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And Technical Functionality

Islamic television project) will broadcast Islamic themed programmes on a free-to-view basis over the satellite and cable television media and we are actively investigating further strategies of broadcast. This is done to add versatility and durability to the projects continued success and development. In terms of content we are devising and producing programmes aimed at the family, which should be engaging viewing for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The channel will aim to cater to a widely disadvantaged minority community within Britain. It will do this by providing progressive solutions to the social problems faced, such as drug abuse, hate crimes and other prejudices by highlighting the availability of services and resources.

Operational Outlook
As a complete television channel, Islamic television project will acquire three basic elements of a television station, although some of the technical functions and majority of the broadcasting activities will be out-sourced. Never the less from pre-production to the actual transmission, it would require substantial coordination and management. In order to set up a complete and successful television station there are three basic elements which are required to be fulfilled. These are the management of the channel and its administration. Secondly the continuous activities of production and acquisition of the television content, which then finally needs to be delivered to the viewers. Hence the technological infrastructure will be developed to distribute the content via various mediums, including satellite, cable and in the foreseeable future through the broadband media. The core objective of this strategy is to maximise the availability and accessibility of Islamic television project to all the target audience and their own discretion.

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904



And Technical Functionality The Operational Overview

Channel Management

Production & Acquisition

Technology & Infrastructure

Administration & Management

Content Creation

Content Management

Production Planning

In-House Production

Resource Acquisition

Content Distribution

In-House Post - Production

Play-Out & Uplink

Electronic Programming Guide

Broadcasting & Transmission

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904


Satellite and cable


And Technical Functionality

Functional Strategy
On average it would cost 10 million to launch a 24 hour digital television channel broadcasting in Europe, However Islamic television project Ltd has bought this cost down almost five folds to the cost of 2.2 million which includes all the frills. The question may be raised as to how that was possible, well through our unique model of operations which has been vetted by the leading members of the media Industry as feasible, practical and sustainable. Secondly, by eliminating third party involvement and establishing direct and long term relationships with our service providers. Finally, by maximising the utilisation of resources and minimising wastage.

Production and Post-Production

The production of programming at Islamic television project would consist of a healthy combination of both In-house and Outsourced productions. The balance of the both may shift from time to time in order to suit the financial and operational aspects of the channel. On the other hand, initially the majority of the content of around a minimum 60% of the content will need to be in-house, as there are only hands full of production companies whom have relevance in the Islamic television project market or have acquired adequate expertise to deliver the programmes in the minimum broadcasting standards required. But as the industry of Islamic media develops their will be influx of more production companies, which Islamic television project may collaborate with to out-source some the volume of production. This will benefit Islamic television project in two manners; firstly the management can focus on the delivery of high quality and larger variety programmes whilst relinquishing the responsibilities to actually be involved in the production itself. The increase in the commissioning activities will enable the management to drive the

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904



And Technical Functionality production to new levels and demand higher quality and value from the programmes. By the end of Islamic television projects five year development, the in-house production should be around 40%. This is mix of 40:60 ratio enables Islamic television project to focus on development activities, whilst ensuring that the sustainability is maintained at all times.

The immediate task would be to produce a library of 100 hour programmes, this would provide the channel with adequate buffer to ensure a constant flow of programmes and avoid content dry-out, which out result in the cease of broadcasting or otherwise excessive volume of repeats. The buffer allows a 30 day margin of error; hence the channel would be able to continue broadcasting for at least 8 hours a day without a dry-out. The buffer is also calculated from the Islamic television project experience of production that it takes seven hours of footage to produce one hours of programming, this takes into account and accommodates for 30 days fault-line (irregular repeats) and 15 days margin of error (total dry-out). The production set up will consist of both studio and location work, therefore the establishment of the production department of Islamic television project and its technological acquisition needs to reflect that. As the initial activities will be based around recoded and offline work, it provides appropriately provides the watershed required for the learning curve required to smooth over the problems faced with most start-ups. The set-up of the production will consist of medium range professional equipment that delivers broadcasting quality products. This would bring the

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904



And Technical Functionality costs of setting up a production company from 360,000 to mere 160,000.

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904



And Technical Functionality

Today, Direct-To-Home (DTH) broadcasting via satellite is attracting rapidly growing audiences. With the advances in digital technology and the opportunity to reach millions of households in the UK and Europe, satellite distribution remains a key, cost-effective broadcast solution. Islamic television project will use the United Kingdom in order to launch its channel broadcast; this provides several advantages in contract to other locations abroad. The initial benefit is the acquirement the broadcasting license, and secondly the established transmission infrastructure and readily available technical support. This compensates for the increased price, compared to the continental Europe. Islamic television project will use distribution platform EuroBird satellite to transmit the channel direct to UK home market, reaching over 6. 5 million Sky digital households and potential cable market of 3.2 million. The Eurobirds high-powered Ku_band signal can be received by a standard BSkyB Digibox decoder and 40 cm dish. The channel will be uplinked from our providers London based teleport which will become Islamic television projects gateway to the UK cable and DTH markets, and will have signal multiplex, uplink, space and BSKYB EPG access. There are many configurations of channels available and so many open ended questions, and Islamic television project has developed a unique model which lowers the set-up and maintenance cost substantially. Bringing the cost of a complete channel in the UK can cost between 130,000 and 150,000 to setup and 12,000 a month rental excluding content or rental of studios if live feeds are required. However, with Islamic television projects continuous development of special relationships with the satellite service providers, the cost will lower during negotiations. KEY BENEFITS: High quality, customer focused services Competitive pricing

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904


And Technical Functionality Expert engineered solutions 24 hour monitoring and maintenance facilities Complete end-to-end solutions

Added Value
Average digital channel broadcasting on satellite and cable has two revenue streams, subscription and advertising. Some choose to either become subscription or advertising orientated, whilst others adopted both as the source of revenue. By being subscription orientated the channel has to compromise on the volume of viewer-ship in return for secured revenues, and the other hand being just advertising dependent is a risky venture and many channel fail to capitalise on a quite saturated market. In contrast to this industrial dilemma, Islamic television project has developed a seven revenue stream base from which it can maintain and sustain the services and not only break even in the second year of broadcasting but also start generating profits by its third year. It must also be noted that the existing digital channels could not boast the same volume of target audience and neither to they service this untapped niche, due to the lack of know how in terms of programming and providing relevant content and access to the community. And Islamic television project has developed both.

Islamic Television Project

Registration Number 4138904


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