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TABLE OF CONTENTS Description 1. Introduction 1.1.Purpose 1.2.Scope 1.3.Definition,acronyms,and abbreviations 1.4.References 1.5.Technologies to be used 1.6.Overview 2. Overall Description 2.1.products Perspective interface 2.3.hardware interface 2.4.communication interface 2.5.product function 2.6.user characteristics 2.7.constraints 2.8.use case model description 2.9.assumptions & dependencies 2.10. database design 3. specific requirements 3.1.state diagrams as system use case reports 3.2.supplementary requirements

INTRODUCTION PURPOSE: Conventionally the students its an idea about changing from one people to another.this means low level to high level those who done have ability to think about

the power of thinking which is connected to the real world. mainly useful for the testing of student results easily and understandable.

SCOPE: the scope of online college magazine is: create different systems users based on their ids and passwords provide mechanism of searching available books and details about the college or university we know about all the details and department ,faculty for the considered college we must know about the database system and the basics of developing a web address mainly we know about the use case diagrams and user views reports exportable in .PDF,.XML,.XLS or any other format Definition, acronyms, and abbreviations Magazine: it containing of information about the topic. useful for the people who want to know about the real world. College details: it means the uers must know about the details and the address of every college and the registration of the students. HTML: hyper text markup language .it is used for creating an webpage and the font,format for the initialization of the magazine. DBMS: database management it is mainly used for creating the tables for the details of students.

PHP(hypertext) : it is used for creating dynamic web content. MySQL : it is a database system which is used for understanding that delivering a flexible and free database platform to build robust on demand business applications. Java Script : it is a client side scripting language.mainly use for formvalidations and interaction between user and html page. Apache HTTP Server: it is an server that runs business applications and supports the PHP and web service standards. REFERENCES: IEEE SRS format Problem definitions


MYSQL DBMS JAVA SCRIPT APACHE HTML SERVER OVERVIEW: Overall description: it is describing the major components of the management and the details about the system requirements as follows. Specific requirements: will describe the functions of actors and their documents, details in this college magazine.

Objective/ Vision of the project online college magazine: Creating and managing an Online College Magazine where college students and faculties can post and read various articles, thus promoting literary insight. Articles can be searched by anybody in the world. Factors behind the motivation of this system are: 1. Not all students make it to the printed magazine. 2. Creativity of students needs to be nurtured. 3. Creating a user-friendly interactive place where students/faculties can share their ideas. Users of the System: A. Guest/Anonymous. B. Registered Members (Students/Faculty). C. Moderators. D. Administrators.

Functional Requirements (At least eight):

i. Search Engine for all the articles posted till date. Accessible by anybody. ii. Essential steps to be taken to prevent authenticity infringement.

iii. Articles to be distributed in categories. Can overlap 2 or more categories. Articles to be associated with suitable tags by the registered users at the time of posting, so that they are searchable. iv. The home page to consist of attractive essential features like: most read articles, editors pick, recently posted articles, highest rated articles, article of the month, college news, etc. v. Archives to be maintained. vi. Interactive feedback to be supported to enhance the user experience. vii. Guests can read articles, rate them and comment on them. They can also access other optional features (amenities like Word of the day, etc.) but cant post articles unless they sign in as registered users. viii. Automatic commenting on articles by spammers/automatic bots to be defied. ix. Prevent standard automated software from filling out a form. x. College Students/Faculties can only register as members (through unique IDs). xi. Alumni registration to be supported. xii. Registered members, Moderators and Administrators are allowed to post articles.

Non-functional requirements (At least four): i. Secure access of confidential data (users details). SSL can be used. ii. 24 X 7 availability iii. Better component design to get better performance at peak time Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension Optional features: a. Discussion poll. b. Word of the day. c. Thought of the day. User interface priorities: A. Professional look and feel B. Use of AJAX at least with all registration forms C. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozilla, and Firefox. D. Use of Graphical tool like JASPER to show strategic data to admin E. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF or any other desirable format Reports: A. Members can see no. of articles posted, articles rejected. Plus they can track their activity. B. Moderators can see no. of articles received, no. of suggestions received and no. of inputs answered.

C. Admin can see the progress of site, of members, of moderators. D. The progress graph of website, to be available to everybody. Use-case diagram model

ER- diagram model

Other important issues: A. B. C. D. Presentation and design. Navigable, with an easy site-map. Authenticity and decency of articles to be a priority User-friendliness

Technologies to be used: UML, J2EE, XML, e-Forms, AJAX, Web 2.0, Web-services, SOA Tools to be Used: y y y y y ROSE/RSA / Web Sphere Modeler Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Port let Factory Web Sphere Portal/ WAS/ WAS CE / WPS DB2 Express C or DB2 UDB Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server Linux will be the preferred OS.

Final Deliverable must include: A. Online or offline help to above said users, Application deployment executive and developer B. Application archive (.war/.ear) with source code C. Database backup and DDL Script D. Complete Source code

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