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Thursday, , 2010 Thursday, www.somd.

Story Page 4 Story Page 5
Photo By Sean Rice
Photo By Frank Marquart
Twain Centennial to Mix
Comedy and Punditry
Deceased Waterman
Receives Fitting Memorial
Unemployment Insurance
Taxes Up 400 Percent
Volunteers To The Rescue
WAllAcE FAmily OPEns DOOr
tO christmAs in APril
Thursday, April 15, 2010 2
The County Times
Your Paper...
Your Thoughts
McKays Weekend
Dinner Special
Price Effective Friday, April 16 - Sunday, April 18
Whole Rotisserie Chicken
1 lb. Store Made Creamy Cole Slaw
1 lb. Store Made Potato Salad
doz. Fresh Dinner Rolls
2 ltr. Coke or Pepsi
I would say advertising and promotions, and they
should have sales to get the word out what their
products and services are,
and how much of that
is close in St. Marys
County, said
Hans Welch,
Business De-
for St.
use the
ent mar-
they have
to them,
including your
What do you think small
businesses can do to compete
with chain stores coming into
this area?
Grace Fuller, who
supplements her
volunteering ac-
tivities in the county
with work at the
new Leonardtown
Winery, said that she
always preferred
to go to small busi-
nesses with employ-
ees who knew a lot
about their product.
Sometimes when Ill
ask questions people
will tell my I dont
know about that
product and I dont
like to hear that, she
said. Always know
what youre selling,
and then I may come
Small businesses
have the beneft
of being able to
meet and talk
with everyone
their business
serves, said Jane
Bachman, man-
ager at Traditions
of Loveville. Ev-
ery person that
comes through
our door we say
hi to, we smile
and we offer
personal service
and thats
whatll make the
Thursday, April 15, 2010 3
The County Times
On T he Covers
Do You Feel Crabby Wben You CeI Your
nsurance Blll ln Ibe Mallt Clve Us A Call.
April Hancock
PO Box 407
Bryans Road, MD 20616
An Independent Agent Representing: ERIE INSURANCE GROUP
Standing: Dan Burris, Jake Kuntz, Seated: Lisa Squires,
Susan Ennis, Donna Burris
Auto - Home - Business - Life
Leonardtown & LaPlata Bus: (301) 475-3151
Gary Simpson
Katie Facchina
7480 Crain Highway
La Plata, MD 20646
stock market
For Weekly Stock Market
cloSing reSultS, check Page 8
in Money
Blue Crabs shortstop Travis Garcia takes a swing during batting
practice on Wednesday.
Also Inside
4 County News
7 Editorial
8 Money
9 Defense and Military
10 Obituaries
12 Crime and Punishment
14 Education
16 Cover Story
19 Community
21 Newsmakers
22 Community Calendar
23 Columns
24 Entertainment
26 Games
27 Sports Desk
29 Baseball
30 Blue Crabs
31 Lacrosse
Whats Inside
Whats Inside
Sailing Year-Round From Baltimore Located in St. Marys Open Mon Sat
301-884-4500 1-866-278-2512
9 Night Caribbean
July 1st November 4th
St. Tomas, Samana,
San Juan & Labadee
From $763
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April 11th
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Coco Cay &
Port Canaveral
From $696
9 Night Canada/
New England
June 18th October 7th
Halifax, Bay of Fundy,
Portland, Bar Harbor
& Boston
From $799
*Prices Per Person, Double Occupancy,
Plus Taxes, Select Dates. Prices and
offers subject to change. RCI reserves the
right to impose fuel supplement.
Additional restrictions may apply.
on 8/26
Select Dates
on 12/6
Select Dates
on 10/30
9 Night Bahamas FAMILY of 4 from $2499 on 11/27 & 1/8
Delegate John Bohanan (D-Dist. 29B) said this week:
Weve passed the leanest budget weve ever seen.
Others say tax increase are certain to follow after this
years election. SEE PAGE 6
Great Mills Anna Sparr and the Knights Kaley Over-
street battle for possession of the ball during Fri-
days girls lacrosse game. SEE PAGE 31
Michaela, left, Micherle and Mike Wallace will be one of more than
20 families getting home renovation help from Christmas in April
this year.
They didnt want
a traditional casket,
were celebrating this
gentlemans life
Hes in his boat.
- Edward Brinsfeld,
talking about the
celebration of life
services for Carl Kopel,
who died April 9.
Thursday, April 15, 2010 4
The County Times
The Eisenhower interstate system requires that 1 mile in every 5 must be straight.
These straight sections are usable as airstrips in emergency situations.
By Sean Rice
Staff Writer
Brinsfeld Funeral Home has taken
celebration of life memorials to the next
Just as technology and human com-
munication continues to move ahead
with the times, the staff at Brinsfeld is
working to redefne what it means to hold
a visitation after a loved one passes on
from a gathering of mourners to a true
celebration of life.
The Leonardtown funeral home
held services this week for Carl Kopel,
owner of the Fromer Kopels Marina in
the 7th District, who died April 9 at 85.
Mr. Kopels service serves as an example
of how the industry is moving toward in-
timately personal services that celebrate
the life of the deceased.
As a marina owner and boat-builder,
being on the water defned Mr. Kopels
life. The Brinsfeld staff, upon discussing
service options with his family, learned
of the familys desire to fully celebrate
this aspect of his life.
The result was a memorial service
ft for a true waterman.
Instead of a casket for Mr. Kopel
during the funeral home viewing, his
body was laid reclining in a boat that
Mr. Kopel built during his lifetime - sur-
rounded with many other pieces of his
nautical memorabilia.
Theres a rocking horse he built
for the family, some other little boats
that he built, Edward Brinsfeld Jr. said,
pointing to items in the viewing room.
Theres his nets, his fshing rods, his
crab pot.
They didnt want a traditional
casket, were celebrating this gentle-
mans life, Brinsfeld added. Hes in his
Brinsfeld said Mr. Kopels life cel-
ebration marks a progression of funeral
home viewing service from a somber
occasion to an uplifting celebration of
life. Mr. Kopels unique casket is only
part of the personalization of his service.
As guests arrive at the funeral home,
they would pass through several rooms
with memorabilia celebrating the life
of the deceased. At Mr. Kopels service
this included a large-sized portrait cre-
ated from the familys favorite picture, a
looping DVD slideshow of pictures and
music, his drawings and woodworking
crafts, personalized prayer cards, a six-
page colorful memorial pamphlet and a
personalized register book.
The newest thing were doing is
called event by wire, Brinsfeld said,
pointing to a camera in corner of the
viewing room that allows distant family
members to watch the service on a secure
computer network as it happens.
A Memorial Service Fit For a True Waterman
Photo by Sean Rice
Kyle Simons, a funeral director at Brinsfeld Funeral Home in Leonardtown, stands in front of Mr. Kopels personalized casket shortly
before the family arrived for his celebration of life services on Tuesday. Simons is blocking the view of Mr. Kopel, who is laid reclin-
ing in a boat he build by hand.
Family Chooses Boat Instead Of Casket
Thursday, April 15, 2010 5
The County Times
Todays Newsmakers In Brief
Open House: Monday, April 19
4-6 P.M. in the State House
Public Meeting: Wednesday, April 21
7 P.M. in the Auditorium at HSMC
The CDA will present information to the community about a number of capital
improvements planned by the College and HSMC. Included will be an update
of the replacement of Anne Arundel Hall and the new Maryland Heritage
Interpretive Center (Visitors Center), the relocation of Margaret Brent Hall,
a new HSMC woodshop, Chancellors Point, and an update on the proposed
traffc calming for Rt. 5. Feedback from the community is welcomed.
Youre Invited to an Open House and a Public Meeting
on Current Capital Improvement Projects
For more information on the CDA, visit
Or call 240-895-4412
The Capital Design Advisory Committee (CDA)
of St. Marys College of Maryland (SMCM)
and Historic St. Marys City (HSMC)
Will Host Two Events:
On the legislatures decision to
quadruple the unemployment
insurance tax on most businesses.
If youre marginal now, any
increase [in costs] is hurtful.
Bob Schaller, director of the Department of
Economic and Community Development
On the town councils vote and
mayors support to go to a constant
yield on property tax rates
I think the big issue here is
were not raising taxes.
Mayor J. Harry Norris
Businesses See Quadrupling Of Unemployment Insurance Tax
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The Leonardtown Town Council ensured
that town residents would see a small break
on their property tax bills this year once they
passed the fscal 2011 budget complete with a
constant yield provision.
The constant yield provision keeps the
property tax revenues steady from year to
year even when state property assessments
The budget and constant yield provision
passed by a 3-to-1 vote Monday afternoon,
with Council member Leslie Roberts the sole
She argued that at a time when the town
was socked with a more than $90,000 loss in
state highway user fees that it sent the wrong
message to the state and county that the town
had more money to give away with property
She said that a house that was assessed at
$300,000 that would see just $30,000 of its val-
ue taxed, would give its owner just about $30
a year in savings with the new .1257 constant
yield rate.
Going to a constant yield is fscally ir-
responsible, Roberts said, adding that cuts in
property tax rates contrasted sharply with no
cost of living increases for town employees.
I think were making the wrong state-
ment, she said.
The rest of the council and Mayor J. Harry
Norris disagreed, saying that tough economic
times had to be shared by the town govern-
ment and residents alike.
The town does not have plenty of mon-
ey, Norris said. I think the big issue here is
that were not raising taxes.
Council member Dan Burris said that
while the county government chose not to go
to the constant yield this year, their situation
was different.
The county could lose close to $6 million
through constant yield, Burris said, but the
town would lose just $30,000 to $40,000.
In a general fund budget of about $1.1
million, that loss could be made up from taxes
garnered from more construction expected in
town. The entire budget of the town, includ-
ing services paid for by charges, comes to just
about $3 million.
Council member Tom Collier said that
any savings the tax payers could get from con-
stant yield, even if it was just $30 a year, was
They hold dear to their dollars, Collier
Town Council Passes Budget
With Constant Yield Tax Rate
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The recession has nearly wiped out the state coffers that were
set aside to provide unemployment insurance for those who lost their
jobs, and now the state has approved a nearly 400 percent increase in
how much businesses must pay into the fund to replenish it.
The new tax rate for most businesses statewide will be set at 2.2
percent, which is up from just 0.6 percent for 2009, according to the
Maryland Chamber of Commerce.
Del. John Bohanan defended the increase, which he said was
locked in back in 2005, as better than what would have occurred.
It actually avoided a much larger spike, which is better than
what they [the rates] would have been had we not taken action in
2005, Bohanan said.
The depletion of the states unemployment fund best illustrated
the situation.
Its refective of the [increase in] the number of unemployment
claims, Bohanan said.
Dan Rebarchick, owner and operator of Lennys Restaurant in
California, said that the hefty increase he and other business owners
face could have something of a reverse affect than what law mak-
ers intended: the tax increase could cause employers to shed workers,
thus increasing the drain on jobless benefts.
Any tax on labor can be a potential job killer, Rebarchick said.
Maybe a business has fve employees and theyll do it with four.
But in the end equation, Rebarchick said, the consumer will have
to bear the brunt of the increase, which could force them to reduce
their spending.
What it does is its a tax that gets passed on to the consumer, he
said. You wind up raising prices.
Sean Berry, owner of TSB Technologies LLC in Hollywood is
also the sole employee. During the recession he had to let employees
go until he was the only one left, he said.
The new increase in taxes does not hurt him right now, but it
also makes it diffcult to hire any new employees.
I dont have anyone on payroll because the economy sucks,
Berry said. This [tax increase] wont help me.
House Minority Leader Anthony ODonnell (D-Dist.29C) said
that the insurance tax increase could be a job killer, since employers
will have to payout more profts that could have been used to hire
I voted against it, ODonnell said. It was a bad business vote
at a bad time.
It just shows Marylands hostility to business.
The Tax Foundation, a group aimed at educating the public in
understanding tax policies, listed Maryland recently as among the
10 worst states in the nation for its level of business taxes. Maryland
ranks 45
out of 50 states for its overall tax climate according to the
In the long run businesses will have to fgure the extra costs
into their overhead, Rebarchick said.
Small businesses were the ones who would eventually turn
around the economic turmoil, he said, but that path would likely be
fraught with frustration.
Small businesses take
the hit on just about every-
thing, he said. Its just sad
that well get penalized the
Photo by Guy Leonard
Sean Berry, his companys sole employee works at his Hollywood com-
puter repair store.
Thursday, April 15, 2010 6
The County Times
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
House Minority Leader Anthony J.
ODonnell (R-Dist. 29C) believes that the bud-
get that passed the House and Senate in An-
napolis means that the states money problems
will continue for the foreseeable future.
It also means that the state and counties
will likely have to raise taxes to compensate for
lagging tax revenues, he said.
We did little to nothing to solve the states
overspending problem and reliance of federal
aid dollars, ODonnell said of overall efforts
in Annapolis this year. Massive tax increases
are being planned by the majority and theyre
also planning to shift the burden of teacher
pensions to counties which will force them to
raise taxes.
The fscal 2011 budget passage was predi-
cated on the state getting a projected 3.6 per-
cent increase in revenue, ODonnell said.
Its highly unlikely that will materialize,
he said.
But Del. Sue Kullen (D-Dist. 27B) said
that the budget, about $32 billion with $2
billion in deep cuts, was responsible and
Kullen said that every budget year is dif-
ferent, and that it is diffcult to speculate on the
states fscal standing in 2011.
She does not believe that this years bud-
get would necessitate having to raise taxes.
I dont see it that way, Kullen said. We
may need to make deeper cuts next year.
Kullen said that in voting for the budget,
she and other delegates rejected some of the
deeper cuts that Republicans wanted to make
in education and public safety.
We held fast to our priorities, Kullen
said. Those areas to me are sacrosanct.
Kullen said that voting to cut those critical
budget areas would have been short sighted.
Del. John Bonhanan (D-Dist.29B) said
that the current administration has dealt with
an inherited $5 billion structural defcit admi-
rably and that this year marked the frst time in
more than 40 years the state budgeted less than
the prior fscal year.
We passed probably the leanest budget
weve ever seen, Bohanan said. But we pro-
tected priorities like education without passing
teacher pensions down to the counties.
In all government is smaller by 4,000
Bohanan also touted much needed capi-
tal project money for St. Marys County to
include funds for expansion of the California
Bay District Volunteer Fire Department sta-
tion, $765,000 for planning a new library in
Leonardtown or renovating the old and $5.5
million towards construction of an expan-
sion of the county detention center aimed at
ODonnell: Budget Will
Force Tax Hikes Next Year
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Gov. Martin OMalley announced Wednes-
day that recent dredging surveys of the Chesa-
peake Bay show that the native hard crab popu-
lation has increased by a whopping 60 percent.
OMalley, making his announcement from
a crab house in Kent Island, said this was the
second straight year of increases.
Today, we can see frsthand what progress
looks and feels like on the Chesapeake Bay,
OMalley said in a written statement. The
crab population is estimated to be 658 million
crabs, a 60 percent increase over last year and
the highest total population estimate since
OMalley claimed that partnerships be-
tween Maryland and Virginia, which includes
tough restrictions on the amount of crabs that
can be harvested, helped spur the massive esti-
mated increase.
Both Maryland and Virginia enacted mea-
sures over the past several years to decrease the
amount of egg-laying female crabs that water-
men could take out of the bay by about 34 per-
cent, according to information from the Gover-
nors offce.
The most recent estimates on the improv-
ing health of the crab population come from the
2009-2010 conducted by the states Department
of Natural Resources and the Virginia Institute
of Marine Science.
Last years survey estimated 400 million
crabs were inhabiting the bay over the winter,
according to the Governor.
The Governors offce also touted the in-
creased estimates of the number of adult female
and male crabs this year at 315 million, which
exceeds the immediate goal of having 200 mil-
lion in the population.
Robert Brown, president of the St. Marys
County Watermans Association, said that the
announcement was good news, but that water-
men still had to wait and see if it would have a
lasting impact.
The tough restrictions on crabbing, espe-
cially of females, was sometimes diffcult to
live with, he said, but Virginias decision to stop
dredging up of females last year probably had
more to do with the increase in the population
than Marylands restrictions.
With the [restrictions on harvesting] she-
crabs in the fall it makes it kind of tough, Brown
said. We need to
see what this sea-
son does.
OMalley Announces Big Gain in
Crab Population
Thursday, April 15, 2010 7
The County Times
Send to:
The County Times
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To The Editor:
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, Maryland 20636
News, Advertising, Circulation, Classifeds: 301-373-4125
James Manning McKay - Founder
Eric McKay - Associate
Tobie Pulliam - Offce
Sean Rice - Associate
Angie Stalcup - Graphic
Andrea Shiell - Reporter - Education,
Chris Stevens - Reporter -
Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government,
Guest Column:
By Delegate Anthony
Every year about this time, millions of
Americans across the nation race to make
sure their federal and state tax filings for
the previous year are complete and timely
filed. Some U.S. Post Offices even offer
extended operating hours on this date to
accommodate last minute filings. The
day often becomes a poignant reminder of
how much we pay to sustain the cost of
government services at various levels of
Let there be no doubt that we enjoy
many good things that make our country
our state and our community stronger and
safer which are paid for, in whole or in
part, by our hard earned tax dollars. Pub-
lic safety initiatives including police pro-
tection and fire and rescue and emergency
medical services are easy examples. Good
schools and universities, good roads and
transportation systems, good public health
services and a strong national defense sys-
tem are some other examples of the many
services our collected tax dollars pay for.
As long as these dollars are spent wisely
and sparingly, most people are willing to
pay their share or contribution.
The problem many people have with
government spending and related tax col-
lection is when people feel there is an un-
checked raid on their hard-earned tax dol-
lars by various levels of government who
seem to forget where those dollars come
from. Often times spending becomes a
social effort to redistribute hard earned
monies from one group of earners to other
groups who did not earn those monies. This
type of unfair taxation and redistribution
goes right to the motivation for us creating
our own country and breaking from Eng-
land. The creation of our own system of
self-governance, private property protec-
tions and free enterprise in the latter parts
of the 18th century was largely fueled by
a sense of the people that the government
at the time (England) was unfairly taxing
and redistributing those taxes back to the
government without the consent of the
Today I sense a similar rise in the anx-
iety, and outright anger, of the people that
government at various levels, especially
at the state and federal level, are spending
money without restraint and redistribut-
ing that money in a way that is unfair and
harmful in the long run. As people find it
increasingly difficult to make ends meet,
with gasoline prices and food prices and
electricity prices through the roof, people
do not want government spending to con-
tinue increasing in ways that make addi-
tional tax increases a certainty. Job creat-
ing small businesses either are not hiring,
reducing positions, or worst of all are clos-
ing their doors because they cannot afford
the tax burden in a down economy. There
are indications that Marylanders are actu-
ally relocating to other states with a more
tax friendly state government.
Just three years ago we were told by
Governor OMalley that the state needed
to dramatically increase our state taxes
to pay for government programs and put
our fiscal house in order. This included
increases in sales taxes by 20%, increases
in income taxes, increases in car excise
taxes, and tobacco taxes and many others.
Yet today Maryland state government is
in a worse situation than it was just three
years ago with respect to its budget. When
the bailout of the state with federal tax
dollars ends, and it must due to federal
over spending and redistribution policies,
Maryland simply will not be able to pay
for its obligations created in large measure
by continued over spending.
In 1995 the state operating budget was
about $13 billion. Last week, the Gover-
nor and General Assembly passed a state
operating budget of over $32 billion. This
means the state budget is almost 150%
larger than it was just 15 years ago. Cur-
rent spending levels indicate state budget
deficits far in to the future. This type of
government spending growth is simply
not sustainable by the taxpayers. There
are almost certain tax increases planned
by the majority in Annapolis next year,
conveniently after the elections, to pay for
this unchecked and unrestrained level of
growth in state spending. The only way to
end this cycle of tax and spend is to send
a message to our state and federal govern-
ment that we cant afford unrestrained
government spending.
Although April 15th may present the
taxpayers with a poignant reminder of our
tax burden, we also reserve the right to
send government its own little reminder.
In November we can emphatically dem-
onstrate that we feel over taxed, we dont
want our money redistributed, and that
ultimately the people will make changes in
the make-up of the government if it cant
change its spending habits on its own. This
was another right of the people included
at our countrys founding back in the late
18th century.
As always, feel free to contact my lo-
cal legislative office at (410) 326-0081
or email at anthony.odonnell@house. with questions, comments or
concerns regarding these items or other
April 15 Tax Filing Deadline a Poignant Reminder
A lot of things have happened over the past couple of weeks that will call upon voters in St.
Marys and Calvert counties to carry a larger burden in this years mid-term election. Mid-term
elections typically bring out a smaller percentage of voters because there is no national candidate,
no presidential election. Voters, especially those which jobs are connected to the federal govern-
ment are much more active in the election of the President of the United States than they are the
Governor of Maryland.
But this is no ordinary year, these are not ordinary times, this years mid-term election will
be this generations crossroads, this generations legacy, this generations burden to deliver Mary-
lands future as we see it for our children and grand-children. It will also set the stage for a similar
generational legacy vote to come in the 2012 presidential election.
Here in Southern Maryland, we understand that our government, federal, state and local
have left us. We know the danger out of control governments represent to our future and our
childrens future. We know the change that President Obama and Marylands Governor Martin
OMalley have given us is not the change we want for our country, our state and our future. The
question is do we understand our unique opportunity to play an important role in change we can
believe in?
Bob Ehrlich will be visiting St. Marys County this weekend as a featured speaker at the
annual Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner. Ehrlich has been a good friend of our county, visiting St.
Marys often while governor and continuing his presence often since leaving offce four years
ago. More important is the solid record of good public policy that greatly benefted Southern
Maryland while he served as our governor.
His announcement last week that he would again seek election as governor has created a
new hope that we can reset the course of Maryland. That the past four years of huge tax increases,
high unemployment, and a nanny state government might be undone, and Maryland put on a path
of fscal management, results-based government, and individual freedoms and responsibilities.
Marylands current governor, Martin OMalley just recently was ranked as the worst gov-
ernor in the nation. All 50 governors were ranked by the CATO Institute, a Washington, D.C.
public policy think tank, using statistical data to grade the governors on their taxing and spending
records. The governors received a score from 100 to 0 which was then translated into a grade
from A to F. The grading mechanism is based on seven variables including two spending
variables, one revenue variable, and four tax rate variables.
OMalleys score of 23 was the lowest in the nation, earning him a grade of F along with
seven other governors, three are Republicans and fve are Democrats. Three governors received
an A; two are Republicans and one a Democrat. Fourteen governors received a B, nine are
Republicans and fve are Democrats. CATO did not use a political bias to achieve its ranking, just
pure statistical data. And our governor proved, as we in Southern Maryland already know, he is
the worst governor in the country.
Worse, we are headed toward the distinction of being the worst run state on the East Coast, a
designation in the past largely reserved for New Jersey. But with the recent stunning election of
Republican Chris Christie as New Jerseys governor, things are quickly changing. Christie in his
budget reductions for 2011 has called for shared sacrifce and fairness as he attempts to correct
the course for previously bankrupt destined New Jersey. He actually cites Marylands crisis that
will be large in the future as he leads New Jersey in the opposite direction from Maryland.
But for now, most important to Ehrlich and most important to the future of our state, is the
importance of the voters in St. Marys and Calvert Counties. Voters must remember two things if
they truly want to leave a legacy of change, change in the right direction. First, we must show up
this election year in greater numbers than ever before. It is not enough that only 60% of us vote,
rural Maryland; including Southern Maryland will need to have 85% or more of its voters show
up on Election Day to vote.
And second, for this change to work, its more than just Ehrlich, it demands that we change
our legislature. OMalley is the worst governor in the nation through the support of our tax and
spend legislature. One of the most liberal legislatures in the nation, change will only work if we
throw the nice guys out and elect people who will deliver on the promise of responsible govern-
ment for Maryland.
Ehrlichs Entry Signals a
Different Kind of Change
Thursday, April 15, 2010 8
The County Times
for the love of
un A few years ago a 15 year old girl was sleep walking in
London, England and walked right up a 13 foot crane.
Waldorf Office: 301-843-8303
Charlotte Hall Office: 301-290-5666
Leonardtown Office: 301-997-0666
Expires June 18 2010
Leonardtown Offce: 301-997-0666
Charlotte Hall Offce: 301-290-5666
Waldorf Offce: 301-843-8303
Amish Heirloom Furniture
Till and Plow Your Garden Area Get ready to plant!
Now is the time to prepare your garden
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
People have changed
the way they spend their
money, said Casey Wilson,
Retail Industry and Sus-
tainability Programs Man-
ager for the Maryland Small
Business Development
Center, describing younger
consumers as shrewd and
discriminating buyers at the
Small Business Roundtable
meeting at Lennys Restau-
rant on Monday.
Nobody goes into a
store uninformed. They re-
search to death your prod-
ucts and your business before
they come through the door
and show up, usually using the internet to fnd
deals, and making brand-specifc lists to direct
their spending. On the whole, Wilson argued
that there were no more impulse shoppers.
So far though, according to local business
owners, whats worked best for them has been
diversifcation and attention to detail.
We have open lighthouses that nobody
can get to them except by water, said Phil Lan-
gley, owner of Fish of the Bay Charters, adding
that he had researched new destinations for his
charter business to draw in more customers this
Rayner Blair, owner of Blairs Jewelry and
gifts, said he had been focusing on bringing in
less expensive jewelry items with recognizable
brand names to draw in customers.
Weve brought in name-brand lines like
Pandora. Thats a sterling silver line with add-
on charms thats really helped us tremendous-
ly, he said, adding that the stores new engrav-
ing machine would help them add customers as
Jane Bachman, manager at Traditions of
Loveville, said that foregoing huge markups on
items had helped her gain customer loyalty over
the years, but she was going to use more social
networking to draw in customers for sales.
Monday marked what may be the last of
the old-style Small Business Roundtables, as
has been set up over the last few months by Bob
Schaller, St. Marys Countys Director of Eco-
nomic & Community Development, and Dan
Rebarchick, owner of Lennys Restaurant.
Both men said that the groups that had
been brought together by these meetings would
be welcome to join the St. Marys Independent
Business Association, which will come up with
its own meeting schedule in the next few weeks.
For more information, call the Department of
Economic & Community Development at 301-
475-4200, ext. 1400.
Roundtable Discusses Whats
Worked So Far
The 15th annual run and fun walk for Hos-
pice of St. Marys will be held on Saturday, April
17 in Leonardtown.
The best reason to participate is that 100
percent of the money raised will help Hospice of
St. Marys in providing in-home care, comfort
and support to terminally ill patients and their
families, said Patty Belanger of Hollywood.
I believe that everyone in their lifetime will
know someone who will receive a heartbreaking
diagnosis of cancer or a diagnosis of a terminal
illness. Hospice will be there if you need them,
she said. Theyre there to offer comfort, com-
passion and support to the patient and family.
See for more
Come Out and Walk/Run For Hospice
Casey Wilson, Retail Industry and Sustainability Programs Manager for the
Maryland Small Business Development Center, was the keynote speaker at
Mondays Small Business Roundtable at Lennys Restaurant.
Photo by Andrea Shiell
Photo by Andrea Shiell
Company Symbol Close Close Change
4/14/2010 12/31/2008
Wal-Mart WMT $54.64 $56.06 -2.53%
Harley Davidson HOG $32.56 $16.97 91.87%
Best Buy BBY $45.30 $28.11 61.15%
Lockheed Martn LMT $82.15 $84.08 -2.30%
BAE Systems BAESF $5.70 $5.41 5.36%
Computer Science Corp. CSC $55.25 $35.14 57.23%
Dyncorp Internatonal Inc. DCP $17.35 $15.17 14.37%
General Dynamics Corp. GD $76.58 $57.59 32.97%
Mantech Internatonal Corp. MANT $50.01 $54.19 -7.71%
Northrop Grunman Corp. NOC $66.48 $45.04 47.60%

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9
The County Times
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The frst P-8A Posei-
don test aircraft arrived at
Pax River, April 10.
The aircraft, recently
assigned to Air Test and
Evaluation Squadron (VX-
20), arrived after a six hour,
55 min fight from Boeings
Seattle facilities. VX-20s
Government Flight Test
Director, Cmdr. Jim Rein-
ing, along with VX-1s
Operational Test Director,
Cmdr. John Verniest, and
Boeings P-8A chief pilot,
Chris Dobb, delivered the
aircraft referred to as T1.
It was an exciting
moment to watch the frst
P-8A Poseidon touch down
at Pax River today, said
Capt. Mike Moran, Mari-
time Patrol and Reconnais-
sance Aircraft program
manager (PMA-290). The
maritime patrol and reconnaissance platform is
in great demand throughout the world and this
fight put us one step closer to delivering Posei-
don to the Fleet. I cannot be more proud of our
team as they work to ensure this aircraft will
meet our warfghters requirements.
T1 began formal Navy fight testing at the
Boeing facility in October 2009. The Integrated
Test Team (ITT) spent the past six months ex-
ecuting ground and fight tests while maximiz-
ing the expertise of Boeing P-8A engineers and
Moran said that the program continues to
meet all performance criteria and is on track for
initial operational capability in 2013.
The ITT, along with all Boeings Seattle
production and maintenance team has worked
very hard to get the aircraft to Pax River to
complete the planned test program, said Rein-
ing. The ITT is grateful for the strong support
from PMA-290 and Boeing management and is
excited to get to work testing at Pax River.
The Poseidon ITT, comprised of Navy test
squadrons (VX-20 and VX-1), and Boeing, will
utilize T1 to evaluate the P-8As airworthiness
and expand its fight envelope.
The programs other two fight test air-
craft, T2 and T3, will transfer to Pax River later
this year. These aircraft will focus on extensive
mission systems and weapons system testing,
ensuring the P-8As ability to carry out the anti-
submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare and
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
The Poseidon will replace the P-3C Orion
as the Navys premier maritime patrol and re-
connaissance aircraft. Its advanced mission sys-
tems, software and communications technology
will allow the Fleet to carry out the same mis-
sions as the Orion, but with greater situational
awareness that will enhance mission success.
P-8A Poseidon, The New
Kid in Pax Town
Almost 300 peo-
ple recently took time
out to say farewell to
Ed Greer, the Execu-
tive Director for the
Naval Air Warfare
Center Aircraft Divi-
sion (NAWCAD) and
Naval Air Systems
Command (NAVAIR)
Deputy Assistant
Commander for Test
and Evaluation (T&E).
Greer accepted a new position at the Pentagon
and, is now the director for Development, Test
and Evaluation for the Offce of the Secretary
of Defense. Greer resigned his career civil ser-
vice position to accept this political appointee
State and local elected offcials, admirals,
senior executive service members and members
of the community attended the farewell dinner
to honor the man with whom they had worked
with for more than 30 years in various roles here
He is the genuine article, said NAWCAD
Commander Rear Adm. Donald Gaddis in his
remarks during the presentations. You made
NAWCAD home.
Maryland State Delegate John Bohanon
commended Greer for his work in supporting
the Science Technology Engineering and Math
(STEM) initiatives with students and schools
in the area. Additionally, he lauded him for the
programs like initiatives to work with Veterans
and people with targeted disabilities that Greer
NAVAIR Commander Vice Admiral Da-
vid Venlet bid farewell to Greer, and recalled a
fshing trip the two had made together.
As Venlet compared Greers love for fy
fshing to his approach to his work, he said,
Hes a real worker. Theres a lot of work in
casting action is involved. A lot of thinking.
You have to read the river.
Then, Venlet recalled line for the movie
Hunt for Red October as he described Greers
ability to prioritize. When it comes to flling
a bucket, you have to put the big rocks in there
When Greer took the microphone, his pride
in the people and their abilities was obvious as
he talked about the importance of the work they
The professionals at Patuxent River, the
military, civilian and contractor team, are ex-
ceptional. I owe a lot to the United States Navy.
I will be forever grateful for having had the op-
portunity to work in this world class organiza-
tion, with you remarkable people, he said.
Pax Pros Bid Farewell to Ed Greer
Ed Greer
The U.S. Navys newest maritime patrol and reconnaissance test aircraft, P-8A
Poseidon, left, fies with a P-3 Orion along side, prior to landing at Naval Air
Station Patuxent River. The P-8A is replacing the P-3.
U.S. Navy photo by Liz Goettee
Thursday, April 15, 2010 10
The County Times
George Dickie Arndt, Jr.,
George Richard Dickie
Arndt, Jr., 70, of Dameron,
MD died April 8, 2010 at his
residence. Born June 2, 1939
in Baltimore, MD he was the
son of the late George Richard
and Della Ecker Arndt, Sr. He
is survived by his stepchildren
Amy M. Anderson of Dameron,
MD, Betty Lou Reece of Lex-
ington Park, MD and Bobbie
Jo Dorais of Waldorf, MD as
well as two grandchildren. He
was preceded in death by his
companion Louella Mae Har-
rell. George was a truck driver
and served in the U.S. Army
in 1957. An inurnment will
follow in Maryland Veterans
Cemetery, Cheltenham, MD at
a later date. Condolences may
be left to the family at www.
mgf Arrangements pro-
vided by Mattingley-Gardiner
Funeral Home, P.A., Leonard-
town, MD.
Joseph Aud, 80
Joseph Combs Aud, 80, of
Great Mills, MD died April 7,
2010 at his residence.
Born November 6, 1929 in
Great Mills, MD he was the son
of the late Clarence M. Aud and
Estelle A. (Coombs) Aud.
Combs owned and operated
Aud Sheet Metal for forty-two
years. He loved being with his
family, and was an avid NA-
SCAR fan. His favorite driver
was Dale Earnhart, Sr.
Combs is survived by his
children; Darlene E. Sweeney
of Hollywood, MD, David E.
Aud (Angie) of Great Mills,
MD, Daryl J. Aud of Harwood,
MD, Dana L. Aud (Mike) of
Great Mills, MD, Douglas M.
Aud (Karen) of Clements, MD,
and Danny A. Aud (Joyce) of
Great Mills, MD, grandchil-
dren; David Sweeney, Ross
Sweeney, Laura Sweeney, Kyle
Tubbs, Mindy Tubbs, Reilly
Aud, Mackenzie Aud, Baileigh
Aud, Cassie Aud, Derek Aud,
Jace Aud, Kristen Bowen, Joey
Aud, Allen Aud, Ryan Aud and
Kayla Aud, and great-grand-
children; Caden Sweeney, Kade
Bowen and Kaelyn Bowen. He
was preceded in death by his
wife, Peggy Ann (Chambers)
Aud and daughter, Dianne R.
Services will be private.
Memorial contributions
may be made to the American
Heart Association, P.O. Box
5216, Glenn Allen, VA 23058-
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brins-
Arrangements by the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD.
Mary Brien, 71
Mary C. Brien, 71 of Lex-
ington Park, MD passed away
at the Hospice House of St.
Marys on April 8, 2010 after a
long battle with cancer.
Born May 14, 1938 in Roch-
ester, NY she was the daughter
of the late Francis Costigan and
Suzette MacDonald Costigan.
Born and raised in Roches-
ter, NY, Mary earned a Bach-
elors of Art Degree in Social
Work from Nazareth College.
She married in 1960 and raised
her two children while volun-
teering in community organi-
zations and her church. She
moved to St. Marys County in
1976 and taught in parochial
and public schools here. After
retiring, she continued to sub-
stitute teach and tutor young
children and adults. She was
a skin care consultant for 25
Mary is survived by her
husband, Tom Brien, and
her son, Michael Brien. Her
daughter Patricia Shade passed
away in 2003. She has five
grandchildren: Krista Gaspard
(married to Donovan Gaspard),
Nickolas Shade, Garret Shade,
Calvin Brien and Elvis Brien
all of St. Marys County, and
one great-grandchild, Adonis
A Mass of Christian Burial
was held on Monday, April 12,
2010 at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church, Lexington Park,
Memorial contributions
may be made to the American
Cancer Society, St. Marys
County Unit 350, P.O. Box
1032, Lexington Park, MD
20650 or Hospice of St. Marys,
P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown,
MD 20650.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brins-
Arrangements by the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD.
Thomas Combs, Sr., 86
Thomas Nathaniel Combs,
Sr., 86, of Leonardtown, MD
died April 8, 2010 in Washing-
ton, DC. Born September 17,
1923 in Great Mills, MD he was
the son of the late Charles and
Agnes Eva Aud Combs. Thom-
as was the loving husband of A.
Marie Combs, whom he mar-
ried on May 1
in 1947. He is
also survived by his children
Thomas N. Combs, Jr. (Sudy) of
Callaway, MD, Bennie Combs
(Bernadette) of Chaptico, MD
and Glenda White (Jeremy) of
Lexington Park, MD; his six
grandchildren, Shelly Wathen
(Danny) Thomas Combs III,
Ashley Combs, Dane Hanson
(Hannah), Brad Combs and
Amy Hanson; Three great-
grandchildren; Olivia Buzzur-
ro, Boston Hester and Brock
Hester; as well as his siblings
Kitty Clark of California, MD,
Roger Combs and Mary Hall
both of Callaway, MD, Julia Ty-
ler of Leonardtown, MD, Irma
Hayden of Great Mills, MD,
and Leona Lucas of Pennsylva-
nia. He was preceded in death
by his brother Gilbert Combs.
Thomas was a lifelong resi-
dent of St. Marys County and
was in the United States Army
for four years and is a WWII
Veteran. Thomas belonged to
the VFW of California, MD
and the American Legion Post
255. He was an avid gardener
and enjoyed canning vegeta-
bles and building birdhouses.
The family received friends
on Monday, April, 12, 2010 in
the Mattingly-Gardiner Funer-
al Home, Leonardtown, MD,
where prayers were said by Fr.
Joseph Sileo. Services and In-
terment were private. Contri-
butions in Memory of Thomas
may be made to Hospice of St.
Marys, P.O. Box 625, Leonar-
dtown, MD 20650 and/or the
Second District Vol. Rescue
Squad, P.O. Box 1, Valley Lee,
MD 20692. To send a condo-
lence to the family please visit
our website at www.mgf
Arrangements provided by the
Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Home, P.A.
John Fagerberg, 61
John Arnold Fagerberg, 61
of Drayden, MD died April 8,
2010 at his residence.
John was born on Octo-
ber 8, 1948 in Tucson, AZ.
He was a telecommunications
John is survived by his
wife Linda J. (Rutherford)
Fagerberg and his stepchildren,
Devan Rutherford of Drayden,
MD and Jessica Rutherford of
Phoenix, AZ.
Family received friends on
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 in
the Brinsfield Funeral Home,
22955 Hollywood Road, Leon-
ardtown, MD 20650. A Me-
morial Service was conducted.
Memorial contributions
may be made to Hospice of St.
Marys, P.O. Box 625, Leonard-
town, MD 20650.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brins-
Arrangements by the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD.
Marion Regina Hammett,
Marion Regina Combs
Hammett, 80, of Ridge, MD
died April 7, 2010 in Lexington
Park, MD. Born January 10,
1930 in Callaway, MD she was
the daughter of the late William
Parran and Blanche Victoria
Redmond Combs. Regina was
the loving wife of Michael Ed-
ward Hammett, Sr. whom she
married on October 15, 1949
at Holy Face Church in Great
Mills, MD. She is also survived
by her children Michael Edward
Hammett, Jr. of St. Marys City,
MD, Donald Franklin Ham-
mett of St. Inigoes, MD, Mary
Blanche Hammett Kalmus of
Virginia Beach, VA, Anne Ma-
rie Hammett of HI and Mark
Ignatius Hammett of Fort Col-
lins, CO. She is also survived
by her sister June Margaret
Hope Dutton of Callaway, MD
as well as nine grandchildren
and five great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by
her siblings; William Elmer
Combs, Garnett Cecilia Red-
man, Frances Loretta Wise,
Mary Rose Kohl and James
Nathaniel Combs. A lifelong
resident of St. Marys County,
Regina graduated from St. Mi-
chaels High School and then
from St. Marys College in 1964
with an AA degree and then
again in 1972 with a BA degree
in History. She was a life mem-
ber of the St. Marys County
Historical Society and was the
Official St. Marys County His-
torian since 1988 and was also
the Editor of St. Marys Chron-
icles from 1984-1995. She re-
ceived the St. Marys College
Distinguished Alumni Award
in 2006 and the St. Michaels
High School Distinguished
Alumni Award in 2007. The
family received friends on Fri-
day, April 9 2010 in the St. Mi-
chaels Catholic Church, Ridge,
MD, where prayers were said
. A Mass of Christian burial
was celebrated on Saturday,
April 10, 2010 in St. Michaels
Catholic Church, Ridge, MD
with Fr. Lee Fangmeyer offi-
ciating. Interment followed in
the church cemetery. Contri-
butions in Memory of Regina
Thursday, April 15, 2010 11
The County Times
may be made to Hospice of St.
Marys, P.O. Box 625, Leonar-
dtown, MD 20650, Ridge Vol-
unteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box
456, Ridge, MD 20680 and/or
St. Michaels Catholic Church,
16567 Point Lookout Road,
Ridge, MD 20680. To send a
condolence to the family please
visit our website at www.mgf h.
com. Arrangements provided
by the Mattingley-Gardiner
Funeral Home, P.A.
Carl Kopel, 85
Carl Victor Kopel, 85, of
Coltons Point, Maryland died
April 9, 2010 in his home on St.
Patricks Creek. Born October
10, 1924 in Washington, D.C.
to Harry G. Kopel and Elsie
Hammel Kopel. He is survived
by his wife of 30 years, Monika
E. Kopel; his brother, Bob Ko-
pel; his daughters, Jaye Ander-
son and Dita Cooke and son,
Jim Kopel; his grandchildren,
Ebalena Bell, Vic Anderson,
Weylin Anderson, Caten Cooke
and Piper Cooke; as well as his
great grandchildren, Cecil Bell
III, Sophie Anderson, Pheobe
Tate Anderson and Weylin An-
derson Jr.
A World War II veteran,
Carl served in the Army Air
Corps as an electrical spe-
cialist. After World War II,
he worked as the manager of
family owned Hammels res-
taurant in Washington, D.C.
In 1960, he and brother Bob
opened Kopels Marina in Col-
tons Point, Maryland close to
where his familys hotel once
stood before being devastated
by a tremendous storm in 1933.
Over a 40-year span, Carl and
Bob built their marina from the
ground up, building boats in
the winter and acquiring a rep-
utation for quality repair work
at a reasonable price. In 1999,
Carl and Bob retired and sold
the marina.
Carl was an avid boat lover
and wood worker, an artist and
storyteller. This community,
the marina, and the Potomac
River set the stage for Carl to be
in his element. Not only loved
but liked by so many, he will be
missed greatly. The celebratory
ceremony of Carls life began
last evening at Brinsfield Fu-
neral Home and his funeral will
be today, April 14 at 10 a.m. at
Holy Angels Church in Avenue,
Maryland. His burial will be at
Charles Memorial Gardens in
Leonardtown, Maryland. Pall
Bearers will be Weylin An-
derson, Vic Anderson, Mike
Kopel, Sam Cooke, Dale Law-
rence and Andy Bell. May our
beloved husband, father, broth-
er, uncle, grandfather and great
grandfather rest in peace. We
love you.
A Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated, Wednesday,
April 14, 2010 in Holy Angels
Catholic Church, Avenue, MD
with Father William Gurnee
officiating. Interment followed
in Charles Memorial Gardens,
Leonardtown, MD
Memorial contributions
may be made to the Seventh
District Vol. Rescue Squad,
P.O. Box 7, Avenue, MD 20609
and/or Seventh District Vol.
Fire Department, P.O. Box 206,
Avenue, MD 20609
Arrangements provided by
the Brinsfield Funeral Home,
P.A., Leonardtown, MD
Robert Marks, 52
Robert Leroy Marks, 52, of
Lexington Park, MD died April
7, 2010 at his residence.
Robert was born on August
18, 1957 in Garfield Heights,
OH. He worked in the f looring
industry and was a Civil War
He is survived by Rose
Kenney and William Marks.
All services are private.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brins-
Arrangements by the
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.,
Leonardtown, MD.
Joseph Shelmon, 45
Joseph Anthony Shlemon,
45 of California, MD passed
away suddenly on April 10,
2010 at his residence.
Born September 9, 1964 in
Virginia Beach, VA, he was the
son of Sara Shlemon Vinson of
California, MD and the late Jo-
seph Shlemon.
Joseph graduated form
Leonardtown High School with
the class of 1982; he was em-
ployed at SSI in California,
MD for 13 years. He loved mu-
sic and was an avid sports fan,
and especially liked the Miami
Dolphins and Dale Earnhardt.
In addition to his mother he
is survived by his best friend
and mother of his children;
Tammy Shlemon Jameson,
children; Kristina M. Russell
of Leonardtown, MD, Kayla
L. Jordan (James) of Califor-
nia, MD, Krystal A. Carter,
(Charles) of Callaway, MD and
Valerie R. Shlemon of Califor-
nia, MD, grandchildren; MacK-
enzie Jo Russell, Kevin S. Rus-
sell, Trevor C. Russell, Jarrett
W. Russell, Logan W. Russell,
Madison J. Russell, Hunter
Carter, Breanna Carter, and
Scott Carter, uncle of Andy Sh-
lemon, Bryan Shlemon, Britta-
ny Shlemon, Chelsea Shlemon,
Michael Abell and Josh Lopitz,
siblings; Deborah Lopitz of
Leonardtown, MD, Larry Sh-
lemon of Hollywood, MD and
Kenny Shlemon of Irving, TX.
Joseph was preceded in death
by one brother the late Michael
A. Shlemon.
Family will receive friends
for Josephs Life Celebration on
Thursday, April 15, 2010 from 5
p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Brinsfield
Funeral Home, P.A., Leonar-
dtown, MD, where a Funeral
Service will be conducted at 7
p.m. Interment will be private.
Condolences to the family
may be made at www.brins-
Arrangements provided by
the Brinsfield Funeral Home,
P.A., Leonardtown, MD
Opal Trossbach, 95
Opal Lacey McMillian
Trossbach died April 7,2010,
she was born July 24, 1914 in
Pax, WV. She was the daughter
of the late Lacey B. McMillian
and Minnie Aliff McMillian
McNeil. Opal was the loving
wife of George D. Trossbach,
Sr. of Scotland, MD whom
she married on December 5,
1958 in the Arlington Method-
ist Church an Arlington VA.
She is survived by her children
George, Jr. (Connie) Trossbach
of St. Inigoes, MD and Vio-
let E. Halton of Cottage City,
MD; 8 grandchildren, 10 great
grandchildren and 4 great great
grandchildren. She is also sur-
vived by her brother Bruce
(Joan) McNeil of Berlin, MD.
Opal was preceded in death
by her son Larry Berns Col-
vin and her son-in-law Joseph
Francis Halton, 4 sisters and 5
brothers. The family received
friends on Friday, April, 9 2010
in the First Friendship United
Methodist Church, Ridge, MD,
where services were held with
Pastor Keith Schukraft offici-
ating. Internment followed at
St. Michaels Catholic Church
Cemetery, Ridge MD. Con-
tributions in memory of Opal
can be made to Hospice of St.
Marys, P.O. Box 625, Leonar-
dtown, MD 20650. To send a
condolence to the family please
visit our website at www.mgf h.
com. Arrangements provided
by the Mattingley-Gardiner
Funeral Home, P.A.
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
22955 Hollywood Road
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
(301) 475-5588
Brinsfield-Echols Funeral Home, P.A.
30195 Three Notch Road
Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20650
(301) 472-4400
A Life Celebration Home
Funeral Homes
& Crematory
Caring for the Past
Planning for the Future
Thursday, April 15, 2010 12
The County Times
11-Year-Old Girl Charged In Theft Of Game Console
On Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 12:28 pm, a female juvenile, 11, of Hollywood was arrested
for theft under $1,000 after Tpr. N. E. Gresko responded to the 23000 block of Halford Lane in
Hollywood for the incident. Upon his arrival, contact was made with the female complainant,
40, of Hollywood who advised on March 16, 2010 she noticed her Sony Playstation, valued at
$229 was missing from the residence. On April 6, 2010, the complainant was informed by an
unknown source that the juvenile had acquired a new Playstation. On April 7, 2010, Tpr. Gresko
made contact with the juveniles mother and asked her to bring the juvenile to the Leonardtown
Barrack for questioning. Once at the barrack, the juvenile confessed to taking the Playstation,
police state. The juvenile was arrested and charged for theft under $1,000 and released to her
mother pending further action by the Department of Juvenile Services. The Sony Playstation was
returned to the complainant.
Troopers Charge Man With Assault, Child Abuse
On Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 9:44pm, Tpr. M. J. Pitcher responded to the 41000 block of
Norris Circle in Leonardtown for a reported assault. Upon arrival, contact was made with a juve-
nile complainant, 14, of Leonardtown who alleged she was assaulted after a disagreement in the
residence. Following interviews with the complainant, suspect and witnesses, Thomas Howard
Johnson, 39, of Leonardtown was charged with second degree assault and child abuse. Johnson
was transported to the St. Marys County Detention Center and held pending a bond review with
the District Court Commissioner.
Women Arrested On Shoplifting Charges
On April 10, 2010, Dfc Jason Maletto responded to the Kohls department store in Lexington
Park for a reported theft. Maletto learned Jolie M. Allen, 31, Lexington Park and Trisha K. Jones,
33, of Lexington Park were observed by store staff allegedly concealing merchandise. Allen
and Jones were confronted by store employees and merchandise belonging to the business was
recovered from both subjects, police state. Allen and Jones were both charged on criminal cita-
tions for theft under $1,000.
Philip H. Dorsey III
Attorney at Law
-Serious Personal Injury Cases-
LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
A Lusby man arrested last year on
charges of soliciting a minor for sex
over the Internet pleaded guilty Tuesday
in county Circuit Court, according to a
statement from States Attorney Richard
Fritzs office.
Scott Gerard Hunter was sentenced
to the maximum penalty of 10 years of
incarceration in the Maryland Division
of Corrections, the release stated.
Hunter, 45, was arrested last May af-
ter detectives with the vice/narcotics unit
of the Bureau of Criminal Investigations
set up a sting operation after investigat-
ing alleged money-for-sex schemes on the
on-line social site known as Craigslist.
Their investigation was sparked by
a Dec. 2008 incident where a man who
was allegedly responding to an on-line
offer for sex was beaten and robbed after
arriving at a predetermined apartment to
complete the transaction, according to
police reports.
According to law enforcement infor-
mation from the investigation at that time,
detectives began an on-line conversation
with a suspect on Craigslist that quickly
turned to talk of soliciting a young boy
for sex.
The suspect, Hunter, was arrested
after he arrived at a prearranged meeting
site set up by a detective who had prom-
ised a fictitious 11-year-old boy for him.
Scott was originally charged with an
attempted second-degree sex offense and
perverted practice.
Lusby Man Pleads Guilty
To Soliciting Minor
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Following last weeks raid by detec-
tives at St. Marys Landing restaurant for
alleged gambling machines, St. Marys
County Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron said
any other businesses that might have the
same kind of electronic devices should get
rid of them.
If there are any other establishments
with illegal gaming devices I hope they
remove them, Cameron said.
The raid occurred April 8 after a
short investigation by vice/narcotics de-
tectives with the Bureau of Criminal In-
vestigations, Cameron said, which found
that the four electronic gaming devices
banned by the legislature in 2008 were
being operated.
Cameron said that citizen complaints
about the alleged illegal gaming machines
led to the investigation by police.
Detectives seized the four machines
and $12,000 in cash, police reports
It appears the machines are illegal
and the manner in which they were used
was illegal, Cameron said. Its a gam-
bling operation.
Billy Hill, the owner and opera-
tor of St. Marys Landing, declined to
talk about why the machines were in his
I cant say anything until I get
charged, Hill said. When I get charged
Ill talk to anybody.
Capt. Daniel Alioto, head of the vice/
narcotics unit, said charges are pending
against Hill and at least one other person
allegedly involved in the operation of the
Alioto declined to release the second
This is illegal gambling and hes
going to be charged accordingly, Alioto
said, adding that investigators heard re-
ports of other gambling machines being
operated in the county but so far have not
found any.
There have been a couple of places
weve been contacted on but if they were
there before theyre gone now.
The days of giving warnings are
Tamara Hildebrand, administrator
for the countys Alcohol Beverage Board,
said that Hills liquor license could be in
jeopardy if he is prosecuted.
He could be brought before the
board to discuss a violation, Hildebrand
said. It depends on whether charges are
brought against him.
Some county businesses faced scru-
tiny in 2008 when an opinion from the At-
torney Generals office stated that gam-
bling machines they were using to help
make money for charities were being used
Later court testimony showed that
while charities were getting money from
the operation of the machines, which
the legislature later outlawed here in St.
Marys but left legal in Calvert County,
the operators were making more.
They made a fortune off of it be-
fore, Cameron said.
Sheriff Issues Warning After
Gambling Machine Raid
Scott Gerard Hunter
Thursday, April 15, 2010 13
The County Times
Welcome to Wildewood.
Scrapbookers, prepare to be busy.
If you enjoy preserving family memories, youll have a lot to enjoy in Wildewood. Because here, theres a new
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New Section of Townhomes, Grand Opening.
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Single Family Homes from the mid $200s
Thursday, April 15, 2010 14
The County Times
Know I

The phrase "Often a bridesmaid, but never a bride," actually originates
from an advertisement for Listerine mouthwash from 1924.
Katherine Frederick, a music teacher at Leonar-
dtown Middle School, was recently named St. Marys
County Public Schools recipient of The Washington
Post 2010 Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award.
Frederick, who earned her Bachelors degree in
K-12 music education from Alderson-Broaddus Col-
lege, and her Masters degree in curriculum and in-
struction design from McDaniel College, began her
teaching career in St. Marys County Public Schools
in 1987, and has taught general music, band, and cho-
rus. She also served as the choral director at Spring
Ridge Middle School from 2001 to 2003, and has
served in that same capacity at Leonardtown Middle
School since 2003.
In the classroom, Mrs. Frederick makes learning
so much fun, wrote third year chorus students in their
letter of support for Ms. Frederick. She makes me-
lodic sight reading and rhythmic sight reading seem
fun and interesting even though they are anything but.
Mrs. Frederick has terrifc knowledge about singing
and chorus and teaches us everything she knows, one
step at a time so we thoroughly understand She con-
nects the material to things that we can relate to.
Frederick and the other recipients, representing
19 local public school districts and one representing
the area private schools, will be recognized on May 11,
2010, at a ceremony hosted by The Washington Post.
Frederick Named Agnes
Meyer Outstanding
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) an-
nounced that his offce is currently accepting U.S.
Service Academy applications for the 2011-12 school
year. For students convenience, Service Academy
Application packets are available online on Congress-
man Hoyers website:
academy.asp. Included in the packet are all informa-
tion and materials needed to complete and submit the
application, which must be postmarked for delivery to
Hoyers offce by October 15, 2010.
Every year Congressman Hoyer nominates can-
didates from the 5th Congressional District for admis-
sion into one of four United States service academies:
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York
(Army), the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado
Springs, Colorado, the U.S. Naval Academy in An-
napolis, Maryland, and the U.S. Merchant Marine
Academy in Kings Point, New York.
This year, Rep. Hoyer nominated 26 students
for consideration. Accepted nominees for the 2010-11
school year will be announced later this spring.
In order to pursue appointment to one of the acad-
emies, students between the ages of 17 and 22 must be
nominated. To begin the nomination process, students
can obtain the application packet online on Congress-
man Hoyers website at or can
contact can contact Ms. Betty Rogers in Congressman
Hoyers Greenbelt Offce at (301) 474-0119.
Hoyer Accepting
Academy Applications
Sandra Kerner, principal of Ridge Elementary
School, has been selected as St. Marys County Public
Schools recipient of The Washington Posts Distin-
guished Educational Leadership Award.
Kerner joined St. Marys County Public Schools in
1986 as a classroom teacher at Lettie Marshall Dent El-
ementary School. From 1996 to 1997, she served as an
instructional resource teacher at Leonardtown Middle
School, followed by a year of service as a leadership
intern at Lettie Marshall Dent and Park Hall Elemen-
tary Schools. She was named assistant principal at
Benjamin Banneker Elementary in 1998, and assistant
principal at Hollywood Elementary in 2004. In 2005,
she was promoted to the position of principal at Ridge
Elementary School.
Mrs. Kerner works very well with her staff, com-
munity, supervisors, and faculty, wrote Joseph Shade,
Ridge Elementary building service manager, in his let-
ter of support for Ms. Kerner. She has a very pleasant
attitude, no matter what the situation, and is willing to
assist with a smile. She is very supportive, dependable,
honest, creative, and committed to her profession. Mrs.
Kerner has very strong leadership skills with a very
pleasant approach. She values everyone no matter what
their career or status.
During the last week of April, The Washington
Post will present the award to Ms. Kerner and the other
principals representing public school systems in Mary-
land, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, as well as
a private school principal in the Washington metropoli-
tan area.
Kerner Wins Educational
Leadership Award
St. Marys County Public Schools announces the
selection of Ms. Arlene Sachs, a frst grade teacher at
Leonardtown Elementary School, as its 2010-2011
Teacher of the Year.
Sachs earned her Masters degree in remedial
reading from the University of Maryland in 1981, and
a Bachelors degree in elementary education from Tow-
son State College (now Towson University) in 1976, and
has served as a classroom teacher at Leonardtown Ele-
mentary School since joining the school system in 1976.
Over her 33 years of teaching, she has served as a ffth
grade teacher, kindergarten teacher, resource teacher,
frst/second grade combination teacher, and frst grade
This award will be announced at a banquet held in
Baltimore on October 8. All county Teacher of the Year
representatives will be honored by the Maryland State
Board of Education at a recognition luncheon held May
26 in Baltimore.
The Maryland Teacher of the Year will be presented
with several prizes, will speak at numerous conferences
and events, and will act as an advisor to the Maryland
State Department of Education. The Maryland Teacher
of the Year is also a candidate for National Teacher of
the Year.
Sachs Selected As
Teacher of the Year
Senior Brendan Walsh and junior Zach Grifftt from St. Marys Ryken won
two of the top spots in the Rotary Club of Lexington Parks annual Four-Way
Test speech contest. Grifftt earned third place for his speech on the interroga-
tion of terrorist suspects and Walsh won second place for his speech opposing
the death penalty. Both received cash prizes from the Rotary Club and presented
their speeches at the clubs meeting on March 22.
The Rotary Club of Lexington Park hosts the annual contest for area high
school students. The Four-Way Test refers to the questions that guide the Ro-
tary in their service to the community and that Rotarians ask themselves before
embarking on any endeavor: Is it the truth?; Is it fair to all concerned?; Will
it build good will and better friendships?; and, Will it be benefcial to all con-
cerned? Contestants can select any topic which they feel is timely,
interesting and important; however, the topic must
be specifcally subjected to the Four-Way
Ryken Students Take Top Honors in
Annual Speech Contest

5 to Su

By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
One would have seen stars walking
into St. Marys Hall at the campus of St.
Marys College of Maryland on Friday,
where students from Fairlead Academy
were visiting with college students to
discuss strategies for graduation.
The group started by watching foot-
age of famous actors like Charleze Ther-
on, Will Smith, Tom Hanks and Johnny
Depp talking about heir dysfunctional
childhoods, and the obstacles they had
to overcome to achieve their success.
After this, Fairlead students got a chance
to talk with St. Marys College students
who had suffered similar setbacks.
A lot of the stories I hear are simi-
lar, said Fairlead Principal Wendy Zim-
merman. A lot of these children have
lost a parent, some have left or theyve
divorced, some are dead, and some have
drug and alcohol problems. Some are
incarcerated, too, so theyre not there
but still part of the picture but most
people dont see the struggles they deal
Zimmerman said the days activi-
ties were mostly about transition, be-
cause ninth graders would be leaving
Fairlead to go back to their home schools
shortly, so this is just an opportunity to
remind them of their trip to college last
year we want them to realize how
important high school graduation is, be-
cause it can lead not just to college, but to
trade school, to some path.
Lenny Howard, Assistant Vice
President of Academic Affairs at the
college, said this was the second year
for the colleges partnership with the
public school system, bringing at-risk
students to workshops and tours at the
campus to encourage interest in enroll-
ing after graduation.
Fairlead Transition Coordinator
Charlottis Woodley said she had seen
students share a great deal during the
opening stages of that days program,
which also included lectures from Jef-
frey Smith, SMCMs Admissions Direc-
tor, about how to prepare for college.
Ive seen a lot of great conversa-
tions today, she said. Weve had some
children whose parents are deceased,
grandparents are deceased, and they
may not believe college is possible, but
it is and were here to help them see
SMCM Hosts College Workshop
for At-Risk Students
Michael Durant, a residential staffer at St. Marys College of Maryland, talked with Fairlead
Academy students on Friday about continuing strategies for high school graduation.
Thursday, April 15, 2010 15
The County Times

5 to Su

Thursday, April 15, 2010 16 TheCounty Times Thursday, April 15, 2010 17 TheCounty Times
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By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Mike Wallace said he has trouble talking about
the Iraq War, having served two tours in the country
(his frst in 1990) and wanting desperately to go back,
though hes promised his family that hell stay in the
Ive been told time and time again in this life
that we have our own children to deal with. But
Mike said that he didnt see his own children wounded
and killed like those caught in the middle of the cur-
rent confict, and hes felt the weight of those memories
every day since coming home from his second tour
fve years ago.
Home can be a diffcult sub-
ject, he said, but help is fast ap-
proaching, as team leader
Ralph Guenther will be
directing crews as they
renovate the Wallaces
mobile home during
their blitz of repairs
scheduled for Sat-
urday, April 24.
I dont
think people real-
ly see how much
our reservists
have done, said
wife Micherle
Wallace, 42, ex-
plaining that Mike
had served his frst
tour before they
were married, and his
second tour had come
about unexpectedly.
But this assistance from
Christmas in April couldnt
come a moment too soon, she said,
explaining that Mike had answered his
call to duty right as her health problems began to get
We had a lot more people here then, she said,
explaining that along with having fve small children
to care for, she also suffered from degenerative disc
disease, which had caused her signifcant pain in her
lower back and legs, and thats what kind of started
it, she said, explaining that complications fromsteroid
therapy to treat those and other problems had made her
a full-blown insulin dependant diabetic, and she had
also found that she had a rare genetic blood clotting
disease that was causing chronic problems in her lungs
and requiring her to take blood thinners.
Though she said some of her conditions have
improved, her medical bills have not, and some of her
medications cost her hundreds of dollars a month.
In their mobile home in Lexington Park, where
they have stayed for the last decade, Micherle said
things around the house had started failing, too, from
the plumbing to the houses energy effciency, and
their lot rental fee and electric bills were climbing over
$1,000 a month.
Weve gotten [the electric bill] down to about
$430 a month now, she said, adding that she hoped
crews would be able to weatherize the home enough to
make long-termsavings possible.
Its the homeowner who does the wish-list, and
I get a little bit of this before Im selected for the job,
said Guenther, who has volunteered with Christmas in
April for 19 years. And well typically ask if there
were only three things youd want done, then what
would those three things be?
For the Wallace family, whose 14 year-old daugh-
ter Michaela cannot sleep in her own room or use the
houses second bathroom for risk of fooding, those
three things are simple; windows, weatherization and
For Christmas in April St. Marys
County, however, wish lists are not
so easy to estimate, since funding
sources are declining.
Its interesting, be-
cause donations are about
the same as last year. We
had a fantastic Farm
Life Festival in No-
vember, so that took
the place of some of
the money we would
have gotten from
ADF Bingo, said
Christmas in April
director Mary Ann
Chasen, explaining
that the closing of
ADF Bingo had put a
large dent in the orga-
nizations funding and
some school groups fund-
ing sources are down. Even
so, she said that comprehensive
data on the current decline would
be hard to fnalize until this summer.
I know Im still working hard and so
are the rest of the people, trying to arrange funds for
this year What were really worried about is next
year, because the FarmLife Festival would no longer
be held, she said, adding that she and her cohorts are
currently planning a golf tournament to make up some
of the difference.
Were going to start planning a golf tournament
and itll take place during the same time as the Farm
Life Festival would have been, said Chasen, explain-
ing that funding losses would not ultimately keep the
organization fromhelping their neighbors.
For the Wallace family, this year it is a matter of
accepting help and strengthening their resolve to give
back when they can.
I just feel theyve been so amazing, said Mich-
erle. I almost feel bad because I think there are a lot
of families worse off than us right now but I want
to get involved with Christmas in April in the future.
I might not be able to swing a hammer, but I will pitch
Volunteers To The Rescue - Wallace Family
Opens Door to Christmas in April
I just feel theyve
been so amazing
I almost feel
bad because I think
there are a lot of
families worse off
than us right now.

- Micherle Wallace
Mike, Micherle and Michaela Wallace will be one of more than 20 families getting home renovation help from Christmas in April this
Photo by Frank Marquart
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 18
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Very very nice and only 5 years old!
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 19
Library seeking customers opinions
The library is conducting a survey
of its customers to fnd out their opinions
of the libraries and their suggestions.
The online survey can be completed at through May 3. Print-
ed copies are available for those unable
to complete it online.
Childrens author to speak at Lex-
ington Park
Meeting an author and hearing
her read from her books makes reading
come alive. Pamela Duncan Edwards,
author of Warthogs Paint, Roar, and
Some Smug Slug, will do just that at
this years BooksAlive! celebration on
Sunday, April 18, at 2 p.m. at Lexington
Park. Book sales and signing will fol-
low the program. This free program is
funded from proceeds of the sale of the
cookbook, 300 Years of Black Cooking
in St. Marys County Maryland.

Riordan presents Tales from the
Dr. Timothy Riordan, Chief Ar-
chaeologist at Historic St. Marys City,
will present a special program at Leon-
ardtown Library on April 28 at 7 p.m. on
the forensics of the 17th Century graves
found around the Brick Chapel. He will
discuss what the bones reveal and their
connection with the Smithsonian Ex-
hibit, Written in Bones. The program
is free.
Libraries offer free family movies
and gaming fun
Leonardtown will show a PG-rated
movie about two kids who release a man
trapped in an old board game for decades
along with an array stampeding jungle
animals on April 24 at 2 p.m. Charlotte
Hall will show a G rated movie about a
brother and sister who set off in search of
their missing sea captain father on April
30 at 2 p.m. The movie about the Man in
the Yellow Hat who travels to Africa and
adopts a chimpanzee named George will
be shown at Lexington Park on April 30
at 2 p.m. Snacks will be provided at each
Leonardtown will host an afternoon
of gaming fun on April 30 from 2 p.m. to
4 p.m. for gamers of all ages. Snacks will
be provided.
Master Gardeners offer gardening
The Master Gardeners will resume
their drop-in plant clinics starting April
17. They will hold the clinics from 10
a.m. to noon on the frst and third Satur-
days at Charlotte Hall, and from 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m. on the frst and third Tuesdays
at Lexington Park and the second and
fourth Tuesdays at Leonardtown.
L ibrary
Ranch Club Board to Appeal
Whale Fossil Judgment
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The property owners associa-
tion of Chesapeake Ranch Estates
in Lusby won their lawsuit last
week against the Calvert Marine
Museum for its trespassing on their
land back in 2008 and taking a
whale skeleton that was encased in
the cliff side, but the judgment was
unsatisfactory, according to the
boards president.
It was a hollow victory, said
John Eney of the $10,000 they re-
ceived for the supposedly 10 mil-
lion-year-old whale skeleton and $1
award for the trespass. The dam-
age award was an absolute insult.
Circuit Court Judge Warren
Krug made his decision after both
sides had presented their case over
a two-day trial, Eney said, who
said that the skeleton was valued
between $8,000 to $20,000.
The losing side was celebrat-
ing, Eney said, who confrmed
they would appeal the judgment.
Joseph Cunningham, a Vir-
ginia-based lawyer representing
the ranch club, said they would take
their case to the Maryland Court of
Special Appeals.
The award of damages was
inadequate, Cunningham told The
Southern Calvert Gazette. There
was a signifcant degradation of the
cliff side where the whale dig took
Last weeks judgment was the
culmination of two years of legal
wrangling between the ranch club
board and the marine museum,
with the board claiming that mu-
seum scientists and excavators
trespassed on ranch club property
for fve months to extract a whale
skeleton found deep inside the cliff
The museum staff claimed
during the dig that they had per-
mission of a single property owner
who they believed had claim to a
portion of the cliff face where the
skeleton was lodged, but later it
was determined that the ranch club
owned the property.
Daniel Karp, attorney for the
marine museum, said that the rul-
ing was fair.
The ruling was proper in ev-
ery respect, Karp said. The ma-
rine museum acted in good faith.
It was an innocent mistake.
A view of eroding cliff face near where
the fossil was removed from Calvert
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 20
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RESCUE 240-925-0628 or email Please
Adopt, Dont Shop!
Fourteen volunteers paddled the St.
Marys River Water Trail from Great Mills
Canoe/Kayak Launch to St. Marys College
of Maryland on Saturday, April 9, collecting
trash during the 2nd Annual St. Marys Riv-
er Cleanup. Volunteers collected 12 tires, 20
bags of trash and recyclables, and 300 lbs of
loose trash.
It was beautiful, said Elaine Szym-
kowiak who had never paddled the portion
of the river between Great Mills and Adkins
Road. She was surprised by the presence of
small-class-1 rapids adding, It is really im-
pressive how many tires you can put in one
The St. Marys River Cleanup is hosted
by the St. Marys River Watershed Associa-
tion (, and is part of
the Alice Ferguson Foundation 22nd Annual
River Watershed Cleanup. There were
nearly 500 cleanup sites in Maryland, Wash-
ington DC, Virginia, West Virginia and
Pennsylvania. As of 4 p.m., with 107 sites
reporting, volunteers had collected 10,558
cigarette butts, 599 tires, 14,073 plastic bags,
61.4 tons of loose trash, and 63,555 recyclable
beverage containers from the Potomac River
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 21
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Humor, Mark Twain said, must not
professedly teach, and it must not profess edly
preach, but it must do both if it would live
forever. With these words, Twain has given
the charge: We must live forever through
Such is the function of the St. Marys Col-
lege of Maryland Mark Twain Lecture Series
on American Humor and Culture, which this
year will mark the 100th anniversary of Twains
death with a panel discussion featuring the wit
and wisdom of CNNs Amy Homes, NPRS
Peter Sagal and humorist Mo Rocca (formerly
of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart).
All told, it promises to be quite an affair,
celebrating the life of what Twain biographer
Ron Powers once called the most recogniz-
able American author, our nations frst rock
In the process of planning this years
homage to the late great American superstar,
SMCM Professor Ben Click said he had want-
ed to emphasize Twains
relevance today, particu-
larly since he had worn
so many hats over the
course of his career.
Because he was
so varied in the kinds of
things he wrote about,
the panel discussion is
set up to highlight four
of the things hes most
known for writing about
race and identity, re-
ligion politics, which
he was always asked to
comment on, and human
nature, he said, adding
that he felt Twain would
have a lot of criticisms
of todays culture if he
were alive today.
I suspect that hed
be astounded by the di-
vision that exists in our
political party system.
Its so clearly divided to
partisan politics, and you
cant get reasonable peo-
ple on either side of an issue sometimes, even
if its something theyve agreed to discuss,
said Click. Then of course, as he got older, he
wouldnt be surprised about that because its
something he would see as human nature.
This years panel discussion, of course,
will focus on how Twains work has kept all of
these issues at the forefront of American life.
The board will include several notable names,
including conservative political contributor
Amy Holmes, noted Twain scholar Dr. John
Bird, NPRs Peter Sagal (star of National Pub-
lic Radios Wait, Wait...Dont Tell Me!), and
author and humorist Mo Rocca.
Amy Holmes, (formerly of CNN and Fox
news), who is co-host of Talk Radio Networks
Americas Morning News, was frst invited to
participate as a speaker and panelist by the col-
lege last fall.
Really I think my connection is through
politics being in the D.C., Maryland and
Virginia areas and kind of marinating in the
culture and the social and political issues that
Twain was exposed to, she said, adding that
she felt Twain would fnd a lot to comment on
were he alive today.
I think hed have very witty insights into
pundits on television, people like me. And
they may not even be fattering, said Holmes,
laughing. I wouldnt dare to suggest what
Twain would think of todays modern political
scene, but I do think hed be enormously enter-
tained by it.
While Amy Holmes mirrors Twains ob-
session with his days political culture, come-
dian Mo Rocca says hed defnitely get todays
Mo Rocca, a contributor to the CBS Sun-
day Morning with Charles Osgood and host
of The Tomorrow Show with Mo Rocca on, is also a panelist on NPRs hit
weekly quiz show Wait, Wait...Dont Tell Me!
He spent four seasons as a correspondent on
Comedy Centrals The Daily Show with Jon
Stewart and four seasons as a correspondent on
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He has also
made regular appearances on Larry King Live
and Iron Chef America (as a guest judge).
Rocca told The County Times he was
looking forward to proving himself a real
crab stater. And as for his own exposure to
Twain, he said hed come to know the author as
so many others had by force.
Im trying to think of how Twain would
say I had a gun to my head I should say
that I was forced [to read Twain] but now Im
glad that I was forced, he said, adding that
Huck Finn had reminded him of his own life,
even though riverboat adventures were kind
of in short supply when I was growing up.
Twains own wit was so dry, said Rocca,
that he would ft right in with modern comedy.
He had such a great sense of humor
about himself that I think hed ft right in.
He was also such a great appreciator of the
And Roccas own comments about Twain
were also a com-
ment on what
may very well be
his own mission
as an entertainer.
At the end of the day if you can tell peo-
ple something, and have them delight in it, then
youve really done something, he said.
It seems pretty evident, too, that Twain
would agree.
The colleges Twain centennial celebra-
tion will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, April
24, at the Michael P. OBrien Athletics and
Recreation Center at St. Marys College of
Maryland (SMCM), A panel discussion in-
cluding Peter Sagal, Mo Rocca, Amy Holmes;
and Dr. John Bird, will be free and open to the
public. There will be a tented waterfront din-
ner at 5 p.m. on the lawn of the state house be-
fore the show. Special reserved seating for the
dinner and the nights lecture is available for
$100. For information and to purchase dinner
tickets online, visit or
call 1-800-458-8341.
To be held at:
Lennys Restaurant
23418 Three Notch Road California, MD
(Across from Wildwood Shopping center;
northbound on Route 235)
Sunday, April 25th, 2010
4 pm - 7 pm
Annual Wine and
Import Beer Tasting
Featuring Wines from Around the World
Imported Beer Selection and Light Fare
All Proceeds Beneft:
Leonard Hall Jr. Naval Academy
$25 per person Must be 21 to attend
50/50 Rafe and Door Prizes
(tax deductible charitable contribution receipt provided)
Race, Religion, Politics and the Damned Human Race
Twain Centennial to Mix Comedy and Punditry
Mark Twain
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 22
Thursday, April 15
Cheesesteak Sub Night
VFW Post 2632 (California) 5 p.m.
The Koinonia Academy Concert
Holy Angels Sacred Heart Church
(Ridge) 7:30 p.m.
Music, sharing and skits by Catholic
choir from Plainfeld, NJ.
No Limit HoldEm
Donovans Pub (California) 7:30 p.m.
VOICES Reading Series: Lee K.
St. Marys College (Auerbach Audito-
rium) 8 p.m.
Award-winning short story fction
author Lee K. Abbott will read from his
works as part of the St. Marys College of
Maryland VOICES Reading Series at 8:15
Abbott is the author of seven collec-
tions of short stories, most recently All
Things, All at Once: New & Selected
Stories. This event is free and open to the
Friday, April 16
Kids Consignment Sale
St. Marys County Fairgrounds
(Leonardtown) 9 a.m.
Leprechaun Lillys 2010 Spring/Sum-
mer Childrens Consignment Sale April
16-17. Over 20,000 items expected from
225 consignors, check and cash payments
Call 301.672.9543 or visit www.Lep- for more information.
Maryland Int. Speedway (Mechanics-
ville) 4 p.m. Admission. 301-884-7223.
Steak and Shrimp Night
Am. Legion Post 221 (Avenue) 5 p.m.
FOP-7 Texas HoldEm
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 7 p.m.
Texas HoldEm
VFW Post 2632 (California) 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 17
Multi-Family Yard Sale
Forrest Hall Farm (Mechanicsville) 7
Fundraiser to support Chopticon
band. Space is available for rent $15 (need
to bring your own table).
15th Annual Run for Hospice
St. Marys County Governmental Center
(Leonardtown) 7:30 a.m.
Registration 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM. Race
at 9 AM. Registration fee. Go to www. for more information.
CERT Training
Dep. Of Public Safety (Leonardtown) 8
a.m. to 4 p.m.
Classes on April 17-18 in disaster pre-
paredness, fre safety, disaster medical op-
erations, light search & rescue operations,
CERT Organization, disaster psychology,
terrorism & CERT, etc. o attend a CERT
Training class or for more information,
please call the Department of Public Safe-
ty, Emergency Management Division at
301-475-4200 Ext. 2124 or 2125 or email
FREE Carwash & Bake Sale
CiCis Pizza Buffet (California) 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
Local Scout Ship 548 will be washing
cars for free and accepting donations, and
Homemade Goodies will have a bake sale
table offering confections.
For more information go to www.sea-
Kids Consignment Sale
St. Marys County Fairgrounds (Leonar-
dtown) 9 a.m.
Leprechaun Lillys 2010 Spring/Sum-
mer Childrens Consignment Sale April
16-17. Over 20,000 items expected from
225 consignors, check and cash payments
only. Call 301.672.9543 or visit www.Lep- for more information.
Appraiser Fair
Mechanicsville Vol. Fire Department
10 a.m.
Fine Arts - $5.00 per item (or set).
Jewelry - $5.00 per item (or set) for the
frst two items and $10.00 per additional
item. Coins - $5.00 per 10 coins. Food
and drinks available for sale. Evaluation
times: 10 12:15 and 12:45 to 3.
Pet Adoptions
Petco (California) 10 a.m.
Chicken Drive-Thru
Bay District Vol. Fire Department (Lex-
ington Park) 12 noon
Try Tennis For Free Block Party
Cecil Park (Valley Lee) 12 noon
All ages are welcome. Visit stmarys- and call or text 301-475-5888.
Steak Night
VFW Post 2632 (California) 5 p.m.
Lincoln/Reagan Dinner
JT Daugherty Conference Center (Lex-
ington Park) 6 p.m.
Keynote Speaker: GOP Chairman
Audrey Scott. Special Guest Speaker:
Former Gov. Robert Ehrlich.
Also attending are GOP Congressio-
nal candidates Charles Lollar and Collins
Bailey. Cocktail hour, followed by sit-
down dinner and speeches.
$60pp or $75pp for priority seats.
RSVP 301-373-4334 or Maryell23@aol.
Little Flower School (Great Mills) 7
$8 per person, $15 per couple. Be-
ginner-level ballroom lesion from 7-8
p.m. Dance from 8-11 p.m. Sponsored
by Knights of Columbus of Holy Face
No Limit HoldEm
Donovans Pub (California) 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 18
CERT Training
Dep. Of Public Safety (Leonardtown) 8
a.m. to 4 p.m.
Maryland Int. Speedway (Mechanicsville)
8 a.m. Admission. 301-884-7223. www.
Spring Breakfast
Mechanicsville Vol. Rescue Squad 8 a.m.
Garden Fair
Sotterley Plantation (Hollywood) 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
Informative topics, demos, vendors and
hands-on activities about all things garden-
related in Southern Maryland. Admission.
301-373-2280. 800-681-0850. www.sotter-
Earth Day Celebration
Leonardtown Square 12:30 p.m.
Live music, entertainment, eco-friendly
vendors, environmental displays, live plant
sale, canoe & kayak rides at the Leonard-
town Wharf, and more. For more informa-
tion, call 301-475-9791.
Discover U Childrens Museum Mu-
seum on the Go
Leonardtown Square 12:30 p.m. to 4:40
Event for children of all ages, as part of
this years Earth Day celebration in Down-
town Leonardtown. For more information
go to
Dedication Ceremony/Open House
Ridge Vol. Fire Department 1 p.m.
The membership of the department will
be honoring its deceased members and host-
ing an open house for those interested. Light
refreshments will be served. For more infor-
mation call 301-872-5671.
Deepstack Texas HoldEm
Bennett Building, 24930 Old Three Notch
Rd (Hollywood) 2 p.m.
FOP-7 Texas HoldEm
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 2 p.m.
Monday, April 19
SMCM Open House
St. Marys College (Historic State House)
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
$1 - $2 No Limit Texas HoldEm
Sunshine Oasis (St. Inigoes) 7 p.m.
No Limit Texas HoldEm Bounty
St. Marys County Elks Lodge (California)
7 p.m.
Charity HoldEm Tournament
Donovans Pub (California) 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 20
MOMS Club General Meeting
Mechanicsville Firehouse 10 a.m.
The MOMS Club of Mechanicsville,
MD, is a support group for stay-at-home
moms who stay at home with their children,
including those who have home-based busi-
nesses and those who work part-time but are
home with their children for some portion
of the day. This event is open to the public
for prospective members interested in join-
ing the fun. Children are always welcome.
Our club includes all stay-at-home moms
zoned for the following Elementary schools:
Dynard, Mechanicsville, Lettie Dent, White
March and Oakville. Email: momsclubof- for addi-
tional information, or call 301-290-0694.
9th Grade Transition Fair
Great Mills High School 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Ninth grade teachers and department
chairpersons will be available to discuss
course selections. Special presentation
topics include Advanced Placement (AP)
and Honor courses, taking Certifcate of
Merit vs. standard courses, special educa-
tion at GMHS, preparing for High School
Assessments (HSAs), and navigating the
St. Marys County Public Schools website.
Coaches will also be on hand to discuss
various sports, and after school activities
and clubs will be available to provide infor-
mation on their programs. For more details,
contact the Great Mills High School main
offce at 301-863-4001.
Special Olympics No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Building, 24930 Old Three Notch
Rd (Hollywood) 7 p.m.
Wednesday, April 21
Nature Time at Greenwell
Greenwell State Park (Hollywood) 10
Pre-registration (no later than 24
hours in advance) is required via email - - or by
calling the Greenwell Foundation offce at
Why Snooze When You Can Crooze
Arbys Restaurant parking lot (Leonard-
town) 5 p.m.
Bring your custom car, truck or bike for
cruise night.
FOP-7 Texas HoldEm
FOP-7 Lodge (Great Mills) 7 p.m.
Capital Improvements Public Meeting
St. Marys College (Auditorium) 7 p.m.
St. Marys College of Maryland will
host a public meeting on current Capital
Improvement Projects at the campus in His-
toric St. Marys City, including an update
of the replacement of Anne Arundel Hall
and the new Maryland Heritage Interpretive
Center (Visitors Center), the relocation of
Margaret Brent Hall, a new HSMC wood-
shop, Chancellors Point, and an update on
the proposed traffc calming for Rt. 5. Feed-
back from the community is welcomed.
Special Olympics No Limit HoldEm
Bennett Building, 24930 Old Three Notch
Rd (Hollywood) 7 p.m.
St. Marys County Camera Club
Southern Maryland Higher Education Cen-
ter (Hollywood) 7 p.m.
This is our competition night at the
camera club. Tonights theme is ZOO. We
also have three other class competitions -
novice, intermediate and advanced.
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 23
All porcupines foat in water.
By Shelby Oppermann
Contributing Writer
Mommobile or purse? Lets see, which will
take the shortest amount of time. I thought maybe
today I would try and clean out and organize one
or the other. They are both formidable tasks. The
mini-van really needs a good cleaning and detail-
ing to get the layer of pollen off of everything. I
sneeze every time I open the door. But that means
I have to take out everything I have in there; every-
thing which is ready in the event of any emergency.
My purse could really use a paperwork and receipt
purge, so I could fnd pens and IDs when needed.
Though I dont sneeze every time I open my purse.
I guess the van should be the priority. Maybe I have
time for both.
We are surrounded by water here, so I have
always had this fear of the van careening into deep
water. My worry is that I have electric windows
and wont be able to get the window down to get
out; hence I keep a large hammer under the seat
to smash out the window. More than likely I will
careen off the road into one of the huge mosquito
infested drainage ditches and use the hammer on
the mosquitoes. The hammer has all sorts of great
uses besides saving my life underwater. I use it for
hanging Strawberry Festival signs, or knowing that
I could whack someone with it if necessary.
I keep a queen size blanket and small feece
blanket in a Rubbermaid box in the back. Well,
the reason for that is obvious. We had all that snow
this past winter so I was prepared to be stuck some-
where for an extended time and I could keep warm.
On the other hand, you always have a picnic blan-
ket or a moving blanket. The little feece blanket is
Tidbits traveling blanket to cover the seat. Also in
the back is one of those mini three tiered pullout
Rubbermaid bins which holds everything from pic-
nic supplies, sunscreens, and ice melt.
Then there is the square Rubbermaid box,
which holds the emergency tire sealant, antifreeze,
oil, and jumper cables. Actually all that fts nicely
in a line right behind the back seat, and I still have
three feet of space in the lift area for anything I
need to pick up or for groceries. Thats because we
took out those pesky third row seats as soon as we
got the van.
The second row of seats usually carries extra
jackets towards the non-working electric sliding
door (see why I carry the hammer). During soft-
ball season I normally can bring out enough extra
sweatshirts and light jackets on a chilly night to
outft all spectators in the stands. The foor area
has my basket containing quick fles, and there is
usually an extra pair of shoes and an extra purse or
two. Isnt every woman prepared like this? I do try
to keep everything in baskets or Rubbermaid. In
the front I have my catchall basket. Thank good-
ness, my sister-in law is a Longaberger lady. In that
basket there is always hard candy and gum in a poly
bag (you know for when Im stuck in all those feet
of snow). There is aspirin, and earrings, extra keys,
camera, pens, pushpins, blinker lights, batteries,
hairbrush, chargers - all in my handy little basket.
Someone always needs something. Moms know
this. How could you live without all this? You can
never be too prepared. I learned a lot when my sons
were Scouts.
Of course this all drives my husband crazy. I
try to explain that this is my work van and comfort
zone, and Im in it A LOT. It all drives him crazy
until he says, wow, I wish I had an extra pair of
socks to change into after the softball game. Wala!
Let me check in my emergency box. So, if you see
me at a ball game, and fnd you need something,
before you head to the store, check with me frst I
might have what youre looking for.
To each new days adventure,
Please send comments or ideas to: shelbys.
of an

By Linda Reno
Contributing Writer
Part 2 of 3
War preparations
continued. A meeting of
the General Assembly,
which had been scheduled
for February of the following year, was pushed
forward to October 20. The Sheriffs of the Coun-
ties were instructed to post a public proclamation
to their inhabitants that a levy would be assessed
for the protection of the Colony.
In the meantime, other murders were being
committed by Indians. Three Englishmen were
found dead on the east side of the Susquehanna
River. David Williams and his family, of Somer-
set County, had been killed. These murders had
happened about the same time as Cunningham
family and a Nanticoke Indian who had been
found guilty of murder, had escaped and was
said to be among the Rappahannock Indians in
This unnamed Indian was the prisoner of
Capt. Gerard Slye, High Sheriff of St. Marys
County out of whose custody the said Indian
prisoner, through negligence of his keeper es-
caped. Capt. Slye was ordered to take two Chop-
tico Indians and go to Virginia, retrieve the pris-
oner and take him to his (Slyes) house and keep
him securely there until the Governor signed a
warrant for execution and then he is to be imme-
A Journey Through Time
The Chronicle
Van, Sweet Home
diately put to death without any further respite.
Additional troops were called out in Calvert,
Cecil, Kent, Baltimore and Dorchester Counties,
suffcient in number to let the Indians know that
we are awake and watchful. Inhabitants were in-
structed that upon the appearance of any enemy,
they were to fre three shots, after the ancient
manner and that every house answer the alarm
by fring one gun and then immediately go to the
place where the three shots had been fred to ren-
der assistance. Extra guards were put into place at
Mattapany to guard the weapons and ammunition
stored there for the defense of the Colony.
The General Assembly convened on Octo-
ber 20 with Charles Calvert, Lord Baltimore (who
had been in England) in attendance. It was agreed
that Lord Baltimore would meet with the Indians
himself to remind them that when he left Mary-
land they gave him assurance of their friendship
to him and the people of this Province and he gave
the same assurance to them.
On December 13, 1678 a new peace treaty
was concluded and agreed upon by Charles,
Lord Baltimore, the Emperor of Assateague, the
Kings of Pokomoke, Yingoteague, Nuswattax,
Annamesse, and Acquintica, Morumsco and all
of the Indians under their control to last to the
worlds end. This treaty had a number of inter-
esting provisions:
--Since the English cannot tell one Indian
from another, no Indian was to come into an Eng-
lish plantation painted.
--All Indians were to call out loud before
they came within 300 paces of any Englishmans
ground and lay down their arms.
--Any Englishman who kills an Indian who
complies with the above provisions shall die for it,
as well as an Indian that kills an Englishman.
--If an Indian and an Englishman acciden-
tally meet in the woods while hunting, the Indian
must immediately throw down his arms. If he re-
fuses, he shall be deemed an enemy.
--If any foreign Indians come into Maryland
and commit any crimes, the parties to this treaty
are responsible.
To be continued.
Photo Courtesy of Helen
Carroll Beavers Patterson
This Is Not How I Thought It Would Be:
Remodeling Motherhood to Get the Lives We
Want Today by Kristin Maschka
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
Contributing Writer
The screaming started three-point-
fve seconds after you put the baby down
for the night and it made you want to
scream along. How can this 12-pack-of-
soda-sized human make her mother so
colossally miserable?
Youre sore, exhausted, you cant put
together three intel-
ligent words; youre
frustrated, lonely,
and feeling guilty.
The babys beautiful,
shouldnt you be hap-
py? Didnt you have
a college education
once? Didnt you
used to wear clothing
that wasnt covered in
spit-up? Isnt moth-
erhood supposed to
be blissful?
In the book
This Is Not How I
Thought It Would
Be: Remodeling
Motherhood to Get
the Lives We Want
Today by Kristin
Maschka, youll see
that the answer to all
of the above is yes,
For most of your life, youve been
bombarded with happy-happy articles
and images of cooing babies held by faw-
lessly made-up mothers wearing lovely
peignoirs. The truth, as any mom knows,
is a few dozen miles away. Motherhood
is exhausting, babies scream, make-up is
a distant memory early-on, and thinking
about those images just makes you feel
The question is, why dont mothers
talk about those realities of new mom-
hood? Why, when women get together
with their babies, do they talk in plati-
tudes and avoid real issues? Why is it
shocking to say you love your husband
and you adore your baby but youre strug-
gling with both?
Maschka says that we men and
women alike are raised with a set of
mind maps that make us believe a lot
of things that are no longer valid. Were
told that women can have it all but the
other half of the sentiment is missing.
We often think that only a mother knows
whats best for her child. There are a lot
of supposed-tos that we buy into, and
Maschka says it has to stop.
But how? First
of all, moms need
to learn to ask for
what they need from
friends, family, and
bosses. Join a group
like Mothers & More.
Find a friend who will
let you vent, and be
someone elses shoul-
der. Talk to govern-
ment representatives
about changing Social
Security laws. And be
patient with yourself
and your husband be-
cause this, too, surely
shall pass.
I mpa s s i one d ,
blunt, and reading
much like a Moth-
erhood Manifesto,
This Is Not How I
Thought It Would Be
is one of those books
that obstetricians and midwives should
recommend to frst-time parents, plural.
Author Kristin Maschka is assertive
and strong-minded, and she asks a lot of
hard questions about how society and in-
dividuals perceive motherhood and how
we got this way. While she admits to be-
ing obsessed about certain topics, shes
also quick to fnd thoughtful rebuttals to
issues of isolation, perceived lack of help,
and the kind of error-flled thinking on
which exhausted brains tend to focus.
Now in paperback, be aware that
parts of this book may be controversial
and there may be bits you dont want to
think about at frst. Still, if youre a new
mom, This Is Not How I Thought It
Would Be could be a sanity-saver.
c.2009, Berkley Books $15.00 / $18.50 372 pages, includes notes
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 24


For family and community events, see our calendar in the
community section on page 22.
In Entertainment
The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature! To sub-
mit art or entertainment announcements, or band information for our
entertainment section, e-mail
Calvert Country Diva Makes Good
By Andrea Shiell
Staff Writer
Several musicians took to the stage recently
to lift their voices at a Christian Community
Center in Waldorf, in a concert to beneft the
Southern Maryland Food Bank. One of these
voices belonged to Liz Chambers, 17, of Lusby,
whose performance along with the likes of Scat-
tered Leaves, the Waldorf SDA Singers and Russ
Dean, echoed area talent with a spiritual edge.
Taking the stage at such a venue just seems
natural for Liz, as she said shes pretty much
been training for a singing career since her earli-
est days.
I sang in chorus, I sang in middle school,
and I sang solos every now and again, and na-
tional anthems. And then it just kind of hit me
that this is what I wanted to do with my life, she
said, going on to describe her current career as
a mix of national anthem performances (shes a
regular at local stadiums across the region), per-
formances with the band Scattered Leaves, and
her own solo stylings, which she said are heavily
infuenced by country.
I love Carrie Underwood and Martina Mc-
Bride. I really love country music and I sing a lot
of their stuff, she said.
As for what made Liz jump into a career
in music, she said it had always been a dream
of hers, ever since she was two years old. When
asked why she wanted to focus on Christian mu-
sic, she said that part of her inspiration had come
from a bout of illness she suffered when she was
When I was younger I got diagnosed with
Addisons disease a very mild form of it and
it gave my whole family a scare, she said, add-
ing that more recently shed had a staph infec-
tion which spread to her spine and kept her out
of school for several weeks, during which time
she said her mother gave her some good words
to live by.
I couldnt really do anything, so I would
just lay there, she said, and my mother said
you wont get better laying there on your own.
Youve got to give it to God. Well at the time
I didnt really know what that meant, but after
a while I realized you dont have control over
everything that happens to you, so its in Gods
After that she said it had been a natural de-
cision for her to make faith an integral part of her
God has been a huge part of my life, ever
since I was 7 years old, when I went through
medical issues and stuff like that, she said.
Hes just always been a part of my life and when
something happens in my life I always relate it
back to God, and hes just always there. So why
not sing about God?
Liz, who is a student at Patuxent High
School, said she would be taking her musical
mission on with her to college, and shes cur-
rently searching for scholarships and a school
that will help her fourish.
I hope to make this a career, because Ill be
starting to apply for colleges in the fall, and Ive
been looking at Belmont University right outside
of Nashville, she said, explaining that their
musical program stressed a fexibility with
styles other than just classical, a fact that
made the school all the more attractive. Im
hoping that will provide me some opportuni-
ties and I want to pursue it into a career, but
if that doesnt happen I have a fallback plan,
she said, explaining that she plans to major in
communications in college just in case.
In the meantime Chambers said shes
been happy to collect her credentials across
the region. She has performed at the Calvert
County End Hunger concert for the last two
years, and she regularly appears with Scat-
tered Leaves on their tour dates. And even
though shes been performing for a long time,
Liz said she still has some anxious moments
just before each show.
I dont usually get nervous until a few
minutes before Im about to go on, and then
I start getting the butterfies and the clammy
hands, she said, but when I start singing and
getting into it, thats when the nerves just go
Singer Liz Chambers, 17, of Lusby, after a perfor-
mance greets one of her fans, Kayleigh Coppins-
Dutton, 4, of Lusby.
April 15
Fair Warning
Irish Pub Band
CJs Back Room (Lusby)
5 p.m.
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (Califor-
nia) 5 p.m.
Seaweed Duo
Toots Bar (Hollywood)
6 p.m.
Billy Breslin
Cheeseburger in Paradise
(California) 7 p.m.
DJ McNa$ty
Big Dogs Paradise
(Mechanicsville) 8 p.m.
Ladies DJ Dance Night
Hulas Bungalow
(California) 8 p.m.
Friday, April 16
Dave Norris
DB McMillans (Califor-
nia) 5 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub
Donovans Pub (California)
5 p.m.
DJ Charlie Thompson
Toots Bar (Hollywood)
7:30 p.m.
DJ Chris
Big Dogs Paradise (Me-
chanicsville) 8 p.m.
Live Jazz Night
Chefs American Bistro
(California) 8 p.m.
Wolfs Blues Jam
Fat Boys Country Store
(Leonardtown) 8 p.m.
Murphys Pub (Bryans
Road) 9 p.m.
Billy Breslin
(California) 9 p.m.
Full Steam
Veras White Sands
(Lusby) 9 p.m.
Club 911 (Mechanicsville)
9 p.m.
Roadhouse Band
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.
Turtles on Speed
Blue Dog Saloon
(Port Tobacco) 9 p.m.
Drift Away Bar & Grill
(Cobb Island) 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 17
Roadhouse Band
Town of La Plata 1 p.m.
to 3 p.m.
Fair Warning Irish Pub
DB McMillans (Califor-
nia) 5 p.m.
Bob Wire and the Fence
Ruddy Duck Brewery
(Solomons) 7:30 p.m.
DJ Charlie Thompson
Toots Bar (Hollywood)
7:30 p.m.
Creole Gumbo Jazz
Westlawn Inn (North
Beach) 8 p.m.
24/7 Band
Cryers Back Road Inn
(Leonardtown) 9 p.m.
Captain Woody
Apehangers Bar (Bel Al-
ton) 9 p.m.
Car 54
Goose Landing Marina
(Benedict) 9 p.m.*
Cats Meow
Blue Dog Saloon (Port To-
bacco) 9 p.m.
Veras White Sands (Lus-
by) 9 p.m.
DJ Mango
Lexington Lounge (Lex-
ington Park) 9 p.m.
DJ Rob
Hotel Charles (Hughes-
ville) 9 p.m.
Applebees (California) 9
Mike Mead
Lisas Pub (Indian Head)
9 p.m.*
Hotel Charles (Hughes-
ville) 9 p.m.
Scotts II (Welcome) 9
Roadhouse Band
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.
Sam Grow
Sunshine Oasis (St. Ini-
goes) 9 p.m.
Three Sixty
Dunkirk Firehouse
(Dunkirk) 9 p.m.*
Sunday, April 18
Country Memories
Am. Legion Post #206
(Chesapeake Beach) 2
Down River Band
Veras White Sands (Lus-
by) 2 p.m.
California Ramblers
Bluegrass Band
Toots Bar (Hollywood)
3 p.m.
Spoken Word Poetry
and Live Music Night
Chefs American Bistro
(California) 8 p.m.*
Monday, April 19
Mason Sebastian
DB McMillans (Califor-
nia) 5 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Scotts II (Welcome) 7
Tuesday, April 20
Fair Warning Irish Pub
DB McMillans (Califor-
nia) 5 p.m.
Dylan Galvin
Ruddy Duck Brewery
(Solomons) 7 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Martinis Lounge (White
Plains) 9 p.m.*
April 21
Fair Warning Irish Pub
CJs Back Room (Lusby)
5 p.m.
Captain John
DB McMillans (Califor-
nia) 5:30 p.m.
Karaoke with DJ Harry
Big Dogs Paradise (Me-
chanicsville) 7 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Hulas Bungalow (Califor-
nia) 8 p.m.
Wolfs Blues Jam
Beach Cove Restaurant
(Chesapeake Beach) 8
Liz Chambers
Photo By Lisa Dutton
Photo By Lisa Dutton
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 25
Prime Rib Seafood Sunday Brunch
Banquet & Meeting Facili ties
23418 Three Notch Road California, MD 20619
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Cozy water front cottage located on Whites
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The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 26
1. Distress signal
4. Number, in base two
7. Automobile
10. Test
12. Expression of sorrow
14. Flower petals
15. Schenectady hospital
17. He fddled
18. Macaws
19. 13th President
22. Plural of pons
23. Ninth month (abbr.)
24. No longer are
25. Type genus of the Gliridae
26. Public promotion
27. Actor __ Harris
28. Observe secretly
29. Of she
31. Indicates position
32. Aluminum
33. 84057
35. Enlarge hole
38. Incentive payment
40. Of the lower back
42. Incandescent alternative
46. A young girl
47. Hang glide
48. About Sun
49. Goddess of blind folly
50. Not crazy
51. Gambling town
52. A layer of rock
53. Golf score
54. Popular average
1. Appear
2. Primula elatior
3. Unhealthy looking
4. Rubber rings
5. A musical notation
6. ____ng: venturesome
7. Artery
8. Warning signals
9. Tear down
11. Winnie the Pooh author
13. Spanish suns
16. Ancient Persia governor
18. More abundant
20. Tall & thin like a twig
21. Support appendage
28. They take dictation
29. _____gue: a tirade
30. Selects by votes
31. Awakened
33. Pumpkin-shaped
34. S.E. Austrian river
36. Supports climbing plants
37. Sledgehammered
39. As____: evaluate
40. More dried-up
41. S.A. grassy plain
42. Loose body fat
43. Cleansing agent
44. Site of Jesus 1st miracle
45. Ridge over the eyes
Last Weeks Puzzles Solutions
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 27
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
I think we can all agree that after an overly
oppressive winter that will go down as the worst
in the Metro areas history, spring is a welcome
Aside from pollen tap-dancing in the sky,
its been nice to get outside and see some sports
that were meant to be played outdoors and fol-
low the developments in the larger sports uni-
verse as theyve hap-
pened over the last few weeks. And believe me,
a lot has happened.
Locally, the high school sports teams are
close to halfway through their seasons, and af-
ter the early spring rain, were starting to get an
idea of who will make some noise come playoff
time in each sport.
In baseball, the story of the county this year
without question is the dramatic turnaround of
the St. Marys Ryken Knights. Led by frst-year
coach Clarke Rollins, a Chopticon graduate, the
Knights have bashed their way to fve wins so
far after not winning a game in 2009. Their hit-
ting line-up from top to bottom is the best in
St. Marys County, terrorizing pitching in and
out of the WCAC.
On the softball diamond, Ryken hasnt
had much of a drop-off after graduating a
major part of last years second place team,
including shortstop Erin Leddy. The Knights
won the Grand Strand Softball Classic in
South Carolina during their spring break, and
return to conference play with a tough stretch
of games this coming week (OConnell, Paul
VI and Elizabeth Seton all at home). Two out
of three wins in that stretch makes the Knights
a problem for perennial champion OConnell
just as they were last year, losing 1-0 in the
championship game.
Leonardtown meanwhile has emerged
as a potential top fve team in SMAC, thanks
to the outstanding arms of pitchers Veronica
Peters and Kylee Woode. Starting two good
pitchers every week is a good bet to win some
ball games, and with only North Point head
and shoulders above everyone in the 4A East
region, the Raiders have a chance to go far in
that bracket.
In boys lacrosse, we look to be headed
for another St. Marys Ryken-DeMatha WCAC
championship showdown, as the Knights only
league loss (8-7 back on March 26) came from
you guessed it DeMatha. With a suffocating
defense and timely goal scoring, Ryken looks
poised for a 2007 reprise wrestling the confer-
ence title away from DeMatha and continuing
to make their mark as a top program in the state
of Maryland.
On the girls side, Leonardtown hasnt had
much of a challenge from inside or outside of
the SMAC, averaging 18 goals a game while
holding opponents to just three goals per con-
test. The conference title may no longer be a
question for this team, but if they can navigate
through the treacherous 4A east bracket and
make an appearance in the state tournament.
Along with competitive teams in track
and feld and mixed tennis, St. Marys County
high school sports offer an interesting outing
for anyone whos disgusted with the Nationals
and Wizards and arent quite ready to hop on the
Capitals and Orioles bandwagons just yet.
And besides, its better than being stuck in
the house all day.
Questions? Comments? Complaints?
Send em all to Chris at chrisstevens@coun-
Thurs., Apr. 15
Gonzaga at St. Marys
Ryken, 4 p.m.
Boys Lacrosse
Great Mills at Leonard-
town, 6:30 p.m.
Girls Lacrosse
St. Marys Ryken at
Bishop Ireton, 4:15 p.m.
Leonardtown at Great
Mills, 6:30 p.m.
Good Counsel at St.
Marys Ryken, 3:15 p.m.
St. Marys Ryken at
Bishop Ireton, 4 p.m.
Fri., Apr. 16
Chopticon at Calvert,
4:30 p.m.
Great Mills at Patuxent,
4:30 p.m.
Boys Lacrosse
Bishop Ireton vs. St.
Marys Ryken at St.
Marys College, 4 p.m.
Bishop OConnell at St.
Marys Ryken, 3:30 p.m.
Chopticon at Calvert,
4:30 p.m.
Great Mills at Patuxent,
4:30 p.m.
Calvert at Chopticon,
4 p.m.
Patuxent at Great Mills,
4 p.m.
Sat., Apr. 17
McDonough at Chopti-
con, 10 a.m.
Huntingtown at Leonar-
dtown, 11 a.m.
St. Marys Ryken at Paul
VI, 12 noon
Boys Lacrosse
Chopticon at Pikesville,
12 noon
Girls Lacrosse
St. Marys Ryken at St.
Johns, 11 a.m.
Chopticon at Pikesville,
2 p.m.
McDonough at Chopti-
con, 10 a.m.
Huntingtown at Leonar-
dtown, 11 a.m.
Paul VI at St. Marys
Ryken, 3 p.m.
Track and Field
St. Marys Ryken at
North Point, 11 a.m.
Mon., Apr. 19
La Plata at Chopticon,
4:30 p.m.
McDonough at Great
Mills, 4:30 p.m.
Thomas Stone at Leon-
ardtown, 4:30 p.m.
Boys Lacrosse
Great Mills at Hunting-
town, 6:30 p.m.
Gonzaga at St. Marys
Ryken, 3:15 p.m.
Elizabeth Seton at St.
Marys Ryken, 3:30 p.m.
La Plata at Chopticon,
4:30 p.m.
McDonough at Great
Mills, 4:30 p.m.
Thomas Stone at Leon-
ardtown, 4:30 p.m.
St. Marys Ryken at St.
Johns, 3:30 p.m.
Chopticon at La Plata,
4 p.m.
Great Mills at Mc-
Donough, 4 p.m.
Thomas Stone at Leon-
ardtown, 4 p.m.
Tues., Apr. 20
DeMatha at St. Marys
Ryken, 4 p.m.
Boys Lacrosse
St. Marys Ryken vs. St.
Albans at Chancellors
Run, 4 p.m.
Huntingtown at Leonar-
dtown, 5 p.m.
Chopticon at Patuxent,
6:30 p.m.
Girls Lacrosse
Patuxent at Chopticon,
6:30 p.m.
Northern at Great Mills,
6:30 p.m.
Leonardtown at Hun-
tingtown, 6:30 p.m.
Track and Field
Huntingtown at Chopti-
con, 4 p.m.
Great Mills at Northern,
4 p.m.
Leonardtown at North
Point, 4 p.m.
Wed., Apr. 21
Chopticon at Hunting-
town, 4:30 p.m.
Calvert at Leonardtown,
4:30 p.m.
St. Marys Ryken at Paul
VI, 3:30 p.m.
Chopticon at Hunting-
town, 4:30 p.m.
Calvert at Leonardtown,
4:30 p.m.
DeMatha at St. Marys
Ryken, 3:30 p.m.
Huntingtown at Chopti-
con, 4 p.m.
Leonardtown at Calvert,
4 p.m.
Track and Field
St. Marys Ryken at
Good Counsel, 4 p.m.
Over 250,000 Southern Marylanders cant be wrong!
Wed., Apr. 7
La Plata 5, Chopticon 3
(nine innings)
Calvert 13, Great Mills 5
Northern 18, Leonardtown
8 (fve innings)
Boys Lacrosse
St. Marys Ryken 11, Cal-
verton 8
La Plata 6, Chopticon 5
(eight innings)
Calvert 5, Great Mills 4
(eight innings)
Northern 8, Leonardtown
St. Marys Ryken 9, Central
(S.C.) 0
Great Mills 8, Calvert 1
Leonardtown 7, Northern 2
Thurs., Apr. 8
Boys Lacrosse
Huntingtown 12, Chop-
ticon 5
Girls Lacrosse
Leonardtown 18, Calvert 2
St. Marys Ryken 4, Sher-
man (W. Va.) 0
Fri., Apr. 9
Chopticon 11, Lackey 0
Leonardtown 5, North
Point 1 (completion of
suspended game)
North Point 10, Leonard-
town 9
Girls Lacrosse
St. Marys Ryken 15, Great
Mills 11
Lackey 12, Chopticon 9
North Point 4, Leonard-
town 3
St. Marys Ryken 6, Seton 0
Chopticon 5, Lackey 4
La Plata 7, Great Mills 2
Leonardtown 8, North
Point 1
Sat., Apr. 10
Northern 11, Chopticon 5
Boys Lacrosse
Leonardtown 8, Walkers-
ville 5
Leonardtown 12, Patux-
ent 4
SouthRiver Tournament
St. Marys Ryken 10, Cen-
tury 4
Ward Chester Prep 11, St.
Marys Ryken 8
Northern 6, Chopticon 1
Mon., Apr. 12
Leonardtown 3, Patuxent 2
Boys Lacrosse
Chopticon 17, Great Mills 6
Chopticon 6, Great Mills 5
Patuxent 2, Leonardtown 1
Chopticon 6, McDonough
Great Mills 7, North Point 2
Leonardtown 8, Westlake 1
High School Teams
Preparing for Stretch Run
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 28
Youth Hockey Tryouts
Starting in May
Tryouts for Southern Maryland Sabres
travel ice hockey teams will be held at the
Capital Clubhouse Tuesday May 4, Thurs-
day May 6 and Saturday May 10. The club
expects to feld travel teams at all age groups
for participation in the CBHL (Capital Belt-
way Hockey League). All age groups are en-
couraged to attend:
Squirts (2000-2001), Peewees (1998-
1999), Bantams (1996-1997), U16
(1994-1995) and U18 (1992-1993). Proof
of age is required. Tryout Fees:
$65. Visit for
schedule and online registration.
Youth Rugby Registra-
tion Starting Next Month
Patuxent River Rugby Club will be of-
fering its Co-Ed youth touch rugby season
for youths 5-15 years of age this summer.
Registration will occur at the Calvert Com-
munity Center in Lusby from 12-2 p.m. May
1 and 8. First practice will be May 25 and
registration can be completed at all practices
throughout the season. More details can be
found on or by calling
Boys and Girls Club
Charity Golf Tourna-
ment Registration Open
The Southern Maryland Boys and
Girls Club golf tournament, scheduled
for Thursday May 20, is now accepting
The shotgun start is scheduled for 9
a.m. at the Breton Bay Golf Club in Leon-
ardtown, with a $200 prize going to the top
team. There will also be closest to the pin
and longest drive contests, 50/50 raffe and
door prizers.
The cost is $80 per player which in-
cludes 18 holes of golf with cart, lunch buf-
fet and door prizes.
Money and registration is due by
Friday, May 7 and all checks should be
made payable to BGCSM Charity Golf
For more information, please contact
Jason Verbic at 301-866-6948 or
Kim Murray at 301-863-3412.
Tennis Block Party in
Valley Lee on Saturday
A Try Tennis For Free block party is
being offered by the St. Marys County
Tennis Association on Saturday, April
17. It will be held at Cecil Park in
Valley Lee, at 19241 St. Georges
Church Rd., from 12 Noon - 2 p.m. All ages
are welcome. Visit
and call or text 301-475-5888.
Tennis League Seeking
Team Captains
St Marys County USTA Tennis
League is looking for Captains and 3.0,
3.5, 4.0, 4.5 rated players for Adult men and
women teams. Season runs from May-July.
Must be a USTA member and have reached
eighteen (18) years of age prior to, or during,
the 2010 calendar year. Contact Mai-Liem
Slade if interested, mlslade@md.metrocast.
net or 301-481-2305.
By Doug Watson
Potomac Speedway
BUDDS CREEK For the third consecutive
week, a new face graced victory lane at the Po-
tomac speedway as Mechanicsvilles Matt Quade
collected his career frst late model feature win in
last Friday nights 25-lap event.
Roland Mann and Jeff Pilkerton brought the
feld to the initial green fag. Mann got the jump
at the start, as he would take the early race lead.
Mann appeared to have the car to beat as he lead
effortlessly for the frst 18 laps of the race. How-
ever, a fat tire would sideline his effort on lap 19.
Jeff Pilkerton would then inherit the race lead
and looked like he would win his frst Potomac
late model main since 1999.
As Pilkerton led, ffth-starting Dale Hol-
lidge reached second by the 21st circuit. As the
duo raced side by side, they would tangle on the
fnal lap, sending both cars to the rear of the feld.
Matt Quade was in the right place at the right
time as he was the new leader and would hold off
a furious, last lap challenge by defending track
champion David Williams to score the win.
This is a dream come true, the third-year
pilot stated. Its taken us a while to fnally get
here and I cant thank all my sponsors and my
crew for sticking with me.
Having defending champ David Williams
on his bumper for the fnal re-start made Quade a
little nervous. Yeah I knew he was back there,
Quade said. The track got one lane and I knew if
I stayed on the bottom hed have a hard time pass-
ing on the top. Bobby Beard collected third, PJ
Hatcher was fourth and Ed Pope would complete
the top fve. Heats went to Mann and Pilkerton.
In the 16-lap street stock feature, it was
Pasadena, Md.s Kurt Zimmerman scoring his
frst win of the season. Zimmerman, who started
fourth, took the lead from Eric Johnson on lap
fve and would then have to repel the advances of
defending track champion Kyle Nelson to post his
13th career Potomac feature win. Johnson would
hang on to third, Ricky Edmonds was fourth and
John Sellner would fll the front fve. Heats went
to Zimmerman and Ben Bowie.
In other action, Tony Garber made it two
wins out of three races in the 20-lap modifed fea-
ture, defending hobby stock champion Josh Dot-
son scored his frst feature win of the season in
the divisions 15-lap event and Richard Gwizdale
annexed the 15-lap four-cylinder feature.
Late Model Feature Results (25 laps)
1. Matt Quade 2. David Williams 3. Bobby Beard
4. PJ Hatcher 5. Ed Pope 6. Jeff Pilkerton 7. Ro-
land Mann 8. Kenny Moreland 9. Dale Hollidge
10. Andy Anderson 11. Deane Guy
Street Stock Feature Results
(16 laps)
1. Kurt Zimmerman 2. Kyle Nelson 3. Eric John-
son 4. Ricky Edmonds 5. John Sellner 6. Sam Ar-
cher 7. Donnie Smith 8. Chester Sellers 9. James
Sparks 10. Dale Reamy 11. Scott Wilson 12. Mike
Reynolds 13. Ben Bowie 14. Stephen Quade
Three Races, Three Winners as Quade
Collects Career First at Potomac
venson University used a 6-2 second
period to break a 4-4 draw and post
a 13-10 Capital Athletic Conference
victory over the St. Marys College
of Maryland mens lacrosse team
Tuesday afternoon despite the Se-
ahawks receiving a game-high fve
goals from junior Dennis Rosson
(Severna Park, Md./Severn).
Junior Neal Barthelme (Tow-
son, Md./Dulaney) paced the na-
tionally-ranked Mustangs with
three goals while junior Richie Ford
(Baltimore, Md./Towson) tallied
four points on two goals and two as-
sists. Junior Jimmy Dailey (West-
minster, Md./Winter Mills) added
two goals and an assist.
After Stevenson notched the
frst goal of the game, St. Marys
staked its frst lead of the game at
7:38 behind goals by Rosson and
sophomore Michael Mules (Ellicott
City, Md./Boys Latin) in a 31-sec-
ond span. The Mustangs scored
twice in 14 seconds to reclaim the
lead before Rosson picked up back-
to-back goals to return the edge to
the Seahawks at 2:26. Senior Shane
Clift (Baltimore, Md./North Car-
roll) found the back of the net for the
fnal tally of the period with 30 sec-
onds left to knot the contest at 4-all.
Stevenson (13-1, 5-1 CAC)
came out strong in the second quar-
ter with three unanswered goals,
including a pair from Barthelme, to
put the momentum on the Mustang
side. Ryan Alexander (Laurel, Md./
Pallotti) and Bobby Cooke (Ellicott
City, Md./Mt. Hebron) sandwiched
a senior Sean Calabrese (Rockville,
Md./DeMatha) goal to cut the def-
cit to 8-6 at 2:08. The Mustangs
scored the fnal two of the period to
head into intermission with a 10-6
Rosson fnished the afternoon
with a game-high six points as he
picked up an assist as well. Alex-
ander contributed a goal and two
helpers while frst-year Patrick Mull
(Fallston, Md./Fallston) dished out
four assists.
St. Marys (7-5, 4-2 CAC)
scored two in less than a minute to
pull within 11-8 at the end of three as
Rosson and sophomore J.P. Lennon
(Huntington, N.Y./St. Anthonys)
each broke through the Stevenson
Rosson completed a feed from
Mull for the frst goal of the fnal
stanza before the Mustangs netted a
pair in 19 seconds. Mules recorded
the fnal tally of the game at 3:52
for the 13-10 fnal. The Seahawks
came at Stevenson with a barrage of
shots, outshooting the Mustangs 15-
4 in the last quarter, but sophomore
Ian Bolland (Mountain Lakes, Pa./
Mountain Lakes) stood his ground
and turned away nine shots as Bol-
land fnished with 16 stops.
Stevenson edged the Seahawks
in shots, 44-40, while posting a 33-
27 margin in ground balls as junior
Ray Witte (Annapolis, Md./St. Peter
and Paul) scooped up a game-high
seven and won 16-of-26 face-offs.
Junior Stu Wheeler (Balti-
more, Md./St. Pauls) fnished with
nine saves in the loss.
The Seahawks will return to
action this Thursday, April 15, host-
ing University of Mary Washington
in the CAC regular-season fnale at
4:00 pm.
Seahawks Parker Selected as CAC
Womens Lacrosse Player of the Week
YORK, Pa. St. Marys Col-
lege frst-year midfelder Lauriann
Parker (Woodbine, Md./Glenelg)
was named the Capital Athletic Con-
ference Womens Lacrosse Player of
the Week for the week ending April
11 after notching 13 points in two
conference wins for the Seahawks.
Parker scored nine goals and
four assists in leading St. Marys
(6-7, 4-2 CAC) to a 17-14 win over
Marymount (Va.) University as well
as a 13-8 victory at No. 17 Steven-
son University.
She started the week with two
goals and two assists against Mary-
mount before unleashing against na-
tionally-ranked Stevenson with sea-
son-highs of seven goals, including
the game-winner, and nine points.
Parker also dished out two assists
in win at Stevenson which lifted
the Seahawks to the No. 3 seed in
the upcoming CAC playoffs which
begin Saturday, April 18 with frst
round action.
Parker is currently tied for
ffth in the conference with 31 goals
(2.38 per game), sixth with 16 as-
sists (1.23 per game), and seventh
with 47 points (3.62 per game).
No. 3 Stevenson Holds Off Seahawk Men
16 University of Mary Washing-
ton picked up its second straight
win with a 9-0 shutout of the
St. Marys College of Maryland
womens tennis team Thursday
afternoon. A bright spot for the
Seahawks in the loss was the fact
that they took 14 games from
Mary Washington a feat which
has never happened during head
coach Derek Sabedras four-year
The closest match of the
afternoon occurred at the No.
6 singles fight as sophomore
Katharine Yudkin (Rich-
mond, Va./St. Gertrude) battled
sophomore Kathleen Ramsey
(Dunkirk, Md./Northern) to a 6-
2, 6-4 victory in the fnal match
of the afternoon. The loss, un-
fortunately, halted Ramseys
win streak at 11.
Seahawk Womens
Tennis Swept by
Mary Washington
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 29
Raiders Rally to Stun Patuxent
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By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
LEONARDTOWN It truly has been
an up-and-down season for the Leonardtown
high school baseball team.
The most recent peak was a walk-off
RBI single by Jonathan Beam, helping the
Raiders rally for a 3-2 win over Patuxent
Monday afternoon.
At the beginning, we let them dictate
the game, but they knew we had to step it
up, said Raiders coach Zach Adams. We
knew that we could have the big inning.
The big inning for Leonardtown (3-5
overall, 1-4 in Southern Maryland Athletic
Conference games) almost didnt come, due
in large part to Patuxent pitcher Donnie
Holtzclaw, who struck out nine batters and
had a no-hitter going through 5 1/3 innings
of play.
[Holtzclaw] threw a gem, he really had
it going, Adams said. But it seemed like he
ran of mustard at the end.
The Raiders actually took a 1-0 lead on
a Patuxent throwing error, but RBI singles
by Daniel Castro and Brian Portillo in the
second and fourth innings gave the Panthers
a 2-1 lead.
After that frst inning, Holtzclaw was
untouchable until senior third baseman
Brady Jameson socked a solid single back up
the middle in the sixth to break
up the no-hit bid. After that, the
Raiders went to work.
Once we got that hit, the
boys said okay, theres a chink
in the armor, lets go, Adams
He was throwing us a lot
of curveballs, but we just had
to wait on the fastballs, Bean
said. We couldnt get a hit for
about six innings and it didnt
feel too good.
A crucial development was
senior reliever Will Pagliarulo
stepping in for starting pitcher
David Sapp and pitching a
scoreless two innings, includ-
ing escaping a bases loaded jam
in the top of the seventh.
David pitched a great
game for fve innings, and I just
wanted us to get the win, Pa-
gliarulo said.
In the bottom of the sev-
enth, with pinch runner Matt
Carpenter on third base with one out, Sapp
dropped a perfect squeeze bunt that allowed
Carpenter to score the tying run uncontested.
The next batter, centerfelder Ryan Fenwick
laced a solid single and stole second base,
bringing up Bean with a chance to win the
Coming into the season, he was our
question mark how much could we get
out of him, Adams said. He was 12-for-25
coming into this game, the highest average
on the team.
Bean credited his patience for his single
into shallow right center feld that scored
Fenwick easily from second.
I fnally got a fastball and just took it to
right, he said. It makes us feel good that we
can get a win like this.
Photo By Chris Stevens
Jonathan Beam, shown here taking a pitch, hit an RBI single in the seventh to lift Leonardtown over Patuxent 3-2
Monday in SMAC baseball action.
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 30
Sp rts
Blue Crabs
Hobson, Blue Crabs Ready to Play Ball
By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
WALDORF It has been a full six
months since the Southern Maryland Blue
Crabs fnished as the Atlantic League runner-
up to the Somerset Patriots, and with the home
opener just two weeks away, third-year man-
ager Butch Hobson is ready to lead the Crabs
back into battle this season.
Every year, your goal is to make it to the
championship, Hobson said during a team
luncheon Wednesday afternoon. Somebodys
got to go home the loser and that was us last
The Blue Crabs won 79 games and both
halves of the Atlantic Leagues Liberty Divi-
sion in 2009. They defeated the Long Island
Ducks three games to two in the semifnals
before falling to the Patriots three games to
one in the championship series.
Weve reloaded pretty good. We have
good leadership in our veteran core, shortstop
Travis Garcia said. We have some new guys
too, but everybody in the league has stocked
up also.
Garcia and veteran pitcher John Halama
returned to the Crabs after spending the latter
part of the season in organized baseball. Both
cited one major reason for their willingness to
return and help the team in its quest to win the
Atlantic League title.
Butch Hobson, Garcia quickly said.
Hes the best manager Ive ever played for.
Hes very intense, and when you have a man-
ager who wants to win as much as he does,
you want to win for him.
He makes it very comfortable to be
here, Halama, who pitched for seven major
league teams from 1998 to 2005. Butch and
[former Seattle Mariners manager] Lou Pini-
ella are both very feisty guys, and they like to
get after it.
Garcia says Hobsons managerial style
makes Blue Crabs players the envy of their
peers in the Atlantic League.
At least years All-Star game, talk-
ing to the other players,
they all asked, Whats
it like to play for Butch?
He looks like hes fun to
play for, he said.
Im fattered that
those guys feel that
way, Hobson said. Ive
always tried to sign guys
who actually care about
this game and both of
those guys [Garcia and
Halama] love the game.
The key for the
Blue Crabs this year will
be pitching, and with 18
pitchers in camp and 14
scheduled to make the
roster, depth shouldnt
be an issue for the Crabs
as it was during last sea-
sons stretch run.
Our pitching got
depleted, but we were
able to replace them with
some viable options,
Hobson said, noting that
Dave McKae will be
a pitcher to watch this
coming season. Hes
pitched 530 1/3 innings
and only walked 112
batters, Hobson said.
He should be a second
starter instead of our
ffth starter.
The challenge of
felding a champion in
Independent baseball is
the fact that players are
looking to move in Ma-
jor League systems. In
fact, Hobson says thats part of his job, ensur-
ing that guys move up.
I tell the guys at the beginning of every
year that my job is to get you out of here, he
said. To move them up is what were here
Casey Benjamin of the Blue Crabs felds a ground
ball as the team prepares for their third season
in the Atlantic League.
Photo By Frank Marquart
Ben Harrison lays down a bunt during a team workout Wednesday afternoon.
Photo By Frank Marquart
Octavio Martinez is one of several returning players for the Blue
Photo By Frank Marquart
The County Times
Thursday, April 15, 2010 31
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By Chris Stevens
Staff Writer
GREAT MILLS Since their season-
opening loss to Leonardtown about three weeks
ago, the St. Marys Ryken girls lacrosse team
has found their stride.
Great Mills was the most recent opponent
to fnd that out as the Knights took a 15-11 deci-
sion Friday night, their third win in a row.
They performed fabulously, said as-
sistant coach Jeff Worcester, who was flling
for head coach Irene Tsapos-Dean (family
Theyre working together much bet-
ter as a team and they played their hearts out
The Knights
(3-1 on the season,
2-0 in Washington
Catholic Athletic
Conference play)
jumped out to an
early 3-0 lead, with
attacker Angela
Sperbeck (twice)
and Chelsea Mum-
maugh fnding
the net for Ryken.
Sperbeck ended
up with four goals
and an assist, while
Jessica Worcester
led all goal-scorers
with fve.
Even with
Great Mills also
getting four goals
from senior Anna
Sparr and two each
from Krystin Clark
and Morgan Ruoff,
the Knights were
able to hold off
each of the Hornet
rallies to walk away
with the win.
Its more a mentality, Sperbeck said
of getting out to an early lead and keeping it.
Being ahead keeps our play up and keeps us
Weve had a lot of close matches this
year, said senior co-captain Samantha Dodge,
who contributed a goal to make the score 12-8
Ryken halfway through the sec-
ond half. We have to stay on
Jeff Worcester credits the
Knights early season success
to hard work in practice and in
Theyve come along re-
markably well, he said. Its
huge to have everybody step-
ping up the way these girls have
and thats what has brought us
Weve come together, were
bonding as a team, Sperbeck
said. Were connecting better on
offense and our defense is a little
stronger now.
Meanwhile, the Hornets
havent had much game experi-
ence due to the early sogginess of
spring, and thats been a problem
for head coach Pam Hageman,
who has just six returning players
on a roster of 21.
Weve had a play day, scrim-
mages and games cancelled, so it
really hurts us, Hageman said.
She was pleased with the
effort her team gave in shrink-
ing the Knights lead to three goals or fewer
several times in the game, but closing strong is
going to be one thing that comes with experi-
ence for Great Mills.
This is only our third game, but were
going in a positive direction. Im optimistic
that things will improve.
Ryken Girls Hold Off Great
Mills to Win Third in a Row
Photo By Chris Stevens
Photo By Chris Stevens
Great Mills Anna Sparr and the Knights Kaley Overstreet battle
for possession of the ball during Fridays girls lacrosse game.
Jessica Worcester scored fve goals to lead St. Marys Ryken to a 15-11 victory
over Great Mills Friday evening.
April 15, 2010
Photo By Frank Marquart
Crabs Swing
Into New
Page 30
ODonnell: Taxes Will
Spike Next Year
Story Page 6 Story Page 31
Pax Pros Bid Farewell
To Edward Greer
Story Page 9
Ryken Tops Great Mills
in Girls Lacrosse

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