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Denise Vasquez
Intercessory Missionary Worship Leader
This months scripture meditation: Matt. 25:14-30

What I do!
Nissis Notes
Matthew 25:14-30 begins with, For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, which called his own servants and d elivered his goods to them. The verses continue on to describe how the man gave portions of his goods (talents) to each of his servants according to his own ability. Later in the parable, we see what the reward was for each of the servants good work with what was entrusted to them. Talents in this parable, is actually talking about a 5000-day wage. As I considered this, I d iscovered that the amount of money he gave was over a 13 years wage, and he didnt just give one talent. He gave one servant five talents- now thats a lot of money to have stewardship over. Recently, I have been on a journey with the Lord about being a good steward, not only of my finances but also my time, and energy. This parable points to the way the kingdom of God operates in respect to that which God gives us. It also makes clear that the money given each servant was not their own but their masters. I began meditating, and praying about this parable. What the Lord has shown me was eye opening and I just need to share it. Everything on the earth belongs to the Lord, He even owns us since He created us, and knows e verything about us (Ps. 139). If God owns everything, and has given me the opportunity to make good of what He entrusts me with, then the question is, how am I being a faithful servant with what is ultimately the Lords. This is a burning question in my heart! I d o not have it all figured out, nor am I walking in the fullness of it all, however, I now have a vision set before me. It is a vision of the kingdom of God and how I can be active within it. In the end, all I want is for my Father in heaven to say to me these words, Nissi, well done good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord (vs.21).

Intercessory Missionary- Worship Leader- spending 24 hours

a week before God as an intercessor, and 18 service hours per week.

CEC/ Daniel Academy -

I minister to the children weekly with teachings, prayer and worship. I am also developing our future academy for students within the prayer movement.

My New Blog is Out!!! Visit my blog at - I will be updating it each month. You can also use Paypal on my blog to give more easily! J

Upcoming Events!
Every Friday Starts at 7pm with worship and a teaching CEC for children BE on the look out for CEC ARTS!!!
You can watch me lead worship on the following days at
Mon. 12-2, and 6-8pm. Tues. 12-2, and Fri. 4-6pm
My sister Dawn and her new bundle of joy, Gwendoyln Claire; born January 13, 2012. I am blessed to be an Aunt 12 times over- WHEW!!

What I am doing at IHOPEG!

How do children worship God?
How do children worship God you ask? Well, just the s ame as we adults do, they just need a little more d irection. I am currently leading worship for the CEC (Childrens Equipping Center) on Friday nights. I have been blown away at their response to God in worship. With little leading and redirection, these children are entering into their own special time with the Lord. I have seen 6,7, and 8 year olds lifting their hands to the Lord, singing new songs unto the Lord, and dancing before the throne of God. It blesses my heart to see them having encounters with the Lord to s uch a degree. Who says children cannot be before the Lord in this way. We often think of them as being rowdy and uncontrollable in church services, but really the issue is that they have never been taught how they too c an engage their hearts in reverence to the Lord. This is our ultimate goal, that children can be active within the prayer room, engaging their hearts in prayer and worship! Wow, the kingdom of God is truly inter-generational, and I am blessed to be a witness of what the Lord is d oing in their little hearts!!! Praise the Lord!!!

The Daniel Academy

I am still planning on taking a trip to the Daniel Academy in Kansas City, MO this March. I am hoping to make a connection with the administrative team there to discuss the dynamics of a homeschooling co- op. Please pray for favor as I reach out to them. Also, please pray that the Lord would give me divine strategies in setting up this school. My desire is that He would be glorified, and that the children that attend this academy would be set on fire for the Lord!!!

If you would like to give toward this trip in addition to your already appreciated financial support, please attach a note with your support indicating how much should go toward the trip. Thank you in advance! J

God has a way of coming into our lives and speeding it up. He has perfect timing for everything. If you told me a year ago that I would be getting married this April, I would have thought your were teasing me. However, this is my reality. When its the Lord time be prepared for change, and quick change at that! Ken and I are preparing many things for the wedding. We are very simple people and do not need a lot. We are, however, coming up a bit short in funds. Please pray about helping to make our day a day to remember. We are so appreciative of what you already give, and would be so blessed if the Lord leads you to help us in this way! We love you all very much, Nissi and Ken J

Life on full speed!

Partner With Me!!

All IHOPEG missionaries raise their own salaries in the form of missions contributions from the people who believe in the power of prayer. If you would like to join my partner team, e ither by way of monthly gifts or a one-time gift, all contributions are tax deductible. For tax deductible donations make a check payable to IHOPEG. For all other donations make a check payable to Denise Vasquez and mail to: 303 Union Ave. Middlesex NJ 08846 #732-319-0549 - or by Paypal at or please put my name in the subject line.

Blessings and Shalom!!!

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