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TED'S COCONUT OIL FEEDBACK 11/01/2010: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "Of all the cures I have

written, nothing is as dramatically important for me as the coconut oil cure. What tipped me off to write this particular update occurred about the beginning of this year as I was trying to find a local source of bromelain (a protease enzyme commonly found in pineapples), when the owner of a factory gave me an industry secret in reducing death rates of piglets, by giving them a teaspoon of MCT (Middle Chain Triglyceride) mixed with a tiny bit of bromelain enzyme. Normally farmers report a 50% survival rate for piglets, but when fed with this MCT and a small amount of bromelain, you have roughly 100% survival rates. The MCT happens to be found mostly in coconut oil. While bromelain is helpful, most of the survival rates actually came from the MCT. The content of coconut oil is the only oil that I am aware of that contains high levels of MCT. It contains 60%. You might wonder what's all the fuss about MCT? That answer lies in the basics of cellular nutrition. In case you haven't figure it out, I consider the piglets' sudden death and Sudden Infant Death (SID), the condition that afflicts human babies, the same condition. You see, if a baby doesn't have enough glucose in their blood, for a very short period, brain cells die quickly. The cell's prime nutrition requires actually two source of energy, one from glucose and another one from MCT in the form found in coconut oil. Ordinarily the body makes uses of MCT when eating coconut oil by the liver which converts it to ketone bodies. What's even more interesting, is the mitochondria - the energy centers of the cells - can actually directly access MCT right through the blood brain barrier and give the mitochondria the needed energy. So babies born prematurely or starving babies can actually survive, if they have sufficient levels of MCT, where the mother could supply them through breast milk, after she eats coconut oil, or coconut oil is mixed in a milk formula or given directly, as in the piglets' case. The cells require energy and metabolism and have two sources, either glucose or a backup, MCT, if the glucose was in short supply even for a second. I have seen that people with low blood sugar for even a few seconds can faint. So the brain needs the backup system, and this comes from MCT. This allows a more stable energy source, much like the UPS (Uninterrupted Power System) should your glucose level be temporarily low. So the people who faint easily may actually have an MCT deficiency, which can be supplied from coconut oil. What is so special about MCT and coconut oil is that brain cells DO NOT REQUIRE ANY special receptors to utilize this source of energy! People who are too weak, sleep all day, the kind who have very long term illness, whether Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer disease, or just people who seem to be in a comatose state may actually have problems similar to those of a piglet that doesn't have a sufficient supply of MCT because their glucose level are unstable, or more likely as you get older, the cells lose their ability to uptake glucose. This is exactly what happens in patients with brain conditions such as Alzheimer, Parkinson's, etc. The brain cells lose their "insulin receptors". The insulin receptor is needed so that the brain cells can uptake the glucose. This means that if a person were to go into coma, in many instances, sugar can't be utilized, but the cells can directly access the MCT so the brain cells can function. It takes on the average 3 hours to notice the sudden improvement in speech, memory, and other cognitive abilities. Long term, if these cells can have the energy source, the brain cells will recover, and reduce or stop the brain death that occurs with Alzheimer's. In other words, brain cells starve to death because they lose their insulin receptors to access the needed glucose. MCT

is like a spare tire, should the original tire not work because the tire became old and worn out. The other advantage to be found in coconut oil has got to do with our late 20th century to early 21st century civilization's diet that's killing us. The diet is already lacking in MCT, which was always mostly found in coconut oil and now you will find it lacking or nonexistent in most cooking oils you use today. One of today's characteristic health problems is high cholesterol mostly in the form of LDLs, with low HDLs and high triglycerides. This is the typical pattern. What's interesting about coconut oil is it increases HDL, reduces LDL, and reduces the triglycerides all at once. In Thailand, because it is U.S. aligned, we have rejected the use of coconut oil and use the imported U.S. oil so that we end up with the same disease that afflicts the U.S. That's because of clever marketing. What the advertisers here in Thailand did was to say that if you put coconut oil in the refrigerator, it hardens, but not for soybean oil, corn oil, etc. Therefore, they would say, this is the one that clogs your arteries. This is false advertising. The hardened oil is actually HDL, and not LDL. In fact the fact that these soybean oils don't harden, means you will have low HDL. It's the HDL that prevents LDL from sticking. So that's a relatively simple advertising to counter that claim. Once you understand that cells can't access the glucose (not just brain cells) you may wonder where am I going to go from here. Well it goes everywhere. I recently visited a comatose client, who is 82 years old, and her skin was in such bad shape that one of her children (she has 15 of them!), decided to give her coconut oil applied to the skin. The skin condition improved dramatically within days. That's because as your skin gets older, it may lose its insulin receptors, and cannot access the needed glucose. So for the body to get the glucose needed, the body responds by increasing the blood sugar, to diabetic levels! But there is a way around that of course. Coconut oil! One other fact, the NUMBER ONE CURE FOR CANCER on this planet is to starve the cancer cells of glucose. Cancer cells die off quickly once you starve them of sugar! Cancer patients are weak, have no energy, because cancer cells STEAL GLUCOSE from the body so then healthy cells die and cancer cells live on. It is important to realize that cancer cells feed off fructose and glucose very efficiently. A couple of months ago one of my clients, after recovering quickly from a stage IV liver cancer with lymphatic cancer plus cachexia (using my typical liver cancer remedy) after 5 days, she decided to sneak and drink 2 full glasses of coconut milk without telling me about it. She ended up going into cachexia again. By the time I found out about it, B3, B1, B6, and B50 were provided to lower the blood sugar, white tea as a diuretic to pee out all those sugars and took another 3 days to get her improving again. You might be asking, so what have coconuts got to do with liver cancer, or any cancer, especially brain tumors? Most cancer patients cannot eat glucose, or carbohydrates for that matter, because they give the cancer the SUGAR THEY NEED. This is true for honey, fruit juices, bananas, watermelon, ripe mangos, sticky rice, wheat, and white bread for that matter! So how are you going to get the energy to do anything? Try coconut oil! In fact coconut oil is a fairly efficient fuel source compared to glucose, and the extra fats of coconut oil are not even stored in the body. They are usually utilized. Coconut oil contains several components that are antifungal and antiviral, which makes it interesting in treatment of viral caused illness, and from my own experience, nearly every case I encountered with cancer is viral in nature, including Parkinson's disease and Alzhiemer's. In case you are wondering, the antiviral wonder drug came mostly from lysine. And in case you are wondering why soymilk is a bit more healthy than cow's milk, it has a lot to do with the lysine to arginine ratios. The lysine to arginine ratio for soymilk is 1:1, while a typical cow's milk is around 1:2, more arginine then lysine. Now for those who are aware of

arginine, the arginine supports virus growth, whether they are viral cancer, herpes cancer, etc. but for soymilk, because of the higher lysine level at 1:1 ratio, it places soymilk at an advantage when it comes to antiviral properties. So whether you are recovering from a long-term illness, in a comatose state, a person in a nursing home, Alzheimer's, or Parkinson's disease, or just simply want more beautiful skin, the cells simply need that coconut oil so they can get the energy they require for more beautiful skin. What it does to the skin, it will do the same for the brain cells and all the organs inside the body, because all cells need fuel so they can properly function! My coconut oil remedy requires 1 tablespoonful twice a day, preferably taken with meals. In other situations, you can take 2 tablespoons in one dose. You should see some results in about 3 hours on the average, in terms of energy. Athletes may be interested in coconut oil too. Ted p.s. To give bromelain a fair review, the bromelain was added to the MCT for the piglets as a natural antibiotic, as the bromelain reduced the piglets' rates of dying from infections. In the human arena, most of the infections are under control with proper sanitary measures, but the MCT is one supplement that is definitely missing in the human diet that I believe to be essential, should the cells not be able to access the required glucose. p.p.s. Footnote on the 82-year-old patient. She's out of her two months' coma, but still sleeps most of the time through supplements using clove oil, methylene blue and hydrochloric acid drops. In case you are wondering how I get people out of coma, it takes between 30 minutes to 12 hours on average to get them out, unless of course MRI reveals large sections of dead brain (I have one case like that), and I am trying on that one! Most comatose conditions may have to do with energy deficit, lack of ability for the brain cells to utilized the needed glucose, and this is where coconut oil comes in, along with the other things mentioned. "

Replies 12/05/2010: Sashalani from Lancaster, Ca, Usa replies: "Hi Ted, thank you for the information on coconut oil, it has been extremely helpful. Sad to say the one of my dear friends died or should I say they pulled the life support plug on her due to doctors saying she was brain dead and she was in a coma for less than 1 month... They did'nt even give her a chance to recover. Anyway my question is how do you administer coconut oil to comatose patients? Thank you in advance." 12/06/2010: Merryanne from Orange City, Florida, Usa replies: "I may be able to answer some of your questions about administering food or liquids to comatose people. There is usually a feeding tube in the patient, either in/down the nostril to the stomach or a gastric feeding tube threw the wall of the lower abdomen to the stomach, either way it has portals that liquids are administered through, and you all ways flush this hole with water after giving anything, if that thing is an oil I suggest you use warm water to clear the tube all the way to the stomach after giving oil." 03/18/2011: Rizwan Malik from Lahore, Pakistan replies: "Dear Ted, I have read yr remdies and various responses from all over the world. These are truly incredible. I have 10 years old daughter and she is suffering from Guatte psorisis for last two months. She is also suffering from soar throat and running nose. The attck is very severe. I gave her ACV for a week or so but no results. Now I have started off with Coconut oil. So far I gave here one teaspoon coconut oil in a hot cup of milk .

Please help me out in finding the right solution to her problem. Thanking you in advance. rgds, Rizwan Malik" 03/24/2011: Rich from Boca Raton, Fl replies: "Coconut Oil does kill yeast, but it seems Caprylic Acid kills ZERO in this study. Capric/Lauric Acids in coconut do the killing." EC: Link provided did not work. 06/04/2011: Coconutty from Phoenix, Az replies: "So I agree with you on everything but the soymilk. Soy has too many photoestrogens to be considered healthy. In my opinion. As for administering coconut oil to comatose patients, you can also give it intravenously. Great post though overall. Thank you." 08/17/2011: Leanne from Calgary, Ab replies: "Hi Ted, I just read your article on coconut oil and comas you posted 11/01/2010. I have a friend that was seriously injured three days ago and in critical condition at the moment. He has severe edema throughout his body and they say his brain is damaged in the area of the vortex for his motor skills. The rest I believe they say would be capable of functioning when he is out of coma. Many people desperately praying and hoping for his recovery. Can you please tell me more about the coconut oil and other possible remedies that may speed heal his brain and how it should be administered in a hospital? Thank you!! :)" 08/19/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Leanne, Most hospitals at the moment don't allow it to be administered. That's the policy. The reason it can be done is when they gave up on him, or that the relative with consent of the doctor, otherwise its sneaking in things is the most common I seen. That's how I saved people, the other is they be transferred to Nursing home because of the "cost" and you have some connections, and that's difficult in U.S. The other is easier, if self care, and doctors give up on him and allowed to "die" at his home where the treatment is handled. As far as brain damage is concerned, the concern is to restore circulation to the brain is far more important and regenerative properties of aloe vera oil, or at least aloe vera extract but at low dose such as 10 drops should be fine. The regenerative tissues can only occur is that the scar tissues does not occur and that can be done with bromelain. I used a bromelain 10% to mixed with water taken 3 times a day, at 1/8 or preferably 1/4 teaspoon three times a day. Aloe vera oil is given once a day. For some reasons all patients has an unusual need for N acetyl cysteine, given 250 mg x 8 times a day to help with the phlegm, as this is critical also for synthesis of glutathione. If there is any fever, I don't use antibiotics I used usually 750 mg lysine with is 1/3 teaspoon of lysine given hourly for four hours and threonine 350 mg for example or 1/8 teaspoon approximately given the same time period. It is given once in morning (4 doses) and once in evening (4 doses) for at least 3 days. On the third day especially I will add glutamine to the remedy, which is added to the lysine protocol at 1/4 teaspoon. This is to get immune system up and fight off the infection. If it last to 3 days and show no sign of letting up, 25 mg of zinc acetate given everyday for one week, would be the way. Bromelain 10% is given throughout the time and so is aloe vera oil. That's the basic. I may restore some neural connections with a couple of things, 5 to 10 drops of Lithium chloride 10% once a day, piracetam 800 mg, and hydergine 2 mg. once a day, and perhaps gingko biloba extract, with flavones, 1/2 teaspoon maybe twice a day. Coconut oil is given 2 tablespoon a day, can be mixed with food. Since people in coma is seriously drained of energy, that is why they are in coma, they need something above and beyond to get energy levels up, these include 800 mg CoQ10 ubiquinol only, not ubiquinone. taken 3 times a day, methylene blue 0.1% at least 8 drops once in morning and once in the afternoon. All foods if it is tube fed must have 4 drops of Hydrochloric acid per 250 cc of food (of course he

may need less), plus a lot of digestive enzymes say 4 capsules with every meal. Clove oil can be applied to the feet this seems to help get out of coma also. In addition alpha lipoic acid and acetyl l carnitine 500 mg capsules combined is given at least twice a day, selenium 200 mcg x 2 day and B3 500 mg in evening and before sleep (that's based on schedule), he sleeps anyway. When in coma energy has a lot to do with it needed to get people out of coma. Now I know poor people who cannot afford all this out in province in Thailand, we used a chopped hot green pepper (equivalent in America its Jalepeno) and chopped garlic down his throat it works most of the time. That's the basic protocol and is for your information only. I have much more remedies than this, this is just the basics." 08/27/2011: Gavin from Manganui, Northland, New Zealand replies: "I heard of another treatement for patients in a Coma.. That requires small capacitor electrodes placed on the fingers.. the small shocks travel up to the brain and basicly realign the synapses." 08/28/2011: Rob from Manhattan, Ny replies: "and for some inspiration... this story on RadioLab.. Finding Emily... http://www.radiolab.org/2011/jan/25/finding-emilie/" 10/15/2011: Myrtle from Suva, Fiji replies: "Thanks Ted for all your info on coconut oil. Very helpful. I also read your natural remedy for coma in province thailand and was just wondering (hoping) if you have a natural remedy to assist with anal fistula as I am suffering from this and not looking forward to the upcoming operation." 11/21/2011: Cedric from San Francisco, Usa replies: "Hello Ted, Thank you. I too believe in the coconut oil health benefits. My dad (he is 70) has had parkinson disease for about 6 years; he takes many pills which make him fall asleep during meals, and he is slowing down a lot, walking little steps at a time. What coconut oil regimen do you suggest for him? Did you treat patients who had Parkinson? Thanks for your help. Cedric" 12/03/2011: Cc from Slc , Utah replies: "Some more info on Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil 1 Tablespoon (14g) of VCO contains - 9g (8,694 mg) of Medium Chain Fatty Acids of that LAURIC ACID 7g (6,657mg) CAPRYLIC ACID 1g (1,043mg) CAPRIC ACID 994mg."
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[YEA] 04/16/2008: Vi from West Covina, CA writes: "Extra virgin coconut oil is the only thing that cured my acid reflux. I tried everything including tums and apple cider vinegar. The only side effect is that you will drop about 10 pounds in a month and I think the majority of people might like that. It's been about three weeks since I've taken the coconut oil and so far no sign of the acid reflux."

Replies 05/08/2008: Pat from Toledo, Ohio replies: "was just wondering how much and how they took the coconut oil for the acid reflux?" 03/25/2009: Janie from Houston, TX replies: "I'm trying the Extra Virgen Coconut Oil for acid reflux, but I'm unsure exactly how much and when to take it. Could someone please give me some pointers. I'm also interested in how this might help with weight loss." 10/19/2009: Michele from Fort Lee, Va replies: "There is no such thing as "extra virgin" coconut oil. If you are using it, you've been duped. The companies listing coconut oil as extra virgin are borrowing from the olive oil industry. It is important to use organic virgin coconut oil. I just thought I'd mention that there is no need to pay extra money for a marketing ploy. Regards, Michele" 10/28/2010: Marian from Pueblo, Co replies: "Not to diminish the good and no doubt worthy press for virgin coconut oil, I too, suffer from acid reflux badly, and have found that a simple cup of mineral water with every meal virtually eliminates the midnight seiges of all the symptoms that come with heartburn. I have read on Dr. Mercola's website that coconut oil has a ton of benefits that far outweigh the GERD relief, so I'm not propounding that anyone give it up. Only that if that's all you're using it for, mineral water will be a lot cheaper... Not tonic, not spring, not artisan, not sparkling. MINERAL water. About a buck a day if you buy the clear bottle stuff rather than the green bottle stuff..." 01/12/2011: Togo2009 from Manchester, Ky replies: "There is such a thing as EVCO! The Extra Virgin Coconut Oil tastes a lot more like coconut than regular coconut oil. Also, you cannot cook at a very high temperature with evco versus a somewhat higher temp than regular coconut oil. Someone, my friend, has duped you. Buy extra virgin coconut oil and buy regular coconut oil... HUGE difference!" 01/12/2011: Carla from Seattle, Wa - Usa replies: "From Livestrong.com: Organic coconut oil is named for the origins of the coconut the oil comes from. According to Organic Facts, a privately owned website with the goal of distributing unbiased information on organic foods, these coconuts should come from palm trees grown in organic manure. There should be no use of synthetic fertilizers or insecticides. Further, there should be no use of chemicals in the extraction of the oil. WHFoods states that choosing organic coconut oil leads to a stronger assurance of higher quality. However, Organic Facts concludes that it is very difficult to verify the validity of organic coconut oil to ensure that it is, in fact, organic. In addition, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between organic and non-organic coconut oil in terms of flavor and odor. Organic coconut oil can also be found in the virgin form, which is highly regarded due to its being both virgin, meaning more natural, and grown under organic conditions. While extra virgin coconut oil is a term sometimes used, there is no set standard or recognition of the use of the term "extra virgin." Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/22890-types-coconut-oil/#ixzz1ArUXIBRL --------------

There is no difference between "virgin" coconut oil and "extra virgin" coconut oil as far as I have been able to find. There is a HUGE difference between regular refined coconut oil and virgin coconut oil however. You want to purchase Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. If you are buying Organic EXTRA Virgin Coconut oil, chances are you are just paying more for the same item. (Marketing) Refined coconut oil will look off color or even gray when compared to VCO."
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[YEA] 01/18/2008: Cheryl from San Juan, Trinidad writes: "I started using Coconut oil about three days ago for my heartburn. I did my own test by specifically eating the foods that causes me heartburn and to my amazement I can honestly say it really works! Next I am going to try it for weight loss and see how that works out." Replies 10/14/2011: Mg from Dallas, Tx replies: "I have had heartburn since high school (40 years). I am now taking Nexium (which works) but would like to stop because of the side effects and long term effects. I can look at food and get heartburn without nexium. I would like to know how much, when you took it and how long the effects of the Virgin Coconut Oil lasted. Thanks"

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[YEA] 05/16/2007: Dee from Fairfax, VA writes: "I'd been having terrible heartburn for over a week. So bad that that my kids and husband were very worried. A few years ago I had six ulcers! But didn't want to start the standard gastro treatments lansoprazole or purple pills - I'm well aware of the downsides to them. My gastric problem was probably caused by my ADHD, I frequently forget to eat because I get so hyperfocused I don't notice I'm hungry!So, I went looking for a homeopathic cure and found your website. I read a whole bunch of stuff and probably confused one thing with another nevertheless this is what happened: I made the ACV mixture adding the Baking Soda also 2 tbsp Aloe juice; 1 tbsp of organic honey; 1 tbsp of Virgin Coconut Oil (using warm water, which melts the honey and VCO). I tried with and without the VCO and for those who find the ACV drink unpalatable the VCO helps alot! The heartburn stopped in 24 hours! Major miracle. I felt focused, relaxed, energetic and pain free. The only side effect of note was/is gas. Is this from the VCO? Is there anything I can do about that? And is it OK to blend all this together? Should I be drinking it before or after or with a meal? I don't know about the other magical effects of VCO its only been 2 days! Thanks for this great site, its already helped me a lot!" Replies 07/31/2011: Syd from London, United Kingdom replies: "For the gas you can try oil pulling with coconut oil. Also a quick 10 day masterclense could help."

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[YEA] 06/05/2006: Pinoy Ako from Philippines writes: "I am still observing its effect: Taking Virgin Coconut Oil after meal (1TB after every meal = 3x daily) appears to relieve the production of phlegm associated with gastric reflux. I take my last one an hour before going to bed, and wakes up in better condition than when not taking it. Please note that the coconut oil has to be cold-

pressed process, hence, it's called Virgin Coconut Oil, which also lowers cholesterol and boosts immunity. DO NOT consume non-virgin coco oil--that will clog your arteries!"

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[YEA] 05/28/2006: June from Adelaide, South Australia writes: "After reading on this site the positive comments regarding coconut oil, I managed to purchase some excellent C/oil on May 6th, started taking 1 x tbsn. each meal, although I did miss at times. My indigestion/reflux disappeared almost immediately as did my desire for coffee and alcohol. I am also using it externally. As it is only three weeks ago that I started I will wait to give a report on my hair, skin etc. If anyone would like to know the name of the company I purchased from, I can give it. It is important to know exactly the quality you use." Replies 04/11/2011: Kathy from Sydney, Nsw, Australia replies: "Since this post was a few years ago, I am wondering if this person could please give an update on the coconut oil benefits? I too have acid reflux and am about to embark on coconut oil since I've heard of the benefits recently. Would appreciate the brand [I am in Sydney, Australia] and an update. Many thanks!!!" 10/11/2011: Skippi_oz from Brisbane, Queensland Australia replies: "Kathy, you can buy virgin coconut oil from health food shops in most Australian shopping centres. I buy mine from GoVita. I buy Banaban brand. I have also started buying coconut exotic oil from purefiji.com.Au. Starfruit is a gentle fragrance but you will be amazed at how quickly your skin reacts. (It took me a while to want to put oil on my skin but a tiny bit goes a LONG way. )"

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[BETTER BUT WITH SIDE EFFECTS] 02/27/2006: Dani from Sydney NSW writes: "Been taking this for over one month so far. Unfortunately, i wasn't aware of the "side-effects" when i started, and started taking the standard 3 - 5 tbsp daily, thinking this is good for me. The nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting were not pleasant. I would become nauseous around 8 - 10 hours later, diarrhea would follow, and sometimes i'd wake in the middle of the night to vomit. It took a while to work out these symptoms were caused by the coconut oil. I kept thinking it was food poisoning. I stopped taking coconut oil temporarily, and the symptoms disappeared. Started the coconut oil again, and the symptoms returned -- just like clockwork. I found the trick is to start off with smaller doses, say 1 tsp the first week, then gradually increase. Wish i'd known this prior to starting, would've saved me nearly a month of continually feeling nauseous and ill. On the plus, it has helped with a few things -it's diminished cravings for sweets and alcohol. And that's great! I'm hoping the longer i take this oil, the more i'll receive some of the other wonderful benefits that i've read about." Replies 04/19/2010: Michael from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia replies: "If after you take the oil, it is mobilising the toxins in your body, thats why your body wants to get it out, once the side effects start you should mix a teaspoon of activated charcoal, with water and drink it,

the charcoal will soak up all the toxins and you will notice the side effects aren't as bad, you can use ghee as well as coconut oil for the same toxic flush" 06/21/2011: Debbie from Alexandria, Va replies: "I always find it funny there's always that one person that immediately says that the body is simply trying to expel the toxins. What toxins exactly? You mean from the cereal I had in the morning? Or was it from the grape juice or the filtered water I drank? I bet that Dani just realized which amount is far too much for his/her body. That's a lot of fat your body just isn't used to imbibing. It's no big deal. I gave coconut oil to my cat and noticed similar negative reactions. Her litterbox was quite a mess, let me tell you! However, there's no way I'm going to give her charcoal to absorb the so-called toxins from her... Canned cat food? It's not like I feed her diarrhea mixed with benzene for godsake. I decreased the amount of oil she has access to and she's fine now." 07/26/2011: Elissa from Newcastle, Australia replies: "Canned cat food is actually highly toxic, and human beings and animals are completely different. We are constantly absorbing toxins from our water, plastics (which are everywhere), environment, the food we eat (all non-organic foods contain chemical residues, some quite significant levels) and the body builds it up over a lifetime. Every time you spray perfume or put roll on deoderant you increase the toxic burden. Every cup of coffee, glass of wine, sugary treat we eat increases the burden on our liver which reduces it's ability to remove said toxins. So yes, charcoal is helpful in eliminating those built up toxins. The coconut oil may also have been killing candida, those look like die-off symptoms." 08/04/2011: Madonnab from Houston, Texas, Usa replies: "I'd like to respond to Debbie from Alexandria in regard to her comment about activated charcoal. Activated Charcoal is one of the few safe things you can give a cat or dog for diarrhea or food poisoning. You can't just give them tums or pepto-bismol. It is also a common recommendation for humans who have food poisoning. Activated charcoal is also useful for bee and wasp stings - if in pill form... Crush or in capsul... Dump the powder into a small bowl and add just enough water to make a paste and put on the sting - it will help draw the poison and ease the sting. For more info http://healingtools.tripod.com/thn5.html EC is a site where many like-minded people are posting to help each other out as well as find suggestions for themselves. Debbie was dismissive and derisive - I fail to see how that helps." 08/25/2011: Lili from Darwin, Northern Territory replies: "Thanks for the advice for lessening detox symptoms. I did know about charcoal absorbing toxins but forgot in this case. I have been on 2 tablespoons of VCO for over 2 weeks. My reaction has been like having been hit by a truck! Going into a deep sleep for hours during the day, nausea, dizziness, less bowel movements and passing water, swollen right gland, feeling foggy in the head and today skin has been peeling off inside my mouth. Yesterday I increased my water intake and felt a little better today. Will buy some lemons and try the lemonade tomorrow. I've had allergies to dust and pollen for 20 years, and had Glandular Fever 5 years ago. Any ideas on my apparent detox symptoms??" 10/07/2011: Catherined from Corona, Ca replies: "I have read on other websites that some people have these reactions to coconut oil - I think it's presumed they're allergic to it. Everything does not work equally well for every person and is not equally safe. Please stop taking the coconut oil - if there are things you need remedied, there are usually other alternatives if you search for them." 10/26/2011: Kay from Austin, Tx replies: "Why the gang-up on Debbie from Alexandria?? I liked her comments and agree with them as well. @Madonnab from Houston, Texas - why so defensive? Maybe you need to lay off the charcoal. I really don't think Dani's stomach was reacting to toxins, it was more likely reacting to a high amount of grease."

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[YEA] 04/13/2008: Gail from North Bend, WA writes: "VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR HYPOTHYROID AND ADRENAL EXHAUSTION SYMPTOMS. I have been experiencing hypothyroid symtoms as well as adrenal exhaustion symptoms for 6 months. My Medical Doctor did blood and urine tests as well as an MRI because I was experiencing headaches, low body temperature, extreme fatigue, earaches, muscle and joint pain. All tests came back normal. Liver function normal, thyroid normal, B12 normal, iron normal. Naturopath did allergy testing, autoimmune and thyroid tests. Thyroid TSH, T3 and T4 all were in optimal ranges. No allergies to foods. Negative to autoimmune test. I began on my own taking nutritional support for my Adrenals. I purchased a book and took all the recommended supplements for Severe Adrenal Fatigue. My morning temperatures were consistently in the lower 97 degree F. I ate well, eliminating junk food and sugary foods. My morning temperature dropped into the 96 degree F range. In desperation, I began taking Virgin Coconut oil, starting with 2 teaspoons on day 1, then 3 teaspoons on day 2. 3 Tablespoons on day 3. After 4 days of VCO 3 tablespoons a day I was able to do light exercise. Before that I was barely able to make it through a day. My legs felt like lead. I worked 4 days a week at a sitdown job and would be in bed for 3 days. After 9 days of 3 tablespoons of Virgin Coconut Oil a day I had nerve zapping in my right leg and right shoulder at night. Since that time I have had no nerve zaps and the pain in my left shoulder due to Adrenal Fatigue is 98% better. I have been able to exercise vigorously. If I reduce to 1 tablespoons a day my body aches. At 3 tablespoons a day I have energy and have no body aches. My morning temperatures have gone up a degree, 97-98 F. I've been taking Virgin Coconut Oil for a month and a half." Replies 06/02/2008: Peter from Kissimmee, FL. replies: "Does anyone know if VCO would be good for HYPERthyroidism/Graves Disease?" EC: One positive response from the thyroid issue page: 02/25/2007: Carolyn from Lorain, OH writes: "I have been taking virgin coconut oil for eight months now because I read it will help regulate my thyroid. I am hyper-thyroid and have been on medication for the past four years.Last month I stopped my meds. because I was told my thyroid is in remission now. I believe the oil is what helped me." 09/01/2008: Cathy from Sudbury, Canada replies: "If you want to use coconut oil, cook with it! Butter your bread with it, use it in or on muffins instead of butter. My favorite is to use it for cooking pancakes, fried sweet potato french fries. Anything you fry because it is the only safe oil at high temperatures. Get creative with it. enjoy the lovely flavor. Put it in shakes!" [YEA] 09/08/2008: Lori from Saint Cloud, FL replies: "Most definately VCO is soothing to the thyroid. My B/F/F has Graves' disease, she swears by it. She mixes it in her AM shakes and cooks with it."

[YEA] 09/14/2009: Megan from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States replies: "I have been using extra virgin coconut oil for awhile now. I use it both topically for acne and moisturizer/conditioner as well as take 3 tablespoons per day. I also use it in soaps, shampoos, etc. I would recommend EVCO to anybody! I also use it for adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. It has been one of the best things I have done as far as treatment of my symptoms goes. I am only taking supplements and treating my disease naturally. Coconut oil is my number one and apple cider vinegar. Both used for adrenal/thyroid problems in addition to my supplements." 09/15/2009: Beverly from Phyllis, Ky replies: "Megan, Could you please explain more about your use of ACV and coconut oil for thyroid trouble. I am hypothyroid and thought ACV worked against your thyroid in this case? I love the benefits of ACV otherwise and would like to know how you use it? Thanks, Bev." 09/24/2009: Megan from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma replies: "Beverly, for the ACV: I use 12 tablespoons in 10-12 ounces of water. Put in some honey or pure maple syrup to help it go down easier. Just something to naturally sweeten it. The reason it has helped me mainly with my thyroid problem is my puffiness and weight gain. It has drastically reduced my overall "puff" as I call it. Also, it really helps to energize plus has an overall cleansing effect. I really felt so light and energized within just a few days of using this. I have had no other side effects, so I'd say give it a shot. It can't hurt that's for sure. However, I will note that I take no prescription medications, but on the same note, I have never known of it interfering with thryoid problems. I hope that helps you!" 09/24/2009: Megan from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma replies: "Beverly, I am sorry I forgot the coconut oil part! I have been using this about the same amount of time as ACV and I think it's helped drastically. With the thryoid issues I have had really awful looking skin. Not just acne trouble, but overall my skin just looked terrible. Since using it, I have had a few people complient my skin! I was so excited! I still have some acne, but as far as skin tone, it's amazing. Also, it's helped with acne scarring. For my thyroid, EVCO will definitely help boost thyroid function. I've read that it helps people with a sweet tooth and it will help you lose weight if you're looking to do so. Also, since I started having thyroid trouble, I always got cold hands and feet and just seemed to have poor circulation. It has really helped with this. I have started cooking with it, taking it, using it topically, etc. I really use it for everything! Give it a try too if you've got any of those symptoms: cold feet and hands, weight gain and puffiness, headaches too-used to get one every single day, skin problems, etc. I really have nothing bad to say about ACV or EVCO. Again, might read up on it if you take prescription meds, but overall, I don't know that it would interfere. I hope that this helped you." [WORKED TEMPORARILY] 01/01/2011: Cb from Warwick, Ny replies: "Hi, I used extra virgin coconut oil (a good unrefined brand) for adrenal exhaustion, slowly increasing the amount over three days, and on the third day, at one tablespoon, it felt like my eyes were opened, I felt alive and awake for 24 hours. Ever since that day I haven't gotten that feeling back. I know all about the placebo effect and this was not it, especially considering it took three days to get such an effect. I increased my intake to two tablespoons - still nothing. Then back to one and still no reaction like the third day. I tried for a month to get what I had on the third day. I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what happened and how I get that "awake" feeling back. I'm 21 year old female and have had adrenal fatigue since I was 13. Please help!" 01/02/2011: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France replies: "Cb, I don't know anything about Adrenal Fatigue also because I don't know anyone who has it but this morning I was reading a book on water "Water for Health, for Healing, for Life" by F. Batmanghelidj and he mentions the use of water to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Maybe you should give water and salt a try? When I finish it and the book link is working I will add

a review on this book which I consider very interesting. If like me you are someone who has always drank too little (the difference is that I am 53 so I have a lifetime of dehydration) maybe it will work for you! At least it is cheap and if you don't overdo it it can't hurt! Happy New Year for you and all those on this site, especially Deirdre!"

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ALZHEIMER'S AND PARKINSON'S 10/22/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Philippines writes: "Here is a most interesting study on the benefits of simple coconut oil in the diet helping to prevent/cure Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Many of the reasons are explained and presented in detail. This study was carried out by Dr Richard Veech a senior researcher at the NIH. The ketones or ketone-bodies that this article talks about are derived from MCT's in coconut oil. Ted from Bangkok has also written widely about the many benefits of coconut oil containing MCT's and the advantages of using ketone bodies for energy in the body. While the hunt for the genetic basis of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's continues, and 'cure' in the form of foetal cell transplant turned into nightmare, senior NIH scientist Richard Veech is developing a promising approach that will involve dietary intervention. A team, headed by Richard Veech, senior scientist in the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), has made discoveries that may lead to a simple, effective treatment for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. A molecular shunt that feeds into the core metabolic cycle, can protect cultured neurons from the kinds of damages involved in those neurodegenerative diseases [1]. Veech was in exuberant, confident mood when I met him recently at a special workshop on the biophysics of aging, convened by gerontologist Dr. Walter Bortz in Berkeley. Alzheimer's disease affects 5 million and Parkinson's disease about 500,000 in the United States. The incidence of Alzheimer's is expected to increase as the population ages, as its prevalence rises from 2.5% of those at 65 years of age to 47% of those over 85 years of age. Patients lose recent memory; the neurotransmitter acetylcholine decreases in the brain, and neurons die in the part of the brain known as the hippocampus, where the protein fragment, A 1-42, accumulate in characteristic plaques (patches).. Alzheimers disease is generally regarded as multi-factorial. Approximately 20% of cases appear related to abnormalities of A 1-42 metabolism associated with genetic defects mapped to chromosome 1, 14, 19 or 21. That leaves at least 80% associated with other factors, which include brain trauma, ischemia (decreased blood flow) insulin resistance, or impairment of brain energy metabolism. Parkinson's disease symptoms include muscle rigidity and tremor of the hands, and is diagnosed by aggregates of the proteins synuclein and ubiquitin in neurons, and death of neurons that use the neurotransmitter dopamine in the part of the brain known as substantia nigra. The disease can be associated with genetic abnormalities, environmental toxins or infections, and can be treated, at least temporarily, by the drug L-dopa. Experimentally, a syndrome indistinguishable from Parkinson's disease can be induced by the heroin analogue, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP ), which is taken up by the dopamine transporter protein into the neurons. In the neurons, MPP inhibits the activity of NADH dehydrogenase, the first enzyme of the 'electron transport chain' in the mitochondria, which oxidises the metabolic products of glucose in a core cycle of reactions the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle - that extract energy to power all living activities.

The brain uses a disproportionately large amount of energy for its weight, and it needs to extract it directly from glucose. The brain is unable to use fatty acids (breakdown products of fats) or amino acids (breakdown products of proteins), which can enter the TCA cycle through branch points in other tissues. A metabolite the brain can use is ketones, which can feed directly into the TCA cycle. Richard Veech's team found that ketones protect neurons from both MPP , which induces Parkinsons disease, and the protein fragment A 1-42, which accumulates in the brain of Alzheimers patients. Not only that, addition of ketones alone actually increased the number of surviving neurons from the hippocampus, suggesting that ketones may even act as growth factors for neurons in culture. The team's work goes back to the 1990s, when they started using 'metabolic control analysis' (see Box 1) to study glucose metabolism in working rat hearts perfused with glucose, to which ketones or insulin or both have been added [2]. Insulin is a hormone that reduces glucose concentration in the blood, and deficiency of insulin is associated with type I diabetes. Source: http://www.i-sis.org.uk/wheregenesfail.php" Replies 10/22/2011: Deb from Waterloo, Ia, Usa replies: "Hi Bill, Everyone has such great advice. I'm bringing my 85 year old dad to my house to help restore his heath to the point of walking again. He had a setback and ended up in a nursing home and of course he has gotton so much worse I had enough. Any advice on the vco? My mom has been holistic for many years but is unable to care for him due to his weakness. Any advice for Parkinson's would be appreciated. Need to detox my dad. Going to try grapeseed extract. No sugar, dairy, red meat, grains (wheat), he will hate that! He keeps getting infections so to many antibiotics!"

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11/03/2008: Siggy from Munich, Germany writes: "Coconut Oil cited as Alzheimer Remedy http://www.tampabay.com/news/aging/article879333.ece I recently received this article on the benefits of coconut oil against Alzheimer's. Others may be interested, too! Regards, Siggy Reichstein"

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02/10/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines writes: "Some clarification and further research evidence for any doubters concerning the true benefits of virgin coconut oil (VCO). The most useful protective ingredient by far in VCO is lauric acid -- a medium chain triglyceride fatty acid(saturated fat) which, after it enters the body is easily converted to monolaurin -- a monoglyceride and the active and protective form. VCO contains about 50%

lauric acid. By comparison, mother's breast milk contains only 20% lauric acid which works to actively protect babies who feed on the milk. As far as I'm able to work out, monolaurin acts on lipid coated viruses and bacteria in much the same way as BHT(Butylated Hydroxytoluene) and Hydrogen Peroxide. Monolaurin has several weak hydroxyl(OH) chemical bonds which react with all lipid(fat) coated viruses and bacteria in the same way to disrupt their hydrogren bonds, thus fluidizing the lipids and phospholipids in the outer envelope of the virus and completely exposing their DNA for recognition and direct attack and removal by the body's white blood cells, antibodies and neutralase enzymes. Monolaurin additionally also seems to adversely effect signal transduction during replication of these lipid coated pathogens. To keep it short -- here is a simple list of Viruses and Bacteria that are already known to be destroyed by VCO: Viruses killed by VCO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HIV 1 and HIV Measles Virus Herpes HSV 1 Herpes HSV 2 Herpes Viridae (all) Human lymphotrophic viruses(type 1) Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) Visna virus Cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr virus Influenza virus Leukemia virus Pneumonovirus Sarcoma virus Syncytial virusr Ruboela virus

Bacteria killed by VCO * * * * * * * * * * Lysteria monocytogenes H. Pylori (gram negative) Hemophilus Ibnfluenza (gram negative) Staphilococcus aureus Streptococcus agalactiae Groups A, B , F & G streptococci E. Coli Salmonella Gram positive organisms Gram negative organisms if first pre-treated with a chelator.

Research and evidence sources : www.lauric.org/lcv.html wikind.wikispaces.com/Monolaurin"

Replies 02/11/2011: R from Dallas, Texas replies: "Bill thanks for this informing article. How much VCO would you think is needed, daily, to kill a Virus thats on your list (specifically hiv). I have taken it in the past, and had to stop because I was heavily detoxing, and maybe should have just cut my dosage back. I would like to restart, but dont want to over do it again. Any suggestions? And thanks in advance! " 02/11/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "I forgot to add that VCO also contains both caprylic and myrysitc acid triglycerides(saturated oils). VCO contains 5% Caprylic acid and about 18% myristic acid -- and both these triglycerides provide significant defense either topically as well as internally against fungal and yeast infections. I know first hand how useful VCO is against candida. VCO cured my candida constipation rapidly but gently and my bloating symptoms disappeared within a week of starting to take VCO which was a significant player in my own candida cure." 02/11/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "Hi R... I normsally take a tablespoon of VCO 2-3 times a day with my coffee. You also needn't worry about VCO clogging up your blood or being stored as fat in your body. The fatty acids in VCO are mainly medium chain triglycerides(MCTs), whereas vegetable oils are wholly made up of mainly long chain triglycerides(LCTs). LCTs (veg oils) in excess are normally always stored as body fat and can cause problems in the blood and intestines, whereas MCT's are handled completely differently. MCT's are more easily absorbed into the lymph from the intestines and then all of the MCT's are taken to the liver where some MCT's are converted to glycogen and any excess MCTs are then immediately and directly excreted back into the intestines via the liver. MCTs are not stored in the body tissues as fat like LCTs. Whenever energy is needed by the body, the liver glycogen is quickly converted into ketone bodies and then converted and used in the cells eventually as glucose. No insulin or any glucose regulation involved, the liver controls it all. This is why VCO is so useful for diabetics -- and VCO never gets stored as fat in the body. In fact, when I used VCO in my own candida cure, VCO was one of the major reasons why I lost weight. I've been cooking with and using VCO now for over 4 years. My wieght has not and increased and I've never felt healthier. Regarding HIV therapies, perhaps the best, simplest and one of the most successful is Dr Foster's Selenium HIV therapy. Dr Foster discovered that a major and important enzyme in the liver -- Glutathione peroxidase (protects the liver and body from oxidant damage) -was heavily depleted in all HIV AIDS patients because the AIDS virus uses it, along with Selenium, amino acids Glutamine, Tryptophan and N-Acetyl-L-Cysiteine (which all become depleted when you have HIV AIDs). Read his free ebook on his HIV AIDS remedy here: What Really Causes AIDS(PDF) by Harold Foster With some small alterations and additions, Dr Foster's therapy is essentially the same as Dr Berkson's therapy for Hepatitis B & C, Cirrhosis and liver disease etc. This therapy simply involves taking Milk Thistle, Selenium, Magnesium and R-Alpha Lipoic Acid daily and is essentially a Triple Antioxidant Therapy to revive and greatly boost the liver, blood and immune system. A third option is to just take the Chanca Piedra herb everyday (1000 mgs or twice a day). Chanca Piedra is currently undergoing trials against HIV AIDs and has been fairly successful at greatly reducing the viral load. Chanca Piedra is easily obtainable from any health shop and succesfully works to inhibit the reverse transcriptase enzyme in the HIV virus thus completely inhibiting viral reproduction. I know alot about Chanca Piedra -- one of my favourite herbs -- and is another herb that greatly boosts both the liver and the kidneys -- I can personally vouch for this. I grow Chanca Piedra in my garden and I have already used it

quite successfully for treating friends and locals who had gallstones, bloating, diabetes, edema, gout, candida and athritis. Read more about Chanca Piedra here. All the above therapies have few if any side-effects and can be combined without problems." 02/12/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "The links I created on the original post are all not working. I think there is an intermittent problem with the link facility in Edit Mode on the EC Contact page. All the links for the original post strangely go to the EC Welcome Page for some reason. Anyway, here are the links again: What Really Causes Aids?(PDF) Dr Foster's Selenium HIV Remedy Dr Berkson's Therapy for Hepatitis B & C Chanca Piedra Healing Properties I have checked each link in Edit Preview and they all worked." 02/12/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "Hi R... I forgot to fully address your heavy detox problems. Whenever you have a detox overload problem -- more properly recognized as a Herxheimer Reaction by medical science -- it really doesn't matter whether you successfully kill alot of the pathogens causing your ailment if your liver is over stressed or becoming diseased because it cannot cope with removing and excreting the debris and toxins from the body. An example of this is Stage 4 cancer. You can successfully kill billions of cancer cells but if you liver is diseased and cannot clear the debris or poisons and toxins, then the liklihood is that the cancer victim may well die of cachexia(starvation), morphine overdose or from the cancer. All three of these outcomes can result from a weakened or diseased liver. Various alternative therapists have recognized this as key to healing the body. If your excretory pathways are clogged and polluted, you're immune system will remain depressed and you will never heal. Dr Gerson from the Gerson Cancer therapy wisely recognized a healthy liver as a key factor in his cancer and tuberculosis therapies. Dr Gerson did a famous experiment with two rats. One rat had bone cancer and the other rat was completely healthy. He connected up the arteries and veins of both rats so the blood of the healthy rat ran through the sick rat and vice versa. The outcome was spectacular. Instead of the healthy rat catching the cancer as you might think, the reverse happened and the sick rat was completely healed. This proved outright that with a healthy immune system, even cancer will be defeated. And the major organ that he focused upon to tune up the immune system was the liver -- which is the chemical factory of the body. Which is why I have advised treating your liver with various simple but effective therapies in order to boost your immune system while simultaneously attacking and removing your pathogen problems. This will boost and quicken healing time as well as boost the immune system.

Source reference http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonspeech.html" 02/12/2011: R from Dallas , Texas replies: "Bill, Thank you for the great information!! You are so appreciated! One last question is, do you find any one brand of VCO of better quality, over another?" 02/12/2011: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "Hi R... I use a good Filipino brand of VCO called Nature's Gift. It only costs about $6 per liter(34 oz) in the Philippines. That's why I cook with it too, very cheap and it's the only one I've ever used. They also sell the RBD Coconut Oil (made from copra) here but I avoid that one." 04/28/2011: Louise from Orlando, Fl replies: "Hi Bill, just wondering if you could help me. I tried VCO about a year ago. Started with 1tsp and added 1 each day til I was up to 3. After about a week or so, I got a horrible cold sore and started having bladder control issues. So I stopped using the coconut oil and the bladder problem went away. Cold sore was gone after a week and I haven't had one since. I would really like to use coconut oil but am afraid to. Are these normal reactions that will go away after a while, was I doing something wrong or are they possibly allergic reactions? The bladder thing happened to me once before when I tried aspirin therapy - does that have something to do with thinning the blood? Thanks so much for the information." 04/29/2011: Bill from San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines replies: "Hi Louise... To find out whether you are allergic to VCO spread some VCO on a small patch of your skin on say your forearm. If you are allergic to VCO, the skin area will eventually become red or itchy. If you are taking VCO, it is quite likely that your reaction is due to a die-off in your body. Sometimes, when the liver is insufficient or stressed, eruptions may occur on the skin to compensate because the skin is also an excretory organ like the liver. This can also be a way for the body to express and get rid of excess toxins. Your racing heart problems may also be due to the excess toxins released from any die-off or Herx reaction. So if you want to continue with VCO, I would try and give your liver more support by taking the Alpha Lipoic Acid(300 mgs twice a day at meals), Selenium(200 micrograms twice day at meals) and Milk Thistle(1000 mgs twice a day at meals) at the same time. Or simply take 1000 mgs Chanca Piedra capsules twice a day at meals. Both these are protective therapies for the liver and will act to help remove excess toxins from the blood quickly and will also spruce up proper liver function. I would also begin the VCO therapy with a reduced dose, to help you cope with the die-off more easily. Stick to whatever dose you are happiest with. Start by taking one teaspoon VCO three times a day with meals --and work up slowly to at least two tablespoons a day(6 teaspoons) if you can. This should be enough to help provide benefit to your body." 04/29/2011: Louise from Orlando, Fl replies: "Thanks so much for the response. I will try the allergy test and the liver boosting suggestions. The bladder control problem was the thing that really freaked me out but from what you're saying, sounds like that may have been herx reaction as well. Thanks again." [SIDE EFFECTS] 07/10/2011: Tonya from Leicester, England replies: "Hi Bill, Last week after reading about VCO on here last week I took a tablespoon of oil before bed as a treatment for Candida. I had a terrible time that night unable to sleep because I was very hyperactive and then my heart began to race, it continued to race for a few days. In 24hrs I lost 4lbs in weight, in a week I have lost half a stone. I am already very slim and can't really afford to lose this much weight. This surprised me as I have used it in cooking previously and as a replacement for butter without these drastic effects. Today I used a

tablespoon for roasting some parsnips and so far it hasn't had the same effects. Does the oil or the way in which our bodies use the oil change when it is heated to a high temperature?"

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[YEA] 03/26/2009: Shiva from Hyderad, Andhra writes: "drink two spoon of pure coconut oil which helps u to increse the apatite and helps u to cure thyroid .. it is my own experience."

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[YEA] 06/15/2007: Jenna from Vineland , New Jersey writes: "I have been taking Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for only 3 days now, and let me say my apetite has decreased already. I was one of those people that would eat just because i was bored or because i was stressed out. Not anymore, even if i wanted to eat, i cant, because the oil creates a full feeling. True it is hard to swallow at times, but i grit my teeth and bare it. Sometimes i'll mix it in just a little bit of Organic Apple Juice to mask the taste a little bit. I cant wait to see other things improving." Replies 10/11/2008: Karen from Little Rock, Arkansas replies: "I've found that it all depends on the brand you buy. I bought Jarrow at first, and gagged every time I ate it. Bought Nature's Way brand the next time, and it is SO much better! I could literally drink it, it is so good!" 08/23/2009: Lisa from Pearl, Ms. replies: "I have only tried one kind of organic virgin coconut oil so far made by ____ ____and although it smells very much like coconut it is completely tasteless/flavorless. It's like taking spoonfuls of water, only with a thicker consistency." 08/23/2009: Noelle from Minneapolis, Mn, Usa replies: "There are lots of great brands of organic virgin coconut oil out there. You might find one you like if you go to iherb.com, look under Coconut Oil, pick out several brands of organic virgin coconut oil and read the tons of reviews from people who've actually used the product. People will definitely tell you if it tastes and smells good (or not), and if it was effective for what they were using it for. Then you can search for that product at your local health food store, coop, market or superstore. Looking up stuff and finding out about other people's experiences -- that's what the internet is for! Have fun!" 01/02/2010: Rick Z from Pueblo, Co replies: "Did major research on why I was having digesting problems and learned bad foods like fast food and what not decreases the good bacteria in the stomach thus leaving the bad bacteria to roam freely. I tried prilosec which didnt help much, I even tried changing my diet and finding that waking up on an empty stomach I will burp uncontrollably even drinking water. So I researched on the why's, how's and what are my options? I found Colloidal silver to help eliminate any toxins or unhealthy bacteria, but that was not enough! I had to also give Acidophilus a try. I repopulated the good bacteria and taken Colloidal Silver precautiously. I started to see great progression with the belching, indigestion and heartburn. Then I ran out of my Acidophilus awhile back and have purchased Coconut Oil and said "Maybe I should give it a shot" What won't kill me will make me stronger, right? So I taken a teaspoon and notice within a few minutes of

ingesting it with food I noticed I wasn't burping or getting that sharp pain in the chest which I compared to a heart attack (scary stuff right there) Since I stopped taking Acidophilus and Colloidal Silver, I just stuck with the 1tspn per meal to maintain a healthy digestive tract. I narrowed it down to either I encountered Candida Albicans or H.Pylori which both are in comparison of many symptoms. Gradually reducing the indigestion, heartburn, and other various problems I see going away and not at a slow rate or fast. Everyday I notice a better progression. I'm only 26 and been eating unhealthy for at least 15 years. Sad America teaches us to stuff our face with fastfood instead of serving more healthy alternatives besides a salad or bottle water. Additives and antibiotics and horomones being injected in our cattle and other food eating products and hydrogenated products which in time will lead to dire situations. Yes I am young and shouldn't have these problems but yes People who don't eat right or exercise is heading down a dark road and might not come back, Jack!" 06/01/2011: Todd from Peoria, Az replies: "I tried this Pina Colada smoothie: 3 cups of water/ice, 2 cups of fresh pineapple, 1/2 cup almonds, 1/2 cup pitted dates, 2 tbs of coconut oil and 1/2 vanilla bean. Mix it all up in a high speed blender. It is fantastic!" 06/02/2011: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France replies: "Yes, Todd, it sounds fantastic but have you thought that when you use a high speed blender you kill all the vitamins and enzymes in your smoothie? I don't think that I would use one..." 06/03/2011: Tina from Princeton, New Jersey replies: "Hi Francisca, I just read your post with dismay. I use a blender, a Vitamix, to make my green smoothies and love them. They not only fill me up but have greatly improved my overall health, including weight loss. Can you tell where you got the information about high speed blenders destroying vitamins and enzymes? Thanks!" 06/03/2011: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France replies: "Hi Tina, when I decided to start juicing I did a lot of research because I had no idea of what to buy. Here in France you hardly ever find anything but centrifuge juicers and I thought of buying one but the more I researched the more I came to the conclusion that the best juicers were the masticating juicers, also the advice from a few juicing books I have. It wasn't easy as you hardly ever find one here in mainland Europe so I ordered an Oscar from Amazon. Am I happy? Yes and no, I am happy because of the fact that they turn slowly and therefore everything stays alive, which is very important. Even after a few hours the colors are still amazing, like you threw ink in the juice. What I am not happy about is the quality of the machine, with some fruit and vegetables juice goes into the motor which is not easy to clean, for example but if I ever bought a juicer again, which I probably won't as I hope this one will last me a long time (they aren't cheap.... ), I would probably buy a Champion or else one of the other juicers which is very similar to the Oscar but less expensive."

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[YEA] 03/07/2010: Tinkerbell from Austin, Texas writes: "I have been taking coconut oil mainly because I heard it helps UTI's and i got them chronicly. I never expected it to help my asthma! Iv been taking it a few months and I noticed I wasn't useing my asthma meds. I couldn't believe it. Iv been studying coconut oil like crazy for a week now and found that

this stuff is incredible! I eat a lot less cause the oil suppress my hunger, my chronic UTI's are gone, I have way more energy, my asthma is going away, my skin is clearing up, dry skin is gone, candita symptoms are gone, chronic headaches are gone. Coconut oil has given me hope for a new life! Don't take it from me! Educate yourself. There is a ton of science behind this stuff, and research that can help you understand what it does and why." Replies 12/03/2010: Bella from Louisville, Ky replies: "U mentioned your "asthma" got better. Maybe your reflux got better and therefore your "asthma" cleared up. Reflux splashes hydrochloric acid into your airway causing asthma like symptoms. Most Dr.s don't think of this. 50% of people are silent refluxers. So, maybe it wasn't asthma after all." 08/24/2011: Cheryl from Summerville, Sc replies: "In my experience, most acne is a virus and an imbalance in good bacteria in the colon. It's often not enough to take probiotics or coconut oil because it does not kill it entirely. The best one thing for acne is black walnut because it is very good at killing all the things that cause breakouts AND will balance the good/bad bacteria at the same time. And yes, cleansing and supporting the liver is important too, but if you're not killing things when they come out, you're just re-circulating everything. I suggest working with a professional on this one because killing stuff is not an easy process most of the time and it's hard to know if it's die-off or you need to back off because your organ are in overload.... Because that's what probably caused the problem in the first place. There are different parasite killing herbs for different parasites, viruses, etc... So if you're going to get the job done... You need to know which one you have... Get tested.... Muscle testing is best and I'm an advocate of nutrional response testing.... Good luck!" 08/24/2011: Kattis from Auckland , New Zealand replies: "This is a great post. I am getting muscle testing for the first time also, so am looking forward to that. With acne yes so caused by imbalances in the body... Like acidity and yeast. Especially that yeast lead to leaky gut syndrome etc. Another good thing that is similar to black walnut is Grapefruit seed extract. Highly effective for clearing the body of rubbish and leaving a great balance in the body. Tastes sooo bad though. I am going to try to insert into gel cap to take. Also nothing like a bounce on a rebounk to get your lymphatic system fired up and flushing. They say 15mins on a rebounder is the same as a 30 min run = D" 08/25/2011: Blanche from Iberia Parish, Louisiana replies: "How can you tell when it is a virus?"

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[YEA] 02/22/2008: Michelle P from Kenosha, WE writes: "My 9 yr. daughter has been on every asthma medication known to man. She was diagnosed before she was two and has been on numerous antibiotics, steroids taken orally and inhaled and of course albuterol. These medications just seem to help the symptoms but nothing ever made her truly better. I found your site and decided to take matters in to my own hands. I started giving her 2 tbsp of coconut oil per day and eventually was able to wein her off all her medications. The coconut oil is amazing!!! I wish I would have known about this years ago. I started the coconut oil about 6 months ago and in those 6 months she has had only 5 minor attacks..." Replies [QUESTION] 01/23/2009: Marci from West Bloomfield, Mi , U.S. replies: "Question for woman who used coconut oil for 9 yr. old daughter with asthma. Is 2 tbsp a day correct? If so, I'm guessing not all at one time (that would be a tremendous amount of oil) in one child serving over cereal, fruit. If it tastes too greasy, i know my 6 yr. old with a mild case of

asthma won't want to eat food with the coconut oil on it. I use 2 tbsp. coconut oil on cereal for digestion and if I don't have enough cereal and almond milk it tastes very greasy." 06/10/2009: Hulia from Toledo, Ohio replies: "you could try putting the oil in something that your child eats like peanut butter. mix it in or warm it up to make it liquid and mix it into yogurt. there's also the obvious option of cooking with it, it makes an excellent cooking oil. you probably already cook with oil so while a couple of tablespoons might seem like a lot of oil to consume it's actually about the same as your child is consuming already if she eats anything fried." 12/03/2010: Bella from Louisville, Ky replies: "Probably cured her reflux and the asthma she probably never had! I bet none of those Dr.s prescribing all those meds, steroids didn't take a nose swab to see if there was pepsin in her nasal cavity which is only supposed to be in your stomach. I bet those 5 attacks are related to reflux and not asthma! " 12/27/2010: Mary Louise from Nevada City, Ca, Usa replies: "It is very possible the coconut oil cured asthma and not simply "silent acid reflux. " This is because coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti microbial. They are now discovering that about 50% of asthmatic are infected with Chlamydophila pneumoniae - which often causes walking pneumonia. Many adult onset asthma patients may indeed have this - especially if they have "infectious asthma" - this means an infection often causes it to flare up, etc. The correct dosage is probably 3.5 TABL for an adult and 2 TABL for a child. I say this due to the woman's testimony above, and because this replicates medicinal doses for HIV/AIDS, as well as for Alzheimer's. I say this because I have struggled with infectious asthma and I was considering doing the unnatural protocol of taking antibiotics for 6-12 weeks (Z pack), as this has been successful for many people. Before doing so I decided to search coconut oil for asthma, and found this. I was struck by the fact the coconut oil was used fairly long-term to get the good results. This matches the findings with the antibiotics, as well. So I will try the coconut oil. The Alternate Day Diet (intermittent fasting) also works for asthma - but when I went off the diet for 3 weeks - the asthma came back. The coconut oil may cure the causative factors." 12/29/2010: Mary Louise from Nevada City, Ca, Usa replies: "One more thing - I started back on the the Alternate Day Diet yesterday - so will only use the coconut oil every other day on my higher calorie day. (On the Alternate Day you do a partial fast - low calorie every other day) Hopefully this will prevent the weight gain issues mentioned above. Let's see how it goes."

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[YEA] 07/02/2006: Dianne from Mansfield, MA writes: "within 2 days of using my athlete's foot has totally cleared. My husband has also had the same results." Replies [YEA] 01/13/2009: Jim from Klamath Falls, OR, USA replies: "I had a very similar experience with the EVCO. I also use it for an underarm deodorant, along with ACV. I first apply the ACV and let it dry and then apply a very light amount of the EVCO. If I happen to get too much under the arm, I just dab it with a tissue. It does not stain and the light odor of coconut is gone within 1 hour max.

My athletes foot problem cleared in 3 days usage. Amazing how effective it is as an under arm deodorant. I just started to use it 2-3 times a day in hope that it will have a similar effect on my gastritis. This is a great web site! Thank you all." [YEA] 08/08/2010: London from Sandusky, Ohio replies: "I massaged coconut oil once a day on my foot for a week and got rid of it."

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[YEA] 03/22/2006: Shelly from Medford, OR writes: "I had a stubborn case of athlete's foot for several months. Tried every kind of natural/herbal cure that I could think of, but there was no relief. I read about coconut oil bringing healing to skin rashes, so I decided to try it. After a week of applying the oil, twice a day, the rash is gone. I'm also feeding it to our dog every morning with his food. He LOVES it! He 's a young dog with no apparent health problems, but I look at as a preventative measure and I anticipate that it will also help him with flea and tick problems. It's great to have such wonderful natural remedies!!!"

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[YEA] Kathie from Washington UK writes: "Many people who have autism may benefit from an emollient made from powdered epsom salts mixed with coconut oil and then massage with this cream." Replies 06/27/2008: JENNY from GREENWOOD, INDIANA replies: "I WAS JUST WONDERING HOW SALT AND COCONUT OIL COULD HELP SOMEONE WITH AUTISUM, COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN MORE ABOUT THAT. PLEASE AND THANKYA." 02/09/2009: Lisa from London, UK replies: "i am very intersted to know how coconut oil would help with autism. thank you." 05/13/2009: K from New York, New York replies: "Epsom salts is magnesium (magnesium sulphate). Transdermal application of magnesium is more effective than oral ingestion, though magnesium chloride is better than magnesium sulphate. Magnesium has a significant impact on a variety of major health issues such as ADD, brain function, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart problems, athritis, migraine. Magnesium also protects the cell from poisonous metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel, which can contribute to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases multiple sclerosis, and learning retardation. Magnesium is involved in over 300 processes in the body. Most people are severely depleted of magnesium. Just search magnesium on the web and you will see how crucial it is. Coconut oil contains Lauric Acid, which both increases transdermal uptake of the magnesium sulphate and is beneficial to the brain and nervous system.

Good health primarily requires healthy saturated fats, adequate levels of magnesium and vitamin A & D in concert. There is a great deal of excellent information at The Weston Price Foundation, which is where I first learnt about the benefits of coconut oil. http://www.westonaprice.org/splash_2.htm"

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[YEA] 09/22/2009: Ellen from Arlington, Tx writes: "Coconut oil for back pain (pinched nerve) Yes!!! It worked wonderfully. I rubbed a quarter sized amount of coconut oil on my back a little over an hour ago. It has made the pain go away. I don't know how long the relief will last but I will keep using it."

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[YEA] 12/07/2008: Penny from Jackson, TN, USA writes: "I was pleasantly surprised it worked! Every winter I suffer with lower back pain. I read about the coconut oil and had some so I thought well I'll try it (I didn't expect it to work) I was so surprised my back pain was gone within minutes I mean no pain! this is wonderful lol. I just took about a small amount maybe teaspoon full in my hand and rubbed it on my back...now I'm a happy camper! Thanks for the tip. Penny in TN" EC: Read more back pain remedies here: http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/back_pain.htm

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[YEA] 12/30/2007: Velvet from Mountain Home, Arkansas writes: "Coconut Oil. I have been using CO for a year now and I have no outstanding reports to make on it, but today I tried the CO bath. Now I am disabled and I have a handicap hand rail and I use the non skid mat in my tub and I never gave it a thought that when I went to get out I could not. I used my wash cloth and a towel for more traction but I was not strong enough to overcome the oily tub and mat. I struggled for a long while and it took awhile for me to get turned over on my side so I could use my painful knees, but I finally made it up and out. This is just to let others who are disabled in their legs, knees, etc be careful and know that you are going to be very slippery. I am laughing now, but it wasn't funny at the time. For the record I have used CO on my face for a year now and I cook everything in CO and I take it 1 tsp at a time

in my protein drinks. I do not do the TB amount. so far I have no bad re-actions. I just hope it is doing something good inside."

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[YEA] 01/26/2008: Barbara from Tower, MN writes: "I had a horrible, embarrasing smelly belch! It only happened about twice a week, but it smelled like sulpher,ie: rotton eggs! I checked the internet for what horrid diseaes I may have and found a recommendation for coconut oil. Two meals of scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil cured me! Permanently! For the last 6 years I only use coconut or olive oil for cooking, not more "smelly burping" ever!"

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[YEA] 04/02/2007: Catheryn from Jonesboro, AR writes: "Although I had begun using VCO for other reasons, I realized after only two months that a chronic, "incurable" bladder condition that I had had for twenty-one years was much better. Then it seemed to just disappear. It has been over a year since any symptoms, and I don't expect any. My urologist was astonished." Replies 09/09/2011: Rosie from London, Uk replies: "I am wondering how much VCO you are taking or were taking when you noticed your bladder condition improving. Thank you" 11/09/2011: Onalooserein from Klamath County, Oregon replies: "Love, Love, Love! this site! I would like to info about adding the use of beneficial bacteria to the diet to cause the digestive tract to be full of beneficial/symbiotic bacteria like acidophilus and the bifidum strains, etc. I have been using probiotics for years, I do not get sick, ever, and my allergies/asthma are non-existent. If a person doesn't fill their digestive tract with the "good" stuff, then oportunistic things will grow there and in this day and age of over prescribed anti-biotics, it is usually "bad" stuff, or disease causing pathogens like fungus/yeasts. 70-80% of our immune system lies within our gut. Healthy gut, healthy person. Did have a bout with breast cancer and followed the phase one diet (very low carbohydrate/no sugar)and used anti-fungal supplements such as Coconut oil (caprylic acid), oregano oil, olive leaf, etc.. Also had a leaky gut from Candida albicans infection (caused mainly by anti-biotics and S. A. D. , Standard American Diet of processed foods and high in Carbohydrates and sugars). This diet and supplements killed the Candida and a Herxheimer effect ensued. Was advised by my assisting Naturopatheic Physician to use Charcoal (constipative) capsules, Quercetin (with bromelain for better absorption)which is an anti-histamine, or Benedryl (at night before bed as this causes drowsiness)to ease the symptoms of Herxheimer. After 2 weeks of flu like symptoms (eased by the charcoal and ant-histamines), pruitic (itchy) rashes and intense pain in the breast, I then discovered the

tumors to be gone, I am so happy about that, to be so empowered by God's gift of healing. Blessings to you all! PS. I recommend getting the home environment free of toxins, especially molds & fungus. I live in the middle of a National Forest and have the luxury of using a woodstove in the house, which dries and purifies the air. I also use Ultra Violet light room air purifiers and HEPA filters in the central heating system. Do I sound like a hyperchondriac? In my defense, after remodeling a bathroom with a leaky shower stall, the floor & sub floor under the vinyl was permeated with a black mold (probably stachybotrus)one of the most deadly when in the human body. Very shortly after exposure (no respirator) I was in the hospital dying, 9 days later I was released, alive but not healed. The doctors were rather shocked that I lived through, I attribute my survival to first the Church praying for me and the use of the probiotics. One of the Nurses told me that the appendix stores extra beneficial bacteria for emergencies. My family has removed Peanut and corn products completly from our diets as they are the most contaminated food substance around. My son was having seizure like events that completely disappeared with the removal of peanuts and corn from the diet. Almond butter instead of peanut butter." [YEA] 11/18/2011: Beth from Pembroke Pines, Fl, Usa replies: "I can also vouch for coconut oil clearing up a chronic bladder infection. I had all of the symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC), and I found by accident that if I took coconut oil daily, the symptoms completely disappeared. I have been symptom free for well over a month now. I am about to do an experiment and stop taking coconut oil for a period of time to see if the symptoms return or are truly gone for good." 12/18/2011: Natalie from Sydney, Australia replies: "Beth, how much VCO are you taking a day? And how do you take it? I have all the symptoms of I.C. and would really love to try to cure it!!"

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[YEA] 07/16/2006: Brandy from Tacoma, WA writes: "I began using Coconut Oil as I heard it helps you lose weight and can lower your BP. My blood pressure has always been erratic, sometimes it will be as low as 117/70 or as high as 150/95. I exercise regularly, eat right, don't smoke, but still cannot get my BP under control. I started taking 1 tablespoon of the oil in the morning and at night. I noticed my BP was leveling off - but I also found I was gaining weight. I am not sure if it was due to the coconut oil, or if it was coincidental, but I put on 12 pounds! I stopped taking the coconut oil. I just purchased a bottle of organic Apple Cider Vinegar and hope this will aid in lowering my BP and get the 12 pounds off." Replies [YEA] 11/18/2011: Beth from Pembroke Pines, Fl, Usa replies: "I am amazed at how well coconut oil has worked to normalize my blood pressure. I am a very healthy and petite woman who was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 27. My diet is clean and I exercise regularly and with high intensity, but nothing lowered my blood pressure except medication. It was about 160/90 without medication, but stayed steady around 110/70 so long as I took it daily. After I began taking coconut oil daily (just 1 Tbsp. A day does the trick), I noticed that my blood pressure was getting TOO low! I stopped taking my

medication and kept an eye on my daily readings. The coconut oil keeps my blood pressure just as low as the medication did! I am surprised there aren't more reports here of coconut oil normalizing blood pressure (I have read that it also works for people whose pressure is too low). I have been spreading the word of coconut oil to anyone and everyone! There are other benefits as well, but I'll post those in the appropriate sections. :) The next challenge I'm going to give it is trying it on warts (the banana peel remedy isn't working for me)."

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BODY TEMPERATURE, MENSTRUATION 02/16/2011: Rhonda from Knoxville, Tn writes: "I have tried coconut oil so many times but everything I tried that made it easier to take- molasses, peanut butter, honey, baked goods- ended up causing me so many problems. I am on a low carb, high saturated fat diet that has helped most of my problems (acne, excess weight, constipation, etc) but I struggled to get enough sat fat and one problem that remained - I was always cold. Eventually, I found a canned coconut milk that was much higher in fat than most I had tried. I started putting that in my coffee and gradually increased the amount to maybe 75% coffee/25% coconut milk. I noticed that when I was at my computer in the mornings I was not feeling cold like I used to. Then I started taking coconut oil by the spoon, holding the hard blob of oil under my tongue (sublingual?) until it gradually melted. I did a teaspoon two or three times a day. After a day of this I was going to the programmed thermostat to manually bump it down a degree, then another degree. I have to mention that when I first started the the coconut oil/milk it always made my throat have this weird itchy/scratchy feeling. This gradually decreased and now I never have it. Previously, I would never get far enough into the coconut oil therapy to get past that feeling and kind of worried that it was a bad thing (allergy). Now I just see it as part of the healing process (thyroid?) and am glad I pushed through it. After doing this for a few weeks I noticed my monthly cycle was longer. I had been in the 21-23 day range for about a year. This first month on the coconut oil it was back to a normal 28 days." Replies 11/06/2011: Jake from Chicago, Il. replies: "Thanks so much for that comment about the itchy scratchy throat because I've been getting that off and on too, as I have increased my Tablespoons of VCO per day. I thought as you did that it was an allergy, but have noticed it sometimes not coming on, so your confirmation leads me to feel comfortable that it will pass. BTW, I also notice my cold hands and feet disappearing."



[YEA] 12/17/2007: Brynne from Irving, Texas writes: "I listened to a nutritionist last night who reminded me that the brain is mostly fat, and when we aren't sleeping well, feel irritable, can't concentrate, or even have headaches, our brains may be crying out for fat! As we add the coconut oil to our diet, our brains may find greater balance and we feel the soothing nature of the unctuos coconut oil internally as well as externally. This all happened when I recently took only 1 TBS of Coconut oil per day for 2 days and then started my cycle without the usual 4 aspirin headache...my cycle was so peaceful. I felt so quiet and easy throughout my body; there was no struggle to have my normal cycle."

Replies [YEA] 05/03/2010: Amnesiantoinette from Houston, Tx replies: "Yes, there must be something to that. I took aprx 1 TBS of coconut oil for the first time two days ago (in my coffee), and about an hour later...I had a physical and mental state of well being just wash over me. Was not expecting that at all! I was probably very deficient in healthy fats at that time." 12/29/2010: Imlisa512 from New Port Richey, Fl, Usa replies: "@Amnesiantoinette... When you mix VCO with your coffee are you using cream/sugar also? i'd like to try it this way, but not sure about the mixture. Thx"
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[YEA] 07/07/2006: Carole from Peekskill, NY writes: "This is a cure from Jamaica. Rub coconut oil on the head and on the chest if anyone has bronchitis or congestion. I've found that coconut oil and Saw Palmetto tea are really excellent for this. Coconut oil is also a great fighter against candida."

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[YEA] 10/09/2009: Saysouda from Nashville, Tn writes: "Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for bursitis, joint pain. I'm 36 yrs old and for 3 yrs I have bursitis on the should area and pain in my wrist. I decided after reading on earthclinic to give VCO a try. In one week I noticed the pain went away and I have more energy. It really really WORKS!

I take a 1 Tablespoon/day. Put in coffee, spread it on toast instead of butter, put some in my soup, add to my pasta sauce. I love the smell. I even use it as a cold cream to clean my face at night. I even give VCO to my dogs and cats and their coats are shiny and soft! I will continue to take this the rest of my life. I love VCO! Thank you earthclinic."

Replies 05/26/2010: Genese from Cleveland, Ohio replies: "I'm new to this. Reading all the threads and would like to know what VCO to purchase. Someone mentioned a kind they purchased was hard to stomach while others say the taste was good and smell sweet. Don't want to buy something I can't stomach." 05/27/2010: Rainman from Central, Vt, Usa replies: "I have tried 4 major brands of VCO and can tell you most are pallatable. The cheapest one I recently purchased was the worse... but, still tolerable. However, I ended up saving it for external use. Without being able to give out brand names... I can offer one suggestion. There is a mildly priced brand that comes in a glass jar that is just fine. It tastes good, cost is right, and I have had great results with. This company also makes a range of supplements (mostly oils). The reason why I decided on this brand is because most VCO brands come in plastic containers. I have been trying to avoid plastic whenever possible anyway. They have refined and unrefined... but, it costs around $10 for 14oz. Our local COOP also sells it in bulk by the tub... which I usually buy then split it up into the previous jars I have used. I hope that leads you down the right path. If possible... the admin can give you my email and I will list out all of the products I have tried and my unbiased opinion of them. Just start using the VCO... you will be pleasantly suprised. I find it fun to try different products to see how they compare anyway. Everyone's taste is different. Good luck!" 05/27/2010: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France replies: "What I understood after reading a book on VCO is that the important thing is that it is very white while solid and like water while liquid. Then you have pure oil. I buy mine in Germany, indeed in a glass jar and it is very expensive. It smels of coconut which for the skin is a bit funny but you shouldn't buy the deodorized one because then it is not pure anymore. I was suprised that they don't accept the huge, thick glass jar back for recycling, it seems such a waste to throw it away every time the oil is finished..... They wouldn't even need to give me money for it, I could give it back when I go for a new one but no, they say that it is difficult to wash them. I have seen a less expensive brand in an Asian shop but it looked yellowish so I didn't buy it. You hardly find VCO around here, either in Germany, France or Switzerland (I am lucky that I can do my shopping easily in three countries). The scare against saturated fats was quite effective. By the way, you shouldn't really use something with less quality for your skin because it absorbs the product so you get it inside anyway!"
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10/10/2011: Steve from Gold Coast, Australia writes: "Hey Robin from Melbourne. Research coconut oil. Great for many problems especially candida.1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon orally /daily will do the trick."

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[YEA] 03/17/2008: Star Z. from London, UK writes: "I have been taking Organic VCO before meals for the last 2 days. A single heaped table spoon. It's yummy. I felt a tense pressure in my baby belly and my stomach has not stopped churning very low pain levels. There is also discomfort to my lower back. I was surprised to find a huge discharge below totay. I was unaware of the fact that I had trush. It disclodged and evacuated more discharge than the prescription medicine I take when I feel the discomfort of thrush. I have also been having an unusually thin poo, not watery, loser than the norm. After the display with the discharge I just wonder what is leaving my stomach! The fact that I didnt know it was there is not reassuring. This is the best detox I have ever done. I think in 3 weeks I will reduce to 1table spoon a day, as well as skin and hair application. This site does a fabulous job, somebody needs to tell Oprah. Star Z."

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[YEA] 05/09/2008: Maddy from Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK writes: "I was suffering with mouth ulcers for some time and my GP gave me some cream to put on my tongue. The stuff was awfull and left a dry residue on my tongue. It did nothing for the pain. So I started using coconut oil. 1 Tablespoon, melted in microwave in a plastic cup (if you use glass the oil explodes and covers the inside of your microwave). Leave to cool enough so you can hold it in your mouth for approx. 1 minute, then swallow. I did this 2x a day for 2 days and my mouthulcers where gone. Maddy, UK" Replies 05/13/2008: Sandy from New Windsor, MD replies: "Canker Sores: In response to Maddy from UK, VCO has a melting temperature of about 76 so it will melt quickly in your mouth or melt on low on your stove in a ramekin. Did you know that microwaves drastically change the composition of your food? There is probably somewhere in this site some good info on it. Blood warmed in a microwave can kill you, breast milk warmed in a microwave is detrimental to the baby, and studies done on blood samples from people after eating microwaved food shows deleterious effects " 07/04/2008: Maddy from Nottingham, UK replies: "Reply to Sandy in New Windsor, MD: Thank you Sandy for that information. I did not know that. Have not read it in any of the literature. I am sure the remedy still works using your methods. Maddy, UK"

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[YEA] 04/07/2008: Veronika from Frankfurt, Germany writes: "I just want to quickly join this wonderful post and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sharing your

experiences. Recently, I started to use coconut oil internally and also as a moisturizer due to my dry skin and slight cellulite on my thighs. The cellulite disappeared within 2-3 weeks. What a joy! However, I got very ill. From your experiences I know now that the coconut was detoxifying my digestive system. I was miserable for two weeks, not knowing what was happening to me. I realize now how much I needed it. I salute to the coconut oil."

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[YEA] 12/05/2006: J writes: "I saw a reduction (though not a total elimination) of the cellulite I've had on the back of my legs since I was 18 (I'm 28 now). I ate a very poor diet high in refined flours and no amount of high-intensity cardio and rigorous dieting would reduce the rolls on the backs of my legs. I saw results in about a month. I also used it on the tiny red bumps on my arms and saw results in a week. I just this week started using it as a moisturizer on my face -- I have painful cysts around my chin. I had been using Proactiv, which worked for about a year, but the cysts came back. Also, I was concerned about what I was hearing about benzoyl peroxide damaging the skin. So I've been applying a thin coat of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to my skin morning and night. So far, the results have been... bad. I've had about a dozen tiny pimples and several old spots that I thought had healed flared back up. I'm not sure if my skin is healing itself and getting all sorts of junk out, or if I'm just clogging up my pores. I'm going to try to stick it out for another week or so and will update if it improves. I'm wondering which is worse... a few painful cysts around my chin or numerous tiny pimples all over my forehead and chin? Hmmm." Replies 08/27/2008: Stacey from North Carolina, USA replies: "I would not recommend Coconut oil for acne--it's just too rich and oil. Try mixing .5 fl oz of tea tree oil with .5 fl oz of organic extra virgin olive oil and apply after you have exfoliated." 09/03/2008: Cathy from Medford, Oregon replies: "For acne, coconut oil is not recommended, it will actually plug your pores and cause more breakouts. Jojoba oil is a long known remedy for acne. It is almost exactly the same composition as our skin's natural oil, so when you apply it, it will actually slow the production of sebum, which causes acne. I didn't believe any oil could help acne..but jojoba does..and removes wrinkles too..try it on the frown marks!" 09/30/2008: Dan from Elsewhere, AZ replies: "Cathy Wrote: "09/03/2008: Cathy from Medford, Oregon replies: "For acne, coconut oil is not recommended, it will actually plug your pores and cause more breakouts. Jojoba oil is a long known remedy for acne. It is almost exactly the same composition as our skin's natural oil, so when you apply it, it will actually slow the production of sebum, which causes acne. I didn't believe any oil could help acne..but jojoba does..and removes wrinkles too..try it on the frown marks!" I'll certainly give Jojoba a try, but I wholly recommend virgin coconut oil for acne. My wife has had a terrible problem with acne all her life. After I learned about coconut oil, I finally talked her into trying it. If she begins to break out, she dabs some coconut oil on the bump before going to bed, it will shrink overnight. It works every single time. The pores on my nose are large, coconut oil completely cleans and opens the pores." 12/04/2008: Sherri from Yorkville, IL replies: "So do you put the coconut oil on the cellulite? Or just consume it?" 03/07/2009: Sia from NYC, NY replies: "I have heard coconut oil works well for some ppls acne but avocado oil is great for acne and overall nourishig your face. It an antibacterial, natural sunscreen and helps in the collagen process. Organic extra virgin cold pressed olive

oil is also great for skin, been using it for over a year now although, I am 31 and ppl think I am 23. Will try the coconut oil for my slight cellulite though, thanks."

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[YEA] 11/25/2007: Kimberly from New Braunfels, TX writes: "I found great source online for organic VCO at half price of my local health food store and they have free shipping. I know we aren't supposed to plug specific brands but you can go to the site and see for yourself. If you want to cook with VCO (my boyfriend still frys anything he can get in his mouth!) it can get expensive. The site is www.ecoviva.com. If the site name gets blocked out, please feel free to email me and I'll direct you to it. They are a small family-owned business in Utah that I found through a search engine, and no, I have no affiliation with them, other than to recommend a business out there that's offering really good value." Replies 12/29/2009: Carla from Ravensdale, Wa replies: "Hi Kimberly - The "Free" shipping is on orders of $100.00 or more at the site you mentioned. Their coconut oil is higher priced (like over DOUBLE!) than the type I buy at iherb also. NOT a "good deal" in my opinion! Just an fyi for others." 12/27/2011: Nevada from Smithfield, Pa replies: "We buy our coconut oil from Vitacost.com and I believe it is the lowest price you will find for a 54 ounce size."

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[YEA] 07/09/2007: Noel from Georgetown, Texas writes: "If you're on a budget (aren't we all) I have found a TWO POUND tub of Coconut Oil at WAL-MART for $2.82. The brand is LouAnn and it is in the aisle with baking supplies and oils. No need to buy that expensive stuff at the health food store." Replies 05/13/2008: Kathleen from Rice Lake, WI replies: "Remember that at store such as WalMart, their slogan is "Always Low Prices," which doesn't mean that their products are always quality. That coconut oil may not be pure, which is what most specialty health stores offer." 05/15/2008: Debbie from Charleston, West Virginia replies: "I looked at the LouAnn coconut oil at walmart yesterday. It is not Virgin coconut oil.. However, I did buy a can in Walmart's pharmacy that is Virgin Oil. I think it was 2 or 3 lbs. I used it last night on my skin and I am lovin' it!" [NAY] 07/08/2008: Tina from Dunbridge, Ohio replies: "I just bought Louann's Coconut oil(30oz) at Walmart and it was $7! Still on the pricey side to me and it's not organic."

[NAY] 07/19/2008: Stephanie from Odessa, Missouri replies: "My suggestion is never to buy EVCO, supplements, vitamins or organic foods from Walmart or any other chain store with the exception of Whole grocers. I pay 15.00 for my 12 oz jar of EVCO once a week. It is well worth it. I have severe psoriasis from my scalp to my toes. I use head to toe twice a day. I use spectrum for my skin (organic only). I also cook and take veggie tabs with EVCO two a day.Internally I use Harvast bay and Artisana which gives 1% back to the rain forest. Any name brand item that states it is organic be very cautious. There are certain items you should never skimp on in your life. Food, water, anything that touches your skin or hair, supplements, vitamins, and the air you breathe. Cut cost now pay later. With that said, please take your own green bags to the grocery store to sack your groceries. The feeling you get from this good deed lasts all day." [NAY] 08/26/2008: Joyce from Joelton, Tn replies: "After reading someone's contribution to EC that coconut oil had been purchased at Walmart baking section I went looking to see because I knew that the virgin coconut and EVC oil was much more expensive than price she quoted. I finally got around to visiting Walmart's baking section and a few days ago and did find a 3l.5 fl. oz (.98 QT or 93l mL) container of LouAna coconut oil, labeled l00% pure and natural, only ingredient listed as coconut oil, distributed by Ventura Foods, LLC. of Opelousas, LA. 70570. I don't know if this is what the contributor was talking about or not. Nor can I say that it is definitely coconut oil or not. What I can definitely say is that every time I have purchased VC or EVC it has had a very strong odor of fresh coconut or coconut milk, which I happen to like the smell of. There is no odor whatever of coconut about the above product, however using it on my hands makes them feel softer." 11/19/2008: Daphne from Brunswick, Georgia replies: "Extra Virgin and Virgin Coconut Oil are the only coconut oil's with health benefits I was told. If you spend $7 you could spend $10 and get better health results. I have the caplets and I love them. They are helping with my Hypothyroidism. I already feel so much better." 03/08/2009: CoconutAddict from San Francisco, CA replies: "I buy all of my coconut oil online, but since someone mentioned you can buy them at Walmart, I decided to check it out. I did not find Louann's Coconut oil at the baking supplies section but I did find another brand at the Vitamin aisle. This is a 16oz tub, costs about $10 and it said that it's virgin coconut oil (I don't think it's organic). I did not buy it since I was skeptical. IMHO, LouAnn brand is probably refined cheap coconut oil made out of copra. But at least Walmart carries it while most supermarkets do not and I hope the real healing properties of coconut is finally coming out and more stores will start selling it to the public. I believe we as human deserve to know the truth about the stuff we eat and I prefer natural products over processed chemical things any day." 03/08/2009: Kyra from Cortlandt Manor, New York replies: "I also buy the large tub of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil from Wal Mart. I don't believe it is organic so I do not take it internally. My family and I use it on our bodies and in our hair." [WARNING!] 03/09/2009: Rosy from Orlando, Fl replies: "Only use coconut oil that smells like coconuts for healing. If is has little to no smell it has been processed. If it is very cheep then buyer beware, you get what you pay for. Coconuts grow only in tropical areas, and it cost money to ship the product to us in nontropical areas. What are they cutting the coconut oil with to make it so cheap would be my question. Same for Olive oil. They cut that often, and if you look it up on google you will find many stories of people doing this in Europe and sending it over here as the real thing. Nothing that is worth it's weight in gold with be sold for copper!" 03/26/2009: JB from New Iberia, Louisiana, USA replies: "I am new to this website and I think it's fascinating. Can't wait to try some of the remedies. I bought some virgin coconut

oil capsules yesterday and was reading everything I could about it. I saw the reference to LouAna oil. It's a Louisiana product, and although it's an old and trusted brand for cooking made from soybeans and possibly cottonseed, I can definitely say that there are no coconuts growing anywhere around here and I wouldn't think they would import something so heavy. For what it's worth....." 05/23/2009: Donna from Siesta Key, Florida replies: "Blessings everyone, I have been purchasing coconut oil online for years.....the only website I recommend for quality, customer service and fast shipping is www.tropicaltraditions.com I love their gold label extra virgin oil. The also run special sales all the time. Good Luck to all." 06/16/2009: Karmala from Templeton, CA replies: "I purchase my EVCO at vitacost. It is Jarrows brand... 32 oz for $12.93. Here is their description to show what healthy EVCO is: Description: Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil Expeller Pressed. Rich and Full Coconut Flavor. Rich In Medium Chain Triglycerides. No Trans Fatty Acids (TFAs) * No Hydrogenation. Jarrow Formulas: Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil from the fresh flesh of the coconut palm fruit, (Cocus nucifera) is unrefined and expeller-pressed in a controlled, indoor environment. This specific process does not utilize any solvents and preserves the volatile compounds responsible for imparting the rich, familiar flavor of coconuts. Coconut oil is an excellent source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), such as lauric acid (C-12) and caprylic acid (C-8). Nutrient Facts Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon Servings per Container: Approx. 65 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 125 Fat Cal. 125 Total Fat 14 gr 22% Sat. Fat 13 gr 65% Polyunsat. Fat 0.5 gr * Monounsat. Fat 0.5 gr * Trans Fat 0 gr * Cholesterol 0 Milligrams 0% Sodium 0 Milligrams 0% Total Carb. 0 gr 0% Protein 0 gr *

*Daily value not established. Other Ingredients: 100% Unrefined expeller pressed, organic extra virgin coconut oil." 04/06/2011: Nikki from Spring, Texas replies: "I found my first jar (yesterday) at my HEB, they where out in their natural section but had organic VCO on the isle with their other oils. It was 6.99 for a 14oz jar, its also unrefined and expeller pressed. HEB has many great products the oil I bought was their Central Market brand. Hoping to see some great results."

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[YEA] 11/15/2011: Victor from San Antonio, Texas Usa. writes: "Hi everyone I'm 53 years of age and my significant other is 57 when I first met her she look so vibrant and healthy until a few weeks into the relationship she decided to get really sick on me, well it turned out she had really high cholesterol and acid reflux, I myself had been suffering from high cholesterol for years but did not want to take medicine. One day after getting her home from the hospital I decided to research for a home remedy and I ran into the organic virgin coconut oil I ordered 4 quarts and started her and me on one teaspoon in the morning after a great cup of coffee and 4 months later after a followup with the Doctor- Amen! Cholesterol and Acid Reflux was gone thank you for your time. I recommend this to anybody that is not allergic to COCONUT, GOD BLESS America and all of us."

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11/10/2010: Meli from Ny writes: "I have read that coconut oil, versus olive and some other oils, can raise ldl levels substantially. Have you been able to find any studies that disproved that, or looked at that question with diet as a whole and with greater controls? I'm concerned that coconut oil may be dangerous for people with compromised liver function, for example." Replies 11/10/2010: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France replies: "Maybe it would be a good idea for you to read a book on Coconut Oil but also a couple of books on Cholesterol like Fat and Cholesterol is Good for You! But there are others. The impact of the fat you eat on your cholesterol is as good as non existent and moreover we all need cholesterol to live! I suppose a book on VCO will also give you the answer to the liver question! Bear in mind very healthy populations lived on VCO for centuries! "

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[QUESTION] 02/05/2009 : Michael from Air Itam, Penang, Malaysia writes: "Coconut Oil (remedy): Is it possible to reduce high blood pressure /cholesterol by taking the oil directly? I wonder 'cos I'd been taking 4-tablespoon daily... after I was convinced by my gym colleague that his bp and LDL cholesterol levels dropped after taking the oil for few months. I took the oil after I am convinced with the oil benefits by trying on my chest which has a lump (like pimple, but

unable to press and break it) for quite long time. I applied the oil for 2-week and the lump just break-away when pressed. To my surprise, I can pressed out the lump and I noted "thick and oilly paste of discharge from the lump. Now my chest is clean and good looking!"

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[YEA] 12/01/2007: Pegiot from Leavenworth, KS writes: "My cholesterol was a little high (212) although my ratio of low to high density cholesterol was fine. I was already using a low carbohydrate diet and I added 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil daily. After 3 months, my blood work was re-done. My total cholesterol had declined to 187."

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[YEA] 05/27/2007: Earl from St.Catherine, Jamaica writes: "coconut oil reduced my cholesterol level"

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[YEA] 12/01/2006: Elizabeth from Buffalo, NY writes: "my cholesterol was 224 before using extra virgin organic coconut oil. doc took me off lipitor because of side effects. i started coconut oil 1 tbls or more/ 4 or 5 days a week. IN THREE MONTHS MY CHOLESTEROL WAS 176 ....! i'd changed nothing else about my diet, but do not eat egg yolks--hadn't for a long time." Replies 05/27/2011: Chegui69 from Long Beach, Ca, Usa replies: "Besides it working for cholesterol I've heard people using it for oil pulling etc etc....my questions would be is Virgin Coconut oil everyone is talking about the one in a paste form or liquid form? I'd like to go and buy some but don't know what the product is. thank you in advance"

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[YEA] 08/23/2007: Henri from Los Angeles, California writes: "Hi I have been battling a string of health problems due to chronic stress. The one thing that made everything worse was chronic fatigue. 4 Days ago i could barely get enough strength to get out of bed in the morning. I searched this site for a cure, and found that virgin coconut oil helps. I had bought some a few weeks ago, i started drinking 2 tablespoons a day, it has given me enough energy to get through the day, and be active at work and even enough to go out after work and have a life. It has even helped with my bowel movements. all this after less than a week. I cant wait to see if it can help me with everything else."

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[YEA] 01/07/2006: Janie from Palmdale writes: "I started taking 2tbl.spoons of coconut oil 2 times a day, 8-05 for systemic candida. I have suffered chronic sinusitis for years. By 905 my sinuses were completely clear. No more Allegra, Flonase, Clartin, Contac or any of that stuff. I gave my daughter a jar and her sinuses cleared up in 3 days. I am still battling the candida."

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[YEA] 01/31/2008: Jamie from St. Petersburg, FL writes: "My boyfriend was tired of seeing me uncomfortably cold all the time. He became uncomfortable knowing that I couldn't relax from always being so cold. He did some research and discovered that my body temp. was averaging 96.8 F. He suggested I take Coconut Oil for a while to see if it would help. We honestly can't believe it! I, for the first time, am not constantly cold. Yes, I do occasionally get cold but nothing like I use to. I'm actually relaxing now. It's has made such an improvement to my life. Would definitely suggest it for anyone with a similar situation." Replies [YEA] 05/19/2009: Kathy from Richardson, Tx. replies: "I also felt a difference from taking EVCO in not being so cold all the time. Others that I work with would ask me if I was cold because the thermostat was set too low and they were cold. I thought that was unusual because I was the one who was always cold. I was taking about a teaspoon with my oatmeat every morning. One side effect from this was that by the end of the week I was sooo tired, like I feel when I am coming down with something. I didn't feel like doing my aerobics or walk the dog for 30-40minutes as I had in the past. So now I use it occasionally 2 or 3 times a week and even less depending on how I feel. But, I do use it as an under arm deodorant and on my feet. There is NO odor from my armpits even when doing aerobics. Apply enough of the oil so the skin around the armpit area is well covered. The coconut smell goes away after an hr. or two."

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[YEA] 07/06/2007: Deloris from Covington, GA writes: "My husband suffers from cold hands and feet, but since he's using the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil(Organic) he has not had any problems since. I use it on my hair and it makes it look healthier and stronger than it has in years."

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[SIDE EFFECTS] 12/11/2011: Hollly from Algonquin, Illinois writes: "I've only been OPing for 3 days, once a day in the morning or whenever my stomache is empty. I'm using organic extra virgin coconut oil. The very first day I started, I got a wave of horrible depression. I'm continuing with the pulling but the depression now isn't getting better. I am sensitive to lots of chemicals, substances etc. so I am naturally prone to depression, but I can feel that this depression is something different. Do I stick with it? Should I stop and give myself a break? Is depression a common side effect? :" Replies 12/12/2011: Timh from Louisville, Usa replies: "Holly, I would stay with the pulling because the side effects are evidence that you have some type of toxin or heavy metal in your body (that needs to be out). All toxins in general are damaging to lipids, sugars, and amino acids; and as such, can have notable side effects like depression. Also, I have had to up my oral care since O. P. because of the heavy toxin loads (no depression on my part). otc mouth wash, colloidal silver, H2O2 are mandatory for infection prevention. Also consider other types of oil ( I use Canola or Canola blend), and if you foam up quickly, reduce your pull time to 15 or 10 min. You may need to use some charcoal or bentonite to help remove the toxins. Tyrosine, St JohnsWort, and 5-HTP will help with the depression. NAC will boost glutathione which you seem to be insufficient. Any form of magnesium will help (i use Epsom salt foot bath daily). Vit-C is also critical in detox (i use 500mg before and 500mg after O. P. to lesson my symptoms). If your negative symptoms get overwhelming, take a few days off O. P. Try a 2 dys on 2 days off until your negative side effects disappear (depending on how toxic your body is). Hope this helps and good luck." 12/12/2011: Francisca from Zug, Zug, Switzerland replies: "Come on, you don't honestly believe that swishing a bit of oil around in your mouth gives you depression, do you? I have to be honest, sometimes I think that there are people who infiltrate sites like this trying to prove that the people here are wackes and if that is the case it is very wrong. It can be that you honestly believe what you are saying, some people just have to blame anything they are feeling on what they are trying out but come on, getting depression from swishing a bit of oil around in your mouth, once a day for three days......." 12/12/2011: Liz from Boston, Massachusetts replies: "Well, there's a double standard if I ever saw one. The list of potential cures from oil pulling is quite lengthy. If its curing potential is great, why is it so far fetched to believe that it could also have side-effects? If it has the 'power' (if you will) to cure ailments, why would it not also have the power to cause some in those who have sensitivities? That seems perfectly reasonable. To say; "Come on, you don't believe that swishing around a little oil in your mouth gives you depression, do you?" could be flipped to "Come on, you don't believe that swishing around a little oil in your mouth CURES pain issues, sinus issues, migraines, acne, etc. do you?" You can't have it both ways. There was no need to mock the poster and question their integrity solely because their experience didn't conform with your personal theory. This is a forum where sharing experiences (both Yea's and Nay's) is encouraged, not scorned."

12/14/2011: Melanie from Owen Sound, Ontario Canada replies: "I don't know about oil pulling - but I went with my mother few years ago to her deep tissue massage session. The therapist told me that many people start to cry, or have depression after deep muscle massage - because of the toxins that are being released from the muscles. I think the same could apply to oil pulling - if the toxins are being pulled out the depression could be a side effect. Clinical depression lasts for few weeks with no let-up. So sad feelings from toxins being released should ease up as the body toxins decrease. I am not a professional, but makes sense to me." 01/02/2012: Randy from Howell, Michigan replies: "You can experience the same detoxing results of oil pulling by taking LECITHIN. The powder form of LECITHIN is best according to Ted on EC."

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[YEA] 05/07/2008: Brian Barbour from Fayetteville, NC writes: "Hello, I really like your site. I have just discoverd great bennefits from Hemp Oil, you can get it through online from canada, it is suppose to be very similar to Coccunt oil with high in Omega 3 and 6 Also High concentrated THC Oil suppose to cure many Cancers, anti-iflamitory, athrites etc. Before the 1937 Marijuan Prohabition, Industrial Hemp was our Nations Biggest Crop, U can Make Ethanol, Fabric, Food. Without any Chemicals or Fertilizers. But since Dupont makes a Fortune selling Chemicals to Farmers, We are being screwd by our Politicians...Please spread the WORD!"

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[YEA] 05/18/2010: Rami from Santa Cruz, Ca. writes: "I loved the way the coconut oil felt on my body but I had a hard time putting it on. (I live in a colder climate and it was hard as a rock). I always take a bath at night so I scoped some out, put it in a plastic container and while I am drawing my bath water, I float the container. It melts quickly and perfect for application when I get out. If one took a shower one could put it in the sink with hot water while showering. It is doing wonders for my dried up, sun damaged skin. If I am going to be in the sun for long, I still put on sun screen over the coconut oil. It seems to lock in the coconut oil. I do the same at night (put other creams over it) and it locks in the moisture. The next morning my skin feels like a baby. Thank you Earth Clinic, you have opened up a new world for me." Replies

05/19/2010: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France replies: "Rami, a little while ago I read in a book that coconut oil protects the skin very well against burning in the sun. I tried when we had a few very hot days and it is true, my skin browned nicely without getting red at all. I don't have a very white skin but still I do burn a bit in the beginning of the summer even if I take care not to lie in the sun too long. I have no idea whether it also protects against damaging rays but one thing you should consider is that there is a lot of talk of the sun screen creams causing cancer. For the time being I am only using coconut oil but if ever I decided to use sun screen again I will buy the cream in a health store because they explained to me that theirs don't contain the cancer causing chemicals. Oh.... it is all so complicated.... As far as dry skin goes a while ago I posted here a quite good recipe for a bath oil. It works wonder for me when I don't feel like applying the oil after my bath. Just soak in it and your skin will feel wonderfully moisturized. Being almost 53 I have started to have very dry skin." 05/19/2010: Rami from Santa Cruz, Ca replies: "Fracisca, Thanks for the input. I am a red head with very light skin. I do use the good sunscreen. What is the recipe for a oil bath? Thanks, Rami"

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[WARNING!] 07/04/2008: Pat from Ballwin, MO writes: "I intended to purchase the product below from Amazon, then checked the reviews on it. Please read the review below: Source Naturals Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Softgels, 240 softgels Price: $21.46 1.0 out of 5 stars Would not buy again, November 18, 2007 I bought these to take by mouth, but after seeing the thick covering decided I didn't want to ingest that material--then decided to use the oil inside the capsule on my skin. When cutting a small hole and squeezing out the oil, I noticed a small pellet that wouldn't melt on my skin in almost all the capsules. Not sure what that material is, but am glad that I decided not to take them internally. Also after doing some reading on Titanium Dioxide (listed as an ingredient) found that it is "Classified as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans" by IARC. Now I plan to stop using it on my skin and throw away the rest of the bottle--should've done my research before buying." Replies 07/06/2008: Jennie from Cph, DK replies: "A quick search on the net turned up some info about this product (Source Natural's Coconut Oil Softgels). The Titanium Dioxide (TD) is added to the product as well as gelative (presumably the capsule). TD is added to products for its optic whitening qualities. As that has to do with appearance, it makes no sense to use

TD in a product meant for ingestion! Pure coconut oil does not contain TD, and therefore does not carry the carcinogenic risk with it." 08/09/2009: Davd from Norway, Maine replies: "Check out swanson. They have bottles of organic coconut oil soft gels, (without the td), for 2.99 and its buy 1 get 1 free now. So for 2.99 you get 120 capsules then 4.99 s&h.I got 6 bottles and 2 bottles of ginger root and only pd 15 with s&h! I have been taking them for a month and my blood pressure has leveled out big time. it was 165/94 I am now at 136/76 as of 2 weeks ago."

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[YEA] 08/18/2011: Katie from Greenwood, In writes: "I use this site all the time but have never posted before. Today, however, I'm dying to share! I've been adding 2tbs of coconut oil to my diet for the past month in various ways and I've experimented with using it in smoothies but it always clumps up when you add cold ingredients. Today however, I managed to make a 100% smooth no clump smoothie! I put coconut oil in a cup and placed it in a bowl of hot water to melt it and then smushed my fruit (just strawberries today) into the oil and added it to the food processor. Processed until completely smooth and THEN added my cold ingredients ( vanilla bean coconut milk ice cream and 1 crushed up ice cube for extra coldness. ) Result was as smooth as yogurt and delicious! Coconut oil has really been a cure all for me. I've lost a little weight even though my fat intake is obviously higher since I haven't changed anything else in my diet, my nails are stronger and look more clear, and the stubborn cystic acne I get around my jawline have all flattened out. The redness is still there, but with makeup on you can't even tell and no new zits have popped up and my skin looks better now than it has since I started getting cystic acne about 4 years ago. Finally being able to use evco in smoothies is just gonna make it better!"

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Dr. Mary Newport

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Coconut Oil and Ketones

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Babae Physician/Neonatologist Spring Hill, FL Mary T. Newport, M.D. grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, attended Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She trained in Pediatrics at Childrens Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, and in Neonatology, the care of sick and premature newborns, at Medical University Hospital in Charleston, SC. She has practiced in Florida since 1983 and is director of the NICU at Spring Hill Regional Hospital. Dr. Newport is employed by the All Childrens Specialty Physicians. She previously practiced neonatology and served as medical director at Mease Hospital Dunedin, after founding the NICU Panimula in 1987. Dr. Newport has been married to Steve Newport for 39 years and they have 2 daughters,and a grandson. She wrote an article, What If There Was a Cure for Alzheimers Disease and No One Knew? relaying her research into a dietary intervention that produces mild ketosis that may benefit persons with Alzheimers and other neurodegenerative diseases. Her book will be released in September 2011 from Basic Health Publications, Inc. (www.basichealthpub.com): "Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure? The Story of Ketones". Alzheimer's disease, specifically ketone research and brain starvation Newborn mga care, including nutrition in sick and premature newborns Amateur pianist kinagigiliwan Cooking Pen and ink drawing Sewing Gardening Paboritong Beethoven, Sibelius, Brahms, Dvorak, Saint Saens The Beatles Classic Rock Musika Mga Too numerous to mention Kasarian Trabaho Lokasyon

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Coconut Oil and Ketones

Friday, February 4, 2011
New brain metabolism and ketone review article
I recently received this new article that discusses in great detail what is known about brain metabolism as we age and the potential for alternative fuels to glucose to prevent or stabilize the progression of Alzheimer's disease: "Brain fuel metabolism, aging, and Alzheimers disease", Stephen Cunnane Ph.D., Scott Nugent B.Sc., Maggie Roy M.Sc., and others, Nutrition, January 2011 Here are some important excerpts from this article: "The recent development of 11C-acetoacetate as a ketone tracer for PET studies opens a new window to compare brain metabolism of glucose and ketones in the same individual. If brain ketone metabolism is not lower in AD or is less affected than glucose metabolism, one potential strategy to improve brain fuel availability and reduce the risk of AD that has already been targeted in clinical studies would be to develop a way to safely and reliably provide the brain with ketones as an alternative fuel to glucose..." "Whether or not mitochondrial dysfunction reflects genetic or metabolic disturbances, clinical trials attempting to redress the energy deficit in the AD brain suggest that cognitive function can be at least transiently improved if more fuel (glucose or ketones) can be supplied to the brain." "In carriers of apo E4, small areas of lower brain glucose metabolism are observed at an age as young as 30 y old, e.g., 30-40 y before clinical onset. Indeed, we see an inverse relationship between CMRg in several brain regions and fasting plasma insulin, so brain metabolism seems to be sensitive to even mild disturbances in systemic insulin control even if no clinical symptoms of cognitive decline are observed. Compared to non-carriers of apo E4, carriers have altered u3 [omega-3] fatty acid metabolism and higher measures of oxidative stress in the brain, both of which may contribute to a higher risk of early onset of brain hypometabolism. If brain hypometabolism can be present before clinical symptoms are apparent, this does not prove that hypometabolism is the earliest event in AD. However, to the best of our knowledge, hypometabolism is currently the earliest measurable abnormality in the brain that is connected to AD so its features and the reasons for it should shed light on the etiology of AD."

"The cerebral metabolic rate of ketones (CMRk) varies directlywith their blood concentration, starting at very low ketone concentrations...Hence, at a plasma b-hydroxybutyrate [one of the primary ketone bodies] concentration of 0.3-0.5 mM, such as can be achieved during 12-24 h fasting, b-hydroxybutyrate supplies 3-5% of whole brain energy requirements. As plasma ketones rise, CMRk also rises such that at a b-hydroxybutyrate of about 1.5mM, ketones provide about 18%, and at 6 mM, they provide about 60% of brain fuel." [Dr. Richard Veech's ketone ester can provide levels this high]. "Acute, controlled human experiments show that ketone infusion or ketogenesis inhibits the cognitive and behavioral sequelae of acute, experimental hypoglycemia, both in healthy adults and in type 1 diabetes. It is generally assumed that the cognitive effects of hypoglycemia can be prevented by ketones because they seamlessly replace glucose to meet the brains energy requirements. However, acutely raising plasma ketones also increases cerebral blood flow in humans, an effect that may contribute to their beneficial impact on cognition during hypoglycemia. Studies in humans and animal models suggest further protective effects of ketones in the brain after ischemic insult [lack of oxygen/stroke] and other treatments damaging neuronal function." "More recent controlled clinical trials confirm that short-term improvement can occur in cognitive tests when individuals with mild to moderate AD are provided with an exogenous source of glucose, ketones, insulin, or insulin sensitizers. These clinical studies show that the affected brain regions in AD are at least partially viable and that cognition can improve when exogenous fuel supply to the brain is increased. In two of these studies, ketogenic supplements based on medium chain triglycerides were used, thereby permitting a relatively normal choice of meals. Medium chain triglycerides have long been known to be ketogenic because they contain medium chain fatty acids (octanoic [8:0] and decanoic [10:0] acids), which do not require activation by CoA to enter mitochondria. The mild beneficial effects on cognition and relatively good tolerance to the doses of medium chain triglyceride used are promising, notwithstanding the possibility that carriers of apo E4 with AD derive little benefit from this treatment [Dr. Newport's comment: per one of the authors of the MCT oil studies, many of the ApoE4+ individuals did experience improvement, as a group when data was combined on the average they did not]. The explanation for the beneficial effect of mild, experimental ketonemia on cognition in AD may be as simple as exchanging one brain fuel for another as occurs in fasting or starvation. It may also be due to the observation that although glycolysis may be impaired in the AD brain, CMRk and metabolic capacity to use a fuel other than glucose may both be relatively normal in AD." "...two observations in particular support the notion that the neurons affected in AD are still functional: (1) in AD, brain ketone uptake is apparently normal or at least less impaired than is glucose, and (2) there is a functional response to nutritional supplements that increase brain fuel availability, particularly ketones. Hence, if brain fuel metabolism could be optimized or even partially returned toward normal, the risk of further cognitive decline may diminish. Raising plasma ketones to 0.4-0.5 mM would contribute to 5-10% of the brains energy requirements, which is equivalent to the early cortical glucose deficit in those genetically at risk AD. Such a mild, safe level of ketonemia is achievable with ketogenic supplements, so if implemented before symptoms develop, it seems plausible that they could diminish the risk of further metabolic deterioration and clinical onset of cognitive decline."

Regarding Omega-3 fatty acids: "The u3 [omega-3] polyunsaturated fatty acid, DHA, is now widely understood to have an important role in mammalian brain development...Insufficient dietary intake of DHA and low levels of DHA in the hippocampus may have a role in cognitive decline in the elderly and/or AD. Hence, the low intake of DHA now widely but not universally reported in AD may contribute to the evolution of cognitive decline because of its role in brain glucose transport and in other aspects of brain function and structure. This emerging role of DHA in brain energy metabolism could be linked to the early presymptomatic onset of brain glucose hypometabolism in AD, at least in carriers of the e4 allele of apoE4. Nevertheless, such an effect probably involves relatively subtle changes in DHA metabolism because plasma DHA appears to be higher in the healthy elderly and is widely variable in AD." Dr. Newport's comments: The bottom line here, to try to prevent or stabilize AD, include medium chain fatty acids (coconut oil, palm kernel oil and MCT oil are the richest sources) in the diet to provide ketones as an alternative fuel to glucose AND eat fish (especially salmon) and/or take a supplement of marine based omega-3 oil (fish oil for most of us; algae based oil for vegans found in brands that are marketed to pregnant women).

Dr. Veech needs an angel

Coconut oil and MCT oil provide relatively low levels of ketosis, however, the ketone ester made and studied in the lab of Dr. Richard Veech can provide levels at least 10 times as high. As noted in the article that is the subject of my previous post, the amount of energy provided to the brain is directly proportional to the level of ketones in the blood. Thus his ketone ester could provide as much as 60% of the brain's energy requirement compared to perhaps 5-10% by MCT oil/coconut oil. There have been more than 700,000 hits on my website www.coconutketones.com. I am pleased that very many people now know that ketones may provide an alternative fuel to glucose in the brain for people with Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases. There must be someone out there who can help provide funding for continuation of Dr. Veech's very important work. He has only enough funding from the NIH to continue the research in his lab and production of the ketone ester until June 2011. He is in need of a charitable or government source of funding to continue just this basic work. He wishes to perform a pilot study of Parkinson's and the ketone ester. This would be a 28 day study. He lacks funding to even begin this short term study. Thereafter, he wishes to study Alzheimer's and this would require $10 to 15 million to manufacture enough ketone ester and fund the clinical trial. Alzheimer's is so complex and symptoms so variable from person to person, as compared to Parkinson's, that a two year study would be required to determine that the ester is effective.

Organic Coconut Oil is rich in vitamins and minerals and especially rich (60%+) in important fatty acids, the medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It has been used by Asian and Pacific populations both as a source of dietary oil and in their traditional medical practices. Praised for its many and various healing properties, to a Pacific Islander, Coconut Oil is believed to be the cure of all illnesses and is so highly valued they refer to the coconut palm as The Tree of Life. Western modern science has only recently begun to uncover and understand the miracle healing value of the coconut. Coconut Oil has been mistakenly labeled as unhealthy due to its high saturated fat content. However, modern science has now refuted these earlier claims and instead, is praising the health benefits with some even stating it as the healthiest oil on earth. All fats and oils are composed of molecules called fatty acids which are made of long chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached. All fatty acids are classified as either short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), or long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and our bodies metabolize each of these fatty acids differently. About 98-100% of fats and oils in our American diets (including those in meat, milk, eggs and most all vegetable oils) are comprised of LCFA. But Coconut Oil is comprised of more than 60% MCFA, also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCFA do not have the adverse effects found in LCFA but instead have many health benefits, including helping to protect against heart disease, lowering the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease as well as slightly lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and slightly raising HDL (good cholesterol). Not only does Coconut Oil taste delicious plain but it is also great for cooking. It has no detrimental side effects and unlike other vegetable oils, it does not form harmful byproducts such as trans fats, when heated to normal, medium or even high cooking temperatures. Click here for some great recipes.

Testimonial from Alice : I use "organic coconut oil" on my popcorn - YUM; spread it on my breads like butter "coconut oil & honey spread" is YUM; use it in baked goods in place of butter & other oils. Brownies have coconut-chocolate yummy taste; use spoonfuls as a yummy treat for my dogs. Doggies LOVE it too; and it is the best skin oil ever - my "coconut lotion" is pure [unbleached extra virgin] coconut oil and it rubs into my skin beautifully. - Alice C, Long Pine, NE Go here for free recipes

Testimonial from Gayle :

I am so glad that my doctor recommended coconut oil to me. She suggested that I take a tablespoon every day as an addition to my regular diet. She explained that the coconut oil acts to improve thyroid and liver function helps build the immune system and aids in weight lose as well. I love the mild, sweet flavor and the smooth consistency of the oil---- sometimes, as a real treat, I combine it with dried fruit, such as cranberries. - Gayle A, Streator, IL

The health benefits of Coconut Oil are boundless and as the Pacific Islanders have found to be a panacea for many health issues. See below for how it can help you and see our research page for more in depth research.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil : The most recent breakthrough on understanding the health benefits comes from Dr. Mary Newports work on Alzheimers in her husband. She identified organic coconut oil as an excellent source of fuel which can increase brain functions. Her findings have implications for memory improvement as well as for neurological degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Huntingtons, Lou Gehrigs (ALS), diabetes, etc. Brain cells (specifically neurons) are limited in what kinds of fuel they can use to stay alive. Glucose is the main fuel used by these cells but in Alzheimers patients certain neurons of the brain are unable to use glucose and consequently, slowly die off. This death of these brain cells may begin as much as a decade before symptoms actually become apparent. However, neurons that are unable to use glucose can instead use an alternative fuel known as ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are readily made by the liver from mediumchain triglyceride (MCT) oils (found in large amounts in coconut oil- over 60% MCTs). Having access to these needed ketone bodies may be crucial in keeping these brain cells alive and in helping them to continue to function as normal. Dr. Newports husband, quickly deteriorating with Alzheimers, found a miraculous and an immediate increase in brain function in just 24 hours after taking two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. In 2008, for a medical screening he was asked to draw a simple clock (see picture #1 below) which noticeably showed an adult with decreased brain function. However, the results of a clock drawn after taking coconut oil for two weeks (picture #2) and after 37 days (picture #3) are miraculous to say the least. See below for all three pictures. To date, her husband continues to take coconut oil and has noticed an improved quality of life. He is alert, happy, talkative, cracking jokes, able to

concentrate better, more social and has a decrease in tremors. Click here for full article.

Clock #1 - The day before starting coconut oil.

Clock #2 - Two weeks after starting coconut oil.

Clock #3 - Thirty-seven days after starting coconut oil. Images taken from Dr. Mary Newports http://www.coconutketones.com/whatifcure.pdf Free coconut oil recipes Alzeimers and Other Neurological Diseases Medium-chain triglyceride (MCTs) found in coconut oil are readily converted into fuel used by brain cells for improved brain function

Anti-Aging Helps fight wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots Works as a protective antioxidant Helps ward off free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative diseases Maintains bodys antioxidant reserves whereas other oils deplete them Protects skin from harmful ultraviolet rays which increases wrinkles

Athletic Performance Works as a nutritional source of quick energy from the medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) Increases energy and endurance

Bones Helps our body to absorb certain nutrients such as calcium and magnesium which are good for the bones thus helping prevent osteoporosis

Diabetes Helps control blood sugar and improves the insulin secretion Helps prevent and treat diabetes by helping to use the blood glucose effectively Reduces symptoms and health risks of diabetes Provides ketones as alternative fuel to glucose

Digestion Improves digestive system thus preventing stomach and digestive related problems including IBS Has microbial properties which help fight off bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc. that cause indigestion Helps the body absorb other vitamins, minerals and amino acids Improves bowel functions Aids in killing off tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites Testimonial from Jackie: Having read up on the benefits of virgin coconut oil, and its significant role in children as a source of energy, an immune system booster, a local antiseptic and an antiinflammatory, I thought it would be a great food to try and implement in my granddaughters diet as she has multiple food protein intolerances and has had many problems digesting all kinds of food along with having a very impaired immune system. Baking cakes, cookies and other goodies with coconut oil has made a world of difference in my granddaughters health. Cooking with this coconut oil allows her to tolerate and enjoy so many new foods she couldnt in the past. There is also a noticeable improvement regarding her all around health. We are grateful for coconut oil and the new quality of life our granddaughter now has. Thank you! - Jackie E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada Go here for free organic coconut oil recipes Hair Care Helps healthy growth of hair Gives shiny complexion to hair Aids in the control of dandruff, lice, lice eggs Makes a great conditioner Helps regrowth of damaged hair.

Provides proteins needed for nourishing damaged hair Used by many hair manufacturers in hair oils, conditioners and dandruff creams Used topically in Indian culture for thousands of years as hair care products Used by many as a natural lice remover From Kathy: I would like you to know that I love using your coconut oil inside out! I use it as a salad oil and it became the primary oil for all my cooking. Not only do I enjoy the taste of the foods, my digestion improved greatly as did my blood sugar control. My skin is smooth, has luster and looks lovely. And that's only from the internal use. Externally, I put it on my face as a moisturizer and sometimes all over my body instead of lotion. My skin is glowing. Occasionally I put it on my hair as a deep conditioning which results in a shiny and bouncy mane. If I had to pick one thing in my kitchen I can't live without, it would be the coconut oil. Please keep it coming. Kathy, Tallahasse, FL

Heart health Contains good fats that do not accumulate in heart or arteries and do not increase LDL levels as do other vegetable oils Comprised of 50% lauric acid, which helps high cholesterol, high blood pressure Improves cholesterol ratio thus reducing risk of heart disease Protects arteries from harm that may cause atherosclerosis

Immune System Contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that strengthen the immune system Comprised of lauric acid which the body converts into monolaurin which is believed to help ward off viruses and bacteria which cause herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus and HIV Helps fight bacteria, such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobcter pylori and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia Strengthens the immune system Kills viruses that cause influenza, measles, hepatitis C, herpes, SARS, AIDS and kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhea Fights fungi and yeast that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athletes foot, thrush, diaper rash, etc. Testimonial from Julie: Your coconut oil is great (I think it helped clear out the last of some candida that had been hanging around for awhile). Julie K, Columbia, MD

Go here for free organic coconut oil recipes Kidney Helps prevent kidney and gall bladder diseases Aids in dissolving kidney stones

Liver Contains medium chain triglycerides and fatty which are easily converted into energy when reaching the liver thus reducing the work of the liver and thus preventing liver diseases

Pancreas Relieves stress on pancreas Reduces pancreatitis symptoms

Skin Care Aids in the natural chemical balance of skin Is an excellent moisturizer on all skin types especially dry skin Helps relieve dryness and flaking of skin Used by many skin manufacturers as basis for soaps, lotions, creams, etc. Forms a protective layer from dust, air, fungi, bacteria and virus when applied to infections Speeds up healing of bruises as it helps repair damaged tissues. Has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties which is effective in fighting infections Reduces symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other skin problems Testimonial from Karen : Hello, we have been using your product for our dog, Trapper. He is 3 years old, a 130# Yellow Labrador, has always had very dry skin and coat, he would scratch himself bloody. We tried many types of dog food and supplements to help him with scratching and dry skin to no avail. We read about your product and gave it a try, within 2 weeks, Trapper was no longer scratching and after about 1 year of use, now has very soft coat and skin. He is a much happier dog as are we. Thank you for your product. - Karen W, Columbus, WI Go here for free organic coconut oil recipes Testimonial from Heidi : I love coconut oil. I use it to my scramble my eggs in the morning. I use it to brown my toast in the skillet. It is great to fry my egg, coconut and stevia donut holes in. It makes

a really good salad dressing mixed with olive oil and spices. In short I use it in everything. I also use it on my face, hands and body as a moisturizer. It is even good around the eyes and absorbs into the skin very quickly. It has proved to be nonclogging to the pores as well. Thanks for making it affordable. Sincerely, a grateful user. - Heidi Z., Dallas, TX

Stress Can be massaged gently to the head for soothing affects

Teeth Kills bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay From Gayle : Before I started using coconut oil to cleanse my teeth and gums I could draw saliva thru my teeth and get a bad taste in my mouth. Since I have several capped teeth, I thought that must be a sign that bacteria must be lodged under and around the caps. After just three days of swishing and pulling coconut oil thru my teeth, I was amazed at the difference it had made. First of all, people didn't back up anymore when I have a face to face conversation with them! My bad breath is gone, and so is the odor causing bacteria! When I slide my tongue over my teeth, they feel so clean and smooth. I am thrilled to have discovered such an easy and delightfully good tasting solution to improving the health of my teeth and gums. - Gayle A, Streator, IL

Thyroid Health Helps keep thyroid healthy

Weight Loss Contains fewer calories than other oils Is not stored as body fat like other fats but instead is easily converted by the body into energy, thus helping with weight problems Is easily digested Increases metabolism by removing stress on pancreas, thus burning more energy thus leads to weight loss Is a part of the diet of tropical populations who tend to be slim not overweight


Helps reduce problems associated with malabsorption syndrome, cystic fibrosis, gallbladder disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement) chronic fatigue syndrome Reduces inflammation. Helps protect the body from cancers- breast, colon, etc. Reduces epileptic seizures. Click here for some great recipes.

Several experts have attested to the worthiness and health benefits of virgin coconut oil: Dr. Mary Enig, Phd (author of "Know Your Fats") and Dr Bruce Fife (author of bestselling book "The Coconut Oil Miracle") have gathered research and studies from recent years to show the benefits of consuming medium chain triglycerides (MCT) acids such as are found in virgin coconut oil. They report reduced levels of viruses in tests done on patients using coconut oil in its unrefined state. An article in Womens World drew on parts of these and highlighted the propensity of these fatty acids to stimulate the thyroid gland and thus raise the metabolic rate. Examples were given of comfortably achieved large weight losses. A faster metabolic rate will lead to a weight loss. We crave fat, and diets that deny us fat leave us unsatisfied and vulnerable to rapid weight gain after the diet is over. About 50 percent of coconut oil is lauric acid, which the body converts into monolaurin. Laboratory studies show that monolaurin inactivates some bacteria and viruses including the influenza virus. Virgin Coconut oil with its medium chain fatty acids are unlike other "saturated" fats as the body handles them differently and they are rapidly absorbed into the blood stream. It is extremely beneficial for immune function. Coconut is free of cholesterol and is a healthy, energy-boosting fat that will not increase cardiovascular disease. Virgin Organic Coconut Oil Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil (Certified).

You are here: Home Health Conditions Cancer The Power of Positive Thoughts Strengthen Your Immune System The Power of Positive Thoughts Strengthen Your Immune System Danica Collins | | 0 Comments Did You Knowthat the power of positive thoughts can produce health-enhancing biochemicals superior to any that a pharmaceutical company could ever manufacture without any adverse side effects?

Contrary to what most people think, positive thoughts are not just whimsical mental images that make you feel good. Recent research has shown that our thoughts can provide relief beyond the superficial and temporary. When you consider that the average human being thinks of approximately 60,000 thoughts per daythe impact our thoughts have on both our mental and physical health becomes clear. A Single Positive Thought Has the Potential to Produce Over a Million Dollars Worth of a Cancer-Fighting Chemical! The power of positive thoughts has been proven to strengthen the immune system and lower stress levels, thereby combating stress-related diseases such as heart diseasediabetes psychosomatic illnessesand certain forms of cancer. The emerging field of psychoneuroimmunology studies the connection between the neurological and immune systems, and is expanding scientific knowledge of the link between our thoughts and our health. Such a connection has been demonstrated by the many case studies demonstrating the placebo effect, which occurs when a patient believes the treatment he or she is receiving will indeed relieve the pain, and it does. Such positive and potent thoughts release natural chemicals called endorphins, which contain the powerful cancer-fighting chemicals interleukin and interferon. If you were to buy the anti-cancer drug Interleukin-2 (manufactured by Chiron Corporation with the brand name Proleukin) to treat cancer, a full course would cost you upwards of $40,000 plus a long list of the side effects. The power of positive thoughts, on the other hand, are a natural alternative to cancer drugsand could make a million dollars worth of Interleukin-2, according to Deepak Chopra, M.D. And the best part is that there are none of the side effects that accompany drug useand they cost nothing! Thoughts are Physically RealThey Cause Biological and Physiological Effect Dr. Larry Dossey, a supporter of mind-body study, explains the fundamental principle behind the surprising effects of placebos: The body responds to mental input as if it were physically real. Images create bodily changesjust as if the experience were really happening. For example, if you imagine yourself lying on a beach in the sun, you become relaxed, your peripheral blood vessels dilate, and your hands become warm, as in the real thing. When you think peaceful and tranquil thoughts, your bodyspecifically, your leukocytes, adrenal cells and macrophageswill start producing a tranquilizing biochemical similar to Valium. Unlike the drug manufactured by Hoffman-La Roche, which comes with side effects (some potentially serious), the tranquilizing chemical produced by the body has no side effects and supports the proper functioning of the immune system.

Research suggests that thoughts are powerful enough to be perceived as physical objects. Take the findings of Dr. Giuseppe Joseph Calligaris, a 19th century doctor who, in his doctoral thesis, Thoughts Do Heal, concluded that a thought leads to actual physical sensations. This mind-body connection manifests in specific organs, which are linked to emotions. Do you see the connection? Thoughts trigger emotions, which activate organs, which in turn affect our health. Therefore, we hold in our power the ability to transmute our thoughts into positive ones, thereby creating a cascade of endorphins that deliver beneficial healing effects. Consciously directing ones mind to think positive thoughts that cause the body to produce health-enhancing biochemicals has been successfully done through biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, deep breathing and hypnosis. When done right, these practices result in increased longevity, lowered stress levels, a healthy immune system and a reduced risk of heart disease. You are here: Home Health Conditions Cancer Laughter TherapyLaugh Your Way To Well Being

Laughter TherapyLaugh Your Way To Well Being

Danica Collins |

How Laughing Out Loud Promotes Health and Heals Disease

Everyone loves to laugh, but few people know how much truth is contained by the words laughter is the best medicine. The natural gift of laughter confers outstanding medicinal benefits. Laughter therapy can improve mental and physical well-being, and its therapeutic effects are even being applied towards the treatment of serious health conditions, including cancer.

The History of Healing with Laughter

Laughter therapy (or humor therapy, as its sometimes called) is the practice of intentionally initiating laughter to relieve physical or emotional stress and promote overall health and wellness. As long ago as the 13th century, surgeons used humor to distract patients from pain. Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness, first seriously undertook the scientific study of laughters healing impact. Cousins published his book in 1979 after he himself used humor to sustain himself through a grueling and prolonged battle with a serious disease. Now, hospitals around the globe are incorporating laughter therapy programs into their practices. In India, laughing clubs where participants meet each morning solely for the purpose of sharing a laugh are gaining tremendous popularity. Laughter therapy is also taking hold in the West. The Pentagon has even begun training military families to use these techniques.

Some integrative cancer treatment centers, such as the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), are incorporating laughter therapy into their cancer treatment protocols. According to the CTCA, Laughter is a natural medicine. It lifts our spirits and makes us feel happy. Laughter is a contagious emotion. It can bring people together. It can help us feel more alive and empowered. Studies show that laughter may significantly boost health in myriad ways. Just some of the functions of laughter include its ability to: Boost the immune system and circulatory system Enhance oxygen intake Stimulate the heart and lungs Relax muscles throughout the body Trigger the release of endorphins (the bodys natural painkillers) Ease digestion/soothe stomach aches Relieve pain Balance blood pressure Improve mental functions (i.e., alertness, memory, creativity) In addition, the immediate pleasure we feel while laughing can offer surprisingly long-term benefits, including sustained improvement in overall attituderelaxationsleepquality of lifesocial bonds and relationshipsand well-being.

The Science of Laughter

Many of laughters positive effects are the result of the hormones laughter stimulates, called catecholamines. Catecholamines trigger the release of endorphins the bodys natural feelgood chemicals, capable of reducing pain and stimulating elation. Once your body is awash in this happy juice, youll automatically begin to feel more content and relaxed. According to a research team at Texas A&M University, each laugh relieves stressreduces anxiety lifts energyand even cultivates hope. In fact, the team found that laughter therapy could lead to significant increases in hopefulness. David H. Rosen, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told Science Daily that humor specifically fosters hope by blocking negative thoughts with positive ones. The positive emotions generated through humor can increase a persons perceived ability to overcome an obstacle, an important psychological aspect of hope. Children also benefit greatly from laughter. Researchers at UCLA did a study that showed that watching funny shows on TV improved childrens tolerance for pain. In addition, a team from the University of Maryland found that those who watched funny movies compared to those who watched sad ones experienced increased blood flow an important factor for health and healing.

You Dont Have to Feel Like Laughing to Heal

Perhaps the best part of laughter therapy other than how good it feels is that even if you dont feel like laughing, you can benefit. Luke Burbank, a National Public Radio reporter, addressed this question in an interview with Steve Wilson, the head of World Laughter Tour, a university-educated psychologist, and a self-taught joyologist. According to Wilson, All human beings have an original, authentic natural laughter. His mission is to help us all access that laughter at any time. But, says Wilson, it doesnt matter if

youre faking it. He and other professionals are convinced that the brain cant tell if your laughter is legitimate or forced. The physical act of laughter spontaneous or forced is enough to relax your musclesimprove your digestionnormalize your heart rateand enhance blood flow. Besides, many who start out with a forced laugh find that they very quickly transition into authentic, joyful laughter, especially if they are laughing with others. In the interests of optimal health, remember the words of e.e. cummings: The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. The Case Against Detoxing Why detoxing can actually make your body more toxicPlus what to do instead to rid your body of pesticides, heavy metals, and other dangerous chemicals Youve probably heard that detoxing is good for your health. Youve heard it can remove pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals from your body. Youve heard that it can bolster your immune system and help support a healthy liver. But heres something you should know: Detoxing can actually make your body more toxic! Thats right, detoxing can actually make you sicker! Let me explain Most toxins are stored in your fat cells. Thats because most toxic chemicals are fat-soluble, which means they dissolve only in fatty or oily solutions, not in water. And thats why fat-soluble chemicals are attracted to your fat tissues. In fact, there are about 200 times more toxins stored in your fat cells than in your blood. When these toxins are trapped in your fat cells, they are contained. But when you begin a detox program, you pull these toxins out of your fat cells and into your bloodstream. And once they enter your bloodstream, they can travel through your body to your vital organs and wreak havoc on your health. These toxins can invade your joints and tissues triggering pain and inflammation. They can invade your brain, where they can cause headaches, memory loss, and premature brain aging. And they can invade your heart, where they can cause blood pressure problems. They can travel to your endocrine system where they can cause estrogen dominance, reduced libido and sexual dysfunction. They can invade your pancreas where they can cause blood sugar problems. They can invade your

eyes causing vision problems. And they can invade your stomach where they can cause nausea or vomiting. Thats why detoxification programs often cause more health problems than they solve. And its why so many people who go on a detox program end up feeling worse afterwards! You may know people who went on a detox program and had a bad reaction to it. Perhaps youve had a bad reaction to one yourself. Many people will tell you that this is a healing crisis or a Herxheimer reaction. But this is not the case. Heres whats really happening Because these toxins do not dissolve in water, your body cannot eliminate them easily. Before it eliminates them, it has to make them water-soluble. This is where your liver comes into play. Your liver makes the toxins watersoluble so they can be excreted in the urine or via the bile. Thats why your bile is full of toxins. Every day, your liver dumps bile into your intestines so the toxins can be eliminated through your stool. The problem is that the toxins must first bind with fiber in your intestines. And if you dont eat enough fiber, the toxins are simply re-absorbed through your intestines, and sent right back into your body! And this can be true even if you eat a high fiber diet. Thats because when you go on a detox program, you flood your body with toxins. And theres no way your body can keep up. Even worse, bacteria in the intestines can modify these toxins into even more dangerous forms. So when they get reabsorbed, they are even more toxic! Lastly, alcohol and refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour all interfere with the detoxification process. And unless the detoxification process is completed correctly, you could end up more toxic than before! But this doesnt have to happen to you How to Protect Yourself from the Harmful Effects of Toxins Hi, my name is Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs. For more than 25 years Ive been treating patients with the most effective natural, nutritional therapies. Ive helped these patients overcome common health complaints as well as far more serious health concerns.

For nearly a decade Ive been warning anyone who will listen about the dangers of toxins. Ive cited study after study linking man-made chemicals and heavy metals to chronic conditions like fatigue, low energy, joint pain and swelling, memory lapses, and brain fog as well as a laundry list of more serious illnesses. And for years Ive been encouraging my patients to detox their bodies. As you may know, there are lots of ways to detox your body One safe way to detox your body is with colonics. Colonics involve flushing out waste from the lower end of your colon. This helps prevent toxins from building up in your colon. Unfortunately, you need to do it many times to get the greatest benefit. And colonics can be uncomfortable for some people. Another safe way to detox is with saunas. When combined with massage or vigorous exercise, infrared saunas can help your body to sweat out toxins. The great thing about saunas is that they are enjoyable; the drawback is that it takes a long time to sweat out the toxins. You have to have two saunas per week. And that can get very expensive. Ive used both colonics and saunas to help eliminate toxins

for years. But I was frustrated. I wanted something stronger, but without the dangerous side effects of many detox programs. Thats why I was so excited when my friend and colleague Dr. Isaac Eliaz told me about this new detoxification solution. It circulates in your bloodstream to trap toxins before they can become lodged in your tissues and vital organs. It works in your digestive system to help prevent your body from absorbing toxins from your food and water. And it helps stop your body from reabsorbing and redistributing toxins from bile salts that are excreted back into your intestines. Best of all, this new detox solution is so gentle on your system that there are no reported side effects in any human trials. And its so safe it has been tested on children as young as 5 years old who suffer from lead poisoning. The Only Oral Detox Solution Proven to Work in Human Clinical Studies Its called modified citrus pectin, and its made from the inner peel of citrus fruits. Modified citrus pectin is one of the most powerful chelating substances Ive found in the world, and its been proven to work in human clinical studies. In one recent study, USDA scientists gave people modified citrus pectin for six days. The scientists measured the amount of toxins excreted in the participants urine before taking the modified citrus pectin and 24 hours after taking the citrus pectin. The results? The amount of deadly arsenic excreted in participants urine increase by 130%... The amount of toxic mercury excreted increased by 150%... The amount of cadmium excreted increased by a whopping 230%... And the amount of toxic lead excreted in participants urine increased by an amazing 560%!

Dramatic results like these in only 24 hours are simply unheard of! And heres something else amazing: Even though modified citrus pectin is strong enough to soak up toxins and heavy metals like a sponge, its also so gentle on your system that not a single person in these human trials reported any side effects!

In fact, modified citrus pectin is so safe it has been tested on children as young as 5 years old who suffer from lead poisoning. Every child tested had a dramatic increase in the excretion of lead in their urine over 130% on average. The reason modified citrus pectin is safer than many forms of chelation therapy is because it does NOT deplete the essential minerals your body needs. So while it eliminates toxic metals and pesticides like lead, cadmium and mercury, it doesnt deplete your body of zinc, calcium or magnesium. In fact, there was no change in the level of these vital minerals in patients during the study. Now before you run out and buy citrus pectin, you have to make sure youre getting the right kind. There are a lot of people out there selling citrus pectin, but its not the same kind that was used in the clinical studies. You see, most citrus pectin is composed of large, long-chain carbohydrate molecules that are too big for your body to digest. So the pectin simply passes through your body without binding to toxins. The good news is, my friend and colleague Dr. Isaac Eliaz has found a way to modify citrus pectin that makes it very easy for your body to digest. First he broke down large citrus pectin molecules into smaller, easily absorbable pieces. Then he changed the pH of the pectin molecule to make it easier for the molecule to bind to heavy metals, especially in the low-pH environment of your stomach. The result is a patented form of modified citrus pectin called PectaSol. It easily binds to toxins so they can be eliminated by your bodys digestive system. In fact, PectaSol is so powerful, it can trap and remove significant amounts of toxins in as little as 24 hours! And now you can get all the benefits of PectaSol. Thats because Dr. Eliaz has created a powerful detox formula called PectaSol Chelation Complex. Try PectaSol Chelation Complex Risk Free Clinical and Scientific Studies Show PectaSol Chelation Complex Gets Rid of 74% of Dangerous Heavy Metals In addition to Dr. Eliaz patented citrus pectin, PectaSol Chelation Complex also contains a second, all-natural chelating substance called alginate thats made from seaweed. Why is this important? Because extensive studies at McGill University show that alginates help prevent your body from absorbing lead, cadmium and other toxic metals.

The alginates in PectaSol Chelation Complex bind to the toxins in your food right in the digestive tract. As a result, the toxins are eliminated before they even enter your bloodstream or your tissues. Worried about mercury in fish? Arsenic in chicken? Pesticides on strawberries? PectaSol Chelation Complex neutralizes all these toxins and more. By combining alginates with PectaSol citrus pectin, you get a more powerful deep-cleaning effect than with either alone. Thats because both alginates and PectaSol are made of soluble fibers that trap toxins. These fibers stack on top of each other to form rows of pockets similar to an egg carton. Heavy metals and toxins get trapped in this egg carton and then are eliminated through your bodys digestive system. Best of all, these toxin-trapping egg cartons dont just work in your stomach they also circulate through your bloodstream. And as they do so, they trap toxic metal ions like lead, mercury, and cadmium and eliminate them. Symptoms Completely Disappeared After Just Two Months Together PectaSol and alginates deep clean your body like nothing else. In fact, a recent published case study showed that patients taking PectaSol Chelation Complex dropped their body levels of toxic metals by a whopping 74% on average. Once the toxins were removed, patients reported amazing health breakthroughs. One patient had been sad and anxious for more than 10 years. She lived in an old house where she had been exposed to fumes from paint, plumbing, and other potential toxins. She tried having her mercury amalgams removed by her dentist, but nothing helped. Then she decided to try PectaSol Chelation Complex. After just two months on PectaSol Chelation Complex, her mercury level dropped by 83%, her lead level went down by 100%, and her symptoms completely disappeared! But thats not all other patients taking PectaSol Chelation Complex reported improvements in memory, joint pain, insomnia and more.

Nancy Williams suffered from insomnia, but after taking PectaSol Chelation Complex she is sleeping like a baby again. Sometimes I would get only two or three hours of sleep. Now I get six, even seven hours of sleep.

Barbara Burkhard struggled with memory problems, but after taking PectaSol Chelation Complex she is feeling sharp as a tack. The most significant change Ive noticed is improved memory. Sometimes words would not come to me, but now they do. That is a miracle! Erna Black suffered from morning stiffness and knee pain, but after taking PectaSol Chelation Complex shes doing yoga again! Other people younger than me are telling me I am their inspiration. I am 80-plus years young and I have endless energy!

Get Rid of Decades of Toxic Build-Up and Restore Your Health

Once I learned about the proven results Dr. Eliaz was achieving with his patented formula, I arranged for Advanced Bionutritionals to offer this formula to my patients. Many people who begin taking PectaSol Chelation Complex tell me they feel better than they have in years. They report such positive improvements as: Increased energy and more get-upand-go to enjoy the activities you love Less forgetfulness and a sharper memory More mentally alert and focused More flexible joints with less pain and stiffness A more restful nights sleep Easier to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels Improved digestion and better elimination More energy and stamina in the bedroom And much more

Thats why I urge you to give PectaSol Chelation Complex a try. Its the only chelator of its kind thats been shown to reduce the toxic buildup of

heavy metals and pesticides in human clinical trials. Thats why I recommend it to all of my patients who are concerned about the long term health effects of exposure to these toxins and its why I take it myself every day. And remember, there are no difficult juice fasts involved. No spending hours sweating in an infrared sauna. No painful and expensive IV treatments. No unpleasant colonics. Just easy-to-swallow capsules that you take twice a day. Start clearing your body of dangerous, health-robbing toxins today! Try PectaSol Chelation Complex at the lowest price and get up to 4 FREE Gifts! No matter how careful you are, you cant avoid coming into contact with toxins. But you can prevent those toxins from damaging your health.

Why Even Health Nuts Are Contaminated With Toxins

For 20 years, Charlotte Brody ate organic produce, used non-toxic household cleaning detergents, and avoided pesticides in her home and garden. Im the one hand-picking individual weeds from my garden rather than using chemical sprays, and going that extra mile to get my organic milk in a glass bottle, she said. So when Charlotte volunteered to have her blood tested for the presence of 210 different toxic chemicals as part of a recent scientific study, she thought her blood would be relatively clean But Charlotte was shocked when scientists at Mount Sinai Medical Center discovered 85 different chemicals in her blood including more than two dozen types of PCBs, seven dioxins, and a banned household insecticide. Im proof that a healthy lifestyle doesnt shield you, she said after seeing the results. Unfortunately, Charlottes story isnt unique. Every person tested by Mount Sinai Medical Center in the same study was contaminated with an average of 91 chemicals each.

Over years of treating patients and researching supplements, Ive yet to find a more gentle, more powerful way to eliminate dangerous toxins The evidence is clear. everyone, than PectaSol Chelation Complex. regardless of their lifestyle, needs to Thats why Id like to invite you to try detox their body. And the easiest way this new formula today at a special to do that is with PectaSol introductory savings, so you can Chelation Complex. Click here to get begin experiencing the deep cleansing started today. benefits for yourself... Just look at what you get when you try a onemonth supply of PectaSol Chelation Complex. A One-Month PectaSol Chelation Complex Starter Pack

...is just $39.95, plus shipping and handling. Plus youll receive a FREE GIFT that Id like to send you right away: FREE Gift #1: Get Rid of Toxins and Feel Healthier Than Ever (a $9.95 value) Even if you eat organic food, drink filtered water, or use natural products in your home, chances are your body has been contaminated with toxins. Thats because, as recent studies show, its impossible to escape their reach. Youll be amazed to discover all hidden sources of toxins in our world For example

The popular household product that increases your risk of Parkinsons disease by 70%. Only takes 77 days of exposure, according to new Stanford University study. Get this out of your house now! The common preservative found in most flu shots that can cause low thyroid, headaches, and fatigue. If your flu shot contains this chemical, youre better off without it! The healthy food that can increase your risk of heart attack. Reason why? Its loaded with pollutants. Just say no and your heart will really thank you. Why removing your old mercury amalgam fillings could make you sicker. Plus what to do instead to get the mercury out of your mouth. Could your car be making you sick? Shocking report finds concentrations of toxic chemicals in some cars are many times higher than levels the EPA deems safe for a home or office. Find out how many toxins are lurking in your car by going here. The best toxicology lab to use if you want to get tested for a wide variety of toxins. They offer test panels that include the most common toxins like those found in the Centers for Disease Control survey. Once you have the results, your physician can compare them to the levels found in the CDC study participants to see if you fall in the high risk category. The 5 fish with the highest level of mercury contamination. Avoid these at all costs. Plus the only tuna thats safe to eat.

Simple trick removes chlorine from your bath without expensive water purification systems. Just drop in one of these and safely soak for hours! And much more!

This report is free with your one-month supply of PectaSol Chelation Complex. But I have an even better value for you. If you dont want to keep re-ordering, you can stock up and Click to try PectaSol Chelation Complex risk free Buy 3 Get 1 Free ! Try a 3-month supply of PectaSol Chelation Complex for just $99.95, plus shipping and handling. And youll receive a fourth bottle absolutely FREE. Thats a $59.85 savings off the regular price, plus youll also receive: FREE Gift #1: Get Rid of Toxins and Feel Healthier Than Ever (a $9.95 value) FREE Gift #2: Breakthrough Arthritis Cures finding the one that works for you! (a $9.95 value) If youre one of the 75% of adults in America with osteoarthritis, Ive got great news for you. You can stop precious cartilage from being destroyed and actually rebuild it! You can say goodbye to joint pain and inflammation. And you can get back your active lifestyle! In this report, youll discover:

The 5 foods that you should avoid if you suffer from joint pain. They can cause your body to produce more pain chemicals, and thats the last thing you need! Why your stomach may actually be to blame for your painful joints. Ask your doctor to evaluate your levels of this key acid. Without enough, your body cant effectively break down calcium. So calcium gets deposited in your joints just where you dont want it to go. The accidental discovery that cures inflammation and pain. This miracle fatty acid lubricates your joints and reduces inflammation.What it is and where to get it.

Cure arthritis permanently with this breakthrough medical treatment! Totally safe, and studies show it actually cures 92% of chronic pain cases. No dangerous drugs involved. Costs far less than surgery and can be done right in your doctors office! And much more!

Ill be happy to send this report to you as soon as possible. After all, its yours FREE with the Buy-3-Get-1-Free Savings Pack. Thats a combined value of $179.70 for only $99.95 plus shipping and handling a total savings of $79.75! But if youre really serious about removing dangerous, health-robbing toxins from your body and saving the most money you can you should Buy 6 Get 2 FREE This is by far the best value because you save $119.65 off the regular price, and you receive all of these Special Reports FREE Gift #1: Get Rid of Toxins and Feel Healthier Than Ever (a $9.95 value) FREE Gift #2: Breakthrough Arthritis Cures finding the one that works for you! (a $9.95 value) FREE Gift #3: Staying Mentally Sharp For Life (a $9.95 value) Are you embarrassed when you run into friends youve known for years and you cant remember their names? Are you tired of always searching for your car keys your purse your glasses? Are you forgetting more and remembering less? Well Ive got good news for you. You dont have to fall prey to these annoying senior moments as you age. You can stay sharp as a tack if you follow the simple advice in this report. For example

The naturally occurring fat that stimulates your brain cells. Studies show it can boost your recall of names, faces, and telephone numbers in just 3 months. Where to find it, plus how much to take The powerful brain detoxifier thats proven to slow the progression of brain aging and Alzheimers. If anyone you love

suffers from this dreaded disease, make sure you tell them about this miracle nutrient.

The common ingredient found in milk that can rob you of your short-term memory. Plus, how to protect yourself and still enjoy the dairy products you love. How to get the most brain-boosting omega-3 fats from your eggs. Be sure to cook them this way Makes it easier for your body to absorb. Could your diet be harming your memory? The dangerous link between low-calorie, low-sugar foods and memory loss and confusion. And much more.

Add this Special Report to your library today. Its FREE with the Buy 6 Get 2 FREE Savings Pack. Thats a combined value of $349.45 for only $199.95 a total savings of $149.50! Click here to get a great value on PectaSol Chelation Complex and start getting rid of toxins right away! Order Now and get FREE shipping PectaSol Chelation Complex isnt available in stores. There is no other way to get it than to order it here and have it shipped to you through the mail. And that means incurring shipping and handling charges. In fact, youd normally have to pay $6.95 or more for shipping and handling of your PectaSol Chelation Complex. (Im told this barely covers the cost of packaging your bottles for safe, fresh, secure arrival. Especially if you order a six-month supply!) But Ive arranged for you to receive FREE shipping and handling when you request your PectaSol Chelation Complex right away. Thats right, you wont pay a single penny. Why have I done this? Because I want to get this powerful formula in your hands as soon as possible so you can start reducing your levels of these dangerous toxins right away. Consider it my friendly little nudge to get you to act now. Remember, you can only get free shipping if you order PectaSol Chelation Complex right away. So why not do it right now, while its still fresh in your mind. After all youre fully protected by my

Down-to-the-Last-Pill GUARANTEE I know firsthand how powerful PectaSol Chelation Complex is and we stand by this amazing product. Thats why were putting our money where our mouth is with an unconditional 100% money back guarantee. You risk nothing. Simply try PectaSol Chelation Complex and if you dont agree that its the most gentle, effective, clinically proven, detoxification supplement youve ever tried, simply send back the empty bottle and well refund you every penny you paid, including shipping and handling. Follow this link to place your order today! We cant think of a better way to convince you to try this powerful combination of PectaSol modified citrus pectin and alginates. Together these natural chelators suck up toxins like a sponge. They can help your body trap and eliminate the heavy metals and toxic elements that are destroying your health. Studies show you can increase your elimination of these metals in as little as 24 hours. Eliminating toxins can make your joints feel better, improve your memory, restore your energy, support a healthy immune system and so much more. Just Click Here to order or call us toll-free at 1-800-791-3395. Our knowledgeable consultants are available to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once we receive your order, well rush it to you via First Class Mail. You should receive it in a few days. Because PectaSol Chelation Complex is so easy for your body to absorb and process, you may experience a difference in as little as a few weeks. As you remove years of toxic accumulation youll feel better and youll be protected against the thousands of toxins that bombard us every day. Sincerely,

Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD, Editor, Womens Health Letter

P.S. If youre an average American between the ages of 58 and 92, new research shows your body is polluted with 700 synthetic chemicals as well as heavy metals like mercury, lead and arsenic As your body fills up with these toxins, you may begin to suffer from stubborn health concerns like aching joints, fatigue, and memory lapses. High levels of these toxins are associated with a long list of severe health conditions. Thats why its critical that you reduce your body burden of these toxins as soon as possible Thats why Id like to send you two bottles of PectaSol Chelation Complex absolutely free. PectaSol Chelation Complex is the only chelator of its kind thats proven to work in human clinical trials. ABNFPCCU ND11
Dr. Nan Fuchs is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for her work in formulating and endorsing this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Why Do Women Live Longer than Men? Dear Friend, Women have a longevity secret. It's in their genes. Not only will I tell you what it is, I'll show you how you can use this simple secret to increase your "health span." That's what I call the length of time you can live while still feeling healthy and happy. This is more than just adding years to your life. It's about staying healthy and happy longer. Let me show you how it works. Hidden away behind university walls, Spanish researchers in the ancient Roman town of Valencia discovered why women outlive men. They found that women "over express" a gene that triggers the production of a powerful "super enzyme."1 This super enzyme extends a woman's life by supporting the health of every cell in her body. They published their results in the journal of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. But most doctors are still in the dark. The few who know about it call it the "Methuselah enzyme," after the Biblical figure that lived for almost a thousand years. A small number of little-known aging studies found that animals that produce the highest levels had the longest health spans. And, when they genetically engineered fruit flies to have double the amount of this super enzyme, the fruit flies lived twice as long. My name is Dr. Al Sears, MD. I'm going to show you how you can use this longevity secret yourself. And it works for both men and women. Part of the reason no one has paid attention to this research is that until recently, there's been no way to get more of this antioxidant into your body. Its power is so great, researchers spent millions looking for a way to either get your body to make more of it, or find a way to take it as a supplement. For years they failed. Many considered giving up the search. Now a revolutionary "delivery system" lets you take this super enzyme at full power, building up your reserves of this health-extending "Methuselah enzyme." Crank Up the Power of Your Body's Most Powerful Antioxidant for a More Vibrant Health Span The super enzyme that continues to amaze researchers is superoxide dismutase or SOD.

One of SOD's protective roles comes from being a premiere free-radical fighter. SOD rules over your body's immune system and is your number Dr. Al Sears, MD one primary antioxidant. As an antioxidant, it's Pioneer of Anti-Aging Medicine the most powerful your body has. Antioxidants that come from vitamins and food sources pale in Dr. Al Sears, MD is a board-certified comparison. physician with over 20 years experience transforming the lives SOD is Your body's most powerful free-radical fighter of over 20,000 patients in 23 countries. Dr. Sears: Antioxidant Protection Level Enjoys a worldwide readership and has appeared on over 50 national Primary Antioxidants radio programs, ABC News, CNN SOD Highest and ESPN. Catalase Exceptional Is the author of over 6 books and Glutathione Peroxidase (Gpx) Exceptional 500 articles published in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging Secondary Antioxidants and nutritional supplementation. Glutathione, CoQ10 Very Strong Was awarded the first U.S. license Carotenoids, Vitamin E Strong to administer a ground-breaking Flavinoids, Vitamins A, C Strong DNA therapy that activates the gene that regulates telomerase. Minerals, Proteins Moderate Recently mentioned in Newsweek this enzyme helps control cell division and may hold the key to It's so vital, production of SOD starts when disease prevention and life you're in the womb. In one study, genetically extension. engineered mice whose bodies couldn't make Earned his medical degree from the their own SOD died in just days from massive University of South Florida in free-radical damage.2 Tampa, Florida. He scored in the You see, antioxidants come from two places, 99th percentile on his MCAT and your body and your diet. The ones your body can graduated with honors in Internal make - like SOD - are the primary antioxidants Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and the most powerful. and Physical Medicine. Secondary antioxidants are the ones you get from your diet or supplements like CoQ10, Is a sought-after lecturer and regular guest speaker at vitamin E, etc. conferences sponsored by the You've probably heard about secondary American Academy of Anti-Aging antioxidants like CoQ10. They are very Medicine (A4M) and the Age powerful and I use them with my patients Management Medicine Group everyday. But for the first time in medical (AMMG).

history, we have a way to get more SOD into your body.

This is a remarkable achievement and very exciting news. So far, this new kind of SOD is the only way to boost your body's level of SOD. Here's why: SOD is such a fragile molecule, it was impossible for it to get through your digestive system without being destroyed. Ongoing research has shown:3 Free SOD is destroyed in the stomach. Oral supplementation of free SOD does not increase tissue SOD activity. A small percentage of SOD can be placed in the intestinal tract but cannot get past the gastrointestinal (GI) barrier.

These past challenges make this new form a real breakthrough. This patented technology (U.S. Patent 6 04 5809) wraps SOD in a protective coating, sending it through your digestive tract without being damaged. Once the SOD gets past your stomach, it's efficiently absorbed by your small intestine - with all its power intact. Put the Brakes on Aging with the Antioxidant That's 3,500 Times MORE POWERFUL than Vitamin C From the very first moment, and for as long as you use SOD, you can increase your health span. This increase in the length of time you can live while still feeling healthy and happy, comes from powering up your immune system and zapping the free radicals that accelerates how quickly you age.

From Pain-Free Joints to a Healthy Heart, SOD Makes Your Everyday Life MUCH Easier SOD goes right to work, easing the aches and pains of everyday life. In numerous studies, people taking higher doses of SOD (2,000 mg) all reported less stiffness and pain in their joints. Why? Because SOD supports a healthy inflammation response. Researchers discovered that people who take the new SOD have much higher levels of an anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-10 (IL-10) than people who don't. Not only does that help your joints, previous studies suggest that people who live to be 90 or 100 have naturally high levels of IL-10. This healthy inflammation response is commonly seen in people who live to extreme old age. SOD helps maintain a healthy heart and flexible blood vessels, too. In clinical studies, doctors found healthy blood vessels. In one trial, doctors gave an ultrasound to check vital arteries surrounding the heart. The patients taking this new SOD had healthier arteries than those taking nothing at all. Caruso, C, et al, "Aging," Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. Dec. 2004; 1028:1-13 Cloarec, M., et al, European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2007; 39(2) environment.

Free radicals are the "bad guys" that damage your organs and tissues, causing them to age faster and fall apart more quickly. Some free radicals are byproducts of your metabolism. When your cells burn oxygen for energy, the used up oxygen molecules become unstable and can damage surrounding organs and tissues. Think of free radicals like car exhaust. When your car's engine burns gas and oxygen it creates a toxic byproduct. Your cells do the same thing. But there's another problem. Free radicals are also generated when your body gets hit by toxins and other poisons from your

Every time you breathe in car fumes, cigarette smoke, smog, or chemicals, you generate a new swarm of free radicals. These free radicals tear through your body causing damage every moment of the day.

The Health Miracles of Coconut Oil Interview with Dr. Bruce Fife Interviewed on The Wellness Hour ( KFGO) Hosted by: Kelly Stone, Sue Brenan and Raena Morgan March 7, 2009

Kelly Stone: Live, local, first KFGO, The Weekend Edition. Im Kelly Stone. Thank you for making us part of your Saturday. KFGO time is 12:08, and this is The Wellness Hour. Im joined as always by Raena Morgan, a video host with ihealthtube.com, and Sue Brenan, a consultant pharmacist with ihealthtube.com. Id like to give you a few reminders right off the bat. First of all, our phone numbers are 237-5948 or 1-800-880-5346. You can also e-mail questions to studio@kfgo.com. Also want to remind you, after the show, by Monday morning, I will always post some place where you can find more information about where you can find more information about our Weekend guest, because we get a lot of questions that come our way, especially later on in the week. So you can go to kfgo.com, and then you go over to On Air and you will get a drop down menu, Weekend Programming is one of your options, and The Weekend Edition is part of that Weekend Programming. So if you can find your way to The Weekend Edition page, you will always find contact information about our guest, especially about The Wellness Hour, because we tend to get a lot of those questions. Also want to remind you while Im on the topic, if you go to kfgo.com, we have a very important fundraiser happening tonight for Deputy Chris Dewey who was shot in the line of duty last month. The good news, he got transferred to a rehab hospital in Colorado just I think it was two days ago, and is doing remarkably well considering he was shot in the head. Its just an amazing story, how he has been able to overcome some of the odds, but as you can imagine, his family is going to be facing a lot of

medical expenses, travel expenses, things of that nature. Thats why were having that fundraiser tonight at the Teamsters, doors open at seven. Carmen the Cactus takes the stage, the band donating their time, and that starts at eight oclock tonight. We would encourage you to come out. No admission charge, were just asking for free will donations. There will be a silent auction too, and we hope to see you out there. So now that weve gotten that taken care of, you can find more information about that at kfgo.com. Again our phone numbers, 237-5948, 1-800-880-5346. And our guest today from Colorado, we just mentioned that. Raena Morgan: Colorado Springs. KS: Exactly. Doctor Bruce Fife. Welcome to the program, Bruce. Its good to have you along. Dr. Bruce Fife: Thank you for inviting me. KS: It is our pleasure. Were going to be talking today about coconut oil, but first of all we like to start off with a little background. Where did you come from, where did you grow up, and how did you get interested in coconut oil as something to really devote a lot of time and energy to researching? BF: Well thats a little interesting. I grew up mostly in California. For the last twenty plus years Ive been living in Colorado, and some people kind of find it interesting that here I promote the health benefits of coconuts in a state that is a thousand miles away from the nearest coconut. KS: Absolutely. BF: And I have an organization called the Coconut Research Center, and people contact me, oh where is that, Hawaii or something? No, Colorado. KS: Well where did you get your training, Doctor Fife? BF: I got it from Clayton College of Natural Healing and from the National Nutrition Educational Network.

KS: Okay. RM: I want to mention that Doctor Fifes interviews will be coming up on ihealthtube, and we will be talking about this topic too. He is the author of fourteen books, Doctor Fife? BF: Its in the twenties now. RM: Its the twenties, okay. My gracious! Im looking at The Coconut Oil Miracle, and thats available at Swansons, and also you can give us a website for that too. Can you explain the history of coconut oil and its value in the south pacific cultures? Because it was used as a medicine, wasnt it? BF: Oh, you bet. You know, coconuts been growing in the tropics for millions of years, and of course those people that live there rely very heavily on coconut; its a staple in their diet traditionally. In fact, in some of the pacific islands where the soils are very volcanic and only a few inches deep, there are few plants that can really grow there, but coconuts will grow, and so some of these people depend very much on coconut for their life and probably fifty or more percent of their diet consists of coconut. And these people, researchers have found, were very healthy, even though they had a very high intake of coconut. They use coconut not only in their food, but as a medicine as well. In fact, the coconut palm, they can take every part of the coconut palm and produce everything they need to sustain life. They can use it to build their houses; they can use it for hunting materials; they can use it to make rope or netting, for mats on the floor, for decorations. And again, you know, the coconut itself is more than just coconut. With a coconut, you can have coconut meat, you can have coconut milk, you can have coconut water, you have coconut oil, and then you can prepare it in many ways where its cooked and roasted and combined with other things. So theres a lot of food value just from a simple coconut, plus they have the coconut sap that comes from the tree in the heart of the coconut, which is eaten like a vegetable. So there are

many uses for the amazing coconut. RM: Well youve been researching it for many years, havent you? What piqued your interest in the first place? BF: Well I used to believe like most other people, and thats the way I was trained when I was going through school, and thats that coconut, particularly coconut oil, was saturated fat, it was unhealthy, we should avoid it, and then I had a colleague tell me that coconut oil is actually one of the good fats and that it didnt cause heart disease, but had many health benefits, and I was really shocked to hear that. This colleague, you know, showed me some studies in the medical literature verifying it and made me curious. And so I did a search for coconut in the medical literature and I was finding all these studies, and so I kept doing more research and I kept finding more and more studies. And all of these studies were actually positive, they were showing positive benefits to coconut and coconut oil, and it told me that coconut oil, contrary to popular belief, did not promote heart disease, but all the evidence showed that it actually protected against it. And I was so amazed with all of this information that I was learning, and I realized that, you know, other people did not know this; only the researchers that were doing it seemed to know this. I decided I needed to tell people about it, so I wrote a book called The Coconut Oil Miracle. RM: Which we have in the studio with us. KS: Where does the oil come from? What part of the plant, and how do you extract the oil from it? BF: Well you take the white meat inside the coconut, and basically it comes from that. The process is that you crush the meat, and from that crushed meat you have that coconut juice or coconut milk, and then if you just set the milk down for a day or so, it will naturally set with the oil rising to the top, and so you can scoop the oil right out that way. KS: Okay.

Sue Brenan: And Doctor Fife, is coconut oil a saturated fat? Because thats what all of us consumers have been told, you know, to avoid, that saturated fats like the coconut oil and the palm kernel oil that they were putting on the popcorn in the movie theaters was something that was going to raise both our LDL and our HDL cholesterol levels. BF: Well, you know, coconut oil is highly saturated, and this has actually caused a lot of confusion because people think saturated fat has to be bad, but, you know, there are many types of saturated fat, and the type of saturated fat in coconut oil is much different from the type that you get in meats or what you get in other vegetable oils. Coconut oil is a very saturated fat, and coconut oil is very healthful and has many health properties as I discovered as I went through the medical literature. SB: And I understand its a medium-chained versus a long-chained, is that right? BF: Yeah, if you want to get a little technical. Basically, all fats and oils are composed of fat molecules called fatty acids, and you can classify the fatty acids into three categories. Youve got short-chained fatty acids, medium-chained fatty acids, and long-chained fatty acids, and in our diet and the foods that we eat every day, probably ninety-five to a hundred percent of the fats in our diet are composed of long-chained fatty acids. Now this is where coconut oil is different; its composed predominantly of medium-chained fatty acids. And our bodies actually metabolize and process fats differently, depending on their size, and so the physiological effects of the medium-chained fatty acids in coconut oil is very different from the long-chained fatty acids you get in meats and in corn oil and soybean oil and all the other typical oils we eat during the day. SB: So its possible that a medium-chained oil like the coconut oil could be more easily digested and maybe not as readily stored as fat in our body then.

BF: Well thats exactly right, and theres been a lot of research in that topic, is that the medium-chained fatty acids do digest very easily, and so they are recommended for people who have digestive concerns and for newborn infants and things like that. When you eat a oil, say a soybean oil or a canola oil, which is composed a hundred percent of long-chained fatty acids, the oil goes through your stomach and into your intestinal tract, and its in the intestinal tract where the vast majority of digestion occurs, and so you need pancreatic digestive enzymes, you need bile to work on the oil, to break it down into individual fatty acids. Then these fatty acids are absorbed into the intestinal wall where they are transformed into little fats, bundles of fat and protein called lipoproteins, and these lipoproteins will circulate through the bloodstream, releasing particles of fat, and this is the source of the fat that collects in our fat cells. Now when you eat coconut oil, the process is completely different. Since coconut oil is made predominantly of the medium-chained fatty acids, they are digested very easily so that when they enter the intestinal tract theyve completed their digestion. They dont need any more digestion, theyre already broken down into individual fatty acids; therefore, we dont need the pancreatic digestive enzymes, we dont need the bile to break them down. And because they are broken down as they enter the intestinal tract, theyre absorbed immediately into the portal vein and sent directly to the liver. And in the liver, the liver recognizes it and says ah, this is a wonderful source of energy, and burns them for energy so they produce energy, and so the medium-chained fatty acids bypass the lipoprotein stage in the intestinal wall; therefore, they do not circulate in the bloodstream to the extent that other fats do and do not contribute to the fat that collects in our fat cells. What they do is they give us energy, not body fat. RM: Now is this like olive oil, for example, in its composition? BF: Well, you know, thats an interesting question, because olive oil has always been considered one of the healthy fats, and so people do ask me, you know, well is

it similar to olive oil. My answer is no, it has no similarities whatsoever to olive oil; it is vastly superior to olive oil. RM: All right. BF: Olive oil is composed of long-chained fatty acids. Although it is a monounsaturated fat and is a good fat, it is a long-chained, and the medium-chained in coconut oil is what really makes coconut oil a miracle food. KS: Theres a difference, though, in how you get your fat content. Were talking about hydrogenated, is that the proper way,BF: Yeah. KS: -fats, so it has to do with how its processed. Theres a difference between those kinds and the natural, is that true? BF: Yes. In fact, there are two major types of coconut oil. When you go to the store, youll see these very commonly. Theres virgin coconut oil, and then there is RBD, or refined, bleached and deodorized coconut oil. Now the virgin coconut oil is similar to like virgin olive oil, which is extract from the fruit with very little effort and very little processing, so it retains a nice delicate coconut flavor, an aroma; its full of the phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals that nature put in there. Now when they made RBD oil, it goes through a more refining process, more heat is used, and so consequently some of these nutrients are lost. The oil is still good, but its not as natural, not quite as nutritious as the virgin coconut oil. And then I guess theres also a third type of coconut oil that you dont see sold, but its used an ingredient in products, and thats the hydrogenated coconut oil. Hydrogenation is a process where manufacturers will take a vegetable oil and they bombard it with hydrogen atoms in the presence of nickel, and it converts the oil into more of a hard or solid oil. And in that process, what is formed is whats called a trans fatty acid, and this is fat molecule, but its an artificial fat molecule that our bodies have never

seen before. And because it is artificial, it causes a lot of problems with our health. Our body tries to use it like it would any other fatty acid, but because its artificial, it isnt quite the same and its like throwing a monkey wrench into a machinery; it clogs things up. And so a lot of research has been done over the last several decades, showing how trans fatty acids are a primary cause of heart disease and diabetes and cancer and many of the autoimmune diseases that trouble us today. SB: And so, Doctor Fife, if were, you know, trying to do our shopping and look at our product labels and were looking at something and it says its got hydrogenated coconut oil, but we have no idea how much is in there, its just in there. Is that something we should avoid altogether? BF: Yes. I highly recommend that whenever you go shopping, you always look at an ingredient label, and look for the words hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Sometimes itll be hydrogenated coconut oil, sometimes itll be hydrogenated soybean oil, or sometimes theyll just write hydrogenated vegetable oil, but you should avoid type of hydrogenated oils because theyre not good. KS: If thats the process that they used, will they always label it that way? BF: They should always label it, yeah, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated. KS: Okay. RM: Could you tell me a little- or tell us a little bit about the composition of coconut oil. Isnt it similar to breast milk? BF: You know, that is a very interesting topic, because human breast milk contains medium-chained fatty acids,RM: Amazing.

BF: -the same type that are found in coconut oil. And a lot of research has been done on the benefits of medium-chained fatty acids in coconut- I mean, in human breast milk, and how necessary it is for the health of newborn developing babies. And coconut oil has the same benefits, but its actually a more concentrated source, so you can get more of the benefits from it. RM: So once you wean the child, you can start giving them coconut oil, right? BF: You bet, yeah. SB: And are the acids youre talking about the lauric acid and the caprylic acid? BF: Yeah. SB: Are those the two? BF: Those are two of them. Theres actually a few more, and these are the individual medium-chained fatty acids that make up the entire medium-chained fatty acids of the coconut. Actually, coconut has about ten different fatty acids in it. SB: Wow. RM: So the different between vegetable oils and coconut oil or even olive oil is very vast, isnt it, in terms of how we process it? BF: Yes, it is. The body processes the oils completely different. RM: Okay. The vegetable oils are polyunsaturated, right? BF: Most of the vegetable oils are polyunsaturated; olive oil, for example, is monounsaturated, and then coconut oil is predominantly saturated, even though it does contain some mono and some polyunsaturated fats as

well. RM: Okay, good. KS: Well I think were off to a good start, but we obviously still have a lot of ground to cover, a lot of questions about coconut oil. We are visiting with Doctor Bruce Fife. He is our guest today on The Wellness Hour, joined again by Raena Morgan and Sue Brenan. And we will get right back into the discussion next on live, local, first KFGO.

KS: And this is The Wellness Hour. KFGO time is 12:31. The Wellness Hour, part of The Weekend Edition, which goes until two oclock today. I believe we have trivia time to look forward to at trivia time, no? Paul Leintz: No, actually we have I believe wild basketball action. KS: All right. So there you go, now we know. Thank you, Paul. This is The Wellness Hour, and our guest today is Doctor Bruce Fife. He is talking about coconut oil, and your calls, questions are welcome at 237-5948 or 1-800880-5346. You can also e-mail us at studio@kfgo.com. And we were talking a little bit over the break there, Doctor Fife. I think a lot of us are so confused about coconut because we dont have the opportunity to process them ourselves at home. We have to go to the store to get whats already been processed, and thats kind of a hurdle that a lot of us have to get over. We dont really know whats been done to the coconut. When we go buy coconut flakes, for instance, at the store, has anything been done to it that we should know about as consumers? BF: Well if you go to a grocery store and you buy the desiccated coconut, the worst thing that they do is they put in preservatives and sugar. KS: Okay. BF: If you go to a health food store, usually health food

stores have a desiccated type coconut that has nothing added, so its just pure, plain coconut without the preservatives, without the sugar. KS: Okay, good to know. RM: That is good to know. And is it better to take the oil like by the teaspoon or to take a softgel capsule, for example? BF: Well I prefer to use it in cooking. You know, in any recipe that you have that calls for a vegetable oil or margarine or shortening or something like that, you can substitute coconut oil in it and prepare your meals that way. And if you want to add the coconut oil into your diet and youre not eating a meal that actually uses oil in cooking, you can actually just add it to it. For example, you can add a spoonful of oil into soup or a stew or a casserole. Some people put it in hot drinks, you know, like it will go great with a hot cup of cocoa, or you can put it in tea and things like that. So there are a lot of ways you can incorporate it into your diet. Now sometimes I dont always use it in every I cook, and so if I feel like I need it, Ill just take a spoonful and put it straight in my mouth. And if you get a nice virgin coconut oil, a good brand, it tastes really good, like coconut cream, you know. And I like it when its a little hard and I put it in my mouth and just kind of let it sit there and melt. KS: Ooh! We have a caller on the line also with a question about coconut oil. Sherine, whats your question? Sherine: Yes, I was wondering about coconut milk, you know, that you would use for cooking like Thai soups. Is that as good? BF: Yes. Generally, look for a brand of coconut milk that doesnt have any preservatives or additives to it, and the- a can, a typical fourteen ounce can of coconut milk will contain approximately four to five tablespoons worth of the coconut oil, and so if you make a curry or a soup or a stew or something with that, or even a

smoothie with it, you can get a good amount of coconut oil in your diet. KS: Does that help you, Sherine? Sherine: Yes, but the milk itself is not harmful? BF: No. Sherine: Okay. Thank you very much. KS: Okay, good question. Again, our numbers: 2375948, 1-800-880-5346. Is it hard to find the natural products that youre encouraging us to use, Doctor Fife? Are they hard to find like here in the Midwest? BF: No. I think if you go into any health food store, you will find a good quality brand of virgin coconut oil available. Now even some of the major stores like Safeway and Wal-Mart are carrying coconut oil. SB: And, Doctor Fife, I was wondering kind of back to the health issues about how coconut oil affects heart disease. Are there any scientific studies that you can cite about that? BF: Well one thing thats interesting, there are no scientific studies that actually demonstrate that coconut oil is harmful to the heart or the arteries. SB: Okay. BF: Now if you actually go through and look at population studies where they go to regions of the world where people eat coconut oil every day of their lives, you find something thats very interesting, and that is that these people have some of the lowest heart disease rates in the world. In fact, those populations who eat the most coconut oil have the lowest heart disease rates in the world. Theyve gone to places like Papa New Guinea and Sri Lanka, you know, and they study these people who use coconut oil as their primary source of fat in their diet, and they have no trace of heart disease as well as diabetes or cancer. Theyre

very healthy. These people live into their nineties, even a hundred years of age. They eat coconut oil for every day of their lives for up to a hundred years, and they have perfect heart health, you know, great circulatory, good blood pressure, no evidence of heart disease whatsoever. KS: Okay. Weve got another caller with a question. Bob, whats your question for Doctor Fife? Bob: What would the comparison to sunflower oil be as far as medium-chain or long-chain? KS: Good question. BF: Okay. Sunflower oil is one hundred percent longchained fatty acids; its a polyunsaturated fatty acid for the most part. KS: And how does that compare health wise then? BF: Well there is no comparison, actually. The coconut oil is superior in every way, particularly for cooking. I dont really recommend people cook safflower oil because it breaks down very easily when you cook it to produce, you know, free radicals. But with coconut oil, coconut oil is very heat stable, so it makes an excellent cooking oil. In fact, its an oil you should be using in your cooking because it is oil. KS: Does that help, Bob? Bob: Yes. Did you say that there are also short-chain oils? BF: There are short-chained fatty acids, but they are very few in number. In the foods that we have, the percent is very small. KS: Okay. Bob: Thank you. KS: All right.

RM: How about diabetes? How does coconut oil affect blood sugar? BF: Coconut oil is excellent. Coconut oil I recommend for every diabetic; they need to use coconut oil as their source oil in their diet. Coconut oil helps to improve circulation, and actually studies show that it oxygenates the blood. It actually stimulates the stem cells in the bone marrow to produce red blood cells that can carry oxygen throughout the body. And so right now there are companies that are producing medications based on coconut oil for treatments for chemotherapy patients, because when you go through chemotherapy you- a lot of your red blood cells are killed, and so theyre giving them this derivative of coconut oil to help stimulate the production of red blood cells so they wont be anemic. But in relation to diabetes, what happens is that, you know, one of the major symptoms of diabetes is the loss of circulation and feeling in the extremities, and so they lose- feeling in your feet is one of the very most common symptoms. And when you start taking the coconut oil, it improves circulation and oxygen delivery, and so it reverses these symptoms. I mean, Im amazed at the amount of people, diabetics, who calls us and say, Ive had diabetes for so many years. I havent had any feeling in my feet for two, three, four, five, six years. I started eating coconut oil. Within two weeks, the feeling came back into my feet. KS: Wow, thats amazing. BF: We hear that all the time. KS: Weve got another caller with a question. Daryl, its your turn with a question for Doctor Fife. Daryl: I was wondering about red palm oil, because Ive heard thats even better than olive oil. Its high in tocotrienols or tocopherols and carotenoids. I was wondering what you thought of that compared to coconut oil. BF: Yeah. Now palm oil is very different from coconut

oil. Palm oil has its own health benefits that are separate. And like you said, it contains whats called tocotrienols, which is a very potent form of vitamin E; it has about sixty times as much antioxidant capacity as ordinary vitamin E, and so its very protective against cancer and heart disease. Theyve done studies in which theyve given people that suffer from stroke palm oil and it improves their recovery, improves their mental capacity more than with not giving it. In fact, the red palm oil, because it is red, because of all the vitamins and minerals in it, the redness comes from the beta carotene. Its the richest dietary source of beta carotene, and it is the richest source of the tocotrienols, the potent form of vitamin E. So it is a very good oil, and it has a fairly high percentage of monounsaturated fats, much like olive oil, and so lots of times its compared to olive oil in that respect. KS: Okay. Does that answer your question, Daryl? Daryl: Yeah. KS: Okay. Again our numbers are 237-5948, 1-800-8805346. Weve talked a lot about ingesting coconut oil, but are there topical applications too, Doctor Fife? BF: Oh, wow, yes. KS: I had a feeling there might be. BF: There are lots, in fact, thats some of the original uses. You know, the very original sunblock or suntan lotion was coconut oil. KS: Yeah, everybody remembers that smell. BF: Yes. In fact, traditionally on the islands what would happen is as soon as a baby was born, the first thing that touched their skin basically was coconut oil. The mother would rub coconut oil all over the baby, and from that day, every day, the baby would get a coating of coconut oil, and as the child grew, they would do it themselves, and so people put coconut oil on their skin every single day from the day they were born until the

day they died. KS: And why? BF: Well there are lots of reasons. One of them is the protection from the sun. Here youre in a tropical climate with a hot tropical sun beating on you, and traditionally the natives wore next to nothing, and so their skin was exposed to the hot sun, and the coconut oil would protect it from burning from the heat. The oil not only does that, but it can protect against a lot of environmental influences. If you have dry, rough, cracked skin, I recommend try coconut oil, and within days your skin will become smooth and soft just by putting it on your hands daily. It also is beneficial for any type of skin outbreak or lesion, it helps get rid of that, or psoriasis. If you have an injury, a cut, a wound, an insect bite, a burn, coconut oil will speed the healing. Whenever I get a burn, the first thing that goes on it is coconut oil. I remember several years ago when I was first investigating coconut oil, I would go out in our back and Id work for about four or five hours in the hot sun, and Im very light skinned, so I burn very easily, and I remember coming in being very red and very painful and having the shower hit my skin and going ah! And then I got out and I was hurting so bad, and I saw this little bottle of coconut oil and I thought I need something to moisturize this, so I put that on my skin, and almost immediately you could feeling the soothing and, you know, it soothes it, and there wasnt any pain anymore. And so the following week I was going to go out and work again, and so I decided to put the coconut oil on before I went out, and so I did that and I worked the same four or five hours, and there was no pain whatsoever, I was not pink, and it worked beautifully as a sunblock, and since that time Ive always used it as my sunscreen. RM: Brilliant. SB: And Doctor Fife, what about skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema? Would it be helpful for those? BF: Yes, very much so. It may not cure every case of

psoriasis or these skin problems, but a lot of times it will or it will at least make it better. Its excellent for skin infections. For example, if you have some type of a fungal infection, athletes foot, jock itch, ringworm, nail fungus, you can put the coconut oil on that and it will help clear it up very quickly. KS: We have another caller with a question here, Doctor Fife. Ben, what is your question? Ben: Yes, sir. Its been a very interesting topic this morning. Ive got a question as coconut oil refers to or would relate to something like Atkins, which is a diet that requires a higher fat contentKS: Right. Ben: -in order to make work. Is there a benefit to having coconut oil in the diet, and if so, how would you best incorporate the into the diet? KS: Good question. BF: You know, that is an excellent question, and yes, coconut oil works very well with an Atkins type diet. In fact, it enhances that type of diet and makes it work better, and the reason for that is the Atkins diet is basically for weight loss, and coconut oil is excellent in helping to stimulate- sorry, my voice is a little bit dry, stimulate weight loss. KS: Okay. RM: You need some oil, Doctor Fife. BF: Thats right. Ben: How would you incorporate that into your diet? BF: Yes. Coconut oil has actually gotten a reputation as the worlds only low-calorie fat, because it actually is. It has fewer calories than other fats, plus it stimulates metabolism, and so it puts your metabolism at a higher rate so you burn off calories at an accelerated rate.

KS: So if somebody is using the traditional Atkins outline, where would be a good place to plug in coconut oil, I think was Bens question. BF: Basically, replace other oils that youre eating with a coconut oil, and youll see benefits. KS: Okay. Ben: Can you make mayo or something like that with coconut oil? BF: Say that again. Ben: Can you make mayoBF: Oh, mayonnaise. Ben: -with coconut oil? BF: Yes, you can. You can make homemade mayonnaise with coconut oil. KS: That sounds like that would be tasty. Good question, Ben. Thank you. 237-5948, 1-800-880-5346 are our numbers. RM: I would think that the coconut oil would be such a healthier choice in an Atkins style diet, any kind of lowcarb diet, because youre not getting all that saturated fat. Its kind of a license to eat all the bacon you want because you cant have bread, thats kind of the Atkins thing. KS: Yeah. RM: So is that true, Doctor Fife? BF: Yes. I mean, if you replace any of these oils in your diet, coconut is going to be healthier, regardless of whatever other type of oil it was. KS: How is the cost for coconut oil? How does that

compare? BF: Well, you know, its a little bit more than the typical soybean oils and stuff you get in the store, but its not outlandish. KS: Okay. RM: Well Doctor Fife, how about some of the inflammatory conditions? Does coconut oil help with that? BF: You know, coconut oil does have some mild antiinflammatory aspect to it, and so yes, for any inflammatory condition that you might have, coconut oil can be beneficial. RM: And that would be something like fibromyalgia, for example? BF: Yes, and its kind of interesting that lots of times we have people that have fibromyalgia or arthritis or something like this, and they start using coconut oil daily, and their symptoms go away. RM: So soreness and the stiffness, they just go away? BF: Yes. RM: Amazing. Did you have something, Sue? SB: Well I was wondering- so many women are going through menopause and looking for alternatives. What about menopause symptoms? BF: Well, you know, there havent been any scientific studies, but we do get reports from women who have started to use the coconut oil, and it seems to lessen the symptom, seems to mellow them out. SB: Interesting. RM: Okay. And what about- we say its good for weight loss, but how about someone with thyroid problems?

Coconut oil? BF: Yes, and thats one of the interesting aspects with coconut oil. As I mentioned a little earlier, it helps stimulate metabolism, and so the thyroid governs the metabolism of our body. And so when you have hypothyroidism, your whole metabolism is depressed, and so if you can incorporate coconut oil in your daily diet, it will boost your metabolism back up more closer to what it normally should be, and so in that way it aids thyroid function. RM: Okay. SB: What would be an average amount to incorporate in a diet so you dont overdo it? Because Im sure, like all fats, its got some calories. BF: Right. I recommend people take between one and three tablespoons a day. Now people can get benefit with less than that, but one to three is a good amount. SB: Okay, thanks. RM: And, you know, I still think that people are going to be concerned about their cholesterol when they think in terms of saturated fat, but it doesnt raise cholesterol at all, right? BF: It doesnt raise any bad cholesterol. What it does is it raises HDL, which is the good cholesterol, and research has shown the higher your HDL cholesterol, the lower your risk of heart disease. RM: Okay. Now how about some more cosmetic things, like coconut oil as hair treatment? BF: Sure, lots of people use it for a hair treatment. What you do is you take the coconut oil, you rub it through your hair, let it soak in for a few minutes, and then wash it out, and it seems to brighten the hair, brighten the colors, and its very good for the scalp because it helps get rid of dandruff and other things, you know, in the skin; it makes your skin soft and youthful.

KS: When were talking about some of these cosmetic uses, I think the question would be does everything that incorporates coconut oil smell like coconut? SB: Good question. KS: Because not always do you want to smell- I mean, one the beach thats a great smell. BF: Thats true. I mean, I like the smell, but not everyone may like the smell. And so if you use a virgin coconut oil, yes theres going to be a little bit of that smell, unless you wash it off with soap afterwards, but you can always buy a brand of coconut oil that has been deodorized so it has no smell. KS: Is that typically the terminology that will be on the packaging, deodorized? BF: No, it would be like expeller pressed. KS: Okay. RM: Does coconut oil have any- back to the health issues, have any role in cancer treatment? You said something about chemotherapy earlier. BF: Yes. That is- researchers are studying that right now as a benefit to how people that are going through chemotherapy, it helps, you know, replenish their blood and oxygenate their body, but the medium-chained fatty acids themselves actually have anticancer properties, and there have been many studies with this. For example, a lot of animal studies in which they induced cancer in the animals and they compare the animals with their diet, they give them a diet with different types of oils to see how the different oils will affect the growth of the tumors, and what they found is that different oils do affect the number of tumors that develop and big they develop. And when they give the animals coconut oil, tumors dont develop at all, and its the only oil in these studies that has this effect, this strong anti-cancer effect.

RM: Im glad I asked. Okay, and do we have a call? KS: Well weve talked about cooking and oil, but what about baking? Is there any difference in the way things repair if youre using coconut oil as opposed to some other oils? BF: No, you can use coconut oil for baking, and you just substitute coconut oil for the amount of fat that you would have in the recipe. KS: And how about cooking temperatures? Are there any benchmarks that you need to be aware of if youre using it at high temperatures? BF: In baking, use whatever temperature the recipe calls for. When you are doing frying, I recommend that you keep the temperature no more than 350. KS: Okay. SB: And we use the same amount, in terms of a recipe? If it calls for two tablespoons of vegetable oil, we would use two tablespoons of the coconut oil? BF: You can do that. I always add a little extra, you know, to get the benefit of the coconut oil. SB: Oh, okay. KS: And the flavor, I suppose, for some people too. BF: Yeah. RM: And then there are the people that have a fry daddy. KS: Yeah. RM: Do you use the coconut oil in the fry daddy? BF: That would be an excellent choice, yes. In fact, I used to not eat fried foods at all to avoid the health, you

know, dangers of eating fried foods, but when I discovered coconut oil and found that it was very heat resistant and that it was a very good deep frying oil, occasionally now I will actually deep fry and make myself some fried potatoes with coconut oil, and I can feel good that Im eating actually a healthy fried food. KS: Does it keep well in the cupboard? BF: Yes, its excellent. It has a very long shelf life, because again its very stable, so a good brand of virgin coconut oil can have a shelf life of two or three years. KS: Wow, good to know. RM: Okay. KS: Well were getting close to the end of the program. We want to make sure that people know how to find more information. So do you have a website, and tell us a couple of books that would be good if someones looking for some more information. BF: Okay. If they want to learn more about coconut, I actually have a couple websites. One of them is www.coconutresearchcenter.org, and thats an information website. If people want to see my books, I have about eight books on coconut and different aspects of coconut, I recommend they go to www.piccadillybooks.com, and Piccadilly is spelt p-i-c-ca-d-i-l-l-y, and that has my coconut books. And some of them are- the first one was The Coconut Oil Miracle. Another great one is Coconut Cures, and then I have one on coconut water called Coconut Water for Health and Healing. I have one called Cooking with Coconut Flour. Coconut flour is a new product. Basically, its coconut meat that has been ground into a powder, its been dried and defatted, and so you can use it like wheat flour, except it contains no gluten. So people who are allergic to wheat can use coconut flour to make cakes, pies, cookies, whatever they want to make. KS: Sounds good.

BF: Yeah. KS: Okay. And there will be information also in ihealthtube, right? RM: On ihealthtube, and also you can go to swansonvitamins.com, and you can go to the Swansons health store too. KS: And again, where is that located downtown? RM: On Broadway, right between first and second. KS: All right. Thank you very much for your time today. RM: Thank you, Doctor Fife. BF: You bet. KS: All right. Thats going to put the wraps on The Wellness Hour. Well see you next weekend, I presume, Raena and Sue. Bookmark & Share RSS

Coconut Oil and Its Virtues By Ray Peat, PhD Excerpted from the book From PMS to Menopause NaturoDoc Note: Dr. Peat's refreshing thought process is predicated upon some physiology and endocrinology basics, so go slowly if you need to. The references alone are worth saving this article. If you like the reasoning, buy his books and newsletter -- they work. I have discussed the many toxic effects of unsaturated oils, and I have frequently mentioned that coconut oil doesn't have those toxic effects, though it does contain a small amount of the unsaturated oils. Many people have asked me to write something on coconut oil. I thought I might write a small book on it, but I realize that there are no suitable channels for distributing such a book. If the seed-oil industry can eliminate major corporate food products that have used coconut oil for

a hundred years, they certainly have the power to prevent dealers from selling a book that would affect their market more seriously. For the present, I will just outline some of the virtues of coconut oil. The unsaturated oils in some cooked foods become rancid in just a few hours, even at refrigerator temperatures, and, are responsible for the stale taste of leftover foods. (Eating slightly stale food isn't particularly harmful, since the same oils, even when eaten absolutely fresh, will oxidize at a much higher rate once they are in the body, where they are heated and thoroughly mixed with an abundance of oxygen.) Coconut oil that has been kept at room temperature for a year has been tested for rancidity, and showed no evidence of it. Since we would expect the small percentage of unsaturated oils naturally contained in coconut oil to become rancid, it seems that the other (saturated) oils have an antioxidative effect: I suspect that the dilution keeps the unstable unsaturated fat molecules spatially separated from each other, so they can't interact in the destructive chain reactions that occur in other oils. To interrupt chain reactions of oxidation is one of the functions of antioxidants, and it is possible that a sufficient quantity of coconut oil in the body has this function. It is well established that dietary coconut oil reduces our need for vitamin E, but I think its antioxidant role is more general than that, and that it has both direct and indirect antioxidant activities. Coconut oil is unusually rich in short and medium chain fatty acids. Shorter chain length allows fatty acids to be metabolized without use of the carnitine transport system. Mildronate, which I discussed in an article on adaptogens, protects cells against stress partly by opposing the action of carnitine, and comparative studies showed that added carnitine had the opposite effect, promoting the oxidation of unsaturated fats during stress, and increasing oxidative damage to cells. I suspect that a degree of saturation of the oxidative apparatus by short-chain fatty acids has a similar effect -- that is, that these very soluble and mobile short-chain saturated fats have priority for oxidation, because they don't require carnitine transport into the mitochondrion, and that this will tend to inhibit oxidation of the unstable, peroxidizable unsaturated fatty acids. When Albert Schweitzer operated his clinic in tropical Africa, he said it was many years before he saw any cases of cancer, and he believed that the appearance of cancer was caused by the change to the European type of diet. In the 1920s, German researchers showed that mice on a fat-free diet were practically free of cancer. Since then, many studies have demonstrated a very close association between consumption of unsaturated oils and the incidence of cancer. Heart damage is easily produced in animals by feeding them linoleic acid; this "essential" fatty acid turned out to be the heart toxin in rape-seed oil. The addition of saturated fat to the experimental heart-toxic, oil-rich diet protects against the damage to heart cells.

Immuno-suppression was observed in patients who were being "nourished" by intravenous emulsions of "essential fatty acids," and as a result coconut oil is used as the basis for intravenous fat feeding, except in organ-transplant patients. For those patients, emulsions of unsaturated oils are used specifically for their immunosuppressive effects. General aging, and especially aging of the brain, is increasingly seen as being closely associated with lipid peroxidation. Several years ago I met an old couple, who were only a few years apart in age, but the wife looked many years younger than her doddering old husband. She was from the Philippines, and she remarked that she always had to cook two meals at the same time, because her husband couldn't adapt to her traditional food. Three times every day, she still prepared her food in coconut oil. Her apparent youth increased my interest in the effects of coconut oil. In the 1960s, Hartroft and Porta gave an elegant argument for decreasing the ratio of unsaturated oil to saturated oil in the diet (and thus in the tissues). They showed that the "age pigment" is produced in proportion to the ratio of oxidants to antioxidants, multiplied by the ratio of unsaturated oils to saturated oils. More recently, a variety of studies have shown that ultraviolet light induces peroxidation in unsaturated fats, but not saturated fats, and that this occurs in the skin as well as in vitro. Rabbit experiments, and studies of humans, showed that the amount of unsaturated oil in the diet strongly affects the rate at which aged, wrinkled skin develops. The unsaturated fat in the skin is a major target for the aging and carcinogenic effects of ultraviolet light, though not necessarily the only one. In the 1940s, farmers attempted to use cheap coconut oil for fattening their animals, but they found that it made them lean, active, and hungry. For a few years, an anti-thyroid drug was found to make the livestock get fat while eating less food, but then it was found to be a strong carcinogen, and it also probably produced hypothyroidism in the people who ate the meat. By the late 1940s, it was found that the same anti-thyroid effect, causing animals to get fat without eating much food, could be achieved by using soy beans and corn as feed. Later, an animal experiment fed diets that were low or high in total fat, and in different groups the fat was provided by pure coconut oil, or a pure unsaturated oil, or by various mixtures of the two oils. At the end of their lives, the animals' obesity increased directly in proportion to the ratio of unsaturated oil to coconut oil in their diet, and was not related to the total amount of fat they had consumed. That is, animals which ate just a little pure unsaturated oil were fat, and animals which ate a lot of coconut oil were lean. In the 1930s, animals on a diet lacking the unsaturated fatty acids were found to be "hypermetabolic." Eating a "normal" diet, these animals were malnourished, and their skin condition was said to be caused by a "deficiency of essential fatty acids."

But other researchers who were studying vitamin B6 recognized the condition as a deficiency of that vitamin. They were able to cause the condition by feeding a fatfree diet, and to cure the condition by feeding a single B vitamin. The hypermetabolic animals simply needed a better diet than the "normal," fat-fed, cancer-prone animals did. G. W. Crile and his wife found that the metabolic rate of people in Yucatan, where coconut is a staple food, averaged 25% higher than that of people in the United States. In a hot climate, the adaptive tendency is to have a lower metabolic rate, so it is clear that some factor is more than offsetting this expected effect of high environmental temperatures. The people there are lean, and recently it has been observed that the women there have none of the symptoms we commonly associate with menopause. By 1950, then, it was established that unsaturated fats suppress the metabolic rate, apparently creating hypothyroidism. Over the next few decades, the exact mechanisms of that metabolic damage were studied. Unsaturated fats damage the mitochondria, partly by suppressing the repiratory enzyme, and partly by causing generalized oxidative damage. The more unsaturated the oils are, the more specifically they suppress tissue response to thyroid hormone, and transport of the hormone on the thyroid transport protein. Plants evolved a variety of toxins designed to protect themselves from "predators," such as grazing animals. Seeds contain a variety of toxins, that seem to be specific for mammalian enzymes, and the seed oils themselves function to block proteolytic digestive enzymes in the stomach. The thyroid hormone is formed in the gland by the action of a proteolytic enzyme, and the unsaturated oils also inhibit that enzyme. Similar proteolytic enzymes involved in clot removal and phagocytosis appear to be similarly inhibited by these oils. Just as metabolism is "activated" by consumption of coconut oil, which prevents the inhibiting effect of unsaturated oils, other inhibited processes, such as clot removal and phagocytosis, will probably tend to be restored by continuing use of coconut oil. Brain tissue is very rich in complex forms of fats. The experiment (around 1978) in which pregnant mice were given diets containing either coconut oil or unsaturated oil showed that brain development was superior in the young mice whose mothers ate coconut oil. Because coconut oil supports thyroid function, and thyroid governs brain development, including myelination, the result might simply reflect the difference between normal and hypothyroid individuals. However, in 1980, experimenters demonstrated that young rats fed milk containing soy oil incorporated the oil directly into their brain cells, and had structurally abnormal brain cells as a result. Lipid peroxidation occurs during seizures, and antioxidants such as vitamin E have some anti-seizure activity. Currently, lipid peroxidation is being found to be involved in the nerve cell degeneration of Alzheimer's disease.

Various fractions of coconut oil are coming into use as "drugs," meaning that they are advertised as treatments for diseases. Butyric acid is used to treat cancer, lauric and myristic acids to treat virus infections, and mixtures of medium-chain fats are sold for weight loss. Purification undoubtedly increases certain effects, and results in profitable products, but in the absence of more precise knowledge, I think the whole natural product, used as a regular food, is the best way to protect health. The shorter-chain fatty acids have strong, unpleasant odors; for a couple of days after I ate a small amount of a medium-chain triglyceride mixture, my skin oil emitted a rank, goaty smell. Some people don't seem to have that reaction, and the benefits might outweigh the stink, but these things just haven't been in use long enough to know whether they are safe. We have to remember that the arguments made for aspartame, monosodium glutamate, aspartic acid, and tryptophan -- that they are like the amino acids that make up natural proteins -- are dangerously false. In the case of amino acids, balance is everything. Aspartic and glutamic acids promote seizures and cause brain damage, and are intimately involved in the process of stress-induced brain aging, and tryptophan by itself is carcinogenic. Treating any complex natural product as the drug industry does, as a raw material to be fractionated in the search for "drug" products, is risky, because the relevant knowledge isnt sought in the search for an association between a single chemical and a single disease. While the toxic unsaturated paint-stock oils, especially safflower, soy, corn, and linseed (flaxseed) oils, have been sold to the public precisely for their drug effects, all of their claimed benefits were false. When people become interested in coconut oil as a "health food," the huge seed-oil industry -- operating through their shills -- is likely to attack it as an "unproved drug." While components of coconut oil have been found to have remarkable physiological effects (as antihistamines, antiinfectives/ antiseptics, promoters of immunity, glucocorticoid antagonist, nontoxic anticancer agents, for example), I think it is important to avoid making any such claims for the natural coconut oil. It very easily could be banned from the import market as a "new drug" which isn't "approved by the FDA." We have already seen how money and propaganda from the soy oil industry eliminated longestablished products from the U.S. market. I saw people lose weight steadily when they had the habit of eating large amounts of tortilla chips fried in coconut oil. Those chips disappeared when their producers were pressured into switching to other oils, in spite of the short shelf life that resulted in the need to add large amounts of preservatives. Oreo cookies, Ritz crackers, potato chip producers, and movie theater popcorn makers have experienced similar pressures. The cholesterol-lowering fiasco for a long time centered on the ability of unsaturated oils to slightly lower serum cholesterol. For years, the mechanism of that action wasn't known, which should have suggested caution. Now, it seems that the effect is just one more toxic action, in which the liver defensively retains its cholesterol, rather than releasing it into the blood. Large-scale human studies have

provided overwhelming evidence that whenever drugs, including the unsaturated oils, were used to lower serum cholesterol, mortality increased from a variety of causes including accidents, but mainly from cancer. Since the 1930s, it has been clearly established that suppression of the thyroid raises serum cholesterol (while increasing mortality from infections, cancer, and heart disease), whereas restoring the thyroid hormone brings cholesterol down to normal. In this situation, however, thyroid isn't suppressing the synthesis of cholesterol, but rather is promoting its use to form hormones and bile salts. When the thyroid is functioning properly, the amount of cholesterol in the blood entering the ovary governs the amount of progesterone being produced by the ovary, and the same situation exists in all steroid-forming tissues, such as the adrenal glands and the brain. Progesterone and its precursor, pregnenolone, have a generalized protective function: antioxidant, anti-seizure, antitoxin, anti-spasm, anti-clot, anti-cancer, pro-memory, pro-myelination, pro-attention, etc. Any interference with the formation of cholesterol will interfere with all of these exceedingly important protective functions. As far as the evidence goes, it suggests that coconut oil, added regularly to a balanced diet, lowers cholesterol to normal by promoting its conversion into pregnenolone. (The coconut family contains steroids that resemble pregnenolone, but these are probably mostly removed when the fresh oil is washed with water to remove the enzymes which would digest the oil.) Coconut-eating cultures in the tropics have consistently lower cholesterol than people in the U.S. Everyone that I know who uses coconut oil regularly happens to have cholesterol levels of about 160, while eating mainly cholesterol rich foods (eggs, milk, cheese, meat, shellfish). I encourage people to eat sweet fruits, rather than starches, if they want to increase their production of cholesterol, since fructose has that effect. Many people see coconut oil in its hard, white state, and as a result of their training watching television or going to medical school associate it with the cholesterol-rich plaques in blood vessels. Those lesions in blood vessels are caused mostly by lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fats, and relate to stress, because adrenaline liberates fats from storage, and the lining of blood vessels is exposed to high concentrations of the blood-borne material. In the body, incidentally, the oil can't exist as a solid, since it liquefies at 76 degrees. (Incidentally, the viscosity of complex materials isn't a simple matter of averaging the viscosity of its component materials; cholesterol and saturated fats sometimes lower the viscosity of cell components.) Most of the images and metaphors relating to coconut oil and cholesterol that circulate in our culture are false and misleading. I offer a counter-image, which is metaphorical, but it is true in that it relates to lipid peroxidation, which is profoundly important in our bodies. After a bottle of safflower oil has been opened a few times, a few drops that get smeared onto the outside of the bottle begin to get very sticky, and hard to wash off. This property is why it is a valued base for paints and varnishes, but this varnish is chemically closely related to the age pigment that

forms "liver spots" on the skin, and similar lesions in the brain, heart, blood vessels, lenses of the eyes, etc. The image of "hard, white saturated coconut oil" isn't relevant to the oil's biological action, but the image of "sticky varnish-like easily oxidized unsaturated seed oils" is highly relevant to their toxicity. The ability of some of the medium chain saturated fatty acids to inhibit the liver's formation of fat very likely synergizes with the pro-thyroid effect, in allowing energy to be used, rather than stored. When fat isn't formed from carbohydrate, the sugar is available for use, or for storage as glycogen. Therefore, shifting from unsaturated fats in foods to coconut oil involves several anti-stress processes, reducing our need for the adrenal hormones. Decreased blood sugar is a basic signal for the release of adrenal hormones. Unsaturated oil tends to lower the blood sugar in at least three basic ways. It damages mitochondria, causing respiration to be uncoupled from energy production, meaning that fuel is burned without useful effect. It suppresses the activity of the respiratory enzyme (directly, 'and through its anti-thyroid actions), decreasing the respiratory production of energy. And it tends to direct carbohydrate into fat production, making both stress and obesity more probable. For those of us who use coconut oil consistently, one of the most noticeable changes is the ability to go for several hours without eating, and to feel hungry without having symptoms of hypoglycemia. One of the stylish ways to promote the use of unsaturated oils is to refer to their presence in "cell membranes," and to claim that they are essential for maintaining "membrane fluidity." As I have mentioned above, it is the ability of the unsaturated fats, and their breakdown products, to interfere with enzymes and transport proteins, which accounts for many of their toxic effects, so they definitely don't just harmlessly form "membranes." They probably bind to all proteins, and disrupt some of them, but for some reason their affinity for proteolytic and respirationrelated enzymes is particularly obvious. (I think the chemistry of this association is going to give us some important insights into the nature of organisms. Metchnikof's model that I have discussed elsewhere might give us a picture of how those factors relate in growth, physiology, and aging.) Unsaturated fats are slightly more water-soluble than fully saturated fats, and so they do have a greater tendency to concentrate at interfaces between water and fats or proteins, but there are relatively few places where these interfaces can be usefully and harmlessly occupied by unsaturated fats, and at a certain point, an excess becomes harmful. We don't want "membranes" forming where there shouldn't be membranes. The fluidity or viscosity of cell surfaces is an extremely complex subject, and the. degree of viscosity has to be appropriate for the function of the cell. Interestingly, in some cells, such as the cells that line the air sacs of the lungs, cholesterol and one of the saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil can increase the fluidity of the cell surface. In many cases, stressful conditions create structural disorder in cells. These influences have been called "chaotropic," or chaos-producing. In red blood cells, which have sometimes been wrongly described

as "hemoglobin enclosed in a cell membrane," it has been known for a long time that lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fats weakens the cellular structure, causing the cells to be destroyed prematurely. Lipid peroxidation products are known to be "chaotropic," lowering the rigidity of regions of cells considered to be membranes. But the red blood cell is actually more like a sponge in structure, consisting of a "skeleton" of proteins, which (if not damaged by oxidation) can hold its shape, even when the hemoglobin has been removed. Oxidants damage the protein structure, and it is this structural damage which in turn increases the "fluidity" of the associated fats. So, it is probably true that in many cases the liquid unsaturated oils do increase "membrane fluidity," but it is now clear that in at least some of those cases the "fluidity" corresponds to the chaos of a damaged cell protein structure. (N. V. Gorbunov, "Effect of structural modification of membrane proteins on lipid-protein interactions in the human erythrocyte membrane," Bull. Exp. Biol. & Med 116(11), 1364-67. 1993. Although I had stopped using the unsaturated seed oils years ago, and supposed that I wasn't heavily saturated with toxic unsaturated fat, when I first used coconut oil I saw an immediate response, that convinced me my metabolism was chronically inhibited by something that was easily alleviated by "dilution" or molecular competition. I had put a tablespoonful of coconut oil on some rice I had for supper, and half an hour later while I was reading, I noticed I was breathing more deeply than' normal. I saw that my skin was pink, and I found that my pulse was faster than normal--about 98, 1 think. After an hour or two, my pulse and breathing returned to normal. Every day for a couple of weeks I noticed the same response while I was digesting a small amount of coconut oil, but gradually it didn't happen any more, and I increased my daily consumption of the oil to about an ounce. I kept eating the same foods as before (including a quart of ice cream every day), except that I added about 200 or 250 calories per day as coconut oil. Apparently the metabolic surges that happened at first were an indication that my body was compensating for an anti-thyroid substance by producing more thyroid hormone; when the coconut oil relieved the inhibition, I experienced a moment of slight hyperthyroidism, but after a time the inhibitor became less effective, and my body adjusted by producing slightly less thyroid hormone. But over the next few months, I saw that my weight was slowly and consistently decreasing. It had been steady at 185 pounds for 25 years, but over a period of six months it dropped to about 175 pounds. I found that eating more coconut oil lowered my weight another few pounds, and eating less caused it to increase. The anti-obesity effect of coconut oil is clear in all of the animal studies, and in my friends who eat it regularly. It is now hard to get it in health food stores, since Hain stopped selling it. The Spectrum product looks and feels a little different to me, and I suppose the particular type of tree, region, and method of preparation can account for variations in the consistency and composition of the product. The

unmodified natural oil is called "76 degree melt," since that is its natural melting temperature. One bottle from a health food store was labeled "natural coconut oil, 92% unsaturated oil," and it had the greasy consistency of old lard. I suspect that someone had confused palm oil (or something worse) with coconut oil, because it should be about 96% saturated fatty acids.

INTRODUCTION TO COCONUT OIL by STEPHEN BYRNES, N.D. At: www.PowerHealth.net The Politics of Tropical Oils "Coconut oil is the healthiest oil we can eat." So why has coconut oil gotten such a bad rap in the recent past? After all, much of the research supporting coconut oil as a healthy fat has been around for some time. The answer is politics and economics. Coconut oil was heavily used in the US at one time, being used for baking, pastries, frying, and theater popcorn. But starting in the 1980s some very powerful groups in the US, including the American Soybean Association (ASA), the Corn Products Company (CPC International) and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), began to categorically condemn all saturated oils. Faulty science was used to convince the public that ALL saturated fats were unhealthy, when in fact saturated fats rich in the medium chain faveryacids, like lauric acid, are very healthy. These organizations were aided by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), many of whose key personnel reportedly are recruited from and return to the vegetable oil industry. The result was that most people switched to vegetable oils, and the main source of lauric acid from tropical oils in the American diet was lost. The countries that these tropical oils came from, mainly the Philippines and Malaysia, were too poor to counter these untrue claims with advertising investments for the truth.

THE FOLLOWING IS A 1996 ARTICLE WRITTEN BY RAYMOND PEAT, Ph.D. Coconut Oil I have already discussed the many toxic effects of the unsaturated oils, and I have frequently mentioned that coconut oil doesn't have those toxic effects, though it does contain a small amount of the unsaturated oils. Many people have asked me to write something on coconut oil. I thought I might write a small book on it, but I realize that there are no suitable channels for distributing such a book--if the seedoil industry can eliminate major corporate food products that have used coconut oil for a hundred years, they certainly have the power to prevent dealers from selling a

book that would affect their market more seriously. For the present, I will just outline some of the virtues of coconut oil. The unsaturated oils in some cooked foods become rancid in just a few hours, even at refrigerator temperatures, and are responsible for the stale taste of left-over foods. (Eating slightly stale food isn't particularly harmful, since the same oils, even when eaten absolutely fresh, will oxidize at a much higher rate once they are in the body, where they are heated and thoroughly mixed with an abundance of oxygen.) Coconut oil that has been kept at room temperature for a year has been tested for rancidity, and showed no evidence of it. Since we would expect the small percentage of unsaturated oils naturally contained in coconut oil to become rancid, it seems that the other oils (saturated) have an anti-oxidative effect: I suspect that the dilution keeps the unstable unsaturated fat molecules spatially separated from each other, so they can't interact in the destructive chain reactions that occur in other oils. To interrupt chain-reactions of oxidation is one of the functions of antioxidants, and it is possible that a sufficent quantity of coconut oil in the body has this function. It is well established that dietary coconut oil reduces our need for vitamin E, but I think its antioxidant role is more general than that, and that it has both direct and indirect antioxidant activities. Coconut oil is unusually rich in short and medium chain fatty acids. Shorter chain length allows fatty acids to be metabolized without use of the carnitine transport system. Mildronate, which I discussed in an article on adaptogens, protects cells against stress partly by opposing the action of carnitine, and comparative studies showed that added carnitine had the opposite effect, promoting the oxidation of unsaturated fats during stress, and increasing oxidative damage to cells. I suspect that a degree of saturation of the oxidative apparatus by short-chain fatty acids has a similar effect--that is, that these very soluble and mobile short-chain saturated fats have priority for oxidation, because they don't require carnitine transport into the mitochondrion, and that this will tend to inhibit oxidation of the unstable, peroxidizable unsaturated fatty acids. When Albert Schweitzer operated his clinic in tropical Africa, he said it was many years before he saw any cases of cancer, evehe believed that the appearance of cancer was caused by the change to the European type of diet. In the l920s, German researchers showed that mice on a fat-free diet were practically free of cancer. Since then, many studies have demonstrated a very close association between consumption of unsaturated oils and the incidence of cancer. Heart damage is easily produced in animals by feeding them linoleic acid; this "essential" fatty acid turned out to be the heart toxin in rape-seed oil. The addition of saturated fat to the experimental heart-toxic oil-rich diet protects against the damage to heart cells.

Immuno-suppression was observed in patients who were being "nourished" by intravenous infusions of "essential fatty acids," and as a result coconut oil is used as the basis for intravenous fat feeding, except in organ-transplant patients. For those patients, emulsions of unsaturated oils are used specifically for their immunosuppressive effects. General aging, and especially aging of the brain, is increasingly seen as being closely associated with lipid peroxidation. Several years ago I met an old couple, who were only a few years apart in age, but the wife looked many years younger than her doddering old husband. She was from the Philippines, and she remarked that she always had to cook two meals at the same time, because her husband couldn't adapt to her traditional food. Three times every day, she still prepared her food in coconut oil. Her apparent youth increased my interest in the effects of coconut oil. In the 1960s, Hartroft and Porta gave an elegant argument for decreasing the ratio of unsaturated oil to saturated oil in the diet (and thus in the tissues). They showed that the "age pigment" is produced in proportion to the ratio of oxidants to antioxidants, multiplied by the ratio of unsaturated oils to saturated oils. More recently, a variety of studies have demonstrated that ultraviolet light induces peroxidation in unsaturated fats, but not saturated fats, and that this occurs in the skin as well as in vitro. Rabbit experiments, and studies of humans, showed that the amount of unsaturated oil in the diet strongly affects the rate at which aged, wrinkled skin develops. The unsaturated fat in the skin is a major target for the aging and carcinogenic effects of ultraviolet light, though not necessarily the only one. In the 1940s, farmers attempted to use cheap coconut oil for fattening their animals, but they found that it made them lean, active and hungry. For a few years, an anti-thyroid drug was found to make the livestock get fat while eating less food and it also probably proteced hypothyroidism in the people who ate the meat. By the late 1940s, it was found that the same anti-thyroid effect, caus no animals to get fat without eating much food, could be achieved by using soybeans and corn as feed. Later, an animal experiment fed diets that were low or high in total fat, and in different groups the fat was provided by pure coconut oil, or a pure unsaturated oil, or by various mixtures of the two oils. At the end of their lives, the animals' obesity increased directly in proportion to the ratio of unsaturated oil to coconut oil in their diet, and was not related to the total amount of fat they had consumed. That is, animals that ate just a little pure unsaturated oil were fat, and animals that ate a lot of coconut oil were lean. In the 1930s, animals on a diet lacking the unsaturated fatty acids were found to be "hypermetabolic." Eating a "normal" diet, these animals were malnourished, and

their skin condition was said to be caused by a "deficiency of essential fatty acids." But other researchers who were studying vitamin B6 recognized the condition as a deficiency of that vitamin. They were able to cause the condition by feeding a fatfree diet, and to cure the condition by feeding a single B vitamin. The hypermetabolic animals simply needed a better diet than the "normal," fat-fed, cancer-prone animals did. G. W. Crile and his wife found that the metabolic rate of people in Yucatan, where coconut is a staple food, averaged 25% higher than that of people in the United States. In a ht oilimate, the adaptive tendency is to have a lower metabolic rate, so it is clear that some factor is more than offsetting this expected effect of high environmental temperatures. The people there are lean, and recently it has been observed that the women there have none of the symptoms we commonly associate with the menopause. By 1950, then, it was established that unsaturated fats suppress the metabolic rate, apparently creating hypothyroidism. Over the next few decades, the exact mechanisms of that metabolic damage were studied. Unsaturated fats damage the mitochondria, partly by suppressing the respiratory enzyme, and partly by causing generalized oxidative damage. The more unsaturated the oils are, the more specifically they suppress tissue response to thyroid hormone, and transport of the hormone on the thyroid transport protein. Plants evolved a variety of toxins designed to protect themselves from "predators," such as grazing animals. Seeds contain a variety of toxins, that seem to be specific for mammalian enzymes, and the seed oils themselves function to block proteolytic digestive enzymes in the stomach. The thyroid hormone is formed in the gland by the action of a proteolytic enzyme, and the unsaturated oils also inhibit that enzyme. Similar proteolytic enzymes involved in clot removal and phagocytosis appear to be similarly inhibited by these oils. Just as metabolism is "activated" by consumption of coconut oil, which prevents the inhibiting effect of unsaturated oils, other inhibited processes, such as clot removal and phagocytosis, will probably tend to be restored by continuing use of coconut oil. Brain tissue is very rich in complex forms of fats. The experiment (around 1978) in which pregnant mice were given diets containing either coconut oil or unsaturated oil showed that brain development was superior in the young mice whose mothers ate coconut oil. Because coconut oil supports thyroid function, and thyroid governs brain development, including myelination (the insulation around the nerves), the result might simply reflect the difference between normal and hypothyroid individuals. However, in 1980, experimenters demonstrated that young rats fed milk containing soy oil incorporated the oil directly into their brain cells, and had structurally abnormal cells as a result.

Lipid peroxidation occurs during seizures, and antioxidants such as vitamin E have some anti-seizure activity. Currently, lipid peroxidation is being found to be involved in the nerve cell degeneration of Alzheimer's disease. Various fractions of coconut oil are coming into use as "drugs," meaning that they are advertised as treatments for diseases. Butyric acid is used to treat cancer, lauric and myristic acids to treat virus infections, and mixtures of medium-chain fats are sold for weight loss. Purification undoubtedly increases certain effects, and results in profitable products, but in the absence of more precise knowledge, I think the whole natural product, used as a regular food, is the best way to protect health. The shorter-chain fatty acids have strong, unpleasant odors; for a couple of days after I ate a small amount of a medium-chain triglyceride mixture, my skin oil emitted a rank, goaty smell. Some people don't seem to have that reaction, and the benefits might outweigh the stink, but these things just haven't been in use long enough to know whether they are safe. We have to remember that the arguments made for aspartame, monosodium glutamate, aspartic acid, and tryptophan--that they are like the amino acids that make up natural proteins--are dangerously false. In the case of amino acids, balance is everything. Aspartic and glutamic acids promote seizures and cause brain damage, and are intimately involved in the process of stress-induced brain aging, and tryptophan by itself is carcinogenic. Treating any complex natural product as the drug industry does, as a raatesterial to be fractionated in the search for "drug" products, is risky, because the relevant knowledge isn't sought in the search for an association between a single chemical and a single disease. While the toxic unsaturated paint-stock oils, especially safflower, soy, corn and linseed-flaxseed) oils, have been sold to the public precisely for tre r drug effects, all of their claimed benefits were false. When people become interested in coconut oil as a "health food," the huge seed-oil industry--operating through their shills--are going to attack it as an "unproved drug." While components of coconut oil have been found to have remarkable physiological effects (as antihistamines, anti-infectives/antiseptics, promoters of immunity, glucocorticoid antagonist, nontoxic anticancer agents, for example), I think it is important to avoid making any such claims for the natural coconut oil, because it very easily could be banned from the import market as a "new drug" which isn't "approved by the FDA." We have already seen how money and propaganda from the soy oil industry eliminated long-established products from the U.S. market. I saw people lose weight stably when they had the habit of eating large amounts of tortilla chips fried in coconut oil, but those chips disappeared when their producers were pressured into switching to other oils, in spite of the short shelf life that resulted in the need to add large amounts of preservatives. Oreo cookies, Ritz crackers, potato chip producers, and movie theater popcorn makers have experienced similar pressures.

The cholesterol-lowering fiasco for a long time centered on the ability of unsaturated oils tobeleghtly lower serum cholesterol. For years, the mechanism of that action wasn't known, which should have suggested caution. Now, it seems that the effect is just one more toxic action, in which the liver defensively retains its cholesterol, rather than releasing it into the blood. Large-scale human studies have provided overwhelming evidence that whenever drugs, including the unsaturated oils, were used to lower serum cholesterol, mortality increased, from a variety of causes including accidents, but mainly from cancer. Since the 1930s, it has been clearly established that suppression of the thyroid raises serum cholesterol (while increasing mortality from infections, cancer, and heart disease), while restoring normal thyroid function brings cholesterol down to normal. In this situation, however, thyroid isn't suppressing the synthesis of cholesterol, but rather is promoting its use to form hormones and bile salts. When the thyroid is functioning properly, the amount of cholesterol in the blood entering the ovary governs the amount of progesterone being produced by the ovary, and the same situation exists in all steroid-forming tissues, such as the adrenal glands and the brain. Progesterone and its precursor, pregnenolone, have a generalized protective function: antioxidant, anti-seizure, antitoxin, anti-spasm, anti-clot, anticancer, pro-memory, pro-myelination, pro-attention, etc. Any interference with the formation of cholesterol will interfere with many of these exceedingly important protective functions. As far as the evidence goes, it suggests that coconut oil, added regularly to a balanced diet, lowers cholesterol to normal by promoting its conversion into pregnenolone. (The coconut family contains steroids that resemble pregnenolone, but these are probably mostly removed when the fresh oil is washed with water to remove the enzymes, which would digest the oil.) Coconut-eating cultures in the tropics have consistently lower cholesterol than people in the U.S. Everyone that I know who uses coconut oil regularly happens to have cholesterol levels of about 160, while eating mainly cholesterol rich foods (eggs, milk, meat, shellfish). I encourage people to eat sweet fruits, rather than starches, if they want to increase their production of cholesterol, since fructose has that effect. Many people see coconut oil in its hard, white state, and--as a result of their training watching television or going to medical schoolimplicate these in cholesterol-rich plaques in blood vessels. Those lesions in blood vessels are caused mostly by lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fats, and relate to stress, because adrenaline liberates fats from storage, and the lining of blood vessels is exposed to high concentrations of the blood-borne material. In the body, incidentally, the oil can't exist as a solid, since it liquefies at 76 degrees. (Incidentally, the viscosity of complex materials isn't a simple matter of averaging the viscosity of its component materials; cholesterol and saturated fats sometimes lower the viscosity of cell components.)

Most of the images and metaphors relating to coconut oil and cholesterol that circulate in our culture are false and misleading. I offer a counter-image, which is metaphorical, but it is true in that it relates to lipid peroxidation, which is profoundly important in our bodies. After a bottle of safflower oil has been opened a few times, a few drops that get smeared onto the outside of the bottle begin to get very sticky, and hard to wash off. This property is why it is a valued base for paints and varnishes, but this varnish is chemically closely related to the age pigment that forms "liver spots" on the skin, and similar lesions in the brain, heart, bloohen ssels, lenses of the eyes, etc. The image of "hard, white saturated coconut oil" isn't relevant to the oil's biological action, but the image of "sticky varnish-like easily oxidized unsaturated seed oils" is highly relevant to their toxicity. The ability of some of the medium chain saturated fatty acids to inhibit the formation of fat very likely synergizes the pro-thyroid effect, in creating energy to be used, rather than stored. When fat isn't formed from carbohydrate, the sugar is available for use, or for storage as glycogen. Therefore, shifting from unsaturated fats in foods to coconut oil involves several anti-stress processes, reducing our need for the adrenal hormones. Decreased blood sugar is a basic signal for the release of adrenal hormones. Unsaturated oil tends to lower the blood sugar in at least three basic ways. It damages mitochondria, causing respiration to be uncoupled from energy production, meaning that fuel is burned without useful effect. It suppresses the activity of the respiratory enzyme (directly, and through its anti-thyroid actions), decreasing the respiratory production of energy. And it tends to direct carbohydrate into fat production, making both stress and obesity more probable. For those of us who use coconut oil consistently, one of the most noticeable changes is the ability to go for several hours without eating, and to feel hungry without having symptoms of hypoglycemia. One of the stylish ways to promote the use of unsaturated oils is to refer to their presence in "cell membranes," and to claim that they are essential for maintaining "membrane fluidity." As I have mentioned above, it is the ability of the unsaturated fats, and their breakdown products, to interfere with enzymes and transport proteins, which accounts for many of their toxic effects, so they definitely don't just harmlessly form "membranes." They probably bind to all proteins, and disrupt some of them, but for some reason their affinity for proteolytic and respiration-related enzymes is particularly obvious. (I think havchemistry of this association is going to give us some important insights into the nature of organisms. Unsaturated fats are slightly more water-soluble than fully saturated fats, as they do have a greater tendency to concentrate at interfaces between water and fats or proteins, but there me rrelatively few places where these interfaces can be usefully and harmlessly occupied by unsaturated fats, and at a certain point, an excess becomes harmful. We don't want "membranes" forming where there shouldn't be membranes. The fluidity or viscosity of cell surfaces is an extremely complex subject, and the degree of viscosity has to be appropriate for the function of the

cell. Interestingly, in some cells, such as the cells that line the air sacs of the lungs, cholesterol and one of the saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil can increase the fluidity of the cell surface. In many cases, stressful conditions create structural disorder in cells. These influences have been called "chaotropic," or chaos-producing. In red blood cells, which have sometimes been wrongly described as "hemoglobin enclosed in a cell membrane," it has been known for a long time that lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fats weakens the cellular structure, causing the cells to be destroyed prematurely. Lipid peroxidation products are known to be "chaotropic," lowering the rigidity of regions of cells considered to be membranes. But the red blood cell is actually more like a sponge in structure, consisting of a "skeleton" of proteins, which (if not damaged by oxidation) can hold its shape, even when the hemoglobin has been removed. Oxidants damage the protein structure, and it is this structural damage which in turn increases the "fluidity" of the associated fats. So, it is probably true that in many cases the liquid unsaturated oils do increase "membrane fluidity," but it is now clear that in at least some of those cases the "fluidity" corresponds to the chaos of a damaged cell protein structure. (N. V. Gorbunov, "Effect of structural modification of membrane proteins on lipid-protein interactions in the human erythrocyte membrane," Bull. Exp. Bioles& Med. 116(11), 1364-67. 1993. Although I had stopped using the uf gaurated seed oils years ago, and supposed that I wasn't heavily saturated with toxins. saturated fat, when I first used coconut oil I saw an immediate response, that convinced me my metabolism was chronically inhibited by something that was easily alleviated by "dilution" or molecular competition. I had put a tablespoonful of coconut oil on some rice I had for supper, and half an hour later while I was reading, I noticed I was breathing more deeply than normal. I saw that my skin was pink, and I found that my pulse was faster than normal--about 98, I think. After an hour or two, my pulse and breathing returned to normal. Every day for a couple of weeks I noticed the same response while I was digesting a small amount of coconut oil, but gradually it didn't happen any more, and I increased my daily consumption of the oil to about an ounce. I kept eating the same foods as before (including a quart of ice cream every day), except that I added about 200 or 250 calories per day as coconut oil. Apparently the metabolic surges that happened at first were an indication that my body was compensating for an anti-thyroid substance by producing more thyroid hormone; when the coconut oil relieved the inhibition, I experienced a moment of slight hyperthyroidism, but after a time the inhibitor became less effective, and my body adjusted by producing slightly less thyroid hormone. But over the next few months, I saw that my weight was slowly and consistently decreasing. It had been steady at 185 pounds for 25 years, but over a period of six months it dropped to about 175 pounds. I found that eating more coconut oil lowered my weight another few pounds, and eating less caused it to increase.

NOTE: You can buy coconut oil in most health food stores. It is available in the "unrefined" form in the oil section under the name of Spectrum. It may also be found in the cosmetics section of the store in jars in the "refined" form, or you can buy it online from the above-noted link. I prefer using the refined oil when cooking and the unrefined oil if I eat it straight from the jar. W. Greene, D.C. Re: Coconut oil and raging controversy Date: 01 Jun 1999 Comments Yes, EM, I read Ray Peat's articles and I remember the post on ZoneTalk that you are referring to. I probably would have discounted Peat's article had it not been for the articles written by Enig. And, you are so right about "partially hydrogenated" oils - truly bad stuff. I only saute with olive oil and I never fry anything, so I don't really have any reason to use coconutromi and I doubt that I'll be including it in my diet anytime soon. However, I do use a little butter practically every day. Here's some background on Mary Enig: She is a nutritionist widely known for her research on the nutritional aspects of fats and oils, is a consultant, clinical researcher and the Director of the Nutritional Sciences Division of Enig Associates, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland. She received her PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1984, taught a graduate course in nutrientdrug interactions for the University's Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences, and held a Faculty Research Associateship from 1984 through y sa with the Lipids Research Group in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Dr. Enig is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, and a member of the American Institute of Nutrition. Her many years of experience as a "bench chemist" in the analysis of food fats and oils, provides a foundation for her active roles in food labeling and composition issues at the federal and state levels. Dr. Enig is a Consulting Editor to the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" and formerly served as a Contributing Editor to "Clinical Nutrition." She has published 14 scientific papers on the subject of food fats and oils, several chapters on nutrition for books, and presented over 35 scientific papers on food and nutrition topics. She is the President of the Maryland Nutritionists Association, past President of the Coalition of Nutritionists of Maryland and was appointed by the Governor in 1986 to the Maryland State Advisory Council on Nutrition and served as the Chairman of the Health Subcommittee until the Council was disbanded in 1988. Pretty impressive and she is also involved in researching the effects of coconut oil on the HIV virus. Here's more on what she has to say:

MARY ENIG Ph.D. ON THE EFFECTS OF COCONUT OIL ON SERUM CHOLESTEROL LEVELS AND HDLs Dr. Mary Enig MS (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D. did original research that showed a positivewas k between vegetable oil and cancer and a negative correlation for animal fat. She originated comprehensive analysis of trans fatty acid components of over 200 foods. Trans fatty acids are formed when vegetable oils are hydrogenated or heated to high temperatures. With high temperatures, trans fatty acids are fats that are twisted, which alter their natural "cis" shape. She studied how the trans fatty acids from foods affected the livers mixed function oxidase enzyme system that metabolizes drugs and environmental pollutants in the body. An important finding of thi neutter stubateas that laboratory animals fed experimental diets containing trans fatty acids have altered activity of this enzyme system. These results were partly responsible for the review of the "Health Aspects of Dietary Trans Fatty Acids" held by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Life Sciences Research Office, at the request of the Food and Drug Administration. Mary Enig has had 17 articles published in scientific journals since 1976. In 1986, she was appointed by the Governor of Maryland to the "State Advisory Council on Nutrition." She was contributing editor to "Clinical Nutrition" magazine and consulting editor for the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition." She has given over 50 seminars and lectures on since 1979 on foods and nutrition topics. In an article published in the Indian Coconut Journal, Sept., 1995, Dr. Enig stated that "Ancel Keys is largely responsible for starting the anti-saturated fat agenda in the United States." She quoted Keys as saying that "All fats raise serum cholesterol; saturated fats raise and polyunsaturated fats lower serum cholesterol; Hydrogenated fats are the problem; Animal fats are the problem." Enig stated: "As can be seen, his findings were inconsistent." Enig also stated: "The problems for coconut oil started four decades ago when researchers fed animals hydrogenated coconut oillatet was purposely altered to make it completely devoid of any essential fatty acids...The animals fed the hydrogenated coconut oil (as the only fat source) naturally became essential fatty acid deficient; their serum cholesterol increased. Diets that cause an essential fatty acid deficiency always produce an increase in serum cholesterol levels as well as in increase in the atherosclerotic indices. The same effect has also been seen when other ...highly hydrogenated oils such as cottonseed, soybean or corn oils have been fed; so it is clearly a function of the hydrogenated products, eirlen because the oil is esselsWhat about studies where animals were fed unprocessed coconut oil? Enig wrote: "Hostmark et al (1980) compared the effects of diets containing 10% coconut oil and 10% sunflower oil on lipoprotein distribution in male Wistar rats. Coconut oil feeding produced significantly lower levels (p=0.05) of pre-beta lipoproteins (VLDL) and significantly higher (p=<0.01) alpha-lipoproteins (HDL) relative to sunflower feeding." (Editors note: HDLs are considered the good

cholesterol as they prevent deposits of LDL cholesterol on artery walls.) She also cited a study by Awad (1981) on Wistar rats fed a diet of either 14% (natural) coconut oil or 14% safflower oil. She stated:"Total tissue cholesterol accumulation for animals on the safflower diet was six times greater than for animals fed the [unhydrogenated] coconut oil. A conclusion that can be drawn from some of the animal research is that feeding hydrogenated coconut oil devoid of essential fatty acids (EFA)...potentiates the formation of atherosclerosis markers. It is of note that animals fed regular coconut oil have less cholesterol deposited in their livers and other parts of their bodies." Enig also referred to epidemiological studies done by Kaunitz and Dayrit (1992) on ctly ut eating societies who found that "available population studies show that dietary coconut oil does lead to high serum cholesterol nor to high coronary heart disease.." It is noteworthy that hydrogenated coconut oil was not consumed by these coconut-eating societies; they only consumed natuy hecoconut oil. Kaunitz and Dayrit noted in 1989 that Mendis et al reported when Sri Lankan males were changed from their normal diet of natural coconut oil to corn oil, their LDL cholesterol declined 23.8% which is good news, but their HDL cholesterol declined 41.4% which is bad news. This created a more unfavorable LDL/HDL ratio meaning that on the corn oil diet there would be more cholesterol depositing on the artery walls than on the coconut oil diet. In plain English, a diet using liquid corn oil will lead to cholesterol deposits faster than a diet using natural coconut oil. Natural coconut oil, by increasing the good HDL cholesterol, may help prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease. Enig cited several other studies in her article that showed that natural coconut oil (not hydrogenated coconut oil) had health benefits markers indicating that coconut oil was more beneficial in preventing heart disease than most vegetable oils. Enig also cited the research of Tholstrup et al (1994) on natural (NOT hydrogenated) palm kernel oil, which is high in lauric acid and also contains myristic acid. Tholstrup found that with palm kernel oil, "HDL cholesterol levels increased significantly from baseline values." Enig reported in her article that the effects of coconut oil on persons with low cholesterol levels was the opposite of persons with high cholesterol levels. Of persons with low total cholesterol levels, she wrote that "there may be a rising of serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and especially HDL cholesterol." In persons with high cholesterol levels, "there is lowering of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol." The studies she cited showed that in both groups the LDL/HDL ratio moved in a favorable direction. In persons with AIDS or immune-compromised from other causes, the conclusions of this research are profound. It means everything the public has been told about vegetable oils on television for the past 15 years has been half truths and leading the public to the wrong conclusions. The public has been led to believe that tropicals will clog your arteries and cause heart disease. In fact, the opposite is true; natural tropical oils will help prevent hardening of the arteries while most liquid vegetable oils will increase hardis. is * Hhe arteries! In a

phone call to Mary Enig in April, 1997, she told me that the worst oil to use for any purpose is Canola oil. When used in cooking, it produces the very high levels of trans fatty acids. MARY ENIG Ph.D. ON NATURAL COCONUT OIL FOR AIDS and OTHER VIRAL INFECTIONS On July 19, 1995, Enig was quoted in an article published in The HINDU, Indias National Newspaper as stating that coconut oil is converted by the body into "Monolaurin" a fatty acid with anti-viral properties that might be useful in the treatment of AIDS. The staff reporter for The HINDU wrote about Enigs presentation at a press conference in Kochi and wrote the following: "There was an instance in the US in which an infant tested HIV positive had become HIV negative. That it was fed with an infant formula with a high coconut oil content gains significance in this context and at present an effort was on to find out how the "viral load" of an HIV infected baby came down when fed a diet that helped in the generation of Monolaurin in the body." The reporter commented on Enig hre observations that "Monolaurin helped in inactivating other viruses such as measles, herpes, vesicular stomatitis and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and that research undertaken on coconut oil so far also indicated that it offered a certain measure of protecton against cancer-inducing substances. In another article published in the Indian Coconut Journal, Sept., 1995, Dr. Enig stated: "Recognition of the antimicrobial activity of the monoglyceride of lauric acid (Monolaurin) has been reported since 1966. The seminal work can be credited to Kabara. This early research was directed at the virucidal effects because of possible problems related to food preservation. Some of the early work by Hierholzer and Kabara (1982) that showed virucidal effects of Monolaurin on enveloped RNA and DNA viruses was done in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control of the US Public Health Service with selected prototypes or recognized strains of enveloped viruses. The envelope of these viruses is a lipid membrane." Enig stated in her article that Monolaurin, of which the precursor is lauric acid, disrupted the lipid membranes of envelope viruses and also inactivated bacteria, yeast and fungi. She wrote:"Of the saturated fatty acids, lauric acid has greater antiviral activity than either caprylic acid (C-10) or myristic acid (C-14). The action attributed to Monolaurin is that of solubilizing the lipids ..in the envelope of the virus causing the disintegration of the virus envelope." In India, coconut oil is fed to calves to treat Cryptosporidium as reported by Lark Lands Ph.D. in her upcoming book "Positively Well" (1).

While HHV-6A was not mentioned by Enig, HHV-6A is an enveloped virus and would be expected to disintegrate in the presence of lauric acid and/or Monolaurin. Some of the pathogens reported by Enig to be inactivated by Monolaurin include HIV, measles, vercular stomatitis virus (VSV), herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), visna, cytomegalovirus (CMV aC Influenza virus, Pneumonovirus, Syncytial virus and Rubof c. Some bacteria inactivated by Monolaurin include listeria, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcusmulalactiae, Groups A, B, F and G streptococciill Grampositive organisms; and gram-negative organisms, if treated with chelator. Enig reported that only one infant formula "Impact" contains lauric acid while the more widely promoted formulas like "Ensure" do not contain lauric acid and often contain some hydrogenated fats (trans fatty acids). A modified ester of lauric acid, Monolaurin (available in capsules), is sold in health food stores and is manufactured by Ecological Formulas, Concord, CA. ENIG ON A THERAPEUTIC DOSE Based on her calculations on the amd re of lauric acid found in human Mothers milk, Dr. Enig suggests a rich lauric acid diet would contain about 24 grams of lauric acid daily for the average adult. This amount could be found in about 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil or 10 ounces of "Pure Coconut Milk." Coconut Milk is made in Sri Lanka and imported into the United States. It can be found in health food stores and in local grocery stores in the International Foods section or in specialty grocery stores that sell products imported from Thailand, the Philippines or East India. About 7 ounces of raw coconut daily would contain 24 grams of lauric acid. 24 grams of lauric acid is the therapeutic daily dose for adults suggested by Mary Enig based on her research of the lauric acid content of mothers milk. Health and Nutritional Benefits from Coconut Oil: An Important Functional Food for the 21st Century by Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. Presented at the AVOC Lauric Oils Symposium, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, 25 April 1996 ABSTRACT Coconut oil has a unique role in the diet as an important physiologically functional food. The health and nutritional benefits that can be derived from consuming coconut oil have been recognized in many parts of the world for centuries. Although the advantage of regular consumption of coconut oil has been under appreciated by the consumer and producer alike for the recent two or three decades, its unique benefits should be compelling for the health minded consumer of today. A review of the diet/heart disease literature relevant to coconut oil clearly indicates that coconut oil is at worst neutral with respect to atherogenicity of fats and oils and, in fact, is likely to be a beneficial oil for prevention and treatment of some heart

disease. Additionally, coconut oil provides a source of antimicrobial lipid for individuals with compromised immune systems and is a non-promoting fat with respect to chemical carcinogenesis. INTRODUCTION Mr. Chairman and members of the ASEAN Vegetable Oils Club, I would like to thank you for inviting me to participate in this Lauric Oils Symposium. I am pleased to have the opportunity to review with you some information that I hope will help redress some of the anti-tropical oils rhetoric that has been so troublesome to your industry. I will be covering two important areas in my presentation. In the first part, I would like to review the history of the major health challenge facing coconut oil today. This challenge is based on a supposed negative role played by saturatedeven in heart disease. I hope to dispel any acceptance of this notion with the information I will present to you today. I will show you how both animal studies and human studies have exonerated coconut oil of causing the problem. In the second part of my talk I will suggest some new directions where important positive health benefits are seen for coconut oil. These benefits stem from coconut oil's use as a food with major anti-microbial and anticancer benefits. I will present to you some of the rationale for this effect and some of the supporting literature. The health and nutritional benefits derived from coconut oil are unique and compelling. Although the baker and food processor have recognized the functional advantages of coconut oil in their industry, over most competing oils, for many years, I believe these benefits are under-apiddeiated today by both the producer and the consumer. It is time to educate and reeducate all those who harbor this misinformation. Historically, coconuts and their extracted oil have served man as important foods for thousands of years. The use of coconut oil as a shortening was advertised in the United States in popular cookbooks at the end of the 19th century. Both the healthpromoting attributes of coconut oil and those functional properties useful to the homaker recognized 100 years ago. These same attributes in addition to some newly discovered ones, should be of great interest to both the producing countries as well as the consuming countries. II. ORIGINS OF THE DIET/HEART HYPOTHESIS Although popular literature of epidemiological studies usually attribute an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) to elevated levels of serum cholesterol, which in turn are thought to derive from a dietary intake of saturated fats and cholesterol. But, saturated fats may be considered a major culprit for CHD only if the links between serum cholesterol and CHD, and between saturated fat and serum

cholesterol are each firmly established. Decades of large-scale tests and conclusions there from have purported to establish the first link. In fact, this relationship has reached the level of dogma. Through the years metabolic ward and animal studies have claimed that dietary saturated fats increase serum cholesterol levels, thereby supposedly establishing the second link. But the scientific basis for these relationships has now been challenged as resulting from large-scale misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the data. (Enig 1991, Mann 1991, Smith 1991, Ravnskov 1995). Ancel Keys is largely responsible for starting the anti-saturated fat agenda in the United States. From 1953 to 1957 Keys made a series of statements regarding the atherogenicity of fats. These pronouncements were: "All fats raise serum cholesterol; Nearly half of total fat comes from vegetable fats and oils; No difference between animal and vegetable fats in effect on CHD (1953); Type of fat makes no difference; Need to reduce margarine and shortening (1956); All fats are comparable; Saturated fats raise and polyunsaturated fats lower serum cholesterol; Hydrogenated vegetable fats are the problem; Animal fats are the problem (19571959). As can be seen, his findings were inconsistent. What was the role of the edible oil industry in promoting the diet/heart hypothesis? It is important to realize that at that time (1960s) the edible oil industry in the United States seized the opportunity to promote its polyunsaturates. The industry did this by developing a health issue focusing on Key's anti-saturated fat bias. With the help of the edible oil industry lobbying in the United States, federal government dietary goals and guidelines were adopted incorporating this mistaken idea that consumption of saturated fat was causing heart disease. This anti-saturated fat issue became the agenda of government and private agencies in the US and to an extent in other parts of the world. This is the agenda that has had such a devastating effect on the coconut industry for the past decade. Throughout the 1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s, the anti-saturated fat rhetoric increased in intensity. What are some of the contradictions to the hypothesis blaming saturated fat? Recently, an editorial by Harvard's Walter Willett, M.D. in the American Journal of Public Health (1990) acknowledged that even though "the focus of dietary recommendations is usually a reduction of saturated fat intake, no relation between saturated fat intake and risk of CHD was observed and was the most informative prospective study to date." In yet another editorial, this time by Framingham's William P. Castelli in the Archives of Internal Medicine (1992), declared for the record that "...in Framingham, Mass, the more saturated fat one ate, the more

cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol... the opposite of what the equations provided by Hegsted at al (1965) and Keys et al (1957) would predict..." Castelli further admitted that "...In Framingham, for example, we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least, and were the most physically active." III. COCONUT OIL AND THE DIET/HEART HYPOTHESIS For the past several decades you have heard about animal and human studies feeding coconut oil that purportedly showed increased indices for cardiovascular risk. Blackburn et al (1988) have reviewed the published literature of coconut oil's effect on serum cholesterol and atherogenesis and have concluded that when coconut oil is fed physiologically with other fats or adequately supplemented with linoleic acid, coconut oil is a neutral fat in terms of atherogenicity. After reviewing this same literature, Kurup and Rajmohan (1995) conducted a study on 64 volunteers and found A...no statistically significant alteration in the serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio and LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio of triglycerides from the baseline values... a beneficial effect of adding the coconut kernel to the diet was noted by these researchers. How did coconut oil get such a negative reputation? The question then is, how did coconut oil get such a negative reputation? The answer quite simply is, initially, the significance of some changes that occurred during some feeding studies were misunderstood. The wrong protocol was then repeated until ultimately the misinformation and disinformation took on a life of its own. The problems for coconut oil started four decades ago when researchers fed animals hydrogenated coconut oil that was purposefully altered to make it completely devoid of any essential fatty acids. The hydrogenated coconut oil was selected instead of hydrogenated cotton seed, corn or soybean oil because it was a soft enough fat for blending into diets due to the presence of the lower melting medium chain saturated fatty acids. The same functionality could not be obtained from the cottonseed, corn or soybean oils if they were made totally hydrogenated, since all their fatty acids were long chain and high melting and could not be easily blended nor were they as readily digestible. The animals fed the hydrogenated coconut oil (as the only fat source) naturally became essential fatty acid deficient; their serum cholesterol levels increased. Diets that cause an essential fatty acid deficiency always produce an increase in serum cholesterol levels as well as an increase in the atherosclerotic indices. The same effect has also been seen when other essential fatty acid deficient, highly

hydrogenated oils such as cottonseed, soybean, or corn oils have been fed; so it is clearly a function of the hydrogenated product, either because the oil is essential fatty acid (EFA) deficient or because of trans fatty acids (TFA). What about the studies where animals were fed with unprocessed coconut oil? Awad (1981) compared the effects of diets containatur%25 coconut oil, 14% safflower oil or a 5% "control" (mostly soybean) oil on accumulation of cholesterol in tissues in male Wistar rats. The synthetic diets had 2% added corn oil with a total fat of 16% Total tissue cholesterol accumulation for animals on the safflower diet was six times greater than for animals fed the coconut oil, and twice that of the animals fed the control oil. A conclusion that can be drawn from some of this animal research is that feeding hydrogenated coconut oil devoid of essential fatty acids (EFA) in a diet otherwise devoid of EFA leads to EFA deficiency and potentiates the formation of atherosclerosis markers. It is of note that animals fed regular coconut oil have less cholesterol deposited in their livers and other parts of their bodies. What about the studies where coconut oil is part of the normal diet of human beings? Kaunitz and Dayrit (1992) have reviewed some of the epidemiological and experimental data regarding coconut-consuming groups and noted that the available population studies show that dietary coconut oil does not lead to high serum cholesterol nor to high coronary heart disease mortality or morbidity. They noted that in 1989 Mendis et al reported undesirable lipid changes when young adult Sri Lankan males were changed from their normal diets by the substitution of corn oil for their customary coconut oil. Although the total serum cholesterol decreased 18.7% from 179.6 to 146.0 mg/dl and the LDL cholesterol decreased 23.8% from 131.6 to 100.3 mg/dl, the HDL cholesterol decreased 41.4% from 43.4 to 25.4 mg/dl (putting the them below the acceptable lower limit) and the LDL/HDL ratio increased 30% from 3.0 to 3.9. These latter two changes would be considered quite undesirable. As noted above, Kurup and Rajmohan (1995) studied the addition of coconut oil alone to previously mixed fat diets and report no significant difference Previously, Prior et al (1981) had noted that islanders with high intake of coconut oil showed no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations. When these groups migrated to New Zealand however, and lowered their intake of coconut oil, their total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol increased, and their HDL cholesterol decreased. What about the studies where coconut oil was deliberately fed to human beings?

Some of the studies reported trobly and more years ago should have cleared coconut oil of any implication in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). For example, when Frantz and Carey (1961) fed an additional 810 kcal/day fat supplement for a whole month to males with high normal serum cholesterol levels, there was no significant difference from the original levels even though the fat supplement was hydrogenated coconut oil. Halden and Lieb (1961) also showed similar results in a group of hypercholesterolemics when coconut oilate included in their diets. Original serum cholesterol levels were reported as 170 to 370 mg/dl. Straight coconut oil produced a range from 170 to 270 mg/dl. Coconut oil combined with 5% sunflower oil and 5% olive oil produced a range of 140 to 240 mg/dl. Earlier, Hashim and colleagues (1959) had shown quite clearly that feeding a fat supplement to hypercholesterolemics, where half of the supplement (21% of energy) was coconut oil (and the other half was safflower oil), resulted in significant reductions in total serum cholesterol. The reductions averaged -29% and ranged from -6.8 to -41.2%. And even earlier, Ahrens and colleagues (1957) had shown that adding coconut oil to the diet of hypercholesterolemics lowers serum cholesterol from, e.g., 450 mg/dl to 367 mg/dl. This is hardly a cholesterol-raising effect. Bierenbaum et al (1967) followed 100 young men with documented myocardial infarction for 5 years on diets with fat restricted to 28% of energy. There was no significant difference between the two different fat mixtures (50/50 corn and safflower oils or 50/50 coconut and peanut oils), which were fed as half of the total fat allowance; both diets reduced serum cholesterol. This study clearly showed that 7% of energy as coconut oil was as beneficial to the 50 men who consumed it as for the 50 men who consumed 7% of energy as other oils such as corn oil or safflowA More recently, Sundram et al (1994) fed whole foods diets to healthy normocholesterolemic males, where approximately 30% of energy was fat. Lauric acid (C12:0) and myristic acid (C14:0) from cococonuoil supplied approximately 5% of energy. Relative to the baseline measurements of the subjects prior to the experimental diet, this lauric and myristic acid-rich diet showed an increase in total seruismsolesterol from 166.7 to 170.0 mg/dl (+1.9%), a decrease in low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) from 105.2 to 104.4 mg/dl (-0.1%), an increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) from 42.9 to 45.6 mg/dl (+6.3%). There was a 2.4% decrease in the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio from 2.45 to 2.39. These findings indicate a favorable alteration in serum lipoprotein balance was achieved when coconut oil was included in a whole food diet at 5% of energy. Tholstrup et al (1994) report similar results with whole foods diets high in lauric and myristic acids from palm kernel oil. The HDL cholesterol levels increased

significantly from baseline values (37.5 to 46.0 mg/dl, P<0.01) and the LDL-C/HDL-C ratios decreased from 3.08 to 2.69. The increase in total cholesterol was from 154.7 (baseline) the c0.9 mg/dl on the experimental diet. Ng et al (1991) fed 75% of the fat ration as coconut oil (24% of energy) to 83 adult normo-chlosterolemics (61 males and 22 females). Relative to baseline values, the highest values on the experimental diet for total cholesterol was increased 17% (169.6 to 198.4 mg/dl), HDL cholesterol was increased 21.4% (44.3 to 53.8 mg/dl), and the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio was decreased 3.6% (2.51 to 2.42). When unprocessed coconut oil is added to an otherwise normal diet, there is frequently no change in the serum cholesterol although some studies have shown a decrease in total cholesterol. It appears from many of the research reports that the effect coconut oil has on serum cholesterol is the opposite in individuals with low serum cholesterol values and those with high serum values. We see that there may be a raising of serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and especially HDL cholesterol in individuals with low serum cholesterol. On the other hand there is lowering of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemics as noted above. Studies that supposedly showed a hypercholesterolemic effect of coconut oil feeding, in fact, usually only showed the oil was not as effective at lowering the serum cholesterol as was the more unsaturated fat being compared. This appears to be in part because coconut oil does not drive cholesterol into the tissues as does the more polyunsaturated fats. The chemical analysis of the atheroma shows that the fatty acids from the cholesterol esters are 74% unsaturated (41 and polyunsaturated) and only 24% are saturated. None of the saturated fatty acids were reported to be lauric acid or myristic acid (Felton et al 1994). Should coconut oil be used to prevent coronary heart disease? There is another aspect to the coronary heart disease picture. This is related to the initiation of the atheromas that are reported to be blocking arteries. Recent research is suggestive that there is a causative role for the herpes virus and cytomeglvirus in the initial formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the re-clogging of arteries after angioplasty (New York Times 1991) What is so interesting is that the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus are both iof sited by the anti-microbial lipid monolaurin; but monolaurin is not formed in the body unless there is a source of lauric acid in the diet. Thus, ironically enough, one could consider the recommendations to avoid coconut and other lauric oils as contributing to the increased incidence of coronary heart disease. Perhaps more important than any effect of coconut oil on serum cholesterol is the additional effect of coconut oil on the disease fighting capability of the animal or person consuming the coconut oil.

IV. COCONUT OIL AND CANCER Lim-Sylianco (1987) has reviewed 50 years of literature showing anti-carcinogenic effects from dietary coconut oil. These animal studies show quite clearly the nonpromotional effect of feeding coconut oil. In a study by Reddy et al (1984) straight coconut oil was more inhibitory than MCT oil to induction of colon tumors by azoxymethane. Chemically induced adenocarcinomas differed 10-fold between corn oil (32%) and coconut oil (3%) in the colon. Both olive oil and coconut oil developed low levels (3%) of the adenocarcinomas in the colon, but in the small intestine animals fed coconut oil did not develop any tumors while 7% of animals fed olive oil did. Studies by Cohen et al (1986) showed that the non-promotional effects of coconut oil were also seen in chemically induced breast cancer. In this model, the slight elevation of serum cholesterol in the animals fed coconut oil was protective as the animals fed the more polyunsaturated oil had reduced serum cholesterol and more tumors. The authors noted that "...an overall inverse trend was observed between total serum lipids and tumor incidence for the 4 [high fat] groups." This is an area that needs to be pursued. V. COCONUT OIL ANTIMICROBIAL BENEFITS I would now like to review for you some of the rationale for the use of coconut oil as a food that will serve as the raw material to provide potentially useful levels of antimicrobial activity in the individual. The lauric acid in coconut oil is used by the body to make the same disease-fighting fatty acid derivative monolaurin that babies make from the lauric acid they get from their mothers milk. Ttelyonoglyceride monolaurin is the substance that keeps infants from getting viral or bacterial or protozoal infections. Until just recently, this important benefit has been largely overlooked by the medical and nutrition community. Recognition of the antimicrobial activity of the monoglyceride of lauric acid (monolaurin) has been reported since 1966. The seminal work can be credited to Jon Kabara. This early research was directed at the virucidal effects because of possible problems related to food preservation. e AKabara (1978) and others have reported that certain fatty acids (e.g., mediumchain saturates) and their derivatives (e.g., monoglycerides) can have adverse effects on various microorganisms: those microorganisms that are inactivated include bacteria, yeast, fungi, and enveloped viruses. The medium-chain saturated fatty acids and their derivatives act by disrupting the lipid membranes of the organisms (Isaacs and Thormar 1991) (Isaacs et al 1992). In

particular, enveloped viruses are inactivated in both human and bovine milk by added fatty acids (FAs) and monoglycerides (MGs) (Isaacs et al 1991) as well as by endogenous FAs and MGs (Isaacs et al 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992; Thormar et al 1987). All three monoesters of lauric acid are shown to be active antimicrobials, i.e., alpha-, alpha'-, and beta-MG. Additionally, it is reported that the antimicrobial effects of n a FAs and MGs are additive and total concentration is critical for inactivating viruses (Isaacs and Thormar 1990). The action attributed to monolaurin is that of solubilizing the lipids and phospholipids in the envelope of the virus causing the disintegration of the virus envelope. In effect, it is reported that the fatty acids and monoglycerides produce their killing/inactivating effect by lysing the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane. Some of the viruses inactivated by these lipids, theddition to e dr2C are the measles virus, herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), vesicular stomatitis faxus (VSV), visna virus, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Many of the pathogenic organisms ren ised to be inactivated by these antimicrobial lipids are those known to be responsible for opportunistic infections in HIV-positive individuals. For example, concurrent infection with cytomegalovirus is recognized as a serious complication for HIV+ individuals (Macallan et al 1993). Thus, it would appear to be important to investigate the practical aspects and the potential benefit of an adjunct nutritional support regimen for HIV-infected individuals, which will utilize those dietary fats that are sources of known anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-protozoal monoglycerides and fatty acids such as monolaurin and its precursor lauric acid. No one in the mainstream nutrition community seems to have recognized the added potential of antimicrobial lipids in the treatment of HIV-infected or AIDS patients. These antimicrobial fatty acids and their derivatives are essentially non-toxic to man; they are produced in vivo by humans when they ingest those commonly available foods that contain adequate levels of medium-chain fatty acids such as lauric acid. According to the published research, lauric acid is one of the best "inactivating" fatty acids, and its monoglyceride is even more effective than the fatty acid alone (Kabara 1978, Sands et al 1978, Fletcher et al 1985, Kabara 1985). Loss of lauric acid from the American diet Increasingly, over the past 40 years, the American diet has undergone major changes. Many of these changes involve changes of fats and oils. There has been an increasing supply of the partially hydrogenated trans-containing vegetable oils and a decreasing amount of the lauric acid-containing oils. As a result, there has been an increased consumption of trans fatty acids and linoleic acid and a decrease in the consumptugh of lauric acid. This type of change in diet has an effect on the fatty acids the body has available for metabolic activities.

VI. LAURIC ACID IN FOODS The coconut producing countries: Whole coconut as well as extracted coconut oil has been a mainstay in the food supply in many countries in parts of Asia and the Pacific Rim throughout the centuries. Recently though, there has been some replacement of coconut oil by other seed oils. This is unfortunate since the benefits gained from consuming an adequate amount of coconut oil are being lost. Based on the per capita intake of coconut oil in 1985 as reported by Kaunitz (1992), the per capita daily intake of lauric acid can be approximated. For those major producing countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, and consuming countries such as Singapore, the daily intakes of lauric acid were approximately 7.3 grams (Philippines), 4.9 grams (Sri Lanka), 4.7 grams (Indonesia), and 2.8 grams (Singapore). In India, intake of lauric acid from coconut oil in the coconut growing areas (e.g., Kerala) range from about 12 to 20 grams per day (Eraly 1995), whereas the average for the rest of the country is less than half a gram. An average high of approximately 68 grams of lauric acid is calculated from the coconut oil intake previously reported by Prior et al (1981) for the Tokelau Islands. Other coconut produciswitountries may also have intakes of lauric acid in the same range. The US experience In the United States today, there is very little lauric acid in most of our foods. During the early part of the 20th century and up until the late 1950s many people consumed heavy cream and high fat milk. These foods could have provided approximately 3 grams of lauric acid per day to many individuals. In addition, desiccated coconut was a popular food in homemade cakes, pies and cookies, as well as in commercial baked goods, and 1-2 tablespoons of desiccated coconut would have supplied 1-2 grams of lauric acid. Those foods made with the coconut oil based shortenings would have provided additional amounts. Until two years ago, some of the commercially sold popcorn, at least in movie theaters, had coconut oil as the oil. This means that for those people lucky enough to consume this type of popcorn the possible lauric acid intake was 6 grams or more in a three (3) cup order. Some infant formulas (but not all) have been good sources of lauric acid for infants. However, in the past 3-4 years there has been reformulation with a loss of a portion of coconut oil in these formulas, and a subsequent lowering of the lauric acid levels. Only one US manufactured enteral formula contains lauric acid (e.g., Impact7); this is normally used in hospitals for tube feeding; it is reported to be very effective in reversing severe weight loss in AIDS patients, but it is discontinued when the

patients leave the hospital because it is not sufficiently palatable for oral use. The more widely promoted enteral formulas (e.g., Ensure7, Nutren7) are not made with lauric oils, and, in fact, many are made with partially hydrogenated oils. Cookies such as macaroons, if made with desiccated coconut, are good sources of lauric acid, supplying as much as 6 grams of lauric acid per macaroon (Red Mill brand). However, tmort cookies make up a small portion of the cookie market. Most cookies made in the United States are no longer made with coconut oil shortenings; however, there was a time when many US cookies (e.g., Pepperidge Farm) were about 25% lauric acid. Originally, one of the largest manufacturers of cream soups used coconut oil in the formulations. Many popular cracker manufacturers also used coconut oil as a spray coating. These products supplied a small amount of lauric acid on a daily basis for some people. How much lauric acid is needed? It is not known exactly how much food made with lauric oils is needed in order to have a protective level of lauric acid in the diet. Infants probably consume between 0.3 and 1 gram per kilogram of body weight if they are fed human milk or an enriched infant formula that contains coconut oil. This amount appears to have always been protective. Adults could probably benefit from the consumption of 10 to 20 grams of lauric acid per day. Growing children probably need about the same amounts as adults. VII. RECOMMENDATIONS The coconut oil industry needs to make the case for lauric acid now. It should not wait for the rapeseed industry to promote the argument for including lauric acid because of the increased demand for laurate. In fact lauric acid may prove to be a conditionally essential saturated fatty acid, and the research to establish this fact around the world needs to be vigorously promoted. Although private sectors need to fight for their commodity through the offices of their trade associations, the various governments of coconut producing countries need to put pressure on WHO, FAO, and UNDP to recognizes the health importance of coconut oil and thwhy her coconut products. Moreover, those representatives who are going to do the persuading need to believe that their message is scientifically correct -- because it is. Among the critical foods and nutrition "buzz words" for the 21st Century is the term "functional foods." Clearly coconut and coconut oil fits the designation of very important functional foods.

Albums Deep In My Heart (1969) Can We Just Stop and Talk A While (1973) Afterthoughts (1974) Here and Now (1975) A Golden Collection (1985) Constant Change (1989) Diamond Record Awardee Christmas in Our Hearts (1990) Double Diamond Record Awardee Thank You Love (1995) Souvenirs (1998) A Hearts Journey (2002) Strictly Commercial (a compilation of his commercial jingles) Love Letters and Other Souvenirs (2008)

Source: http://www.sing365.com

All The Love (Outfield)

I can`t I guess Letters So I`ll

believe the things that that I should have seen you write don`t help me just turn out the light

happen to me a long, long time ago get through the night and sleep here all alone

All the love, all the love in the world All the love, I`ll be sending you, girl All the love, all the love in the world Time after time, I put my life on the line But I ain`t committed no crime, so take what you can find Forget what I say cause I`ll keep running away I only live for today, but I`m one day behind All the love, all the love in the world All the love, I`ll be sending you, girl All the love, all the love in the world These are the words that I whisper on every first night But that day you left me those words were on that same flight I can`t I guess Letters So I`ll All All All All the the the the believe the things that that I should have seen you write don`t help me just turn out the light happen to me a long, long time ago get through the night and sleep here all alone

love, all the love in the world love, I`ll be sending you, girl love, all the love in the world love...All the love, all the love in the world


Boat On The River Chords by Styx

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Artist: Styx Song: Boat On The River

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE--------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the# #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 16:56:50 -0500 From: Rob Michel Subject: s/styx/boat_on_the_river.crd Artist: Styx. Boat on the River Verse 1: (Dm)Take me down to my boat on the river I (C)need to go down, I (A)need to come down (Dm)Take me back to my boat on the river And (C)I won't cry out (Dm)anymore Verse 2: (Dm)Time stands still as I gaze in her waters She (C)eases me down, (A)touching me gently With the (Dm)waters that flow past my boat on the river So (C)I won't cry out (Dm)anymore Chorus 1: Oh the (C)river is wide The river it touches my (Dm)life like the waves on the (G)sand And (Gm)all roads lead to (Dm)tranquility base Where the (E)frown on my face (A)disappears (Dm)Take me back to my boat on the river And (C)I won't cry out (Dm)anymore (instr.) Chorus 2: Oh the (C)river is deep The river it touches my (Dm)life like the waves on the (G)sand And (Gm)all roads lead to (Dm)tranquility base FDLG 12 Where the (E)frown on my face (A)disappears

(Dm)Take And (C)I And (C)I And (A)I

me back to my won't cry out won't cry out won't cry out

boat on the river (Dm)anymore (Dm)anymore (Dm)anymore.... (DmDmDm A-Dm)

NOTES: - This is how I play 'Boat on the River' by Styx. - The song is on their album 'Cornerstone'. - This version: feb'98, enjoy! RobMichel@compuserve.com Rob END
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation | | of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, | | or research. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ultimate-Guitar.Com 2012

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