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When nothing was, then God was there Had nothing been, God would have been My being has defeated me Had I not been, what would have been By: Mirza Ghalib

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The Social Infrastructure Report is written under the case study of Nizamuddin Basti from Urban Design context. The report covers, under its different chapters, various elements of social infrastructure. The first chapter discusses how the social infrastructure of the basti evolved over time under the influence of Inayat Khan. Subsequent chapters explain the present condition of Nizamuddin Basti with reference to social infrastructure elements, like Education, health, religious, commercial and other amenities. Different maps and photographs have been added to the report to further clarify the position of the facilities. After the detailed case study new design interventions are proposed with due respect to basti requirement and approach.

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Preface Contents Objective Research Process
2 Social Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Site Study .............................................................................................................................. 10 Social Evolution Of Basti ............................................................................................... 11 Present Condition: ........................................................................................................ 13 Educational Facilities..................................................................................................... 15 Health Facilities ............................................................................................................. 17 Religious Structure ........................................................................................................ 19 Commercial Facilities And Other Amenities ................................................................. 23 Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 28 Social Infrastructure Map Of Basti ................................................................................ 32

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.2

Design Concepts And Proposals ............................................................................................ 33 Methodology Of Design ................................................................................................ 34 Concept ......................................................................................................................... 39 Proposed Landuse Plan ................................................................................................. 41 Proposed Structures And Their Description: ................................................................ 42 Small Scale Design Interventions .................................................................................. 43 Rain Basera Layout ........................................................................................................ 44 School Layout ................................................................................................................ 46 Master Plan ................................................................................................................... 47 Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 48

2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9

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Figure 2-1 Ghiyaspur village (Nizamuddin basti) during partition........................................... 11 Figure 2-2 Migrants during partition ....................................................................................... 11 Figure 2-3 Hzrat Inayat Khan ................................................................................................... 11 Figure 2-4 No. of visitors per day ............................................................................................. 12 Figure 2-5 Linkage between Nizamuddin Basti and its surrounding and response towards neighbourhood ........................................................................................................................ 12 Figure 2-6 child care programmes in hope foundation ........................................................... 13 Figure 2-7 Graph comparing sex ratio of Nizamuddin with the country ................................. 15 Figure 2-8 Ghalib Academy: Not properly maintained ............................................................ 16 Figure 2-9 public conveniences in insanitary condition .......................................................... 18 Figure 2-10 Medical shop......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 2-11 religious structures of Basti .................................................................................. 19 Figure 2-12 different community regions in Basti ................................................................... 19 Figure 2-13 Junction points during social movements in Basti ............................................... 21 Figure 2-14 vegetable vendors ................................................................................................ 24 Figure 2-15weekly markets and other traditional shops......................................................... 24 Figure 2-16 range of weekly market and the major participating area in market .................. 25 Figure 2-17 typology of shops on alvi chowk........................................................................... 25 Figure 2-18 Alvi chowk activity pattern ................................................................................... 25 Figure 2-19 Polyclinic Street .................................................................................................... 35 Figure 2-20 Polyclinic Street .................................................................................................... 35 Figure 2-21 polyclinic street activity Pattern ........................................................................... 36 Figure 2-22 Adgah Khan Tomb occupied by residential .......................................................... 37 Figure 2-23 people living beneath the earth in Adgah Khan Tomb periphery ........................ 37 Figure 2-24 street activity Pattern at Lal Mahal ...................................................................... 38 Figure 2-25 Hazrat Nizamuddin Tombs ................................................................................... 39 Figure 2-26 conceptual axiality ................................................................................................ 39 Figure 2-27 conceptual 3d view of Design proposal ................................................................ 39 Figure 2-28 conceptual zoning of proposed infrastructure ..................................................... 40 Figure 2-29 conceptual view of street at Nizam nagar .......................................................... 40 Figure 2-30 conceptual view of commercial complex ............................................................. 42 Figure 2-31 3D view of proposed zone .................................................................................... 42 Figure 2-32 commercial Plaza .................................................................................................. 42 Figure 2-33 Rain basera view ................................................................................................... 45

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Table 1 Analysis showing the difference between available and required education infrastructure according to Delhi master plan ........................................................................ 15 Table 2 analysis of available and required Health infrastructure ............................................ 17 Table 3 Analysis Table: Showing the difference between available and required commercial facility ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Table 4 Analysis of commercial facility .................................................................................... 24

Map 1 educational and health facility in basti and their range (N.T.S) ................................... 16 Map 2 religious structures in Basti ......................................................................................... 20 Map 3 socio Economic infrastructure of Basti (Scale: 1:3000) .............................................. 26 Map 4 Division of Design Zones ............................................................................................... 35 Map 5 Land use Map (scale 1:3000) ........................................................................................ 41 Map 6 Master plan of Basti ...................................................................................................... 47

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The objective of our group was to identify the quality and quantity of social infrastructure in Basti. How social structures are contributing in their lives what are their approach and how people perceive religious structures, heritage monuments and what are availability of other facilities like milk booth , bank , ATM, public convenience, school womens status etc. Some major objectives were: Primary and secondary school Handicapped facility Hospitals Polyclinic or medical facility Bank / ATM Milk booth Community centre Women empowerment Chid development Recreational spaces Commercial facility


Nizamuddin Basti settlement is since 13 14 the century and some areas are still in process hence there is lots of variation in social and commercial life of habitants there is no particularity hence to get the soul and basics of basti life, to understand their needs and their activities, to know their perception and expectations towards life we planned to visit basti several times on different day at different times. We made several Visits on different days like on Monday, Friday which is Jumma day so difference in crowd and commercial movement can be seen and on Sunday, growth in tourism matrix could be analyzed and most of them are locals. First visit was kind of introduction of Nizamuddin Basti for us. It was totally new place with a new environment different from Delhis rushing life, traffic and life style. Street life is most active part in comparison to parks and other social gathering spaces. First time we couldnt reach to many of the heritage sites like Atgah Khan Tomb, Kalan mosque because of the street pattern and the narrow galis as one cant identify all the routes in one visit and also we were habitual of defined wide street pattern. It was only a strange visit with new understanding and that also of architecture; the social life was yet to understand. On next visit we realized a familiar environment. This time it was easy to understand street pattern, direction, structures and their importance. We notice the pattern of residences, like
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lower parts were commercial and upper part was for residence similarly Dargah Street was commercialized by garlands shop, Biryani, chadar, and other religious materials. Some streets are particularly known for one material like biryani gali. Atar vali gali etc. Dargah is very prominent part for Basti people, their all infrastructure, emotions and security are bonded with it. On one of visit we went for Heritage walk, Mr. Danish, Aga Khan Volunteer guided us. It was very helpful and was rich with knowledge that helps us in understanding Basti and peoples life their thinking and culture. A well guided trip rich with History, culture and even architecture too that was unexpected. On the basis of all our visits, and Library work we framed out our social structure of Basti. The existing structure , their condition , position , usage and fulfilment. On the basis of all parameters we have developed this report that comprises of case study and design proposals. Social infrastructure has been categorised in different sub- parts to understand the condition of individual parts in better way.


Other amenities/ facility Social infrastructure

Religious values



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Are you satisfied with present condition of Basti.

Yes we are absolutely comfortable and its ok

Where do you educate your child?

Younger child go to MCD School but up to primary level only then we send them to senior secondary school in Jangpura and Bhogal.

How many times you visit polyclinic and is it sufficient?

We hardly go to that polyclinic as it does not support good environment especially for women and girls, so we go to nearby Jangpura hospital or AIMS.

From where do women or girl shop for their their stuff?

There is weekly market at Alvi Chowk which is mainly of girls material so they go there.

Does this Public convenience (Kalan Mosque) is required.

No we dont want this in front of our house and mosque .Also this is no more in use , getting us as dustbin so we have written a application to MCD also for reconstruction of this place.

Is there any organization working for women welfare?

Hope foundation is only source of empowerment and that are running multiple tasks like embroidery, art work, etc. There is INSHA craft centre also.

How many Libraries are there in Basti?

There are three Libraries one by Hope foundation, one of Ghalib Library and last one at Rain Basera.

What are major social events?

At Mouharram, Urs and Ramzan month is the whole month festive. Sometime Basti Mela is also organized by Foundations. Other religious functions are also celebrated like Dushehra and Navratra.

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In 1328, Hzrat Nizamuddin Auliya came to Ghiyaspur village to settle down and to spread Islam, peace and wisdom. At that time, Village was not having any social or economical form it was only land and land till the point eye can see. Due to Hzrat Nizamuddin Auliya, civilization was improving but the major changes came after his death and India Pak partition. After his death, the village started converting Figure 2-1 Ghiyaspur village (Nizamuddin basti) during partition into graveyard because the Pirzade or Mureed of Hzt. Nizamuddin spent their lives in the village and they all wanted to get buried, after their death, near Nizamuddin grave. Hence, by the decades, the village became mixed of residential and graveyards. Second major transformation for social and cultural development was partition. Many people from Pakistan Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Bengal migrated to Ghiyaspur village. There was sudden improvement in scale of migration, residential, and in other social aspects. Improvement in commercialism came as it was Need for survival.

Figure 2-2 Migrants during partition

Figure 2-3 Hzrat Inayat Khan

Hazrat Inayat Khan (( ) July 5, 1882 February 5, 1927) was an exemplar of Universal Sufism. He was the great Mureed of Nizamuddin and spent his life in following Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. He also founded the "Sufi Order in the West" in 1914 (London). He played a great role in civilization of Nizamuddin Basti. He owned 60% of land and distributed them to refugee or other people at very cheaper rate to spread the Islamic culture and influence of Nizamuddin Auliya.

A good quantity of visitors comes every day nationally and internationally. Most of the visitors who come from India generally they belong to Delhi, Ajmer, Uttar Pradesh, J&K and Bihar. As Humayun tomb and Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti both are heritage site and very close in proximity. Both are historically important and have national and international tourism. Nizamuddin Basti is also surrounded by many important sites like sunder nursery, Khushro park and scout campus.

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Figure 2-4 No. of visitors per day

Figure 2-5 Linkage between Nizamuddin Basti and its surrounding and response towards neighbourhood

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After death of Hazrat Inayat Khan, his son is taking responsibilities of Basti to improve socioeconomic condition of community. Various tasks like child education, women empowerment, cultural improvement and conservation and many other programmes are run by HOPE foundation to improve the existing socio- economic conditions of Basti. Many volunteers from Basti have been appointed to work. Presently, there are several people in the local community with no access to basic education, health and sanitation infrastructure and employment opportunities. The quality of life for local communities needs to be improved, a significant ecological built heritage resource for the people of Delhi needs to be created, and visitor experience must be enhanced for the millions who visit the World Heritage Site of Humayuns Tomb. Tasks to work upon: Various tasks on which action needs to be taken by Aga Khan Trust and Hope foundation for urban improvemnets are: Water point imrovements Soild waste mangement Community toilet complexes Street improvement Environmental awareness Redevlopment of nallah Housing improvemnts For conserving the heritage, social and cultural values of Nizamuddin Basti, some tasks have been started to establish heritage awareness programmes with the children and youth in Basti. Awareness is needed on the cultural (built and intangible) heritage of the Basti and surrounding areas among the children and youth of the Basti. 1Actions being taken: The target group of this programme is in addition to the programmes conducted at the MCD School as part of the project activities. Over a 100 children from the basti are participating in the programme with a kids club Formed with 30 core members for regular workshops. Regular programmes include quiz competition, debates, heritage walks and nature walks with the children. Study trip on the seven cities of Delhi was organized for more than 60 children where the Heritage volunteers guided them about the growth and development of different cities of
Figure 2-6 child care programmes in hope foundation

Aga Khan report

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Delhi with respective site visits. The event was also broadcast on BBC world radio. In association with the Teen Murti Museum, workshops are organized for the children from the basti taking in consideration their specific interest areas. World Heritage Day was celebrated with a presentation for the community, prepared by the children with guidance from the volunteers on different topics related to cultural heritage. Site visits were organized for the children to have a good understanding of the topic which helped them to give their inputs for the final presentation. Awareness campaigns related to heritage and cleanliness issues have been organized. A cricket tournament was organized where in between the commentary messages related to the safe upkeep of monuments and general cleanliness slogans were conveyed. The heritage volunteers are documenting stories prevalent through the oral tradition. Resource persons Salim Warsi and Anwar sahib are facilitating the research for such collection. Oral tradition helps to keep peoples culture alive through generations by orally narrating the stories of their history, beliefs, values and practices. In an attempt to reach out to the community, the volunteers are publishing quarterly Newsletter, where the major events, happened at the Basti, get highlighted. The newsletter is gaining acceptance amongst the community as they are sharing the news that they want to be read widely. In association with the Ghalib Academy, the volunteers put up a short narrative on Mirza Ghalib to reach out to the community on Ghalibs life and works. The narrative was in the same style as they were trained through the story telling workshops.

Aga Khan Report

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As Nizamuddin basti habitants are poverty ridden or around middle class family. Hence rate of income is reflected in their social life also. A demographic study is done to analyse the literacy rate of basti. According to this table, the requirement is quite more than availability. Survey shows that the male- female ratio in Nizamuddin Basti, i.e.946 females every 1000 males, is higher than that of the country, i.e.933 females every 1000 males and still women are deprived of education here. This marks a Figure 2-7 Graph comparing sex ratio of Nizamuddin with the country negative point in women welfare. If literacy rate is compared then, there is big difference and that is because of its social environment. Being an Islamic and low income community there is strong dominance of conservative thoughts specially related to girl child. They are still treated as they were century before. Girls after 13 year are generally married or they are forced to marry. Most of the girls are not sent to school after 5th class because of sense of insecurity in parents and this can be due to not availability of school in nearby area or else school at distant are not followed by secure path, generally crowded by beggars, tourist and male population. Level 3 Housing Area Population 5000

Facilities Primary School

No 1

Per Unit

Nizamuddin Available PS Madarsa

No 1 1

Required 3

2000-4000 Housing area Population 15000

Sr. Secondary School Handicapped School




Table 1 Analysis showing the difference between available and required education infrastructure according to Delhi master plan

Source: Master plan Delhi 2021

Page | 15 4Survey statistics Education: 21 % Youth completing grade 12 School Readiness amongst 5 year olds: Poor with respect to phonological awareness, skills of classification, pattern making and sequential thinking Early Childhood Environment Rating (ECER): Poor physical infrastructure, pedagogical practices. Figure 2-8 Ghalib Academy: Not properly maintained Adolescent health: Awareness on reproductive health poor, boys get preference on food and quality of education, girls demand to learn vocational skills. Illiterate mothers: 30% (limiting their access to information on childcare). 79 % children in 3-5 age groups are in preschools. There is not a single green-house or arboretum in the city where school kids can learn of the citys flora. Need for open space and play activities for children.

Fig. 8

Map 1 educational and health facility in basti and their range (N.T.S)
4 5

Source:Aga Khan report Source Map 1 by MCD

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A hygienic and sanitary environment through sustainable ecological reformation and life style changes needs to be created here. Accessible and improved health care for women and children must be provided. As Basti has majority of low income group comprising of beggars, vendors, sellers etc. Hence their life is not governed by that much hygiene as it should be according to urban planning. 6 according to a health awareness survey in basti57 % of families have three or more children 83 % of mothers reported abnormal weight gain during pregnancy 91 % women were found to have inadequate knowledge on good dietary practices during pregnancy. 48 % of women faced problems during pregnancy. 60 % women underwent antenatal check-ups during the first trimester. 61 % of women availed institutional deliveries 15 % children were underweight at birth 43 % mothers aware of the appropriate time to introduce complementary feeding Growth & Nutrition (0-3 years) 49 % children underweight: (Wasting: 44%; Stunting: 64%) 76 % of children were anaemic 57 % children were immunised on time 15 % children not vaccinated at all



No 1

Per unit 2500-5000

Nizamuddin Community population 15000

Available 0

Required 3

Community Hospital population 5000

Nursing home/polyclinic Dispensary humans Dispensary animal


or 1


r 1


Table 2 analysis of available and required Health infrastructure

Source :Aga Khan report

Source: Master plan Delhi 2021

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An assessment was conducted in March 2008 during which a total of 274 interviews were conducted with the patients using the nearest available health facilities. For general health ailments, the health facilities covered included the Government Health Centre (MCD Polyclinic) (Basti Nizamuddin)-48% exist interviews, Maternal & Children Welfare Centre (MCW) and Polyclinic (33 % sample) and private practitioners including MBBS doctors and Registered Medical Practitioners (20 % sample). For antenatal and post natal care, a total of 61 beneficiaries were covered at the Maternal & Children Welfare Centre, Bhogal. For covering child immunization, exit interviews were carried out amongst 54 children who attended the immunization clinic at the MCW centre Bhogal, or in the Basti. The indicators and tools for benchmarking indicators on Maternal and Child Health have been finalised. The proposed benchmarking entails an intense and elaborate survey with the target group being pregnant women and mothers with children in the age group of 0-24 months.

Figure 2-9 public conveniences in insanitary condition

Figure 2-10 Medical shop

Fig. 10

Fig. 9

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Nizamuddin Basti is rich with religious buildings. As this places origination or civilization is influenced by religious believes only, hence at intervals you can see monuments, Dargah, graves or mosques. Basti have some major social structure which is affecting the community socially, culturally and commercially also. There is no. of shops which are selling religious material mainly; hence here social buildings are source of living also. Mazar-e-Ghalib and Urs Mahal are some social nodes where events like Qawwali and other gatherings take place. road, in shops or in hotels too.

Figure 2-11 religious structures of Basti

Figure 2-12 different community regions in Basti

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Map 2 religious structures in Basti Scale: 1:3000

Source : MCD Plan

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During Moharram and Urs a zest in life can be analyze in Basti. During these days there are some special processional movements. They are performed at different time. But all these movement when we overlapped them we get some junction point which need to be analyze. Hence some provisions, better streets and pedestrian facility at those points need to be incorporated in design so that people apart from movement do not suffer or get jammed.
Figure 2-13 Junction points during social movements in Basti

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Nizamuddin Basti has variety of commercial activities although its approx 1 km diameter radius but one can find all type of shops butcher shop, medical shop, tour organizer , informal markets etc. There are shops of different typology. SURVEY STATISTICS Livelihood opportunities in the Basti were found to be limited in scope and capacity with incomes mostly seasonal and dependent on tourists and pilgrims. Skill deficits were another cause for unemployment of younger residents. Environment for the Child Average Family Size 1: 6 (Delhi 1:5) Dependents per 100 persons in labour force: 88 (thus, limited resources available for the child). 50 % women aware of anganwadi services. Poor space and infrastructure, capacities and various administrative responsibilities along with running the centres limit the anganwadi workers perform their roles on adolescent health, mothers on childcare, and pre-school education. Poor coordination amongst the anganwadi workers and the health department affecting reach of immunisation facilities for children. 54 % are single wage families. 11 % of women are employed.

Level Housing population Milk booth

No 1

Nizamuddin As per standard design of Population concerned department 15000 1000 2000 4000

Available 1

Required 1

Police station Bus terminal Ceremonial ground Public convenience

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

Table 3 Analysis Table: Showing the difference between available and required commercial facility

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Per unit


Available Required

Neighborhood Convenience shopping population 2000 Banquet halls Informal market Community recreational club


Population 15000

1 1 1

800-2000 1000 2000

2 3 0

1 7 1

Table 4 Analysis of commercial facility

Figure 2-14 vegetable vendors

Figure 2-15weekly markets and other traditional shops


Figure 2-16 range of weekly market and the major participating area in market

Figure 2-17 typology of shops on alvi chowk

Figure 2-18 Alvi chowk activity pattern

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Map 3 socio Economic infrastructure of Basti (Scale: 1:3000)


The SES has revealed that over 25% of families in the Basti do not have a personal toilet. Additionally the Basti attracts thousands of pilgrims with the number exceeding 100,000 on festival days. An additional 30-seater Community Toilet Complex will be built in 2011. Initially the MCD was to carry out the construction works on this building however with the separation of the Slum wing of the MCD as a separate Shelter Board under Delhi Government this was no longer possible and AKTC will be now implementing the construction works. The existing toilet complex will be upgraded in order to increase the number of toilet seats and bathing and washing spaces in the toilet. Child-friendly units will also be installed in the toilet complex in order to provide a safer and more convenient facility for the children. The upgraded facility will also have a resource centre on the first floor of the toilet complex building that will enable the project to have additional space for community activities and for women and youth group to have more space for interactive sessions and Basti development workshops. The designs, specifications and costs have been prepared and submitted to the MCD and construction should commence in March 2011. The toilet was built by demolishing cubicles that had not been in use for years and were accumulating garbage. The new construction has thus significantly improved the immediate urban environment. The ten-seater community toilet at the Basti being managed by a basti watch group has been in operation for a year. It has successfully been able to generate an income of Rs. 170,000.00 out of which Rs. 130,000.00 have been spent in monthly maintenance over 11 months. The SHG formed presently holds a saving of approximately Rs 33,000.00 Since its becoming operational, many expenditure items have now been taken over by the group including electricity, maintenance, one staff salary and overtime or substitute costs and payments.

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On the basis of the above assessment, an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the area was undertaken, which informed the vision and strategies for development that were formulated thereafter. SECTORS Location & Regional Linkages STRENGTHS Highest level of urbanization in surrounding. It is easily accessible from other area of city. It acts as nodal point for collection and distribution of passenger and traffic in south Delhi. Economy High spending capacity / tendency Nizamuddin is located strategically and connected with key economic nodes in the city. Tourism World famous tourist destination Attracts both domestic as well as international tourists. Gateway to the tourist destination in the northern region such as Jaipur, Ajmer, Agra, Varanasi etc. Heritage It is famous for its heritage and culture, both built and unbuilt Walled City of Delhi has 1000 heritage structure and 25 historical monuments.

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Infrastructure: Inadequacies in the water supply, sewerage, solid waste, drainage and transport infrastructure

Lack of solid waste management facilities leading to indiscriminate dumping of garbage and land pollution. Lack of drainage and sewerage network especially in the newly developed areas. Lack of infrastructure facilities like water supply, sewerage, road and drainage. Lack of parking space. Lack of tourism infrastructure facilities. Inadequate public conveniences.

Urban Growth and Land Management

Haphazard growth of the area due to lack of provision of Developed land and infrastructure. Areas include urban villages High population density within the basti Rate of Unauthorized developments and illegal land subdivisions Are increasing in urban periphery and village settlements. Lack of parks and open spaces. Violation of rules, byelaws by the public and residents of basti loss of heritage in the walled city. Overcrowding of businesses and people.


Lack of integration of heritage concerns with planning process Lack of proper database management in each sector especially In the Heritage and Infrastructure development. Absence of clear-cut guidelines and responsibilities of various organizations. Lack of awareness among in basti city people towards heritage conservation.

Slums and JJ Clusters

Increasing population & densities in existing JJ clusters

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Social Infrastructure
To sensitively streetscape and Landscape Basti

To improve the quality of life through improving the environment of the Basti and provide the local residents a much needed, usable green space for specific functions.

Design Implementation
The parks located along the western edge and central part of the Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti for community use is required to be re design.

MCD School

Ensure access, improved Physical Improvement and efficiency and quality of school upgrading in the MCD School to education Implement school improvement initiatives

Construction and Management of To improve access to hygienic Being heritage place it can be two Community Toilet Complexes sanitation facilities for residentsuse for visitors only. Location to (CTC) and visitors to the basti. be redefines. The existing non-functional toilets needed to be demolished and new construction could commence Nallah along the Basti. To improve the environmental remove the accumulated To conditions of the basti. malba/garbage, landscape and redevelop the space around the Nallah along the Basti. To provide positive green open space to basti residents By providing a clean environment,
To organise and conduct To build awareness and influence Solid Waste Management environmental awareness activities for behaviour change in the basti for children, parents and the larger Hazrat basic services such as improved To improve waste disposal systems solid waste disposal, water and in the basti Nizamuddin Basti community. sanitation. To develop and implement urban To improve the overall urban renewal and reform initiatives in the environment of the area and to enhance its cultural and social area. identity.

Cultural and social identity required to be retained.

Page | 30 URBAN IMPROVEMENTS Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti remains a densely populated and congested urban settlement, with its existing infrastructure under severe strain. As part of a series of development initiatives to improve the overall urban environment should be implemented. Interventions on urban improvement focus on physical planning and community-based management of public spaces and public facilities in the basti in order to improve the quality of life of the residents and add value to the experience of the visitors and pilgrims visiting the Basti. Interventions on open space development, landscaping of parks, street improvements and upgrade. Upgrading plans for streets take into account requirements for street lighting, drainage, street signage and other street furniture. Improving access to sanitation facilities has been one of the focus areas in the basti. Urban Design for sustainable development should address the following objectives

The protection of the natural environment at the local and regional scale.
The reduction of the impact on the natural environment at the global scale and in the longer term: reducing ecological footprints and achieving balanced production and consumption systems. Promoting balanced and appropriate economic development whilst reducing social inequalities and improving social integration and cohesion. It is particularly critical to address directly the social issues and rapid changes arising out of mass immigration from low-income group. Advancing the quality of life in relation to the above, and Promoting the long term health of the citizens, including addressing the relationship between social and psychological wellbeing and the possibility of experiencing elements of nature locally (particularly important for children). Vision & Strategies for Development To become a highly liveable area that offers a superior quality of life through a robust, employment generating economy that is safe and inclusive, environmentally and socially sustainable and is based on reliable infrastructure and offers a transparent, responsive system of governance dedicated to the citys felt needs.

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N Scale: 1:3000

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After the case study of social infrastructure of Hazrat Nizamuddin basti we went under different process and thoughts to integrate our social infrastructure into Basti. The case study comprises of the health care system, including hospitals, the financing of health care, including health insurance, the systems for regulation and testing of medications and medical procedures, the system for training, inspection and professional discipline of doctors and other medical professionals, public health monitoring and regulations, as well as coordination of measures taken during public health emergencies such as epidemics The educational and research system, including elementary and secondary schools, universities, specialised colleges, research institutions, the systems for financing and accrediting educational institutions Social welfare systems, includes both government support and private charity for the poor, for people in distress and victims of abuse. Thought process can be categorized in four steps.

ANALYSIS INFERENCE CONCLUSION OBJECTIVES IMPLEMENTATION Inference: On the basis of case study analysis some inference were drawn which will help out in mapping of social infrastructure of Basti: Dargah is the strength of basti. Women centre for their enhancement Child education, need of secondary schools. Poor health facility Bank / ATM Milk booth Public conveniences

Page | 34 Conclusion:

Proposed zone Conservation zone Redevelopment zone

Map 4 Division of Design Zones

On the basis of inference drawn from the analysis we divided the zone of design interventions so that requirement and each area or zone can be equally fulfilled. There are three zones of interventions Proposed zone Conservation zone Redevelopment zone

Figure 2-19 Polyclinic Street

Proposed zone: This zone is threat for the Basti, supporting

slum and smack, and drug related activity which do not represent image of a healthy neighbourhood. Although this area has some major Social structures like Polyclinic, Rain basera, temple but they are not integrated with basti. This leads to misuse of space in different activities. Hence these down town market activities obstruct people to go there. In addition the scrap Figure 2-20 Polyclinic Street business is developing there so the two opposite environment are conflicting and due to lack of ownership or regulations, many problems are arising.

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Rikshaw stand


Drug addicts

DDA Park

Figure 2-21 polyclinic street activity Pattern

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conservation zone:
This area is core area of Basti where Dargah is situated surrounded by houses and it has entry from Baoli . Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah, Atgah khan tomb, and Mosque are in one periphery. The growing population are encroaching heritage area , hence destroying the importance and history of our ancestors. the design interventions are done keeping heritage in mind and with very minimum destructions.
Figure 2-22 Adgah Khan Tomb occupied by residential

Redevelopment zone: This zone include Lal Mahal area,

Kalan/Kali mosque area and atar vali gali where small interventions needed to be done. Like atar vali gali where open land is used as parking space or during festive time it is used as mela ground hence there is need of public conveniences so that vitality of space could be maintained. Objectives: After classification of zones requirement of various

social structures was framed out.

Figure 2-23 people living beneath the earth in Adgah Khan Tomb periphery


Present condition/availability
No bed facility Unhygienic condition Hope foundation is only women empowerment source No facility for people above group age 20 No local convenient shopping centres Removed 65 houses

Proposed objective
Bed facility of 10-15 bed With other health centres facility and parking space Specific women centre and craft centre for more betterment. Centre for their guidance, vocational programmes and consultancy. Complex providing Bank Atm milk booth etc. Better housing with proper habitable rooms and facility.

2. Women Centres 3.School 4.Youth Integration Centre 5.Commercial Complex 6.Housing

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Lal Mahal has no accessibility from this road.

Lal Mahal

Figure 2-24 street activity Pattern at Lal Mahal

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Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah is the source of concept since many years there is no defined route for Dargah visitors. As it has accessibility from three routes but no one is direct to Dargah. So it is quite tough for the person who is visiting for the first time and moreover the most important, the haphazard growth is overpowering the view or importance of Dargah. Intent is to develop a major axis to Dargah for creating focus and better accessibility to heritage. Secondary and tertiary axis are not for direct services to Dargah they are acting as primary for other social infrastructure. Some major objectives were planned or defined while doing zoning of structures. Hierarchy of heights is created which gradually gets down while approaching towards Dargah. So when one approaches to Dargah he will feel openness and ambience of Dargah.

Figure 2-25 Hazrat Nizamuddin Tombs

Figure 2-26 conceptual axiality

Figure 2-27 conceptual 3d view of Design proposal

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Figure 2-28 conceptual zoning of proposed infrastructure

While zoning infrastructure is categorised in two parts, one on large scale and one on small scale like milk booth which are part of daily life. Hence all the large scale structures like school, rain basera, community centre, polyclinic and women centres which are one in quantity are sufficient for existing population as per master plan of Delhi. We arranged them like a social infrastructure hub and proposed in Nizam Nagar area and the number of house demolished from Nizam Nagar are provided better housing in Panch peer area. Then some other requirements like milk booth and one madarsa was required in Kot Mohallah area . One public convenience is proposed on opposite face of Atar vali gali because during festival time this open ground is used for Mela and for the rest year it is used for parking space hence to maintain the vitality of space one public convenience is required.

Figure 2-29 conceptual view of street at Nizam nagar

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Map 5 Land use Map (scale 1:3000)

Residential Religious Commercial Site Area and Ground Coverage: POLYCLINIC: M Sq. Housing: 4789 M Sq Ground Coverage: 1436 M Sq Units: 80 Height: 17. 5m School: Site area: 9000 m sq. Ground coverage: 2000 m sq. Youth integration centre: area: 1249 m sq Coverage: 320 m sq.

Educational Mixed Semi public Public spaces

Commercial Complex: Site Area: 1110 M Sq. Ground Coverage: 373 M Sq. Height: 3 M Temple Complex: 508 M Sq Community centre: 1711 m sq.

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Panch Peer Mohallah is developed as new housing for residents of Nizam Nagar and setting a new skyline for basti. It is on periphery hence no views will be obstructed while moving in basti. Youth Integration Centre: As there is no provision of education for age group above 22 years and the residents a involved in low income profession hence we have proposed a centre where they can enhance their skills, communication, and life style. Convenient Commercial Centre providing gym, polyclinic, welfare association, shops and animal dispensary. Parking facility for polyclinic, community centre and can be used for Dargah visitors also. Community centre in Basti for marriage and other functions. Rain basera for BPL tourist dormitory, dining facility and some separate suits are also provided. Women centre: For empowering women and for their better education and socio-economic life a women centre is provided adjacent to Women Park. Figure 2-30 conceptual view of commercial complex School: a combined primary and senior secondary school with play ground and parking facility for buses. School can be used for vocational centre or for recreation centre also after school time. Commercial plaza near the entrance of Dargah. There are three row of shops two of them are facing Dargah and which are for materials like garlands, flowers, chadar etc, and the shops back to back on the right side (one of which is of religious material) is developed like commercial plaza mainly for eating and hanging out space, these shops will be separated from road by levels and hedges. Figure 2-32 commercial Plaza

Figure 2-31 3D view of proposed zone

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Kalan mosque area: as in this area there is lack of girl education facility. There is need of Madarsa. In the present scenario most of them go to Okhla or in the mohallah to some elderly lady who use to teach them at her house, hence there is no fixed and proper place. So we have proposed a Madarsa in front of Kali Mosque, earlier there was MCD Public Convenience which was no more in running condition and even society dont want it to be renovated. In front of kali mosque there is open land which has been proposed for public space, a green area where people can sit and enjoy. A small milk booth has also been proposed for this mohallah which can have vehicular accessibility from Nizamuddin east road which is 10 m wide hence it will not have problem in services and accessibility. A small public convenience is proposed near Markaz to maintain the vitality of area.

Proposed section

Existing Section

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2.2.6 Rain Basera Layout

Second floor plan

First floor plan

Ground floor plan

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Figure 2-33 Rain basera view

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Map 6 Master plan of Basti

N Scale:1:3000

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Weigl, Constanze (2010) Reproductive Health Behavior and Decision-Making of Muslim Women: An Ethnographic Study in a Low-Income Community in Urban North India, vol. XV., LIT Verlag Mnster publisher, New Delhi. Aga Khan Development Network (2008). Humayuns Tomb - Sunder Nursery Nizamuddin Basti urban renewal initiative: Annual progress report 2008. A PublicPrivate Partnership initiative of Archaeological Survey of India, Municipal Corporation of Delhi Central Public Works Department , Aga Khan Foundation-Aga Khan Trust for Culture. New Delhi Aga Khan Development Network (2009). Humayuns Tomb - Sunder Nursery Nizamuddin Basti urban renewal initiative: Annual progress report 2009. A PublicPrivate Partnership initiative of Archaeological Survey of India, Municipal Corporation of Delhi Central Public Works Department , Aga Khan Foundation-Aga Khan Trust for Culture. New Delhi Aga Khan Development Network (2010). Humayuns Tomb - Sunder Nursery Nizamuddin Basti urban renewal initiative: Annual progress report 2010. A PublicPrivate Partnership initiative of Archaeological Survey of India, Municipal Corporation of Delhi Central Public Works Department , Aga Khan Foundation-Aga Khan Trust for Culture. New Delhi. Md. Danish, Aga Khan Volunteer. Site survey of Basti. Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Base map of Nizamuddin Basti 2010. others

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