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Fluid Retention in Legs - Peripheral Edema

Peripheral edema is an abnormal fluid retention in the lower legs that cause swelling of tissues in the calves, ankles, legs and feet. Read Thigh Swelling Upper Leg Swelling to learn about swelling in the upper legs. Certain medical reasons might cause ankle and leg edema whereas some conditions might contribute to excessive swelling of ankles and feet too. In other words, the fluid retention occurs as a direct or indirect reaction to an underlying disease or condition. Here are some medical reasons that cause peripheral edema or ankle and fluid retention in legs.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where the bodys autoimmune system fail to function normally and attacking the joint tissues, causing inflammation and joint damage. It may affect the joint, bones and various parts of the body. The disease usually begins in the hands, wrists and feet. Then it progresses to the shoulders, elbows and hips. Some of the symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis are pain, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, joint swelling and slight fever. The swelling is soft and squishy. It usually affects the same joints on both the left and right sides of the body. Its also common to develop intermittent fluid retention in legs; include swelling of the calves, ankles, legs and feet; as a result of the inflammation to the synovial lining of the joint and blood vessels. Swelling in the ankles and calves may occur too when theres other medical problem such as phlebitis, lymphedema, heart failure and kidney disease.

Emphysema is a chronic lungs disease that is characterized by the inflammation of the alveoli or air sacks in the lungs. In emphysema, the lungs may lose their ability to shrink properly upon exhalation thus decreasing the amount of air that is inhaled. As a result, waste air is not easily taken off from the lungs and oxygen-rich air is not restored. Patients with emphysema may have difficult time to breath and oftentimes gasp for air. The symptoms of emphysema may develop

gradually over many years. These symptoms may include shortness of breath; skipped breaths; insomnia; chronic fatigue; edema of the feet, ankles and legs; wheezing; and excess mucus production.

Cancer of the urinary bladder

Cancer of the urinary bladder is often associated with occupational exposure to chemical substances, smoking tobacco, infections and small pelvis irradiation because of tumors in that area. Symptoms of cancer of the urinary bladder include haematuria (blood in the urine), pain, bladder tenesmus, burning sensation during urination and sometimes temporary retention of urine. The pain in pelvis and around groin as well as fluid retention in legs usually accompanies further symptoms of the disease.

Chronic liver disease

This is another disorder that cause swelling in the ankles. The water retention occurs as a result of insufficient amount of protein albumin in the body which helps to hold fluid in the bloodstream.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

DVT is a blood clot that develops in the deep veins of the legs or pelvic area or, on rare occasions, the arms. It is not usually causing death but it can become so if a blood clot breaks loose, becoming a pulmonary embolism (PE). Only parts of the patients with DVT have typical symptoms. When symptoms do show up, the most usual are swelling of one leg (either right leg swelling or left leg swelling), pain or tenderness, skin that is warm to the touch, fullness of the veins just below the skin and discoloration of the leg (bluish or very pale).

Heart disease
Heart disease is a disorder in which the heart fails to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout the body as well as it should. Because of this, the sufferers may feel tired or weak. Certain heart disorder like congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy disease and heart valve disease will cause fluid retention in the legs, ankles, feet and even the lungs. This occurs because the kidneys need

to counterbalance the seeming loss of fluid due to the heart problems by retaining more salt and water in the body.

Kidney disorders
Fluid will start to accumulate and eventually cause swelling around the face, eyes, ankles, legs and feet when the kidneys are unable to excrete enough salts into the urine.

Lung disorder
COPD, emphysema and chronic bronchitis is some of the lung disorders that lead to ankles and feet edema. Ankles and feet edema occur when the lung can not function properly causing the blood from the heart fail to reach the lungs, the blood back up, build up and finally leak into the bodily tissues.

Venous Insufficiency
Venous insufficiency often causes localized water retention in the legs. The water retention may lead to a right leg swelling, left leg swelling or both legs swelling depend which limb is affected.

Fluid retention in legs occurs not only due to certain medical reason but it can happen also as a result of other factors such as hormonal, underlying condition and side effects of certain drugs. You can find out more about it in this article, Peripheral Edema Part 2.

Knee - Hip Replacement Surgery, Smoking, Transfusion, PMS Peripheral Edema Part 2
We already known that medical reason is not the only cause of swelling feet and legs but some hormonal factors and certain bad condition can also trigger it. This is the second part of Peripheral Edema article and we'll look at some hormonal and condition causes of ankle and leg edema below. For information about the causes of thigh swelling, visit Thigh Swelling Upper Leg Swelling.


An increase of body fluid volume, pressure on the vena cava and hormone fluctuations during pregnancy all contribute to the occurring of water retention in legs during pregnancy.

Transfusion, severe legs and feet edema

Legs and feet edema as a result of an allergic reaction to blood transfusion is a rare condition although it can happen in some cases. Some other symptoms of an allergic to blood transfusion reaction include itchiness, dizziness, fever and headache.

Smoking and feet swelling

Smoking does not cause legs or feet swelling directly. But nicotine, one of the chemicals in cigarettes, reduces the elasticity of the blood vessels thus increasing the risk of circulatory or neurological problems. When theres a problem in the circulatory system, certain symptoms such as legs and feet swelling might occurs.

Total knee replacement surgery

Total knee replacement surgery is the most extreme type of surgery of the knee. It is usually the last resort and performed only when theres progressive damage or serious distress. This type of surgery is found to be highly effective and can significantly relieve pain and improve joint function. After a total knee replacement surgery, its normal to experience some degree of swelling in the lower legs which can last up to about 2 to 6 months.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a pattern of physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that appear before your menstrual period starts and disappear soon after bleeding begins. Many women have normal, mild symptoms, such as cramps and mild breast tenderness, during their menstrual periods. One of PMS symptoms is bloating or water retention in the abdomen, hands, and legs. Some women with PMS gain weight because of the water retention. Others have fluid shifts to the abdomen, hands, and legs that make them feel uncomfortably swollen or puffy.

Total Hip replacement surgery (THR)

Total hip replacement surgery (THR), also referred to as a hip arthroplasty, is a medical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a synthetic implant. It is the most successful, cheapest and safest form of joint replacement surgery. Fluid retention in legs includes swelling of the ankles and feet are very normal for the first 3 to 6 months after the surgery.

Too much salt intake

Consuming too much salt will raise the blood pressure and cause leg edema particularly in person who is more sensitive to salt.

Sprain is a condition in which the ankle joint afflicted by injuries during exercises, playing certain sports or accidental. The injury often can be seen in a discoloration and ankle edema due to the accumulation of the blood and fluid in the affected area.

Bad circulation
Bad circulation or Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) is a medical condition which is somewhat similar to carotid artery disease and coronary artery disease. It occurs when fatty deposits are collected in the inner linings of the artery wall thus obstruct the blood flow. Some symptoms of this disease include cramping of the buttocks, legs or feet; burning and pain in the legs, heavy legs with itching and swelling; tired aching feet; and very low temperature in the hands, arms, legs or feet.

Taking too much of ginseng

Sometimes when one is taking too much of ginseng, a difficulty sleeping, tense muscles and overall edema include calf, leg, ankle and foot might occur.

Some of the tell-tale signs of being overweight include irregular heartbeat; panting when exercising; difficulty in walking and moving around; painful back and knees; heartburn; depression or other emotional problems; diabetes; swelling of the feet or legs; osteoarthritis in some joints; high blood pressure; coronary heart disease; and elevated cholesterol levels.

Prolong inactivity and standing or sitting in one position

Inactivity and standing or sitting in one position for prolonged periods such as during traveling can stiffen leg muscles and obstruct blood flow. This will cause blood clots in the legs and fluid might be retained in the feet. Besides the medical reason, hormonal factor and bad condition, certain drugs may also cause foott, ankle and leg edema. Find out about these drugs with side effects of leg edema in this article, Peripheral Edema Part 3.

Causes of Water Retention


Arthritis Chronic Liver Diseases Chronic Lung Diseases Heart Problems and Diseases Kidney Problems and Diseases Lyme Disease Lymphedema Mesothelioma Metastasis of Prostate Cancer Stomach Swelling & Hernia Swelling after Liposuction Thyroid Diseases Venous Insufficiency Disease Preeclampsia Pregnancy Excess Sodium Intake Causes of Water Retention Epigastric Hernias Herniated Disc Hiatal Hernia Inguinal Hernia Healing Hernia


Inflammatory Arthritis

Gout in the Joint Diet for Gout Patients Drugs for Gout Treatment Ascites in Advanced Gastric Cancer Ascites Fluid Retention in Legs - Peripheral Edema (1) Causes of Swelling Legs - Peripheral Edema (2) More Causes of Leg Edema - Peripheral Edema (3) Thigh Swelling The Heart The Kidneys The Liver The Lungs Compression Garments for Heavy Legs Medical Support Hose for Tired and Achy Legs

Stomach Cancer

Types of Edema

Edema & Body Mechanism


Remedies for Edema


Side Effects of Drugs - Causes of Ankle and Leg Edema Peripheral Edema Part 3
This is the third part of Peripheral Edema article, you can find a list of drugs which can affect certain functions of the body and cause lower leg edema includes the legs, feet and ankles. For causes of swelling in the upper leg, you can visit Thigh Swelling Upper Leg Swelling.

Anabolic steroid
Anabolic steroid is a natural or synthetic endocrine which helps to build muscles and body mass. It has an anticoagulant effect. Simultaneous use of anabolic steroid drugs and corticosteroids; hormone used esp. in treating inflammation and allergy; may increase the risk of foot and ankle swelling.

Probenecid is a drug approved for the treatment of gout, along with the Tamiflu. Some of the side effects as a result of an allergic reaction to the treatment include edema of face, fingers, feet or lower legs; swollen and painful glands; sore throat and fever with or without chills; sudden decrease in the amount of urine; yellow eyes or skin.

Calcium channel blockers

Calcium channel blockers Diltiazem (Cardizem), nicardipine (Cardene), Nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan or Isoptin) may cause palpitations, swollen ankles edema, constipation, headache or dizziness. Side effects with each of these drugs differ a great deal.

Blood vessel dilators

Blood vessel dilators Hydralzine (Apresoline) may cause headaches, swelling around the eyes, heart palpitations or aches and pains in the joints. Usually none of these symptoms are severe, and most will go away after a few weeks of treatment.

Dostinex-Cabergoline, a dopamine agonist that is used to lower down prolactin in patients with pituitary tumors and other prolactin related conditions. Because of its effectiveness to lower prolactin, Dostinex-Cabergoline has potency that goes far beyond the treatment of brain cancers. Some common side effects of Dostinex-Cabergoline are unusual weakness, extreme tiredness, nausea or vomiting, bowel movement problems, headache, feeling confused, drowsiness, mood swings, tingling or numbness, fainting, swelling of feet or ankles, breast pain, menstrual changes or vision problems.

Methadone is a prescription drug that is used to treat chronic pain. It also helps people who are addicted to heroin to stop their addiction without suffering unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. The adverse effects include light-headedness, ankle and leg edema, rash, skin-eruption, itching, breathing problem and chest pain.


This drug is a corticosteroid that help to maintain the right amount of fluid and minerals in the body. Sometimes it's also prescribed by the doctor to treat certain conditions. But, it can cause dizziness, serious or continuing headaches, swelling of feet or lower legs, or abnormal weight gain.

Levitra prescription often referred to as impotence in men is a drug used to remedy the problem of erectile dysfunction. It works by confining an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5, relaxing the muscles in the penis to improve the blood flow. Thus, it helps in inducing a natural erection. Overdosing of levitra prescription will cause chest pain, dizziness, an irregular heartbeat, abnormal vision, and swelling of the ankles or leg.

Methyltestosterone is one of hormone replacement therapies for men who fail to secrete enough amount of testosterone in body for various reasons. It is also used as a treatment for breast cancer and postnatal breast pain or swelling in women. Common side effects of methyltestosterone are stomach disruption, acne, headache, male pattern baldness, increased facial and bodily hair growth on the face and body, change in sex drive, eagerness, depression, breast enlargement in males, nausea, vomiting, edema of the hands or feet , yellowing of the skin, menstrual irregularities, croaking, deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement and thinning of hair.

Testosterone cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate is an injectable anabolic steroid and frequently associated with many side effects. Some its side effects include hyperglycemia; an excess of glucose in the bloodstream; in immobilized patients, hepatic adenomas, peliosis hepatic and hepatocellular carcinoma - when taken for prolonged period. Edema, with or without congestive heart failure can occur in a pre-existence of cardiac problems. Nausea, vomiting, changes in skin color, ankle swellings are some other side effects. It also promotes aggressive and dominant behavior. Ankle and Leg Edema is not a disease instead its usually a sign or result of the existence of an underlying disease or condition. Treating the underlying disease, avoiding certain condition, practicing good habit and living a healthy lifestyle is the answer to your legs and feet swelling problem.

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