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Dr. Sudhir V.

Shah This article was originally published in scientific index journal Gujarat Medical Journal - March 2001.


INTRODUCTION: Recently a historical and amazing incidence took place in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A gentleman called Shri Hira Ratan Manek(H.R.M.) aged 64 , a mechanical engineer residing at Calicut, originally belonging to Kutch., Gujarat, has just accomplished a remarkable record - a world record, by doing continuous fasting for 411 days, as per jain tradition, (i.e. taking only boiled water during daytime and just no other food or liquids). He had done similar jain fasting for 211 days in 1995-96. This time, he started fasting on 1.1.2000. The unique thing was, that this time he was under continuous day to day medical checking and elaborate medical testing - with a critical evaluation by a team of expert doctors, representing various fraternities of medical science including family physicians, physicians, cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, pathologists, genetician, radiologists, etc. Also from time to time several teams of physicists, chemists, biochemists, physiologists and several doctors from all different specialities from India as well as abroad have spent time to meet him, examine him. All of them have been impressed with the genuinity of fasting, but everybody is wondering how this has become possible. You will agree, that as per todays scientific knowledge, this is just not possible and it is extremely difficult to explain this happening, even if the man is taken as superman or genetically a different human being. We now know of about at least 200 people living without food, on this earth. The author of this hypothesis, was also part of the medical team and must have met and examined him several times during his unique fasting. The author also, like any scientist, had real sceptic behaviour towards this gentleman and had really taken this gentleman to toughest and most critical analytic check (keeping in a nursing home more than a month, isolating him in a cube, not allowing any of his relatives to stay with him, etc.) and all other doctors also had scrupulous checking. All of us are fully convinced about the genuinity and really are wonderstuck. Having satisfied fully with the genuinity, the team suddenly realized that the ball was inthe cot of doctors - as now they had to explain, how this gentleman could do this, and that too like a normal man he talks, moves around, meets people, gives lectures and talks intelligently and quite logically, i.e. all his systems are normal including cognition. Ultimately, the job was left to the author to try to hypothesize something. The author had accepted it. But he realized that he was in deep waters. It's one of the most difficult tasks he had ever had in the past. Really speaking, this is a subject of occultism and spiritual science, and hence our experimental science had natural limitations. So the author has tried to evolve a hypothesis, which starts with logic, then available scientific knowledge is applied and ultimately again logic leading to Speculative VISION is applied. Hence, he does not claim that things presented here are all the way scientific, but he assures you a great experience, opening up the dialogues and assures that you will have a chance to examine several fantastic possibilities. Who knows truth may unfold itself in coming years, from these possibilities. The author has already received several queries from internet, after floating it on the same. THE HYPOTHESIS This is indeed unique. You will agree that such a prolonged continuous Jain fasting for religious (Spread of Ahimsa and other high mottos) and scientific purposes (to create awarness about Sun-energy) and also aimed at solution of four way human crisis (Physical, Mental, food & neurological) under scrupulous daily medical supervision is unheard of. Its just fantastic, and absolutely amazing, but this is not a myth. It's not happening in Himalayas or distant jungles; it is happening in Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) in the continuous presence of public and under strict medical check and supervision by team of expert doctors. There is no reason to be sceptic; one may personally come and himself or herself check & scrutinize; as we doctors have done all these months and fellow men have been staying with him all throughout. Several visitors also see him throughout the day and night. Nobody ever had encountered even a doubtful situation. All of them have been

satisfied with the genuinity. Even he was kept in a nursing home for more than a month for a critical checking as well as medical tests. He has been isolated from his relatives who are staying at Calicut . He is kept in a two-room flat, which is totally devoid of any kind of food. Several doctors from India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad and abroad have from time to time examined and are unable to explain the scientific basis from current clinical knowledge, while declaring the genuinity of fasting. A team of medical doctors have supervised (medical examination as well as laboratory tests) throughout these fasting. This comprise of Dr. Sudhir Shah M.D.,D.M.(neuro), Dr. Nalin Gheewala M.D., Dr. Viresh Patel M.D., Dr. Navneet Shah M.D.(Physician and endocrinologist), Dr. K.K.Shah M.S. Gen.Surgery, Dr.Kalpesh Shah M.D.Radiologist, Dr. Gaurgey Sutaria Radiologist, Dr. Jayesh Sheth, Dr. P G. Shah, Dr. Prakash Doshi , (family physician) and several others. Today, it is 411th day of Shri Hira Ratan Manek's fasting. (on Dt. 14th Februry 2001) He started fasting from 1.1.2000. He is on total fasting as per Jainism. He is consuming only boiled water daily between 11 4 p.m. only and no other liquids and just no other food, No I\V or I\Minjections. Medical checkup commenced few days before fasting programme and is continued till today. It consists of daily written record of pulse, blood pressure, respiration, temperature, water intake, urine output, weight, etc. Relevant hematological and biochemical (basic and few advanced) tests are done periodically, i.e. monthly or fortnightly. ECGs are taken regularly. Ultra Sonography, EEG, CT.Scan and M.R.I. brain have been taken at the end of one year, and a team consisting of general practitioners, physicians, surgeons, Cardiologists, endocrinologist and a neurologist have been examining him regularly and periodically from first day of fasting. Except for loss of 19 Kg weight, (Which is now stable with no further weight loss for last 3 months) a slight reduction of pulse rate and B.P., and definite reduction of respiratory rate (from 18 to now 10/minute) amazingly, there is no other medical abnormality. Even the brain and mental capacities are absolutely normal. There are hardly any findings. He has stopped passing stool after 16th day of fasting and urine output is maintained at around 600 to 800 c.c. His bloodsugar is between 60 to 90. Rest of the parameters are all normal. Most surprisingly, he had himself climbed the famous Shatrunjay mountain (Palitana hill) on 4.4.01, on 401st day of his legendary fasting along with 500 fellowmen without anybodys help, within 1.5 Hrs. only. It is just amazing. Isn't it? But how do we hypothesize it ? How does science look at it? As per our present day scientific understanding, under normal circumstances of prolonged starvation, (under accidental situation or extraordinary situation) human being looses weight fast. First carbohydrate is utilized. Then ketones appear in urine in first week. Then proteins are burnt. Later fat are mobilized from body stores and used. Before that, the person becomes dull, lethargic and irritable, his logic and reasoning fails and vital parameters fall and within 8 to 10 weeks, as per science, the physical existence will be challenged. Here, there has been no such ill effect. How do we explain this ? How does his energy mathematics work? How he is still so intact with normal intellect, normal mental function? So far, there is no solid thesis (as this is the first event in the world, under medical supervision), there has to be some logical, scientific hypothesis. It explains quite a bit, but also leaves few questions unanswered, for all of us to further analyses. It also opens, at the same time, several new avenues for the coming time to work upon it. (e.g. issue of obesity, the possibility of cosmic energy, the functions of pineal gland) Here, we propose a hypothesis which has four basic steps to explain energy-metabolic mathematics.i.e. (1) Reducing calorie requirement by chronic adaptation. (2) Deriving basic energy from cosmic sources - chiefly, `sun energy'- solar energy. (3) Utilizing the energy in the efficient way and recycling the same in his own body. (4) Genetically or phenotypically a different body dis-position.

Let us discuss the proposition step by step. (1)Chronic Adaptation Syndrome: As the body and the mind adapts to chronic stress in a healthier way, as compared to acute stress, similarly body's adaptation must be different to chronic fasting (beyond 30 days) as compared to acute fasting (e.g. 3 to 15 days.) No body knows which is the exact point, where body adapts chronically, but 30 days sounds reasonable time though it may vary individually. This is some kind of hibernation. The routine calorie mathematics sounds logical and applicable to acute fasting where carbohydrates break up first, ketones appear in urine and weight loss starts; fat is burnt and muscle mass reduces and vital functions and mental capacity may start slowing down. Thus in acute fasting, energy dissipated must come from stored sources of body to match 1:1 ratio of calorie consumption against utilization. In chronic adaptation; the metabolism of body must slow down. The body needs are reduced to the minimum. This is possible by down regulation of cellular and receptor function, altering the energy metabolism to the lowest possible extent. Oxygen and water are supplied to cells as basic things. At this stage, the hunger centre will become depressed and satiety centre will be activated. So there will not be any feeling of hunger or food craving. Here hypothalamus(the master of automatic nervous system and the organ of behavior) plays an important role. It may be possible for such an individual to do routine activity with very low amount of energy or calories as 500600 calories, to sustain cellular metabolism. In truly hybernating animals and human beings, the energy need may go down further. Thus depending upon the activity of the individual, the energy must be provided. At the cellular level, mitochondria may play a vital role in energy storage by proliferation. Other organelles of the cell may also help in the process of chronic adaptation. (2) Deriving Energy from Cosmic Sources - Solar Energy: Whatever low amount of energy, that is required, must come from some source. He is only on boiled water - which as per science is having hardly any caloric value. Or does it really supply some energy? He doesnt take any type of food or liquids except boiled water. So to run the cellular metabolism and to perform daily activities, he must be deriving energy from surroundings. He is living on earth, where he is exposed to the Sun, Earth, Water, Plants and human beings and other living animals. These are the options available to him. We will call these, cosmic sources of energy. So most likely, he is drawing energy from these cosmic sources - cosmic energy. Hence more correctly it is energy mathematics rather than calorie mathematics; a concept worth understanding. Out of all cosmic sources, The SUN is the most powerful & readily available source & has been used for energy, by sages & rishis since ancient time, including lord Mahavir, Tibetan lamas & other Rishis. The solar energy has two components: the light and the heat. Mankind is also using solar energy for running solar cooker, solar heater, solar car through solar batteries etc. Similarly Shri Hira Ratan Manek (H.R.M.) has almost converted himself into a kind of a solar cooker and has solar batteries activated in himself. The solar energy has two components, the light and the heat (temperature). Luckily India has a rich potential to become superpower as we have a constant availability of solar energy, all throughout the year. How then SUN energy is received? The Brain & the mind are the most powerful recipients in human body. The retina & the pineal gland (The third eye or the seat of soul as per Rene Descartes) are equipped with photoreceptor cells & may be considered photosensitive organs. The method practiced by Shri Hira Ratan Manek: he suggests to look at the rising sun daily, with naked eye and without blinking the eyes, as far as possible. To look for a few seconds initially and then every week to increase by few few seconds to ultimately reach up to several minutes. Eyes and specially retina must be healthy.

As plant kingdom thrives on chlorophyll & photo synthesis, directly dependant on the Sun, similarly some kind of photosynthesisor photoanalysis must be taking place; when we hypothesize Sun energy .Through complex ways & distinct pathways this energy must enter the body. Is it a direct entry into the physical body, or it enters through auras of human body (please refer Karelian photography) is yet to be examined. It is quite possible that human aura plays a modulating role for allowing this energy into the physical body. There is a pathway from the retina, to the hypthalamus, called the retinohypothalamic tract. This brings information about the dark & light cycles to supra chiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. From the SCN, impulses along the nerve travel via the pineal nerve (Sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop (at night or in dark, when the light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus) pineal inhibition caeses, & melatonin is released. The pineal gland (or the third eye ) is therefore a photosensitive organ & an important timekeeper for the human body. The unexplored process of energy synthesis & transformation from the sun energy perhaps partly occurs here. While going through the details of recent scientific literature & also comparing it with ancient Indian spiritual texts, as well as Western occult & new age, following things are apparent. The activation of pineal gland is the key step in psychic, spiritual & energy transformation processes. Here, in this gland, energy processing & re-distribution might be taking place. Pineal gland is the subtle commander of all endocrine glands, therefore controlling the humoral system. Through secretion of melatonin, it also regulates the circadian rhythm, sleep wake cycle & it also slows down aging process. It has psychic properties & is the seat of soul or mind - so called the third eye. (Possibly that is why Tilak is done in the forehead - in front of pineal and yogis do meditation with closed eyes, concentrating in between two eyebrows. It is the Agna (Ajna) chakra of tantrik system. Its activation can be done with prolonged yoga & meditation techniques or through practice of solar energy. The later does not use classic yoga steps. As per recent research in animals; Pineal gland also inhibits growth & metastasis of some tumors. It has a stimulatory effect on the immune system. In birds & other animals, it has a magnetic material & is therefore the navigation centre in birds. Scientists are looking at magnetic, navigatory properties of pineal gland in humans. Further, through the secretion of serotonin, it is involved in psychic experiences, synaptic transmission and several unknown powerful occult powers. A lot of research is required to validate this, though some initial studies have already supported this view ,e.g. the chemical structure of LSD (a drug used for psychic experiences)is similar to serotonin. So pineal activation and charging through solar energy is the vital step & that is the doorway of energy highway. This may be kundlini shakti activation, in other words. Normal Pineal gland measures 6 x 8 mm in human body. As per C.T.Scan & MRI Scan reports of Mr.Hira Ratan Manek it is 8 x 11 mm. (enlarged!) This may indirectly support the important role of pineal gland in energy transformation. However it is not necessary that anatomic enlargement always reflects hyperfunction . The increased hormonal secretion i.e. melatonin and serotonin levels should also be measured. Even without anatomical enlargement, there can be hyperfunction. Then we should study the pineal size and hormonal level in all psychically and spiritually evolved people or all people with extraordinary capacities. Ever since mankind has started ignoring the psychically & Spiritually equipped pineal gland it has fallen on merely physical-material plane & therefore endless pains have fallen on the mankind. Mankind must now relearn to activate pineal & the other psychospiritual bodies either through cosmic energy dynamics or through practice of Rajyoga or the Tantrik ways or other such practices. (One can imagine that high voltage energy transmission through shaktipat as occasionally yogis do to transfer energy in to their esteem disciples may be utilizing pineal gland or similar bodies). Kundlini Shakti is said to be activated through these & happiness & bliss with peace are bound to follow.

This solar (light and heat) energy may be transformed into electrical, magnetic or chemical energies in body. Once processed, this energy must be transported & must be stored somewhere. Actually the ultimate form of all energies is light. Energy & light can be transformed into matter & back again to energy. Hypothalamus is the commander of autonomic nervous system & pineal gland is in proximity to hypothalamus and is connected to it through autonomic nerves. So it is logical that new energy transportation may either activate this system or it may use this system as vehicle. Parasympathetic nerves & its hormones & chemicals may be more useful than sympathetic system. As sympathetic system increases body needs (e.g. thinking, fighting stress, excitement etc.), parasympathetic system is known to reduce the energy needs. It keeps the person serene & at mental peace and alters the metabolic requirements to a lower state & puts it to sleep. We can also hypothesize that there may be other hormones, or chemicals too, involved in this complex energy transportation system. It is well known that pituitary and pineal glands are well connected through regulatory hormones and nerves. While pituitary gland expresses and controls physical body, we have seen that pineal expresses and controls mainly mental and spiritual bodies. Thus intricate balance and harmony between the two glands is very crucial point in the total (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) health or well-being of a human body, and it must be anyway achieved. The role of temporal lobe & limbic system also may be important. It may work as a regulator, if not receptor and may be psychically involved in directing the energy in proper pathways. Deep into the limbic systems or in the parts of medulla oblongata, this energy may ultimately be stored & from time to time, may be recalled, charged or recycled. Medulla oblongata has all vital centres & therefore can be proposed as store of vital energy. Thus there are energy receivers or receptors, processors, analyzers, modulators, transformers, transporters, stores (organ or bodies) etc. to explain the energy logistics. As this form of energy mathematics is different from what we conventionally are used to, in form of food & calorie mathematics; we will call this food as microfood or mind utilization food (ManobhakshiAahar). Here, we have discussed about the Sun energy, but one may learn to use any source from the cosmos, i.e. air, water, plants, earth, living humans, animals etc. This may be called Surya vigyan, but equally there is Chandra vigyan and Vanaspati vigyan as mentioned in our ancient texts. Also apart from the retina & the pineal gland, skin & other senses may also be responsible for receiving energies from these different sources. In short, this opens up tremendous possibilities, which will need a very sincere effort from us to crystallize and to practice it for welfare of mankind. This microfood can solve food crisis on earth, & in fact, is the only possible food in present context for somebody who wants to be a long-term space traveler or planet traveler. Amazing! It is time to note that our routine food is not the only source to sustain the body. The role of mind: Whatever said, in this step, (i.e. the Step 2 of deriving the energy from the sun & transforming it in body.) the mind may be playing the crucial role. It is well known that the mind has enormous capacity, (The soul has even further or infinite capabilities). Through Sun Tratak & Meditation, tremendous capacities are attained, which will bring tranquility to mind and also slow down metabolism, as mentioned in step 1. Mind can do everything including so called miracles. It can revitalize body, it can heal diseases, it can know things in advance & it can manipulate laws of physics. The phenomena of telepathy, reading somebodys thoughts, teleporting the things, bending the items, all are very well known examples of human mind capacities. If a strong mind decides to do unusual fasting, it can certainly do. It is unclear till this date whether mind is a separate entity or the pineal gland it self. According to some, each cell has mind and thus in other words mind is a diffuse electromagnetic and biochemical continuous process. And one thing is clear, that out of all body organ, mind has a direct access to cosmic energy. Our mind is an invagination or outpouching of cosmic mind and cosmic energy, and pineal in that case would be the knob-important hub of the mind. The faith & blessings from Yogis & Gurus have their own roles in sustaining oneself in adverse situations. On religious days, under high spirits & a cultivated atmosphere, a few people surprisingly do unusual things; like

walking on fire, or piercing pointed swords through their bodies without damaging themselves. On similar lines, if someone does fasting, these blessings and faith may help to pull one through the period of physiological problems; till one enters chronic adaptation phase. (3) Energy Economy in Efficient Ways and Re-cycling the Energy in His Own Body:

Those, who are chronically deprived of energy, learn to utilize the available energy in more efficient ways - so that even at the low energy state body metabolism and vital functions including nervous system do not suffer. This is quite logical & one can imagine this happening in the individuals caught in natural calamities, or those left alone in the sea or survivors of high altitudes after plane crash etc... managing to live for several days or weeks, without food. Also, one can hypothesize that these people may be recycling the energy in their own bodies. This may be done, through complex mechanisms, involving neural & humoral organs. Solar energy, dissipated through body may get absorbed into the earth & while walking barefooted on the soil, standing in the sun, may help absorbing this energy through skin of toes, sole of feet; as Shri Hira Ratan Manek does regularly & always preaches to do so to recycle the energy. This may be related to the principles of acupressure or reflexology. (4) Genotypically or Phenotypically a Different Body Predisposition: We should also examine this aspect carefully, as this leaves scope for an important discussion - whether each & every individual can use sun energy & if so, how efficiently? Only time can answer this. But it is possible that each individual has a different genetic code and also each body has different physical capabilities. Hence, one may be able to receive this Solar energy more readily, can transform & store it in a better way & also can utilize more efficiently & even recycle it - while other person may not be able to do it to the same extent. Hence, scientific experiments must be taken up, if possible on a randomized base upon volunteers with control population. However, leaving such study aside for the time being, is possible that many people can do this experiment very successfully under supervision. Prior body Checkup & particularly retinal-ophthalmic checkup is mandatory and under strict medical guidance, a graded time bound experiment upon volunteers may be taken up. Other possibility is that, we can use gene-cloning technique. By preserving the celline of Shri Hira Ratan Manek, we can clone him or use his gene for gene transfer therapy. Whatever we do; use cloning or train the whole mankind, it can change the destiny of mankind. First of all, the food crisis will be solved. Through activation of this supreme energy in body & transforming it in electrical, chemical & magnetic forms, person can not only enjoy a state free of diseases but can gain positive health with a vibrant aura. His luster can impress even enemies & enmity may dissolve. His psychological disease can disappear. With improvement of mental & intellectual capacities one may be able to use brain power up to 90 to 100 %, as against to 3 - 10% as we normally do. There will be reign of peace & prosperity. As there is no food, the bad thoughts and ill feelings will be stopped, so eternal peace is bound to follow. This will also question the routine calorie mathematics. This challenges the common calorie based science. Its limitations are highlighted. At the same time the complex issues of obesity & malnutrition can be readily explained through the concept of solar and cosmic energy. It is possible that obese people, though not eating excess food, still receive energy from cosmic sources, unknowingly explaining their obesity.

The concept of cosmic energy can be used thus for total uplift of mankind at physical mental, intellectual, emotional & spiritual levels. It has tremendous applications. One can utilize it, the way he can. Extensive scientific research work therefore should be immediately taken up, by appropriate authorities, including bioscientists & medical personnel, to answer all these issues. Awareness of all human beings must be created simultaneously and all those who are interested should work on this highly potential and fascinating project, of cosmic energy as well as potentialities of the pineal gland and other related issues discussed in these pages. Ref. case study of Mr. Hira Ratan Manek : 411 day fast :completed on 14.02.2001 and parna was done on 15.02.2001 in presence of about a lakh people with graceful presence of jain sadhus, several Hindu saints, H.E. the Governor of Gujarat, respected Mayor of Ahmedabad and several other highly placed people.
* Dr.Sudhir V. Shah M.D., D.M. Neurophysician 206-8, Sangini Complex, Nr. Parimal Crossing, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-380 006. Ph. : (c) 079-646 70 52 (R) 079-662 17 42. Hon. Neurologist : H.E. The Governor of Gujarat, India. President : Asso. of Physician of A'bad. (97-98) Hon. Asst.Prof. of neurology : Sheth K.M School of PGMR Smt. N.H.L. M.M College Hon. Neurologist : V.S.Hospital, Ahmedabad. Jivraj Mehta Smarak Hospital I acknowledge suggestions & help received for this hypothesis... From : (1) Dr. Navneet Shah M.D. FICA (U.S.A.) PhysicianEndocrinologist (C) 6425566. (2) Dr. Gargey Sutaria (M.D.) & Dr. Kalpesh Shah (M.D.)Radiologist Usmanpura C.T.Scan Centre. Clinical Assistant: Dr. Nalin Gheewala M.D. Physician. Dr. K.K. Shah M.S. Surgeon. Dr. Viresh Patel M.D. Physician. Dr. P.G.Shah M.B.B.S. Family Physician. Dr. P.D.Doshi M.B.B.S. Family Physician. Vincent J. Daczynski

Prahlad Jani - Unexplained Mysteries. No Food or Fluids for 65 Years

"I feel no need for food and water," states Prahlad Jani, a seventy-six year old Indian ascetic who lives in a cave near the Ambaji temple in the state of Gujarat. Mr. Jani claims that he has not had food or fluids to drink for the last sixty-five years. At the age of seven years he left home in search of spiritual unfoldment. Jani states that at the age of eleven years he was blessed by a goddess. He claims that since that blessing he has gained his sustenance from nectar that filters down through a hole in his palate, and has not passed urine or stools since then. Mr. Jani explained, "I get the elixir of life from the hole in my palate, which enables me to go without food and water." Almost daily Mr. Jani enters a state of Samadhi characterized by extreme bliss and enormous light and strength. He says that he has never experienced medical problems. He says that he did not speak for a period of forty-five years. In November 2003, after over a year of coaxing, Prahlad Jani was finally persuaded to participate in a scientific research study. A medical research team of twenty-one specialists, headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah, had Prahlad Jani under twenty-four hours of observation for ten days at the Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad. The team's research expertise included cardiology, neurology, urology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, renal function, pulmonary function, ENT analysis, psychiatry, general medicine, and other specialities. A series of investigations were done on Mr. Jani in each of these areas according to a pre-determined protocol, and additional tests were carried out as per

suggestions of the team. At the conclusion of their intensive investigations the team's doctors were left with an unexplained mystery, unable to disprove Prahlad Jani claims. Prahlad Jani was initially kept in ICU for the first twenty-four hours. For the next nine days he was kept in a specially prepared room with a sealed-off toilet and a glass door. The room was also equipped with video surveillance to continuously monitor Prahlad Jani. Additionally, staff persons were assigned to stay in the same room with Prahlad Jani round-the-clock to make sure that he did not eat, drink, or pass urine or stool. To assure researchers of no possible intake of water, Prahlad Jani agreed he would not bathe during the medical investigation. Prahlad Jani was permitted a small measured quantity of water to use as a mouthwash. He then spat the water into a beaker to verify that none had been drunk. An ultrasound, which was made of Mr. Jani's bladder twice daily, indicated that there was urine accumulation, which subsequently decreased on its own without passing. At the end of the ten days of observation, the team of doctors verified that Prahlad Jani had not taken food or drank fluids. (The average person cannot survive without water for more than four days.) The team concluded that Mr. Jani's health had not deteriorated during this study. Also, according to the hospital's deputy superintendent, Dr. Dinesh Desai, "A series of tests conducted on him show his body mechanism is that of a normal person." Prahlad Jani's survival without food or fluids remains one of those unexplained mysteries. The following are excerpts from the research team's concluding report: 1. The protocol was strictly adhered to. 2. Mr. Jani had not passed or dribbled urine during these 10 days. 3. He has not taken anything by mouth or by any other routes not even water for 10 days. 4. All his parameters remained within the range determined by the committee. 5. He has shown evidence of formation of urine, which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall. However, at present the committee does not have any scientific explanation for the same but the help of senior scientists and medical personnel of the country is being taken for the same. We are surprised as to how he has survived despite above particularly without passing urine for 10 days and remaining generally physically fit. However, it should be made very clear that we have confirmed the claim over 10 days only and we as scientists and responsible doctors cannot say anything regarding validity of the claim of his sustaining without food, drinks, urination and excretion of stools over several years. Dr. Sudhir V. Shah (Consultant Neurophysician, Sterling Hospital/Associate professor of neurology at K. M. School of PGMR, Ahmedabad) headed the research panel of doctors who performed this study. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Sudhir V. Shah for providing the Case Summary of this study along with the photos of Mr. Jani. To view the Case Summary of Mr. Jani in its entirety please go to: P. Jani Medical Report. Another similar research study, also headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah at Sterling Hospital, was conducted on Hira Ratan Manek. Mr. Manek claimed not to have eaten since 1995. Mr. Manek was kept under scientific observation round-the-clock for 411 continuous days. During this time Mr. Manek subsisted only on boiled water. This study also left researchers baffled. Dr. Sudhir V. Shah kindly provided a copy of his article about this study which was published in Gujarat Medical Journal March 2001. To view this report online please see: Mr. Manek Medical Report.

Youthful at Age 85 Vincent J. Daczynski

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Sri Tat Wale Baba Youthful at Age 85.

It was March 30, 1969. I was at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram, attending a course to become a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program. The ashram was located on a hill overlooking the Ganges, just about a kilometer below the retreat of Tat Wale Baba. News quickly spread that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had invited "the wise man of the mountains," Tat Wale Baba, to come visit us that afternoon. By mid-afternoon several ochre-robed men made their way toward the lecture hall. Along with them was Tat Wale Baba, a muscular golden-brown-skinned Adonis. Also walking along with them were Maharishis course participants. Tat Wale Baba's features were much like that of an American Indian. He was naked except for an ochre loin cloth which was held around his waist with a brass chain. His black braided hair flowed down his back and was so long that, were it not carried by an attendant, it would have trailed along the ground. He exuded a radiant aura as he took a majestic cross-legged position on a small platform that was covered with a deerskin. Maharishi and the others took their seats and we all waited anxiously to hear Sri Tat Wale Baba speak. Tat Wale Baba began his discourse in unstrained, forceful Hindi, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi translated. As he spoke I saw a dynamic, youthful man who appeared no older than in his mid-thirties, yet he was said to be about 120 years old. The exact date of Tat Wale Baba's birth is not known. Tat Wale Baba was born of spiritual parents who were middle-class farmers in Punjab, India. Tat Wale Baba received little formal education, spending most of his early childhood assisting his parents with farm work. At about the age of eight or nine years Tat Wale Baba's innate spiritual nature led him to begin meditating. This he did ardently whenever time permitted between chores. As he grew into his teenage years Tat Wale Baba took on a mesomorphic stature. Because of his physical prowess his friends encouraged him to join the Army, which he did. He did not like military life. Therefore, after just two months of military service he left and sought the reclusive, sadhu life-style for himself. His search for a guru to guide him was fulfilled when he met Sri Jagannath Dasji at Ayodhya. This guru named him Sri Mahavir Dash Ji. However, later, when Tat Wale Baba started wearing jute people called him Tat Wale, meaning "one who wears jute." The sobriquet stuck. Tat Wale Baba lived at the ashram with his guru for about three months during which time he was initiated into Raja Yoga. He then left in search of a reclusive retreat for himself. He was intutively led to Manikut mountain where he came upon an old, emaciated man with very long gata (hair) living in a secluded cave. Tat Wale Baba approached the man and was invited to sit and talk. At the conclusion of their talk the old man left saying that his time was finished, and that he was going to the Himalayas to take mahasamadhi. He left the cave for Tat Wale Baba to occupy. The cave was conveniently located near a fresh water spring. Tat Wale Baba lived off kandamulo leaves and roots, and fruits he found in the ambient forest. He preferred spending time in long meditations instead of doing asanas. His schedule of meditating was from 2:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. From 10:00 a.m. until noon he would eat and rest. Then, from noon until 4:00 p.m. he would again meditate. He would exercise for about two hours, until 6:00 p.m. For exercise he usually took long walks of about ten kilometers, collected firewood, and worked hard at expanding the dimensions of his cave. People coming into the forest to gather leaves and sticks for sale in Rishikesh occasionally spotted Tat Wale Baba emerging from his retreat. Word soon spread that a yogi was taking long periods of silence in a cave. As a result, pilgrims began to come by the hundreds to try to visit Tat Wale Baba. Because of the demand for his time he altered his schedule to include some visitor time.

Tat Wale Baba had a cobra for a pet. He regularly fed it milk from a cup. The cobra liked to stay in the cave where Tat Wale Baba meditated. Tat Wale Baba is said to have contacted the King of the Cobras and asked that no cobra harm any of the people passing through the nearby jungle foothills. It is said that there have been no accounts of people being bitten by cobras in the area since then. Tat Wale Baba was credited with performing miracles. There were three couples that could not bear children. Each couple came to see Tat Wale Baba, and from his blessings each had a child born to them. He also gave pilgrims darshan, performed healings, and gave spiritual guidance. Further, Tat Wale Baba predicted his own death. He said that he would be shot to death. He said that a rogue, who was very jealous of him, and living nearby in the forest, would sneak up and shoot him in the back. He told this to his closest disciple on June 22, 1971, several years before he took his mahasamadhi. Also, just two days before he was shot, Tat Wale Baba reminded his disciple of this prediction. On December 2, 1974, as he went to take his bath at 4:00 a.m., Sri Tat Wale Baba was murdered by a crazy gunman. He was killed by a man operating a small ashram near Tat Wale Babas cave. No known records exist of Tat Wale Babas age. However, a man who was a classmate of Tat Wale Baba's in elementary school, and who had seen Tat Wale Baba later in life, commented that Tat Wale Baba had stopped aging when he was about thirty-five years old. By assuming that Tat Wale Baba was of equal age as this classmate, Tat Wale Baba's year of birth was about 1890. That would place Tat Wale Baba's age at about eighty-five years when he was killed. Had he not been killed perhaps he would have lived to his rumored age of 120. What gave Tat Wale Baba his youthfulness and stopped his aging at mid-life? Perhaps research done on long-term meditators provides a hint. According to a study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience 16 (1): 5358, 1982, the longer people had been meditating the lower their biological age became as compared with their chronological age (as measured by blood pressure, and visual and auditory performance). As a group, long-term meditators who had been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for more than 5 years were physiologically 12 years younger than their chronological age. Short-term Transcendental Meditators were physiologically 5 years younger than their chronological age. The study controlled for the effects of diet and exercise. Another study, which researched elderly meditators, was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57(6): 950-964, (1989). It reported that people in their eighties showed a marked improvement rather than deterioration in their mental and physical health and well-being over a three year period of practicing Transcendental Meditation. Benefits for the meditating elderly included: reversal of aging; increased longevity; increased cognitive flexibility (including increased learning ability and greater perceptual flexibility); increased word fluency; improvements in self-reported measures of behavioral flexibility and aging; greater sense of well-being; improved mental health; and reduction of blood pressure to more ideal levels. Since Tat Wale Baba was an advanced meditator who spent most of his time in extended deep meditation, this may explain how he retained his youthfulness.
(This Chapter was excerpted from the free online photo biography about Sri Tat Wale Baba. To read the complete story about one of Indians greatest yogis please visit Tat Wale Baba.)

Note: Swami Shankardasji is the caretaker of the Tat Wale Baba ashram. He asks that if anyone has a voice recording of Tat Wale Baba to kindly mail him a copy: Swami Shankardasji Sri Tat Wale Baba Ashram Bhut Nath Gufa Post Swargashram Rishikesh 249304 Upprakand, India

Amazing Longevity Devraha Baba -250+ Years Old

Vincent J. Daczynski (mouseover to enlarge) Longevity Miracle - Devraha Baba at 250+ Years Old.

"And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died," from Genesis 5:5. According to the Bible subsequent progeny lived for hundreds of years, with some in excess of nine hundred years. Are biblical references to a long life span allegorical or statistical facts? Todays human with an average life span under eighty years may have difficulty comprehending how a human could live so long. But, perhaps a life span into the hundreds of years is not that far-fetched. What if sometime in the future medical science was able to eliminate most diseases, what then would cause people to die? Accidents and wars aside, how old could old age be? How long could the life span of a human be? Hundreds of years? Why not? Much research has been done and is being done on aging and how to prevent it. Some observations and theories have evolved. One observation has been that animals with a slow metabolism tend to live longer than animals with a fast metabolism. Shrews, for example, have a fast metabolism. They live only a year or two. Turtles have a slow metabolism. The giant tortoise lives nearly 200 years. Studies done on meditators have proven that metabolism slows down during meditation; heart rate and breathing slows down. Results of a study measuring the physiological differences between subjects practicing Transcendental Meditation and just simply taking rest were reported in American Psychologist 42: 879881, 1987. The article stated that Transcendental Meditation produced a significant increase in basal skin resistance compared to eyes-closed rest, indicating profound relaxation. Deep rest and relaxation were also indicated by greater decreases in respiration rates and plasma lactate levels compared to ordinary rest. The implication is that practicing meditation may extend one's life span. Another theory suggests that hormones play a role in the aging process. In 1989, at Veterans Administration hospitals in Milwaukee and Chicago, a study indicated that a growth hormone produced in the pituitary gland plays a critical part in aging. As one ages, production of the growth hormone declines. Injections of a synthetic version of the growth hormone were given to a small group of men aged 60 and over. There was a dramatic reversal of some signs of aging. The injections increased muscle mass, reduced excess fat, and thickened skin. But, when the injections stopped, the men's new strength decreased and signs of aging returned. Also, older people have reduced levels of estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, thymosin, and DHEA; reductions of which also have an effect on aging. Still another theory of aging is the free-radical theory. According to this theory, free radicals, which occur during the natural course of metabolism, also act randomly and indiscriminately to damage cell components. Free radicals are chemical compounds that possess one or more unshared electrons as part of their structural configurations. To become stable they aggressively seek out another electron with which to pair. In so doing they attack molecules, such as lipids, proteins and DNA which make up the cell's membrane. Cells have an internal defense system of creating antioxidants to fight against the harmful effects of free radicals. However, their defense mechanism is insufficient to prevent the damage caused by the actions of free radicals over a cell's lifetime. This cumulative cellular damage may contribute to the aging process. Pharmacologists demonstrated that by augmenting the cell's antioxidant defenses with certain synthetic enzymes they were able to reduce the action of free radicals, and thereby lessen cellular damage that the free radicals caused. By administering synthetic enzymes to worms the pharmacologists were able to extend the average life span of worms by 44%. Using this same pharmacological intervention on humans may lengthen the human life span as well. Caloric restriction is another approach scientists have discovered which extends longevity. Researchers studied the effects of reducing food intake by 30% to 70% on a variety of life forms, from yeast to mammals. The researchers found that they were able to increase the life span of various creatures up to 40%. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology studied yeast and found that when the energy of a cell drops off (which occurs under

conditions of caloric restriction) an enzyme called Sir2 is activated. When activated, Sir2 causes a cell's genes within its chromosomes to be silenced. This reduces the production of extrachromosomal DNA circles, or Ecs. Ecs are toxic to cells and decrease longevity in yeast; they self-replicate, accumulate, and compete with the yeast's genome for vital enzymes and other cellular materials. For this reason reducing Ecs results in extending the life span of yeast. Since Sir2 has been found in humans, the research findings on yeast appear to be applicable to the human aging process as well. What if a person does not eat at all, but is able to switch his body metabolism into living directly off of sunshine, can he prolong his life? Recent studies made on behalf of NASA, as well as other prior scientific research studies, have proven that humans can live without food. They do not understand why or how, only that it is possible for humans to do so. One such recorded case is of Giri Bala, a woman who had not eaten for 56 years. Here is a dialogue between of Paramahansa Yogananda and Giri Bala, excerpted from Yogananda's book, Autobiography of a Yogi. "Are you never tempted to eat?" "If I felt a craving for food, I would have to eat." Simply yet regally she stated this axiomatic truth, one known too well by a world revolving around three meals a day! "But you do eat something!" My tone held a note of remonstrance. "Of course!" She smiled in swift understanding. "Your nourishment derives from the finer energies of the air and sunlight, and from the cosmic power which recharges your body through the medulla oblongata" "Mother," I asked, "why don't you teach others the method of living without food?" My ambitious hopes for the world's starving millions were quickly shattered. "No." She shook her head. "I was strictly commanded by my guru not to divulge the secret. It is not his wish to tamper with God's drama of creation. The farmers would not thank me if I taught many people to live without eating! The luscious fruits would lie uselessly on the ground. It appears that misery, starvation, and disease are whips of our karma which ultimately drive us to seek the true meaning of life." "Mother," I said slowly, "what is the use of your having been singled out to live without eating?" "To prove that man is Spirit." Her face lit with wisdom. "To demonstrate that by divine advancement he can gradually learn to live by the Eternal Light and not by food." Yogananda's book also refers to Christian saints not taking food. It states, Among Christian Saints who lived without eating may be mentioned St. Lidwina of Schiedam, Blessed Elizabeth of Rent, St. Catherine of Siena, Dominica Lazarri, Blessed Angela of Feligno, and the 19th century Louise Lateau. St. Nicholas of Flue (Bruder Klaus, the 15th century hermit whose impassioned plea for union saved the Swiss Confederation) was an abstainer from food for twenty years. If a person were able to draw his required energy from cosmic sources he would eliminate the toxic fallout (free radicals and Ecs) that occurs from eating food, and this would help him prolong his life span. And, if the person practiced meditation and lived a relaxed lifestyle (thus lowering his metabolism), and also practiced yoga postures

(stimulating his endocrine system), his life span would surely be prolonged. Taking these three factors together, it should be possible for a person living such a lifestyle to extend his life span dramatically. An Indian saint named Devraha Baba, who passed away in 1989, was a yogi who lived just such a lifestyle. Devraha Baba was from the spiritual heritage of the Avatar Ramanandacharya, and lived beside the Yamuna river in Mathura. He lived on a 12-foot-high wooden platform where he usually remained stark naked. He never ate food. He only drank water from the Yamuna river. He claimed he could be in two places simultaneously (a siddhi described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras). He was observed to have stayed underwater unaided for half an hour. He always radiated love. He was a Premaswarupa, an incarnation of love. He gave darshan (spiritual blessing) to devotees who came to pay homage. Many came to visit this great illustrious saint. People came from all over India and from all walks of life. He was a favorite among India's senior politicians, and was visited by Mrs. Indira and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. Ministers, saints, yogis, priests, rich and poor all came for Baba's darshan. It was rumored that Devraha Baba claimed that he had lived for over 700 years. Until I can substantiate this rumor I need to consider it just a rumor. Nevertheless, I make mention of this rumor because Devraha Baba's family tree records place his age to be at least 250 years when he took mahasamadhi (relinquished his body) in 1989. If he was able to live to be 250, then it is possible that he lived for 700 years as well. Baba was called, "The Ageless Yogi." Devraha Baba gained mastery over the khecheri state of yoga whereby he was able to control his hunger and the time of his death. Dr. Rajendra Prashad, who was the first president of India, verified Devraha Baba's old age. He said that he personally attests to Devraha Baba being at least 150 years old. He said that when he was 73 years old, his father took him to see Baba, who was a very old man, and that his father already had known Baba for many years before that. An Allahabad High Court Barrister had stated that seven generations of his family had sat at the feet of Devraha Baba. Incidentally, Devraha Baba had predicted the time of his death five years in advance. Since Giri Bala's interview with Yogananda, the world has undergone an exponential awakening in consciousness and science. The ancient teachings of the Rishis, which heretofore have been kept secret and only shared with the closest of disciples, now are readily available to everyone. As more people begin meditation practices and learn to tap their inner cosmic energies, and as medical science moves towards eradicating all diseases, it is conceivable that the human life span will be extended by decades if not by centuries.

Hira Ratan Manek Times of India | 30 Dec. 2000

Endocrinologist's update- July 13, 2001 By A Staff Reporter: AHMEDABAD: Can the human body turn into a photovoltaic cell and covert the rays of the sun into energy? Sixty-four-year-old retired mechanical engineer Hira Ratan Manek claims it can. For the past 364 days, he claims he has not swallowed a single morsel of solid, living only on some boiled water and the star closest from the earth. "We humans live primarily on secondary solar energy as the plants which we consume depend heavily on the sun to grow," Manek, a Kutchi living in Coimbatore, says. "All you need to do is learn to absorb from the primary source of solar energy." To ensure that Manek's story does not sound like a fairy tale, there are an array of doctors from the Health Care International Multitherapy Institute and the Jain Doctors Association who have been monitoring his health from two days before the fast started, which will last up to February 15 to complete 411 days. The method of becoming a solar cooker is quite simple. According to Manek, you start by looking straight into the rising morning sun for only a few seconds. Slowly you increase the time to minutes reaching up to 30 to 35 minutes. "If you do it gradually, your eyes will not be damaged and help in charging your brain with solar energy."

Manek adds that once you go above 15 minutes, your desire for food slowly diminishes. "It is victory over hunger, not its suppression." At 30 to 35 minutes, the human brain starts developing the capacity to store solar energy. "All you need to do is take a walk barefoot for about 40 to 45 minutes in the sun everyday to recharge the energy." Claims Manek, "Only through this process can man achieve complete freedom or Moksha. You rid yourself from physical and psychological ailments. Psychosomatic ailments out of stress become a distant dream. But more importantly you develop a corona of energy around you. As this energy field becomes stronger, diseases don't harm you. Even your worst enemy will become harmless." Eminent neuro-physician Sudhir Shah, who has been monitoring Manek's health with a team of doctors, says, "What we have is not 100 per cent science, but hypothesis. However, we believe that this is a chronic case of adaptation syndrome where the body reduces its demand for energy after 16 to 30 days of fasting. This is done by downing the regulation of receptors." Shah does not rule out the possibility that the temporal lobe in the human brain, which is believed to control parapsychic activity like the sixth sense, may have been activated due to this process. All other parts of the brain including the hypothalamus, the pituitary glands and the medulla oblongata have shown no signs of changing. For Manek, a Shwetambar Jain, the fast has both religious and scientific connotations. "All this search for a microchip to insert in the human brain to store loads of information and increase memory is ridiculous," he says. "We don't even use 10 per cent of it. But once charged, its capacity is increase manifold. In fact, enlightenment in spiritual terms is nothing but 100 per cent use of the brain!" Hira Ratan Manek a 63 year old mechanical engineer and a Gujarati businessman, who has done fasting for 211 days during 19th June 1995 to 15th Jan 96, has started yet another fast for 411 days from 1st January 2000. Hira Ratan Manek is following the jain way of fasting and he takes only water after sunrise & before sunset from 1st January - 2000.He became famous during 1996 when he started a fast for 211 days with only water. The fast which he started was aiming to the prosperity of the world ended in the Jain temple situated in the Gujarat. The medical team is led by HealthCare International Multitherapy Institute & Jain Doctors Federation jointly. It is fully supported by Jain Yuvak Mahasangh President Dr. Jitubhai Shah. "We came to know about his fasting of 211 days through Dr. Laxmiben Khona and Chandrahas Khona of Ahmedabad & so we invited him in our conference to explain his aim of fasting and his feeling during fasting." Said Dr. P.G.Shah the president of Health Care International Multitherapy Institute who organised the above conference. He informed that during the First International conference on Multiple Healing Systems which was held at Ahmedabad during 4-6 December 1998, Hirabhai declared that he will be on fasting form 1st January 2000." "Earlier, he was used to do small fasts which leads 10 to 20 days. But, when he completed the 211 days fast, his weight was reduced by 41 kg. and the Sugar level (Glucose) was lowered to 43. Medical Science says that when the glucose level of a human being decreasing below 50, then the situation becomes dangerous, even though in his case nothing has append." Said Dr. P.D.Doshi the secretary of Health Care International Multitherapy Institute. Hirabhai was ready to go for continuous medical checkup during his fasting from 1st January 2000 onwards. So we took up the challenge and asked him to stay at Ahmedabad during this period He agreed for the same so now we are doing medical check up jointly with Jain Doctors Federation. "After the successful completion of the fast, he was living with 9 types of liquids only. Food and fruits were totally avoided. Subsequently he started dropping liquids one by one and from 1st January 2000 he is on fasting. He is not taking anything except water. This water will be taken only after boiling and that too from sunrise to sunset.

He, who is also a member of the Solar Energy Society of India, has been proved that human being can live depending on Solar Energy months together without taking any other food. He has completed 100 fasts on 9th April and he would like to study the importance of the solar Energy in the human Body. "Fasting is a method of curing the meditation of mind and body which has been proved by great jain monks, sanyasis and munis of ancient times. There is a need to propagate these methods during this age of increasing diseases of the body and mind due to overconsumptions and increasing with fasting would help maintain perfection. Says Dr. K.K.Shah the past president of Indian Medical Association and the present president of Jain Doctors Federation. Hirabhai has completed 166 fasts on 14th June 2000 and we are very much satisfied with his health Initially his weight was 77 kgm which has now reduced up to 62kgm. All other parameters are normal. We are keeping daily record of pulse, temp, blood pressure, water intake, urine output, weight, hours of sleep etc. Blood & Urine examination, ECG etc. done regularly. Investigations like T.C., D.C., Hb, blood u rea, serum creatinine, serum acetone, lipid profiles etc is done. Solar power could sustain you for days together without food and it has now been scientifically established that all other sources of energy will get dried up sooner or later. I have been trying to evolve a lifestyle based on effective uses of solar energy, reduced consumption and perfect mental calm through meditation which would solve many of the problems now threatening human existence,'' Hirabhai said. "The aim of fasting is to break all caroms & to achieve Mecca." But apart from that it gives your body & mind inner strength & calmness. I believe that during fasting the solar energy provides energy to the body and if you can get energy from the Sun directly you need not eat any food says Hirabhai. He was staying at kachhi Jain Samaj-Paldi, Ahmedabad. with free accommodation during 27th December-99 to 5th April-2000. Then he was at Dr. P.D.Doshi's Hospital- Sharda Hospital, Asarwa, Ahmedabad during 6th April to 6th May-2000. With free accommodation. From 7th May he is at Shri Popatlal Doue's house. Free accommodation is given to shri Hirabhai by Shri Popatbhai Dave & Ullasbhai Dave for which all members of Health Care International Multitherapy Institute & Jain Doctor Federation are very thankful to them.
Doctors Observing Shri Hira Ratan Manek: Dr. K.K.Shah, Dr. P.G.Shah, Dr. P.D.Doshi, Dr. H.C.Mehta, Dr. Sudhir Shah, Dr. Viresh Patel, Dr. Nalin Gheewala, Dr. Hamendra Modi Shri Hira-Ratan-Manek's current address 2, Parag Society, C/o, Shri Popatlal Dave, Nr. Opera Jain Vpashrya New Vikasgruh Road, Ahmedabad-7. Health Care International Multitherapy Institute. President : Dr. P.G.Shah pH.: 079-6620472. Secretary : Dr. P.D.Doshi pH.: 079-2134551 Jain Doctors Federation President : Dr. K.K.Shah pH. : 079-6578936 Secretary : Dr. Himont Shah pH.: 079-6405201

Scientists Baffled by Prahlad Jani, Man Who Doesn't Eat or Drink

By KAREN RUSSO (@KKRusso) June 1, 2010 ABC NEWS In a country remarkable for tales powerful deities and exotic mystics, an 82-year-old man who claims he can survive without food or drink has baffled doctors who studied him and did not see him eat or drink anything for more than two weeks. Prahlad Jani said that he has lived for more than 70 years by absorbing water through a hole in his palate. He is regarded as a holy man by some and a fraud by many.

Jani spent more than two weeks in April and May under the observation of doctors at Sterling Hospital in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad. "We studied him for 15 days with him taking no water or food," Dr. Sudhir Shah told ABC News. Shah said that Jani gargled water and took baths, but consumed nothing. While thin, Jani is healthy, doctors said. "Somebody doesn't take water for seven or eight days he surely dies," Shah said. Perhaps as equally interesting for the doctors was the fact that Jani passed no urine or stool during the time period. Shah said the normally when someone has no stool or urine, they need dialysis. AFP/Getty Images Prahlad Jani, who claims divine inspiration... View Full Caption Jani has confounded the scientists. "We are studying the phenomenon," Shah said. The scientific research may be able to help soldiers or disaster victims live without food or water for longer stretches of time. Despite having doctors study Jani, there are skeptics. "The bottom line is that even fasting for more than a day can be dangerous," said Keri Gans, a registered dietician practicing in New York City and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "You need food to function." Assuming Jani was consuming some sort of water, Gans thought he might be able to survive, but not healthily. "He might psychologically be able to handle this, but it doesn't matter if you've done it once or done it 20 times. Every time he's doing it he's setting himself up for nutritional deficiencies," said Gans. "How can anyone expect to ingest their vitamin and mineral needs if they're not ingesting food?" That is a question Indian scientists hope to find out. "We realized that, if this whole phenomenon really exists in a human being even for 15 days, it would have immense application in unraveling secrets of medical science and its application for human welfare," a statement from a scientific group, that included the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, said. "Instead of ignoring this case, we selected to investigate further, in a rational and scientific way. We again make it clear that the purpose of this study was not to prove or disprove a person, but to explore a possibility in science and study a new phenomenon," the statement said.

DIPAS concludes observational study on Mataji' Manas Dasgupta Share print

AFP Prahlad Jani (Mataji) AFP Prahlad Jani (Mataji) A 15-day observational study' conducted by the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) under the Defence Research and Development Organisation on Prahlad Jani, better known as Mataji, concluded on Thursday. DIPAS Director G. Ilavezhagen told journalists here that the study was to understand how a person could survive without food and water and without passing urine or stools for a long time. A scientific understanding of the mechanism of such survival may help in working out survival strategies under stressful and extreme conditions. This may have applications during natural calamities and disasters, he said. The Defence Ministry was particularly interested to know if his survival mechanism could be explained in scientific terms, and whether it could be replicated for defence personnel doing duty in difficult areas where maintaining regular supply channels at times become difficult. Dr. Ilavezhagen said the DIPAS would draw a conclusion on the survival mechanism only after critically analysing the reports of tests carried out during April 22-May 6. Some medical parameters may take two weeks to study and a few others may take two months before we can draw any conclusion, he said. The team would meet periodically to discuss the findings and draw valid conclusions, he said.

Top scientists from the DIPAS and a team of 35 super specialist doctors conducted the study at the Sterling Hospital here. The study protocol was cleared by the ethics committee of the DIPAS and Sterling Hospital and was strictly followed to ensure that the privacy, safety, security and dignity of Mr. Jani was not compromised at any stage. Because no insurance company would accept to cover the risk for the 82-year-old Jani during the study, the Gujarat government agreed to stand guarantee up to Rs. 15 lakh in case of any exigency. CCTV cameras Mr. Jani, who lived in the temple town of Ambaji in north Gujarat, was brought to the Sterling Hospital and was constantly watched through closed-circuit television cameras. The doctors carried out periodical checks of all his medical parameters. Because he did not take any food or water, the only condition he set for the team was not to carry out any invasive tests that would require him to consume water or any other fluid. He took occasional baths and gargled. Mr. Jani's disciples claim that he has not taken any food or water and not passed urine or stools for the last 76 years. According to them he survived on solar energy. They claimed that when he was eight years old, Goddess Amba Mata appeared before him in Pune, touched his tongue with a finger and since then he had never felt the urge to eat or drink. I did not give up food or water, nature has taken it away from me. I don't feel the need for it, Mr. Jani said. He said he had nothing to prove but agreed to undergo the study as it could help human beings at large. Dr. Ilavezhagen said during the period he was under observation, he did not consume any food or water, nor passed urine or stools. However, it would be too early to draw any conclusion about his survival mechanism. He said people were known to have lived without food or water for a longer period, but it does surprise us that he can survive without passing urine or stools, he said. Both Dr. Ilavezhagen and the head of the medical team, Sudhir Shah, said no appreciable change in the medical parameters was observed. If a person starts fasting, there will be some changes in his metabolism, but in his case we did not find any, Dr. Ilavezhagen said. Clinical, biochemical, radiological and other relevant examinations were done on him. All findings were within the safe range, he said. Dr. Shah said the team practically studied almost all his systems and found them functioning almost normally. The brain MRI was normal. Functioning of motor and sensory nerves, lungs, heart, and every other system were found normal for his age. No features suggestive of any psychiatric disorder were observed during the period, he said. The study was an extension of a similar one conducted on him in the same hospital, also by the DIPAS in 2003, but this time it was carried out with more modern equipment and medical aids, Dr. Ilavezhagen said. Keywords: Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, Prahlad Jani's survival mechanism

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