Black American Perspectives

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Conflict Of Interest
A Weekly Column By Walter B. Hoye II

In the abortion debate, is there a "Conflict of Interest" within the Black community and among her leaders?





Issue No.: 2012.030

Black American Perspectives

Black American's View The Economy Differently
"I thought a black president would make a real, actual, touchable difference in my life. He has not. But he's trying. He inherited a mess that those awful Republicans left him. So, he deserves re-election." Anonymous Black American Voter, Larry Elder, "The Black Occupy Protester Missing In Action" 1

Despite a Black unemployment rate hovering around 16% as compared to a National unemployment rate hovering around 8%. 2 Despite a Black teenage unemployment hovering around 42%. 3 Black America feels much better about the economy than White America. According to Syndicated Columnist, Larry Elder, "a February 2011 Washington Post survey found that 24% of Blacks were 'very' or 'somewhat satisfied' with the economy, compared to 12% of Whites. A recent NBC poll found that by a lopsided 73% to 19%, most Americans considered the country on the 'wrong track.' But not Blacks. 49% of Blacks think the country is 'headed in the right direction' versus 38% who do not." 4 I wonder if the Pro-Life movement is listening?

Black American Women View Themselves Differently

"Black women haven't really defined themselves. We were always defined as workhorses, strong. We carry the burdens, we carry the family. We don't need. We don't want.'" Sophia Nelson, author of the book "Black Woman Redefined: Dispelling Myths and Discovering Fulfillment in the Age of Michelle Obama." 5

According to a front page article of the Monday, January 23rd, 2012 Washington Post, "Black Women In America: Peeling Back The Labels," a Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation survey of over 800 Black women, found "Religion is essential to most Black women's lives; being in a romantic relationship is not, the poll shows. 6 Nearly three-quarters of African American women say now is a good time to be a Black woman in America, and yet a similar proportion worry about having enough money to pay their bills. Half of Black women surveyed call racism a 'big problem' in the country; nearly half worry about being discriminated against. Eighty-five percent say they are satisfied with their own lives, but one-fifth say they are often treated with less respect than other people." 7 Here's a summary of the article:

74% Prioritize living a religious life. 68% Call career success "very important." 46% See the economic system as being "stacked against Blacks."
I wonder if the Pro-Life movement is listening?

Black American's View The Pro-Life Movement Differently

"Women are not blinded by their faith, and they understand the connection of abortion to other critical issues such as economic justice, the environment, racism, and caring for Black children. In fact, as one SisterSong member put it, 'Jesus died to save us from our sins, not to save us from our minds.'" SisterSong, "African Americans Underrepresented in Anti-Abortion Movement," Published in Collective Voices, Vol. 2 Issue 5, Summer 2006 8

Despite Black women accounting for 40.2% of all abortions in the United States of America. 9 Despite abortion rates for White women decreasing and abortion rates for Black women increasing, 10 SisterSong, an organization founded in 1997, is dedicated to women of color and reproductive justice. SisterSong was built from a budget of $0 dollars to over $1 Million dollars by the Pro-Choice movement and works tirelessly to ensure that Black Americans understand how the "spectre of forced breeding" (e.g., such as during the days of slavery) in the Black community is being resurrected by the anti-abortion and anti-birth control agenda (i.e., Pro-Life movement) of White, Male, Catholic, Conservative Republicans and Democrats. While Loretta Ross will step down in 2012 as the National Coordinator for SisterSong, 11 the organization will continue to work hard to ensure the Black community understands that "attacks on abortion and birth control are cynically used to mobilize a conservative base of voters who are hostile to civil rights, human rights, LGBTQ issues, women's rights and immigrants' rights. But mostly, they are hostile to our Black children, pushing them out of

schools and into jails." 12 I wonder if the Pro-Life movement is listening?

Black American Views Require Black Americans

The Negro Project 1.0
"The minister's work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger. 13

In 1939 Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger's created the Negro Project. 14 Ryan Bomberger, Co-founder of The Radiance Foundation, says: "With the help of elite and famous African-Americans Mary McLeod Bethune, W.E.B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., the Negro Project was able to be sold as a solution to poverty and high birth rates." 15 Indeed. Under the pretense of "better health" and "family planning," Sanger cleverly implemented her plan to restrict, if not entirely eliminate, the Black community. Today the Negro Project is alive, well and pays the abortion industry enormously high dividends at the expense of millions of lost lives in every community. I wonder if the Pro-Life movement is listening?

The Negro Project 2.0

"Are we willing to do for the truth what others are willing to do for a lie?" Walter Ralston Martin (September 10, 1928 June 26, 1989), Christian apologist who founded the Christian Research Institute in 1960."

We have entered into the fortieth (40) year of legalized abortion in America and the Pro-Life movement has few strategies or tactics that appeal to or are supported by the Black community. Even though Planned Parenthood has been exposed, over and over again, as a criminal organization, she continues to be difficult to defund and next to impossible to dethrone. Why? Because Planned Parenthood invested in the Black community, she now (illegitimately) enjoys an air of "credibility" as the only organization working hard to meet the needs of poor and disenfranchised women struggling to realize the American Dream.

Walter Martin's words just keep ringing in my ears. "Are we willing to do for the truth what others are willing to do for a lie?" I believe so, still I just keep wondering if the Pro-Life movement is listening? Brothers, we really need to talk.
Note(s): Laurence Allen Elder, Radio talk show host and syndicated columnist. Larry is a Republican who supports free trade, school choice, same-sex marriage, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and abortion rights ( Reference(s): 01. Laurence Allen Elder, Syndicated Columnist, "The Black Occupy Protester Missing In Action," Published December 12, 2011 ( 02. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic New Release, Household Data, "Table A-2. Employment Status Of The Civilian Population By Race, Sex, And Age, Last Modified Date: January 06, 2012 ( 03. Ibid. 04. op. cit., "The Black Occupy Protester Missing In Action," 05. "Survey Paints Portrait Of Black Women In America," Washington Post, By Krissah Thompson, Published: January 22, 2012 ( 06. Ibid. 07. Ibid. 08. SisterSong, "African Americans Underrepresented in Anti-Abortion Movement," Published in Collective Voices, Vol. 2 Issue 5, Summer 2006 ( 09. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2008," Surveillance Summaries November 25, 2011 / 60(SS15);1-41 ( 10. Ibid. 11. Loretta Ross, "A Message of thanks and transition from SisterSong National Coordinator, Loretta Ross," ( 12. op. cit., "African Americans Underrepresented in Anti-Abortion Movement," 13. Letter from Sanger to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing company Procter and Gamble, 10 December 1939, Margaret Sanger Collection, Library of Congress (MSCLC) ( and/or ( 14. "The Negro Project," Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black Americans, By Tanya L. Green, Posted at Concerned Women of America ( 15. "The Negro Project: Poor, Black and Undesirable," TooManyAborted.Com (

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