India Politics Handout

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February 17, 2009 POLITICS OF INDIA most populous democracy in the world 28 states + 7 union territories divided into

nto 610 districts each divided into tehsils Fundamental rights: o freedom of speech, expression, belief, assembly, association, migration, choice of occupation o protected from discrimination (e.g. race, WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved religion, creed or sex)
to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

Separation of Powers:

1. Legislature: LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and i. Union legislature (initiates / passes bills, worship; special rights to impeach the president / high judges / declare state of national EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all emergency) FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual Lok Sabha: and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth 545 members day of November, 1949, do HEREBY Lower house ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS Members are elected CONSTITUTION. directly (for 5 years) More powerful than Rayja Sabha (Motions of no confidence against the government / Money bills) Rajya Sabha 250 members Upper house Members are elected by states legislatures (+ 12 chosen by the president) ii. States legislatures Vidhan Sabha: Can be compared to Lok Sabha (but local) Led by chief Vidhan Parishad: Can be compared to Rajya Sabha (but local) minister 2. Executive President: executive head of the state, exercised by the ministers (lead by prime minister) 3. Judiciary High courts and district courts supreme court: highest judicial tribunal (26 judges) The President elected by the national parliament head of the state / 1st citizen / supreme commander of the Indian armed forces In theory: power exercised by prime minister and other ministers Currently the 1st woman: Pratibha Patil

The process of enacting laws bill introduced in one house is sent to the other and kept up to 6 months accepted (2/3 majority) ok not accepted recommendations o accepted (2/3 majority) ok o not accepted deadlock both houses meet decided by simple majority (if they split up 50:50 Lok Sabha counts more)

Current policy "Agenda for a Proud, Prosperous India to improve the countrys social and economic skills Good relations to Russia and the USA Differences between urban and rural population: More townspeople are alphabetized / are rich, less suffer from malnutrition etc. India believes in a peaceful policy third biggest army of the world | unofficial nuclear power since 1947 after China most expanding economy worldwide high unemployment rate Muslims are often not accepted (even less than the Untouchables) India is becoming more liberal.

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