Clinical Practicum-Definition and Concepts

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SP 158: Clinical Practicum: Definition and •concerned with individual with communication

Concepts problem
November 11, 2008 •motivated to learn
FACL •willing to work independently
•willing to adapt to different working situations

Clinical Practicum
•supervised experience in which students learn SP 158: Elements of Clinical Practicum
professional skills of assessing and treating November 12, 2008
people with communication disorders. FACL

What does clinical practicum provides?

•It provides necessary opportunities to apply Elements:
and expand on the information in academic •students/interns/learners
courses. •clinical supervisor
•It provides the opportunities to interact with •training curriculum/programs
the patients/clients with communication •setting
disorders, professionals who are concerned •patient
with the habilitation and rehabilitation fields, •families
families in a learning and caring environment. •other professionals/colleagues
•Allows student.... •supervisory process
◦to participate in a variety of teaching-learning
activities that would enhance and develop Students
his/her competence and confidence in carrying •primary consumers of the program
out assessment and treatment activities. •neophytes, novices
◦To establish and build professional •eager, excited, ambivalent about confidence
relationship with his/her: •curious, afraid, anxious, ambitious
▪co-interns Clinical supervisors
▪professionals •mentors, guide, teachers
▪clients •prepare/plan, direct, organize, demonstrate,
◦to identify strengths and limitations evaluate student learning/performance and
◦develop a healthy attitude towards ethical activities
practice •advice, model, counsel students

Assumptions Training program

Supervision is important and beneficial / •map, guide, measuring tape of learning
to students •identifies specific competencies that student
need to learn
Clinical supervisors are “super- × •provides opportunities to apply theories into
practical skills
Supervisors attempt to produce self- /
directed, independent, problem- Setting
solving clinicians •clinical (hospital/clinics) and educational
(schools, day-care centers), community
The ultimate role of clinical supervisor × centers, home care
is to evaluate
•provides venues to practice and develop
Everybody can participate in clinical / clinical skills and attitudes
practicum •provides a venue to be exposed to the
different clients
Who may participate? •dictates the decorum, behavior, techniques,
•Completed undergraduate academic and approaches used for therapy
requirement in SP •provides the student the options for
•completed graduate academic requirement in employment choices later on
•professionals who are undertaking Patients
specialization courses (mentorship) •clients, “textbooks” in the clinic
•provides the students with the opportunity to
Students who are: put into practice learned concepts into
•responsible assessment and intervention

•concern of the student and clinical supervisor
•helps the students develop proper attitude
and behavior

•sources of information, team members
•they provide support for your patients,
•they help the students develop proper
attitudes and behaviors in dealing with diverse

Other professionals
•team members
•learning resources
•support systems

Supervisory process
•method used to assist the student develop
the necessary competencies needed for
professional practice
•relationship between and clinical supervisor


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