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Status of Microencapsulated Natural Food Colorants

By: Mahsa Ziabakhsh Deylami

The importance of microencapsula)on The importance of inspec)ng colorants

Hidden ingredients Processing

Extrac)on Stabiliza)on Formula)on

Natural colorants


Color is an important characteris8c of food because of its eect on acceptability of product There is a great global trend toward using natural colorants

Importance of encapsula8on 1. Protec8on of core material 2. mask bad tas8ng or bad smelling components 3. control release of core material during storage and applica8on 4. promo8on easier handling

Subgroups of food colors
I. II. III. IV. natural colors nature-iden8cal colors synthe8c colors inorganic colors

Natural colors:

Made by living organisms Pigments made by modica8on of materials from living organisms, such as caramel

The importance of inspec8on of colorants Halal issues Safety issues Many poten8ally Halal/safe products become non-Halal/toxic through the use of non-Halal SO it is vital to come up with ingredients which are purely Halal and non-toxic

The source of informa8on to judge the Halal/ Haram status of a product : The list of ingredients on the label


Processing aid ingredients or hidden ingredients What are hidden ingredients ? What is their importance form Halal/ Haram point of view ? What is the way to check them in a product?

Hidden ingredients are
pork gela8n in apple juice processing, gela8n in Beta carotene, Polysorbate 80 in vitamins mix for milk for8ca8on

FDA will allow up to 2% of hidden ingredients without repor8ng in the ingredients statement. monitoring processes using for preparing ingredients separately and step by step to know the cri8cal points

Collec)on CP1 From animal/insect e.g. Carmine Extrac)on CP2 Using ethyl alcohol as solvent Purica)on Microencapsula)on CP3 Wall material, carrier agent i.e. emulsiers Formula)on CP4

Importance of encapsulation
I. Increasing the stability of core material

II. Masking undesirable odor or taste of core material III. Control release of material IV. Improving the solubility of insoluble components i.e. beta-carotene

Halal Status of Encapsulated Colorants

Halal status of extracted colour itself Halal status of wall materials Halal status of carrier material

CP 1: Halal status of natural colour sources

Plants, animals and microorganisms All type of plant products and plant deriva8ves are halal except those that are poisonous, intoxica8ng, or hazardous to health. Coloring from insects is Haram

CP 1: Halal status of natural colour sources

Carmines or Cochineal E120 Crimson Carminic Acid C.I. 75470 Natural Red No. 4 Obtained from the body and eggs of the insect BoJled juices, colored pasta, some candies, frozen pops, "natural" cosme)cs


CP3: Microencapsula8ng materials (Wandrey et al. 2010)

Origin Plant Carbohydrate polymer Starch Derivatives Cellulose Derivatives Plant exudates Gum arabic Gum karaya Mesquite gum Plant extracts Galactomannans Soluble soybean Polysaccharides Carrageenan Alginate Xanthan Gellan Dextran Chitosan Protein Gluten (corn) Isolates (pea, soy) Lipid Fatty acids/alcohols Glycerides Waxes Phospholipids

sulating their 2010)

Marine Microbial/animal

Caseins Whey proteins Gelatin

Fatty acids/alcohols Glycerides Waxes Phospholipids (Shellac)

CP 4: Halal status of natural colour formulation

Lipophilic natural colours

Paprika powder and

paprika oleoresin

Turmeric powder and turmeric oleoresin

Pure powder or granules forms if extracted with ethyl alcohol ! hidden ingredient: Polysorbate 60 or 80 a fat based emulsier Halal only if it is made from vegetable fat

CP 4: Halal status of natural colour formulation

To improve its dispersion in liquid system Microencapsula8on by Halal gela8n Vegetable oil

If a product is made with only Halal ingredients and
one of the ingredient is encapsulated with pork gela8n then the product becomes Haram because gela8n in the encapsula8ng material will not appear on the ingredient list because it is a processing aid ingredient

It is important to assure that colorants, as a part of addi8ves, in food products are from acceptable sources and are processed according to halal requirements. The supervising organiza8on may need to follow up on processes and ingredients

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