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The Punishment

"Who's next?" "Well let's see here... oh yes... the attempted robbery performed by Cheese Cake; resulted in one death, a one year old filly." "A filly died in the process? That's terrible!" "It is, apparently the mother hasn't been the same after the incident" "I must see this Cheese Cake at once; I'll leave tomorrow" "As you wish Princess..."

Following his apprehension, Cheese Cake was put into a jail cell until Princess Celestia could find a suitable punishment; a week later, the Princess showed up at the police station, and asked to see Cheese Cake. "Hey, you! The Princess wants to see you, get up" A police officer went to Cheese's cell and ordered him out of the cell. "The... Princess?" Cheese Cake got up slowly and looked confused. "Yes, in the flesh, come on get up, I ain't waiting forever" Cheese Cake got up and got out of the cell like a zombie, and followed the officer's lead.

"Why does The Princess want to see me?" "Oh I don't know... Maybe cause you robbed a freakin' bank and murdered an innocent filly, that help?" Cheese Cake didn't have a reply, and just stared at the ground as he walked. "Okay she's just through that door, have fun"

Cheese Cake slowly walked through the door and got ready for what was to come to him.

Princess Celestia looked angry; Cheese Cake got scared as he approached her. "Cheese Cake is it? "Yes Princess, why, why did you want to see me?" Celestia coldly eye-balled him; "Well let's see, You tried to rob the National Bank of Equestria, AND you killed an innocent filly in cold blood; that's why I'm seeing you right now" "I... I didn't mean to..." "I don't care if you meant it or not, you took the life of another pony and you must pay for it." Cheese Cake took a step back and expected the worst; "What's gonna happen to me?"

Celestia took a moment and finally spoke in a calm manner, "I'm going to remove half of your horn so your magic becomes useless; infront of everypony in canterlot." Cheese Cake's eyes grew in fear; "My horn!? Infront of everypony!? But why!?" "Because I want every pony to know what you did, you can't take a ponies life and think you'll get off easy, it'll happen tomorrow, at the town square" Cheese couldn't let out a reply, but just looked down on the ground in shame, and was led back to his cell.

The next day, every pony who was any pony was at the town square to witness the removal of Cheese Cake's powers. At approximately mid-day, Princess Celestia showed up and was greeted with praise from eveypony there. "Greetings everypony, as you all know, you are here to witness the removal of the criminal Cheese Cake's magical powers; now, I want this to stay calm and civil, so please, no getting out of hand... Bring him in"

A second later, A zombie-like Cheese Cake was led onto the square by a pair of royal guards and placed beside Princess Celestia.

"He's all yours Princess" The guards stood behind them and stood on guard. Celestia looked at Cheese Cake for a second before saying, "Have you any words to say to the crowd?" Cheese Cake looked up, "Yes; Whoever the mother was of that you filly... Angel Chaser I think it was... I truly am sorry, I-" Cheese stopped talking and just hung his head in shame. "Will that be all?" Celestia said with a surprised tone in her voice. "Yes... Just get it over with...."

"Very well" Celestia powered up her horn and it glowed a beautiful, radiant gold, she concentrated on Cheese Cake's horn and successfully snapped it in two; a magnificent blue aurora came out of the broken horn and shot into the sky, and dissapeared into thin air. The crowd stayed quiet throughtout the whole incident, awed at Celestias great power. "... It is done, you may take him away guards, I'll decide on whether he shall spend a jail sentence later."

The two royal guards went and took away Cheese Cake away and everyone dispersed from the square and back to their houses or jobs. Princess Celestia still stood in the square, surprised by Cheese Cake's reaction to the punishment. "He didn't even try to resist, and he even apologised to the poor mother; I could tell he was serious, that's very unusual..." Celestia stood there for a moment, then she poofed away back to her castle and got to deciding Cheese Cakes fate.

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