Marriage Line

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Marriage Line, Palmistry

Marriage Line goes across the edge of the palm starting under the little finger and provides knowledge of a persons love life. Marriage line, also known as Love Line, provides information about the relationship and the marriage of a person. According to renowned palmists, marriage lines reveal the course of marriages or romances in an individual`s life, but it depends on the number of lines present on the person`s palm and also the clarity of the lines. A prosperous union is suggested a deep, well marked line. If the marriage line is divided at the end and forms into a fork, then it indicates divorce or separation. A cross on the marriage line implies that the person might face problems in relationship or it might end up in a broken engagement, and the person eventually will not get married. The presence of small signs on any line on either side of the marriage line denotes that the person will have many illicit and extra-marital affairs. If the marriage line is long then the person is supposed have a long relationship. Moreover, if the marriage line tends to lean towards the Heart line, then it signifies the demise of the spouse or partner. The person could remain single, if the marriage line bends upwards. When the line is in close proximity to the heart line, then it denotes that the person will be married at a young age. If the line is deep then the person is supposed to enjoy a flourishing relationship. But if the line is too much deep or wide spread, the person will encounter strain in his marital life, fuelled by gradually fading affection. A divorce or separation is denoted by a broken marriage line. If the marriage line is segregated with overlaying segments, then it signifies parting and separation of the person and the partner, pursued by reunion. A clear printed Marriage line characterizes not only marriage itself but also close relationships and partnership. The number of lines shows a number of people whom a person has relationships with. Unclear hardly printed lines display a number of small intrigues of no importance in a person's life. A break in the Marriage lines can represent divorce, split- up. Too many lines crossing the palm all over : A wife leading her husband for evil purposes. If broken lines cover each other the re-establishment will occur. A double line indicates simultaneous relation with 2 persons. The depth of each line represents the depth of relations. A clear-formed arch rising to the little finger represents a single life where there are relations with opposite sex. . Both of them had multiple marriage lines, indicating to me that these two will not stay together. It is pretty uncomfortable to see this and to tell this to people I hardly know. So I gave it to them as a warning, and based on her intense love line, I told him to be more sensitive to her emotional needs. I also let them know that what lies in your palms is totally in your control. If you don't like your future, change your present.

To see if you will have future lovers, look at your dominant hand under your pinkie (Mercury finger). Turn your hand slightly, so you are looking at the side of your palm. You will see small (half an inch or less) horizontal parallel lines. Each of these lines represents a lover. The bottom line will be the person you are currently with or if you are single, the person you will be with next. Each line above that, represents a new lover. Different Marriage Line Markings

If the line ends in a downward slope, it will be an unpleasant relationship. If your line ends in an upward slope, it will be a positive relationship. If you are non-sexual, your line will end with a straight up vertical line. If the line is broken for a bit, then comes back, this indicates a break up and a make up. If you have multiple lines stemming from the same line, you will have multiple lovers. If the line only hides on the side of your palm without coming to the front, this will be a secret lover. Meaning a very strong crush that you do not reveal or a secret affair.

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