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For Young ProFessionals,

QualitY oF liFe toP issue

St. Marys Foreclosure
Picture Best in So. MD
Study Focuses on Retaining
Base Employees
Smartronix Acquires
Health IT Company
Thursday augusT 12, 2010
Story Page 4
Story Page 5
Story Page 8
Page 16
Photo By Frank Marquart
Thursday, August 12, 2010 2
The County Times
Your Paper...
Your Thoughts
McKays Weekend
Dinner Special
Price Effective Friday, August 13 - Sunday, August 15
Perdue Whole Rotisserie Chicken
1 lb. Store Made Creamy Cole Slaw
1 lb. Store Made Potato Salad
doz. Fresh Dinner Rolls
2 ltr. Coke or Pepsi
What issues would you like to
hear candidates talk about in the
upcoming election?
Defnitely the
economy, said Bob
Haney, 35, from Me-
chanicsville, and I
think immigration
is a big issue, and
health care is some-
thing that should
be debated.
I think education
is what Id like to
hear about, said
Edith Hoschar, 43,
an engineer from
California. We
have a good start
with the STEM
program but I
think they should
expand that with
more offerings,
maybe over the
I dont know if its
an issue, but zoning
is a problem, said
Kirk Turner, 57, from
Mechanicsville. I
remember driving
down Route 5 the
other day and think-
ing the place looks
really junky and
then on the govern-
ment level, defnitely
the economy.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 3
The County Times
On T he Covers
stock market
For Weekly Stock Market
cloSing reSultS, check
Page 8 in Money
Also Inside
3 County News
6 Politics
7 Editorial
8 Money
9 Defense
10 Obituaries
12 Crime
14 Education
16 Cover Story
19 Newsmakers
21 Community
22 Community Calendar
23 Columns
24 Entertainment
26 Games
27 Fishing
28 Bleachers
29 Tennis
30 Special Olympics
Whats Inside
Whats Inside
Youngsters enjoyed a fre truck hose down during
Leonardtowns Beach Party on the Square on Saturday.
Six current and former players along with coaches from
the JETS teamed with the Maryland Department of Natu-
ral Resources for the 2010 Maryland Fishing Challenge.
The girls caught, tagged and released 16 Rockfsh in the
Search for Diamond Jim. SEE PAGE 30
Do You Feel Crabby When You Get Your
Insurance Bill in the Mail? Give Us A Call.
Youll Be Glad You Did.
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An Independent Agent Representing: ERIE INSURANCE GROUP
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Burris Olde Towne Insurance
Gary Simpson
Katie Facchina
7480 Crain Highway
La Plata, MD 20646
Cannot be combined with any other in offce discounts.
Expires August 31 2010
Adriana Burch, of St. Marys County, tosses up a serve at
Leonardtown High School recently during the United States
Tennis Association social doubles league program.
Christian Johansson, Secretary of Business for the Mary-
land Department of Business and Economic Development,
talks with members of the Young Professionals Initiative of
St. Marys County.
A lot of people say
they feel like leaving
because they cant
fnd anyone to date,
and I hear a lot that
there are things to do,
but you have to drive
to them and theyre
30 minutes away.
- Young Professionals
Initiative Vice President
Lauren Klatt.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 4
The County Times
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
A report from an on-line real estate site that tracks
the number of foreclosures nationwide shows that the
number of foreclosures in Maryland has risen by about
5 percent in the past three months over the frst quarter
of the year, but real estate professionals here say that
foreclosure activity in St. Marys County remains much
lower than in other parts of the state.
Information from shows that in St.
Marys County there were 73 homes that were up for
foreclosure in June, far less than 130 homes in Calvert
County. Charles County topped both with 261 foreclo-
sures in the same period.
The total number of foreclosures in St. Marys was
slightly higher than those in March, which was 70 homes
up for sale after homeowners could no longer pay their
mortgages, according to RealtyTrac information.
Rick McNabb, of Residential Plus Real Estate Ser-
vices in Hollywood, said that foreclosures here would
continue for the foreseeable future but the number of
homes that have actually been foreclosed on and gone to
sale in the market so far this week is just 99 between both
Calvert and St. Marys counties.
According to a multiple list service quoted by Mc-
Nabb, there are currently 55 in Calvert and just 44 in St.
Marys for August.
There are 171 homes in foreclosure and up for sale in
Charles County, he said.
Calvert and St. Marys are very stable, McNabb
said, though job losses and adjustable rate mortgages
that were increasing the size of mortgage payments were
pushing some people out of their homes.
Jan Barnes, a realtor with Century 21 in California,
said she expected foreclosures to be a fxture of life in
St. Marys for at least the next two years, even with the
relatively strong defense oriented economy.
Were getting up there [with the number of fore-
closures] and weve got a lot of short sales, Barnes said.
Were being trained more in how to deal with them.
The stress of not being able to pay mortgages has
pushed some people to simply abandon their homes
without any notice, Barnes and McNabb said, some-
times in poor condition.
They just pack up in the middle of the night,
Barnes said of some who default on their loans. They
just up and leave.
Barnes said in one upscale neighborhood a hom-
eowner had left abruptly with water in their basement
that their neighbor was left
to pump out themselves.
These were the types
of reports she had received
about the desperation asso-
ciated with foreclosures.
Some people are
just too embarrassed, she
More foreclosures
could mean more tax
trouble for the county, she
said, though not as much
as in Charles or Calvert.
If you have people
not paying their mort-
gages, theyre not paying
property taxes either,
Barnes said.
Maryland Foreclosures Up, But St. Marys Better Than Most
Rick McNabb
At 120 miles per hour, a Formula One car generates so much
downforce that it can drive upside down on the roof of a tunnel.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 5
The County Times
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Great Mills residents say they are disturbed
by the apparent dumping of seven dead deer on
Camp Cosoma Road.
Reports of the deer reached The County
Times on Tuesday when residents said that two
piles of the animals were located in ditches on
opposite sides of the road; one pile of deer had
been found Monday morning and the other was
discovered Tuesday morning.
Henry Brown, who lives on Camp Cosoma
Road, said that he saw no blood around the dead
deer or on the roadway and believed that some-
one had placed them there deliberately.
He said that a sheriffs deputy had come out
Tuesday morning to take an initial report.
Whats amazing to me is that the county
hasnt picked them up yet, Brown said Tuesday
Most of the deer appeared to be of a young
age, two of them were fawns while one was a
buck with antlers.
All were in a state of de-
cay, but police say they are un-
sure as to the cause of death.
Dfc. Cindy Allen, spokes-
woman for the St. Marys
County Sheriffs Offce, said
that the case has been forward-
ed to states Natural Resources
Police for investigation.
Allen said that one pos-
sible reason for the deer be-
ing found dead was that they
had been the subject of an
authorized, off-season hunt
designed to protect crops from
being eaten.
Even if a permit was is-
sued people have to dispose of them [dead deer],
not dump them, Allen told The County Times.
But, Allen said, police still do not know if
an authorized hunt was even the reason the deer
There could be other possibilities, she said,
such as illegal hunting.
We dont even know if a crime has been
committed, Allen said.
Ive never seen that before, Brown said
of the piled deer, which appear to not have been
dressed or butchered. They had to be put there,
youre not going to hit a bunch of dear [with a
vehicle] at one place.
Joyce Savage, who lives on nearby Jessica
Lane, found the dead deer when she took a walk
on Camp Cosoma Road.
Im just really upset about it, Savage said.
I think its so cruel to just dump them there.
Theyre just sitting by the wayside, its
Deer Kill Under Investigation
Commissioners Scrap Plan to Extend Life
of Aging Radio System
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
A study designed to highlight traf-
fc fow issues in Leonardtown in light of
increased development on Hollywood-
Leonardtown Road shows that in about
four years the intersection with Route 5
will be insuffcient to handle all the ve-
hicles projected to use it.
The study, prepared by Desman
Associates and presented to the Leon-
ardtown Town Council and the Board of
County Commissioners this week, also
showed that by 2020 the intersection of
Route 245 with Leonards Grant Park-
way, one of the highest selling housing
developments in the county, will not
be adequate to handle all of the traffc
The study suggests that by 2015
the county should have several new turn
lanes built along Route 5, including a
west-bound right turn lane and a double
left turn lane east-bound.
A traffc signal at Route 5 and the
Clarks Rest development would also
help improve traffc conditions, the
study said.
By 2020 additional left turn lanes
for southbound traffc on Route 245
should be constructed for the intersec-
tion with Route 5.
Another traffc signal might also
be necessary, the report stated, at Route
245s intersection with Leonards Grant
Parkway to deal with the expected devel-
opment of at least one elementary school
on the Hayden Farm property on the out-
skirts of the town.
Town offcials said that much of the
study confrmed suspicions about the
future problems and possible solutions
needed for one of Leonardtowns main
A lot of this we already know,
said Town Councilmember Leslie Rob-
erts. But now we have the facts to back
it up.
County Commissioner Thomas A.
Mattingly (D-Leonardtown) said that he
believed some of the recommendations
in the report, such as constructing a road
that would funnel traffc from the county
governmental center to the College of
Southern Maryland would present more
problems for traffc fow at the college.
The recommendation was intended
to relieve traffc fow from Route 245.
I thought they would have more
study on the impact on Route 5 and Col-
lege Drive, Mattingly said. It [the road
proposed] would create more of an issue
at Route 5 and College Drive.
Im not sure how useful [the study]
is going to be.
Traffc Study Shows Future
Problems for Leonardtown
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
County commissioners voted unani-
mously Tuesday to pull $950,000 from
a plan to extend the life of the countys
near-obsolete communication system used
by fre, rescue and police in favor of using
the funds to buy a newer, more advanced
Commissioners had to shunt emergen-
cy funds to replace the countys 800 Mhz
system supplied by a company once known
as MA Com, which was later purchased by
Harris, because they learned in May that
the original vendor would no longer sup-
ply parts and equipment to keep the system
functioning beyond January of 2014.
Public Safety Director David Zylak
and Jeff Martin, of RCC Consultants, ad-
vised the commissioner board Tuesday that
taxpayer funds would be better spent on a
more modern system.
This would help to solve years of in-
teroperability problems that have plaqued
regional responders.
It would also bring the cost of radios
and other equipment down, Martin said, be-
cause purchasers would not be beholden to
one manufacturer to supply all their needs.
Thats probably the reason why por-
table radios cost $4,000 a piece, because
theres been no competition, Martin told
The County Times.
The interim solution the county had
been pursuing included buying used equip-
ment to help bolster the system until a new
one could be purchased.
It made more sense to put that money
into a new system, Martin said.
Zylak told The County Times that Har-
ris had recently studied the countys com-
munications system in an effort to solve
some of the coverage problems, exacerbated
by the countys topography and lack of relay
stations, but could not give any aid within
the $950,000 budget.
Zylak said that if the portion of the
current system that ensures that all of the
county radios could pick up each others
messages broke down without a replace-
ment, the countys emergency communica-
tion system between frst responders would
be virtually useless.
We would be in a tight spot, Zylak
The county currently has about $19
million budgeted to install a new system be-
fore 2014, Zylak said, with $12 million for
six new radio repeater stations and $7 mil-
lion for man-portable and vehicle-mobile
The new plan for a next generation sys-
tem meant that the county would go from
having just four relay stations to 10, he
A new system would help allay some
of the problems frst responders dealt with
each day in trying to communicate with
each other, he said.
You can go in most any high school
and your portable radio [signal] wont make
it out of the building, Zylak said.
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
A study written by fve graduate students with
the local campus of the Florida Institute of Technol-
ogy states that because the federal government is
planning on reducing the amount of defense con-
tractors it employs and replacing them with full
time civil servants, the county needs to focus on
building a workforce that can take advantage of new
federal jobs.
But the study also shows that offces aboard
Naval Air Station Patuxent River are continuing to
hire employees from local contractor frms to take
on the civil service positions, which could make ini-
tial entry by other potential employees more chal-
lenging at frst.
We have a challenge of recruitment and reten-
tion already, said Bob Schaller, head of the coun-
tys economic development department, who also
taught the capstone course.
The immediate focus will be on those who
already have those skills, and thats going to be the
The study says that a bachelors degree is usu-
ally required for most kinds of employment on the
base and the skill most in demand are for engineer-
ing and business management.
One senior employee of the local offce of the
Bowhead Corporation was quoted in the study as
saying that the in-sourcing going on inside the base
gate had its problems but in the long run could still
be benefcial for local contractors.
Although the practice is disruptive, and cer-
tainly painful if it results in lost revenue, Bowhead
tries to emphasize the positive aspects. Bowhead
views the government cherry-picking our employ-
ees as a testament to the high level of performance
and trust achieved in our business relationship, lo-
cal Bowhead director Michael Stabile was quoted
as saying.
One of the keys for local residents to beneft
from the opportunities on the base comes in the
form of internships offered by programs there,
Schaller said.
It was another way of preparing them for work
People who do that have the advantage, he
said. They have a better chance of staying be-
cause they have experience and credibility with the
Schaller said that the students who put together
the study were employed on the base either in the
military or as part of the civilian labor force.
To an extent, he said, the study refects some of
the challenges that they encountered in getting em-
ployment at the countys premier economic engine.
They connected with their networks [to com-
plete the study] but theyve all had a diffcult time
either fnding work or securing work, Schaller
said. They were the key informants of their own
Graduate Study Focuses On
Retaining Base Employees
Police with the states Natural Resources Police said they are investigating the
apparent dumping of seven dead deer on Camp Cosoma Road in Great
Photo by Guy Leonard
Thursday, August 12, 2010 6
The County Times
TUESDAY, AUGUST 24th, 2010
6-9 P.M.
Olde Breton Inn, Compton
Casual Dress
$35 per person $25 for seniors
Come out and enjoy a fun evening of great food and terrifc company with
Delegate Wood and his family
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Dozens of Democratic candidates joined
with community members, many of which were
in campaigning mode at a rally-type event during
Leonardtowns First Friday, where Gov. Martin
OMalley showed up to talk with voters and tour
the square along Washington Street.
Those present included County Commis-
sioner President Francis Jack Russell; Leonar-
dtown Council member Leslie Roberts, who is
running for the Democratic Central Committee;
Jan Norris, who is running for County Treasur-
er; Chris Davies, who is running for the House
of Delegates in District 29C; Mary Washington,
who is running for County Commissioner in the
countys 4
district; Joe Anderson, who is run-
ning for the Democratic Central Committee; and
Arthur Shepherd, who is running for County
Commissioner in the 2
Democratic incumbent OMalley has re-
cently drawn fre from former Republican Gov-
ernor and current GOP-favorite Robert Ehrlich,
who cited a study at the University of Baltimores
Jacob France Institute showing a 58 percent de-
cline in employer confdence since the second
quarter of 2006, which he said in a statement
underscores that the OMalley Administration
has little to no understanding of what it takes to
lead an economic recovery in Maryland.
OMalley seemed more optimistic on
Maryland jobs, however, citing Maryland un-
employment rates (at 7.1 percent, well below the
national average of 9.5 percent) and the 38,000
jobs created since January as proof that the state
is moving forward, not back.
He had positive words for the crowd as he
acknowledged that this would continue to be a
heated political season.
Theres not a single governors race in the
country that is not a competitive race, he said.
Our countrys gone through some tough times
these last three years, and Maryland has not been
immune from that, but the great thing about the
people of our state is that we move forward. And
whenever were faced with adversity, even when
faced with challenge, we have a way of facing up
to it and moving forward nonetheless.
OMalley elaborated later, going on to talk
about what he termed the states successes.
For the frst time ever, our state for four
years straight has had the best public schools
in America, and thats never happened before,
he said, describing further successes in keeping
public safety a priority. Weve driven violent
crime down to its lowest level since 1975 and
weve been creating jobs these last four months
at a rate thats twice what the nation has done
so in the toughest of times weve been moving
our state forward, he said.
OMalley later drew the winning name of
the nights raffe, and played his brand of Irish
music for the crowd.
Governor oMalley rallies
supporters DurinG First FriDay
Primary Election
Important deadlines for the
upcoming 2010 Gubernatorial Pri-
mary Election are approaching.
The deadline to register to vote or
change party affliation and the
deadline for certain voters to request
a polling place change for this elec-
tion is 9 pm on Tuesday, Aug. 24.
To vote in the upcoming primary
election, Maryland residents who
are eligible to vote but are not yet
registered including 17 year olds
who will be 18 by Nov. 2 must
complete a voter registration ap-
plication. A hand-delivered appli-
cation must be received by a local
board of elections by 9 pm on Aug.
24, and a mailed application must
be postmarked by Aug. 24. This
is also the deadline for registered
voters who have moved since the
last election to provide updated ad-
dress information to the local board
of elections and for registered vot-
ers who wish to change their party
On the State Board of Elec-
tions Web site, a voter can verify
his or her voter registration status
and fnd out if the polling place to
which he or she has been assigned
is handicapped accessible. To fnd
this information, a voter can visit and
click on the Find Out Here link.
Gov. Martin OMalley talks with one of
many gathered around the Front Porch
restaurant in Leonardtown, where he
made an appearance for supporters dur-
ing the towns First Friday event.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 7
The County Times
To The Editor:
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, Maryland 20636
News, Advertising, Circulation, Classifeds: 301-373-4125
James Manning McKay - Founder
Eric McKay - Associate
Tobie Pulliam - Offce
Sean Rice -
Angie Stalcup - Graphic
Andrea Shiell - Reporter - Education,
Chris Stevens - Reporter -
Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government,
Send to:
The County Times
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, MD 20636
Make sure you include your name, phone # and the city you live in.
We will not publish your phone #, only your name and city
Do you have something to say?
Would like your voice to be heard?
Send us a letter telling us whats on your mind!
E-mail letters to:
I am sick and tired of politics and tired of
politicians of all stripes whose big talk about
smaller government and fscal responsibility is
just a lot of hot air. But Collins Bailey is a dif-
ferent kind of political candidate. He has very
specifc, intelligent solutions for fxing our coun-
trys most pressing problemsthe national debt,
the recession, the failing Social Security system
and make no mistake, it is failing. We will have
ourselves to blame if we dont listen to Bailey
and others like him who can lead us out of the
troubled times we have entered.
The fact is that we as a nation are collapsing
economically because of the unwise policies of
George W. Bush and our current president who
continues to spend money we dont have to prop
up corporations and unions and to buy the votes
of certain special interest groups. The economic
meltdown that brought us federal bailouts and
stimulus packages was a perfect storm, to use
an overused expression, of several factors. As
much to blame as big banking interests, Harry
Homeowner, during the real estate bubble, kept
fipping houses to make a quick buck, while the
feds through the Federal Reserve kept lowering
interest rates making money too cheap. The cost
of housing rose, speculation reached a fever pitch
and people borrowed recklessly, and we as a na-
tion got in over our heads.
And it was the feds who since the Jimmie
Carter years have been forcing lending institu-
tions to loan money to unqualifed applicants,
the lending institutions then pawning off these
bad loans. In short, everyone is to blame for our
near depression. Adding to our anxiety over the
current economic emergency is the fact that we
must continue paying for cradle to grave gov-
ernment handouts. But one of these days very
soon, there will be no government checks in the
mail, because the government will have run out
of money. It already has. We are in debt up to
our necks, and the Chinese own us now. This
situation is unsustainable. Big government has
destroyed the free market and has given us infa-
tion which makes us even more dependent on big
In a real sense, we all got what we de-
servedan economic mess, an invasion by il-
legal immigrants-- who are starting to push us
around-- and little hope for a bright future. We
did the things that brought about this disaster.
We sent smooth-talking, self-serving hucksters
to Congress, because we thought they would ca-
ter to us, take care of us. Arrogantly dismissive
of the Constitution, they see citizens as subjects
and make up the rules as they go along.
Collins Bailey, who has vowed to serve
for two terms without pay, understands Consti-
tutional principles. He supports real health care
reform and low taxes and has called for a $15,000
personal exemption for taxpayers. And he wants
clean, cheap American energy, made by Ameri-
cans on American soil. He advocates a strong
national defense, but he does not support nation
building or the unjust, unnecessary wars that so
tragically claim the lives of young Americans
who die in agony in Afghanistan while politi-
cians jet here and there, play golf and party. Col-
lins Bailey welcomes newcomers to our country
but believes we have the right, the obligation, to
protect our sovereign borders.
I understand that many decent, hard work-
ing people in our area are blindly loyal to Steny
Hoyer, but he, unfortunately, has aligned himself
with those whose mission it is to turn our once
free republic into a socialist police state. Further,
I believe he is in reality contemptuous of his con-
stituents and has embraced the politics of the far
left. I urge the residents of the 5th Congressional
Election District and other Marylanders to go to to learn more
about Collins Bailey. I also urge you to send his
campaign $25 or $10 or even $5, if you have it,
and I ask you to email or call your out- of-state
friends (who can contact their friends) to ask
them to help us unseat Mr. Hoyer by making a
donation to the Bailey campaign. As liberals are
so fond of saying, Do it for the children (and
the grandchildren too).
Joyce Bennett
Clements, MD
Help Us Fire Steny
Mr. Nokes, the Political Cartoon in the Au-
gust paper comparing Mr. Lollars town hall
meeting to Representative Hoyers was cute, but
both have been more visible in Southern Mary-
land than our Representative for District 29c State
Delegate Tony ODonnell.
Hoyer made time to interview with the Bay-
net, visited Prince Frederick campus of Southern
Community College; spoke to the Young Profes-
sionals of St. Marys at the Daugherty Center and
has been to Pax River in the last 90 days.
Delegate ODonnell who at one time lived in
Lusby, missed the dedication for the new sports
feld in Dowell, the ground breaking for the new
Calvert High School and has been having our lo-
cal County Commissioner represent him at our
Troops Eagle Scout ceremonies for the past 4
years, because he is always too busy. I am not
sure he lives down here anymore!
Both Republicans and Democrats can be-
come part of the establishment. I think Delegate
ODonnell is not a part of our community any-
more and has become part of the establishment.
As a State Delegate, his job is part-time;
you would think he could make some time to be
available to his constituents. According to Mary-
land Election Center 54% of his money is com-
ing from PACs not residents of Calvert and St.
Marys County and 9% are donations from OUT
Tony ODonnell has been out of sight and out
of touch with his constituents for a while. It is time
to elect someone else. Luckily, there are 2 other
candidates, Chris Davies and Shawn Quinn, who
appear willing to represent us in District 29c.
Kelly Harvey
Lusby, MD
Where is Tony ODonnell?
In reference to the Inside the Beltway ar-
ticle titled Liquid Assets, in the Aug. 6 Washing-
ton Times, Bioethicist Jacob Appel has a wonder-
ful idea that he wants our All Caring, All Know-
ing, All Compassionate government to give serious
Appel says that since the government is suc-
cessfully force-feeding us fuoride in our drinking
water so no one will ever have another cavity, we
should also include a dash of LITHIUM.
Appel says too many people are commit-
ting suicide. Lithium minimizes such harmful
attitudes. It is a psychotropic drug that cheers up
people and evens out mood swings.
Wow! Wouldnt that be wonderful! No more
highs no more lows, just a nice, calm, even tem-
pered population that doesnt show anger, happi-
ness, or any other mood swings?
And all those good results just to prevent a
couple thousand people a year from choosing to
stop fghting life and choose a road where no one
pays taxes, no Obamacare concerns, no fear of get-
ting mugged on the way to buy ice cream for your
illegal children.
Last I heard, there were about 380 MILLION
people (not counting illegals) in the USA. So let me
get this right. I know Im one of Bill Mahrs stupid
people who need to be nudged to do the right thing,
but I did learn how to read (if the words dont have
too many letters) in school before unions taught the
teachers to stop teaching kids fundamentals.
To the point, we lose more than 40,000 people
every year to fatal auto accidents. I wonder if some
scientifc genius will come up with a drug to stop
that death rate.
The interesting thing about Appels solution
for stopping suicides is that if you dont want to
play his game, he says, And if people dont want to
take part, they can opt out by drinking bottled wa-
ter. Simple as that. Wow again! In other words, if
you still want to avoid paying taxes, drink bottled
James Hilbert
Mechanicsville, MD
Another Bright Idea
Im somewhat confused about our Demo-
cratic leadership. They say they want to improve
the solvency of the Social Security accounts to
better provide for those who qualify for benefts.
They also are very vocal about the bonuses that
most major corporations pay their executives.
Although these bonuses have been his-
torically paid for decades, it was never an issue
prior to the bailouts/economic stimulus pack-
ages where they used taxpayer dollars to salvage
companies too greedy to follow sound economic
principles. Although much of this bailout money
has been repaid, there is still a hue and cry about
excessive bonuses.
Im wondering why the Social Security taxes
that most employers and employees pay has con-
tinued to hover around the $100,000 ceiling fg-
ure. I would think the logical next step would be
to eliminate any ceiling for Social Security tax-
es. I seriously doubt that someone making sev-
eral million dollars a year would even notice the
bite these taxes would take from their income.
Also, their employers would be contributing their
matching taxes and might even (Heaven forbid!!)
have second thoughts about granting them ever-
increasing bonuses.
Once again, eliminating the ceiling on Social
Security taxes seems like such a no brainer that
I can only assume the ever-present lobbyists must
be making that another no touch condition for
major political contributions. Just another reason
to vote out the incumbents in November and vote
in qualifed candidates with no ties to the political
action committees and lobbyists. Its time to put
some common sense back into our laws. Social
Security was designed to provide a supplemental
income to qualifed retirees. Why should those
making more than the ceiling amount be exempt
from paying the Social Security taxes as those
earning less?
Glenn Weder
Hollywood, MD
Boggled By Democrats
Thursday, August 12, 2010 8
The County Times
for the love of
bigail Francisco School
of Classical Ballet, a fa-
vorite in Northern Calvert
and Southern Anne Arundel Counties
since 1986, is expanding to Annmarie
Garden to offer a series of classes this
fall in the Solomons/Lusby/St. Marys
County area.
Prospective students and their
parents are invited to stop by the Arts
Building at Annmarie Garden on Solo-
mons/Dowell Road on Saturday, Au-
gust 14 from 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. to
learn more. New classes for ages three
and up include Intro to Ballet, Pre Bal-
let, and Vaganova 1. Girls can also try
on a real tutu and get their photos taken
with a ballerina.
Visit www.abigailsclassicalballet.
com online for more information and
a complete schedule of classes at An-
nmarie Garden and the original North
Beach studio.
Ballet School Expands Classes to
Solomons Area
Abigail Francisco, founder of her own clas-
sical ballet studio in North Beach, explains
about intricate costumes. Abigail is ex-
panding her classes to Annmarie Garden
in Solomons this fall.
Everything is Better with the Dutch Touch
In The Wildewood Shopping Center
Order Now To
Get In Time For
The St. Marys County Department of
Economic & Community Development and
the J.T. Daugherty Conference Center present
a Breakfast with Founding Business Leaders
of St. Marys County on Friday, Aug. 27 at the
J.T. Daugherty Conference Center in Lexington
Naval Air Station Patuxent River, commis-
sioned in 1943, was not even a year old when
the civilian workforce grew exponentially to
almost 7,000 people marking the beginning of a
new business climate in St. Marys County.
Hear frst hand from a panel of notable and
successful business leaders that helped foster
business growth in the 1950s and beyond will
talk at the breakfast, sharing their stories, suc-
cesses and challenges that may help any busi-
ness owner move forward in todays business
Panelists include Walter Blair, Elmer
Brown, Ben Burroughs, George Guy, J. Frank
Raley, Tom Waring and Bob Waxman.
Registration and networking is from 7:30
a.m.-8 a.m., with a buffet breakfast starting at 8
a.m. The panel discussion starts at 8:30 a.m. fol-
lowed by Q&A. Cost: $15 per person. Fee will
be collected at the door. Cash or checks payable
to JTDCC are accepted. To RSVP by Aug. 20,
email Cheri Noffsinger at cheri.noffsinger@st- or call 301-475-4200 x1400.
Founding Business Leaders Breakfast
Smartronix, Inc., a global information
technology and engineering solutions provider,
announced today that it has acquired Cogon
Systems, Inc., to expand its growing health in-
formation technology portfolio.
The new company operating as Cogon
Systems, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Smartronix led by Cogons current CEO, Dr.
Huy Nguyen.
Founded by Nguyen, Cogon facilitates
healthcare connectedness by way of its value-
driven innovations and comprehensive thought
leadership. Through its Virtual Health Network
(VHN) platform, a SOA-based architecture us-
ing an enterprise service bus that provides busi-
ness logic fexibility, network scalability, data
interoperability, and application extensibility,
Cogon is committed to facilitating value-based
The VHN is implemented with basic ser-
vices that enhance the exchange of health infor-
mation supporting referral management of pa-
tients who receive care from multiple providers.
These basic services include continuity of care
information, patient demographic and admin-
istrative information, diagnoses/problem lists,
providers, allergies, medications, laboratory
results, radiology results, previous procedures,
and clinical notes.
Currently, Cogons VHN allows for the
frst-time sharing of tens of thousands of health
records between the Department of Defense
and commercial hospitals. Leveraging Smar-
tronix business maturation, growth in the fed-
eral healthcare, and its expertise in network
operations and cyber-security, Cogon is well
positioned to provide premium services in the
federal health sector.
The addition of Cogon, its visionary lead-
ership, and its intellectual property are a great
complement to Smartronix growing health
information technology business. We are con-
fdent that our network operations, enterprise
software solutions, and cyber security core
competencies will assist in leveraging and aug-
menting Cogon Systems Virtual Health Net-
work platform, Smartronix CEO, John Parris
said in a press release.
Smartronix Acquires Health
Information Technology Company
To sell your home faster, and for
more money, paint it yellow.
The St. Marys Chapter of Americans for Prosperity will be hosting a Town Hall Meet-
ing August 17 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Lexington Park Library.
Speakers will be discussing ideas to create new jobs and make our state economically
competitive and reverse Gov. OMalleys budget and fscal policies. We cannot attract new
jobs to our great state and turn around our terrible unemployment situation if this misman-
agement continues, a press release states.
Tea Party Town Hall Meeting Coming
Company Symbol Close Close Change
8/11/2010 12/31/2008
Wal-Mart WMT $51.02 $56.06 -8.99%
Harley Davidson HOG $26.38 $16.97 55.45%
Best Buy BBY $33.28 $28.11 18.39%
Lockheed Martn LMT $73.28 $84.08 -12.84%
BAE Systems BAESF $5.20 $5.41 -3.88%
Computer Science Corp. CSC $43.88 $35.14 24.87%
Dyncorp Internatonal Inc. DCP $6.88 $15.17 -54.65%
General Dynamics Corp. GD $61.32 $57.59 6.48%
Mantech Internatonal Corp. MANT $37.55 $54.19 -30.71%
Northrop Grunman Corp. NOC $57.18 $45.04 26.95%

Thursday, August 12, 2010 9
The County Times
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The American Legion Post and Auxiliary
Unit 255, Ridge, held an installation of offcers
for the administrative year 2010-2011 on July
Past Department Commander Gail Mur-
dock was the Installing Offcer for the Post.
Leading the Post for another term is Command-
er Duncan Skip Disharoon. Other offcers in-
clude: First Vice Commander - Terry Morton;
Second Vice Commander - Chris Dorosz; Adju-
tant - John Matthews; Assistant Adjutant - Marie
Parish; Chaplain - George Sonny Baroniak;
Service Offcer - Chuck Myers; Finance Offcer
- Jim Yeatman; Sgt at Arms - Sean Tibbs.
On the Executive Committee are Neal
Roberts, Lindy McKay and Francis Smith.
Commander Disharoon presented the fol-
lowing awards for outstanding service to the
Post: Legionnaire of the Year
Neal Roberts; Post Commanders
Award Jimmy Yeatman and Non-
Legionnaire of the Year Award
Cheryl Trossbach.
Installing Offcer for the Auxil-
iary Unit was Post District President
Carol Miller. Serving another term
as President of the Unit is Lucretia
Ann Thomas. Other newly elected
unit offcers are: Vice President -
Ethel Ann McKay; Secretary - Au-
drey Pratt; Treasurer - Flora Norris;
Chaplain - Peggy Bradburn; Histo-
rian - Shayne Smith; Sgt at Arms -
Sherry Pope. Color Bearers - Sherry
Pope and Wendy Morton; Executive
Committee - Anita Birdine, Evelyn
Turner and Bobbie Bell-Ocfemia.
Unit President Thomas an-
nounced the unit received fve Certifcates of
Award at the annual state convention in Ocean
City, including a plaque award for obtaining
Goal Membership earned through the hard
work of the Unit Membership Chairman Ethel
Delegates to the convention were: Post -
Skip Disharoon, Terry Morton, Lindy McKay
and George Sonny Baroniak; Unit - Ann
Thomas, Audrey Pratt, Wendy Morton, Sherry
Pope and Shirley McKay.
Persons interested in joining the Ameri-
can Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of the American
Legion (SAL) should come to the post home lo-
cated on Route 5 in Ridge to check their eligibil-
ity. Meetings are held the frst Thursday of each
month - Post at 6:30 p.m. and Unit at 7:30 p.m.
Ridge Post and Unit 255 Hold Joint Installation
Post Commander Duncan Skip Disharoon, left, and
President of the Auxiliary Unit Lucretia Ann Thomas.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 10
The County Times
Carl Barnes, 88
Carl Burchman Barnes, 88,
of Ridge, MD died August 8, 2010
at his home in Ridge, MD. Born
July 21, 1922 in Ridge, MD, he
was the son of the late Spencer
Marshal Barnes and Edith Mae
Arnold. Carl was an electrician at
Patuxent River Naval Air Station
for 30 years, retiring in 1977.
He was a lifelong resident of
St. Marys County. He enjoyed
fshing, crabbing, woodworking,
playing cards, gardening, and
belonged to Good Sams Camp-
ing Club, and Ridge Vol. Res-
cue Squad. Carl is survived by
his wife Marie Barnes whom he
married at St. Michaels Church
in Ridge, MD on December 27,
1947. Children Shirley and Tim
OConner of Hollywood, MD,
Barbara Jean BJ and Jim of
Ridge, MD, Veronica Ronnie
Vallandingham and Dale of St.
Inigoes, MD and Theresa Quad
and Ron of Fort White, FL, along
with one sister Bessie Delozier of
MA; as well as 12 grandchildren,
and 8 great-grandchildren. He is
preceded in death by his brothers
John Barnes and Walter Barnes,
Sr. and one sister Agnes Benson.
The family received friends
on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 in St.
Michaels Catholic Church, Ridge,
and MD, where prayers were said.
A Mass of Christian burial was
celebrated on Wednesday, August
11, 2010, in St. Michaels Catholic
Church, Ridge, MD with Fr. Lee
Fangmeyer offciating. Interment
followed in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were Cody Graham,
Ray Yarber, Roger Ridgell, Dick-
ie Barnes, Bo Vallandingham,
and Timmy Barnes. Contributions
in memory of Carl Burchman
Barnes can be made to St. Marys
County Hospice, P.O. Box 625,
Leonardtown, MD 20650, and St.
Michaels Catholic Church, 16567
Point Lookout Road, Ridge, MD
20680... To send a condolence to
the family please visit our website
at Arrangements
provided by the Mattingley-Gar-
diner Funeral Home, P.A.
Francis Dean, 85
Francis Roger Dean, 85 of
Leonardtown, MD died August 1,
2010 at St. Marys Hospital.
Born August 10, 1924 in Hol-
lywood, MD he was the son of
the late Roger Herman Dean and
Gladys (Dixon) Dean.
Mr. Dean graduated from
Great Mills High School in 1941.
He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air
Corps in 1943, went through avia-
tion cadet training in Rochester,
NY, and was commissioned as a
Lt. Pilot in 1944. He served
in various commands during the
war, including a tour as a B-25
instructor pilot. He was released
from service in 1946, and joined
the Maryland National Guard, be-
coming company commander of
the Leonardtown barracks when it
opened in 1952. In 1964, he was
promoted to Major and was as-
signed to the battalion headquar-
ters as an S-3. He retired from the
National Guard in 1967.
In 1947, he went into business
with his father and brother and
formed Roger H. Dean & Sons
General Contractors. They built
many homes in St. Marys County
and had a reputation as excellent
Mr. Dean was an avid golfer,
and was one of the original mem-
bers at Breton Bay Golf & coun-
try club. He also enjoyed playing
bridge with his wife and many
He was very involved in the
community. He was an active
member of the Leonardtown Li-
ons Club for many years, serving
as President & Deputy District
Governor. He was a Leonard-
town Commissioner for several
years, serving as both water com-
missioner and mayor. He also
served on the Board of Directors
of St. Marys Hospital, serving as
Mr. Dean is survived by his
wife Mary Frances (Matthews)
Dean whom he married on July
10, 1945 at St. Aloysius Church
in Leonardtown, MD. He is also
survived by his children, Marjorie
F. McNew (Lonnie) of Whitehall,
MD, Steven M. Dean of St. Leon-
ard, MD and William R. Dean
(Angela) of Hollywood, MD,
grandchildren, Stacie, Richard
and Robert Dean, Megan McNew,
and Rachel and Katherine Dean,
sisters, Lola Brubacher of Leon-
ardtown, MD and Ann Petrisko of
Simi Valley, CA. He was preceded
in death by his son, John A. Dean,
grandchild Joanna Dean, brother,
Russell Dean and brother in law
William Brubacher and sister in
law, Joan Dean.
Family received friends for
Mr. Deans Life Celebration on
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at the
Brinsfeld Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD. A Funeral
Service was held on Thursday,
August 5, 2010 in the First Com-
munity Church, St. Pauls Cam-
pus with Reverend Lori Hoffman
Hays associated Pastor at Lexing-
ton Park United Methodist Church
offciating. Interment followed in
St. Aloysius Catholic cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers were
Rachel Dean, Katherine Dean,
Megan McNew, Wesley Brubach-
er, Joseph Densford, and William
Memorial contributions may
be made to the Leonardtown Li-
ons Club, P.O. Box 363, Leonard-
town, MD 20650 or the Leonard-
town Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 299,
Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfeld-
Susan Kauffman, 57
Susan Marie Kauffman, 57 of
Valley Lee, MD passed away on
August 3, 2010 at Hospice House,
Callaway, MD.
Susan Marie Kauffman was
born on May 13, 1953 at the Lan-
caster General Hospital in Lan-
caster, PA. She was the daughter
of Wilbur and Dolores Blumen-
shine of Columbia, PA.
Sue leaves behind her be-
loved, of 38 years, husband Earl
H. Kauffman. They would have
celebrated their 39th wedding an-
niversary on August 22nd. She
and Earl have three sons: Michael
S. Kauffman, married to Karen
Klinger, and their two children,
Jeffrey and Hannah, from War-
wick, PA; Mark P. Kauffman,
married to Joy Marriott, and their
two children Alex and Audrey,
from Sterling, VA; and Matthew
D. Kauffman, married to Maia
Judd, from Mt. Holly, NJ.
Working for her Great Aunt
Erna (owner of a family fower
shop), Sue was just a teenager
when she began her career as a
forist. By 1974 she was the foral
designer, and helped expand the
family business until her and her
husband moved to Warminster, PA
in 1985. Though retired from
the foral business, Sue continued
for years to use her talent and her
large dining room table to create
masterpieces for her friends. Sue
never lost her love of receiving
fowers, either.
Interesting tidbits about
Sue: She was a volunteer Emer-
gency Medical Technician for the
Warminster Volunteer Ambulance
Squadron for many years; She was
a member of the Warminster Am-
ateur Radio club and held a FCC
license - call sign: N3EQB; She
was a Blue Star Mother and her
banner had 4 stars - one for each
of her sons who has or is still serv-
ing in the military, and one star
for her husband, a retired Captain
in the Air Force.
Sue was a member of the
Church of Christ and throughout
her life attended Conestoga Val-
ley Church of Christ in Lancaster,
PA, Valley Road Church of Christ
in Warminster, PA and the St.
Marys County Church of Christ
in California, MD.
Over the years, Sue taught
Sunday school to the children
of her congregations. She also
sewed baby blankets for the ma-
jority of infants and children and
grandchildren of her church fam-
ily. Some of those blankets have
started high school and college in
the last few years. Perhaps Sues
most appreciated contributions to
her congregations and her commu-
nity occurred in the kitchen. Sue
planned, organized and cooked
delicious dinners and lunches for
weddings, funerals, anniversaries,
Wednesday night suppers, the lo-
cal Click-it or ticket campaigns,
etc. She made putting together
dinner for over 100 people seem
nearly effortless.
Sues greatest gift was teach-
ing hospitality to the women of
her congregations, both in a class-
room setting and in her home.
Mostly Sue taught by example;
she was dedicated to helping oth-
ers. No ones freezer was ever as
full as Sues, because she always
wanted to be ready, at a moments
notice, to cook a full meal for
anyone who needed one. Shed
send a card and/or a casserole to
anyone she thought could use a
bit of cheering up. Until just a
few weeks before her death, and
though very ill herself, Sue was
regularly sending out cards of en-
couragement to others.
Family will receive friends
for Sues Life Celebration on Fri-
day, August 13, 2010 from 5 p.m.
to 8 p.m. in the Brinsfeld Funeral
Home, P.A., 22955 Hollywood
Road, Leonardtown, MD. A visi-
tation will be held on Saturday,
August 14, 2010 from 11 a.m. to
1 p.m. in the Church of Christ,
44850 St. Andrews Church Road,
California, MD 20619 where a
Funeral Service will be conducted
at 1 p.m.
Interment will be held on
September 2, 2010 in Arlington
National Cemetery at 10 a.m.
Memorial contributions may
be made to Camp Manatawny, 33
Camp Rd., Douglasville, PA 19518
, Hospice House of St. Marys,
P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
20650 or MS Maryland Chapter,
11403 Cronhill Dr., Suite E, Ow-
ings Mills, MD 21117.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfeld-
Shirley Kidd, 73
Shirley Ann Kidd, 73, of Leon-
ardtown, MD died July 30, 2010
in Leonardtown, MD. Born June
22, 1937 in Washington, DC she
was the daughter of the late Harry
and Agnes Nalley Limerick. Shir-
ley was the loving wife of the late
Robert Kidd who preceded her in
death on August 18, 2006. She is
survived by her children; Robert
E. Kidd III of Fredericksburg, VA,
Cheryl A. Frisco of Hollywood,
MD, Michael Fulcher of Mitch-
ellville, MD, Robert Fulcher of
Deale, MD, Debbie Fulcher King
and Sharon Fulcher Sykes both of
Florida. She is also survived by
her 11 grandchildren and siblings;
Nancy McNabb of Lusby, MD and
Carol Hall of Lothian, MD. Shir-
ley was preceded in death by a son
Timothy and brothers Bobby Lim-
erick and Harry Limerick.
She worked for AFL-CIO in
the accounting department where
she was a secretary and also did
data processing.
The family received friends
on Saturday, August 7th, 2010 in
the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Home, Leonardtown, MD, where
a funeral service was held with
Deacon Ripple offciating. Inter-
ment followed in Mount Olivet
Catholic Cemetery, Washington,
DC. To send a condolence to the
family please visit our website at Arrangements
provided by the Mattingley-Gar-
diner Funeral Home, P.A.
Teresa Lanczky, 95
Teresa Gurbach Lanczky, 95
of Leonardtown, MD died August
9, 2010 at Taylor Farm Assisted
Living, Bushwood, MD.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 11
The County Times
Born January 10, 1915 she
was the daughter of the late Vin-
cent Gurbach and Anna (Kovacs)
Teresa worked for Lofts
Candy Corporation as a window
designer from 1940 until her re-
tirement in 1970. She lived in
Ridgefeld Park, NJ for thirty-
fve years before she moved to St.
Marys County in 2002. She re-
sided in Cedar Lane Apartments
in Leonardtown, MD. She enjoyed
gardening and was very active in
the Garvey Senior Center.
Teresa is survived by her
daughter Barbara J. Van Maas-
tricht of Hollywood, MD and her
siblings, Helen Costa of Meriden,
CT, Irene White of Keene, NH,
Anne Lendway of Proctor, VT, El-
vira Kapitan of West Rutland, VT,
Margaret Amundson of Naples,
FL, and Ida Paulsen of Stuart, FL.
She was preceded in death by her
husband William Lanczky whom
she married in New York City on
September 18, 1937. She was also
preceded in death by her siblings
Mary Gurbach and Elizabeth
There will be a gathering of
friends and family on Sunday,
August 15, 2010 from 2 p.m. un-
til 6 p.m. at the home of Teresas
daughter Barbara at 43567 Drum
Cliff Road, Hollywood, MD
Memorial contributions may
be to Hospice of St. Marys, P.O.
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
Condolences may be made at
Arrangements by the Brins-
feld Funeral Home, P.A., Leonar-
dtown, MD.
French Medley, 95
French Everett Medley, 95 of
Lexington Park, MD passed away
peacefully on August 9, 2010
at Chesapeake Shores Nursing
Home, Great Mills, MD.
French was born on October
8, 1914 in Sugar Grove, VA. He
was the son of the late John and
Minnie Medley.
He was a member of the
CCC (Civil Conservation Corps)
of Virginia during the great de-
pression (1939 to 1941) of which
he was very proud to be associat-
ed with President Roosevelts Tree
Army before moving to Maryland
to take a job constructing the new
Patuxent River Naval Air Station.
He worked for the Depart-
ment of Public Works at Patux-
ent River Naval Air Station for 30
years before retiring as the head
foreman of the steam power plant
and earned many awards from the
Department of the Navy during
his employment.
French was a member of the
Hollywood Masonic Lodge and
the Tall Cedars of Lebanon.
French is survived by his wife
of 74 years, Goldie E. Medley.
They celebrated their 74th wed-
ding anniversary on July 3, 2010.
He and Goldie have three sons,
Rodger B. Medley (Judy) and their
four children Jeffrey, Rob, Mike
and Cindy all of Rapid City, SD,
Douglas Medley (Waverley) and
their two daughters Michelle Lee
and Suzanne Marie of St. Inigoes,
MD, and Timothy Medley of Lex-
ington Park, MD, daughter, Shir-
ley Hall of Upper Marlboro, MD
and her four children, Stephanie,
Amy, Billie Joe, and Laurie. He is
also survived by 17 great grand-
children, 3 great-great grandchil-
dren, and sister Ada Blevins of
Woodstock, VA. He was preceded
in death by his siblings, Flossie
Ritenour, Glen Medley, Virginia
Seibel and Myrtle Ritenour.
Family will receive friends
for Frenchs Life Celebration on
Thursday, August 12, 2010 from 5
p.m. until 8 p.m. in the Brinsfeld
Funeral Home, 22955 Hollywood
Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Masonic prayers will be recited at
7 p.m. A private interment will be
held on Friday, August 13, 2010 at
Trinity Memorial Gardens, Wal-
dorf, MD.
In lieu of fowers, contribu-
tions may be made to the United
Cerebral Palsy of Southern Mary-
land, 21815 Three Notch Road,
Suite H, Lexington Park, MD
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brinsfeld-
Arrangements by the Brins-
feld Funeral Home, P.A., Leonar-
dtown, MD.
Joseph Morgan, 62
Joseph Edward Morgan, 62,
of Mechanicsville, MD died Au-
gust 8, 2010 at his residence. Born
January 26, 1948 in Leonardtown,
MD, he was the son of Joseph
Johnson Morgan and Cora Burch
Morgan. Mr. Morgan was a self-
employed carpenter who lived in
the local area his entire life. He
was a member of the Mechanics-
ville Moose Lodge.
Besides his parents, Mr. Mor-
gan was predeceased by sisters,
Lala McLaughlin, Hilda Ward
and Christine Morgan. Mr. Mor-
gan is survived by his devoted
wife, Sandra Jeanette Morgan and
3 wonderful sons, Joseph John-
son Morgan, Tony Allen Morgan
and Philip Lee Morgan; siblings,
Woodly Morgan, Ethel Hardesty,
Gladys Weber, Phyliss Wathen,
Gordan Morgan, Ellen Armiger
and Stella Bowles; also 9 grand-
children and 3 great grandchil-
dren. Mr. Morgan is also survived
by what he called his 4 special
brothers, J.P. Weber, Frankie Co-
chrane, Billy Cochrane and Dale
Ed enjoyed fshing, hunting,
camping at Bethpage, horseshoes,
antique cars and remodeling
homes to suit peoples needs. No
matter how big or small he made
sure that everyone was happy.
He always went out of his way to
make sure no one who asked for
help went without it. He had a big
heart that never ran out of room
to share the love he had. Ed al-
ways had this way about him and
he made sure that if he was doing
something it most defnitely had
to be done his way or no way. He
has now joined his special girl
Giggit. Ed had a tremendous fam-
ily that he held close in his heart
that will deeply miss him.
A service will be held on
Thursday, August 12, 2010 at the
Bowles Farm, 22880 Budds Creek
Rd., Clements, MD at 11 a.m. con-
ducting the service will be Rev.
Joseph Dobson.
Memorial contributions can
be made to Hospice of St. Marys
P. O. Box 625 Leonardtown MD
20650. Contact phone number
(301) 475-2023.
Arrangements are being pro-
vided by the Brinsfeld-Echols
Funeral Home, P.A.,
Charlotte Hall, MD.
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
22955 Hollywood Road
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
(301) 475-5588
Brinsfield-Echols Funeral Home, P.A.
30195 Three Notch Road
Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20650
(301) 472-4400
A Life Celebration Home
Funeral Homes
& Crematory
Caring for the Past
Planning for the Future
In Loving Memory
Mary Helen Morgan
August 14th, 1923 October 18th, 2009
Sending butterfy kisses
to you in heaven.
Youll always be in our hearts.
We Love You and Miss You!
-Your Loving Children & Family
Happy 87th Birthday
Thursday, August 12, 2010 12
The County Times
Philip H. Dorsey III
Attorney at Law
-Serious Personal Injury Cases-
LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493
Troopers Arrest Man On Charges Of Burglary, Assault
On Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 1:56pm, Cpl. K. M. Rossignol responded to the 22000
block of Cornwall Drive in California for a reported assault. Upon arrival, Rossignol made
contact with a female complainant, 24, of California and several witnesses, all of whom ad-
vised that Kyle Justin Turner, 22, of Windsor Mill had allegedly assaulted the female com-
plainant and a witness after allegedly entering the residence without permission. Turner made
entry into the residence via an unlocked door and assaulted the female complainant while at-
tempting to force her to exit the residence, police allege. Following the alleged assault, Turner
left the residence but was later apprehended by TFC M. J. Pitcher in the area of Route 235 and
Route 245. Turner was transported to the St. Marys County Detention Center. He was charged
with frst degree burglary and second degree assault.
Deputies: Two Men Attacked Victim, Stole Shoes And Cigarettes
On August 6, 2010 deputies responded to a robbery call in the area of Missouri Avenue
and Flower Drive in Lexington Park. The victim reported he was confronted by Jamarr Sher-
man Mackall, 18, of Prince Frederick, and a second subject who initiated an argument with
him. Mackall struck the victim in the face knocking him to the ground and both Mackall and
the second subject stole the victims shoes and a pack of cigarettes, police allege. A lookout
was broadcast for the suspects and Mackall was located a short time later. Mackall was ar-
rested and charged with robbery, second- degree assault and theft. The second suspect has not
yet been located.
Possession Of A Controlled Dangerous Substance And Resisting Arrest
On August 9, 2010 St. Marys County Emergency Communications Center broadcast a
lookout for an older model, blue, Ford Mustang and its occupants. It was reported that the oc-
cupants of the Mustang had just committed a theft of money. Deputy Thompson observed and
stopped the suspect vehicle. Gabriel Xavier Cassagnol, 50, of Saint Inigoes was the operator
of the vehicle. Cassagnol and Laabs matched the description of the suspects involved in the
alleged theft. For offcer safety Thompson conducted a frisk of Cassagnol. As a result of the
frisk, Thompson located a glass smoking device containing suspected crack cocaine residue.
Thompson arrested Cassagnol for possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia
and as Thompson was handcuffng Cassagnol he noticed Cassagnol was holding cash in his
hand. Thompson asked Cassagnol to open his hand. Cassagnol refused and clinched his hand.
Cassagnol was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia, pos-
session of a controlled dangerous substance, suspected crack cocaine, and resisting arrest.
Laabs was charged on a criminal summons with theft less then $100.
Chase Bank Robbery Case
Finally Going To Trial
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
After six years, a man suspected of rob-
bing the Cedar Point Federal Credit Union in
Leonardtown in 2004 will stand trial. His court
date is set for Aug. 23.
Cornelius Leroy Chase, 48, currently
imprisoned for other felony convictions, said
nothing during a criminal motions hearing
Tuesday in which the state advised that Chases
prior criminal record could be revealed to the
jury if he did not stipulate to have his past
The purpose of the hearing was to con-
sider some evidentiary matters and Mr. Chase
refused to speak or otherwise participate, said
Assistant States Attorney Daniel J. White.
A letter written by White to Chases de-
fense attorney, Public Defender John Getz,
stated that the state was prepared to accept
the proposed stipulation of evidence that your
client has previously been convicted of crimes
that make his subsequent possession of a regu-
lated frearm a felony in Maryland.
If Chase declined the offer of the pros-
ecution, they would have no alternative but
to present evidence of your clients multiple
previous convictions for robbery, burglary and
The letter also states that the prosecution
would stipulate that Chase purchased several
box-type vehicles in the aftermath of the rob-
bery for a cash payment of $11,903. Evidence
that the money Chase allegedly used to pur-
chase those vehicles could not have been
earned by him while incarcerated would also
be introduced, the letter stated.
Chase has remained incarcerated in a
state facility after being convicted of a previ-
ous robbery in Calvert County in 2006.
Chase faces charges of armed robbery,
frst-degree assault and the use of a handgun in
the commission of the Leonardtown robbery
along with other felony counts.
According to charging documents fled
against him, Chase, along with another
masked accomplice, robbed the credit union
Aug. 21, 2004 located on Point Lookout Road
by forcing employees at gunpoint to hand over
$262,000 in cash.
Police used canine units to track the sus-
pects through a cornfeld to Potato Hill Road;
offcers found in the cornfeld near the bank a
car-sized swath that could have been used to
observe the bank without the suspects being
seen, according to charging documents.
Police found $10,000 in a money brick in
the cornfeld on the trail of the suspects.
Police later arrested Chase after a tip from
a Charles County sheriffs deputy who had
contact with Chase.
The deputy said Chase tried to buy a used
car from him for $12,000, charging documents
stated, and Chase had put down a down pay-
ment of $2,500 in $50 dollar bills, some of
which were in sequential order.
The Charles County deputy called local
Bureau of Criminal Investigations detectives
and told them of the contact and they began an
A search of Chases home, vehicle and
motel room he was using in early September
of 2004 turned up more than $60,000 in cash,
police have stated.
Chase sued White in both state and federal
court, alleging that the warrants used to search
for the stolen money and subsequent confsca-
tion of Chases property were illegal.
The state case was dismissed, White said,
while the federal suit, which is asking for dam-
ages in the amount of more than $15 million,
White said, is still pending.
Cornelius Leroy Chase
A sign in front of Holy Face Catholic Church in Great Mills was vandalized with an anti-war message. The
sign, posted by the Knights of Columbus, originally had a pro-life message. The county sheriffs offce reports
that no complaints have been fled as yet.
Photo by Guy Leonard
Thursday, August 12, 2010 13
The County Times
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Were looking for a few good people to participate in a 40 hour Basic
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volunteer force, teens are welcome! Our second orientation session is
scheduled for Friday August 13th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the
Wyle Conference Center in Lexington Park. Trainees must attend
one of the orientations before taking the training. The training will be
offered during two consecutive weekends; September 17, 18 and 19; and
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Thursday, August 12, 2010 14
The County Times
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Acorns were used as a coffee substitute
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YPI Port and Paddle
A Local Wine Tasting and Canoe Adventure
August 14

Young Professionals Initiative of St. Marys County is hosting a
Wine Tasting at Port of Leonardtown Winery followed by a
canoe trip from the Winery to the Leonardtown Warf. A tour of
the winery and tasting starts at 2:00pm and will include samples
of wine, cheese, crackers and sausage. At 4:00pmwe will begin
to board the canoe/kayaks. Boats are double occupancy; you can
select a canoe or a kayak on site. The trip to the Leonardtown
Wharf is a 2- 2 hour relaxing float, easy for beginners. There
will be transportation from the Wharf back to the Winery. Then
if you choose the fun continues at Rustic River Bar and Grill for
dinner (not included).
Space is limited to the first 40
people who register by
August 9

Payment due at the Event, Cash
or Check ( made payable to YPI-

RSVP by emailing In the
email please include name,
address and telephone number,
of each participant and if you
will be joining us for dinner at
The Rustic River Bar and Grill
after the canoe trip.

For more information contact
Amanda Ellington.

$20/ member $25/ non members

For student athletes across the state, the
summer is quickly coming to an end with high
school sports tryouts starting on Saturday, Au-
gust 14.
Those interested in competing for a place
on a team should make sure they have all the
necessary forms fully completed prior to the
frst day of tryouts. School-specifc informa-
tion, such as tryout times, locations, personal
equipment, etc., will be available at each of the
high schools. All forms may be downloaded
from the St. Marys County Public Schools
Web site at
Given recent weather conditions and the
likeliness that the heat and humidity will con-
tinue through tryouts, athletes particularly
those who have not been participating in sum-
mer sports are advised to undertake a period
of acclimatization, slowly increasing their
physical activity level and the amount of time
spent outdoors.
Coaches will try to avoid the hottest part
of the day and will be requiring athletes to take
regular water breaks and rests from the heat
during tryouts and practices when the heat and
air quality are a factor. Heat exhaustion can be
very serious and anyone feeling unwell should
immediately notify a member of the coaching
Coaches receive training in the Care and
Prevention of Athletic Injuries, First Aid/Car-
diopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated
External Defbrillator use, Bloodborne Patho-
gens Awareness, and from this fall will be re-
quired to complete an online training in Con-
cussion Awareness developed by the National
Federation of State High Schools Associations
Interested individuals may register with
the NFHS and take the Concussion Awareness
training for free. More information is available
Schools Announce High School Athletics Requirements
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has released
the data on district and school performance for the Maryland Alternative
Assessment (Alt-MSA). St. Marys County Public Schools (SMCPS) has
posted the highest percentage of students who achieved profcient and ad-
vanced scores for reading and math in the State of Maryland.
In reading, 97.3 percent of students were profcient/advanced, and
in math, 94.6 percent of students were profcient/advanced. These scores
are also higher than the state overall rates of profcient/advanced in read-
ing and in math. The state scores were 87.7 percent for reading and 82.3
percent for math.
The Alternate MSA (Alt-MSA) is the Maryland assessment in which
students with signifcant cognitive disabilities participate if through the
IEP process it has been determined they cannot participate in the Mary-
land State Assessment (MSA) even with accommodations. Students in
Grades 3 through 8 and Grade 10 are assessed each year as part of the No
Child Left Behind act of 2001 (NCLB). Alt-MSA scores are included in
school system Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) reports.
The leadership and hands on support to each site from our special
education supervisors has made a dramatic difference in helping attain
the scores we are achieving, said Melissa Charbonnet, executive director
of special education and student services. This high level of achieve-
ment is refective of the rigor of instruction and the individualized sup-
ports to each student that allow them to demonstrate such high levels of
Detailed data on school and district performance can be found on
the MSDE website:
SMCPS Ranks First in
Alt-MSA Reading and Math
Math RefoRMs to Include
fInancIal lIteRacy couRses
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
The St. Marys County Board of Education voted on
Wednesday to endorse the school systems newest wave
of reforms as discussed during Superintendent Michael
Martiranos presentation to the Board on July 28, during
which he detailed reforms aimed at securing funding from
President Obamas Race to the Top competitive grant pro-
gram. Among them would be a fourth year of math for
high school students, and the addition of a separate fnan-
cial literacy or personal fnance course as a requirement
for students graduating in 2015.
There are several things driving this right now.
There are changes at the federal level with core standards,
changes with the University of Maryland standards, state
level reform efforts, and an increase in our own level of
rigor, said Martirano, who noted that the last discussion
on proposed changes to math requirements took place in
January when the Board considered increasing the num-
ber of credit hours awarded for 90-minute comprehensive
algebra courses. The school board opted at the time to
wait for core standards from the state, after which they
would implement comprehensive math reforms.
The piece that was causing us concern in January
was that conceivably a students time with math could
end in their sophomore year, and philosophically Im op-
posed to that, said Martirano, going on to explain that he
would prefer to see students taking math every year until
graduation, which is part of the impetus for his proposed
Chief Academic Offcer Linda Dudderar explained
that the University of Maryland had put forward new
recommendations for students entering the ninth grade
in 2011, asking for a fourth year of math as part of their
admission requirements. This comes in addition to reform
plans from the Maryland State Department of Education,
which is expected to vote on whether or not to revise the
math requirements for students at a future date.
In the meantime, Dudderar touted the school sys-
tems accomplishments, noting that in 2005, more than
half of St. Marys County students leaving eighth grade
scored basic on MSA for mathematics.
Our disaggregated numbers looked even worse,
with only 12 percent of our special education students and
only fve percent of our African American students at the
profcient level, said Dudderar, going on to explain how
revisions to the high school program of studies, as well as
increased instructional rigor at the middle school level,
had helped turn things around.
Our efforts have been a success, she said, just shy
of 80 percent of all rising eighth graders last year scored
profcient on their MSA for mathematics, and over 60 per-
cent had successfully completed high school algebra.
Alex Jaffurs, Supervisor of Math instruction for St.
Marys County Public Schools, said that the grand plan
would be to move from three required credits of math-
ematics to four, effectively expanding math offerings for
every grade level from pre-K through 12.
In addition, new reforms would include a separate f-
nancial literacy or personal fnance course as a graduation
requirement. One course would be geared toward basic f-
nancial literacy while the other would be an algebra-based
course for advanced students that could count as one of
their four required math credits.
Board members, who voted unanimously to endorse
the proposed plan, applauded the idea as long overdue.
This is something that should have happened years
and years ago, said board member Sal Raspa, and I
know these things will cost money but money shouldnt
stop this thinking. We need to continue with progressive
thinking on advancing this program for our children. Get
it in the program of studies. Do whatevers necessary.
Cathy Allen said she also supports the concept of f-
nancial literacy requirements.
Im very interested in the fact that the common core
standards are looking at in depth mastery from one year to
the next, she said, and I think the changes that will come
about as a result will prepare our students better.
Martirano said he was not prepared to estimate the
proposed plans impact on the budget, but he noted that
additional staff would be needed to start offering the
courses at each high school starting in 2011.
I would be remiss if I didnt bring the fnancial
implications up, said Martirano, but if this is the right
thing to do for students, well have to fgure out a way to
do it.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 15
The County Times
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By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Several 20- and 30-somethings fromSt. Marys County smiled wea-
rily as they sat around a table at the Calvert County Planning Commission
in Prince Frederick, where they had come to meet with Christian Johans-
son, Secretary of Business for the Maryland Department of Business and
Economic Development.
It had been a chore coordinating this meeting, which would serve as
a chance for members of the Young Professionals Initiative (YPI) of St.
Marys County to ask questions and get advice on how to further their
non-profts goals.
YPI President Daniel Grant explainedthat Johanssonhadbeenbooked
solid for other proposed meeting days, and because he would be traveling
fromNorth Beach late on a Thursday afternoon, the group had thought it
prudent to meet himhalfway so as to maximize their time together.
Its just hard to get people to come down as far as St. Marys, said
Grant, no doubt noting the larger scope of his statement, since recent stud-
ies have found that its not only hard to get people to come this far, but its
also hard to keep themhere.
Grant, 30, from Rochester, New York, said he had never heard of
the Mother County before accepting his job at Patuxent River Naval Air
After earning his Bachelors degree fromPenn State in electrical en-
gineering, he returned home to New York to work and stay near family
before coming to Southern Maryland.
I had never heard of this place before it was defnitely out of my
comfort zone. I had to get used to coming froma city with 400,000 people
to a place where they have less than 100,000, he said. Its not a metropoli-
tan environment, but since Ive come here for my career, I need to make
this place my home.
Abig part of his acclimation to the area was forming the Young Pro-
fessionals Initiative in 2008, the idea springing froma time when he and a
friend were struggling to list the different amenities available to residents
and visitors in Southern Maryland.
We started looking at what type of activities or amenities we have
and found out we just didnt knowmuch about this place at all, he said,
describing how a search for things to do eventually inspired him to start
examining other challenges faced by young professionals, from housing
affordability to employment opportunities.
Grants group has drawn attention from county offcials, including
Bob Schaller, director of St. Marys County economic and community de-
velopment, who describes workforce retention as his departments biggest
Schaller, who teaches a Capstone course on Policy & Strategy for
Business, even had his students complete a study of forces affecting work-
force retention in the area, paying particular attention to the perspectives
of young professionals, a group that the St. Marys County Chamber of
Commerce identifed with a disturbing trend of transience, with many
20- and 30-somthings coming to the county to work for just a few years
before moving on to more metropolitan areas to buy homes and further
their careers.
So the question has not only been how to attract young professionals
to the area, but howto keep themhere and keep themcomfortable.
Growing Our Own
When research produces no surprises then youre on the right track,
said Schaller, going on to explain that he wasnt surprised by the survey
results he sawwith his classs case study, a sprawling analysis of the chal-
lenges experienced not just by young professionals trying to fnd their
place in St. Marys society, but by companies trying to keep budding talent
in the area.
YPI member Hilary Hartenstein, 24, who helped write part of the
study, said she had started working on base as a fnancial analyst after com-
pleting an internship with the Naval Acquisition Development Program.
Hilary said she thought employers were already doing well at recruit-
ing through external means such as college or career fairs, but that lasting
workforce stability would depend on directly recruiting locals to fll local
positions, like was done in her case.
I think the focus should be turned more towards retaining those stu-
dents who are now enrolled in the local high schools and colleges, she
said. Retaining local members of the community is easier to do when the
person is attached to the area (family, friends, etc.) versus trying to bring in
graduating college students who may not end up liking this area.
The study emphasizes this point, stating that the Forrest Career &
Technology Center in Leonardtown, the College of Southern Maryland
and the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center all provide avenues
to higher education, but training a workforce of locals can come with its
own challenges.
We need lots of different people to do different things. We need
healthcare, teachers, cops and candlestick makers but realistically, how
many can we expect to become part of the local Navy and defense work-
force? Thats a strategic question, said Schaller, going on to estimate that
fewer than 10 percent of local high school graduates choose to stay in the
area to go to college, and fewer still return to the area after completing their
undergraduate degrees.
The challenges are numerous, but its connecting our major em-
ployers, the base and the defense contracting community. Its connecting
themwith a potential workforce, which is in the school systemnow, said
Schaller. Theyre doing things with STEMbut we need thousands of
jobs flled, and we only graduate 1,200 [high school students] a year.
Schaller added that the Business, Education and Community Alli-
ance (BECA), has started foating the idea of offering a common internship
application for people interested in getting their foot in the door at local
contracting frms, but thats not something we can do right away. It took
us three years just to get the common scholarship applications started,
he said.
For now, Schaller said that the two most important pillars to future
workforce retention would be groups like YPI and Leadership Southern
These are leadership organizations that bring resource interest and
talent to meet community needs, and the largest one is the workforce, he
said, its our most important asset.
The YPPerspective
College graduates may feel a great sense of pride and accomplish-
ment as they accept their degrees, but the high can be short-lived for some
as they enter the workforce and are faced with sinking or swimming in
todays unforgiving fnancial market.
YPI Vice President Lauren Klatt, 27, who settled in the area after
graduating from Ohio State University, said that she had lucked out in
fnding her apartment in Leonardtown, but had heard a lot of YPI mem-
bers complain about the lack of affordable housing in the area.
Thats been such a huge issue people just go off on tangents with
it both with renting and
buying, she said, describ-
ing the shabby condition of
subsidized apartment com-
munities in Lexington Park,
and the fact that many entry-
level white collar jobs in the
area pay people too much to
qualify them for assistance,
but too little to afford much
of the housing available.
Another issue raised by
the case study was the lack
of activities and amenities
for residents.
Theres no movie the-
ater thats good, but then
it ranges into how people
have trouble fnding places
to meet, said Klatt, and
a lot of people say they feel
like leaving because they
cant fnd anyone to date,
and I hear a lot that there are
things to do, but you have to drive to themand theyre 30 minutes away. So
if you really want to go out and cut loose, you cant because then you have
to drive 30 minutes to get home.
Grant echoed that many YPI members wanted to see a better movie
theater and more upscale restaurants and performing arts venues in the
area, but young people in the county would need to be aggressive about
presenting themselves and their ideas.
Because our demographic is the largest represented one here, I think
we should be a part of the community, we should be getting out there, said
Grant, going on to describe the groups focus on sharing information not
just on housing developments and resources for newarrivals, but on events
and amenities in the area like sports and social clubs, volunteer organiza-
tions, career development and fnancial workshops, and community and
nightlife events, many of which he said only required a little digging to
Part of the groups agenda is hosting more YPI-sponsored events in
partnership with local businesses, like the groups Port and Paddle event
this Saturday, which will include a wine tasting at the Port of Leonardtown
Winery and a canoe/kayak trip launching fromMcIntosh Run.
Grant said that a lot of YPIs current focus would be centered on edu-
cating people on what there already is to do in the area, posting community
events and links to local resources on their website.
Grant and his colleagues at YPI will also be putting together a busi-
ness plan outlining the groups initiatives for Secretary Johansson, but in
the meantime he said the groups biggest goal is getting involved and in-
creasing membership.
Right now we have 44 members, but considering we just basically
started with a goal of just getting 50, I think were doing really good, he
said. I had no idea it would get this far, but Im excited to see how much
further it can go.
To learn more about the Young Professionals Initiative of St. Marys
County, visit themonline at
The Rise Of YPI
Young Initiative Focuses on Workforce Retention and
Whats Missing in St. Marys
Photo by Frank Marquart
Photo by Frank Marquart
Daniel Grant, Founder and President of the
Young Professionals Initiative of St. Marys
YPI members met last week with Christian Johansson, Secretary of Business for the
Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development, to exchange ideas
on how their group could address workforce retention and quality of life issues
common to young professionals in St. Marys County.
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 18
A PLACE WHOSE TIME HAS COME Model homes now open.
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The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 19
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.54 Acre ot has registered perc, preliminary en-
gineering for septic syetem (4 bedroom home)
completed. Close to Pax River & Solomons Island.
Older garage on property. $100,000. SM740781.
Call Linda Durkin.
Commerical Lot - Located at Busy area of MD RT 235 & Buck Hewitt Rd.
Local Teen Honored for Drowning Rescue
New Season Starts: 7 September 2010
Registration and Assessment: August 16-19 & September 8 6:00-7:30
23314 Surrey Way California, Maryland 20619
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Owned and Operated by
Call For More Information:
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Discounted Cable
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By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
A Chopticon graduate from Golden Beach
was awarded for her quick thinking two weeks
ago during a babysitting assignment at a party
in Breton Bay, where she rescued 6-year-old
Lauren McLaughlin from drowning in a neigh-
bors pool.
Sen. Roy Dyson presented Julia Lynn Phil-
lips, 19, a Senate citation for her quick thinking
at an impromptu ceremony on Thursday, held
by the pool where the incident took place.
She had only completed her CPR training
weeks before the incident, said Denise McDow-
ell, a neighbor who attended the party for fam-
ily friends who were transferring to California.
It was like just any kids party, there
was a frst group and then the second group at
4 oclock, she said, and someone an adult
had mentioned it looked like Lauren was try-
ing to swim to the bottom of the pool so Julia
jumped in and got her, pulled her out and laid
her on the side of the pool, and started CPR
and she was blue when she brought her up.
I dont think I had time to think about it.
It just happened, said
Julia when describ-
ing the incident. She
said she immediately
began doing chest
compressions on
the girl, who wasnt
breathing at the time
and whose pulse was
very faint.
She started
coughing up after
the frst set of com-
pressions, and she
started breathing
after a couple more
sets, said Julia, and
it wasnt thirty sec-
onds after that when
the police showed
Julias experi-
ence had been a jolt
to the senses, she
said, especially since
she had only recently
completed her CPR training.
They insisted that I take CPR to get this
job, Julia said, explaining that she had taken
the two and a half hour class on June 24 in order
to get a babysitting job with an area family, but
she never expected to have to use her new skills
just one month after learning them.
The class was on June 24, and I think the
day of the party was July 29, she said, but its
a good thing I had that. Otherwise I dont want
to think of what could have happened.
Julia is currently a junior at Salisbury Uni-
versity, where shell be returning to campus at
the end of August to resume her studies in El-
ementary Education, a career she has aspired to
for most of her life.
When I was little wed always get up and
play school, and I always loved those games,
she said. Its something Ive always wanted to
do, ever since I was little.
Six-year-old Lauren spent three days at
Childrens Hospital in Washington D.C., re-
turning home on Sunday without any lasting
damage, said Dyson, whose sense of gratitude
seemed apparent when he shook Julias hand.
I can only imagine what we would be
doing today. We could be at a funeral, said
Dyson, but instead, thankfully, were at a
Julia Lynn Phillips received a proclamation from Sen. Roy Dyson last week
for her rescue of a drowning girl at a neighborhood pool party.
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 20
Auto Home Business Life
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Prince Frederick, MD 20678
When Trusted Advice Counts
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Irene Parrish
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22188 Three Notch Rd.
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Franzen Realtors, Inc.
Helping Good People
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Addie McBride
Cell: 301-481-6767
Home: 301-737-1669
22316Three Notch Rd. Lexington Park, MD20653
Offce: 1-800-848-6092 Offce: 301-862-2222
Fax Offce: 301-862-1060
For All Your Real Estate Needs.
James Moran
Branch Manager
24404 Three Notch Road, Suite 102, Hollywood, MD 20636
Offce/Cell: 301-752-6876
Southern Maryland Association of REALTORS

Public Awareness Campaign

Mission Statement
Te mission of the Southern Maryland Association of REALTORS is to maintain a fnancially viable association ofering support, services and training for its
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estate industry, private property rights and the issues that most afect the members ability to serve the public with competency, integrity, and professionalism.
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2010 National Association of REALTORS

Based on NAR Market Forecast.
Southern Maryland Association of REALTORS
Hughesville, MD
SMAR does not provide opinion or endorsement of individual REALTOR members and brokerages. We do however
thank the SMAR members surrounding this ad for their fnancial support of this Public Awareness message
Cell: (410) 231-5510
Offce: (301) 373-6257
24502 Three Notch Rd
Hollywood, MD 20636
Rick McNabb
Your St. Marys County Real Estate Expert
Providing Comprehensive Real Estate Services to Home Buyers and Sellers
Ron Wimmer
Century 21 New Millennium
Work: 301-737-3636
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Toll-Free: 800-257-6633
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Southern Maryland Association of
Brad Franzen
22316Three Notch Rd. Lexington Park, MD20653
Offce: 1-800-848-6092 Offce: 301-862-2222
Fax Offce: 301-862-1060
Franzen Realtors, Inc.
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 21
Consort with the followers of all religions
in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship
Discussions every 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm
301-884-8764 1-800-22-UNITE
A member of the Southern Baptist Convention
8505 Leonardtown Road, Hughesville, MD 20637
301-884-8645 or 301-274-3627
Pastor Keith Corrick
Associate Pastor Kevin Cullins
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Sunday School (all ages) 9:15 am
Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study 6:00 pm
Wednesday Discipleship Classes 7:00 pm
(Adults, youth & Children)
Going the Distance
Making a Difference
Golden Beach Rd. Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-884-8503
Robert W. Kyner, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship Service 11:00 am
Sunday Evening 7:00 pm
Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 7:00 pm
An Independent Baptist
Church and Academy
Virgil Mass: 4:30 pm Saturday
Sunday: 8:00 am
Weekday (M-F): 7:30 am
Confessions: 3-4 pm Saturday
St. Cecelia Church
47950 Mattapany Rd, PO Box 429
St. Marys City, MD 20686 301-862-4600
St. Johns
United Episcopal
North Sandgates Rd.
(1/4 Mile in, on the left) Mechanicsville
Traditional 1928 Prayerbook
Services 10:00 am Sunday
Father Joseph H. Dobson, Jr., Rector
Father John Ayres, Assistant
301-373-3862 or
(Meeting at Mechanicsville Elementary School)
Pastor Carl Snyder
Worship Service: 10:00 am
Phone: 301-884-3504 Website:
John 8:32
Member of fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
Grace Chapel
Patuxent Presbyterian Church
California, Maryland
Rev Michael R. Jones, Senior Pastor
1 miles South of Thomas Johnson Bridge on Rt. 4
Sunday Morning Worship Services:
8:30 am & 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
With Nursery care
Offering worship and serving opportunities at
First Friendship campus Ridge
9:00 am Traditional worship
St George Island campus Piney Point
9:45 am Children and Adult Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional worship
St. Pauls campus Leonardtown
8:05 am Traditional worship
9:15 am Contemporary worship
nca(ASL Interpreted)
10:45 am Contemporary worship
6:00 pm The Refnery (interactive worship)
n nursery provided
c- childrens Sunday school also available
a- adult Sunday school also available
Running the 2nd & 4th Week of Each Month To Advertise in the Church Services Directy, Call The County Times at 301-373-4125
Meeting at:
HomeTowne Center Conference Room
(2ndbldg. northof Naval Air Museum)
22196Three NotchRd. (Rt. 235)
LexingtonPark, MD
Calvary Baptist Church
Independent, Fundamental &KJVBible-believing
Home of 88.1FM, All ChristianRadio
(mailing address &church offce: 46365 Pegg Ln., Lexington Park, MD20653)
301 862-4435
Sunday School: 10A.M.
Sunday Services: 11A.M. &6P.M.
Wednesday Bible Study &Prayer: 7P.M.
Sundays - 9:30 AM
41695 Fenwick Street Unit 3
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Free movie for families
Families can escape the heat and watch the PG movie about a young
boy who fnds a mysterious enchanted egg and becomes the caregiver of a
water horse, a sea creature of mythic proportion, when it hatches. The mov-
ie will be shown at Leonardtown on Aug. 18 at 2 p.m. Snacks provided.

Opening reception planned for photographers
Members of St. Marys County Camera Club will display their work
from Aug. 16 through Sept. 30. The public is invited to an opening recep-
tion on Aug. 19 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. to meet the members and discuss
their work. Artists interested in displaying artwork at the library gallery
should contact Candy Cummings at 301-863-6693.

Candidates forum scheduled
St. Marys County League of Women Voters will sponsor a candi-
dates forum on Aug. 23 at Lexington Park Library from 6:30 p.m. to 9
p.m. The forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of St. Marys
County in conjunction with the library, will feature the candidates for the
contested offces in the upcoming primary. Residents can submit ques-
tions to the candidates during the program or email them in advance to The forum will be taped by the library and made
available to the public via the librarys website and on DVDs to checkout.

Book discussions open to the public
All three branches offer a monthly book discussion, which is open to
the public. The next discussions are: Audrey Niffeneggers book, The
Time Travelers Wife at Leonardtown on Aug. 19 at 7 p.m., Jennifer Lee
Carrells book, Interred with their Bones at Charlotte Hall on Aug. 30
at 7 p.m. and Norman Ollestads book, Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir
of Survival at Lexington Park on Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. Books are available
at the library.
L ibrary Items
St. Maries Musica Looking
for Two Good Men
St. Maries Musica, a congenial
singing group with about 24 singers,
is looking for a bass and a tenor for
their upcoming concert season.
Started in 1971 by a group of
neighbors sharing their favorite mad-
rigal music, todays St. Maries Mu-
sica includes singers from all walks
of life: engineers, teachers, retirees
and housewives, some of whom have
been singing with the group since its
The group performs music in
costume spanning several genres and
time periods, with all concerts open to
the public, and many offered for free.
Those interested in auditioning
should contact Barb Lorton at 301-
373-8181 for audition information.
For more information on St.
Maries Musica, go to www.smmu-
Adopt A Pet!
Hi, my name is Cobe and Im an adorable eight years young
pure bred male Pomeranian. Im just too cute for words and if you
meet me you will fall in love! Im looking for a home that will protect
and cherish me for the rest of my life. Id probably do better in a home
with children over the age of twelve but I get along great with other
dogs. Im up to date on vaccinations, neutered, crate trained, house
trained and identifcation micro chipped. For more information,
please call SECOND HOPE RESCUE at 240-925-0628 or email lora@ Please Adopt, Dont Shop!
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 22
Thursday, August 12
Lil Margarets Bluegrass and
Old-Time Music Festival
Goddard Family Farm (21810 Clay
Hill Rd., Leonardtown) 3 p.m.
Bluegrass music, home-cooked
food, crafts, old cars and more. Ad-
mission. HC. For more information
go to www.lilmargaretsbluegrass.
com or call 301-475-8191.
Graduate Programs Informa-
tion Session
Southern Maryland Higher Educa-
tion Center (44219 Airport Rd.,
California) 5 p.m.
The College of Notre Dame of
Maryland will host a free informa-
tion session about two of their grad-
uate programs, Master of Arts in
Management and the Master of Arts
in Contemporary Communication,
both offered through the Southern
Maryland Higher Education Center.
The session is in building 2, room
120. RSVP to or
call 301-737-2500 x306.
Ridge Carnival
Ridge Vol. Fire Department (13820
Point Lookout Rd., Ridge) 7 p.m.
$40 HoldEm Tournament
Lexington Restaurant & Lounge
(21736 Great Mills Rd., Lexington
Park) 7:30 p.m.
Newtowne Players: Laundry &
Bourbon and Lone Star
Three Notch Theatre (21744 S. Cor-
al Dr., Lexington Park) 8 p.m.
The Newtowne Players will
perform these two one-act com-
edies by James McLure Thursdays
through Sundays, Aug. 6-22. Tickets
are $15 for adults and $12 for stu-
dents, senior citizens and the mili-
tary. Thursday shows are $10 gen-
eral admission. Light refreshments
and beverages are also available for
purchase at the theatre. Note: Some
material may be inappropriate for
children. Reservations are recom-
mended; cal 301.737.5447 or visit
Friday, August 13
Lil Margarets Bluegrass and
Old-Time Music Festival
Goddard Family Farm (21810 Clay
Hill Rd., Leonardtown) 2 p.m.
Bluegrass music, home-cooked
food, crafts, old cars and more. Ad-
mission. HC. For more information
go to www.lilmargaretsbluegrass.
com or call 301-475-8191.
FOP Poker Tournament
FOP-7 Lodge (21215 Chancellors
Run Rd., Great Mills) 7 p.m.
Free Coffee House Concert
Church of the Nazarene (340 Wash-
ington St., Leonardtown) 7 p.m.
Live worship music will be pre-
sented by Sunday Obsession (http://
sion). A good will love offering will
be received.
Ridge Carnival
Ridge Vol. Fire Department (13820
Point Lookout Rd., Ridge) 7 p.m.
Newtowne Players: Laundry &
Bourbon and Lone Star
Three Notch Theatre (21744 S. Cor-
al Dr., Lexington Park) 8 p.m.
Saturday, August 14
Lil Margarets Bluegrass and
Old-Time Music Festival
Goddard Family Farm (21810 Clay
Hill Rd., Leonardtown) 10 a.m.
Bluegrass music, home-cooked
food, crafts, old cars and more. Ad-
mission. HC. For more information
go to www.lilmargaretsbluegrass.
com or call 301-475-8191.
$2,000 Poker Run
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home
(29449 Charlotte Hall Rd., Charlotte
Hall) 10:30 a.m.
Open to all vehicles. Run will
start at 11 a.m. at the Veterans
Home. The cost for the Poker Run
is $25 (you can bring more). The
money will be spent on items for the
residents. For more information, go
Annual Fire Rescue Appre-
ciation Day
Potomac Building Grounds (23115
Leonard Hall Dr., Leonardtown)
12 noon to 4 p.m.
Food, games, activities and
Drive-Thru Chicken Dinner
Bay District Vol. Fire Department
(46900 S. Shangri La Dr., Lexing-
ton Park) 2 p.m.
For more information contact
YPI Port and Paddle Event
Port of Leonardtown Winery (23190
Newtowne Neck Rd., Leonardtown)
2 p.m.
The Young Professionals Ini-
tiative of St. Marys County will
host a tour and tasting at the Port of
Leonardtown Winery at 2 p.m., fol-
lowed by a canoe/kayak trip launch-
ing from McIntosh Run next to the
winery at 4 p.m. Boats are double-
occupancy and can be rented on-site.
Participants will sail to Leonardtown
Wharf, and there will be shuttle ser-
vice back to the winery. The cost is
$20/members or $25/non-members.
RSVP by emailing programs@ypi-, or call Amanda Ellington at
Special Olympics No Limit Cash
Bennett Bldg (24930 Old Three
Notch Rd., Hollywood) 4 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
Great Mills High School Class
of 2000 Reunion
JT Daugherty Conference Center
(22111 Three Notch Rd., Lexington
Park) 6:30 p.m.
10-year reunion for the GMHS
class of 2000! To purchase tickets,
contact Shannon Tierney or Ben
Wood at GMHSClassof2000@
Ridge Carnival
Ridge Vol. Fire Department (13820
Point Lookout Rd., Ridge) 7 p.m.
Newtowne Players: Laundry &
Bourbon and Lone Star
Three Notch Theatre (21744 S. Cor-
al Dr., Lexington Park) 8 p.m.
Sunday, August 15
Operation Homefront Concert
Toots Bar (23971 Mervell Dean
Rd., Hollywood) 1 p.m.
Featuring live music by 24/7
Band, Mount-n-Ride, Seaweed
Band, Bent Nickel and Snakebite.
Food for sale, 50/50 raffes and more.
Admission is $10. All proceeds go to
beneft Operation Homefront.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg (24930 Old Three
Notch Rd., Hollywood) 2 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
Ridge Carnival
Ridge Vol. Fire Department (13820
Point Lookout Rd., Ridge) 7 p.m.

Monday, August 16
No Limit HoldEm Bounty
St. Marys County Elks Lodge
(45779 Fire Department Lane, Cali-
fornia) 7 p.m.
For more information call the
Lodge at 301-863-7800, or Linda at
Tuesday, August 17
MOMS Club of Mechanicsville
General Meeting
Mechanicsville Firehouse (28165
Hills Club Rd., Mechanicsville)
10 a.m.
Our club includes all stay-at-
home moms zoned for the follow-
ing Elementary schools: Dynard,
Mechanicsville, Lettie Dent, White
March and Oakville. This months
guest speaker is Faith Tydings, who
will offer books for sale and sign-
ings. For more information email
momsclubofmechanicsvillemvp@ or call 301-884-5779.
Nature Time at Greenwell
Greenwell State Park (25450 Rose-
dale Manor Lane, Hollywood) 10
Pre-registration (no later than
24 hours in advance) is required via
email - lpranzo@greenwellfounda- - or by calling the Greenwell
Foundation offce at 301-373-9775.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg (24930 Old Three
Notch Rd., Hollywood) 7 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
$25 Texas HoldEm
Cadillac Jacks (21367 Great Mills
Rd., Lexington Park) 7:30 p.m.
All proceeds go to Start-A-
Life. For more information call
Christine at 443-624-2746.
Wednesday, August 18
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg (24930 Old Three
Notch Rd., Hollywood) 7 p.m.
For more information call 240-
577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
FOP Poker Tournament
FOP-7 Lodge (21215 Chancellors
Run Rd., Great Mills) 7 p.m.
Hundreds came out on Saturday
for Leonardtowns Beach Party on
the Square, which this year featured
performances by 25th Hour Band
and magician Reggie Rice, face
painting, kids crafts, volleyball, car-
nival games, a moon bounce, limbo
contests and more.
Republican Brian Murphy took
time from his Gubernatorial cam-
paign to tour the square along with
other candidates for offce including
Charles Lollar, who is vying for Ste-
ny Hoyers seat in the 5th Congres-
sional district.
This years event was sponsored
by the Commissioners of Leonar-
dtown, the Leonardtown Business
Association, the College of Southern
Maryland, Loiederman Soltesz As-
sociates, Inc., Quality Built Homes,
Wanegardner Auto Group and local
business partners.
Beach Party Heats up Leonardtown Square
Photos By Andrea Shiell
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 23
By Shelby Oppermann
Contributing Writer
Its a perfect blue sky, with a nice breeze
blowing across the players and the fans. What
a relief after weeks (seemed like months) of
90+ degree-days. It could be any ball game in
St. Marys County. Every so often you hear
an ear splitting, long, high pitched whistle.
Each ball feld is different; the teams are
coached a little differently. But one thing is
the same at all the ball felds. Parents, grand-
parents, and family members are support-
ing their children - yelling, woohooing, and
happy. Lets change that to normally happy.
Amazingly even the umpires seem to keep
their good humor for a job where you know
that half the game you are getting yelled at,
or questioned on your decisions, sometimes
one inch from your face. The other half you
might be getting quiet comments of good
call Blue; all dependent on which team is up
to bat. You couldnt pay me to be an umpire.
Thank goodness they do get paid.
What is unique is that this isnt little
league play with the parents and grandpar-
ents in attendance. And the children are
men anywhere from 18 to mid 50s. This is
Young Mens and Slow Pitch softball. Some
of the parents and grandparents played soft-
ball themselves. Some are in the softball hall
of fame. Many have been on the sidelines
supporting their loved ones for over ffty
years. Mrs. Bowles who has sons, daughters,
and grandchildren playing ball is one such
loving supporter. There are times she has
family on both teams playing and sits in the
middle. Occasionally, Mrs. Bowles checks
on new babies, or other Grand Ladies at
the game. She and her daughter Mary both
come out for family and team, no matter how
many they have to root for.
The long whistle you hear at our games
is George Merchant: A church softball league
player, former Young Mens player, and
coach. He and his wonderful wife Marcia
have supported their three sons and grand-
children for many years. George provides
back (bleacher) seat coaching and whistling
while Marcia keeps her own running score
of the game and simultaneously keeps full
attention on grandkids and all children at the
game. They always get a big hug from their
son Zach who plays on our team, and at the
end a thank you for coming and more hugs.
Its heart-warming to see.
Mr. Wood, a sweet-natured, tireless
man, comes to every game his son Frankie
plays in the county. He is always smiling.
When asked how he is, Mr. Wood replies
he is Doing good. He is not one to stand
still for any length of time. I dont think Ive
ever seen him sit to watch a game; instead
he walks the perimeter of the feld throw-
ing back the balls that have been hit over the
fence. Deep weeds, cornfelds, and trees do
not deter Mr. Wood. He quietly supports the
team in his way.
This is softball at any of a number of
felds across the county. The Over-40 games
have their share of parents, and grandparents
that come out to support too. These support-
ers mentioned are but a few of the dedicated
fans of what some say is a dying sport in the
county. With all the oft-said side-effects of
new technology for our children, the Ipods,
hand-held video games, and portable lap-
tops, many kids dont even have the desire to
try a sport which requires you to be outside
in the sun, rain, or cold two to three times a
I hope the little children watching out-
side the fence, the ones who rush onto the
dusty orange feld, or run to be in the end
of game good game hand slaps with Dad,
will keep that feel of the game in their hearts.
Maybe they will remember the smell of that
dusty feld, freshly mown grass, or the smell
of the sweet corn in the felds, which sur-
rounds some of the ball felds. Maybe they
will keep the legacy going, and hear that
long, ear-splitting whistle when theyve
made a great play.
To each new days adventure
Please send comments or ideas to:
of an

Loving Supporters
A Journey Through Time A Journey Through Time
The Chronicle
Over 250,000 Southern Marylanders cant be wrong!
By Linda Reno
Contributing Writer
Stephen Milburn (son of Stephen Milburn)
married Margaret Fenwick (daughter of Bennet
Fenwick) on February 25, 1804. Between 1807 and
1817, they had six children: John Lewis, James Al-
exander, Benedict C., Julia Ann, Eleanor E., and
Susanna M. Milburn.
On June 10, 1819, Stephen Milburn left for Bal-
timore. He had with him about $5,000 in cash that
he planned to invest. Stephen never made it.
On June 17
, his body was found. On Thurs-
day, the 17th instant, the body of a dead man was
found, near James Milburns; a coroners inquest
was held over his body which was much putrefed,
that it was impossible to tell if he
was murdered or not, but, it ap-
pears that murder was pretty
certain. A part of the clothing
taken to his wife was identifed to
be his.
The murder in itself was
shocking enough, but then it was
determined that the crime had
been committed by his own neph-
ews, James and William Milburn.
James Milburn was quickly
apprehended. The July 9 issue of
the New-York Spectator reported
On the frst, we published a letter
from St. Inigoes, Md. relating to
the murder of Stephen Milburne
by his two nephews. One of them,
James Milburne, has been lodged
in jail, but William Milburne has
William Milburn was still
on the run. The Maryland Gazette dated July 8 in-
cluded this notice. The Governor of Maryland has
issued a proclamation, offering a reward of $150
for the apprehension of William Milburne, one of
the suspected murderers of his uncle, Stephen Mil-
burne, The said William Milburne is a young man
about 23 yrs of age, about 5 7 or 9 inches high,
plump and round face, and bodied, although not
fat, his hair black and disposed to curl above his
ears and behind them; his complexion brown, but
generally supposed from drinking freely or pale
from excess. His right arm is smaller than his left
one, and together with his right side, largely from
being severely scalded by falling into a boiling salt-
kettle; the expression of his countenance.
Unfortunately available records do not reveal
what happened to William or James Milburn. Given
that the courts didnt play around as they unfortu-
nately do today, my guess would be they were tried,
convicted, and hung in short order.
Stephens widow, Margaret became the frst
of three wives of John Henry Bean on February 3,
1821 who was appointed guardian of her Milburn
In 1821 the property of Stephen Milburn was
appraised. This gives us a small glimpse into how
and where the family lived.
Tract of Land containing 275 acres more or
less called Piney Point...there is a framed Dwelling
house in very bad Repair, a framed kitchen in very
bad repair, meathouse in bad repair, new Barn,
new Granery, and one new Darey, Good apple and
peach orchard, Fencing in bad Repair, about 50
acres of this farm is in wood, also a small Tract of
Forrest land in wood, quantity unknown...
Stephen Milburn should have used his money
to make repairs around his own home. It could have
saved his life!
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 24

For family and community
events, see our calendar in the
community section on page 22.
In Entertainment
The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature!
To submit art or band information for our entertainment
section, e-mail
Lil Margaret Would Be Proud
We post nightlife events happening in Calvert, Charles and St. Marys counties.
To submit an event for our calendar, email
Deadline for submissions is Monday by 5 p.m.
Bluegrass Festival Comes to Leonardtown for 22nd Year
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Its been a summer tradition for 22
years, featuring the endearing twang of
banjos and the heat of hundreds of bluegrass
fans focking to Goddard Farm in Leonar-
dtown, where Lil Margarets Bluegrass
Festival will happen this weekend.
This years show will feature lo-
cal bluegrass favorites Jay Armsworthy
and Eastern Tradition as well as Charley
Thompson & Bottom County Bluegrass,
followed by North Carolinas Lorraine Jor-
dan & Carolina Road, who are performing
in Leonardtown as part of their 2010 Car-
olina Hurricane Category 5 Tour.
This years schedule also includes
Goldwing Express, Ted Jones & The Tar
Heel Boys, Crowe Brothers, Bluegrass
Gospel Express, Little Mountain Boys,
Bill Emerson and Sweet Dixie and Dark
Hollow Bluegrass Band.
Other highlights include:
The Bluegrass Brothers (Thursday and
Steven Dowdy, 30, joined the Blue-
grass Brothers nine years after honing his
bass, guitar and mandolin skills in other
bands in-
c l u d i n g
Bum Ride,
Sout her n
Comf or t
and the
L o c u s t
M o u n -
tain Boys,
where he
played with his father S.M Dowdy. His
brothers Donald (the ambidextrous man-
dolin player) and Victor Dowdy joined
with fddler Billy Hurt, Jr. (formerly of
the Shenendoah Valley Boys, Stairwell,
Acoustic Endeavors and Continental Di-
vide) and banjo-player Brandon Farley,
and have been earning a reputation for
their high-energy show, which includes a
lot of fast fnger picking. (www.theblue-
Carroll County Ramblers (Friday)
Joining family members Bonnie and
Dale Eyler (fddle, vocals) are Jeff Toal
( ma n d o -
lin), Steve
Wa l d o n ,
Jr. (banjo),
and Dave
Du l a n e y
on guitar.
After per-
forming for
a decade,
the Ramblers have also recorded several
albums for Zap, Adelphi, and Alear labels,
as well as recording projects on their own
label. (
Mark Templeton & Pocket Change (Fri-
day and Saturday)
Long hailed for inventive instrumen-
tation and their high energy brand of blue-
grass gospel, Mark Templeton and Pocket
Change mem-
bers Ralph
Clay (upright
bass, vocals),
Glenn Aswell
(guitar, vo-
cals) and Ernie
Power (Dobro)
are well known for their Southern Gospel
Style Harmony, and Templeton himself
has made more than 30 albums, record-
ing for record companies including QCA,
Sonshine and Hillside records. (www.
Kody Norris & The Watauga Mountain
Boys (Saturday)
Featuring Mr. Bluegrass Kody Nor-
ris (lead guitar, vocals), Adam Poindexter
(banjo, tenor vocals), Junior Blankenship
(guitar, baritone vocals), Mike Feagan (fd-
dle) and James Lowe (bass, bass vocals),
these Mountain City,
Tennessee natives are
in the thick of festival
season, stopping in
Southern Maryland
to share their style of
traditional mountain
bluegrass before play-
ing festivals in Ken-
tucky and Illinois.
Kody himself has
performed with many other established
musicians including Ralph Stanley II, Alex
Leach and Lonesome Will Mullins. Kody
and the boys are also regular fxtures on
the Cumberland Highlanders show, which
is flmed live from Bill Monroes home-
town in Rosine, Kentucky. (www.kodyn-
If you go:
The festival will take place at the
Goddard Family Farm located at 21810
Clay Hill Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Tickets for the festival are $50 for 3-
day passes purchased in advance, and $55
for 3-day passes sold at the gate. Day pass-
es will be sold for $20 on Thursday, $25
on Friday and $30 on Saturday. Children
under 12 are free with guardian.
Rough camping over the weekend will
cost $20, with $55 for weekend hookups.
There will be additional charges for camp-
ing prior to Thursday or after Saturday.
It is recommended you bring your
own blankets or lawn chairs for seating.
Home-cooked meals, snacks, drinks and
ice will be available at the festival grounds.
No alcohol or drugs are permitted.
For more information, go online
homepg.htm, or call 301-475-8191.
Thursday, August 12
Lil Margarets Bluegrass and Old-
Time Music Festival
Goddard Family Farm (21810 Clay Hill
Rd., Leonardtown) 3 p.m.
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (23415 Three Notch Rd.,
California) 5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
CJs Back Room (12020 Rousby Hall
Rd., Lusby) 5 p.m.
Jerry Birch
St. Marys Landing (29935 Three Notch
Rd., Charlotte Hall) 7 p.m.
DJ Night
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch
Rd., Mechanicsville) 8 p.m.
Thirsty Thursdays Karaoke
Cadillac Jacks (21367 Great Mills Rd.,
Lexington Park) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow (23900 N. Patuxent
Beach Rd., California) 8 p.m.
Shane Gamble
Casey Jones Pub (417 E. Charles St., La
Plata) 9:30 p.m.
Friday, August 13
Lil Margarets Bluegrass and Old-
Time Music Festival
Goddard Family Farm (21810 Clay Hill
Rd., Leonardtown) 2 p.m.
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (23415 Three Notch Rd.,
California) 5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
Donovans Pub (22767 Three Notch
Rd., California) 5 p.m.
Live Jazz
Chefs American Bistro (22576 Macar-
thur Blvd San Souci Plaza suite 314,
California) 6 p.m.*
Jim & Kathy
Catamarans Restaurant (14470 Solo-
mons Island Rd., Solomons) 6:30
Randy Richie (jazz piano)
Caf des Artistes (41655 Fenwick St.,
Leonardtown) 6:30 p.m.*
Gary Rue and the Dance Hall
Toots Bar (23971 Mervell Dean Rd.,
Hollywood) 7 p.m.
DJ/Line Dancing
Hotel Charles (15100 Burnt Store Rd.,
Hughesville) 7:30 p.m.
Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell
Rd., Dowell) 7:30 p.m.
Country Music Jam Session
St. Marys Landing (29935 Three Notch
Rd., Charlotte Hall) 8 p.m.
Karaoke Night
Cadillac Jacks (21367 Great Mills Rd.,
Lexington Park) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow (23900 N. Patuxent
Beach Rd., California) 8 p.m.
Abrasive Actions w/ Bitter
Memories (2360 Old Washington Rd.,
Waldorf) 9 p.m.
Bent Nickel
Jake & Als (258 Town Square Drive,
Lusby) 9 p.m.
Blackout Brigade
Gilligans Pier (11535 Popes Creek Rd.,
Newburg) 9 p.m.
Lisa Lim & Over the Limit
Delta Blues Juke Joint & Diner (2796
Old Washington Rd., Waldorf) 9 p.m.
Still Counting
Veras White Sands Beach Club (1200
White Sands Dr., Lusby) 9 p.m.
Saturday, August 14
Lil Margarets Bluegrass and Old-
Time Music Festival
Goddard Family Farm (21810 Clay Hill
Rd., Leonardtown) 10 a.m.
Denny Drizzle 2 p.m.
No Green JellyBeenz 9 p.m.
Gilligans Pier (11535 Popes Creek Rd.,
Dylan Galvin
Isaacs Restaurant (Holiday Inn 155
Holiday Dr., Solomons) 5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
DB McMillans (23415 Three Notch Rd.,
California) 5 p.m.
Randy Richie (jazz piano)
Caf des Artistes (41655 Fenwick St.,
Leonardtown) 6:30 p.m.*
Foreigner w/ One Louder
Bayside Toyota Concert Pavilion (Cal-
vert Beach Rd., St. Leonard) 7 p.m.
Gary Rue and the Dance Hall
Tall Timbers Marina (18521 Herring
Creek Rd., Tall Timbers) 7 p.m.
24/7 Band
CJs Backroom (12020 Rousby Hall Rd.,
Lusby) 8 p.m.
Chefs American Bistro (22576 Macar-
thur Blvd San Souci Plaza suite 314,
California) 8 p.m.
Quades Store (36786 Bushwood
Wharf Rd., Bushwood) 8 p.m.
The Not So Modern Jazz Quartet
Westlawn Inn (9200 Chesapeake Ave.,
North Beach) 8 p.m.
Ozone Trolley
Beach Cove Restaurant ((8416 Bayside
Rd., Chesapeake Beach) 8 p.m.
Bent Nickel
Southridge Lounge (13425 Point Look-
out Rd., Ridge) 9 p.m.
DJ/Dance Night
Cadillac Jacks (21367 Great Mills Rd.,
Lexington Park) 9 p.m.
Jeff Miller Band
Olde Towne Pub (22785 Washington
St., Leonardtown) 9 p.m.
Karaoke Idol Contest
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch
Rd., Mechanicsville) 9 p.m.
Karaoke w/ DJ Tommy T & DJ T
Applebees (45480 Miramar Way, Cali-
fornia) 9 p.m.
Middle Ground
Tim & Als (3800 Harbor Rd., Chesa-
peake Beach) 9 p.m.
No Fn Control
Memories (2360 Old Washington Rd.,
Waldorf) 9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
VFW Post 10081 (9370 Crain Hwy., Bel
Alton) 9 p.m.
Still Counting
Veras White Sands Beach Club (1200
White Sands Dr., Lusby) 9 p.m.
Wolfs Blues Jam
Cryers Back Road Inn (22094 New-
towne Neck Rd., Leonardtown) 9 p.m.
Apehangers (9100 Crain Hwy., Bel
Alton) 9:30 p.m.
Rock & Roll Stereo
Casey Jones Pub (417 E. Charles St., La
Plata) 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 15
Annual Operation Homefront
Toots Bar (23971 Mervell Dean Rd.,
Hollywood) 12 noon
Sam Grow w/ Mike 1 p.m.
The Worx 5 p.m.
Gilligans Pier (11535 Popes Creek Rd.,
Country Music Jam Session
St. Marys Landing (29935 Three Notch
Rd., Charlotte Hall) 4 p.m.
Monday, August 16
Mason Sebastian
DB McMillans (23415 Three Notch Rd.,
California) 5 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Scotts II (7050 Port Tobacco Rd., Wel-
come) 7 p.m.*
Tuesday, August 17
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
DB McMillans (23415 Three Notch Rd.,
California) 5 p.m.
Dave & Kevin
Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell
Rd., Dowell) 7:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Martinis Lounge (10553 Theodore
Green Blvd., White Plains) 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, August 18
Fair Warning Irish Pub Band
CJs Back Room (12020 Rousby Hall Rd.,
Lusby) 5 p.m.
Captain John
DB McMillans (23415 Three Notch Rd.,
California) 5:30 p.m.
Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch
Rd., Mechanicsville) 7 p.m.
Wolfs Blues Jam
Beach Cove Restaurant (8416 Bayside
Rd., Chesapeake Beach) 8 p.m.
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 25
The County Times will not be held responsible for any
ads omitted for any reason. The County Times reserves
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published each Thursday.
Deadlines for Classifeds are
Tuesday at 12 pm.
Call to Place Your Ad: 301-373-4125
Prime Rib Seafood Sunday Brunch
Banquet & Meeting Facili ties
23418 Three Notch Road California, MD 20619
All Cars, Trucks, Buses &
ALL other Scrap Metal. Free Removal.
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Call (240) 299-1430
Since 1987
Auto Accidents Criminal Domestic
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301-870-7111 1-800-279-7545
Serving the Southern Maryland Area
Accepting All Major Credit Cards
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Short & Long Term Disability,
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Phone 301-884-5900
1-800 524-2381
12685 Amberleigh Lane
La Plata, MD 20646
Phone 301-934-4680
Fax 301-884-0398
28231 Tree Notch Rd, #101
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Pub & Grill
23415 Three Notch Road
California Maryland
216 Days Till St. Patricks Day
Entertainment All Day
Est. 1982 Lic #12999
Heating & Air Conditioning
30457 Potomac Way
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
Phone: 301-884-5011
Real Estate
Large Country Farmhouse. 5 bedrooms 4 baths. 2
Master Suites w/balconies. Large eat-in kitchen with
granite counter tops, glass top range and double wall
ovens and double pantry. Extra large laundry room
with utility sink. Separate dining room, formal living
room and sunken family room. Inground Pool on 4.8
acres. Full Unfnished walkout basement. Many more
details.must see! Call for more information. 301-
872-9394. Price: $495,000.
Beautiful open-plan ranch home with numerous oak
kitchen cabines, white appliances, laundry room, double
sinks in master bath, soaking tub, pergo fooring in kitch-
en and dining area, berber carpeting in remaining rooms.
Front porch and back deck. Fantastic 3-bay garage with
heat and A/C with black-top driveway!! $299,900.
Real Estate Rentals
Enjoy a beautiful one acre lawn in a quiet neighborhood.
Please no pets, no section 8 and no smokers. The house
is a split level. The basement is partially fnished; makes
a great family room or a nice master bedroom. Riding
lawn mower provided and no leaves to rake in the fall!
House is conviently located near Rt 4. Centrally located
for easy access to Prince Fredrick or St. Marys Co. Call
410-326-1381 for more information. Rent: $1,400.
4BR 2BA Waterview Farm House - Cape Cod Style -
Located on 85 acre farm. Conditional use on detached
garage. Large Kitchen, screened front and back
porches, W/D Hook ups, Stove, Microwave, Dish-
washer, Wood Stove, Central Air/Heat Pump. House
has pergo fooring throughout and paneled walls, lots
of windows. This is a farm house. Pets will be con-
sidered. Good Credit only need apply. Call 301-481-
0650 for more information. Rent: $1200.
Apartment Rentals
One Br Apt, most utilities included,12x24 porch, pri-
vate entrance, unfurnished. In quiet cul-de-sac. wood-
ed neighborhood near St. Marys Regency Park; con-
veniently located 3 miles north of Patuxent River NAS
$900.00 per month w/security deposit of $900.00.Long
/ short-term lease. Non-smoker & NO Pets - Contact
Danny @ 301 862 2857
Help Wanted
Help wanted, laborers and trainees for geothermal,
well drilling, and pump installation. No experience
necessary-will train. Class A or B licenses helpful but
not required. Benefts include one week paid vacation,
one week sick leave, and six paid holidays. Employ-
ees subject to random drug testing. Fax resume with
copy of drivers license to 301-373-3692 or e-mail to
Local Prince Frederick Shed and Storage company
seeking to fll 3 sales positions. Part-time to full-time
positions available with fexable hours. Looking for
mature, energetic, self-motivated individuals. Lum-
ber and Sales experience helpful but not necessary.
Retirees welcome. Call Marco at 240-375-3600 for
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 26
1. Greek capital
7. Pharaohs cobra
10. One-celled aquatic
11. Clarifed butter (India)
12. Quenching
13. Saudi natives
14. Early inhalation
15. Arrogant people
16. Last in an indefnitely
large series
17. Belonging to a thing
18. 51044 Iowa
20. Megahertz
21. Porch or balcony
26. Writer Kenzaburo
27. TV and movies,
32. 4th US state
33. Odyssey hero
35. Will Farrell movie
36. Main omelette ingredient
37. Wager
38. ___ of Innocence
39. Glasses
41. Twain _____, CA 95383
44. A navigation map
45. Embarrassed and
47. A dissenting clique
48. Postures
49. Icahns airline
50. Japanese female
1. Far East wet nurse
2. Take a puff
3. One who inherits
4. Point one point N of due
5. Annoy constantly
6. Opposite of NW
7. Mobys pursuer
8. Point one point S of SE
9. Foot (Latin)
10. Brass instrument
11. 1/100 Polish zloty
12. Small sofa
13. Hymns
15. Barratry
16. 11th month
19. Seated
22. Lack of care
23. Conscriptions
24. Indicates position
25. Vietnamese currency
28. Potato state
29. Point midway between E
and SE
30. Contradicts
31. Pulled hard
34. South-Southeast (abbr.)
35. Sun Times critic
39. Jazz man Bobby ___
40. S. American rodent
41. Star Wars character Solo
42. German racer Roland
43. Zeus mother
44. Between EST and MST
45. Consumed
46. Spoken in the Dali region
of Yunnan
48. Specifc gravity
Last Weeks Puzzles Solutions
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 27
By Keith McGuire
Contributing Writer
What is the real difference between the winter
malady of cabin fever and the summer doldrums?
Whether youre sitting in your house because its
too cold outside or too hot outside, youre still stuck
in the house because of the weather. Both of these
times are great opportunities to do good things for
our beloved Chesapeake Bay, and to sharpen our
knowledge and skills in fshing, boating, the local
environment and many of the creatures that exist
in the Chesapeake ecosystem. As my 13-year-old
granddaughter might say, Boring! But, it doesnt
have to be.
Under the summer time heading of Misery
Loves Company there are a lot of folks suffering
the summer doldrums just like you. With just a lit-
tle encouragement, these folks may fnd interest in
local projects like the Greenwell Summer Camps
where kids are taught to fsh; or the St. Marys
County Recreation and Parks summer camps
by helping 175 (or so) kids catch fsh at the Point
Lookout Fishing Pier; or how about working with
waterfront property owners as they grow oysters,
and moving those oysters from their docks to local
sanctuaries and demonstration reefs. And, if none
of those tickles your fancy, maybe you would fnd
some reward in taking a couple of soldiers or sail-
ors fshing with the Southern Maryland Vacations
for Vets Program out of Greenwell State Park. You
can gain access to these programs by becoming
involved with some of our local conservation and
fshing organizations.
The Maryland Saltwater Sportfshermens As-
sociation ( was established to pro-
tect the interests of recreational anglers in Mary-
land by working with the Department of Natural
Resources and the Maryland Legislature. The or-
ganization exists through a network of fshing club
chapters throughout the State. The Southern Mary-
land Chapter is one of the largest and most active
chapters of this fshing organization. The chapter
meets on the 3rd Thursday evening of each month
at the Solomons Fire Hall at 7:00 PM. The next
meeting is August 19th. Each meeting boasts fsh-
ing reports from local members along with dem-
onstrations and presentations from fshing experts,
Charter Captains, scientists, and other profession-
als who do things of interest to local anglers. Their
meetings are open to the public and include door
prizes and an opportunity to purchase dinner be-
fore the meeting. The Southern Maryland Chapter
of MSSA is the leader of several childrens fshing
activities throughout the summer. Educating fu-
ture generations about the joys of fshing is one of
their major goals.
The Patuxent River Chapter of the Coastal
Conservation Association, MD (
is also a very active fshing and conservation orga-
nization. Made up largely of recreational anglers,
CCA Maryland brings a national perspective to
local conservation issues. Although organized a
little differently than MSSA, CCA MD also exists
through a network of fshing club chapters through-
out the State. Local members, working through
the State and National levels of CCA, coordinate
conservation issues with the Department of Natu-
ral Resources, the Maryland Legislature, and when
necessary, federal agencies and Congress. The
Patuxent River Chapter of CCA MD meets every
other month at the Elks Lodge off Chancellors Run
Road in California MD. Their chapter meetings are
open to the public and also include fshing reports
and presentations from fshing experts, Charter
Captains, scientists and other professionals of in-
terest to local anglers. Their next meeting is Au-
gust 25th at 7:30 PM and their guest speaker will be
Captain Brady Bounds, a local fshing guide. This
chapter is a leader of one of the most aggressive
projects in the Marylanders Grow Oysters program
introduced by Governor Martin OMalley.
Both the Southern Maryland Chapter of
MSSA and the Patuxent River Chapter of CCA
MD have participated in Wounded Warrior and
Veterans activities. If your interests are in this
area, these chapters are good places to get more
Fishing Report
Fishing continues to produce a wide variety
of fsh. Large croakers up to 18 are still be-
ing caught. Target these fsh in the evenings with
bloodworms, shrimp and squid. Stripers are still
out there, but the search is a little tougher now.
Target these fsh in the early mornings or eve-
nings (preferably on the frst ebb of the high tide)
with surface plugs and poppers cast around the
shoreline and structure. Other methods include
shallow water trolling in the rivers, and jigging
under schools of feeding bluefsh. Bluefsh are
everywhere. As you cruise the Bay, keep an eye
on the schools of baitfsh for disturbances and
rushes as if they are being chased from below.
Troll spoons through these disturbances or drift
through with jigs below the baitfsh. Schools of
breaking fsh now include a few Spanish mackerel,
and down below these voracious feeders, folks are
plucking a few small sea trout. As you fsh for bot-
tom feeders and toss chunks of cut bait back in the
chum slick, keep in mind that there are still a few
big red drum and cobia around. Look for founder
in deeper areas near the channel edges. If you catch
a founder, please send me an email.
Mark your calendars for that MSSA meeting
on August 19th at 7:00 PM and plan to attend. I
will be there with a presentation about founder
fshing in the local region.
Do you have a current fsh picture and a sto-
ry of a great catch? If so, send an email to river-
Keith has been a recreational angler on the
Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for over 50
years; he fshes weekly from his small boat during
the season, and spends his free time supporting
local conservation organizations.
Thurs., Aug. 12
Mens Over 40 League
(All games start at 6p.m.)
Tri County Aire vs. Rita Bs at Moose Lodge
Hole in the Wall at Andersons Bar
All Star Utility vs. Hobos at Back Road Inn
Clements vs. Seabreeze at Tippetts Field
Park Sunoco at Captain Sams
Mon., Aug. 16
Womens Over 30 League
Rosebuds at Back Road Inn
Raleys vs. Ryce Electric at Moose Lodge
Moose Lodge vs. S&J Heating
at Andersons Bar
Captain Sams vs. Hole in the Wall
at Tippetts Field
St. Marys
Mens Slowpitch League
1. Hi Octane 25-6
2. BRI 25-7
3. Chaneys 23-8
4. Green Door 14-16
5. Pax Bombers 14-16
6. Budweiser 12-18
7. Grid Iron Grill 10-20
8. American Legion 6-21
9. Bookkeeping By Blanche 5-25
10. VFW 2632 3-25
Young Mens League
1. Seabreeze/BRI/Moose Lodge 23-1
2. Gary Grays Athletics 18-4
3. Cryers 18-5
4. Dew Drop Inn 18-8
5. Quades Shockers 12-12
6. Flash Point 6-19
7. Captain Sams 3-24
Womens League
Division 1
1. Somerville Insurance 18-1
2. Southern 14-6
3. Bud Light 14-6
4. Mix It Up 12-8
5. CCE 11-8
Division 2
1. Captain Sams 10-7
2. Back Road Inn 11-9
3. Andersons Bar 9-10
4. Bella Salon 9-12
5. Southern Maryland
Physical Therapy 7-13
Division 3
1. Knockouts 8-10
2. ABC Liquors 8-11
3. Moose Lodge 4-14
4. Xtreme 0-20
(For games through the week
ending Sunday, August 1)
St. Marys County
Recreation and Parks
Youth Roller Hockey Registration
Ages 8 to 14 as of December 31st 2010
August 26th and September 2nd
Leonard Hall Recreation Center in
Leonardtown 7 to 9 p.m.
Cost $75.00 per child

Adult Volleyball League
Womens meeting Thursday September 2nd
Co-Ed meeting Wednesday September 8th
Mens meeting Thursday September 9th
All meetings at Leonard Hall Recreation Center
7 p.m. Individuals and teams welcome to attend
For more information call Kenny Sothoron
at 301-475-4200 ext 1830
Soccer goalkeeping camps
accepting registrations
Gretton Goalkeeping will offer its 8th An-
nual Summer Goalkeeper Soccer Camp Series
beginning the week of June 21st through the
week of August 16th. Various locations offered in
the Southern Maryland Area. Camps run 4 days
each week at various hours of the day. All ages
and skill levels welcome! Field player training of-
fered as well by separate feld player instructor.
For questions or to reserve your spot, please call
301-643-8992 or email grettongoalkeeping@
The Southern Maryland Sabres
host Superior Hockey Camp
at the Capital Clubhouse
Learn from Pros: Toby OBrien,
Scott Allen & Bill Paige
Each day includes three hours of ice instruc-
tion, off-ice conditioning, and video review each
day. Players will be grouped according to skill
level with groups receiving the same ice and off-
ice instruction.

When: August 16-19, 2010
Time: 8am - 4pm
Who: Age: 8-High School
Cost: Resident Fee: $355.00
(No before or after care provided)
Summer Doldrums
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 28
By Ronald N. Guy Jr.
Contributing Writer
Leonardtown, circa mid-
1980s: A young boy, around 11
years old, rail thin and nearly para-
lyzed with excitement, sheepishly
stumbled into the grand opening of
a local business. The young mans
heightened emotions, with all due respect to the local
entrepreneurs budding dream, had nothing to do with
the businesss dawn and everything to do with the dig-
nitary in attendance. Entering the establishment, the
awe-struck kid saw the largest human (if in fact he was)
he had ever seen, if not only in stature then certainly
when the mans aura was added to his substantial girth.
Encroaching upon this giants realm had the discom-
fort of a real-life Jack and the Beanstalk moment.
His physical presence aside, the mans manner-
isms proved surprisingly un-intimidating. After barely
choking down the immediate star-struck feeling, the
boy gazed upon this gigantic hero and saw a man, look-
ing like so many men he knew and admired. He was
slumped in a chair, in casual conversation with those
around him and with a hey, come on over non-verbal
undertone. Most disarming, though, and barely visible
in his oversized hand and screaming from his crushing
grip, was something the boy recognized from so many
summer evenings with his uncle: a short, squat 7-ounce
beer bottle. The giants humanity was confrmed.
Greeting the boy, the man couldnt have been
more gracious. Instead of a haunting Fee, Fi, Fo,
Fum - thankfully he had no interest in an English or
a Southern Maryland boys blood - there was a warm
smile and a hearty, come on over young man. After
a pleasant encounter, photo and autograph, the giant
returned to his beer and the kid scurried out with a dif-
ferent impression of his previously unreachable sport-
ing heroes.
I lost the picture and autograph. The memory
though of meeting Russ Grimm, then the Skins left
guard and member of the famed Hogs offensive
line, remains vivid. Last weekend, Grimm was in-
ducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It was an
honor long overdue. Grimms lengthy Hall of Fame
wait (14 years), despite being the best player on per-
haps the most accomplished offensive line in NFL
history, assuredly is attributable in part to the position
he played. Its the Hall of Fame (stress on fame), after
all, and there are few individual accolades showered
upon offensive lineman, particularly interior linemen
(guards and centers) like Grimm. Offensive linemen,
the grunts of a football team, do the dirty, thankless job
blocking that keeps million dollar quarterbacks up-
right, springs fashy running backs into the open feld
and allows modern narcissistic wide receivers to catch
touchdowns and execute choreographed celebrations.
Without the line doing its job, the NFLs stars dont
shine; yet the importance and nuances of offensive line
work mostly escapes or isnt appreciated by the casual
Any Skins fan over age 30 gets it though. We
watched an offensive line, a selfess blue collar team
within the team, be the cornerstone of 3 championships
while quarterbacks and running backs came and went.
In the two dismal decades since father time dropped
the curtain on our Hogs, the nostalgia for the group
continues to swell within Skins nation. Hopefully,
Grimms induction will carry his and the Hogs story
to a greater breadth of football fans. In a league and
a society thats increasingly about individual stardom,
Grimm and the Hogs are proof that behind every orga-
nizational star is a collection of people, often buried on
the organizational depth chart, who routinely sacrifce
personal accolades and selfessly execute fundamental
tasks critical to others and the teams success. Thats
Grimms and the Hogs legacy - not bad for a bunch of
portly, smelly giants that were rough on the eyes and
death to a keg of beer.
In his Hall of Fame speech, Grimm individually
mentioned his fellow Hogs. In a fnal show of solidar-
ity, he indicated that he intended to embroider their
names inside his Hall of Fame jacket. It was always
less about Russ Grimm and more about his line mates
and the Skins. Why should we have expected the night
when Grimm received the ultimate individual honor be
any different?
Send comments to
A View From The
swine Fever
DJ Myers Dominates Three state
Flyers action at Potomac
By Doug Watson
Potomac Speedway
Greencastle Pa.s DJ Myers was victorious in last
Friday nights 40-lap Gene VanMeter memorial at the Po-
tomac speedway and the $4000 top prize that went with
it. In scoring his third career late model feature win at
the track, Myers became the ninth different winner of the
season in the eleven races for the division in 2010.
Myers and defending track champion David Wil-
liams lead the feld to the initial green fag of the event.
Myers quickly showed the rest of the feld he had the car
to beat as he bursted into the race lead. Myers would go
on to lead every lap of the race but it was far from an
easy win. David Williams, the defending winner of the
race, hounded Myers for the frst twenty-three laps be-
fore tenth-starting Andy Anderson entered the picture.
Anderson swept by Williams to take the runner-up slot
on lap twenty-four and set his sights on Myers. Anderson
would get close to Myers on several occasions, but could
not make the winning pass and would have to settle for
second place money.
We needed this win in a bad way. Myers com-
mented. Weve really been struggling since speed weeks
and I cant thank Greg (Gunter), PPM chassis and Hershey
Racing Engines for a great car tonight.
Timely caution periods aided Myers in his winning
run. Yeah, Its nice to have clear track in front of you, but
I knew Andy (Anderson) was getting close there towards
the end, but I knew we had a good enough car to hold him
off. David Williams held on for third, Jeremy Miller took
fourth and Nick Dickson completed the top-fve. Heats
for the 24-cars on hand went to Brian Booze, Myers and
Defending track champion Kyle Nelson roared to his
ffth win of the season in the 16-lap street stock feature.
Nelson started on the pole of the event and would make the
most of his good fortune, as he would lead all sixteen-laps
to post his 15th career street stock win. Troy Kassiris took
second, Mike Reynolds was third, Walt Homberg came
from 12th to collect fourth and John Sellner rounded out
the top-fve. Heats went to Homberg and Nelson.
In other action, Russell Erwin captured his fourth
win of the season in the 20-lap modifed headliner, for-
mer track champion John Burch scored his frst win of the
season and career 45th in the 15-lap hobby stock feature
and Eddie Chewning annexed the 15-lap u-car feature.
Late model feature fnish (40-laps)
1. DJ Myers 2. Andy Anderson 3. David Williams
4. Jeremy Miller 5. Nick Dickson 6. Jamie Lathroum 7.
Kenny Pettyjohn 8. Daryl Hills 9. Kyle Hardy 10. Alan
Sagi 11. Jason Covert 12. Roland Mann 13. Bryan Bern-
heisel 14. Dale Hollidge 15. Brian Booze 16. Brian Driver
17. Matt Quade 18. Mike Walls 19. Booper Bare 20. Jim
Bernheisel 21. Ed Pope 22. Deane Guy (DNS) 23. Frankie
Plessinger (DNS) 24. Kyle Lear (DNS)
Street stock feature fnish (16-laps)
1. Kyle Nelson 2. Troy Kassiris 3. Mike Reynolds
4. Walt Homberg 5. John Sellner 6. Kurt Zimmerman
7. Donnie Smith 8. Craig Tankersly 9. Tony Archer 10.
James Sparks 11. Scott Wilson 12. Sam Archer 13. Scottie
Nelson 14. Jim Gardner 15. Stephen Quade (DNS)
Kyle Nelson Soars to Fifth Street Stock Win
USTA Tennis Senior Leagues
St Marys County USTA Tennis League
is looking for Captains and 3.0 & 3.5 rated
players for senior men, women and mixed dou-
bles teams. Season runs from June-August.
Must be a USTA member and have reached
ffty (50) years of age prior to, or during, the
2010 calendar year. Contact Mai-Liem Slade
if interested, or
Tennis Social Doubles
Social Doubles for Adults is held
twice weekly and consists of informal doubles
matches, put together by the site coordinator,
based on that days attendance. All who show
up will get to play.
5 P.M. Sundays at Leonardtown
High School, May 27th through August. Con-
tact Cris Sigler at 410-326-6383 or zigh53@
5 P.M. Thursdays at Great Mills
High School, June 6th through September.
Contact Bob Stratton at 443-926-2070 or
The league fee is $25 for the Leon-
ardtown site and $30 for the Great Mills site.
Fees include court costs and balls. No regis-
tration is required.
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Four years ago,
Kai Smith came to St.
Marys Ryken High
School as one of several
athletes ready to build a
tradition of excellence
with the Knights boys
basketball team.
With that mission
accomplished, Smith
will now try to repeat
that success in col-
lege as he is part of a
highly-touted freshman
class Pace University in
Westchester, NY this coming year.
The coach really liked me he
said everybody in this class is going
to have to play, so hes looking for big
things, Smith said after he signed
his letter of intent to play for the Set-
ters, a NCAA Division II school. Its
Smith said the coach has asked
the freshmen class to set their own in-
dividual goals, and the 62 point guard
has his list ready to go.
I want to play a lot, score a lot
and contribute, he says.
Smith plans to major in Informa-
tion Technology at Pace, and with the
main campus a half-hour north of New
York City, he plans to get a little more
sightseeing done than he did on his of-
fcial visit.
That was the frst time I remem-
ber New York, Smith said, noting he
visited as a small child. The landmark
he most remembered from this recent
trip was the site of the former World
Trade Center.
One adjustment that he will have
to make is the early start that most col-
lege basketball programs are known
for, as high school practices dont start
until after classes have ended for the
Waking up at 6 a.m. to start
practice, Im going to have to get used
to that, Smith said with a laugh.
Smith will take the memories
of his senior year at Ryken to col-
lege with him, as the Knights won a
school-record 18 games in the 2009-
10 season and emerged as a team of
the future in the Washington Catholic
Athletic Conference.
It was great to have a senior to
look back on, he said.
Middle School and High
School Basketball Fall League

Place: The Calverton School

Girls Contact Person:
Savannah Webb, Head Coach,
Girls Varsity Basketball
H: (301) 737-1792 C: (301) 247-3152
W: (301) 862-7224
Boys Contact Person: TBD

Dates: September 11, 2010 to October
30, 2010 (Saturdays) Girls League
September 12, 2010 to October 31,
2010 (Sundays) Boys League

Ages Groups:
Middle School Division
(MS Age Groups (AAU/Travel teams) or
School Teams) - First 8 teams accepted
High School Division
(HS Age Groups or School Teams) -
First 8 teams accepted

Cost: $700 per team
14 Minute Halves (All Age Groups)
Stop Clock
Free Throws 2 shots on 10 fouls
(No 1 and 1 shots)
2 Full/2 30 Time Outs
3 Minute Half Time
3 Minute Overtime
Clock will run if team down by 30 points
Point System used in case of tie to deter-
mine seeding for playoffs
Each team guaranteed 8 games with
playoffs and championship.
There will be a championship trophy for
each division.
Local anglers will have the chance
to learn from one of the most experi-
enced light tackle and fy fshing guides
on the Chesapeake Bay at the Wednes-
day, Aug. 25, meeting of the Coastal
Conservation Association Maryland
Patuxent River Chapter. The meeting
is free to the public and will begin at
7:30 p.m. at the St. Marys County Elks
Lodge #2092, 45779 Fire Department
Lane, California.
Captain Brady Bounds will speak
on a variety of topics, take questions
from the audience, and promises to an-
swer in great detail any question relat-
ing to light tackle and fy fshing within
the realm of his experience.
This is your opportunity to hear
and understand the system that a vet-
eran guide uses to make decisions that
pay off in fnding fsh that others cant,
fnding fsh during extreme conditions,
and making fsh bite even if they are not
hungry, said Bounds.
Captain Brady was once heard
at a local ramp telling a well wisher,
Thanks for the sentiments, but luck has
nothing to do with fshing. Learn why
he stands by that statement. Attendees
are invited to bring their chart books
and a Sharpie pen for note taking.
The meeting is free. Wings, other
food and beverages will be available
for purchase beginning at 6:30 p.m. for
those attending the meeting.
Chance to Chal-
lenge a Guide at CCa
Chapter Meeting
smith ready to
set the Pace in College
With his mother Laurie Anderson-Smith, Ryken coaches
and principal Rick Wood, St. Marys Ryken graduate
Kai Smith signs his letter of intent to play basketball at
Pace University.
Photo By Chris Stevens
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 29
On Sunday, July 18, the St. Marys Coun-
ty Tennis Association 18 & under Intermediate
Junior Team claimed the 2010 USTA Junior
Tennis Team Maryland State Championship
after defeating Montgomery County in the
fnals held at McDonogh School in Owings
Mills. St. Marys advanced to the champion-
ship match with decisive wins in their fight the
day before over Talbot and Howard Counties.
The squad is coached by Matt Taggert,
assistant coach at Great Mills High School,
and Derek Sabedra, head coach at St. Marys
College of Maryland. The frst-ever 18 & un-
der state championship team was comprised
of Great Mills athletes Billy Clark, Robert
Bishop, Hope Ironmonger, Danielle Gorman,
Lydia Browne, and Tiffany Moreira as well
as Leonardtown High School students Zach
Maier and Spencer White. Grace White
(Leonardtown Middle) and Connor McKissick
(The Calverton School) rounded out the team.
In recognition of their great accomplish-
ment, the St. Marys County 18 & under Junior
Team will be recognized on center court at the
2010 Legg Mason Tennis Classic on August
2 at 5:15 pm at the William H.G. FitzGerald
Tennis Center in Rock Creek Park
(Washington, D.C.).
In addition, the St. Marys
County 10 & under Intermediate
& Below Team received medals
as state fnalists, playing Howard
County in the Saturdays fnals.
Congratulations to players Paul
Bishop, Annabelle Finagin, Har-
ita Iswara, Domenic Guadagnoli,
Noah Guadagnoli, Liam Poole,
and Rebecca Arnold. The team
is coached by Brian Abell, Steve
Bishop, and Christine Driscoll.
Both the 18 & under and the
10 & under squads will now repre-
sent St. Marys County at the 2010
USTA Mid-Atlantic JTT Sectional
Championships at the University
of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Vir-
ginia, on August 13-15.
St. Marys County local league winners,
the 14 & under Intermediate & Below Green
Team, also competed at the USTA Junior Team
Tennis Maryland State Championships. The
squad faced tough opponents from Montgom-
ery County and the eventual state champion,
Prince Georges County, in their fight. Con-
gratulations to Jason Balazs, Maeve Coughlin,
Alysha Hodkiewicz, Kiranjit Kaur, Daniel
Rizkowski, and Rohan Singh on a great run.
The team is coached by Sue Bellis, Keith Riz-
kowski, Brian Abell, and Chris Coughlin.
Sp rts
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
On Sundays at Leonardtown High
School and Thursdays at Great Mills
High, the St. Marys Chapter of the Unit-
ed States Tennis Association holds social
doubles matches, allowing tennis play-
ers of varying skill levels to get together
have fun playing the game throughout
the summer.
None of the matches are recorded,
the players are just out here to have some
fun, said Cris Sigler, who oversees the
weekend action at Leonardtown High
School. We have a variety of players
from beginners to advanced levels that
play in the league and we usually get two
or three rounds in on most evenings.
The social doubles league goes
through the end of this month on Sun-
days at Leonardtown high and through
the end of September on Thurs-
days at Great Mills. Interested
players can play at LHS for $25
and for $30 at Great Mills.
Sigler, who by his count has
played tennis for many years and
presided over the Leonardtown
social doubles league for the last
eight years, believes that the un-
predictable nature of tennis is
what makes it such a fun sport
to compete in, noting that advan-
tages are slim and none in this
Its fun no matter what lev-
el, theres enjoyment in playing
and being a challenged a little bit,
he says. Someone who is a great
conditioned athlete has a chance
against a more skilled tennis play-
er who is not as conditioned, so
you have to think and you do need
skill and athleticism.
Tennis Leagues Provide Summer Fun
The inaugural Southern Maryland Ju-
nior Tournament held at St. Marys College
of Maryland concluded on July 23 with the
crowning of thirteen champions.
Derek Sabedra, the tournament direc-
tor and head coach at St. Marys College, re-
ported that 33 players (25 males, 8 females)
entered his frst-ever USTA sanctioned junior
tournament spanning two states (Maryland
and Virginia) as well as fve counties (St.
Marys, Calvert, Charles, Anne Arundel, and
Great Mills High School, the 2010 South-
ern Maryland Athletic Conference (SMAC)
Tennis Champion, was highly represented
with 11 entrants and four championships.
Leonardtown High Schools Robert Renfrow,
ranked No. 18 in the Mid-Atlantic Region for
16 & under and No. 46 for 18 & under, defeat-
ed Maryland state tournament qualifer Ryan
Indgjer of Chopticon High School in the 18 &
under singles fnal.
2010 Southern Maryland Ju-
nior Tournament Champions
10 Singles Richard Chaney (Lothian, Md.)
12 Singles Scott Flood (Leonardtown, Md.)
14 Singles Ryan Cornellier (Dunkirk, Md.)
16 Singles Alex Klapka (Tall Timbers,
18 Singles Robert Renfrow (Leonardtown,
14 Doubles Max Gipson (Arnold, Md.)/Kel-
son Morawski (Arnold, Md.)
16 Doubles Conner McKissick (Mechan-
icsville, Md.)/Michael Johnson (Hollywood,
18 Doubles Billy Clark (California, Md.)/
Chad Hrenko (Leonardtown HS)
12 Singles Azuri Hughes (Brandywine,
14 Singles Josephine Gresko (Fredericks-
burg, Va.)
16 Doubles Lydia Browne (Lexington Park,
Md.)/Victoria Weber (Great Mills HS)
14 Doubles Ryan Cornellier (Dunkirk,
Md.)/Summer Sloan (Annapolis, Md.)
18 Doubles Jake McGuire (Great Mills HS)/
Danielle Gorman (Lexington Park, Md.)
Winning USTA Tennis Juniors
2010 Southern
Maryland Junior
Social Doubles for Adults is held twice
weekly and consists of informal doubles
matches, put together by the site coordinator,
based on that days attendance. All who show
up will get to play.
5 P.M. Sundays at Leonardtown High
School, May 27th through August. Contact Cris
Sigler at 410-326-6383 or
5 P.M. Thursdays at Great Mills High
School, June 6th through September. Contact
Bob Stratton at 443-926-2070 or rstratton55@
The league fee is $25 for the Leonardtown
site and $30 for the Great Mills site. Fees in-
clude court costs and balls. No registration is
St Marys County USTA Tennis League is
looking for Captains and 3.0 & 3.5 rated play-
ers for senior men, women and mixed doubles
teams. Season runs from June-August. Must be a
USTA member and have reached ffty (50) years
of age prior to, or during, the 2010 calendar year.
Contact Mai-Liem Slade if interested, mlslade@ or 301-481-2305.
Tennis Social Doubles
USTA Tennis
Senior Leagues
Photo By Frank Marquart
Photo By Frank Marquart
Alice Virts
Keith Rizkowski
Leonardtown Highs Robert Renfrow was a
winner in the Southern Maryland Junior Tennis
Tournament last month at St. Marys College.
The Southern Maryland Under 18 team had a good showing
at the USTA Maryland State Team championships in July.
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 30
Blue Crabs
Defensive Miscues By Newark Give
Blue Crabs Second Win in a Row
Four errors by the Newark Bears allowed
the Blue Crabs to score as many unearned
runs, and cruise to an 8-2 victory Tuesday
night at Regency Furniture Stadium.
The Blue Crabs took a 1-0 lead in the
second inning when third baseman Jeremy
Owens scored on rightfelder Ben Harrisons
RBI double.
Southern Maryland then capitalized on
an error the following inning to go ahead
With two outs and the bases loaded, frst
baseman Eric Crozier drew a walk, scoring
catcher Christian Lopez. Shortstop Travis
Garcia then bounced a routine grounder that
went between frst baseman Daryle Wards
The defensive miscue brought center-
felder Richard Giannotti and designated hit-
ter Matt Craig around to score. Owens sub-
sequently hit an RBI infeld single, driving
in Crozier. LHP Craig Anderson (8-2) held
Newark scoreless through three innings, and
tossed seven in all to earn the win.
The Bears got on the board in the fourth
on an RBI single by leftfelder Elijah Dukes.
Southern Maryland responded immediately
though, as leftfelder Shaun Cumberland
crushed a solo homer to right in the bottom
of the inning. It was his eighth of the season.
The Bears cut their defcit down to 6-2 in
the ffth when shortstop Randy Gress scored
from third on second baseman Tim Raines
Jr.s sac fy.
After a single by centerfelder Kennard
Jones, Anderson fnished his night by retir-
ing seven batters in a row.
The Crabs tacked on another run in both
the sixth and seventh innings. Craigs RBI
double drove in Cumberland, and Owens
scored on a throwing error by Gress.
Lefties Jason Waddell and Bryan Du-
mesnil each pitched a scoreless inning in
relief of Anderson. Meanwhile, Bears RHP
Mike Loree dropped to 4-9 on the year.
At 63-39, the frst place Blue Crabs
maintain the best overall record in the Atlan-
tic League and are a season-high 24 games
over .500. They also hold the circuits best
second-half record as well at 22-10.
The Blue Crabs were back in action
Wednesday evening at Regency Furniture
Stadium, in game three of this four-game
series against Newark, continuing a seven-
game homestand. LHP Shane Youman (3-
4, 5.70) was scheduled to pitch for Newark,
against RHP Dan Reichert (12-7, 4.00) for
Southern Maryland.
Sp rts
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Sailors aboard 123 yachts participated in the 37
Annual Gover-
nors Cup Yacht Race over the weekend, launching at 6 p.m. Friday,
August 6, from Annapolis and traveling through the night to arrive
in St. Marys City at dawn on Saturday.
Wind conditions allowed the faster vessels to sail with their
spinnakers 80 percent of the time for much of the race down the
Chesapeake Bay. The slower boats, however, had to deal with calmer
conditions, including a virtual standstill which happened during the
last quarter of the race, according to James Muldoon, skipper of the
Donnybrook, who won this years special Alumni Trophy along with
St. Marys graduates Sara Morgan Watters (class of 2010) and Justin
Long (class of 2008).
Muldoon, who has been sailing in the competition for the last 34
years, said that hed hoped for stronger winds during the last leg of
the race, but hed been slowed down during the last two hours.
Let me tell you, three fourths of it was great, he said, but the
last part was bad. We were almost on a record-breaking pace until
we got to Lookout, and we got to Lookout probably in about 5 hours,
and as soon as we turned in the river it took us two hours. The
wind just went away.
Muldoon, who was honored with a surprise tribute ceremony
before the racing awards were announced on Saturday, said he cur-
rently holds the record for the Governors Cup, having completed the
race in six hours and nine minutes.
That record will never ever be broken, because well never
have 30 knots of wind out of the northwest again! he exclaimed.
In the A-O class, Charles Engh came in frst on Stray Dog. Kip-
per Greg Leonard brought in Heron frst for a win in the A-1 class.
Skipper Clarke McKinney on The Riddler, was frst in the A-2 class.
Skipper Ed Tracey, on Incommunicado, was frst in the B class. In
C-D, Michael Cone on ACTAEA was frst. In the N class, Vagabond
skippered by Jack Lusby, was frst.
In the multihull class, Timothy Layne brought in Wild Card
frst. Best in feet, the Waldschmitt Award, went to Greg Leonard
on Heron, in the A-1 class, for having the smallest corrected time
interval between frst- and seventh-place fnishers.
Special awards were given for Lady Grey, skippered by Joe
Laun, who won the Bickell Award, named for Steven Bickell, a racer
who died accidentally while sailing in the 1994 Governors Cup.
The trophy is awarded to the skipper and crew whose fnish position
shows the most improvement over last year.
The Patuxent Partnership (TPP) Trophy was awarded to Invic-
tus skippered by Peter Gibbons. The award goes to honor crews em-
ployed by TPP-member companies, active duty military, or Depart-
ment of Defense personnel.
This year sailboats were tracked live by a GPS system that dis-
played the race online in real time,
continually tracking the location of
each boat by name throughout the
race. To view footage of this years
race and preliminary race results, go
Six current and former players along with coach-
es from the JETS teamed with the Maryland Depart-
ment of Natural Resources 29 July 2010, the girls
caught tagged and released 16 Rockfsh in the 2010
Maryland Fishing Challenge The Search for Dia-
mond Jim. Up to 200 specially tagged striped bass
including imposters and one genuine Diamond Jim
were released into the waters of the Chesapeake Bay
and its tributaries. The actual tagged Diamond Jim
is worth $25,000 if caught in August. Diamond Jim
imposters are worth $500 each for the duration of the
contest, which ends Labor Day, September 6, 2010.
The program was created to promote recreational fsh-
ing in Maryland, recognize angler efforts and inspire
natural resources stewardship. Whether experienced
anglers or frst-timers, Marylanders of all walks of
life can participate with their families in the Fishing
Challenge, said Governor Martin OMalley. This is
a great opportunity to introduce a new generation to
one of Marylands greatest traditions, the sport of fsh-
ing. Pictured from left to right are: DNR Biologist
Amy Batdorf, Katelyn Blondino, Claire Ganoe, Re-
becca Werrell, Coach Mac, Kimmy Becher, Christina
Ferrara, Coach Todd Ferrara and Rachel Ferrara. The
Team was aboard the Patience captained by Tommy
Ireland. For more information go to: http://www.dnr.
37th Annual Governors Cup Draws Skippers of All Stripes
Girls Lacrosse Players
Reunite to Help DNR
The Jets girls lacrosse team out on the boat.
The County Times
Thursday, August 12, 2010 31
The culmination of a
Special Olympics sports sea-
son is the state competition.
After months of training, 58
track and feld athletes, 15
softball players, 12 swimmers,
and 27 bocce players spent
three June days participat-
ing in the Maryland Summer
Games competition at Towson
University. They were joined
by over 1,700 athletes from
around the state to compete in
their chosen sport.
The unifed softball team,
led by coach Jim Hawkins,
competed against teams from
Frederick, Prince Georges,
Baltimore City, and Baltimore
County. The team played 5
games over the weekend to
capture the gold, but it did not
come easy. The team relied
on their strong defense, pitch-
ing, good bats, and excellent
teamwork to be victorious.
Congratulations team on a job
well done.
The bocce athletes played singles, 2-per-
son teams, and 2-person unifed teams. The
players demonstrated patience and strategy,
resulting in several gold medals. Head Coach
Serge Lefebvre supported the state competi-
tion by being an offcial and providing training.
He commented, Each player competed in two
games each day. In spite of the heat, our athletes
bought home some bling. Coach Gene Thomp-
son added, whether the athlete was seasoned
or new this year, they all played well under the
stress of competition. The artifcial surface
stayed very consistent and our athletes accept-
ed the challenge with great games. Bocce is
similar to lawn bowling and requires accuracy
and strategy to win.
The St. Marys aquatics teams swam in a
variety of events this year including free style,
back-stroke, butterfy, breaststroke, and relays.
They defnitely made their coaches proud by
bringing home gold, silver, and bronze awards.
Aquatics Head Coach Lynne Baker comment-
ed, Our swimmers did very well this weekend.
We couldnt have asked for a better team. This
years aquatics program attracted more athletes
than ever before, with a couple of our athletes
participating on their high school teams.
In track and feld, athletes competed in
three events and a relay from the feld of 50,
100, 200, 400, and 800 meter runs, the throw-
ing events of shotput, mini javelin, and soft-
ball, running, standing, and high jumps. Head
Coach Joe Owens supported the efforts of
three athletes who entered the 800 meter race
this year: Moses Weaver, Emoni Butler, and
Brandon Chan. All three made a great show-
ing in their individual divisions: Emoni won
frst, Moses won second, and Brandon won
third. Athletes Larry Mills Thomas Smith,
Terrel Nowlin, Avery Long, and Wayne Carter
competed as pentathlon athletes. Coach Lloyd
Grayson commented on these athletes perfor-
mances, Each athlete scored their personal
best in at least one of their events. We are very
proud of them. A remarkable happening of
the games was the opportunity for Jerry Gat-
ton, a blink individual, to run the 50 meter race
without holding on to a
rope, rather he listened to
the voice of Coach Owens
in front of him to guide
him in his lane. After the
race, Jerry was overcome
with joy and said, I felt
free for the frst time.
Concurrent with
the Athletics, Aquatics,
Softball, and Bocce com-
petitions at Towson Uni-
versity, the Equestrian
Center in Upper Marlboro
was the site for the State
Special Olympics Eques-
trian Competition. Three
athletes from St. Marys
Shelby Beall, Austin
Kraese and Amanda
Lowe competed on hors-
es from Greenwell and
Serenity Farms. Each
athlete showed their abil-
ity to control the horse to
lead them to victory.
Sp rts
St. Marys Athletes Compete at
State Level, Achieve Success
Parish Butler passes the baton to Justin Thompson in the 4 x 100 relay
during the Special Olympics Summer Games.
Shaun Ridley takes a pitch during a Special Olympics softball
August 12, 2010
Photo By Frank Marquart
Up an Ace
Page 29
Story Page 19
Local Teen Honored
for Drowning Rescue
Story Page 6
OMalley Rallies in
Story Page 5
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