Barbarian Diatia

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Barbarian Diatia

Purge and Binge your way to Shredded Muscle Mass!

By Chef X Robert and Isabel Showe

Includes a BEER a day!

Illustration By Teresa Troxell & Darcy Murphy

A knuckle headed, barbarian proof, systematic regimen that takes you through the process of losing the unwanted fat flesh and gaining the lean mass to get that shredded physique of a true barbarian. Shed the fat flesh without losing your muscle. Gain muscle mass fat free This book includes complete instructions, grocery lists, and simple recipes. Copyright 2003 Robert & Isabel Showe Page - 1

Showe Publications 46950 Community Plaza #101 Suite 152 Sterling, VA 20164 United States of America 2003 by Robert & Isabel Showe All rights reserved. No part of this book or program may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America The Barbarian Purge & Binge Diatia by Chef X Robert & Isabel Showe All rights reserved Cover Illustration by Teresa Troxell & Darcy Murphy

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The Damned Contents!

Cover Publisher Info The Damned Content Page Thanks Important Notice Warning Why Direction Habits Consistency is the Key Guidelines Stomach Vaccum Hunger Training the Nerve Evening Walk Water, Water and more Water Photos Get over it meal Activities Falling off the wagon Fat Loss Mass Gain Gaining Muscle while losing fat at the same time Adjustments Calculating your starting calorie amounts Notes Page Ratios Levels Supplements Page of Reason Page of Success Calculations Chart Spices herbs plus a few other things Food choices Grocery Lists and amounts for the recipes Recipes / Instructions Also Available soon by Chef X Videos Comics Back Cover Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Pages 10 11 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 28 Page 29 30 Page 31-37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 39 Page 40

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Once a great trainer suggested Do not even consider using this program unless you workout consistently, super intense, 2 or more times a week and are hands-down serious about burning off body fat, building the body you have always wanted and becoming healthy ...because otherwise you cannot ever hope to get the kind of results you want! Then I realized he was full of shit and there was an easier way!

So what is it to Binge and purge Barbarian style?

After so many years of study and hard in the trenches work, we have developed this program. It consists of an overfeeding set of times allowing the body to gain back any lost muscle or gain more muscle and sets it up for maximum fat loss, followed by the purging depletion allowing the body to give up its maximum amount of fat in the shortest period of time. With complete menus to follow, extreme instructions, limited food choices and synergistic combinations this program eliminates any guessing.

Special thanks to Mick Hart and everyone over at the No Bull Board!

Special note about biochemical individuality: We are all as different biochemically as we are in appearance. That is why we all have different likes and dislikes, different goals and desires. Because of these differences, you will have different results following this regimen.

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Important Notice The following is a lifestyle regimen that we have included and used in our own personal program. This information is for educational purposes only. Almost every lifestyle regimen is based in theory. Do not quote this as absolute science. There is almost no absolute science concerning a lifestyle regimen. Although we have advanced personal studies in this topic, read and study as much material as we can, there is no way to know all about regimens and lifestyles. There are many ways that just do not fit the logic of science we believe in and we do not use them for that reason amongst others such as cost to benefit of return. We have not included our personal reasons for using this particular regimen and lifestyle or why we believe it is beneficial in a program such as this. The reason why does not matter here, only success and results. In just over 20+ years of personal experience in this field, we have seen this type of lifestyle work in every case. No one should ever modify his or her lifestyle including your diet or exercise without first consulting your doctor. Therefore you should read the following as an opinion and should not in anyway consider it medical advice. Warning Before beginning any program of lifestyle adjustment, consult your health care practitioner. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is not a medical program. Thank You, Robert Showe Chef X Isabel Showe Mrs. Chef X

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Why? The one trend I see in society is that people must always ask why. This would normally be an acceptable thing to ask. Still we discover that knowing why does not necessarily help much. In most cases, knowing why seems to take over their whole reason and they never achieve at all. If even the experts in this field could not tell you if it works by simply listening to why, what makes you think you can? Do not believe me? Look at all the fat, and out of shape experts. If they could really tell by knowing the whys, there would not be so many different programs available. From the look of society you will see asking why does not allow them to choose what does and doesnt work. Therefore, I suggest you try first. Then you can ask why did this Work? In other words, this book does not give you the answers to your questions as to why. Chances are you will discover the answers you seek by accident as you go along.

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Direction When we allow you any room for error at all, in the form of too many choices, it almost guarantees you will fail. After so many years of watching others fail on diets, I finally decided to put together what worked for everyone I trained, not just some clients or athletes, but every single person who made the effort to follow the routine exactly as instructed. The results from the studies we conducted on this regimen were nothing short of amazing. If we planned every detail of their eating, exercise and lifestyle regimens out to the last detail they succeeded. Not a high percentage succeeded but every single one of them. With all the details completed, there is no room for error. If you try to bend it a little this way or that way then you will be playing Russian roulette with a result that no one can predict. Why spend all that time and effort of doing a program for a possibility of failing? Stop guessing and you know that is what you are doing. This is not another diet, not a fad, but a carefully planned eating and lifestyle regimen designed to restore holistic balance to the body, lose the excess fat flesh, gain lean muscle mass, feel great and just plain look great. This is what we ourselves are doing.

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Habits They say it takes only a few days to develop a bad habit but it takes many weeks to learn a new one. We all know it sure does feel that way. When we apply science to this theory, we soon discover that the bad habits took weeks to develop as well as the good. (Makes you realize how much bullshit is really out there) So, how long does a habit take to develop completely? The current scientifically estimated guess is about twelve weeks. What! Why so long? Have you ever heard of taking three steps forward and two back? With this type of progress, you are doing all kinds of stepping and just seem to be barely moving. This is the way most of us develop habits. If you practiced your good habits every day then over three weeks they would become an ingrained good habit. Only most of us mess up along the way (take a few steps back). If we were smart, we would get right back on the wagon of habit and keep going (only to fall off again). This constant stop, step back, restart is what makes it take so long. The trick is to fall off the wagon of good habit less often to the point we no longer fall off or take steps back. That is when we can consider it a good ingrained habit. So stick with it and after a few (maybe more for some of you morons) months it will seem like second nature.

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Consistency is the Key Successful progress, in the form of fat loss, is primarily related to eating fewer calories. Very soon eating less can lead to depravation and monotonous behaviors. Successful mass gains are the results of consistent eating day after day in a manner to manipulate hormonal profiles. Depravation and monotony if not dealt with productively will force most people, looking for fat loss, or muscle mass gains to search for something new (too soon), for something out of the ordinary (too radical). Doing so is always a mistake. Consistency is the key. Do not vary from the path we have laid out. Until you have completely this program for 12 to 24 weeks, without one mistake, you cannot judge how it will work. Even one slip up starts you back at the beginning. This is the same for any program of progression. I know there will be skeptics and they have the right to be skeptical bullshit, until they try this program to the letter they have no right to comment at all. Fuck them.

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Guidelines - This eating regimen is divided into six meals a day + morning coffee or tea, afternoon coffee or tea, a workout shake, an after workout beer or an evening drink, a dessert and shit loads of water. It is also made up of holistically, synergistically (insert other cool words here) eating menus. - Eat a meal about every three hours give or take 30 minutes. - Breakfast is to be consumed within 30 minutes of waking, when possible. - Keep your meal times the same each day, even on the weekends. - Eat your last evening meal no closer than 2 hours before your bedtime. - Even skipping or adding in parts on one day or any day can throw the results off for the whole regimen. Keep it consistent, every fucking day. - There is an additional spice list provided that you may add to your foods as directed and desired but do not over do it. (page 26) - Consume four+ liters (around a gallon or so) of clean (filtered?) ice water each day. Usually it is best to consume this water within twelve hours of waking. It must be ice water not just refrigerated. We suggest consuming 180ml, which is about 3/4 of a cup of water every 1/2 hour. This keeps it smooth and consistent. - Dress cooler than you normally would. Sleep naked. (Except Lord Groan you just need to dress right at all from what Im told bwaaaa LMFAO, hey blame Mick ) - Turn down the thermostat. - Take a ten to fifteen minute walk after your last meal of the day but at least 1 hour before bedtime. (Or you can just do evening cardio if your into that) - Practice the stomach vacuum once before each meal every day. (Just shut up and do it, it pulls the organs tighter into the chest cavity giving you a smaller waist, improves posture, and helps with digestion as well, oops not supposed to tell why, darn it you tricked me, you bastard!) - Get eight hours or more of sleep a night. - Take a nap during the afternoon. - Do very intense strength training two or more times a week, for around forty-five minutes or so. - Do your daily training the nerve exercises and stretches six days each week first thing in the morning. (You could do your morning cardio then) Page - 10

- Weigh in once every week on Monday before breakfast and at the same time then record in your weekly log. (page 26) You will use this to calculate the next weeks food level amounts for your regimen. - Take photos at the start of the program. (page 24) - Take measurements at the start of the program. (page 24) - Take after photos twelve to fourteen weeks after the start. No sooner. (page 25) - Take after measurements twelve to fourteen weeks after the start. No sooner. (page 25) - If the food item is not on your program do not eat it. - If the food item is not on your menu DO NOT EAT IT! - If you miss a meal, do not make it up. (Unless it is your get over it, meal and then you are a fucking puss for missing it!) - Consume your workout shake each day. (page 20) On days you workout, consume 1/3 of your workout shake 10 minutes before your workout. Consume 1/3 of your workout shake with your workout, and consume the last 1/3 of your workout shake within 10 minutes of finishing your workout. 10 minutes after that you may have one beer or you can save it for the evening. (Unless you are on oral gear in which case, I would not have a drink at all.) On days you dont workout, consume your shake after your training the nerve workout or morning cardio, if you dont do those consume it first thing before your first meal. (No workout beer on days you do not workout you morons, just an evening drink.) - You may have one glass of wine, beer or shot of liquor each evening, that is if you did not drink it after your workout. If you choose to do this, you should do this every day/week for consistency. (Those on oral gear should have no alcohol, heck, those on gear at all, should have no alcohol.) - Coffee and Tea. Each day you may have one morning cup of coffee or tea and one afternoon cup of coffee or tea. If you choose to do this, you should do this every week and every day/week for consistency. Use sugar free sweetener like Splenda. You may have one teaspoon of cream in this, only.

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Stomach Vacuum Take a normal breath and forcibly blow out as much air as possible. This should require about ten seconds. Suck in your stomach to the maximum degree. It is important, however, that you take in no air during this process. You should feel a concave formation under your rib cage. You will not be able to hold this vacuum feat very long. If you feel a little light-headed, that is normal. Rest a bit longer between trials. Hunger Hunger that evil word. But I get hungry, you say. My answer Get the fuck over it! There is going to be some discomfort. For some of you who have been living the high life a bit too much it is going to be quite uncomfortable at first. You have to accept that. Training the Nerve This entire regimen is designed around a holistic and synergistic balance of eating, exercising, daily activities, stress reduction ect. All of these play an important role in how healthy we are and how well we live. Training the nerve includes some simple exercises to do that create a groove especially when we cannot do physical activities. Training the nerve also contains accountability sheets for your lifestyle; accountability is what allows us to see what we are really doing, allowing us to grease the groove of success in our everyday life. I cannot stress enough. Always consult your health care professional before starting any lifestyle change, eating regimen or exercise program. See the end of this book on how to order your copy of Training the Nerve by Chef X or the Video with Nude females!

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Evening Walk Nothing could be easier. Take a walk after your last meal of the day. Or pretty close to it. Synergy ! It doesn't have to be a long walk, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. And before you ask NO. Water, Water, Water and More Water Shoot for four liters or more for the ladies and up to five liters or more for the males. I want you to do this within the first twelve hours of waking. I want you to drink all of your water with ice. Refrigeration alone will not do. So how do we work our way up to this goal? I suggest you get one of those twenty ounce sports bottles. Fill it with ice + water and start sipping. Just make sure you empty it and refill it every two hours for the first twelve hours you are awake. The result, you will have consumed over one hundred and twenty ounces of water in twelve hours. Thats only eight ounces short of one gallon. This makes your consumption at a rate of two and a half ounces every fifteen minutes. Thats pretty easy huh? Immediately someone says, well, I cant go to the bathroom that often. So I cant do this. My answer, TRY IT FIRST BEFORE YOU SAY YOU CANT! Photos Ah, the most dreaded part of the program. I cannot stress enough the importance of doing these photos. They will in some cases be the little bit of an edge to ensure you succeed. In some cases they will be a very powerful reason to succeed. This is where you, not anyone else, but you, get to decide if you look better nude. So strip down, pull out the Polaroid and take the pictures. Youll be glad you did. The photos will also help you determine how much fat you need to lose. (Females are welcome to submit them to me for my advice or comments, guys dont even think of sending them to me!) (pages 23-24)

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Get over it meal Here is the best part. One meal a week, on Sunday evening, you get a super meal. You may eat whatever you want for one meal, only one meal. That meal can last up to three hours. Make it count and get in what you wish for most. It does give you something to look forward too. Activities Keep activities under control and consistent each week, even doing a bit too much of the fun stuff can lead to imbalances causing muscle loss and the dreaded wall with fat loss or mass gain. Falling off the wagon


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Fat Loss If you are over 20 lbs fat, your rate of weight loss should be 3 lbs a week. If it is slower, lower your level by one, if it is faster, raise your level by one. (use chart page 26) If you are over 7 lbs fat but under 20 lbs fat, your rate of weight loss should be 2 lbs a week. If it is slower, lower your level by one, if it is faster, raise your level by one. If you are under 8 lbs fat, your rate of weight loss should be 1 lb a week. If it is slower, lower your level by one, if it is faster, raise your level by one. Your weigh in day each week is before your Monday morning meal at the same time each week. (use chart page 26)

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Mass Gain In order ensure your not gaining fat, your rate of gain should be 1/2 to 1 lb a week. If it is faster, lower your level by one, if it is slower, raise your level by one. (use chart page 26) Your weigh in day each week is before your Monday morning meal at the same time each week. (use chart page 26)

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Gaining muscle while losing fat at the same time In order ensure you are not gaining fat or losing muscle. Your rate of change should be zero each week. If it is going up, lower your level by one level, if it is going down, raise your level by one level. (use chart page 26) Your weigh in day each week is before your Monday morning meal at the same time each week. (use chart page 26)

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Adjustments Calculate your weight change each week. Then make adjustments to your level once every week. (See chart page 26) If you are on the gear or taking any special fat loss agents like Clen or ECY, the rate of loss or gain may be upped or lowered by 1 lb. One important secret is to, not rush things, any faster for more permanent fat loss and muscle gains you can keep. If you have a compromised immune system, get colds easily, are very worried about losing muscle at all or just plain feel lousy then cut the rate of loss or gain in 1/2.

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Calculating your Starting Calorie Amounts Starting Body weight: Percentage of fat: Body Fat amount (multiply your body weight amount by your body fat percentage, dont forget a percentage is the amount of 1 so use your decimal point): Lean Body Mass (subtract your body fat amount from your body weight amount): To calculate your estimated weekly starting calorie average Multiply you Lean Body Mass by 12. Multiply your bodyweight by 18 Add these two numbers together then divide by two Go to the levels chart and round to the closest number (page22) If you are trying to lose fat, lower the number by one level. If you are trying to gain muscle while losing fat, use that number. If you are trying to gain muscle, raise that number by one level.

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Notes Page:

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Ratios A meal is made up of around (Protein 40%) + (Fiber Carb or Fruit 8%) + (Fat 26%) + (Starch High Carb 26%) This creates an approximate ratio of about 40% protein 30% carbs and 30% fats depending on the meal and the timing of the day. The ratios end up changing slightly in that you are adding in a workout shake and in for some beer, coffee, tea and evening alcohol. This self balances on the program. Levels Estimated Calories per day Level (If you need to go below Level A something is wrong, increase your cardio and activities first.) 800 Level 0.8 1100 Level 1.1 1700 Level 1.7 2300 Level 2.3 2900 Level 2.9 3500 Level 3.5 4100 Level 4.1 4700 Level 4.7 If you need to go above level 4.7 add in one teaspoon of olive oil to each meal for every level above 4.7. You may not go below level 0.8. If you need to, something is wrong, do more cardio and activity you slug or get your thyroid checked by the doc. Each level is made up of a 200-calorie dessert and the remaining calories, which get divided up into six meals. But you dont have to worry about any of this as its all in the meal plans.

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Supplements (Optional, this means what we use) Multi Vitamin Source of Life mini tabs (by Natures Plus) (1/2 tab per each of your 6 meals) Fiber Apple pectin (1/2 tab with each of your 6 meals) EFAs Total EFA liquid (1 Tbsp with first meal) Hormonal Mineral support ZMA 1 capsule at bedtime on empty stomach Digestive Enzymes (we use 1/2 a tab of Ultra-Zyme (Natures Plus) with each of our 6 meals) Anti Oxidant 1 capsule with pre workout part of shake Alpha Lipoic Acid 1 capsule with post workout part of shake Very low-level body fat - Fat loss booster 1 capsule of Hotrox (by Biotest) 2 times a day or ECY. Need help with these? Ask.

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The Page of REASON Step 1 go out and buy yourself one of those Polaroid sticky print cameras. Step 2 find someone you trust and have them take 4 pictures of you naked. Yes, naked. If your not gutsy enough then wear your underwear but it will not have the same impact on your attitude towards success. One from the Front hand at your sides. One from the front hands on your head. One from the side hand on your head. One from the back hands on your head. Stick these four pictures here. Whenever you think you cant do it just look at these pictures. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4

Height Weight Fat % Neck Chest 1 Bust 2 Upper Arm Left 3 Upper Arm Right 3 Forearm Left 3 Forearm Right 3 1

Wrist 4 Waist Upper Hip 5 Hip 6 Lower Hip 7 Thigh Left Thigh Right Calf Left
Calf Right

Measure around torso with tape across back at bustline and above the breast in the front. Tape measure should fit snugly under underarm. 2 Measure around torso with tape measure level with bustpoints (the visual center of the breast and not necessarily the nipple). 3 Arm should be held relaxed, straight down at trainees side when taking these measurements. 4 Measure at smallest point.. 5 Measure hip circumference 3 inches below natural waistline. 6 Measure hip circumference at widest point. In ladies this is typically 7 inches below natural waistline.

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The Page of SUCCESS Now the proof is in the pictures! Step 1 get your Polaroid sticky print camera. Step 2 find someone you trust and have them take 4 more pictures of you naked. One from the Front hand at your sides. One from the front hands on your head. One from the side hand on your head. One from the back hands on your head. Stick these four pictures here. Now gloat because you know you kicked butt and in this case made yourself look tens better naked. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4

Height Weight Fat % Neck Chest 1 Bust 2 Upper Arm Left 3 Upper Arm Right 3 Forearm Left 3 Forearm Right 3 1

Measure around torso with tape across back at bustline and above the breast in the front. Tape measure should fit snugly under underarm. 2 Measure around torso with tape measure level with bustpoints (the visual center of the breast and not necessarily the nipple). 3 Arm should be held relaxed, straight down at trainees side when taking these measurements. 4 Measure at smallest point.. 5 Measure hip circumference 3 inches below natural waistline. 6 Measure hip circumference at widest point. In ladies this is typically 7 inches below natural waistline.

Wrist 4 Waist Upper Hip 5 Hip 6 Lower Hip 7 Thigh Left Thigh Right Calf Left Calf Right

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Calculations Chart
Wt Lbs Change Raise or New from Lower Level previous week Level X X % Fat Lean Body Mass

Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Neato a graph!

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Basil Cayenne Pepper Celery Salt Chili Powder Cilantro Cinnamon Curry Dill Garlic Ginger Ground Red Pepper Hot Chili Peppers Diced Lemon Zest Nutmeg Orange Zest Oregano Paprika Pepper Salt Tarragon Tabasco sauce Turmeric Other Spices (Pinch) Other Herbs (Pinch) Pam olive oil spray (1 spray) I cant believe its not butter spray (10 sprays) Barbecue Sauce (1/2 teaspoon) Butter buds (1 tsp) Fruit Preserves (1/2 teaspoon) Balsamic Vinegar (1 teaspoons) Cider Vinegar (1 teaspoons) Heart smart non-margarine squeezable spread (1 tsp) Ketchup (1 teaspoons) Lemon Juice (1 teaspoons) Mustard (1 teaspoons) Onion (1 teaspoon chopped) Pickles (1 teaspoons) Red Wine (1 teaspoons) Relish (1 teaspoons) Salsa (1 teaspoons) Soy Sauce (1 teaspoons) Splenda (1 Tablespoon) White Wine (1 teaspoons) Worcestershire Sauce (1 teaspoons) Alfalfa Sprouts (1/4 cup)

Spices and herbs plus a few other things Sometimes people say, Hey these steamed vegetables are bland. To spice them up, you may try a pinch of one or two of these options no more

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Foods Choices Protein Beef, lean cuts top round 0 fat Turkey ham, lean Cheese, hard + whole egg + egg white Chicken Breast + dark meat, skinless Cottage cheese, large curd Egg White + whole egg Salmon Balls Tuna, canned in water (rinsed) Pork, lean Turkey Breast + dark meat, skinless Fat Butter Cream Whipping (Heavy) Cream cheese Mayonnaise, real Olive oil (extra virgin) Olives Sour cream Almonds Hazelnuts Macadamia Nuts Peanuts Walnuts Almond Butter Hazelnut Butter Peanut butter, natural Carbohydrate Fiber Asparagus Beans, green or wax Broccoli Cauliflower Mushrooms Page - 27

Salsa Sauerkraut Apple Apricots, pitted Banana Cherries Raisins Orange Peach Pear Pineapple Plum Strawberries Starch Carb Pepperidge Farm German Dark Wheat Bread Beans, black Carrot Corn Museli cereal, Noodles, egg Lentils, Pancakes + Syrup, pancake or maple Pasta, dry Peas Pita Bread, Roti or Nan Potato, baked Rice, brown/white Sweet potato Sweet potato, mashed Waffle + Syrup, pancake or maple

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The Menus Week 1

Grocery List and Amounts for Recipes (Remember these are for a weeks worth of food)
Breakfast # 1 and # 2 Chicken Orange Wheat Bread and Cream Cheese Food Measure 0.8 Chicken Breast Skinless and Lb 1/3 Boneless Chicken Thighs Skinless and Lb 1/3 Boneless Cream Cheese oz 4 Oranges Pepridge Farms German Dark Wheat Bread Spices and Seasoning Lb Slice 2/3 5 1.1 1/2 5 1 7 1.7 3/4 3/4 8 1 11 2.3 1 1 11 2 15 2.9 3.5 4.1 1 3/4 1 3/4 20 4.7 2 2 23

1 1/3 1 2/3 1 1/3 1 2/3 14 2 19 17 3 23

3 1/3 3 3/4 27 31

Salt and pepper as desired

Lunch # 1 and # 2 Tuna and Broccoli over Egg Noodles Food Measure Tuna Canned in water oz (rinse well) Mayonnaise Tbsp (real stuff) Broccoli Lb Egg Noodles Dry oz Spices and Seasoning Dinner # 1 and # 2 Beef Green Beans and Carrot Stew Food Measure Beef lean Lb Olive Oil Green Beans Carrots Spices and Seasoning Tbsp Lb Lb

0.8 16 4

1.1 22 5

1.7 34 8

2.3 46 11

2.9 58 14

3.5 70 17

4.1 82 20 5 20

4.7 94 23 6 23

1 1 1/3 2 2 3/4 3 2/3 4 1/3 4 5 8 11 14 17 Curry powder, Onion flakes and celery salt

0.8 2 1

1.1 1 4 1

1.7 1 6 2

2.3 2 8 3

2.9 2 9 3

3.5 3 11 4 1/3

4.1 3 13` 5

4.7 4 1/2 15 6

2 2 4 5 7 8 Salt, Pepper, Onion, Garlic and Tarragon

10 11 3/4

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Dessert New York style Cheesecake Minis Food Measure Fat Free Cream Cheese oz Cream Cheese Granular Sugar Egg Whites Vanilla Extract Fat Free Sour Cream Cornstarch Unflavored Designer Whey Protein Splenda Workout Shake Food Designer Whey protein Powder Honey Raw Unfiltered Pure 100% Creatine Monohydrate Water Optional Thickener: Sugar Free Pudding Mix Optional Food Beer, Wine or Liquor Coffee or Tea (morning and afternoon) Splenda for Coffee or Tea Cream for Coffee or Tea Measure Glasses cup tsp Tbsp tsp cp Tbsp Scoops tsp Measure Scoop Tbsp g oz Tbsp oz Tbsp

0.8 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 0.8 1 1 1 1/2 8

1.1 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 1.1 1 1/2

1.7 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 1.7

2.3 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 2.3

2.9 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 2.9

3.5 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 3.5

4.1 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 4.1 6 6 8 49 2 1/2

4.7 8 8 12 3 1 2 7 4.7 7 7 9 1/2 56 3

2 1/2 3 1/2

4 1/2 5 1/2

1 1/2 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/4 2 13 1 3 1/2 20 1 5 27 1 1/2 6 35 2 7 42 2

0.8 7 7-14 7 7

1.1 7 7-14 7 7

1.7 7 7-14 7 7

2.3 7 7-14 7 7

2.9 7 7-14 7 7

3.5 7 7-14 7 7

4.1 7 7-14 7 7

4.7 7 7-14 7 7

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Recipes/Instructions Breakfast # 1 and # 2 Chicken Orange Wheat Bread and Cream Cheese Since Breakfast is usually before hunting and gathering, (the old nine to five), and on the go, the best way to make it portable is to spread the cream cheese on the bread, toasted or untoasted, layer the chicken on top and make an open faced sandwich or a normal sandwich,(depending on how much bread you get), then sprinkle with a tad of salt and pepper for taste. Eat the orange pieces separately. Go. Done. To prepare your food you will preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Spray baking dish or dishes with non-stick cooking spray. Rinse each piece of chicken under cold running water. Trim off any excess fat, skin, tendon, and ligament. Arrange chicken in a single layer in baking dish/dishes. If you have a digital thermometer (highly suggested, go to the kitchen store and get one), place it into the chicken in the thickest piece. Place the chicken in the oven and bake until it reaches 180 degrees F. Set out 14 containers or baggies (we personally use a vacuum bag sealer and it saves space big time.) Label 4 of these containers BREAKFAST 1 PURGE Mon., BREAKFAST 1 PURGE Tues., BREAKFAST 1 PURGE Wed., BREAKFAST 1 PURGE Thurs. Label 4 more containers BREAKFAST 2 PURGE Mon, BREAKFAST 2 PURGE Tues, BREAKFAST 2 PURGE Wed, BREAKFAST 2 PURGE Thurs. Label 3 containers BREAKFAST 1 BINGE Fri, BREAKFAST 1 BINGE Sat, BREAKFAST 1 BINGE Sun. Label last 3 containers BREAKEFAST 2 BINGE Fri, BREAKFAST 2 BINGE Sat, BREAKFAST 2 BINGE Sun. When the chicken is at the right temperature based on the thermometer reading, check each piece to make sure the chicken all cooked to 180 degrees F, salmonella is no fun. The chicken when pierced should ooze clear liquid. Remove the dishes from oven and place on a cooling rack or heat safe counter top, we highly suggest you use a fan to cool it fast. When the chicken is cool or you are able to handle it without burning yourself, cut each piece in to bite size cubes. Take that pile of chicken and divide it in to 20 equal servings. Each of the PURGE containers gets one serving of chicken each. Each of the BINGE containers gets two servings each. Now measure out your cream cheese in to 20 equal parts and like the chicken place one serving in each separate baggie or container marked Purge (8 of them) and 2 servings in the containers or baggies marked Binge(6 of them). Do the same for the bread and the orange slices. My suggestion is to, pre-spread the cream cheese on the bread and place the chicken on top and store it a

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baggie or container. Bag the oranges separately. Store all the food in the refrigerator. Helpful hint: you are going to have a whole hell of a lot of food and containers; it is going to look like a mess. So to keep it organized place a days containers in a lunch bag, Like Monday breakfast one, Monday breakfast 2, Monday lunch 1 ect. Then label the lunch bag Monday Purge and put it in the refrigerator. Then all you have to do is grab the proper days bag and go. (Of course, being you are a lazy bastard, you could always hire us to do all of this for you and you would not have to do a thing LOL)

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Lunch # 1 and # 2 Tuna and broccoli over egg noodles. The idea with this combination is to make a sort of casserole. You will create a sort of tuna salad combining the tuna, mayonnaise and broccoli along with various spices if you like, and then toss it in with the egg noodles. This can be eaten hot or cold. Preparation Instructions. Fill a large pot three quarters of the way up with water and let boil. Fill up a large bowl with ice water. Take broccoli cut off the stems and separate the heads in to smaller sections and wash. (If it is frozen do not worry about that, follow the directions on the bag.) In batches put broccoli in to boiling water and let cook for about three or four minutes. With a slotted spoon remove the broccoli from water and plunge in to the ice water. Add more broccoli to the boiling water and when the broccoli in the ice water is cold, remove and place in a colander so that it can drain thoroughly. Continue the process until all of the broccoli is done. Separate it all out in to 20 equal servings. Set out 14 containers or baggies (we personally use a vacuum bag sealer and it saves space big time.) Label 4 of these containers Lunch 1 PURGE Mon., Lunch 1 PURGE Tues., Lunch 1 PURGE Wed., Lunch 1 PURGE Thurs. Label 4 more containers Lunch 2 PURGE Mon, Lunch 2 PURGE Tues, Lunch 2 PURGE Wed, Lunch 2 PURGE Thurs. Label 3 containers Lunch 1 BINGE Fri, Lunch 1 BINGE Sat, Lunch 1 BINGE Sun Label last 3 containers Lunch 2 BINGE Fri, Lunch 2 BINGE Sat, Lunch 2 BINGE Sun. Divide the broccoli in to 20 equal servings. Each of the PURGE containers gets one serving each. Each of the BINGE containers gets two servings each. Take your many cans of tuna and open them, leave the lid in the can and rinse under water using the lid to help press out the water, this will help to rinse out the sodium. Place into large bowl. Add to the tuna the mayonnaise that has been measured out and mix well. If you would like to spice up your tuna you can add as follows: Depending on how much tuna you have and how much seasoning you like: To the tuna add Chopped Onion Curry powder or other Indian spices Celery salt Mix the tuna, mayo and seasonings together. Divide the Tuna mixture in to 20 equal servings. Each of the PURGE containers gets one serving each.

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Each of the BINGE containers gets two servings each. Follow the instructions on the bag of noodles and cook them up. Divide the Egg Noodles in to 20 equal servings. Each of the PURGE containers gets one serving each. Each of the BINGE containers gets two servings each. Separate the containers into your daily food bags that are pre labeled and Store all the food in the refrigerator.

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Dinner # 1 and # 2 Beef green bean and carrot stew. The idea behind this combination is to make a stew. It is the easiest way to package it and eat it. Preparation and instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray baking dish or dishes with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange pieces of meat in a single layer in dish/dishes. Place thermometer in thickest piece of meat and bake until it is for medium rare 145degrees F., medium, 160degrees F, or well done 170 degrees F. While beef is cooking, Set out 14 containers or baggies (we personally use a vacuum bag sealer and it saves space big time.) Label 4 of these containers Dinner 1 PURGE Mon., Dinner 1 PURGE Tues., Dinner 1 PURGE Wed., Dinner 1 PURGE Thurs. Label 4 more containers Dinner 2 PURGE Mon, Dinner 2 PURGE Tues, Dinner 2 PURGE Wed, Dinner 2 PURGE Thurs. Label 3 containers Dinner 1 BINGE Fri, Dinner 1 BINGE Sat, Dinner 1 BINGE Sun Label last 3 containers Dinner 2 BINGE Fri, Dinner 2 BINGE Sat, Dinner 2 BINGE Sun. Take green beans, if the are fresh, and wash them and place them in a colander. Then break the end pieces off and then break the green bean in half. Take the carrots and scrape of the skin with a peeler. Fill up two pots up with water and let boil. Fill up two bowls with ice water. In one pot place the green beans and blanch for 4 minuets. Place the carrots in the other pot also for 3 minuets. When the veggies are done put the green beans on one bowl of ice water and the carrots in another bowl of ice water. When the meat is ready remove it form the oven and place on cooling racks or heat safe countertop and use a fan to speed the cooling. The process is the same as with the chicken. Divide the Beef in to 20 equal servings, Divide the green beans into 20 equal servings, divide the carrots into 20 equal servings and the olive oil. Each of the PURGE containers gets one serving each. Each of the BINGE containers gets two servings each. If you want to season up the beef you can add to each part as follows. garlic chopped onion tarragon pinch of salt pepper Separate the containers into your daily food bags that are pre labeled and Store all the food in the refrigerator.

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Dessert Thick New York Style Cheesecakes Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Line a Muffin tin with 7 cupcake paper liners (tin if possible). In a large mixing bowl, beat together cream cheese and sugar until light. Add the egg whites, beating thoroughly after each. Blend in vanilla and sour cream. Add cornstarch and protein powder and blend well. Pour the mixture into the cupcake liners in even amounts a bit at a time. Place a pan with 1 of hot water on the bottom rack of oven. Bake the cakes at 325 degrees F for 15 minutes on the center rack. It is recommended to use a timer. Turn off the oven without opening the door to let the cakes cool for 30 minutes. Cool thoroughly before removing from tin. It is normal for the cakes to crack just slightly. Serve plain with a sprinkling of Splenda on top of each cake. Place into containers (7 of them, labeled with the day and Dessert on them) Separate the containers into your daily food bags that are pre labeled and Store all the food in the refrigerator.

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Workout Shake Each day - In a blender or shaker bottle combine; Designer Whey Protein Powder, Raw Unfiltered Honey, Pure 100% Creatine, Water, Optional Thickener Sugar Free Pudding Mix. Drink through straw to prevent that nasty gas from getting in your system and you farting horrible smells all over the gym.

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28 day menu subscriptions for the Barbarian Diatia every 28 days receive a new set of complete menus, including grocery lists, recipes for 4 weeks. Mail order Chef X Here is your chance to keep from fucking it up, every 2 weeks you get a shipment of all your food (excluding supplements and alcohol) for the next 14 days, prepared, measured, vacuum sealed, frozen and labeled for easy reheating (even eat it cold, its pre cooked), Plans can include coffee, tea, and workout shakes. 14-day Bodybuilding Contest Prep Regimen a contest prep regimen that includes diet, supplements, water, sodium load and deplete, carb load and deplete, workouts, cardio, posing schedules, ect. 14-day Special Event Prep Regimen (like a wedding you fool) a prep regimen that includes diet, supplements, water, sodium load and deplete, carb load and deplete, workouts, cardio, posing schedules, ect but not quite as hardcore as a bodybuilding show prep. 14-day strongman or power athlete prep regimen a complete eating and supplement regimen to let you cruise into the contest on a smooth consistency without any dips or crashes. Training the Nerve a day to day facilitation conditioning and accountability regimen. A morning regimen including micro workouts to enhance strength, endurance, coordination and more. Synergistically created to work with your current training program + accountability sheets for success. Page - 38

Also Available soon by Chef X

Training the Nerve Equipment Construction (Video, DVD or VCD) a step by step set of instructions on how to build your own Barbarian gym. Basic Lifts, Homemade Strength Equipment, Raw Iron, Dumbbells, Barbells, Sandbags, Concrete Stones, Kettlebells, Heavy Rope, Medicine Balls, Indian Clubs and more. Bare Barbarian Training (Monthly subscription) - Each month you will receive a video, DVD or VCD featuring Nude females showing you how it is done! Yes thats right learn the barbarian method of training regimens through video, hosted by stunning completely nude females. Even includes training logs. Bare Barbarian Training the Nerve (video) Nude females show you how it is done! Yes thats right learn the Bare Barbarian method of Training the nerve through video, DVD or VCD, hosted by stunning completely nude females.

The adventures of the Nude Barbarian Babes Join us as these babes of the barbarian style take on adventures of the wildest kind, train real men and maybe sleep with Mick! (No sheep were harmed in the creating of this comic book) Need help? E-mail me at

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Purge, Binge & Temperance By Chef X Robert & Isabel Showe

Barbarian A fierce, brutal, savage, brutal man; one destitute of pity or humanity. And in most cases; An insensitive, uncultured person. (Moe? TP?) Diatia The manner of living. Of or relating to a food regimen (To eat and drink according to a regulated system) designed to promote weight loss (fat flesh) or mass gain (muscle) in a person or an animal (most common term for a Barbarian). Purge To remove (impurities (carbs) and other elements (excess fat flesh) by or as if by cleansing. To rid of sin, guilt, or defilement (for Binging). To become pure or clean (shredded is the better word here). Binge A period of unrestrained, immoderate self indulgence in food and drink Temperance The habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and passions in eating and drinking. Program An ordered list of procedures to be followed; a schedule. System A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole. An organized set of interrelated ideas or principles. Regimen A regulated system, as of systematic diatia, and intense exercise, intended to promote health and achieve another beneficial effect. Knucklehead A stupid person; a blockhead. syn: dunce, dunderhead, numskull, blockhead, bonehead, lunkhead, hammerhead, loggerhead, muttonhead, shithead, fuckhead Fat Having much or too much fat and flesh; plump or obese. The ester of glycerol and one, two, or three fatty acids. Flesh The surface or skin of the human body. Reduction The act of decreasing or reducing something. Shredded To reduce the skin to that paper thin look so all of that muscle shows off.

Copyright 2003 Robert & Isabel Showe

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