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SPPA-T3000 User Guide

Diagnostic System (1/1)


Diagnostic System (1/1)

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Documenation User Guide

SPPA-T3000 USER GUIDE .............................................................................................................................................. 1

1 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9 1.3.10 1.3.11 1.3.12 1.3.13 1.3.14 1.3.15 1.3.16 1.3.17 1.3.18 1.3.19 1.3.20 1.3.21 1.3.22 1.3.23 1.3.24 1.3.25 1.3.26 1.3.27 1.3.28 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5 1.5.1

DIAGNOSTIC VIEW................................................................................................................................ 4 General Layout ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Diagnostic Hierarchy Tree.................................................................................................................... 6 Filter on Diagnostic View......................................................................................................................... 7 Searching in the Diagnostic View ........................................................................................................... 9 Opening Plant Displays ......................................................................................................................... 11 Zoom...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Saving the View..................................................................................................................................... 14 Containers in the Diagnostic View .................................................................................................... 14 System Diagram Root Node ................................................................................................................. 15 Client Node............................................................................................................................................ 16 Host Computer Node............................................................................................................................. 16 Service Container Node ........................................................................................................................ 17 Alarm Printer Container Node ............................................................................................................... 19 OPC-Client Container Node.................................................................................................................. 21 OPC-Server Container Node ................................................................................................................ 24 Alarm Container Node........................................................................................................................... 27 S7 Runtime Container Node ................................................................................................................. 29 Runtime Container Node....................................................................................................................... 32 Diagnostic Information of Automation Functions and Compound Components .................................. 35 CM Runtime Container Node ................................................................................................................ 36 Archive Node ......................................................................................................................................... 39 SIMATIC Communication Container Node ........................................................................................... 41 CFC Chart Container Node................................................................................................................... 43 SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container Node ................................................................... 45 SIMATIC S7 FM458 Container Node.................................................................................................... 48 Diagnostic Container Node ................................................................................................................... 49 SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container Node.............................................................................. 51 IO Tools Container Node ...................................................................................................................... 53 License Server Container Node............................................................................................................ 55 Monitor Container Node ........................................................................................................................ 57 Project Container Node ......................................................................................................................... 59 Plant Display Server Node .................................................................................................................... 61 Report Container ................................................................................................................................... 64 Trend Display Server Node................................................................................................................... 66 Call Home Container Node ................................................................................................................... 68 Technological Calculation Container Node........................................................................................... 71 Plant Monitor Container Node............................................................................................................... 74 Diagnostic Information Category ...................................................................................................... 75 Status Information ................................................................................................................................. 76 Diagnostic Information........................................................................................................................... 76 Logging Information............................................................................................................................... 81 Configuring of Diagnostic Logging Information..................................................................................... 82 Adjusting the Location for Diagnostic Logs........................................................................................... 84 Client Logging........................................................................................................................................ 86 Multi Unit .............................................................................................................................................. 88 Starting the View ................................................................................................................................... 89

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Diagnostic System (1/1)

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2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9 2.2.10 2.2.11 2.2.12 2.2.13 2.2.14 2.2.15 2.2.16 2.2.17 2.2.18 2.2.19 2.2.20 2.2.21 2.2.22 2.2.23 2.2.24 2.2.25 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3

FAULT TRACKING............................................................................................................................... 91 Navigation to Connected Ports ......................................................................................................... 91 Details in Diagnostic View.................................................................................................................. 93 Service Container.................................................................................................................................. 93 Alarm Printer Container......................................................................................................................... 94 OPC-Client Container............................................................................................................................ 95 OPC-Server Container .......................................................................................................................... 96 Alarm Container .................................................................................................................................... 96 Runtime Container ................................................................................................................................ 97 CM Runtime Container........................................................................................................................ 101 S7 Runtime Container ......................................................................................................................... 109 Archive Container................................................................................................................................ 112 SIMATIC Communication Container................................................................................................... 113 CFC Chart Container........................................................................................................................... 114 SIMATIC Failsafe Automation Function Container............................................................................. 114 SIMATIC S7 FM458 Container ........................................................................................................... 116 Diagnostic Container ........................................................................................................................... 116 SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container...................................................................................... 117 IO-Tools ............................................................................................................................................... 118 License Server..................................................................................................................................... 118 Monitor Container................................................................................................................................ 119 Project Container................................................................................................................................. 120 Plant Display Server............................................................................................................................ 120 Report Container ................................................................................................................................. 122 Trend Display Server........................................................................................................................... 122 Call Home Container ........................................................................................................................... 123 Technological Calculation Container .................................................................................................. 124 Plant Monitor Container ...................................................................................................................... 124 Quality Codes .................................................................................................................................... 125 List of GOOD Quality Codes ............................................................................................................... 125 List of UNCERTAIN Quality Codes..................................................................................................... 125 List of BAD Quality Codes................................................................................................................... 126

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Diagnostic System (1/1)

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The SPPA-T3000 Diagnostic system supports the user with information collected from different components within the SPPA-T3000 system for: Investigations of failure conditions in cases of disturbances in the system Status information on demand Maintenance purposes. for SPPA-T3000 System Software administration purposes

The diagnostic mechanisms can be divided into Event driven diagnostics Important events are reported automatically by the diagnostic system. The event driven diagnostic leads to very fast fault detection, but it also generates the highest system load. Event driven diagnostic is mainly used for I&C fault detection Dialog driven diagnostic The dialog driven diagnostic enables the user to access components by selection. Information about system configuration and releases can be reported. These Reports can support detailed inspections on faults reported by the event driven diagnostic. Furthermore a trace functionality is available to supervise the data inside and between the different components.

General Aspects The SPPA-T3000 Diagnostic System handles the following main functions Fault Analysis The Fault analysis provides o Automatic detection and reporting of DCS faults for fault tracking o Processing of the detected faults with compressed representation in graphical form o User guidance to the origin of the fault by device structure or by selection of I&C Alarms o Display of the detected components in graphical and textual representation Display of Status Information o o o o o The information is shown in a graphical manner by using the topology, the hierarchical structure and the configuration of the complete Control System Display of the rack disposition and the hardware and software releases Online documentation Usage of System resources Condition of wear and tear parts

State Report o o Displays lists of component specific information Overview of system status like forced signals and availability down to single devices.

Diagnostic View

The system diagnostic information is presented in the Diagnostic View. The Diagnostic View is activated from the Workbench in the menu Application, menu item Diagnostic View .

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Diagnostic System (1/1)

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Alternatively, the Diagnostic View can be opened in the following ways: In a Dynamic Function Diagram via the context menu (Select an AF Block, then right mouse click > Diagnostic View ). In a Plant Display via the context menu (Select a Pictogram, then right mouse click > Diagnostic View ).


General Layout

The Diagnostic View has the following structure:

A menu bar with the following drop down menus: o o o o File Edit View Help

The Diagnostics View consists of two Frames: o o The Tree View in the left hand Frame, containing the Diagnostic Hierarchy. The detailed information on the right hand part.

The Tree View contains the diagnostic hierarchy. Every possible source of diagnostic information, diagnostic component of the Automation Function Block, hardware or module proxy or alarm system, is found via the diagnostic hierarchy.

Field devices are not diagnostic components in this context. However, if they provide diagnostic data by a proprietary interface, their information is not conveyed through the use of a Container.

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The detailed information in the right hand part of the view is automatically updated with the selected diagnostic component.

Alternatively, the Diagnostic View can be opened in the following ways: In a Dynamic Function Diagram via the context menu (Select an AF Block, then right mouse click > Diagnostic View ). In a Plant Display via the context menu (Select a Pictogram, then right mouse click > Diagnostic View ).


Diagnostic Hierarchy Tree

After the Diagnostic View is opened in the Workbench, the Tree View appears, displaying the diagnostic hierarchy.

To get more direct access to the necessary information, it is possible to search for a specific component or to filter according to a defined condition.

The diagnostic hierarchy is designed as part of the engineering process. The diagnostic hierarchy is normally designed to provide access to information about: Proxies: Hardware Proxies and Management Proxies provide diagnostic information about IO devices, bus communication and server components. Containers: Containers running on servers provide diagnostic information and have control functionality via the Diagnostic View.

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The current state of Alarms of a component or a Container. When a symbol appears left of the container the meaning is as follows: Symbol with an exclamation mark in the center

The Server / Container is down. Symbol with a question mark in the center

The state could not be identified. This state occurs if the monitor on the corresponding server is not running. Symbol with a triangle in the center

The container is currently starting.

After one of the displayed elements is selected, the respective detailed information is displayed in the right hand part of the Diagnostic View and will be updated automatically if values change. It is possible to stop the automatic update by pressing the toggle button above the detailed information table in order to freeze the display for analysis.


Filter on Diagnostic View

A filter Algorithm enables the user to show only the required portion of the tree by use of a search string. Within the filter string one asterisk (*) is possible as a wildcard to represent an unspecified number of characters. To open the filter tree dialog 1. Select in the opened Diagnostic View the menu Edit and then the menu item Filter.

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The filter dialog appears. Enter the search pattern to be filtered.

3. o o o 4. 5. 6.

The drop down list Type further allows the selection to be limited to: Containers, Function Diagrams or Automation Function Blocks Select Match Case if the filter is to be case sensitive. Confirm the selection by pressing the Filter button in the dialog box, or Only the parts matching to the search pattern remain in the Tree View

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To deactivate a filtered display open the filter dialog and press the button Restore.


Searching in the Diagnostic View

The Find option allows the user to search for Nodes in the tree. The first Node which contains an item matching to the given pattern is selected in the tree. To open the search tree dialog 1. Select in the opened Diagnostic View the menu Edit and then the menu item Find.

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The search dialog appears.

2. 3. 4. o o


Enter the search pattern. The search pattern is not case sensitive. Within the search string one asterisk * is possible as a wildcard to represent an unspecified number of characters. Select Match Case if the search is to be case sensitive. Confirm the selection by clicking the Search button in the dialog box, or click the Cancel button to abort the dialog. Usually the Algorithm starts at the current selected Node and considers all subordinated nodes in the tree. When a check for Search subordinate nodes of selected node only is applied, than the search Algorithm starts at the current position and searches subordinated Nodes, only, for the pattern. The first appearance of the Node which matches the pattern is selected in the Tree View and the related information is displayed.

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Depending on the position of the first item in the tree it might be necessary to scroll down the contents of the tree view.

When the Search Again button is pressed after a successful result, the search will skip to the next matching Node in the hierarchy.

Alternatively the Search function can be selected over the context menu: (Right Mouse Click : Find)


Opening Plant Displays

Plant Displays can be opened in the Diagnostic View. Plant Displays in the diagnostic hierarchy typically contain the system configuration, e.g. the layout of IO modules and the bus configuration. To open a Plant Display in the Diagnostic View proceed as follows: The Diagnostic View is open.

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1. 2.

Navigate through the diagnostic hierarchy tree, and find the Plant Display. Select the Plant Display by clicking on it.

The Plant Display will open in the List View of the Diagnostic View.

The Plant Display can be controlled over the View menu: Zoom to Original Size Fit to View Zoom by 200% Zoom by 50%



The zoom functions allow the user to control the magnification of a selected diagram in the Diagram Editor. When zooming in the objects in the diagram will appear larger, when zooming out they will appear smaller. The zoom control functions are available in the View menu of the Diagnostic View, or directly on the toolbar. The options for zoom control are described below:

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Fit to View Select the View menu, then Fit to View from the drop down menu. Alternatively click on the icon on the toolbar:

The diagram is zoomed to a size where every symbol in the diagram is shown. The outermost symbols will be at the edges of the diagram window. The diagram may appear distorted in this mode. Zoom by 200% Select the View menu, then Zoom by 200% from the drop down menu. Alternatively via the context menu (Right Mouse Click > View > Zoom 200%), or click on the icon on the toolbar:

The diagram is zoomed to double its size. Zoom by 50% Select the View menu, then Zoom by 50% from the drop down menu. Alternatively via the context menu (Right Mouse Click > View > Zoom 50%), or click on the icon on the toolbar:

The diagram is zoomed to half its size. Zoom to Original Size Select the View menu, then Zoom Original Size from the drop down menu. Alternatively click on the icon on the toolbar, or via the context menu (Right Mouse Click > View > Zoom):

The diagram is zoomed to its original size as when it was opened. Zoom in Rectangle Click on the icon on the toolbar:

Using the cursor, drag a rectangle around the area to be zoomed in the diagram.

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The diagram is zoomed in to the rectangle.


Saving the View

The Save View option controls the default layout that appears when the user activates the Diagnostic View. The Diagnostic View is open. Proceed as follows: Select the View Menu, then Save View.

The relative sizes of the Tree View and detailed information window, window are saved. Any filter settings will also be saved.

The next time the user logs in, the settings that were stored in the session before are available.


Containers in the Diagnostic View

After the Diagnostic View is opened in the Workbench, the left hand part of the window displays a Tree View. The tree starts at the top level with the Project Node. Below the project node the node Client displays the client computers which are currently connected to SPPA-T3000. The Host Computer node, which is displayed subordinated to the Project Node, contains further containers. Depending on the current project configuration more than one host computer may exist. In that case all the Host Computers assigned to the project node are displayed. Assigned to the existing Host Computer nodes the user will find the respective Containers. Each container collects the diagnostic information of the assigned Components. Each existing diagnostic component of the SPPA-T3000 system is assigned to a container.

Field devices are not diagnostic components in this context. However, if they provide diagnostic data via a proprietary interface the information is conveyed by other means, and not by a container.

The containers as listed below are available: Alarm Printer OPC-Client OPC-Server Alarm Container

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S7 Runtime Container Runtime Container CM Runtime Container Archive Container SIMATIC Communication Container Diagnostic Container SIMATIC Hardware Communication Container CFC Chart Container SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container SIMATIC S7 FM458 Container Diagnostic Container SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container IO Tools License Server Container Monitor Container Project Container Plant Display Server Report Container Trend Display Container Call Home Container

For detailed information refer to the respective description.


System Diagram Root Node

The System Diagram Root Node is the top level Node in the Diagnostic View. Static Information The displayed static information consists of:

The Node name of the System Diagram Root Node The ID in the diagnostic system of the Project Node.

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This ID is fixed during the first setup of the project and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Client Node

The Client Node displays the client computers which are currently logged in, with their IP address. Static Information The displayed static information consists of:

The IP address of the client computer The used Login name (username). A description text for the client.

Dynamic Information Status page: The Status of the client computer and the last access time is displayed in the section Status


Host Computer Node

The Host Computer Node covers the Diagnostic Containers. In the case that more than one Host Computer exists in a project the Containers might be distributed to the existing Host Computers. The assignment will then be displayed accordingly.

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Static Information The displayed static information consists of:

The Node name of the computer The ID in the diagnostic system of the Host Computer. This ID is fixed during the first setup of the project and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View


Service Container Node

A service container provides a standardized execution environment for application services. Application services are software components which can be added to the service container and can then run in the system. The application services are located beneath the service container in the diagnostic hierarchy. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Container.

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The ID in the diagnostic system of the Container. This ID is fixed. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible information is o Started: The container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The container is in operation. o Terminating: The container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The container is stopped. o Failed: The container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.

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Logging page: After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Alarm Printer Container Node

The Alarm Printer Container Node displays the diagnostic information for the Alarm Printer. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Alarm Printer Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Alarm Printer Container. This ID is fixed and needed for system internal identifications. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: Possible indications are o Started: The Alarm Printer Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The Alarm Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Alarm Printer Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process is finished. o Failed: The Alarm Printer Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Alarm Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page:

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After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the Alarm Printer Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories:

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page: There is no logging information available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


OPC-Client Container Node

The OPC-Client Container Node displays the state of the connected Runtime Containers. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the OPC-Client Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the OPC-Client Container. A description text for this Node.

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Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible indications are o Started: The OPC-Client Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The OPC-Client Container is in operation. o Terminating: The OPC-Client Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process is finished. o Failed: The OPC-Client Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Connected AFCS: In this area the status of connections to other Runtime Containers is displayed for those Runtime Containers which send signals to the OPC-Client Container. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the OPC-Client Container. A stopped container, can be restarted ether by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page:

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After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the OPC-Client Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories: o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports Plant Display Ports Signal Ports with values classified as BAD quality all other Ports

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page:

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After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


OPC-Server Container Node

Information concerning the OPC-Server Container itself is available at the OPC-Server Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the OPC-Server Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the OPC-Server Container. This ID is fixed and needed for system internal identifications. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: Possible indications are o Started: The OPC-Server Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The OPC-Server Container is in operation. o Terminating: The OPC-Server Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process has finished. o Failed: The OPC-Server Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the OPC-Server Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page:

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After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the OPC-Server Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories: o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports Plant Display Ports Signal Ports with values classified as BAD quality all other Ports One or more buttons can be selected, the Port information will be displayed accordingly.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page:

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After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Alarm Container Node

The Alarm Container Node collects the Alarms, generated in the system, for displaying. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Alarm Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Alarm Container. This ID is fixed and needed for system internal identifications. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible indications are o Started: The Alarm Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The Alarm Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Alarm Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process has finished. o Failed: The Alarm Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Alarm Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page: For the alarm container the diagnostic page is currently not used. Logging page:

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After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

For the alarm container currently no packages are selectable at the logging page.


S7 Runtime Container Node

The S7 Runtime Container Node displays the diagnostic information of the S7 Runtime Container. Subordinate to this Node, the diagnostic information of the Automation Functions running in the S7 Runtime Container is presented. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the respective Runtime Container. This ID is defined during the project setup. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The Runtime Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Runtime Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Runtime Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The Runtime Container is stopped. o Failed: The S7 Runtime Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Connected AFCs: In this area the status of connections to other Runtime Containers is displayed for those Runtime Containers which send signals to the displayed S7 Runtime Container.

For S7 Runtime Containers the Action Stop is not available.

Diagnostic page:

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After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the Runtime Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports HMI (Plant Display) Ports Not GOD Quality Ports all other Ports

Details of the possible Port status signals are described in S7 Runtime Container of Fault Tracking information.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

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A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page: This Container has no logging page.


Runtime Container Node

The Runtime Container Node displays the diagnostic information of the Runtime Container. Subordinate to this Node, the diagnostic information of the Automation Functions running in the Runtime Container is presented. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the respective Runtime Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Runtime Container. This ID is defined during the project setup. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible information is o Started: The Runtime Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Runtime Container is in operation.

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o o

Terminating: The Runtime Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The Runtime Container is stopped. Failed: The Runtime Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Runtime Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in chapter Project Administration Connected AFCs: In this area the status of connections to other Runtime Containers is displayed for those Runtime Containers which send signals to the displayed Runtime Container.

Diagnostic page: After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the Runtime Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports HMI (Plant Display) Ports Not GOD Quality Ports all other Ports

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Details of the possible Port status signals are described in Runtime Container of Fault Tracking information.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page: After clicking on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

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The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.

Diagnostic Information of Automation Functions and Compound Components

The diagnostic information concerning Automation Functions and Compound Components is available subordinated to the Runtime Container Node. To display the diagnostic information of an AF or CC, open the Diagnostic View. 1. 2. In the Tree View open the sub tree of the Runtime Container to which the desired AF or CC is assigned. A list of all Function Diagrams assigned to this Container appears. Within this list of Function Diagrams select the Function Diagram which contains the desired AF or CC. Detailed information appears in the right hand part of the Diagnostic View.

The user can use the search function or the filter function of the Diagnostic View if the assignment of an AF or CC to a Runtime Container is not known.

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From a Faceplate, the diagnostic page of the respective AF or CC can be opened immediately.

In this case the diagnostic view is shown without the hierarchy. Only the detailed view (the right hand side) of the complete diagnostic view is shown.

Details concerning the Ports and possible values of any AF or CC are described in the Library, collected in the tables Description of input ports Description of output ports and Exception handling.


CM Runtime Container Node

The CM Runtime Container Node displays the diagnostic information of the CM Runtime Container. Subordinate to this Node, the diagnostic information of the Automation Functions running in the Runtime Container is presented. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the respective CM Runtime Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the CM Runtime Container. This ID is defined during the project setup. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The CM Runtime Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The CM Runtime Container is in operation. o Terminating: The CM Runtime Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The CM Runtime Container is stopped. o Failed: The CM Runtime Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the CM Runtime Container. A stopped container, can be restarted ether by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in chapter Project Administration o Connected AFCs: In this area the status of connections to other Runtime Containers is displayed for those Runtime Containers which send signals to the displayed CM Runtime Container. Diagnostic page:

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After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the CM Runtime Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports HMI (Plant Display) Ports Not GOD Quality Ports all other Ports

Details of the possible Port status signals are described in the chapter CM Runtime Container of Fault Tracking information.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page:

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After clicking on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Archive Node

The Archive provides a continuous storage for process values which can include analog signal values or binary status changes. The Archive stores the time stamped values of such process variables. Only values available in the Archive can be used in trends, logs or reports. The archive container is the runtime environment for the archive. Information from the archive container itself is available at the archive container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name arc The ID in the diagnostic system of the host computer. This ID is fixed during the first setup of the project and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node

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Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: Possible information is o Started: The archive container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The archive container is in operation. o Terminating: The archive container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The archive container is stopped. o Failed: The archive container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the archive container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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SIMATIC Communication Container Node

The SIMATIC Communication Container contains all dynamic process values of an S7-CPU. Information concerning the SIMATIC Communication Container itself is available at the SIMATIC Communication Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the SIMATIC Communication Container. The ID of the SIMATIC Communication Container. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The SIMATIC Communication Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The SIMATIC Communication Container is in operation. o Terminating: The SIMATIC Communication Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The SIMATIC Communication Container is stopped. o Failed: The SIMATIC Communication Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the SIMATIC Communication Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in Project Administration Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


CFC Chart Container Node

The CFC Chart Container contains all dynamic process values of an S7-CPU. Information concerning the CFC Chart Container itself is available at the CFC Chart Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the CFC Chart Container. The ID of the CFC Chart Container. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The CFC Chart Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The CFC Chart Container is in operation. o Terminating: The CFC Chart Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The CFC Chart Container is stopped. o Failed: The CFC Chart Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the CFC Chart Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in chapter Project Administration Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container Node

The SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container contains all dynamic process values of a Fail-Safe component. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container. The ID of the SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container is in operation. o Terminating: The SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container is stopped. o Failed: The SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button:

For SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container the Action Stop is not available.

Diagnostic page:

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After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened.

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the Runtime Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories: o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports HMI (Plant Display) Ports Not GOD Quality Ports all other Ports

Details of the possible Port status signals are described in SIMATIC Fail-Safe Automation Function Container of Fault Tracking information.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page: This Container has no logging page.

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SIMATIC S7 FM458 Container Node

The S7_FM458_Container contains all dynamic process values of an FM 458 CPU. Information concerning the S7_FM458_Container itself is available at the S7_FM458_Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the S7_FM458_Container. The ID of the S7_FM458_Container. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible information is o Started: The S7_FM458_Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The S7_FM458_Container is in operation. o Terminating: The S7_FM458_Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The S7_FM458_Container is stopped.

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Failed: The S7_FM458_Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking.

For S7_FM458_Container the Action Stop is not available.

Diagnostic page: This Container has no diagnostic page. Logging page: This Container has no logging page.


Diagnostic Container Node

The Diagnostic Container is the basis for the Diagnostic View. It collects the data from other Containers or sources which have registered themselves for diagnostic information. The Diagnostic Container provides this information in the Diagnostic View. Information concerning the Diagnostic Container itself is available at the Diagnostic Container Node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Diagnostic Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Diagnostic Container. This ID is fixed and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The Diagnostic Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Diagnostic Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Diagnostic Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The Diagnostic Container is stopped. o Failed: The Diagnostic Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking.

For the Diagnostic Container the Action Stop is not available.

Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container Node

The SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container manages the data of the S7 Hardware Configuration. Information concerning the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container itself is available at the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container. This ID is fixed and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: Possible information is o Started: The SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container is in operation. o Terminating: The SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The Diagnostic Container is stopped. o Failed: The SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described Project Administration Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


IO Tools Container Node

The IO Tools container includes tools which are used to perform the import of HW configuration data, and IO data provided by an external tool. The imported data is used to automatically generate suitable I&C functions and diagrams within the SPPA-T3000 system. Information concerning the IO tools container itself is available in the IOTOOLS Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the IO tools container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the IO tools Container. This ID is defined as fixed and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is: o Started: The IO tool Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The IO tool Container is in operation. o Terminating: The IO tool Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The IO tool Container is stopped. o Failed: The IO tool Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the IO tool Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in chapter Project Administration Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


License Server Container Node

The main role of the SPPA-T3000 License Server is the encapsulation of routines for communication with the server for license verification. The License Server provides the uniform license handling for all licensed SPPA-T3000 parts. The SPPA-T3000 License Server, as a unit of the SPPA-T3000 Service Portal, must be implemented to create the environment for license monitoring through HTTP. Information concerning the license container itself is available at the license container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the license container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the license container. This ID is fixed, and is needed for system internal identification. A description text for this Node

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Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible information is o Started: The License Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The License Container is in operation. o Terminating: The License Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The License Container is stopped. o Failed: The License Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the License Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in chapter Project Administration Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Monitor Container Node

Usually, the Monitor Container starts and monitors all other Containers in the SPPA-T3000 system such as: Runtime Container, Project Container, Diagnostic Container, etc.

Information concerning the Monitor Container itself is available at the Monitor Container Node MC. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Monitor Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Monitor Container. This ID is defined during the project setup. A description text for this Node.

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Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page Possible information is: o Started: The Monitor Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Monitor Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Monitor Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The Monitor Container is stopped. o Failed: The Monitor Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking.

For Monitor Containers the Action Stop is not available.

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Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page: After a click on the tab Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Project Container Node

The Project Container covers all project data relevant to SPPA-T3000. Information concerning the Project Container itself is available at the Project Container Node PC. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Project Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Project Container. This ID is fixed.

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A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible information is o Started: The Project Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Project Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Project Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process is finished. The Project Container is stopped. o Failed: The Project Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking.

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The Action Stop is not available for Project Containers.

Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page: After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Plant Display Server Node

The Plant Display Server is responsible for providing the plant Displays with dynamic data. Information concerning the Plant Display Server itself is available at the Plant Display Server Node PDS. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Plant Display Server.

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The ID in the diagnostic system of the Plant Display Server. This ID is fixed. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible information is o Started: The Plant Display Server is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Plant Display Server is in operation. o Terminating: The Plant Display Server is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The Plant Display Server is stopped. o Failed: The Plant Display Server is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Plant Display Server. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights. Diagnostic page:

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After a click on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

This section displays the status of several ports of the Plant Display Server. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories: o o o o o all Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports HMI Ports signal ports with values classified as BAD quality all other Ports One or more buttons can be selected, the Port information will be displayed accordingly.

Details of the possible Port status signals are described in the Plant Display Server description of the Fault Tracking information.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Report Container

The Report Container is responsible for providing the SPPA-T3000 Reports. Information concerning the Report Container itself is available at the Report Container Node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Report Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Report Container. This ID is fixed. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The Report Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Report Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Report Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The Report Container is stopped. o Failed: The Report Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Report Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights. Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tab Logging, the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Trend Display Server Node

The task of the Trend Display Server is to provide the trend displays with archived values for visualization. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Trend Display Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Trend Display Container. This ID is fixed. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible information is o Started: The Trend Display Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful startup. The Trend Display Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Trend Display Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the terminating process has finished. The Trend Display Container is stopped. o Failed: The Trend Display Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Trend Display Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights. Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page:

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After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

For the trend display container currently no packages are selectable at the logging page


Call Home Container Node

Information concerning the Call Home Container itself is available at the Call Home Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Call Home Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Call Home Container. This ID is fixed and needed for system internal identifications. A description text for this Node

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible indications are o Started: The Call Home Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The Call Home Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Call Home Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process has finished. o Failed: The Call Home Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Call Home Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page: After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

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In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status at several Ports of the Call Home Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories: o o o o o Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports Plant Display Ports Signal Ports with values classified as BAD quality all other Ports One or more buttons can be selected, the Port information will be displayed accordingly.

Details of the possible Port status signals are described in the Call Home Container description of the Fault Tracking information.

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page:

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After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Technological Calculation Container Node

Information concerning the Technological Calculation Container itself is available at the Technological Calculation Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Technological Calculation Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Technological Calculation Container. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

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Status page: possible indications are o Started: The Technological Calculation Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The Technological Calculation Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Technological Calculation Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process has finished. o Failed: The Technological Calculation Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Connected AFCS: In this area the status of connections to other Runtime Containers is displayed for those Runtime Containers which send signals to the Technological Calculation Container. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Technological Calculation Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart. The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page: After clicking on the tab Diagnostic the diagnostic page will be opened:

In the area Diagnostic Ports, the status of Ports of the Technological Calculation Container is provided. With buttons above the detail area, the diagnostic information can be filtered for the categories:

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o o o o o

Diagnostic Ports I&C Ports Plant Display Ports Signal Ports with values classified as BAD quality all other Ports

It is not possible to change any of the displayed information in the Diagnostic View

A detailed category description is available in Diagnostic Information Category

Logging page: After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.

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Plant Monitor Container Node

Information concerning the Plant Monitor Container itself is available at the Plant Monitor Container node. Static Information The displayed static information consists of: The Node name of the Plant Monitor Container. The ID in the diagnostic system of the Plant Monitor Container. A description text for this Node.

Dynamic Information The displayed dynamic information consists of:

Status page: possible indications are o Started: The Plant Monitor Container is starting up. o Running: Is indicated after a successful start up. The Plant Monitor Container is in operation. o Terminating: The Plant Monitor Container is shutting down. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Stopped: Is indicated after the shutdown process has finished. o Failed: The Plant Monitor Container is not in operation. For possible reasons refer to Fault Tracking. o Connected AFCS: In this area the status of connections to other Runtime Containers is displayed for those Runtime Containers which send signals to the Plant Monitor Container. o Action button: This button allows starting or stopping the Plant Monitor Container. A stopped container can be restarted either by using this Action button, or with a SPPA-T3000 system restart.

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The operation of this button is restricted by the access rights as described in the chapter Project Administration. Diagnostic page: There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system. Logging page: After a click on the tabulator Logging the logging page will be opened:

The intention of the logging page is to display very specific information of the SPPA-T3000 System Software. This page is not needed for engineering or operation purposes but supports computer administration activities. Details concerning the configuration of the logging function are described in Logging Information.


Diagnostic Information Category

After the Diagnostic View is opened, the window displays the diagnostic information separated in a left hand part, which displays the tree view, and the right hand part which displays the detailed information provided by the diagnostic system. The diagnostic information is divided into the categories: Status Information Diagnostic Information Logging Information

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A tab bar is located above the detail area. To display a certain diagnostic information category, select the respective tabulator. Refer to the categories above for further details.


Status Information

After the Diagnostic View is opened the status for the SPPA-T3000 components is displayed in the section Status at the right hand part of the diagnostic view. For the information displayed at the status page, refer to the respective chapter in fault tracking information for the individual equipment.


Diagnostic Information

After the Diagnostic View is opened the detailed diagnostic information is selectable with the tab located in the right hand part of the window. The diagnostic information shows a table of Ports together with their process values. These are distinguished between: Diagnostic Ports: for these Ports a Port description is shown in the table, Non Diagnostic Ports: for these Ports an Alarm description is shown if the Port is used as alarm source, or the Port name is displayed in the table.

The buttons in the toolbar above the detailed table allow selection of a subgroup of the Ports as: Diagnostic Ports: The diagnostic Ports are selectable with the icon

These Ports are especially designed to carry diagnostic information. Click this icon to display a sample of diagnostic Ports

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In the Name column, either the Port description is displayed, or if no description exists, then the Port name is displayed.

I&C Ports: The I&C Ports are selectable with the icon

These Ports are used to distribute signals within the Automation Functions. Click this icon to display a sample of I&C Ports

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Plant Display Ports: The Plant Display Ports are selectable with the icon

Signals available at these Ports are distributed with the operation and monitoring functions in the Plant Displays. Click this icon to display a sample of Plant Display Ports

Not GOD Quality Port:

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The Ports with values classified as not good quality are displayed after selection of this icon

Click this icon to display a sample of Ports with classification BAD or UNC

Reasons to classify a signal with a quality BAD include: o binary signals which are not valid due to a short or wire break indication Misc: Ports which do not belong to one of the above categories are selectable with the icon

Click this icon to display a sample of remaining Ports

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Analyze Mode To activate the analyze mode click on the icon

When the icon is clicked, the displayed values are no longer updated. This allows the user to review the contents without it changing. Additional Diagnostics To activate additional diagnostics click on the icon

When the icon is clicked, a web browser window opens with diagnostic data for the container. This option is only possible if the internal HTTP server has been configured and the user has the appropriate access rights.

Additional Diagnostics is enabled only for certain devices that have web interfaces providing very detailed system information for Siemens SPPA-T3000 experts.

Changing settings using Additional Diagnostics web interface may result in the maloperation of the system.

Plant Manual

This icon will appear when an Automation Function or proxy is selected that has an entry in the Plant Manual. When the icon is clicked, the Plant Manual for the tag will open. Linked Documents

When the icon is clicked, the Linked Document for the tag will open. If more than one document is linked, then the user can choose which one to open. Notes

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When the icon is clicked, the Notepad for the tag will open. A white Notes icon indicates that the notepad is empty.

A yellow icon indicates that notes exist for the tag.

When an Automation Function within a Macro has been selected, the user can navigate to the Macro itself in the Diagnostic View. Select the function via the context menu (right mouse click > Goto top level macro component).

Sorting the Diagnostic Information The Ports displayed in the diagnostic information can be sorted via any column. Click on any column header to sort the Ports in either ascending or descending order. The original order (the same as when the diagnostic information was first viewed) can be restored. Select the function via the context menu (right mouse click > Restore Original Sorting).


Logging Information

To support Siemens SPPA-T3000 experts with very detailed system information, i.e. debugging information, it is possible to generate log files. The logging page supports the configuration of such logs. This logging function is not needed for engineering or operation purposes

The logging routine extracts large amounts of data throughout the system and should only be used in rare cases where detailed investigations are warranted. Because of the extent of the data, overall system performance might be affected when large logging requests are issued. It is recommended such requests be made during periods where overall system activity is low.

The generated logs, which can be used for further investigation, contain information provided by the installed Software Classes or Packages. After opening of the Logging page a configuration dialog as shown below appears:

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The decision as to which event is to be included in a log is made by a prioritization of the occurrences. The highest priority is a FATAL error, the lowest priority is DEBUG information. All events with at least the requested priority and any event classified with a higher priority is included in the log file. That means:

The lower the level of the selected logging information, the higher the expected amount of occurrences which will be reported and the higher the additional load for the related computer.

How to configure and view log files is explained in the following chapters.

Configuring of Diagnostic Logging Information

The logging routine extracts large amounts of data throughout the system and should only be used in rare cases where detailed investigations are warranted. Because of the extent of the data, overall system performance might be affected when large logging requests are issued. It is recommended such requests be made during periods where overall system activity is low.

To configure diagnostic logs the Diagnostic View in the Workbench needs to be opened. Then

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1. 2.

select the desired Container in the left hand part of the Diagnostic View window, then select the Logging page in the right hand part.

Currently logging is supported for SPPA-T3000 Containers, only.

Configuring Logs for a Certain Package or Class To prepare a log for one certain package or class proceed as follows: 1. 2. Open the package tree until the desired package or class to be monitored is visible. A single package or class is marked by a dot on the left of the Package or class name. Select the package or class and open a context menu with the right mouse click on the selected item

3. 4.

Select the desired logging level for the selected package or class. After the selection the color which indicates the logging level, is adjusted accordingly for this package or class.

A summary of all activated logging states in the subordinated packages or classes are displayed in the nodes of the tree view.

5. o o

Depending on the selected check boxes, the log will be started after pressing the Submit button on either the local computer, i.e. the computer where the selected container resides, or remote, i.e. the computer where the Diagnostic Container is resides. More information concerning remote logging is explained in Adjusting the location for diagnostic logs

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Preparing Logs for All Packages and Classes Which are Subordinated to a Certain Node If a log for all packages and classes, and further nodes if they exist, subordinated to a certain node is to be prepared, proceed as follows: 1. Select the desired node and open a context menu with the right mouse click on the selected item

2. 3. 4. o o

Select the desired logging level for the Node. After the selection the color, coding the logging level, is adjusted accordingly. Depending of the selected check boxes, the log will be started after pressing the Submit button on either the local computer, i.e. the computer where the selected container resides, or remote, i.e. the computer where the Diagnostic Container is resides.

The logging level for all packages and classes subordinated to the selected node will be adjusted to the same level.

Displaying Logging Information After the button View Log File was pressed, a window will be opened which displays the log file for the selected container.

Adjusting the Location for Diagnostic Logs

The Containers of the SPPA-T3000 system are usually located on different computers, e.g. the PC, DC, PDS, ARC etc. reside on the Application Server, and the RTCs may reside on one or more Automation Servers. Because of this there are several possibilities for storing the log files. Local means, the log file is stored on that computer where the selected Container resides

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Remote means, the log file for the selected container is stored on the computer where the Diagnostic Container resides.

Whereas for a local logging no further adjustments are necessary (just click Submit, then View for displaying), there are a few parameters which might be changed for Remote logging. Remote Logging Options Settings To open the remote options dialogs the Remote check box must be selected. 1. 2. If it is not selected, select the check box. The Options button becomes selectable. After a click on this button the Logging Options dialog as shown below will be opened.

o o

File Size (MByte): This value determines the maximum size for log files. Max. Backup Index: Determines how many history files will be kept for this container. Explanation: The log files will be created sequentially. e.g. with the settings above the logging will start with the first file. After the maximum file size of 2 MByte has been reached it is renamed to "*.1" and the logging is continued to a new file with the original name. This procedure will be continued until the 10th file is reached. The maximum backup index gives the maximum index of those file names before the oldest file is overwritten.

Unless you know the result you should not change the following settings. Otherwise the log files might be not readable.

o o

Format determines the output format of the files. Format String determines the structure of any string in the log file.

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In principle the logging activities can not be stopped completely. It is possible the remove both checks for remote and local logging. Then no log files will be created. This will reduce the CPU load but not completely terminate the logging activities. Another option to reduce the load is to set the logging for all packages and classes in the container to FATAL. This also will minimize the events to be logged.

After the options have been set satisfactorily terminate the dialog with OK or abort with Cancel. Finally press the Submit button to activate the logging.

Client Logging

Unauthorized persons are highly advised against requesting these log files because of the heavy impact on the runtime behavior of the SPPA-T3000 system.

The Client Logging function must be used when debug information of the Graphical User Interface is needed. The log files are generated in the local environment. Access to the Application Server and Automation Server log files is gained using the standard Logging Information described elsewhere. To start the configuration dialog for the Client Logging 1. 2. Open the Diagnostic View in the Workbench From the menu Edit select the menu item Client Logging.


The configuration dialog in the window below appears

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Since the principles of adjusting the desired logging levels are the same as for the SPPA-T3000 containers refer to the description in Configuring of Diagnostic Logging Information To prepare a log for one certain package or class proceed as follows: Output of Client logging Information The logging request always refers to that client where the client logging was started. In these terms, the output is sent either to the (Java) - console of that client or into a file.

If the Java Console is not visible on your monitor, double click the button below in the task bar of the client monitor.

. If it is not available at that position it should be available via the web browser.

To prepare an output file on the client proceed as follows: 1. 2. Click the option for Log to file in the window Client Logging. Now the button Options can be selected to open the Logging Options Dialog

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Enter the destination for the log file in the field File. Preferably press the Browse button to open the explorer window of your computer.

Since the same explanations apply here as for the SPPA-T3000 containers refer to the description in Adjusting the location of diagnostic logs

Further Functions in the Client Logging Dialog To display the logging levels which are currently valid at the logging server select the menu item Refresh from the View menu of the Client logging window.

To close the Client logging window select the menu item Exit from the File menu.


Multi Unit

The Multi Unit Workbench offers the user Diagnostic Views of attached units in the Multi Unit. Local Unit and Remote Unit Diagnostic views are opened in separate windows.

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The Local Unit Diagnostic View has the full functionality of the Diagnostic View in the Single Unit Workbench. In the Remote Unit Diagnostic View the user has only viewing rights. The user will not be permitted to stop and start containers in the Remote Unit. The logging function is also disabled on Remote Unit containers. But Client Logging is available from the Remote Unit Diagnostic View.

The Client Logging menu item in the Local and Remote Unit Diagnostic Views actually all open the same Client Logging window.


Starting the View

In the Multi Unit Workbench, the Diagnostic Views for the Local Unit and Remote Units are opened in separate windows. Local Unit Diagnostic View To start the Diagnostic View of the Local Unit: The user must be logged into the Multi Unit Workbench. Select the Applications menu from the Workbench menu bar, then Diagnostic View from the drop down menu.

A window displaying the Diagnostic View of the Local Unit will open.

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Alternatively, in the Applications menu, select Multi Unit , under Diagnostic View . Then select the Unit Name of the Local Unit.

Remote Unit Diagnostic View To start the PDH of a Remote Unit: The user must be logged into the Multi Unit Workbench and logged into the Remote Unit. 1. 2. 3. Select the Applications menu then select Multi Unit under the Diagnostic View item menu. The Unit Names of the logged in units will appear in a drop down list. Select the desired Remote Unit.

A window displaying the Diagnostic View of the Remote Unit will open.

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Fault Tracking

Fault tracking is supported by the Diagnostic View in two ways: if a Port has invalid data, the source can be found by navigating to the connected Port. This principle is described in Navigation to Connected Ports by analyzing the detail information provided in the diagnostic pages for the Container. The chapter Details in Diagnostic View describes the diagnostic Port information together with the possible conditions, a classification and a comment providing possible reasons for a malfunction, to aid in trouble shooting the problem. The classifications are: o o.k there is no further remark, no action required o fault indicates a malfunction. Information to remedy condition is given in the comments o transient indicates that this condition is temporary and should result in a final state. That state is mentioned in the comments.

Before starting any investigation on malfunction details ensure that the Monitor Container , the Project Container and the Diagnostic Container are working properly, this verifies the Diagnostic View information is reliable.


Navigation to Connected Ports

When an Automation Function is selected in the Diagnostic View, details for any port data is displayed in the right hand part of the window. An example is given in the picture below.

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To support investigations in the Diagnostic View, it is possible to navigate between connected Ports, i.e. to select one Port of the actual displayed AF Block and navigate to the connected Port of the referring AF Block. One of the modes described below can be used: display the connected AF Block in the detail display open the connected AF Block in an additional window

Select Connected AF Block To display the connected AF Block in the detail window, proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. Place the cursor over a connected Port. Open the context menu with a right mouse click Select Select connected AF from the context menu.

If the Port is not connected, the menu option will not be available.

4. 5.

If there is only one Port connected, the respective AF Block is displayed immediately. If there is more than one Port connected, proceed as follows: 1. A dialog box will open, listing all the connected Ports.


Select the desired Port in the dialog box which appears and confirm with OK or abort with Cancel.

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The connected AF Block will be displayed.

Open Connected AF Block in a New Window This mode allows simultaneous opening of one additional diagnostic window displaying detail information of an AF Block.


Details in Diagnostic View

Diagnostic information supplied by the different Containers and other non SPPA-T3000 components (which provide diagnostic information) to the diagnostic view is described in this chapter. Follow the descriptions below to get the respective information for: Alarm Printer Container OPC-Client Container OPC-Server Container Alarm Container Runtime Container CM Runtime Container S7 Runtime Container Archive Container SIMATIC Communication Container CFC Chart Container SIMATIC Failsafe Automation Function Container SIMATIC S7 FM458 Container Diagnostic Container SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container IO-Tools License Server Monitor Container Project Container Plant Display Server Report Container Trend Display Server Call Home Container


Service Container

To start the fault tracking for the Service Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Service Container is visible in the Tree View

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The Service Container Node name is sc

3. 4.

Select the Service Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure for this Container is not finished The shut down procedure for this Container is not finished The shut down procedure for this Container is finished. Service services are currently not performed. A malfunction was detected. Further investigation is necessary to ensure that the Service Container is functioning properly.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Alarm Printer Container

To start the fault tracking for the Alarm Printer Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Alarm Printer Container is visible in the Tree View

The Runtime Container Node name is AlarmPrinter

3. 4.

Select the desired Alarm Printer Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container in functioning properly.

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Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port CONTAINER_ST ATE LAST_PRINT PARTNER_CON _STATE PRINT_SERVIC E_STOP ERR_PRINTER_ SERVER ERR_PRINTER ERR_PAPER_O UT ERR_INK_OUT I/O O ID 1000 Type int Description Container State: Stop, Start, Run-Master, Run-Slave Time of the last printed alarm Connection to partner container State of the print service Server connection is missing General printer error Printer is out of paper Printer is out of ink


1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090

int int long integer bool bool bool bool


OPC-Client Container

To start the fault tracking for the OPC-Client Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View is open in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the OPC-Client Container is visible in the Tree View

The Runtime Container Node name is OPC_Client

3. 4.

Select the OPC-Client Container. Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container in functioning properly. no comment This Runtime Container does not receive signals from at least one other Runtime Container. The concerned Runtime Container is displayed. Check whether this connected Runtime Container is running or not. Check whether the signal exchange is designed properly.

connection state connection state

Quality_good Quality_bad

o.k. fault

Diagnostic Page The diagnostic page is the same as for Runtime Containers.

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OPC-Server Container

To start the fault tracking for the OPC-Server Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has been opened in the Workbench. Open the Nodes until the OPC-Server Container is visible in the Tree View.

The OPC-Server Container Node name is OPC-Server

3. 4.

Select the OPC-Server Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault Startup procedure for this Container is not finished Shutdown procedure for this Container is not being performed Shutdown procedure for this Container is finished. Alarm monitoring is not performed actually. A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Container are not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the OPC-Server Container in proper operation.

Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port SUB_CNT Type I Values default n/a min *) max *) Fault indication none possible reason in case of fault Number of Subscriber: Count of automation function containers, that are currently accessed by the OPC-Server. Number of Clients: Count of visualization clients (plant displays) that are currently connected to the OPCServer. Number of subscribed values: Overall count of all subscribed process values ( i.e. size of the internal process image) Response Time: update time of the OPC-Server process image.
















*) these values are continuously updated.


Alarm Container

To start the fault tracking for the Alarm Container proceed as follows:

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Date: 2008_07_21

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Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 97 of 126

1. 2.

The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Alarm Container is visible in the Tree View

The Alarm Container Node name is ac

3. 4.

Select the Alarm Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault Startup procedure for this Container is not finished Shutdown procedure for this Container is not being performed Shutdown procedure for this Container is finished. Alarm monitoring is not performed actually. A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Alarm Container are not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the Alarm Container in proper operation. The alarm functions are most likely at fault.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Runtime Container

To start the fault tracking for the Runtime Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Runtime Container is visible in the Tree View

The Runtime Container Node name starts with rtc, e.g. rtc201

3. 4.

Select the desired Runtime Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status Possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed Fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault Possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container is functioning properly.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 98 of 126

Column Status Connection State Connection State

Possible Value additional disconnected GOD BAD

Fault / o k

Possible reason in case of fault Indicates that the Runtime Container is disconnected.

o.k. fault

no comment This Runtime Container is not receiving the signals from the Source Container. Only the status of input signals from other Runtime Containers or CM Runtime Containers are monitored. Check whether this connected Runtime Container is running or not. Check whether the signal exchange is designed properly.

Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port Base cycle time Type I Values default 0 Fault indication min 0 max 10000 possible reason in case of fault Indicates the target cycle time that was set for this Runtime Container. This value is preset and does not change during the runtime Indicates the cycle duration of the last finished cycle. Indicates the number of incoming connections from other Runtime Containers. Indicates the total number of signals which are received from other Runtime Containers. Indicates the currently available memory of a Runtime Container. Indicates the minimum available memory of a Runtime Container. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. ture NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. Indicates number of activated Af instances in container.

Measured cycle time Number of ipc connections Imported data items count Free memory (kb) Free memory minimum (kb) Measured cycle time of Standby Health Status of Master Health Status of Standby Health Redundant Connection Health status Automation Highway Master Health status Automation Highway Standby Redundancy Health Status Low Number of Elements in Synchronizatio n Data Queue Number of Af Instance


0 0

0 0

10000 100


I I O 0

0 0 0

1000000 1000000 10000








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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 99 of 126

Diagnostic port Health Status of Master Communicatio n Interface 0 Health Status of Master Communicatio n Interface 1 Health Status of Master Communicatio n Interface 2 Health Status of Standby Communicatio n Interface 0 Health Status of Standby Communicatio n Interface 1 Health Status of Standby Communicatio n Interface 2 Wake-up fault

Type O

Values default 0

Fault indication min 0 max 1

possible reason in case of fault NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy. NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed since this type of Runtime Container does not support redundancy.





Cycle time exceeded Pool overflow



false 0

true 1000000


Memory low warning Maximum cycle time System fault in ipc module Average cycle time System fault in realtime module System fault in engineering module System fault



0 false

0 false

10000 true true


0 false

0 false

10000 true true









Redundancy Lost





Indicates that the next new runtime container cycle could not be started in time. Indicates that a cycle has needed more time than scheduled Indicates that one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources exceeded. (Details are available via the xxx_PoolSize ports, which are currently not used.) Indicates that the maximum available memory of a Runtime Container has nearly reached. Indicates the maximum cycle duration of the last 100 cycles. Indicates an internal error in the communication module of the Runtime Container Indicates the average cycle duration of the last 100 cycles. Indicates an internal error in the real time module of the Runtime Container. Indicates an internal error in the engineering module of the Runtime Container. Group Alarm of detected system faults. It is raised if at least one of the Runtime Containers' sub modules indicates an internal error. In this case, the logs should contain detailed information about the state within the Runtime Container Indicates whether redundancy has been lost.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 100 of 126

Diagnostic port Switch over is in process Connection between runtime container and Redundancy Monitor is lost Communicatio n fault

Type O O

Values default false false

Fault indication min false false max true true

possible reason in case of fault Indicates whether a mastership switch over is in progress. Indicates whether the connection between runtime container and Redundancy Monitor has been lost.





InputPortPoolS ize OutputPortPoo lSize ImportPortPool Size ExportPortPool Size BinaryValuePo olSize FloatValuePool Size IntegerValueP oolSize IP Address of Master IP Address of Standby LongValuePool Size AlarmEventPo olSize ByteArrayValu eSmallPoolSiz e ByteArrayValu eMediumPoolS ize ByteArrayValu eLargePoolSiz e StringValueSm allPoolSize









(IP Address) (IP Address) 0 1000000

Indicates that at least one failure in the communication subsystem has occurred (refer to IPC_CNT below, also). Investigations into the connected Containers should give a reason for the disturbances. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. IP Address of Master IP Address of Standby Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used.






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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 101 of 126

Diagnostic port StringValueMe diumPoolSize StringValueLar gePoolSize AlarmInfoPool Size ProcessDataId PoolSize ProcessDataId HysPoolSize ConnectionInfo DataPoolSize SubscriptionDa taPoolSize PvDataPoolSiz e PvDataSeqPo olSize SetPvDataPool Size InputValueCha ngedWrapperP oolSize InputValueCha ngedProxyPool Size AlarmMachine PoolSize WrapperObject PoolSize Supported Communicatio n Protocols Synchronizatio n Buffer Size

Type O

Values default

Fault indication min 0 max 1000000

possible reason in case of fault Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the communication protocols supported by the container. Indicates the size of the synchronization buffer Small=20000 Medium=40000 Large=100000


















CM Runtime Container

To start the fault tracking for the CM Runtime Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the CM Runtime Container is visible in the Tree View

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 102 of 126

3. 4.

Select the desired CM Runtime Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status Possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed Fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault Possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container is functioning properly. no comment This Runtime Container is not receiving the signals from the Source Container. Only the status of input signals from other Runtime Containers or CM Runtime Containers are monitored. Check whether this connected Runtime Container is running or not. Check whether the signal exchange is designed properly.

Connection State Connection State


o.k. fault

Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port Base cycle time Type I Values default 0 min 0 max 10000 Fault indication possible reason in case of fault Indicates the target cycle time that was set for this Runtime Container. This value is preset and does not change during the runtime Indicates the cycle duration of the last finished cycle. Indicates the number of incoming connections from other Runtime Containers. Indicates the total number of signals which are received from other Runtime Containers. Indicates the currently available memory of a Runtime Container. Indicates the minimum available memory of a Runtime Container. Indicates the measured cycle time of the standby partner. If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed.

Measured cycle time Number of ipc connections Imported data items count Free memory (kb) Free memory minimum (kb) Measured cycle time of Standby


0 0

0 0

10000 100


I I I 0

0 0 0

1000000 1000000 10000

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 103 of 126

Diagnostic port Health Status of Master

Type O

Values default 0

min 0

max 100

Fault indication

possible reason in case of fault Indicates health of the Master 0 to 49=FAILED 50 to 100=OK where at 51, Standby is started, but not fully synchronized; from 52 to 60, the role change is triggered if Master's health is in this range and Standby's health value is greater than 60. (see below for more information). If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates health of the Standby 0 to 49=FAILED 50 to 100=OK where at 51, Standby is started, but not fully synchronized; from 52 to 60, the role change is triggered if Master's health is in this range and Standby's health value is greater than 60. (see below for more information). If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates that the health status of the Automation Highways connection for either the Master or Standby is not OK. If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates heath of redundant connection 0=OK 1=Link A Down 2=Link B Down 3=Both Links Are Down If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed.

Health Status of Standby


Redundancy Health Status Low





Health Redundant Connection

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 104 of 126

Diagnostic port Health status Automation Highway Master

Type O

Values default 0

min 0

max 1

Fault indication

possible reason in case of fault Indicates health status of Automation Highway connection of master 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates health status of Automation Highway connection of standby 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates number of elements in synchronization data queue. When there isn't enough time in the cycle to complete the synchronization the elements in the queue increase. Therefore a lower number is desirable. If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates number of activated Af instances in container. Indicates status of Master Communication Interface 0 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates status of Master Communication Interface 1 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates status of Master Communication Interface 2 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed.

Health status Automation Highway Standby

Number of Elements in Synchronizatio n Data Queue


Number of Af Instance Health Status of Master Communicatio n Interface 0


0 0

0 0

10000 1

Health Status of Master Communicatio n Interface 1

Health Status of Master Communicatio n Interface 2

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 105 of 126

Diagnostic port Health Status of Standby Communicatio n Interface 0

Type O

Values default 0

min 0

max 1

Fault indication

possible reason in case of fault Indicates status of Standby Communication Interface 0 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates status of Standby Communication Interface 1 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates status of Standby Communication Interface 2 0=OK 1=ERROR If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates that the next new runtime container cycle could not be started in time. Indicates that a cycle has needed more time than scheduled Indicates that one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources exceeded. (Details are available via the xxx_PoolSize ports, which are currently not used.) Indicates that the maximum available memory of a Runtime Container has nearly reached. Indicates the maximum cycle duration of the last 100 cycles. Indicates an internal error in the communication module of the Runtime Container Indicates the average cycle duration of the last 100 cycles. Indicates an internal error in the real time module of the Runtime Container. Indicates an internal error in the engineering module of the Runtime Container. Indicates an internal error in the communication module of the Runtime Container.

Health Status of Standby Communicatio n Interface 1

Health Status of Standby Communicatio n Interface 2

Wake-up fault





Cycle time exceeded Pool overflow



false 0

true 1000000


Memory low warning Maximum cycle time System fault in ipc module Average cycle time System fault in realtime module System fault in engineering module System fault in ipc module



0 false

0 false

10000 true true


0 false

0 false

10000 true true









Copyright Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 106 of 126

Diagnostic port System fault

Type O

Values default false

min false

max true

Fault indication true

possible reason in case of fault Group Alarm of detected system faults. It is raised if at least one of the Runtime Containers' sub modules indicates an internal error. In this case, the logs should contain detailed information about the state within the Runtime Container Indicates whether redundancy has been lost. Indicates whether a mastership switch over is in progress. Indicates whether the connection between runtime container and Redundancy Manager has been lost.

Redundancy Lost Switch over is in process Connection between runtime container and Redundancy Manager is lost Communicatio n fault


false false false

false false false

true true true






InputPortPoolS ize


OutputPortPoo lSize


ImportPortPool Size


ExportPortPool Size


BinaryValuePo olSize


FloatValuePool Size


IntegerValueP oolSize


IP Address of Master

(IP Address)

Indicates that at least one failure in the communication subsystem has occurred (refer to IPC_CNT below, also). Investigations into the connected Containers should give a reason for the disturbances. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. IP Address of Master If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed.

Copyright Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 107 of 126

Diagnostic port IP Address of Standby

Type O

Values default min (IP Address)


Fault indication

possible reason in case of fault IP Address of Standby If the CM is nonredundant then NOT AVAILABLE will be displayed. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used.

LongValuePool Size


AlarmEventPo olSize


ByteArrayValu eSmallPoolSiz e ByteArrayValu eMediumPoolS ize ByteArrayValu eLargePoolSiz e StringValueSm allPoolSize





StringValueMe diumPoolSize


StringValueLar gePoolSize


AlarmInfoPool Size


ProcessDataId PoolSize


ProcessDataId HysPoolSize


ConnectionInfo DataPoolSize


SubscriptionDa taPoolSize


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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 108 of 126

Diagnostic port PvDataPoolSiz e

Type O

Values default

min 0

max 1000000

Fault indication

possible reason in case of fault Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the resource usage of one of the Runtime Containers' internal resources. Currently not used. Indicates the communication protocols supported by the container. Indicates the size of the synchronization buffer Small=20000 Medium=40000 Large=100000

PvDataSeqPo olSize


SetPvDataPool Size


InputValueCha ngedWrapperP oolSize InputValueCha ngedProxyPool Size AlarmMachine PoolSize




WrapperObject PoolSize


Supported Communicatio n Protocols Synchronizatio n Buffer Size




Health Status of Master and Standby The health status of the Master and Standby redundancy partners is indicated by a value from 0 to 100. The following table provides the impact of various faults to this health value: Fault Scenario Synchronization Fault a. Master b. Standby Communication Fault a. Hpi Connection b. Communication Interface b. Communication Interface c. IPC (Unbundler/Subscriber) Runtime Fault DEVICE_FAULT INTERFACE_FAULT FAULT FAULT State FAULT FAULT Impact (in %) 5 100 0 20 50 10 70 Resulting Health Status (100 - 5) = 95 (100 - 100) = 0 (100 - 0) = 100 (100 - 20) = 80 (100 - 50) = 50 (100 - 10) = 90 (100 - 70) = 30

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 109 of 126

Multiple concurrent faults are subtracted from 100% (e.g. 100 - 70 - 20 = 10).


S7 Runtime Container

To start the fault tracking for the S7 Runtime Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the S7 Runtime Container is visible in the Tree View

The Runtime Container Node name begins with afc, i.e. afc701

3. 4.

Select the desired S7 Runtime Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container is functioning properly. no comment This Runtime Container does not receive signals from at least one other Runtime Container. The concerned Runtime Container is displayed. Check whether this connected Runtime Container is running or not. Check whether the signal exchange is designed properly.

connection state connection state


o.k. fault

Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port Type Values default min max Fault indication possible reason in case of fault

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 110 of 126

Diagnostic port base cycle C1

Type O

Values default 0

min 0

max 10000

Fault indication

possible reason in case of fault Indicates the cycle time that was set for this S7 Runtime Container. This value is preset and does not change during the runtime. Indicates the maximum cycle duration of the S7 Runtime Container. This is the maximum value monitored since the last configuration change to the container. Indicates the average cycle duration of the S7 Runtime Container. This is the average value monitored since the last configuration change to the container. Indicates the average system cycle duration of the S7 Runtime Container. The system cycle time is the amount of time left over in the cycle after the user program has been executed. This is the value monitored since the last configuration change to the container. Indicates the maximum system cycle duration of the S7 Runtime Container. The system cycle time is the amount of time left over in the cycle after the user program has been executed. This is the value monitored since the last configuration change to the container. Indicates the minimum system cycle duration of the S7 Runtime Container. The system cycle time is the amount of time left over in the cycle after the user program has been executed. This is the value monitored since the last configuration change to the container. Indicates the maximum number of dynamic values from the S7 CPU that can be displayed simultaneously at User Interfaces (in addition to alarms and archived values). Indicates the current number of dynamic values from the S7 CPU that are displayed simultaneously at User Interfaces. Indicates the buffer used for the transmission of HMI signals is full. Indicates the buffer used for the transmission of alarms is full. Indicates Communication Processor 1 error

maximum cycle time C1


average cycle time C1


measured system cycle time


maximum system cycle time


minimum system cycle time


maximum subscription size


current subscription size hmi buffer overflow alarm buffer overflow CP1 error



0 0 0

0 0 0

1 1 1

1 1 1

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 111 of 126

Diagnostic port CP2 error

Type O

Indicates Communication Processor 2 error Bus1 error O 0 0 1 1 Indicates Bus1 has an error Bus2 error O 0 0 1 1 Indicates Bus2 has an error CPU0 error O 0 0 1 1 Indicates CPU 0 has an error CPU1 error O 0 0 1 1 Indicates CPU 1 has an error Communicatio O 0 0 1 1 Indicates that at least one failure in n fault the communication subsystem has occurred. These failures can occur as HMI Buffer Overflow or Alarm Buffer Overflow, CP1 or CP2 Error or Bus1 or Bus2 Error. System fault O 0 0 1 1 Indicates that at least one failure in the system has occurred. These failures occur as CPU errors or also in the case where the internal error index is greater than 0. internal error O 0 0 10 Indicates information about the index nature of a fault. To be used by specialized service staff. archive sync O 0 0 1 1 Indicates successful event resynchronization with the archive successful following a communication interruption. archive sync O 0 0 1 1 Indicates a failed event failed resynchronization with the archive following a communication interruption. alarm sync O 0 0 1 1 Indicates successful event resynchronization with the alarm successful system following a communication interruption. alarm sync O 0 0 1 1 Indicates a failed event failed resynchronization with the alarm system following a communication interruption. Adaptive O 0 0 1 1 Indicates that the current amount Archiving of analog signals being archived requires that the generation of the archive signals is automatically adapted. The following diagnostic Ports correspond to the indication lamp status of the CPU modules. Each Port exists for CPU0 and CPU1, e.g. CPU0 INTF and CPU1 INTF. INTF O 0 0 1 1 Internal fault. "INTF" LED lights up until the fault is acknowledged. EXTF O 0 0 1 1 External fault. "EXTF" LED lights up until the fault is acknowledged. BUS1F O 0 0 1 1 An error has been detected at the MPI / PROFIBUS DP interface 1. BUS2F O 0 0 1 1 An error has been detected at the PROFIBUS DP interface 2. RUN O 0 0 1 1 CPU is in RUN mode. STOP O 0 0 1 1 CPU is in STOP mode. The user program is not processed. Restart and warm restart / reboot is possible. If the STOP status was triggered by an error, the error indication (INTF or EXTF) is also set.

Values default 0

min 0

max 1

Fault indication 1

possible reason in case of fault

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 112 of 126

Diagnostic port REDF

Type O

There is an IO redundancy error: Failure of a DP master or partial or complete failure of a DP master system Loss of redundancy on the DP slave. IFM1F O 0 0 1 1 An error has been detected at module interface 1. IFM2F O 0 0 1 1 An error has been detected at module interface 2. MSTR O 0 0 1 1 CPU has the process control for the switched IO. RACK0 O 0 0 1 1 CPU on rack number 0. RACK1 O 0 0 1 1 CPU on rack number 1. The following diagnostic Ports correspond to the indication lamp status of the power supply modules. Each Port exists for rack 0 and rack 1, e.g. Power supply rack 0 error 24V and Power supply rack 1 error 24V. Power supply O 0 0 1 1 DC24V LED: The 24 V DC voltage rack (0 or 1) for rack is outside the tolerance error 24V limits. Power supply O 0 0 1 1 BAF LED: The battery voltage on rack (0 or 1) the rack backplane bus is too low. error battery fault

Values default 0

min 0

max 1

Fault indication 1

possible reason in case of fault


Archive Container

To start the fault tracking for the Archive Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Archive Container is visible in the Tree View

The Archive Container Node name is arc

3. 4.

Select the Archive Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure for this Container is not finished The shut down procedure for this Container is not finished The shut down procedure for this Container is finished. Archive services are currently not performed. A malfunction was detected. Probably the archive functions are particularly not working. Further investigation is necessary to ensure that the Archive Container is functioning properly.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


Diagnostic System (1/1)

Page: 113 of 126

Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port Analog tag overflow Event tag overflow Long tag overflow Operation tag overflow Used analog tag ids Used event tag ids Used long tag ids Used operation tag ids Maximal allowed analog tag ids Maximal allowed event tag ids Maximal allowed long tag ids Maximal allowed operation tag ids Type O O O O O O O O O Values default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 min 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 max 1 1 1 1 65536 262144 32768 32768 65536 Fault indication 1 1 1 1 possible reason in case of fault Archive overflow impending. Less than 100 tags are available. Archive overflow impending. Less than 100 tags are available. Archive overflow impending. Less than 100 tags are available. Archive overflow impending. Less than 100 tags are available. The number of analog tags currently used in the archive. The number of analog tags currently used in the archive. The number of long tags currently used in the archive. The number of operation tags currently used in the archive. The maximum number of analog tags currently allowed in the archive. The maximum number of event tags currently allowed in the archive. The maximum number of long tags currently allowed in the archive. The maximum number of operation tags currently allowed in the archive.





SIMATIC Communication Container

To start the fault tracking for the SIMATIC Communication Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the SIMATIC Communication Container is visible in the Tree View

The SIMATIC Communication Container Node name is cc

3. 4.

Select the SIMATIC Communication Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault possible reason in case of fault Startup procedure for this Container is not finished Shutdown procedure for this Container is not being performed Shutdown procedure for this Container is finished.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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Column Status

possible Value failed

fault / o k fault

possible reason in case of fault A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Container is not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the Container in proper operation.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


CFC Chart Container

To start the fault tracking for the CFC Chart Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the CFC Chart Container is visible in the Tree View

The CFC Chart Container Node name is cfc

3. 4.

Select the CFC Chart Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault Startup procedure for this Container is not finished Shutdown procedure for this Container is not being performed Shutdown procedure for this Container is finished. A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Container are not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the Container in proper operation.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


SIMATIC Failsafe Automation Function Container

To start the fault tracking for the SIMATIC Failsafe Automation Function Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the SIMATIC Failsafe Automation Function Container is visible in the Tree View

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The Runtime Container Node name is afc_F

3. 4.

Select the desired SIMATIC Failsafe Automation Function Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container in functioning properly. no comment This Runtime Container does not receive signals from at least one other Runtime Container. The concerned Runtime Container is displayed. Check whether this connected Runtime Container is running or not. Check whether the signal exchange is designed properly.

connection state connection state


o.k. fault

Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port Monitoring time FailsafeCycle 1 Type f_cfc_ timer Values default 0 possible reason in case of fault min 0 max 10000 The monitoring time is set in ms. It is set at AF: F_CYC_CO at the Port: MAX_CYC Monitoring of the F cycle time of the cyclic interrupt Order Blocks The monitoring time is set in ms. It is set at AF: F_CYC_CO at the Port: MAX_CYC Monitoring of the F cycle time of the cyclic interrupt Order Blocks Indicates that Safety Mode is active = 0 inactive 0 1 Indicates the current operating status of the system. The failsafe program is shutdown = 1

Monitoring time FailsafeCycle 2

f_cfc_ timer


Safety mode


Shutdown of Safety program


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SIMATIC S7 FM458 Container

S7_FM458_Container To start the fault tracking for the S7_FM458_Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the S7_FM458_Container is visible in the Tree View

The Runtime Container Node name is afc_FM

3. 4.

Select the desired S7_FM458_Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Runtime Container in functioning properly. no comment This Runtime Container does not receive signals from at least one other Runtime Container. The concerned Runtime Container is displayed. Check whether this connected Runtime Container is running or not. Check whether the signal exchange is designed properly.

connection state connection state


o.k. fault


Diagnostic Container

To start the fault tracking for the Diagnostic Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Diagnostic Container is visible in the Tree View

The Diagnostic Container Node name is dc

3. 4.

Select the Diagnostic Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

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Status Page Column Status Status possible Value running unknown fault / ok o.k. fault possible reason in case of fault

This status information provided by the Monitor Container. The Diagnostic Container itself is not working properly and needs to be restarted.

Since the Diagnostic Container is responsible for most of the information displayed in the Diagnostic View, a lack of displayed information would indicate that the Diagnostic Container, itself, is not working properly.

The Action Stop for the Diagnostic Container is disabled.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container

To start the fault tracking for the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has been opened in the Workbench. Open the Nodes until the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container is visible in the Tree View

The SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container Node name is hc

3. 4.

Select the SIMATIC Hardware Configuration Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault Startup procedure for this Container is not finished Shutdown procedure for this Container is not being performed Shutdown procedure for this Container is finished. Alarm monitoring is not performed actually. A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Alarm Container is not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the Alarm Container in proper operation. The alarm functions are most likely at fault.

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Date: 2008_07_21

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Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.



To start the fault tracking for the IO-Tools Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the IO-Tools Container is visible in the Tree View

The IO-Tools Container Node name is iotools

3. 4.

Select the IO-Tools Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure for this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure for this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure for this Container is finished. IO-Tools services are currently not performed. A malfunction was detected. The IO-Tools functions are probably not working. Further investigation is needed to ensure the IO-Tools Container is functioning properly.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


License Server

To start the fault tracking for the License Server proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the License Server is visible in the Tree View

The License Server Node name is ls

3. 4.

Select the License Server Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure for this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure for this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure for this Container is finished. License services are not performed. A malfunction was detected. The License functions are probably not working. Further investigation is necessary to ensure the License Container is functioning properly.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Monitor Container

To start the fault tracking for the Monitor Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Monitor Container is visible in the Tree View

The Monitor Container Node name is mc

3. 4.

Select the Monitor Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status possible Value running fault / o k o.k. possible reason in case of fault

Since the Monitor Container is a key component of the system management which also monitors the other Containers, a malfunction of the Monitor Container will result in a very limited function of the Diagnostic View. In such cases, ensure that the Monitor Container works properly before starting investigations on malfunctions of the other Containers.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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Project Container

To start the fault tracking for the Project Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Project Container is visible in the Tree View

The Project Container Node name is pc

3. 4.

Select the Project Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault possible reason in case of fault Startup of this Container is not finished Shutdown of this Container is not finished This Container is shutdown.




Since the Project Container contains all the static project information a proper plant or unit operation is not possible in this case. A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Project Container are not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the Project Container in proper operation.

Since the Project Container contains all the static project information a proper plant or unit operation is not possible in this case. Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Plant Display Server

To start the fault tracking for the Plant Display server proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Plant Display server is visible in the Tree View

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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The Plant Display server Node name is pds

3. 4.

Select the Plant Display Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault possible reason in case of fault Startup for this Container is not finished Shutdown for this Container is not finished This Container is shutdown. The Plant Display server is not operating.




The Plant Displays will not be provided with actual process data. A malfunction was detected. Some or all tasks of the Plant Display Container are not working properly. Further investigation is necessary to put the Plant Display Container in proper operation. Alarm function issues are the most probable causes of this condition.

The Plant Displays will not be provided with actual process data. Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port Number of Subscriber Type I Values default n/a min *) max *) Fault indication none possible reason in case of fault Number of Subscriber: Count of automation function containers, that are currently accessed by the plant display server. Number of Clients: Count of visualization clients (plant displays) that are currently connected to the plant display server. Number of subscribed values: Overall count of all subscribed process values ( i.e. size of the internal process image) Response Time: update time of the plant display server process image.

Number of Clients





Number of subscribed values Response Time









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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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Page: 122 of 126

*) these values are continuously updated.


Report Container

To start the fault tracking for the Report Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Report Container is visible in the Tree View

The Report Container Node name is rc

3. 4.

Select the Report Container node Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault Startup of this Container is not finished Shutdown of this Container is not finished This Container is shutdown. The Report Container is not operating. A malfunction was detected. Probably the Report Container functions are particularly or completely not working. Further investigation is necessary to put the Report Container in proper operation.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Trend Display Server

To start the fault tracking for the Trend Display Server proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Trend Display Server is visible in the Tree View

The Trend Display Server Node name is tds

3. 4.

Select the Trend Display Server node Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

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Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault Startup of this Container is not finished Shutdown of this Container is not finished This Container is shutdown. The Trend Display Server is not operating. A malfunction was detected. Probably the Trend Display Server functions are particularly or completely not working. Further investigation is necessary to put the Trend Display Server in proper operation.

Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Call Home Container

To start the fault tracking for the Call Home Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench. Open the Nodes until the Call Home Container is visible in the Tree View. Select the Call Home Container. Compare the displayed status signals with the information below.

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status Possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed Fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault Possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Call Home Container is functioning properly. no comment

connection state



Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port smtp server connection error buffer overrun Type O Values default 0 min 0 max 1 Fault indication 1 possible reason in case of fault Communication to the message server failed. Indicates that some alarm notifications could not be sent due to buffer overrun. Buffer size is set in the administration console. Raised if at least one of the diagnostic ports is activated.

trouble alarm

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Technological Calculation Container

To start the fault tracking for the Technological Calculation Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench. Open the Nodes until the Technological Calculation Container is visible in the Tree View. Select the Technological Calculation Container. Compare the displayed status signals with the information below.

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status Possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed Fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault Possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure of this Container is not finished. no comment The shut down procedure of this Container is not finished. The shut down procedure of this Container is finished. This Container needs to be started to proceed with processing. A malfunction was detected. Probably some or all tasks assigned to the Container are stopped. Further investigation is needed to ensure the Technological Calculation Container is functioning properly. no comment

connection state



Diagnostic Page Diagnostic port TCC Status Type O Values default 0 min 0 max 1 Fault indication 1 possible reason in case of fault An error has occurred in the FMS.


Plant Monitor Container

To start the fault tracking for the Plant Monitor Container proceed as follows: 1. 2. The Diagnostic View has to be opened in the Workbench Open the Nodes until the Plant Monitor Container is visible in the Tree View

The Plant Monitor Container Node is located under the service container node, sc.

3. 4.

Select the Plant Monitor Container Compare the displayed status signals with the information below

Status Page Column Status Status Status Status Status possible Value starting running terminating stopped failed fault / o k transient o.k. transient fault fault possible reason in case of fault The starting procedure for this Container is not finished The shut down procedure for this Container is not finished The shut down procedure for this Container is finished. Plant Monitor services are currently not performed. A malfunction was detected. Further investigation is necessary to ensure that the Plant Monitor Container is functioning properly.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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Diagnostic Page There is no dynamic data available for this Node in the diagnostic system.


Quality Codes

In SPPA-T3000 each signal is assigned a quality code. The OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification is used to establish a common base, which uses flags to convey the quality state for an items data value. The quality codes are divided into 3 groups: Good, all good status indications start with G. Uncertain, all uncertain status indications start with U. Bad, all bad status indications start with B.


List of GOOD Quality Codes

The Good quality codes are listed below: Abbreviation GOD GFO GNC Denotation Value is GOOD, i.e. in normal state Value is GOOD but manually FORCED/SIMULATED Value is GOOD but port is Not Connected (e.g. visible Parameter)


List of UNCERTAIN Quality Codes

The UNCERTAIN quality codes are listed below: Abbreviation UNC ULV Denotation Value is UNC ERTAIN since a substitute value is used Value is UNCERTAIN and the Last Usable Value is held, e.g. during parameter reconfiguration of Hardware Proxies

ULV differs from BLV specifically on how the value is input. In ULV a value which is supposed to be written to SPPA-T3000 has unexpectedly stopped updating. In BLV a detectable communication error has prevented a value from being read. In both cases the last usable value is maintained.

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Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42


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List of BAD Quality Codes

The BAD quality codes are listed below: Abbreviation BAD BAD-LL BAD-LH BCE BNC BLV BOS BCF BDF BSF Denotation Value is BAD with non-specific reason Value is BAD since a proper Limit Low is exceeded Value is BAD since a proper Limit High is exceeded Value is BAD due to a Configuration Error Value is BAD since it is Not Connected to a data source Value is BAD and Last Known (good) Value is processed Value is BAD since the module channel is Out of Service Value is BAD due to a Communication Failure Value is BAD due to a Device Failure Value is BAD due to a Sensor Failure

Copyright Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

Date: 2008_07_21

Version: CFrel_4.41_en_2008_07_18_13_42

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