Question of Bidders

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1. Contract Price adjustment Considering that the largest single cost component for all the major activities such as dredging, quarrying rock, transport and placing material is fuel, and considering that the fluctuation of fuel prices over a 24 month period (120days plus 20 months) is totally unpredictable we herby request that fuel (diesel ans petrol) should be considered as special material and hence subject to contract price adjustment. 2. Concrete parapet, toe protection and revetment please indicate exact section (i.e km x to km y) where firstly concrete parapet, secondly toe protection and thirdly revetment work will be required. 3. Datum- please clarify what datum (zero) is used for this project 4. Water levels please confirm MSL is mean sea level, LWL is mean low water level and HWL is mean high water level 5. Testing of rock material the tender documents indicate ASTM 2166 for testing of UCS of rock, however we believe that this is applicable only to soil and the reference should be ASTM D2938. Please confirm the correct ASTM reference. 6. Revetment Earthworks we note from the documents no excavation or fill is indicated, please confirm that this is correct, or indicate quantities to be included. 7. Revetment Armour Stone please confirm that the size of armour stone for revetment is 200-350kg. 8. Roadworks we note that drawing 1-13 issued in the tender are for the road, please confirm that this if information only and road works are not within the scope of this project. 9. Acess to the site the works are along the public space adjacent to Avenida Marginal and Avenida 10 de Novembro including the private property of Escola Nautica, Club Naval, Club Maritmo, Restaurante Miramar, Restaurante Sagres, Hotel Southern Sun, etc. please confirm that we will have unlimited acess from the public roads to the road reserve/sidewalk areas and the beach/promenade areas and that during the construction the contract may close off and/or fence section of the area. 10. Sand nourishment as indicated at the site visit this should be dredged material, is there any possibility of some or all this material being excavated from other section of the beach or road reserve area? Please give the following information regarding to enable pricing of the work: a) Geotechnical information about the Maputo Coastal .inshore/offshore areas, in order find order dredging sites; b) Depth of layer to be dredging c) Quality of material to be dredging; d) Quantity available and the select location; e) Satratigraphy of seabed;

f) Permition required by the Authorities; g) Distance from the dredging site (s) to the nourishment site. 11. We would like to know if its necessary to give the price for items 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, E and I at the chapter Preliminaries in the bill of quantities. These items are hidden in the excel file. 12. We would like to know which is the unit for item 4.2 Construction of parapet at the chapter Nourishment and reclamation. Should it be cubic meter or linear meter? 13. In the chapter repair to Mortared Masonry Revetment at item 7.1.1, which should be the average area of the 130 areas to repair the damage coastal wall? 14. At volume II Drawings we can see the draws of the coastal road between the km 6.5 and 13.185 draws MS-00-PP-01 to MS-00-PP-13. Although there is no bill of quantities for the construction of road should we price these works? 15. In the center of the groins there will be a sidewall. This sidewalk will be a reinforced concrete slab? Could you sent the details thickness, width, steel, etc of this concrete slab please? 16. Is it possible to indicate the location of the infrastructures and monuments that may be affected by the works? 17. In the draw MS-00-PP-53, the engineer gives us several ways for the rehabilitation of storm pipe outlets. Is it possible for the engineer to send a chart with the relation between the solution of the rehabilitation of storm water pipe outlets and its location? This way it will be possible to estimate the volume of gabions. 18. Which is the average diameter of the storm water pipe outlet? 19. In the invitation for Bid we can rad: the tender is limited to Arab, African and ArabAfrican joint venrures enterprises. In the Bidding data at point 3.1 (Eligible Source countries) we can read: There are no restrictions with regard to sources countries for a bidder provided that bidder is capable of communicating fluently in the bid language. So, only Arab and African enterprises can participate in this tender? In a Joint venture, both companies must be Arab or African? The subcontractors must be Arab or African? 20. Does the employer allow the presentation of alternatives (project/delays) 21. Should the bid documents obey to the item 3.1 in the C Chapter of the Instruction to bidders? Therefore, the bid will only include the following documents form of bid, appendix to bid, bid security and priced bill quantities? Where should be included the documents mentioned at point 5.1 in the A Chapter of the Instruction to bidders? Should include a memory of works and Gantt chart? 22. Considering the time of the year, in Africa Austral, in which a great number of companies are closed for general holidays and considering the enquiries that we will need to perform to prepare out bid in our opinion, the to prepare it is very short. So, we would like to request you more 30 (Thirty) days after 07th February, to deliver the bids.

23. During the site visit, the consultants representative called our attention to the fact that, may be, it will not be possible to cross Maputo down town with heavy trucks to transport rocks and other materials. We would like to confirm if it will not be possible to cross this area of Maputo with this kind of vehicles. 24. Will it be allowed to present the bid in other currency instead of the national currency (Metical)? 25. Considering that the time for completion plus the validity will be 24 (Twenty four) month, after the conclusion of the bids, we call your attention for the risk of using the Metical as bid currency. 26. Does the employer accept the possible of unit prices revision and exchange rates correction during the time for the execution of the works? 27. Quarry Run we note that in some of the Cross Section on the groins the size of quarry run is shown as 1-20kg, please confirm that this is an error and all quarry run materials is 5-100kg 28. Geotextile - supply and placing of geotextile is mentioned in the bill quantities for the groins, but not indicated of the relevant drawings, is geotextile required and where should it be placed. 29. Access to site please confirm that we will have and exclusive access to the whole site area for the construction period and that we may access from Avenida Marginal and/or the Maputo Bay 30. Environment Approvals please confirm that all environmental approvals and licenses have been issues for this project by MICOA and the maritime authorities, and that they cover all aspects of the works such as extraction of material from borrow pits, dredging material in tidal zona, etc. 31. Contract price Adjustment we note that while in general the contract does not contract prices adjustment is included for special materials indicated as cement and bitumen, considering that bitumen is not required for this project, we propose that rock as an essential material should be included as a special material 32. Regarding the rehabilitation of the storm water pipe outlet(s), according to drawing MS00-PP-53, we kindly ask for the exact location of those to be worked, since that the drawings don't show any location. 33. Under Bill item 4.1, where it says supply and placement specific sand material in each reach between groins 1 to groin 7 from km 6+768 to km 9+744 we kindly ask clarification about of what type would be these so called specific sand and where would we get such a quantity? 34. Finally, we ask for you to supply us with the electronic files of the drawings in dwg format (AutoCAD 2007 preferred).

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