Breton
Bay, from the Davidson estate on December 31,
1984. The mansion is what is left of a tidewater
plantation, which contained over a thousand acres
and surrounded the county seat of Leonardtown on
two sides.
In 2008, using funds secured from a 2007
Maryland General Assembly Bond Bill, the Soci-
ety renovated the outside of this 260-plus year old
Georgian mansion in Leonardtown, and then used
a Bond Bill from the General Assembly to begin
the restoration of the interior of Tudor Hall.
The original archway under the homes hang-
ing staircase was reopened, walls were built in the
parlor area to refect the homes original confgura-
tion, the indoor kitchen was restored, the bookstore
moved, and plastering, painting, fooring, electrical
work, plumbing and other maintenance work was
completed. The Society is now refurnishing the
rooms on the frst foor.
The Historical Society is currently in the pro-
cess of raising funds to complete the refurbishment
of the second and most challenging foor of Tudor
Hall. One Society member has pledged $1000.00 a
year for the next three years to assist in this effort.
For now the Societys Research Center, Ar-
chives, and Bookstore are now open again and
awaiting researchers and visitors.
Tudor Hall is open Tuesday from 9-2, Wednes-
day-Friday from 9-4, and on the second and fourth
Saturdays from 10-4. The Societys email is and its website is found
at The Executive Direc-
tor may be contacted at 301-475-2467.
The Newtowne Players
announce open auditions for the
upcoming production of Table
Manners, a comedy by Alan
Ayckbourn. There are parts for
three men and three women
ages 25-50. People interested in
helping with the technical and
support crew are also welcome.
The show runs Nov. 5-21, 2010.
In Table Manners, Nor-
man has captured the eye of
his wifes sister, but the best-
laid plans prove impossible to
achieve. While other family
members and spouses help take
care of mother and the house for
the weekend, the six characters
multiple seductions never take
place, despite their daring and
imaginative attempts.
Auditions will be held
Aug. 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
and Aug. 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. at
Three Notch Theatre on 21744
South Coral Drive in Lexington
Park. Auditions will be read-
ings from the script; no pre-
pared material is necessary. If
you cannot make these times
but wish to work either onstage
or backstage for this produc-
tion, contact Director Larry Sil-
vestro at 301-904-2741.
For more information
about volunteer opportunities
or other upcoming programs,
please visit www.newtowne-
Newtowne Players Announce Auditions
for Alan Ayckbourns Table Manners
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 22
Thursday, August 5
So. Md. Mobile Compassion
St. Pauls Lutheran Church (Me-
chanicsville) 10 a.m.
The Compassion Center pro-
vides food, clothing and spiritual
care to people in need. Basic need
items are provided free of charge to
those seeking assistance. Nominal
donations for items are requested
from visitors who can afford it. For
more information call 301-884-5184.
Cheesesteak Night
VFW Post 2632 (California) 5
For more information call
Ridge Vol. Fire Department
Ridge Vol. Fire Department 7
There will be a boat motor
and trailer raffe with winner being
drawn the last night of the carnival.
Food, games, prizes, and rides for
the entire family.
Am. Legion Post 221 Meeting
AL Post 221 (Avenue) 8 p.m.
Visit our website at http://www. or e-mail us at Call Gail
Murdock for more information (301)
Friday, August 6
So. Md. Mobile Compassion
St. Pauls Lutheran Church (Me-
chanicsville) 10 a.m.
The Compassion Center pro-
vides food, clothing and spiritual
care to people in need. Basic need
items are provided free of charge to
those seeking assistance. Nominal
donations for items are requested
from visitors who can afford it. For
more information call 301-884-5184.
Community Shred Event
Cedar Point Federal Credit Union
Headquarters (Lexington Park) 11
a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bring your box of outdated f-
nancial records to Cedar Point and
dispose of them safely. There will
be free ice cream, too. The Credit
Union Headquarters Offce is lo-
cated just behind the Chipotle on Rt
235 in Lexington Park. Call 301-863-
7071 for more information.
First Friday
Downtown/Uptown Leonardtown
(Various Businesses) 5 p.m.
Author signing of Dishing Up
Maryland on the square (purchase
books at Fenwick Street Used Books
and Music). Music on the square:
Fortunes Turn from 7:30 to 9:30
PM. Raffe drawing at 8:30 PM. Visit
com/ for more information.
Governors Cup Yacht Race
St. Marys College Waterfront (His-
toric St. Marys City) 6 p.m.
Marks the 37th running year
of the race from Marylands current
capital city to its frst capital in St.
Marys City. Admission for yacht
race; Free for Saturday activities. For
more information call 240-895-3039
or visit
FOP Poker Tournament
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 7 p.m.
For more information call
Ridge Vol. Fire Department
Ridge Vol. Fire Department 7
Texas HoldEm
VFW Post 2632 (California) 7
For more information or to pre-
register contact Brian at poker@ or call 240-925-4000.
Newtowne Players: Laundry &
Bourbon and Lone Star
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
The Newtowne Players will
perform these two one-act com-
edies by James McLure Thursdays
through Sundays, Aug. 6-22. Tickets
are $15 for adults and $12 for stu-
dents, senior citizens and the mili-
tary. Thursday shows are $10 gen-
eral admission. Light refreshments
and beverages are also available for
purchase at the theatre. Note: Some
material may be inappropriate for
children. Reservations are recom-
mended; cal 301.737.5447 or visit
Saturday, August 7
Kids Triathlon
Wildwood Community Center
(California) 8 a.m.
There will be six age categories
grouping ages 5 through 17 into one
of four race distances according to
age. This event is a sanctioned race
and hosted by the Patuxent River
Triathlon Club. Pre-registration via
the website is encouraged
to accommodate number of athletes.
For more information call 301-373-
9751 or visit
St. Georges Episcopal Church (Val-
ley Lee) 9 a.m.
St. Georges Church is located
on RT 244 mile from the Valley
Lee post offce. This auction will
include antiques and collectibles,
household items, tools, cars, yard
equipment and much more. Con-
signments accepted prior to the auc-
tion. Food and beverages will be
available. For more information call
Donnie Carter 240-925-4690 or the
church offce at 301-994-0585.
So. Md. Mobile Compassion
St. Pauls Lutheran Church (Me-
chanicsville) 9 a.m.
The Compassion Center pro-
vides food, clothing and spiritual
care to people in need. Basic need
items are provided free of charge to
those seeking assistance. Nominal
donations for items are requested
from visitors who can afford it. For
more information call 301-884-5184.
Auditions for Table Manners
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 10 a.m.
The Newtowne Players an-
nounce open auditions for the up-
coming production of Table Man-
ners, a comedy by Alan Ayck-
bourn. There are parts for three
men and three women ages 25-50.
People interested in helping with
the technical and support crew are
also welcome. The show runs Nov.
5-21, 2010. Auditions will be read-
ings from the script; no prepared
material is necessary. If you cannot
make these times but wish to work
either onstage or backstage for this
production, contact Director Larry
Silvestro at 301-904-2741.
Governors Cup Yacht Race
St. Marys College Waterfront (His-
toric St. Marys City) 10 a.m.
Marks the 37th running year
of the race from Marylands current
capital city to its frst capital in St.
Marys City. Admission for yacht
race; Free for Saturday activities. For
more information call 240-895-3039
or visit
Point Lookout Lighthouse Open
Point Lookout Lighthouse (Scot-
land) 10 a.m.
Docents from the Point Look-
out Lighthouse Preservation Society
will be on hand to answer your ques-
tions. No charge to enter the light-
house, but standard park entrance
fees apply ($5 per person in-state, $6
per person for out-of-state). For more
information go to
or email
SMAWL Pet Adoptions
Petco (California) 10 a.m.
For more information visit www.
Summerseat Open House
Summerseat Farm, Three Notch
Road (Mechanicsville) 10 a.m.
Open to the public for self-guid-
ed tours of the property and guided
tours of the house the frst Saturday
of the month, MayOctober,. The
Manor House tours on the half hour
begin at 10:30 a.m. with the last tour
given at 1:00 p.m. Free. Visit www., or call 301-373-
6607 for more information.
Childrens Day
St. Clements Island Museum
(Coltons Point) 11 a.m.
Games, crafts, demonstrations,
food, music, magic show and more.
Free water taxi ride for kids. HC.
ate/museums, or call 301-769-2222
for more information.

Beach Party on the Square
Leonardtown Square (Washington
Street) 4 p.m.
Family entertainment, music,
sand volleyball, jump rope and hula-
hoop contests, games, prizes, and
crafts. For more information go to or
call 301-475-9791.
Special Olympics No Limit Cash
Bennett Bldg, 24930 Old Three
Notch Rd. (Hollywood) 4 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
No Limit Deep Stack
St. Marys County Elks Lodge
(California) 6 p.m.
For more information call the
lodge at 301-863-7800, or Linda at
Ridge Vol. Fire Department
Ridge Vol. Fire Department 7
Newtowne Players: Laundry &
Bourbon and Lone Star
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Sunday, August 8
All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
District Vol. Fire Department
(Valley Lee) 8 a.m.
The cost will be adults are
$8.00; children between the ages of
6 thru 12 are $4.00; children 5 and
under are free.
Drive-Thru Chicken Dinner
Mechanicsville Vol. Fire Depart-
ment 12 noon
For more information call
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg, 24930 Old Three
Notch Rd. (Hollywood) 2 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
FOP Poker Tournament
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 2 p.m.
For more information call
Newtowne Players: Laundry &
Bourbon and Lone Star
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 3:30 p.m.
Ridge Vol. Fire Department
Ridge Vol. Fire Department 7
Monday, August 9
Auditions for Table Manners
Three Notch Theater (Lexington
Park) 10 a.m.
The Newtowne Players an-
nounce open auditions for the up-
coming production of Table Man-
ners, a comedy by Alan Ayck-
bourn. There are parts for three
men and three women ages 25-50.
People interested in helping with
the technical and support crew are
also welcome. The show runs Nov.
5-21, 2010. Auditions will be read-
ings from the script; no prepared
material is necessary. If you cannot
make these times but wish to work
either onstage or backstage for this
production, contact Director Larry
Silvestro at 301-904-2741.
Tuesday, August 10
Dollars for Dylan 5
Golf Tournament
Breton Bay Golf & Country Club
(Leonardtown) 8 a.m.
Entry fee of $85/person in-
cludes green fees, cart, beer & soda
on the course and lunch. Prizes to be
awarded for: 1st through 3rd Teams
- Closest to the pin - Longest drive
- Putting Contest begins at 8 a.m.
All proceeds go to Victory Junction
Gang, a day camp for children with
special health care needs. Contact
Becky Gibson at 301-769-3290, or
Nancy Hall at 301-769-4132 to sign
up or for more information.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg, 24930 Old Three
Notch Rd. (Hollywood) 7 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
$25 Texas HoldEm
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington Park)
7:30 p.m.
All proceeds go to Start-A-
Life. For more information call
Christine at 443-624-2746.
Wednesday, August 11
Nature Time at Greenwell
Greenwell State Park (Hollywood)
10 a.m.
Pre-registration (no later than
24 hours in advance) is required via
email - lpranzo@greenwellfounda- - or by calling the Greenwell
Foundation offce at 301-373-9775.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg, 24930 Old Three
Notch Rd. (Hollywood) 7 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
Adopt A Pet!
Hi, my name is Lady-
bug and Im a wonderful 2
1/2 year old female pure bred
Cane Corso Mastiff. I love
people and attention and Im
good with most other dogs.
Im looking very hard for that
perfect home where I can be
loved and treasured. Ill make
the right person a terrifc
companion! Im up to date on
vaccinations, spayed, house
trained, crate trained and
identifcation micro chipped.
For more information, please
at 240-925-0628 or email kat-
Please Adopt, Dont Shop!
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 23
By Shelby Oppermann
Contributing Writer
*****Please remind me to never write an-
other article about ants and antagonize them.
They got their revenge this morning. I woke up
to fnd ants covering the kitchen counter, and a
portion of the foor. They were even creating a
long trail to the ceiling. Ive windexed them until
I cant close my hand. My husband said, Good
thing you didnt notice them in the middle of the
night. Ugh, I thought, how many times did I get
up in the middle of the night up to drink water
from my glass on the counter?*****
Working with chemicals seems to be the
highlight of my day today Windex for the ants,
and bleach for the whites. I almost lost my grip
on the bleach bottle, which I had precariously
balanced on the edge of the open washing ma-
chine. Twice over the years, I have accidentally
made a splash with bleach. The frst time was in
the 80s, when I couldnt get the top off right, and
it splashed all over a pile of laundry on the foor.
I tried to get the clothes in fast, but it was not fast
enough. When I pulled them out I had a polka-
dotted mess. Luckily that was the time period
of painting on fabric. I bought fabric paint and
hand-painted fowers on shirts, and flled in with
paint on designs where the pattern was missing.
That also worked when I wore a white dress
to work back then. I opened up a can of dark
stain, and it exploded all over the dress. That
time I cut wild animals pictures out of fabric and
used heat transfer to mount them to the dress.
With fabric paint I outlined them and wore that
dress for a long time after that. It was actually a
fortunate mistake.
A few weeks ago, I bleached a stain off of a
white shirt, and then put the shirt in with a regu-
lar load of wash. Just wasnt paying attention I
guess. I suppose I thought that the bleach would
be washed out quickly. Wrong again. Quite a few
of the clothes have nice spotted areas, though I
probably wont be hand-painting these. Maybe
in time, I will look at them again and see if I have
a vision of what each piece could become.
Its kind of like some of my artwork; some-
times I just start painting a background and see
where it will take me. Those, of course, have
normally become the more abstract pieces. I
should probably grab a few canvasses now and
throw on some paint. Then take a look at them
in a few weeks to visualize something unusual.
Did Picasso create that way? One never knows.
My favorite things that I thought were going
to be a mistake were many of the dogs Ive had
throughout the years. In fact, I named one dog
Booboo because of that. Brownie and Buttons
were at frst thought of as mistakes too. Buttons,
Except for my Tidbit, was one of my favorite
dogs, and I found her on the side of the road in
Medleys Neck. I kept telling her, as I asked peo-
ple in that neighborhood if she was theirs, that
this is a mistake. I cant keep a dog in an apart-
ment. Buttons was a great mistake.
One of my most fortunate mistakes was the
beginning of my career. A friend in college was
going to apply at a frame shop and then realized
it wouldnt work due to her color blindness. You
cant be colorblind and pick out mats for pic-
tures. I was going to apply at a sub shop. She
convinced me to go to the frame shop instead.
Twenty-nine years later
To each new days adventure
Please send comments or ideas to: shelbys.
of an

By Linda Reno
Contributing Writer
Row (left to right): James Ed-
ward ODell Buckler (1915-1938),
son of Hamilton Ethelbert Buckler
and Mary Eleanor Graves; Philip
McDaniel Gray, (1908-aft. 1930),
son of John William Gray and
Margaret Rebecca Knott; Thomas
Elmer Quade (1912-1989), son of
Joseph Isaac Quade and Sarah
Frances Williams.
2nd Row (left to right): Leonard Thomas Dixon (1911-1960),
son of William Floyd Dixon and Marthaline C. Johnson; Wil-
liam Jennings Bryan Buckler (1910-1970), son of Hamilton
Ethelbert Buckler and Mary Eleanor Graves; James Lewis
Quade (1909-1948), son of James Sylvester Quade and Mary
Dyree Williams; Andrew Johnson Quade (1911-1940), son of
James Sylvester Quade and Mary Dyree Williams; George La-
fayette Buckler, Jr. (1912-1979), son of George Lafayette Buck-
ler and Mamie Viola Dyson.
3rd Row (left to right): Doris Virginia Graves (1917-1974),
daughter of Jesse Cronin Graves and Sarah Jane Harding; Mar-
garet Lee Graves (1913-1979), daughter of Jesse Cronin Graves
and Sarah Jane Harding; Mary Agnes Dixon (1910-1991),
daughter of William Floyd Dixon and Marthaline C. Johnson;
Nellie Katherine Wallace (1909-2003), daughter of William
Biscoe Wallace and Charlotte R. A. Ledley; Marjorie Graves
(1910-2004), daughter of Jesse Cronin Graves and Sarah Jane
Harding; Mary Viola Davis
(1909-2000), daughter of Wil-
liam Edward Davis and Mary Etta Curry; Shirley Thelma Dean
(1909-1987), daughter of John Caleb Dean and Ella Matilda Joy;
Nellie R. Buckler (1914-1998), daughter of Hamilton Ethelbert
Buckler and Mary Eleanor Graves.
4th Row (left to right): Grace J. Dean (1908-1993), daughter
of John Caleb Dean and Ella Matilda Joy; Anna Laura Annie
Graves (1908-1993), daughter of Jesse Cronin Graves and Sarah
Jane Harding; Gladys Myrtle Davis (1903-1930), daughter of
William Edward Davis and Mary Etta Curry; Mabel Erma Da-
vis (1905-1973), daughter of William Edward Davis and Mary
Etta Curry; Lola Agnes Wood (1898-1984), daughter of Charles
Joseph Wood and Mary Elizabeth Drury (teacher); Harriett Ann
Graves (1907-1978), daughter of Lewis Booth Graves and Eva
Elton McGinley; Rebecca Barber Wallace (1912-1993), daugh-
ter of William Biscoe Wallace and Charlotte R. A. Ledley.
NOTE: This picture is said to have been taken in 1920, it was
probably taken a few years later. Doris Virginia Graves appears
to be the youngest child in this picture. Born in 1917, she would
not have been attending school in 1920. She appears to be about
5 or 6 years old when this photograph was taken.
Jay R. Long obtained a copy of this picture from Stanley
and Norma Buckler who had thankfully identifed the children.
He, in turn, shared it with me. Too often we fnd old pictures
and no one has any idea who is in them. I added middle names,
years of birth and death, along with the names of their parents.
Thank you all for enabling us to see these beautiful faces from
the past.
Fortunate Mistakes
A Journey Through Time A Journey Through Time
The Chronicle
Photo Courtesy of Helen
Carroll Beavers Patterson
Goliath: Hero of the Great Baltimore Fire
by Claudia Friddell, illustrated by Troy Howell
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
Contributing Writer
What happens when
Mom or Dad gives you a job
to do?
For some kids, regular
chores are part of life. They
know what needs to be done,
and things are fnished with
barely a thought and no com-
plaining. Then there are the
kids who hate chores and
would rather grumble than do
the job. Some kids move their
feet, while others drag theirs.
Which describe you?
Before you answer, read Goliath: Hero
of the Great Baltimore Fire by Claudia Frid-
dell, illustrated by Troy Howell. After learn-
ing this true story, you may never look at a job
the same again.
Goliath was a big horse so big that
his feet were many times the size of a mans
hand. He lived in the stables at Baltimore Fire
Engine Company 15, and the fremen loved
the gentle giant.
Everybody at Engine Company 15 knew
that when Goliath was twitchy, there was
probably a good reason. And on a chilly Feb-
ruary morning in 1904, the dapple gray Per-
cheron was twitching plenty. Hostler Mark
Hill lifted Goliaths huge foot to check for
sharp glass or a stuck rock. Something was
bothering their ultimate fre horse.
And then BAM! Goliath kicked the
side of his stall just as a fre alarm sounded.
There was a fre on German Street, and it
was a big one. Within seconds, the fremen of
Engine Company 15 slid down the pole, the
horses were harnessed, and everyone raced
down the street. Goliath and his team had a
fre to fght!
When they got there,
fames were roaring out of
the building, but Goliath
bravely stopped the rig and
stood still. It was his job to
stay steady and wait until he
was needed somewhere else.
No matter what was going on
around him, he knew he had
to stand solid.
But then, just as the
driver started to unhook Go-
liath to lead him to safety
BOOM! the building blew
up. Ash and fames fell everywhere, even on
Goliath, who stood statue-still. Bricks scat-
tered, people gasped and ran, and the build-
ing was in danger of collapsing. Engine
Company 15s rig was trapped, but the driver
knew who could get it past the burning bricks
and beams
Based on a real two-day fre and a real
horse, author Claudia Friddell makes read-
ers nearly breathless in Goliath: Hero of the
Great Baltimore Fire. Kids will love the ex-
citement, and the afterward that updates them
on the rest of the story and beyond. Theres
also a glossary at the back of the book, which
helps answer questions posed by children
who only know big trucks as the antidote to
What charmed me, though, are the illus-
trations. Artist Troy Howell brings majesty,
love, and urgency to his pictures, so be pre-
pared to spend lots of time returning to them
as you read this book aloud.
If your 5-to-8-year-old is horse-crazy
or aspires to be a frefghter someday, youll
want this book on your shelf. For them, Go-
liath: Hero of the Great Baltimore Fire will
only fan their fames.
c.2010, Sleeping Bear Press $17.95 / $19.95 Canada 32 pages
Is a picture worth a thousand words?
Defnitely! I can look into the faces of
these young children and see some of the
same features in their children and grand-
children. Some of you can probably do
the same. Theyre gone now, but certainly
not forgotten.
Laurel Grove School Picture,
ca 1922 (Key)
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 24


For family and community
events, see our calendar in the
community section on page 24.
In Entertainment
The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature!
To submit art or band information for our entertainment
section, e-mail
Bourbon for the Ladies,
Beer for the Boys
We post nightlife events happening in Calvert, Charles and St. Marys counties. To
submit an event for our calendar, email Deadline
for submissions is Monday by 5 p.m.
Thursday, August 5
Fair Warning Irish Pub
CJs Back Room (Lusby)
5 p.m.
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
DJ Chris
Big Dogs Paradise (Me-
chanicsville) 8 p.m.
Thirsty Thursdays
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow (Califor-
nia) 8 p.m.
Karaoke Night
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Friday, August 6
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub
Donovans Pub (California)
5 p.m.
Richard Wagner
Port of Leonardtown Win-
ery (Leonardtown) 5:30
Randy Richie (jazz
Caf des Artistes (Leonard-
town) 6:30p.m.*
The Navy Cruisers (jazz,
R&B, pop)
Calvert Marine Museum
(Solomons) 7 p.m.
Nuttin Fancy
Toots Bar (Hollywood) 7
DJ/Line Dancing
Hotel Charles (Hughesville)
7:30 p.m.
Island Bar & Grill (St.
Georges Island) 7:30 p.m.
Country Music Jam
St. Marys Landing (Char-
lotte Hall) 8 p.m.
Karaoke Night
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow (Califor-
nia) 8 p.m.
Veras White Sands Beach
Club (Lusby) 9 p.m.
Permanent Damage
Drift Away Bar & Grill
(Cobb Island) 9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.
After Hours Lounge
(Live Music/DJ)
Chefs American Bistro
(California) 10 p.m.*
Saturday, August 7
Drew Sevyns
Gilligans Pier (ewburg) 2
Fair Warning Irish Pub
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Randy Richie (jazz
Caf des Artistes (Leonard-
town) 6:30p.m.*
Quades Store (Bushwood)
8 p.m.
DJ Harry
Big Dogs Paradise (Me-
chanicsville) 8 p.m.
Beach Cove Restaurant
(Chesapeake Beach) 8
Bent Nickel
Andersons Bar (Avenue)
8:30 p.m.
Crushing Day
Veras White Sands Beach
Club (Lusby) 9 p.m.
DJ/Dance Night
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington
Park) 9 p.m.
Face Down
Memories (Waldorf) 9
Four of a Kind
VFW Post 10081 (Bel Al-
ton) 9 p.m.
Cryers Back Road Inn
(Leonardtown) 9 p.m.
Karaoke w/ DJ Tommy
T & DJ T
Applebees (California) 9
Middle Ground
Goose Landing (Benedict)
9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.
After Hours Lounge
(Live Music/DJ)
Chefs American Bistro
(California) 10 p.m.*
Sunday, August 8
Gary Rue w/ Joe
Seabreeze (Mechanicsville)
3 p.m.
Moe Stringz & N.S.A.
Apehangers Bar (Bel Al-
ton) 3 p.m.
Country Music Jam
St. Marys Landing (Char-
lotte Hall) 4 p.m.
Monday, August 9
Mason Sebastian
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Scotts II (Welcome) 7
Tuesday, August 10
Fair Warning Irish Pub
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m
Open Mic Night
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, August 11
Fair Warning Irish Pub
CJs Back Room (Lusby)
5 p.m.
Captain John
DB McMillans (California)
5:30 p.m.
Big Dogs Paradise (Me-
chanicsville) 7 p.m.
Sloe Jim
Gilligans Pier (Newburg)
7 p.m.
Karaoke Night
St. Marys Landing (Char-
lotte Hall) 7:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Hulas Bungalow (Califor-
nia) 8 p.m.*
Wolfs Blues Jam
Beach Cove Restaurant
(Chesapeake Beach) 8
Newtowne Players Present Two McClure One-Acts
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Audiences can expect a few
laughs at Three Notch Theatre this
week, where the Newtowne Play-
ers will be presenting two one-act
plays by James McClure, Laundry
& Bourbon and Lone Star, both of
which serve as little snapshots of
characters marooned in a little town
called Maynard, Texas, a place
where neighbors slug hard liquor as
they fold their clothes, and where a
1959 pink Thunderbird is the ulti-
mate status symbol.
Director Steve Fogle, formerly
of Shakespeare in Hollywood and
the Fantasticks, said he approached
the one-acts as pieces with loosely
connected characters, one about a
group of three women discussing bridge games,
daytime television and the problems they have
with their husbands, and the other a compan-
ion piece featuring related characters following
three men in the same town drinking beer and
talking about cars, war and women.
In Laundry & Bourbon, a young housewife
named Elizabeth (played by Ashlee Forehand)
welcomes her friend Hattie (Rachel Laslo) into
her home for an afternoon of drinks and dryer
sheets, during which she vents and pines over
her wayward husband Roy, who hasnt been the
same since he came home from Vietnam two
years ago. Later theyre joined by local bridge
club snob Amy Lee (Jessica Cantrell), and the
gossip ends up igniting old disputes about mar-
riage and money.
In Lone Star, Roy (played by Richard Ec-
cleston) and his brother Ray (Peter Klug) opt for
beer instead of hard liquor, joined by their dim-
witted acquaintance Cletus (John Raley) at a club
in the same town on a Saturday night.
Even though both one-acts are packed with
clever quips about men, women, cars, clothes
and card games and the banter itself is funny
whats underneath the surface isnt so much
amusing as sad.
In Lone Star, Roy is mean and obnoxious as
he slurs his speech over bottles of beer and beats
up on his brother Ray, whos hiding a hefty secret
from him the whole time. His penchant for fght-
ing is only rivaled by his love for his 1959 Thun-
derbird, but both passions have pigeonholed him
in a shiftless space with no prospects.
In Laundry & Bourbon the conversations
center more on how the three womens mar-
ried lives havent lived up to their expectations,
whether they married for love like Elizabeth, for
money like Amy, or just to settle down like Hat-
tie. But none of these characters seem very hap-
py, even when theyre talking about how much
they love their spouses or children.
The theme for both shows is that their lives
really havent turned out the way they thought
they would, said Fogle, explaining what he
found when he did some research on the town of
Maynard, Texas, where both plays take place.
Its a town in Texas that even as of today
only has about 75 people in it, he said, and for
years after World War II, it was taken off the map
in Texas, and it was almost a ghost town but
slowly people started moving back in, but
it never really recovered its still a little
rural town in the middle of nowhere, and
the characters are stuck.
Stuck or not, the characters are well
played, and it is perhaps for that reason that
the darker elements of their stories stand
out. Between the funny moments are two
studies of colorful personalities brimming
over with lost loves and unfulflled dreams
oh, and alcohol, of course.
Laundry & Bourbon/Lone Star will
run August 6 to 22 at Three Notch The-
atre in Lexington Park. Performances
are Thursday - Saturday at 8:00 p.m., and
Sunday at 3:30 p.m. To order tickets on-
line, go to, or
call the Box Offce at 301-737-5447.
Ashlee Forehand (in back), Rachel Laslo and Jessica
Cantrell in Laundry & Bourbon.
Peter Klug, John Raley and Richard Eccleston in
Lone Star.
Photo By Andrea Shiell
Photo By Andrea Shiell
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 25
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Deadlines for Classifeds are
Tuesday at 12 pm.
Call to Place Your Ad: 301-373-4125
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Phone 301-934-4680
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28231 Tree Notch Rd, #101
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
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Phone: 301-884-5011
Real Estate
Open foor plan of 28X48 Fleetwood Heritage Mobile
home for sale. Priced lower than any other double-
wide in community. Features beautiful kitchen with
laundry room and pantry. All three bedrooms have
walk-in closets. Full hall bathroom and Master bed-
room has master full bath with garden tub. Home has
smoke alarms in every room. Close to shopping center
and walking distance to community pool and commu-
nity club house. 6X6 Shed included. Home is already
set up on quite street. FINANCING AVAILABLE.
Price: $45,000 OBO. Call 301-904-5494.
Waterfront Home for Sale Minutes from Solomons.
Private Pier on protected Hungerford Creek. 4 Bed-
rooms, 3 full baths. Master Bedroom also has at-
tached offce and walkin closet. Large deck and big
back yard in quiet neighborhood. Call or email April
at 301-481-8303 or
Price: $449,000.
Real Estate Rentals
Very LARGE 1 bedroom apt, separate living room,
kitchen, and bathroom; cable ready; No smoking or
Pets; 1 year lease required; credit check and prior rental
information required; Proof of income required; Very
quiet neighborhood on cul-de-sac within short walk-
ing distance to Cove Point State park, which has tennis
courts, swimming pool, baseball diamonds, and walk-
ing trails; close to shopping centers, restraunts, church-
es, and grocery stores. Please Contact 410-326-7082.
Waterfront view with right-of-way to Helens Creek.
Spacious 2-3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 1 acre
property. Quiet neighborhood. Lawn care is provided.
Can be furnished. Large deck ready for your relax-
ation or entertainment. Available immediately! Rent:
$1,350. Call 443-404-5610.
Help Wanted
Busy chiropractic offce in Waldorf has openings for a
part-time and full-time massage therapist. Must have
Certifcation / License. Please fax your resume to 301-
638-7306 or call 301-638-7300 for more information.
Appearances Salon, located in Owings, Md. is offer-
ing a starting bonus of up to $500.00 to hair stylists
with clientele. Please contact Sue Sigona at 301-855-
7000 or 410-257-9303 for complete details, or stop in
and meet our staff. Appearances will also discuss a
weekly salary to be paid to stylists without clientele.
We are also seeking someone who would like to start
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The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 26
1. A fencing sword
6. Alda and Thicke
11. Phone connection
14. Navigational chart
15. 48846
16. Swiss river
18. Increase a bet
21. Rivne (Russ. sp.)
23. More inept
25. Read again
26. Heroic tales
28. African expeditions
29. NE Italian mountains
31. ___ de Janeiro
34. Household god (Roman)
35. CNNs founder ___
36. Robust hairy social bee
39. Where to apply
40. Not drunk
44. Made #11 across
45. Dover sole genus
47. English architect Lasdun
48. Mussel beard tufts
50. ___ Lanka
51. More scarce
56. Fiddler crabs
57. Span. surrealist painter
62. A gentle poke
63. Chicago flm critic Roger
1. Reddish browns
2. Aluminum (abbr.)
3. Exist
4. Indicates near
5. 17th Greek letter
6. Black Am. cuckoo
7. Pastureland
8. Atomic #89
9. Sodium
10. Driveled
11. Afrikaans
12. Not off
13. Roofed patios
14. Mister
17. Fishing poles
19. Senior offcer
20. Records brain currents
21. Measure again
22. Speak
24. Cool
25. Adult male sheep
27. Footwear bottoms
28. Open skin lesions
30. Scientifc research
31. Person from Romania
32. Express indirectly
33. Drama awards
36. Prickly plants
37. Br. equivalent of Inc.
38. Winged goddess of the
39. Totes up
41. Kids star ____ The
42. MN 55731
43. Concrete outcome
46. Construction Inspectors
49. Farm state
51. Scrap of cloth
52. Lemon or lime summer
53. Early pharaoh
54. Before
55. Confederate soldier
58. Lutetium (abbr.)
59. Feb. holiday (abbr.)
60. Delaware
61. Ancient Armenian God
Last Weeks Puzzles Solutions
Over 250,000 Southern Marylanders cant be wrong!
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 27
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Football fans, rejoice.
After months of basketball free-agency fool-
ishness, the local baseball teams struggling and
the Washington Capitals falling out of Stanley
Cup contention, the return of the National Foot-
ball League is upon us and for football fanatics
like me, its not a moment too soon. While we
still have more than a month to go before the frst
regular season games, training camp is still the
start of a new season, with plenty of storylines
to keep us glued to ESPN and (to those fortunate
enough to have expanded cable plans) the NFL
Network for the next seven weeks.
The Dallas Cowboys and the Cleveland
Browns were the frst to open their pre-season
practices last Thursday and the Cowboys, as they
often do, led the headlines.
Rookie wide receiver Dez Bryant, who early
on in practice established himself to be an elec-
trifying player to watch, thumbed his nose as the
veteran establishment when he refused to carry
incumbent receiver Roy Williams pads after a
recent practice. Bryant, who took less money
to get to work on time, was suddenly demon-
ized by veteran NFL players who proudly take
part in what they consider to be hazing/initiation
Bryants recent high ankle sprain, which
will keep him out the rest of the pre-season, is
being thought of as karma, a silly statement con-
sidering Williams cant catch a cold. Cowboys
fans should hope for Bryants healthy return to
pair with the equally dynamic Miles Austin.
In Cincinnati, the Bengals have cemented
their three-ring circus status by signing free
agent Terrell Owens. Owens and Chad Ochocin-
co (Johnson) are good friends, and after working
out with Owens, Cincy QB Carson Palmer con-
vinced management to give T.O. a shot. Hope-
fully this doesnt backfre on Palmer as those two
egos could sink a battleship. If the O&O show can
keep their minds focused on the task at hand,
the offensive weaponry makes the Bengals the
odds-on favorites in the AFC North again.
The Ravens are not to be taken lightly, even
if they just got thinner in the secondary with Do-
monique Foxworths season-ending injury. Ray
Lewis will inspire a ferocious front seven, while
on offense, Joe Flacco has one of the top receiv-
ers in the game in Anquan Boldin at his disposal.
If Ray Rice, Willis McGahee and LeRon Mc-
Clain can continue to brutalize defenses in the
run game, the Ravens should be fne.
And then we have the Redskins. Unless
youve been hiding under a rock or just cant bear
to watch, defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth
showed up to camp 40 pounds lighter and still
failed his physical ftness test. While the tests
new head coach Mike Shanahan had him per-
form arent exactly for children (two 300-yard
shuttle runs to be exact), Haynesworth has once
again raised the ire of an angry fan base that
wants results from their 100 million dollar man.
Aside from the Haynesworth saga, the Skins
have major questions at the running back posi-
tion. New acquisitions Willie Parker and Larry
Johnson along with Clinton Portis would be a
dynamite backfeld trio in Madden 05. Now, it
just seems that Portis doesnt care, Johnson and
Parker are aging and Donovan McNabb will be
revisiting his early days in Philadelphia as his
teams best running option.
With all of the said, rosters have to be
shaped, game plans have to be constructed, and
most important of all, games have to be played.
So we can speculate and make predictions about
what team will do what, but we really wont know
until they step on the feld and play the game.
Thanks to the spectacle that is the National
Football League pre-season, we can rejoice in the
fact that the real deal is not too far away.
Questions? Comments? Complaints? Send
em all to Chris at chrisstevens@countytimes.
NFL Camps Are Open Oh, Happy Day!
Wagner Scores Convincing
Win Friday at Potomac
By Doug Watson
Potomac Speedway
BUDDS CREEK Mechanicsvilles
Tommy Wagner Jr. scored his second feature
win of the season in last Friday nights 20-lap
limited late model feature at Potomac Speed-
way. The win for Wagner, the defending and
two-time limited late model track champion,
was his eighth career trimph at Potomac.
Wagner drew the pole for the feature and
would lead the feld down to the green fag.
Wagner would then dart into the race lead and
eventually lead all 20 laps of the event to post
the win.
As Wagner led, the race for second was
quite intense. Current points leader Derrick
Quade frst took up the chase as he hounded
Wagner for the frst 11 laps before ffth-start-
ing Paul Cursey took over the runner-up slot
on lap 12. Cursey would get close to Wagner
on several occasions, but he would have to
settle for second-place money.
Weve really been struggling the past
few weeks, Wagner stated. We went back
to the basics with the car and tonight it was as
good as its been all season.
Curseys late race rush was Wagners
only worry during the event. I knew Paul was
back there, he said. Theres a lot of good cars
in this class and we really had to be on our toes
to beat those guys tonight.
Quade settled for third, P.J. Hatcher was
fourth and J.T. McGlanigan completed the top-
fve. Heats went to Cursey and Kyle Lear.
Winchester Va.s Mike Corbin, the de-
fending Winchester Speedway pure stock track
champion, made his frst Potomac Speedway
start a good one as he scored the win in the
25-lap Potomac/Winchester challenge event
for the Street Stocks.
Eric Johnson lead the frst two laps of the
race before a fat tire ended his night. Defend-
ing Potomac street stock champion Kyle Nel-
son then took the top spot and would lead the
event for the next six laps. Meanwhile, 10th-
starting Mike Corbin had reached second by
the ffth lap and would then wrestle the lead for
good from Nelson on lap-nine. Corbin would
then have to survive a late race furry by cur-
rent point leader Kurt Zimmerman to score his
second career Potomac feature win.
Roy Anderson gave us a great car to-
night, Corbin stated. Theres a lot of good
cars here tonight and Im glad we were able to
get the win. Mike Bennett placed third, Mike
Reynolds was fourth and Scott Wilson rounded
out the top fve. Heats for the 26 cars on hand
went to Bennett, Johnson and David Kaiser.
In other action, Rusty Alton scored his
second feature win of the season in the 15-lap
Hobby Stock main, Larry Fuchs rolled to his
fourth win of the season and career 31st in the
15-lap four-cylinder feature and Will Nelson
annexed the 15-lap U-car feature.
Limited Late Models
(20 laps)
1. Tommy Wagner Jr. 2. Paul Cursey 3.
Derrick Quade 4. PJ Hatcher 5. JT McGlani-
gan 6. Kenny Moreland 7. Roy Skaggs 8. Dave
Adams 9. Louie Littlepage 10. Chris McGlani-
gan 11. Kyle Lear 12. Jr Carter
Street Stocks (25 laps)
1. Mike Corbin 2. Kurt Zimmerman 3.
Mike Bennett 4. Mike Reynolds 5. Scott Wil-
son 6. Troy Kassiris 7. Tony Archer 8. James
Sparks 9. Dale Reamy 10. Teddy Dickson 11.
Kyle Nelson 12. Buddy Wilson 13. Barry Wil-
liams Jr. 14. Stephen Quade 15. Sam Archer
16. Terry Staton 17. Donnie Smith 18. David
Kaiser 19. Scottie Nelson 20. Jason Murphy 21.
Eric Johnson 22. Walt Homberg 23. Michael
Carter 24. Craig Parrill 25. James Gray 26.
Billy Crouse (DNS)
Gretton Goalkeeping will offer its 8th Annual Summer Goalkeeper Soccer Camp Series be-
ginning the week of June 21st through the week of August 16th. Various locations offered in the
Southern Maryland Area. Camps run 4 days each week at various hours of the day. All ages and skill
levels welcome! Field player training offered as well by separate feld player instructor. For questions
or to reserve your spot, please call 301-643-8992 or email
Soccer Goalkeeping Camps
Accepting Registrations
From The
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 28
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Basketball has played a major
part in the life of St. Marys Ryken
graduate Elijah Matthews.
Basketball probably kept me
out of trouble, Matthews said af-
ter signing his scholarship to play
ball and attend school at Pfeffer
University this coming fall. I
have friends who are either dead
or in jail. Ive been playing since I
was six years old and I love it.
Matthews played all four
years at St. Marys Ryken, where
the 6-foot, 205-pound guard was
known for his leaping ability and
his tenacity on defense, traits he
hopes to take with him to the Fal-
cons, a NCAA Division II just 25
miles away from Charlotte, NC.
Mathews had a short list of
Coastal Carolina, Mt. St. Marys,
Holy Family and Philadelphia Uni-
versity, but Pfeiffer won out because
of an atmosphere similar to Ryken.
They have a real nice campus.
Its a good Christian, family envi-
ronment and the people are friendly
down there, Matthews said. I talk-
ed to a few teachers and some bas-
ketball players and they persuaded
me to go there.
Matthews, who plans to major
in political science and pursue a
law degree, is expected to play
a lot of minutes as a freshman,
and is planning to get used to the
added workload.
I got to talk to Coach [Jer-
emy] Currier and he wants me
to play big minutes, Matthews
said. The biggest difference is
going to be the workouts and the
work ethic.
Matthews says Pfeiffer is
getting a player that is a Hard-
working defensive stopper who
will do what it takes to win.
In leaving Ryken, Mat-
thews is a part of the senior class
that won the most games in one
season in school history (18), a
memory he plans to take with
him to college.
I loved everybody on that
team and setting those records
was fun, he says.
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
The District 7 softball team, made up
of several St. Marys County high school
athletes, advanced to the Big League East
Region softball championship game be-
fore falling to Laurel, Del. 6-2 Sunday
afternoon at Robert Dean Stethem Park in
District 7 breezed through the tour-
nament unbeaten until the championship
game, when Laurels Melanie Thompson
hit a three-run homer off of District 7s
Stephanie Dameron to provide the win-
ning runs for Laurel.
Great Mills graduate Tori Bradburn
won two games and Dameron (St. Marys
Ryken) won two ball games and saved
District 7 started pool play Thurs-
day with a 2-1 win over New Jerseys Big
League representative and followed that
up with an 11-1 six inning victory over
Wallingford, Conn.
Friday morning, District 7 earned a
berth in the semifnals with an 8-0 win
over Milford, Del., then earned the top
seed with a 6-3 win over Carbino, Pa. in
the afternoon. Chopticons Jordan Wood
keyed a rally with a two-run single in the
fourth inning to give District 7 the win.
Sunday, they advanced to the fnals
by defeating Carbino again, this time 6-2
in nine innings. The two wins were re-
venge for Carbino defeating District 7 in
the East Region Tournament in 2009.
Later in the afternoon, Thompsons
frst inning home run was gave Laurel a
lead they would not surrender and a trip
to the Big League Softball World Series.
Delaware opens play in Kalama-
zoo, Mich. Thursday, Aug. 5, at 1 p.m
against Canada. The Big League Soft-
ball World Series championship game
will be broadcast live on ESPN2 on Aug.
11 at 8 p.m.
It obviously hurts to come so close
to going to the World Series and not get
there. We all wanted it so bad, District
7 manager Monty Wood said. But I am
very proud of the way these girls came
together as a team. It was a joy to be a
part of it.
Lexington, Ky. St. Marys College
of Maryland was one of 450 teams hon-
ored by the American Volleyball Coaches
Association (AVCA) with the AVCA Team
Academic Award for the 2009-10 season as
announced by AVCA Executive Director
Kathy DeBoer Tuesday afternoon.
St. Marys was one of 75 NCAA Divi-
sion III womens teams honored while the
Seahawks were one of two teams to repre-
sent the Capital Athletic Conference as Gal-
laudet University made the cut as well.
The AVCA Team Academic Award,
which was initiated in the 1992-93 aca-
demic year, honors volleyball teams at the
high school and college level that are suc-
cessful in the classroom. Nominees include
high school or college teams that have a
minimum cumulative grade point average
of 3.30 (on a 4.00 scale) or 4.10 (on a 5.00
scale) during the full academic year (both
semesters or all quarters), and include all
varsity athletes who competed in volleyball
with the institution for any portion of the
academic year.
This years recognition marks the sev-
enth time that the Seahawks have received
the AVCA Team Academic Award, includ-
ing earning the award for six consecutive
years from 1995 to 2000.
The Southern Maryland
Sabres Hockey Club announces
the formation of a Midget-level
recreational hockey team for the
2010-2011 season.
The Midget team includes
players born in years 1992
through 1995. The rec hockey
season begins in October and
continues through February 2011
with an end-of-season tourna-
ment in early March. The team
will play in the Capital Corridor
Hockey League (CCHL).
Cost: $ 800.00 includes 18
practices, 8 home games at the
Capital Clubhouse in Waldorf
(with 8 reciprocating games),
monthly skills clinics and the
end-of season CCHL tourna-
ment. (USA Hockey insurance
& jerseys not included.)
Register online @ www.
Please contact Jaime
Cantlon, Sabres Rec Program
Director at: recdirector@
Registration is also available
online for all Sabres recre-
ational hockey teams:
USA Hockey 2010-2011 age
Atoms 2004-2005
Mites 2002-2003
Squirts 2000-2001
PeeWee 1998-1999
Bantam 1996-1997
Midget 1992-1995
Sabres Seek Midget-Level Players
St. Marys County
Recreation and Parks
Youth Roller Hockey Registration
Ages 8 to 14 as of December 31st 2010
August 26th and September 2nd
Leonard Hall Recreation Center in
Leonardtown 7 to 9 p.m.
Cost $75.00 per child

Adult Volleyball League
Womens meeting
Thursday September 2nd
Co-Ed meeting
Wednesday September 8th
Mens meeting Thursday
September 9th
All meetings at Leonard Hall
Recreation Center - 7 p.m.
Individuals and teams welcome to attend.
For more information call Kenny Sothoron
at 301-475-4200 ext 1830
USTA Tennis Senior
St Marys County USTA Tennis
League is looking for Captains and
3.0 & 3.5 rated players for senior men,
women and mixed doubles teams. Sea-
son runs from June-August. Must be a
USTA member and have reached ffty
(50) years of age prior to, or during,
the 2010 calendar year. Contact Mai-
Liem Slade if interested, mlslade@ or 301-481-2305.
Tennis Social Doubles
Social Doubles for Adults is held
twice weekly and consists of informal
doubles matches, put together by the
site coordinator, based on that days at-
tendance. All who show up will get to
5 P.M. Sundays at Leonardtown
High School, May 27th through August.
Contact Cris Sigler at 410-326-6383 or
5 P.M. Thursdays at Great Mills
High School, June 6th through Septem-
ber. Contact Bob Stratton at 443-926-
2070 or
The league fee is $25 for the Leonar-
dtown site and $30 for the Great Mills site.
Fees include court costs and balls. No reg-
istration is required.
Seahawk Volleyball Team
Earns National Coaches Honor
Matthews Ready To Put In Work at Pfeiffer
District 7 Falls Short In East Softball Championship
Accompanied by father Elijah, Sr., mother Joyce, sister Elisha, Uncle Terry Boykins
and Ryken coaches and principal Rick Wood, Elijah Matthews signs his letter of
intent to attend Pfeiffer University.
Photo By Chris Stevens
Photo By Frank Marquart
Stephanie Dameron won two games on the mound as
the District 7 Big League softball team made the East
Regional fnals.
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 29
the ffth.
After Bobby Coxs run-scor-
ing single gave the Shockers the lead
again in the top of the sixth, Dew Drop
had one more rally left. Corey Hayden
took advantage of miscommuncation
on his shallow fy ball and turned it
into a double.
The next batter, Grant Johnson,
reached frst base on an overthrow
and Hayden zipped home from sec-
ond to tie the game at 5.
Neither team were able to score
in the seventh inning, as Quades
kept the heart of the Dew Drop or-
der Chad, Bird and Benny Johnson
off base after they combined for
six hits in their previous nine plate
Quades fnally took the lead for
good in the top of the eighth, with
Steve Guy, Lee Quade and Cox col-
lected RBI singles to open up a three-
run lead.
Dew Drop went down quietly in
the bottom half of the inning to end
the game.
We know were going to see these guys
again, so this was huge for our entire team,
Hutmaker said, noting that the Shockers
did not have their full lineup Friday night.
Weve just got to play the game. Dew Drops
a good team.
Dew Drop Inn manager Tom Stone was
pleased with his teams effort, and was con-
fdent that they would pick up their hitting in
time for the playoffs.
We left 13 men on base, but neither team
really hit tonight, he said. We just have to
wake the bats up and hit like we can.
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
GREAT MILLS In a potential preview of the
upcoming Young Mens softball playoffs, Quades
Shockers lost their early lead, only to take an 8-5
eight-inning victory from Dew Drop Inn at Chan-
cellors Run Regional Park Friday evening.
If we didnt hold their two, three and four
hitters in the seventh, they wouldve beat us, said
Shockers manager Paul Hutmaker. The guys just
knew what they to do and they did it.
Dew Drop Inn (18-8) and Quades (12-11) are
seeded fourth and ffth as the standings currently
play out, meaning they would meet in the frst
round of the playoffs. Both teams battled as if it
were the playoffs, with Quades jumping out to a
3-0 lead in the frst inning.
All three runs came on home runs as Mike
Guy hit a two-run shot to centerfeld and Joey Jim-
ney followed with a solo homer to left. Dew Drop
Inn rallied twice in the later innings, pulling even
at 4 on a Dave Atkins RBI single in the bottom of
Sp rts
Thurs., Aug. 5
Mens Over 40 League
(All Games Start At 6p.m.)
Hole in the wall vs. Clements
at Andersons Bar
Tri-County Aire vs. Seabreeze
at Tippetts Field
Andersons vs. Park Sunoco at Knight Life
All Star Utility at Captain Sams
Rita Bs vs. Hobos at Back Road Inn
Mens Slow Pitch League
Bookkeeping By Blanche vs. The Green
Door/Cullisons at The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.
Amercian Legion vs. Hi Octane
at Knight Life, 6:30 p.m.
VFW2632 vs. Chaneys
at The Brass Rail, 8 p.m.
Mon., Aug. 9
Womens League
Somerville Insurance vs. Chesapeake Custom
Embroidery at The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.
Captain Sams vs. Southern Maryland
Physical Therapy at Andersons Bar, 6:30 p.m.
ABC Liquors vs. Xtreme
at Chancellors Run Park, 6:30 p.m.
Knockouts vs. Moose Lodge
at Chancellors Run Park, 6:30 p.m.
Womens Over 30 League
Captain Sams at Moose Lodge
Hole in the wall vs. Hurricanes
at 7th District Park
Ryce Electric at Back Road Inn
S&J Heating vs. Rosebuds at Tippetts Field
Tues., Aug. 10
Mens Slow Pitch League
American Legion at Back Road Inn, 6:30 p.m.
Chaneys vs. Bookkeeping By Blanche
at Chancellors Run Park, 6:30 p.m.
The Grid Iron Grill vs. The Green Door/
Cullisons at The Brass Rail, 8 p.m.
Wed., Aug. 11
Womens League
ABC Liquors vs. Knockouts
at The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.

Mens Slowpitch League
1. BRI 25-6
2. Hi Octane 25-6
3. Chaneys 23-8
4. Green Door 14-15
5. Pax Bombers 14-16
6. Budweiser 10-18
7. Grid Iron Grill 9-20
8. American Legion 6-21
9. Bookkeeping By Blanche 5-25
10. VFW 2632 3-23
Young Mens League
1. Seabreeze/BRI/Moose Lodge 23-1
2. Gary Grays Athletics 17-4
3. Cryers 17-5
4. Dew Drop Inn 18-8
5. Quades Shockers 12-12
6. Flash Point 6-19
7. Captain Sams 3-23
Womens League
Division 1
1. Somerville Insurance 17-1
2. Bud Light 13-3
3. Southern 11-6
4. CCE 11-7
5. Mix It Up 12-8
Division 2
1. Back Road Inn 11-8
2. Captain Sams 8-7
3. Andersons Bar 9-9
4. Bella Salon 8-11
5. Southern Maryland Physical Therapy 6-13
Division 3
1. Knockouts 8-10
2. ABC Liquors 7-10
3. Moose Lodge 4-12
4. Xtreme 0-20
St. Marys County Softball Standings
(For games through the week ending Sunday, August 1)
Shockers Outlast Dew Drop in Extras
Locally Custom Built Storage Sheds & Garages
Off of Rt 236 & Ryceville Rd 10180 Brookline Road, Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Double Wides
Garden Sheds
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With Shed Order
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$119 Value
Not Valid with any other discounts.
Offer ends 8/20/2010.
4 x 8 Lean-to
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8 x 8 Lean-to
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Photo By Frank Marquart
Photo By Frank Marquart
Dave Rollins of Dew Drop Inn fres a pitch towards home
Bucky Hobbs takes a swing during Shockers 8-5 victory
over Dew Drop Inn Friday night.
Elizabeth Martin
Born on Wednesday,
July 28th at 9:51 am
She weighed
9 lbs 2 oz and was
21 and 3/4 inches long.
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 30
Blue Crabs
Blue Crabs Pinch Bears
NEWARK, NJ Casey Benjamins RBI
double to right-center in the sixth inning
snapped a 1-1 tie and highlighted a three-run
rally, leading the Southern Maryland Blue
Crabs to a 4-1 victory over the Newark Bears
Tuesday afternoon at Bears & Eagles River-
front Stadium.
Benjamin laced his double off Bears
starter Ryan Glynn (2-2), scoring Shaun
Cumberland, who led off the sixth with a
walk. Benjamin then scored on a three-base
error and Eric Crozier, who reached on the
three-base miscue, scored on an RBI single
from Travis Garcia, capping the rally.
Kenny Rayborn (9-5) pitched six solid
innings, allowing just one earned run, scat-
tering eight hits and striking out four while
walking two. Jason Waddell pitched one
scoreless inning, giving way to Ryan Speier
for the eighth, who ended up striking out the
side in that frame, and Jim Ed Warden, the
Atlantic Leagues saves leader, pitched a per-
fect ninth for his league-best 19th save.
After the two teams posted zeroes for
the frst three innings, Southern Maryland
got on the board when Crozier belted a mam-
moth 420-foot homer to right feld, his 15th of
the season, giving the Blue Crabs a 1-0 lead.
The Bears tied the game in the home ffth,
when Pablo Ozuna and Brian Barton deliv-
ered consecutive singles and Ozuna scored
on Daryle Wards sacrifce fy. Newark had
several chances in the opening innings, leav-
ing the bases loaded in the frst and leaving
two runners on in both the second and fourth
innings. The Bears also threatened in the
eighth inning, but stranded runners on frst
and third when three straight Newark batters
fanned against reliever Speier.
Glynn had a solid start for Newark,
pitching seven strong innings, allowing just
two earned runs and fve hits, striking out
three. Ozuna and newly acquired Eric Mun-
son had two hits each for the Bears.
Sp rts
By Keith McGuire
Contributing Writer
Weve all listened with envy as retirees la-
ment the passing of time. I dont know how I
found the time to work, they say. Five and a half
years into retirement, I now understand the rea-
son for that conundrum. When I worked, life re-
volved around my work schedule and everything
else was either family obligation or spontaneous
fun. Work was a rigid schedule and easy to plan
around, so it was easy to fnd time for other im-
portant things in life. When a person retires, life
is turned upside down. Family obligations and
fun become the anchor activities and everything
else has to be scheduled around them. I have
joked many times that my full-time job is now
fshing and hunting, while everything else is a
hobby. Each week of summer my fshing trips
are planned before any other event and all other
daily activities are scheduled around those trips.
Similar planning goes into the hunting season.
When there are schedule conficts, hunting and
fshing get the priority because, after all, that is
my job! When I commit to some activity with,
Sure, Ill be there, Im telling you that your ac-
tivity conforms to my weekly hunting or fshing
schedule and I can make it.
A lot has been written recently about the
good fshing opportunities that exist at this time
of year. Indeed, it is a great time of year for fsh-
ing and it is getting better every day. However,
each trip needs to be carefully planned, and
tides, currents and weather forecasts need to be
taken into account. There are no sure catches
out there for the novice and poor planning can
produce an unsuccessful trip on the boat or to
the pier and beach. Early mornings, for exam-
ple, are prime times to fnd breaking fsh and for
top water casting to structure for stripers. Bright
sunlight and changing tidal currents are prime
times for founder. Calm evenings on shell bot-
toms are great times to fnd big croakers. Rainy
days and spinner baits: White Perch. Conditions
dont have to match these examples perfectly,
but they will provide the most realistic opportu-
nities and should be considered when planning
your next trip. If you fnd yourself at the waters
edge on a day when you havent matched any
of these conditions, the day will become a test
of your fshing skills. But if you approach the
situation realistically and manage your expecta-
tions accordingly, you should be able to salvage
the day. I was recently asked, What do I need to
catch a shark in the Bay? My answer: A lot of
sunscreen! Please plan accordingly!
Spot, croakers, white perch, bluefsh, rock-
fsh, Spanish mackerel, red drum, and cobia are
all being caught now. Captain Brady Bounds
proves that casting top water plugs early in the
morning or late in the evening around structure
should produce stripers now. Spanish mackerel
are just beginning to show up in the Bay. Fast
trolling small spoons is the most common meth-
od used. A few cobia have been caught at the
Target Ship and in the Mud Leads. Flounder are
not abundant now. If there are successful fuke
chasers out there, they are keeping their mouths
You say you want me to fsh with you on
Tuesday morning? Sure, Ill be there!
Have you got a current fsh picture and a
story of a great catch? If so, send an email to This article is
dedicated to William DeLorme. Good luck in
your retirement!
Keith has been a recreational angler on
the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for over
50 years; he fshes weekly from his small boat
during the season, and spends his free time
supporting local conservation organizations.
Angler Angler
The Ordinary
Sure, Ill Be There!
Captain Brady Bounds with a striper caught on
a surface plug.
July 15, 2010
at 7:53 pm at
6 lbs 8.1 ozs.
Kyra Anne Gieseler-Coppins
Kelsey Gieseler and Cody Coppins
are proud to announce the birth of their daughter.
The County Times
Thursday, August 5, 2010 31
Take me out to the
ball game...







Call Before You Dig
selectthe$13ticketsforthe8/11game(offer is only valid for the game on August 11.)
August 5, 2010
Photo By Frank Marquart
Story Page 9
Bohanan, Hoyer Meet With
Defense Contractors
Softball Showdown
at Chancellors
Page 29
Story Page 28
District 7 Falls Short in
Softball Championship

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