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Thursday, July 8, 2010 Thursday, July 8, 2010 www.somd.

Huge Holiday
Turnout In Hollywood
Photo By Frank Marquart
Story Page 5
Story Page 6
Story Page 11
Crime A Problem In
Colony Square
County Offce Filing
Deadline Passes
Smartronix Revamping
Treasury Site
Thursday, July 8, 2010 2
The County Times
On T he Covers
Several thousand St. Marys County residents gathered at the
Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department Saturday to view the fre-
works display.
stock market
For Weekly Stock Market
cloSing reSultS, check Page 11
in Money
Also Inside
3 County News
9 Editorial
10 Crime and Punishment
11 Money
13 Obituaries
16 Education
18 Cover Story
21 Newsmakers
22 Community
24 Community Calendar
26 Entertainment
27 Columns
28 Games
30 Mower Races
32 Sports Desk
34 Fishing
34 Lacrosse
Whats Inside
Whats Inside
Steve Waugh, Maryland State Senate candidate, speaks
with visitors at the River Concert Series Independence Day
Weekend at St. Marys College.
David McKay, CEO of McKays fne foods places a bid on
locally grown green peppers Wednesday at the Loveville
Produce Auction.
Do You Feel Crabby When You Get Your
Insurance Bill in the Mail? Give Us A Call.
Youll Be Glad You Did.
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Bryans Road, MD 20616
An Independent Agent Representing: ERIE INSURANCE GROUP
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Auto - Home - Business - Life
Leonardtown & LaPlata Bus: (301) 475-3151
Burris Olde Towne Insurance
Gary Simpson
Katie Facchina
7480 Crain Highway
La Plata, MD 20646
Chesapeake Orchestra
Jeffrey Silberschlag,
music director
Thanks To our series sponsors
Arts Alliance of St. Marys College of Maryland BAE Systems
Booz Allen Hamilton Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. G&H Jewelers
Lockheed Martin ManTech International Corporation Maryland Public Television
Maryland State Arts Council MetroCast Communications
Northrop Grumman Raytheon River Concert Series Audience SAIC Smartronix
St. Marys County Arts Council St. Marys County Government Wyle
All concerts are FREE! Concerts
begin each week at 7 PM. The
grounds on Townhouse Green at
SMCM open at 5 PM for picnicking
or purchasing food from a wide
variety of vendors. For more
information, call 240-895-2024 or
visit www.riverconcertseries.com


July 10
on location
River Concert Series
Brass Quintet 7PM
On the Square in
July 14
at the movies
Vitus 7PM
Cole Cinema
SMCM Brass 9PM
Ross Wixon '10, trumpet
Zach Silberschlag, trumpet
Craig Wixon, French horn
Andrew Lewellyn, trombone
Zach Silberschlag
the chesapeake orchestra
and larry vote, guest
conductor, welcome
michelle Johnson, soprano,
olivia vote, mezzo
soprano, and Brian major,
baritone for an evening of
opera aria highlights.
Concert Sponsors Phocus Video Taylor Gas
July 9 ~ A Grand Night of Singing
Larry Vote
Michelle Johnson
Olivia Vote
Brian Major
Mike Adams
Clements resident Jason Brown is ready to race in his home-
town in this weekends sixth annual St. Marys County Lawn-
mower Race.
I see an offce
that needs a
jumpstart. It
has not come
to the forefront
with regards to
-County Commisioner
Dan Raley (D-Great
Mills) on his candidacy
for St. Marys County
Thursday, July 8, 2010 3
The County Times
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
Thomas F. McKay an-
nounced his plan Tuesday to
seek re-election to the posi-
tion he held four years ago,
President of the St. Marys
County Board of Commis-
sioners. McKay served from
2002 to 2006 as commission-
er president.
In this tough economy
people are looking for people
who can get the job done
without spending more and
more money, McKay said
in an interview Wednesday.
People are reaching out to
proven leaders who under-
stand the challenges being faced by businesses, small and large, and by
the citizens of Maryland as they struggle to make ends meet.
McKay said he intends to restore the former record of respon-
sible government to St. Marys County and provide a model for how
a county should operate in a tough economy with dwindling county
My true desire is to make this a better environment for busi-
nesses to do business, for jobs to grow, for peoples salaries to grow and
for government to provide the necessary services but not overreach
and be all things for all people, McKay said. I feel obligated to do my
part to make sure that we dont leave our children with a lower quality
of life and a higher burden than what weve enjoyed.
Deciding to run was a tough choice, McKay said, but he was en-
couraged by the hundreds of people who urged him to fle.
Quite frankly Ive had literally 500 to 1,000 people that have
personally asked me to do this and that isnt the only thing that com-
pelled me, but it has given me confdence, McKay said. Ive been
debating this over the last several months, fnally my wife and family
and I concluded that it is just too important not to do.
Im concerned, like many, many folks out here, that the over-
spending of individuals and government has created an overreach leav-
ing people concerned about our future and the future burden that were
going to leave our children, he said.
McKay said his record during his term as commissioner president
is exemplary in terms of reducing the size of the government, control-
ling spending, reducing taxes and prioritizing government.
I want to get back in there and continue some of the good things
we started and correct some of the things that have happened that I
think have been misguided over the last four years, he said.
Some of those initiatives that have gotten off track include educa-
tion being moved to the back burner, and high-dollar projects such as a
new county jail, McKay said.
When I took offce in 2002 we were the second-worst funded
county in the state for per-pupil funding in our schools. We put to-
gether a program, The Bridge to Excellence, that had that funding level
improving at a very rapid pace, he said. When I left offce we have
moved from 23
in the state to somewhere around 15
or 16
in the
state, and in the four years since Ive left weve dropped straight to last
This whole concept of doubling the size of our jail. I really think
that is something that this community really needs to step back from
for a minute and take a deep breath and really ask ourselves: Are we
really doing the right thing on this?
McKay said he plans to run a smart campaign based on issues and
policy, and has set a self-imposed cap on campaign contributions at
$250 per person or business.
In these economic times, Id rather see those businesses give pay
increases rather than spending thousands on donations.
County Times Publisher Seeks
Re-election as Commissioner President
Thomas F. McKay
Thomas F. Mckay, with wife Laschelle McKay, fles paperwork at the
St. Marys County Board of Elections to join the race for county com-
missioner president.
Thursday, July 8, 2010 4
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 5
The County Times
Todays Newsmakers In Brief
Crime In Colony Square Community A Perpetual Problem
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
County government and law enforcement offcials are
taking more notice of the problems being reported from the
Colony Square neighborhood in Lexington Park.
Residents there say that certain residents in the commu-
nity as well as people from outside the neighborhood make it
nearly unlivable as crime is rampant, trash piles up and po-
lice are in and out of the community trying to control the
situation with too few resources.
One resident, who spoke with The County Times on
condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals from within
the community, said that the neighborhood has had
crime problems for years and they are only getting
The resident said that many of the problems
stem from residents living there in homes on
housing subsidies. Some of these residents are
unemployed, they say, and do little to maintain
the community.
They move one Section 8 family out
and they move another one in, the resident
said, adding that when a family moves in
sometimes many more move in who are
not supposed to live there.
Moreover violence in one form
or another is a near every day oc-
currence that has spread through-
out the entire community.
Its getting worse, the
resident said. Weve had
guys fghting outside
with knives, weve
had gun shots.
Every road
has problems.
A n d
those community streets have been divided up by local gang
factions, the resident said, and they defend their territory from
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron said that police offcers have
found local gang activity in the neighborhood and he confrmed
much of the complaints coming from there.
We have investigations going on right now, Cameron
said. We have offcers in coming in and out of there all the
Theres some local gang activity going on there and weve
seen a pattern of escalating violence or the potential for it.
Cameron said that from June 15 of 2009 to the same time
this year there have been a total of 277 calls for service of vary-
ing sorts in the community with 54 of them being backed up by
ongoing criminal investigation reports and they run the gamut
of offenses.
Cameron said that there have been 11 assaults for varying
degrees, one assault on a police offcer, four emergency evalua-
tions, three domestic assaults, three child abuse investigations,
an armed robbery and a sex offense investigation.
He also reported that there have been at least eight prop-
erty thefts, one car theft, three threat complaints and seven
complaints of vandalism.
Police are actively seeking 11 people for warrant service
who call the community home, Cameron said.
Drug activity continues to plague the community, Cam-
eron said, and police enforcement will begin to focus on stem-
ming the tide of violators coming from outside the neighbor-
hood but the communitys help would be have to be a part of
that effort.
So far, government projects to improve the area have not
yielded the fruit offcials had expected.
Were going to try to put some more [police] resources in
there, said Commissioner Daniel H. Raley (D-Great Mills).
It was a hope that once we built the new fre station, the new
library and renovated the elementary school that would ad-
dress some of the longstanding issues there but that hasnt hap-
pened yet.
Raley said he believed those revitalization efforts could
still help.
Cameron said the job of cleaning up the neighborhood
would be a challenging one.
We need a very focused and dedicated effort and thats
diffcult we have very limited resources.
And its tough to do when you have [property] owners
living outside the community.
Cameron said that fear and intimidation were also
hampering efforts to get the community to speak out
about problems there and the resident agreed.
They said that large groups of people often
gather in the street at varying times of the
day, blocking traffc, creating disturbanc-
es and engaging in public drinking.
Its horrible, the resident said.
My tax money is paying for them
to stay there they dont care if
anyone has to work.
Some weeks I never get
any sleep. Most of the time Im
afraid to go out at night.
By Diane Burr and Guy Leonard
Staff Writers
George Owings, of Dunkirk, has said his departure from
the governors race and the Democratic primary is due to ma-
jor surgery that requires a strict recovery period, but political
observers say that his leaving the race will likely have little
impact between the incumbent Martin OMalley and former
GOP governor Robert Ehrlich.
Its something I didnt want to do, and I held off as long
as I could, said Owings. Now it goes against common sense
to try to continue.
On Jan. 6, Owings announced he was taking on OMalley.
Ehrlichs announcement to run against his Democratic rival
followed shortly after.
The former Calvert County Delegate (D-27B) and for-
mer state Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs
admits his candidacy was a long shot and that he was taking
on the machine. He says his campaign was always under the
radar, but believes he was making gains.
Michael Cain, political science professor at St. Marys
College of Maryland, said that Owings candidacy was in-
triguing but did not have the energy to make a signifcant
He had high hopes he had a chance, especially if he got
a good running mate and some money, Cain told The County
Times. He just didnt have the political clout in the state any-
more. He used to.
On the morning of May 25, just three days after a fund-
raiser at the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department, Owings
underwent surgery at Baltimore/Washington Medical Center
for a serious emergency procedure.
Fifteen years ago, I was watching TV with my mother
and heard a pop. Her aortic aneurism burst, and she could not
be saved. Doctors told me it was hereditary and I found out
that I had one. Ive had it checked every six months ever since
fnding out.
If its fve centimeters or greater, doctors get concerned.
For four years, mine was holding at 4.71 centimeters. Dur-
ing the campaign, my doctor said it grew at an alarming rate
- more in three months than in three years. They told me I
had no choice but to have the surgery, and quickly. Owings
Following the surgery, he must avoid strenuous activity
to include driving and he can not lift more than fve pounds.
Im 65 years old. If I had won, Id have been 69 at the
end of my frst term. I just dont see trying to run again in four
years when Im that old.
Owings does not think, however, that he will never make
a return to politics.
Depending on who ends up in the Governors house af-
ter this election, sure, Id consider going back to Annapolis.
Ill always stay focused on vets issues and involved in the
community and environmental issues. Im always open to
suggestions. Ill just go from here.
Cain said that, though Owings has dropped out of the
governors race, his political future could still be tied to any
potential success of Ehrlichs, since both have attempted po-
litical comebacks and Owings is two years farther out than
Ehrlich after his 2006 defeat.
If Ehrlich wins, it could signal an opening for someone
like Owings in Annapolis.
Its tough to come back after so many years, Cain
George Owings Quits Governor
Bid Amid Health Concerns
Police respond
to a disturbance
in the Colony Square
neighborhood. Residents
complaining of crime problems
there say its one of many.
On the diverse feld of candidates
seeking offce this year.
Its a very heated year for politics
this year. Theres a lot of energy
and a lot of participation.
David Willenborg, chairman of
the St. Marys County Republican
Central Committee
Its constant always
every day, but its the price
youve got to pay if you
want to win this race.
Charles Lollar, Republican
candidate for Congress,
talking about his
campaigning schedule.
Thursday, July 8, 2010 6
The County Times
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued
a proposed cap on the amount of phosphorous and nitrogen
that can make its way into the Chesapeake Bay each year as
the frst step in the agencys sweeping effort to clean up the
troubled body of water.
The plan will limit the amount of the two nutrients that
can come from each of the six states that make up the Ches-
apeake Bay watershed, information from the EPA states,
which includes 64,000 square miles.
The proposed limits include no more than 187.4 mil-
lion pounds of nitrogen and 12.5 million pounds of phos-
phorous each year from the combined watershed.
Restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries will
not be easy, said Shawn M. Garvin, regional administra-
tor for the EPA. While we all realize that every jurisdic-
tion in within the watershed will have to make very diff-
cult choices to reduce pollution, we also recognize that we
must collectively accelerate our efforts if we are going to
restore this national treasure as part of our legacy for future
Dawn Stolzfus, spokeswoman for the Maryland De-
partment of the Environment, said that the guidelines the
federal government wants to impose were close to what the
state expected; the state was in a good position to fulfll
those goals because of stringent new measures regarding
waste water treatment plant upgrades, animal feed opera-
tions and storm water management systems.
Weve got some things underway but were going to
have to do more, Stolzfus said.
The state is already working on the frst phase of a
watershed restoration plan that is due to the federal govern-
ment by Sept. 1.
Individual counties and jurisdictions will have to have
similar plans by November of 2011, she said.
Most of the work to meet these goals, Stolzfus said,
about 60 percent, must be completed by 2017 by the federal
The total load for both phosphorus and nitrogen, ac-
cording to EPA information, in the Patuxent River basin is
a little more than 3 million pounds in a year.
For the Potomac River basins portion from Maryland
the count is a little more than 16 million pounds of both
EPA Announces Proposed
Pollution Load Limits For
Chesapeake Bay
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
As the July 6 fling deadline for
the 2010 primaries drew closer, many
candidates took time during the 4

of July holiday weekend to connect
with voters and campaign while they
At St. Marys College during
their Summon the Heroes program
on July 2, Republican Congressional
candidate Charles Lollar could be
seen talking with voters for much of
the evening, and he told The County
Times that his holiday weekend would
be full of campaign events.
I have two events tomorrow,
three events on the fourth, and then
two more events on the ffth, he
said. Ive got to speak at Severn
Church on the 4
to about 2,000 peo-
ple there. Im going to be in the pa-
rade in Anne Arundel County, then
the festival in La Plata, and Ive got
to be at a couple of picnics in Charles
County, so its very busy for me.
Republican Collins Bailey,
who is also running against Rep.
Steny Hoyer for Marylands 5
trict, said his holiday weekend had
been centered on church and family
In an email to The
County Times, he said that
the 4
was his 22-year-old
sons birthday, and that he
would be going to Chelten-
ham Youth Facility for Bible
studies, followed by a stint of
preaching at Camp Springs
Community Church in Clin-
ton. Bailey said that the rest
of his holiday was spent be-
tween his mother-in-laws
house and Benjamin Stoddert
Middle School in Waldorf,
where he attended a public
freworks display with his
Congressional incum-
bent Steny Hoyer made ap-
pearances at the River Con-
cert Series on Friday, attend-
ed the Herrington Harbor In-
dependence Day Celebration
on Saturday, and on Monday
had a series of meetings in St.
Marys where he talked with
veterans, seniors, business
owners and others.
Susan Gaztaaga, who is running
for Governor on the Libertarian ticket
in the general election, spent Sunday
morning riding in the Dundalk Heri-
tage Parade, where she said the Lib-
ertarian party has been represented
for the last several years. Gaztaaga
also campaigned at the Sowebo Arts
Festival in Baltimore on May 30, and
the Baltimore Gay Pride Festival on
June 19 and 20, and said she will be
campaigning from booths at numer-
ous other festivals as they come up, in-
cluding Hamilton, Essex, Chesapeake
Pride and Fells Point.
Gaztaaga told The County
Times that she and her running mate,
Doug McNeil, will be at the Washing-
ton County Federation of Sports Clubs
on July 27, and she plans to go to Gar-
rett County for their fair on August
Gubernatorial candidate J.P. Cu-
sick, from Hollywood, said he spent
his weekend campaigning
online instead of in per-
son, participating in sev-
eral community forums
through somd.com and
other sites where he communicates
with voters.
On July 3rd the Hollywood
frehouse had a freworks display
I was able to view the higher blast
from my front yard in Hollywood, he
said, and that was fun. On the 4th I
watched the celebration on the Wash-
ington Mall on PBS.
Campaigning activities are ex-
pected to increase as the July 6 fling
deadline passes and those running for
offce strive to increase their presence
with the public, but face-time has be-
come a rule of thumb for many on the
trail already, as was evident when Lol-
lar commented on the dizzying pace
of campaigning, and his hopes that his
public appearances would help him
win votes this November.
Its constant always every
day, but its the price youve got to pay
if you want to win this race, he said.
Candidates Take Advantage of Holiday
Crowds for Campaigning
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
As the fling deadline for the 2010 gubernatorial elections
passed Tuesday night, there were still a few surprises in store.
The race for the presidency of the Board of County Commis-
sioners expanded as the former offce holder Thomas F. McKay
fled to reclaim that seat.
McKay faces Kenneth Booth of Great Mills and Randy Guy
of Clements in the GOP primary race.
Booth fled a year ago while Guy has campaigned with a slate
of candidates headed by incumbent Commissioner Lawrence D.
Current Commissioner President Francis Jack Russell (D-St.
George Island) stands alone in the Democratic primary.
David Willenborg, chairman of the countys Republican Cen-
tral Committee, said the group was neutral in the primary races but
noted that McKays entry would generate much interest.
McKay served from 2002 to 2006 as commissioner president
but left that seat to run a campaign against Sen. Roy P. Dyson
which was unsuccessful.
I dont think anybody can debate his qualifcations for
the task, Willenborg said. Hell raise the bar in the debate for
Michael Cain, professor of political science at St. Marys Col-
lege of Maryland said that McKays name recognition was an im-
portant advantage in the race against others in the GOP primary.
He has to be seen as a very strong candidate, Cain said.
But both McKay and Russell have wide name recognition in the
Also, the race for county treasurer, which has been uncon-
tested for several cycles found a new candidate in current County
Commissioner Daniel H. Raley (D-Great Mills).
Raley, who is term limited as a commissioner, said that he
would try to modernize the county treasurers offce to make it
more user friendly to the public.
I see an offce that needs a jumpstart, Raley told The Coun-
ty Times Tuesday. It has not come to the forefront with regards to
Raley said that the offce should make on-line services avail-
able to county residents and he also said that the actual property
tax bills sent out each year by the offce were sometimes confusing
to the average citizen and could be clairifed.
The long-time incumbent treasurer Jannette Norris said that
she was surprised by Raleys late fling as he had not talked to her
about his bid.
Norris said she had worked with Raley in their respective po-
sitions for 12 years and had never heard any complaints regarding
any lack of technology at the treasurers offce.
Hes never mentioned anything to me about technology in
the offce or about the readability of the tax bill, Norris said.
She added that the countys information technology depart-
ment had advised her that going on-line with the offces current
software system was not possible.
Norris said she did not want to incur the expense of switching
to a new software system.
Races Solidify As Deadline For Filing Passes
Steve Waugh, Maryland State Senate candidate, speaks with
visitors at the River Concert Series Independence Day Week-
end at St. Marys College.
Candidate for Congress Charles Lollar talks to poten-
tial constituents.
Thursday, July 8, 2010 7
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 8
The County Times
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Thursday, July 8, 2010 9
The County Times
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Eric McKay - Associate Publisher..............................ericmckay@countytimes.net
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Sean Rice - Editor......................................................................seanrice@countytimes.net
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Andrea Shiell - Reporter - Education, Entertainment...andreashiell@countytimes.net
Chris Stevens - Reporter - Sports......................................chrisstevens@countytimes.net
Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government, Crime...............guyleonard@countytimes.net
Sales Representatives......................................................................sales@countytimes.net
My name is Ralph Jaffe. I am a political
science teacher.
When I frst started teaching in 1964 I told
my students that Maryland was one of the most
corrupt states in the Union. Fast forward to
2010 - nothing has changed.
This is why I am now a candidate for gov-
ernor in the September 2010 Democratic pri-
mary. I want to put a stop to the moral bank-
ruptcy in Maryland politics and replace it with
a new word, ETHICS.
My platform is based on 5 principles.
#1 - I will not accept campaign contribu-
tions because they are disguised bribes.
#2 - I will have no dealings with paid pro-
fessional lobbyists.
#3 - I will serve one term only. This way
Im not in the campaign for power, fame, or
personal wealth, but rather I want to be a good
public servant.
#4 - I will tell the truth all of the time, not
some of the time.
#5 - I will serve free. I will set aside the
$150,000 annual salary of the governor for the
purpose of trying to hire a combination of three
teachers, frefghters and/or police offcers.
These 5 principles must be adhered to if
we are ever going to get true, ethical politicians.
I am not a politician; rather, I am a teacher.
Electing me as the next governor in the state
of Maryland would mark a major step in the
movement to compel future politicians to com-
ply with the above stated principles.
Yes - this s a peaceful revolution to get rid
of money and corruption out of politics. Im
asking you to join this movement and make this
goal a reality. Please call me at 410-764-2409
and help bring about true, ethical reform in our
political system.
Ralph Jaffe,
Democratic candidate for Governor
Lets Restore Ethics to Politics
The curly haired, handsome six-year-old
kindergarten child swaggered up to the teach-
ers desk.
Hi, Miss Conklin, he said. May I have
a condom, please? I have a heavy date in those
bushes behind the school during recess.
Miss Conklin opened her desk drawer and
withdrew a handful of condoms. Would you
like these Trojans or one of these new Atlas
styles? she asked the boy.
When you read the above lines, I would
not be surprised if you thought the words were
not only crude, but not something to print in a
family newspaper. Imagine MY surprise when
I learned that Massachusetts schools are hand-
ing out condoms to children from kindergar-
ten through high school! And that is a FACT!
I personally heard it on the news. Its been re-
ported in several media forms. Check it out on
People, we live in a sick society. When are
we going to wake up and start doing something
about it?
In Dearborn, Michigan, police arrested
Christian missionaries who stood on public
streets, outside of Muslim areas and attempted
to hand out Christian tracts. I watched this take
place. They werent allowed to do that within
FIVE BLOCKS of the Muslim area! Are we
now under Sharia law? When will we be re-
quired to face East and prostrate ourselves fve
times a day?
Im not anti-Jew, anti-Muslim, anti-Chris-
tian, or anti-anything EXCEPT those who are
and ANTI-AMERICAN! For those people, no
matter what their station in life or government,
I say I am ANTI-THEM.
As a nation we are heading down a very
rocky road toward the edge of a cliff. If we
dont wake up soon and take charge of our
world, we can only look in the mirror to see
who did it to us.
James H. Hilbert
Mechanicsville, MD
We Live In a Sick World
MetCom Enacts Water Restrictions
The Metropolitan Commission has an-
nounced Level 1 one water restrictions ef-
fective July 12 for the communities of Cedar
Cove, Forrest Farms, Leonardtown Farms,
Villages at Leonardtown, Wicomico Shores
and Wilderness Run.
The restrictions are a result of heavy in-
creases in water usage in these communities
brought on by the intense heat and draught
The restrictions include limiting the
amount of water used for outdoor irrigation and
cleaning chores.
Violation of these restrictions is punish-
able by a fne and possibly termination of water
Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn recently told the hosts of MSNBCs Morning Joe
that he did not know who the 23 percent of Americans were who trusted Congress, referring to
a poll.
I wonder what the numbers are for the Maryland General Assembly, whose members are
incredibly adept at pushing tough decisions to future years and blaming others for their own poor
One of the funniest attempts--by members to defect attention from themselves was a task
force created in 2008 to recommend steps to improve fnancial literacy among the states school
children to prevent a repeat of the housing collapse and ensuing fnancial crisis.
As a result of the report, Maryland school children will be required to take fnancial literacy
courses starting in 2011, according to a recent announcement of the State Board of Education.
While the curriculum may beneft students and their families, they are not the ones who have
been underfunding pensions for state workers for almost a decade and issuing debt to pay for road
and other projects that were supposed to be paid for in cash.
Leadership is so in denial about the pension issue that House Speaker Michael Busch has
not yet chosen people to sit on yet another task force created by the General Assembly in the most
recent session to analyze ways to improve the system.
Worse, as one retiring legislator, Del. Murray Levy, D-28, told The Gazette, I dont know
what this group is going to come up with that we havent already discussed.
Students were also not the ones who passed a massive boost to state spending on public edu-
cation in 2002 known as Thornton with no way to fund it and hikes to teacher pensions in 2006
with no way to pay for those either. And students did not promise that huge across the board tax
hikes passed in 2007 would solve the structural defcit permanently and then say more taxes
will be necessary to balance the budget two years later. (The structural defcit is the difference
between what the state spends each year and what it collects in revenue.)
To remedy the situation, legislators should require of themselves the same things they rec-
ommended to students. Economists from the University of Maryland should develop a curricu-
lum for legislators that can be studied online when they are not in session to give them a basic
understanding of budgets, accounting, taxes, supply and demand, statistics and incentives, with
regular tests they must pass. The curriculum could also include a reading list, updated yearly.
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoffs This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Finan-
cial Folly, a road map for understanding how debt and fnancial crises develop, would be a great
summer pick. Legislators would also have the beneft of being able to ask Reinhart, a professor at
the University of Maryland, to speak to them.
While a better understanding of economics may not prevent poor decisions, it will make
legislators more aware of how their laws will impact residents and more accountable for their
mistakes. If it is so important for students to know how to balance a checkbook, how much more
essential is it for those charged with stewarding taxpayers scarce resources to understand state
Marta Mossburg is a senior fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute. mmossburg@
Guest Editorial
Legislators Need Financial Literacy
Thursday, July 8, 2010 10
The County Times
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By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
It has been more than three months
since two men armed with pistols en-
tered the Bank of America in Lexington
Park and robbed it in the early morning
hours of March 24 but local detectives
are still looking for clues in an effort to
apprehend the suspects.
The Bureau of Criminal Investi-
gations reports that law enforcement
is now offering up to a $20,000 reward
for information leading to the appre-
hension and eventual conviction of the
Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron said
that detectives are continuing to pursue
leads in the case but did not want to re-
veal the extent of the investigation.
I cant talk about what they have
or dont have, Cameron told The Coun-
ty Times. We dont want to tip off the
guys who did it.
Detective say that they want to talk
with anyone who was in the vicinity of
the bank at the time of the robbery or
who may have more information regard-
ing the heist or suspects involved.
The frst suspect was a black male,
20 to 30 years old and standing at 5
feet, 11 inches and weighing about 200
pounds. He was wearing a light colored
hooded sweatshirt.
The second suspect, police reports
state, is also a black male, about 20 or 30
years old, standing about 5 feet, 5 inches
tall and weighing about 150 pounds.
The second suspect was wearing a
green fight suit during the time of the
Surveillance photos from the bank
show that both suspects concealed their
identities during the robbery.
County Police Seek More
Help Finding Bank Bandits
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
State Fire Marshal investigators say that
at least three out of four house fres that took
place in the space of a week were accidental,
but a fourth on Golden Beach Road is still un-
der scrutiny.
Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Duane Svites
told The County Times that the four fres that
occurred from June 30 through July 3 were
unusual for the summer season, though none
appeared to be crimes.
This is a busy time for fres but theyre
usually outside, Svites said.
The fres so far have been attributed to ei-
ther electrical failures, blazes that started in a
vehicle or from improperly discarded smoking
Despite Marylands recently passed law
that allows only fre safe cigarettes to be sold
here, there were still ways to get cigarettes that
did not meet the safety requirements.
The faw is it doesnt stop people from
buying cigarettes in Virginia or on the [Patux-
ent River Naval Air Station], Svites said. So
there are still cigarettes out there that arent
Svites said that the center of a cigarettes
fame can reach incredibly high levels of heat.
When its cherry red it could reach up to
1,200 degrees, Svites said. Put it in an ash-
tray dont fick it.
The frst fre took place June 30 on St.
Johns Road in Hollywood and took 25 fre-
fghters only about 10 minutes to control, ac-
cording to fre marshal reports, and caused
about $40,000 worth in damages.
On June 2, the house fre on Woodland
Acres Road in California caused two adults to
have to be treated for minor smoke inhalation,
reports stated, and took 35 frefghters 15 min-
utes to control the blaze.
The damage was estimated at about
Just one day later two house fres oc-
curred in Mechanicsville, one on Waterview
Drive and the other on Golden Beach Road
only about four-and-a-half hours apart.
Both fre took 40 frefghters 40 minutes
to control, fre marshal reports stated.
The damage from both fres combined
was estimated at $190,000.
Rash Of House Fires Hit St. Marys
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Detectives with the countys Bureau of
Criminal Investigations are seeking two sex
offenders while having arresting a third for
allegedly failing
to register.
Ac c o r d i n g
to police reports,
detectives are still
searching for Jo-
seph Dee Medlin,
48, of Leonard-
town for alleg-
edly absconding
from his recorded
De t e c t i v e s
sought and re-
ceived a warrant
for Medlins arrest
Tuesday, though
they state that his
location is still
Detectives de-
scribe Medlin as a
child sex offender.
On that same
day detectives
were also able to
get a warrant to
arrest Douglas R.
Wilson, Jr., 32, for
an alleged failure
to register as a sex
De t e c t i v e s
were able to con-
tact Wilson by
phone, who stated
he was in Balti-
more. Detectives
are still seeking
De t e c t i v e s
also arrested Keith Leonard Mackall, 47,
of Great Mills July 5 and charged him with
failing to register as a sex offender. Mack-
all was later released on his own recogni-
zance by a District Court commissioner,
police reports stated, and later registered
Detectives are asking anyone with in-
formation regarding sex offenders in the
community to call Cpl. William Raddatz of
the Sex Offender Registry unit at 301-475-
4200 on extension 1958.
Callers can also make anonymous
tips at 301-475-3333 or via text message
at TIP239 with an added message to
Detectives Continue To Seek
Sex Offenders
Joseph Medlin
Keith Mackall
Douglas Wilson
Thursday, July 8, 2010 11
The County Times
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Since 1989, Alaska has hosted the annual World Ice Art Championships. Nearly 100 sculptors come from around
the world to sculpt large blocks of pristine natural ice. The event is run almost exclusively by volunteers.
The Young Professionals Initiative of
St. Marys County will hold its next Gen-
eral Body Meeting at 6 p.m. July 15.
The topic of the meeting is Summer
Fun in St. Marys County, and will in-
clude discussion of great events going on
throughout St. Marys County this sum-
mer. All are welcome to attend.
The meeting will be held at The Lex-
ington Restaurant & Lounge, which is lo-
cated at 21736 Great Mills Road in Lex-
ington Park.
The Young Professionals Initiative of
St. Marys County (YPI-SMC) is a group
dedicated to attracting and retaining young
professionals in Southern Maryland. YPI-
SMC hosts social and community events in
the interest of young professionals.
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
Hollywood-based technology company
Smartronix has been awarded a federal con-
tract to modernize the Treasury.gov Web site
and revamp two supporting sites: FinancialSta-
bility.gov and MakingHomeAffordable.gov
Smartronix stated in a press release that
the company is bringing together a team to
complete the projects; including industry ex-
perts in SharePoint, Cloud hosting and security,
Web design, transparency, open government
data, social collaboration, and emerging Web
The company said this same team
(Smartronix, Synteractive, TMP Government,
and KPMG, with close collaboration from
Amazon Web Services) was responsible for the
building Recovery.gov 2.0the portal for the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
In 2009, Smartronix was named prime
contractor to update the Recovery.gov Web
site, which tracks how and where $787 billion
in federal stimulus money is being spent.
The contract was potentially valued at $18
million over fve years.
The company has not released the dollar
value of the recent Trea-
sury.gov modernization
project during the recent
the Recovery.gov
Web site.
Media reports circu-
lated claiming the price
tag was exorbitant and the
company was awarded the
deal because of the thou-
sands of dollars company
executives have donated to
Congressman Steny Hoyer
during the last decade.
The Washington
Examiner reported that
Smartronixs top offcers
donated $19,000 to House
Majority Leader Steny
Hoyer since 1999.
Hoyers spokesperson has called the al-
legations ludicrous; stating that the contract
was competitively bid and the congressman has
nothing to do with the selection process.
The new design for Treasury.gov will sup-
port the communications and publishing re-
quirements of Treasury, support the strategic
initiatives of Treasury, and enable transparency
and increased access to Treasury resources and
assets, a press release states.
Our goal is to help transform communica-
tions and collaboration across the Department
of the Treasury and establish Treasury.gov, Fi-
nancialStability.gov, and MakingHomeAfford-
able.gov as the absolute leaders in Government
2.0 innovation, said Smartronix Chief Tech-
nology Offcer Robert Groat.
With support from leading technology
vendors such as Amazon Web Services, Mi-
crosoft, and Akamai, Team Smartronix will be
leveraging proven expertise in Web develop-
ment, SharePoint 2010, and the AWS platform
to successfully execute the program, Groat
said. We look forward to working closely with
Treasury to implement their vision.
Smartronix Revamping
Treasury.gov Site
Young Pros Initiative Hosting Meeting
Smartronix founders Arshed Javaid, left, Alan Parris and John Parris.
Sabre Systems, Inc., a professional Infor-
mation Technology and engineering services
company with a local offce in Lexington Park,
was recently awarded a new delivery order un-
der the its existing Census Bureaus Research
& Development 2014 contract.
Under this contract, Sabre will develop
new techniques for improving the Census Bu-
reaus Master Address File (MAF) by utilizing
data mining software.
The MAF, which contains more than 140
million home and business addresses, is essen-
tial to conducting both the decennial Census
of population and the ongoing surveys that use
the MAF. Thus, it is critical that the MAF be
accurate and up-to-date. This Time and Ma-
terials delivery order will be performed at the
Census Bureau headquarters in Suitland.
This award represents our entry into a
new line of business at the Census Bureau
high-level analytical support for the Bureaus
comprehensive program of evaluations that
occurs after each decennial population Cen-
sus, Group Vice President of Sabres National
Capital Region, Paul Korkemaz, said in a press
release. I am confdent that our customer will
be pleased with our Sabre team and their per-
formance on this task.
Founded in 1989, Sabre provides state-of-
the art technology, scientifc and management
solutions and services to globally dispersed
government and commercial enterprises. The
companys core competencies include infor-
mation technology, program management ser-
vices, operational training and logistics, soft-
ware development, and engineering services.
Sabre is headquartered in Warminster,
Pa., and maintains offces in Maryland, Cali-
fornia, Indiana, New Jersey, South Carolina
and Virginia. For more information, visit
Sabre Systems Lands Census
Bureau Contract
Company Symbol Close Close Change
7/7/2010 12/31/2008
Wal-Mart WMT $48.75 $56.06 -13.04%
Harley Davidson HOG $22.27 $16.97 31.23%
Best Buy BBY $34.25 $28.11 21.84%
Lockheed Martn LMT $75.16 $84.08 -10.61%
BAE Systems BAESF $4.75 $5.41 -12.20%
Computer Science Corp. CSC $45.14 $35.14 28.46%
Dyncorp Internatonal Inc. DCP $17.54 $15.17 15.62%
General Dynamics Corp. GD $60.04 $57.59 4.25%
Mantech Internatonal Corp. MANT $41.45 $54.19 -23.51%
Northrop Grunman Corp. NOC $55.34 $45.04 22.87%

Thursday, July 8, 2010 12
The County Times
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for the love of
Robert W. Askey, of Askey, Askey & Associates, and Dave
Messersmith, Survivor Consulting, LLC, representing Raley,
Watts & ONeill, provided information regarding occupational
fraud and fduciary liability to a group at the Southern Maryland
Higher Education Center on June 17.
The two-hour speaking engagement informed employers
about the risks involved with occupational fraud by employees.
Robert Askey, CPA a Certifed Fraud Examiner (CFE) and
a Certifed Forensic Financial Analyst (CFFA) detailed the rea-
sons why employees steal, how they perpetrate their thefts, and
the warning signs of a potential ongoing fraud. Sharing local ex-
amples of how employee dishonesty and fraud affect our busi-
nesses, Askey explained what employers can do to minimize the
exposure to a potentially devastating fraud in their business.
Small businesses generally have inadequate internal con-
trols over assets such as cash. Owners place far too much trust
in individual employees to be honest and ethical in these very
diffcult times, said Askey. Current economic conditions cou-
pled with simple greed and mans need for fnancial survival re-
quire that employers be aware of potential employee thefts and
Messersmith identifed the risk and the proper insurance
available to help protect your business against the consequences
of employee dishonesty and fraud. Raley, Watts & ONeill made
the explanation of how to insure your business from the fnancial
losses caused by employee fraud clear and easily understandable.
Each participant received a fraud prevention checklist de-
signed to help identify potential areas of risk for employee dis-
honesty and fraud within their businesses.
The information provided was very timely and is what all
business owners must know and pay close attention to, said Ray
Dodson, Chief Financial Offcer at Tidewater Dental. Indiffer-
ence to the possibility of employee fraud can easily result in sig-
nifcant loss to the business.
Business Owners Learn How
to Deal With Employee Theft
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
The agriculture division of the St. Marys County De-
partment of Economic and Community Development (DECD)
hosted an open house at the Loveville Produce Auction on
Wednesday morning in an effort to entice local restaurants
and markets to take advantage of locally grown produce.
As a precursor to the Buy Local Challenge (July 17-25)
and the Savor St. Marys Restaurant Week (July 25-Aug. 8),
the open house at Loveville was aimed at introducing local
restaurants to buying fresh local produce.
We trying to get local restaurants and stores to come and
learn how to buy local, and not just here from the
auction, but from other local farmers as well,
said Donna Sasscer, manager of the DECDs
agriculture and seafood division. Earlier in the
day we had a couple restaurants come in and we
explained to them how to buy from the auction.
The events are part of a push for buying lo-
cal, and the Savor St. Marys initiative involves
not only persuading locals to buy local, and also
to persuade local businesses to buy local.
Were trying to get the restaurants and
markets to have another way to come and buy lo-
cal, Sasscer said. Its not just these two weeks
than you need to go to a restaurant and buy local.
We want people to say hey, it was easy enough
to buy here at the auction, or at Friendly Hall
Farm, let me keep doing that.
Sasscer said David McKay, CEO of McK-
ays Fine Foods, who was at the auction Wednes-
day morning, is a role model for supporting
local farmers.
He buys from the local community, puts it
back in his local stores and it gives people the
opportunity to fnd locally-grown produce,
Sasscer said.
McKay, who was busy placing bids on watermelons, pep-
pers and tomatoes, said occasionally there is some good deals
to be had But in most cases we feel were doing more of
a service to our community, and giving our customers what
they want.
We been supporting this Loveville produce market since
it opened, about seven years ago, McKay said. As far as I
know were the only supermarket in the area that really buys
local, local produce when we say local produce, our pro-
duce is coming from St. Marys and lower Charles County.
See www.savorstmarys.com for more information on
Restaurant Week.
Buy Local, Eat Local Push Is On
David McKay, CEO of McKays Fine Foods places a bid on locally grown green pep-
pers Wednesday at the Loveville Produce Auction.
Thursday, July 8, 2010 13
The County Times
Mary Butler, 81
On the
evening of
June 26,
2010, a
life sud-
denly came
to an end.
A very
s p e c i a l
and much
loved per-
son, Mary
Er ne l l
Butler, 81
of Mechanicsville, MD departed
this life and went home to be with
the Lord. Ernell was born in Holly-
wood, MD on May 23, 1929. Ernell
was the third child of the late William
and Leona Nolan. She was baptized
at St. John Francis Regis Catholic
Church as a child. Ernell was raised
with her siblings on Samsons Harbor
Farm in Mechanicsville, MD, where
many of lifes foundational lessons
were learned through the simplicity
of farm life. She was educated in
the St. Marys County Public School
System, and graduated from Ban-
neker High School in 1946.
On 7/17/47, Ernell married the
late James Joseph Butler, Jr., and her
lifes journey as a wife and excep-
tional mother began. From that union
twelve children were born. Their lives
together began in Hollywood, but the
family soon relocated to the Oakville
area, which became the lifetime fam-
ily home. Ernell assisted many fami-
lies throughout her working career.
They include The Krushs, Senator
Duff, Colonel Sanford, The Freres,
as well as the Maryland State Police.
Ernell had a heart of service. She
would make regular visits to many
sick and shut-in friends, and would
go to the nursing home to help lift
their spirits. She never allowed race
to be a barrier against relationships
with people.
It is well known that Ernell
loved a variety of music genres, and
that she could be found listening to
and singing at any given time. This
included jazz, blues and pop. But,
gospel music became her favorite.
With her very strong alto voice, she
would never hesitate to share songs
of comfort and encouragement with
others. Two of her favorite hymns
were How Great Thou Art and Pre-
cious Lord. Throughout her lifes
challenges and celebrations, Ernell
developed a personal relationship
with God and accepted Jesus Christ
as her Lord and Savior. Her faith
truly became the source of joy and
peace. Ernell was a long-time, ac-
tive member of St. Josephs Catholic
Church. There, she made herself
known to all, and was willing to as-
sist whenever and wherever needed.
She was a long-standing member of
the choir and the Ladies of Sodality
of the church.
Ernell had a love for baseball,
which began at an early age, when she
and her father would sit and watch
the radio, as the announcers called
the game. Her favorite team was the
Baltimore Orioles, and she would sit
for hours at the television coaching
and cheering them on, even during
their many slumps. At the end of the
season, she would comment, Those
boys have got to do better next year!
She also enjoyed traveling, and her
travels include cities throughout the
continental United States and the Ca-
ribbean Islands.
Her family was of great impor-
tance to her, and brought her much
joy. With the passing of her mother,
Ernell became the matriarch of the
family, a position she wore well. She
was well respected by all. Everyone
looked forward to family gatherings
at her home for holidays and summer
cookouts because they knew they
were guaranteed lively fun, laugh-
ter, hospitality, and a smorgasbord
of food that would delight their taste
buds and leave them walking away
from the table wanting more, but re-
alizing that there was not room for
another bite. She embraced friends
of her family members as her own,
and they would routinely become
part of her gatherings.
Ernell leaves to cherish her
memory, her children: Michael, Shir-
ley, Jerry, Deborah, Josephine, Ethel,
James, Cindy, Bill and Stephanie;
Daughter-in-law, Deborah Butler, fu-
ture daughter-in-law, Romaine Smith;
Son-in-laws - Jay Watts and Steven
Adams; Grandchildren - Gregory,
Carla, Ernest, Lisa, Christina, Brock,
Melissa, and Antoine; Great-Grand-
children Channing, Brian, Andrew,
Sierra, Zachary, Brice, Brandon and
Aleiha; Siblings Veronica Jacob,
Henrietta Johnson, Angela Green,
Steven Nolan, Doris Bunyon, (Cous-
in/Sister) Florence Nolan; Brothers-
in-laws Earl Jacob, Arthur Green,
and Jerry Bunyon; Sisters-in-laws
Shirley Nolan and Gertrude Nolan;
a special former Daughter-in-law,
Sheila Butler; and a host of nieces,
nephews, cousins, and friends. Her
sons Xavier, and James J. Butler, III,
daughter-in-law, Loretta, son-in-law,
Casey, and three siblings, Ethel, Wil-
liam, Jr. and Alphonso preceded her
in death.
Family received friends on Fri-
day, July 2, 2010 in the Brinsfeld Fu-
neral Home, 22955 Hollywood Road,
Leonardtown, MD 20650. Prayers
were recited. A Mass of Christian
Burial was celebrated on Saturday,
July 3, 2010 at St. Josephs Catholic
Church, 29119 Point Lookout Road,
Morganza, MD 20660. Interment
followed in Queen of Peace Cem-
etery, Helen, MD.
Condolences to the family may
be made at www.brinsfeldfuneral.
Mary Long, 91
M a r y
L a v o n i a
Long, 91,
of Waldorf,
MD and for-
merly from
ville, MD,
died June 27,
2010 at her
sons home
in Seaford,
DE. Born
October 3,
1918 in Avenue, MD she was the
daughter of the late Raymond and
Ida Marie Cheseldine Oliver. She
was the loving wife of the late James
Aaron Long whom she married in
1938 in Mechanicsville, MD, and
he preceded her in death on July 21,
1998. She is survived by her chil-
dren Raymond A. Long (Joyce) of
Seaford, DE, and Robert A. Long
(Cathy) of La Plata, MD. Mary is
also survived by her brother Stan-
ley Long of Mechanicsville, MD as
well as four grandchildren; Dawn
L Talley, Terry L. Simmons, James
R. Long, Kelly E. Long and three
great-grand children; Ryan S. Talley,
Stephanie M. Simmons and Jacob R.
Simmons. She was preceded in death
by her siblings Claude Long, Charles
Long, Peter Long, Johnny Long, El-
eanor Long, Rae Hill, Eddie Long,
Sammy Long, and Philip Long.
She worked as a Cafeteria Work-
er for the Prince Georges County
Board of Education.
The family received friends on
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 in the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home,
Leonardtown, MD, where prayers
were said. A Mass of Christian buri-
al was celebrated on Thursday, July
1, 2010, in Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church, Mechanicsville,
MD with Fr. Peter Alliata offciat-
ing. Interment followed in Charles
Memorial Gardens, in Leonardtown,
MD. Pallbearers were Vernie Long,
Frank Long, George Coppage, Ron-
nie Talley, Ryan Talley and Joe John-
son. Contributions in memory of
Mary Lavonia Long be made to Vitas
Hospice 100 Commerce Dr, Christi-
ana Corp. Center # 302, Newark,
DE 19713. To send a condolence to
the family please visit our website at
Catherine Mattingly, 58
Cat h-
e r i n e
Ca t h y
Ann Mat-
tingly, 58
of Hol-
l y wo o d ,
MD died
on July 1,
2010 at her
home sur-
rounded by
family and
f r i e n d s .
Born Sep-
tember 8, 1951 in La Plata, MD she
was the daughter of James (Jimmie)
Canter, Sr. and the late Marianne M.
She graduated from La Plata
High School in 1969. Cathy worked
for the Federal Government as a
Management Analyst for 38 years
retiring June 1, 2009.
She is survived by her loving
husband The Honorable Charles
Jenks Mattingly, III who Cathy
married on June 18
, 1977; her son
Charles CJ Mattingly, IV; daugh-
ter Kimberly Guy (Brad) and step
daughter Bonnie Mattingly; her sis-
ters Mary Beth Gawthrop (Ed), Teri
Lou Burch (Joe), and Tina Norris
(Mark); her brother Philip Buster
Canter (Barbara).; along with several
nieces and nephews. She is also sur-
vived by her grandchildren Zachary
Guy and Abigail Mattingly as well as
a step-grandson Steven Dittmer. She
had a special place in her heart for
three dear friends, Debbie Fairfax,
Phyllis Greer and Ashley Merwin.
She was preceded in death by her
brother James Butch Canter, Jr.
Her hobbies included Longab-
erger Baskets, playing bingo, quilt-
ing, and family vacations to Ocean
City and Disney World, but most of
all spending time with her family,
especially her grandchildren and her
two puppies Pepper and Cyann.
The family received friends
on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 in the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home
Chapel, Leonardtown, MD, where
prayers were said. A Mass of Chris-
tian burial will be celebrated on
Thursday, July 8, 2010, in St. Johns
Catholic Church, Hollywood, MD at
10 a.m. with Fr. Raymond Schmidt
offciating. Interment will follow in
the Church Cemetery. Pallbearers
will be Buster Canter, Mark Nor-
ris, Josh Norris, Joe Burch, Chris
Mattingly, and Ed Greer. Honorary
Pallbearers will be her nieces and
nephews, Chrissy Beuchert, Connie
Wood, Harry Canter, Kenny Canter,
Veronica Norris, Jordon Burch, Trev-
or Burch, and Jake Canter.
Memorial contributions can
be made to the scholarship fund c/o
Community Bank of Tri-County
for Zachary Guy and Abigail Mat-
tingly, Account # 932430415, 25395
Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown,
MD 20650, Hospice of St. Marys,
P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD
20650 and St. Johns Building fund
43950 St. Johns Road, Hollywood,
MD 20636. To send a condolence to
the family please visit our website at
Melanie Johnston, 51
Melanie Gay Johnston, 51 of
California, MD died July 2, 2010 at
St. Marys Hospital.
Born November 19, 1958 in Salt
Lake City, UT, she was the daughter
of Robert and Marilyn Woodward.
Melanie was a secretary for St.
Marys County Government, Public
Works Department, retiring in 2008
after 20 years of service.
Melanie is survived by her
husband, Tom Johnston of Califor-
nia, MD, son; Michael Johnston of
California, MD, step-sons; Edwin
Johnston of St. Helen, OR and Randy
Johnston of Dermune, ID, and sister;
Laurie Klein of Midland, MI, also
survived by seven grandchildren.
Services will be private.
Condolences to the family may
be made at www.brinsfeldfuneral.
Joseph Neill, Jr., 75
Joseph Howard Neill, Jr., 75
of Hollywood, MD passed away on
June 26, 2010 at his residence.
Born June 1, 1935 in Baltimore,
MD he was the son of the late Marga-
ret L. and Joseph H. Neill, Sr.
Howard was a Waterman, he
enjoyed crossbow hunting. He was a
member of the Loyal Order of Moose,
Patuxent, MD
lodge and a
member of
the Wild-
life Heritage
is survived
by his daugh-
ters; Patricia
(David) Gat-
ton, of Me-
MD, Debra (Jeff) Hudson of Califor-
nia, MD and Christy (Vanessa John-
son) Neill of Lexington Park, MD,
siblings; John (Joan) Neill of Me-
chanicsville, MD, Lavern Huggins of
Hollywood, MD, Dorothy (Phillip)
Spencer of Mechanicsville, MD, and
Mickey (Diane) Neill of Hollywood,
MD, sister-in-law; Margaret Neill,
also survived by 4 grandchildren;
Dawn Gatton, Shawna Hale, Haley,
and Travis Boswell. In addition to
his parents Howard was preceded
in death by his wife, Lucille Neill,
sister; Patricia Neill, brothers; Billy
Neill, and Charles Neill, and brother-
in-law; Bob Huggins.
The family received friends on
Thursday, July 1, 2010 in the Brins-
feld Funeral Home, P.A., Leonar-
dtown, MD A Funeral Service was
conducted, Friday, July 2, 2010 in
the Funeral Home Chapel. Interment
followed in St. George Episcopal
Cemetery, Valley Lee, MD
Pallbearers were; David Abell,
James Abell, Woody Hill, Kirk
Fones, Bernie Weeks and Joe P.
Dorsey. Honorary pallbearers were;
Timmy Neill, David Neill, Mark Ful-
ton, Joey Spencer, Charlie Neill and
Schaffer Dorsey.
In lieu of fowers Memorial
Contributions may be made to Hos-
pice House of St. Marys, Inc., P.O.
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Harry Potter, 77
H a r r y
Edward Pot-
ter, 77 of Val-
ley Lee, MD
died June 25,
2010 at his
B o r n
May 21, 1933
in New Cas-
tle, PA, he
was the son
of the late
Cecil and Blanche Potter.
Harry moved to the area in
1972 as a Food Service Manager at
St. Marys College. After leaving
the college, he operated the Ceramic
Shoppe in Callaway where he en-
joyed meeting people and making
many, many friends. He was a mem-
ber of the Lexington Park Method-
ist Church where he spent countless
hours as a member of the choir and
helping out with any special events.
Recently, he enjoyed volunteer-
ing at the St. Marys Hospital Gift
Shop where he spent most of his time
conversing while Barbara handled
the gift shop duties. Harry enjoyed
playing cards with his friends, watch-
ing football and golf with family and
Thursday, July 8, 2010 14
The County Times
in general being in the company of
others. He loved family and friends
and knew no strangers.
Harry is survived by his wife
Barbara, who he married on March 3,
1956, son DuWayne, (Terri) Potter, of
Leonardtown, MD, daughter, Wendy
(Keith) Leimbach of El Reno, OK,
and sister, Donna (Duane) McFarland
of New Castle, PA. Harry also leaves
behind 7 grandchildren, David, Ste-
ven, Rebecca and Rachel Potter of
Leonardtown, MD, Kerri, Katy and
Karin Leimbach of El Reno, OK. In
addition to his parents, was preceded
in death by a brother, Gerald and a
son, Dwight Potter.
Family received for Harrys
Life Celebration on Thursday, July
1, 2010 in the Lexington Park United
Methodist Church, where a Funeral
Service was conducted on Friday,
July 2, 2010. Interment followed in
Ebenezer Cemetery.
In lieu of fowers Memorial con-
tributions may be made to the Second
District Vol. Rescue Squad, P.O. Box
1, Valley Lee, MD 20692 and/or St.
Marys Hospital Auxiliary, P.O. Box
527, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Condolences to the family may
be made at www.brinsfeldfuneral.
Patrick Riley, Sr., 61
Patrick Pat Kelly Riley, Sr.
61, of Great Mills, MD, died June 26,
2010 at St.
Marys Hos-
pital. Born
Sept ember
14, 1948 in
Pit t sburgh,
PA he was
the son of
the late Wil-
liam Joseph
and Eleanor
Rose Kelly
Riley of
Pittsburgh, PA.
Patrick leaves behind his beloved
wife of 39 years, Joan Whitten Riley,
whom he married on March 17, 1971
at the Church of the Assumption in
Bellevue, PA.
Patrick is survived by his chil-
dren Patrick Kelly Riley, Jr. of New
Kensington, PA and Coleen Marie
Riley Cutchember of Leonardtown,
MD, his son-in-law Myron John
Cutchember of Leonardtown, MD,
and his two grandsons, Donovan
Riley Cutchember and Patrick Kelly
Cutchember of Leonardtown, MD.
Siblings: Rose Marie Matela Riley
of Bellevue, PA, Elaine Kostishack
of Boston, MA, Linda Brown of Bel-
levue, PA, Grace Brown of Bellevue,
PA, William Riley of Pittsburgh,
PA, and James Riley of Middletown,
NY. He also leaves behind numerous
brothers and sisters-in law, nieces,
nephews, and cousins. He is prede-
ceased by his nephew, William Riley
originally of Middletown, NY.
Patrick grew up on the North
Side of Pittsburgh and graduated
from North Hills High School in
1966. After 14 years of service to the
Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
and as a leader of the Independent
State Store Union (ISSU), he chose
to return to college. At age 39, he
graduated Magna Cum Laude from
the University of Pittsburgh in 1987
with a Bachelor of Arts in Business
and German. Patrick began his ca-
reer with the Department of the Navy
on February 13, 1989 as an intern in
the Contract Specialist Program at
the Naval Air Development Center in
Warminster, PA.
Patrick retired after more than
20 years of service as a Contract
Specialist with the Department of the
Navy, serving most of his time at the
Patuxent River Naval Air Station in
Pax River, MD. He also enjoyed as-
signments in St. Inigoes, MD, Rota,
Spain, and Mayport, Florida. Dur-
ing his service, he received several
recognition awards, service awards,
and made countless friends as he
was a dedicated worker with an un-
matched sense of humor.
Patrick was an avid reader, pri-
marily of non-fction books, and he
enjoyed traveling, astronomy, electri-
cal circuitry, compasses, and physi-
cal ftness. His favorite movies were
Becket, And Justice for All, The God-
father, Rocky, Casino, and Goodfel-
las. He was happiest when spending
time with his wife and children, and
most especially, his grandsons.
Visitation for his Maryland
friends, co-workers, and extended
family was on Wednesday, June 30,
2010, at Brinsfeld Funeral Home in
Leonardtown, MD.
A second day of visitation was
on Friday, July 2, 2010, at OBriens
Funeral Home in Pittsburgh, PA. A
Mass of Christian Burial was cel-
ebrated on Saturday, July 3, 2010 at
the Church of the Assumption in Bel-
levue, PA with Fr. Ricky Thompson
offciating. Interment followed at
the Christ the Redeemer / North Side
Catholic Cemetery.
Contributions in memory of
Patrick can be made to Habitat for
Humanity, 121 Habitat St, Americus,
GA 31709 (You may earmark dona-
tions for St. Marys County, MD or
Pittsburgh, PA)
Mary Travers, 60
M a r y
An ne t t e
A n g e n e t
Travers, 60,
of Lexing-
ton Park,
St. Marys
County, MD,
died July
2, 2010 in
Anne Arun-
del Medical
Center, An-
napolis, MD. Born January 27, 1950
in Drayden, MD. Annette was the
daughter of the late George L. and
Frances L. Morgan Travers.
She was the lifelong partner of
James R. Dyson, Jr. She is also sur-
vived by her son Stanley R. Travers
of Lexington Park, MD as well as her
siblings; George T. Travers of Great
Mills, MD, Frances E. Morgan, Julia
L. Wood and Mary A. Morgan all of
Lexington Park, MD, James C. Mor-
gan of Ridge, MD and Eric M. Mor-
gan of Solomons, MD as well as two
Grandchildren. Annette is preceded
in death by her daughter Lisa M.
Travers and her siblings; Mavis M.
Travers, Marion R. House, Steven-
son T. Morgan, Calvin Morgan and
Leundus Morgan.
She was a lifelong county resi-
dent where she attended St. Marys
County public schools and became
a Program Assistant for the Patuxent
River Naval Air Stations Child De-
velopment Center where she worked
for over twenty years before retiring
in 2006.
The family will receive friends
on Friday, July 9, 2010 from 10 11
a.m. in St. Mark UAME Church,
Valley Lee, MD, where services
will be held at 11 a.m. with Rev. Ro-
vonzo Brown offciating. Interment
will follow in the Church Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be James H. Bryan,
James E. Kelly, Jr., Lorne A. Whalen,
Johnnie L. Brooks, Sr., Christopher
C. Roach, Sr. and Marvin D. Whalen.
Honorary Pallbearers are Pete House,
Jr., Laverne V. Roach, George F.
Travers and Allen E. Miles To send a
condolence to the family please visit
our website at www.mgfh.com. Ar-
rangements provided by the Matting-
ley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.
Donna Yager, 56
Do n n a
M. Yager, 56
of Leonar-
dtown, MD
passed away
on July 1,
2010 at her
B o r n
Se pt e mbe r
21, 1953 in
Elyria, Ohio,
she was the
daughter of Louise Kruder of Mt.
Gilead, Oh and Frank Kuenzer of Pas
Christian, MS.
Donna attended Mt. Gilead
High School in Ohio, graduating in
1971. On February 15, 1974, Don-
na married Charles (Cork) Yager
in Marion, OH. Cork rejoined the
Navy in 1975 and later retired after
20 years of service in 1990. They
thoroughly enjoyed their duty sites,
which included Oahu, Hawaii, Mil-
lington, TN, Guam and Patuxent
River, MD. They were stationed in
Patuxent River, MD in 1984 and have
made it their home since, frst in Lex-
ington Park and later, Leonardtown,
MD. They still keep in contact with
so many wonderful people they met
along the way during their military
Donna worked as a fnancial an-
alyst for Defense Contractor EMA/
SAIC since 1992. Prior to that, she
was employed for seven years by Tra-
cor, now known as BAE.
In addition to her parents Donna
is survived by her husband; Charles
(Cork) Yager, sons; Cory E. (Lisa)
Yager and Shaun M. (Amber) Yager,
grandsons; Connor E. and Blake J.
Yager, siblings; Diana (Bob) Clouse
of Columbus, OH, Steve (Linda)
Kuenzer, of Mt. Gilead, OH, Roger
(Kim) Kuenzer of Mt. Gilead, OH.
Donna was preceded in death by her
stepfather, George Kruder and moth-
er-in-law, Joann Bush.
Her greatest joy was her family.
She was blessed with two sons and
two grandsons, who absolutely flled
her life with love and beauty.
She enjoyed reading, crochet-
ing, cooking, gardening and spend-
ing time with friends. Donna at-
tended 1
Saints Community Church
in Leonardtown, MD.
A Memorial Service will be held
at a later date.
In lieu of fowers memorial do-
nations may be made to St. Judes
Childrens Hospital, 501 St. Jude
Place, Memphis, TN 38105, Hos-
pice of St. Marys Inc., P.O. Box 625,
Leonardtown, MD 20650 or Autism
Speaks, 5455 Wilshire Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90036
To Place A
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Thursday, July 8, 2010 15
The County Times
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The County Times
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By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
The Board of Education approved the
purchase and installation of three modular
units from the school systems cooperative
purchasing agreement between the Baltimore
County School System and Modular Genius,
the vendor who has agreed to supply the units
for Leonardtown, Dynard and Lettie Marshall
Dent elementary schools.
The question remains over whether the
new units, which each measure 24 by 64 feet
and contain two classrooms, will be enough to
tide each school over as the schools edge closer
to their projected capacities.
Chief Operating Offcer Brad Clements
told The County Times that all three schools
are suffering seat shortages, with enrollment
expected to increase in the next few years.
With relocatables, Leonardtown Elementary
is expecting a 34-seat shortage next year, said
Clements, adding that Dynard is currently 49
seats short, and Lettie Marshall Dent is expect-
ing an 89-seat shortage in the next year.
These numbers are based on the countys
10-year projections of school capacity, which
includes relocatables and aims to have fewer
than 25 students in each class at the elemen-
tary school level.
The completion date for the installation of
the new relocatables, which will cost $375,394
with a construction contingency fund of
$25,000, is set for Fall 2010, and in the mean-
time Clements said that installation shouldnt
affect classroom instruction.
The schools will use science labs for ex-
tra classroom space in the meantime, he said,
so we dont want it to affect instructional pro-
grams, so well take spaces like the science lab
for the two-month period at the beginning
of the year.
Clements said he didnt consider the
school systems reliance on relocatables as
a negative, but that St. Marys County had
suffered the least of the states overcrowding
problems in the classroom.
I think were in much better shape than
some counties we have relocatables for two
reasons. One is capacity and we also have
them for programs, because we staff at a lower
rate than the state, he said, going on to say that
the school system is only now getting to the
point where capacity projections can support
a new school.
And while some may see relocatables as
a negative, they do allow us to have smaller
class sizes, said Clements, and as long as
youre in a growing community, theyll be
Three Schools to Get Modular Units
Outgoing student board
member Emily Hall was
recognized during the
Board of Educations June
30 meeting for her service
as the student member of
the Board of Education of
St. Marys County. As a
2010 graduate of Chop-
ticon High School, Emily
plans to attend Frostburg
State University in the fall,
and her goal is to return to
SMCPS as a teacher. Here
she is picture with Board
of Education Chairman
Bill Mattingly immediately
following the recognition.
(Submitted Photo)
Rachel Fedderson, from Greenview
Knolls Elementary School, was re-
cently named the Comcast Parent
Involvement Matters Award winner
for St. Marys County by the Mary-
land State Department of Education
and Comcast. This awards program
is a statewide initiative recognizing
parents and legal guardians for
their exceptional support of public
education. Parents are nominated
for demonstrating signifcant, posi-
tive impact in their communities.
Michael Martirano, superintendent
of schools, is pictured here con-
gratulating Fedderson at the Board
of Education meeting held on June
30. (Submitted Photo)
Thursday, July 8, 2010 17
The County Times
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By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Systemic renovations on HVAC systems
at Oakville and Greenview Knolls Elementary
Schools have been reverted in light of a combi-
nation of increased costs and the timing of fund-
ing requests, say school offcials, who presented
the recommendation to revert the projects at the
Board of Educations recent meeting on June
The school system received funding for
the HVAC systemic renovations at Oakville El-
ementary School in both FY 2009 and FY 2010,
and for Greenview Knolls Elementary School
in FY 2010, but both projects have increased in
cost since the funding was frst approved, due in
part to the added headache of asbestos removal,
which is projected to cost over $1.5 million for
both schools.
At Oakville Elementary School, the scope
of work has changed due to the amount of as-
bestos removal and the oil tanks needing to be
removed due to testing, increasing the cost by
approximately $700,000. At Greenview Knolls,
increased asbestos removal and the requirement
of fre sprinklers for the entire building have
pushed costs up by $1 million.
When the State funded the Oakville project
in FY 2009, the school system did not receive lo-
cal design funding in FY 2009, so the project was
delayed one year. The increased scope of work
as well as the delay in local design funding did
not allow the project to be placed under contract
by the required May 30 deadline, so the FY 2009
State portion of the funding was reverted. If the
project were to go forward this past spring, the
school system would have needed $1.4 million
in local funding to award the contract.
Reverting the Oakville project, however,
opens it up for reintroduction as part of the
school systems Capital Improvements program
for FY 2012, at which point the state will con-
tribute 75 percent of the cost, and reverting reno-
vations at Greenview Knolls Elementary School
until 2013 will give the school system the same
Chief Operating Offcer Brad Clements
told The County Times that the States fscal cri-
sis has thankfully had little impact on Capital
Improvements projects in St. Marys County,
and he feels confdent that the reverted requests
will be approved, partly because the funding re-
quests are comparatively modest.
Back in the 1990s when we were renovat-
ing our high schools, we got as much as $13 to
$18 million from the State, he said, adding that
the school system is only asking for $73,000
from the State to complete limited renovations
at Leonardtown Middle School.
I think well be able to receive the funding
for the projects were asking for, which is about
one million to 1.5 million, he said, in more
recent years weve gotten fve or six million a
Planning approval for the Countys new el-
ementary school is expected to take precedence
over extensive renovations projects, but Clem-
ents said that he expects renovations at Oakville
Elementary to be approved by December, with
bidding in January and February and asbestos
removal occurring over the summer months.
The same process would be followed at Green-
view Knolls the following year.
HVAC Projects Delayed Due
to Increased Costs
Mia McCaslin of Port Tobacco submitted the winning
essay in the annual Women & Math essay contest sponsored
by the College of Southern Marylands mathematics, physics
and engineering division.
I have always been interested in math and I am cur-
rently enrolled in algebra two honors class and plan on tak-
ing pre-calculus and trigonometry next year, said high
school sophomore McCaslin.
The goal of the essay contest is to get young girls to
interact with professional women in the STEM felds, in or-
der to learn about the challenges and how to pursue careers
in those related felds, said Sandra Poinsett, CSM professor
of mathematics.
For her essay, McCaslin interviewed Adrianne Cooper,
a computer and fight test engineer with NAVAIR.
The essay contest is part of the colleges ongoing efforts
to promote the felds of science, technology, engineering and
math and to encourage young women to enter these felds.
McCaslin was awarded a $250 gift card.
McCaslin Wins Annual Women & Math
High School Essay Contest
Superintendent of Schools Michael Mar-
tirano, announces the administrative appoint-
ment made by the Board of Education at its
meeting of June 30.
The Board appointed Mr. Jeffrey
DiRenzo to the position of principal at Me-
chanicsville Elementary School. He replac-
es Ms. Barbara Feeney who retired. Mr.
DiRenzo most recently served as an assistant
principal at Greenview Knolls Elementary
School. His experience also includes serving
as an assistant principal at Lexington Park El-
ementary and a fourth grade teacher at Hol-
lywood Elementary.
Prior to joining the school system in
2006, Mr. DiRenzo served as a teacher, as-
sistant principal, and principal at La Gloria
Elementary School in Gonzales, CA. He
earned a Masters degree in curriculum and
instruction from Chapman University and a
Bachelors degree in forest resource manage-
ment from Virginia Tech. His appointment is
effective immediately.
DiRenzo Appointed as Principal at
Mechanicsville Elementary
Thursday, July 8, 2010 18 TheCounty Times Thursday, July 8, 2010 19 TheCounty Times
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Hollywood Hosts Independence Celebration, Fire Department Says Its Ready For More
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Dennis Brady, Jr., chief of the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment, said that despite the huge crowd and traffc and parking diff-
culties that come with their freworks display that flled in the for the
cancelled FreedomFest event usually held at the county fair grounds in
Leonardtown, his company is already planning for next year.
The county cancelled the much-attended Freedom Fest for this
year and offcials are not sure when the county will be able to afford to
pay for the event.
For now, it looks as if the Hollywood volunteer fre house will
serve as the countys main celebration spot for the 4
of July.
The freworks show was well received, Brady said, but the vol-
unteers and police would have to prepare much more for next years
Parking was defnitely a challenge, Brady told The County
Times. I dont know how many people showed up but I would say at
least 10,000.
By 6:55 p.m. July 3, the day of the actual celebration, the frehouses
spacious parking lot was chocked full, Brady said and overfowpark-
ing just across the street in an open feld flled up by about 8:30 p.m.
Both spaces flled up far ahead of what was expected, Brady said,
and visitors soon took to parking along the sides of Route 235.
It left me speechless, Brady said. Ive never seen this many
people together in Hollywood.
The land for overfow parking is privately owned, Brady said, and
is up for sale. If sold it could compound parking problems in anticipa-
tion of next years event.
So thats not a guarantee
every year, Brady said.
Commissioner President
Francis Jack Russell (D-St.
George Island) said that the
county would look at re-
opening Freedom Fest in the
coming year but much would
depend on the strength of the
local and state economies.
Its good to see themstep
up and do some freworks,
Russell said of the Hollywood
volunteers. We [the commis-
sioner board] had a lot of dis-
cussion about Freedom Fest
I wouldnt say were canceling
it forever.
Russell would not rule
out the possibility of a small
fee levied by the county to
offset the costs of a renewed
Freedom Fest, but that would
have to be a decision made by
the commissioner board.
County fgures show that
the entire cost of FreedomFest
last year was $17,315, with
$3,600 of that coming from
grant funds. Just under $14,000 came fromthe county.
The freworks were the most expensive part, costing $10,000,
while sound and lighting for entertainment came in a distant second
at $1,800.
Brady said that the cost of the freworks display this year would
probably come in at about the same cost, but fees they collected for a
concurrent car show, concessions and money from corporate sponsor-
ship would help defray the cost.
Spectators said they liked the event.
Harold Berg, 36, a truck equipment manufacturer from Leonar-
dtown who grew up in St. Marys County, said hed had no problems
navigating the crowds or traffc after Saturday nights event at the Hol-
lywood frehouse.
Id say it was excellent. The one thing that was very smart and well
done fromthe fre department was that they let the band play until about
11 p.m. after the freworks, so instead of having a mad rush to get every-
one out after the freworks, Id say at least 150 people stayed afterwards
to hear the band. It was very smart, cause then you didnt have everyone
trying to leave at once. As far as traffc, it was very smooth. The direc-
tions from the fre department and the volunteers were very smooth. It
looked like it was bottlenecked on the other side of 235 where they had
parked in the feld, but with that amount of cars, I guess that was bound
to happen. We stayed around the cars and it was very smooth going out
we had no complaints at all with traffc when we were leaving.
Sgt. Jerry Johnson, the sheriffs deputy who was in charge of traf-
fc and pedestrian control that night, said that despite the heat and the
alcohol consumption at the event, the mood was friendly and civil with
no fghts or reports of unrest.
We had nothing like that, Johnson said, whose main concern for
any similar events like this in the future is ensuring that pedestrians are
safe when crossing Route 235.
Deputies have controlled pedestrians crossing Route 5 in Leonar-
dtown for years, he said, but making the Route 235 crossing safe was
more challenging because of the greater volume and speed of the cars
More careful planning was needed, he said, in anticipation of next
years freworks display.
Route 5 is completely different, Johnson said. When you in-
terrupt the fow of traffc on Route 235 you have to really be careful
because it can cause more accidents.
Photo by Frank Marquart
Photo by Frank Marquart
Parking spaces at the event
quickly flled up and motorists
had to park on Route 235s
shoulders to get into the
Local police viewed pedestrian safety during the event their
major concern.
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 20
June 1, 2010
Daniel Zoel Landry 36
California, MD
Jennifer Lee Golder 35
Severna Park, MD
Caleb Matthew
Siemon 36
Lexington Park, MD
Kristine Anne
Miller 36
New Milford, NJ
James Elwood Miller 38
Mechanicsville, MD
Patricia Lynn Phipps 34
Mechanicsville, MD
Peter David Bauce 36 Lex-
ington Park, MD
Kristy Lynn Unkle 30 Lex-
ington Park, MD
June 2, 2010
Evan Alexander Uhl 32
Washington, D.C.
Ahsley Elizabeth Koonce
29 Washington, D.C.
June 3, 2010
Adam Samuel Causey 28
Great Mills, MD
Paula Kay Zweimiller 22
Great Mills, MD
June 4, 2010
Ryan Edward Kampf 24
Lexington Park, MD
Violeta Berenice
Christopher 28
Lexington Park, MD
Larry Sylvester Richardson
40 Bushwood, MD
Donna Lee Brown 38
Dumfries, VA
Lamar Barry Troxler 22
Washington, D.C.
Shanay Izola Teeter 32
Washington, D.C.
Robert Hyman Albritton,
III 29 Springfeld, VA
Katie Marie Ryan 25
Springfeld, VA
June 7, 2010
William Andrew
Bowser 26
Leonardtown, MD
Jessica Marie Hernandez
26 Leonardtown, MD
Gene Gregory Vanmeter
22 Annapolis, MD
Sarah Nicole Deffbaugh
23 Annapolis, MD
June 8, 2010
John Stanley Hewitt, III
Coltons Point, MD
Laura Beth Hill 22 Coltons
Point, MD
June 9, 2010
Thomas Herbert Heaton,
Jr., 27 Hollywood, MD
Katie Lynn Demarr 29
Hollywood, MD
Jonathan Daniel
Newberry 24
Hollywood, MD
Jaqualine Danielle
Mendoza 22 Lexington
Park, MD
Michael Allen
Nines, Jr., 28
California, MD
Ashley Leah Riemer 24
California, MD
June 10, 2010
Richard Jason McCoy 30
California, MD
Krystal Laura Rickard 32
Elkton, MD
William Scott Jordan, Jr.,
37 Lexington Park, MD
Casey Jermaine Brown 31
Lexington Park, MD
June 11, 2010
Jason Scott Zieman 28
Lexington Park, MD
Julia Marie Long 28 Lex-
ington Park, MD
June 14, 2010
Carl Edward Hamilton, Jr.,
35 Mechanicsville, MD
Audrey Amanda Alvey 33
Mechanicsville, MD
Gary Stephen Hardesty,
Jr., 24 Great Mills, MD
Lashanda Shalan Cardwell
26 Great Mills, MD
Kenneth Richard Meiden-
bauer 26 Hollywood, MD
Ann Elizabeth Hasel 27
Mechanicsville, MD
June 15, 2010
Matthew John Mahoney
20 Great Mills, MD
Ashleigh Marie Minton 20
Great Mills, MD
June 16, 2010
David William Mabile 35
Lake Charles, LA
Sadie Fay Boudoin 40
Lake Charles, LA
Dwayne Wendell
Bond 31 Great Mills, MD
Karla Esmeralda F
ernandez 29
Great Mills, MD
June 18, 2010
Paul Edward Tolson 46
Lexington Park, MD
Sherri Lee Barry 47
Lexington Park, MD
Paul Albert
Ditzel 49
Leonardtown, MD
Loretta Jean
Hetmanski 53
Leonardtown, MD
David Lee Russell 28
Bushwood, MD
Jennifer Lynn Trossbach
22 Bushwood, MD
June 22, 2010
Dustin Ryan
Browne 25
Charlotte Hall, MD
Kathleen Ann
Bradshaw 28
Charlotte Hall, MD
Carlton Charles Kimble 36
Lexington Park, MD
Cening Ontong Alivio 28
Lexington Park, MD
Tyler Joseph Ellie 24
Clements, MD
Lisa Marie Young 25
Mechanicsville, MD
June 23, 2010
John Michael Campbell 19
Hamilton, MD
Natalie Kristine Vennefron
19 Hamilton, MD
Stephen Alexander
Hartzer 25 Great Mills, MD
Stacey Rebecca Loftis 24
Great Mills, MD
June 24, 2010
Prince Nathaniel Thomp-
son 28 Great Mills, MD
Sheri Marie Pope 27 Great
Mills, MD
June 25, 2010
Patrick Wayne Wood 43
Leonardtown, MD
Carol Ann Tennyson 41
Leonardtown, MD
Daryl James Williams, Sr.,
57 Lexington Park, MD
Barbara Jean Woodel 57
Lexington Park, MD
June 28, 2010
Wade Steve Harris, Jr., 40
Mechanicsville, MD
Dawn Michelle Hamann
43 Mechanicsville, MD
Dimitri Danl Pizano Weide
27 Oglesby, IL
Christine Elizabeth Blu-
teau 36 Lexington Park,
Diego Heredia Motas 27
Madrid, Spain
Lauren Elizabeth Wilde 25
Madrid, Spain
June 30, 2010
Anthony Romale Johnson
38 Mechanicsville, MD
Kimberly Lynn Butler 34
Mechanicsville, MD
Issued Marriage Applications forJune 2010
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 21
St. Marys Native Competing in
Miss Maryland USA
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Chelsea Long, 21, from
Valley Lee, smiled as she
sipped her coffee outside the
Coffee Quarter at San Souci
Plaza, nodding toward an al-
most-empty parking lot as she
explained what brought her
back to St. Marys County af-
ter studying in California.
I went to school for two
years in California. I went to
Golden State Baptist College,
and I was doing two years
of secretarial study. Then I
moved back here because I
wanted to do theater, she
said, and I decided that sec-
retarial work and teaching re-
ally isnt for me.
Since coming home,
Chelsea said shes been look-
ing for acting opportunities,
but in the meantime one has
already landed in her lap, and
shell be competing in the
Miss Maryland USA pageant
this fall.
Its my frst time in a
pageant in a while. When I
was a baby I did pageants. My
mom put me in them, and I
won runner up at St. Marys
County Fair when I was like
one year old and then a
pageant called Star Span-
gled Teen, I won for my age
group and I got the photoge-
nic award, so my last pageant
was probably when I was four
years old, she explained, go-
ing on to comment on how
the competitions had fos-
tered her self-confdence
at that age.
Being onstage is
nothing new for Chelsea,
as shes been studying
drama and playing roles
with the Newtowne Play-
ers, most recently acting
in their January production of
Over the River and Through
the Woods, and it was while
searching for other acting
opportunities that Chelsea
said she stumbled upon the
I was researching audi-
tions for local theater or local
flm projects, and thats how
I found Miss Maryland, she
said, so I applied online and
they had someone contact me
for the phone interview.
Miss Maryland USA will
feature young women from
across the state of Maryland,
all vying for the chance to
compete in the national Miss
USA pageant, which is a Don-
ald Trump and NBC Univer-
sal joint venture operating
in the same system as Miss
Universe not to be confused
with Miss America, a separate
pageant/scholarship program
which operates with a plat-
form concept and requires a
talent showcase as well as the
beauty contest.
The Miss Maryland USA
pageant will be held October
29-31 at the North Marriott
Hotel & Conference Center
in Bethesda. The frst rounds
will consist of preliminary in-
terviews for each contestant,
which are judged by a panel
on Saturday, followed by
group judging in the swimsuit
and evening gown categories.
Contestants then have a danc-
ing number before the fnal
contestants are announced on
Sunday, followed by another
round of swimsuit and eve-
ning gown judging.
And after that will come
the ever-dreaded stage inter-
view question, which Chelsea
said could cover any number
of topics.
Ive started Googling
things to fnd out what ques-
tions that they ask contestants,
and trying to get more infor-
mation, but Im not stressing
about it that much yet, said
Chelsea, adding later that she
plans to get a pageant coach
to help her prepare for the
And the payoff could be
considerable, she said. The
winner of the Miss Maryland
USA pageant in 2009 took
home an offcial crown and
banner, an engraved trophy,
$3,000 in cash prizes, gift cer-
tifcates, scholarships, clothes,
jewelry, and a complete train-
ing and makeover package to
go with representing the state
of Maryland at the national
Miss USA competition, which
this year will be telecast live
on NBC Universal from the
Planet Hollywood Resort in
Las Vegas.
It seems like a lot of pres-
sure, but Chelsea said shes
gotten past the initial jitters
and shes looking forward to
getting back onstage.
I guess going up there
you just have to have conf-
dence, she said. It doesnt
matter what you wear or what
you say, really, you just have
to have confdence and be-
lieve in your answers.
Confessions of a
Beauty Queen
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 22
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Dates: July 19 23,
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Join us for
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Matthews Wins Best of Show
Hollywood Vol. Fire Department not only hosted the biggest freworks
display in St. Marys County this year, but also paved the way for the 155
cars, trucks and bikes that were registered for the 2nd Annual Car, Truck
and Bike show on Saturday, which included everything from Harley David-
son custom cycles to antique fre trucks.
More than 40 trophies were given out for the days top picks, which
were judged by a guest panel that included Hollywood Volunteer frefght-
ers and friends of the department, and the Best of Show went to John Mat-
thews (pictured above) for his 1966 Chevy Chevelle SS.
Matthews, who drove to Hollywood on Saturday from Accokeek to
register in the show, said he was surprised to win the award, but proud to
earn the bragging rights.
It was my frst time, and I came down late, he said, going on to say
that he wouldnt be staying for the freworks show. Believe it or not, Ive
got to go home and get my family so we can go out and celebrate tonight,
he said.
The St. Marys County Relay For Life was held at
Leonardtown High School on June 12, 2010. There were
97 teams in total, and we are proud to announce that Fit-
ness And More of Hollywood, MD, came in once again as
the Top Fundraising Team. The FAM team of 38 women
raised a total of $18,816 out of the total of $260,181 in St.
Marys County.
The top individual fundraiser is also part of the FAM
team. Team Captain Brenda Tominack personally raised
$5,874 this year. The FAM team also had several members
join the Relay Grand Club those individuals who person-
ally raise at least $1000. Team members Brenda Tominack,
Helen Pearson, Sarah Sizemore, Judy Fulir, and Terri Ver-
bic-Boggs all made the 2010 Club.
For more information about Relay For Life in our
county, please contact the 2011 event chair, Kristy Wil-
hite, at stmarysrelay@gmail.com, or go to www.StMarys-
American Cancer Society
Announces Top 2010 Relay Teams
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 23
Consort with the followers of all religions
in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship
Discussions every 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm
301-884-8764 1-800-22-UNITE
or www.bahai.org
A member of the Southern Baptist Convention
8505 Leonardtown Road, Hughesville, MD 20637
301-884-8645 or 301-274-3627
Pastor Keith Corrick
Associate Pastor Kevin Cullins
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Sunday School (all ages) 9:15 am
Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study 6:00 pm
Wednesday Discipleship Classes 7:00 pm
(Adults, youth & Children)
Going the Distance
Making a Difference
Golden Beach Rd. Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-884-8503
Robert W. Kyner, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship Service 11:00 am
Sunday Evening 7:00 pm
Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 7:00 pm
An Independent Baptist
Church and Academy
Virgil Mass: 4:30 pm Saturday
Sunday: 8:00 am
Weekday (M-F): 7:30 am
Confessions: 3-4 pm Saturday
St. Cecelia Church
47950 Mattapany Rd, PO Box 429
St. Marys City, MD 20686 301-862-4600
St. Johns
United Episcopal
North Sandgates Rd.
(1/4 Mile in, on the left) Mechanicsville
Traditional 1928 Prayerbook
Services 10:00 am Sunday
Father Joseph H. Dobson, Jr., Rector
Father John Ayres, Assistant
301-373-3862 or StJohnsUEC@md.metrocast.net
(Meeting at Mechanicsville Elementary School)
Pastor Carl Snyder
Worship Service: 10:00 am
Phone: 301-884-3504 Website:
John 8:32
Member of fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
Grace Chapel
Patuxent Presbyterian Church
California, Maryland
Rev Michael R. Jones, Senior Pastor
1 miles South of Thomas Johnson Bridge on Rt. 4
Sunday Morning Worship Services:
8:30 am & 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
With Nursery care
Website: http://www.paxpres.org
E-mail: ChurchOffce@paxpress.org
Offering worship and serving opportunities at
First Friendship campus Ridge
9:00 am Traditional worship
St George Island campus Piney Point
9:45 am Children and Adult Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional worship
St. Pauls campus Leonardtown
8:05 am Traditional worship
9:15 am Contemporary worship
nca(ASL Interpreted)
10:45 am Contemporary worship
6:00 pm The Refnery (interactive worship)
n nursery provided
c- childrens Sunday school also available
a- adult Sunday school also available
Running the 2nd & 4th Week of Each Month
Meeting at:
HomeTowne Center Conference Room
(2ndbldg. northof Naval Air Museum)
22196Three NotchRd. (Rt. 235)
LexingtonPark, MD
Calvary Baptist Church
Independent, Fundamental &KJVBible-believing
Home of 88.1FM, All ChristianRadio
(mailing address &church offce: 46365 Pegg Ln., Lexington Park, MD20653)
301 862-4435
Sunday School: 10A.M.
Sunday Services: 11A.M. &6P.M.
Wednesday Bible Study &Prayer: 7P.M.
A Guide to Your
Local Churches
To Advertise
in the
Church Services
Call The County Times
at 301-373-4125
The Newtowne Players announce open
auditions for the upcoming production of
Rumors, a comedy by Neil Simon. There are
parts for fve men and fve women of all ages.
People interested in helping with the technical
and support crew are also welcome. The show
runs Sept. 24 through Oct. 10.
Rumors features four couples gathered at
the home of a deputy New York City mayor
and his wife to celebrate their 10th wedding
anniversary. The party never begins because
the host has shot himself in the head (its only
a fesh wound), and his wife is missing. His
lawyers cover-up gets progressively more dif-
fcult to sustain as the other guests arrive and
nobody can remember who has been told what
about whom. Hilarity abounds as the couples
get more and more crazed.
Auditions will be held July 6 and 12 from
7 to 9 p.m. in the lobby of Three Notch Theatre
on 21744 South Coral Drive in Lexington Park.
Auditions will be readings from the script; no
prepared material is necessary. If you cannot
make these times but wish to work either on-
stage or backstage for this production, contact
Director Dawn Weber at 240-577-1933.
For more information about volunteer
opportunities or other upcoming programs,
please visit www.newtowneplayers.org.
Auditions Announced
for Neil Simons Rumors
Flumpa and Friends Live performs July
The next Professional Performance will
be an interactive musical science adventure
performed by Flumpa on July 12. Charlotte
Halls performance will be at 10 a.m. at White
Marsh Elementary School, Leonardtowns at
12:30 p.m. at Leonardtown Elementary and
Lexington Parks at 3 p.m. at the library. The
Board of Library Trustees is sponsoring this

Children to explore early life on the
St. Clements Island Museum staff will
present a hands-on program for children ages
5-12 on July 15 at Charlotte Hall at 10 a.m., at
Leonardtown at 12:30 p.m., and at Lexington
Park at 3 p.m. They will explore the impor-
tance of the Potomac River to earlier residents.
Registration is required.

Free teen programs offered
Teens ages 12 and older can register for a
drawing class at Lexington Park from 10 a.m.
to 11:30 on either July 10 or July 24. The class
is taught by John Busby.
Launching rockets, sinking subs and
making impossible objects foat are only a part
of the fun activities planned at Splashdown
Science, a hands-on program for teens offered
July 13 at 1 p.m. at Leonardtown, July 21 at 2
p.m. at Charlotte Hall and July 22 at 2 p.m. at
Lexington Park. Old clothes are recommend-
ed. Registration is required.
Computer programs are also offered for
teens to learn advance techniques of photo ed-
iting or to compete online in Battleship tour-
naments for prizes. Times and dates of these
programs are listed on the librarys website.
Quilters invited to tea
Quilters are invited to an afternoon tea
with Diane Fenwick of Olde Towne Stitchery
and fellow quilters on July 16 at 2:30 p.m. at
Leonardtown. They will also learn about The
Heart of Maryland Libraries Quilt, which will
be on display at Leonardtown from July 7
through July 30.

Branson Missouri performer portrays
Mark Twain
Dave Ehlert, a favorite at Branson, MO
will perform his award-winning portrayal of
Mark Twain at Lexington Park on July 21 at 7
p.m. Filled with timeless humor and comedy,
the performance will take a look at life through
the eyes of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. The
performance is free.

LEGOs and storytimes combined
Children can create beach stuff with
LEGOs while listening to a beach story at
Charlotte Hall on July 14 and Leonardtown
on July 21. Both start at 2 p.m. LEGOs are
provided. Children are asked not to bring their
own LEGOs.
L ibrary
Leonardtown will be landing on the map on Friday, July 9, when Fox 5 D.C. features the
town on their morning show as part of their Hometowns Series, which airs on Fridays through-
out the month of July. Crews will set up at Leonardtown Wharf from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., and there
will be a roaming reporter collecting comments from the crowd. If you are planning to be in
Leonardtown that morning, it is suggested that you tape or TIVO Foxs morning broadcast on
Friday for a chance to see yourself on television!
For more information on Fox 5s Hometowns series, go to www.myfoxdc.
Fox 5 Coming
to Leonardtown
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 24
Thursday, July 8
$40 HoldEm Tournament
Donovans Pub (California) 7 p.m.
Friday, July 9
Annual St. Marys County National
Lawn Mower Racing Tournament
Bowles Farm (Clements) 5 p.m.
Racers from across the country will com-
pete in the St. Marys County National Lawn
Mower Races. Other activities for the whole
family are included. Gates open at 5 p.m. on
Friday, and 2 p.m. on Saturday. Admission.
For more information call 301-475-2139 or
visit www.bowlesfarms.com.
FOP Texas HoldEm Tournament
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 7 p.m.
New Song Coffee House & Concert
Church of the Nazarene (Leonardtown) 7
Live worship music will be presented by
The Itzel Family (www.billandkarenitzel.com).
A good will love offering will be received.
River Concert Series: A Grand Night of
St. Marys College (Historic St. Marys City)
7 p.m.
The Chesapeake Orchestra and Larry
Vote, guest conductor, welcome Michelle
Johnson (soprano), Olivia Vote (mezzo-sopra-
no) and Brian Majors (baritone) for an evening
of Opera Aria Highlights. The concert is free
and open to the public. For more information,
call 240-895-4107 or visit www.rivercon-
Saturday, July 10
Yard & Homemade Bake Sale
St Francis Xavier Parish Hall (Compton) 7
On Newtown Neck Rd., fresh homemade
baked goods and community yard sale.
Free Community Yoga Practice
Leonardtown Wharf 7:30 a.m.
The community is invited to participate
in free morning yoga from 7:30 - 8:30 am,
weather permitting. Yoga practice will be held
either waterside at the Leonardtown pier, or in
the Leonardtown Square. Participants should
bring their own yoga mat, water bottle, hand
towel, and a canned food item for donation. For
more information contact Pat at 301-373-8850.
Multi-Family Yard Sale
Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy (Leonar-
dtown) 8 a.m.
Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy is
hosting a huge yard sale on school grounds.
This is a multi-family yard sale with many
items such as books, bikes, game systems
and games, housewares, childrens toys, etc.
The school is located at 41740 Baldridge St. in
Leonardtown. Visit the website for more infor-
mation at www.lhjna.com.
Annual Unity in the Community Day
Chancellors Run Regional Park (Great Mills)
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sponsored by Tree of Life Christian De-
liverance Ministries (T.O.L.C.D.M.), the event
will include free health screenings, basketball
tournaments, childrens games, door prizes
and more. The event is free and open to the
public. For more information, go to www.
treeofifecdm.org or call 301-737-1310.
Point Lookout Lighthouse Open House
Point Lookout Lighthouse (Scotland) 10
The Point Lookout Lighthouse will be
open to visitors from 10 am until 2 pm. Do-
cents from the Point Lookout Lighthouse Pres-
ervation Society will be on hand to answer
questions. No charge to enter the lighthouse,
but standard park entrance fees apply: $5 per
person in-state, $6 per person for out-of-state.
Donations greatly appreciated, and all funds
go toward restoring the lighthouse to the 1927
time period. For additional information, please
visit our website at www.PLLPS.org, or email
Second Hope Rescue Pet Adoptions
Petco (California) 11 a.m.
For more information, call 240-925-0628
or email Lora@SecondHopeRescue.org. To
see available animals, visit www.SecondHo-
Potomac Jazz & Seafood Festival
St. Clements Island Museum (Coltons Point)
1 p.m.
Music by Matt Marshak, Plunky & One-
ness and Jackie Joyner. Vendors will be there
to offer food and drinks. Tickets are $50 per
person by advance sale only. Only 800 tick-
ets are available. All sales are fnal. No cool-
ers, pets or large umbrellas allowed. Ticket
price includes free parking, admission to the
museum and an optional boat excursion to
St. Clements Island from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased by calling the St.
Clement Island Museum at 301-769-2222
or going to the website at www.stmarysmd.
Special Olympics No Limit Cash Game
Bennett Bldg.-24930 Old Three Notch Rd
(Hollywood) 4 p.m.
For more information call 240-577-0240
or 240-286-7964.
Texas HoldEm Vegas Night
Leonardtown Vol. Fire Department 6 p.m.
For more information contact Kevin Mat-
tingly at 301-475-9178, or go to http://www.
St. Marys River Concert Series On
Leonardtown Square 7 p.m.
The River Concert Series Brass Ensemble
will perform on the Square in Leonardtown.
Please note that the concert scheduled for Sat-
urday, July 17 has been cancelled. For more
information, go to www.news.leonardtown.
Sunday, July 11
All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
District Vol. Fire Department/Rescue
Squad (Lexington Park) 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Adults are $8.00; children between the
ages of 6 thru 12 are $4.00; children 5 and
under are free. Sponsored by the 2nd District
VFD & RS Auxiliary. For more information,
call 301-994-9999.
Beneft Dance
Mechanicsville Firehouse 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Dance to beneft Wayne Baird, who is
currently battling cancer. Event will include
a fried chicken dinner, hot dogs, burgers and
fries for sale, a silent auction and a 50/50 raffe.
Live music by the Wanderers. Admission $10.
FOP Texas HoldEm Tournament
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 2 p.m.

Put a Cork in Cancer Wine Tasting
Guenthers Fine Wine and Spirits (Leonard-
town) 2 p.m.
The American Cancer Society Cancer
Action Network (ACS CAN) will be hosting
Put a Cork in Cancer with an afternoon of
wine, hors doeuvres, and a silent auction.
For tickets and more information, visit www.
acscan.org/mdwinetasting or contact Elaine
Koogler in Calvert County at 410-610-0846,
or Sue Lyddon-Hayes in St. Marys County at
Texas HoldEm Big Game
Park Bingo Hall (California) 2:30 p.m.
For more information or to register, email
mbb88@aol.com or call 301-643-5573. No e-
mail on the day of the event.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg.-24930 Old Three Notch Rd
(Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Chance to win $5,000. For more informa-
tion call 240-577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
Monday, July 12
Patuxent Partnership Briefng: Adm.
Gary Roughead
Southern Maryland Higher Education Center
(California) 8 a.m.
The Patuxent Partnership invites its Mem-
bers and the Regional Community to a brief-
ing with Special Guest Speaker, Admiral Gary
Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations, at the
Southern Maryland Higher Education Center,
Building 2, Center Hall, 44219 Airport Road,
California, MD. For more information or to
register, go to www.paxpartnership.org/index.
Environmental Awareness Week Vaca-
tion Bible School
First Missionary Baptist Church (Lexington
Park) 5:30 p.m.
Located at 47359 Lincoln Ave., Lexington
Park. For ages 3 and up, all welcome to join
in Bible-based discussions, crafts and other
activities. Call 301-863-8388 to register or for
more information.
Low-Cost Rabies Clinic
St. Marys County Fairgrounds (Leonard-
town) 6 p.m.
Vaccines are $10 each. Open from 6-
8pm. All crated or leashed animals welcomed
(or our vet will come to your car to vaccinate
your pet). For more information go to www.
Mega Sports Camp
Living Word Community Church (Mechanic-
sville) 6 p.m.
Located at 39371 Harpers Corner Rd., for
children entertain grades 1-5, July 12-16 from 6
to 9 p.m. Participants can choose basketball or
baseball. Space is limited. For more informa-
tion go to lwccmech.org or call 301-884-0167.
Newtowne Players Open Auditions:
Three Notch Theater (Lexington Park) 7
The Newtowne Players announce open
auditions for the upcoming production of Ru-
mors, a comedy by Neil Simon. There are parts
for fve men and fve women of all ages. The
show runs Sept. 24 through Oct. 10. Audi-
tions will readings from the script; no prepared
material is necessary. If you cannot make
these times but wish to work either onstage or
backstage for this production, contact Direc-
tor Dawn Weber at 240-577-1933. For more
information about volunteer opportunities or
other upcoming programs, please visit www.
No Limit Texas HoldEm Bounty
St. Marys County Elks Lodge (California)
7 p.m.
For more information call the Lodge at
301-863-7800, or Linda at 240-925-5697.
HoldEm Tournament No Rake
Donovans Pub (California) 7:30 p.m.
For more information call Barry at 443-
486-3319, or email Road2Scholarship@yahoo.
Tuesday, July 13
Mega Sports Camp
Living Word Community Church (Mechanic-
sville) 6 p.m.
Located at 39371 Harpers Corner Rd., for
children entertain grades 1-5, July 12-16 from 6
to 9 p.m. Participants can choose basketball or
baseball. Space is limited. For more informa-
tion go to lwccmech.org or call 301-884-0167.
CSM Twilight Performance Series:
Fitzmaurice Band
College of Southern Maryland (Leonardtown
campus) 6:45 p.m.
Part of CSMs Twilight Performance Se-
ries, the band plays original compositions in-
fuenced by a variety of musical genres such
as country, folk and jazz. Each week the series
features a different performance on each cam-
pus. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, no
alcoholic beverages permitted. The concert is
free. For more information, call 301-934-7828,
240-725-5499, 443-550-6199, or 301-870-2309,
Ext. 7828 - or visit www.csmd.edu/Arts.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg.-24930 Old Three Notch Rd
(Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Chance to win $5,000. For more informa-
tion call 240-577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
Wednesday, July 14
Home-Based Business Roundtable
Southern Maryland Higher Education Center
(California) 9:30 a.m.
The St. Marys County Department of
Economic & Community Development pres-
ents a home-based business Roundtable Meet-
ing. The Agenda includes a Certifed Public
Accountant (CPA) from Askey Askey & Asso-
ciates discussing best accounting practices for
home-based businesses. The event is free but
you must RSVP by calling Cheri Noffsinger at
301-475-4200 ext. 1400, or by emailing Cheri.
Nature Time at Greenwell
Greenwell State Park (Hollywood) 10 a.m.
Pre-registration (no later than 24 hours
in advance) is required via email - lpranzo@
greenwellfoundation.org - or by calling the
Greenwell Foundation offce at 301-373-9775.
Mega Sports Camp
Living Word Community Church (Mechanic-
sville) 6 p.m.
Located at 39371 Harpers Corner Rd., for
children entertain grades 1-5, July 12-16 from 6
to 9 p.m. Participants can choose basketball or
baseball. Space is limited. For more informa-
tion, go to lwccmech.org or call 301-884-0167.
$35 No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Bldg.-24930 Old Three Notch Rd
(Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Chance to win $5,000. For more informa-
tion call 240-577-0240 or 240-286-7964.
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 25
Durkins Realty, P.C.
301-737-1133 1-800-638-4701 301-994-1632
21945 Three Notch Rd. #104 Lexington Park, MD 20653
Visit our Branch offce: 20259 Point Lookout Rd. Great Mills, MD 20634
Immaculate Townhome
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tenance home close to everything. SM7236500.
Excellent Investment
1.32 acre lot directly on Rt. 235 in Lexington Park.
Paved driveway & parking area, has older mobile
home w/more recent 3-room addn. Good loca-
tion w/lots of potential. Lg shed, lots of good road
frontage. SM7177703. $115,000. Call William
Durkin. www.durkinsrealty.com
Classic Home on 4+ Acres
Lovely home in small subdivision of upscale
homes. Over 3,000 square feet & full unfnished
basement with rough-in for full bath, 9 ceilings on
main level, 2-story foyer, home offce/library, fam-
ily room with gas freplace, upgraded appliances,
master bedroom with sitting room. Attached 2-car
garage with separate detached garage/workshop.
Must see to appreciate all this home has to offer.
SM7244545. $460,000. Call Donna Knott.
68+ Acres Potential Subdivision
Located in a lovely area just 3 miles past St. Marys
College. Over 1,000 feet of road frontage on Rt. 5
& Villa Rd. Preliminary Subdivision Plan has start-
ed, property has 13 approved perc sites. Perfect
location for the gentleman farmer or horse lover
to build your dream estate. $895,000 . Call Wil-
liam Durkin.
Cannot be combined with any other in offce discounts. Expires July 31 2010
Beat the heat at
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Millison Plaza
21703-C Great Mills Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653
(Just outside of NAS Patuxent River, Gate 2)
Bounce ALL DAY
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Monday: Closed
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Wed: 10am - 7pm
Fri Sat: 10am 8pm
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$1.00 off
reguLAr ADmIssIon
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At Leonardtown Fire House
Saturday, July 10, 2010
1st Place Winner $1,500.00
Top 9 Players Will Be a Winner
2nd Place: $750 3rd Place: $375 4th Place: $225 5th Place: $200
6th Place: $175 7th Place: $150 8th Place: $125 9th Place: $100
$60 Entry Fee Limited to 100 People
(Prize Money May Be Adjusted If Less Than 100 People)
Includes Entry Fee for Las Vegas Night
Must be 21 to enter
Roulette, Black Jack, Caribbean Stud,
Over/Under, Big 6, Vegas Wheel
Admission $10.00
Food, Sodas, Beer And Cash Bar Will Be Available
For Any Information Contact Kevin Mattingly
301-475-9178 or contact the frehouse
Las Vegas Night at 7:30 PM
Texas Hold em at 6:00 PM
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 26


For family and community
events, see our calendar in the
community section on page 24.
In Entertainment
The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature!
To submit art or band information for our entertainment section,
e-mail andreashiell@countytimes.net.
Twilight Concert Series Goes
Beyond Boundaries
We post nightlife events happening in Calvert, Charles and St. Marys counties. To submit an event for
our calendar, email andreashiell@countytimes.net. Deadline for submissions is Monday by 5 p.m.
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Tuesday night saw the kick-off event for the
Twilight Concert Series at the College of South-
ern Maryland, which this year promises to take
audience members Beyond Boundaries, a ft-
ting theme considering the opening Chautauqua
performances at
each campus, fea-
turing scholars
playing Thurgood
Marshall, Freder-
ick Law Olmsted
and Sacagawea,
historical charac-
ters that broke the
mold with their
civic and social
The idea
is to bring a pro-
gram that is both
educational and
entertaining to communities around Maryland,
and the College of Southern Maryland is one of
those, said Lisa Keir, of the Maryland Humani-
ties Council, describing this years historical
characters as fence jumpers and boundary
Keith Hight, Assistant Professor and The-
ater Technical Director for CSMs Communi-
cations, Arts and Humanities division, said he
was excited to sign on for his frst year with the
Twilight Series, and he was especially encour-
aged to see the Chautauqua performances open-
ing the series.
I just call it the history channel that
moves, but Im really excited. We even have
our students do a living history for class, so Im
hoping theyll be able to come to these perfor-
mances and see that I wasnt crazy for asking
them to do a living history themselves, said
Hight, laughing.
Nkeshi Free, CSMs Community Relations
Coordinator, carried on the boundary-busting
theme as she described this years musical per-
formers, each of which represent a unique mar-
riage of cultures and songwriting styles.
Next week we have The Fitzmaurice
Band, and theyre just a really cool band, she
said, going on to add
that theyve recently
been selected as a
possible opening act
for Bon Jovis up-
coming tour.
Maria Fitzmau-
rice and her twin
sister Sarah started
the band in Bowie
with fellow musi-
cians Brandon Snel-
lings, Mike Simms
and Aaron Malone,
combining infu-
ences from bluegrass and country to jazz, clas-
sical, international folk and classic rock. Theyll
be performing next Tuesday, July 13 at CSMs
Leonardtown campus, on July 14 at the La Plata
Campus, and on July 15 at the Prince Frederick
Performing July 20-22 is Terence McArdle
and Big Trouble, a band from D.C. that have
evolved from a harmonica-dominated Chicago
blues band into a hybrid act including heavy
doses of R&B, swing, be-bop and rockabilly.
Since forming in 1992, the members of Big
Trouble have played with several well-known
acts including James Cotton, Little Jimmy
King, Smokey Wilson, Robert Jr. Lockwood,
Johnny Rawls and Bobby Radcliff.
Rounding out this years Twilight Concert
Series from July 27-29 will be Alegria, a Latin
jazz trio headed by guitarist Peter Richardson,
formerly a student at the Duke Ellington School
of the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.
Joining Richardson are Bob Bowen, a freelance
electric and acoustic bass player who boasts a
Music Business degree from Radford Univer-
sity (where he studied with Ed Mikenas), and
drummer Drex Weaver, a graduate of the Berk-
lee College of Music in Boston.
The whole point is to not be limited, said
Free as she described this
years series, centering on
individuals and groups that
consistently bend the odds
as well as the ears, busting
boundaries as they go.
The Twilight Concert Se-
ries will feature performanc-
es at the College of Southern
Maryland on Tuesdays at
the Leonardtown campus,
Wednesdays at the La Plata
Campus, and Thursdays at
the Prince Frederick campus,
with shows beginning around 6:45 p.m. All con-
certs are free and open to the public. For more
information, go to www.csmd.edu/arts.
Thursday, July 8
Fair Warning Irish Pub
CJs Back Room (Lusby) 5
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
DJ McNa$ty
Big Dogs Paradise (Mechan-
icsville) 8 p.m.
Thirsty Thursdays
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow (California)
8 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Cadillac Jacks (Lexington
Park) 8 p.m.
Friday, July 9
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub
Donovans Pub (California)
5 p.m.
Randy Richie (jazz piano)
Caf des Artistes (Leonard-
town) 6:30 p.m.*
Dylan Galvin
Ruddy Duck Brewery (Solo-
mons) 7 p.m.
DJ/Line Dancing
Hotel Charles (Hughesville)
7:30 p.m.
Country Music Jam
St. Marys Landing (Char-
lotte Hall) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow (California)
8 p.m.
Wolfs Music: Lisa Lim &
Over the Limit
Murphys Pub (Bryans Road)
8 p.m.
Bent Nickel
Jake & Als (Lusby) 9 p.m.
Club 911 (Mechanicsville)
9 p.m.
Poison Whiskey
Veras White Sands Beach
Club (Lusby) 9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
Apehangers Bar (Bel Alton)
9 p.m.
Memories (Waldorf) 9:30
After Hours Lounge (Live
Chefs American Bistro
(California) 10 p.m.
Saturday, July 10
Sloe Jim w/ Mike Riedel
Gilligans Pier (Newburg)
3 p.m.
Far East Beach Concierge
Camping (Piney Point) 4
Dylan Galvin
Isaacs Restaurant & Pub
Holiday Inn (Solomons)
5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Randy Richie (jazz piano)
Caf des Artistes (Leonard-
town) 6:30 p.m.*
Dave & Kevin
Ruddy Duck Brewery (Solo-
mons) 7 p.m.
Karaoke Night
OCI Pub (Piney Point) 8
Loose Kannon
CJs Back Room (Lusby) 8
The Not So Modern Jazz
Westlawn Inn (North Beach)
8 p.m.
DJ Mango
Lexington Lounge (Lexing-
ton Park) 9 p.m.
Karaoke w/ DJ Tommy T
& DJ T
Applebees (California) 9
Miles From Clever
Cryers Back Road Inn
(Leonardtown) 9 p.m.
No Green JellyBeenz
Gilligans Pier (Newburg)
9 p.m.
One Louder
Veras White Sands Beach
Club (Lusby) 9 p.m.
Sam Grow
Apehangers Bar (Bel Alton)
9 p.m.
Three Sixty
Scuttlebutt Restaurant & Ma-
rina (Cobb Island) 9 p.m.
After Hours Lounge (Live
Chefs American Bistro
(California) 10 p.m.
Sunday, July 11
Gary Rue with Fred
St. Marys County Yacht-
ing Center/Campground
(Drayden) 2 p.m.
Kashmere (Led Zeppelin
Gilligans Pier (Newburg)
3 p.m.
Too Many Mikes
Toots Bar (Hollywood) 3
Zekiah Swamp Cats
Apehangers Bar (Bel Alton)
3 p.m.
Country Music Jam
St. Marys Landing (Char-
lotte Hall) 4 p.m.
Monday, July 12
Mason Sebastian
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Scotts II (Welcome) 7 p.m.
Tuesday, July 13
Fair Warning Irish Pub
DB McMillans (California)
5 p.m.
Anthony Ryan
Ruddy Duck Brewery (Solo-
mons) 7 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, July 14
Fair Warning Irish Pub
CJs Back Room (Lusby) 5
Captain John
DB McMillans (California)
5:30 p.m.
Karaoke with DJ Harry
Big Dogs Paradise (Mechan-
icsville) 7 p.m.
Sloe Jim
Gilligans Pier (Newburg)
7 p.m.
Karaoke Night
St. Marys Landing (Char-
lotte Hall) 7:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Hulas Bungalow (California)
8 p.m.
Wolfs Blues Jam
Beach Cove Restaurant
(Chesapeake Beach) 8 p.m.
Terence McArdle and Big Trouble
The Fitzmaurice Band
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 27
By Shelby Oppermann
Contributing Writer
Yes, for Cathy, and anyone else who re-
members, I did cry at the freworks display at Hol-
lywood Fire House last Saturday. Thanks for the
pre-display tissue too, Cathy. The freworks were
truly magnifcent! The freworks operators re-
ally surprised us all with the frst group they shot
off, and after that they just amazed the crowd.
The ending was the best Id ever seen with lots
of cascading bursting streams of light twisting
and turning in the dark sky. Thank you to Hol-
lywood Fire Department for the great evening of
frework excitement, music with No Green Jelly
Beenz, and good old carnival food.
Last Sunday we went to visit friends in Ash-
burn, Virginia. On the way home we thought
lets stop in either Old Town Alexandria or the
National Harbor to watch the freworks in D.C.
We could barely see those since all of Alexan-
drias waterfront has beautiful large trees which
block vision in that direction. Then, all of sud-
den, we saw the crowds moving eastward, and we
followed. The National Harbor freworks display
on the shore of Prince Georges County was just
beginning. It was a great freworks display with
an ending of the most colorful freworks youve
ever seen all sorts of yellows, pinks, greens,
and blues looking like exploding chrysanthe-
mums. If you havent been to the National Harbor
yet, you should go and just walk around. It is a
completely planned community with hotels, and
residential and shopping areas all within a fairly
compact area.
During the harbor freworks, my husband
looked over at me to see if I was crying again, but
I was only moist in the eyes. He said, You must
have to be right under them to cry. I replied, that
Yes it must be the percussion that both scares
and amazes me. But then I remembered the
thought that came to me at the Hollywood fre-
works what made me cry more this time than
any other. I wondered how the same noise the
thunderous percussion at a freworks display that
can bring oohs and aahs to people, can also bring
fright and panic to our troops or people in a state
of war. Context really does make all the differ-
ence. And it is also the pride in our country. That
is what I feel every year. How everyone all over
the country is having this beautiful display of
American pride at pretty much the same time. It
makes me wonder how terrorists or spies cant be
moved by seeing this and think wow, America
does have so much beauty, simple values, and
unity within diversity. How can anyone not think
this country is great on the most basic level even
with its faws.
But it was a great 4th of July weekend. The
weather was beautiful. Fresh, dry air. Well, most
of the air was fresh, except for the two and a half
additional hours we unexpectedly had to stay in
the Old Town parking garage. This would only
happen to us, and it was unfortunate that quite a
few hundred people had to also be delayed with
us. The automatic ticket payment system and the
gate malfunctioned, so no one could leave. Tem-
pers fared and horns blared, with one poor at-
tendant (when he was fnally found) trying to run
back and forth getting things to work. Too much
carbon monoxide in a 100 degree parking garage
is not good for anyones moods. We couldnt even
get out of our parking space, so we just walked
back around the corner to King Street, sat on a
stoop and people watched. You can make the
best time of anything for very little or no money.
It was eleven by this time, and the second wave
of revelers were hitting the streets so there was
plenty to watch. We fnally got home after 1 a.m.;
eyes red, and feeling tired.
But you know what? We will do it all over
again next July 4th, minor problems and all, be-
cause the feeling of gratitude and pride in our
country is strong and will be forever.
To each new days amazing adventure,
Please send comments or ideas to: shelbys.
of an

By Linda Reno
Contributing Writer
If you had lived 200
years ago and wanted
to learn a trade, you
wouldnt have gone to
a specialized school
as is done today. Your
parents would have ap-
prenticed you to someone whose trade you
wanted to learn, or you could have appren-
ticed yourself. Then again, it wasnt always
a matter of choice. Remember that women
didnt have careers and if your father died
leaving little or no estate, your mother may
not have had the means to support you so an
apprenticeship could be an option. Unfortu-
nately, there were also children who had lost
both parents. As such, they generally had no
means of support so they were put to work.
Children of all ages were apprenticed, rang-
ing in age from two to 19.
Boys generally served to the age of 21.
Girls were generally freed at the age of 16.
The terms of the apprenticeship demanded
strict obedience to the master. There would
be no visiting taverns or places of gambling,
playing cards or dice, fornication, getting
married, or drinking and swearing. The
master generally agreed to train the appren-
tice, provide a limited amount of schooling,
and at the end of the time served to provide a
suit of clothing and perhaps a few dollars.
Over the next several weeks, well
explore the lives of some of these young
A Journey Through Time A Journey Through Time
The Chronicle
Still Crying, but Proud
January 10, 1809: Elizabeth Campbell,
widow, bound her son, John Campbell who
will be 18 on July 1 next as an apprentice to
Edward Fellows to learn the art, trade, and
mystery of a Blacksmith. John was to serve
until July 1, 1812 when he would arrive at
the age of 21.
John presumably completed his ap-
prenticeship, served during the War of 1812,
and then at the age of 33 married Elizabeth
Greenwell. Elizabeth was deceased prior
to 1824 when he married second, Ann H.
Greenwell. John died April 23, 1832 in
Leonardtown, leaving his widow Ann and
three children. In 1855, Ann applied for a
pension based on Johns service during the
December 8, 1809: John Mackall, Jr.
and M. W. Simmonds, Justices of the Peace,
bind Bennet Cooper, an orphan, with the
consent of his mother, to William Jones, pi-
lot*. Bennet was 17 years old on May 19 last
and will serve until the age of 21.
This particular apprenticeship was most
likely a matter of choice vs. need. Frances
(Egerton) Cooper, Bennets mother, owned
both land and slaves. The will of Frances
Cooper dated June 30, 1817 devised $100
to her daughter, Elizabeth Lydaman and all
of her land to her sons, Bennet and Philip
Cooper. Bennet also received a Negro boy
named Raphael while Philip received a Ne-
gro girl named Henny.
Bennet Cooper also served during the
War of 1812. He moved to Baltimore where
he married Ann Sables in 1822 and he was
still there at the time of the 1830 census. He
probably became a part of the core group of
St. Marys County men would form the nu-
cleus of what would later become the Mary-
land Pilots Association.
*Pilots were responsible for steering
ships into or out of harbors or through cer-
tain diffcult waters.
Photo Courtesy of Helen
Carroll Beavers Patterson
Furious Love by Sam Kashner & Nancy Schoenberger
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
Contributing Writer
Purely from a geologists view-
point, it isnt much. Basically, its just a
rock somebody pulled from the dirt.
But if someone of-
fered you one of those
rocks, you wouldnt turn
it down. Youd gladly
wear it on your fnger,
your earlobe, or your
throat - although youd
probably call it a diamond
or an emerald or a sap-
phire. Still, its a rock. A
little something plucked
from the Earth just for
you, youre welcome.
When Elizabeth Tay-
lor was married to Rich-
ard Burton, she collected
those expensive rocks
and played with them.
In the new book Furi-
ous Love by Sam Kash-
ner & Nancy Schoenberger, youll read
about the box offce bombs and boons,
the baubles, and the battles.
Elizabeth Taylor didnt think much
of Richard Burton the frst time she met
him while at a pool party in 1953. Al-
ready into her second marriage, she was
just 21 and a genuine Hollywood diva.
He was 28, recently plucked from
the London stage, and drunk.
Nine years later, they met again
on the set of the epic movie, Cleopatra.
She was then on Marriage Number Four
to Eddie Fisher; he had wed to a solid
hometown Welsh girl. But Dick and
Liz (a nickname they hated) were fre
together. He stood up to her and wasnt
afraid to insult her. She had a bawdy side
that delighted him.
Their affair started quietly until
the paparazzi caught on. After sneaking
around for awhile, they openly faunted
their passion in front of photographers.
Richards wife refused to grant him
a divorce. Elizabeth tried to commit
He called the whole thing Le
In 1964, Richard Burton married
Elizabeth Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher
and afterward, released a simple state-
ment that said Elizabeth Burton and I
are very happy.
But it wasnt Happily
Ever After.
Richard and Eliza-
beth both loved to drink,
fght, and make up. He
draped her in expensive,
famous jewels. They
fought over who was
more Jewish. They
shared a blended and be-
loved brood of children,
but could never have a
child together. Her career
overshadowed his, then
vice versa. They fought,
divorced, reconciled and
remarried, fought and di-
vorced again, and almost
reconciled a third time.
Instead, she married other men (plural).
He married another woman.
When Richard Burton died, his
new wife asked Elizabeth Taylor to stay
Remember the guilty, furtive plea-
sure of poking through a pile of your
grandmas old TV and Movie Screen
magazines? Yep, Furious Love is that
kind of fun.
Authors Sam Kashner & Nancy
Schoenberger dug deep for the dirt
on DickandLiz, Hollywoods most
beloved, most vilifed, most-married
couple, to present a snarky love story
that seems tame now but was gasp-wor-
thy then. I think thats why I loved this
book: it took me back to a relatively in-
nocent time when a Hollywood affair
was an honest-to-goodness scandal wor-
thy of Vatican comment and Congress
If youre looking for some old-
school gossip to pass the summertime,
youll fnd this book to be irresistible.
For you, Furious Love is a true gem.
c.2010, Harper $27.99 / $29.99 Canada 512 pages, includes notes
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 28
1. Nevertheless
4. A restaurant bill
7. Pastry-lined dish
10. Freshwater duck genus
12. Water container
14. Many not ands
15. Dull pains
17. U.S. island territory
18. Policeman (French)
19. The upper crust
20. Add details to
22. Telegraphic code
23. Squealer
25. Criticize severely
26. Serrasalmus
29. Extra long staple cotton
30. Made a choice
31. Feline mammal
32. 37th president
38. Angry
39. E Anglia Celtic tribe
40. March 15th
42. Ice sport
45. Iniquitous
48. 1st stock offer
49. Danish money
51. Double hulled boat
54. Consumer advocate Ralph
56. Bell operating system
57. Semitic fertility god
58. Old Norse poems
59. Shock treatment
60. Beget
61. 8 reale coin
62. Partridge star Susan
63. Grassland, meadow
64. Lair
1. Bleated
2. Unfasten
3. South Pacifc island
4. Collectively
5. Grad
6. Divulge a secret
7. An active politician
8. Hibernian resident
9. Feudal land reversion
11. Stage scenery
13. Iowa S.U. city
16. Angel
18. Wing movement
21. Not caps
24. Peruvian province
27. Mythological bird
28. Adaba
32. Glowing quality
33. Personal cyber theft
34. Highest N. Am. peak
35. Weak tides
36. Chant
37. Twelve
38. Faulty billiards shot
41. Safaqis
43. ______ off: fell asleep
44. Hit 50s musical
46. Expression of doubt
47. Scientifc workplaces
50. Deliberate bulding fre
52. A horizontal bar of wood
53. Swiss river
55. Data processing by a
Last Weeks Puzzles Solutions
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 29
The County Times will not be held responsible for any
ads omitted for any reason. The County Times reserves
the right to edit or reject any classifed ad not meeting
the standards of The County Times. It is your responsi-
blity to check the ad on its frst publication and call us
if a mistake is found. We will correct your ad only if
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To Place a Classifed Ad, please email your ad to:
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Monday thru Friday 8am - 4pm. The County Times is
published each Thursday.
Deadlines for Classifeds are
Tuesday at 12 pm.
Call to Place Your Ad: 301-373-4125
Prime Rib Seafood Sunday Brunch
Banquet & Meeting Facili ties
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All Cars, Trucks, Buses &
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Phone: 301-884-5011
Lost: Female Brindle Pit Mix,
approx. 50Lbs, Spayed, Microchipped
Contact: fndbrinx@yahoo.com or 661-400-4211
Location last seen:
White Oaks Village on July 3rd @ 9pm
Real Estate
Real Estate Rentals
5 br 2.5 BA spacious home with new appliances, new
fooring and carpet, includes large in-law apartment
with separate entrance. Large decks, nice size front
and back yards, lots of off street parking; doesnt have
a garage. Great home in White Sands subdivision,
Lusby Maryland. Within 25 minutes to Patuxent Na-
val Base, and 45 mins to DC. Can email pics upon
request. Call for appointment 410-474-7669, or 301-
752-3578. Rent: $1495.
Help Wanted
AAHA Certifed Small Animal Veterinary Hos-
pital in Hollywood, Maryland is looking for indi-
viduals with at least 2 years medical or veterinary
experience for a full time evening position and oc-
casional weekends. We are seeking enthusiastic,
motivated team players whose primary responsi-
bilities include anesthesia, surgery, radiology, pa-
tient treatment, laboratory procedures, and client
communications. Salary and benefts are competi-
tive and commensurate with level of experience.
Please send resume to Three Notch Veterinary
Hospital, 44215 Airport View Drive, Hollywood,
Maryland 20636, or fax to 301-373-2763. Attn:
Medical Service Director.
All About Pets
For Sale are four 16 week old puppies. They are all
males. The color of the puppies are as follows: one is
chocolate, one black w/ a little white on its chest, one
light brown w/ white on the chest, and one all black. If
interested, please call 410-326-5421. Price: $200.
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 30
Sp rts
Clements Brown Looking
Forward to Hometown Race
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Even if hes been
racing on the United
States Lawnmower
Racing Association
circuit for fve years
now, Jason Brown
still gets nervous ev-
ery time he races at
Bowles Farms.
I have a lot
more butterfies
here than any other
place, Brown said
as he prepares for
this weekends sixth
annual St. Marys
County Lawnmower
race. I wouldnt
want to disappoint
and its more reward-
ing when you do well
Brown is the
defending SP and
BP class champion
at Bowles and cur-
rently ranks at the
top of the USLMRA
SP points race.
Jason and the
003 racing team
bring a lot of excite-
ment to the track,
said Ronnie Mat-
tingly of the 7th Dis-
trict Rescue Squad,
which works with
Bowles Farms to
put on the race each
year. Theyve got-
ten very good over
the years and they
can win here now.
And they have.
Brown, a 1995
graduate of Chopti-
con High School and
a life long resident of
the 7th District area,
began his lawnmow-
er racing career strictly by chance.
Five years ago, a couple of local business
guys bought a racing mower, and I became the
driver, Brown simply explained.
After prior experience racing go-karts and
ATVs, Brown says racing a vehicle thats more
or less used for laid back purposes is tough.
Its a different animal than go-karts and
ATVs because lawnmowers arent made to do
the stuff that we do, he says.
Although all of the USLMRAs racers take
these events very seriously, they still know
how to have fun together on and off the track
as they travel across the country.
None of us are getting paid we all have
to go back to work Monday, says Brown, who
works for Verizon. Its a major stress relief
just going to the races and we all get along.
Brown frst broke through at Bowles with
two SP class wins in 2008 and repeated the
same feat last year, along with a BP win on
the second day of racing. He recalls one of last
years wins with considerable excitement.
Theres a race where we jump on the
mower and start it up. I burned the starter up
so much I almost couldnt get it started, he
said. I was almost a lap down, but I came
back to win it with no cautions. That was pret-
ty wild.
Brown looks forward to coming home to
Bowles every year for the good times and the
home-track advantage.
This is usually my turnaround race
where I get on the right track. This is where
Ive had my biggest wins, he said. To know
everybody in the stands, to have your own fans
cheering for you is pretty awesome.
Thurs., July 8
Mens Over 40 League
(All games start at 6p.m.)
Tri-County Aire vs. All Star Utility
at Fenwick Field
Andersons Bar vs. Seabreeze
at Tippetts Field
Hole in the wall vs. Park Sunoco
at Knight Life
Captain Sams vs. Hobos
at Back Road Inn
Rita Bs vs. Clements
at Andersons Bar
Mens Slowpitch League
Back Road Inn vs. VFW2632 at
Chancellors Run, 6:30 p.m.
Pax Bombers vs. The Green
at The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.
Grid iron Grill vs. Hi Octane at
Knight Life, 6:30 p.m.
Budweiser vs. Chaneys
at The Brass Rail, 8 p.m.
Fri., July 9
Young Mens League
Gary Gray Athletics vs. Dew Drop
Inn at Chancellors Run, 6:30 p.m.
at Captain Sams, 6:30 p.m.
Flash Point vs. Cryers
at Back Road Inn, 6:30 p.m.
Mon., July 12
Womens League
Mix It Up at Captain Sams,
6:30 p.m.
Southern vs. Somerville Insurance
at Chancellors Run, 6:30 p.m.
Xtreme at Andersons Bar,
6:30 p.m.
Southern Maryland Physical
Therapy vs. Bella Salon
at The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.
Knockouts vs. Chesapeake Cus-
tom Embroidery
at The Brass Rail, 8 p.m.
Womens Over 30 League
Hole in the wall vs. Rosebuds at
Tippetts Field
Raleys vs. Hurricanes
at 7th District Park
Moose Lodge at Back Road Inn
Captain Sams vs. Ryce Electric
at Moose Lodge
Tues., July 13
Mens Slowpitch League
Bookkeeping By Blanche vs. Bud-
weiser at Captain Sams, 6:30 p.m.
Chaneys vs. Grid Iron Grill at
Chancellors Run, 6:30 p.m.
VFW2632 vs. Pax Bombers
at Pax River, 6:30 p.m.
American Legion vs. Green
at The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.
Hi Octane
at Back Road Inn, 6:30 p.m.
Wed., July 14
Womens League
Mix It Up vs. ABC Liquors
at Chancellors Run, 6:30 p.m.
Chesapeake Custom
Embroidery vs. Xtreme
at Chancellors Run, 6:30 p.m.
Somerville Insurance
at Moose Lodge, 6:30 p.m.
Bud Light vs. Southern Maryland
Physical Therapy
at Andersons Bar, 6:30 p.m.
Captain Sams vs. Bella Salon at
The Brass Rail, 6:30 p.m.
Andersons Bar
at Back Road Inn, 6:30 p.m.

Mens Slowpitch League
1. Hi Octane 17-5
2. BRI 16-5
3 Chaneys 16-8
4. Green Door 9-10
5. Grid Iron Grill 8-14
6. Pax Bombers 7-14
7. Budweiser 6-13
8. American Legion 6-14
9. Bookkeeping By Blanche 4-18
10. VFW 2632 3-14
Young Mens League
1. Seabreeze/BRI/Moose Lodge 14-0
2. Gary Grays Athletics 15-2
3. Cryers 12-3
4. Dew Drop inn 13-6
5. Quades Shockers 10-8
6. Flash Point 4-13
7. Captain Sams 3-16
Womens League
Division 1
1. Somerville Insurance 9-1
2. Bud Light 9-2
3. Southern 7-4
4. Mix It Up 8-6
5. CCE 6-6
Division 2
1. Captain Sams 7-3
2. Back Road Inn 7-6
3. Andersons Bar 6-6
4. Bella Salon 5-8
5. Southern Maryland Physical Therapy 4-8
Division 3
1. Knockouts 6-6
2. ABC Liquors 5-5
3. Moose Lodge 3-8
4. Xtreme 0-13
St. Marys County Softball Standings
(For games through the week ending Sunday, July 4)
Jason Brown of Clements is the defending SP and BP class champion of the St.
Marys County Lawnmower Races. He looks to defend his titles this weekend at
Bowles Farms.
Photo By Frank Marquart
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 31
Hollidge Explodes in Firecracker 30 for
First-Ever Potomac Late Model Win
By Doug Watson
Potomac Speedway
BUDDS CREEK Mechanicsvilles Dale
Hollidge, the 2008 Hagerstown speedway pure
stock champion, scored big Friday night at Po-
tomac Speedway as he captured his frst-career
Late Model feature win at the Southern Maryland
Kyle Hardy and Matt Quade, both winners
at the track this season, brought the feld down to
the initial green fag of the event. Quade darted
into the race lead with Hardy in tow. Third start-
ing Jamie Lathroum then slid into second on the
second lap and began to apply pressure to Quade.
Meanwhile, Hollidge, who started ffth, reached
third by the sixth lap and then disposed of Lath-
roum to take second by lap seven. Hollidge would
then hound Quade for the next twelve circuits be-
fore he would make what would be the winning
pass on lap-nineteen. Despite the repeated chal-
lenges by eventual runner-up Jamie Lathroum,
Hollidge would lead the remaining laps to post
the win in his Mastersbilt No. 0.
I never thought wed get one down here,
Hollidge said. I have to thank my mom and dad
and all my sponsors for getting me here tonight.
As the race wound down, Hollidge knew
Lathroum was in second. Yeah, I knew Jamie
was back there, he said. Hes really good down
here but I knew if I stayed on the bottom Hed
have a hard time passing up on the top and our car
was really good on the bottom tonight.
Matt Quade held on for third, 10th-start-
ing Daryl Hills was fourth and current LM point
leader David Williams rebounded from an early
race spin to complete the top fve. The heat race
went to Jamie Lathroum.
Defending track champion Tommy Wagner,
Jr. became the eighth different winner in nine
events run for the Limited Late Models this sea-
son. Wagner drew the pole for the feature and
made the most of his good fortune as he would
lead every lap of the non-stop event. I cant
thank my car owners Scott and Patty Thompson
enough, Wagner said. They put their heart and
soul into this car and I was glad to fnally be able
to get a win for them.
Sixth-starting Kyle Lear came on late to
collect second, Paul Cursey was third, current
point leader Derrick Quade was fourth and PJ
Hatcher rounded out the top fve. Heats went to
Cursey and Quade.
In other action, Troy Kassiris scored his
second win of the season in a thrilling last turn,
last lap pass of Kyle Nelson in the 16-lap Street
Stock feature and Larry Fuchs copped his fourth
feature win of the season in the 20-lap Strictly
Stock main.
Late Model Feature
Results (30 laps)
1.Dale Hollidge 2. Jamie Lathroum 3. Matt
Quade 4. Daryl Hills 5. David Williams 6. Kyle
Hardy 7. Jeff Pilkerton 8. Bobby Beard 9. Ro-
land Mann 10. Deane Guy
Limited Late Model
Feature Finish (20 laps)
1. Tommy Wagner Jr. 2. Kyle Lear 3. Paul Cursey
4. Derrick Quade 5. PJ Hatcher 6. Ben Bowie
7. Sommey Lacey 8. Kenny Moreland 9. Terry
Flaherty 10. Chuck Cox 11. Pat Wood 12. Alan
Canter 13. Bruce Kane 14. Dave Adams (DNS)
Over 250,000 Southern Marylanders cant be wrong!
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
Bowles Farms in Clements is set to host
the sixth annual St. Marys County Lawnmower
Races this weekend, with a crowd expected to be
close to the more than 5,000 people that attended
last years festivities.
The focus for this years race was to draw
more racers from all corners of the United States
and according to Tommy Bowles, who oversees
the farm and operation of the track, they were
able to do just that.
Weve got races coming in from Michi-
gan, Ohio, Tennessee and Florida, Bowles said.
Theyre coming a good ways to race here.
The races will begin Friday afternoon and
continue Saturday night at 7 p.m., and in be-
tween, there will be all sorts of fun events for
families to enjoy, including a horse pull on Satur-
day afternoon, along with pony rides and a kid-
die tractor pull.
Its an event for the entire family, Bowles
said. With the economy being the way it is, peo-
ple are looking to stay closer to home, and we get
a lot of local people coming in. Its a good cheap
night out for the entire family.
The price of admission is eight dollars, with
children eight years old and under getting in for
All proceeds from the weekends events
beneft both the 7th District Optimist Club and
the 7th District Rescue Squad, who also help
Bowles Farms put the entire weekend together.
Ronnie Mattingly, who represents the 7th Dis-
trict Rescue Squad, has had little trouble get-
ting sponsors for this event because of the great
reputation it has in Southern Maryland and
Weve actually increased sponsorship to
$20,000, the most weve ever had, Mattingly
says. When local businesses and other busi-
nesses step up the way they have, you know
youve got some special going on here.
Mattingly also says the local crowd helps
give the event a wholesome, hometown feel.
You know a lot of people when you walk
through the crowds here, he says.
Jason Brown, a resident of Clements and
defending St. Marys Racing Champion in the
BP and SP classes, says the track and atmo-
sphere is unlike anything else on the United
States Lawnmower Racing Association tour.
Bobby Cleveland told me last year hed
never seen anything like Bowles, Brown said.
When he was going around the turns, he no-
ticed the crowd doing the wave. Hed never seen
any other crowd do that. Its the best crowd and
atmosphere anyones ever been around.
Sixth Annual Lawnmower
Race Kicks off Friday
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 32
St Marys County USTA
Tennis League is looking for
Captains and 3.0 & 3.5 rated
players for senior men, women
and mixed doubles teams. Sea-
son runs from June-August.
Must be a USTA member and
have reached ffty (50) years
of age prior to, or during, the
2010 calendar year. Contact
Mai-Liem Slade if interested,
mlslade@md.metrocast.net or
Social Doubles for Adults is
held twice weekly and consists
of informal doubles matches, put
together by the site coordinator,
based on that days attendance.
All who show up will get to
5 P.M. Sundays at Leon-
ardtown High School, May
27th through August. Contact
Cris Sigler at 410-326-6383 or
5 P.M. Thursdays at Great
Mills High School, June 6th
through September. Contact
Bob Stratton at 443-926-2070 or
The league fee is $25 for the
Leonardtown site and $30 for the
Great Mills site. Fees include
court costs and balls. No regis-
tration is required.
Southern Maryland USTA
sanctioned Juniors Tennis Tour-
nament 2010 July 21-25th at
St. Marys College inaugural
tennis event! Point of contact,
Derek Sabedra, 410-610-4300 or
email ddsabedra@smcm.edu or
you can register at www.tennisl-
ink.usta.com/tournaments. The
tournament identifcation num-
ber is 302761310. Registration is
currently ongoing.
St. Marys College Tennis
Clinics for beginners, interme-
diate, and advanced junior play-
ers will be held for two weeks.
July 26th-July 29th from 6:00-to
8:00pm and August 2nd to Au-
gust 5th, 6:00-8:00. Point of Con-
tact, Derek Sabedra, 410-610-
4300 or email ddsabedra@smcm.
edu. Instructor: Giac Tran.
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
I know
you guys have
waited for my
decision on
this matter for
almost three
years now, and
I wont keep
you waiting any
After care-
ful consideration, weighing my options
and fguring out my best chance to win
(and make the most money) Ive decided
to sign with
Thats when well know where
LeBron James will play basketball next
season and not a moment before. The
headliner of the vaunted National Bas-
ketball Association free agent class of
2010 has held summer headlines hos-
tage with the posturing of where he will
go, how much money will he make and
what that means for what promises to be
an interesting season coming up.
Its only been one week since teams
could begin negotiating with players,
but many basketball fans have had their
fll of the meetings, the rumors and the
speculation and the rumors that have
dominated everywhere from ESPN to
blogsites. Hopefully, we will have a res-
olution shortly so that we can all move
on with our lives. In the meantime, we
have to review the foolishness as its
happened, because some of the news
has been just too silly, too ridiculous to
pass up on.
LeBron James is the ringleader of
this free agent class, and with good rea-
son. At just 25 years of age, the 68, 250-
pound James is a frightening combina-
tion of athleticism and power think
Magic Johnsons court skills with Karl
Malones freakishly cut body. When
James decided not to take a maximum
contract from the Cleveland Cavaliers
in 2007 and opted instead for a three-
year deal, it began a chain reaction of
posturing, player movement and sal-
ary cap calculation unlike anything the
NBA has ever seen.
The New York Knicks, who are
long removed from championship con-
tention, began cleaning house, trading
and releasing players they could have
enough salary cap space to woo LeBron
to the city that never sleeps. The Knicks
have enlisted everyone from Mayor Mi-
chael Bloomberg to James close friend
Jay-Z to entice him to sign and play ball
in the Metro New York area.
The Miami Heat (who have a star
theyd like to keep in Dwyane Wade),
the New Jersey Nets and the Chicago
Bulls have also emerged as possible
places James could end up.
Wade is just playing the feld, but
his opting out is to get an even bigger
contract from the Heat, which is where
he has maintained he plans to continue
and fnish his career. There had been ru-
mors that James and Wade would team
up in Miami, not only making for may-
be basketballs best duo since Michael
Jordan and Scottie Pippen, but break-
ing ground for most hip-hop parties and
random hook-ups at an NBA game.
And what of Chris Bosh, the third
wheel of sorts on this tro? Well, the ca-
sual fan probably doesnt know much
about Mr. Bosh, so allow me to educate.
He has spent the frst seven years of his
career, toiling in poverty for the NBAs
Siberian franchise, the Toronto Raptors.
Every bit of 610 and 230 pounds, Bosh
is a gifted perimeter scorer who can re-
bound, play passable defense and would
be a great complimentary piece for any
contending team looking to go to the
next level. Is he worth 20 million dollars
a season? Doubtful. Major money sure,
but hes not a max player, and would be
better served teaming up with Dwyane
Wade as was being reported by various
ESPN sources Wednesday morning.
Bosh is probably the key to all of
this movement. Wherever he goes,
James and Wade would be most likely
to follow. So with Bosh and Wade com-
mitting to the Miami Heat, all thats left
is LeBron James.
James has a one-hour special sched-
uled for tonight on ESPN where all the
advertising dollars will go the Boys
and Girls Clubs of America and fnally,
we will have a decision from the most
sought-after free agent in professional
sports history.
If it all seems silly, a one-hour spe-
cial for a 30-second statement, youre
right. However, LeBron James has prov-
en to be an exceptional talent with a fair
for the dramatic. His next career move
promises to be no different, as he plans
to alter the NBA landscape with a stroke
of the pen.
Questions? Comments? Com-
plaints? Send em all to Chris at chris-
Agent Foolishness
Needs To EndNOW
Football Offcials Camp
Seeks Participants
The Washington District Football Offcials Association
(wdfoa.org) begins training classes July 12 for anyone interest-
ed in becoming a high school football offcial. If interested, call
Chris Kates 410-926-2448 or Jack Kravitz 301-607-6511.
Sabres Seek Midget-
Level Players
The Southern Maryland Sabres Hockey Club announces
the formation of a Midget-level recreational hockey team for the
2010-2011 season.
The Midget team includes players born in years 1992
through 1995. The rec hockey season begins in October and
continues through February 2011 with an end-of-season tourna-
ment in early March. The team will play in the Capital Corridor
Hockey League (CCHL).
Cost: $ 800.00 includes 18 practices, 8 home games at the
Capital Clubhouse in Waldorf (with 8 reciprocating games),
monthly skills clinics and the end-of season CCHL tournament.
(USA Hockey insurance & jerseys not included.)
Register online @ www.somdsabres.org.
Please contact Jaime Cantlon, Sabres Rec Program Direc-
tor at: recdirector@somdsabres.org
Registration is also available online for all Sabres recre-
ational hockey teams:
USA Hockey 2010-2011 age groups:
Atoms 2004-2005
Mites 2002-2003
Squirts 2000-2001
PeeWee 1998-1999
Bantam 1996-1997
Midget 1992-1995
Golf Outing To Beneft
Sabres Hockey Team
Capital Welding Annual Golf Outing will be Wednesday
July 13 at Swan Point Yacht & Country Club in Issue, MD.
The Southern Maryland Sabres hockey club will receive
50% of proceeds from this tournament and all of the Sabres
proceeds will go to ice cost for the Little Stars Program. This
program had 95 new players last season.
Registration begins at 8 am, followed by a putting contest
at 8:45 and the tournament begins with a 9:30 a.m. shotgun
start. The Format of golf is Captains Choice and fee is $125
per golfer.
There will be a continental breakfast, refreshments and
dinner included with donation. Prizes for frst, second and third
place teams as well as closest to the pin and longest drive con-
tests. Many door prices will be available as well.
Registration information and tee sponsor forms available
at www.somdsabres.org
For more information email Sabres President Joe Bowling
at president@somdsabres.org.
Soccer Goalkeep-
ing Camps Accepting
Gretton Goalkeeping will offer its 8th Annual Summer
Goalkeeper Soccer Camp Series beginning the week of June
21st through the week of August 16th. Various locations offered
in the Southern Maryland Area. Camps run 4 days each week
at various hours of the day. All ages and skill levels welcome!
Field player training offered as well by separate feld player in-
structor. For questions or to reserve your spot, please call 301-
643-8992 or email grettongoalkeeping@gmail.com.
From The
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 33
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The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 34
Angler Angler
The Ordinary
By Keith McGuire
Contributing Writer
So here I
go on another
angling ad-
venture on the
armed with
reputation, the
right tackle,
the right bait
and the right
c o m p a n y .
Ive checked
the weather,
winds, tides
and currents, and planned the trip to coincide
with the absolute best conditions. My fshing
partner has done his part to make sure that I
have adequate ice, drinks, gas and food. Ive
scanned fshing reports in local print media,
the Internet, and e-mails from my friends. Ba-
sically, Im now ready to catch, clean and eat
fsh. I am absolutely flled with optimism!
But on this particular adventure, the fsh
have a different idea and the Ordinary in
my column title takes center stage. The wind
is blowing harder than it was forecast and its
coming from a different direction. The tidal
currents are weak. The fsh arent where
theyre supposed to be. My fsh fnder is show-
ing a blank screen. Undaunted and knowing
that things are seldom perfect, I bait the right
Blue Crabs
Blue Crabs Earn Second Playoff Trip,
Clinch Liberty Division First Half Title
Id Like to
Phone a Friend
The Southern Maryland Blue Crabs
clinched a Liberty Division playoff spot for the
second straight year on Friday night, defeating
the Camden Riversharks 7-1 at Regency Furni-
ture Stadium before a crowd of 4,078. Connor
Robertson (4-2) threw seven scoreless innings
for the win, while Camden right-hander Travis
Chick allowed four runs in 4.1 innings to drop
to 4-3 on the season. It was a pitchers duel
through three, but the Blue Crabs broke the
game wide open in the middle innings.
The Crabs went ahead 1-0 in the fourth
when third baseman Patrick Osborn led off
with a double, and subsequently scored on frst
baseman Eric Croziers RBI single. Then with
one out in the inning, the Riversharks turned
to left hand pitcher Eddy Camacho to keep the
game close. Camacho could not deliver though,
as the Blue Crabs roughed him up in the ffth.
Catcher Christian Lopez singled to begin
the inning and two batters later centerfelder
Jeremy Owens drew a walk. Then designated
hitter Matt Craig crushed his ninth homer of the
season, a three run bomb into deep right feld.
It also extended Craigs hitting streak to a team-
best 18 games. The Blue Crabs added two more
in the sixth to make it 6-0 on shortstop Travis
Garcias two run shot into left-centerfeld, scor-
ing leftfelder Jason Lane. It was Garcias 10th
homer of the year. The Riversharks scored their
lone run in the eighth on second baseman Teur-
is Olivaress RBI single. RHP Jim Ed Warden
pitched the ninth, and ended the game with a
strike out to clinch a playoff berth for the Blue
The Blue Crabs will begin the second
half of the season tonight with a four game set
at Camden before beginning their second half
home schedule with a three game set against the
Lancaster Barnstormers on Tuesday, July 13.
Blue Crabs a big hit in
All Star Game
Casey Benjamin led off the Atlantic League All-Star
game with a home run and Travis Garcia and Matt Craig
also drove in runs as the Liberty Division defeated the
Freedom Division 7-1 in Long Island, NY Tuesday night.
Benjamin took York pitcher Jesus Sanchez deep over
the right feld wall to give the Liberty Division the lead
from the start. Garcia and Craig singled home runners in
the second and ffth inning to give Randy Leek the victory.
Bridgeports Steve Moss, with a two-run home run, was
named the games Most Valuable Player. Blue Crabs Man-
ager Butch Hobson was the winning skipper.
Sp rts
tackle with the right bait and encourage my
doubting fshing partner to do the same.
We get a bite or two from fsh too small
to take the hook but big enough to steal
the bait. We are falsely encouraged. We
bait-up again and catch one or two of the
bait stealers and use them for bait. Nothing
else happens. What went wrong? Where
did the fsh go that were here the last time?
What about all of those reports? What
should I do now? Well Regis, I would like
to phone a friend!
I picked up the phone and called a Charter
Captain friend of mine. He was on the water
and was bailing fsh across the bay. He said the
fsh had moved and encouraged me to head in
his direction, which I did. I got there, saw him
fshing, and moved nearby, but not too close to
crowd his action or scare the fsh. That saved the
day! We caught and later cleaned and ate fsh!
One of the best ways to learn how to fsh
any area is to take a few charters, or fsh with a
couple of the local guides. The most important
aspect of fshing in any region is the how to
catch them. The where to catch them is only
important when you apply what youve learned.
I have taken many charters and fshed with sev-
eral guides. The advice I can give you is to be
a good learner and client for the trip. You dont
need to steal the coordinates of where they go if
you learn their methods. Get their phone num-
bers, recommend their services to others and
repeat your business if your means allow. Make
a friend! Understand that they will have good
days and bad days like everyone else. The next
time youre out and fnd lots of fsh in a particu-
lar location give one of them a call and tell them
where you are. They just may be there for you
when you need to phone a friend!
Fishing continues to be good, and will only
get better in the coming weeks. Big croakers
are still abundant and hard to pass up. Although
it is a late and slow start for founder, people
are beginning to fnd them at Cornfeld Harbor
and the Eastern Shore channel edges. Acres of
breaking rockfsh and bluefsh can be found on
the Bay in the early mornings and late evenings.
White perch are attacking small spinner baits in
the shallows. Life is good!
Have you got a current fsh picture and a
story of a great catch? If so, send an email to
Keith has been a recreational angler on
the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for over
50 years; he fshes weekly from his small boat
during the season, and spends his free time
supporting local conservation organizations.
Atlantic League First
Half Standings
Liberty Division
Southern Maryland 41-29 X
Camden 39-31
Bridgeport 36-34
Long Island 36-34
Freedom Division
York 40-30 X
Somerset 36-34
Lancaster 31-39
Newark 21-49
X- Clinched First Half Divi-
sion Championship
The County Times
Thursday, July 8, 2010 35
Enchantment of the Seas

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Sp rts
Leonardtown graduate Taelar Errington became the frst Raider girls lacrosse player to col-
lect All-American honors, earn frst-team midfelder honors from the USLacrosse.org.
Errington scored 41 goals and handed out 15 assists for a total of 56 points, as she helped the
Raiders win their ffth straight Southern Maryland Athletic Conference championship as well as
an unbeaten regular season. Errington, who also earned frst-team SMAC honors, will attend the
University of Maryland-Baltimore County this fall and play lacrosse in the spring.
Errington also made USLacrosse.orgs Academic All-America team as well as teammates
Katelyn Blondino, Lauren Donovan, Claire Tiffany and Molly Nantz.
Adopt A Pet!
Hi, we are Maggie and Muffn and were
BFFs. We been together all our lives and need
to fnd a home where we wont be separated.
(Maggie is a 2 year old female Chihuahua
and Muffn is a 4 year old female Pekingese/
Terrier mix). Because we need to be placed
together, our adoption fee is reduced. We are
up to date on vaccinations, spayed, house
and crate trained and identifcation micro
chipped. For more information, please call
SECOND HOPE RESCUE at 240-925-0628 or
email lora@secondhoperescue.org. Please
Adopt, Dont Shop!
Leonardtown Girls Make
Lacrosse All-America Teams
Photo Courtesy of Leonardtownlax.com
Claire Tiffany
Photo Courtesy of Bob and Kerry Nantz
Molly Nantz
Taelar Errington
Lauren Donovan
Katelyn Blondino
Photo by Frank Marquart
Photo by Chris Stevens
Photo by Chris Stevens
July 8, 2010
Photo By Frank Marquart
Story Page 21
Valley Lee Native Competing
For Miss Maryland Crown
Clements Racing King
Page 33
Story Page 35
LHS Girls Earn
Lacrosse Honors
Story Page 25
Twilight Concert Series
Kicks Off Page

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