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4 JANUARY 28-29, 2012 ISSUE 5

Welcome to Good Shepherd Chapel

Parish Staff and Ministries
Pastor: Fr. Joseph Lea (267) 243-5861 Co-Pastor: Fr. Aniekwe (706) 791-4307 NCOIC: SSG. Clarence Slaughter (706) 791-4308 Deacons: - George Foster (706) 860-2379 - Mike Marchek (706) 855-2107 - David Kriegel (706) 869-9781 PLC: Lola Rivera (706)-993-1816

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture - A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen. (Deuteronomy 18:15) - If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. (Psalm 95:8) - I should like you to be free of anxieties (1 Corinthians 7:32) - The people were astonished at his teaching, (Mark 1:22) Reflection - When do you here the Lords voice? - How free are you from unnecessary anxiety? - What is astonishing in Jesus teaching? Francis gestured, danced, laughed, and sang; felt the Earth in his skin and bones; talked with Jesus; enjoyed the companionship of his brothers and preached repentance in towns along the way. From the time of his conversion, he envisioned himself as a troubadour of Christ. On occasion he would pick up a stick and, imagining that he was playing a violin, sing about is God. He refused to suppress the energy of his soul and coaxed his brothers to sing so that they would awaken the spirit of joy in the hearts of listeners. (St. Francis of Assisi)

RE Coordinator: Sherry Wodicka (706) 726-0651 Music Director: Sonia Rivera (706) 627-0637 MCCW: Kim Besel, (706) 855-9275 Knights of Columbus: Allen Larson Youth Ministry: Nisa Vera EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-9781 Altar Servers: Alex Besel, (706) 855-9275 Lectors: Tom Dean, (706) 860-6946 Ushers/Greeters: Ron Shannon (706) 868-5960 Flowers Ministry: Fran Simpson Welcome Sunday: Adriana Gramer Editor: Lola Rivera (443) 223-1125

Simsic, Wayne, Living the Wisdom of St. Francis, Paulist Press; Mahwah, NJ, 2001, p. x. Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh, ParishVision Llc 2011 Visit

Welcome Sunday this Sunday!

Join us as we welcome the new families to our parish. Father Joseph will give his special blessing to the new families after the liturgy at the 10am Mass. Breakfast will be served at the Religious Education Complex, building 13. Ask for directions if you dont know how to get there. ALL are invited!!

Mens Retreat in February!

Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat is offering a Mens Retreat on February 17-19 to prepare for the coming season of Lent. The goal of this retreat is to make this Lent a more meaningful and fruitful experience. We will reflect on our spiritual life, the three traditional meetings with Jesus, the Lenten reception of the Sacrament of Penance and the expectation for a season of grace. Bishop David Foley will present this retreat. Our Parish will pay for 10 men interested in this retreat. A $35 deposit is required upon registration. The check will not be cashed if the registrant attends the retreat. The deadline to register is February 5th. Contact Lola Rivera to register:

Patron of Throat Illnesses in February

Many Catholics might remember Saint Blaise's feast day because of the Blessing of the Throats. Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessing is said. St. Blaises feast day is on February 3rd. Father Joseph will do two special Blessings of the Throats on this day at 8:45am (blessing only), and 11:30am (Mass and blessing).

Monday-Wednesday-Thursday: 11:30am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:30am and 10:00am PENANCE/RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00pm-4:45pm Sunday: 7:45am-8:15am and 9:30am-9:50am (also by appointment)

St. Michaels Chaplet Workshop

Would you like to make your own St. Michaels Chaplet? We will have a workshop to make handmade St. Michaels Chaplets on February 25th, from 10-Noon. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please sign up by February 12. The sign up sheet is placed in the activity room. Sign up is required for this workshop. This is a free workshop! Tools, beads and other required materials will be provided. Contact Lola Rivera if you have any question.

In this issue



Saint Michaels Catholic Community is a group of Catholic Christians associated with the Armed Forces under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Archdioceses for the Military Services served by the pastoral leadership of our priest(s), deacon(s), and religious. The community is dedicated to exemplifying Christian community by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through worship, service, and witness to the people of Fort Gordon and surrounding communities.


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Volunteer Wanted!
We are looking for volunteers to coordinate the following ministries: Evangelization Please, contact Lola Rivera if you are interested in coordinating this ministry, or if you need more information @

Collecting Surveys
St. Michaels is conducting a survey at this moment to rediscover this parish as a community of faith, grace, and service. Your input will help us improve our mission. Please visit our website to complete your survey. Your input is very important to us. Please contact the PLC if you need a copy of this survey, if you have not taken it yet, or to return your survey. Thanks for your continued support!


Volunteers Name Tags

All volunteers are asked to pick up their name tags in the Sacristy behind the door before each mass to wear during Mass. Please return name tags after Mass.

Village Houses
Village Houses used as Christmas decoration are available for the owners to pick up as soon as possible. They are on the table located in the hallway. Thank you!

February 17, 2012 @ 6PM

RE Complex, Building 13 Bring a dish to share


Honor Begins at Home...

Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson, and Shane Fuller are confident and focused. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.

LUNCH IS PROVIDED!!! Sign up today

While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God ... and to their children? Filled with action-packed police drama, COURAGEOUS is the fourth film from Sherwood Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. Viewers will once again find themselves laughing, crying, and cheering as they are challenged and inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children. Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That's courageous.

Families Wanted to Bring Up the Gifts at Mass

Our Parish is looking for families who would like to bring up the gifts at each mass. Please contact Ron Shannon if you are interested at

Choir Rehearsals
Choir practices are on Thursdays in Building 13, located in the Religious Education Complex. Children: 6:30-7:15pm Adults: 7:30-8:30pm Singers and musicians are welcomed! Contact Sonia Rivera at (706) 6270637

Access Parish updates, Council meetings minutes, current newsletters, and more

Catholic Radio
You can listen live Catholic programs that will be featured on Saint Paul Radio by going to their website: If you would like mor information or have questions, please contact Bernie Hulshof,

GRACE Scholars
Would you like to help a family receive a Catholic education at Aquinas High School, St. Mary on the Hill School or Immaculate Conception Catholic School? You can do this simply by redirecting some or all of what you owe in state income tax to GRACE Scholars. You make a donation and your tax bill is reduced by that amount! To see how easy it is visit or or call 706-736-5516 or email

Immaculate Conception Catholic School Opening House this Month

Immaculate Conception Catholic School will have an Open House on Tuesday, January 31st (9am-11am) and 5pm-7pm). Parents interested in enrolling their child for the 2012-2013 school year should plan to attend. You will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and teachers and take a tour of our campus. Our school offers a Catholic Education to students n grades PreK (3) through 8th grade. Visit our website, or call (706)722-9964 for additional information.

Knights of Columbus St. Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance
Make sure to attend the annual MCCW and Knights of Columbus St. Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance coming up at St. Michaels Hall, St. Joseph Church , Lumpkin Rd.

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Monthly Meeting Please know that our next meeting will be on Tuesday February 14, 2012 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social and the meeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight Al Larson if you have any question at Food Drive for Those in Need Help us collect TONS of food by donating food this month for those individuals and families less fortunate in the Augusta area! The Knights of Columbus are collecting non-perishable food items this month to donate to the Catholic Social Services. Please, place your donations in the collection box located in the social room. Contact the Grand Knight Allen Larson if you have any question. Thank you for your support and charity!

February 11th 6:30pm

More information will be coming out in the bulletin

Do you need a babysitter to attend the Valentines Day Dinner and Dance??
We can help you! Please, contact Tina Raby at as soon as possible to arrange this service. Remember that in order to use this service, your child needs to be registered in the CYSS. Please contact Tina Raby now to schedule babysitting service for this event, or if you need further information on requirements.

January 29th, 2012 at 10 AM Mass.
Youth are encouraged to do the readings, serve as Ushers, sing in the choir, and present the gifts during Mass. Please contact the Ministry Coordinator if you are interested in participating. We have choir practice on Thursdays at 6:30pm. Contact Nisa Vera if you have any question @

Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW)

February Monthly Program--Concert by the Augusta Youth Chorale Please join us this Thursday, February 2 for a concert by the Augusta Youth Chorale (AYC)! We will have Mass at 6:00 pm followed by sandwiches. The concert will start at 7:00 pm and is open to the entire parish as well as members of other faith communities. Desserts will follow the concert. Everything will be in the Bicentennial Chapel on Brainard Avenue. We will take an offering to support the AYC. Faith Study The MCCW faith study will not meet this Monday, January 30 due to our monthly program Thursday evening. St. Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance MCCW and the Knights of Columbus invite all members of the parish to the annual St. Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance on Saturday, February 11 at 6:30 pm at St. Michael's Hall at St. Joseph's Church on Lumpkin Road. Please contact Laura Pizzi at 706-6510688 or 706-799-2389 for more information. We Are Still Collecting Hygiene Items and Laundry Soap! We are still collecting hygiene items and laundry soap for Catholic Social Services, our designated charity. We have just found out that they have run out of many hygiene items and are desperate for donations. Please help by donating toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. and small bottles of laundry detergent. We will have a box in the back hallway where you can deposit your gifts. Thank you!!

CYM Monthly Meeting

Mark your calendar. Our monthly meeting is coming up! Join us on March 4th at 1300hrs (after CCD) in building 13 at the RE complex.

Winter Jam 2012 is coming to Augusta!

Where: James Brown Arena When: February 9th, 2012 @ 7pm Come on out with the St. Michael's CYM for a spectacular night of music, entertainment, and praise! Featuring bands such as Skillet, Newsong, Sanctus Real and more! Cost is only $10 at the door! For more information, vist, or contact Nisa Vera at

Altar Servers Training!!!

There will be Altar Server Training session on February 4th, from Noon - 1300 at Good Shepherd Chapel. All current and new servers must attend. For more information please contact Alex Besel at or (706) 855-9275.

PLCs Office Hours

The Parish Life Coordinator is available to assist you the following days: Mon thru Fri : 8am to 12pm. After hours assistance only by appointment at (706) 993-1816.

Pastoral Visitations
There is simply no place more appropriate than the home for pastors to interact with their parishioners in a personal manner. And this holds true whether such interaction is for the purpose of leading a person to Christ, reclaiming a lost soul, or offering support and guidance. For this reason, our Pastor, Father Joseph would like to start Pastoral Visitations to give parishioners the opportunity of meeting and knowing him. He would like to visit parishioners homes twice a week, so if you are interested in receiving the special visit of our Pastor, please contact the PLC Lola Rivera to schedule a Pastoral visitation @ (443)223-1125, or Father Joseph is looking forward to visit your home, talk and prayer with you and your family in earnestness and humility.

Private confessions at St. Michaels are available for you before Mass on Saturdays 4pm and Sundays at 8am in the confessional box located in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, but also face-to-face and by appointment at your convenience. Confessions are available in Spanish when Father Joseph celebrates mass.

Arrangements for marriage preparation should be made at least six months in advance of the proposed date. If there has been a prior marriage that has not been annulled by the Catholic Church, more time may be required. Participation in a marriage preparation workshop/program is required. Initially, all requests of information should be directed to the Catholic Pastor at (267) 243-5861.

New to our Parish?

Please take a minute and fill out our registration form. You can find these forms in the counter located in the social room. You may give the form to the Parish Life Coordinator, or to the chaplain assistant on duty. You can also download the form from our website if this is more convenient for you, and send it to Welcome!

In order to receive Baptism, parent(s) must be registered and attending Mass. Dates and times of Baptism can ONLY be set after registering for Pre-Baptism class, and talking with a Priest or Deacon. Contact the PLC if you need assistance.

Adoration on Wednesday
Join us for adoration this coming Wednesday at 18:30pm. We meet every week to spend and dedicate an hour in Eucharistic Adoration. This is a great way to increase your faith and help you with your prayer life.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA program is the process through which interested adults and older children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic doctrine and way of life. Contact the PLC if you need assistance.

Pastoral Counseling
Anyone wishing to see the Catholic Pastor for religious counseling issues may contact him at Initially, all requests of information should be directed to the Catholic Pastor at (267) 243-5861.

Anointing of the Sick

If you are in need of this sacrament, or if you are going to be hospitalized, please contact the Father Joseph (267) 243-5861

Wedding Anniversary & Marriage Vow Renewal

Send us an email if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary next month, We also encourage you to let us know if you would like to renew your marriage vows at Mass, at least two weeks in advance. Requests can be submitted at:

We will celebrate Fat Tuesday on 21 February at 6pm at the Religious Education Complex, Building 13. More information in upcoming bulletins.

Parish Council Meeting

St. Michaels Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 7th, 2012. The meeting will be at Good Shepherd Chapel (GSC), social room at 5:30 pm.

22 February, 2012

Pastoral Council

Services this day at 8:45am, 11:30am and 5:30 p.m.

A Christian Should Be Active in the Church

Christians are Indebted to the Faithful Believers
The difference between the household and family of God is similar to the difference between a person's immediate and extended family. All Christians everywhere are a part of the family of God, but for simplicity and understanding, the local church of faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ make up the household. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10) In this context, especially means most of all. Most of all, do good to the faithful believers. In the New Testament, each time the first and great commandment is quoted, it is accompanied by the second, which is You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Feelings cannot be commanded, so it must be understood that love is not a feeling or an emotion. Love is a decision. Next, it is necessary to understand who a neighbor is. Clue. It is not always the people next door or across the street. From studying context and usage, the neighbors to love most of all are fellow believers. The first time the second commandment comes up is in the context of various laws to govern social conduct within the community of God's people. You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord. You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:16-18) Within the Ten Commandments, (listed in both Exodus 20:3-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21) the last five are regarding actions against a neighbor, specifically the last two; don't bear false witness against him and don't covet his wife, house, property, servants or anything that belongs to him. God's Word still stands as the standard of excellence and a beacon to show believers the right way to live. God thought that it all needed repeating, so it pops up again and again, not only four times in the Gospels, but also in the church epistles. Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. Paul then lists the last five commandments, and concludes that they are all summed up in this saying, namely, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Romans 13:8-10) Love is owed. It is a perpetual debt or obligation to perform. Paul wrote that love among each other should be without hypocrisy, and John wrote to not just love in word only, just talk, but to love with deeds. God's Word is not burdensome because the doing of it always produces blessings and benefits. Simply, it is the right thing to do, and, by the way, it is commanded. The believer's duty to the household includes loving service, exemplified by Jesus. After washing His disciples' feet, Jesus said, If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. (John 13:14, 15) The word ought is the same as owe in Romans 13:8. Jesus was teaching them that they are obligated to serve each other. This is the debt of love, the believer's duty to the household. The first century church is still the best model. They stayed doctrinally unified with their leadership, and shared with each other what they were learning from God's Word. They got together for meals and prayed for each other, believing together for the blessings of God. They sold what they did not need and distributed the proceeds so that needs were met. This became a joyful and powerful lifestyle of fellowship. God was glorified and thousands of people were attracted to this new way of life, which was pure Christianity. John got the message. By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? (1 John 3:16, 17) This speaks loudly to Christians of today. Jesus said that people will recognize His disciples if they have love for one another. Those that show love to the household of believers not only illustrate the example of Jesus Christ, but also are a testimony to unbelievers. Jesus said Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Mass Intentions
If you would like to offer a Mass for the repose of the soul of a love one, or any other intention, you are encouraged to use one of our Mass cards from from the bulletin board located in the hallway next to the Sacristy.

Movie Review
Mission: Impossible:Ghost Protocol
By Joseph Muldering Catholic News Service NEW YORK (CNS) -- War Horse" (Disney) is director Steven Spielberg's epic screen version of Michael Morpurgo's 1982 novel, the stage adaptation of which has proved a critical and popular success both in London and on Broadway. Despite Morpurgo's tenure as the U.K.'s official children's laureate, though, Spielberg's vast canvas makes unsuitable viewing for kidsbecause of the intensity of the onscreen drama, the level of violence in scenes of World War I fighting and some of the vocabulary used in screenwriters Lee Hall and Richard Curtis' script. Mature audience members, on the other hand, will encounter a stirring affirmation of human solidarity amid the tragedy of the trenches. We first meet the thoroughbredwho eventually acquires the sobriquet Joeywhile he's in the auction pen of a small English town. There he sets off a bidding war between the local squire (David Thewlis) and one of his tenants, farmer Ted Narracott (Peter Mullan). Though he can neither afford nor use the animal, Ted stubbornly outbids his overbearing landlord just to thwart him. When Ted brings Joey home, his goodhearted but timid wife Rosie (Emily Watson) is appalled; his teenage son Albert (newcomer Jeremy Irvine), by contrast, is delighted. Albert insists that he can transform Joey into a working horse, capable of plowing the fields. Though he eventually does so, with the onset of the Great War, continuing economic pressures prompt Ted to sell Joey to Captain Nicholls (Tom Hiddleston), an army officer bound for the Western Front. This initiates a series of adventures and trials that are, by turns, touching and harrowing. The horrors to which Joey is subjected will likely make the substantial portion of the movie that follows a difficult slog for animal lovers, while those indifferent to our furry, feathered or hoofed friends will hardly be drawn to this tale in the first place. The film contains considerable combat and other violence, including an execution; about a half-dozen uses of crass language; and a few vague sexual references. The Catholic News Service classification is A-IIIadults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Retrieved from

Written by Pet Miller. Retrieved from

Be original, be fearless, stand out from the crowd. Come share your talents at St Michaelss Annual Valentines Day Dance.

Bring lots of energy, whatever your talent may be, singing, musician, dancer, magician, juggler, or comedian, come and participate in St. Michaels Got Talent contest. Please contact Laura Pizzi @ 706-651-0688/706-799-2389 by Jan 31, 2012.


Rachels Vineyard Ministry
Every New Year brings with it the promise of hope and change. So if you have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, depression, emotional or spiritual problems due to a past abortion know that you are not alone. The Rachels Vineyard Ministry is here to help with professional counseling, Post Abortion Healing Retreats and emotional support. The next retreat is scheduled for March 9-11, 2012 near Augusta, Ga. For additional information, please contact Stephanie May 912-201-4059 Complete confidentiality will be honored at all times. Why not make 2012 your year? There is help, hope, and healing waiting for you.

Breaking News!! Knight of Columbus Outreach Program By Grand Knight Al Larson

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization consisting of Catholic men, 18 years and older and in good standing with the church. One of their main principles is charity. For many years, the Knights have supported several local institutions through their hard work and dedication. One of these institutions is Catholic Social Services of Augusta. This past year, the Knights collected over 3,080 pounds of food to support the Catholic Social Services local chapter. 2, 687 of the total amount were donations from the Knights. St. Michaels Parish contributed to this outreach with 400 pounds thanks to the donations made from parishioners. In addition to this, the Knights provided 405 turkeys during Thanksgiving to help Father Josephs troops. The Knights still continue collecting a food drive all year around to support Catholic

Pro-Life Rosary
Join us to pray the Pro-life Rosary on February 1st at 6:00pm, right before adoration. Join us!

Pro-Life Mass & Rosary

For your information, there is a Mass the first Saturday of each month at Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 am followed by a ProLife Rosary at Preferred Health Center right after (approximately 10:15am). This activity is not organized by our parish, but you are invited to participate to support the Right to Life.

Adult Altar Servers Wanted

We are looking for adults altar servers to assist at Mass, specially at Saturday 5pm and Sunday 8:30am masses. Please, contact Alex Besel at if you are interested in becoming an altar server. This is a great opportunity to serve our Lord.

CCD Teachers Needed

We are currently looking for two CCD teachers to teach Pre-k and 6th grade students. You do not need experience in teaching, just the enthusiasm to teach our Catholic doctrine. Training, instructional books and guidance will be provided. Please, contact Sherry Wodicka today to help (706) 726-0651,

Abortion Alternatives
Birthright of Augusta (706) 733-LOVE Birthright national (1-800) 550-4900 Augusta Care Pregnancy Center (706) 724-3733

Post-Abortion Alternatives
Rachels Vineyard 1-877-HOPE-4-ME

IMPORTANT: When writing checks for our weekend collections, please make sure you write the check to CTOF.

Change of Address or moving?

Please advise the Parish Life Coordinator when you have any change of address or telephone number, or if you are moving away.

Lenten Recipes
Lent is a time of fasting. Many of us see Lent as time to fast, but also time to share with our love ones the prayers and psalms of this season. One more year, we ask our parishioners to share their Lenten recipes with the parish. Please submit them at

St. Michaels Lent Info

Ash Wednesday on March 9th Mass will be at 11:30am and 5pm. Stations of the Cross will be every Friday during Lent at 6pm followed by soup. Check our weekly bulletin for more information about upcoming activities.

Page 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

ADULTS PROGRAMS Coffee and Theology
Coffee and Theology is a religious education for adults that meets on Sundays at 11:30am at the RSO Bld. 29601. Contact Tom Dean (706) 860-6946 if you have any question.

Bible Study
St. Michaels Bible Study is on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the activity room. We are studying a Bible Study on the Books of Hebrews.

CCD Registration
CCD registration is open throughout the year. Please know that in order to receive the Holy Sacrament of First Communion or Confirmation, children need to attend Religious Education as required. Contact Sherry if you have questions.


We are in need of several Catechists and substitute teachers to help with the CCD program, grades Pre-K through High School. Co-Teachers and assistants are needed too!! Contact Sherry Wodicka @ or (706) 592-6478.

Januarys Calendar
Classes resume on January 8th. Classes: Feb 5, 12, and 26. NO Class on Feb 19th Feb 4th: First Communion Workshop Feb 5th: First Communion Penance Feb 26

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Religious Education Coordinator Office Hours

The Religious Education Coordinator is available to meet with parents for enrolling their children at the Religious Education Complex, building 7 the following days: Mon Wed- Fri : 9am to 12pm. After hours assistance only by appointment at or (706) 592-6478.

Weekend Masses Saturday 17:00 Sunday 08:30 & 10:00 Daily Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30 Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45 Reconciliation Saturday 16:00 Sunday 08:00 Rosary Saturday 16:30 Sunday 08:00 Communion (Sick/ Homebound): Father Joseph Lea Weddings Contact PLC Baptisms Contact PLC Liturgy Contact PLC Adoration Wednesday 18:30 Religious Education (RE) Sunday 11:30 (RSO and RE Complex)


Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their families and friends during their deployments. If your love one is one of them, or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or her name, so we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to CW2 Clarence W. Raby, III CPO Ron Amaya SrA James Varner SFC Nathan Varner Major John Curry L William Walker Major Jason Burris


Please pray for our expectant mothers and their babies. If you are a member of St. Michaels Parish and expecting a baby, or have a friend or relative who is a expecting a baby, please send us her name to add it to our list @ Kirsten Fontimayor Lamiaa Chamid


Please pray for our sick and their families. If you know of any parishioner who is sick or is hospitalized, please send us the name to add it to our list @

Deacon George Foster

Jose M. Megias-Gonzalez

Bulletin Announcements
Please know that all weekend announcements should be sent Sunday at 5pm to Announcements received after the deadline, they might not be announced.

Attendance: 410 Offering: $2,026.45

Pulpit Announcements
Please know that all weekend announcements should be sent by Friday noon to

February 2012
Daily Mass @ 11:30am Pro-Life Rosary, 6pm Adoration, 6:30pm Daily Mass @ 11:30am MCCW Meeting, 6pm Choir Rehearsal @ 6:30pm

2 3 Blessing of the Throat @ 8:45am and 11:30am. 4





First Communion Workshop @ 9am Altar Servers Training @ 11:30am

@11:30am Parish Council Meeting, 5:30pm Study of the Gospels @7:30pm Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm Daily Mass @ 11:30am hoir Rehearsal @ 6:30pm

7 History of the Church


Valentines Dance @ 6pm

CCD 11:30am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am First Communion and Penance @1pm

MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

History of the Church @11:30am Knights of Columbus Meeting,6:30pm Study of the Gospels Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm




Daily Mass @ 11:30am Choir Rehearsal @ 6:30pm

CCD 11:30am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

17 Family Movie Night at 6pm


History of the Church @11:30am Fat Tuesday, 6:00pm Study of the Gospels @7:30pm



Ash Wednesday, 8:45am, 11:30am. & 5:30pm Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

Daily Mass @ 11:30am Choir Rehearsal @ 6:30pm

Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am


24 25 Stations of the Cross at St. Michaels Chaplet 6:30pm Workshop @ 10am


CCD 11:30am


History of the Church @11:30am Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

Daily Mass @ 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

Youth Mass 10am Welcome Sunday, 10am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am Confirmation @ 1pm

MCCW Faith Study 9am Daily Mass, 11:30am Knitting Class, 12pm

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