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Carmela U. Palma October 24, 2011.

Monday BSBA III / MWF 7-9 Elinzano


1.What is the Philippine Advertising Standard all about?

All advertising should be legal, decent, honest and truthful. Every advertisement should be prepared with a due sense of social responsibility and should conform to the principles of fair competition, as generally accepted in business. No advertisement should be such as to impair public confidence in advertising. For the purpose of this standard:

the term "advertisement" is taken in its broadest sense, and means any form of advertising for goods or services, regardless of the medium used; the term "product" refers to any good or service; the term "consumer" refers to any person to whom an advertisement is addressed or who can reasonably be expected to be reached by it whether as a final consumer or as a trade customer or user.

2.What ethical standard thus the organization promotes?

A distinguishing characteristic of a profession is that practitioners combine ethical standards with the performance of technical skills. Supply management

professionals must subscribe to a set of ethical principles and standards to guide individual and group decisions and actions. Our ethical principles are integrity, value and loyalty. From these principles our standards are established to: (1) encourage adherence to uncompromising ethical behavior, (2) increase awareness and acceptance of ethical conduct, and (3) emphasize the role of ethics when formulating decisions.

(a) protection against hazards to health and safety; (b) protection against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices; (c) provision of information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer; (d) provision of adequate rights and means of redress; and (e) involvement of consumer representatives in the formulation of social and economic policies.

4.What is Philippine Association of National Advertising?

Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA) is one of the sectoral members of Adboard which was established on January 30, 1958. It is a non-stock, non-profit organization committed to the promotion of Truth in

Advertising. PANA was formed by adverisers for advertisers uniting the users of advertising. It was founded on four basic principles namely: belief in advertising as an important tool in marketing goods and services; belief that consumer's interest should prevail by making it the advertiser's primary concern; belief in the promotion and protection of the public's confidence in advertising and advertised goods and services; and the belief in the upliftment of advertising standards and practices. PANA's mission is to practice fair and honest advertising to protect the interests of the consumers as well as to develop its members to be a responsible and market-sensitive practitioners through relevant educational programs and interaction. Presently, PANA has a total of 319 member companies. It also aims to partner with other industry organizations in nation building through responsible advertising and media content.

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