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PANITIA BIOLOGI SEK MEN SAINS TAPAH LATIHAN SEMASA CUTI : TINGKATAN EMPAT LATIHAN DUA OBJEKTIF: 1. Menguji pengetahuan sediaada pelajar di dalam subjek sains PMR 2.Meningkatkan sifat ingin tahu pelajar dalam subjek biologi dan keupayaan diri untuk mencari maklumat sendiri sebelum pengajaran oleh guru.

ARAHAN: Jawab semua soalan Tarikhhantar:

An experiment is carried out to investigate the pollution level of a river in W district.

orchard Housing area Food factory

Figure 1.1

Three samples of water are collected from the three location respectively, and named water sample P, water sample Q and water sample R. The samples are brought to the school lab and tests are conducted.

First, 100ml of the water sample P is measured using a measuring cylinder and poured into a clean reagent bottle. 1ml of 0.1% methylene blue solution is added into the water sample using a syringe. The mixture is stirred carefully with the needle of the syringe. The reagent bottle is closed quickly and kept in a dark cupboard (Figure 1.2). The stop watch is started (Table 1.1) and the colour of the solution is observed from time to time to determine the time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue solution to decolourise.

Figure 1.2

The above steps are repeated with water sample Q and water sample R. The time taken for the solution to decolourise is recorded in table 1.1.

Water sample location Treatment

Time shown on the stop watch when the methylene blue solution decolourises

Time taken (min)

45 minute

Q 25 minute and 1 second

7 minutes and 2second

Table 1.1

(a) (i)

Based on the results in Table 1.1, state two observations for the experiment.

Observation 1: Time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise in water sample P is longer than Q and R. Observation 2: Time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise in water sample R is shorter than P and Q.

(3 marks)

Write down an inference for each of the observations in (a). Inference 1: Because the water sample P contain less oxygen so it is the most polluted.

Inference 2 : Because the water sample R contain more oxygen so it is less polluted.

(3 marks)


Record the time taken for the decolourisation of 0.1% methylene blue solution in the spaces provided in Table 1.1. (3 marks)

(c) Complete Table 2.1 based on this experiment


Method to handle the variable

Manipulated variable

The type of water sample location.

Responding variable

Time taken for the methylene blue solution to decolourise.

Controlled variable

The amount of methylene blue solution used/0.1%

Table 2.1

(3 marks)


The following list of apparatus and materials are used in this experiment.

0.1% methylene blue solution, water samples, stop watch, syringe, reagent bottle, measuring cylinder, Complete the table 1.4 below by matching each variables with the materials used in this experiment Variables Manipulated Responding Constant Apparatus stop watch syringe, reagent bottle Materials water samples 0.1% methylene blue solution (3 marks)

e. State the hypothesis for the experiment ? -Water sample P is the most polluted, water sample Q is less polluted and water sample R is the cleanest of the three. (3 marks) f. Based on Table 1.1, record the results of this experiment obtained in (c) in a table. Your table should include the following aspects: The water sample The time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue to decolourise The BOD level of the water samples. The water sample P Q R (3 marks) The time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue to decolourise 45 25 7 The BOD level of the water samples. high medium low


From the table you have drawn in (f) above, explain the relationship between the location from orchard area and time taken for the decolourisation of 0.1% methylene blue solution and the B.O.D. level of the water sample.

- the water sample P is the most polluted because it contains less oxygen but have high B.O.D. and took shortest time (3 marks) g. From the experiment, what can be deduced about B.O.D. level of water samples ?

The B.O.D. level of water samples used by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi which decompose organic matter is highest in water sample P, followed by water sample Q and water sample R is the lowest. (3 marks)

h. If the number of houses in housing area increase predict the time taken and the level of B.O.D. for water in location Q. - More than 25 minutes but less than 45 minutes. (3 marks)


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